HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 12 02 Public Hearing 500 Revised Exhibit "A" Date: December 2, 2009 Planning and Zoning Board /Local Planning Agency Public Hearings 500: The revised Exhibit "A" attached was provided to the Board Members during the discussion of Public Hearings "500" by Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom. Exhibit "A" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table IX -1: City of Winter Springs Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) FY 2009/10 2014/15 Project Name LOS Funding Description Justification Location Ranking Comprehensive ng Year t Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTALS Conrehensi ve Plan ryo ►ua• saro• scare— 2009/10 2010111 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 (Years 1-5) Reference LOS: PARKS RECREATION* Outdoor amphitheatre furthers the network of public green spaces that form the framework for the Town Center and promotes 8 expands trail CF -305 8 system; Improves recreational opportunities Wnter RM. 1.1.1; R08-1.4; Magnolia Park FUTURE 1CTX consistent with the recreational needs Of Springs 10 1,188,750 f 1,188,750 R08- 1.5.2; FLUE-2.1.5; residents, Is a catalyst for private development in Town Center FLUE 2.2.3 the Town Center, Accomodates growth through additional acreage for active recreation (LOS). Central Winds Park Permanent dog park expansion consistent with Expansion GRT recreational needs of residents; Utilizes grant CWP ROS 1.1.1; ROS-1 4; Improvements (Dog FUTURE /GNF fundin Accomodates Expansion 8 5 100,000 f 100,000 ROS- 1.5; FLUE- 1.3.3; g growth through additional near SR 434 FLUE- 2.2.3 Park) acreage for active recreation (LOS). Torcaso Park expansion consistent with Neighborhood FUTURE CDBG recreational needs of residents; Utilizes grant Torcaso 6 5 400,000 400,000 ROS1.4: ROS1.4.1; Community Center funding. Park ROS- 1 5.2; CIE- 1.3.5 Total 1,288,750 8 400,000 S 1,688,750 LOS: POTABLE WATER* SR 46 Ahem etive Water Study of alternative water supply to reduce FLUE 1.3.1; IE 2.3; Supply FUTURE UEF demand on potable water from the Floridan City Wide 6 f 75.000 S 75.000 S 100,000 S 250,000 IE 2.3.2 1E 5.1.7; Aquifer CE 1.2.8 Plant design for reuse augmentation project- to Surface Water augment and expand the use of reclaimed water Shored FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; T Plant Design FUTURE UCF for irrigation purposes. as a means of reducing Lake Jesup 6 5 85,000 85 IE 2.3:1E 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; demands of growth on the Floridan Aquifer. CE 1.2.8 Augments demand on the Citys potable water Reclaimed Water Augmnt system so that the City will not exceed its 2013 Shore of Lake FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Pump Station Phase A FUTURE BND CUP allocation and allows the expansion of the Jesup/Spray 6 f 2,950.000 S 5 f 5 f 2,850,000 1E 23: IE 23.2 IE 5.1.7; City's reclaimed water system. Sdds CE 1.2.8 Reclaimed Water Expands reclaimed water system and reduces FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Distribution Phase 1 FUTURE BND demand on the Citys potable water system so that City Wide 6 1,025,000 5 1.025.000 5 2,050,000 IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. CE 1.2.8 Expands reclaimed water system and reduces FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Reclaimed Water FUTURE BND demand on the Citys potable water system so that City Wide 6 S S 1.000.000 S 1,000,000 9 2,000,000 1E 23; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; Distribution Phase 2 the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. CE 