HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 10 29 Regular Item A ! CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Community Development LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR AGENDA ITEM: II. A. CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDlVIENT TO THE TRAFFIC CmCULA TION ELEMENT (LG-CPA-1-97) STAFF REPORT: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: The provisions of 163.3174(4) Florida Statutes which states "Be the agency (Local Planning Agency) responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment and shall make recommendations to the governing body regarding the adoption or amendment of such plan. During the preparation of the plan or plan amendment and prior to any recommendation to the governing body, the Local Planning Agency shall hold at least one public hearing, with public notice, on proposed plan or plan amendment. " The provisions of Sec. 2-57 of the City Code which state in part ". . .the planning and zoning board shall serve as the local planning agency pursuant to the county comprehensive planning act and the local government comprehensive planning act of the state. . ." The provisions of 163.3187 F.S. which state in part "Small scale development amendments adopted pursuant to the paragraph (1)( c) require only one public hearing before the governing board, which shall be an adoption hearing. . . Small scale development amendments shall not become effective until 31 days after adoption." " I. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: City of Winter Springs 1126 East S,R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-1800 REQUEST: For the local Planning Agency to review and recommend the requested changes to the City's Comprehensive Plan Traffic Circulation Element Data, Inventory & Analysis section and Goals, Objectives and Policies section. PURPOSE: The City needs to update the Traffic Circulation Element based on the results of the recently completed City of Winter Springs Transportation Study prepared by Conklin, Porter & Holmes. The contents of the Study are intended to replace completely the current text and maps in the Traffic Circulation Element Volume 1 of 2 and Volume 2 of 2. CHRONOLOGY: * City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan adopted on April 27, 1992. * City Commission on November 13, 1996, hires Conklin, Porter & Holmes to prepare update of the Traffic Circulation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. FUNDING: The City pays Conklin, Porter & Holmes for the update of the Traffic Circulation Element from the Transportation Impact Fee. II. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ANALYSIS: The following summarizes the data and issues which staff analyzed in reviewing this application. CHANGES TO VOLUME 1 OF 2 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 190-2010, THE TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ELEMENT'S GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES. \_ NOTE: Changes are indicated as "shading" for additions to original text, and "strikethroughs" for deletions. GOAL Provide a road system within the City that facilitates internal traffic circulation, assists ingress and egress from the municipal area, and accommodates through traffic simultaneously to coordinate safely, efficiently, economically and conveniently the flow of all modes of transpnitation in and. around Winter Springs. OBJECTIVE A) Throughout the planning period, the City shall develop and maintain a safe, convenient and efficient motorized and non-motorized transportation network, through establishment of criteria to be enforced during site plan review, concurrency management and access management by the statutory deadline. POLICIES 1) The collector road system shall be funded by the standards-driven impact fee created in 1990 by the City. 2) The collector road system shall be developed according to the master conceptual plan and design standards derived under the auspices of the City, to coordinate the construction of segments of the system by both the public and the private sectors. 3) The conceptual plan does and shall continue to address through periodic review these factors: a. Current and projected deficiencies of arterial roads under other jurisdictions. b. Existing deficiencies of City collector streets. c. The optimal traffic circulation system to serve the creation in the undeveloped central area of Winter springs of a primary civic, business and service focus for the City. d. Dy tile statutoly deadlille, Winter Springs shall ggp.JH1g~::!tg adopt revisions to the Land Development Regulations to include guidelines and criteria consistent with nationally-recognized standards and tailored to local conditions which provide for safe and convenient on-site traffic flow, adequate pedestrian ways and sidewalks, as well as sufficient on-site parking for both m~orized and non-motorized vehicles. 