HomeMy WebLinkAboutMonthly Report 4 22-2003TLBD MONTHLY REPORTS TO BOARD 4/22.03 By I{angee Graham 3/183 -Tuesday TLBD Prepared reports for Meeting 7pm-9:15pm 3/19/03 -Wednesday TLBD LIGHTING Recv'd fax from. Lights Ud ~ bill fos repa~ifs as well as estimates for fixing Seneca(s). SR 434.-ROW and Ponds Turf weed and feed-applied - 434 West from Tusk. Rd Crew leader -Darren 386-527-6459 3/21A3 Z'i,>OB Rcvd fi Greentields for March invoice and Oct Feb monthly reports to review. Spoke with them regarding some of the treatmeirts. Saw no problems. Turf on WS Blvd: Loop great!-other than-a oon_ple ofdry areas from irrigation problems and maybe two small areas with dollar weed from imgation problems. 3/24/03 -Monday FOUNTAH~IS lade Andet~n (FY V~tater~eaEa~es -c~tfrp~} Friday 3/21/03 South pond water is greeq green green please address ASAP. Reply was he'd send his guy out to treat water. FOUNTAINS- Free~art Fot~ains (sheaf 4 5 guys yeleseoping pipes looking for leaks) TLBD SIGNAGE Met Gary Hillary at 9:45 am at Shetland to relocate sign on East sole to south paint I pulled-e~ag Oleaader out of ground for viewing and lightly trimmed Ind Haw. For angle of light fixture. I cut irrigation riser in front of sign and Gary and I tempomril~.isstal~dsitgn. I~dgation needs cap or spray head. City Facilities Made appt with Jason -Tuff `Turf - Thurs am ~R-434 New number for Troy-American Services 386-574-8981 He needs fertilization program From city. 2 men at work each island 3 uncapped white PVC lines? Zpm -weeds dying west half of434 -frayed for weed, weed and feed 50-5-10 and round-up Will address east 434 next Tues. and will address weeds still preseirt in beds tomorrow (T'uesday). TUSK.RD .. Weels;ants,fe,*~!~~turf spra~Cing; America~.~ea~vices will spray on Tues and Mow on Wednesday 434 Tuskawilla to 417.. Friday 21°, all other medians sprayed. City ROW and ponds -2:15 pm Land Design -left message -Moss Rc~. Weeds! Asked for a response City ROW and ponds Left message 3:20pm with Land Design regarding Hayes Rd. not done. Also, Suckers under. Ligustrums need to be removed andYupogHollies needtied up-not topped. Still missing part of corner at 434 and Hayes -please address and respond Got not phone call response! 3/25/03 CalledLadd Desigumain numhettwice - sece~ ~ a-call back i~med. Bill Brody called back(said Chris broke his leg yesterday) then had Chris's dad call me Once again I complained they were missing areas (Troth par~a~mo~-may S~ Snead.Pa~RQ:~V. -in my notes says to mow if park misses...: He contacted Steve again by Nextell to identify where -to be mowed today. Chris Brody cell -407-466-3878 •I told Chris' dad I would fax hum either today or in morning my notes on coverage of contract from initial drive throughwith Alarr~rd Fred (whom took zero notes) FAX 407-971-4371 .Note: flan sues today that thi~is_an add~on item..:. Don't have theme mqw without getting a price to add to contrast (too late?) 3/26/03 Wednesday ..'ECHO - S:ana lteeds~ back.from .Signs^~*+..~~.~ntte - appmx. X500. To relocate one sign P.m. before I have actual... Relayed to Gary Hillary -8:30 p:m.-Checked irrigation}~ipe to ensure capped prior to4am-i~gaticmeperalions. Item was capped. Temporary, Additional flogdlight installed. -Looked good Irrigation still needs addressed as well as plantings Lighting -AH-entry Iii still-vpesating except of course Senecas) I need to fax Alan or deliver bill fibm Electrician Estimate 51,025.00 for::fixitrg Senecas) to TLBD Board Need to call Bill to Check Status of CCC response (if sent yet from SRn to warranty claims. Call fi~ ~ with actual- e~timate 5450... ? To fax to me. TUSKAWILLA ROAD Troy/Ameriices treatedtur~and round-up beds on Medians Continuing clean-up efforts. Ant Hills! ! ! ! 3/27/03 Thursday TT..BD - - FOiJN'i'AINS ~ Spoke ~ ~9 g Panes SIGNAG$ need to . Pick up fax from SRI from Muerette CITY FAClL1TIE$ CTFY HALL. 9:30 mceting with-Jason! Tuff Turf at City Hall to evaluate and measure for sod and landscape improvements. Could not get a plat or map of fhcility as it sits on property front Kip. 3' Alligator is rete~ion pond rtamed COWS. A with Jason some ants and weeds and trimming and fertilizing that need attention. Next scF>eduled turf a~lis~io4 will bn done l" week of April. Doted an Irrigation break.... In report to City. Spoke with Kip regarding Diesel tanks and painting them... and the old tower pad. ~ he said he didn't care:.. estimat~za will be ,~ submittal from Tuff Turf. (Or get additional one from Mallard or Water Works.). .Still need to- walk with. Jason. and inspect all other f~eilities. So- far he is doing a fine maim. job .Need from City a time frame on pond landscape improvements -weeds and dirt right now....how to maintain..... .Report to-follow ,on estimates for improvements, sod replacgments, irrigation brealr~ other.. TUSKAWILLA ROAD Conversations with Troy/American Services and Alan Hill Alan very upset about length of=time American Services taking to clean-up Tusk Rd. Has stipulated today that he only wants them for one month It is 3/27 today and their contract started 3/1/03. Prices where based upon being able to use a moth or two to clean up medians. He read fax from Amer: Services stating this as well,,l~ut is adamant about them completing job this month and then replacing them with Tuff Turf. Spoke with Troy againioda}~ abouthis.time ftnme: Iiet~ know that e~ will not be extending monthly service to next month. So all must be completed by 31'`. They will be complete as sclarduled with clew up today:.Still to_do; ~r Kizer for shrubs and mulching remainder of 130(- 9 yds) on Roadway. Will leave off median tips still to be planted if Iow on mulch gnranttt~es: Spoke with Alan ~ this and he was fine. Plant replacements and Sod replacements including Oak Forest median to be address with Jason/Tuff Turf. I eve uo ~majer complaints other than ant pile! And a v~sh that the grasses had been cut all within one week of each other. 12 noon. All medians but one has grasses cut and nemos~ed...M,xlch atet.te be laid atttiLlinsped.grax~lar fertJrzer opplieawdton -Troy said this to begin Friday am And he'd call me during process and before mulching. *Letter hand delivered to Troy oar Friday for missed~tOW areas on Tusk Rd.-see Sat. Com~ersation. .. CITY ROW AND PONDS 9:45 am -tail fiom Highlands ~Ielga requesging a meeting on Friday 9AM to address their concerns and missed areas that vaty.finm week to week. Once again, in my opinion, this stems fmm Fred not tal~ng any notes during initial drive thru with City and myself. =and now possible different crews performing different weeks? . Called Land Design at 11:Q4am-message. line completely full -unable to leave message 3:35 called Land Design Chris Brody cell to discuss meeting Friday with Highlands and oontinued~oncxms -crews sti1L unfamiliar with areas they need to mow. They are still missing swells just before Bahama and Moss -Looks like they mowed Sailfish but didn't need to because City bushhogs this... Hayes Rd they cxuttinue to miss part of corner and haven't removed limb or thrown into woods as Alan said Shepherd Rd T7? -all message line is-still full.......and cell phone is off. Spoke to them about Ligustrum suckers in medians, Edging grass well away from mulch beds, Hayes Rd:.anti Trottwood ~ -one -mower width behind ballards as well as around ballards -both sides of park - WSBLVD park ROW. Called Land Design again. at 4:45pm and reached -Chris - comrersation as follows-- Chris Brody suggests calling his cell phone from now on....thougb he stated he has had his -phone off for days. He sa3~s moving aad changes in:phone line complicating things. Steve is foreman. Schedule being altered due to rains...he says and that is why I am not being able to follow their rounds. He will -have Steve at Club House at Highlands gam to clarify contract obligations.. They continue to keep Highlands on a Thuts.Friday schedule says Chris, Requests that I give Steve a list o€ items they are still missing. TLBD LIGHTING Spoke with Mark Wilson/Lights Unlimited regarding other canister lights that are currently working but~have moisture within. His suggestion was to open all lights and dry and seat them I told him to hold off on this until board direction and warranty issues addressed. He asked about Seneca -still holding LANDSCAPING 4:SOpm Com~ersations with JeffJP&.I, Landscaping - •Joanne has dead plant counts -they will fax to me •Jeff still working on irrigation estimates - I com~eyed to him that these are pretty impartaffi right now.... Reg. maiut underlaontrn~l,ligWing fixed,,, I'm ready for irrigation and plant replacements to start happening. Hd asked alxn,r City completion of emergency irrigation . I relayed Alan's reply that •these were completed and said I would fax him my lisle I~ fihished-his-weed and. fceda~lications yesterday 3/26!03 '/, thru dry fertil''~ing plants so far... Friday will finish applications as well as Punch list -...: g of shnrbs at all entries.... fax 40779-1085 office 407-679 2810 OAK FOREST LIGIIrfIN6 have direaction.to Mark WiL~ornfiight~ unlimited to check flood lamp on North side of entry at WSBIvd -lamp on during daylight hours. Trip charge of X45. Plus.zepairs and time.... Can adjust to koeplow costs: Spgke with Alan because I know Oak Forest is in the red with their budget---called Mark back with a canoe! on that work order 4:SSpm CITY ROW Meeting with Alan -~ecei~ed oapies-of designs for city ruedians -Charles St.... and .Plant specs...also discussed add-on items for Land Design (see list) and spoke with him via phone of some:of the coacern.~ L saw upon inns ~f Land Designs-work of the week. Called in a limb in Rd. to City. ,3/Zt3/03 -Friday City ROVt~ and_Ponds Meeting-with Mn~t and Land Design l Highlands. They were pleased with Contractor knowledge and only had a few concerns. Mostiy the areas that were not being addressed acprally belonged to them. pes my meetingwith Alan and City map. Tuskawilla Rd. American Services on-site earlier applying mulch with fertilizer on top so I could inspect. V~ould like to have seen_more fertilizerbut enough to be obvious. Viewed some portions with oonoerms to weeds still in beds and quantity of mulch applied. -Some IndianHawthom stilinottrimmed_down under sigaage. -will set up an •appointmesrt with Troy to inspect properly. Tree stakes removed -Oak Forest ag, to Troy: Is the light at WSBIvd. Still on during day hours? Rcvd. Fax from American Services for chemical usage's 434 to Trottwood TLBD Viewed Main Entry, Trottwood and- Sltetlarut All seem~t well, some shrubs still need to be trimmed. F & L Fax receivet~ -but still missing plant counts. City Facilities Recv'd and reviewed fax on Eastwood Tuff Turf March 2003 Fertilization/Pest Control Reports. 434 - Recv'cj:fax reparrs for An~rerican Services. 3121/03 --.419-to Tusk: Rd. 3126/03 - 434 to Trottwood .3126103, ~ Tusk. Rd. to 417 (one median beyond but unclear about intersection areas) Picked up fiom Alan (meeting) Dopy of weed .program for 434 for American Services to follow: Inspected 434 Ponds and beds and consrtucrion zones - corrversations with Troy followed. 3/29/03 -Saturday SR 434 lpm Field in front of Stone Gable still not mowed yet requested last week after Alan's call and again this week --confirmed with Troy that this had been completed. ROW clear of construction still have not been trimmed or mowed as requested again earlier t his week. Signs still laying in medians (Men at Work) Much ~eci in dying per -program dawn- medians -looks bad now but...follow program with Troy - -•Do.any applications #akeplacealong ROW and sidewalks? Very disappoirrted in what I say for ROW and spoke to Troy about this. Tuskawilla Road 2pm Spoke with Troy about missed ROW (east along meat packing property) as well as property south of Trottwood entry along woods. Have spoken with him many times .about this piece and yet they oogtinue to miss. Letter to be sent April 1-Tuesday City ROW and ponds Phone. call fmm-caning gateat Mimosa Court left open and lock missing .called into me by Alan. inspect this on Thursday verification of fix. 4/2!03 -TLBD Rwd. Fax from P &-L regarding irrigation clutnges, fixes cost estimates. Copy to Alan and ICitp - but I still need to review against my notes. 4/3/03 4/4/04 TLBD Inspection of Progress Energy light~-g- Winter Springs Boulevard - All operating properly 4/0'1103 TUSKAWILI,A RD. Checked with City for purchase order for Eastwood Tuff Turf for Tuskawilla 1Zd. (month of April). TLBD I..faxed letter to P & L regarding irrigation Foncerns to be addressed ASAP! 4 breaks at Tuscora as well as a broken back flow preventor -no water at Tuscora! 4/8/03 TLDD. P & L iepaired and replaced valve and mail ad~ter on island #6 and replaced 4 clogged heads located at endcap at Senece WS Blvd in annuals (wilting). 4/9/03 .434- Letters faxed to Amer. Sere. Re;: ferriliaarion-program and Tusk rd. inspection. TLBD Pre~id conference (mandatory to bid) at city Hall 2pm. Spoke with Crary regarding some concerns and met with P & L afterwards at Tuscora -must have water by tomorrow! Gave direction with Alan's approval to pad-lock irrigation box up fiorit to ~reve:nt other parties iiom-hindering performance. 4/10/03 TLBI) P 8c L fixed irrigation and back-flow breaks at Tuscora and ran system due to condition of plants from lack of water. Also, sent him tq main entry to manually turn on system and let run due to lack of water last week because rimer had been shut off by someoae, All running properly. 4/12/03 TUSKAWILLA RD. Eastwood Tuff Turf 8:30am - 6:30pm Performed all scope- including two areas American Services was missing (ROyV in front of meat packer and ROW in front of woods, south of Trottwood) Trimmed and round-up trued about half of medians. - I asked his opinion of.amount of mule he say applied. We both agree does not look like 100 yds of new mulch on medians. 4/15/03 SR 434 Spoke with Darren to ensure small triangle of turf near Hess station is still being a~~dressed - He will double check it this week before he leaves and touch-up if . neexled. StiiLprogressing with.the weed-whackir~ along R~1W. There are some areas that are posing too big of a problem for his trimmers. I will meet with. him of Wednesday following his 434 completion to flag those areas that tl4e City needs to address. He did say that Alan was happy with their performance and presently "on the same page". 4/iS/03 TUSKAWILLA RD. Spoke with Jason -Schedule will stay on Saturdays until May when contract should be awarded. Theq he will mast li~Cely be on TuesJWed schedule. 