1.2.8 Reclaimed Water Expands reclaimed water system and reduces FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Distribution Phase 3 FUTURE BND demand on the Citys potable water system so that Qty Wide 6 S f f S 1,030.000 S 1.030,000 2,060,000 IE 2.3; IE 23.2; IE 5.1.7; the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. CE 1.2.8 Electrical Improvements REPLC UEF Major maintenance to electrical system. WTP #2 6 375,000 f 375,000 IE 2.2:IE 2.2.1 to WTP #2 Total i 3,485,000 1,025,000 S 2100,000 S 2,130,000 S 1,030,000 8 9,770,000 Ix 11 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Project Name Los r.,..sa Pus.... seas. Description/ Justification L. Ranldng Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTALS c.mrr.Mnsive Pleas 2009110 2010 /11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 (Years 1 telesenee LOS: SANITARY SEWER* Lift Station FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12; West Force Main FUTURE UEF Pro)ect needed to meet future demand: Bolsters 10 8 285.000 285,000 HE 1.3,10; IE 1.1.4; Rerouting Design service to new growth: Improves efficiency. Discharge IE 1.4.3 East Force Main Project needed to meet future demand: Bolsters FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12; Rerouting Design FUTURE UEF service to new growth: Improves efficiency. Tuskawilla 8 50.000 350,000 400,000 HE 1.3.10; IE 1.1.4; IE 1.4.3 WWRF Sand Filter REPLC UEF Prged needed to meet future demand: Increases WWRF 6 S 250,000 FLUE 1.3.1: HE 1.1.12; capacity for new growth, Improves efficiency. HE 1.3.10; IE 1.1.4; Total 335,000 350,000 250,000 885,000 LOS: STORMWATER* TMDL Water Quality FUTURE SUF Mandate to meet State water quality regulations, Wide 6 f 50,000 S 50,000 75.000 175,000 CIE 1.2.3; IE 4.1.1 Management Projects Improves surface water quality. Lombardy Canal Piping REPLC SUF Major maintenance enabling efficient operation. Lombardy area 6 50,000 50,000 FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1 12 Solary Canal Regional SUF Regional Stormwater Treatment Facility consiting DeLeon St. FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12: Stormwater Treatment FUTURE (S)RWMD) of wet detention pon and treatement wetland. and Howard 6 S 1.700.000 1,700,000 IE 4.1.1; CIE 1.2.3; Ave. CIE 1.5.3 Total 100,000 1,750,000 75,000 8 1,925,000 LOS: TRANSPORTATION* Services future demand and addresses future Michael Blake Blvd. deficiency of SR 434 by expanding 1.3.1; FLUE 2.1.4: (Spine Rood) FUTURE 1CTX interconnecting collector road network in Town Town Center 4 S 1 S 1,500,000 TE 1.2: TE 1.3 Center to reduce demand on SR 434. Doran Dive (Blumberg to high school) Doran Drive REPLC 1CTX Refurbishes collector road so that existing LOS is Town Center 6 S 200,000 200,000 FLUE 1.3.1; maintained. Ranchlands Paving Dirt road paving provides supporting infrastructure (including Bahama REPLC 1CTX to enhance existing housng stock. Ranchlands 6 700,000 700.000 1,400,000 FLUE 1.3.1; Road) Residential Road Rebuilds existing neighborhood streets so that REPLC 1CTX Various 6 S 100,000 Reconstruction transportation network is maintained. 