HomeMy WebLinkAboutMonthly Report~ ~ TUSCA WILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT City of Winfar Cnrinn~ Overview Urban BeautiFcation Coorrdinator Monthly Meeting Report 03/04 Steven T. Richart Office:407-327-5976 Fax:407-327-6695 Email: sric a winte rin A. Bu et 1. TLBD Maintenance Fund -184 2. TLBD Improvement Fund - 308 B. Maintenance Items and Progress Report 1. Letter from Mr. Mervin Warner of The Tuscawilla Homeowners Association requesting re-imbursement of $1000.00 from the TLBD Improvement Fund. Review and Approval. 2. Entrance cleaning completed by Terra Clean at a cost of $ 5,984.00. The contract price would be less than $ 12,000.00 for service (2x) per year. 3. P&L Landscaping has finished installing new plants at (5) entrance areas at a cost of $ 3895.00. 4. The North entrance fountain is being repaired for a suction leak on 3/18/04 by Wesco Fountains at a cost of no more than $ 2000.00. The rough estimate was $1,378.00. 5. P&L Landscaping is doing a fine job and responding promptly to encouragement and requests. D. Street Lighting Project 1. Met with Mr. Gil Defreitas on March 12, 2004 about when figures would be ready to review. Gil stated that he needed a little more time. I expect to have information within 1-2 weeks. E. Proiects 1. Surge protection for Tuskawilla Road entrance fountains. Approval needed. NOTES: • i • ! 03/17/2004 ***LIVE***REFRESHED 03/12/04*** PAGE 1 14:43:15 YTD BUDGET REPORT - MARCH '04 glytdbud FOR 2004 06 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184-000-000-0000-315100 ASS COLL -219,000 0 -219,000 -205,639.68 .00 -13,360.32 93.9 184-000-000-0000-361100 INTEREST -10,000 0 -10,000 -3,413.54 .00 -6,586.46 34.1~* 184-000-000-0000-361101 CNTY INT 0 0 0 -14.55 .00 14.55 .0~ 184-000-000-0000-389100 APP FD BAL -162,700 0 -162,700 .00 .00 -162,700.00 .0~* 184-000-000-0000-53180 CONSULT 15,000 0 15,000 .00 .00 15,000.00 .0~ 184-000-000-0000-53211 ADMINFEE 5,500 0 5,500 3,100.00 .00 2,400.00 56.4~* 184-000-000-0000-53410 CONT SERV 1,200 0 1,200 1,013.45 .00 186.55 84.5$* 184-000-000-0000-54310 UTILITIES 40,000 0 40,000 3,857.56 .00 36,142.44 9.6~ 184-000-000-0000-54330 STREETLITE 55,000 0 55,000 20,799.84 .00 34,200.16 37.8 184-000-000-0000-54510 INSURANCE 2,500 0 2,500 .00 .00 2,500.00 .0~ 0-000-0000-54686 RM LANDSCP 184-00 135,000 20,000 155,000 63,491.10 76,414.90 15,094.00 90.3~* , 184-000-000-0000-54693 RM PONDS 35,000 0 35,000 7,181.38 7,270.00 20,548.62 41.3 184-000-000-0000-55230 OP SUPPLY 400 0 400 .00 30.00 370.00 7.5~ 184-000-000-0000-55251 RM SGN/WAL 60,000 -20,000 40,000 10.,013.34 6,424.02 23,562.64 41.1 184-000-000-0000-59130 TR GEN FUN 30,900 0 30,900 15,450.00 .00 15,450.00 50.0 184-000-000-0000-59310 STAT RESER 11,200 0 11,200 .00 .00 11,200.00 .0$ TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 0 0 -84,161.10 90,138.92 -5,977.82 .0~ TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 0 0 -84,161.10 90,138.92 -5,977.82 .0$ TOTAL REVENUES -391,700 0 -391,700 -209,067.77 .00 -182,632.23 TOTAL EXPENSES 391,700 0 391,700 124,906.67 90,138.92 176,654.41 PRIOR FUND BALANCE 508,093.65 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 84,161.10 CURRENT FUND BALANCE 592,254.75 03/17/2004 ***LIVE***REFRESHED 03/12/04*** PAGE 2 14:43:15 YTD BUDGET REPORT - MARCH '04 glytdbud FOR 2004 06 ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND APPROP ADJSTMTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES ------------------------------------------- BUDGET ------------- USED -------- GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 -84,161.10 90,138.92 -5,977.82 .0$ 03/17/2004 ***LIVE*** REFRESHED 03/12/04*** PAGE 1 14:43:47 YTD BUDGET REPORT - MARCH '04 glyt dbud FOR 2004 06 JOURNAL DETAIL 2004 1 TO 2004 6 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FU ND APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184-000-000-0000-315100 ASS COLL -219,000 0 -219,000 -205,639.68 .00 -13,360.32 93.9$ 2004/01/000127 10/07/2003 C/R -52.74 REF 510186 RAY VALDES TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC -219,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 I 2004/01/000700 10/01/2003 GRV 52.74 REF 312049 ACCURE TLBD-MAINT AND CAP ~ 2004/02/000230 11/13/2003 C/R -1,975.36 REF 529321 RAY VALDES TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE 2004/02/000368 11/20/2003 C/R -88,256.18 REF 533692 RAY VALDES TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE `~ 2004/03/003188 12/09/2003 C/R -82,714.25 REF 544878 RAY VALDES TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE , 2004/03/003404 12/19/2003 C/R -15,618.11 REF 550632 RAY VALDES TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE 2004/04/004178 01/12/2004 C/R -8,617.95 REF 563125 RAY VALDES TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE 2004/05/005120 02/06/2004 C/R -14.55 REF 576656 RAY VALDES TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE 2004/05/005120 02/06/2004 C/R 14.55 REF 576689 Reversal / 576656 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE 2004/05/005300 02/12/2004 C/R -5,385.85 REF 580296 RAY VALDES TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE - ' 2004/05/005300 02/12/2004 C/R -122.22 REF 580298 RAY VALDES TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE 2004/06/006284 03/15/2004 C/R -2,949.76 REF 598967 RAY VALDES TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE 184-000-000-0000-361100 INTEREST -10,000 0 -10,000 -3,413.54 .00 -6,586.46 34.1$* 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC -10,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 2004/01/000759 10/31/2003 GEN -500.52 REF 401043 INTEREST ALLOCATION -OCT 03 2004/02/000508 11/30/2003 GEN -897.19 REF 402030 INTEREST ALLOCATION-NOV 03 2004/03/003601 12/31/2003 GEN -1,094.34 REF 403046 INTEREST ALLOCATION - DEC 03 2004/04/004663 01/31/2004 GEN -921.49 REF 404039 INTEREST ALLOCATION - JAN 04 184-000-000-0000-361101 CNT Y INT 0 0 0 -14.55 .00 14.55 .0$ 2004/01/000322 10/15/2003 C/R 3.69 REF 514252 Reversal / 514242 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 2004/01/000322 10/15/2003 C/R -3.69 REF 514263 RAY VALDES LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 2004/01/000322 10/15/2003 C/R -3.69 REF 514242 RAY VALDES LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 2004/01/000710 10/01/2003 GRV 3.69 REF 312073 ACCRUE TLBD CAP & MAINT INT. 2004/05/005120 02/06/2004 C/R -14.55 REF 576697 RAY VALDES LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 184-000-000-0000-389100 APP FD BAL -162,700 0 -162,700 .00 .00 -162,700.00 .0$* 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC -162,700.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 - - - T 184-000 000 0000 53180 CONSUL 15 000 , 0 15,000 .00 .00 15,000.00 .0$ 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC 15,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 ~ 184-000-000-0000 -53211 ADMINFEE 5,500 0 5,500 3,100.00 .00 2,400.00 56.4$* 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC 5,500.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 2004/03/003155 12/08/2003 API 1,550.00 VND 001061 PO GSG/GOVERNMENT SER ID# 206 TUSCAWILLA PYMT 1 13286 ~ ~ ID# 206 TUSCAWILLA ~ 2004/06/006198 03/10/2004 API 1,550.00 VND 001061 PO GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TUSCAVILLA PYMT 2 OF 4 15195 # ~ ~ 03/17/2004 *** LIVE*** REFRESHED 03/12/04** * PAGE 2 14:43:47 YTD BUDGET REPORT - MARCH '04 glyt dbud FOR 2004 06 JOURNAL DETAIL 2004 1 TO 2004 6 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT 184 TLBD MAI ----------------- NTENANCE FU ----------- ND ------- APPRO ----------------- P ADJSTMTS ----------------- BUDGET ---------- YTD ------- ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES----- ---------------- ---BUDGET -- USED -- 184-000-000-0000- 53410 CONT SERV 1,2 00 0 1,200 1 ,013.45 .00 186.55 84.5$* 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC 1,200.