HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 09 17 Regular Item B Clrv OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Community Development LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR AGENDA ITEM: B. KINGSBURY SMALL SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT (SM-CP A-6-97) STAFF REPORT: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: The provisions of 163.3174(4) Florida Statutes which states "Be the agency (Local Planning Agency) responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment and shall make recommendations to the governing body regarding the adoption or amendment of such plan. During the preparation of the plan or plan amendment and prior to any recommendation to the governing body, the Local Planning Agency shall hold at least one public hearing, with public notice, on proposed plan or plan amendment. " The provisions of Sec. 2-57 of the City Code which state in part". . . the planning and zoning board shall serve as the local planning agency pursuant to the county comprehensive planning act and the local government comprehensive planning act of the state. . ." . The provisions of 163.3187 F.S. which state in part "Small scale development amendments adopted pursuant to the paragraph (1 )( c) require' only one public hearing before the governing board, which shall be an adoption hearing. . . Small scale development amendments shall not become effective until 31 days after adoption." 1. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: Laverne and June Kingsbury 150 Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-1916 OWNER: [ Same as applicant] REQUEST: For change of Future Land Use designation from Seminole County's designation of "Commercial" to the City's designation of "Commercial". PURPOSE: Applicant wants to "construct a commercial retail facility". PROPERTY: Location: close to the intersection of S.R. 434 and Tuskawilla Road, on the north side. Legal Description: THAT PORTION OF THE UNNUMBERED LOT IN BLOCK "B" LYING EAST OF STATE ROAD 434 (OVIEDO-SANFORD ROAD) ALL CONTAINED WITHIND,R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 5 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULAR DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMJv1ENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE UNNUMBERED LOT IN BLOCK "B" OF SAID D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP AND THE WESTERLY RIGHT -OF- WAY LINE OF TUSKA WILLA ROAD (FORMERLY BRANTLEY AVE,): SAID POINT ALSO LYING ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF- WAY OF FIRST STREET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 2847' 21" WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF- WAY OF TUSKA WILLA ROAD A DISTANCE OF 209.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE SOUTH 2847' 21" WEST A DISTANCE OF 261.21 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT -OF - WAY LINE RUN NORTH 72 40' 15" WEST A DISTANCE OF 297.83 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 17 19' 45" WEST A DISTANCE OF 107.32 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 4959' 09" WEST A DISTANCE OF 213.34 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE ROAD 434 (PER FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONRIGHT-OF- WAY MAPS, SECTION 77070-2516, PAGE 9 OF 13); THENCE RUN NORTH 4000' 51" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY A DISTANCE OF 461.70 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT -OF - WAY RUN NORTH 49 59' 09" EAST A DISTANCE OF 55.29 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 17 19' 45" EAST A DISTANCE OF 171.88 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 40 00'51" WEST A DISTANCE OF 286.00 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 50 09'45" EAST A DISTANCE OF 149,81 