HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 03 04 Hand Out by Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom - Revised Draft of the Goals, Objectives and Policies - Infrastructure ElementCITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRl1C'TI IRF FI FAAF-.IT CHAPTER IV INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT IV-A. GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES A. SANITARY SEWER GOAL IV-A: To provide an effective system of wastewater collection, treatment, and treated effluent disposal or reuse to meet the needs of all City residents and non-residential establishments within the City service area while protecting the environment and public health. Objective IV-A-1: Existing Wastewater Treatment. The City shall correct existing deficiencies; ensure that the minimum Level of Service (LOS) for sanitary sewer is met; and, provide a level of treatment that meets the water quality standards for effluent limitations established by the FDEP. Policy IV-A-1.1: Adopt LOS standards for sanitary sewer treatment at 100 gallons per person per day. Policy IV-A-1.2: Use the following peaking factors based upon the average design flow (ADF), when evaluating collection force main and lift station capacity: flows to 0.050 MGD ADF use a 3.5 factor, flows 0.050 to 0.250 MGD ADF use a 3.0 factor, and flows above 0.250 MGD ADF use a factor of 2.5. Policy IV-A-1.3: Maintain an active sanitary sewer system mapping program and update the model at least annually to prioritize needed replacements. Policy IV-A-1.4: Require all improvements and/or additions to sanitary sewer facilities to be compatible and adequate to meet the adopted LOS standards. Policy IV-A-1.5: Require all land use amendments to include an analysis of the impact of such amendment on the adopted LOS standard and existing sanitary sewer facilities. Policy N-A-1.6: Plan construction of new sanitary sewer treatment facilities when capacity allocation of existing facilities is at seventy five percent (75%) of available capacity, and have new facilities ready for operation when capacity allocation of existing facilities is at ninety percent (90%) of available capacity. Policy IV-A-1.7: Maintain a quarterly monitoring program to evaluate wastewater treatment efficiencies and submit quarterly operating reports to the FDEP documenting results, including data relating to average and maximum daily flows. IV-1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Policy IV-A-1.8: Maintain a quarterly groundwater monitoring program to evaluate groundwater quality and submit the results to FDEP. Policy IV-A-1.9: Comply with bond covenants to ensure the maintenance and operations of facilities, and to provide recommendations for system maintenance and improvements. Policy IV-A-1.10: Encourage continuing education of operating staff to ensure proficiency with respect to optimization of treatment and disposal processes. Policy IV-A-1.11: Require that all City owned wastewater treatment plants be operated and maintained by State-certified operators. Allow trainees under the supervision of State-certified operators to be used, when allowed by regulatory requirements. Objective IV-A-2: Future Wastewater Treatment. The City shall reserve sewer capacity and coordinate the extension of facilities and increased capacity for approved and vested developments. Policy IV-A-2.1: Define regulations for sewer allocation vested rights and the period of vesting in the City's Code of Ordinances. Policy IV-A-2.2: Ensure reserved capacity and adequate sanitary sewer facilities are in place with the impact of development, by requiring payment of ,~ applicable sewer service availability fees after a determination of concurrency and upon development approval, prior to ermit application~_or allow payment of a reservation fee with subsequent payment of sewer service availability fees at time of permitting-#e~ Per~i#s. Policy IV-A-2.3: Implement the Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) to avoid future deficiencies and update the SCI annually in conjunction with the City's budgeting process. Policy IV-A-2.4: Define the City's sewer service area by the corporate limits of the City and those other areas located outside the corporate limits, which are established by the City Commission by a written instrument. Require that property owners of properties located in unincorporated Seminole County execute and record an annexation agreement approved by the City Commission, before they are provided sanitary sewer service. Provide wholesale sanitary sewer service to other cities and Seminole County, as appropriate, feasible, and by written agreement. Policy IV-A-2.5: Coordinate with