HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 09 03 Regular Item C CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Community Development PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AGENDA ITEM: II. C. TUSKA WILLA ROAD SITE - PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING STAFF REPORT Land Development Coordinator report attached. Presentation by Land Development Coordinator. (. I PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD AGENDA ITEM B September 3, 1997 (Meeting) REQUEST: Land Development Division presenting to the Planning and Zoning Board the Preliminary Engineering for that project called Tuskawilla Road Site in order that Board make a recommendation to the Commission for the Commission's action on the project. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to present to the Planning and Zoning Board the Staffs recommendation on the preliminary engineering for the Tuskawilla Road Site in order that the Board forward a recommendation to the Commission for the Commission action on the project. This project is located on the southwest comer of Tuskawilla Road and Orange Avenue and is proposed to have twenty four (24) lots on approximately 11.2 acres ofland, The property is zoned R-IA. APPLICABLE CODE: Section 9-46. Filing and contents of preliminary map and plan. (b) Preliminary Plan. (1) The applicant shall prepare and submit a preliminary subdivision map and/or plan together with other supplementary material specified below, accompanied by the appropriate form and fee to the city planner who shall process the application in accordance with provisions of this Code. September 3, 1997 Agenda Item B Page 2 Processing shall be as follows: a. City planner b, City engineer. c, Staff review, d, Planning and zoning board. e, City council. (2) Preliminary plan supporting data. The preliminary plan shall be drawn on standard twenty-four inch by thirty-six-inch paper for convenient filing at a reasonable scale (normally one (1) inch equals one hundred (l00) feet) and shall include the following: a, Name of development; date of preliminary plan or revision; scale of plan; north arrow; approximate acreage in the tract being subdivided; total number of lots; name, address and telephone number of developer, surveyor and engineer. b. Location map showing relationship between area proposed for development and surrounding area. c, Legal description of tract to be subdivided. d, Boundaries of tract shown by a heavy line, e. Existing streets, The name, location and right-of-way width of all existing improved streets, rights-of-way and platted streets within two hundred (200) feet of the proposed subdivision; surface elevation, including any legally established centerline elevations; walks, curbs, gutters, culverts, etc, f. Proposed streets, The name of temporary designation (Street A, B, C, etc,), right-of-way, and type and width of pavement. Include any streets shown on the adopted comprehensive plan. September 3, 1997 Agenda Item B Page 3 g. Proposed easements or rights-of-way other than for streets (e,g" for drainage, pedestrian ways, bridle paths, or bicycle paths), location, width and purpose. h. Lots. Lot lines and scaled dimension, lot numbers, and/or block numbers, and building setback lines for irregularly shaped lots, The building setback distance i~. the distance required to meet the minimum lot width of the zoning district. i, Sites, if any, for multifamily dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, parks, playgrounds, and other public and nonpublic uses exclusive of single-family dwellings. j, Names of abutting subdivisions, recordation date and number. k. Existing utilities on and abutting the tract; location, size and invert elevation of sanitary, storm, and combined sewers; location and size of water mains; location of gas lines, fire hydrants, electric and telephone poles, streetlights. If water mains and sewers are not on or abutting the tract, indicate the direction and distance to, and size of nearest ones, showing invert elevation of sewers, 1. Proposed utilities. A statement on the proposed method of water supply and sewage disposal. m, Other existing improvements, including buildings, on the tract. n, Natural features, including lakes, marshes or swamps, watercourses, and other pertinent features; wooded areas, A general description of soils and existing vegetation on the tract shall also be provided (Seminole County Soils Survey). 