HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreen Seal's Choose Green Report - Low Rolling Resistance Tires
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MARCH 2003
- 80% or more of a car's fuel energy is wasted by friction and
W other such losses
~ - 1.5 to 4.5% of total gasoline use could be saved if all
replacement tires in use had low rolling resistance
- About 237 million replacement tires are sold in the U.S. each
year -none has rolling resistance labeling
- This report presents previously unpublished data on leading tires
with low rolling resistance
America's Fuel Use, Its Impacts,
and Opportunities for Savings
he environmental impacts
of America's gasoline use
are profound. With over
160 million passenger cars and
light trucks on the road, we burn
about 126 billion gallons of
gasoline per year. Our fuel use
continues to rise about 3% annu-
ally, propelled by continued
increases in total number of
vehicles, rising average distance
driven per car, and falling average
fuel economy.
Today, light-duty vehicles (cars
& light trucks) are responsible for
about 20% of the nitrogen oxides,
27% of the volatile organic com-
pounds, 51% of the carbon monox-
ide, and roughly 30% of all the
carbon dioxide (the main green-
house gas) emitted from human
activities nationwide. Rising fuel
use also has enormous implica-
tions for protection of wilderness
and public lands (vulnerable to
increased exploration), water
resources (vulnerable to tanker
and pipeline accidents), and
national security. So the opportu-
nity to save money and improve
environmental quality through fuel
use reductions is clear.
One of the most promising
opportunities for fuel savings
across the entire fleet of existing
vehicles is to utilize low rolling
resistance tires instead of stan-
dard replacement models. This
change improves the inherent
efficiency of the vehicle, automati-
cally saving fuel over the typical
30,000 to 50,000 mile lifetime of a
set of tires.
This report examines the
opportunity for saving gasoline
through use of improved fire
technology and recommends
particular fire models for which our
initial test data suggest environ-
mental advantages. Its findings are
applicable to government and
corporate fleet managers as well as
individual fire buyers.
How Tires Can
Reduce Fuel
According to the National Acad-
emy of Sciences, about 80 to 88%
of the energy in a vehicle's gaso-
line tank is wasted in various
thermal, frictional, and standby
losses in the engine and exhaust
system. This leaves only about 12
to 20% of the potential energy
actually converted to vehicle
motion. One of the key ways to
improve that efficiency is to reduce
the rolling resistance of vehicle
tires. This is not a measure of a
tire's traction or "grip" on the road
surface, but rather simply indi-
cates how easily a fire rolls down
the road, minimizing the energy
wasted as heat between the fire
and the road, within the fire
sidewall itself, and between the
fire and the rim.
Detailed modeling conducted by
the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory concluded that a 10%
reduction in fire rolling resistance
should yield fuel savings of about 1
to Z%, depending on driving
conditions and vehicle type.
According to research for the
California Energy Commission,
about 1.5 to 4.5% of total gasoline
use could be saved if all replace-
ment tires in use had low rolling
The Choose Green Report is published
for Green Seal Environmental Partners.
To become an Environmental Partner,
or to receive a copy of this report,
contact Green Seal at 202-872-6900 or
grcenseal@ greenseal.org.
Green Seal President and CEO,
Arthur 6. Weissman
Researchers, My Ton, Chris Colwell, and
Trauis Reeder, Ecos Consulting
Design, Cutting Edge Design
Support provided by the Energy Foundation
Printed on Green Seal-certified
Mohawk Satin Cool While Recycled
paper, 30% postconsumer content
Copyright ®2003, Green Seal, Inc.
EnriroeMrntal Parfaer
2 Choose Green Report
resistance. This translates roughly
into average savings of up to 30
gallons of gasoline savings per
vehicle per year, or from $2.5 to
$7.5 billion worth of national
average gasoline savings.
As part of their efforts to meet
Federal fuel economy standards,
automakers routinely specify low
rolling resistance tires on their
new vehicles. Between 1980 and
1994, the lowest rolling resistance
fire models available achieved a
48% reduc-
tion in rolling
resistance, As part of their
and have e,~°orts to meet
likely contin-
ued to Federal fuel
improve economy
thereafter. standards,
These original
equipment automakers
(OE) tine routinely
models are specify low
available in rolling
the replace- resistance tires
ment tine on their new
market, but
often only by vehicles.
special order.
