HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 03 04 Hand Out by Mr. John Baker Public Hearing 501§ 12-53
(5) The authorization in this section for tow-
ing of abandoned and disabled vehicles
shall not be construed so as to negate the
authority of the code enforcement board
to hear and adjudicate appropriate cases.
(f) Vehicle on public property. Not withstand-
ing any of the foregoing, all vehicles which are
located on public property shall be towed and
disposed of in accordance with notice and sale
requirements of Florida Statute 705, as revised in
the 1987 legislative session. To the extent that
this section 12-53 conflicts with any portion of
Florida Statute 705, the latter shall control as to
any vehicles located on public property.
(Code 1974, § 11-20; Ord. No. 632, § I, 11-25-96)
Cross reference-Procedure for disposing of abandoned
property, § 2-1.
Sec. 12-54. Impoundment and redemption of
illegally parked or abandoned ve-
Members of the police department shall be
vested with the authority and it shall be their
duty to impound any unoccupied vehicle parked
in violation of any of the parking regulations of
the city where such vehicle impedes traffic, cre-
ates atraffic hazard, obstructs access to the city's
utility facilities, including but not limited to,
utility lines, lift stations, fire hydrants and water
meters, or appears to be abandoned. Thereafter,
such vehicle shall be released to the duly identi-
fied owner thereof only upon the payment of any
fine and the storage, towing, and other impound-
ing charge(s). The police department shall exer-
cise due diligence to identify and notify the owner.
(Code 1974, § 11-21; Ord. No. 2002-22, § 2, 7-22-
Secs. 12-55-12-64. Reserved.
Sec. 12-65. General prohibitions.
Except when necessary to avoid conflict with
other traffic or to comply with law or the direc-
tions of a police officer or official traffic control
device, no person shall:
(1) Stop, stand, or park a vehicle:
a. On any roadway; except as follows:
1. parking of vehicles on road-
ways may be expressly autho-
rized by City Code within a
particular zoning district.
2. The city commission may on a
case-by-case basis establish site
specific parking zones on road-
ways for vehicles. Such parking
zones shall be established by
resolution at a public hearing.
A parking zone shall become
effective upon the chief of po-
lice erecting a sign(s) or mark-
er(s) identifying the parking
zone in accordance with the traf-
fic signage requirements of this
chapter and state law and any
conditions set forth in the res-
olution adopted by the city com-
3. The city commission my tempo-
rary suspend by resolution, the
prohibition of parking vehicles
on any roadway for emergen-
cies, special events, or other
public purposes. The resolution
shall identify the dates, time
and name of the roadway(s) or
portion thereof which parking
of vehicles shall be allowed.
For purposes of this subsection (1)a.
and in lieu of the definition con-
tained in section 12-1 of this chapter,
the term "roadway" shall mean all
*Cross reference--Streets, sidewalks and other public
places, Ch. 17.
Supp. No. 7 822
portions of aright-of--way, improved
or unimproved, including the paved
portion and any shoulder or berm.
b. On a sidewalk;
c. Within an intersection;
d. On a crosswalk or within ten (10)
feet of a crosswalk;
e. Between a safety zone and the adja-
cent curb or within thirty (30) feet of
points on the curb immediately op-
posite the end of the safety zone;
£ Alongside or opposite any street ex-
cavation or obstruction;
g. Upon any bridge or other elevated
h. Upon a highway or within a highway
i. On any railroad tracks;
j. At any place where official signs
prohibit stopping;
(2) Stand or park a vehicle whether occupied
or not, except momentarily to pick up or
discharge a passenger or passengers:
a. In front of a public or private drive-
b. Within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hy-
c. Within twenty (20) feet of a cross-
walk at an intersection;
d. Within thirty (30) feet upon the ap-
proach to any flashing signal, stop
sign, or traffic control signal located
at the side of a roadway;
e. Within twenty (20) feet of the drive-
way entrance to any fire station and
on the side of a street opposite the
entrance to any fire station within
seventy-five (75) feet of such en-
trance, when property signposted;
f. At any place where official signs
prohibit standing;
g. Within three (3) feet of a city utility
(3) Park a vehicle, whether occupied or not,
except temporarily for the purpose of, and
while actually engaged in, loading or un-
loading merchandise or passengers:
a. Within fifty (50) feet of the nearest
rail of a railroad crossing, unless the
department of transportation estab-
lishes adifferent distance due to
unusual circumstances;
b. At any place where official signs
prohibit parking,
(4) No person shall move a vehicle not owned
by such person into any prohibited area.