the County and the FDOT to plan to provide all future sewer pipes and/or sleeves required for subsurface road placement. IV-2 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT i~ Policy IV-A-2.6: Coordinate the utility and transportation planning efforts to take advantage of the most economical construction and maintenance costs possible when installing utility lines, roads and sewers. Objective IV-A-3: Maximize Existing Facilities. The City shall maximize existing sanitary sewer facilities within its service area and shall promote compact efficient growth patterns. Policy IV-A-3.1: Require new developments to connect to the central sanitary sewer system where available and to design and construct all sanitary sewer facilities in accordance with the City's Code of Ordinances. Policy IV-A-3.2: Incorporate means and methods in the City's Code of Ordinances to ensure connection to the City's sanitary sewer system, where available, for those properties that lie within the service area. Policy IV-A-3.3: Discourage development in the service area from utilizing septic tanks and prohibit the use of package wastewater treatment plants. Policy IV-A-3.4: Require -new development to extend the central sewer system at the developer's expense to service subject property. Policy IV-A-3.5: Maintain adequate sanitary sewer service availability charges and user rates to ensure funding for new treatment, collection and effluent disposal systems. Policy IV-A-3.6: -Undertake a utility rate structure study in 2009 and make recommendations on the appropriate rate of increase for water conservation rates for reclaimed water and potable water. Update the rate study every five (5) years. Objective IV-A-4: Septic Tanks. The City shall mandate connection to the central sewer system, when available, for existing residences and commercial establishments, which are served by septic systems and are deemed to be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. Policy IV-A-4.1: Consider "available" -to mean within fifty (50) feet of a sanitary sewer collection system and accessible by a legally recorded easement or right-of-way. Policy IV-A-4.2: Identify and map those areas within the City's service area, which are served by septic systems, and prioritize areas which may require central sewer service based on soil suitability, density, and environmental concerns. Policy IV-A-4.3: Prioritize and incorporate line extensions into the SCI to connect existing septic areas to the central sanitary sewer system. Require the participation of the existing residents and/or developers in the cost of IV-3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT the sewer main line extensions and explore all possible means of funding the line extensions and connections. Policy IV-A-4.4: Coordinate with the Seminole County Health Department to ensure that where central sewer service is available, no new septic system permits shall be approved for any new development or for any existing systems which have been determined to be inoperable or detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the general public. Objective IV-A-5: Effluent Disposal. The City shall continue to prevent the discharge of wastewater into state and local waters through the continued utilization and expansion of its reclaimed water system. Policy IV-A-5.1: Maintain treatment facilities to provide for "unrestricted access" levels of treatment to allow for reuse of reclaimed water for irrigation of landscaped areas, as well as use in allowable industrial applications. Policy IV-A-5.2: Follow the exclusive authority of SJRWMD to regulate consumptive use. Policy N-A-5.3: Require the installation of reclaimed water systems for all new development, which contain or abut existing or planned reclaimed water routes. Allow connection of the reclaimed system to the potable water system when reclaimed water is not provided until such time as reclaimed water becomes available. Policy IV-A-5.4: Provide back up storage and disposal of excess reclaimed water (during wet periods) by the City's existing spray fields and percolation ponds. Policy IV-A-5.5: Consider applying for permits to allow discharge of reclaimed water into wetlands during periods of "emergency". Policy IV-A-5.6: Maintain a public awareness and education program regarding the use of reclaimed water. B. POTABLE WATER GOAL IV-B: To plan for and assure an adequate supply of excellent quality potable water to meet the needs of all City residents and non-residential establishments within the City and within the City's service area during the 2030- planning horizon. Objective IV-B-1: Central System. Based upon adopted Level of Service (LOS) standards, analysis