4115/03 SR 434 loam Spoke with Darren -American Services - I will meet with him on Wed after his completion of scope to flag those areas that he could not cmt back due to weed size and effect on trimmers. I asked him to double-check the triangle area down by Hess before he leaves project. They are finally getting a grip of the ROW areas previously blocked by cons~on 4/iS103 TLBD Alan, I need to kncnv whom the contractor is pre~entiy doing work in/ROW east side of Vistawilla just before TLBD sign structure. Irrigation breaks and sod replacements are owed. Thanks --Scratchthis ---- St. Aug. is installed but dry, neod to have P 8t L investigate whether the capped irrigation head is operational 4/iSlt74 TLBD 3:10~n - irrigation Homing on all medians. City employees Darren and C1are~IICe On Slte t0 Shut them down. ~ pefSOnally Checked program times- they showed lam not lpm and internal clock seems correct whenreprogrammed - no one sure why ~t -' t they turned on. Zones 2 or zones 3 were operating at 3pm (15 min) and zones 1 had l d l l d hi h ~ 1 a rea y eotnp ete cyc es w c does not compute for a Ipm turn on Also, all rain- ~ ~ l'~ sensors are in the off position (switch). Last week discovered one and had P dt L check ~~# others. Theirs and the irrigation speaalist recommend leaving them in the off position ~~~ -. due to Florida climate and their design. M3' research during installations found that we could not install them per manv€aedrre recommendations, therefore not ensuring their performance and my recommendation thce, was to not install them. Were they in off position from time of installation? Or, did previous maintenance contractor ar City turn tbem off? -- Noted that back flow valve on island 21 is still leaking during operation of system. It is presently on P & L's list, but may want to have City expedite fix to prevent possrble paver damage. Spm I found main entrance in extreme drought. Azaleas and same turf areas feared loss. Irrigation timer not functioning. It seems to have no power or water damage. Called Electrician whom previously worked on-site Friday and asked if brrakers he shut- off could becontrolling irrigation timer. (Pad-lock box not yet installed over timer) He was pretty confident that they did mot. Personally trouble shot with no success. P & L could not come (Spm), so I turned on 3 zones in extreme areas manually and let rvn till 7pm. Some annuals in tiers got water but not all. Follow up phorm call made to ]eff to ensure problem fix by next day. Let Alan know of situation. South pond looks good. Inspected landscape lights, and reset clock to 7:15 instead of 6:30pm as lights were on too early now. 4/16/04 TLBD Spoke with Jeff - P dt L -power restored to irrigation timer and all working, says irrigation on medians was clicked and all seems well. NOTE: We will consider the major tevc~-day irrigation walk through earlier this month as their monthly inspection report due with billing. 4/17l ~3 TLBD Spoke with Electrician again about raced for estimate immediately for Seneca and HOA power separation He will try to get it to me by Monday. Then. meeting is deadline . Spoke with Jeff regarding sanall ROW area north ~ entry they have not been mowing. He was on-site with crews trimming shrubs along medians and will address that area. Also I r+equesEed to have the irrig~ion rotor loeatea th the wax myrtles beside the phone companies box at Main entry north to be adjusted away from box. 4/19103 sal TLBII Landscaping h~ made to Blvd., Seneca. Entry: Seneca still looking poor -irrigation fixes are an ASAP at this point with added fertilizer. Couple of areas along Blvd. Grass looked dry..will monitor - at least two areas were from heads not reaching (needing adj. Or straightened) -Almost ALL COONTIE look POQR -need to speak wiflt Mike Mingea to deterrgine why they are not thriving as other plants are. This native plant was chosen by him to fill some areas. Need his expefise and suggestions. Still some beds with foliage beyond edge of curb. P & L needs to trim these shrubs well back... also, two beds of minima were not edged along 4/21/83 4/22183 curving. Has been a previous issue that they now seem to have control of-except these twe beds. Need to make calls regarding dead/dying trees.. Ponds South pond looks excellent. No new i~ormation on North pond Lrigation Appears to still be in working condition at Main Emry. Annuals look fine. - Adjustments to Rotors on North banks are an ASAP item. TITSKAVVII.LA RD. Sat. inspections for Tuff Turf performed. He is finitely cutting the grass shorter than previous contractor. Signs of weeds still dying. No areas missed City RtIW and Peads Call from Donna Lee -Donna Ferguson regarding phone tag L~spection of Medians along Charles and Moss.... show major clean-up performed Getting pmpared for improveme~s. Will meet with her on Wed. if her schedule allows. TLRD Calls made to- Dobson's regarding dead Palm and dead new pines 1:33 pm Charles will have Nate call me to confirm date of Palm replaceme»t and small pines that died (wfthin new 2 3 weeks) TREES CCC regarding dead Pines -S main Emry and Blvd ,lohn contacting them per our conversation to get info on Irrigation controller and removal of dead pinex TimberlattdlMyers Tree Removal for Estimates Estimates are as fouows: Dak North Main Entry $1,40x0 Stump Grinding $285.00 W!o hauling chips $200.00 Pjne -South Main Entry-20"Dix 75' $36S.D0 No neeitSYiimp Grind $SS.00 Pine -1WS BLVD. 30' tiny $83.00 Sbemp Grinding $35.00 BaU Park $I00=$-200 typicwl pine tree removal On WSBLVD to have oontrador come ou>: Document and AU Insuraiic~s available via fax 4122183 _:'~ ~ SRI fordates -when-to-when of 1-year warranty from Dobson - ,Tohn looking up turn-over dates forme 1-7? and 8-23(July?) Pull photo of Fine at frcmt entry with Equipment tracks ELECTRICAL John has a key to the electrical boxes at main entry -holding jor me to pick up (only has one though). -Ask CCCfor additional? LIGHTING Reminded Electrician estimate for Seneca/HOA electrical service separation in still due to Spm/ FOUNTAINS Spoke with George Volet of Freeport Fountains 3:SQpm - he is still waiting on time schedule from ACP Liner people to fix exposed liner so that Freeport can get back itt their and get pond operable. As soon as he gets a call back he will let John (lus project supervisor) know so that he can inform Alan Hill. Nice phone call. TLBD Board Meeting 7Pffi- ~~ U~/lL/- L ~f - ~~ ~. ~ ~j~~, `~~ `~ e c ~ - , ~~ s ~.,,~ ~-j ! ~G-4., ~ ~ . G ~ GARS >- ~ C~~~/~/j~t T ~ ..!4, jf-4~t d ~ 1_ I .'~ ~ ...... r ,~ .~ (` i ~ J ~ ~~ 6to C.~ I ~ Y (h J~~~ ~~ v2 - f Gh'1 ~2 X Graham Landscacpe Management Design and Cor-sutting 4717 Swansnedc Plaoe VII~er Springs, FL 37708 (407) 70916 fax {407) ~s8803 Apri17, 2003 Jeff Norris P ~ L Lawn Dvlaimenance and Irrigation, Inc. 7301 Gardener St. Wirrter Park, FL 32792 RE: TLBD Irrigation Repairs Je$ Due to a nm-0ver this past weekend, the City of Winter Springs had to close-~ back-flow preventer located at Tusoara and SR 434. Please have your irrigation specialist take a look and get back with me on a cost estimate for repairing this location. If this repair is c~ro~erc~by your Iiiie-gym costs in your contract, then this fix needs to be performed within the next couple of days. In addition, how are you-progressing with the estimates for-irrigation adjusfine~s and repairs on Winter Springs Blvd.7 Attached is the list we spoke about previously and the repairs the City performed immediately foIIowing our-inspections. These do norneod to be included in your estimates. I would like to test our rain sensor sticks on the boulevard this week if possible (depending upon rainfall). Presently they are programmed to run at 4am. Couldyou please-have-one-off your crew change the timing on one of the zones to a more observable time. Let me know zone, time and date when weather permits this. Still staying on the irrigaation sub,~Ct, there is a rotor zone at tl~e South A~tai~ Entrance near magnolia tree that I have observed running late at night and-longer than the 20 minutes program specifications. Since this is already a wet area and is causing.mulch run-offonto grate and ctrain,_ tlu~ needs to be address ASAP. Once again, please inform me of status, problem fix and removal of mulch off drain. We may need to look at some sort of beck barrier if this problem persists. Thanks in advance `~ ~a~~,a~.~. Kangee Landscape Maintaenance Coordinator City of Winter Springs (407) 709-8916 cell (407)695-8803 fax 04/09/03 WED 12:19 FA% 4076958803 MAIL COPY PLUS lQ 001 a ss~ T% REPORT ~a~ *ssas:sss~ss~s~a*s*ss* TRANSMISSION OR '~~ TX/R% NO 1071 CONNECTION TEL 4076791085 SUBADDRESS CONNECTION ID ST. TIME 04/09 12:17 USAGE T 02'22 PGS. 3 RESULT OR • p ~ ,~,_wia7 _ ,ii~w~~r __ ~~~rw ~ 16t 1 % _ ~V V ~/' ~ 1 M V PHOti'E Y: ;-#071 693-4243 F.