100,000 FLUE 1.3.1, North Moss Road REPLC 1CTX Major maintenance- Refurbishes collector road so Moss Road 6 1,300,000 S 1,300,000 FLUE 1.3.1; that existing LOS is maintained. Addresses future deficiency of SR 434 by adding 1CTX 434 8 Hayes Road Decel Lane FUTURE a deceleration lane to ensure adequate movement 6 130,000 130,000 FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3: (STM) of people and goods. Hayes Road TE 1; TE 1.2: Addresses future deficiency of SR 434 by adding Sherry Ave Decal Lane FUTURE FDOT a deceleration lane to ensure adequate movement SR 419 6 125 FLUE 1 3.1, FLUE 1.3.3: of people and goods. Sherry Ave f 125 TE 1: TE 1.2: Addresses future deficiency of SR 434 by adding Vistawilla Drive Decal 1CTX 434 FUTURE a deceleration lane to ensure adequate movement 6 S 160.000 S 160 FLUE 1.3.1, FLUE 1.3.3. Lane (STM) Mstawilla TE 1: TB 1.2; of people and goods. Wade Street/419 1CTX Safety improvements; Furthers safe transportation FUTURE network to ensure adequate movement of people SR 419 10 S 630.000 5 S 630,000 TE 1; TE 1.2; CIE 1.3.1: Improvements (STM) CIE 1.6.1: FLUE 1.11; and goods. Total 3,545,000 700,000 1,300,000 5 5,545,000 IX 12 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT L E G E N D: Funding Sources: Funding Sources: 1CTX One Cent Sales Tax (Road Improvement Fund) 115 (includes STM- Stimulus GRT Grants CDBG Federal Funding) LGTX Local Option Gas Tax (Transportation Improvement Fund) BND Bonds R &R Utility Renewal Replacement Fund CF -305 1999 Construction Capital Project Fund 305 PRV Private Contributions CF -311 Construction Fund 311 RSV Reserves DEF Development Services Enterprise Fund SUF Stormwater Utility Fund (includes SJRWMD funding) FDOT Florida Dept of Transportation TIMF Transportation Impact Fee Fund GNF General Fund UCF Utility Construction Fund GRT Grants CDBG 'FLUE 1.3.3; CIE 1.1.4; CIE 1.2.1; CIE 1.5.1; CIE 1.5.5; CIE 1.7; **CIE 1.3.4 IX 13 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table IX -2: Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) FY 2008/09 2012/13 by Fund LOS Funding Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Comprehensive Plan Project Name category Sour Description/ Justification Location $teti TOTALS 2009110 2010/11 2011112 2012/13 2013/14 Reference 1CTX ONE CENT SALES TAX (ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND) 115 (includes STM Stimulus Federal Funding) Michael Blake Blvd Services future demand and addresses future FUTURE 1CTX deficiency of SR 434 by expanding Town Center 4 1,500,000 1,500,000 FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 2.1.4: (Spne Road) interconnecting collector road network in Town TE 1.2, TE 1.3 Doran Dive (Blumberg to high school} Doran Drive REPLC 1CTX Refurbishes collector road so that existing LOS is Town Center 6 200,000 200,000 FLUE 1.3.1; maintained. Ranchlands Paving Dirt road paving provides supporting (nduding Bahama REPLC 1CTX infrastructure to enhance existing housng stock. Ranchlands 6 700,000 S 700,000 1,400,000 FLUE 1.3.1; Road) Residential Road that existing neighborhood streets so at REPLC 1CTX Various 6 100,000 Reconstruction transportation network is maintained. 100,000 FLUE 1.3.1: North Moss Road REPLC 1CTX Major maintenance- Refurbishes collector road so Moss Road 6 1,300.000 S 1,300,000 FLUE 1.3.1; that existing LOS is maintained. Outdoor amphitheatre furthers the network of public green spaces that form the framework fa the Town Center and promotes expands trail ROS- 1.1.1: ROS-1 4: CF -305 system; Improves recreational opportunities Wnter Springs Magnolia Perk FUT 1CTX consistent with the recreational needs of Town Center 10 300.000 300,000 ROS 1.5.2, FLUE -2.1 5. residents; Is a catalyst for private deveicpment in FLUE- 2.23 the Town Center; Accamodates growth through additional acreage for active recreation [LOS]. Addresses future deficiency of SR 434 by adding FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3: Hayes Road Decel Lane FUTURE 1CTX a deceleration lane to ensure adequate Hayes Road 6 130 130,000 7E 1; TE 1.2; movement of people and goods. Vistawilia Drive Decal 1CTX Addresses future deficiency of SR 