HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 01 07 Other MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDfLPA DECEMBER 3, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Planning and Zoning Board!Local Planning Agency meeting was called to order Wednesday, December 3, 1997 at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Fernandez in the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida). The Pledge of Allegiance followed. ROLL CALL Bill Fernandez, Chairman, present Tom Brown, Vice Chairman, present Gene Lein, present Carl Stephens, present Rosanne Karr, present ALSO PRESENT Tom Grimms, AICP, Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 19. 1997 PLANNING & ZONING BOARDfLOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Motion by Gene Lein, second by Carl Stephens. The motion to adopt the minutes of November 19, 1997 was carried unanimously by consensus of the Board. II. REGULAR AGENDA A. Review of Draft Portion (Task 1. 01) Evaluation and AppraisalReport Tom Grimms gave a presentation on this subject to the Board. He further elaborated on some of the comments from staff. Vice-Chairman Tom Brown expressed concern that "if the staff reports change, on areas that we've evaluated or reviewed, how are we going to handle that, or are you going to keep us informed with an on-going staff reports"? Mr. Grimms responded by saying that "the board meets, and they talk about it, and they so note something that they would have question on, and I would attempt to explain it right at the meeting at the time, or if I couldn't, then to get back with you by the next meeting, and then the minutes of the meeting, which probably has to be somewhat detailed, would be at these times, will be the record of what the board has expressed concern about". MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA DECEMBER 3. 1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE20F6 There was discussion on the traffic circulation map. Board member Carl Stephens questioned it being outdated, and Mr. Grimms explained why "it had to be that way" and explained how the recommendations for revisions would be approved and implemented. Mr. Stephens made a motion stating that "we would like those changes inserted into this document that we've already made as the...as the P & Z BoardILPA and insert it into the Traffic Circulation Map". Discussion. Chairman Bill Fernandez asked Mr. Grimms for the record "are we going to update our figures; is that part of this process; are we going to be given new information"? Mr. Grimms replied, "Yes, and that is as a future task... draft - one that you don't have right now". Motion by Stephens. Second by Brawl/. There was continued discussion as to historical perspective and the benefits and merits, if any, to adding the amendments and modifications that have been accepted. It was determined that when the consultants make their recommendations, to then include the changes. The motion and second were respectively withdrawn. Discussion regarding "rustic residential" classification, and how it differs from the Comprehensive Plan ensued. Mr. Grimms explained the views of staff in this matter, especially in terms of historical data. Discussion on this subject was tabled for the evening. B. Discussion on Establishment of an Annexation Board. Chairman Fernandez introduced a Memorandum from Charles C. Carrington, AICP, Community Development Director for the City, and it was noted that all Board members had seen the document. Board member Gene Lein addressed this issue by saying that he does "understand that things like that, the annexation of property, does come before the P & Z and the LPA, and we've done that. But I'm thinking about an area that's a step before this. In other words, we all know that there are pieces of property out there, intermingled in the City. You just take a look at the map over there with all those white areas...that are unincorporated in the City, plus you have, jagged edges around the City, and there are areas out there that could possibly be candidates to be annexed into the City of Winter Springs". Mr. Lein continued and further stated that "if the City is satisfied with what we have, and they feel that the tax base is sufficient, then we just leave well enough alone. But, if there's a possibility of a larger tax base, which naturally would be an increase of population, and a larger area, then something else has to be looked at". MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA DECEMBER 3,1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE 3 OF6 Mr. Lein continued by saying that he wanted to recommend holding a number of discussions on this issue, then passing on to the City Commission a "study" which would explain how this proposed "Annexation Board" would operate. He felt that this proposed Board could be organized along the lines of the Commerce & Industry Development Board, by meeting out in the community. He continued by saying that he had been inquiring as to whether other municipalities had a similar Board (Annexation), and although no other municipality did have an Annexation Board; he did find out that