HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 09 17 Regular Item A CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Community Development P & Z BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR AGENDA ITEM: A. KINGSBURY ANNEXATION (ANX-6-97) STAFF REPORT: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: The provisions of 171.044(1) Florida Statutes which states "The owner or owners of real property in an unincorporated area of a county which is contiguous to a municipality and reasonably compact may petition the governing body of a said municipality that said property be annexed to the municipality." The Legislature recognizes that enclaves can create significant problems in planning, growth management, and service delivery, and therefore declares that it is the policy of the State to eliminate enclaves [ref. 171.046(1) F.S.]. Sec. 20-57 of the city Code which states in part "The planning and zoning board. . . .to act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning." The City has expressed an interest in annexation in the past (ref. 8-14-95 City Commission meeting). 1. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: Laverne and June Kingsbury 150 Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-1916 OWNER: [ Same as applicant] REQUEST: Annexation of9.95 acre parcel into the City. PURPOSE: Applicant wants the 9.95 acre parcel annexed into the City to "construct a commercial retail facility. PROPERTY: Location: close to the intersection of S.R. 434 and TuskawiIla Road, on the north side. Legal Description: THAT PORTION OF THE UNNUMBERED LOT IN BLOCK "B" LYING EAST OF STATE ROAD 434 (OVIEDO-SANFORD ROAD) ALL CONT AINED WITHIN D.R. MITCHELL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 5 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA BEING MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE UNNUMBERED LOT IN BLOCK "B" OF SAID D.R. MITCHEL'S SURVEY OF THE LEVY GRANT ON LAKE JESSUP AND THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF TUSKA WILL ROAD (FORJ\1ERL Y BRANTLEY AVE.): SAID POINT ALSO LYING ON THE SOURTHERL Y RIGHT -OF- WAY OF FIRST STREET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 28 47' 21" WEST ALONG SAID WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF TUSKA WILLA ROAD A DISTANCE OF 209.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE SOUTH 28 47' 21" WEST A DISTANCE OF 261.21 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT -OF - WAY LINE RUN NORTH 72 40' 15" WEST A DISTANCE OF 297.83 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 17 19' 45" WEST A DISTANCE OF 107.32 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 4959' 09" WEST A DISTANCE OF 213.34 FEET TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE ROAD 434 (pER FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONRIGHT-OF- WAY MAPS, SECTION 77070-2516, PAGE 9 OF 13); THENCE RUN NORTH 4000' 51" WEST ALONG SAID EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY A DISTANCE OF 461.70 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY RUN NORTH 4959' 09" EAST A DISTANCE OF 55.29 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 17 19' 45" EAST A DISTANCE OF 171.88 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 4000'51" WEST A DIST ANCE OF 286.00 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 50 09'45" EAST A DISTANCE OF 149.81 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF AFOREMENTIONED UNNUMBERED LOT IN BLOCK "B" AND THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF - WAY LINE OF FIRST STREET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 7240' 15" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 666.82 FEET; THENCE DEPARTING SAID NORTHERLY LINE RUN SOUTH 28 47' 21" WEST A DISTANCE OF 177.73 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 14 55' 18" EAST A DISTANCE OF 36.24 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 72 42' 15" EAST A DISTANCE OF 332.45 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 433.425.78 SQUARE FEET. ACREAGE: 9.95 acres "more or less". PARCEL NUMBER: 26-20-30-5AR-OBOO-00UO EXISTING LAND USE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Vacant, few trees, grassed area. CHRONOLOGY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Parcel has been part of the largest county enclave surrounded by the City of Winter Springs. The 9.95 acres that is part of the larger parcel Kingsbury owns has been in the Kingsbury family for many years. FUNDING: No monies from the City are required. FINDINGS: * The applicant is the sole owner of the 9.95 acre property. * The applicant states, in his application, the intention is to construct a commercial retail facility. * The proposed land use is compatible with the commercial nature of S.R. 434, and the intersection of Tuskawilla Road and S.R. 434. * The adjacent parcels on the east side and south side of the intersection of Tuskawilla Road and S.R. 434 are indicated as "Commercial" on the City's Official Future Land Use Map. The adjacent parcels on the west side of the intersection, in the county enclave, are indicated as "Commercial" and "Office" on the county's Future Land Use Map. /: * The adjacent parcels on the east side and south side of the intersection of Tuskawilla Road and S.R. 434 are indicated as C-l "Neighborhood Commercial" on the City's Zoning Map. The adjacent parcels on the west side of the intersection, in the county enclave, are indicated as A-I "Agriculture" on the county's Zoning Map. * The Legislature recognizes that enclaves can create significant problems in planning, growth management, and service delivery, and therefore declares that it is the policy of the State to eliminate enclaves [ref 171. 046( 1) F. S.]. * The City has expressed an interest in annexation in the past (ref 8-14-95 City Commission meeting). II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency recommend approval to the City Commission the annexation of the 9.95 acre (Kingsbury) parcel into the City, based on the findings indicated above. ATTACHMENTS: 1. "Sketch and Description of the 9.95 acre parcel to be annexed (indicated as vacant / pasture) 2. Aerial View of property and immediately surrounding area. ./' '., . -.~.:.-.:.- -~-~-----..:....'_.:.....a""~'\'. f,,~ ,-' . '-"'.\.. , '~" \. , \., 0~/,. t " SKETCH (JF DESCRIPTION for: DESIGN SERVICE GROUP. ; LEGAL DESCRIP TlON: THAT PORnON OF THE UNNVJJSEREO LOT IN BLOCK 'e' L l'/NC o.ST OF STATC ROAD NO. 4.}4 (OKEOO-SANFORO ROAD) ALL CONTAINtD ..THIN 0, R. JIITr:HEU:S 5lJRlf'Y OF THE U"VY GRANT ON LAKE .cssup, ACCOROINC TO THE I'LA T THEITCOF AS RECORDa) IN 1'LA T eOOK " PACE" OF THE PuBuC ITCCOROS OF SCUlHOLC COUNTy' FlORJOA; eElNe MOR( PARnClJl.Al/tY <<SCRtBED AS FOLLOws.