~X m: ~ 407) 693-SS03 FAX COYER S'HEE?" DarE: ~~~?~03 F.~.~ -- . To: I ~ ~ ~/o,e~r`s ~ - ,,- . r C O~iP Vii.\Y: ~ °( L ~-A~~- V ~~lX~~,~2Z~11~1~ CQ Totat tiumber of Pales transmitted: .,.~ l,Inctudin~ Coyer ~heetl /'~Q~ft-G~-- c /.o 3 Apr 03 Alan Hill Public Works 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 - 2799 Planning and Architecture Inc Re: Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District (TLBD) Entryway Enhancement and Median Improvement Project Alan Pursuant to our recent discussions attached please find a list of three contractors who specialize in landscape lighting, that we would recommend calling in for a presentation with the TLBD Board to demonstrate possible -entry way lighting enhancement proposals. The best approach would be for the firms to visit the site listen to what the TLBD goals and objectives are and then give a presentation with proposed recommendations. 1. Ambiance Lighting Solutions 407 310 8175 2. Illuminations 407 880 0700 3. Generous Electric 407 841 3040 We trust this~information will be helpful and please let us know if we can be of further assistance. 890 Northern Way Suite E 1 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 ph 407 977 1080 fx 407 977 1019 email info@sriarch.com AA-002984 FROM :Lights Unlimited P.O.Bax 1241 vw,aerrr~sre, FL 34766 Phone: 407337"-2e64 Fa~c 407.6773565 F17( Ltght~ tJr~l~mitEd Tae City of Winer Sprir~s fPtona Mario Wgeon Fsuc a0'1-095,81~3 tllsrbee Nlardt 4, 2003 rlwnoe 4Q7-7098916 PaOese 1 Rae LJgt~ting meirrtenanoe cor'Ir~ct C~ Kangee draharn D Ye9ant ~ For tRerisM+ O Verse Comet ~ tMastss RAY Q Plps4 Raoygle • Lighting oontraot (or Tuscawllla enbyw~ys. Bi-moMtiy pgh~ng Ir~apaodor~e d the enlN iigMs. Tum Nghts an, ctreck oorrlrol devloas for proper operation (re®et timers, check pho~toopia, inepaet hreakers). t~heclc proper ligl'rtirg output, re+aim IighRs 2is needed, ohet~c for' debris a plant$ blocking Vie gghle. 345.00 per loaeliat ~ y i s +~` Material 100 watt Metal Halide Flood NgM lamp -68.89 100 w~alt Mekar F~alide ballast Idt -99.99 F_mergerxy servkoe c~i1-- 75.00 u~~, F~c~ : 23 ~,R~ a !y /~ ~F ~~, f y f C Iy p. /~ y,~ ;• ( t ; . j {/~~ ~[~~ g ~ FAX N0. :4078773565 Apr. 03 2003 10:13AM P1 FROM :Lights Unlimited P.O.Baoc 12x3 Vuindermera, FI 34788 Phor~ 407-332 2864 Fait f07-8'773565 FaX FAX NO. :4078773565 Apr. 19 2003 10:51AM P1 Ter Gty of Winter' Springs ~eanre Mark WAson Faoc 4073 fpet~c March 19, 2003 Pfaee: A07-7095916 ~'n4~ 1 ~ fat. to nape~ir Seneca tights CC: ^ UrrRen! ^ F~ R~rriaw Ci Please Coawnaat ^ tNease Reply 17 Aeew R.c~rds •Cammvntss Est. to repair Seneca Blvd Lights, Tune and mrrGerial b~ repair 7~ight*, all ere fuN of water acid need new b®Masts. Irk new hMast, deaned and dry transformer bmce6, install infine fuses and seal the fddures. May need a lamp ortvw. Total 1025.00 (.X~"~ ~ ~~~~ Coo j,~i..e ~.°'~ ~'. ~~'~~`' ~ =~.~. ~r~~~ ~. FROM :Lights Unlimited FAX N0. :4078773565 Lights Unlimited ~.nc. P.O.Dox 1243 Windtrrrtlere, FI, 34786 Ph. 407-332-2864 Ft;x. 407-877-3565 SILL TO ~ City of Winter Springs .1128 G. Stale Road 434 Winle:r Sprints, FI 32708 ,~ P.O_ Np. 3262y-110 QUANTITY 2 I I L DESCRIPTION a tin8 Irs to entrances Hain entrance i00 watt Metal I~Istliele Par flood 00 watt Metal Halide bullaat kit multi tap .fighting Inspcdiem ~otaul breaker tripped to sign li~ts, trouble shoot and fixtnd water in one of the ixtures and shorted ballast. Cleenad fixture and replaced bad ballast, also found !-bad lamps in other lights. Netted a tat of anffi make theca hamo en nr amuttd the uP 1$llt3. :-bor (non huckct truck work) to nrpair the lights. I.ighti- ng tYnspccti~ ~ ~1 , ~~ 1 l Tor (nan budcct truck work) tp tmuble shncx lights. l~aund breaker tripQcd and all ~ J` but Z-fixtures were fWl of water. Also found 1-fixture that was damaged (a~dcod r v C _ ~fk _ _ _._ _ with holes) ~,; 3G A~ // 1 StBWI Le ng inspeaion `' 1 1tN1 watt Metal Halide Par flood 2 100 watt Metal Halide ballast lot multi tap 4 300 vols fuse & holders 1 Labor (non bucket ttyx~e worse) to hair 3-ligfiffi. Found breaker tripped with s dead short. Found 3-lixturea with water, replaced ballasts and srtalexl the boxers with silicxm. '- us«xa Drive i 1 Li teg inspecxion Fuund lights on during the day. no lights out. reaimed 1-light and adjusted photocell. 1 . 'rotes Ligattiog inspection Fo k 5 i ~ 1 ttrus I,i rt ng ton ', ! ~ 100 watt Motel Halide Par flood ~ `1 1 1 1 100 watt Metal Halide lmllas[ kit multi ~ _ ............ ... ..,.. . ... .._... ._._ _.. Thank yvu Ppr your business Apr. 19 2003 10:52AM P1 invoice DATE INVOICE ~ 3/19!03 1898 TERMS PROJECT N~ 30 RATE AMOUNT 66.99 I 133.98 99.99 99.99 43.00 45.00 35.00 35.00 4s.oo 4s.oo 43.00 4S.1)t5 45.00 45.00 66.99 66.99 99.99 199.98 10.00 4Q00 45.00 as.llo 45.00 ~ 45.00 45.00 1 45.00 45.00 43.00 66.88 66.88 99.99 _y 94-9'4- Total 1 FROM :Lights Unlimited FAX N0. :4078773565 Rpr. 19 2003 10:53AM P2 X.ight~ Unlimited Inc, Y.O.Box 1243 Windermere, F L 34786 Ph 4q7-332-2864 Ffuc. 407-8773565 BILL TO ~ City of Wintur Springs .. ... _ ... . . 1128 L•'. State Rppd 434 Winter Springs, FI 3270$ QUANTITY ~ L C "? - ~ ~r 1.I~ ~ h BLS _-----_ DESCRIPTION Invoice ~~~ DATE INVOICE lE 3/19/03 1898 P.O. NO. TERMS 32629-00 Nd 30 RATE 1 (3W vdt fuse and holder lO,Op Labor (non bu~Jcd truck work) 45.00 Found 1-limit out, topla~xd lamp ettd b~llast,lbtmd wutor in Txture. C//i~/''~~~ ~J iiK ~ - v r ~ 1 (i'~c ~" ~ y~lCt `l' i E'E ~~B~~tS"~--~ if '~k i -id ~`. ~ j~ lei ~ ,r'',t~:t'' ~fi``.~ ~, , y . U 3 a ,;,1 `,~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ Tlwnk yCIU for your bu.4iness Page 2 Toil PROJECT AMOUNT 10.00 45.00 $1,157.81 From: Jean Reynolds At: Insurance by Ken Brovvn, Inc. FaxID: 407-648-D197 To: To City of WIMer Springs Date: 3/12/03 11:16 AM F'age: z of z CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OPID JR ACORD DATE (MMIDD/YY) 03/12/03 _ IrIGEIT-1 THIS CERTIFICATE IS 189UED A3 A MATTER OF INFORMATION PROOUCeR Insurance By IGen Srown, Inc . ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P . O . Bax 54056 9 t St ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. ree 1339 Arlington Orlando FL 32805 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE Phone: 407-849-0490 Fax:407-648-0197 INSURED _ ._~ INSURER P: Old Daaainion IasuranC@ C an „/'~fJ INSURER B: TraVClerS Casualt be S71r1.7t CO VJSURER C: L1 hts Unl].2Rlted, InC P O BOX 1243 INSURER D: Ainder*'*~M+-e INSURER E: GVVCKAVICS THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR UIREMENT , ANY REQ ORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH E AF F MAY PERTAIN. THE INSURANC POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. MISR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE MMIDDIVY POLICY EXPIRATION DATE MIDDIYY LIMITS EACH OCCLRRENCE S 1, ODD, DDD OEN ERAL LIABILITY L GENERAL LIABILITY MPG21218 O2 /22/03 O2/22/D4 FIRE pAMAGE (Arty one fire) S SO,DOD ~- $ COMMERCIA AIMS MADE ~ OCCUR MED ENP (Arty one person) E 5 , DDO CL PERSONAL3ADV INJURY f 1, OOO, DOD GENERAL AGGREGATE S 2 , OOO, OOO GGREGATE LIMB APPLIES PER' PRODUCTS- COMP/OP AGG f 2 , D D O , OOO OENL A POLICY PRO- LOC AUT OMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Ea accident) S UTO V ( A AN ALL OWNED AUTOS BODILY INJURY f'cr croon) S HEDULED AUTOS S ( p C HIRED AUTOS' BODILY INJURY P ttitl S OWNED AUTOS N ( er a enry NO - PROPERLY DAMAGE s (Per accitlenl) E LIABILITY AUTO ONLY- EA ACCIDENT S GAR AG UTO OTHER THAN EA ACC E ANY A AUTO ONLY: AGG s TY EhCH OCCLRRENCE S EXCEii LIAGILI OCCUR a CWMS MADE AGGREGATE f S DEDUCTIBLE S RETENTION S S WC STATLL OTH- ORKERS COMPENSATION AND $ TORY LIMITS ER B W EMPLDYERS'LIABILITY 1UB408D8992 01/01/03 01/01/04 E.L. EACH ACCIDENT s 100,000 E.L. DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE S lOO, DDD E.L. DISEASE-POLICYUMIT S SOO OOO OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSIVEHICLESIE%CLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENTISPECIAL PROVISIONS fax 407-695-8803 GCK 111'11.A1C RVLYCR Ilr IwuulIlVNlLL rnsuneu;rnaun~ra ..c,ro... City of Ainter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Wintex Springs ET, 32708 ACORD 25-5 AINTERS sHOULO ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES EE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAYOR TO MAIL ~.