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Monthly Report
Tuskawilla Lighting and Beautification District City of Winter Springs Steven T. ltichart, Urban Beautification Coordinator Monthly Report: October 2003 Direct: 40? 327-5976 Faz: 407327-6695 E-mail: srichart@winterspringstLorg October `03 • George at Freeport Fountains (the original installer of the entrance fountains) has provided a quote for backup sump pump system for the fountains. • Don at Florida Industrial Electric should have power on at the Minor entry areas (3) and the power service at Seneca switched over by October 25, 2003. • There is a dead pine tree and two dying pine trees to be removed at Winter Springs Blvd. median in the area of the golf course. Also, several diseased oaks are in the Winter Springs Blvd. medians at Seneca - entry area. • Installation of replacement plants at the main entrance and minor entrances is scheduled to begin the week of October 30, 2003. This includes the plants at Trotwood, Seneca, and Shetland • Crape Myrtles have been installed on the Winter Springs Blvd. medians as discussed at last months meeting. They look really nice but will soon go dormant for the winter. • The bridges on Northern Way are scheduled to be cleaned up in this year's budget. • The lighting at Vistawilla (left side) has been installed by Steve at Lightscapes. All old lighting fixtures are in the process of being removed for re-use at the main entrance by Mark Wilson. • The lighting packages are scheduled to be installed at Minor Entrances (3) immediately after power is activated which should be the week of October 30, 2003. • P&L Maintenance is doing a fine job. They have been asked to work on treating the turf weeds in medians on Winter Springs Blvd. Items • Juan Fong at PEC is willing to work with us on the new sidewalk location at Shetland. One concern is that the walk would need to be where the drainage easement currently exists. An option is to install an underdrain at the new sidewalk location. Notes• ,' 10/20/2003 ***LIVE***REFRESHED 10/17/03*** PAGE 1 14:30:09 YTD BUDGET REPORT - OCTOBER 2003 glytdbud 1ST QTR - *NEW YEAR* FOR 2004 O1 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE 184-000-000-0000-315100 ASS COLL -219,000 0 -219,000 -52.74 .00 -218,947.26 .0$ 184-000-000-0000-361100 INTEREST -10,000 0 -10,000 .00 .00 -10,000.00 .0$ 184-000-000-0000-361101 CNTY INT 0 0 0 -3.69 .00 3.69 .0$ 184-000-000-0000-389100 APP FD BAL -162,700 0 -162,700 .00 .00 -162,700.00 .0$ 184-000-000-0000-53180 CONSULT 15,000 0 15,000 .00 .00 15,000.00 .0$ 184-000-000-0000-53211 ADMINFEE 5,500 0 5,500 .00 .00 5,500.00 .0$ 184-000-000-0000-53410 CONT SERV 1,200 0 1,200 .00 .00 1,200.00 .0$ 184-000-000-0000-54310 UTILITIES 40,000 0 40,000 296.33 .00 39,703.67 .7$ 184-000-000-0000-54330 STREETLITE 55,000 0 55,000 3,466.64 .00 51,533.36 6.3$ 184-000-000-0000-54510 INSURANCE 2,500 0 2,500 .00 .00 2,500.00 .0$ 184-000-000-0000-54686 RM LANDSCP 135,000 0 135,000 1,771.43 112,326.20 20,902.37 84.5$ 184-000-000-0000-54693 RM PONDS 35,000 0 35,000 .00 6,000.00 29,000.00 17.1$ 184-000-000-0000-55230 OP SUPPLY 400 0 400 .00 .00 400.00 .0$ 184-000-000-0000-55251 RM SGN/WAL 60,000 0 60,000 .00 4,378.61 55,621.39 7.3$ 184-000-000-0000-59130 TR GEN FUN 30,900 0 30,900 .00 .00 30,900.00 .0$ 184-000-000-0000-59310 STAT RESER 11,200 0 11,200 .00 .00 