HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 05 21 Other Handout by Bill Starmer MAY 21,2002 HAND OUT BY BILL STARMER. ~ Ranaldi .It= 7 May 02 Planning and Architecture Inc Donald Gilmore, Chairman Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Board (TLBD) 1000 East SR 434 Winter Springs, F]orida 32708 Re: Tuscora Drive Entryway Improvements Claim for Damages from The Reserve Homeowners Association Don Pursuant to the TLBD meeting on 16 April 2002 and concern raised by The Reserve Homeowners Association ("Reserve") please accept this letter as written notification of our opinion on the matter. Please refer to the attached letter from Cathcart dated 7 Mar 02and labeled as "Exhibit A" and the attached undated letter form the "Reserve" labeled as "Exhibit B" for chronological account of events from both parties. Our office chaired a meeting on this subject at the TLBD's request on 2 May 02 at 1 :30 pm at City Hall with the following attendees: Name I. Bill Starmer 2. John NeSmith 3. Kip Lockuff 4. George Edwards 5. Michae] Mingea 6. Kangee Graham 7. Dan Bennett 8. Denise Ritchey 9. Gena Ho]brook 10. Matt Blanton ] I. Jason Scarborough Representing Phone Sri Sri City City City TLBD Reserve Reserve Reserve Cathcart Cathcart 407 977 1080 407 977 ] 080 407 327 5989 407 327 5984 407 327 5982 4077098916 407 366 3882 407 365 0976 407 327 5824 407 366 ] 022 40781096]2 The reason for the meeting was to respond to claims by The Reserve Homeowners Association that the TLBD construction contractor (Cathcart) was responsible for disruption of the existing landscape irrigation system causing significant damage to the existing landscape plant life material. The meeting lasted approximately one hour with the homeowners presenting their reasons for believing that Cathcart was responsible for landscape material damage, followed by Cathcart's reasons for believing they took appropriate action to minimize any disruption of the irrigation system. 890 Northern Way ph 407 977 1080 Suite E 1 fx 407977 1019 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 email info@sriarch.com AA-002984 The bottom line is, Cathcart did cut an irrigation pipe which disrupted the existing irrigation system on 8 Dec 0 I, however their damage was temporarily repaired the same day, with a final repair made 4 days later on 12 Dec 02, returning the existing irrigation system to it's existing condition at the time of the damage. In addition to repairing their damage within a few days Cathcart responded to a request from The Reserve's landscape maintenance contractor to help trouble shoot additional problems that the system was experiencing which turned out to be nothing more than resetting the reset button on the irrigation pump motor. Based on the information provided and substantiated by both City and TLBD representatives at the meeting, the extent of damage which did take place to existing plant material, was far more likely the result of an improperly functioning irrigation system for an extended period of time, and not the result of an interruption of the system for a few hours or even days which was caused by Cathcart. In conclusion, in our opinion there is insufficient reason to suggest that Cathcart was responsible for any plant material damage and in our opinion it would be unreasonable to hold them accountable for monetary compensation to the serve, for same. cc: all attendees .. Planning and Architecture Inc .Ii= ~ Ranaldi cJ{~y 02 Donald Gilmore, Chairman Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Board (TLBD) 1000 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Entryway Enhancement Project Mffi~r J::nt(yway" (Oy"on "',et 9fsride,-" Ilu..dl Cr~e1(,'wd np~r RI:IH)' Don As you are aware there has been considerable opinion expressed lately, from various sources, regarding a general dissatisfaction with many elements of the above referenced project. As you are also aware this is of considerable concern to our firm and we have tried to address these issues both in terms of clarification of misunderstandings as well as assurances of the quality of work in place and that the funds for construction are being spent frugally and wisely. To help bring closure to this issue, we have made a concerted effort to look very closely at those key areas that seem to be of recurring concern and offer the following summary to provide you a brief narrative of our opinion, recommendation, and status, of each. 1. Water Feature a. Pond Surface The design of the water feature was originally conceived as a "natural" element and we have been advised, by both Freeport Fountains Inc. (the sub-contractor who has constructed the feature) as well as Weller Pool Constructors Inc (an internationally renown water feature design and construction company) that the shotcrete natural gun finish that is present in the pond bottoms today, is in fact an industry standard for; is the recommended finish for; and is the most cost effective method of construction for; a natural pond bottom water feature. b. Pond Maintenance We have also been advised; by Florida Water Features Inc. (a local full service maintenance company with significant experience in central Florida) that the existing gun finish texture for the pond bottom does not pose a