~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LU.BILITV OF ANV KIND UPON TH6 INSURER ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. _ 1988 From: Jean Reynolds At: Insurance by Ken Brown, Inc. FaxID: 407-64&0197 To: To City of Winter Springs Date: 3/12/03 11:16 AM Page: 1 of 2 Phone: (800) 940-1453 Fax: (407) 648-0197 Fax From: Jean Reynolds To: To City of Winter Springs Pages: 2 Fax: (407) 695-8803 Date: 3/12/03 Phone: ( ) - Subject: Cert to Ins: City of Winter Springs Message: i L ~ TLBD Irrigation Inspections' and Recommendations -Kangee Cnaham '*** -City performed or City Responsibility changes to irrigation in design Island lA (4 zones) Zonel. Endcag.covera~e-more volume -adjust 4 Indian Hawthorn make 12" pop-ups 6 Pittisporum_s1W~b heel-make risers 4 St. Augustine grass leaning pop-ups 1 Shutcbvun-he~ in pines S Zone 2 St. Aug. grass -leaning 2 Zone3. St.-Aug_.grass_;, leaning 1 Shut down in pines 8 f Cass-leanictg 2 Zone 4 grass-leaning 2 Elite: Cut back oleander to 18") Island iB (4 zones) 7nnP t _ .Risers *~~ ~'la' in bed 3 (Note: Brown patch in grass -treat) Zone 2 (Note:. . RemovE dead pine) Make risers in viburnum 4 (1Cfote: Rake leaves out of grass) Pop-up at edge of pines-cut back volume 1 I;owcrhead iii pines 1 Center of grass-check nozzles 2 In grass - leaping 2 (~ote: Rake leaves out of grass) Zone 3 Pitts bed-make risers first 3 3 In grass-- lear~n 2 g (N~te: Need sand in 21ow areas) Zone 4 In pines- shut down heads along road All In:pines - I(~ei~g 1 In grass -middle- leaning 1 Middle -cap ~2" pull bk to edge 1 (Note: Ants) Island 2A (3 zones) ~.j,_ .cprner nc+t~tc Q 1 Endcap -make adj. Nozzle just over %z 1 FintlcornPr up i Lower sprayine 1 Shut.~o~vn. sideso£pines_ .. ail 4 ~ 1 In oleanders make riser 1 In grass - 2 Zone 2 In grass -leaning 2 Zone 3 ht grass lead 5+ In cents -broken 1 (Dote: Remove oak leaves-vib.) Zone 4 In grass -leaning 3 Makb risers in vthu~-m 2 Broken heads 2 **** fNP~: Needs mulch along edge) Island 2B (4 zones) Zone 1 is grass -lea~nimg- 3 Cracked spray head 1 **** Zone 2 (N~te: Rake back leaves in LEG) In grass leaning 6 Shut down sgray~ in pines along road all Zone 3 In grass leaning 5+ Shut dowrr sprays ~ piers along road all Zone 4 (Note: Rake leaves out of grass) In grass ~leam~, 6+ Variegated Pitts -make risers- center 2 (Note: Ants in Aztec grass) Broken pipe I **** Island 3 (i zone) Zane 1 (Note: Ants) Pull center head back to Endc~p(coverage) 1 Atid.~}ustable;tozzle to corner 1 In grass- leaning 1 Center of Va~egated Pitts -make riser 3 Viburnum -make risers 3 At lrndcap_m~ce adjustable nozzles 3 Island 4 (Z zones) done 1 (Note: holly run over --City upright/stake TI,BD monitor) LEG -centers make lZ" pops-ups ? Pitts - make risers, alI 9 -11 (Atm. given to ht of shrubs vs. risers Zone2 In grass kanitig 2 Ind. Haw. Ctrs. pull head up 4-6" 2 In grass -loaning 1 Pull ctr end cap back to edge 1 Make nozzle adj. To sick (South} 1 Island 5a (4 zones) Zoe >- Pullback end cap for-coverage- 1 • ~ s Ingress -leaning 3 Zone 2 Shut down pop-u~ in pines along road all Close Center pines all Leaning:.. 2 Zone 3 Center of Pitts. Make risers w/spray hds 2 Cap by tree {attnta heig~tJ 1 p)Tote:l~ hd s side draining on rd) St. Aug. -all look good *'`**Seal leaking around head Zane 4 Ding... 2 Risers in oleanders (bald) Island SB (3 zones) Zone 1 pate: Ball. valve was found o~ (Note: LEG needs fertilization) (Note V~. Needs brimmed) (Nate: Remove oak leaves-LEG) Zone 2 Shut down sprays along road in pines all peeve centers open) Sfraightan (Note: Rake leaves out of gross) Some leanung -edge of n rd. -mover-spay ? Zone 3 In grass - Qnters need to be higher vohm~e ~ 2 pJote: Monitor grass) End cap -center -make '/< or adj. 1 ishwd- 6A ('t-~neg an 1. unique timer) Zone 1 Make corner at endcap'/ 1 Pats -pop-up extension riser 1 Zoe Z 1'` St. Aug -center-change nozzle-more vol. 1 Yrb: and 1°` Intl Haw. Ext-pop-upriser 2 (Note: Cinch bugs in St AugJ Zone 3 Leaning 3 (Ngte:Monitor grass under Oak-dry Zane 4 Shut down sprays in pines along road all Viburnum.- e~bension pop-upsfrisers 2 (Note: Ants in St. Augustine) Leaning 3 Pitts = make risCl"s/extension pop-ups 2 Change pop-ups to 12" at ferns ? plgte:Treat and knock do ant piles) Zone 5 Shut down sprays in pines along road all . .{Not 2 at comatthought-adjust to grrisss) Pitts- make sprays into risers/extensions 2 Zone b Leaning -1~ pa~-up 1 Zone 7 Leaning 2 t~ in Imo. Hawthorn make I2"pop-up 1 End cep mull ctr back to edge (coverage) 1 t Sprays in-grass closest to Oak incr. Flow 2 Spray by Oalr make adj. Nozzle 1 Island 7 (2 zones) } Corner at end ~-make adjustable nozzle 1 Nozzles missing from 2°3 and 3'~ artrs 2 Leaning - ft+ot~t of tree 1 Zone 2 Centers leaning 2 St Aug. grass -decrease center spray 1 Ind. Haw. Pull 12" up 2" -odd more flow 1 -(centers .not. perfiect coverage) South- clogged no~zte EP Holly 1 1 Island 8 (2 canes) Zone 1 . 1'`nozzle-dragged 1 1'" 3-6" pop ups Ind Haw. Change to I2" 3 North side - 6" to 12" pop-ups 6 Vibumums -center -make pop-upJrisers 2 Vari: Pius - e~t-ter make pop-up /risers 2 (Note: Remove some oak leaves) **** (Nate: Remove some aak leaves) (Note: Ants in St Augustine) (Nee: Remove 2 vtb. Closest. to rcl) (Nate: EP Holly's need fertilizer) Zone 2 l'` pop up in grass -raise 1 Shut. down sprays in pines next to road all (not comer ~j. For grass) l~th..side -1" out of pines , 1 Last of south si~' a -leaking seal 1 Pitts--.centers n~c1 pop-~-p extension/risers 2 1'` 3 make adj, to keep h20 offpavets 3 Island l1A(1 zone) Zotue 1 Make comerpop-up adj. Or'/, 1 . Pull back center pop-upJend cap 1 (Npte: Remove some oak leaves) Minima and Aztec-change 6" to 12" 6 Changeheads.iu ri~eya ~n Pitta: _ 2_.. _ .. (Nate: Trim edge of Pitts) (Note: Cut oleander to 12" fert.) (Dote: Remove oak leaves from grass and minima) Island i1B.(4 zones " Zone 1 2 head in fern N side change to 12 1 (Note: Remove some leaves) Zone 2 S side Z"~ azaleas leaning 2 (Note: Remove 4.dead azalea) Vari. Pius. Raise to pop-up extensions 3 Shutdown Sys in pities along road all (not cornier -coverage of grass) I" center=o€pities --make full circle nozzle 1 Zane 3 (Note: Ants at base of piYte) 1 Shut down sprays in pines along road all Leaning in grass 3 (Note: Airts) Last pop-up in grass meaning 1 Zone 4 St: Aug. -chegk for leaning 7 (Note: Remove some leaves from end beds of >;EG ,minima) Island 12 (2 zones) Zone l-. End-make 12" "/,'s urto 6" adj. 1 12" pop-up clogged 1 (Mote: Fertilize under Oaks Monitor St Aug for re-growth) Zone 2 (Note: 1'` Ligustntms-thin w/ Selective pruning End cap make adjustable nozzles 2 Site cencerns) Island 13 (4 zones) Zone 1 Ead ~-1~ Tmake adj. Nozzle 1 (Note: Thin ligushums) Change 6' pop-ups to 12" 3 Turn dawn center pop-ups in grass all (in this area only-0ver spray in road) Zone 2: forner 12" pop-up a-pines-leaning 1 (do not throttle) (Note: Cut off wiring and straps of EP Holly + mulch) Zone 3 Shut down spray SOUTH SIDE pines south only Change pop-up to risers in Fitts + Vib. 3 Zone 4 Center -'/z or clogged? Fix 1 Leaning 2+ Throttle all heads at end beds to'/z aIl (Note: Trim ligustnuns) Island 14A ~4 zones} 1•lote; Zones not in order Zone 1 End cap -make adj. Nozzle 1 (Note: Trim ~ ligustrums) Pop-up - 2°d down change 1/4 to % spray 1 Clogged 1 S .side 3`~ Ligusmun make 12" a riser 1 (for eenter eoverage -skip then next- 2 (Note: Ants in St Aug.