HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 11 19 Regular Item 2-3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Community Development LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY AGENDA ITEM: II. 3. AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT VOLUME 2 OF 2 GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES CREATING A NEW FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNA TION - "GREENEW A Y INTERCHANGE DISTRICT" (LG-CP A-3-97) STAFF REPORT: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: The provisions of 163.3174(4) ~lorida Statutes which states "Be the agency (Local Planning Agency) responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment and shall make recommendations to the governing body regarding the adoption or amendment of such plan. During the preparation of the plan or plan amendment and prior to any recommendation to the governing body, the Local Planning Agency shall hold at least one public hearing, with public notice, on proposed plan or plan amendment." The provisions of Sec. 2-57 of the City Code which state in part ". . .the planning and zoning board shall serve as the local planning agency pursuant to the county comprehensive planning act and the local government comprehensive. planning act of the state. . ." I. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-1800 November 19, 1997 1 LG-CPA-3-97 REQUEST: For the Local Planning Agency to review and recommend creating a new Future Land Use Map designation "Greenway Interchange District" in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Goals, Objectives and Policies (Volume 2 of2). PURPOSE: * The property would be more appropriately developed if placed in a district that is more oriented to the type of activity generated by a major highway, such as the beltway (the GreeneWay) that intersects S.R. 434 on the eastern edge of the City. .,!-..it<f"; * The City will realize a greater'f'(Jt-ential tax base in this separate GreeneWay Interchange District than if the property is developed within the New Development Overlay Zoning District. AREA OF PROPOSED NE\V "GREENE\V A Y INTERCHANGE DISTRICT" FLUM DESIGNATION: 250 ACRES +/- (approximately 1/3 is environmentally sensitive) GENERAL LOCATION: The land on the east side of the beltway (S.R. 417 "the GreeneWay"), on the north side of State Road 434 extending approximately 3,400 feet east of the beltway and northward to Lake Jesup less the county enclave. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2 EAST OF WEST LINE OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST, EXTENDED NORTHERLY TO SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 31 ~ST. WEST 1/3 OF 1 OF 5, PHILIP R. YONGE GRANT, PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 35 TO 38, SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST. LAST 1/3 OF WEST .2/3 OF LOT 5, PHUILIP R. YONGE GRANT, PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 35 TO 38, SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST. EAST 1/3 OF LOT 5, PHILIP R. YONGE GRANT, PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 35 TO 38, SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST. NORTH 3/4 OF LOT 14 LESS WEST 1,000 FEET OF PHILIP R. YONGE GRANT, PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 35 TO 38, SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST, AND ALL OF LOT 21, NORTH OF STATE ROAD 419, LESS THE WEST 1,000 FEET OF SAID PHILIP R. YONGE GRANT. Novembc:r 19, 1997 2 LG-CPA-3-97 LOTS 13, 15,20, AND LOT 19 NORTH OF OVIEDO STATE ROAD NO. 419, AND OF PHILIP R. YONGE GRANT ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOf.;~ECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 38 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ALL IN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST. LOTS 10 AND 9 OF THE PHILIP R. YONGE GRANT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 35, OF THEPUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST. LOTS 11 AND 17 OF THE PHILIP R. YONGE GRANT, ACCORDING TO THE.~BAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE35, of'~1aE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ~:'S.ECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST. LOT 12, PHILIP R. YONGE GRANT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 36, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ON WEST. LOT 16, LESS ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY, SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST, PHILIP R. YONGE GRANT, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 36, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. LOT 18 AND THAT PART OF LOT 19 LYING NORTH OF SANFORD-OVIEDO PAVED ROAD, SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 21, RANGE 31 EAST OF THE PHILIP R. YONGE GRANT AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 35 TO 38 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. EXISTING LAND USE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Completely vacant land with trees covering approximately 80% - small citrus grove on the east side of Spring Ave. CHRONOLOGY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: The land was annexed after 1976. November 19, 1997 ..., j LG-CPA-3.97 II, CONSIDERATIONS: EXISTING LAND USES ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: vacant, treed area to Lake Jesup; small area of single family residential on the west side of Spring Ave. and an active citrus grove on the east of Spring Ave. in the county enclave. Sm!1h: S.R. 434; further south across the street single family residential subdivision (Reserve at Tuscawilla); vacant land with stand of trees. East: The beltway (S.R. 417 "the GreeneWay"); just east of that is completely treed wetland area f"i.l.