HomeMy WebLinkAboutTLBD 2 - Corn Stalks ~~~~. ,Y<
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1 & 2 Shetland North End
3 & 4 Shetland South End
5 WS Blvd -Oviedo -South End
6 & 7 WS Blvd -Oviedo -North End
8 Seneca West End
9 Seneca East End
10 & 11 Vistawilla West End
12 Vistawilla East End
13 & 14 Trotwood North & South End
15 & 16 Main Entrance North End
17 -19 Main Entrance South End
20 - 24 WS Blvd (continuing from West End)
1 & 2 Main Entrance North End
Don't know what this is.
Who will repair grass? TLBD?
Main Entrance North End
Maintenance issue
6 Main Entrance South End -Backside
One of 5 lights around one tree at extreme southside
Plants dying..
7 & 8 Main Entrance South End -Backside
One of 5 lights around one tree at extreme southside
#82 -view upwards from camera siting on light
9 Shetland North End
" Valve Box full. of sand
10 Shetland South End -Trash
11 WS Blvd -Oviedo -South End
Water -From Sprinkler or Mall?
12 WS Blvd -Oviedo -South End -Light still on
13 - 14 WS Blvd -Oviedo -North End
Clutter. Does the tree and speed sign belong there?
15 - 16 WS Blvd -Signs o{d -Need to be replaced with light.
Useless at night, now
17 WS Blvd
General comment Leaching around bricks beginning to show everywhere.
General Comment: We need "Flood Lights" not "Spot Lights"
1 - 7 Examples of "Flood Lights" existing in Tuscawilla
Main South 1 & 2 Lights south of fountain not on
Main South Back 1 & 2 There are 5 lights for one tree and none on the Magnolia
facing the front. One of the five lights is focused on one
branch of a small "tree" in the back.
All entrances
Spot lights need to be removed and replaced Flood Lights
General Comment: Except for the Main Entrance and Tuscora, all other
entrances have a height.problem. Two tier wall design
creates a conflict between shrubs and visibility of the sign.
Dyson,. Shetland and WS Blvd entrances have been
modified to show a three tier wall design. The third tier
extension can be a flat/rectangular design or a rounded top
design as at the main entrance. Design show with and
without shrubs.
Please note The Reserve (TLBD 4) & Chelsea Woods that
are three tier wall design with a high top design.
Main Entrance
The Main Entrance has received many accolades from outside as well as from inside of
Pro Comments:
1. "STANDS OUT!" "The largest one I've seen anywhere!"
2. Fountains
3. Waterfall effect
Con Comments:
1. "Inner section [closest to median] doesn't stand out as the outer sections on the
north and south sides. Needs something."
2. "Looks dark and dead at night except forlighting of tree top."
3. "Why was light at the median not considered?"
Add smaller fountain in round brick wall treatment closer to median on both sides
with lighting.
2. Place ligustrum trees in round brick wall treatments with lirope style shrubs
around the bottom circle with lighting. [See Timacuan entrance that has ligustrum
trees in its round circle]
Tuscora Entrance
1. Just Right!
2. Could use improved lighting. Request was made by resident at TLBD meeting.
[Only one light on each side.]
Other Entrances
Modified pics of Dyson, Shetland and WS Blvd-Oviedo show potential improvements.
Main Problem -HEIGHT.-!
Pro Comments: NONE
Con Comments:
1. "Ugly landscaping!" "Doesn't do anything" "Sorry looking"
2. Not enough height for showing off Tuscawilla sign. Conflict with shrubs.
1. See attached pics. This suggestion applies to Dyson, Howell Creek, Deer Run,
Shetland, Trotwood, WS Blvd -Oviedo side, Seneca, & Vistawilla
2. Place ligustrum trees or better substitute for "corn stalks"
[For shrubbery shown in Dyson Modified 3 & Shetland Modified 1 -- See Tuscora
entrance pic. This shrubbery grows over the round circle. Can be trimmed anyway we
TLBD 1 was delivered before the January 21 TLBD meeting.
Please review the remaining above 4 picture folders and the associated notes prior to
the January 18, 2003, meeting for discussion.