HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 11 19 Other MINUTES LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY OCTOBER 29, 1997 - SPECIAL MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Planning and Zoning BoardlLPA meeting was called to order Wednesday, October 29, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Fernandez in the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida). The Pledge of Allegiance followed. ROLL CALL Bill Fernandez, Chairman, present Tom Brown, Vice Chairman, present Gene Lein, present ,. ...."". Carl Stephens, present Rosanne Karr, present ALSO PRESENT Charles C. Carrington, AICP Community Development Coordinator Tom Grimms, AICP Comprehensive Planning/Zoning Coordinator Kip Lockcutf, Utility/Public Works Director Terry Zaudtke, Consulting Engineer APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 15. 1997 PLANNING AND ZONING BOARDILPA REGULAR MEETING MINUTES There was discussion about the approval of the October 15, 1997 minutes. Correction: Rosanne Karr (not Rozanne Karr). Motion by Gene Lein. Second by Tom Brown. It was agreed that the motion to adopt the minutes of October 15, 1997 was carried by consensus of the Board. IT. REGULAR AGENDA A. Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Traffic Circulation Element, Volume I and II (LG-CPA-1-97) RE: City Transportation Study - August 19, 1997 By Conklin, Porter & Holmes Tom Grimms read from his staff report. He stated the staffs recommendations. Tom Grimms introduced to the Board Mr. Kip Lockcutf, UtilitylPublic Works Director and the City's Consulting Engineer, Mr. Terry Zaudtke. MINUTES LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY OCTOBER 29, 1997 - SPECIAL MEETING Page 2 00 Kip Lockcuff explained that the City's Traffic Circulation Map in the adopted Comprehensive Plan was "somewhat unrealistic". In addition, some projects in this plan were deleted as they "could not be built, didn't want to be built, didn't need to be built". A "1997 Future Traffic Circulation Map" was distributed to all Board and staff members present, and Mr. Lockcuff said what the changes were. There was discussion about the changes in the original text and the new "replacement" text. Gene Lein asked Tom Grimms if the Board had seen these changes before? Mr. Grimms stated that No, this Board had not seen this information before. There was discussion about "feasible" changes to the Traffic Circulation Map. ,. ~'.II"', Chairman Fernandez asked Tom Grimms "is this hearing tonight our one public hearing"? Mr. Grimms confirmed that it was. There was discussion about parking problems and resolving the conflict about parking close t%r on the City's "right-of-way". Chairman Fernandez explained a particular parking problem on Hayes Road. Mr. Lockcuff said that situations like these are a problem all over. Vice Chairman Brown stated that he has concerns about the safety of bikers and joggers "because of the white line that's on Northern Way...that's on Winter Springs Boulevard; they cannot ride behind each other, they have to ride side by side, so they're... they're out on the street, and some of them are children, and it's dangerous. I'm surprised no one's been killed yet, it's going to happen _ it's definitely going to happen! Of course they'll blame the traffic, they won't blame...and they've got sidewalks". Chairman Fernandez added "if we've addressed it, and staff can come up with a better solution, at least...at least it's been put on the record". Chainnan Fernandez asked Gene Lein if he stilI was interested in "an alternate East/West access through Winter Springs? Now that 434 is four-Ianed, are you still of that opinion"? Mr. Lein mentioned that that would have to be Panama Road. Terry Zaudtke inteIjected that "Lake Drive is currently under design for four-laning and realignment, so on your southern side you're going to end up with a four-lane road. You'll have Tuskawilla Road being a four-lane road and on your southern boundary basically, you'll have another four-lane access road". Discussion followed with some additional comments about county road changes near the Dog Track and other routes. Chairman Fernandez asked about "participating bi-annually"? and "what would the costs be to this"? Mr. Lockcuff stated that there "is no cost to the City - the staff just sits down and reviews". There was discussion next about references to "light-rail" on previous documents, but that that did not apply now. Chairman Fernandez stated that in item number 5 (on page 5) - there should be a period instead of a comma, "after Winter Springs". MINUTEs LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY OCTOBER 29, 1997 - SPECIAL MEETING Page 3 ofs Carl Stephens asked about Shore Road. Chairman Fernandez then asked "how does the City determine whether a road is a collector road". Tom Grimms responded that "you have definitions in your Comprehensive Plan and I believe we use F.D.O.T.'s definition on collector roads on our data inventory analysis". It was asked if "Morton Road was a collector road"? Mr. Lockcuff responded saying "No". In response to item number 3 (under Objective F, on page 8), Chairman Fernadez asked about emergency vehicle "response times" and if there would in fact be any improvements. Mr. Lockcuff stated that" certainly it would improve