434 by adding SR 434 f 160,0 FLUE 1.3.1; FLUE 1.3.3. Lane FUTURE (STM) a deceleration lane to ensure adequate Vi�ewilla 6 160,000 TE 1. TE 12 movement of people and goods. Wade Street/419 1CTX Safety improvements; Furthers safe TE 1; TE 1.x CIE 1.3.1; Improvements FUTURE (57th transportation network to ensure adequate SR 419 10 5 630.000 S 630, CIE 16.1; FLUE 1.3.1: movement of people and goods. TOTAL 1 C T X EXPENSE 3,720,000 700,000 1,300,000 S 5,720,000 TOTAL 1 C T X REVENUE f 3,720,000 700,000 1,300,000 5,720,000 BND BONDS Augments demand on the Citys potable water of Lake FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Reclaimed Water Augmnt FUTURE BND system so that the City will not exceed its 2013 Jesup/Spray 6 S 2.950,000 5 2,950,000 IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; Pump Station Phase A CUP allocation and allows the expansion of the fields City's reclaimed aster system. CE 1.2.8 Expands reclaimed water system and reduces FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Reclaimed water FUTURE BND demand on the City's potable water system so City Wide 6 1,025.000 5 1.025.000 2,050,000 IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; Distribution Phase 1 that the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. CE 1.2.8 Expands reclaimed water system and reduces FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3 -10; Reclaimed Water FUTURE BND demand on the City's potable water system so City Wide 6 S 1,000,000 1.000000 S 2,000,000 IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; Distribution Phase 2 that the City wit not exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. CE 1.2.8 Expands reclaimed water system and reduces FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Reclaimed Water FUTURE BND demand on the City's potable water system so City Wide 6 S S 5 1,030,000 1,030.000 2,060,000 IE 2.3; 1E2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; Distribution Phase 3 that the City will not exceed its 2013 CUP allocation. CE 1.2.8 TOTAL 8 N D EXPENSE 2,950,000 S 1,025,000 S 2,025,000 S 2,030,000 S 1,030,000 S 9,060,000 TOTAL BND REVENUE 2,950,000 1,025,000 2,025,000 2,030,000 1,030,000 9,060,000 IX- 14 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Project Name LOS Funding Description/Justification Location Rankin Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 TOTALS Comprehensive Plan Category Source Scom 2009/10 2010111 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Reference CF 1999 CONSTRUCTION CAPITAL PROJECT FUND Outdoes amphitheatre furthers the network of public green spaces that form the framework for the Torn Center and promotes expands trail Magnolia Park FUTURE CF -305 system, Improves recreational opportunities Winter Springs 10 888.750 888,750 ROS- 1.5.2; FLUE-2.1.5; 1CTX consistent with the recreational needs of Town Center residents, Is a catalyst for private development in FLUE- 22.3 the Town Center: Accanrodates growth through additional acreage for active recreation [LOS]. TOTAL CF -305 EXPENSE 3 888,750 S S S S 5 888.750 TOTAL CF -305 REVENUE I 897,367 897,367 FOOT FLORIDA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION Addresses future deficiency of SR 434 by adding SR 419 a Sherry Ave Decel Lane FUTURE FDOT a deceleration lane to ensure adequate Ave r 6 125,000 125 000 FLUE 1.3.1: FLUE 1.3.3; movement of people and goods. TE 1; TE 1.2; TOTAL FDOT EXPENSE 125,000 S S 125,000 TOTAL FOOT REVENUE I 125,000 125,000 GNF GENERAL FUND Central Winds Park Permanent dog park expansion consistent with Expansion GRT recreational needs of residents; Utilizes grant