11,200.00 .0$ TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 0 0 5,477.97 122,704.81 -128,182.78 .0$ TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 0 0 5,477.97 122,704.81 -128,182.78 .0$ TOTAL REVENUES -391,700 0 -391,700 -56.43 .00 -391,643.57 TOTAL EXPENSES 391,700 0 391,700 5,534.40 122,704.81 263,460.79 10/20/2003 ***LIVE***REFRESHED 10/17/03*** PAGE 2 14:30:09 YTD BUDGET REPORT - OCTOBER 2003 glytdbud 1ST QTR - *NEW YEAR* FOR 2004 O1 ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 5,477.97 122,704.81 -128,182.78 .0~ ~9rt2003 08:15 19047759798 CJ'S LANDS.& NURSERY PACE 01 C J Landscape Co. alptd Nursery y11 Snnsret Ave. Qr~e City, FL 32763 P'Lone 386775.9646 ~'~ 386-775-9798 Invaic® 8111 To City of Winter SpMng~ 11x6 E. State Road 434 Winter Springp, F132708 Onte Involoe tR 9%25/2003 3133 ttlhlp To City of Winter Springs Winter Sprtngs 81vd Winter Sprtngs, 8132708 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Rep Project 33516 1)ue on roccipt 9/25/2003 Item Description Qty Rete Serviced Amount tendscapc Pac.., t,endscape Inscaltation Winter Springs Blvd plant 1 7,390.00 7,390.00 rcptaccment ~ed~~~s~~ ~2" ~L /~~~ ~~~. 1~ All work is complctal ~ ~_~y„~~.~QQ~ ~- Subtotal ~~ 3~0 00 , , . ~ ~ ~ Salea Tax (6.5%) ~~ So.oo Total a~,3go.oo P~lyments/Credits ~ ~ Bali~nce Dui $,.~~.~ ~'1 ids V~ater tu7reS, ~~. L?UA1-1'1~/ FOUNTAINS d~ S~RNICE Fount~l~n Maintonalnce Rroposal C~ata: Os~2s~o3 Yo City of Winter Springs Public Works FQR; Tusktawilla 19 ~$ E Hwy 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 17hnrtie,- d~t7.~'J7.7~,7fi Water Feature(*) included: Sarin Fountain Prequeinoy: Monthly Services included: A. Clean basins: Remove normal loose debris, trash, etc. (Unless caused by others or by major acts of nature) B. Clean all mechanical filters: skimmers / intake screens /basket strainers C. Clean and align all water features: jets / spillways I weirs 1 aeration inlets p. Clean and check all light fintur+es: lamps /lenses /gaskets /cords /mounts i*. t~epair ligh#ing as authorized " P. inspect all accesslb/e plumbing Q. Test all control panel components for proper operation: timers /breakers /relays /overloads Repair as authorized H. Test water quality for all necessary parameters and supply Chemicals as needed. Any services that may be required, other than those listed above, will initiate with an es#imate for your approval. Standard labor rates are $50.00 per man-hour. '~ Lighting and minor parts replacement wilt take place at the time of regular contract service Leanings hF service is requested in-between, standard labor rates apply. T@rf11S: We hereby prop~e to famish labor and materials - complete and 'u+ accordance wkh the above specifications. for the sum of: Six thousand, and No 1100.. DOll~lrs ($ $, 000.00) For a period of one year. With payments to be made as [otiovvs: $ X40.40 Per Month . AI material is guaranteed 1p be as specir~d. Alt wade is to ba completed W a vrorkmardike mamrx according bo standa!'d praetlees. Any alteretion or e~viaflon rlrom tite above specifications, wtD be executed ony upon an approved estimate, and w~ be an extra eh8rye. Atl agreemetrRe centtngent upon strikes, accidents ar delays beyond our control. This oroocsal is rubies to eooeatar+ce within 60 days and is void ther~fter at the option ar the ur-dersigned. Submitted fay: . CeneeilatiOn: If for any reason you are unhappy with our service, you may cancel at any time with as tittle• as 1 day notice. ff for arty reason Florida Water Features, Inc. feet the need to cancel, roe vWl provide 30 days written notification. Act~pt~lntye: The prtaes, spedtiGatiorrs and conditions are hereby accepted. Accepted By: oat®: ~ ~ ~ _b~ Title: uR(3~ (~~'1~~~-i~~-~`~,J (p~rd$rtt~v.tZ 14e4 Sen~leola 6hrd. • Casselberry, Florida 32707 • Phone $ Fax: (407) $34-061 FtEV: 4102 ... _ ~_~ __ __ __ _ _ T ~,~, Utility /Public Works Department CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708.2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Fax (407) 327-8895 September 29, 2003 NW Sign Industries 360 Crider Avenue Moorestown, NJ 08057 Attn: Accounts Receivable Dept. Re: Invoice for proposal E24047 Please make a note that all correspondence to The City of Winter Springs should be sent to the address listed above. In reference to the invoice for work performed at Citrus /Shetland in Tuscawilla. I have received (2) different invoices for this job and would like the incorrect invoice deleted from your files. It is invoice 0000141-IN for job number 0001074. The correct billing amount should be $ 2254.22 and has been proces$ed for payment. Thank you very much for your assistance. Yours truly, Steven T. Richart The City of Winter Springs Urban Beautification Coordinator (407) 327-5976 Office ~~ ~`e,c~ In'Irolce ~r, 00001 ~49~IN 0!;1105103 360 CRIDER A.VE. 1kIQ(3RES')i'QWN, NJ 08057 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 890 NOR'~HERN WAY, STE #E1 ATT: WILLIAN STARNER, UTIL DP W1N7ER SPRINGS, FL 32708 ~I~ 0001074 ~~~ NET 30 DAYS HOU ~ CIT001 M&I PRODUCE' AND INSTALLED (1) REPLACEMENT SIGN FOR CITRUS AND SHETLAND PER PROPOSAL E24047 LOCATION: TUSKAWILLA DEVELOPMENT SMELDON ENTRY WINTER SPRINGS, NJ ORDERED BY: STEVE RICHART ~~ 2,;i;54.22 Nor wvolc~; ~ 2,254,22 ~f~EIGHT: Q_~0 3AlES TAX: O.~tJ ~_ 1NVOICETOTAL 7~2~4.ZZ ANV INVO[CS PAST 311 DAYS SUIIJ4C7' TO A 1.S'!~. MONTALY 1NTSRlS~ST RATS CHAItCR ~, ~ ., ~- e°"'~T- SEP-29-03 10:19AM; SENT BY: STARMER RANALDI PLANNING AND AR; 4079771019; 4 ~'_ . ,,.. . ~~~a ~:,~ -~. t - ~~ "~. ~~ '~ ~G~ of fl i' Iwli~ ~~~i' i-~~ :'r" ;,~ ~ ,: 360 CRIDER AVE. MOORESTOWN, NJ 08057 ~Sb-~soa-1~y7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 890 NORTHERN WAY, STE #E1 AT7: WILLIAN STARNER, UTIL DP WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 0000141-IN 0001074 PAGE 2/2 Invoice 09/05!03 c~.a: NurHA~fz ~fe~~ns ~ x~~ s~l» ~~ -,c ~' ~ r• ~ ~~ 1of1 .. M&I PRODUCE AND INSTALLED (1) 2,254.22 REPLACEMENT SIGN FOR CITRUS AND SHETLAND PER PROPOSAL E24047 LOCATION: TUSKAWILLA DEVELOPEMTN SHELDON ENTRY WITHER SPRINGS, FL ORDERED BY: STEVE RICHART ~~~r~~a~~ ~`~ ' NET INVOICE: 2,254.22 .. FREIGHT: O.OO SALES TAX: 1 rJ7.~O Starmer Ranaldi, Inc. fNVOICE TOTAL 2,412.02 AtW {YVOICE PAST 30 DAYS $UNJF.CT TO A I S'%~ MOY1'FII.Y INTar•RFST RATE CHARGE Page 1~ of 1 Steven Richert From: John Masterson ~masterson~BredeAi~ed.com] Bent: Wednesday, October 01, 200312:07 PM To: Steven Richert Subject: access to Chestnut Estates entranceways Steven.. Thank you for your coni3nuing cooperation regarding the electrical sihaation at the entrances to both Tuscawiila and Chestnut Estates. As we discussed, the Board of Directors are granting the City of Winter Springs and it's contractor(s) and