- COMMENCE Ar THE INTCRSCCnON OF THE" NORTHE"IlLY LINE OF THE IJNNUM8E1laJ LOT IN BLOCK "8' OF SAID 0, R, JIITPtn.L:S SVRlf'Y OF THE" U"IIY (;RANr ON LAXE .cssup AN() THE ":-SlTRt Y RlQir OF WA Y LINE OF TUSKAIMU.A ROAD (FORUl1II. Y BRANTlEY A If'N/K): SAID POtNT ALSO trWC ON THE" SOIITHE"RI. Y RlQiT OF WAY OF F1I/ST STRrrT.' THENCE IIlJN SOUTH 26'47'21' >>f:ST ALONC SA10 >>f:STCRl. Y f/tQiT OF WAY OF TUSKAIIlLLA ROAD A DisrANCE OF 209.00 FeEr TO THE" PaNr OF 8F:C1NNtNC; THE"Ncr CONTINvt: SOUTH 26'4T21' >>f:ST A OIsrANCE OF 26/,21 ~T.' THE"NCe DEPARTlNC SAID f/tQiT OF 11'04 Y LINE RuN NORTH 72"40'/5' >>f:sr A OISTANCC OF 29MJJ ~r: THENCe IIlJN SOUTH 1n9'4'" >>f:ST A OISTANCE OF 107.J2 ~r: THENCe IIlJN SOUTH 411"59'09' >>f:ST A DISTANCE OF 21.J..J4 ~T TO THE EASTCRLY f/tQiT OF WAY OF STATC I/OAJ) NO. 4.}4 (PER FlORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAnON RlQiT OF WAY MAPS, sccnON 77070-2516, PAce 9 OF 1J); THENCE RuN NORTH 40'00'51" >>f:ST ALONC SAID EASTCRl. Y f/tQiT OF WAY A OIsrANCE OF 461.70 ~T.. THENCE OEPARTlNC SAID f/tQir OF IrAY RuN NORTH 411"59'09" o.ST. A OIsrANCC OF 55.29 ~T.' THENCe RUN NORTH 1nll'4,,' CAsr A OISrANCt: OF 17t.1I4: Fen" THENCE RuN NORTH 40'00'51' >>f:sr A OIsrANCC OF 286.00 Fffr; THENa: RuN NORTH 50"09'45' EAST A OIsrANCC OF 1411.61 ~r TO THE NORTH LINE OF AFOROJCNnONEO VNNWJ8F:ITCO Lor IN BLOCK "8" AND THE SOUTHFRL Y RIQir OF irA Y LINE OF FlRsr STRrrr: THENCE RuN SOUTH 72'40'15' EAsr ALONe SAID NORTHERl. Y LINI: A OtSrANCI: OF 666,82 ~r; THENa: OCPAlUlNC SAID NORTHERl. Y UHE RuN SOUTH 26"7'21" It!"ST A OtsrANCI: OF 177.7.1 ~T.. THENCE RuN SOUTH 14"55'18" EAsr A OIsrANCE OF .J6.2' ~r: THENCE RUN SOIITH 72"0'/'" o.ST A OIsrANCE OF .J.J2.4" ITEr TO THC POINr OF eEClNNJNc. L .- / / / .... .... .... .... ....'" ........f """","""',. /..../ i\.~9' ,,,,' ;I,~"/"" . ~. W";/ 4 Ii) . ;/4/ ,4'!"J:.\ ~~ 286,00' ~ / 6~:~'lOE ~- N40V0'51.W .~ ..../ \~'"ll 6 ,"~l::) ,,'" .,o.,~ ~ ~ ~~ .... ,,1'i.o U"SSl1) WI 1'OIf_ is <:: PORnON OF UNNlJM8CITCO r:::~~ I<<Y_,,, _r_ /.... ,,1 aacx .." II LOT IN BLOCK "e' ...~. """AG<__ ," 011'O: tEllS a~:t NOT INQUDCO ~ ~ :::.:,,::nll __...:-~:________~!'3'~'-y_~!.'lr~q___ s~ ~ "l<=: M.O cw I/OOIt M1j"Aa ,tII~ CAStCRLrR/II'LIiC-tP.. ..............,.., , N40VO'51 W461.70 --L-. SJ9'3Dl$T~) ."Q ,......,......OCDO__ -1!H.'tI~ _ ---1}44~---L.fU~ --sJi'U~nvo.66tCAt-C) .. k ~ STATE ROAD 4J4 ( SANFORD-O'rfI;J2Q.ROAD ~ 8 I11Qir OF IrAr VARl'CS (PAlf'O PfI8UC ROAD) II VACANT / PASTURE CON TAlNINC 4.1J. 42"- 76 SOUAHC ~T/ 9,9" ACRCS MORC OR U"ss. NO TE:S: I, 8F:ARrNCS ARE eASCO ON THE NORTH LINE OF THE /JNNUM8EITC0 LOT IN BLOCK"e' AS 8F:/NC S72"40'/"T ( ASSUME:o) 2, LANDS SHO_ HEREON >>f:1TC NOr ABSTRACTCD FOIl RrQir-OF-WA ~ EAseMENrs. OttNeRSHlP, ADJOtNERS OR 0 THeR INS TRtJMEN rs OF RECORD, J. SKCTr:H a-t r. THIS IS NOT A eOUNDARY SURlf'Y. Donley & - Associates, Inc. LAND SURlf'rDRS ANO MAPPeRS .J62-C SOUTH (;RANr StRCET LONCIlQOO. FlOlttDA .J2750--'4n TC/.EPHOHE: (407)260-/816 r;,.r NO.: (407)Mo- '644 Pf?O.cCT ND.6oo.0tt THIS 5UR~"ar IlCUD CJNLFSS EMBOSSCD /11TH 1H{" SK;HAfVRC -'!J RA1SCD SCAL OF A .'1 Cii'tOA s:.wlf'rDR NID IJAPPt:R. REK90N OA TC BOOK ABBRn1A TlONS/Z.ECENO: (j. DEL TA (CEN TRAl ANGLE) R RADIUS l ARC LENC TH CH CHORD LENGTH R/W- RIGHT OF WAY L8.ND.66jJ t/A,_~~~~ 7/2-1/47 tHWAIJ D. DONU:,.. PRESIDENT FlORJOA LAND S';JoV~11"o1' RCClSlRAnON ND."J61 SKE Tr:H 7-21-97 ---- CADO FtU: C: IACAOIOSC\otOll/Sl<"lSll"/lISIf.OIlC .. _. ......~..p.rr-;--...~ ...... '1'-~-.'" .. -- ._--." . . . -'~. .---- -...--:- .,.... ," o' ,._0, ... . .~ . .J' .... .. :.' ,..