~ttle Ridge). West: vacant, completely treed. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: "Mixed Use" and "Conservation". Requested: New FLUM designation "GreeneWay Interchange District". FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: [ Lake Jesup and county enclave] South: S.R. 434 right-of-way; further south, "Commercial" and "Urban Density Residential" . East: [ outside the City] ~: "Commercial" and "Conservation". ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: PUD and R-U "Rural Urban Dwelling District" NOTE: R-U eliminated per Policy 1 under Objective A of Goal 3 of the Future Land Use Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. RC-1 (maximum 1 DU per acre) substitutes in place ofR-U District. Requested: None at this time. November 19, 1997 4 LG-ePA-3-97 ZONING ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: [Lake Jesup and county enclave] Smrth: PUD. E.a.s1 : [ outside the City] West: C-l "Neighborhood Commercial". III. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ANALYSIS: The following summarizes the data and i~~ijt1s which staff analyzed in reviewing this application. A. PUBLIC FACILITIES: 1. ROADS/TRAFFIC CIRCULATION: a. Availability of Access: S.R. 434 abuts this property on the south side. The Beltway (S.R. 417 "the GreeneWay") has an interchange at the southeast corner of the property intersecting S.R. 434. b. Function Classification: S.R. 434 is an urban arterial 4-lane east west roadway. c. Improvements/expansions (including right-or-way acquisition) already programmed or needed as a result of the proposed amendment Florida Department of Transportation has scheduled road widening to four (4) lanes during 1998-1999 the portion of S.R. 434 east of Tuskawilla Road to the Beltway. 2. SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, STORMWATERMANAGENfENT, POT ABLE WATER: POTABLE WATER: a. Facilities serving the site. None. Novemb.:r 19, 1997 5 LG-CPA-3-97 b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: Developer would lay all water lines within the development and tap into the trunk line on Vistawilla Drive. SANITARY SEWER: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: Developer would lay all sewer lines within the development and tap into the collector line on Vistaw'ili~:Drive. RE-USE WATER SYSTEM: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: None. The reuse water line comes eastward to. Howell Creek Reserve. DRAINAGE/STORMW ATER: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: If the property is developed, then the project must meet Sec. 9-241 City Code requirements. Post development runoff cannot exceed pre-development runoff (Use 25 year storm, 24 hour storm standard) Stormwater Calculations required in retention ponds are to be constructed with storm pipes or swales. There must be a clear recorded easement for the pipes and/or swales. The easement must be definitive for maintenance of structural facilities. November 19, 1997 6 LG-CPA-3-97 SOLID WASTE: a. Facilities serving the site. The City has an exclusive franchise agreement with Browning Ferris Industries for collection. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: None. 3. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE a. Facilities serving the site. . ~:.tl". None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: None, if commercial development with no residential component is proposed. If residential component proposed then recreation and open space or fees in-lieu will be required. B. LAND USE COMPATIBILITY: 1. SOILS: The Soil Survey of Seminole County. Florida, published by the Soil Conservation Service of the US. Department of Agriculture notes: "While many factors other than soils are important in planning for orderly development, soil quality is a basic and continuing factor. It demands full consideration, not only as a guide in determining use but also as a measure of the kind and magnitude of problems that must be overcome for specific uses. The decisions on urban uses are not necessarily determined on the basis of suitability. The physical characteristics and qualities of the soil become paramount, and interpretations are more directly concerned with the limitations, restrictions, or hazards and suggests corrective practices needed to prevent serious mistakes." The soils on this property are: (#) - indicates soil map designation (4) Myakka-EauGallie-Urban Land (10) Bassinger, Samsula, and Rontoon soils, depressional (13) EauGallie and Immokalee fine sands (16) Immokalee sand (20) Myakka and EauGallie fine sands November 19, 1997 7 LG-CPA-3-97 (24) Paola-St. Lucie sands, 0-5% slopes (27) Pomello fine sands, 0-5% slopes (4) Myakka and EauGallie-Urban Land: The soils in this map unit are nearly level and poorly drained. The slopes are dominantly less than 2 percent. The soils in this map unit are