HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 10 15 Other Handout by Karina Veaudry
OCTOBER 15,2002
"...// ,
herbert.halback, inc. . planning, landscape architecture & graphic design
315 east robinson street. suite 505. orlando. fl. 32801-1992
The Tuskawilla Lighting & Beautification District
Karina Veaudry
October 9,2002
Project Name:
Landscape Maintenance Coordination
September Meeting Responses
1. My recommendation for the replacement of the Crinum Lilies at the front entrance is a
European Fan Palm or Saba I Minor (a native) (see attached photograhs).
2. Please see attached for the official notification for the commencement of the maintenance
contract for the secondary entrances.
3. The cost to maintain the additional surrounding area at the Shetland and Citrus entry will be
$25 per cycle. (The current cost is $31.25 per cycle)
4. The September annuals have been installed.
C>> 407. 422 . 1449
~ 407' 872 . 0524
~ e-maIlOhhide.ign.com
G www.hhide.ign.com
Scientific Name: Sabal minor (say-baJJ my-nore)
Common Name(s): Dwarf palmetto
Typical Height: 6'
Subfamily: Coryphoideae
Tribe: Corypheae
Hardiness Zone: 7 -lOB
Growth Rate: Slow
Origin: Southeastern United States
Landscape Characteristks
Salt Tolerance: Moderate
Drought Tolerance: High
Soil Requirements: Widely adaptable
Light Requirements: Moderate, low
Nutritional Requirements: Low
Uses: Shrub
Propagation: Seecl, germinating in 2-3 months
Human Hazards: None
Major Pest Problems: None
Major Disease or Physiological Problems: Graphiola false
'lorpholo~~ (Identil) in~ ('haracteristks)
Habit: Solitary, essentially trunkless, with 8-20 leaves
Trunk or Stem Characteristics: Straight or curved under-
ground, very rarely forming a short trunk
Leaf Type: CosLapalmate (but shortly), induplicate, Oat to
slightly folded; divided about halfway into 16-40 stiff, unsplit
Foliage Color: Green to blue-green
Leaf Size: 2-5' wide; segment'> 2' long, 1.75" wide
Petiole: 2-3' long, unarmecl
Crownshaft: None
Inflorescence: 3-6' long, erect, rising up above and from among
the leaves, much branched
Gender: Bisexual Bowers
f'Jower coJor: White
Fruit Size: 3/8" diameter
Fruit Color: Black
Irritant: No
Comments: Dwarf palmetto occurs in the understory of wocxJs across a broad swath of the southeastern U.S. It makes an interesting
specimen plant in partial shade in areas where few palms could otherwise be grown.
Similar Species: S. etonia, the scrub palmeLLo, occurs only in peninsular Rorida. It occurs Oil drier soils than S. minor, and has
smaller, deeply folded leaves.
86 Be/rock's Gu;.ie To Landscape Palms
Scientific Name: C hamaerops humilis (kam-e-rops Inl-mil-is)
Common Name(s): European fan palm
Typical Height: 10'
Subfamily: Coryphoideae
Tribe: Corypheae
Hardiness Zone: 8-11
Growth Rate: Slow
Origin: Mediterranean region
Landscape Characteristics
Salt Tolerance: Moderate (possibly high for natively
coastal forms)
Drought Tolerance: High (once well-established)
Soil Requirements: Widely adaptable
Light Requirements: High, moderate
Nutritional Requirements: Moderate
Uses: Specimen plant, shrub, container plant
Propagation: Seeds, germinating in 2-3 months;
possibly division
Human Hazards: Spiny
Major Pest Problems: Scales, palm aphid, ambrosia
Major Disease or Physiological Problems: Potassium
deficiency (Florida), ganoderma, fungal leaf SpOL"
Cultivars: Many forms occur throughout the range of
this species, some of which have been named in the
'tllrplllllllg~ (Identil) ing Charaderistics)
Habit: Usually clustering, but solitary forms occur;
canopy of 15-30 leaves
Trunk or Stem Characteristics: About l' diameter;
dead leaves persist below crown; covered for many
years with dense, brown fibers
Leaf'Type: Palmate, very deeply divided into several
dozen narrow segments which split at their tips
Foliage Color: Green, blue-green or silvery green;
glossy or dull
Leaf Size: About 3' in diameter
Petiole: 3-5' long; armed with fierce orange teeth that
point toward leaf
Crownshaft: None
Inflorescence: Short, about 6" long, with thick
branches, hidden among the leaves
Gender: Usually separate male and female plants
Flower Color: Yellow
Fruit Size: AlxlUt 112" diameter
Fruit Color: Yellow, orange or brown
Irritant: No
Comments: This hardy fan palm occurs throughout the Mediterranean
region, from coastal zones to over 3000' in elevation, and in various
types of vegetation. In mountain habitaL", it has been known to evcn receive snow cover. Thoughout this broad range, it is typically
found on poor, rocky soils, and thus is vcry adaptable to a wide range of soiltypcs in the landscape as long a" they arc well-drained. It
is highly prizcd in warm temperate areas where few palms are reliably winter hardy, and a large clump makes a striking specimen
pLml. The skirt of dead leaves below the crown is usually trimmed off to accent the mat of dark fibers that clothe the trunk for many
years. The variation in leaf color and habit is extraordinary. In a nursery row of European fan palms, it is sometimes difficult to find
any two thatlex)k exactly alike. Its slow rate of growth allows this palm to be grown in a large container for many years. Growth of