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 2004/03/003299 12/15/2003 API 864.73 VND 000302 PO RAY VALDES, SEM CO T COMM. ON COLLECTIONS 13541 2004/05/005523 02/23/2004 API 148.72 VND 000302 PO RAY VALDES, SEM CO T TUSKAWILLA LIGHT 12/03-1/04 14899 184-000-000-0000- 54310 UTILITIES 40,0 00 0 40,000 3 ,857.56 .00 36,142.44 9.6~ 2004/01/000172 10/08/2003 API 6.30 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22268 12081 2004/01/000172 10/08/2003 API 7.37 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22244 12081 2004/01/000172 10/08/2003 API 35.80 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22248 12081 2004/01/000172 10/08/2003 API 7.77 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22243 12081 2004/01/000301 10/15/2003 API 27.18 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22245 12206 2004/01/000301 10/15/2003 API 7.68 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22246 12206 2004/01/000301 10/15/2003 API 114.62 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22249 12206 2004/01/000301 10/15/2003 API 89.61 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22250 12206 2004/01/000400 10/21/2003 API 8.31 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599764 12367 2004/01/000400 10/21/2003 API 8.41 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599770 12367 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC 40,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 2004/02/000144 11/10/2003 API 11.60 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599764 12781 2004/02/000155 11/10/2003 API 10.42 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22243 12707 2004/02/000155 11/10/2003 API 7.67 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22244 12707 2004/02/000155 11/10/2003 API 72.47 VND 000466 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22248 12707 2004/02/000155 11/10/2003 API 6.05 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22268 12707 2004/02/000172 11/11/2003 API 13.80 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599770 12781 2004/02/000292 11/18/2003 API 15.70 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22582 12851 2004/02/000292 11/18/2003 API 296.74 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22249 12851 2004/02/000292 11/18/2003 API 13.53 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22246 12851 2004/02/000292 11/18/2003 API 171.04 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22250 12851 2004/02/000292 11/18/2003 API 35.89 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22245 12851 2004/03/003138 12/05/2003 API 7.64 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22243 13255 2004/03/003138 12/05/2003 API 7.59 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22244 13255 2004/03/003138 12/05/2003 API 51.49 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22248 13255 2004/03/003138 12/05/2003 API 4.40 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22268 13255 2004/03/003221 12/10/2003 API 61.00 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 72411 85194 13318 2004/03/003221 12/10/2003 API 15.13 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599770 13330 2004/03/003299 12/15/2003 API 23.98 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22245 13455 2004/03/003299 12/15/2003 API 14.26 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22246 13455 2004/03/003299 12/15/2003 API 459.47 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22249 13455 2004/03/003299 12/15/2003 API 10.47 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22582 13455 2004/03/003299 12/15/2003 API 106.75 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22250 13455 2004/03/003299 12/15/2003 API 14.83 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599764 13547 2004/03/003302 12/15/2003 API 61.00 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 19494 41446 13536 2004/03/003523 12/30/2003 API 3.77 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 19494 41446 13834 2004/04/004009 01/02/2004 API 6.11 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22243 13767 2004/04/004009 01/02/2004 API 6.29 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22244 13767 2004/04/004009 01/02/2004 API 41.40 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22248 13767 2004/04/004009 01/02/2004 API 5.03 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22268 13767 2004/04/004136 01/09/2004 API 13.61 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22245 13971 • • • 03/17/2004 14:43:48 ***LIVE***REFRESHED 03/12/04*** YTD BUDGET REPORT - MARCH '04 PAGE 3 glytdbud FOR 2004 06 ACCOUNTS FOR: 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND JOURNAL DETAIL 2004 1 TO 2004 6 ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED 184-000-000-0000-54310 UTILITIES 2004/04/004136 01/09/2004 API 15.19 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22246 13971 2004/04/004136 01/09/2004 API 370.84 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22249 13971 2004/04/004136 01/09/2004 API 132.75 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22250 13971 2004/04/004136 01/09/2004 API 11.19 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22582 13971 2004/04/004136 01/09/2004 API 13.60 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599770 14065 2004/04/004136 01/09/2004 API 13.50 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599764 14065 14153 2004/04/004336 01/22/2004 API 24.66 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 19494 41446 14153 2004/04/004336 01/22/2004 API 53.10 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 72411 85194 14503 2004/05/005179 02/10/2004 API 6.39 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22243 14503 2004/05/005179 02/10/2004 API 6.67 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22244 14503 2004/05/005179 02/10/2004 API 56.00 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22248 14503 2004/05/005179 02/10/2004 API 5.78 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22268 14587 2004/05/005179 02/10/2004 API 25.71 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 19494 41446 14587 2004/05/005179 02/10/2004 API 29.94 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 72411 85194 14593 2004/05/005256 02/11/2004 API 15.50 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599770 14593 2004/05/005256 02/11/2004 API 15.10 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599764 2004/05/005348 02/16/2004 API 19.04 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22245 14647 2004/05/005348 02/16/2004 API 11.73 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22246 14647 2004/05/005348 02/16/2004 API 383.38 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22249 14647 2004/05/005348 02/16/2004 API 246.90 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22250 14647 2004/05/005348 02/16/2004 API 15.17 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22582 14647 2004/06/006173 03/09/2004 API 5.73 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22244 15164 2004/06/006173 03/09/2004 API 45.85 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22248 15164 2004/06/006173 03/09/2004 API 4.38 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22268 15164 2004/06/006173 03/09/2004 API 5.54 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22243 15164 2004/06/006243 03/11/2004 API 12.09 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22245 2004/06/006243 03/11/2004 API 9.25 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22246 2004/06/006243 03/11/2004 API 178.94 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22249 2004/06/006243 03/11/2004 API 109.95 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22250 2004/06/006243 03/11/2004 API 10.50 VND 000486 PO CITY OF WINTER SPRIN ACCT 20351-22582 2004/06/006243 03/11/2004 API 28.37 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 19494 41446 2004/06/006243 03/11/2004 API 65.64 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 72411 85194 2004/06/006350 03/17/2004 API 13.40 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599764 2004/06/006350 03/17/2004 API 13.60 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCT 113099-599770 184-000-000-0000 -54330 STREETLITE 55,000 0 55,000 20,799. 