HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 12 08 Consent 205 Fire Station #26 RepairsCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 205
MGR ~ /DEPT ~i%`
December 8, 2008
Meeting Authorization
REQUEST: Public Works Department Requesting Authorization to Utilize Southern
Building Services, Inc. to Perform Repairs to Fire Station #26.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request authorization to utilize Seminole
County Public Safety's preferred building maintenance contractor, Southern
Building Services, Inc. to repair deficiencies and storm damage to Fire Station
#26 on Northern Way at an estimated cost of $31,654.85 pursuant to the interlocal
agreement with Seminole County.
This repair work is needed to perform multiple repairs to Fire Station #26 to
correct any building deficiencies as required in the interlocal agreement. The damages
are a combination of maintenance issues and also water damage from Tropical Storm Fay.
We have met with a FEMA representative to inspect the various repairs and it
preliminarily appears that approximately $ l OK of the damages are storm related and
reimbursable. During our inspection on December 1, 2008, the concern for the potential
of mold development was raised which is the reason staff expedited bringing this
The Facilities Division of Seminole County Public Safety has utilized Southern
Building Services, Inc. (SBS) to perform building repairs to the various fire stations
throughout Seminole County which is why Chief O'Brien solicited this quote from them.
SBS is familiar with the standards acceptable to the County. Staff has reviewed the scope
of work and it appears the cost is reasonable for the work to be performed.
Consent Agenda Item 205
December 8, 2008
Page 2
The repairs will be funded from the Storm Reserve Fund 114-54990. Expenditure
of the funds will occur within 90 to 120 days.
It is recommended that authorization be granted to utilize Southern
building Services, Inc. to repair deficiencies and storm damage to Fire Station #26
on Northern Way at an estimated cost of $31,654.85 plus a 10% contingency and
building permit fees payable from the Storm Reserve Fund 114-54990.
The work will be started within 30 days of authorization. Scheduling and
coordination will be conducted by Seminole County staff.
1. Southern Building Services, Inc. Proposal
out~i~~r~ ~u~~id~i~.~
e~v~~~~, z~~.
llcsns~rll GanemJ Gbntroator' C43C 060683 '
qty' of vvimar Springs lire Deparim~nt
201 Va'iemina Way
Longwood,l?Y., 32750
Rfi: lire Bt~aa Nc. 2b
850 Nottbam'VVay
'9~littrer Swings, Florcida 32708
A'1"i'N; Mr. Darro O'Brian
83tablr'sh~ 1998
October 14, 2008
This is a proposal ~ furnish all ~c nectassry Ynatdriats, equipment dud labor to complete the
scope of work ar per discussed oa site with C~+ag Faull<net on 82'1-08 sus 9-1Sy08, up plans
paevided on site visit, the following is a list of items ih our proposal t4 Clarify our scope of woi'Ic,
1, move YCitohan cabinets sand cotimters to replace damaged drYw'all, ~p~+e existing
eabiY-at and top$. (No cost ~lgure if cabimet oar top are not ablo to be raged.)
Reto~e stain far sink as needed; rrrplus»b einly disposal aid disl-waaher (saw pipiag }
xvith eddstiug equipntien~t being rousod.
2. move ~ replace drywatl in Mdchaniaal Room 26-105, ~ x s gi~:a & Rs~oa1
3, Remove & x~eplaoe drywall at front door area l ~ 1 sine
~. ltemo~ve and replace drywall at Report Room Ceiling. 4` long joint,
S. 3t,~ove and svpdaco drywall at'41~crltaat 1!r~oBt 26' *- joint ors vvella.
6. Remove s;ad glace e~risti~ng Ant~ame with new roof flxal,dug.
7. Ynoluded also i, ruiscalluaaous pstal:ncsg of nrywali walls.
$. All pa+bclxd walls will be pi+ep for paint, repaint arras bu match ae close as possible.
9. No now Boar~g i4 included.
10. F~driar'Vt~tirlr wilt irseluda the following, but limit+dd to unsooa candittans that may be
fouad,~ rornovat.
11. 3voco~rt}, porch; rooawe wad replROO the e'xisti~8 sliding, plywood l+oodhag, that
has waxer datr~ged wood to the wall and dr~ok 1iam3ng.
12. Rerrwvo sad rainstalliag hurricano shutters.
13, Rsmav~ stot~a$out and windows matall tIA6l11ng ax bottom and reinstall.
14. P.eplaeo eaoi~ag me~raue rood?iag on parch.
15. ~,paaae ~~ replace ~tetioc avail siic'~g on east aide at second floor eldvalion abovtl first
1165 L, Plant Stxaot, ~tuita 9 •'~'iat8r Garda~a, PL 34787 ~ (407) $77-1108 ~ Pay (4l>7) 877-7188
l 'd 006 'ON Wtl9fl ~ l l fl00z '0 L '130
b0/£8 3Jbd 211 JNINIti211 32lId ~S 669L599L0b Z0 ~9I 800Z/8Z/0T
a-u~h+~~r~ ~~Yldin~
S~ex~i~~s, ~~c.
l~ioensed Gel Contrpa~or C~GC 060685
l~atobl~'1~ed 1998
16~ nemovd t ~ ~°w earee~~ s'~'~' exis~n~ vvlndo~v bat~dB std iasiall bat'di
bpgy~, rc~int and ~ hurricane wi~Ow aczoe~.
17, ~ ~+' ~ °~ e~ ~'~ be ra paint to match existing waYl color as oloan as
Tatal Coat: $ 31,654.85
,A'i1 debris will be r~rmvec'1$om aita.
t fa4 ~ Arehitccbu~'sl Feo, l'St~ Bcaxd o~ $uildsrs ~~ ~ incl+~dad.
No buiYding
No moi~o test os Anold remc'val ~ inahu~ed
Vu'atk can be ~ ~ +~o~' ~ ~ urs of ICY
A11 warlr l~ boaa~ &~ed duri~
~' you ha~ra ~ q p~ dan`t hesitate tc ca11,
L. She~rmn
~a~d'iie~t B~~ ~, I~
~~~:._, .
X66 B. t >~,' 9 ''9~i~nt~c Csax~ea, ~L 347g"1 • (4~'1) 87T-1108 • Fr3s ( 877~1'!~S
va~v,Sou~l~er~~u~.dx~gServ~ees.ca~ wd9~ ~ < < ~ooz ~a ~ ~~ao
~ 'd OOb'oN _ --
b0/b0 3Jtid ~Il~ JNINIt~Il 3ZlId ~S 669Z999L0b S0 ~9i 800Z/0Z/0I