4) TIle le\;ised land development regulations, to be adopted by the statutory deadlihe shaH contain specific access management alternative techniques t<:>q~ontrol access and preserve level of service. These techniques may include but W;~ not be limited to the following: a. Limit access to roads by controlling the number and location of site access driveways and other intersecting roads; b. Cross-access easements of adjacent properties where feasible; c. Use of frontage or back-lot parallel access roads where feasible. OBJECTIVE B. Keep apprised of the schedules for improvements and ongoing policies of all jurisdictions whose transportation responsibilities within the City limits affect the quality oflife and the levels of service on which Winter Springs citizens depend. POLICIES 1) Continue to monitor the construction schedules of the Department of Transportation regarding improvement of S.R. 434 through the City. Tillle developluellt pelluits to tIle date of allticipated widellillg ill 1995 - 199G so that the l~\l~.l.().fservice is not degraded below the State's criteria for a backlogged UI bah prmqHt~I arterial link. In applying the lenience to permit three years in advance of funded improvements, be selective so that development permitted to proceed prior to actual construction of the higher capacity road will include only those projects which further progress toward other goals. 2) Require all development plans for property abutting state highways to include controlled access and minimal driveway cuts, with common service roads connecting to adjac~l1.tq~~\l~.lopment whenever possible, to minimize interruption of traffic on the trrbanpf!n9ip@' arterial sections. Coordinate permitting with the D.O.T. Access Management Program. 3) Pursue one of the objectives of the City's municipal collector road building program - that of providing residents alternative routes over collector roads. to reduce tile depelldency on overbill dellcd Statc (\1 tel iall oads. 4) Keep D.O.T. il.foflued of tile enlergellGy set vices Plovisioll dilelulua the City hO~ facts ~itll Oldy a two-Ialle substalldald conhectioh between tile two sides of the City 50 tllat tile lleed to vvidCh S.R. 4J4 as 500h a5 possible is hOt ovedooked \.- OBJECTIVE whe!1 COllSbuct;OII sdlcdulcs ale lCvic,wcd yearly to devdop the Ilext 5 yea! State phnt. 5) Participate biannually in the update of the Seminole County Impact Fee road construction schedule to press the need for widening of the northern section of Tuskawilla Road, the only north-south arterial through Winter Springs, soone! than 1999 as 1I0 w plalllled. 6) Coordinate development of all property in the City adjacent to TuskawilIa Road with County requirements for laneage and intersection improvements to lessen development impact until the road is improved. 7) rlOc,eed w itll tile IlIullicipal collectol road plall seglllents tllat V\-illl edi! ect tl affic fio!1I c,ollgested sectiolls ofTuskawilla Road to tile colkctol loop, to augment the capacity of tllis a! tel ial alld IlIailltaill tile level of sel v ice set by tile Coullty) as app!oved fOI its plan. 8) Coopelate witll tile Selllillole coulIty :CxpleSSWay Autllolity to p!epale [01 the opwillg ill 1994 of tile illtelcllallge at S.R. 434 Vvitllill tLe city alld leview ellgil1eerillg plalls alld illtellsities of developlllellt ill \Villtel spl iogs that will be gel lei ated by tllis IlIajol tl aftc illtelsectioll to assUl e tllel e v" ill be 1I0 detrilllental effects 011 lIealby pIOperty ulldel jUlisdictioo oftLe COUllty 01 tLe City of Oviedo to tllc east. 9) 1) [Comprehensive Plan Amendment to delete, adopted on January 10, 1994] IIfit.Ta'.il.a"IJlfllll' C) Throughout the planning period, the City will coordinate the transportation system needs with land use designations; planning for land use and transportation is to be closely correlated by ensuring that adequate capacity is available to accommodate the impacts of development. POLICIES 1) Make bi-annual Detellllille tile actual traffic counts, plus increases to occur from then permitted development, 011 S.R. 434 alld countj-Illailltailled Tuskav~illa Road as of the effective date of the concurrency requirement. 2) :Cstablisll peak Iloul level of service stalldald of"D" [01 S.R. 434 alld S.R. 419. No developlllent 01 del s will be issued tllat vv ill degl ade tile level of sel vice stalldald of"D" 011 all otllel load~ays. 3) Establish all illtelil111evel ofsel vice stalldald of":[" rol Tuskawilla Road. Tllis kvcl of sel v ice stalidal d sllall be dlallged UpOIi cOlllpletioli of tile Seminole coullty T tJ ska willa Ro ad Illl pI 0 v elllel It r.~?~I.~II.~.~l.~.~~.?9..:.~~~'.!~.~~.~.E~I.~.IP!:!.~.~~..!.1.~~...S:.~~t.~!~~.!.1 :~~::?:~.~.L~~.~~lllP I ellel Isi v e pIal I toJh~I~Y~19t:~~tYlp~'::f.<:mmgn@p.:*rggU:~gt9f!tg?q:~ ~t:#.QSN;QD; 4) Design and engineer the collector road system to minimize traffic impact on these arterial roads. a. Create intersections of the new City collector roads with arterial where they will coordinate with the functioning arterial. b. llitersect the westerli clid of tile illtelllalloop of the City collector road systelll vvest of tile illtelsectioli ofS.R. 434 alid S.R. 419, wllele S.R. 4J4 is already five lalies. c. Illtel sect tile eastel II elld of tile City loop alld S.R. 4J4 east of the illtelsectioll of tile S.R. 434 <\lId Tuska~illa Road, wllele plojected tlaffic COUlltS 011 S.R. 434 decI ease significalltly. 