HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 12 03 Other ./ MINUTES LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOVEMBER 19, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Planning and Zoning BoardlLPA meeting was called to order Wednesday, Oetober 29, 1997 at 7:01 p.m. by Chairman Fernandez in the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida). The Pledge of Allegiance followed. ROLL CALL Bill Fernandez, Chairman, present Tom Brown, Vice Chairman, present Gene Lein, present Carl Stephens, present Rosanne Karr, present ALSO PRESENT Charles C. Carrington, AICP Community Development Coordinator Tom Grimms, AICP Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 29. 1997 LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Motion by Gene Lein, seeond by Carl Stephens. It was agreed that the motion to adopt the minutes of October 29, 1997 was carried unanimously by consensus of the Board. II. REGULAR AGENDA 1. County Proposed Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Due to one of the two presenters not yet in attendance, the Board was asked if this presentation could be delayed until the other representative arrived. The Board agreed to this, and the presentation was delayed until after the foHowing Agenda Item. 2. Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element Volume 2 0/2 LG-CPA-2-97 Tom Grimms gave his presentation. He stated that the staff's recommendations to the Board regarding this issue. --... .-...-.....:..... -- ... --- .......~......"""-.. ..,,A...._~......_I~L" MINUTES LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOVEMBER 19,1997 - REGULAR MEETING Page 2 of6 Motion: "We reeommend as the Loeal Planning Ageney to the City Commission that the Commission hold a first transmittal public hearing and transmit to the Department of Community Affairs a proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment LG-CP A-2-97 to add to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Volume 2 of 2 of the Goals, Objectives, and Polieies derived from State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan". Discussion. Gene Lein asked Tom Grimms if a prior inquiry of including special lighting issues should be included. Mr. Grimms stated that he had no objections to putting this in as a policy statement, and that it would be appropriate. Chairman Fernandez elaborated on this subject and . suggested adding "lighting" to each place where "landscaping" is documented. Chairman Fernandez stated for the reeord "we have been here and done tl)at many times with the Town Center, with the new development and the Re-Development Area. We~ve had hearings, we've taken testimony and evidence. We've done planning, we've made our minute changes, and as Mr. Lein has pointed out, this was - the lighting issue was addressed the last time with people from the Beautification of Winter Springs Board, as well as the Commerce and Industry Board. So, for the record, if there's not much discussion this evening, it is because we've been there and done that". Mr. Grimms suggested that on page 5, Goal 2, the words "unique lighting" could be added. With further discussion by the Board Members,and Mr. Grimms, it was suggested that the wording should be as follows: "uniformly and uniquely lit corridor with scenic gateways" and this be added to the proposed motion on the floor. Motion by Brown. Second by Stephens. Vote: Karr, aye; Stephens, aye; Lein, aye; Brown, aye; Femandez, aye. Motion carried. 1. County Proposed Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) (postponed from earlier in the evening) With both of the presenters now in attendance, the Board listened to a brief introduction on this subject by Tom Grimms. Mr. Grimms stated that "this project has been in the making for some time. There has been a stoic U.S. 17/92 corridor steering committee that has for some extended time in coming up with ideas on how to improve the appearance and function of the corridor, and this basically has been on the minds of the County Commissioners and they've come to the point where they've decided to take the move to create a Community Redevelopment Agency with findings of fact that there is blight and that as part of the Florida Statutes on that, Chapter 163, Part 2, it requires the setting up of a District Agency Board and developing a Redevelopment Plan". - .. ~ .,-~ . .. . ~ -' - .............. ~ -..... ,.. --", - . ..."....~ MINUTES LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOVEMBER 19, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING Page 3 of6 Mr. Grimms further stated that this program is endorsed by Staff and that Staff would like the Local Planning Agency to recommend to the City Commission to pass a resolution of support for this County initiated plan. Melinda Claybrook, Senior Planner with Ivey, Harris & Walls, Inc., (631 South Orlando Avenue, #200, Winter Park, Florida 32789) and Kurt Easton with Easton Consulting Services, (1000 South Atlantic Avenue, Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931) were introduced. Ms. Claybrook explained that this project started with a task force in 1991, and has progressed through to the Redevelopment Plan, which is where we are now. She explained how a business and driver survey was conducted with businesses located directly on the eorridor throughout the entire study area and also to more than 3,000 morning rush-hour drivers with a ten (10) percent return, which they felt were good results. From this survey, "in asking the eommunity if they felt that U.S. 17- 92 needed some improvements, ninety-eight (98) percent either agreed. or strongly agreed that yes, this is something that we want. So, we felt pretty confident in understanding that this was indeed something that the community felt strongly about". Ms. Claybrook mentioned that this plan "does not do, is it doesn't go to great detail over exactly how this project will be implemented. The purpose of this plan is to act as a guide for the CRA, so that the CRA will understand what it's focus ean be, what projects are implementable for particular areas of the study area - and the study area being the entire corridor". She further explained that the corridor had been geographically divided into four "planning districts". She eontinued by stating that of interest to the City of Winter Springs, "would be a gateway or some sort of important focal feature here at your entrance into the City at 434" and then Ms. Claybrook mentioned some other proposed ideas. Viee Chairman Brown stated that as Winter Springs was recessed off of 17/92, he wondered if there were any considerations to annexing certain areas to allow our City to be more defined. He further stated for the record that "if any eonsideration would be taken to coming down 434...a little bit of area there?...just enough that we would be part of the recognition in it". Ms. Claybrook responded