poorly suited to use for sanitary facilities, building sites, and recreational development. The main limitations are seepage and wetness Water control, including drainage outlets are needed to overcome wetness. Fill material should be added to make these soils suitable for most urban uses. (10) Bassinger, Samsula, and Hontoon soils, depressional - The soils in this map unit are nearly level and very poorly drained. These soils are in swamps and depressions. The slopes are dominantly less than 2 percent. In their natural state, the soils in this map unit are not suited to use for home sites, commercial or recreational development, or sanitary facilities. The main limitations are ponding, excess humus,' lb'\v strength, and subsidence. (13) EauGallie and Immokalee fine sands: The soils in this map unit are nearly level and poorly drained. The slopes are dominantly less than 2 percent. The soils in this map unit are poorly suited to use for sanitary facilities, building sites, or recreational development. The main limitations are seepage and wetness. Water control, including drainage outlets, is needed to overcome wetness. Fill material should be added to make these soils suitable for most urban use. (16) Immokalee sand: This soil is nearly level and poorly drained. The slopes are dominantly less than 2 percent. The soils in this map unit are poorly suited to use for sanitary facilities, building sites, or recreational development. The main limitations are wetness, seepage, and sandy texture. Water control, including drainage outlets are needed to overcome wetness. Fill material should be added to make these soils suitable for most urban uses. (20) Myakka and EauGallie fine sands: The soils in this map unit are nearly level and poorly drained. The slopes are dominantly less than 2 percent. The soils in this map unit are poorly suited to use for sanitary facilities, building sites, or recreational development. The main limitations are seepage and wetness. Water control, including drainage outlets, is needed to overcome wetness. Fill material should be added to make these soils suitable for most urban use. (24) Paola-St. Lucie sands, 0-5% slopes: The soils in this map unit are nearly level to gently sloping and excessively drained. These soils are on upland ridges. The slopes are 0 to 5 percent. The soils in this map unit are well suited to homesites and other urban development. The main limitation is the instability cutbacks. Sidewalls of shallow excavations should be shored. (27) Pomello fine sands, 0-5% slopes: This soils is nearly level to gently sloping and moderately well drained. It is on low ridges and knolls on the flatwoods. The slopes range from 0 to 5 percent. This soil is poorly suited to use for sanitary facilities, building sites, or recreational development. It has moderate limitations for dwellings without basements and small commercial buildings. Water control, including surface and subsurface drainage, is needed to overcome excessive wetness. November 19, 1997 8 LG-CPA-3-97 2. TOPOGRAPHY: The subject property ranges from a high of forty (40) feet (above mean sea level) near S.R. 434 and the Beltway to five (5) feet toward the northwest portion of the subject land near Lake Jesup. 3. FLOOD PRONE AREA: A review of the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map (12117C0155-E; April 17, 1995) indicates the northwestern portion of the subject land is partly located within the 100 year flood prone area. 4. NATURAL RESOURCES, HISTORIC RESOURCES. No natural or historic resourcest!are known to exist on the subject land. 5. WILDLIFE AND SPECIES DESIGNATED AS ENDANGERED, THREATENED OR SPECIAL CONCERN: No federally listed endangered plants are known to exist in the county. It is essential that surveys of such species be completed prior to site development of parcels containing native vegetation communities. The subject parcel does not have native vegetation communities due to prior clearing and replanting with long-needle pine. 6. NUISANCE POTENTIAL OF PROPOSED USE TO SURROUNDING LAND USES. The proposed future land use change from "Mixed Use" to "Greenway Interchange District" should not negatively impact adjacent land uses, since on the north side of S.R. 434 the land is designated FLUM "Commercial" also or "Conservation". The land on the south side of S.R. 434 opposite the subject land is FLUM designated "Commercial" . There should be no nuisance to surrounding properties as a result of the subject parcel being used in the future for commercial purposes. The adjacent parcel to the west and south will eventually be utilized in the development of commercial establishments. C. ECONOMIC DEVELOPl\1ENT: Development of the land primarily for highway oriented commercial (Greenway Interchange District proposed FLUM designation) will increase, and vary the City's tax base over that of a development under the "Mixed Use" FLUNI designation which restricts commercial development to fifty (50%) percent of the gross land area. November 19, 1997 9 LG-CI'A-3-97 D. CONSISTENCY/COMPATIBILITY WITH CITY, STATE, AND REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE PLANS: 1. WITH THE CITY C011PREHENSIVE PLAN: The land proposed to be placed in the new FLUM designation "GreeneWay Interchange District" is compatible with the Future Land Use Map "Commercial" land use designation to the west and south and southeast along S.R. 434. The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and not in conflict with the other elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically: Land Use Element: . .!o~i '~.. Objective A under Goal 3 Policy 2 under Objective B of Goal 2 Objective C under Goal 2 Potable Water Sub-Element: Policy 2, 5 under Objective A Policy 3 under Objective F Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element: Policy 5, 10 under Objective A Policy 1 under Objective C Storm Drainage and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element: Policy 1, 3, 4 under Objective B of Goal 1 Policy 8 under Objective C of Goal 2 Intergovernmental Coordination Element: Policy 1 under Objective D Objective E Policy la, 1d under Objective F 2. WITH THE STATE C011PREHENSIVE PLAN: 163.3177(10)(A) F.S. The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers goals and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan in Chapter 187 F.S. Nowmb.:r 19, 1997 10 LG-CPA-3-97 List of goals, objectives and policies that indicate consistency with the State Comprehensive Plan: 9J-5.021(4) F.A.C. ST ATE CONlPREHENSlVE PLAN (16) Land Use Goal (a) Policy 1 (18) Public Facilities Policy 3 (22) The Economy Policy 1, 12, 14 . !.:1l.,. NOTE: A Local comprehensive plan shall be consistent with a Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan or the State Comprehensive Plan if the local plan is compatible with and furthers such plans. 9J-5.021(1) F.A.c. The term "compatible with" means that the local plan is not in conflict with the State Comprehensive Plan or appropriate comprehensive regional policy plan. The term "furthers" means to take action in the direction of realizing goals or policies of the state or regional plan. 9J-5.021(2) F.A.C. F or the purposes of determining consistency of the local plan with the State Comprehensive Plan or the appropriate regional policy plan the state or regional plan shall be construed as a whole and no specific goal and policy shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other goals and policies in the plans. \ 9J-5.021(2) F.A.c. 3. WITH THE EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA COl\1PREHENSIVE REGIONAL POLICY PLAN: 186.507 F.S.; 27-E-4 F.A.C. The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers goals and policies of the East Central Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan. List of goals, objectives and policies that indicate consistency with the East Central Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan: 9J-5.021(4) F.A.C. EAST CENTRAL FLORIDA CONlPREHENSlVE REGIONAL POLICY PLAN: Policy 57.1: 1,4, 5 Policy 58.1 November 19. 1997 11 LG-CPA,].97 Policy 64.2: 3 Policies 65.4, 65.5 Policy 67.2 NOTE: A Local comprehensive plan shall be consistent with a Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan or the State Comprehensive Plan if the local plan is compatible with and furthers such plans. 9J-5.021(1) F.A.C. The term "compatible with" means that the local plan is not in conflict with the State Comprehensive Plan or appropriate comprehen~it:e regional policy plan. The term "furthers" means to take action in the direction of realizing goals or policies of the state or regional plan. 9J-5.021(2) F.A.C. For the purposes of determining consistency of the local plan with the State Comprehensive Plan or the appropriate regional policy plan the state or regional plan shall be construed as a whole and no specific goal and policy shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other goals and policies in the plans. 9J-5.021(2) F.A.C. IV. FINDINGS: * The proposed future land use change from "Mixed Use" to "Greenway Interchange District" is compatible with surrounding land use designation, since on the north side of S.R. 434 the land is designated FLUM "Commercial" also or "Conservation". The land on the south side of S.R. 434 opposite the subject land is FLUM designated "Commercial" . * The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with the other elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan * The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers elements of the State Comprehensive Plan, in Chapter 187 F.S. * The comprehensive plan amendment is compatible with and furthers elements of the East Central Florida Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan. Novcmbcr 19, 1997 12 LG-CPA.3-97 V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Local Planning Agency make the following recommendation to the City Commission: That the City Commission hold a first (transmittal) public hearing and transmit to the Department of Community Affairs the proposed Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment (LG-CP A-3-97), creating a new Future Land Use Map designation "GreeneWay Interchange District" in the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element Goals, Objectives and Policies (Volume 2 of2). ATTACHMENTS: . ".lb. Map of subject land proposed to be included in new FLUM designation "GreeneWay Interchange District". November 19, 1997 13 LG-CPA-3-97 ,.~. . l,~ 'IlJ . . . . . . i I : Q) ~ . . , , ... '------ \ \ \ '\ ,--" "' \ \ \ \ ......,,--"'" I " I ' I '\ \ '.... \ \ I I CASSCELLS pn~EnTY , ......4 --- " -<I .; I ., ,. c