-neat) Last pop-up -center-raise from flex 1 Turn down_centFrs-over spray into road ? Zone 2 Centers- St. Aug. leaning ? (Note: Ants -last Oak-treat) Zone 3 Gieser! **** Centerpop-up- raise from flex 1 (ATote: in St Aug. -treat)- Pop-ups Iening 3+ (Node: Cart back some of oleander At edge of beds - iCeep Dirt of roadway) Island 14B (2 zones) Zone I . spray head and bark Lateral in north side of pines 1 Slud..dow~ts in pines along road all 7 bed -replace pop-up withriser/extension 1 (1~jote: Remove oponti and fill with same materials from previous bed) Indian Hawthorn Zone 2 Leaning -12" n side Ind. Haw. 1 12" pop-up cl at end 1 Island 15 (7 zones 2 tuners 1-4 And S-7 one location) Zone 1 End cap -- clkwge to adj. Nozzle 1 5'h Ligustrum -unclog or.make a riser 1 Pog~p.cente~gf grass -raise from sex 1 Zone 2 Pop-up St. Aug. gtss -leaning- raise 1 Shut down sprays, in piers along road all Zone 3 Shut down sprays in pines along road ail Vari. Pitts. -raise pop-up on riser 2 Edge of Vib: t}nd Azalea pop-up to riser 1 Zone 4 Shut down sprays in pines along road all Zones .Busted pop-up -nced sycamoreJlower 1 Zone 6 Grass good Change 6" pop-up tg 12" in minima 4 Zone '~ 12" pop-up leaning 1 Giiange end cep comer to adj. Or 1/. spray 1 (Note: Fertilize Coonti- Lookingpoor!) (Note: Weeds, weeds) 4Note: Azalea have lace bugs) (Npte: Remove limb on ground Ants in St. Aug. grass -) (Note: Weeds in beds) (Note: Brown patch/fungus In St Aug. grass-treat) Island 16 (2 zones) Zone 1 ..end.--slight adj. To level + length, of spray 1 Comer -needs adj. Nozzle or'/. 1 ..Pop-np ~acbeausians ~a.Lxi. Hawthorn 2 Gieser -North side (no nozzle) **** 6" pop-up to 12" ur gtinima 2 Zone 2 (Note: Ants -treat) i~` popes-in Aztec change to 12" i (Note: Ants again) (Note: Trium Pitts for oaverage) Tighten heads down~ver spray rd-Aztec aU Island 17A (4 zones) Zone k comer--ead el)ange to adj. Or'/, 1 (Notre: damage to 6 pins from car) 12" pop-up leaning 1 In Pitts - pop-up to extension/riser 2 St. Aug. grass -leaning pop-up 1 Zone2 shutdown spra~rs in pines along road all Center -leaning 1 In Vari. Pitts -, raise pop-up to extension 1 fNpte: Replace 1 missing azalea) (Note: Some missing LEG - 3) Zone 3 Good Zone 4 (Note: Trim oleander to 2') Shirt down sprays in pines along road all Island 17B (1 zone) Zone 1 Leaning itt ~ lj~vlhorn bed 1 (Note: Replace 1 azalea) Replace I azalea Fertilize Pitts-some yellow Remove dead leaves- Aztec Thin up Ligustcums? Island 1$ (4 zones) Zone 1- End - corntx.rpake Adj. Nozzle 1 (Note: Fill with soil - 2'Hole) Gieseri Missing nozzle **** _ . (Note: Fill with soil) Raise every-other Pitts with pop-up ext. 4 Change 6" po}~ups to 12" 1 (Note: peed Pine) Keep 2 sprays from group of 4 pines ---shut down past all Change 6" to 12" in LEG 1 Change 6' to 12'~ in LEG 2 Zone 2 heads in St. Aug. 2+ Clogged. nom in grass 2+ (Note: Remove dead foliage -Crinum Lilies Zone 3 Change 6" to 12" pop -up in minima 2 1-rt pop-up in grass.center-;Hake adj. 1 Last pop-up in grass missing nozzleJbroken **** ..Zone 4 Shut:do~ spaaysnpin~es along mad all Bmkien pipes-check both sides **** Heads leaking.in puts flagged **** Change pop-ups to riser/extensions-Pitts 2 , Change 6" to 12" in Aztec 1 Rednee pressw+e at End Cap for coverage 3 Island 19 (2 zones) Zone 1 Reduce pressu~ ~ cornet end S side 1 Change centers from 6" to 12" S ~7ari: Pitts to pop-up extensions -ctr. 1 Turn down coverage in Pitts (new growth-a~pme yellowing Zone 2 Center - St. Aug. nozzle clogged R~-eau~,{~ake adj. Or'/. Island ~0 (~ Wines) Zo~l_ Check center pop-up in grass Sly dov~sp~rs in pines along road Center .~rass~leakin~g_seal? In grass leanpg after oleanders Last pop-up -grass growing over fix .Zone 2 - Adjust amounts in Pitts. (very yellow) Tao ~1F~:WATFR (One dead /one in decline) all 1 1 1 .all 2 1 2 all Zone 3 Center pop-up -clogged? 1 Gieserl Shut down sprays in pines along road all Che€1~ ~'` south side pine for seal leaking 1 Corner in pine- change to'/a or adj. Nozzle 1. Aztecgnuakc~ange G' to 12" 1 Island 21 (Z zones) Zone ~-_ Cmnea~-~s~-~pake adj. Nozzle NW Pop-ups -seals leaking l".han,~ to riser/extension Change a 6" p~rup to 12" Zone a OK -minor adj. Made on site 1 2 1 (Note: Trash-pick up) ..(Note: Remove dead leaves Crinum Lilies Ants under EP Holly's Dead limb hanging over Roadway from Dralca - (Note: lead Patin)-get bid {hTote: Ants ~ grass-treat) (Note: Ants in EP Holly White mold under mulch) (Note: Eastend -2 pills show existing damage from vehicle or mower) **** (Note: Ants in pines) (Npte: Ants, Atrts and more ants) Island 22 (2 zones) Zone 1 Turn down_vei_~e in Pitts jnot. fern) a1L- (t3ote~_ Lots of yellowing in Pitta} J ~ In Pitts, change 6" to 12" 1 S side Pitts ate old change 6" to 12" 4 Shirt. down sprays on sides of pines 3 Corner at pines -c3~ange to adj. nozzle 1 N side in Oleander change 6" to 12" Inland 23 (1 zone) Zone 1 Monitor LEG for H2G amts. In Ind. Hawth. Change 6" to 12" pct-ups S Corner NE -change to adj. Nozzle 1 Plus ADD one po,~ugadj_ At end 1 (Note: One dead/dying oleander) (Note: Treat and knock dn. ams) (Note: Trim up Ligustrtun) (Note: Coverage is thin for Size of end cep, wind, and Potable water pressure.) .~ ' '~•" -City performed or City Responsibility Nevi changes to irrigation in design Seneca / WS Blvd. South Side Chestnut Estates meter behind East Wall - HOA Operates -all 4 power light areas City presently takes delta between old and new bill Kangee collecting estimate to separate power source NOTES: Water table extremely high -Seepage from woods Behind Sttucttu+e -Needs to be nplairted - death by water On-Site inspections did some adjusdments and shut some spays off City found snottier bloc~oed pip (Storm Water issue) they will be addressing soon Zone 1 Close sprays along LEG and Road all done Re-wire valve(2) box (1) to raise level of UnicNe Con(mller and fill with pgggravel 2 Shut down E side sprays in grass 2 Zone Z Make all sprays adj.. Nozzle and close 1 3 Behind wall-make all adj. Nozzle 4 Backside tier -close (make adj.) 1 Broken head behind sidewalk 1 **** Broken pipe in front of sidewalk 1 **** NOTES: All this area was standing water just under and above muic~- - Don't forget to mow/maintain back of sidewalk behind sign - SENECA WS/BLVD NORTH SIDE (Note: 30' St. Aug. sod West Side is ours to maint.) tNote: Lettering on sign. Mold - Alan has Mam>factures recomm. Cleaning info. (Note: Trying to solve H2O prob} (Note: Presently shut o~ 4/4/13 area dry NOTES: Why Juniper dying asd srivggling: H24not running on top edge of Back of sidewalk due to problem with spray head on same zone. ANTS. Behind sign, Oleander in decline and 2 dead Juniper OK at best On-Site inspections turned 1 spray off behind tier bed Lettering looks good Add mulch along edge of road Trim up 2 L,igustrum along wall -raise canopy over sidewalk Found minimal water in valve box, but had great problems with getting valves to operate - Found one valve too tight. -could not trouble shoot othervalve -replace Zone 1 Behind sign wail -change to adj. Nozzles 4 Tier 1-et end -change to adj. 1 Ground level- end-change to adj. 1 Top Round -change all to adj. Close 1 Zone 2 Valve clicks to turn on but does not Rip. lace valve 1 Leaning heads in St. Aug. some Brolaen spray head W behind SW in grass 1 Buried in dirt, SW or clogged in grass 1 Change to a flat spray patternod nozzle 1 8~-' ~ Ri.