the City of Casselberry had a "paid legal consultant that deals with people in the unincorporated areas of Casselberry, and brings that information of interest, or non- interest, back to the P & Z board, for possible discussion and action". Mr. Lein felt that if the City of Winter Springs did have an Annexation Board, they could concentrate on gaining the interest of parties not currently affiliated with the City; and already established commercial areas in the City could schedule breakfast or luncheon meetings with this Board to review the many benefits of being associated with the City. Board member Lein then asked that further discussion be opened up, and that if anything evolved, then it could be forwarded on to the City Commission. Mr. Grimms explained some of the functions and goals of the City's Commerce and Industry Development Board. He also elaborated on some of the duties that Pat Grant, the consultant for the City of Casselberry, was responsible for. ' Mr. Grimms then showed the Board a large (colorized) map of the City of Winter Springs and the surrounding City's and land available to possibly be annexed. He further elaborated on which areas the City was very interested in annexing; and he also pointed out certain areas that other neighboring City's were trying to annex. There was much discussion on various areas shown on the map, and subdivisions including Battle Ridge. Board member Rosanne Karr asked Mr. Grimms if it was "part of your job to go out and find these pieces of property, or does someone tell you to look into this area, and check into who owns it?" Mr. Grimms replied that it was currently his job now. Chairman Fernandez asked how we acquired the map, and Mr. Grimms explained that the basis of the map came from Seminole County. Chairman Fernandez wanted to clarifY that when we put on the Agenda, Discussion of Establishment of an Annexation Board, that the staff.. .Mr. Carrington...feels that that would be taking away from...our charter guideline ordinance type duties, statutory duties as a P & Z Board and LP A". He continued by saying "we cannot delegate our duties in...making LPA decisions as to future land use, nor can we delegate our duties in the zoning area, which is clearly pointed out by the letter that we received, dated December 3, 1997". MINlJfES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA DECEMBER 3. 1997. REGULAR MEETING PAGE40F6 Chairman Fernandez further continued with "We took an oath so to speak, or an obligation when we took this seat, to fulfill those duties and we cannot relinquish those, and I think it would cause problems if we actively went out and solicited people, because it would interfere with our duty to be neutral and impartial and make a decision based on information presented to us a public hearing" . Mr. Lein elaborated for the record, "I would just like to clarifY - that...that...that definitely was not my intention, of involving us in with that type oLoccupation, if you want to call it that, or Board. The reason I brought it up is because this is the only vehicle that's close to the subject, to bring it before the city". He continued that he definitely know that I'm not talking about this Board to use that function. But I just went through my notes; we're talking about establishment of a different type oLgroup of people, not us. Because what Charles says in here is definitely true - it does eventually end up in our laps but I'm looking in front of what he says, although I'm looking to getting the ball rolling, to get some annexation movement. And then when it's time to come before us, we do our proper job". There was further discussion. Chairman Fernandez and Mr. Lein both discussed how the format of the Commerce and Industry Development Board could possibly be used, however, residential concerns must also be taken into consideration. Mr. Lein said that he does not feel "that it is moving fast enough, because if you read the paper every day, there's a City around you that is annexing left and right, and Winter Springs isn't really moving that fast, I don't think". Mr. Grimms did respond that other cities, like Oviedo, are in fact annexing property in certain areas of the county, as there are sizable tracts of land that developers are building on, but, that a lot of Winter Springs is built up. He also explained that the impact fee structure is very competitive throughout the county. And that a lot of developers and builders are very savvy and often "shop" around for the best deal. Mr. Brown voiced his opinion that he did not feel that a separate board needed to be established. He also mentioned that it would be nice if all of the Board Members could get a copy of the map that Mr. Grimms used to illustrate the different City boundaries, and that as a future agenda item, the Board would like to be apprised of ongoing City progress, so that "we could be prepared for zoning in the different areas, which is our responsibilities, and to be informed as to what the City is doing in these areas". He also mentioned how important communication was, and how he felt that the City, especially since Mr. McLemore had come aboard, that improvements have been made, and he spoke of several industrial areas along Highway 17/92 that did belong to the City, and that probably not too many people knew about, and he also commended Mr. McLemore and the City for the improvements that have been made. MINlITES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA DECEMBER 3. 