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF AFOREMENTIONED UNNUMBERED LOT IN BLOCK "B" AND THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF FIRST STREET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 72 40' 15" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 666.82 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTHERLY LINE RUN SOUTH 28 47' 21" WEST A DISTANCE OF 177.73 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 14 55' 18" EAST A DISTANCE OF 36.24 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 72 42' 15" EAST A DISTANCE OF 332.45 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 433.425.78 SQUARE FEET. ACREAGE: 9.95 acres PARCEL NUMBER: 26- 20- 30- 5 AR -DB OO-OOUO EXISTING LAND USE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Vacant, few trees, grassed area. CHRONOLOGY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: None with respect to the City of Winter Springs. Parcel has been part of the largest county enclave surrounded by the City. The 9.95 acres that is part of the larger parcel Kingsbury owns has been in the Kingsbury family for many years. FUNDING: No monies from the City are required. II. CONSIDERATIONS: EXISTING LAND USES ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: Vacant, heavily wooded area. South: Commercial. East: Commercial, and vacant wooded area. ~: Commercial, vacant wooded area, sparse residential. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: (County designation) "Commercial". Requested : (City designation) "Commercial". FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: North: Mixed Use. South: Commercial. East: Commercial. ~: (County designation) Commercial and Office. ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: (County designation) A-I "Agriculture". Requested: (City designation) C-I "Neighborhood Commercial" ZONING ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: Nill1h: C-2 "General Commercial and Industrial". Smllh: C-I "Neighborhood Commercial". :fu!.s1 : C-I "Neighborhood Commercial". ~: (County designation) A-I "Agriculture". III. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT ANALYSIS: The following summarizes the data and issues which staff analyzed in reviewing this application. A. PUBLIC FACILITIES: L ROADS/TRAFFIC CIRCULATION: a. Availability of Access: S.R. 434 abuts this property on the south side and Tuskawilla Road abuts the property on the east side. b. Function Classification: S.R. 434 is an urban arterial 4-lane east west roadway. Tuskawilla Road (formerly Brantley Ave.) is a "local" 2-lane north-south road. c. Improvements/expansions (including right-or-way acquisition) already programmed or needed as a result of the proposed amendment. The county does not have any improvements programmed for Tuskawilla Road north of S.R. 434. If the property is annexed into the City, and a commercial retail facility is proposed, then the developer must follow the requirements of Chapter 9 "Land Development". Appropriate permits for access would have to be granted by the state and the county. 2. SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, STORMWATERMANAGEMENT, POTABLE WATER: POTABLE WATER: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: Developer would tap into line near the McDonald's Restaurant or tie into line at Tuskawilla Road forming a looped system. Developer would lay all water lines within the development and tap into the trunk line. SANITARY SEWER: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: A line would have to be installed. Developer would lay all sewer lines within the development and tap into the collector line. Sewage would go to the West Wastewater treatment plant behind the Winter Springs Gulf Course. RE-USE WATER SYSTEM: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: Access to the reuse line is at Bill's Landscaping