HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 01 02 Regular Item B CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Community Development P & Z BOARD / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR AGENDA ITEM: B. BRANDON ANNEXATION (ANX-2-97) STAFF REPORT: APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: The provisions of 171.044(1) Florida Statutes which states "The owner or owners of real property in an unincorporated area of a county which is contiguous to a municipality and reasonably compact may petition the governing body of a said municipality that said property be annexed to the municipality." The Legislature recognizes that enclaves can create significant problems in planning, growth management, and service delivery, and therefore declares that it is the policy of the State to eliminate enclaves [ref. 171.046(1) F.S.]. .' Sec. 20-57 of the city Code which states in part "The planning and zoning board, . . .to act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning." The City has expressed an interest in annexation in the past (ref. 8-14-95 City Commission meeting). " I. BACKGROUND: APPLICANT: Brandon Acquisitions, Inc. (Contract owner) 800 N. HigWand Ave. Orlando, FL 32803 (407) 843-4000 OWNER: Big Cypress Associates, Inc. 833 N, Highland Ave., Suite 2-B Orlando, FL 32803 REQUEST: Annexation of ,229 acre parcel (parcel 3) into the City. PURPOSE: Applicant wants the .229 acre parcel annexed into the City to develop it under the same City regulations as parcel 2 and parcell and to complete the frontage of the development on S.R. 434, PROPERTY: Location: Approximately 3,000 feet east of the intersection of S.R. 434 and U.S. 17/92 on the north side of S.R. 434 opposite Timberlane Drive. Legal Description: That portion of Lot 57 Block "D" D.R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Seminole county, Florida lying north of State Road 434 and west of the Florida Power Corporation Easement. ACREAGE: .229 acres "more or less". PARCEL NUMBER: 33-20-30-515-0103-0000 EXISTING LAND USE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Vacant, no trees, grassed area. CHRONOLOGY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Parcel was part of the only portion of the City of Casselberry that extended on the north side of S.R. 434. Casselberry deannexed the parcel recognizing that such a small part of the city was of no value and that it created confusion in the recognition of city boundaries, FUNDING: FINDINGS: No monies from the City are required. . The applicant is the sole (contract) owner of the .229 acre property (parcel 3), . The applicant states the intention is to develop Parcel 3 in conjunction with Parcel 1 and Parcel 3 as a Wino-Dixie Grocery Store. . . The proposed land use is compatible with the commercial nature ofS,R. 434. The adjacent parcels are indicated as "Commercial" on the City's Official Future Land Use Map. . The adjacent parcels are indicated as C-1 "Neighborhood Commercial" on the City's Official Zoning Map. . The Legislature recognizes that enclaves can create significant problems in planning, growth management, and service delivery, and therefore declares that it is the policy of the State to eliminate enclaves [ref. 171.046(1) F.S.]. . The City has expressed an interest in annexation in the past (ref. 8-14-95 City Commission meeting). II. STAFF RECOM1v1ENDATION: Staff recommends the Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency recommend approval to the City Commission the annexation of the .229 acre parcel (parcel 3) into the City, based on the findings indicated above. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Brandon Acquisitions, Inc. To Don LeBlanc dated January 23, 1997. 