84 .00 34,200.16 37.8 2004/01/000172 10/08/2003 API 3,466.64 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 09155 15105 12149 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC 55,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 2004/02/000082 11/05/2003 API 3,466.64 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 09155 15105 12611 2004/03/003207 12/10/2003 API 3,466.64 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 09155 15105 13318 2004/04/004171 01/12/2004 API 3,466.64 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 09155 15105 14055 2004/05/005179 02/10/2004 API 3,466.64 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 09155 15105 14587 2004/06/006173 03/09/2004 API 3,466.64 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 09155 15105 15239 • • • 03/17/2004 ***LIVE***REFRESHED 03/12/04*** PAGE 4 glyt ' 4 dbud 14:43:48 YTD BUDGE T REPORT - MARCH 0 JOURNAL DETAIL 2004 1 TO 2004 6 FOR 2004 06 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ APPROP ADJSTMTS REVISED AVAILABLE BUDGET BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES PCT USED 184 TLBD MAI ----------------- NTENANCE FU ----------- ND ------- ----------------- ------- --- ------- ------_- ---------------------- 184-000-000-0000- 54510 INSURANCE 2,5 00 0 2,500 .00 .00 2,500.00 .0~ 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC 2,500.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 184-000-000-0000- 54686 RM LANDSCP 135,0 00 20 ,000 155,000 63,491.10 76,414.90 15,094.00 90.3~* 2004/01/000153 10/08/2003 POE 5,850.00 VND 000651 PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SCHED. 2004/01/000153 01 0 10/08/2003 10/15/2003 POE API 101,626.20 VND 43 VND 771 1 000651 000716 PO PO 40203 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 73908 66384 12255 03 2004/01/0 2004/01/000440 10/22/2003 POE . , 4,850.00 VND 003739 PO 40545 DAWNALEE CORP TREE REPLACEMENTS TLBD TREE REPLACEMENTS TLBD 12714 2004/01/000574 2004/01/000574 10/28/2003 10/28/2003 API POL 4,800.00 VND -4,650.00 VND 003739 003739 PO PO 40545 40545 DAWNALEE CORP DAWNALEE CORP TREE REPLACEMENTS TLBD 2004 2004 2004/01/000574 10/28/2003 POL -200.00 VND 003739 PO 40545 DAWNALEE CORP TREE REPLACEMENTS TLBD CORP REPAIR SOD AT DYSON/HOWELL CRK 2004/01/000674 2004/01/000674 10/31/2003 10/31/2003 POE POE 475.00 VND 370.00 VND 003739 002642 PO PO 40801 40800 DAWNALEE A BUDGET TREE SERVIC TLBD TREE REMOVAL 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC 135,000.00 REF 14 VND 68 000651 PO 40204 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH 12765 2004/02/000172 2004/02/000172 11/11/2003 11/11/2003 API API . 4.00 VND 000651 PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH 12765 12765 2004/02/000172 11/11/2003 API 19.56 VND 000651 PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH D 12765 2004/02/000172 11/11/2003 API 8,385.00 VND 000651 PO 40203 . P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SCHE 2004 2004/02/000172 11/11/2003 POL -7,408.00 VND 000651 PO 40203 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SC P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SC2004 2004/02/000172 172 11/11/2003 11/11/2003 POL POL -977.00 VND 14 VND -68 000651 000651 PO PO 40203 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER2004 2004/02/000 2004/02/000172 11/11/2003 POL . -4.00 VND 000651 PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER2004 4 2004/02/000172 11/11/2003 POL -19.56 VND 000651 PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER200 12771 2004/02/000195 11/12/2003 API 2,022.27 VND 000716 ' PO 1 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 73908 66384 DAWNALEE CORP REPAIR SOD AT DYSON/HOWELL CRK 13132 2004/02/000243 2004/02/000243 11/14/2003 11/14/2003 API POL 475.00 VND -475.00 VND 739 003 003739 PO PO 4080 40801 DAWNALEE CORP REPAIR SOD AT DYSON/HOWELL2004 13098 2004/02/000323 11/19/2003 API 370.00 VND 002642 PO 40800 A BUDGET TREE SERVIC TLBD TREE REMOVAL 2004 2004/02/000323 11/19/2003 POL -370.00 VND 002642 PO 40800 40204 A BUDGET TREE SERVIC TLBD TREE REMOVAL P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH 13314 2004/03/003215 2004/03/003215 12/10/2003 12/10/2003 API POL 151.61 VND -151.61 VND 000651 000651 PO PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER2004 2004/03/003223 12/10/2003 POE 150.00 VND 004465 PO 41470 OVIEDO REPROGRAPHICS BLANKET PO TO SCAN DOCUMENTS 13536 2004/03/003302 12/15/2003 API 2,095.80 VND VND 000716 000651 PO PO 40203 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 73908 66384 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SCHED. 13527 2004/03/003350 2004/03/003350 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 API API 8,385.00 21.80 VND 000651 PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH 13527 27 2004/03/003350 12/17/2003 API 328.01 VND 000651 PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH 135 13527 2004/03/003350 2004/03/003350 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 API POL 10.53 VND -7,408.00 VND 000651 000651 PO PO 40204 40203 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SC2004 4 2004/03/003350 12/17/2003 POL -977.00 VND 000651 PO 40203 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SC200 2004/03/003350 12/17/2003 POL -21.80 VND 000651 PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER2004 4 2004/03/003350 12/17/2003 POL -10.53 VND 000651 PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER200 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER2004 2004/03/003350 2004/03/003353 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 POL API -328.01 VND 145.54 VND 000651 004465 PO PO 40204 41470 OVIEDO REPROGRAPHICS BLANKET PO TO SCAN DOCUMENTS 2004 CU E 13822 2004/03/003353 12/17/2003 POL -150.00 VND 004465 PO 41470 M N OVIEDO REPROGRAPHICS BLANKET PO TO SCAN DO P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SCHED. 14045 2004/04/004142 2004/04/004142 01/09/2004 01/09/2004 API API 8,385.00 VND 121.43 VND 000651 000651 PO PO 40203 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH 14045 14045 2004/04/004142 01/09/2004 API 75.99 VND 000651 PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH T R N I 14045 PO 40203 SC2004 WINTER MAINT? LANDSCAPE P & L LAWN MAINTENAN 2004/04/004142 01/09/2004 POL -977.00 VND 000651 03/17/2004 ***LIVE*** REFRESHED 03/12/04*** PAGE 5 glytdbud ' 14:43:49 YT D BUDGE T R EPORT - 04 MARCH JOURNAL DETAIL 2004 1 TO 2004 6 FOR 2004 06 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ APPROP ADJSTMTS REVISED AVAILABLE BUDGET BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES PCT USED 184 TLBD MAI NTENANCE FU ND -------- 184-000-000-0000- 54686 RM LANDSCP 2004/04/004142 01/09/2004 POL -7,408.00 VND 000651 PO 40203 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SC2004 L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER2004 P 2004/04/004142 2004/04/004142 01/09/2004 01/09/2004 POL POL -121.43 VND -75.99 VND 000651 000651 PO PO 40204 40204 & P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER2004 R2004 2004/04/004142 01/09/2004 POL -39.39 VND 000651 PO 40204 PAIRS (WINTE P & L LAWN MAINTENAN I I 2004/04/004156 0 01/12/2004 01/13/2004 BUA POE 20,000.00 REF 50 VND 994 9 LN TRF 000651 PO 41960 55251 84 FROM P & L LAWN MAINTENAN PLANT REPLACEMENTS ON MEDIANS 2004/04/00419 2004/04/004336 01/22/2004 API . , 2,215.67 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 73908 66384 L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH 14153 14885 2004/05/005196 5196 02/10/2004 02/10/2004 API API 73.62 VND 70 VND 62 000651 000651 PO PO 40204 40204 P & P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH 14885 2004/05/00 2004/05/005196 02/10/2004 API . 