in the City's Water Supply Plan 2007, and the SJRWMD's District Water Supply Plan 2005 and 2006 Addendum, the City shall determine timing for upgrading the Central System (Supply and Treatment System) based on the following evaluation criteria: IV-4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT ;~ Policy IV-B-1.1: Adopt LOS standards for potable water supply at 1 15 gallons (minimum) per person per day. (Cross Reference: Capital Improvement Element, Policy 1.2.1-d.) Policy IV-B-1.2: Require total well capacity to equal or exceed the Maximum Day Demand (MDD), including design fire flow demand. Maximum Day Demand (MDD) = Total Water Consumed, divided by 365 days, x Maximum Day Peak Factor (2.0). (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-B-8.4) Policy IV-B-1.3: Require that even with the largest well out of service, total well capacity will equal or exceed the Average Daily Demand (ADD). Average Daily Demand (ADD) is the total water consumed during a calendar year divided by 365 days. Policy IV-B-1.4: Maintain the capacity of the aeration system equal to or greater than the Maximum Day Demand (MDD). Policy IV-B-1.5: Use a peak factor of 1.1 GPM per equivalent residential connection (ERC) in the calculation of the system's ability to meet the LOS standard, when evaluating system pump capacity. Policy IV-B-1.6: Rate the wellfield capacity at the average daily demand with the assumption that the largest well is out of service. ~ Policy IV-B-1.7: Require that any new wells be constructed to produce capacities between 1200 and 2400 gallons per minute. Policy IV-B-1.8: Maintain a storage tank capacity of at least one-half (1 ~2) of the average daily consumption volume. Policy IV-B-1.9: Provide water distribution system peak flow storage for the difference between peak flow and well flow for the duration of the fire flow, with a buffer of 10%. Fire flow is the flow of water required to fight a major fire. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-B-8.4) Policy IV-B-1.10: Maintain a minimum high service pump capacity -at least equal to the maximum daily peak factor demand, assuming that the largest high service pump is out of service. Policy IV-B-1.11: Maintain the water distribution system to be capable of delivering the peak hour flow (without fire demand) with a minimum residual pressure of twenty (20) pounds per square inch (psi). Policy IV-B-1.12: Restrict the maximum velocity through any pipe to 8 feet per second. Policy IV-B-1.13: Meet the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) criteria of providing half the maximum daily flow for auxiliary power. IV-5 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Objective IV-B-2: Operations & Maintenance. The City will annually adopt programs 8: activities to maintain the central system. Policy IV-B-2.1: Maintain the City's potable water treatment facilities in optimum condition by the implementation of a preventive maintenance program. Policy l'V-B-2.2: Review water fee methodology and user rates annually during the budget process to ensure adequate funding for treatment, storage and distribution facilities. Policy IV-B-2.3: Develop a system to review individual customer water meters to ensure proper readings of those meters. Policy IV-B-2.4: Institute a replacement or "change out" schedule for meters in the field to ensure replacement when accuracies exceed the industry tolerance range. (Cross Reference: Water Supply Work Plan [Exhibit IV-B 11 Item 1 a Policy l[V-B-2.5: Implement improvements and/or additions to potable water facilities as needed to correct LOS deficiencies, based upon data and analysis in the City's Water Supply Plan 2007, and the SJRWMD's District Water Supply Plan 2005. Policy IV-B-2.6: Implement improvements and/or additions to potable water facilities which comply with, as a minimum, the standards recognized and ~ approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, specifically including the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Water Works Association. Objective IV-B-3: Future Demand. Based upon population projections and analysis in the City's Water Supply Plan 2007, the City shall ensure the supply and treatment of safe potable water through the 2030-planning horizon to meet the adopted Level of Service (LOS) standards, as well as the requirements of both the City's Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-1) and SJRWMD's District Water Supply Plan 2005 and 2006 Addendum. The City's consumptive use permit is pending approval with SJRWMD. Should the CUP process result in any changes to the City's projected water demand, the Water Supply Work Plan will be updated accordingly. Policy ][V-B-3.1: Review future demands to verify that there are no needs for future expansion of potable water facilities, based upon the adopted LOS and data and analysis in the City's Water Supply Plan 2007. Policy IV-B-3.2: Cap the City's potable groundwater demand at 2013 levels and determine the most cost-effective option for augmenting this system with an alternative water source. Pursue cooperative efforts with SJRWMD, Seminole County, and other local jurisdictions, in providing cost- effective solutions, e~ referenced ink#em 1-~ end 6 of the ``".