response time". There was discussion about the word "scenic" and related landscaping, vegetation and canopy. Mr. Grimms clarified the difference between objectives, policies and statements. Mr. Stephens asked about developers replacing trees whOOllRecessary. Mr. Lockcuffbriefly explained the arbor. permitting process, and stated that the Arbor ordinance was going to be re-written. There was discussion about whether the City could obtain additional right-of-way from property owners to widen certain roads, like Panama Road. Carl Stephens and Chairman Fernandez commented on new Objective I, applicable speed limits and promoting traffic flow. Discussion followed regarding the word "warrant". Mr. Zaudtke explained about the term "warrant" and how it applied to "non-engineering type people". Board member Rosanne Karr said that "if this was a traffic flow document and a Department of Transportation term, then it would be appropriate to leave it in". Chairman Fernandez agreed and asked "is this a traffic flow document - who's this written for"? Mr. Lockcuff commented that "warrant is just a traffic engineering term". On Objective I, item number 1) c. (on page 10) - change the word "land" to "lane". On Objective I, item number 2) c. (on page 11) - Chairman Fernandez suggested changing the word "warrant" to "justification". There was further discussion about the word "warrant" and Board members said that if that word is used once, then it should be left in. A Motion was made "that the staff recommendations that has been presented to the LP A this evening, we recommend them to the City Commission for the first transmittal of public hearing transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs for proposed Large-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment". The motion was amended by Vice-Chainnan Brown to include "based on the findings by the City as submitted to the LP A, this evening". Motion by Brown. Second by Stephens. Vote: Lein, aye; Femandez, aye; Karr, aye; Stephens, aye; Brown, aye. Motion passed. B. Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element, Volume II of II (LG-CPA-2-97) RE: State Road 434 Corridor Vision Plan (preliminary Discussion Only) MINUTES LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY OCTOBER 29,1997 - SPECIAL MEETING Page 4 on Tom Grimms gave his presentation and explained that on November 19, 1997, the LPA Board would be asked to make a recommendation regarding this matter. Chairman Fernandez asked "what substantial changes did the City Attorney have"? Mr. Grimms responded that they dealt with development agreements and he then read them to the Board. Vice-Chairman Brown asked "who the Development Review Committee was"? Mr. Grimms responded by saying that it was comprised of "department heads...the Community Development Department Director, the Police and Fire Chiefs, the City Engineer, the Public Works Director, the Building Official". Discussion followed regarding the proposeotlTown Center. Mr. Lein asked Mr. Grimms "how far has it been expanded"? Mr. Grimms showed on the large colorized wall "Future Land Use Map" where the changes to this area are. Several Board members advised Mr. Grimms that this section should be re-worded to include "some additional land". Chairman Fernandez commented on item numbers 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 (on page 7) and was concerned that they "maintain a continuity of design thought...creativity...". Tom Grimms responded by saying that "I could not comment on that...because, my understanding is that...considerations of variances are only under the purview of the Board of Adjustments for recommendation to the City Commission" . There was discussion regarding "committed use"? Mr. Grimms discussed using different wording for this section. C. Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment to the Land Use Element, Volume I of II and Volume II of II (LG-CPA-3-97) RE: Creating New Future Land Use Map Designation - Highway Commercial (preliminary Discussion Only) Tom Grimms presented his findings for the Board, and identified the area in question on the large colorized wall "Future Land Use Map". In response to a question about "Battle Ridge", Mr. Grimms explained about the Battle Ridge Steering Committee's recent meeting and the current status of Battle Ridge. Tom Grimms clarified that the Battle Ridge property would be "purely residential" . FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Planning & Zoning Board - November 5. 1997 Meeting (Meeting Cancelled) 1) Discuss Establishing An Annexation Board 2) Review of Draft Portion (Task 1.01) of Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) MINUTES LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY OCTOBER 29, 1997 - SPECIAL MEETING Page 5 00 Local Pla17llill~ A~encv - November 19. 1997 Meetill~ 1) County Proposed Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) 2) Review of Draft Portion (Task 1.01) of Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) IV. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Fernandez adjourned the meeting at 9:01 p_m. l....:.tt..,r. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Andrea Lorenzo-LuQces, Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs, Florida BOARDS/planninglf)-97/minuleslspcc:iaU 1 02997.doc