CWP ROS- 1.1.1; ROS -1.4; Improvements (Dog FUTURE /GNF funding. Accomadates growth through additional Expansion near 0 25,000 25,000 ROW 1.5: FLUE- 1.3.3; Park) acreage for active recreation [LOS]. SR 434 FLUE 223 TOTAL GNF EXPENSE S 25,000 S S 25,000 TOTAL GNF REVENUE 25,000_$ 25,000 GRT GRANTS CDBG Central Winds Park Permanent dog park expansion consistent with CWP ROS 1.1.1; ROS-1.4; Expansion FUTURE GRT recreational needs of residents; Utilizes grant Expansion near 8 75,000 75,000 ROS- 1.5: FLUE- 1.3.3; Improvements (Dog /GNF funding; Accomodates growth through additional Park) acreage for active recreation ]LOS]. SR 434 FLUE- 2.23 Neighbabood Tocaso Park expansion consistent with ROS- 1.1.1: ROS -1.4: Community Center FUTURE 0800 recreational needs of residents; Utilizes grant Torcaso Park 6 S 400,000 5 400,000 ROS- 1.5; FLUE- 1.33: funding. FLUE- 223 TOTAL GRT EXPENSE 75,000 400,000 S 5 S 475,000 TOTAL GRT REVENUE 75,000 400,000 475,000 SUF STORMWATER UTILITY (ENTERPRISE) FUND TMDL Water Quality FUTURE SUF Mandate to meet State water quality regulations: City Wide 6 50,000 5 50.000 S 75.000 175,000 CIE 1.2.3: IE 4.1.1 Management Projects Improves surface water quality. Lombardy Canal Piping REPLC SUF Major maintenance enabling efficient operation. Lombardy 6 50000 5 f 50,000 FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12 Road area Salary Canal Regional FUTURE SUF Regional Stormwater Treatment Facility consi HE 1.1 12, IE ing DeLeon St. and 6 1.700.000 f 1,700,000 4.1.1; CIE 1.E Stormwater Treatment (SJRwMDi of wet detention pan and treatement wetland. Howard Ave. CIE 1.5.3 TOTAL SUF EXPENSE 100,000 1,750,000 S 75,000 S 1,925,000 TOTAL SUF REVENUE 100,000 1,750,000 75,000 1,925,000 UCF UTILITY CONSTRUCTION FUND Plant design for reuse augmentation project- to FLUE 1.3.1: HE 1.3.10; Surface Water FUTURE UCF augment and expand the use of reclaimed water Shore of Lake 6 f 85,000 85,000 FLUE U IE 2.3.2; HE I1. 510; Treatment Plant Design for irrigation purposes, as a means of reducing Jesup demands of growth on the Floridan Aquifer. CE 1.2.8 TOTAL UCF EXPENSE 85,000 85,000 TOTAL UCF REVENUE 85,000 85,000 IX 15 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Project Name LOS Funding Description/ Justification Location RaMan9 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year d Year 5 Comprehensive plan Category Source seer. 2008/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012113 2013/14 TOTALS Reference UCF UTILITY CONSTRUCTION FUND Plant design for reuse augmentation project- to Surface Water FUTURE UCF augment and expand the use of reclaimed water Shore of Lake 6 85,000 FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.3.10; Treatment Plant Design for imgation purposes. as a means of reducing Jesup 85,0 IE 2.3; IE 2.3.2; IE 5.1.7; demands of growth on the Floridan Aquifer. CE 1.2.8 TOTAL UCF EXPENSE 85,000 S S S 85,000 TOTAL UCF REVENUE 85,000 f 85,000 UEF UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND SR 46 ANernetive Water Study of alternative water supply to reduce FLUE 1.3.1; IE 2.3: SJDWy FUTURE UEF demand on potable water from the Floridan Qty Wide 6 S 75.000 75.000 S 100.000 250,000 IE 2.3.2:1E 5.1.7; Aquifer. CE 1.2.8 9edrical Improvements REPLC UEF Major maintenance to electrical to WTP #2 system. WTP #2 6 375.000 375,000 IE 22; IE 2.2.1 West Face Main FUTURE UEF Project needed to meet future demand: Bolsters LA Station 10 8 255 000 S FLUE 1.3.1: HE 1.1.12; Rerouting Design service to new growth; Improves efficiency. Discharge L5,000 HE 1.3.10; IE 1.1.4; IE 1.4.3 East Farce Main Project needed to meet future demand, &asters FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12; Rerouting Design FUTURE UEF service to new growth: Improves efficiency 8 50,000 350.000 400,000 HE 1.3.10; IE 7.1.4; IE 1.4.3 Project needed to meet future demand; Increases FLUE 1.3.1; HE 1.1.12. WWRF Sand Filter REPLC UEF capacity fa new growth, Improves efficiency WWRF 6 5 250.000 250.0 HE 1.3.10; IE 1.1.4; TOTAL UEF EXPENSE S '05.000 350,000 75,000 100,000 S 250,000 1,580,000 TOTAL UEF REVENUE 785,000 350,000 S 75,000_ 100,000 250,000 1,560,000 L E G E N D: Funding Sources: Funding Sources: 1 CTX One Cent Sales Tax (Road Improvement Fund) 115 (includes STM- Stimulus GRT Grants CDBG Federal Funding) LGTX Local Option Gas Tax (Transportation Improvement Fund) BND Bonds R &R Utility Renewal Replacement Fund CF -305 1999 Construction Capital Project Fund 305 PRV Private Contributions CF -311 Construction Fund 311 RSV Reserves DEF Devebpment Services Enterprise Fund SUF Stormwater Utility Fund (includes SJRWMD funding) FDOT Florida Dept of Transportation TIMF Transportation Impact Fee Fund GNF General Fund UCF Utility Construction Fund GRT Grants CDBG IX 16 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table IX- 3: Facility Program Public School Facilities: Summary of Policies, Programs and Capital Improvements with Cost Impacts Scheduled Program and Cost Impacts for 10/1/2009 9/30/2014 Twenty -five percent of the Seminole County School Board Capital Improvement Plan buget is for remodeling and additions. Only .2% is for new construction over the next five years. Debt service is 41.9% of the total expenditures. Total 5 Year Cost for Remodeling, Additions and New Construction: $82,200,000 Potential Additonal Cost Impacts During /Beyond the Five Year Planning Period COFTE Projections show a continued decline in student enrollment for K-12 until 2014 with an increase each year following. The 2005 peak year is illustrated as not being regained until after 2020. Available Funding Options- Major revenue sources available to the School Board are Ad Valorem Taxes, State Revenue Sources, Local Option Sales Tax, Impact Fees, Gasoline Tax Refund, COPS, and Interest. Source Seminole County School Board's Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, Adopted September 8, 2009 for the fiscal year 2009 -2010 through 2013 -2014. Table IX-4 School Capital Improvement Plan for Seminole County Facilities Remodeling Additions Remodeling Additions 2009 -2010 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 Greenwood Lakes Middle $1,000,000 Geneva $1,000,000 Hamilton $700,000 $5,000,000 Jackson Heights $1,000,000 $9,000,000 $8,000,000 Lawton $700,000 $7,000,000 Milwee Remodeling $1,000,000 $10,000,000 Spring Lake $5,500,000 Wekiva $600,000 $4,000,000 Wilson /Geneva Pods Renovations $800,000 $3,900,000 Small Projects $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $700,000 $700,000 2001 Sales Tax Projects Red Bug $5,500,000 Contingency Fund Balance $2,500,000 $2,800,000 $2,800,000 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 Total $15,700,000 $17,900,000 $17,100,000 $18,300,000 $12,700,000 Source Seminole County School Board's Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, Adopted September 8, 2009 for the fiscal year 2009 -2010 through 2013 -2014. IX 17 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table IX -5 School Capital Improvement Revenue Sources Revenue 2009 -2010 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 State Class Size Reduction Peco New Construction $0 $332,138 $1,015,400 $405,894 $1,302,576 Peco Maintenance $820,604 $3,633,627 $3,437,174 $3,425,177 $3,650,123 CODS $280,380 $280,380 $280,380 $280,380 $280,380 Local 1.5 Mill $42,290,665 $45,036,053 $47,062,675 $49,698,185 $52,729,775 COPS Sales Tax $1,706,087 $1,563,097 $837,000 Impact Fees $1,900,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,200,000 $2,200,000 Gasoline Tax Refund $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 Interest $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Undesignated SUB -TOTAL $47,597,736 $53,445,295 $55,232,629 $56,609,636 $60,762,854 Prior Year Carryover $4,906,618 $4,551,354 $3,248,496 $2,448,984 $801,929 TOTAL $52,504,354 $57,996,649 $58,481,125 $59,058,620 $61,564,783 County School Board's Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, Adopted September 8 2009 for the fiscal year 2009 -2010 through 1 Source: Seminole Cou Sc 20 3 20 14. Y P P P P Y 9 Table IX-6 Planned New Public School Facility Construction New Construction 2009 -2010 2010 -2011 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 Land New Midway Elementary (Offsite) $500,000 Source. Seminole County School Boards Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, Adopted September 8, 2009 for the fiscal year 2009 -2010 through 2013 -2014. IX -18 Exhibit `B' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT Table II 7: Projected Year 2013 Roadway Link Levels of Service (LOS) NO OF ROADWAY LOS D 2013 PROJ V C PROJ ROADWAY FROM TO LANES CLASS DAILY DAILY RATIO DAILY VOLUME VOLUME LOS 417x* S.R.4S4 RED BD..; LAkE RC 6 7- R EEWAY 103,600 4 9,1300 0.48 B U.S. 17.92* S.R. 419 SHEPARD RD 4 ARTERIAL 35,700 50,960 1.43 F' U.S. 17 -92 SHEPARD RD S.R. 434 6. ARTERIAL 53,500 50,960 0.82 r S.R. 434" U.S. 17.92 MOSS RD 4 ARTERIAL 35,700 35,530 1.02 D S.R.434 MOSS RD S.R. 419 4 ARTERIAL 35,700 31,882 0.84 C S.R. 434 S.R. 419 TUSKAWILLA RD 4 ARTERIAL 35,700 44,664 1.25 F S.R. 434 TUSKAWILLA RD SPRING AVE 4 ARTERIAL 35,700 33,581 0.94 B S.R. 434 SPRING AVE S.R. 417 4 ARTERIAL 35,700 24,482 0.69 B S.R. 434" S.R. 417 DELEON ST' 2 ARTERIAL 16,400 21,500 1.31 F" S.R. 419 U.S. 17 -92' EDGEMON AVE 2 ARTERIAL 16,400 19,096 1.16 F S.R. 419 EDGEMON AVE S.R. 434 2 ARTERIAL 16,400 17,721 1.08 F TLISKAWILLA RD S.R. 434 TR(ITW000 BLVD 4 ARTERIAL 35,700 21,000 0 -_9 B T'LISKAWILLA RD TROTW(:K)D BLVD WINTER SPR(;S BLVD 4 ARTERIAL 35,700 21,50C 0.60 B TUSKAW1LLA RD WINTER SPRGS BLVD E. LAKE DR" 4 AF.TERO- 35,700 26,20C 0.73 B 1LISKAWILLA RD' E. LAKE DR' EAGLE BLVD' 4 ARTERIAL 35,700 36,920 1.03 F' E LAKE DR" SEM„IN(JLA BLVD" FISHER ROAD 4 3L.E: T JR 31,100 22,360 0.72 D E. LAKE or =ISNER RD TUSKAWILLA RD 4 )L,.E: TOR 31,100 23,500 0.76 C. SHEPARD RD ;1. i. 7 -Q2 SHEUAH BLVD 2 c c)LLE( TOR 10,00) 5,680 0.57 C SHEPARD RD C: AF. B.'V D EDGEMON AVE 2 c.OLLE( TOR 10,000 8,216 0.82 L• Sl BLVD SHEPARD RD S.R. 434 2 cULLECTOR 10,000 I 8,736 0.60 BAHAMA RD MSS RD SHORE RD 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 104 0.01 M( )SS RD S.R. 419 FIRST ST 2 c OLLE( TOR 10,000 7,488 0.75 C. Mc )SS RD FIRST ST S.R. 434 2 (OLLE( T(3R 14,600 14,664 1.03 D Mk /SS RD 5 R. 434 DOLPHIN RD 2 c OLLEc TOR 10,000 7,592 076 C• MOSS RD DOLPHIN RD PANAMA RD 2 OLLECTOR 10,000 7,072 0.71 C r :RTHERN WV.N WNTER SPRGS BLVD 'R. YWOOD BLVE: 2 )L.Ec T. :2 10,000 2,600 0.26 1 :RTHERN WV_N TROTWCx)0 BLVD IS c ■PA DR 2 c OLLE( TOR 10,000 6,344 0.63 N( }RTHERN WV. J TU5( ()RA E2 VISTAWILLA DR 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 I 3,328 0.33 1 N WV.N V3STAWILLA DR WINTER SPRGS BLVD 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 3,74 0.37 N :RTHERN WV_•, WINTER SPRGS BLVD SHETLAND AVE 2 c OLLECTOR 10,000 3,600 0.36 I. :RTHERN WY -S SHETLAND AVE c3REENBRIAR LN 2 COLLE( FIR 10,000 4,056 0.41 M::RTHERN