or sub contractor(s) access to the areas required to set up the electrical for the Tuscawilla entrance ways. We realize that wonting around our entrance ways to the subdivision will require access by way of some of our homeowners properly and ask that you respell said property and make the homeowners aware of when such work will take place. Please feel free to contact me if any problems might occur so we can get them rectified in a fimely manner. If you have a time table perhaps that can be shared with us and we can alert the homeowners In advance for you. We do, however, ask that any damage that may occur to the areas you will be working in be returned to the condition they were in prior to your engagement. This would also include of course our electrical boxes currenty being utilized for the Tuscawilla entrance ways. Thanks again Steven. The dty has been great to work with when we have had problems and we hope to be as accommodafing. My Work number, cell phone are below. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience. John Masterson Chestnut Esthtes Board of Directors 2ohn W. Maat+er~n Vloe Presldenty Nations/ Aoaounts Brede/All/ed Convent/on Services 2502 Lake OranOe Drive Orlando F/orlda, 32837 407.851.0261; fax 407.859.3904 Cellular 321.436.6538 IT SHOWS WHEN YOU USE BREDE! 10/1/2003 City of Winter Springs 1126 Esst~ State Rd 434 Winter Springs FL 52708 407-327-1800 (phone) 40T~32.7-4758 (fax) Cit~of Wintsr pri ngs i • s • w ~ 7b: J~t*~~ '~O~ f^~'~ , ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ Fr+om: S~'~v'C~ ~ ~ : C ~ ~-'~ tam ~o~ ~ ~`~ 9~9 Yaz Pagesa ~ Plane: t,~ 01 ~ LJ2 2 - ~ OG 2 Date: ~o l~r~ /~3 Re: cc: ^ Urgent L~l For Review l~ Please Comment ^ P[ease Reply C7 Please Recycle . ~) e ~S e. C'e v ~~ r~. a ~ ~ e -t- ~ CIS. '~? (7~ E. o,J R~w 7 C_~~''~ S ~h~ c~a ~ n1a ~i,e.... ~ ; ~ c~-e age... f1-,~. ~.i Sd-~A,•rt~?. oF- ' P~v~~sc.d_ S~~.e,.w~tl~ ~~ ~ ~x~ Sfi`Ncj si9~. Fe-a--k.~~.. as (fit" (~ S _ of v r~~r-' way ~ S y~c,,.~- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S ~'~`~1'.~ C'` J~`,S S ~eue~ R`,ch~.r~t- ~o~. 32~ - 1~~~- 3~S" ~2~~ ~~w~~c~~~~ ~~~"~~ . ~~ h~ W.} \l 7 -V1 - . U J ~ (~ (~(d `~"' -~ a ~r 2 a~ ~) M '~ } ..~ Nab- -h~ Sc+~ t, ~{~~l - ~~9 ~ ~og ~ ~~ City of Winter Springs Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Landscape Maintenance Vendor: ~~ ~- ~-`~'~~ Date: 0 7 ~ Project: ~C.- ~-~ Safety and ealulament: C'hG~- Fair ® Excellent ~ 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and har+dscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 5. Irrigation system coverage. 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 9. Vendor communication during this reporting period. Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) .Y 1 ~ /k5,~. _ _Ce nt o U2 ~-G•e _ c~ D ~ P i ~f ~f- ,7~~,2 °-~- 4'A-C i, ~. ~. W1~~.SPn`r'93 !31 X13 .y:S1~~s. C4.