HomeMy WebLinkAboutGreenfields Fertilizer & Pest Control Memoa Y FP.OM : GPEEhF I EL LAS ~~,~.~ f~ Fertilrati~n do Pest Contml b 13 I East Irlo Bronson Manorial XIighway . St. Clotd, Florida 34771 ' Phone (407) 842-2392 Fax (407) 365.9285 ra: Tlnakawilla Beautification Area 12-1 i'•~OZ _ Karinar Tha sago palm problem with the scale is getting better with follow up applications in betwl:+an monthly visits, most of it seemed to ba dead when I checked an treatad today durin~~ our monthly service . As advised by articles from the Orlando Sentinel end Iocai Department of Agriculture county agent we should continue treatments as we are until scale is no longer alive. Each time we apply an insecticide treatment we have also fed the s;~gos with magnesium which helps with color and the aver all health of the palm.l'his type of scale is new to everyone in Central Florida, next season we will have a bet:far idea of how to control this problem in advance. F(-1X NC. :.a@73659285 Der_., 18 2002 12: 51 PM P2 Bill 1~liillard Gres ifields . ~ FROM :GF.'EE~~IE~DS FAX NO. :407365985 Dec. 1~3 202 12:53F'M P4 Page 1 of ? KILLER SCALE FROM ASIA ATTACKING SAGO PALMS Orlando S trntineJ; Orlando, Fla.; Nov 10, 2002; Jennifer Wclshans, Sentinel Correspondent; Abstract: Although cooler weather has arrived, that is not snow you maybe seeing on your sego palms. Take a closer look. Those small white Becks are actually insects called cycad aulacaspis scale (Au/acaspls yasumatsai), also known as Asian cycad scale. Fhe 5tal~, eccldentaJly Introduced to the United States frc,n Thailand, was discovered In Miami in 1996. unfortunately, !t has been spreading throughar~~ Florida ever since. I! untreated, the pest will kill your plants. Full Text: (Copyrigl;t 2D02 by The Orlando Sentinel) Jennifer Vielshans is a horticulture agent with the Osceola Cooperative Extension Service. Questions can be sent to 1921 Kissimmee Valley Lane, Kissimmee, FL 34744. Phone: 321-697-3000. Although cooler weather has arrived that is not snow you may be seeing on your sago palms. Take a claser loo ~. Those small white flecks are actually utsects called cycad aulacaspis scale (Aulacaspis yasurnats~u), also known as A.Sian cycad scale. The scale, accidentally introduced to the Unit~eed States from Thai4and, was discovtt~ed in Miami in 1996. Unfortunately, it has been spreading throughout Florida e~ er since. if untreated, the- pest will kill your plants. Asian cycad scale is an invasive erotic pest, which attacks members of the cycad family by sucking the ,juices out c-f the plants' leaves. The scale is "exotic" because it is not native to Florida and is not controlled 'by natural predators. Without them, the scale reproduces rapidly, pausing it to become "invasive." Scale insects begin their lives in a "crawler" stage, in which they crawl around the plant until they find:a suitable slat to feed. They insert their stylet into the plant and begin feeding. Soon afterwards, they estate a p' •ntective covering over themselves where they will remain stationary until they die. The Asian cycad scale comes in two shapes and sins. If you look closely at an infested sago palm, you will see tl'.f: differences. The males are narrow, xod•shaped and smaller. 