HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 02 12 Regular 306 Senior Center Addition & Therapy Pool A.D. Arnold Construction Company
ITEM 306
February 12, 2007
REQUEST: Public Works Department and Parks and Recreation Department is requesting
authorization to award the contract for the construction of the Senior Center
Addition and Therapy Pool to A. D. Arnold Construction Company.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request authorization for a awarding the contract
for the construction of the Senior Center Addition and Therapy Pool to A. D. Arnold
Construction Company in response to their base bid in the amount of $1 ,432,000.00.
On October 24, 2005, the City entered into a CDBG Grant with Seminole County for
construction of a therapy pool and an addition to the Senior Center and approved Starmer
Ranaldi to provide architectural services on November 14, 2005. On October 27,2006 an
amendment to the Interlocal Agreement for the CDBG Grant was approved extending the
completion date for the project to December 2007. Changes were authorized to include
covering the therapy pool. This increased the authorization to Starmer Ranaldi on November
13, 2006, to include this in the scope of services.
This project was advertised for bid on January 2,2007 with the original bid opening
scheduled for February 2,2007. On January 8, 2007, the Commission requested changes be
made to enhance the exterior elevations and add covered drop offs for the facility users.
These modifications pushed back the bid opening to allow the perspective bidders time to
evaluate theses substantial modifications. Alternate 1 includes the addition of roof dormers
and a Porte Cochere on the southern elevation for small multi-passenger buses and Alternate
2 adds an extension of the existing covered entry to include a Porte Cochere for passenger
vehicle drop off as requested by Commission on January 8, 2007. Alternate 3 is the cost to
021207_ COMM _Regular _306_ Senior_Center ]001_ Bid_Award
Consent Agenda Item 404
February 13, 2006
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replace the remainder of the existing buildings 15 year old roofing system to address current
leaks and ensure the entire roof has a continuous warranty for leaks.
The bids were opened February 8, 2007. A. D. Arnold Construction Company is the
apparent low bidder for an amount of $1 ,432,000 for the base bid. Additional bids were
received by Mulligan Constructors, Inc in the base bid amount of $1 ,575.000. A review of
references and previous work has indicated that A. D. Arnold Construction Company is
capable of performing the construction off the Senior Center Addition and Therapy Pool.
This project has two critical milestones that must be met as required by the HUD
regulations timelines and the CDBG agreement. The funds being provided as part of the
CDBG must be expended by June 2007 and the project must be complete by December
To meet these requirements that the funds must be obligated; the project must be fast
tracked. This requirement may make it prudent to consider retaining a construction
management firm to oversee the project on a daily basis to handle routine issues on the part
ofthe City. These costs are typically seven to eight percent ofthe project total. Having an on
site construction manger should allow the contractor the ability to meet the critical
milestones and reduce chances of delay and loss of funding and other cost over runs. CPH
Engineers, Inc. would provide these services for $75,000 which allows for four hours per
day over the 300 day contract period.
The funding for this project provided for under the Senior Center Expansion Fund
CBDG Grant
Parks Impact Fees
Total budgeted Funds
15 Year Loan
Total Funds
No additional funding is required to offset the shortfall. A 15 year bank qualified
term loan in the amount of $750,000 will be used to fund the balance of the project
construction cost. This loan can be paid off at anytime or converted to a long term financing
Consent Agenda Item 404
February 13,2006
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(bonds) at time. Subsequent funds are available in the current year budget to cover our debt
services. Debt services for this note are estimated to be about $60,000 per year.
Staff recommends authorization of awarding the contract for the construction of the
Senior Center Addition and Therapy to A. D. Arnold Construction Company for a contract
amount of $1 ,544,600 which includes all three alternates plus a 10% contingency ($154,460)
to be paid from the Senior Center Expansion Fund (316) and for Construction Management
not to exceed $75,000 with CPH Engineers, Inc. for a Total Construction Authorization of
$1,822,628 payable from the 316-65000-70105 account.
Notification of Award
February 14, 2007
February 19, 2007
February 19,2007
March 1, 2007
300 calendar days
December 27,2007
Preconstruction Meeting
Notice to Proceed
Project start date
Project duration
Project completion
A. Bid Tab
B. Bid Evaluation
C. Architect's Letter of Recommendation
Consent Agenda Item 404
February 13,2006
Attachment A
Senior Center Addition and Therapy Pool
Was Called By: Greg Bishop, Capital Projects Coordinator
ITP Opened:
2:00 PM
ITP Closed
2:10 PM
February 8, 2007
Chuck Pula, Director, Parks and Recreation Department, City of Winter Springs
Robert F. Heenan, Program Manager, Community Development, HUD Grants, Community Services
Department, Seminole County
A. D. Arnold Construction Company
Contact: Alton Arnold
2929 Wadsworth Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32806
Phone: 407-422-8444
Fax: 407-843-2325
Base Bid: $1,423.000.00
Mulligan Constructors, Inc.