C. humilis is best in full sun, but it also retains an excellent appearance in light shade.
Be/rock's Guide To Landl'cape PalmI' 29
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From: Alan Hill [ahill@winterspringsfl.org]
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 4:35 PM
To: 'Karina Veaudry'
Subject: RE: Turning over of Entrances to Ground Effects and Greenfields
The Entrances on the TLBD contract were given substantial completion August 2,2002 and Ground
Effects and Greenfields are responsible for the maintenance.
Alan Hill
-----Original Message-u--
From: Karina Veaudry [mailto:Kveaudry@HHIDESIGN.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 3:59 PM
To: Alan Hill
Subject: RE: Turning over of Entrances to Ground Effects and Greenfields
Please confirm in writing via reply to this em ail that the Entrances are now a part
of the maintenance
contracts for Ground Effects and Greenfields.
Thank you.
Karina Veaudry
Herbert Halback, Inc.
315 East Robinson Street
Suite 505
Orlando, FL 32801-1992
Telephone: 407.422.1449 x1211
Cell Phone: 407.616.5505
Fax: 407.872.0524
City of Winter Springs
Tuskawilla Lighting and Beautification District
Monthly Summary
Maureen Henderson
Ground Effects Landscape Maintenance, Inc.
Post Office Box 620713
Orlando, FL 32862
407.826.4600 Office
Start of Dormant Season Schedule
1. Winter springs blvd entry on east side planter sagos turning brown. Please diagnose
2. Please keep on top of checking irrigation
3. Medians in front of 7 Eleven please hand pick leaves out of one section of the median. Leaves
piled up in the ground cover area
4. Dollar weed at island just before 1 sl bridge right before golf course coming from the Tuskawilla
5. The Median just before Woodduck drive coming from Tuskawilla road please hand pick weds in
pine straw area and others
6. Wash out at Tuskawilla planter located at Seneca blvd. Wash out and damage to plant material-
still existing (KA V follow up with city)
7. Shetland and citrus entry wash out on side of road in front 985 Shetland
8. At winter spring main entrance on north side near rose between fountain and wall outbreak of
dollar weeds
1. Fix irrigation line break at the Tuscora/434 Entrance per call fromAlan today.
1. Seneca entrance concrete chunk taken out near specialty paving
2. Prepare detail irrigation schedule for each median including putting tap on certain spray head for
drought color material while still spraying other plant materiaL Coordinate this issue with KAVas
soon as possible.
3. Hand pull weeds for 5 or ten minutes eachmowing at each median to keep up and avoid spraying
and brown weeds
4. Brooks port canal-not completed
5. Freedom lane canal not completed
Ground Effects
August Summary
Page 2 of 3
6. Will be checking off last month's summary notes with dates and completion and turning it in to
7. What is plant at top planter at entry wall at 434 and Tuscola entrance?
8. South side of Shetland and citrus entrance not completed tall weeds in planter walls also wash
out at curb
9. Call Bob to discuss new entrances weeds
9/12/02 - Prune Hollies - Discuss with KAV first.
1. Ground Effects to notify KA V of any prior to any pruning
2. Hand pull weeds for 5 or 10 minutes at each mowing at each median to keep up and avoid
spraying and brown weeds.
3. Not adding any other notes will be checking off last months notes and completion and turning it in
to KA V.
4. South side of Shetland and citrus entrance not completed tall weeds in planter wall, also wash out
at curbs.