418.54 VND 000651 PO 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER SCH 14885 14885 2004/05/005196 2004/05/005196 02/10/2004 02/10/2004 API API 63.48 VND 187.50 VND 000651 000651 PO PO 40204 40203 P & P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SCHED. HED 14885 14885 2004/05/005196 02/10/2004 API 8,385.00 VND 000651 PO 40203 . P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SC L LAWN MAINTENAN PLANT REPLACEMENTS ON MEDIANS P 14885 2004/05/005196 2004/05/005196 02/10/2004 02/10/2004 API POL 9,994.50 VND -977.00 VND 000651 000651 PO PO 41960 40203 & P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SC2004 2004 2004/05/005196 02/10/2004 POL -7,408.00 VND 000651 PO 40203 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SC 04 2004/05/005196 02/10/2004 POL -187.50 VND 000651 PO 40203 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN LANDSCAPE MAINT. WINTER SC20 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER2004 2004/05/005196 2004/05/005196 02/10/2004 02/10/2004 POL POL -82.70 VND -418.54 VND 000651 000651 PO PO 40204 40204 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER2004 04 2004/05/005196 02/10/2004 POL -63.48 VND 000651 PO 40204 4 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER20 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS (WINTER2004 2004/05/005196 2004/05/005196 02/10/2004 02/10/2004 POL POL -73.62 VND -9,994.50 VND 000651 000651 PO PO 4020 41960 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN PLANT REPLACEMENTS ON MEDI2004 E 2004/05/005255 02/11/2004 POE 3,895.00 VND 000651 PO 42458 . P & L LAWN MAINTENAN ENTRANCES, LANDSCAPES REPLAC 14703 2004/05/005348 02/16/2004 API 2,287.02 VND 000716 PO 42861 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR ACCT 73908 66384 ~SK/W.S. BLVD E R O T W 2004/06/006350 03/17/2004 API 2,107.5 VND 000716 pp 66 84 E3 08 CDT FLOR A ENERGY pROGRES 184-000-000-0000-54693 RM PONDS 35,000 0 35.,000 7,181.38 7,270.00 20,548.62 41.3 2004/01/000104 10/07/2003 POE 6,000.00 VND 002944 PO 40177 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2004/01/000674 10/31/2003 POE 1,631.38 VND 004805 PO 40804 FREEPORT FOUNTAINS SUMP PUMP SYSTEMS 2004/01/000692 2004/02/000175 11/01/2003 11/11/2003 BUC API 35,000.00 REF 500.00 VND 002944 PO 40177 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 12879 2004/02/000175 11/11/2003 POL -500.00 VND 002944 PO 40177 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2004 2004/03/003069 12/03/2003 POM 200.00 VND 002944 PO 40177 F~,ORIDA WATER FEATUR INCREASE AMT 40177 2004 2004/03/003149 12/08/2003 POE 370.00 VND 004012 4 29 PO PO 41386 40177 LEMIEUX GLEN SPLASH GUARDS AT FOUNTAINS FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 13614 2004/03/003154 2004/03/003154 12/08/2003 12/08/2003 API POL 550.00 VND -50.00 VND 4 00 002944 PO 40177 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2004 4 2004/03/003154 12/08/2003 POL -500.00 VND 002944 PO 40177 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 200 SPLASH GUARDS AT FOUNTAINS 13644 2004/03/003346 346 12/17/2003 12/17/2003 API POL 370.00 VND -370.00 VND 004012 004012 PO PO 41386 41386 LEMIEUX GLEN LEMIEUX GLEN SPLASH GUARDS AT FOUNTAINS2004 2004/03/003 2004/04/004025 01/05/2004 POM 800.00 VND 002944 PO 40177 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR INCREASE 40177 2004 21 2004/04/004312 01/21/2004 API 1,631.38 VND 004805 PO 40804 FREEPORT FOUNTAINS SUMP PUMP SYSTEMS 2004 141 2004/04/004312 01/21/2004 POL -1,631.38 VND 004805 PO 40804 FREEPORT FOUNTAINS SUMP PUMP SYSTEMS 2004/04/004479 01/27/2004 POE 3,450.00 VND VND 002944 002944 PO PO 42194 40177 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR (2) INTAKE SCREENS FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 14529 2004/05/005155 2004/05/005155 02/09/2004 02/09/2004 API POL 680.00 -500.00 VND 002944 PO 40177 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2004 • 03/17/2004 *** LIVE***REFRESHED 03/12/04*** PAGE 6 14:43:49 YTD BUDGET REPORT - MARCH '04 glyt dbud FOR 2004 06 JOURNAL DETAIL 2004 1 TO 2004 6 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FU ---------------------------- ND ------- APPROP ADJSTMTS ---------------------------------- BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET ------------------------------------------------------- USED -------- 184-000-000-0000- 54693 RM PONDS 2004/05/005155 02/09/2004 POL -30.00 VND 002944 PO 40177 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2004 2004/05/005155 02/09/2004 POL -150.00 VND 002944 PO 40177 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2004 2004/05/005220 02/11/2004 API 500.00 VND 002944 PO 40177 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 14665 2004/05/005220 02/11/2004 POL -500.00 VND 002944 PO 40177 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2004 2004/05/005620 02/26/2004 API 2,950.00 VND 002944 PO 42194 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR (2) INTAKE SCREENS 15185 2004/05/005620 02/26/2004 POL -2,950.00 VND 002944 PO 42194 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR (2) INTAKE SCREENS 2004 2004/06/006223 03/11/2004 POE 2,000.00 VND 005309 PO 42952 WESCO FOUNTAINS, INC NORTH FOUNTAIN REPAIR 184-000-000-0000-55230 OP SUPPLY 400 0 400 .00 30.00 370.00 7.5~ 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC 400.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 2004/06/006223 03/11/2004 POE 30.00 VND 000981 PO 42934 SIGN MAN, THE BOARD MEMBER NAME PLATES 184-000-000-0000-55251 RM SGN/WAL 60,000 -20,000 40,000 10,013.34 6,424.02 23,562.64 41.1$ 2004/01/000153 10/08/2003 POE 674.53 VND 003022 PO 40216 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL RELOCATE POWER FOR ENTRY SIGN 2004/01/000440 10/22/2003 POE 1,711.58 VND 003555 PO- 40543 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC REPAIR LIGHTS FOR TLBD 2004/01/000526 10/27/2003 API 1,711.58 VND 003555 PO 40543 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC REPAIR LIGHTS FOR TLBD 12587 2004/01/000526 10/27/2003 POL -1,711.58 VND 003555 PO 40543 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC REPAIR LIGHTS FOR TLBD 2004 2004/01/000674 10/31/2003 POE 3,297.00 VND 003739 PO 40802 DAWNALEE CORP REPLACEMENT PLANTS TLBD 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC 60,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 2004/02/000191 11/12/2003 POE 45.00 VND 003555 PO 40973 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC REMOVE OLD LIGHTING VISTAWILLA 2004/02/000191 11/12/2003 POE 67.50 VND 004834 PO 40980 HICKS ELECTRIC, INC. ELECTRICAL WORK SHETLAND ENT. 2004/02/000243 11/14/2003 API 67.50 VND 004834 PO 40980 HICKS ELECTRIC, INC. ELECTRICAL WORK SHETLAND ENT. 12900 2004/02/000243 11/14/2003 API 45.00 VND 003555 PO 40973 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC REMOVE OLD LIGHTING VISTAWILLA 12927 2004/02/000243 11/14/2003 POL -45.00 VND 003555 PO 40973 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC REMOVE OLD LIGHTING VISTAW2004 2004/02/000243 11/14/2003 POL -67.50 VND 004834 PO 40980 HICKS ELECTRIC, INC. ELECTRICAL WORK SHETLAND E2004 2004/02/000348 11/20/2003 POE 300.00 VND 003555 PO 41143 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC ELECTRICAL REPAIRS TO LIGHTS 2004/02/000348 11/20/2003 POE 300.00 VND 004297 PO 41145 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHT REPAIRS 2004/03/003031 12/02/2003 API 3,297.00 VND 003739 PO 40802 DAWNALEE CORP REPLACEMENT PLANTS TLBD 13132 2004/03/003031 12/02/2003 POL -3,297.00 VND 003739 PO 40802 DAWNALEE CORP REPLACEMENT PLANTS TLBD 2004 2004/03/003091 12/03/2003 API 271.99 VND 003555 PO 41143 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC ELECTRICAL REPAIRS TO LIGHTS 13508 2004/03/003091 12/03/2003 POL -300.00 VND 003555 PO 41143 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC ELECTRICAL REPAIRS TO LIGH2O04 2004/03/003149 12/08/2003 POE 300.00 VND 004297 PO 41387 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR ENTRANCE LIGHTING REPAIRS 2004/03/003154 12/08/2003 API 647.53 VND 003022 PO 40216 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL RELOCATE POWER FOR ENTRY SIGN 13271 2004/03/003154 12/08/2003 POL -674.53 VND 003022 PO 40216 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL RELOCATE POWER FOR ENTRY S2004 2004/03/003274 12/12/2003 POE 500.00 VND 003555 PO 41531 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC LIGHTING REPAIRS 2004/03/003274 12/12/2003 POE 150.00 VND 003022 PO 41530 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL REPAIRS TO ENTRY LIGHTS 2004/04/004092 01/07/2004 POM 695.73 VND 003022 PO 41530 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL ADDITIONAL LIGHT REPR 41532004 2004/04/004095 01/07/2004 POM -695.73 VND 003022 PO 41530 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL CANCEL LINE 41530 2004 2004/04/004133 01/09/2004 POE 695.73 VND 003022 PO 41901 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL LIGHT REPAIR 2004/04/004156 01/12/2004 BUA -20,000.00 REF LN TRF TO 184-54686 2004/04/004214 01/14/2004 API 150.00 VND 003022 PO 41530 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL REPAIRS TO ENTRY LIGHTS 14237 2004/04/004214 01/14/2004 API 695.73 VND 003022 PO 41901 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL LIGHT REPAIR 14237 2004/04/004214 01/14/2004 POL -150.00 VND 003022 PO 41530 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL REPAIRS TO ENTRY LIGHTS 2004 2004/04/004214 01/14/2004 POL -695.73 VND 003022 PO 41901 FLORIDA INDUSTRIAL LIGHT REPAIR 2004 2004/04/004312 01/21/2004 API 258.40 VND 004297 PO 41387 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR ENTRANCE LIGHTING REPAIRS 14395 03/17/2004 ***LIVE***REFRESHED 03/12/04*** PAGE 7 14:43:49 YTD BUDGET REPORT - MARCH '04 glytdbud FOR 2004 06 JOURNAL DETAIL 2004 1 TO 2004 6 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES--------BUDGET USED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- 184-000-000-0000-55251 RM SGN/WAL 2004/04/004312 01/21/2004 POL -300.00 VND 004297 PO 41387 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR ENTRANCE LIGHTING REPAIRS 2004 2004/04/004479 01/27/2004 POE 1,780.00 VND 004297 PO 42198 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTING UPGRADE 2004/04/004479 01/27/2004 POE 515.00 VND 004834 PO 42202 HICKS ELECTRIC, INC. INSTALL GFI RECEP. 