problem, or create additional expense to properly maintain the water feature. In fact quite the opposite is true, because if the water feature was designed to be a clear pool type feature it would require sanitation, filtration, and skimmer systems increasing maintenance expense two to three fold. 890 Northern Way Suite E 1 ph 407 977 1080 fx 407 977 1019 Winter Springs. Florida 32708 email info@sriarch.com AA-002984 c. Pond Recommendation I) In our opinion, the pond bottom should be left as is because we have been advised that texture will have little impact on algae growth and corresponding maintenance of the pond. 2) In our opinion, a chlorine erosion feeder should be added to the system because we have been advised that some form of water sanitation should be provided to control algae growth, reduce maintenance costs, an reduce discoloration of the water features fountain and fall amenities. The cost of this sanitation system should be around S 500.00 for both ponds. 3) In our opinion the pond bottom should be colored dark with an inexpensive stain which will give the pond the appearance of being deeper than it is and will help mask the periodic leaves and debris which will settle in the bottom. The anticipated cost of this coloring should be around $ 1200. 2. Landscaping We believe the primary concerns as it relates to landscaping is two fold why is it taking so long, and who will be responsible for removing and replacing any additional existing trees which were damaged as a result of the construction process. a. The contractor has left the landscaping and irrigation of the entryways to the end of the project to avoid damage to plant material and should finish this work with in the next thirty days. b. The contract for construction calls for the contractor to be responsible for damage to existing trees and we will place the contractor on notice in writing that any trees which exhibit signs of stress or deterioration beyond repair for a period of 12 months from the date of substantial completion, shall be their responsibility to remove and replace at their expense. 3. Quality of Construction a. The quality of construction contrary to the popular belief of some is at an acceptable level and yes there are many areas that need repair, adjustment, and or correction. However these are items that we refer to as punch list items that we notify the contractor of, in writing, and they shall make the repairs, adjustments, and or corrections typically with in 30 days, or money will be with held from the contract until either they do the work or a separate party is contracted to do the work. b. To help in the overall understanding of this punch list process and to make sure your concerns are properly addressed we invite a representative from the TLBD to join us during these final inspections. 4. Construction Costs a. We have been very diligent with this projects construction cost from the very beginning where we specifically and purposely designed each of the projects many elements to fall with in your available funding, and in fact the original qualified low bid came in comfortably below your available funding to allow an adequate contingency to unforeseen expense down the road. b. As it relates to change orders we have presented each one with back up details and we again have been prudent with your funding to the extent that we have reduced the dollar amount of the change orders by over $ 40,000 by working closely with the contractor in tinding alternative methods or accepting value engineering cost saving ideas to accomplish the work. c. We understand there still may be some concern or confusion as to the nature and cause for the change orders to date and we are preparing an overview of all adjustments to the original contract price for your information, which should be available for the next TLBD meeting. We trust this letter is well received, confirms our commitment to the TLBD and the project, and look forward to helping you uccessfully wrap up this tremendous asset to our community. ~eta~rs I JjmV M President May 17,2002 Weller Pool Constructors. Inc 1821 S. Orange Blossom Trail Apopka, Florida 32703 Mr. William E. Starmer, NCARB Starmer Ranaldi 890 Northern Way, Ste. E-I Winter Springs, FL 32708 !oJ/f" "" .''':' !el~j Si~;11/2" Kanaldi. loc: Phone (407) 880-8800 FAX (407) 884-7306 CPC # 010705 WELLER ~ -,.,- - -- --- Re: Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District Entry Way Enhancements Winter Springs, Florida POOLS Dear Bill: Upon your request we visited the project site this Friday morning, May 17,2002. Our site inspection focused upon the construction of the ponds and the mechanical pumping systems. We found the pond shells to have been cunstructed by current standards for the industry for pond construction, namely a membrane liner which is covered for protection by a shotcrete shell. No apparent defects or t1aws were observed. The pre-plumbed mechanical pumping systems were inspected within each equipment vault and found to be in line with industry standards. We did however observe that neither system had means to sanitize the system's water. It is our opinion that the addition of an erosion type chlorinator to each system would provide a level of sanitation at minimal additional expense. One might expect the cost of both erosion feeders to be approximately $500 plus installation. We feel this addition would help check the growth of algae blooms and ease maintenance. Additionally, it is our opinion that the application of a cementitious or other coating system over the existing shotcrete shells would only slightly help deter the attachment of algae to the walls of the ponds and therefore not be advised. Regards, WELLER POOL CONSTRUCTORS. INC. (\-,L(~l ~ J o~ R. Tuhela Vice President Jrt/jt Visit our website at: wellerpools.com :1:::Iet:a..,j::::le. ..........a...)ll" ~...,..,::II.". ~.