near City Hall. The Public Works Department would recommend a variance be granted on not tapping into a reuse line at this time. DRAINAGE/STORMW A TER: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: If the property is developed, then the project must meet Sec. 9-241 City Code requirements. Post development runoff cannot exceed pre- development runoff. (Use 25 year storm, 24 hour storm standard) Stormwater Calculations required in retention ponds are to be constructed with storm pipes or swales. There must be a clear recorded easement for the pipes and/or swales. The easement must be definitive for maintenance of structural facilities. SOLID WASTE: a. Facilities serving the site. The City has a franchise agreement with a solid waste hauler, IWS until December, 1996. A new exclusive franchise agreement will be concluded after a bid process. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: None. 3. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: None, since this will be a commercial project with no residential component. R LAND USE COMPATillILITY: 1. SOILS: The soils on this property are: EauGalle and Immokalee fine sands; Myakka and EauGallie fine sands; Tavares-Millhopper fine sands, 0-5% slopes. Concerning the EauGalle and Immokalle fine sands, the soils in this map unit are nearly level and poorly drained. These soils are on broad plains on the flatwoods. The slopes are dominantly less than 2 percent. The soils in this map unit are poorly suited to use for sanitary facilities (septic systems), building sites, or recreational development. The main limitations are seepage and wetness. Water control, including drainage outlets, is needed to overcome wetness. Concerning the Myakka and EauGallie fine sands, the soils in this map unit are nearly level and poorly drained. These soils are on broad plains on the flatwoods. The slopes are dominantly less than 2 percent. The soils in this map unit are poorly suited to use for sanitary facilities (septic systems), building sites, or recreational development. The main limitations are seepage and wetness. Water control, including drainage outlets, is needed to overcome wetness. Concerning the Tavares-Millhopper fine sands, 0 to 5% slopes, the soils in this map unit are nearly level to gently sloping and moderately well drained. These soils are on low ridges and knolls on the uplands. The slopes are nearly smooth to slightly convex. The soils in this map unit are well suited to use for homesites, other urban use, or recreational development. 2. TOPOGRAPHY: The subject property and surrounding area have slight grade. 3. FLOOD PRONE AREA: A review of the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map (12117C0135-E; April 17, 1995) indicates the subject parcel is not within the 100 year flood prone area. 4. NATURAL RESOURCES, HISTORIC RESOURCES. No natural or historic resources have been found at this time. 5. WILDLIFE AND SPECIES DESIGNATED AS ENDANGERED, THREATENED OR SPECIAL CONCERN: No federally listed endangered plants are known to exist in the county. It is essential that surveys of such species be completed prior to site development of parcels containing native vegetation communities. The subject parcel does not have native vegetation communities due to prior clearing and replanting with long- needle pine. 6. NUISANCE POTENTIAL OF PROPOSED USE TO SURROUNDING LAND USES. The proposed future land use change from (county) "Commercial" to (City) "Commercial" will not negatively impact adjacent land uses, since on the north side of the Kingsbury property, the Blumberg parcel is designated "Mixed Use", which allows up to 50% commercial use of the gross land area (per Policy 1 under Objective C of Goal 3 of the Future Land Use Element). The property is adjacent on the east side, west and south sides to land designated "Commercial" on either the City or county Future Land Use Map. This parcel is adjacent to the commercial corridor of S. R. 434. There should be no nuisance to surrounding properties as a result of the subject parcel being used in the future for a commercial retail facility. It is projected that the adjacent parcels to the west, east and south will be utilized in the development of other neighborhood commercial. C ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Development of a well established grocery store chain outlet on the parcel will add to, and vary the City's tax base, over that of existing vacant land. D. CONSISTENCY/COMPATIBILITY WITH CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The proposed small scale comprehensive plan amendment prompted by the annexation changing the county designation "Commercial" to the City designation of "Commercial" is compatible with the general surrounding commercial land uses to the east, west and south along S.R. 434. IV. FINDINGS: I. The proposed land use, development of a commercial retail facility, is compatible with the commercial nature of S.R. 434. 2. The adjacent parcels to the south and east are indicated as "Commercial" on the City's Official Future Land Use Map. The adjacent parcels to the west across from S.R. 434 in the enclave are designated "Commercial" and "Office" on the county's Future Land Use Map. The Blumberg parcel to the north is designated "Mixed Use" on the City's Future Land Use Map, which allows up to 50% of the gross acreage to be used for commercial. Therefore, the designation of the subject property as "Commercial" would be consistent and compatible with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The adjacent parcels to the south and east are indicated as C-l "Neighborhood Commercial" on the City's Zoning Map. The adjacent parcel to the north is designated C-2 "General Commercial and Industrial". Therefore the subject parcel is consistent and compatible with the City zoning. 4. There should be no nuisance to surrounding properties as a result of the subject parcel being used in the future for commercial pursuits. There are other existing commercial establishments in the immediate area. They are McDonald's Restaurant, Mobil Mini-Mart Gas Station, and Circle K Mini-Mart Gas Station. 5. The City can extend sewer, water, and other urban services to the subject parcel and adjacent parcels that it provides to other areas of the City. 6. The proposed commercial use is compatible with the natural environment of the nearby area. 7. The proposed use of the property for a commercial retail facility, specifically for a will have a positive, significant economic impact on the City. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Local Planning Agency recommend approval to the City Commission the request by Laverne and June Kingsbury, for a change from county Future Land Use designation of "Commercial" to City Future Land Use designation of "Commercial" on a 9.95 acre parcel. ATTACHMENTS: L "Sketch and Description of the 9.95 acre parcel (indicated as vacant / pasture). 2. Aerial View of property and immediately surrounding area. j I ,I I I 1 I l I I I I i j , I i 1 . -~;":'-=--~-":':"'---:.&.:..._~~-a..."":":_\,. ..~. ~ . f f ! . '. t .: ('; ~ r'.:.\. ~.._ r \.',:' 'I G \:' l ~t ~. \.. ! ... . l l: ~ I t r I \, SKETCH 9F DESCRIPTION for: DES/GN SERVICE GROUP VACANT / PASTURE .. t I ,. . r !, I :. . i. LEGAL DESCRIP TlON: THAT PORnON OF TH(" lINNUMBEREO LOT IN B!.OCX 'S" L'fWC CAST OF STATE: ROAD NO. 4.J.< (O'AaJD-SANFORO ROAD) ALL CCWTAINED ",THIN D. R. J.