2004/05/005202 02/11/2004 POM 213.63 VND 004834 PO 42202 HICKS ELECTRIC, INC. INCREASE 42202 2004 2004/05/005220 02/11/2004 API 100.00 VND 003555 PO 41531 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC LIGHTING REPAIRS 14860 2004/05/005220 02/11/2004 POL -100.00 VND 003555 PO 41531 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC LIGHTING REPAIRS 2004 2004/05/005475 02/20/2004 API 1,780.00 VND 004297. PO 42198 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTING UPGRADE 15211 2004/05/005475 02/20/2004 POL -1;780.00 VND 004297 PO 42198 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTING UPGRADE 2004 2004/05/005504 02/23/2004 POE 5,984.00 VND 004838 PO 42632 TERRACLEAN TLBD WALL CLEANING 2004/05/005576 02/25/2004 API 213.63 VND 004834 PO 42202 HICKS ELECTRIC, INC. INSTALL GFI RECEP. 14835 2004/05/005576 02/25/2004 API 515.00 VND 004834 PO 42202 HICKS ELECTRIC, INC. INSTALL GFI RECEP. 14835 2004/05/005576 02/25/2004 POL -515.00 VND 004834 PO 42202 HICKS ELECTRIC, INC. INSTALL GFI RECEP. 2004 2004/05/005576 02/25/2004 POL -213.63 VND 004834 PO 42202 HICKS ELECTRIC, INC. INSTALL GFI RECEP. 2004 2004/06/006300 03/16/2004 API 259.98 VND 003555 PO 41531 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC LIGHTING REPAIRS 2004/06/006300 03/16/2004 POL -259.98 VND 003555 PO 41531 LIGHTS UNLIMITED,INC LIGHTING REPAIRS 2004 184-000-000-0000-59130 TR GEN FUN 30,900 0 30,900 15,450.00 .00 15,450.00 50.0 004/01/000692 2 11/01/2003 BUC 30,900.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 . 2004/04/004424 01/27/2004 GEN 2,575.00 REF 114 TLBD-NjNT REIMB GF FOR CLERKS 2004/04/004432 01/27/2004 GEN 2,575.00 REF 114 TLBD-MNT REIMB GF FOR CLERKS 2004/04/004448 01/27/2004 GEN 2,575.00 REF 114 TLBD-MNT REIMB GF FOR CLERKS 2004/04/004464 01/2?/2004 GEN 2,575.00 REF 114 TLBD-MNT REIMB GF FOR CLERKS 2004/05/005250 02/11/2004 GEN 2,575.00 REF 114 TLBD-MNT REIMS GF FOR CLERKS 2004/06/006020 03/01/2004 GEN 2,575.00 REF 114 TLBD-MNT REIMB GF FOR CLERKS 184-000-000-0000-59310 STAT RESER 11,200 0 11,200 .00 .00 11,200.00 .0~ 2004/01/000692 11/01/2003 BUC 11,200.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2004 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 0 0 -84,161.10 90,138.92 -5,977.82 .0~ TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 0 0 -84,161.10 90,138.92 -5,977.82 .0~ TOTAL REVENUES - 391,700 0 -391,700 -209,067.77 .00 -182,632.23 TOTAL EXPENSES 391,700 0 391,700 124,906.67 90,138.92 176,654.41 PRIOR FUND BALANCE 508,093.65 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 84,161.10 CURRENT FUND BALANCE 592,254.75 • 03/17/2004 14:43:49 ***LIVE***REFRESHED 03/12/04*** PAGE 8 YTD BUDGET REPORT - MARCH '04 glytdbud FOR 2004 06 JOURNAL DETAIL 2004 1 TO 2004 6 ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND APPROP ADJSTMTS BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES BUDGET USED GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 -84,161.10 90,138.92 -5,977.82 .0~ • • • 03/17/2004 ***LIVE***REFRESHED 03/12/04*** PAGE 1 14:44:42 YTD BUDGET REPORT - MARCH '04 glytdbud IMPROVEMENT FOR 2004 06 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT 308 TLBD IMPROVEMENT FUND ---------------------------------------------- APPROP --------- ADJSTMTS --------------- BUDGET ------------ YTD ACTUAL -------------- ENCUMBRANCES --------------- BUDGET -------------- USED -------- 308 TLBD IMPROVEMENT FUND ----------------------------------- 308-000-000-0000-361100 INTEREST -500 0 -500 -416.07 .00 -83.93 83.2 308-000-000-0000-389100 APP FD BAL -87,391 53,891 -33,500 .00 .00 -33,500.00 .0~* 308-000-000-0000-63000 CAP-IMPRV 87,891 -86,891 1,000 .00 .00 1,000.00 .Og 308-000-000-0000-65000 CAP-CIP 0 33,000 33,000 28,983.50 .00 4,016.50 87.8~* TOTAL TLBD IMPROVEMENT FUND 0 0 0 28,567.43 .00 -28,567.43 .0$ TOTAL TLBD IMPROVEMENT FUND 0 0 0 28,567.43 .00 -28,567.43 .0~ TOTAL REVENUES -87,891 53,891 -34,000 -416.07 .00 -33,583.93 TOTAL EXPENSES 87,891 -53,891 34,000 28,983.50 .00 5,016.50 PRIOR FUND BALANCE 80,337.23 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE -28,567.43 CURRENT FUND BALANCE 51,769.80 • • ~ 03/17/2004 14:44:42 ***LIVE***REFRESHED 03/12/04*** YTD BUDGET REPORT - MARCH '04 IMPROVEMENT PAGE 2 glytdbud FOR 2004 06 ORIGINAL TRANFRS/ REVISED AVAILABLE PCT 308 TLBD IMPROVEMENT FUND APPROP ADJSTMTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- BUDGET YTD ACTUAL ENCUMBRANCES ------------------------------------------ BUDGET ------------- USED -------- GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 28,567.43 .00 -28,567.43 .0$ F~1 r'i~orge Morris MORC02oIJtNO. COM FAD( M0. :407 359 7A87 May. 09 2001 03:54PM P2 • 11aY-0?-2Ga1 110N 11 ~ 12 AM STENSTRC111, MCINTL75H, COL6E FP.~ WQ. 40733Q231~ P. ~i O2 REt P ~Y~.M~ ~4ND lX~STB tldLIC 1~IR,P~VLMENT>I111MAtNTENA111CE EABEMEhIT ItGRE~M ENT Wig,,,,, S_„ J,g~ r y Tima 10/18/99 Review documents from diertt; divtaty letter t4 glietn, 1.~ (0121199 R:view dgcumente; phanA aontetances with clien4; review sa=ement; phgns canfer~vnae with the City df tAlinber Springs. 1.50 10!25199 Properetign for revisions io easement s~reement. 1.t10 1012619® Revise easement, .26. 10/27199 Phone ooriference wish diem; dreft Memo to file. .25- 11130/99 Review documents from client; dref't letter to client. 2.00 12/07798 Revise easement; dreg letter to diem. 1.b0 12/16/9t•3 Tdlephane oorroronc~ with Georfle. Marrls; review of docurr~nta . .26 07107100 Review covenants e~rrd reetrtctianaldacuments from client .25 0211?J01 Ft4view easement; review dc4umerlt$ itcm oli~rt; dictate !otter tc cHent , 75 02J191A7 Re~a~w file; phon~a aanferenoe with cpent. _2b 03108101 Review dncumQnts; gictgty letter to client. .5q 031201b~1 Phone conference with client; phone confer~ce witfi Anthony Qargsrrese. ,25 031ZO/A1 Review docurr~nta from client. ,25 03/2`1/01 Phone Ctlllf6rdr-C6 with ArYtharly Garganese; Qhone conference with ctfent. ,2b d3/29V0~ Review E..xhllytt "A' t0 easement; dt~ts leifer to clierrt. .28 p5t04/a1 Royiew (etter~ dcCUments from client; dictate letter t{i Laity Attorney end tq dienta. .7s TdTAL. TIME 10.76 Casts: ~ $ibi7 an hr. Vti(estlaw charges - research $ 4,88 Yc:tsf Fee $1,612.50 Tats{ Costs $ x.89 TQTAI. DU9 al,517.e9 s~ 7"~c ~ ~aA~ ~FG'>~~ ~E~S Fo R ~~~ ~ ~~~ M~~ T ~ ~ ~a~ d! ~1z ~ 9 ~F~vrKG ?'