~utcT $e~lF-We+i. (Cross Reference: Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-1], Item 1. 5 & 61 IV-b CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Policy IV-B-3.3: Reevaluate the potable water system capacity and ensure that the central water system can meet LOS standards prior to issuance of a development order, if new development would result in a significant increase in population beyond current projections. Policy IV-B-3.4: Continue to monitor groundwater supply conditions in conjunction with the SJRWMD, . (Cross Reference: Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-E-1.4; Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-11, Item 1) Policy IV-B-3.5: Encourage and require, as needed, the interconnection and looping of existing and proposed segments of the potable water distribution system. Objective IV-B-4: Capital Improvements. The City shall plan capital improvements to meet future needs and projected deficiencies. Policy IV-B-4.1: Maintain the mathematical model of the transmission system in the files for subsequent computer analysis to determine the water use demands. Policy IV-B-4.2: Implement the five-year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) for potable water facilities adopted in the Capital Improvements Element. Policy IV-B-4.3: Review the SCI annually and adopt a City budget that prioritizes needed potable water improvements to meet the demands of future growth and approved developments. Policy IV-B-4.4: Update the City's Water Supply Plan, 2007 at intervals coinciding with the District Water Supply Plan, 2005 updates, to ensure consistency between the State, regional, and local levels. Policy IV-B-4.5: Evaluate the production, expansion capabilities, and life expectancy of the water treatment plants in each update to the Water Supply Plan, 2007. Objective N-B-5: PJe+~Be~elep+ee~rMWells. The City shall evaluate water supply sources and quality considerations when developing new wells, as well as repairing or improving the existing central potable water system. Policy IV-B-5.1: Maintain a five hundred (500) foot minimum spacing between wells, where practicabl , ~~. (Cross Reference• Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-11 Item 8• Conservation Element. Policy 1.2.21 Policy IV-B-5.2: Consider surrounding land uses when making the final selection of any Well sft .Cross Reference: Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-1 ]~ Item 8) IV-7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Policy IV-B-5.3: Require well placement to have a 100-foot minimum setback from sewer lines, (Cross Reference: Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV B 11 Item 8~ . Policy IV-B-5.4: Require a 200-foot minimum setback for well placement from septic I tanks, Toss Reference: Water SuR21y Work Plan (Exhibit IV-6-1], Item $~ Policy IV-B-5.5: Conduct an investigation by a geohydrologist to estimate the recommended well size and depth, pumping capacity, casing length, projected aquifer drawdown, and any other site specific considerations to be utilized in the final design, es re#ere~teeel in 14~m 8 ef~h `"~-.:a;~~ E-~e. (Cross Reference• Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV B 1], It m Policy IV-B-5.6: Investigate and pursue the acquisition of property near Water Treatment Plant #2 and Water Treatment Plan #3, for future treatment needs and protection of wellfields, -- -~'----~----~ °~ ~•----- o t . (Cross Reference: Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-11. Item 8~ Policy IV-B-5.7: Conduct a detailed analysis of potential well contamination sources. Objective IV-B-6: Service Area. The City shall adopt a service area boundary for potable water and shall discourage leapfrog development and urban sprawl. ~w. Policy IV-B-6.1: Define the City's potable water service area by the corporate limits of the City, except as otherwise established by the City Commission by written agreement. Policy IV-B-6.2: Require before providing potable water service to properties located in unincorporated Seminole County, that the property owners receiving service execute and record an annexation agreement approved by the City