HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 02 12 Informational 502 Status of Various Capital Improvement Projects
ITEM 502
February 12, 2007
REQUEST: Public Works Department is advising the City Commission of the status of
various Capital Improvement Projects
PURPOSE: This agenda item is to update the Commission on the status of current Capital
Improvement projects.
Utility/Public Works Compound (30037) - The new Public Works/ Utility Facility which consists
of a new 7,488 sf Garage, 7,332 sf Operations Building and two 9,086 sf open storage buildings
began construction on February 27, 2006, with a contract period of 400 days to end on April 3,
2007. Currently the project is on schedule to be complete late February to mid March. The critical
point for completion is the installation of the primary power lines by Progress Energy of Florida.
Electrical Improvements WTP #3 (30064) - The upgrades to the electrical panels, equipment and
new electrical service by Progress Energy is nearly complete. All major components and wiring
have been installed. The contractor is awaiting the delivery of some small components and for the
installation of a new power pole, transformer and pedestal by Progress Energy of Florida.
Blumberg Boulevard Trail (30045) - Bids were opened on December 6, 2006 and Southeast
Enviroscape, Inc was approved by Commission as low bidder on January 8, 2007. Pre-construction
meeting was held on January 24, 2007. Contractor has started work, preparing submittals and
arranging for permits to be obtained. Project duration is 180 calendar days with a scheduled
completion date of July 26, 2007.
Winter Springs Boulevard Reconstruction Phase 1(30020 )- Phase 1 of construction was approved
on November 13, 2006 to piggyback off of Seminole County Contract Term Contract 4242-
05/GMG. Construction began on January 2, 2007, and was completed on January 18, 2007. Punch
list items remain to be completed before final completion and acceptance.
Senior Center Therapy Pool (70105) - Commission approved moving forward with design to
enclose the pool March 13, 2006. Project was advertised for bid on January 2, 2007, with a
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scheduled bid opening on February 2, 2007. An addendum was issued per guidance from the
Commission based upon staff recommendations for changes to the roof of the addition. This change
required the bid opening date be extended to February 8, 2007. Recommendation to Commission
scheduled for February 12, 2007, for contract award.
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (30102) - Agreements have been entered into for installation of
storm coverings of all doors and windows and replacement of garage bay doors at Fire Stations 24,
26 and 28 and coverings for all windows and doors of the existing Senior Center building and Civic
Center. Garage doors at the Fire Stations have been replaced as of February 9, 2007. Proposals are
being reviewed for the window covering.
Dyson Drive Sidewalk (30074) - Commission approval to award the contract for the construction of
the sidewalks to SoutWand Construction, Inc. was granted in January 22, 2007. A pre-construction
meeting is scheduled for February 15,2007 with construction to start March 1, 2007. Public Works
crews have begun the pruning of select tree limbs. The period of construction is 120 days with
completion date of June 29,2007.
Lighting and Street Sign Improvements - Supplier for the decorative sign post and signs has been
selected from three vendors. The selected vendor has a GSA contract and was the lowest price.
Additionally the selected vendor is the only vendor with a two part ornamental base for ease of
installation and repair. Commission Approval will be requested February 12, 2007. The following
sub-divisions are scheduled for installation of decorative street signs to start upon selection of a
contractor to install the City provided signs and post.
TLBD Phase II (30106)
Winding Hollow
Glen Eagle
SR 434 Improvements (30044) - Plans prepared by Metric Engineering were presented to
contractors under the Seminole County Term contract with three quotes received. The lowest quote
from Central Florida Environmental in the amount of $71,950 was below the Commission
authorized amount and was accepted. Notice of Award has been made and contractor is prepared to
start work February 15, 2007. Construction is project to be complete in 60 days.
Western Water Reclamation Facility Sludge Thickener (30013) - The purchase of the Rotary
Screen Thickener was approved for purchase by the Commission on June 12,2006. The equipment
was delivered on October 23, 2006. The design for the structure to hold the equipment has been
completed and received by the Utility Department for review and comment and also forwarded to
CPH Engineers, Inc. to be reviewed.
Town Center Building #3 Parking Conversion (30011) - Design has been finalized and
Commission authorization received. Materials are ordered.
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Winter Springs Boulevard Reconstruction Ph. II - The engineering report has been prepared by
Professional Engineering Consultants and received by the Public Works Department. Staff is
reviewing the report to determine if the same means of reconstruction for phase I can be used to
reconstruct phase II and eliminate the cost and time required obtaining detailed plans. A final
determination will be made by staff and presented to the Commission at a later date for funding
Veterans Memorial (30107) - Design is complete and drawings have been submitted to the pre-
caster to prepare shop drawing for approval prior to beginning casting. Electrical, irrigation and
landscaping design has been integrated with the Town Center Trail contract. Clearing and grading
of the site will be performed by the City as part of the Town Center Trail. Start of construction is
predicated by approval of shop drawing by the pre-caster. A desired start date for construction is
Central Winds Park Way (30018) - Conklin, Porter and Holmes Engineering (CPH) is revising the
plans that have previously been prepared. The initial plan review was held on January 28 between
Public Works, Parks and Recreation and CPH to insure all items had been addressed to be
incorporated into the new design requirements.