1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE30F6 Ms. Karr felt that there should be more emphasis placed on the annexation of certain areas that the City was interested in, and she wanted to know "What is the City doing actively to market the City"? Mr. Grimms mentioned some projects that were gearing up, like "Battle Ridge". Ms. Karr also asked if the City was more interested in annexing properties to be used primary for residential or commercial use. Mr. Grimms answered that although there was no definite preference, his suggestion would be to vary the tax base with the acquiring of more commercial land, and he gave some examples. There was further discussion. Motion: "I'll make to put a motion on the floor that...we pass on to the Commission for review of our discussion for consideration of an establishment of the City Annexation Board to assist the City". Motion by Lein. DisclIssion Amended Motion: "I believe that you were trying to make a motion to have the City Commission evaluate this map and our discussion this evening, with the idea of creating... a task force, and/or a Board to consider the expansion ofvarious...ofthe city limits of Winter Springs". Amended Motion by Chairmml Fernandez. The motion diedfor a lack of a second Mr. Brown asked if the City Manager could attend an upcoming Planning and Zoning Board meeting to update the Board on potential land acquisitions. Chairman Fernandez also suggested that prior to Mr. McLemore speaking to the Board, that possibly Mr. Carrington, Director of Community Development could speak to the Board prior to Mr. McLemore, and/or have both Mr. McLemore and Mr. Carrington both address the Board. There was further discussion about this, but no actual action was taken to make the request. Chairman Fernandez stated tl3at he was "favorably impressed by Mr. Grimms' indications of what is to come, as far as expansion and acquisition is concerned". He also elaborated on how he felt that the Board was being provided with professional staff support and assistance. Mr. Lein stated for the record "What I don't appreciate about this action tonight was, we received a memorandum on the discussion that was to be held. From staff, we received a comment from the City Manager on what was to be held by the P & Z Board. I don't appreciate that". Chairman Fernandez asked for clarification, "What was...to be held". Mr. Lein elaborated that "it was not a discussion, it was just the agenda item, and we were told in your conversation with the City Manager, this situation would be fought by him tooth and nail...before anything was even discussed". Mr. Lein further said, "I just want it to be known that pre-judgments were made before any word was even mentioned...by the staff, and by the City Manager". p . ~... MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA DECEMBER 3.1997 - REGULAR MEETING PAGE60F6 Mr. Brown mentioned that he felt that there has indeed been progress and turnaround in the past five years, and that requests by the Board are being handled properly by Staff. He also stated that he did feel that the City Manager should be asked to meet with this Board. Chairman Fernandez suggested that the Board address and review the City's status and growth progress in approximately six months, at the first meeting in May. Mr. Lein agreed with this also. Mr. Grimms further addressed the issue of annexation and spoke of enclaves in the area. Chairman Fernandez again brought up the request of another Board Member for copies of the large colorized map, and videos (such as "How a city attracts businesses"...) that could be borrowed? Mr. Grimms said that he would check into both these matters. Again, the subject of having Mr. McLemore and Mr. Carrington attend an upcoming Board meeting was discussed and all Board Members were in consensus about this. Mr. Grimms said that he would take care of requesting Mr. Carrington and Mr. McLemore to attend the second meeting in January. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS January 7, 1998 Meeting A. Review of Preliminary EngineeringlFinal Subdivision Plan for Wagner Station PUD B. Battle Ridge Property Rezoning (REZ-1-98) January 21. 1998 Meetinf! A. Discussion with Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager, and Mr. Charles C. Carrington, Community Development Director B. Review of Draft Portion (Task 1.01) of Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) (EAR vs. The Comp Plan, Recreation and Open Space Element, pages 32 - 38 IV. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Fernandez adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m. with consensus of the Board. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces. Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs. Florida BOARDS/plnnningiIY97/minUlcs/120397.doc