//TCHELL:; SURYCY OF THE LEVY CRANT ON /.AKE ..cSSUP. ACCOROINC TO THE PLA T THEREOF AS RECORDiJ) IN PLA T SOOK /, PACE 5 OF THE Pu8UC RECORDS OF SEIDNOt..E COUNTY, Fl.ORIDA: SEINC MORe P.ARTlCrJL.ARt Y OESCRiSaJ AS FOLLOWS: COl./MENCE" AT TH(" INTE:P.SECnON OF TH(" NORTHERl. Y UNE OF TH(" IJNMJMSENaJ LOT IN B!.OCX '2;'" OF S.AID D. R. J./ITCHEU:; SlJRIeY OF TH(" LEVY CR.AHT ON LAKE ..cssup ANO TH(" H!'s;rR'l. Y RlCHT OF WAY LINE OF TUSKA"'LLA ROAD (FORMERLY BRANTLEY A'lf:NVE): S.AID PC/lNT ALSO L lWC ON TH(" SOOTHERl. Y RlCHT OF WA Y OF FIRST STRrrT.' THENCE" RuN SOOTH 28'4T21" KST ALONC S.AID KSTE:Rl.Y RlCHT OF WAY OF TUSKAWUA ROAD A OfST.AHCE" OF 209.00 FCET TO TH(" POINT or BEC1NNlNC: THENCE" CCWTlNUE SOOTH 28'4T2r KST A DISTANCE" OF 261.21 FCET.' TH("NCE DEPARnNC S.AJD RlCHT or orA Y LINE RUN NORTH 77'40'15" KST A DISTANCE OF 297.8J FCET.' THENCE" RUN SOOTH In9'45" KST A Of STANCE" or /07..12 FCET.' THENCE RuN SOUTH 49'59'09" KST A DISTANCE" OF 21J..J.< FCET TO THE EASTUlI. Y 1//CHT or WA Y or STATE: ROAD NO. 04 (PeR Fl.ORIDA DEP.ARTUENT OF TR.AHSPORTA nON RlCHT or orA Y MAPS. SEcnON 77070-2516, PACE" 9 OF 1.1): THENCE" RUN NORTH 40"00'51' KST ALONC S.AID EASTE:Rl.Y RlCHT or orA Y A Of STANCE or '61.70 FCET: THENCE" OEP.ARnNC S.AID 1//CHT or WA r RUN NORTH '9'59'09' EAST. A DISTANCE OF 55.29 FCET.' THENCE RUN NORTH In9'45" CAST A OIST.AHCE" or 171,88: FCET.'. THENCE RUN NORTH 40'00'51' KST A DISTANCE" or 286.00 rrrT: THENCE: RUN NORTH 5(}"09'45" EAST A Of STANCE" or "9.81 rrrT TO THE NORTH LINE or AFOREl./ENnONED VNNUJ./BERED LOT IN BLOCX '2;'".AH0 THE SOOTHERl. Y RlCHT or WA r LINE OF nRST STRrrT.' THENCE" RVN SOOTH 72-"0'15' CAST ALONe S.AID NORTHERt Y UN( A DISTANCE: or 666.82 FCET: TH("NCE: OEP.ART/NC SAID NORTHE1/I.Y UNC RtJN SOOTH 28"7'21" KST A OISTANCE OF 177.7.1 FCET.. THENCE" RUN SOOTH ".,5'18" CAST A Of STANCE or .16.24 FCET: THENCe RVN SOOTH 72"0'/5' EAST A DlST.AHCE" or .JJ2.45 FCET TO TH(" POINT or SCC/NNINC- CONTAININC '.1.1.'25.711 SOOARC FCET/ 9.95 ACRCS MORe OR LESS. " ~ ~ ~ ... ... ... ... ... ~ ~... ~~~ ...............~. ... "" ...... ,,' '-t .../ ,~~,~ ... 1t .,,sit ......... ~ k1- /1."""&/ ., , ~ WO; / /{,) ;l It) . ~ ... 4lC~~\ .. ~O) 286,00' / /6'9.~\'ot9- ~~ N40V0'51.W ......... ,~'il 6'&- '" C) ...... 'lO.,~ ::1 ~ ...... ,11t,-iO = "'" POff77OV is <:: PORnON or lINNVl./SCRCD ...:/'" ,,1 .....,. 'tc~ ;::.-..c Sl LOT IN BLOCX 'S" ... >: NOT INQ./JOCD '8J..16' ...... S<DTlO'5IT <<o.nTCAJ.c) S'0'OO'51T 2----:9:~~~::~~I.i--I~ ...~~:=_ -sJi'ii.,n~68rC.AJ.C) ~I k -_ ~ 8 II 11 }J ~ - 0) ~~ 1Ii"!- ll)~ . N40VO '51 W 401.70 ~,,~ _ -------1}44.Jr--C.tJlJJ~ srA TF: ROAD 4J4 ( SANFORD-O'ofEDO ROAD RlCHT or WAY VAIll'a (PAleD PlJBUC ROAD) ICrlllt>lr(T _rUtC "l1".D.Ol.lthM>> JErDON T107'O-nl. OolC./I"/D AN) tJ/II lJi()QIr M1J ~Aa 1M) NO TF:S: I. BEARtNCS ARC SASE"{} ON THC NORTH UNE or THC VNNUMSERED LOT IN BLOCX"S' AS BEINC S77"O'15T (ASSUMED) 2. LANDS SHO_ HCRCON ~RC NOT ABSTRACrro FOIl RTCHT-or-orAl7i. EASEMCNTS. O_ENSH1P, ADJOINCRS OR 0 THEN INS TRtIMEN r.; OF RCCORD. J. SKCTCH ON/. Y, THIS IS NOT A SOIJNO.ARY SlJRIeY. ABBREVlA T1ONS/UGENO: 6 DEL TA (CENTRAL ANGLE) R RADIUS L ARC LENC TH CH CHORD LENC TH R/W- RIGHT OF WAY Donley & Associates, Inc. LANtJ 5URlerDl'S ANtJ MAPPE11S .J62-C SOOTH CHANT STRCET LONCItOOD. Fl.0Rt0A >>750-5199 TCU"PHONE: ('07)260-1818 rAX NO.:('07)260-1848 ~CT NO.600.011 THlS S/JR~ J,eT Il<UIl lINLESS El./80SSE"O "'TH THt: S1:>iAIlIRf: -'!J RAISED SEAL or .. .'l.OII1DA ~YCn:l'1 NtD MAPPeR. RC'A9ON DATE: f/OO1( !, [, , LB.No. 665.1 tJ;g....~~~~ 7/2-1/"7 MWAIJ a. DONU'Y PRESIDENT Fl.ORrDA LANa S.;l'~I"'1? REOSTRAnON NO.5J8/ SKC TCH t" 7-21-97 ---- r t, I l r CADO 17L.E: E: IACADIDSclllOTUSKISIl'/lISlr.DIOC ;. . ': ..... ...._..--"7--.-:~._~... -...;.-.........-.........,....';7'..;. -- ..._~....+-:--..-:~-T--. . .. :t-_..__-~.. _._--.~ -------:-r--:- - "'.. , ," .;....:.1.,.... :' ." t ,. .... . ~ ...... ," -", . . ", "'~ ~ ;.: :~ ",: .~: .".. ," .", . . . .i:., ~'-': ~.~. .~:. '", :' '.~.':~'~:.':";:. ::. . .' . . . .:;- .~. ::; ;: ~:'-.., ..... .1 :.~~ t " ;~f'-I '.- :";:). .....