'The females are round, mound- shaped and much larger. This spec: E:s of scale can be harder to control than other scale species because of its unique characterigrics. It is unusual in that it can infest the roots of the plants as well as the leaves and stems. "Crawler:" have been found anywhere from between 6 and 24 inches below the soil surface. Asian cycac scale also ran be easily spread by wind. The most effective control for the Asian cycad scale is to use a horticultural oil spray or lvlalathion-in-bil spray, av2ilable at garden centers. Cycads should be treated with the oil every other week until the pest i~ etadicatcc.. It is important to spray the plant thoroughly, including the underside of the leaves. Any gaps in eoveral;e will allow the scale population to rebound. Follow directions on the insecticide label. It is possi ale, however, to have killed the scale and for ii to remain on the pleat. Strong streams of water from you; ;harden hose will loosen the dead scale and wash them off. Tt Wray take a number of applications to control the pest. The mast important thing to remember is to treat affected plants in a consistent :and effective manner. fittp.l, pqa;l~.pgarehiver.com/orlandosentineUdcx/234839881.htm1?MAC-48807a25ee6cS ... 12J08/20d2 ' FROP1 :GREENFIEI.DS F~:C N0. :4©7365'~2E5 Dec. 18 2002 12:54FM F'S Page 2 of 2 "system" of the plant via the roots. The insecticide will affect the insects when they feed on the plant. Systemics also interfere with beneficial insects, therefore, they should only be used on a limited basis. Because ~f the time and cost involved in eliminating this devastating pest, one needs to consider if all the work is worth it. It may be easier and more cos# effective to remove the sago palm and plant something else not affected by the scale, Larger sago palms are probably worth the effort. But remember., if you eliminate the scale and your neighbors do not, watch out for a rcinfestatian. Monthly preventive treatments should keep your sago palms safe, but there are no guarantees. Research ors at the U.S.1)tparttncnt of Agriculture are searching for a natural predator for Asian cycad scale.l3u;for now we have to do the work ourselves. For infonr~ation, contact the Osceola County Master C7ardenets. They are available to take yow calls on Mondays ii'om 2 to S p.m. and Suadays from 9 a.m. to noon. They also invite you to stop lay and visit their new plant clinic. The Osceola County Extension office is in the Osceola Heritage Park complex. Sab Titlf : [CENTRAL, FLORIDA Edition] Colamn :~"atne: I..IFE IN OSCEOLA Hc~MI: 8c GARDEN Start Pai;~:: K10 Repraducet' with permission otthe copyright owner: Fttrther reproduction ar distribution is~ prohibited without permission. http:l/pqa;h.pgarchiver.com/orlandosendneUdoc/2348398$ l.html?MA,CS48807a25ee6c5... 12108!2002 Torn Bnmiey ~ ~j Greentield's FErtisJizaiion 8 Pest Control Services ~ 8131 E t'Jrta Branson Highway 'v St. Cloud. Ft. 34771 ~ 407.892.23912 - O[Cice N d07.365.9z85 -Fax ~, Fertilizer `' Applirxition u Sod u ra m r~ r- ci z X Q rn i+. J W (~ City d Wirr~er Springs T~-skaw~la Lighting and 9eaulification District FertiGZtllg arxt Pest Contro! Contractor . ~urnmary of Work • MloMh af -;,,_~'e~e n16~..r 407.48D.6548 - Ce11 Tom 4EYT.4t39.6674 - CeM Kitt PesUHerb Fertilizer PestMerb Application AQplicat~on Application Sod Plants Plants Tuskaw~ Fiuad Medians Date. / 2- Date: (2_) -I Dater Date: Aliediar~ l< 1 Median ~ 2 Medan l< 3 Median # 4 Median iF 5 Median ~ s 11Aedan 9 T Median * 8 Medlpn !- 9 - Median ilk 10 Median 911 Madsen ~ i2 A6edar-1:13 liA~edar! 9 14 itiAed~n # 15 Median s 16 Medan l` 17 Median a 18 ftReQiar- N 19 Medan M ZO Median a 21 M9dar- a 71 Medan 1t ?3 A -Seneca Entry ~.. .... n- 7ltifiletl J ii!! UlYU- Clit r C - Ttot+~-+ood Blvd. Entt1- D • St~eMand ~ Citrus E r ar_~~_~r_ _ r_i~_ F - Tuscora Dreve Entry ~~ N~1ss: ~t general c~orx;iftlons, ahsenralior~s. damage, etc. T LR~~ f}I1 tv~'-~ A/~Rs ~nLt~J W~`~ -~'~iCK~CSS~ +~~a -~~ ~oit,a~,~.--cep. C~~fio~ - ~~ Se~^5 ~ i ~pi~e wt`t~. Q.Rcb. 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