[ 1 , i.y; ~ Co~,N-1- /Sc~~ _ ,... i `i:~ SERVICE ADDRESS 1061 DEER RUN ACCOUNT NUMBER CYCLE BILL DATE DUE DATE 113099-599764 01-56 10/10/03 1/07 /03 Total Current Charges 8.64 Balance Forward .00 Total Amount Due 8.64 ~~~~~n~~~~~n~~~~u~~u~~~~n~~~ni~~n~~~n~~~u~~~n~~~n~~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS C O TLBD DEPARTMENT 1 26 E. STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WATER & SEWER UTILITY P.O. BOX 958443 LAKE MARY, FL 32795-8443 ~~~~- SEMINOLECOUNTY FLORIDA'S NATURAL CHOICE 407-665-2110 8AMT05PMM-F AFTER HOURS 407-665-0005 000113099000599764000000864 1 ~ RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT ~ PIN# 0000903x93 • ~ ~ • 10 61 DEER RUN ACCOUNT NUMBER CYCLE BILL DATE DUE DATE Last Bill Al[YOUnt . O O 113099-599764 01-56 10/10/03 11/07/03 P t8 .00 Rate Clasa BUSINESS Ba ancoi-arard .00 er H GA L IR 9%~6 03e10%08 D2 8 M0303 0 Curre18 Previou~ IIea~~ G ~ Z J 3 2816 Service Conav~mption Charge Total IR BASIC SERVICE CHARGE 6.60 IR CONSUMPTION 1800 1.71 TOTAL IRRIGATION 8.31 TAX .33 .33 Total Current Charges 8.64 Balance Forward .00 Total Amount Due 8.64 CHECK YOUR ACCOUNT ON L INE AT: // / Y UP ~ Y TO R YS ~ L ~ V P CAN ND OUR IIKPO AR p~NUMB R IN TH E UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER OF YOUR PORTION OF THE BILL. CLICK ON, FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AND ENJOY ALL YOUR ACCOUNT INFORMATION ON THE NET. EFFECTIVE .OCT. 14, 2003 THERE WILL BE A RATE INCREASE. ALSO ON SEPT. 9, 2003-YOU MAY REMIT YOUR PAYMENT USING CREDIT CARDS BY WEB-BASED TRANSACTIONS ONLY. Average cost per day .39 SERVICE ADDRESS 1151 HOWELL CREEK DR ACCOUNT NU ER CYCLE BILL DATE DUE DATE 113099-599770 1-56 10/10/03 1/07/03 Total Current charges 8.75 Balance Forwaraa .00 Total Amount Due 8.75 ~n~~n~~~~~n~~~~~n~n~~~~u~~~n~~~u~~~~u~~n~~~u~~~n~~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS C[O TLBD DEPARTMENT 11126 E. STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 WATER & SEWER UTILITY P.O. BOX 958443 LAKE MARY, FL 32795-8443 ~~~~ SEMINOLE C01.lNTY FLORIDA'S NATURAL CHOICE 407-665-2110 8AMT05PMM-F AFTER HOURS 407-665-0005 000113099000599770000000875 2 ~ RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT ~ PIN# 0000903x99 • ~ ~ • 1151 HOWELL CREEK DR ACCOUNT NUMBER CYCLE BILL DATE DUE DATE Lab t Bill Amount • O O 113099-599770 01-56 10/10/03 11/07/03 P to .00 Rate Class BUSINESS anc~e~Foiarard .00 ~AL Curre19 Previou~ IR 9%16 03e10%08%03 D2 s M0303 817~eT H IIsa~$ 2 2 G Service Consumption Charge Total IR BASIC SERVICE CHARGE 6.60 IR CONSUMPTION 1900 .1.81 TOTAL IRRIGATION 8.41 TAX .34 .34 Total Current Charges 8.75 Balance Forward .00 Total Amount Due 8.75 C HECK YOtTR ACCOUNT ON L INE AT• _ // // // YOUPCANNDOYOUR TEMP R RYSPINVN B~RL P O .A [JM IN THE UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER OF YOUR PORTION OF THE BILL. CLICK ON, FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AND ENJOY ALL YOUR ACCOUNT .INFORMATION ON THE NET. EFFECTIVE-OCT. 14, 2003 THERE WILL BE A RATE INCREASE. ALSO ON SEPT. 9, 2003 YOU MAY REMIT YOUR PAYMENT USING CREDIT CARDS BY WEB-BASED TRANSACTIONS ONLY. Average cost per day .40 Steven Richert From: Rande Thompson [rthompsort29(~cfl.rr.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 8:21 AM To: Steven Richert Subject: Re: FYI [GFI-T982-3F889828BC295FDD) Steven: I have noticed that some of the watering systems are on around 3:00 PM., Vista Willa monuments. Are we still uner watering restrictions in Winter Springs? I ould hate to see a fine levied against the TLBD. Respectfully, Rande 1 City of Winter Springs Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Landscape Maintenance Vendor: _ ~~.... ~r~~ ~~ ~^~~ Date: 1O ~ Project: ~ . L . ~ , ~ Poor ~ F~cceller+t 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 5. Irrigation system coverage. 