~':.I'll::l:_:r..:t~r.:...:t..._:I_.:t~I~..~I~.:t~I...,;.:t- ~..-..~~- __: '" :I.....:t:C'I~ ,. FROM :' Florida Water FeatureS PHONE NO. : 407 834 0621 Ma~. 21 2002 02:49PM Pi FAX TRANSMISSION DATE: May 20, 2002 FROM: Jack Anderson TO: Bill Starmer Starmer Ranaldi Planning & Architecture Inc. 890 Northern Way, Suite E-1 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Phone: 407977-1080 Fax: 407.977 -1019 Water Inc. '_ ur"1'llV' ~r.t -~- \1-451 Seminola Siv'd., Casselberry; "FL 32707 Phone & Fax: 407-834-0621 TOTAL #of PAGES: Dear Bill: Per our conversation yesterday, the fountains at the entrance to Tuskawilla are pretty standard. You have the most cost effective surface for fountains that will look like ponds. I would strongly recommend that this be the way these systems stay. To put the required cost into the fountains to make them look like clear, blue, swimming pools will not only be very expensive, but will also nearly triple your maintenance costs. I would recommend that the concrete surface be either painted or stained a dark color, and that an auto-chlorinator be installed. The paint/staining is mainly for esthetics. We would be happy to quote you a maintenance agreement when the system is operational. Thank you for your interest and please call my office if you have any questions. Very Truly Yours, 3J.-f! ~ PC Ii)) rc :r :; n ',7 p T11 1M ~ \9 l':J _ J ~~ ~ Starmer Ranaldl. Inc.~ ) L Jack Anderson, President Flerida W..er Fea..res, lae. JAlpa 1451 Seminola Blvd. . Casselberry, Florida 32707 . Phone & Fax: (407) 834-0621 ,...... 'JIi Planning and Architecture Inc .Ii= ~ Ranaldi 7 May 02 Donald Gilmore, Chairman Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautitication Board (TLBD) 1000 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 3270X Re: Entryway Enhancement Project Minor Entryways (Dyson east of bridge, Howell Creek, and Deer Run) Don Pursuant to the TLBD meeting on 30 April 2002 and concern raised by homeowners immediately affected by the above entry way improvements, please accept this letter as written noti tication of proposed solutions to concerns. Please refer to the attached location map labeled as "Exhibit A" for appropriate parcel addresses, as well as a legend showing an open circle for the original wall location, a solid circle for the home owner preferred wall location, a solid circle with an asterisk for the home owner preferred wall location which will require an easement from the home owner, and a grid showing the location of the pavers. Our office met with the Vince and Rose Gregorio (address 1063 Deer Run) and Oscar and Martha Luna (address 11I1 Gator Lane) on 6 May 02 at 7:30 pm and discussed the options for locating the entry wall improvements near their property. Mr and Mrs Gregorio (1063 Deer Run) are in agreement with moving the wall in front of their home as far south as possible but staying with in the City limits. This relocation is a minor adjustment and moves the wall out of the direct line of sight from the center of their home. Mr and Mrs Luna (1111 Gator Lane) are in agreement with moving the wall in front of their home to the south limits of their property again to minimize the visual impact directly from their home. This relocation will not allow alignment of the two walls but as you know this has been an acceptable solution in the past, specifically at Vistawilla Drive. This relocation will also require an easement from the Lunas, because the right of way at this location is County R.O.W. and thus the wall needs to be located outside the right of way and on the home owners property. The Lunas have stated that they are willing to provide such an easement. (see attached "Exhibit B" which detines the approximate limit of the required easemen) The pavers at this location will stay in line with the wall on the Gregorios property in order to remain in the City limits. Our office met with Ron and Elaine Vemooy (address 1157 Howell Creek), Sonny Simmonds (address 1146 Howell Creek), Mike and Jane Carter (address 1150 Howell Creek), and Jim Heinrick (address 1153 Howell Creek) on 7 May 02 at 9:00 am and discussed the options for locating the entry wall improvements near their property. Mr and Mrs Vemooy (1157 Howell Creek) are in agreement with moving the wall in front of their home as far south as possible but staying with in the City limits. This relocation is a minor adjustment and moves the wall out of the direct line of sight from the center of their home, yet leave adequate access to their side yard for their motor home. 890 Northern Way ph 407 977 1080 Suite E 1 fx 407977 1019 Winter Springs. Florida 32708 email info@sriarch.com