In general,
the tires marketed to the replace-
ment fire market tend to place
greater emphasis on longevity and
low price, and therefore often
have higher rolling resistance
than OE tires.
Unfortunately both OE and
replacement tires lack any sort of
rolling resistance labeling cur-
rently, so fleet managers and
consumers that wish to buy highly
energy-efficient tires when their
first set of OE tires wear out have
been stymied. Even when tine
makers claim that particular
replacement models are more fuel-
efficient than others, they do not
always use consistent test methods
or independent laboratory data to
back up those claims. About 237
million replacement tires are sold
in the U.S. each year for cars and
light trucks, and none of them
provides rolling resistance labeling.
In 2002, the Energy Foundation
funded Ecos Consulting to analyze
the fire market, select representa-
tive models for rolling resistance
testing, and work with Green Seal
to recommend particular models
that perform well while achieving
low rolling resistance. Those
findings are being published for
the first time in this Choose Green
Report. Additional background on
Ecos Consulting's key findings can
be found in a separate report
prepared for the California Energy
Commission, available at
www.energy. ca.gov/reports/2003-
Ol -31 600-0 3-001 CRVOL2. PDF.
Balancing Tire
Resistance and
Other Considerations
The manufacture of tires, like
other industrial processes, involves
material extraction and produc-
tion, as well as energy consump-
tion and the emission of various
pollutants. Each of these manufac-
turing stages impacts the environ-
ment indifferent ways. However,
tires, like a number of other
consumer products, are actually
responsible for more environmen-
tal impacts in their use and
ultimate disposition than in their
manufacturing. They significantly
impact the amount of fuel con-
sumed by the vehicle to which they
are attached, leading to global
warming emissions as well as local
and regional air pollution. They
create particulate air pollution in
the process of wearing, and they
can be a significant solid waste
problem if not properly recycled.
An analysis conducted by Italian
fire manufacturer Pirelli (Figure 1)
revealed the dominance of fire use
in overall life-cycle energy con-
sumption. Fully 82% of the life-
cycle energy use occurs from the
tire's contribution to vehicle fuel
use, compared to roughly 18%
associated with obtaining the raw
materials and manufacturing the
Collection m Endof-Life
O.OS6% ~ Raw Marorials
Use (Tire D$Z% and Fuel) Compound Recycling
Tire Production
Source: Pirelli SA ~~.:" 'r ~'
fire itself. Thus, a tire's rolling
resistance is likely to be a larger
factor in its life-cycle environmen-
tal impact than its composition,
longevity, or ultimate fate, though
those factors merit consideration
as well.
This report places greatest
significance on the measured rolling
resistance of tires, followed closely
by consideration of the tire's
expected longevity and performance
characteristics. Afire with high
rolling resistance can cause pro-
found environmental impact, even if
it capably grips the road and lasts
for 80,000 miles. By contrast, a very
low rolling resistance fire may not
be worth recommending if its
lifetime is unusually short or test
data indicate that it provides poor
Every fire currently on the
market represents a balance
between a wide assortment of
desired performance characteris-
tics and price (we surveyed tires
ranging from $25 to over $200 per
tire). Careful balancing of these
characteristics can yield not only a
high-performing tire, but also one
that is better for the environment
than others currently available on
the market.
Rating Tire Rolling
Resistance and
Related Factors
Rolling resistance has traditionally
been measured through an official
Society of Automotive Engineers
(SAE) test procedure known as
J1269. It measures the force
required to roll a fire against a
dynamometer at a fixed speed of
50 miles per hour. A newer
procedure, SAE J2452, promises
improved accuracy by assessing
rolling resistance at a variety of
speeds, but no independent
laboratory currently has the
capability to conduct such testing
in-house. As a result, all of our
testing was conducted at a single
independent laboratory according
to SAE Ji269.
The highest and lowest rolling
resistance tires we tested differed
in efficiency by 60%, indicating that
fire choice can have a bigger
impact on fuel economy than most
people realize. Rolling resistance
differences of 20 to 30% are not
uncommon among tires of an
otherwise similar size, type, and
level of performance. This means
an individual vehicle could save up
to 6% of its gasoline use if it were
fitted with very efficient tires,
paying for the modest additional
cost of low rolling resistance tires
in approximately a year of fuel
savings. In other words, a typical
compact car such as a Ford Focus
can improve its mileage from 30
mpg to 32 mpg simply by using
lower rolling resistance tires. For a
car averaging 15,000 miles per
year the fuel savings is about $50
(at $1.50 per gallon)
All tires have imprinted infor-
mation on their sidewalk indicat-
ing size, type, load, and speed
ratings, as described in Figure 2.