General Notes
1. Madianc looking vary good v:ith the exception of oonstruction issuoc, good 'Nork.
2. Medians # 3 pull weeds in pine tree area
3. Hand pull weeds in areas where weeds are sparse in existing pine tree beds
8/29/02 - Winter Springs Blvd -- islands - the ligustrums need to have the wild leggy branches cut - this ~
something that is maintenance rather than construction. WILL ADDTO THIS WEEK'S INSPECTION
Median #1
Pull ':leads from pine troe area
Ground Effects
August Summary
Page 3 of 3
Modio.n 1/5
Modian 1/7
Median #11
Pull weeds from pine troo o.rea with pine straw in it
Pull woodc from 'Noet end of island 9/12/02 - KA V
Pull dollar weed from east end of median
Sholtor and Cyproec ontr::mco wost eido not mO'l:od, oaet sido \"Iaeh out problomc NOTED FOR CITY
leland 1/1
Median 1/1
Median 1/2
Island 1/3
leland 1/1
leland 1/10
leland 1/1 9
Clip yello'N loo.vos from crinum lilios
Gro.ee not doing well in chaded areas not a maintonanco problom NOTED FOR CITY
^ few weods in pine treo area near Colt Drive
^ fO\\' woede in pine treo area
Woods at end of modian
Yellowing pittoeporum at the ondNOTED FOR CITY
Yollowing pittoeporum at contor looke 'lory bad, dollar '...'Ood o.t ond of island.
Soneca Blvd right of way 'NOst E:ido not mowod NOTED FOR CITY
Shetland and Citrus entrance mow entire grass area in front of entrance including portion of light of
way so that the whole entrance looks like one entity.
I coo irrigation looks good, pleaso purohaso parte to finiE:h ropair 'Nork and chargo tho city
Contactod Bob during inspoction to diecues irrigation ropair and purchaeo of molts
Make cure you edgo around all valvo boxoe and keop mulch dirt and dobric from covoring up valve
Piok yollow liriopo at oaet ond of thoieland doad azaloa iCGUO
Pick yollow liriopo middlo of island, addroElo cmck 'Noode irrigation hoad down northcido
road, one houoo oaGt of 1202 addross KAVto CONFIRM
Modian 1/3 Pull yollow Iiriopo O::1(::t ond of iGland
Modian 1/1 Pull yollow liriopo wost Gido of island
Modian 1/5 ,A. Iittlo bit of woods
Median #7 Weeds at west end of median
Median 1/8 Woods along sido of aGtic gracE: northsido of polo
Median #11 Pull yellow Iiriope at east end
Modian 1/13 Nota: yollow pitE: at oaot and Noted for City
- Modian 1/1 e Woods in pino aroa dollar '1:oods looks sprayod at Vlost ond.
. Modian 1/17 'A'oodE: in pin 0 aroa. Ono pino troo turning yollO'.v. PloaGo provido diagnosis. Thic is just
om:t of intoreoction of Woodduck
Modian 1/18 Woods
Modian 1/20 Yollow pittoGporum in doclino Noted for City
Median 1/21 Fornsgotting burnod by too muoh Gun Noted for City
Modian 1/1
Median 1/2
Ground Effects
August Summary
Page 4 of 3
Modian 1t22 Pittosporum in doolino, adjacont straps on troos Noted for City
Modian 1t23 Pull yollow liriopo blado
Pull or otherwise get rid of weeds Winter Springs Blvd median, pull
weeds or otherwise rid island of weeds especially in pine tree areas
Winter Springs Blvd medians rid area of all crack weeds.
July 2002 Issues:
1. Yollo'.ving Pittosporum with \....ot planting holos notod. This ie a oonstruotion issuo.
2. Troe planting dopth commonts notod. This is a construotion issuo.
3. Ground Effects is "on-call" regarding emergency repairs day or evening. Karina or City on-call
person will notify regarding issues when they occur.
~In general, weeds in the medians need to be eradicated. The crack weeds need to be eliminated.
5.00 not trim Hollios at this point.
6.Note: Shotland Entr::moo Sod not tr::msitioned woll from oxisting to installed. This is a oonstruotion
+A-,-Start maintaining all entrances per contract. A memo from Alan Hill reaardina this is forthcomina.
S.Tho irrigation pipe in the ground ie white. Tho systom is running off of effluont wator. This is a
com:truotion itom.
9-:5, Ground effects will replace fifty-seven (57) azaleas of or, a totaL of $570.00when given
commencement direction from Alan Hill.
10.'Nintor Springs Blvd. Oak Foreet cido at plantor 'Nail: The lantana is oreoping into tho podoetrian
willkv:ay. Pleaso pruno back.
+=h-L Trim Ligustrum suckers. Beina completed
+2-:-LSpray / Eliminate crack weeds.
