HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 09 17 Regular Item C CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Community Development PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD REGULAR AGENDA ITEM: c. KINGSBURY INVESTORS REZONING (REZ-6-97) STAFF REPORT: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Sec. 20-57 of the City Code states "The planning and zoning board shall serve. . .to recommend to the City Commission the boundaries of the various original zoning districts. . .and any amendments thereto. . .acto on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning." 1. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: Laverne and June Kingsbury 150 Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-1916 OWNER: [ Same as applicant] REQUEST: For change of Zoning designation from Seminole County's designation of A-I "Agriculture" to the City's designation ofC-l "Neighborhood Commercial".. PURPOSE: Applicant wants to "construct a commercial retail facility". PROPERTY: Location: close to the intersection of S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road, on the north side. Legal Description: THAT PORTION OF THE UNNUMBERED LOT IN BLOCK "B" LYING EAST OF STATE ROAD 434 (OVIEDO-SANFORD ROAD) ALL CONTAINED WITHIND.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 5 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE UNNUMBERED LOT IN BLOCK "B" OF SAID D.R. MITCHELL' S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP AND THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF TUSKA WILLA ROAD (FORMERLY BRANTLEY AVE.): SAID POINT ALSO LYING ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF- WAY OF FIRST STREET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 2847' 21" WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLYRIGHT-OF- WAY OF TUSKAWILLAROAD A DISTANCE OF 209.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE SOUTH 2847' 21" WEST A DISTANCE OF 261.21 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT -OF-WAY LINE RUN NORTH 72 40' 15" WEST A DISTANCE OF 297.83 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 17 19' 45" WEST A DISTANCE OF 107.32 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 4959' 09" WEST A DISTANCE OF 213.34 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE ROAD 434 (PER FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT-OF- WAY MAPS, SECTION 77070-2516, PAGE 9 OF 13); THENCE RUN NORTH 4000' 51" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY A DISTANCE OF 461.70 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RUN NORTH 4959' 09" EAST A DISTANCE OF 55.29 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 17 19' 45" EAST A DISTANCE OF 171.88 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 4000'51" WEST A DISTANCE OF 286.00 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 50 09'45" EAST A DISTANCE OF 149.81 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF AFOREMENTIONED UNNUMBERED ACREAGE: 9.95 acres PARCEL NUMBER: 26-20-30-5AR-OBOO-00UO II CONSIDERATIONS: EXISTING LAND USES ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: Sml1h: East: ~: Vacant, heavily wooded area. Commercial. Commercial, and vacant wooded area. Commercial, vacant wooded area, sparse residential. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: (County designation) "Commercial". Requested : (City designation) "Commercial". FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: South: :full : Mixed Use. Commercial. Commercial. West: (County designation) Commercial and Office. ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: (County designation) A-I "Agriculture". Requested: (City designation) C-l "Neighborhood Commercial" ZONING ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: South: East: West: C-2 "General Commercial and Industrial". C-I "Neighborhood Commercial". C-I "Neighborhood Commercial". (County designation) A-I "Agriculture". II. REZONING ANALYSIS: THE FOLLOWING SUMMARIZES THE DATA AND ISSUES WHICH STAFF ANALYZED IN REVIEWING THIS APPLICATION. A mSTIFICATION FOR REZONING: 1. The applicant has requested annexation into the City of9.95 acres prompting a small scale comprehensive plan amendment. 2. The owner proposes to "construct a commercial retail facility", and therefore has requested the City's C-l "Neighborhood Commercial" zoning designation. R NUISANCE POTENTIAL OF PROPOSED REZONING TO SURROUNDING LAND USES: 1. The applicant's proposed zoning change from county zoning designation A-I "Agriculture" to the City's zoning designation ofC-l "Neighborhood Commercial District" is the same zoning of the adjacent parcels to the east and south and similar to the C-2 "General Commercial and Industrial" of the adjacent (Blumberg) parcel to the north. 2. The applicant's proposed land use is compatible with the commercial nature of S.R. 434 and the existing commercial establishments in the area. III. FINDINGS: * The owners proposed land use is compatible with the commercial nature of S.R. 434. * The adjacent parcels on the east and south are indicated as "Commercial" on the City's Official Future Land Use Map. The parcel to the north is indicated as "Mixed Use", which allows for up to 50% commercial gross acreage on the parcel. * The county has the parcel zoned A-I "Agriculture", which does not allow for substantial commercial development, only roadside stands to sell produce grown on the land (Sec. 30.122 County Land Development Regulations page 30-61). * Adjacent parcels to the east and south are indicated as C-l "Neighborhood Commercial" on the City's Official Zoning Map. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning & Zoning Board recommend approval to the City Commission the request for rezoning by Laverne and June Kingsbury of the 9.95 acre parcel from county zoning designation A-I "Agriculture" to City zoning designation C-I "Neighborhood Commercial District", based on the findings above. ATTACHMENTS: L "Sketch and Description of the 9.95 acre parcel (indicated as vacant / pasture). 3. Aerial View of property and immediately surrounding area. SKc TCH 9F OcSCRIP TlON for: DESIGN SERV7CE GROUP. LcGAL OcSCRIP TlON: THAT PORnON or THF 1JNMJJ,/8FRC0 LOT'" BtOCX 'B' Ll1NC OST or STATC ROAD NO. 4.14 (OHEDO-SANFORO ROAD) ALL C"ONTAINCD IIIT/(JN O. R. UlTDiEU:S SlJRIf"Y or THE LEW CRANT ON LAXC .c5:SlP, ACCOROtNC TO THe P1.A T THEReor AS RCCORDCD IN P1.A T BOOK I, PACE 5 or THC PuBuC ReCORDS or SCUlHOLC COCAtTr; FlORIDA,' BCINC IJORe PARnCUl.ARL Y <<SCRt/JCD AS FOLLOIliS: COIJIJCNCC A T THe /NTCRSCCnON or THe NORTHOIL Y tJNC or THe /JNMJJIBCRCD LOT /N Bt.OCX "lI" or SAiD D, R. UlTDlElJ.:S Sl.lRIf"Y or THE UW (;RANT ON LAKC .cSSUP AND THe ":S'l"ntY RlCHT or rAY LINC or TlJ.5l<"AlItUA ROAD (FORJiC1/{y BRANTLEY AIf"NVl"k SAiD PONT ALSO L WiC ON THe SOUTHCRI. Y RlCHT or rAY or nRST SmffT.' THFNCC RIJN SOUIH 28"7"21' KST ALONC SAiD YoSIl"IllY RlCHT or rAY or TlJSll"AIIIUA ROAD A DlSTANCt; or 209.00 rUT TO THE POINT or BCC1NN1NC: TkCNce C"ONT/NI.JC SOUtH 21nr21' YoST A DlST_CC or 261.21 FreT: THeNce DEPAllTINC SAiD RlCHT or It'A Y ""C RuN NORTH 72..0'IS" KST A DlSTANCt; or 297.1U FreT: TkCNCC RuN SOUtH In9'4S" Ili!'ST A OtSTANCC or 10T.J2 FreT: THeNce RuN SOUTH 49"59'Og" /f!"ST A DISTANCE" or 2/~.sI FreT TO THe FASTCRt.Y RlCHT or WAY or STAre ROAD NQ 4.14 (PeR FlORIDA DEPAllTlJCNT or TR_SPORTAnON RlQfT or WAY IJAPs. SCCnON 77070-2516, PACC 9 or IJk THeNCC RIJN NORTH 4000'$" Itf."ST ALONe SAiD CASTCRL Y RlQfT or WA Y A DlSTANCC or 461.70 FreT.' THCNCE DEPAllflNC SAiD RtQfT or WA Y RI.JN NORtH 49"59"09' CAST. A DlSTANCt; or ~29 FreT: THeNce RuN NORTH In9'4S' EAST A OlSTANCF or 171./"': FeF"" THeNce RIJN NORTH 4000'$1' /f!"ST A DlSTANCC or 286.00 FreT: THCNCE RuN NORTH ~-og'4S' CAST A DlSTANCC or /49.81 FreT TO THC NORTH LINC or AFORClICNnONCD /.JNNUIJBCReD LOT", Bl.OCX "lI' AND THE SOUTHCRLY RIQfT or WAY Lwr or FIRST SmaT.' THCNCC RuN SOUTH n"o'Is' CAST ALONe SAID NORTkCRf. Y I.1NC A ()1ST_a: or 666,U FCCT: THeNCF OCPAllf/NC SAiD NORTkCRLY /JNC RIJN SOUTH 28'47"21' YoST A ()1ST ANa or 17T.7J FCCT: THeNce RuN SOUTH /4"55'1"" CAST A OtSTANCC or .J6.24 FreT: THeNCE RIJN SOUTH 72'40"S' CAST A OtSTANCE or .JJJ.45 FeU TO THe POINT or BCC/NNJNC. CONTAlNINC 4.J.J.42~7" 50lJARC FreT/ 9.1/S ACRCS IJORC OR US$. -L NOTFS.o I. BCARWC"S AIIC BAseD ON THe NORTH UNC or THe UNNUJ/BCRCO LOT"" BLOCX"B" AS BC/NC 572'40'157 (ASS1JJ/CO) 2. LANDS SHO_ HCRCON KRe NOT A8STRACTCP fT}R R1QfT-or-WA~ CASCJ/CNTS. OIfNCRSHiP. ADJOtNCRS OR OTHCR INSTRUJ/ENTS or RCCORD, ~ Sll"CTOf O'ol r. THIS IS NOT A BOUNOAIIY Sl.I'1If"y. , . . A88RE:WA nONS/l.ECE:NO.o 6 OE:LTA (CeNTRAL ANCLE:) R RAOIUS L ARC LE:NC TH CH CHORO LE:NC TH R/W- RIGHT OF WAY . . -....---- --- .. -".-' .........-..-,-..... . -----......--.... " . .;.:....,.;... '.. -' ,._0, ":.' ...... '., : -. . --. -..... . .-------~ l..':.-.;:;.~.\. . ...... \. . \.. 0~/\ ;- ., ; VACANT / PASTURE a..- CAI.,.r.". ,~......:zao~ ~ ~ II ~ .~ . 0, ~~ 1Li~ lL)~ , N40'OO'51 W451.70 --&Il~n~ _ --Y'4~r---...L.fIIJ>lIO<~ STATF: ~ 4J4 ( SANFCRO-OW@..ROAD RlQfT or WAY VA/iJCS (PAIf"O Pf./BI.JC ROAD) lCraotf or _r~ /JPf TJ1.4l ~,.".. IITA::W 11DlO-n" ~c _/I.,. AN,) 0. aJ01f IIOJ "ACT 'trlJ Donley & - Associates, Inc. LAND SURIf"l"tWS AND IJAPPCRS J62-C SOUtH (;RANT STReeT LONCIfO(XI, FlORl%lA .J2T5/)-{Ng9 TCLCfflONC: (401)XD- 161". r.loX HQ:(401)260-1844 ' .' PRo..CCT NO. 600. 011 LIiND.6UJ "- /:ADO ruJ:.A. c: \ACAD\Df~\ItO/lISK\~Il/Slf.OJtC ~:::.r THIS SLrR>!'Y "aT 1l<LD UNLCSS CJ/BOSSCD /Ii( TH TH[ $X;NA /\JRE AI-!!J RAJSCD SC AL 0r- A !1Gt0DA s:.w1f"l"tW Nit) IJAPPeR. RCHSlON 0,0 re BOOK tJ~~~..f~" 7/1.1 /tf7 ItfWAU O. OONU"( PRE:SlOE:NT 1100000A LANO r"'~lfoq RCClSTRAnON NQ5J61 SKCTCH 7-2/-97 ____ -.'.~'":' ....;-...-:0. ..w. ,. .......-.....rT.";-..... ._..._;--;.~ "-- -----..... ...: '--~---"r--:- ~ .' -:-;y'r ~