2_ "Sketch and Description for The Brandon Company" 3. Aerial View with property boundary superimposed of the Brandon property. ~ .j -- / .' BRANDON ACQUJI.STIONS, mt. 800 N. HI6HL<\.ND It \fE. ORUu'JDO, fL 32803 (407) 843-4000 January 23, 1997 Mr. Donald R. LeBlanc City of Winter Springs 1126 E. S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 , Dear Don: Thank you for arranging the pre-development meeting to address our proposed project at the intersection of S.R, 434 and Timberlane Trail. The meeting was extremely helpful to Bill, Steve and me. After reviewing the preliminary requirements by our tenant, we do wish to inform you that will be requesting a few modifications to our discussions. These requests will involve the parking space sizes and the signage packages. As you requested, enclosed herewith you will find a notarized letter of authorization giving Brandon Acquisitions, Inc. the power and authority necessary to act on behalf of the property owners for the needed pennits and submittals. Thank you again for you help, Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me. 2}~ !Ji Vice President c c.', c... \ '-\ Y'<\...... '^ Cl...')e\'L. S~W- "'" ~"- , . -.' '-:: ~I :,:;}~,(": ^ c..... '. ~..,~ "," .' ":~.'::~_:i:'b.::i~!~"':'~:";>:;"''' "::':'.::~~~ ,~~ ~::;, -~,: ..-r. >2,~,,;,':.', ;~~~ :{""', '.: '..' '.,' . - - '. "~:. .~. ,.: :~_;i..:;..;..: :~,,::"'::";'..i.~ :.:..:.::...:....:;.i::..:___.~ .:~,- .;.;~~,~~._.":_..!;;.!'.i.~~.:::~.:...:.:~'.::.:<:..~:. \.-:...... ..----'..""--'-:..-.--~ -"'yD DESCRIPTION FOR: ;)~!:'~"IPrIO":5; THE BRANDON COMPANY !::;~CEi.-.!. TII.:, 1'.:I1T fjr TR.l(' .,. ,..[ H'GlltAND$ S[CTlON TIIR[[. A~ R[COqC'i:'{' rr: "r~' iOt!'~ ,... Pi.\;,5 ';6 .:1;;' "r .v ;11, ;l':. I( r;c(.:J~D5 (J; S(MINOLe CtJVNTI. ;~:';;~~.: "'i'::..~[~.:$ 1'0~Lc.ln' f CONTAINING 5.~S; AC~ES UOR[ OR LeSS. PARCEL .. II-I"'T. PART or TIIAC" -,' AND .K.. T/>IE HIGHLANDS SECTION IH~CC. AS ~CCOROEO 'N PLAT BOOK 17. PAGES "/J AND "9 OF Tf/C PU8[fC RECORDS OF SCUINOLC COUNTY. FLORIDA. oESCRISEO AS rOLLOit'S, SEGIN A T THE SOUT/lrfj T CORNER Of: Af:oRESA 10 TRACT ./'. $.A 10 SOUTHIt'E'ST CORNER BEING ON TNC NORTNERLY RIGHT.OF.WAY OF THE LONGIt'OOD WAGNER /lOAD (STATE ROAO "J",: THENCE' N. 1/" "P'JCJ"c. ALONG THE "CST LINE OF SAID TRACT ./'. 2J2.JJ FCET. T/>ICNCC RUN CAST 77J.11 FCCT: TUENCC H./JIJ"12';O'E. 511.;(j FCCT, THCNCE S.CO""P'/J"E. JJI.07 F[ET, THENCE N. /Jp' 59 'J" -w 7J5.7S f:EET TO THC AFORESA 10 NORTHERL Y RIGHI'OF.It'AY: TI-I[NCC N./J:1"SJ'J/.II'. 151<1.155 FEET ALONG SAIO RIGIIT-Or.WAY lINC 10 I/>IE POINT OF SEGINNING. CONIAINING 8.909 ACR!S UORE OR LESS. P.O.C. P.O.B. PARCEL PARCEL ..w. CO~NE~ 0' r~~er .,. r"E "IOHl~NOS SEerlON r"~~r "I'" '00'" ,~. '~GES .., 'NO 'J 2 mSIfAGGERTY LAND fl% 'SUfi:\'EYINC. JNC. "" r. uc~.~ Il.ctr '.O.IO'TH. ~..~.., '''....''''j.j'.. "QnJl1"'J~/u !'QII I 'Ull c .. .," ~_:!'i ," " < I -'. :0 -;; ._~ /'\ ~'5 7G"/()'JO~[ 1 , I - j , ,/ :' .' :; . ~ .. ~ ~ ~ , - o' , .. . 0 . " . , ~ i;; f~ ~',~ ~~ ~: .-, -< f' " , .. .. 17J. I;' , , o . , , . o , , C,'~.'t." ,..~,I' ' ~ ,.' Ilrsr , -J.IIf,trY,".".,. ._~\ _,: e"'5;';rw \ -.__ 01".65' -:::':~'"{~ .,. tl";;;;-:'-_ .IIIIC"I) IU.'C/lClA;O;j::"'C' 'f l..ONGHtOOD - WAG.vE'R 5 ".J"17.,rC />':~::EL J 10J. ('7' :.'.:t />O~,IOH OF (OT S: H!..oC/: .0.. D.S uJ:C'"'!'Il'~ H'....I'[I ~: :1-1::: tCI'r GRAHT:.~ RECORD!O 1/1 PLAT Boo}; I P.IIG!.~. FI.'S! Ie J:'':,)~''S OF Sl"lflN.:JLC COUNTY. I'tORIO. tFlNG IIOIO~;: ~r.:.;-r IlCl':O "'Jot AND .'CST OF 'HC I'LORIDA PO/JIEIl CORPOR.":,,, E.SEU(NT. C,)':f':'INI{/O 0.1)9 ,I.CRES AJORC OR LESS. f"" .,. ... ,"! H'GHf."'fll ... fEel/ON '''.CC 'lA' 'OO~ II... "\ill ... 'INtI ., JCerl~N JJ .. l~nIlHI' 10 lovrH .. AAl/C( JO COS' (ITrOT .'Nru UII'HGJ"U"'HOIC co(.W'r. rtO.'DA 12J.07' 5 tl7'.50'U"W J7.5J'/;"( lJ.65" 72.19' I I I"""" \ "f' 96' 1 S 6"10''''[" 122.27' I "' N 66"2' 20 COI'uENc'r. ~ r eH:" SN';I/II'CS r CORNEl; OF .11I'ORCSA 10 TRAC T . I.. $,1.10 Soutl/WE! t CO~,IER BCING ON 'I-Ie NQ/llufRt Y RIGIIT.O'.".Y OF THr LONGWOOD WAGNE~ .