5) ~<:>!li.t()r..t.~~functioning of the arterial and~.<?II~ct.()r.ro~~ system by use of the ;g~P.~0FSUTMS model developed P.pi#1.1~Q.mtQQ:9.Y by the City's traffic consultant so that collector road improvements may be scheduled according to valid priorities. 6) Establish the level of service for municipal collector roads at LOS "D". 7) As cadi seglllellt of the ellllallGed 1I1ullicipal GolleGtol load Systelll is GOlupleted, calculate tile additiollal tl affic capacity CI eated, and GI edit tllis anloullt to tile City to enable cquivalelit glOwtll to be pellultted witllill V/illteI SplillgS. 8) Tile City shall adopt tile 1I10St I ecelltly publislled [DOT level of sel vice stalldal ds publicatioli 'Tlol ida Level of Sel v ice Stalidal ds alld Guidelilies Mallual fOI rlahhillg" as it is I ecei ved by tile City to update the level of sel v ice volume tables fOI COIICUI I ellcy luallagelllellt alld I elated tl allsportation plalIllilig. OBJECTIVE D) Throughout the planning period, the City shall enforce the level of service standard on all arterial and collector roads. POLICIES \, 1) ~ irt~~;~~~:~I~B.~~'~l~~~as~~::~~~e~o~ciii:~~eo~~;~~~~ep~~~~tt:~~~~ of propos.ed developments according to criteria established by an expert consultant. 2) The City shall annually monitor the LOS status of arterial and all state roadways within the City including U.S. Highways 17 and 92 and the explessway Eastern Beltway, by obtaining from the State and County their most recent traffic counts at points along all roadways which would be affected by development in the City. 3) Permit no development within the municipal limits that will cause the level of service of any state arterial road to decrease below LOS "D" no sooner than three years prior to construction funding of the impacted arterial as reflected in the Florida Department of Transportation's then adopted Five- Year Plan. Felnlits shallliot be deliied, Ilowevel, based only 011 a tempOlaly degladatioli in LOS diCit would OCWI if tIle ilitercllaIlges of tIle Selllillole county :Cxpressway at Red Dug Lake Road alld at S.R. 4J4 wel e opelled pi iOI to tIle COlllpletioli of the cause(;\-ay aCI oss Lake Jcsup. TIle telllpol aI y excess tIll ougll tIOugh traffic shall hot be ilicluded ill calculCitillg LOS. Illtellllediate stages witII wlllCI. intelchanges opeli 011 Red Dug Lake. Road alid S.R. 4J4 will dlaw tlaffic tI.IOugll Wihtel Springs to tIle :Cxpless~vay that willledirect away flOlil tIle City to the hortll of Lake Jesup (;\-heli tllat illtelcllallg,c is opel led. TIle excess tlaffic shall be computed by IlIeal1S of tIle rSUTMS IlIodel of tIle City's tl affic cil wIatioli alid tllat figure shall not be chalgeable to tIle City ill detellllillillg S.R. 434 capacity 01 Tuskawilla Road capacity to pellllit developlllent in the City. OBJECTIVE E) Create through the configuration of the City-wide collector road system the interaction and cohesiveness that have been lacking among the residential neighborhoods of Winter Springs, but do so in a manner that enhances and preserves the quality of life within each community. POLICIES 1) Extend the several true collector roads that now end abruptly or degrade from paving to unimproved status within existing neighborhoods without connection or outlet to another collector road or arterial, to complete valid collector linkages for these communities. 2) When designing extensions of existing cOll\\tor roads to their logical arterial connection south of the City - the Lake Drive-Seminola Boulevard major collector that is planned for in.!p~?\I~I?~l1t~>.'Ht.h~c.()~':l~Y..~H~.~<:)?se rights-of-way that minimize intrusion Mq:qg~'t~mqygW:high'$p:~~q::tf~ffig 011 the I esidents, so that improved traffic circulation is not at the expense of peaceful habitation. 3) Plan for completion of the one-ended collector roads in existing developments on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis so that input from the residents is acquired. 4) The City, shall ensure the provision and mainte'nance of bicycle and pedestrian walkways to supplement collector roads between residential areas and parks, schools, and other major attractors. Specific provisions for the establishment and maintenance of bicycle and pedestrian walkways shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: a. The City shall review all proposed development for its accommodation of bicycle and pedestrian traffic needs. b. The revised land development re!5.tll~ti()~s, to be adopted by tIle statutoly deadlille, shall illelude stalldal ds 9.9n~1nq~ to require all new developments to provide bicycle parking spaces. c. Sidewalks Q[:::.gth~rp~4.