The majority of fire models employ
a "P" designation for passenger
vehicle use, but some bear the
"LT" designation for use with light
trucks. In general, "P" tires appear
to be gaining in popularity relative
to "LT" tires of a given size.
In addition, the U.S. Department
of Transportation requires each
manufacturer to grade its tires
under the Uniform Tire Quality
Grading System (UTQGS) and
establish ratings for the following
characteristics: tread wear, trac-
tion, and temperature resistance.
Unfortunately, the ultimate results
published for each fire model are
less "uniform" than they should be.
The government specifies how each
test should be conducted and
prevents a manufacturer from
claiming better performance than
measured. However, it does not
prevent manufacturers from
claiming worse performance than
measured. And, curiously enough,
many do, primarily to amplify
marketing distinctions among their
tires at difi'erent price points and
encourage buyers to move up from
a "good" to a "better" or "best"
model in a particular category.
Given the variability of ratings
and the number of relevant
factors, we have compiled our own
composite metrics of performance
for assessing tires, including the
Federal ratings noted below and a
variety of other published data, as
Choose Green Report 3
a minimum traction rating of
"A." Traction in a wide variety of
other circumstances (cornering,
dry conditions, snow, etc.) can
also be very important, so we
evaluated test data from Con-
sumer Reports where available,
which included considerations of
the impact of antilock braking
systems as well. We also evalu-
ated Tire Rack.com customer
survey data on traction in a
variety of road conditions,
averaging the data available for
each model to produce a
composite traction score.
rt. zos - wsdth of ase srs ~.
55 • aspect ratb sthka sidewax~s haipht
ii rau4i-tY ! of qta ~s widdU.
3. R • ~ I tsufskruttian.
6, 16.Oiarrfatef Ot th8 whldt fin iEK11@5~
on which the ttre ilts_
s. nst - aumerk~ roue assocsaced
mss maaiinrurn sued a are can c3rsy.
assessed rolling resistance for
51 different currently available
fire models in four sizes. These
models represent only a fraction
of the hundreds of models
currently available today, but
were chosen because previous
tests or manufacturing claims
indicated they might have lower
than average rolling resistance
or other distinctive performance
features (best wet traction, high
overall satisfaction, etc.). The
models we tested had rolling
resistance coefficients ranging
from 0.0062 to 0.0152 (see
Figure 3). We recommend
models with an RRC of 0.0105
or less, recognizing that low
values are somewhat more
difl"icult to achieve on larger,
heavier tires than on smaller,
lighter weight models.
assesses how much tread is lost
from a particular fire after
being driven a known distance
on a government test course. A
fire with a score of 200 would
have half the wear (and roughly
4 Choose Green Report
a v - spsen ratsnR s+~ss esra aaaa
unWe apeaut sps to ~ rtopsp.
!. XGT y - Man~er'i tsarrw far sxeas
5aasra tlesigea~tbns may Ise pr+eoeded'
by a'P." stssrarvllntN Pa45atN~[
Source: www.tireadvisor.com
twice the longevity) of a fire
that scored 100. Few tires score
less than 100, while the most
durable models are rated at
600, 700, or more. Scores of
350 or more indicate above-
average levels of durability, and
we recommend a minimum
rating of 300. We also evaluated
two other measures of fire
durability from several Internet
sources (including Tire
Rack.com), where available: our
information represents cus-
tomer survey responses reflect-
ing over Z billion miles of total
driving, and assessments of
manufacturer warranties that
consider both the total mileage
covered and the comprehen-
siveness of the warranties. We
averaged all the data available
for each model to produce a
composite tread wear score.
sores straight-line fire wet
braking traction and reports fire
performance using qualitative
grades of AA, A, B, or C, with AA
being the highest. We recom-
mend that you choose tires with
has asked its customers if they
would buy various fire models
again. The response received,
on a scale of 1 to 10, reflects the
best overall indicator of cus-
tomer satisfaction with particu-
lar fire models, reflecting
traction, handling, value, noise,
and comfort.
Note: We did not employ the
UTQGS temperature resistance
values (A, B, or C) when
selecting tires for this report.
While "A" rated tires are
generally preferred, the link-
ages between high temperature
resistance and greater longevity
or lower rolling resistance are
still somewhat controversial.