<;'0.0 r.11~lJ'." ~~~D ....~I TU(IICe "".II'''9'JO.C. A(ONG TUE .'EST LII,'. 0; S~I: '''ACT ". lJ:!.JJ feET I,) rue POINT or BrGINNING"'UENCE CONTINUt 1-.'./1' ~9'JO'L ALOf/G SAID "CST LINC. A DISTANCE Dr PIJO./J FErr: TIIENCE S.'" IO'JO.C IO"~: TiT': TUr'....!:.' 0"."5'".". ~4".17 FErr, Tun:CE s."J"P'S2'E 12J.Ol rEEt; tHENCE S.07.So'"r". 7.J.6S f:E!t: TI--ICNCf S.J:.~."IJ'f .~2.19 rcr': TUENCE '-61.0;'27'(.111.9) FfCT: rUENC! S."'.1I'51"(. 170.915 rECT: IHCNCE S.6S'10'SS.c. 122.:7'fEC': IU[NCf /lUN "(ST 77J.// FrCT TO T/>IE POINT OF BEGINNING. S 6(0)'27.; 161.')" 1(1"27'S2"c I ~21. 26' , ~""f' f'c. .1' ~ ~ .~.' N liP'S9')I"l'.' 'H.7$. N6"~", ___' Ij'N,s"S9')4"WJJ6.16'. - ~...:...:~rl;-~~ --_........~.~.JJ. ..____ . P/...~Ce-l J_.~' . --~+-__ _.~_._:~._ .'4('($ '. ___'._'_. -- S (lJ'06';:-_[ ,RO/lD .$\;. I!' sr.1.re RO/lD 434 NO. . THIS PF:OPERTTLIES INSEOIONISl J3 'O~'N~HlP 7n SOJifLRl/:(j( ,)0 (LSf. ,- Q . " " ~ ~ - , Q " ,.~~. .,. COMo[A(,'t ,..C' :;';.:'. SCALE: I . "200' OATE:/.;e-.;; au it! ~j')l A SURV(T. . .p", C~~I!t'( ....:.1 '''. ,q ro:~ ,,,,),,,; ':~;~;~,:~l(~~~k,~. n:~~it~~ g~. :_, l.l.l-.;' JUIlW[YlUG III III[ ll1.r: c.t ttO~Iw-. ,.. "I Olf II() C" (I r. ".~. LtJ. k--oA: '[(j. l."O SU..lr.... f~. rUT": /_?,!_,;-, ,,~ .." . I j: " ;. r ~ " P I r I" I , . , , , i Ii 'I II u ~~ IF~ .. !; b I_ , , . ~! , .. ., y: ~~ "'1 -- :.'"'! ~ .- ~ L~ , '!l N ::, ,.-.': .....~"~;"'i@::.:-.">....-t"- . '''0. ~ .. , t. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 ----.. Community Development BRANDON SMALL SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (SM-CP A-2-97) Cw1~ cj--I'f') \~ o AL PLANNING AGENCY GULAR AGENDA ITEM: PORT: PLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: The provisions of 163.3174(4) Florida Statutes which states "Be the agency (Local Planning Agency) responsible for the preparation of the comprehensive plan or plan amendment and shall make recommendations to the governing body regarding the adoption or amendment of such plan, During the preparation of the plan or plan amendment and prior to any recommendation to the governing body, the Local Planning Agency shall hold at least one public hearing, with public notice, on proposed plan or plan amendment. " The provisions ofSec, 2-57 of the City Code which state in part ". . .the planning and zoning board shall serve as the local planning agency pursuant to the county comprehensive planning act and the local government comprehensive planning act of the state. _ ." .f The provisioDS of163.3187 F.S. which state in part "Small scale development amendments adopted pursuant to the paragraph (1)(c) require only one public hearing before the governing board, which shall be an adoption hearing. . " Small scale development amendments shall not become effective until 31 days after adoption." I. .BACK.G:RQ1.IND: APPLICANT: Brandon AcquisitioDS, Inc. (Contract owner) 800 N. Highland Ave. Orlando, FL 32803 (407) 843-4000 OWNER: Big Cypress Associates, Inc. 833 N. Highland Ave" Suite 2-B Orlando, FL 32803 REQUEST: For change of Future Land Use designation from Seminole County's designation of "Commercial" to the City's designation of "Commercial", PURPOSE: Applicant wants the .229 acre parcel developed under the same City regulations as parcel 2 and parcel 1. PROPERTY: Location: Approximately 3,000 feet east of the intersection ofS.R. 434 and U.S. 17/92 on the north side of S.R. 434 opposite Timberlane Drive, Legal Description: That portion of Lot 57 Block "D" D,R. Mitchell's Survey of the Levy Grant as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 5, Public Records of Seminole county, Florida lying north of State Road 434 and west of the Florida Power Corporation Easement. ACREAGE: .229 acres "more or less". PARCEL NUMBER: 33-20-30-515-0103-0000 EXISTING LAND USE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Vacant, no trees, grassed area. CHRONOLOGY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Parcel was part of the only portion of the City of Casselberry that extended on the north side of S.R. 434. Casselberry deannexed the parcel recognizing that such a small part of the city was of no value and that it created confusion in the recognition of city boundaries. ll. EXISTING LAND USES ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: liQ!1h: SmIth: East: ~: Golf course and Florida Power Easement. S.R. 434 right-of-way and further south is the continuation of the Florida Power Easement and commercial and residential south of that. Golf course and buildings associated with the golf course. Vacant open land with scattered tree stands. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: (County designation) "Commercial" Reqllested: (City designation) "Commercial" FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: liQ!1h: SmIth: East: ~: "Commercial" (S.R. 434 right-of-way), further south (City of Casselberry) "Medium Density" maximum 13 DU/acre. "Commercial" "Commercial" ZONING OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Existing: (County designation) C-2 "Retail Commercial District" Reqllested: (City designation) C-l "Neighborhood Commercial" ZONING ADJACENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY: NQnh: SmIth: East: ~: C-l (City of Casselberry) RMHP "Medium Density Mobile Home Park" C-l C-l ill. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMElIT..ANAL YSIS: The following summarizes the data and issues which staff analyzed in reviewing this application. A. PUBLIC FACILITIES: 1. ROADSfTRAFFIC CIRCULATION: a. Availability of Access: S.R. 434 abuts this property on the south side. b. Function Classification: S.R. 434 is an urban arterial4-lane east west roadway. c, Improvements/expansions (including right-of-w!\y acquisition) already programmed or needed as a result of the proposed amendment None. 2. SANITARY SEWER, SOLID WASTE, STORMWATERMANAGEMENT, POTABLE WATER: POTABLE WATER: a. Facilities serving the site_ None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: Developer would lay all water lines within the development and tap into the trunk line_ SANITARY SEWER: a. Facilities serving the site. None, b. Improvements/ellpansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: A line would have to be installed running to the Wastewater treatment plant to the north of the property near the Florida Power Easement. Developer would lay all sewer lines within the development and tap into the collector line. RE-USE WATER SYSTEM: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: There is an existing line along the paved road to the wastewater treatment plant t to the north that comes south part way and eastward then southward to Bell Street. This line is available for tapping into for re-sue water to the subject parcel (parcel 3) as well as to Parcell and Parcel 2. DRAINAGE/STORMW ATER: a. Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: If the property is developed, then the project must meet Sec. 9-241 City Code requirements. Post development runoff cannot exceed pre- development runoff. (Use 25 year storm, 24 hour storm standard) Stormwater Calculations required in retention ponds are to be constructed with storm pipes or swales. There must be a clear recorded easement for the pipes and/or swales. The easement must be definitive for maintenance of structural facilities. SOLID WASTE: a. Facilities serving the site. The City has a franchise agreement with a solid waste hauler, IWS until December, 1996. A new exclusive franchise agreement will be concluded after a bid process, b, Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: None. 3. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE a, Facilities serving the site. None. b. Improvements/expansions needed as a result of proposed amendment: None, since this will be a commercial project with no residential component. B, LAND USE COMPATIBILITY: 1. SOILS: The soils on this property are: Urban Land-Astatula-Apopka. The Urban land part of this map unit is covered by concrete, asphalt, buildings or other mpervious surfaces that obscure or alter the soils so that their identification is not feasible. The soils in this map unit are well suited to urban used and moderately well suited to recreational use. 2. TOPOGRAPHY: The subject property and surrounding area have very slight grade. 3. FLOOD PRONE AREA: The subject parcel (parcel 3) is not in a wetlands area as indicated in Figure F-8 of the City's Comprehensive Plan, A review of the FEMA National Flood Insurance Program Rate Map (12117C0130-E; April 17, 1995) indicates the subject parcel is not within the 100 year flood prone area. 4. NATURAL RESOURCES, HISTORIC RESOURCES. No natural or historic resources have been found. 5, WILDLIFE AND SPECIES DESIGNATED AS ENDANGERED, THREATENED OR SPECIAL CONCERN: No federally listed endangered plants are known to exist in the county. Since little is known about the actual species occurring within the City, it is essential that surveys of such species be completed prior to site development of parcels containing native vegetation communities. The subject parcel does not have native vegetation communities due to prior clearing. 6. NUISANCE POTENTIAL OF PROPOSED USE TO SURROUNDING LAND USES. The proposed future land use change from (county) "Commercial" to (City) "Commercial" will not negatively impact adjacent land uses, since on the north side of S.R. 434 the surrounding parcels are designated "Commercial" also. On the south side is the S.R. 434 right-of-way, There should be no nuisance to surrounding properties as a result of the subject parcel being used in the future for a Wino-Dixie Grocery Store. The adjacent parcel to the north and east will be utilized in the development of the grocery store. C. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Development of a well established grocery store chain outlet on the parcel and adjacent parcels will add to the City's tax base, over that of existing vacant land. D, CONSISTENCY/COMP ATffiILITY WITH CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The subject parcel is scheduled to be annexed into the City on March 10, 1997 when the second reading and public hearing on proposed ordinance 650 occurs. The proposed small scale comprehensive plan amendment prompted by the annexation changing the county designation "Commercial" to the City designation of "Commercial" is compatible with the surrounding commercial land uses to the east and west along S.R. 434. IV. FINDINGS: 1. The proposed land use, development ofa WInD-Dixie Grocery Store, is compatible with the commercial nature of S.R. 434, 2, The adjacent parcels are indicated as "Commercial" on the City's Official Future Land Use Map, and therefore consistent and compatible with the city's Comprehensive Plan. ' i f \ 1 r, , r 3, The adjacent parcels are indicated as C-l "Neighborhood Commercial" on the City's Official Zoning Map, and therefore consistent and compatible with the City zorung. 4. There should be no nuisance to surrounding properties as a result of the subject parcel being used in the future for commercial pursuits. 5. The City can extend sewer, water, re-use water and other urban services to the subject parcel and adjacent parcels (1) and (2) that it provides to other areas of the City, 6. The proposed commercial use is compatible with the natural environment of the nearby area. 7. The proposed use of the property for a commercial pursuit, specifically for a Winn- Dixie Grocery Store will have a positive, significant economic impact on the City. v. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Local Planning Agency recommend approval to the City Commission the request by Brandon Acquisitions, Inc. for a change from county Future Land Use designation of "Commercial" to City Future Land Use designation of "Commercial" on Parcel 3, a .229 acre parcel. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter from Brandon Acquisitions, Inc. To Don LeBlanc dated January 23, 1997_ 2, "Sketch and Description for The Brandon Company" 3. Aerial View with property boundary superimposed of the Brandon property. ~~~.- J ,I / BRANDON ACQUJI.STIONS, mc. 800 N. HIlSHL'\.t'JD AVE. ORL<\NDO, FL 32803 (407) 843-4000 January 23, 1997 Mr. Donald R. LeBlanc City ofWmter Springs 1126 E. S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Fl 32708 Dear Don: Thank you for arranging the pre-development meeting to address our proposed project at the intersection of S.R. 434 and Timberlane Trail. The meeting was extremely helpful to Bill, Steve and me. After reviewing the preliminary requirements by our tenant, we do wish to inform you that will be requesting a few modifications to our discussions. These requests will involve the parking space sizes and the signage packages. As you requested, enclosed herewith you will find a notarized letter of authorization giving Brandon Acquisitions, Inc. the power and authority necessary to act on behalf of the property owners for the needed permits and submittals. ..' Thank you again for you help. d olihan Vice President c C. C. ~ t,"\ '('(\Q... V\ o...'::f~\L. S~W- .1 i h iI, II. ,t i! II ,I i: Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me. tl . ~f' . , ~'. '. ,. . f ..;.,;~J;":. 1(. ".~:' ..':i'1':>~~;..:;:, .... :::.~.:..." . "~.' ,.j....,..,... .....':.. -.' . I :~:~'i:,::,~",:,::'.L~::.'":.:.:::i...~~ .~'<'~'~'~':;..-r. '..~,.. :,.',:~: i'-,H'. 'I.', ", I :'_~_:- ....:~~:~.':.W..:;~_ ~ ,'-" " .... :J.:.'" ~.,.,..,...,;> '" . -'. ' . , . ",'- 'L.' ~. . i'. . "".~' '0.-" . ".!. "..,-: AND DESCRIPTION FOR THE BRANDON COMPANY -;!:~.:I;IPrrO!:5 ; !:::~-.!. fH,:.; I',:O'''~ 111.1(' .,. r"F Hf(jI'f."I{()J S(C"ON l//R(f. "$ R(CO'C'H' If: 1'/,,\' Fr.lC'I: I.'. I'~(~:'S .., ':'1:;' J; ",. :'1[ fl':. /C &.C,J;<:)S ,,; SCU/HOLf CuUUTI. ;~:..;,l,:, :'[.':;..;[~,,\$ I'O~HI'J' . CO""'(M,'r:..T :ur SCIt'f'lIt'fST CORN(II or "FORfJ~/D U"CT '1'. S"IO JOIJTU"E~T COR.I[R '(/NG ON fur NOR TU(flL \" A/GUT'OF.....\" OT THe LONGJrOOO "'''GN(R 100.0 I."",,: ;'''''0 4.'ll 'U(II'::( N.II".#g'JO'''.. A(ONG TU( .'(ST LU:[ 0;.' $':'/: '''''CT I'. lJJ.JJ 'icr,,, tuc I'OlNt OF '(OIHNIHGI.TH(NC( CONTIHVC N.II' 49'JO'C. "LONG SA/D "CIT L1NC. A OIST..Nce OF P60./J F("C'i tH(NC( S.I" I(I'J"'(. 1(1.' ~"I't'fr: TUEI....r..' 04'4$'"... 4U.IT~(cr: TUCU':i J.4S' "'$r( In.OI 1'((1: TU(NC( S.01.$O.41.... IJ.6$ 1'((,.- IU(NC( $.JI''$.''/J'C :"1.191'(CT, TU(NC( S.61'0J'11'C. "'.PS I'((T: TU(NC( $.""l1'Src. 110.96 I'((T: THfNCf $.65"10'$$'r-.. 111 11'F((,: 'U(Nee flVN .CST "'J.II I'C(' '0 TH( "OIH' or '(GINNING. I CON''''NING $.'$1 "CR($ /JORe OR Less. P"RCH 1 'H..,. "..R( OF TR"Cts '1' "NO 'It'. rHe HIGHLANDS seCTION TUR(e. ..S "(COROCO IN 'LAT 'OOIt U. ""GCS 46 AND 49 OF' TlI( 1'U'L1C "CCORDJ oF' SCIIINOL( COUNTr. FLOffIO... DESCRIBeD "SFOlLo"J: '(GIN"T TUC SOUTUI"CST CO.N(R or ..r:OR(UIO flUeT .t-. S"'D JOU1UW(ST COffNER 'CING OH Tue NO/fTH(RLr .IGUT'OF,W..y OF THC LONGI"OOO ....GH(. .0"0 IJT..Te 110"0 ~J41: TU(NeE; N./I" "9'JO'C. "lONG TH( I"CST LINe OF' S"IO TR..eT .,.. IJ1.JJ I'rrt. THCNCE /fUN C~H In. II FfCT: tUCNCE N.U"ll'10'C.. SlI.16 FlU: rJ./fNCC S.OO" 49',J'E. JJ'.OT FEEF: THENCE N.69.$9.J".... 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