~$tr~~DW~Y$ shall be provided where feasible and appropriate along all roadways. OBJECTIVE F) In the design of the municipal collector road system, seize opportunities to solve specific problems. POLICIES 1) Cooldillate tIle intclsectioll of tIle collcctOl loop alld Tuskavvilla Road witll tIle Sdlool Doard to develop all aliglllllellt tllat Ilia)! offer altel Ilati ve access to tIle plcseut elelllelltary school alld tIle plalllled IlIiddle sellool 011 Tuskawilla Road. 2) Eliminate landlocked parcels by providing for rights-of-way to reach these properties. 3) Emphasize improved access for emergency vehicles to secluded areas in the design. 4) Permit no individual residential driveways onto collector fq~~'~wh~:f~:f.~~~thi~; artelialloads ~helllocal IOadvvays call be desiglled alld developed whidl consolidate tl ips to the collectol 01 artel ial load 5ystelll. \, 5) Encourage "green commerce" along the CSX railroad corridor to create an open view near any intersections of crossroads and the tracks. Green commerce is to be defined by the City and shall include such commercial activities as nurseries, truck farming, and outdoor recreation which does not require large areas of vertical construction to block the driver's clear view. OBJECTIVE G) ..' Conserve the natural environment and augment open space in the City as functions of road development. POLICIES 1) Where valid options are available, choose rights-of-way for the City collector system distant enough from natural drainage features and upland habitats to coexist with these natural areas. 2) The incursion of a roadway through these natural areas shall be allowed if it benefits the public need, such as for access by emergency vehicles or transporting school children, outweighing other concerns. 3) Include in all new road plans adequate right-of-way for potential landscaping and provide for maintenance, in the annual budget of the City. 4) Designate scenic drives along which collector road construction will be adapted to preserve as much as possible of existing vegetation and canopy. OBJECTIVE H) Ensure that current and future rights-of-way are protected from encroachment from structures or ancillary uses inconsistent with the designation of rig~~s~.<:)r.~~.~Y.:...~.~~t.s.~?.r.~ iiii~~~i~:i~~i:~~rigi:;~~~$.f.~~~::~i.~~i~~~~f :~~i~: ~:;~;;~~ '~~~~~r~:~r:~~~~:~df~~!~::::Qf shall be preserved through enforcement of setback provisions, which prevent encroachments into the right-of-way. POLICIES 1) The City, in the levised J.t.~ land development regulations to be adopted by tIle statutoIy deadlille, shall require the dedication of all needed rights-of-way and necessary roadway improvements for all new development, and adopt provisions to protect existing rights-of-way by limiting the use and/or encroachment by structures and ancillary uses. 2) The City shall acquire right-of-way for future transportation needs as funds become available. ~~mgQml~ IJ g@Jit.Qm$ 1') g;: ~g b; <h eE 'tt fi ~\ ...}. ~; ~:j 4) Hi ~:: g) ~i tL H p; (1\ e~ a{ Ht c.~: <.[ ~;: ;i.i;;;i;i;i\i;~;::::~.~ fi CHANGES TO VOLUME 2 OF 2 CITY OF 'WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 190-2010, THE TRAFFIC CIRCULATION ELEMENT'S DATA AND ANALYSIS. A. EXISTING CONDITIONS AND PROJECTIONS; CONCURRENCY Substitute pages III-7 to IV -13 inclusive in place of existing pages TC-l to TC-42 inclusive. B. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: The proposed changes in the City of Winter Springs Transportation Study, August 1997, prepared by Conklin, Porter & Holmes will help promote economic development by requiring the provision and timing of roadway infrastructure to meet the market demand for new land use development, thereby creating a efficient and convenient flow of traffic through Winter springs. C. CONSISTENCY/COMPATIBILITY WITH CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: This City initiated comprehensive plan amendment is intended to update the Traffic Circulation Element' Data, Inventory & Analysis (Volume 1 of2) and the Goals, Objectives and Policies (Volume 2 of2). These changes will be compatible with the other elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan. III. FINDINGS: * A number of changes have occurred since the preparation and adoption (on April 27, 1992) of the City's comprehensive Plan, prompting the need for an update of the Traffic Circulation Element. * City Commission hires Conklin, Porter & Holmes to update the Traffic Circulation Element. * The City initiated comprehensive plan amendment updates the Traffic Circulation Element' Data, Inventory & Analysis (Volume 1 of 2) and the Goals, Objectives and Policies (Volume 2 of2). These changes are compatible with the other elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan. " IV. SIAFF RECOMMENDATION: \, Staff recommends the Local Planning Agency recommend the City Commission hold a first (transmittal) public hearing and transmit to the Department of Community Affairs the proposed large scale comprehensive plan amendment (LG-CPA-1-97). ATTACHMENTS: 1. City of Winter Springs Transportation Study - August. 1997 LP A AGENDA ITEM II.B. FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES ONLY