(Ord. No. 2002-22, § 2, 7-8-02; Ord. No. 2005-18,
§ 2, 7-11-05)
State law reference--Similar provisions, F.S. § 315,
Sec. 12-66. Cleaning, repairing vehicles on
No person shall stand or park a vehicle upon a
roadway for the purpose of displaying it for sale or
washing, greasing, or repairing such vehicle ex-
cept repairs necessitated by an emergency.
(Code 1974, § 11-18(2))
Sec. 12-67. Obedience to signs, markings.
On such streets, highways, or other locations
where parking spaces are officially indicated by
signs or markings, parking shall be allowed only
within such spaces and then only for the times
officially indicated by such authorized signs. It
shall be unlawful for any person to pazk a vehicle
in any parking space designated by painted lines,
unless such vehicle is pazked wholly within the
marked lines.
(Code 1974, § 11-18(3))
Sec. 12-68. Use of bus, taxi stands.
No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle
other than a bus in a bus stop or other than a
taxicab in a tafficab stand, when any such stop or
stand has been officially designated and appropri-
ately marked; except, that the driver of a passen-
ger vehicle may temporarily stop therein for the
purpose of and while actually engaged in loading
Supp. No. 7 823
§ 9-276
either garage or off-street standing storage space, (3) ?tvo-family and multiple dwellings. One
for the parking of passenger vehicles, having an (1) parking space per dwelling unit, such
area of not less than two hundred (200) square space to be located back of the building
feet for each automobile intended to be parked line.
thereon with necessary and adequate space for (4) Hotels. One (1) parking space for each
the approach, turning and exit of automobiles to a three (3) guests or sleeping rooms or suites,
public street or alley. plus one (1) additional parking space to be
located for each five (5) employees.
Off-street parking and unloading space. An
open, hard-surfaced area other than a street or
alley or a public way, the principal use of which is
standing, loading and unloading of motor trucks,
tractors and trailers, to avoid undue interference
with the public use of streets and alleys. Such
space shall not be less than twelve (12) feet in
width, fifty-five (55) feet in length and fourteen
(14) feet in height, exclusive of access aisles and
maneuvering space.
Parking lot. A parking lot shall mean any land
used, provided or permitted to be used for the
parking of automobiles.
(Ord. No. 44, § 44.71, 1-8-68)
Sec. 9-277. Off-street parking requirements.
There shall be provided at the time of the
erection of any principal building or structure,
and at the time any principal building or struc-
ture is enlarged or increased in capacity by the
addition of dwelling units, guestrooms, floor area
or seats, minunum off-street automobile parking
space with adequate provisions for ingress and
egress by an automobile of standard size, in
accordance with the following requirements:
(1) Central business district. The area known
as the central business district and more
particularly described as follows shall be
exempted from furnishing parking spaces
as required herein.
(2) One-family dwellings. Two (2) parking
spaces per family dwelling unit, at least
one (1) of which shall be located back of
the building line, except in the R-lAA
one-family dwelling zone, both of which
such spaces shall be located back of the
building line.
(5) Tourist homes, cabins and motels. One (1)
parking space for each guest or sleeping
room or suite, plus one (1) additional
space to be located for each five (5) em-
(6) Trailer courts or camps. One (1) parking
space for each trailer space.
(7) Lodging houses, rooming and boarding
houses. One (1) parking space for each two
(2) guestrooms, plus one (1) additional
space for owner or manager if resident on
the premises.
