HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 01 02 Regular Item C .' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327.1800 Community Development PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD REGULAR AGENDA ITEM: D. BRANDON REZONING (REZ-2-97) STAFF REPORT: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Sec. 20-57 of the City Code states "The planning and zoning board shall serve. . .to recommend to the City Commission the boundaries of the various original zoning districts. . .and any amendments thereto. . .acto on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning." I. BACKGROUNQ: APPLICANT: .- Brandon Acquisitions, Inc. (Contract owner) 800 N. Highland Ave. Orlando, FL 32803 (407) 843-4000 OWNER: Big Cypress Associates, Inc. 833 N. Highland Ave., Suite 2-B Orlando, FL 32803 REQUEST: Rezone Parcel 3 (.229 acres) from county zoning designation C-2 "Retail Commercial District" to City zoning designation C-l ''Neighborhood Commercial". B. NUISANCE POTENTIAL OF PROPOSED REZONING TO SURROUNDING LAND USES: 1. The applicant's proposed zoning change from county zoning designation C-2 "Retail Commercial District" to the City's zoning designation of C-l ''Neighborhood Commercial District" is the same zoning of the adjacent and nearby parcels along S.R. 434. 2. The applicant's proposed land use is compatible with the commercial nature of S.R. 434 and the existing commercial establishments in the area. Ill. ElliI2l.NGS..:. . The applicant is the sole (contract) owner of the .229 acre property (parcel 3). . The applicant's proposed land use is compatible with the commercial nature of S.R. 434. . The adjacent parcels are indicated as "Commercial" on the City's Official Future Land Use Map. . The county had the subject parcel (parcel 3) zoned C-2 "Retail Commercial District" . The adjacent parcels are indicated as C-1 "Neighborhood Commercial" on the City's Official Zoning Map. IV. Staff recommends the Planning & Zoning Board recommend approval to the City Commission the request for rezoning by Brandon Acquisitions, Inc of the .229 acre parcel (parcel 3) from county zoning designation C-2 "Retail Commercial District" to City zoning designation C-1 ''Neighborhood Commercial District", based on the findings above. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Brandon Acquisitions, Inc. To Don LeBlanc dated January 23, 1997. 2. "Sketch and Description for The Brandon Company" 3. Aerial View with property boundary superimposed of the Brandon property. PURPOSE: Applicant wants the .229 acre parcel developed under the same City regulations as parcel 2 and parcel 1. PROPERTY: Location: Approximately 3,000 feet east of the intersection of S.R. 434 and U.S. 17/92 on the north side of S.R. 434 opposite Timberlane Drive. Legal Description: That portion of Lot 57 Block "D" D.R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Seminole county, Florida lying north of State Road 434 and west of the Florida Power Corporation Easement. ACREAGE: .229 acres "more or less". PARCEL NUMBER: 33-20-30-515-0103-0000 EXISTING LAND USE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Vacant, no trees, grassed area. CHRONOLOGY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Parcel was part of the only portion of the City of Casselberry that extended on the north side of S.R. 434. Casselberry deannexed the parcel recognizing that such a small part of the city was of no value and that it created confusion in the recognition of city boundaries. n. THE FOLLOWING SUMMARIZES THE DATA AND ISSUES WIllCR STAFF ANALYZED IN REVIEWING THIS APPPLICATION. A. JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING: 1. The applicant has requested annexation into the City of Parcel 3 (.229 acres) prompting a small scale comprehensive plan amendment. 2. Though not required in an annexation, the applicant wants the .229 acre parcel developed under the same City regulations as parcel 2 and parcel 1. ~7 ".,/ ----- / BRANDON ACQUJI.STIONS, mc. 800 N. HIlSHL'\.t'JD AVE. ORLANDO, FL 32803 (407) 843-4000 January 23, 1997 Mr. Donald R. LeBlanc City ofWmter Springs 1126 E. S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Fl 32708 , , Dear Don: Thank you for arranging the pre-development meeting to address our proposed project at the intersection of S.R. 434 and TimberIane Trail. The meeting was extremely helpful to Bill, Steve and me. After reviewing the preliminary requirements by our tenant, we do wish to inform you that will be requesting a few modifications to our discussions. These requests will involve the parking space sizes and the signage packages. As you requested, enclosed herewith you will find a notarized letter of authorization giving Brandon Acquisitions, Inc. the power and authority necessary to act on behalf of the property owners for the needed permits and submittals. Thank you again for you help. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me. {i) iJL Vice President c C. c., \ '-\ '('(\Q...V\ o...'::f~\L. S~W- ,;" .. ..... :/.'., ".... ~~','~: ",. '..' ',. "\~~_~'i':""::~{::'-';";-,, ::::'.::~,,~: .~~,;:~~" '~:: ..-r. ,"; ~".' , , ".- ~, C,..' :".'v,~""':'.' AND DESCRIPTION FOR: THE BRANDON COMPANY :)!:!.71> IP"O~:5; . . '., . . .. . "'2.~'i..;;,',:~::t:..,.;:,"i:.":,. ...1.:;.,:.:.:.:....:...: ~~..;' ,':; .~ :~,:~"::'..b..:..":' .~:.:::.: .;.;.':.~,~.:.":..;:.;.:l.~~~.::..~:.: :'.:~..::_~.~~.:...._ ''-_;'',,_..::~--':'';"_'. !::.:.~-.!.. TH~; r,:r.T ", TR.,(' 'I' ;'.F HIGIILAND5 5[CTION II/R[[, ....$ R[CO'tt'J:{' If: I'I~' fIjC'~ I". I''''\~,-s .;6 .:.1..;' -~ ,,,. ;'1,- h':. 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I'ACiES A~ AND 49 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ,EU/NOLE COUNTY. F'L 011 101.. DE'CIIIBED AS I"OUOWS, BECiIN A T THE SOUTHres T CORNER OF AF'DREJA /0 TRACT -/', SA/D SOUTHWE'ST CORNER BEING ON THE NORTHERLY RICiHT.OF_WAY OF THt: lONCirOOD WAGNER 1/0AO , S TA TE ROAD AJ41' THENCE N. ,,0 <l9'JO'[. ALONG THE WE,T LINt: OF SAID rRACT -/'. 2J3.JJ FEET. THENCE RUN EAST 17J.1I FEET: THENCE N.~()'11'20.E.. 531.36 FEET, THCNCf $.OO."'9'1J'E'. JJ8,07 F'Cn, THENCE: N.89'59'J4'w. 7J5.l$ FECT rO THE AFOREJAID NORTHERLY RIGHT_'OF.rAY: THENCE N,87"5J'JI-"', ()I<I.6S FECT ALONG SAID RICiHT'OF.WAY LINE TO THE POINT OF BEGINN/NCi. CONTAINING ~.909 ACRES ,",ORC OR LCSS. , .- i~ .:i ., t~ , .- . ~. ~ I 7'.-;'-.-' .. f' , . --. .-' ../- ; P, o. C. P.O,B. PARCEL PARCEL 2 ..... w. CO/(NI!/( 0' 1/(AC1 '.' 1HI! HION~A""II Sf.crION r....f.f ~1~T DOOK I~. "~06S J, J'{O ., mS11'AGGERTr LAND % 'StlRlfEf/NC.INC. i,,,... IlC_JUrH '.D.ID.1U_ ~"~"""""""I'I'" r.."J/l"'JDf.. 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