+&8-,-provide a cost estimate to furnish and install aUNIK'model TBOSRAINSO rain sensor at each' I '
City of Winter Springs
Tuskawilla Lighting and Beautification District
Communication Log
Maureen Henderson
Ground Effects Landscape Maintenance, Inc.
Post Office Box 620713
Orlando, FL 32862
407.826.4600 Office
9/30/02 - Forwarded information from Alan call today - There is a break in the line; repair and
send invoice.
9/26/02 - Bob called - 'No water at Tuscora/434 median
9/25/02 - Message let me know when Hollies are going to be pruned. I want to be there.
9/25/02 - Message to deliver irrigation schedule by tom. at 5:00pm
9/24/02 - Bob called when got message Alan turned off irrigation to island "It was already off
unless someone else turned it on"
On west end of first median weeds on lantana bed
Keep an eye on azaelias at front entrance
Please check irrigation clock on a regular basis
Irrigation schedule for all medians due on Tuesday please remember
Look into dead rafield lepses Indian hathorn just after four way stop at northern way median # 6
Overall median looks good, weeds definitely looking better
9/19/02 - Irrigation repair done. Controller clock door jammed and left open. Median #22 is
flooded; West side brick area = valve is leaking - blue top (now coming up through brick.
9/19/02 - Talked about irrigation schedule and irrigation break.
9/17/02 .::..Message-into discuss TLBD meeting (Shetland entrance; 2nd mess regarding irrigation
break from 9/16 call from Mike Goodall at City
9/12/02 - Faxed monthly issues
9/12/02 - Bob - Water effected medians = 22 and 23 "
9/12/02 - Telephone conversation regarding irrigation, medians, plan of action, etc.
9/12/02 - Met with Bob and SRI, City Staff, Contractorsetc; Talked about tree depth, pitts, mulch
depth, etc.
9/6/02 - Call Bob to discuss new entrances weeds
9/5/02 - Second call in to talk about SRI/tree meeting and August summary.
9/5/02 - Sent fax regarding turning over of entrances.
8/29/02 - Faxed August Summary; Waiting for return call.
8/1/02 - Called Bob during inspection to discuss general issues.
8/7/02 - Touched base regarding the azaleas, weeds and status of invoice/monthly
8/13/02 - Talked to Bob about spraying crack weeds. He doesn't want to use dye for
aesthetic reasons.
8/14/02 - Faxed monthly summary items and issues. Sent copy to BOWS Board, TLBD
Board, and Alan Hill.
8/14/02 - Bob called to confirm receipt of fax as requested. Discussed condition of
entrances recently turned over. He will inspect and maintain starting tomorrow on their
regularly scheduled visit and provide writen comments if he sees excessive weeds, etc.
I noted that they looked good. He will be sending a price on the rain sensors as soon as
he gets the prices together.
8/15/02 - Discussed water main break, invoice for controller from Kangee, and Kangee
phone calls. Called back after discussion with Alan
7/19/02 - Water off on last four medians due to pittosporum decline. Keep watering
regular medians on schedule.
Tuskawilla Lighting and Beautification Area
Monthly Report - October 2002
Fertilization and Pest Control services
Tom Brumley
Greenfield's Fertilization & Pest Control Services
6131 E. Orlo Bronson Highway
St. Cloud, FL 34771
Start of Dormant Season Schedule
9/12/02 - Called to discuss declining Azaleas at front entrance (brown spot) and dollar
weed spraying. Tom: Second spraying this week; should be gone in 14 days.
8/22/02 - Service report received with comments
8/8 Address yollo...: liriopo. Pleaso provido diagnosis. COMPLETED.
Pino tree is yello'Ning
and looks in docline at median "17 oast of Woodduok Road.
Plcace provide diagnosis._ COMMENTS/DIAGNOSIS
During October treatments / monthly report, please provide a turf analysis in the form of
Tom Brumley
Greenfield's Fertilization & Pest Control Services
6131 E. Orlo Bronson
St. Cloud, FL 34771
July communication log in file.
9/12/02 - Faxed monthly issues
9/12/02 - Briefed Tom regarding SRlconstuction meeting this morning, talked about
azaleas up front; brown spots. He pulled some dead ones up = girled roots. Requested
that he have Field Foreman call me during each visit on cell from now on.
9/5/02 - Sent fax regarding turning over of entrances
8.29.02 - Faxed August Monthly Summary
8.22.02 - Service report for August received with comments, chemical 10 and
8.14.02 - Faxed weekly summary of items and issues. Sent copy to BOWS Board and
TLBO Board and Alan Hill.