~B~~~K~E M,~dl-t: ~ r ! t~1-l~iP i~~ ,..,~ cITY o:~ vvrr~TER sFR1NGS ~ ~ MmvvTEs TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ADVISORY CO1ViMITTEE SFECIAL MEETING MAY 29, 2001 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Donald Gilmore called the Special Meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., Tuesday, May 29, 2001, in the East Conference Room of the Municipal Building {City 1:Ia11, 1126 East State Road 434, Wirner Springs, Florida 32'708). Roll Cidl Chairman Donald A Gilnwre, present Vice Chairman Gary Hillery, presem Committee Member Lee Jensen, present Committee Member Moti Khemlani, present Committee Member Linda Tiilis, present Also Present Mr. George Edwards, P.E., LL.B., Capital Projects Coordinator ~ Mr. William Starmer, President, Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc. (sri) II. REGULAR AGENDA A. Update On The Budget With Mr. Ronald W. McLemore, City Managex Or Mr. Kiptan D. Lockcuf'f, P.E., Public Works/Utility Department Director Mr. George Edwards, P.E., LL.B., Capital Projects Coordinator distributed the City Budget to all Board Members. Discussion ensued. The Board Members requested City Manager, Ronald W. McLemore and a City Accountant to attend the next Regular Meeting. B. Final Drafts Of Maintenance And Feat Control The Board agreed that this Agenda Item could not be discussed, being that Ms. I~angee Graham, Landscape Management Consultant was not at the meeting. • CTTY OF WIIVTER sPRIIVd3 TUf9CAWII.LA LiGH'1"ING AN9 HFAUTII~ICATION DIBTFttGT ADVI340RY C0blM1TTEE SPECIAL MEETIrid - MAY Z9. ?A01 PAdE x OF 3 C. ShetlAnd Entrance Deeian Mr. William Starmer, president, Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc. (sri), distributed the #inal plans far the Tuscawilla entrances. Discussion ensued. The Board agreed to visit the subject of lighting in the median at the Tuscora Drive emrance at a later time. Mr. Starmer raised the issue of encroaching into the right-of--way on Vistawilla Drive and stated that he wcwld fax a legal description for that encroachment to Mr. Edwards. Discussion. T~ v s~ao B Due to technical di~icudties, the beginning of Tape 1/Side B is not comprehensible. The Board viewed and discussed brick selections. Mr. Starmer agreed to bring samples of walls tv the next meeting. D. Easement Update Mr. Edwards updated the Board on the status of the Tuscora Drive Easement. E. Constract~on Schedule Discussion. Mr. Mervin Warner, 673 Keuka Court, President, Tuscawilla Homeowners Association: addressed the Committee on the issue of reimbursement for Attorney fees for obtaining the Easement at Winter Springs Boulevard. Discussion ensued. Chairman Gilmore stated, "We had agreed to pay for any reasonable attorneys fees relative to obtaining an easement." Discussion continued. Mr. Warner stated, "I am quite willing to forgo of any monies far the conceptual plan, but I would like to see some reimbursement for the Attorney fees." Mr. Warner further stated, "I think that $1,000.00 should cover it. The last I got from the Attorney was $1,600.00 and something ...." Chairman Gilmore asked the Board for a Motion. C, • • CrrY OF W1N'rER BPAIIdQ3 MIN(TrEB TUSCAWILLA I.I(~IITIN(i AN1~ BEAUTIFIG,TIOI~ DIBTItICT ADVI6IOAY COMMITTEE SPSQAL MEB'rlPio-MAY 29, 2001 PADS 3 OF 3 MOTION BY BOARD MF1Vl]3E1t KHEMLANL. "I MOVE TEAT THIS BOARD APPROVE A PAYMENT OF 51,000.00 DOLLARS A5 FINAL ATTORNEY FEES EXPENSE REGARDING THE EASEMEI~tT CONVEYANCE AT THE FRONT ENTRANCE." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER JENSEN. DISCUS510N. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE COMMITTEE, THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. ~~`I ~ D. Mr. Edwards stated, "As soon as he [Mervin Warner] submits his bill, I will attach the 1VEnutes of the Meeting to the bill, to give to Roa" Tape 2/ Side A Committee Member Moti lKhemlani reiterated the requests of Mr. and Mrs. Fuentes in regards to their property on Shetland Avenue, III. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Final Drafts Of Landscape Maintenance And Pest Control • Update On The Budget With Ms. Louise Frangoul, Finance Director " ~; • Final Design of Brick Favers • Construction Schedule IV, ADJOURNMENT Chairman Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 8:39 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUB.11~171TED: HOLLY PIERSTORFF ASSISTANT TO THE CITY CLERK ~~ ~ ~~ j Si'Sld ~~~~' ~, ~~~ s~ ~~{ 4'~t2~~` C~4~ • Doca1BOARUS\'lt~scewilla~miautes\Z001~nimtlbdac-052901 spaciaLdoc lt~C7,~ot TLBD Construction im rovements- Balance Sheet ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALANCE $2,,oz 1s1.oo CATHCART CONSTRUCTION CO. $1,707,144.89 $395,036.11 1 1st Ad ustment for Consumer Price Index CPI $54,059.58 2 Mobilization $19 400.00 TOTAL PRE-CONST $73,459.58 $321,576.53 CO#1 3 2nd Ad'ustment for CPI Tot=4.8°/a $27,155.62 4 Buildin Permit $325.00 5 Fuente's Drive $14,000.00 6 Re-Locate Trees-Winter S rin s Ent a $1.380.00 7 Add 160 s of Paver-Winter S rin s Blvd. $16,189.00 8 Additional Surve Work ~ WSB $2,100.00 9 Added Cost-Colored Mortar $5,186.50 10 Delete Ori Tonal Paver-Trotwood C~ Bid Price $12,100.00 11 Add 97.77 s of Paver-Trotwood $9,777.00 12 Re air Pilasters--Trotwood $1,006.00 13 Add 5 Pilaster Ca s-Trotwood $500.00 14 Remove An le Wall-Trotwood $1,370.00 15 Add Rail to Wall-Trotwood $1,242.00 16 Delete 70 LF Wall-Trotwood $6,069.70 17 Delete Sidewalk Relocation- Tuscora $945.00 18 Add 5 Pilaster Ca s- Vistawilla $604.00 19 Delete100 If of mason wall- Vistawilla $8,700.00 TOTAL CO#1 $53,020.42 TOTAL CATHCART $126,480.00 $268,556.11 EASEMEN T RELATE D EXPENDITURES 20 Tuscawilla HOA Reim bursement $1,000.00 _ 21 Si na a Im rovements $22,000.00 22 Church Wall $14,110.00 23 Vistawilla Wall $2,800.00 _ 24 Tinklepaugh $6,859.00 _ 25 Recordation Fee _ _ $400.00 __ 26 _ _ Recording Drawin s- Main Entrance/Tuscora $1,150.00 27 Recording Fee, Main Entrance $691.50 _ __ TOTAL EASEMENT S $49,010.50 $219,545.61 i EKeI•TLBD Balance Sheet, 11/12/01 • Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: Date: ~ ? a Project: ~~~ Safety and Eauiament: Month) Maintenance Re orts No Dafe: 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. G'~^ i`""''ss r~ 6. Fertilization and chemical program. ~' ~' 1 2 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 ~ 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) i .~ ~~ • • TuscuMrilia l.i~htln~ and t3eaul~aal~on Qisr~rle~ ~IT1~' QF` 1!~'INT~R ~PR1NQ~~ ~ ~ Z ~y- • Entrances: 1. Tuskawi0a Road and Winter Springs Blvd. i ~ ~ ~ ~''Cr' t~~~'"" 2. TaskawIIla Road and Trotwood. 3, Shetland / Citrus. 4. Wmhr Springs Blvd. and Seneca. 8. Vistawilla. _ ("'~-... 6. 1}uscora. _ C~F'~ ___,._ 7, Dyson, __ - v 8. Deer Ran. 9. Howell Creek. Winter Springs Blvd: 1. M~lians /Rights of Way. ~ ~ ~ ~-- Notes: i Tuacawiila I.f~htlnQ and ~~aulon Dia~ri~ CITE' QF` Y~'INT~R ~P'RINQB • P p 3 /~ a ~ Entrances: 1. Taskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. ~ ~~ I ~ S~, ~'--` a~ ~-~^' S~"'~"` 2. TuskawlUa Road and Trotwood. ~ -f- ~ ~ : ~ e c'. .- t)R ~ ~ d-a- 3. Shetland /Citrus. 1 1, v Wi"t""`. 4. Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. 1 ~ ~ ~- !"eve. 5. Vistawiila. C 6. Tuscora. 7. Dyson. ~ 8. Dcer Rnn. 4 9. Howell Creek. Winter Springs Blvd: i. Medians / Righb of Way. Notes: 7~50AM bESCO FOIAyTAINS INC I`~.124 P.2/3 • E~CC~ Fountains, Inc. ',hnology Drive • Nokomis Flor(da 54278 ~j` q~8A~-8224 FAX (841) 484-8302 www.wascobuntatns.~m iiy of IAI(nter Springs paw; 3/9/2004 = 12g Rast S.R. 434 Quotation Number: JQ27967 1Ninter Sprfrigs FL 32'70$ . 4' Attn: Steven R ichart Telephone: 4 0 7- 3 2 7.18 0 0 Rer. Tuacawiila Fountain Fax: 407-327.6695 >" ".,,: ~,1=M G11Y . ~. _ --- ~ ~.~- D~SCRiP11C~N - 0) ~° - 1) 1 Customer oalled and wanted us to fix a leak fn the sump of their fountain. This is a basic quote so Steve can get a P.Q. from the city the amount of quote wflf probably change. 2) 1 Misc, fiberglass repair. ;~. 3) 1 0 1._ai~r~r is charged on an hourly basis. Travel time will be included fn labor rates. PRICING Su~t'oTAI- Sales Tax TCTAL. $1,300,00 $78.00 $1,378.00 Comte ,, • ?~50i~`1 WESCO FOLNVTAII`IS INC JG2786~ • proposal and terms are acceptable to you pl9ase sign below and return to W~SCQ Fountains, Inc. Qur is (841) 484~830~, d this ____r___~__ day of ~ _ x004. e d b Y ~ -----------_----------------~..~~-_.~-----------------------~ WARRANTY ;~ Fountain$, Inc. shall guarantee all material provided to be free from defects and/ar faulty workmanship for a f of one year from the data of shipment, exeludin4, Ilgh± h~~iha_anrl tansQa, The liability is expressly limited to the or replacement of such parks by WESCO t=ountains, Inc, where, in their opinion, damage is caused by defect and not e, Without Iirtl~ing the generality of the foregafnq, the following shall be regarded as causes beyond control; act of weather oonditiorls, explosion, flood, fire or accident. This warranty does not include labor charges fnvoived in tng or replacing such equipment or freight to and from the factory. Y TERUiS AND L`ONDITIQN$_t~p._~ALE -). This quotation is subject to our Standard Terms and Conditions of Sales, and is valid for EO day$, This Agreement onstitutes the entire agreement between the parses hereto and supersedes ail prior negotiations, representations and '~ agreements, either written or oral with respect to the subject matter hEreof. Na other agreements, either ,oral or `written, have been made by Contractor, except as stated in the Agreement. ` 2), WESCO Fpuntains, Inc. requires a 5096 deposit payable upon issuance of purchase order from client, with the balance due upon delivery of goods, 3j. All fountain components must be paid in full before shipping outside of the United Stet®s. 4) . WE$CO Fountains Inc shall net hax~~py~~gaHon to omm~anra man ifraefiyring of anX purch&s9 order and f irM~+er m eN s ate right to stop rnan~rfactcring and r~roc®ssln~Of env purchase orcl~r unless or ,Hill aunh f~Pposii is ~1gi(~ ~), A letter of Intent will release a work order for AutaCad drawings in begin, if required. AutoCad drawing wilt not be released for acceptance until such deposit is received by WESCQ. f"a) . Any delay in payment of ttte deposit may delay delivery of the products or result in termination of the purchase order. Y). Cancellation of orders received by WESCO Fountains, Inc, may result in the loss of deposit. 