WY -S GREENBRIAR LN WINTER SPRGS BLVD 2 )L'_E' T R 10,000 2,288 0.23 TROTWO)ODBLVD ?DAY DR TLISKAWILLA RD 2 :OLLECT tR 10,000 1,811 0.18 TR :'TW 4 >D BLVD TUSKAWILLA RD NORTHERN WY -N 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 4,680 0.47 s. II -33 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT Table II 7: Projected Year 2013 Roadway Link Levels of Service (LOS), cont'd NO OF ROADWAY LOS D 2013 PROJ V C PROJ ROADWAY FROM TO LANES CLASS DAILY DAILY RATIO DAILY VOLUME VOLUME LOS WINTER SPRGS BLVD TUSKAwiLLA RD NORTHERN WY -N 2 COLLECTOR 14,600 8,840 0.61 C WINTER SPRGS BLVD NORTHERN WY -N GREENBRIAR LN 2 COLLECTOR 14,600 5.824 0.40 C WINTER SPRGS BLVD GREENBRIAR IN NORTHERN WY -N 2 COLLECTOR 14,600 5,200 0.36 C WINTER SPRGS BLVD NORTHERN WY -N NORTHERN WY -S 2 COLLECTOR 14,600 8,300 0.57 C WINTER SPRGS BLVD NORTHERN WY -S S.R. 426* 4 COLLECTOR 31,100 11,900 0.38 PANAMA RD EDGEMON AVE MOSS RD 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 9,464 0.95 D PANAMA RD MOSS RD SHORE RD 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 1,352 0.14 C HAYES RD S.R. 434 DOLPHIN RD 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 6,864 0.69 D HAYES RD DOLPHIN RD BAHAMA RD 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 2,080 0.21 C FISHER RD PANAMA RD E LAKE DR 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 1,456 0.15 C SHORE RD TEMPLE WY PANAMA RD 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 488 0.05 C TUSCORA DR S.R. 434 NORTHERN WY -N 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 2,800 0.28 C VISTAWILLA DR S.R. 434 NORTHERN WY -N 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 4,160 0.42 C GREENBRIAR LN WINTER SPRGS BLVD NORTHERN WY -S 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 1,560 0.16 C DYSON DR* TUSKAWILLA RD SHETLAND AVE 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 2,700 0.27 C SHETLAND AVE NORTHERN WY -S DYSON DR 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 5,200 0.52 D SHETLAND AVE CITRUS RD DYSON DR RED BUG LAKE RD* 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 3,640 0.36 C EDGEMON AVE S.R. 419 SHEPARD RD 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 4,470 0.45 C EDGEMON AVE SHEPARD RD S.R. 434 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 5,820 0.58 D EDGEMON AVE PANAMA RD SEMINOLA BLVD* 2 COLLECTOR 10,000 9,464 0.95 D 0 *Rand »ay not within the City. *Portion of the Roadway not within the, City. NA= Direct comparison not available for segment. I II 34 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT Map II 5B: Projected Number of Lanes 2013 d r.. Cal) of ti Intel ,5 Comptcilensive rtn Legend Aczv MAP II -5B PROJECTED OF LANES 2013 /N`el Novemb 20 er 09 /V 1s o h IN S wukr Itod•t A Y C;M limits t II I ke L•s,p p vi N. r A 5 tati ...A-767:0;11,411dri,,,,zr SR: 434 u J .,L N. S F 4 .R. 4 ii o *4 a 'wo o t, 7 r, NORT FNN S t t i aa/rr a �A ai v. f I 7' F. L.4.011 ill 1 t• is i m 1� 1 SAL 434 v o NORTHERN e R v. s V' T� 1 F� ti s.nr we... so•••.'.+.w w.wa. c•d tow wa.t. vu.., .e 4 :roo9 e Ar t II 36 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT Map II 6: Projected Level of Service 2013 r a w,.. ..rtr) o1 vv t onlprchcn c+vvc 1' Le end t MAP 11-6 PROJECTED LEVEL OF SERVICE 2013 Los 9 /V R Novemb`er'2009 c V D /1/ F i t Other Roods f wok:, BwLas r 3 I .oke Jesup City limits l dg. .a on 1 aAN °F A c i al S i v._.- p 1 S 723, 1. P s 1 i, s i. a a R. 434 J, r IR i PA NAMA f'O P t S 1 x ot. .or, J r 2 t! I 111 NORTNEPN `S� n f 1 cln, NO/A f 4. 1- F e iVlN R 'SA+ S I 7; ill 1 :k a2G NOPTN(RN I Z w M r VP ,,wrM:'AI.,.• .stowp G.... oaf WA., W., I:4 a. II 37