Commission. Policy IV-B-6.3: Provide or receive wholesale potable water service to or from other cities and Seminole County by written agreement. Policy IV-B-6.4: Continue to be the provider of potable water to residents and nonresidential establishments within the City's service area except as otherwise established by the City Commission by written agreement. Policy liV-B-6.5: Continue to maximize the efficient use of the City's potable water treatment facilities as a unified city water system. IV-8 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Policy IV-B-6.6: Discourage urban sprawl by delineating a Service Area boundary~s . (Cross Reference• Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV B 11 Item 1.J • Require all new developments within the City's Service Area to connect to the City's existing centralized water supply/treatment facilities, except as otherwise established by the City Commission by written agreement. • Provide service only to those areas included in the City's delineated Service Area, except as otherwise established by the City Commission by written agreement. Require new home construction to connect to City water service when it is available in an adjacent right-of-way. • Prohibit reconnection to private well service in lieu of City potable water once connected to City service, except for irrigation purposes. Objective IV-B-7: Reclaimed Water. When reviewing applications for development orders ~,.. within the City limits, the City shall consider impact on the environment, including the ability to be served by the City's existing water facilities. The City shall maintain initiatives to conserve potable water resources, which ensure that existing level of service standards for potable water, I do not increase more than twenty (20) gallons per person per day, ~- ---c.._,......._, :., ~,...,, , _r +w . (Cross Reference: Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-11 Item 1) Policy IV-B-7.1: Maintain a progressive water rate structure to ensure conservation of potable water and to provide an incentive for the use of treated wastewater for irrigation purposes, . (Cross Reference: Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-11, Item 3 & 71 Policy IV-B-7.2: Maintain the reclaimed wastewater effluent program whereby wastewater is treated to standards consistent with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) requirements for "unrestricted public access" irrigation of private and public areas, ~ __t___..___, :.. ,+,._, , . (Cross Reference• Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-11. Item 31 Policy IV-B-7.3: Prohibit potable water for irrigation use in areas where reclaimed water is available for such irrigation, as referenced in Item 1 and 3 of the Water Supply Work Plan. (Cross Reference: Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-A-5.2; Water Supply Work Plan [Exhibit IV-B-11, Item 1 & 311 ~'. IV-9 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Policy IV-B-7.4: Implement the five-year SCI for reclaimed water facilities adopted in the Capital Improvements Element, erg-r-Pfereneed~n„•em~ e~-t1~e . (Cross Reference: Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-1 Item 5 Policy IV-B-7.5: Maintain the requirement that all new developments, which contain or abut existing or planned routes of the City's reclaimed water distribution system, connect to the reclaimed water system prior to occupancy, Pte. (Cross Reference: Infrastructure Element Policy IV-E-1.8; and Water Suoplr Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-11 Item 3 & 4) Policy IV-B-7.6: Maintain specific requirements for the use of low consumption plumbing devices in the Code of Ordinances, es re#ereneed in Item 1Tend~~e# . (Cross Reference: Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-E-1.6; Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-11 Item 1, 2 8~ 7• and Conservation Element. Policy 1.2.4:) Policy IV-B-7.7: Adhere to SJRWMD emergency water shortage restrictions. Policy IV-B-7.8: Require fifty (50%) percent of the required landscaping area, as indicated in the Land Development Regulations, be XeriscapingTM or native plant materials -tc..,..,,c~' ... ;~,.... 