HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 12 15 Consent 200 Fire Station #26 RepairCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 200
December 15, 2008
Special Meeting
Consent X
Public Hearin
Re ular
MGR. % `~~' /DEPT.
REQUEST: Requesting the City Commission reconsider authorization to utilize Southern Building
Services, Inc. to perform repairs to Fire Station #26.
PURPOSE: "phis agenda item is needed for the City Commission to reconsider authorization to utilize Southern
Building Services, Inc. to perform repairs to Fire Station #26, pursuant to the interlocal agreement with Seminole
On December 8, 2008 the Commission decided not to approve the utilization of Southern Building Services, [nc.
to perform repairs to Fire Station #26 and, rather, voted to direct staff to bid this service on the open market.
Upon informing the County of this decision, County staff communicated to City staff their serious concern with
this decision. Specifically, County staff feels that the presence of mold in the building is placing their staff in
danger and therefore is insisting the repairs proceed immediately.
Southern Building Services is routinely utilized by the County for repairs of this type to their Fire Stations and is
their preferred building maintenance contractor.
Funding is available in the Storm Reserve Fund (1 14) to fund the repair cost of $31,654.85 plus a 10%
contingency and building permit fees.
The City Manager recommends the City Commission authorize the utilization of Southern Building Services, Inc.
to repair deficiencies and storm damage to Fire Station #26 on Northern Way at an estimated cost of $31,654.85
plus a 10% contingency and building permit fees, payable from the Storm Reserve Fund: 1 14-54990.
• Southern Building Services, Inc. Proposal.
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llcsnmk' GeAeml Gbhtroator C{7C 06068.E
CSty of winter Springs biro Department
201 valcrYrino way
Longwood, FT, 32750
Rfi: l~irc 6tation N'o. ?S
8S0 Nottbem VVay
'GVitstcr Springs, Florida 32708
A'1"IN; Mr. Dave O'Brien
8S'tabi~sl~ 1998
(ktobe;r 10, 7A0$
This is a proposal ba furnish all the ruoe8sery materials, equipment and labor ba oaanplete the
scope of work as per discussed on srite with Greg Faul]rnat an 8.2'1-08 and 9-15-08, too glans
paevided on rite visit, the fallowing ie a list of itwms in our proposal to c]arify our scope of woz7c,
1. B.mmove l~.itohen oab{net4 and cour<tors to replace damaged dryvva,U, rGplaoe eaiet(ng
aahinet and bops. (No cost $gttre if cabiaet or top are not ablo to be ragscd,)
rtelooate dtdn for sink es noedod; no-plpunb sink, disposal and dichwsaher { npov piping )
with existit~ equipment being reusod.
2. Remove ~ replaco drywall in Mechanical Roam 26-305.4 x S size dr Roseal
3. Rauove 8s replace drywall at front door area, l x 1
4. l~nove oral replace drywall at Report R,oona Ceiling, 4' long joint,
S. 3i,paaove ~d roplaco dryw~]] at Workout ~ 26' +- joint an wells.
6. Remove aesd rap~laoe e~c6~~g Mama with ruw roof tlaclrint~. '
7. Tnoluded also v misoeTlu;ooous patohirtg of Drywall walls.
8. All pafol>ed walls will be prep for saint, repairrt araaa i,e match as close nt possible.
9. Nn new flooring io include.
10. ExEarior'Wor3Y will ir-elude tin fallowing, but limited to unsooa conditions thai may be
11. $ 1' porch; ramwe wad replsoo the ahdinq, Dlywood dCClr. noo~a~, that
1~ wwp~r damaged wood m the wn]I and drok 9annina.
12. Roeaovo sad reinstallir-g llurrirmno shutters.
13, Yttrmove stoxa$o~nt and windows inat>ll flaebing at bottom and rcinstttit.
14, B.a~-lsoo eaoi,>tiug aaombr>tle roodag on porch.
15. Ret~aagv ~ replace oxtaior vPall eliding on teat aide at seoarid floor aidv>tion abovtl first
1165 E. Plant Street, Suite 9 •'OViater Crarde~n, PL 34787 • (407) 877-ll48 ' P~ (40"l) 877-71$8
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