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Pledge Of Allegiance
The Planning and Zoning BoardlLPA meeting was called to order Wednesday, August 5,
1998 at 7:01 p.m. by Chairman Bill Fernandez in the Commission Chambers of the
Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida
32708). The Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Roll Call
Bill Fernandez, Chairman, present
Tom Brown, Vice Chairman, present
Marc Clinch, present
Rosanne Karr, present
Carl Stephens, Jr., present
Also Present
Tom Grimms, AlCP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator
Approval Of The July 1, 1998 Planning & Zoning BoardlLPA Regular
Meeting Minutes
Chairman Bill Fernandez stated that on page 2 of the July 1, 1998 minutes, under the
section noted as Draft Bylaws, page 10, 5.3: the word "saying" in the last line of the
paragraph, should actually be the word "same".
Motion by Rosanne Karr. Seconded by Tom Brown. It was agreed that with the
above revision to the minutes, that the motion to adopt the minutes of July 1, 1998
was approved by consensus of the Board. Motion passed.
A. Election of Officers
Board Member Rosanne Karr nominated Tom Brown for Chairman, and Carl
Stephens, Jr. for Vice-Chairman. Seconded by Marc Clinch. Vote: Vote: Bill
Fer.nandez: aye; Tom Brown: aye; Carl Stephens, Jr.: aye; Marc Clinch: aye;
Rosanne Karr: aye. Motion passed.
Outgoing Chairman briefly thanked the Board for the opportunity of chairing this Board,
of which he very much enjoyed the opportunity. He then turned over the meeting to the
new Chairman, Tom Brown.
Newly Elected Chairman Tom Brown first thanked the Board for selecting him as
Chairman, and he briefly addressed some of the upcoming issues that this Board will be
dealing with over the next year. He then thanked previous Chairman Bill Fernandez for
the excellent service that he brought to this Board as Chairman.
Board Member Karr also spoke on the excellent legal expertise that Bill Fernandez shared
with the Board.
B. Discussion with Attorney Robert Guthrie on the Draft Bylaws/Rules
of Procedure for the Planning & Zoning BoardlLP A.
As Attorney Guthrie was unable to attend this meeting, the Board brought up a few
comments about the Draft BylawslRules of Procedure, as listed in the July 28, 1998
version, that they wanted to be revised.
Draft Bylaws, page 2, 1.1.e.: This section should recognize Appendix A, B, and C.
Draft Bylaws, page 10, 5.3.2: The word "saying" should be "same".
Draft Bylaws, page 10, 5.3.2: There was discussion about the word "ex-parte"
(and "qllasi-jlldiciaf'). Each phrase should be lower case with a hyphen, throughout the
entire document.
Draft Bylaws, page 17, ARTICLE X: Under this section "NOTIFICATION OF
DECISION", the eighth word on the first line of this section should be "Board's" not
Draft Bylaws, page 20, APPENDIX A: Under the item "CASE", the second last word
in this section should be "Board's" not "Board=s".
Draft Bylaws, page 21, APPENDIX A: Under the item "EX-PARTE", the second
(duplicated) sentence "Ex-Parte contacts may violate the Appearance of Fairness
doctrine. " should be deleted.
Draft Bylaws, page 21, APPENDIX A: Under the section "QUASI-JUDICIAL
PROCEEDING", Attorney Guthrie was to work on a language change to the second
sentence - and the word "differs" should instead be something like "is distinguished
ji "
Draft Bylaws, page 22, APPENDIX A: Under the item "QUASI-JUDICIAL", the
following words "requires due process of law as a condition of the Board's actions"
should replace "is required by the essential nature of the Board's actions", which is the
current wording.
Draft Bylaws, page 22, APPENDIX A: Under the item "QUASI-JUDICIAL", (c) the
word "generally." should be added to the very end of this section.
Draft Bylaws, page 24, APPENDIX B: Under section 1. EX-PARTE
COMMUNICATIONS - in the last sentence, beginning with the words "The Florida
courts have declared Ex-Part"...there should be an "e" added to the word "Ex-Part",
making it "Ex-Parte".
Draft Bylaws, page 25, APPENDIX B: Under the section I.d., the sentence should
begin with the words "Other than at public meetings, ... ".
Draft Bylaws, page 26, APPENDIX C: Section I.b. should instead read as follows:
"Upon showing by the landowner, the burden shifts to any opponent of the applicant,
including the City to. demonstrate that maintaining the existing zoning/land use
classification with respect to the property accomplishes a legitimate public purpose and
is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and applicable regulations, hence, the
decision is not arbitrary, discriminatory or unreasonable".
Draft Bylaws, page 26, APPENDIX C: Section 1.c. should begin as follows: "After
such a supportable showing to the Board,...".
Draft Bylaws, page 27, APPENDIX C: The paragraph after a. and before c. - should be
indented and identified as b. (and it should begin as follows: "The Board must have
before it. .. ").
Draft Bylaws, page 27, APPENDIX C: The section to be indented and identified as b.
should have the word "the" inserted after "in accord with".
Draft Bylaws, page 28, APPENDIX C: Section 3.d. should have the word "Chair"
replace the word "Board".
Draft Bylaws, page 28, APPENDIX C: Section 3.d.i. should also have the word
"Chair" replacing the word "Board".
Draft Bylaws, page 28, APPENDIX C: Section 3.d.ii. should again have the word
"Chair" replacing the word "Board".