2 w, -' ~ t •~ ~~~ 8'j`~errt. Cross Reference: Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-1~ Item 2 & 7) ~ Objective IV-B-8: Fire Protection. Provide adequate delivery and distribution of potable water to meet fire protection demand within the City and the City's service area. Policy IV-B-8.1: Monitor, evaluate, repair and replace the existing water delivery and distribution system to ensure the system can deliver the needed gallon per minute flows to meet fire protection demands. Policy IV-B-8.2: Maintain an active water system and fire hydrant mapping and numbering program. Policy IV-B-8.3: Extend water distribution mains to areas within the City's service area and provide adequate fire protection service to residents and non- residential establishments located within the service area provided the residents/developers participate in the costs. Policy IV-B-8.4: Provide fire flows in single family detached residential areas of 500 GPM at 20 psi residual pressure and fire flows in non-residential and multi-unit residential of 1,250 GPM at 20 psi residual pressure. Policy IV-B-8.5: Provide fora fire flow duration of 10 hours. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-B-8.4) IV-10 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT C. SOLID WASTE GOAL IV-C: To provide efficient and safe Solid Waste disposal facilities and collection services on a regular basis for all City residents and commercial establishments within the City to protect the environment and public health. Objective IV-C-1: Sdid Waste Disposal. The City shall coordinate the disposal of solid waste throughout the planning horizon in a safe and efficient manner. Policy IV-C-1.1: Adopt minimum LOS for municipal solid waste at 3.7 pounds per person per day, and utilize the LOS to plan for future demand. Policy TV-C-1.2: Provide solid waste franchise administration and coordination of billing matters. Policy IV-C-1.3: Contract or perform all solid waste disposal in a manner that complies with all applicable city, regional, state and federal solid waste disposal standards. Policy IV-C-1.4: Mandate solid waste collection for all residential, commercial and industrial land uses within the City through the use of contracted haulers. Policy IV-C-1.5: Continue to monitor complaints regarding residential and commercial solid waste collection by the contracted hauler to ensure that the most efficient, orderly, sanitary and environmentally sound service is being provided. Policy IV-C-1.6: Ensure that the City's waste collection provider utilizes adequate equipment to maintain the City's LOS. Objective IV-C-2: Recycling. The City shall require a reduction in municipal solid waste final disposal in landfill facilities by maintaining and promoting its recycling program. Policy IV-C-2.1: Continue to have a collection process in place for curbside pickup of newspapers, glass, plastics, tin and aluminum. Policy IV-C-2.2: Continue to have a collection process in place for curbside pickup of yard waste. Policy IV-C-2.3: Promote the efforts of Seminole County towards the reduction of the solid waste stream. Policy IV-C-2.4: Endeavor to coordinate with Seminole County with respect to Solid Waste Management and Waste Recycling Programs. IV-1 1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Objective IV-C-3: Hazardous Wasfe. The City shall coordinate with the County to monitor and control the disposal of hazardous wastes in accordance with state law. Policy IV-C-3.1: Help the County promote and support the County's Amnesty Day Programs. D. DRAINAGE GOAL IV-D: Provide a stormwater system of appropriate capacity to protect the life and property of the citizens of the City, as well as decreasing adverse environmental impacts attributable to stormwater runoff. Objective IV-D-1: Flood Conird. The City shall achieve and maintain the following adopted stormwater management Level of Service (LOS) standards that shall meet or exceed state and federal regulations for stormwater quality and quantity. Policy IV-D-1.1: Adopt LOS standards as follows: Require new development and redevelopment to meet the following water quality and quantity standards. • Water Quantity - At a minimum, the peak post-development runoff rate shall not exceed peak pre-development runoff rate for the 25- year, 24-hour storm event. In addition, if downstream facilities (from the positive outfall of the development) are inadequate to convey the peak discharge for the design storm event, the development shall be required to accommodate its proportion of basin runoff rate above the downstream systems actual capacity. • Water Quality -stormwater treatment shall be required to serve the development through a stormwater treatment system which is site- specific; or serve sub-areas of the City and, if applicable, Seminole County. Regardless of the area served, the stormwater treatment system must provide a level of treatment which meets the requirements of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). • Roadway construction -All public roadways within a development, and required as part of the development order, shall be designed and constructed to standards which do not allow any amount of water above the roadway