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 9. Vendor communication during this reporting period. Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) ~~° ~'~a l i t~ Wee. JN (`ne.~?i~t~JS NeA~ ~~X 61e.~1 Steven Rlchalrt From: Garrett p hillery [hillerygp~juno.comj Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 4:51 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: cost of street light The TZBD is now paying for the street lights, both electricity and rental of the units. I would like to know (A) the annual cost and (B) the amount of dollars that the city contributes annually to the cost, because the city assumed the responsibility of the costs of the lights that were replaced. Since you were not on board when all this was done you may have to get the data from Kip or Alan. This is for a study that I have started to replace the cobra lights on our main streets in Tuscawilla The Best Gary Hillery 1 City of 1Ninter Springs Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Landscape Maintenance Vendor: ~' ~ ~ ~~~r~ ~c.~'- Date: .12;,:~ ~ ~ ~, '~'`fl 3 Project: T~~D ~ ~~ ~'~ Poor ' ',~: Fair Good Very .. Excellent ~~~ / ~~" ©~ . 1. Mowing and cleanup of turf areas. 2. Weeding of planters and hardscape areas. u S 3. Trash and debris removal. 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 5. Imgation system maintenance. : ' ' ~ ~- ~ ,. ~~ r 4 `~ 6. Fertilization and chemical program. •~` ~~~ `' ~ " ~~. _ :sr ~ , , : , . ~ . t..: .;;rte;. 7. Plant and tree health. ~, ~ ,, ~- ' d. 8. Overall appearance. E~ y T' 7' ; ~ '= `'~ '` . ,>~ ~' , 9. Vendor com munication. r~~ = ~,t` _ ~ f ~~: ~ .,, ,~ 4 M.' Notes Crg6 °`~ /}2eq:.C ej;, ~'cF .~ ~~t1~~ ~~~~~5 e -- negs~ R-d,~~T a ~ i w v r~rv-5P1'r^'9 S k3 ~ u~., ~~c. ~,r~-~ }b r- Rpw~aPrr~t~- i!'~l9a~t~ ~-j'~'"~,f `~vr d'~ir ~,~n~-t o~ ,/.aq-2, j~,1s w~tt1 held c.oNd ~ 1w111~. w~, TuscaMr111a Ltahtin~ and BGe~lu~tcat~un Digtric~ CITY` 4~F YMtNTER ~RRINC3t~ Dave: ~ e~-1 ~,~ Z,o~3 Entrances: 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. ~'~ 2. Tuslwwilla Road and Trotwood. 3. Shetland / Citras. 4. 5. 6. v~stawiua. Tascora. 7. Dyson. :' ~- 8. Deer Run. N~l~ 9. Howell Creek. N ~- Winter Springs Blvd: 1. Medians / Righb of Way. ~;~~ S~-,`t 1 ~ - ~~r'~- ~~~'eJ1' „~ - ~ - Notes: Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. Yage 1 of ~~ Steven Richert From: Steven Richert Sent: Monday, October 20, 20031:12 PM To: 'Rands Thompson -TLBD (rthompson2d~cfl.rr.com) ; 'Mott Khemlani -TLBD (telmoii~sprintmail.com)'; 'Linda Tillis -TLBD (btillis~mindspring.com)'; 'Garrett p hillery' Cc: Andrea Lorenzo-luaces; 'Donald Gilmore -TLBD (gilmorda~compusen-e.com)' Subject: FW: TLBD -Shetland Minor Entryway -Seminole County Sidewalk Project Tracking: Raeipia~t Ddlvery 'Rands Thompson -TLBD (rthompson29~c8.rr.com)' 'Mo4 Khemlanl -TLBD (telmotl~sprintmall.wm)' 'Unda Tillis -TLBD (btillisti)tmindspring.com)' 'Garrett p hillery' Andrea Lorenzo-luaces Delivered: 10/20/20031:12 PM 'Donald Gilmore -TLBD (gilrrwrda~compuserve.com)' I apologize, Donald Gilmore was appointed at the last TLBD meeting to be the representative for this project at Shetland. The previous invitation is for Don to attend the meeting as we would be violating the Sunshine Laws if anyone else attended without proper notification. Sorry for the inconvenience. Take Care, 5~.7. ~~x City Of Winter Springs Urban