#~Pl~Y line 1 Use high volume drip nozzles all NOTES: Rain sensors need to be wired to outside (not in boxes) both sides. Presently -ram sensors In "Off pos~tlonS. All African Iris look good solenoid wastoo tight -on-side inspecaions loosened it- some water came out but not enough pressure -trouble shoot 12' of St. Augustine grass maimai~ed and waters by our irrigation SENECA CORNER NOTES:Reclaimedvater Change center spray beads to 360-fulls 2 By manhole -change to adj. Nozzle 1 By manhole -move head 3 %x' to North l Under 2°~Ligustrum -change to ~j. SW 2 SMALL SENECA ENTRY - WEST SIDE NOTES: Found irrigation valve box cover still upsidedown from original installations Looks like previous contractor never even checked system. Sigas are up and in position Needs two small flOOd lights instead 3 dead Oleanders and 3 in decline 5 Iris in decline in tier Receptacles areinstalled -need checked On Slope - trim all African Iris W 1' -cold damage Juniper look like irom {except these are in full sun - previous overscer blamed shade and improper locations) -looks like chemical damage - but trying to grew out of it. Note: Possible design change -Iris in top round, latttana in tier 1 Change spray heads behind entry to Side Stripes Change from spray heads to adj. Nozzles SMALL SENECA ENTRY -EAST SIDE NOTES: S dead Oleander, 1 struggling Back side of wall, all Irisdying - Replace with LEG and monitor H2O amts. Replace Oleandex with boxwood or burfidi holly Remove some sod and add approx. 35 juniper to match west side. Add 6 more ato~md Oak Change spray Beads behind entry to Side Stripes 2 Change front sprny heads to adj. Nozzles 6 Corner by sidewalk make adj. Nozzle 1 Add imig~ian spray head i~ frogt of Oak 1 (Note: 2°d Oak has ants) VISTAWILL -WEST NOTES: Weeds, weeds, Trim Indian Hawthorn Keep minima offwall Sign looks good All Oleander dead but 4 Aztec in decline - replace with Iris around circle ? in front of railing 30' of brig. St. Augustine on West end as well as hill- ours to maintain Adjusting spray head on east end of West side to wafter HOA bed of juniper and grass Zone 1 Clear clogged irrigation spray heads ? In grass -south-make 360 degree 4 Leaning in geese 1 1Vfissing nozzle in grass 1 Lower spray head under brick edge (hitting) 1 Front -change to adj. Nozzle 3 Leaning -12" pop~p in front 1 Change 12" to a SS nozzle 1 Behindwall -change nozzles to adj. 4 Zone 2 Pop-up back of sidewalk N change to 360 1 Pop-up at end -change from SS to %z 1 (Note: What contractor is working in ROW? Damage to Sod and brig. Replace missing head with flex 1 Alan has concerns about Road undermining/break (Needs to be bade-filled Capped head on-site On locations-pipe with Valve for water? VJSTAWII.LA -EAST NOTES:Atrts, ants, ants Trim Indian Hawthorn l~4eep minima off of sign and walls Replace planting like other side Trim u~r maple tnoe (approx 3 small louver limbs) in fmnt of wall Const<udion damageldebris from sidewalk left behind All Oleander dead fi+om frost -replace with Weed behind sign and kill 5 seedling palms Doming in wild No water uponarrival - meter and ball valve at end by HOA entry Meter turned off- why? No power either location Meter pulled from Tuscora - Fl Power says ~ acct. -Alan got both running again HOA keeping edge of swamp pretty clean - no complaints HOA -some large a~ piles at the North - let them know Zone 1 23 X 3' - SW to Rd (ROW) turf in excellent condition. Note: Overalt -all turf in excellent oona'ition other than a few ant piles And a couple of draught areas uncihr Oaks on Winter Springs BLVD. Zone 2 Southturf -18" in good condition Tighten down to off -sprays head bade corner near palms 2? 12" pop-up leaning under brick -lower 1 Behind sign -Shut off 2 at end 2 Behind sign - Change remaining bads to adj. nozzle 2 Top round -has only one center (may need to d~ange later) Back corner -change to adj. Nozzle 1 North -12' of turf ours- some weeds at far edge (work to expand area) 1" Tier turn down volume of SS-side strip (replace just behind railing?) 3 MIIVOR ENTRY'S P dt L Lawn Maint. owner -Larry aware of ~ presently being addressed Along with homeowners at location to keep mowed and weed free TUSCORA - MEDYANS NOTES: Remove moss off medians Median lopks dry -increase irrigation Presently - Thurs and Sun 20 min. each. Ants -treat and knock down mounds Aztec -cold damage decline - water and fertilize Azaleas bloomingwell - 6 dead Oaks need fertilizer Met with Mike M. o» site 1# week ofApri! to monitor Dead limbs throughout all existing. Ligustrums need raised, trimmed, and fertilized r Minima. needs water and fertilizer! Imgation valv~efiox- cover stiq ter-side down -never checloed? Site doesn't look like fertilizer was ever applied to location 2bne t Resed;bury pop=ups pnexrnauslyiepaired- 1"i wk vfA~ril observed large trucks Unable to make turn without driving into tLfedian - f hid P & L cap a»d move heads To center since we've had to repair several More times Zone 2 Make both emd sprays adj. Nozzles Canceled - moved and made full circles TUSCORA - WEST ENTRY NOTES: 30' of St. Augustine both side of sidewalk ours to maintain On+e Oleander dead Trim up King Sago Palm Replace 2 poor Pitts Trim Indian Hawthorn Aztec in sad condition Weeds Knock Clown old a~ piles around light fixture Missing bubble cover on electrical receptacle ***** Oleanders in de&line from frost -replace 3 City- why conduit in ROW 434grass - West side -open and aboveground level? Zone I St: Aug: ASS -rchange SS to'/~'s 3 Change Ind. Hawth. In corner to add. 1 Adj~SSde~a little 7 Change all tier to adjustable nozzles ? t;orner spay head behind Sago 1 Change spray head in minima to adj. 2 Ttx~ demon-flew salve=far-~Il done Zone 2 Change adj. In ROW grass to %z coverage all Bzoken-spray $eads ~ done Back wall - spray head leaning 1 ~eae l- Adjustriser teoff wall 1 Note: Turf has some dollar week -clock had been running every day Cutback to Thurs and- Sun - I'S mi~. each and monitor done TUSCORA -EAST RESERVL~eoatraetaf mowing. up.to St. Augustine. RESERVE - suggest they bring hedge of viburnum down to meet their Irdgarion ri~erand-hatch design from West to Fast. Replace 7 Oleander Trim Pitts Aztec Sad Fungus-in-grass? J TTim Lantana in upper tiers CA11irOl l~lIIlma III beds Remove 4 Indian.Hawthorn from far bectfor JIOA contractor >p access pond done-Kaggee ROW 434 -gross looks dty- see below Add row of 5 Aztec, grass in front of Pitts Zone 1 Change tiers to adj. Nozzles all Raise spy-behind~Sago or move 1 Leaning spray heads in grass ROW 4 Leaning spray 1u~ds in`grass along Tuscora ? Power outlet needs bubble cover **** TRA.TTWOOD -NORTH NOTES: Electrical outlet and bubble cover present Ants around light fixture Trim Indian Hawtho~ -Remove one in font of light fixture Irrigation box cover never tarp right side up -never checked? Minima dead -child trampled - do not replace. Kids stepping Qu Vari Pitts,- guil.and-r+ep~c~e.~gainst wall only - Podocarpus? (flexl'ble shrub) R,emave.dead~oliag~aronnd.LYinulp Lilly's done Trim and clean up Iris -cold damage 36' ?irrigated and our responsibility 45"of grass/irrigation along ROW Tmttwood Blvd. Zonel Top tier - ~ to adj. Nozzles 3 Change sprays in vari. Pitts to SS ~ Cap Sys in ~wlch were minima was From 12" to .6" and close ? 2"~ front: 1"` tier adj. To keep water in bed I Zone 2 ROW Trottwood ~'RQTTWOOD SOIITH Zone 1 Fix Pressure problem Fror~tby.sigm::.~j~ Front by railing -adjust Top wund,_-change to adj. Nozzles (Note: Not enough pressure) Jack and Bore damage done? From contractor of City ROW? NOTE: Ants -Wow! All light fixtures Trim back shrubs Gel rid.of const~cbion gravel from fix above. Homeowner has been mowing -not contractor- change Tneato sign and behind -ours to maintain Some_ dollar weed -address please r r r Zone 2 Tusk. Rd ROW approx. 