0, Existing contours at one-foot intervals based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum for the tract to be subdivided and, where practicable, extending twenty-five (25) feet beyond the tract boundary. September 3, 1997 Agenda Item B Page 4 p. Proposed surface drainage with direction offlow and method of disposition to the natural drainage area indicated or other acceptable stormwater systems, q, Subsurface conditions on the tract, to a minimum depth requested by the city engineer; location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and groundwater conditions; depth to groundwater; location and results of soil percolation tests; location and extent of muck pockets, Tests shall indicate weight-bearing capability of the soil after stripping and compacting. r. Zoning on and abutting the tract. s. Proposed public improvements; highways or other major improvements planned by public authorities for future consideration on or near the tract. 1. Draft of restrictive covenants, if any. If the development is a PUD or private development of any nature, restrictive covenants will be required, if available, at the time of submission. u. Other preliminary plans, When requested by the city, typical cross sections of the proposed grading, roadway and sidewalk, preliminary plans of proposed potable water and firefighting systems, sanitary sewage systems, stormwater management systems, All elevations shall be based on U.S. Coast and Geodetic Datum. The applicant shall provide the location and information of the hundred- year flood elevation relative to the proposed site, based on the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) maps and establish the wetlands boundary by the approved governing agencies, such as the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, the St. John's Water Management District and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In addition, the seasonal high water elevation shall be provided, as determined by a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida. September 3, 1997 Agenda Item B Page 5 FINDINGS: This project is in compliance with applicable code, The Site Plan Review Board consensus was that the project be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board with the recommendation that the preliminary engineering be approved contingent on those items noted in the Staff comments be addressed at final engineering submittal. RECOMMENDA TION: The recommendation of the Site Plan Review Board is that the Planning and Zoning Board forward this project to the City Commission for approval contingent upotfthose items listed in the Staff comments being addressed at final e~ submittal. - --- ATTACHMENTS: August 21, 1997 - Site Plan Review Board Minutes with attached Staff comments - Preliminary Engineering Plans PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD ACTION: NOTE: It is respectfully requested that if the Board's decision is to forward this project to the Commission for their approval, that the Land Development Coordinator be allowed to proceed to the Commission prior to the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Board meeting of September 3, 1997 being formally approved. August 21, 1997 To: Community Development Director Staff b Land Development Coordinator ~ From: Re: Site Plan Review Board Preliminary Engineering Tusdawilla Road Site The above referenced Site Plan Review Board convened on August 21, 1997, C, Madden and R, Spano represented the project. Staff members present were Grimms, Houck, Jenkins, Lallathin, LeBlanc and Lockcuff Please see attached Staff comments, The Staff consensus was that the project be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board with the recommendation that the preliminary engineering be approved contingent on those items noted in the Staff comments be addressed at final engineering submittal, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Community Development NfEMORANDUM TO: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator Thomas Grimms, AICP Comprehensive Planning Coordinatol ~ DATE: August 20, 1997 FROM: RE: Review of Tuskawilla Road Site - Preliminary SitelUtilities Plan 1. The City Commission approved a change of Future Land Use from county "Suburban Estate Residential" (1 DU/acre) to City "Lower Density Residential (1.1 to 3.5 DU/acre) on February 24, 1997 per Ordinance 647. The proposed residential development of2,14 DU/acre conforms to the approved Future Land Use Map designation of "Lower Density Residnetial", 2, The City Commission approved a change of Zoning from county A-I "Agriculture" to City R-1A "One Family Dwelling District" (8,000 sq, Ft. minimum lot size), The lots indicated conform to the R-l A Zoning District. 3, The developer must address Obiective D, Policy 2 of the Recreation and Open Space Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan which states: When the vacant properties north of S,R. 434 east of S.R. 419 are developed, assuming there will ultimately be some residential areas there, park and open space dedication shall be required. . . Objective E Policy 1 of the Recreation and Open Space Element states: The City shall require developers to provide recreational facilities to be included with private developments or fees in-lieu-of . . MEMO FOR RECORD August 21, 1997 Land Development Coordinator I From: Re: Preliminary Engineering Staff Review Tuskawilla Road Site I have reviewed the above referenced preliminary engineering and recommend approval with one caveat and that is that the covenants be submitted for review. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 August IS, 1997 Charles M. Madden, P.E. Madden Engineering, Inc. 431 E. HOLatio Avenue, Suite 260 Maitland, FL 32751 RE: North Tuscawilla Road Site - Preliminary Engineering Review Plans Seal Date July 28, 1997. The subject engineering plans and additional soils report were reviewed and found to be in general compliance with the Preliminary EngineeringrequiLements of the Land Development Code. I accept these plans and recommend they be forwarded to Planning & Zoning and then the City Commission for approval. If you have any questions, please call me at 327-8397. Sincere 1 y, /~ / ~~L/d~ Mark L. Jenkins, P.E. - Ci ty Engineer cc: Community Development Director ~and Management Specialist Charles Madden FAX# 629-8336 , TO: FROM: Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist Glenn Tolleson, Deputy Chief of Operations ~ DATE: July 21, 1994 SUBJ: Stone Gable Pud, Tuskawilla Road Site, and AMOCO I have received and reviewed the submittal plan for Tuskawilla Road Site, Stone Gable PUD, and AMOCO. I have no objections at this time. WINTER SPRINGS UTILITY I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 110 NORTH FLAMINGO AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-2669 Fax (407) 327-0942 June 30, 1997 TO: Don LeBlanc, Land Dev..lopment Coordinator Kipton Lockcuff, P.E., Utility Director J?Y FROM: RE: Preliminary Engineering Submittal Tuskawilla Road Site - Button Property We have reviewed the preliminary engineering for the revised Tuskawilla Road Site signed and sealed June 25, 1997 and recommend preliminary en~ineerin~ approval with the folio wine conditions: 1. This subdivision is not contiguous to an existing or planned reclaimed water main. A reclaimed water distribution system is not required for this development. 2. No water and sewer capacity has been reserved for this project although capacity is available. Water and sewer construction costs as specified in the Oversizing Agreement will be due prior to application to DEP for the water and sewer construction permit. Connection fees will also be due at that time. 3. The water and sewer lines shown as "existing" have not been completed or certified by DEP although they are under construction. Connection will be contingent upon completion and certification. The following comments need to be addressed during final engineering. 1. Improvements are shown in the 30' RIW south of this property. There is no easement that would allow these improvements. This R/W is not planned to be used in our traffic circulation plan and will probably become a maintenance liability for the City. I recommend that it be vacated unless the trail plans would have a need for this R/W. . 2. Please address the drainage along Orange Avenue and Tuskawilla Road where they are contiguous to this development. The swales may need to be regraded so that standing water does not adversely impact the adjacent lots. The proposed direct connections to the existing pipes on Orange Avenue may need to be revised to accommodate the swale drainage along Orange Avenue. 3. Access to Tract "c" will have to be provided. If the RIW is vacated, access to the drainage easement along the rear of lots 1 through 8 has to be addressed. 4. Trees to remain should be shown so compliance with the Arbor Ordinance can be determined. File WINTER SPRINGS FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORTH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE (407) 327-2332 FAX (407) 327-8514 MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: Subject: Donald LeBlanc, Lan,<:LManagement Specialist Timothy ~:;~Irathin:!t~;;:<?~ief ~ I ~ June 30(1997 " \:~ ,. .I " .' . Revised Engineering";"'jusk;willa ROclC:t Site " . .,. , . "'~}':,../ < ~"'.,,..,~ ' , ,. ,;:~" '. . ..'::.~~~~~~), .!.:" . '\" .' \ :\ The Fire Department h~$reviewed tn:e.aJ:;!9Y~ referenqed plansdate9 June 25, 1997 and the Staff Commeht~fRespon~e-~~port<dated June\24, 1'997. Alljprevious concerns -.",. - r' , . :--. \ " f _ ).~". ~ .\ .""-: ',' 1 have been addressed and 'no .~ddiYo~a! cOrTfments:,5ir~'required at t9is time. ~rJ0 i "":::"",- ":-: -' -- '_-_,-_ ':' i:~:;'~:_~::'::':,::,,~:'-:~::~__ "---- ,~~. -- . -....-~,.,.. . ---_._._~-_. ._.. - .-.- ',." .. ~ ,.... , t .'t. . : ~ ..', V(l~'j . 'S~N{MdS ~31NW\ ~O AJ.I~ L~L9r.1f '3"d N3(]a'V~ .~ S3~VHO :"aJ.tsaVQhI'-\t"IMV)I$nl . '. ,"; '; , ., \, . ~J ; , , . ~ iZ;Z6"';t~ (~~~ ZZ9Zt. o~JOJ:f !opliofJO . tOL '.lS 'JG 1OUO.i'J,ot.) ~U!l"ZOH ogl9 ) -' . .... l66~ U ~ en" ~6::J \ " . . ,f '. ,.;.f.~. . ~ .. - ... . ~ .:.~ ~ ' '. ), .~.'U.I ~, i : "r~~\o " . 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