Beautification Coordinator (407) 327-1800 x315 Office (407) 327-6695 Fax -----Original Message----- From: Steven Richert Sent: Monday, OctDber 20, 2003 11:44 AM To: 'Moti Khemlani -TLBD (tielmoti~sprintmail.com)'; 'Rands Thompson -TLBD (rthompson29t~cfl.rr.com)'; 'Unda Tillis -TLBD (btillis(cpmindspring.oom)'; 'Donald Gilmore - TLBD (gilmorda~compuserve.com)';'Garn:tt phillery' Cc: Kip Lockcuff; Mdrea Lorenzo-luaces Subject: TLBD -Shetland Minor Entryway -Seminole County Sidewalk Project To: Don Gilmore and TLBD Good Morning... Mr. Juan Fong who is the engineer of record on this project has agreed to meet and discuss alternatives for the new sidewalk placement at Shetland. He is willing to work with us in any way possible even though there isn't much room to move the sidewalk. 10/20/2003 rt.,~. ___ Yage 2 ot.:~ The agreed time is Thursday, October 23, 2003 - 9:30am at the site. Please let me know who will be able to attend. Contact information for PEC is: Juan Fong, JR., P.E. PEC 200 E. Robinson Street Suite 1560 Orlando, FL 32801 (407) 422-8082 Thank you very much, 5~.. i'. R:~at City Of Winter Springs Urban Beautification Coordinator (407) 327-1800 x315 Office (407) 327-6695 Fax 10/20/2003 TLBD Stnaet lights Cost Breakdown (These costs are subJed to change.) Concrete with Cobra -Light Pole Upgraded Poles Paid by The City Paid by TLBD tdelta) Total Per Pole 136 $9.72 $25.49 $35.21 Per Year Per Year $15,863.04 $41,599.68 * Keep in mind that both the amount paid by the City and TLBD will need to be increased to include taxes as they are currently not included. TLBD does have this budgeted in account# 184-54330. Total Per Month $4,788.56 Total Per Year $57,462.72 ~:~ City of Winter Springs Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Landscape Ma/ntenance Vendor: ~ 4 Ci ~'1Gt~ r~ia-~~1 c e.-- Date: _~ Z~s,3 Project: i"t.. ~ Poor Excellent 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming,- and cleanup of turf an3as. 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 5. Irrigation system coverage. 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 9. Vendor communication during this reporting period. -~„NlK y u $@rVIC@ R@qU@8tS: (To be handled within T world days unless otherwise noted.) `" ~. F ~~ : tf de__ l~'r.~..-E-}~o~ rJ n~t.G~ 9-rf S ~l.J ~"'~/'~'~'c~- TEL No. ~~~p4 ~ ~ October 22, 2003 Mr. Steve R.ichart City of Winter Springs Via Fax #407-327-bb95 Re: Tuscawilla Beautification Project Sump Pump Systems -Battery Back-Up Oct 23,03 1113 P.01 We are please to oflfer the following, total cost installed, two systems (2) cQ $1,b31.38. Pump Model - BWS-12A - 2050 GPIs ~ 5' total head Stand-by deep cycle battery's -Model - 30HDC 1405 - 7,5 hours of protection Size 13" x 6,85" x lU" Contr Charging circuit limits the current so battery will not overcharge, Pump draw ] Q-12 Amps prolonging battery life. Monitors battery, power raid pump activity. Sounds alarm when it detects: 1, Battery fluid is low 2. Battery power level is low 3. The pump was activated 4. A.C. power was interrupted '• ,Acceptance: The aforementioned price, terms, and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You t are authorized to perform the work, and payment will be made as specified above. DATE OF ACCEPTANCE BY: FREEPORT FOUNTAINS, INC. 1510 KASTNER PLACE SANFORD, FLQRIDA 32771 (40f) 330-1150 FAX (407) 3343257