27' of turf both sides S/W ours to maintain. SHETLAND/Ci`FRUS ENTRY -WEST Zoe 1 Top round -one 360 full circle -cut back 1 (may to change this design) Behindwall - by Pitts. Change to adj. 4 Baele corner - s~iut down spray mead 1 Middle -close 1 End - by change to adj. Nozzle 1 NOTES: Trim Pitts 2Qne 2 OK -ROW grass SHETLAND/CITRUS ENTRY -EAST N~°i4?S~nnc: L @p~ates from West side - 3`~ valve Cutback low - 5 cold damage Trim Pitts Zone t Spiny h-~V- -change to SS 1 Zone 2 LOW LOW H2O pressure Checkvalveand ~ 1 **** Module wouldn't turn on-by hand yes St< Aug. grass- SS Change to 360 Hill 1 Front of Circle -change to SS 1 Zone=3 Valve clicldug but not working Check-and replace if necessary 1 '~*#* NOTE:. Coup1~ of low areas inpavers -monitor MAIN ENTRY -NORTH AND SOUTH NATES:Ma~-adjustments-inti~rto ensure water stays offbrick Many adjustments to Rotor never done over last year Add momma tp:rotc~r_beltindwallsiQ Ensure water stays offbrick Straightening of rotor on banks-movers moved and never adjusted P list_for all-thes~adrysbme~ts-_ Ranaldi Planning and Architecture Inc ~ . 3 Apr 03 Alan Hill Public Works 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 - 2799 Re: Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District (TLBD) Entryway Enhancement and Median Improvement Project Alan Three weeks ago we sent out three invitations for bids for the lighting, irrigation, landscaping, signage, and railings for the three minor entryways at Dyson, Howell Creek, and Deer Run. As of today we have two railing proposals and one signage proposal. In an effort to get this work done we would like permission to proceed with award of the signage and railing at this time, and we will award lighting and landscaping upon receipt of acceptable proposals. The two railing proposals are: 1. Sentry Fence $ 2,604 2. Nations Fence $ 3,793 The one signage proposal is Meurett sign Co at $ 12,428 The contractor's proposal for all work was +/- $ 51,000 if we release railings and signage at 2,604 and 12,428 respectively, we will have $ 35,9681eft, which we believe will be more than adequate funding for landscaping and lighting. Only one bid for signage may be suspect, however we had a very difficult time finding and acceptable sign company originally, these are the people who did the original signs and we should have no problems with similar appearance. , Please let us know if this needs TLBD approval and if you would like us to give a notice to proceed with payment to the contractors by the City purchase order process. We trust this infor~ation will be well received and look forward to your direction as to how to proceed. 890 Northern Way Suite E 1 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 ph 407 977 1080 fx 407 977 1019 email infoQsriarch.com AA-002984 Ranaldi Planning and Architecture Inc ~ . 3 Apr 03 Alan Hill Public Works 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 - 2799 Re: Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District (TLBD) Entryway Enhancement and Median Improvement Project Alan Pursuant to our recent discussions attached please find a list of three contractors who specialize in landscape lighting, that we would recommend calling in for a presentation with the TLBD Board to demonstrate possible entry way lighting enhancement proposals. The best approach would be for the firms to visit the site listen to what the TLBD goals and objectives are and then give a presentation with proposed recommendations. 1. Ambiance Lighting Solutions 407 310 8175 2. Illuminations 407 880 0700 3. Generous Electric 407 8413040 We trust this~information will be helpful and please let us know if we can be of further assistance. 890 Northern Way Suite E 1 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 ph 407 977 1080 fx 407 977 1019 email info@sriarch.com AA-002984 f Pape No, / cf p & L LAWN MAINTENANCE & IRRIGIATION, INC. 7301 Qardner Street WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32792 (407} 679-2810 FAX (407} 679.10$5 V ioy3-~~ JoB WA hereby aubmll mates (oft ,_ ~ < -' ~~ ~~ °agee NAMH /LOCATION ~/~~ ____-- . - --- -_ I ~~~~yy _,~ ~ ~~111~ t`~11ti~,~Ds®~ hereby t furnish material en labor-•r Iete lA accordenw with the above sp®c'aifl~atat~fons. for ihfl sum o':: I ~_ (~-G(,,,5„~,,~•/ ~ ~~ J fir dogara (5 .._--3~_~.~- , to be rAdda u follows: 111 ~ ' ~x-- r ~~~~~~ .-..r.~.. .__ .. . All mararvnl ie puarsnued to be as spsollkd, All work to be cgmplated in • proleaelonal ,~-+q ~ ~ ~ ~ Al JU /'f ~ ••' r,,, manner accerdinp to atandrrd prootiwa. Any sttaration er eevlalfon from above spedfioa• 14wMho~oa-' ~ V [n4lt t~ Woos ;nvolanti exrra costs Will ba executed only upon wrltwn 4rdan; end win beoama an 8ipruwro ,,., ext~s oharg• over and sbevs lne erllmtu. All aproern.nta contlrtpant upon strikes, aacldanle or dakya t»yond eur eonirol, Owner to carry lire, tornado, and o1Mr n~,eeaary Inauranee. our Nole:'fhla proposal may be workers are fully cpVered by WorKSri Compeneeltion Inaunnoe, withdrawn by ua N not aooeplad witnln ~~! j days. l~~IGJIjJ'~11D1~~D ~~ ~~~®~!'~ -The above prioes, apecifloatlone dnd !ondltlona ere aatlataatory rod are hrrrby aooepted. You era authori2Bd signature _ ,,,,,,~„~_~.,,_~ to do the work aS specified. Payment will be made 8a oytllned ttbdvra. Oau al Aoorplance: T0'd Stye^tura 980T619Z0b ~NI `3~NriN31NIliW~~IMIi ~ d 1 £ -z0-ode APR-02-03 TUE 06:21 P L~LAW »~M ENANCE,INC 4076791085 P. OZ • ~ ~,L~IS 2~~h ~ J.~IIQl1'I~I~II S3~J~d d0 2~d~Lt1~'zb'~~Z ~ ry~r~iab:~o~tJ . ~~~a n._,___ s~ a~mza N~ off/ a~ 7nQ t, ~., --a, ~(r u~+~ ~O ~ ~~ ~ ~C~rar~ ,..,c4I ~~o~~q s~~3 O 4l . © ~ y /tn f'ti'.~' a f1L.J !!/1/ d ~ _6. ~ ~ 12 b+ L ~ ~~ '' .LN ~ a'a' f>Lf X11. ~ ut S W br $' 0 S l nJp su~Id as/c~ / -f- /apuaa~o ~ ! f~• v ~ I h~• ~ onm~~7p~rn ~ b ~`" iv~~Sl~l ~ O , ~ ~ ~wc~ orv ~ U tr a ~ o ~ ~~ ~ :a1~Q ~~ ~80t-6L9 CL ~) :xe~ O~S~-6u9 CLOf~~ ~I~~L _. '~uz `~~zreua~ur~y~ u~,BZ '~~'c~ :rzros 1 Z6LZ£ i3 }ii~3 ~ v v v ~ ~ Y~ip~,,, /1 i~ . ~~~////~///a~.~;s .I3i]t~7.YS11J ~Of::G #x~~ ~u~ dtuo 4 o,L ~, '~i~II `3~1~I~I~i~,L,t~II~L~i l~IAA~'Z ?mod t,~ .L ~.,~.~v~ NrA.z~ ~~~~301 Cari~ner Strcct - ~. ~T~~ ~TY~ _ Park Fl 32792 ~: ompaT"- . ~ i~~~ ' - ~ &L Lawn _Maintenance .Inc. ~ From. P a Tel: (~07) 679~~ 810 Fax: (4a ~~Z~: -. ~ , 7) 679-1085 ~c° /~~ ~ -- - ~ tl ~ 3 O ~ ~Se. r~ ec 4) , ~Tt~S cq ~a ~a fS l~ n 1P r9 ~ rfi. oEFi/ ,..~.-,. - -...~- ._tr'D ~r- woo ' - ~ l'am'{-nom ~.. ~~srra w ~ r~~cS'f ScD{ S~~ .~ I'1 ole ~1nat~ r` ~ , .,.. i ..... ~ _. TOTAL rl-CJ1v,~BER 0~' PAGES ~CLUDJNG C VER SHEEN: ~~~., ~0 ~ d X80 T 6t9t01s ~N f~'~3 ~NM '1~'l9d Wd T Z = 90 3f11 Sc0-z0-21dti ANC, ~1~TC. ~~ ~~=" (~TERWORKS EXTER/OR CLEAN/NG 490 Buck Lake Lane Geneva, Florida 32732 (407) 940-6943 (407) 376-9526 Name: `, ~ T ~ ~ rw ~C.~/ L@ Address: ~ ('a.~,,~ "^- "` City/Zip: Phone: Date: Schedule: Date .Completed: Please review the following proposal for pressure washing services to be performed on your commercial or residential property: `~fi,~52 5 yPz. CQ~-s./a~s To~~ o2Od_6 Commercial Structure ~'l3SCa....llw- CwT a Si(Ifi S -- Commercial Roof 7~ ~'~1 boa ~ 6t1A•(.C. l S~c,.~- ~r'4 ~ .,n x..0 s Residential Structure ,t~~ -~ss<<,r~„ ~ ~-~ }. 1 ~1~~ c~.~GPcr ~ Residential Roof aa-P~..d~P.~- s'!~ E"' Driveway a, v i ~- v ~ ~l ~, Qa~~ S X ( Parking Area Wooden Deck S~~-e` ~ ~/ p~~ ~ ~ ~~"',~ A~~~ S «J, ~~ (, ( Pool Deck , ~- Adl.,,rs - ~{- s`~~i. - Pool Enclosure g o o,a, ~. a. ~d O a..~o~v~ lofs,-ot 300. oa /Samoa ~r'o-~,•rL ~a-~o, o c Patio Screen Room Paid: Sidewalks Billed on: Fence Received on: Additional Misc. Items TOTAL ~~ • o Please sign for acceptance of the above proposal Additional commients A~~ .~vY,I~cBS G~~D ?re,~t/J !J i¢l~'~aC<%,~' 4.~.1~ /,1/es~ -' ~v'~~l Ih~IOS~ /--r-~rt.( I~~,". o~~l~ P_e.-av~D w ~.u~ ~s ~~~ ~"I,..~ 5 RL~ ~ .Iv~i.~ . I would like to add y my list of satisfied cus mers. Thank you, ~ ~ John Miller ~ ~' License # 3100-p002878 Winchester Insurance Owner/Operator Allstate Insurance