8). All components returned ere subject to a restackinA charge acid must have an RMA number authorised from Wi^SC4 Fountains, Inc. 8). It is the purchaser's responsibility to inform W!~SCO f=ountains, inc. of shipping schedules. Once schedules have been astabti~hed you are obligated to receive shipment of product. 1 D). We have found It is not practical to itemize the many miscellaneous supplies and materials used on each job. To do so would considerably add to our costs and labor charges. N0.124 P.3i3 • • To: Steven Riohart Company: City of Winter Springs N0.124 P. 1/3 ^ Fa~simite Tran~mis~ion pate: 3/9/2004 Time: 7;33 AM From= Jeremy Gross - ®xt. 231 Telephone: 407-327-1800 ` Fax; 407-327-6695 Number of pages Including cover sheet ( 3 )Please call if ail pages are not received. 7~49AM 1•ESCO FOUNTAINS INC ®~ W~SCO Fauntain~, Inc 3440.Technol arlve • Nokomis, Florida 34275 (941) 484224 • FAX (941) 484-9302 www.wesc~tountains.com REGARDING: FQUNTAIN RERAIl~ This the quote for repairing the Tuscawilla fountain. • • Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ~ ~ '~`"~~ ' Date: '~ .S - ~ L Project: ~C~ ~.(~ Safetv and Equipment: Mont ! Maintenance Reports _Yes _No Dafe: 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Weeding of planters; curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 2 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 ~ 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 Service -~ New. ueStS: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise i (3iV+~', ~ - ~NS~c~ • GJ; , f"" • Mc" w~¢~ 3~~ I U'~ FE8-26-04 WED 05:44 PM P&L* L AWN~MAINT E NAN C E, INC 4 0767910 05 p ~ r ~ T ~ + h T ,~+ T ~..~..-w..rawu ~r w u i~ ~ ~ i iu~ ~~ ate"` "~3(1~ ~~~rclnrr Street ~'V~inter P~rrk P~ 32792 'I'cy: .. ~~~--~i _.. 7l ~~~:Y"' IY1 V 1` V~ l~~ _ Vim../ ~~,rc~m: ~'~1, r,awn Mainte~aance, Ync. Tc;l: (407) 679~2$~0 I~ax: (40?) b79-1085 Date: ~ Z C~ ~~~ _~ P. 01 • • TC~TAL NU~v1~3FR O~ FACES IrfCLUDZNG COVER SHEET: _~ _ ,~ r;x ~~N7ER 3 9- ''`'~oR~oP Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ~~- Project: _~ Nl.~,~,~~~ Date: ~ I~~ ~ "t Safety and Equipment: ~~ Mo~ Maintenance Reports Yes No Date: it 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 2 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) ^ _~ ~P L,~ r /~ l ~P tel. l ~!-~ 3Gc~.s ~~ T~ ~ ~ ~~~P~- -z / z • • • Tuacaw~iil~- Lighting altd i3eautiAcatiQn Qiatriat ~ ~ ~`~ ~`( Entrances: CITY CAF V~iNTgR 8RRlNQt~ 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs 81vd. j c ~„~.' ~,~/~-l, pig 2. Toskawilla Road and Trotwood. 3. Shetland / Citras. 4. Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. . 5. Vistawilla. 6. Tuscora. ~~ ~ 7. Dyson. - -- ~~ - 8. Deer Run. ~„C„ 9. Howell Creek. Winter Springs Blvd: 1. Medians /Rights of Way. Notes: • • TerraClean P.O. Box 1209 Winter Park, FI 327~~~,~,~~~ Phone: 407-949-2086 MAR ~°~1 2004 Fax: 407-949-0053 crnroFwiN-e.K,P Finance DepaN~ Bill To City of Winter Springs Steven Richert 1126 E State Road 434 Winter Sprin4s..Florida 32708 INVOICE Date Invoice 2/23/2004 ° ~ °.: u Cust ID "~~i ~ ~~~''~" I City of Winter Springs. ________`.___ - °/.Steven Richert' 1126 E State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 4 Item Descri tion Rate Amount Chemically Clean Entrance Walls $5,984.00 :~' ~Q~J~~p~~%Z-2~'~ $0.00 '~ ~~votcc has been sc3d and ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ±~5 ~'t~~~irRCIAL $USI:~TE.~S ~i~ ~~,,sr",~ `~'° ~~~g~ duc and payabic ~y.xz7~:~rii trs,~ .~. :_,,; . mzde clirecti~r tcl: ~Q~'~~RCIAL Bi~SI~iESS ~t =h.~~°~6~;~ P. (). ~x ~2~1 :Wi~t~r Park, ~, ??7~? 407-628 - 6 ~~:Q ~~ Yon For I~c~ur C;a - oP~ S~ ~~-- ~~ 0~ 1 ~~ 1 ~~ Totaf Due 1+' ~° • .:~"c4z~ ~,A,~Y.~" MA~N'~'~NA,~TC~, XT~C. 7301 Gardaer street ~ ~VVixitcr 1''ark. ~~ 32792 .~., ,~ ~. ~ "~ S t.. .._.........~,,..~.~. ..~~..... ...~...~.va~,.,.. .-v-. r• r~+ ~~ .~ ~.~ .~ ~~.L- N'UM~E.~ 0~ PACr~S INCLUDING GO'YE~, S~E~T; .. • • • t~ro~: Pc~L Lawn I~aintemance, Zn.c. T~1; (447) b79-~ 8 ~ 0 fax: (407) 679~~ 085 t.,'Nltt'~RSI"T~.' Cyp E~CTElWST4N c..«.,.~.. F..•• ~.~ A~,ICw,ura sd.nrxti Grerlgr~ Count' t-leetth 8 Franuly Services Department VsShsrY+e 11, No d FaN 2OG7. 2354 I:~ast Michigan St. • Qrla~ndo, Fforid~ 328~~ • ©7~ S ,757`0 4EA~' AND CROWN ROT OF I.xRIQPE •~~, .laaxtes Strandbaarp, Ph.D., lrxtenasioa 1}Iattt~Pathotogist ~.+~~ The popularity of f.lriopE amuscari far use in Soutllezn Landscapes bas been accompa~ Hied by a large increase in the incids>nce of Lixiope loaf and crown rot. This disease at- tgaks Liriope during raursety product"ton and in the landscape. Upiversity of Florida research has shown that siE Lir'eope species arkd eultivars are susceptib[e tv the disease, but the cultivar '~vergraen Giant' is mare susceptible than ethers, Leaf and crown rot ss ceased by a strain of the cotttmon plant pathogen, I'laytOphthora palmivora. lririape rs;produces from rhizomes, so se~- era[ punts devetap xza a compact cluster. Leaf' and crown roc µsual(y affects and kills only one, Qr a few plants, withnC- the cluster at any given time. Initially, one or mare mature leaves gssociated with a diseased plant rapidly develop apale- to bright- yellow color that extends upward from the Deaf base toward the tip. When itnmatute Leaves close td the growing point become diseased, they become taut or light brawn and water soaked. Eventually, entire Leaves cif affected plants became bright 3•s.LLow be- fore they turn brown and die. itt advanced stags of disease development, affected leaves are easily pulled frt:c from the crown or rhizocns;. Root systems of dis- eased plants can have nums:rous brown td brick-red lesions. Death. normally secure within 2 co 4 weeks of infection, lnfr~r~ qucRtly, leaf and crown rot Gen spread to additipna) plants within the cluster, but . y. ~~.~ ~q 1< r ~~ ~ ~~ ~w^ ~.. ~ more often, the rest of tho oluster remains tetttpararily ~ uttgffected.. Leaves that are bxovrn ar yell0«'etl at the tip but rcmairz green down w the point of attachment are probably ~lrfocted by other Leaf diseases. nutritional problet'ns, or physiologic,xl tiis- ordecs. In the past, leaf and drown rrt has been at- tributed to several muses including f~~ngal pathogens, inasects, and mites, but our re- sea>!eh has det~onstrated that these ether pests, which axe frequently abundant izz dis- eased crotv>.ts. are unlii~ely tt- be im~nlved and probably da not pre-elispase plants tG the d15@ass;. ©bselNations and weekly manitaring af. F'. palrttivora populations in nurseries ins3;cgte that the impact of leaf sand crown rot is ss:a- son;al. Initial disease damage and new 'sn- fectionas are more evident in late spri».g and early summer. This is trrnbabi4• a result c-f the appearance of more frequent rttists that thoroughly saturate the growth medium rattler than a direct ten><pEraturc effect. On the other lased, cool winter and fait tem~ peracurrs3 clearly reducm the incidence and dcvelopttletit of leaf and crown rot. Re- SBEtrG11 to re5olvp these issues pr6SatiYIV Ltfl~ derwAy. Obsrtvaiions of Loaf and crown roc prola- lenzs lit nursery pradus:tion systems indicate that the disease cats be easily trarisrritted during prapggation. >auri~t~ this process. 