during the following storm events for the following roadway types: • Local Roadway - 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall). • Collector Roadway - 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall). IV-12 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT • Arterial Roadway - 100-year, 24-hour design storm event (10.6 inches of rainfall). Objective IV-D-2: Stormwater Master Plan. The City shall maintain, and utilize the Stormwater Master Plan and its updates which establish high water elevations, addresses existing deficiencies, and coordinates the construction of new and replacement facilities. Policy IV-D-2.1: Maintain a detailed inventory and analysis of the existing drainage facilities within the City's municipal boundaries in the City's Stormwater Master Plan. Policy IV-D-2.2: Maintain a digital map of the drainage facilities within the City and require new developments to provide copies of their stormwater design for incorporation into the City's database. Policy IV-D-2.3: Utilize the expertise of a professional engineer to run models of the City's stormwater system based upon critical design storm events periodically on an as-needed basis and when necessary update the Stormwater Master Plan. Policy IV-D-2.4: Include review of stormwater quality discharged into surface water bodies and recommendations for needed improvements in the Stormwater Master Plan. Policy IV-D-2.5: Establish priorities for stormwater system replacements, ensuring correction of existing drainage facility deficiencies, and providing for future facility needs in the Stormwater Master Plan. Policy N-D-2.6: Include in the Stormwater Master Plan, a funding mechanism, or mechanisms, and schedules for completing the needed improvements. Policy IV-D-2.7: Rely on the Stormwater Master Plan to prepare the City's annual budget for funding of stormwater facility replacement and deficiency upgrades. Policy IV-D-2.8: Utilize the Stormwater Master Plan and other sources to annually update the five (5) year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) to correct existing deficiencies and prepare for future stormwater demands. Other sources for the identification of 5-year SCI projects may include items such as damage reports from severe storm events and projects receiving special grant funding. Objective IV-D-3: Flood Plain. The City shall restrict development within the 100-year flood plain to those uses, which will not adversely affect the capacity of the flood_plain to store water. Policy IV-D-3.1: Require compensating storage for floodwater displaced by development below the elevation of the 100-year flood. Locate ~.~. IV-13 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT ~ compensating storage within the same drainage sub-basin and below the 100-year base flood elevation and above the estimated seasonal high groundwater table elevation. Policy IV-D-3.2: Require the finished floor elevation of all structures to be located a minimum of eighteen (18) inches above the 100-year flood elevation. Policy IV-D-3.3: Reserve the flood plain for conservation, open space and recreation uses to preserve the natural flow of runoff, where feasible. Objective IV-D-4: Development Impach. The City shall protect natural resources and the existing municipal stormwater network from the impacts of development and construction. Policy IV-D-4.1: Review detailed calculations for new projects prepared by a registered professional engineer which show that retention and detention will be accomplished to meet the adopted LOS, and that there will be no negative impacts to downstream water quality or ~#i~y~flow rates. Policy IV-D-4.2: Review the characteristics and limitations of soil types for new projects with regard to percolation and infiltration. Policy IV-D-4.3: Review the impacts of proposed topographical changes for new development. Policy IV-D-4.4: Require that view-the impact from the proposed stormwater system will not have a detrimental effect on adjacent native vegetation or wetlands. Policy IV-D-4.5: Require that erosion and sediment control practices be utilized to protect water bodies, wetlands and watercourses from siltation during construction activities. Policy IV-D-4.6: Require the planting of littoral zone vegetation in stormwater ponds and/or lakes to provide a natural system for the uptake of nutrients and other constituents transported by stormwater runoff, where feasible. Policy IV-D-4.7: Require adequate easements for stormwater system maintenance and conveyance. Policy IV-D-4.8: Require new developments and redevelopment to handle upland flow, which presently discharges through the site. Objective IV-D-5: Intergovernmental Coordination. The