that it was something that could be done at a later time by amending the CRA boundaries and approving additional parcels into the CRA or continue aesthetic treatments. Kurt Easton interjected that he thought the County Commission's intent was to provide "some continuity throughout the entire corridor...and then...obviously if this progresses...ifthe City's feel comfortable with it, there's always room for negotiation and interlocal agreements to work out overlay districts and/or sharing of design guidelines, and those sorts of opportunities". He stated that many details were being worked out, and that the City of Winter Springs had a very favorable location on the corridor, in tenns of DOT already being scheduled to widen U.S. 17/92 and by the time that this has been done, some of the already scheduled improvements will have been completed, especially such projects as "meandering" sidewalks, lighting, and other pedestrian- oriented projects. He further stated that the plan was written to be "all-inclusive" and to be flexible, and to provide opportunities for improvements along this corridor. -. -./: MINUTES LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOVEMBER 19,1997 - REGULAR MEETING Page 4 of6 Mr. Easton then diseussed such areas of interest as the tax inerement issue, providing continuity throughout the entire eorridor, redeveloping the sites on the corridor that currently have a negative impact, and the proposed Board of Directors to oversee this project. He also discussed how Casselberry and Sanford have already established their own CRA's and how we could all work together to make significant progress. Vice Chairman Brown confirmed that we were in Area Two (2) - the "Winter Springs/Spring Hammock" area. Chairman Fernandez then asked how was the Redevelopment Area determined? Mr. Easton explained that the boundary was determined by a number of factors to include breadth of space, property lines, natural features and changes in land use. Motion: "We as the Local Planning Agency reeommend to the City Commission that they do pass the Resolution in support of the County for initiation of 17/92 CRA Corrid<:>r Redevelopment Plan". Motion by Brown. Second by Karr. Vote: Lein, aye; Fernandez, aye; Karr, aye; Stephens, aye; Brown, aye. Motion passed. 3. Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element Volume 1 of 2 and Volume 2 of 2 LG-CPA-3-97 Mr. Grimms presented staffs findings and recommendations regarding the creation of a new future land use map designation - the "GreeneWay Interchange District". Mr. Grimms mentioned to the Board that since they have received their information paekage for this evening's meeting, there had been a further development: an "interim development agreement has been tendered". Mr. Grimms elaborated by saying that "if the interim development agreement is agreeable to the property owner, and they execute it with the City, then this property is pulled out of the New Development Area Overlay Zoning District". This matter is scheduled to go before the City Commission on November 24, 1997. Margaret (Missy) Cassells, 907 Old England Avenue, Winter Park, Florida 32789 spoke further on this issue. Mr. Lein asked "if after all the time periods are coneerned, and Missy doesn't come back in with the property...does that deeply affect the Development...New Development Area"? Charles Carrington responded that basically "all it is...is a written agreement between both parties that the City and the property owner will work diligently during the next eighteen months to accomplish these tasks... that have to be accomplished to realize this new district." There was further discussion on this subject. ,.. -""'-- -_.-....._~ .... -~- ...---- ... MINUTES LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOVEMBER 19, 1997 - REGULAR MEETING Page 5 of6 Motion: "I'd like to make a motion that the Loeal Planning Ageney recommend to the City Commission the findings from the staffs recommendation, that the City Commission hold a first transmittal public hearing, and transmit to the Department of Community Affairs, the proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment, LG-CP A-3-97, creating a new future land use designation...the GreeneWay Interchange District in the Comprehensive Plan Use Element Goals, Objectives and Policies, Volume 2 of2". Discussion. Motion by Brown. Second by Karr. Vote: Stephens, aye; Lein, aye; Karr, aye; Fernandez, aye; Brown, aye. Motion carried. 4. Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element Volume 2 of 2 LG-CPA-4-97 Mr. Grimms explained to the Board the staffs findings and recommendations regarding the Hubert Early lawsuit, density levels and related dwellings per acre. Mr. Grimms did state that this was a City initiated Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Lein then asked if the Commission would now accept it, since it was turned down at an earlier date. Mr. Grimms explained that the Commission aetually had not taken any action on this matter. He reminded the Board that there are only two (2) times during the year to send off Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendments, and the next period will be in about six (6) months. There was further discussion. Motion: "I'll make a motion that we recommend as the Loeal Planning Agency to the City Commission the Staffs reeommendation that the City Commission hold a first transmittal public hearing to transmit to the Department of Community Affairs the Proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment LG.-CPA-4-97 eliminating the minimum density requirements for residential land-use and Policies 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, under Objective A, of Goal 3, Land-Use Element in Volume 2 of2 of the Comprehensive Plan". Discussion. Motion by Brown. Second by Karr. Vote: Brown, aye; Stephens, aye; Lein, nay; Karr, aye; Femandez, aye. Motion carried. 5. Review of Draft Portion (Task 1.01) of Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) The Board decided to table this item until the next meeting. Motion by Karr. Second by Brown. The motion was carried by consenslls of the Board. . ~ MINUTES LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOVEMBER 19. 1997 - REGULAR MEETING Page 6 of6 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS For the month of Dee ember, the Board decided to just hold the upcoming December 3rd meeting, due to the holidays. December 3. 1997 Meeting 1.. Diseuss Establishing An Annexation Board (previously seheduled for an earlier meeting). 2. Review of Draft Portion (Task 1.01) of Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) IV. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Fernandez adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m. with consensus of the Board. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs, Florida BOARDS/plwUlingffy97/ll1.inutesl111997.doc