"I'll move that we incorporate those amendments and changes so that we'll have
another draft to have the Attorney make his final input". Motion By Bill
Draft Bylaws, page 15, 8.4.: Board Member Karr suggested that quotation marks be
placed around the following: "Do you swear or affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth?"
Second to the Motion by Carl Stephens. Discussion. With consensus of the Board,
the Motion was passed.
C. Review of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR)
There was discussion about the findings that Tom Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive
Planning/Zoning Coordinator and Chairman Brown had recently discussed, and
Chairman Brown hoped that all Board Members could be given a copy of what was
handed out at Monday's Commission Meeting. Chairman Tom Brown also asked that the
Board's newest member Marc Clinch receive a copy of the Evaluation and Appraisal
Report (EAR). Chairman Brown briefly spoke of the "teamwork attitude" that he hoped
this Board would embrace.
Mr. GriIpItlS then gave a brief review of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR),
stating that it could be viewed "as an audit, a monitoring device, to see how well a
jurisdiction has instituted, implemented his Comprehensive Plan, in terms of objectives
and policies." He further said that it is reviewed every five years, which may change in
the future. Mr. Grimms also stated that he felt that the Comprehensive Plan should in
fact be changed to reflect the current outlook of the City, especially in terms of the City's
[mancial services capability. He further elaborated on the changes required by Chapter
163 of the Administrative Code (913), and mentioned some of the applicable dates that
involve the adoption of small-scale and large-scale Comprehensive Plan changes, as
pertaining to the adoption of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). Mr. Grimms
briefly addressed the possibility of rewriting the entire Comprehensive Plan, which would
be quite an extensive project.
There was brief discussion about Battle Ridge - if anyone had filed an objection, and how
the Board would like some information on the size of the planned sidewalks along with a
general update on other items of interest involving the new Town Center.
D. Review of the Comprehensive Plan
Board Member Marc Clinch asked if it was the consensus of the City Commission to
amend the Comprehensive Plan? Mr. Grimms stated that it was generally agreed that
some changes (especially involving applicable dates) should be made, and he further
elaborated on certain changes that may need to be made over the next year.
There was further discussion about the status of the new Town Center, and rewriting the
Recreation portion of the Comprehensive Plan. Board Member Fernandez mentioned that
Parks and Recreation Director, Brook Sealls had stated that he would make any necessary
changes to the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR). The same concept also applies to
updating the Traffic Circulation portion of this report. Board Member Fernandez also
suggested that the minutes from past meetings that pertained to discussions with Fred
Goodroe (regarding sewage, etc.) should be given to new Board Member Clinch to
further inform him of past discussions. Mr. Grimms agreed that the last two sections and
the recommendations should be of great interest to Board Member Clinch.
It was agreed that Brook Sealls, Director of the Parks and Recreation Department; Terry
Zaudtke, Engineer/Consultant with Conklin, Porter & Holmes; Don LeBlanc, Land
Development Coordinator; and Kip Lockcuff, Director of Utility/Public Works
Department all attend a future meeting, starting in September to address each
department's changes to the Comprehensive Plan; and if it necessary, each of the
Department Heads could attend still another meeting, should that be necessary.
Board Member Karr asked Mr. Grimms if our Comprehensive Plan should be coordinated
with other cities, such as Casselberry and Oviedo. Mr. Grimms stated that we should be
doing this, and that through the intergovernmental coordination element, it is being
somewhat achieved.
There was discussion about the dates involved with the City's Comprehensive Plan, and
setting applicable "goals and objectives".
. Brook Sealls, Director, Parks and Recreation Department to discuss his portion of the
Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR).
. To have Mr. Charles C. Carrington, AlCP, Community Development Director, and
Mr. Grimms address the Board with their recommendations of what the Board should
address first, in regards to revisions to the Comprehensive Plan and the Evaluation
and Appraisal Report (EAR).
. To have the most current concepts for the new Town Center, presented to the Board,
as soon as possible - preferably at the September or October meeting. Mr. Grimms
said that he would need to check with Mr. Carrington about this, but that he would
most likely be able to do such a presentation.
. Update from Kip Lockcuff on the current status of the computerized land-use map for
the Commission Chambers and individual CD-ROM's for Board Members
. Update on the City Trails System from Brook Sealls, Parks and Recreation
There was further discussion about annexation and the Joint Planning Area, and the
involvement of both the City of Oviedo and Seminole County. Mr. Grimms then showed
the Board several plans involving the Joint Planning Area.
Board Member Fernandez asked about any upcoming representation from Mr. Grimms
regarding site-specific amendments by applicants for the September meeting, if
applicable; but Mr. Grimms said that he currently knew of nothing. There was discussion
about Discount Auto, Cash N'Carry, and Courtney Apartments.
Board Member Stephens asked about the amount of land that can still be developed
within the City, and controlled burning within city limits.
Board Member Fernandez asked about the City's record keeping procedures, and Mr.
Grimms briefly elaborated on the City Manager's Record Management Program. Board
Member Fernandez also asked about the current status of any city planning for city trails.
Mr. Grimms briefly explained the current status, and explained that Brook Sealls would
be the contact for such a program.
The Board asked if they could be informed about any upcoming seminars or training that
would be applicable to them. Mr. Grimms mentioned the Florida Planning and Zoning
Convention, to be held in Orlando this October, and suggested that all Board Members
try to attend this Convention.
Board Member Stephens spoke about the many excellent contributions that previous
Chairman Bill Fernandez gave to this Board.
There was further discussion as to where the Board Members should sit on the dais,
during meetings.
Chairman Brown adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, Deputy City Clerk
City of Winter Springs, Florida