AA-002984 Mr and Mrs Simmonds (1146 Howell Creek) would like to discuss the matter further among themselves and decide whether they want the wall on their property or not. I f it is located on their property it would require a similar easement to the Luna property mentioned above. Mr Carter (1150 Howell Creek) will wait for the Simmonds decision and then chose an appropriate location near their property probably near the south end of their lot, which would create a slight offset between walls because they would not line up exactly. Mr Heinrick (1153 Howell Creek) was present as a concerned resident of the County in terms of blocking his view of oncoming traffic from his driveway. When shown the approximate location and the height of the wall he did not seem to have an objection. George Edwards gave me the name and phone number of the homeowner at 900 Arabian avenue, however our office has called and not made contact at this time. We have also not heard from or made contact with the homeowners at 1015 Dyson Drive. We trust this report will be well received and look forward to the TLBD's direction as to how you would ~1i::;~O r"'d wi th,,, ,n"yw,y ;mpmvom,n". . ";~m"'N ARB Pr ident Planning and Architecture Inc .11= ~ Ranaldi 15 May 02 Donald Gilmore, Chairman Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Board (TLBD) 1000 East SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Entryway Enhancement Project Minor Entryways (Dyson east of bridge, Howell Creek, and Deer Run) Don Pursuant to the TLBD meeting on 7 May 2002 and concern raised by homeowners immediately atTected by the above entryway improvements, please accept this letter as written notitication of proposed solutions to concerns. Please refer to the attached location map labeled as "Exhibit A" for appropriate parcel addresses, as well as a legend showing an open circle for the original wall location, a solid circle for the home owner preferred wall location, a solid circle with an asterisk for the home owner preferred wall location which will require an easement from the home owner, and a grid showing the location of the pavers. As discussed in our letter to you dated 7 May 02 and as confirmed at the 7 May 02 TLBD meeting, Vince and Rose Gregorio (address 1063 Deer Run), Oscar and Martha Luna (address 1111 Gator Lane), and Ron and Elaine Vernooy (address 1157 Howell Creek) have agreed to the location of the entry walls. Our office met with Mike and Jane Carter (address 1150 Howell Creek) a second time on 10 May 02 at 5:30 pm and confirmed that their preference for the wall, should the Simmonds (address 1146 Howell Creek) chose not to have the wall located on their (Simmond) property, to be located as far south on their (Carter) property as possible. This location would require an easement which the Carters are prepared to provide, and would make it appear as if the Simmonds property is located outside of the City limits, when in fact they are located within the City limits. Our office met with Mike and Beth Hataway (address 900 Arabian) and Jose and Deily Gomez (address 10 IS Dyson) on 13 May 02 at 6:00pm and 6:30 pm respectively. Both homeowners agreed to a location as far to the west as practical for the entry wall. Our office contacted Arturo Simmonds (address 1146 Howell Creek) by telephone on 15 May 02 to set up a meeting at their home, which resulted in the following conversation. The Simmonds are opposed to the entry walls in any location. They do not want the walls near their property and will be upset if the wall is located on the Carters property, which in effect alludes to their property being outside of the City limits, which it is not. Mr. Simmonds explained that he feels the minor entry walls are an injustice to the residents and is a waste of taxpayer's money. He also went on to say that the unincorporated homeowners are meeting to build a wall at the Dyson / Tuskawilla intersection at that is the only wall that he will support. 890 Northern Way ph 407 977 1080 Suite E 1 fx 407 977 1019 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 email info@sriarch.com AA-002984 At this point in time we have three choices and are looking for direction from the TLBD as to which way you would like us to proceed. The three choices as we see it are: I. Do nothing until the Simmonds situation can be satisfactorily resolved... or... 2. Proceed with the Dyson and Deer Run entry walls as planned and hold off on the Howell Creek entry wall until the Simmonds situation can be satisfactorily resolved... or... 3. Proceed with all three entry wall locations with the westerly wall on Howell Creek located on the Carter property vs the Simmond property. We trust this report will be well received and look forward to the TLBD's direction as to how you would like us to proceed wit^ these entryway improvements. R'Pd'J ~ ' ~~i 1~E; N Cc: George Edwards All homeowners within this letter ~'( ~ F::t -r A ;L T T T T Cootinucd Pg 2637 ~::OO:' 103Q ~ 1.:0.' -J UJ F /~/ ,,/ ' r'; 7 "..~ 0"' ; , I' . / :: r'; .i I ~ I, , ~ "'" I' H G 9/( E ... ... -.0 ' N ~ '"" ~ c, , .~ '( o U o ", 1113 , , 1082 c 970 1108 1109 -- z--_____:..' ...J I...... 1104 a:: 1105 lU ------ l- I- a 975 1100 1101 '. . 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