Contact: Jason Mulligan
Bay Colony
4252 Vineland Road, Suite 207
Orlando, Florida 32811
Phone: 407-654-6523
Fax: 407-654-7597
Base Bid: $1,575.000.00
Consent Agenda Item 404
February 13,2006
Attachment B
Senior Center Addition and Therapy Pool
Bid Evaluation
BudQet Base Bid Onlv Base Plus Alt 1 Base Plus Alt 1 &2 Base Plus Alt 1. 2 & 3
CDBG $ 855,000 $ 855,000 $ 855,000 $ 855,000
Impact Fees $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 350,000 $ 350,000
$ 1,205,000 $ 1,205,000 $ 1,205,000 $ 1,205,000
SRI Design /Construction
Administration Cost $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 70,000
Direct Construction Costs $ 1,432,000 $ 1,490,200 $ 1,509,100 $ 1,544,600
Contingencies $ 143,200 $ 149,020 $ 150,910 $ 154,460
Management $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ 75,000
Construction Cost
Subtotal $ 1,650,200 $ 1,714,220 $ 1,735,010 $ 1,774,060
Permit/Plan Review Fees $ 38,000 $ 38,000 $ 38,000 $ 38,000
Total Costs $ 1,758,200 $ 1,822,220 $ 1,843,010 $ 1,882,060
Shortfall $ (553,200) $ (617 ,220) $ (638,010) $ (677,060)
Base Bid
Alternate 1
Alternate 2
Alternate 3
A.D. Arnold
$ 1,432,000
$ 58,200
$ 18,900
$ 35,500
$ 1,544,600
Porte Cochere & roof dormers
Existing canopy extension
Replace remainder of existing metal roof
Consent Agenda Item 404
February 13, 2006
Attachment C
Planning and Architecture Inc
February 9,2007
Greg Bishop
Project Manager
City of Winter Springs
Re: City of Winter Springs
Senior Center Addition and Therapy
Review of Project Bids
Dear Greg,
We are in receipt ofthe bids for the above referenced project and have reviewed the
We have discussed the project with A.D. Arnold Construction Company and reviewed
their references. We have verified that A.D. AmoIdhas successfully undertaken projects
that are of this size and larger. Mr. Alton Arnold, President of A.D. Arnold has
confirmed their understanding of the full scope of the project and stands behind his lump
sum bid of$I,432,OOO.OO and the Bid Alternate No.1, 2 and 3 for a cumulative add of
$1l~600. lhe total bid price with the ADD Alternates then equals $1,544,000.00.
Based on the bids submitted and responses from references. it is our opinion that A.D.
Arnold Construction Company, is the lowest qualified bidder with a base bid price of
$1,432,000.00 and Alternate No.1, 2 and 3 price of$112,OOO.OO for a total of
We re(;ommend that you review the bid documents and procedures for approval with
your legal council to ensure that all cri1eria speciticto the City of Winter Springs,Florida
has been met b)' the recommended bidder.
If any questions arise please contact our office at your earHest convenience.
Att: Bid Tab Sheet
890 Northern Wav
ph 407-977-1060
Suite E 1
Fx 407-977-1019
Consent Agenda Item 404
February 13,2006
Attachment C
6. To accept tile provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in
the event of failure to substantiaJly complete the work on time.
1.03 Bid Schedule
The Bidder hereby agrees to perform all work as required by the Contract Documents for
the following Unit Prices. All work required to be performed by the Contract Documents
is to be included within the fo~lowing Pay Items. inclusive of furnishing all manpower,
equipment, materials and performance of aU operation!) relatfve to construction of the
project. Work. for which there Is not a Pay Item will be considered Incidental to the
Contract and no additional compensation will be allowed.
1 Base Bid 1,432,000.00
2 Alternate No. l-ADD + 58,200.00
3 Alternate No. 2-ADD + 18,900.00
4 Alternate No. 3-ADD + 35,500.00
"Not to exceed 10% oflhe total base bid.
Pool gas heater is included in the pool design but gas supply. L e., tank.
pipe. regulators, by others. as none is sho'lolTl or designed.
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