SR 434/ Hayes Road Turn Lane (30085) - Design has been completed and needs only minor
modifications to be ready to be submitted FDOT for permitting. An appraisal has been prepared and
is ready to be submitted as the next step in the process of Eminent Domain or taking of the required
Right of Way needed to add the turn lane. A recent application on the part of the property owner
incorporates the turn lane into the new site plan. This may make the owner more receptive to
donation of the land for the Right of Way.
Magnolia Park Phase II (70008) - This project is at a point of design determination on how to
incorporate the desired amphitheater into the parcel both with and without the shifting of the Cross
Seminole Trail. The shifting of the trail is dependent upon the interpretation of the City's
environmental consultant and the St Johns Water Management District as it relates to wetlands and
mitigation requirements.
City Hall Expansion (30061) - Starmer Ranaldi, Inc as the City's architect on this project has made
three plans submissions for comment. Staff is waiting on the final plans based on the soils report
that was completed in December 2006.
Reclaimed Water Augmentation (30043) - Phase I ofthe project has been included in the FY2007-
FY2010 SJRWMD grant funding for a total of $2.42 million. CPH Engineers has submitted the
Consumptive Use Permit for withdrawing from Lake Jesup and is responding to the third Request
for Information (RFI) received January 15, 2007.
Traffic Signal Upgrade SR 434 & SR 419 (30013) - Professional Engineering Consultants has
been authorized to proceed with the development of plans to replace the existing concrete strand
pole with decorative fluted mast arm traffic signals to match the other traffic signals along the SR
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434 corridor. Sixty percent plans for review have been received fro comment. The design is
presently ahead of schedule.
Water Treatment Plant #2 Electrical System Improvements (30028) - Seventy percent plans have
been received for review from the electrical engineer the first week of February. Comments are due
back by the end of February from the Utility Department.
Vistawilla Drive and SR 434 Turn Lane (30112) - Professional Engineering Consultants has been
authorized to proceed with development of plans to construct a east bound right turn lane. Staff is
working with receptive property owners for obtaining the required Right of Way. Eighty percent
plans submitted to the Public Works Department for comment the second week of Februarys. The
design is presently ahead of schedule.
Trotwood Park Improvements (70109) - This project scope includes the construction of an
interactive splash pad fountain, and supporting infrastructure, modification of an existing park
maintenance building to house the fountain equipment, adding additional paved parking, upgrades
to the storm water system and demolition of and installation of tennis courts. Fifty percent plans
have been submitted and reviewed by staff for comments and returned to the engineer.
Town Center Building #4 Parking Conversion - The City's desired design has been completed
and negotiations are underway in concert with negotiations on sidewalk for building 3. Final design
is contingent upon the final construction of building 4 sidewalk and the construction of building 4.
Western Force Main Rerouting - The modeling of the system has been completed by Conklin
Porter and Holmes Engineering and the design started based upon the engineering modeling.
Cross Seminole Trail Connector (Wade Street to Wekiva Trail) - Funding request made throught
he legislative delegation..
Village Walk Overhead Utility Undergrounding - Cost received by Progress Energy on August 5,
2005, Progress Energy provided staff with the cost to convert Progress Energy's lines from
overhead to underground. The cost was $403,017.00. Additional cost may be incurred to provide
property owners that have parking lot lighting installed on the power poles with an alternative
lighting solution. The cost provided by Progress Energy does not include the cost to bury other
utility lines. The cost to bury these lines is usually 50% to 75% of the cost to convert the power
lines. There are up to four other utilities with lines on the Progress Energy poles. The estimated cost
to convert these lines is $806,032 to $1.2 million. Total cost to convert the overhead utility lines to
underground is $1.2 million to $1.6 million. (1/13/16)
Fire Station House #28 (50001) - Initial conceptual site layout proposal received and meeting held
with CPH Engineers, Inc., Fire Chief, Community Development Staff and Public Works Director to
discuss desired changes to of building orientation and site requirements.
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Winter Springs Boulevard Ph III - The engineering report has been prepared by Professional
Engineering Consultants and received by the Public Works Department. Staff is reviewing the
report to determine if the same means of reconstruction for phase I can be used to reconstruct phase
II and eliminate the cost and time required obtaining detailed plans. A final determination will be
made by staff and presented to the Commission at a later date for funding considerations.