City of Winter Springs shall educate citizens and coordinate with applicable jurisdictions to address stormwater issues of mutual concern and to provide adequate LOS. IV-14 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Policy IV-D-5.1: Develop the Stormwater Master Plan in coordination with Seminole County and regulatory agencies, such as the FDEP, SJRWMD, and FDOT. Policy IV-D-5.2: Include in the Stormwater Master Plan process public participation review of the plan by affected citizens. Policy IV-D-5.3: Coordinate with Lake Jesup Basin stakeholders regarding the restoration of Lake Jesup to remove its classification by FDEP as an impaired waterbody. E. NATURAL GROUNDWATER AQUIFER RECHARGE GOAL IV-E: To provide, maintain, and protect, the surficial and Floridan aquifers to ensure that recharge of the natural groundwater aquifer occurs in a manner which maintains sufficient quality and quantity of the public water supply to meet current and future demands. Objective IV-E-1: Natural Recharge Protection and Conservation. The City shall coordinate with other agencies and adopt measures in the Code of Ordinances that will ensure preservation of natural recharge to the City's groundwater resources, as well as conservation of our potable water sources. Policy IV-E-1.1: Adhere to regulations established by SJRWMD to protect areas of high recharge. Policy IV-E-1.2: Explore the feasibility of a resource protection ordinance, which would provide incentives for developers to minimize impervious surfaces ' (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use, Policy 1.2.1; and Conservation Element, Policy 1.2.34). Policy IV-E-1.3: Continue to coordinate with Seminole County, SJRWMD, and state and federal agencies to achieve regional aquifer recharge protection objectives. Policy IV-E-1.4: Continue to cooperate with the SJRWMD in monitoring groundwater supply conditions and consumptive use review, ~- -,.c..--~-~-' °~ '•--~ . (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-B-3.4; and Water Supply Work Plan (Exl~il - ) Policy IV-E-1.5: Continue to educate residents on the benefits of water conservation and expand the City's water conservation efforts. Policy IV-E-1.6: Continue to require adherence to the energy standards of the Florida Building Code to encourage minimal use of potable water;-es . (Cross ti1*r IV-15 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT Reference: See Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-11, Item 1 8. 2; and ~,.. Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-B-7.6) Policy IV-E-1.7: Continue to expand the City's reclaimed water system, to the extent possible, to increase availability for all development, ~- -~t~-~~~~-' '~ . (Cross Reference: See Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-11. Item 3 & 5; and Conservation are Element, Policy 1.2.5W-B-~2•) Policy IV-E-1.8: Require installation of non-potable water systems in new developments and encourage individual connection to its reclaimed water system for irrigation purposes, as referenced in Item 4 and 7 of the Water Supply Work Pldn. (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Policy IV-B-7.5 and Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-1], Item 4 & 7) Policy IV-E-1.9: Restrict irrigation hours and require rain sensor devices or a switch that overrides the system when adequate rainfall has occurred.+t~ . jCross Reference: See Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV-B-11, Item 7) Objective IV-E-2: Besf Management. The City will recognize the underlying aquifer as a finite and delicate resource thereby necessitating the best management practices to promote conservation. Policy IV-E-2.1: Adopt a local Florida-friendly/Waterwise ordinance and promote, through educational programs and publications, the use of Florida- friendly/Waterwise practices, which include low or no water landscaping, the use of solid waste compost, efficient irrigation systems, and the prohibition of non-native, invasive plant species, which will result in the conservation of water ~ -' ' '` ' ` `" ~"'-`-- Ser-IF-We~-. (Cross Reference: See Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit IV- B-1], Item 2; and Conservation Element, Policy 1.2.6) Policy IV-E-2.2: Require detention of stormwater runoff in the Code of Ordinances to maximize groundwater recharge. Polio IV-E-2 3• Encourage provision of environmentally friendly features such as "green roofs" cisterns water gardens porous pavement, and natural landscapes (with native plants) as aepropriate (Cross Reference: See Conservation Element, Policy 1.2.91 Policy IV-E-2.4: Maintain a leak detection and repair program for its potable water utilities. IV-16