'IYead wear, traction, and
customer satisfaction scores were
averaged into an overall composite
performance score. The average
score for the 450 fire models in our
database was 6.82. Such results
are still imperfect, in part because
Consumer Reports test data and
TireRack.com data are not avail-
able for all models, leading to
excessive reliance on the flawed
UTQGS values for some tires.
Green Seal's fire recommendations
represent tires with a greater than
average performance score and a
~ ~,~ ~ twiaewar~
rolling resistance
coefficient of less
than 0.0105. These
are listed
individually in Table
1. Note that the tire
sizes listed are the
individual sizes that
we tested, but most
models are
available in a wide
array of sizes.
Because of the
difference in tire
weights across the
various sizes,
absolute RRCs are
more meaningful
within a particular
size than across a
• ~
• • ~ • ~ • ~
. 0 185/7414 Not Recommended • 185/70.14 Recommended ~ ^
c 0 205/55-Ib • 205/55-16 A~eroge Performance
Score for All Tires in
m 0.014
^ 235/75-15 ^ 235/75-15 Database' 6.82
~ °^
° 245/75-16 • 245/75-16 j
~ o.olz o ~ ° o
r fr~ ^ O ~ O 00 O
.-_- ai- -
' _. ~ _ 9
o.olo O
o ^
o o °~ • •
m °
O ~•
0.008 ^ ^ ~ ^
0.006 •
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Performance Composite Score
range of sizes.
However, a tire model that
managed a relatively low rolling
resistance within one size is likely
to perform relatively well in a
different size as well, all other
things being equal. Also note that
some of the recommended models
are all season radials or
performance-oriented models,
while others are snow tires. Be
sure to choose the model that best
suits your needs (websites like
tireadvisor.com and tirerack.com
can assist with that process).
Rolling On
to the Future
Efforts to differentiate replace-
ment tires on the basis of rolling
resistance are still in their very
early stages. Without data on the
rolling resistance of all tine models
across a range of sizes, it is
impossible to say for sure if the
models identified in this report
represent the most efficient models
or simply a subset of them. For
now, consumers and fleet manag-
ers can start with the data shown
here and request additional
information directly from retailers
and manufacturers.
` Low-rolling-resistance tires
~~JU~~~~:~Q~tfiJ ~,
Low-rolling-resistance tires
In the endless quest for better fuel economy, it's easy to overlook the role that tires
can play. However, a tire's inflation pressure, weight, and rubber chemistry all
contribute to how much fuel it takes to push that tire down the highway. While
inflation pressure is something you can (and should) check regularly, important
factors that might influence your choice of tires, such as rolling resistance, are
invisible to a consumer.
Automakers often specify low-rolling-resistance tires as original equipment to
enhance vehicle performance in government fuel-economy tests. However, when it
comes time to replace the factory-fitted tires, it is important to consider the full
spectrum of tire performance. After all, replacement tires are not limited to any
vehicle manufacturer's requirements. Replacement tires generally have well-
rounded all-season grip and longer tread life, as opposed to optimal rolling
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Low-roll ing-resistance
tires, like those on the
Toyota Prius, are a key
component in the overall
system that makes hybrid
vehicles so fuel efficient.
Consumer Reporfs is the only organization that regularly publishes a rolling
resistance score as part of its ratings of important tire-performance criteria. We note
rolling resistance for all the tires we test except winter tires, where traction and grip are of paramount importance.
While proper inflation pressure is the first step toward optimum fuel economy and long tire life, rolling resistance can
add or detract an additional one or two miles per gallon. Therefore, smart tire selection is among the most cost-
effective means of optimizing your vehicle's fuel economy because you generally don't have to pay more to get a tire
with better rolling resistance. The reward for replacing a worn, less-optimum tire could be more than $100 in annual
fuel savings.
• Keep your tires properly inflated. (A label on the driver's doorjamb tells you the correct pressures to use.)
• Check inflation pressure at least monthly, when the tires are cool.
• If you were happy with the tires that came with the car when it was new, consider replacing them with an
identical set. Low rolling resistance is a common trait oforiginal-equipment tires.
• Before buying replacement tires, check Consumer Reports' P.atings for tires that excel both in low rolling
resistance and overall performance.
http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/cars/tires-auto-parts/tires/low-rolling-resistance-tires-... 1 /13/2009