71ia 1vl~le vT>`vbd ^nd AEFiau1M^~ Se+eaR (WAS) .s en EQaai aAmptnyuK^t gF{~oNllltirv~rhOlh2 Aaiun F-mplo~F svlhariced w pcaeips ra,eueA. ad'.K~t+anat ~ t m~ocma:ion and o+hat ,crv~cas nnlY lu gWih6uyb and ionimuon^ ~1,^~ turp~wa +~i~hom r~~ to uu. coca. f^x a1,a hanEUep cr nuwn^{ vFg~b 4' ~ pCPARTMFNT OP AGIUGyGY(1A~. Ft.41UbA CQOPFR~.T1bE B!ITEN$lata SER~ICk.1.'NIV~R$ITYOF F1.O14lAA I1~A3. FLQAmw 4 Y A) ~?pl'VQAS[TY GOOF@RiTIVP EXTEerSIOAI PtIOGMhZISNf ;wpw~e~c ne ~nr ~.•.•...~-. ~ -_•- - - ....- _ ._ • • flran~e bounty L=xtanalon diseased roots end infested soil sre efl'octively trana~ (erred m new pots. (Jere present in a rzur~ry, the disease is easily spread bbtweerz densely packed container-grown plnnrs proda~sd with overhead sl~rirtkler Irrigation. CivC~wdtering, and particularly, petiodic flaading prrsvides ideal eo~nditia>7a for infection and dispersal irz nurseries and landscapes. Sporangia are grodttcttf and accttrnuiate gvrrr time is soils that stave a normal moisture content, A sudden episode of sail satura- tion ter fla4ding irzdace9 the sporangia to release their zoospores which disperse in dle excessive wa- ter and infect flew toots. Flooding also promotes the inf,,ectian o£ roots that emerge (torn drain holes in pats; such roots are directly exposed to flood or ntn- r~f'!' water, Bout splashing water and surfaaa run-off trartspocts zoospores and sporangia ~rotb diseased to ncrrt-diseased plantfi and between plaza containers. ~ANA,G1EMluN'~ tbF Lll~AF AND CR.UWN }2G1T DURING NURg1E;}tY PRODUC,"I'IQN The best approach to managing f.iriope leaf and crarvn rot is to exclude or avoid the disease_ At- tempts to control leaf and crown rot in the ns~rst;ry ~r~ith ftattgicides az~e costly and, with presently- svailable futgicides, have been only moderately of (active. Routine tregtrrzeztt of plant ntattrial at propa< gallon end during early phases of Liriope gro4vtlt thereafter with fungicides ar other materials known co have good activity agttinsC 15hytophthora arzd ~res- lated pztthoger-s hezs beten ntodet'sCely effectivt~ in suppressing or reducing tile? incidence of die>t~tase durttrg nurtiery productiazt. However, fungicide ap- plications probebly have limited usefulness, because thc~~• Qah• hc}p to prevEot, beet do zaot Cure, leaf and Crown tot, , 1~Utigt4ldes suoh as meefettoxam, fosetyl-alurninurrt, aqd certain phosphorous acid-based materials earl 7+rrttporarily prevent disease estagliwhment by induc- ing or activating taarural defence systems within the 1_.iriope giant, but these turzgicides have little effect ~~n residual izloculunt {sporangia) in the soil. When such fungicides decompgse or are leaohnd from. the soil soften within 4 to 6 weeks), disease usually re- appears, In general, presezttiy-available fungicides have ttot been vary effective in controlling disease i>1 Liriope that arts alrerady infected with P. paltx-ivora. Apftrc!priate cultural practices Can reduce disaasa 14sses. )~oc example, the type o~F growth m+rdium of ftCt¢ the iocidanre ct£ ltaf told crowd rct. 4mong the growth tnrrdia tested. builder's sand, was least con- ducive tea infection and discasa development, IJis• ease dQVeloprnent increased with incrcasta i~ peat moss content of the media,. Several experirnents are underway tt, evaluate growth tntsdium zrtgredients including composted hardwood ~6ar(c and other bio~ conVO! taterials. MANAG)~iv~~NT 4F Y.~AF AND ~RO~'N 1~U'~ IN >[.A-IYDSC'APES Lsndsrapers should itxspe~ct and obtain plants from a nursery that is successfully mataging or avoiding the {eat' and crowd rot disease and ran consistently provide disease-free Liriope plartts_ Avoid plant crowding, planting tea deep, and aver-watering, IJo not plant Liriope where there is a likoliho,~d of fre- quent flooding nr collection of oxcassir~•e surface runoff, Fungicides probably haYC limited use in the landscape because they are costly and ta,~r<csr su s, but do eat cuxe loaf and eror~vn rot. Avoid $at s with high organic and peat moss aorrtent. ]/aperiments and observstiotxs have dernanstrated that when diseased or dead plants arc removed from a landscape; planting and a new plant is re-planted in the sacna focatiot~, there is a goad chane:e that the new pliant will evetntua!!y ltecame diseased. The r~z-- snn 1'vr this is that there is likely to be residual in- oculum of P. palmivora in the soil that was izt con- tact with the root systezza of the original, diseased plant. Often, infvctiotl and distasa development in the new plant requires from 2 to b mgnthf to occur, bat i& likely to hsppern sooner dur~ the summer .--~- rairiy seatSQA. <.. Sometimes, far reasons uttkttaw~rz, the ne~~ plane does aac beeomer diseased. rilantings frere of leafi cell crown rot art likely to remain unaEfeated unless the di$east is somehow lntroduoed. Treatmeztt of re- placement lacatians with fungicides !}afore rsptacing the plant is unlikely to be complet<+I~~ effective. but surly treatments might reduce the; number of n+~•~• plants that beearne diseased. Lxperin~ents ttti detEr- mine the effloaCy of fungicides itior this pur~~ase era undervay- pot more detailed infortuation and phgtos r•i~it the web: http//rtu~e,fifers.ufl.edulj~,sJliriopes~.htm r+er~rc,o, n~ .~,ut r-..~.......~...~~...... ......~ ~... .... 3~ • • • 6~9 ~C " ~ln~ ~ • Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: _ ~~ ~ Date: ~Z3 ~ Project: TL~~ Safety and Eauipment: Monthly Maintenance Resorts Yes No Date: 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 1 2 3 4 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 2 3 4 5 7, Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) ~ fa r~W S,Oc~`a )~.~.e~ ~J t,~~~-es' "SPn1r-~5J (~IJO /V~eA~t_ F~~~.lo4f • • RE: TLBD Globe Lighting Project ~~ Page 1 of 1 Serit~.9 ~~V~dnesday, February 18, 2004 11:51 AI~28 EAST STATE ROAD 434 _R~~P teven Richart WINTER SPRINGS, FLORI[5A 32708-2799 Utlltty Telephone (407) 327-1800 Dep ~Rment~~BD Globe Lighting Project Fax (407) 327-6695 Steve, Re: Tuskawilla Lighting project. This project is quite a large undertaking and I will have to ask for several additional weeks to get an estimate to you. My analysis indicates that single mounted light fixtures be installed every 120 to 130 ft, staggered to get 0.9 foot candles avg. And a uniformity of 4.3:1. In order to keep the uniformity below 5:1, I have to decrease spacing and stagger the lights. The next step is to start spotting the lights and work up the cost to provide electricity to each one. Touch base with me in two weeks and I will give you a progress report Gilbert M. DeFreitas Regional Lighting Specialist Progress Energy Florida 407-942-9489 280-2489 -----Original Message----- From: Steven Rlchart [mallto:srichart@wintersprinasfl oral Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 9:45 AM To: Defreitas, Gilbert M. Cc: Brantley and Linda Tlllis; Andrea Lorenzo-luaces Subject: TLBD Globe Lighting Project « Message: Untitled Attachment » « File: Steven Richart.vcf » • • • 2/19/2004 .~. s~ ~~ °~ Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ~ ~ ~, i ~'~ Date: ~ Project: '~(.~~ Safetv and Eauiument: ©~ ~9,~0~ ~ ©~ '~ ~ r Month) ainte ance Re orts _Yes _No Date: • ~~ Rs~~t_ ~~ ~ T ~ ~~V l~u~ ~tllil n i K m w« ~ L/fl ~ . _ iT~ i i . v ~ c ~ S~P'le- / T `~ -+ 1 y 2t~~ Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) ~o <<~` wttd~S _ 1 ~ - ~'PrS t*~ t-- ~Q-~1 ~ n.> (~ c~ 1 a,~S FEB-23-04 5UN 10:05 AM P&L~LAWN~MAINTENANCE.INC 4076791085 lJ ~ ~ ~ f'h+®~p~ as~n+uay;o ~se~un i/[ep C~ N - S~j ~~.ld'{ ~ sI.1-• ~3W~7 t~ 1 41~:M NrIPus4 ~q o~,f :8~~~817ba~ aJ~h1~ P. 02 ~ ~~ £ ~ L •uo~3sa~unuauaoa .tnpua{~ •g ~ ~, ~ b ~, •~>eadde q;~na pus aauta~gad~is l1s~sAa .a +~ Y £ Z ~ •saBpay pus $gn,lys ~~ Buytuuuta,~ •L ~ ~ E Z ~ ~_J'nrL N ~ ~ "u.t~~Bb.rd ~~a~ulaya pus uoput~lN#~a~ '9 9 i- ~ ~ F ~ 'aBs~an~~ wars uo~#>~ki~.l,1~ '9 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 •ssaJte adr~~rsplsy pas saa~.us~d }0 6u~~p~ 'b S it ~ Z k '~+snt~cua,t s~~q;3p puts yss.lJ. •~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ `ssaae ad~asp,~~y pu$'s~~sM `sq.~>ta'ste~ua~d ~o pu~paa~ •~ ~ $ ~ ~ 6 ~saaaa,Nn; ~a dnuea~a pu* ;6uEwua~a~ ~~a~usyoa6u "Bu~n~o~y • k ~. ~-.~.~ ~a=~0 oN----~ ~A ua in ~~~~ 9~.lG ~ 041 f ~t . ~ ~ ~ "a~~f~'1 ~r,~'d"Int ~"', ~ :~topua~ -- - s~~t~u~~udew ~puna,~~ ~vd~-~ uo~;~~dsu~ l~~~lenp u~~~e~l~l~n~sg u~ay.~n ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ +~n ~~ 6 S8/i0 3JHd ~.Sd3 '1~dH ~,.LI~ 9699LZEGBb Zb~ST bQ6Z/t3il~B a,