(8) Fraternal organizations, lodges or private
clubs. One (1) parking space for each five
(5) active members, resident in the county
plus one (1) additional space for each two
(2) employees.
(9) Hospitals. One (1) parking space for each
four (4) patient beds (exclusive of bassi-
nets) plus one (1) parking space for each
staff or visiting doctor (based on the aver-
age number), plus one (1) parking space
for each four (4) employees, including
(10) Sanitariums or convalescent homes. One
(1) parking space for each six (6) patient
beds, plus one (1) parking space for each
staff or visiting doctor (based on average
number), plus one (1) parking space for
each four (4) employees, including nurses.
(11) Medical or dental clinics. Three (3) park-
ing spaces for doctors, plus one (1) addi-
tional parking space for every two (2)
(12) Mortuaries or funeral parlors. Space for
all official vehicles, plus one (1) additional
space for each family resident on the
premises, plus three (3) parking spaces
(2) Minimum distance and setbacks. The pazk-
ing space, if on the same lot with a main
building, shall not be located within the
front yazd required by the sections of this
Code for such building. If not on the same
lot with the principal building, the pazk-
inglot shall not be closer to any street line
than the established building line on ad-
jacent properties, or less than the setback
required for the district in which the
parking area is located. Further, any wall,
fence of hedge developed along the street
side of the parking lot shall observe the
building setback requirements applicable
on such street or streets.
(3) Screening and landscaping. All parking
lots shall be effectively screened on each
side which adjoins or fronts property sit-
uated in any residential or multiple dwell-
ing district by a wall, fence or densely
planted, compact hedge. Such wall, fence
or hedge shall be not less than three (3)
feet nor more than four (4) feet in height
and shall be maintained in good condi-
(4) Lahti .Any lighting used to illuminate
any off-street parking lot shall be so az-
ranged as to reflect the light away from
adjoining properties.
(5) Plot plan showing location of parking area.
No application for a building permit for a
new, enlarged or altered structure or im-
provement or use shall be approved un-
less accompanied by a plot plan drawn to
scale, showing the required off-street au-
tomobile parking facilities as specified
herein; nor shall a permit be issued for
the improvement of a parking area to
serve as an accessory use to an e~sting
building or buildings until a plat plan
drawn to scale has been submitted in
accordance with the provisions contained
(6) Certificate of occupancy or use permits. No
certificate of occupancy or use permits
will be issued upon completion of any
building or addition which would require
an increase in parking space or off-street
§ 9-278
loading and unloading space, unless and
until all off-street parking and loading
space requirements, shown upon the plans,
are made a part of the building permit,
shall be in place and determined by the
building official to be ready for use.
(7) Reserved.
(8) Loading space. As required under off-
street loading and unloading regulations,
the space supplied for such off-street load-
ing and unloading purposes shall not be
construed as supplying required off-street
parking space.
(9) Location of parking spaces. Parking spaces
provided pursuant to this section must be
gaveled or hard-surfaced and properly
drained and shall be located on the same
property as the principal building, or on a
properly zoned lot within three hundred
(300) feet of the building. Such distance
shall be walking distance measured from
the nearest point of the parking lot to the
nearest boundary of the property on which
the building is located and that the pazk-
ing lot is required to serve. In determin-
ing automobile parking spaces, if not shown
by actual plan and count, three hundred
(300) square feet of gross area per parking
space will be used in computing the num-
ber of spaces. When units of measure-
ments determining the number of re-
quired off-street parking and off-street
loading spaces result in a requirement of
a fractional space, any fraction up to and
over one-half shall require one (1) off-
street parking space or one (1) off-street
loading space.
(10) Collective action relative tooff-street park-
ing and loading. Nothing in the sections
of this Code shall be construed to prevent
the joint use of off-street parking or off-
street loading space for two (2) or more
buildings or uses if the total of such spaces,
when used together, shall not be less than
the sum of the requirements for the vari-
ous individual uses computed separately
in accordance with the off-street parking
Supp. No. 5 589