HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 04 30 Other Handout by Bill Starmer
APRIL 30, 2002
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04/30/2002 16:40 4079778349
407 330 3257 Apr 30,02 13:19 P.02
April 30, 2002
Starmer Ranaldi, lnc.
To: F~pon FoUDlains
AttD: George VolIct
From: David Watts
The foUowiDa is a list ofpondlfcuntain projettl we have completed which have a
shotcmc.-textured sheD. ) .
Tampa Palms Club House
Tampa Palms
16402 Tempa Palms Blvd
Tampa, Fl
Legends Golf aDd Country Club EOlE)' Wa~ FoatlIre
Leaeam Golf.-d CounttY Club
US Hwy 27
CIermoxrt, Fl
OrlaDdo lnterDll1JoDll Airport Aini4c 2 W"1bC n
OrJondo Jntemaaional M'pol't
9000 Airport Blvd
Orllado Fl
ViUqa Rctio'" Medical Cemer FoUDtaiD
VWaaes Ilepooal Medical CenlC2'
1465 Clemente Court
The Villaaes Fl 321599
The ViDaees Cr 42 aM Buena Vista Blvd EDtt)' Ponds
16520 Buena Vista BlVd
The ViIIap Fl
($1) 94l- ~ IW% (851) SMl- ~1
April 29, 2002
Planning and Architecture Inc
~ Ranaldi
To: The Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Board (TLBD)
Re: Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Entryway Enhancement
sri Project # no 18
The following comments have been brought to our attention as concerns of the TLBD and we have provided
responses to each comment below. For the purpose of clarification the comments have been divided into three
A. Comments requiring direction from the TLBD
B. Comments requiring clarification from the TLBD
C. Comments which are acknowledged and have been, or will be corrected.
We trust the following responses will be well received and look forward to discussing each item with you at the next
TLBD meeting scheduled for Tuesday 30 April 2002 at 7:00 pm.
A. Comments Reauirin!! TLBD Direction
Comment I: Gunnite pool bottom too rough to clean, will trap dirt and allow algae to grow.
Response I: The pool bottom was installed in accordance with the plans and specifications. Our design intent was
to create a natural rough bottom pond effect and not a smooth swimming pool effect. This design
concept came from recommendations of water feature experts in the industry and we would be glad to
invite them to share their experiences with you. Whether smooth or rough bottom, the pool, as
designed with out a chemical treatment or leaf skimmer system, will require periodic draining and
Direction I: The bottom line is some members of the TLBD were expecting a smooth bottom and a rough bottom is
what was installed. We can either paint or stain the bottom to visually let the roughness disappear or
we can try a resurfacing to provide a smoother bottom which, will be easier to maintain, both
additional finishes come at additional expense. Please advise do we leave it alone, paint, or refinish?
Comment 2: The signage is not what the TLBD expected. The faux finish, height of certain signs, and the stand off
gap between the wall and sign are concerns.
Response 2: The signage is installed per the plans and specifications. The faux finish was presented to the TLBD on
at least four separate occasions with the TLBD giving a vote of approval for the finish which you
currently see on the final product. The smaller wall signs have a %" +/- gap between the wall and the
sign due to the corbelling protrusion of the soldier course of brick and is properly installed. The height
of the signs is too low at the Citrus/Shetland entry and will be move to the straight wall on the north
side of each entry wall feature and raised approximately 8". The three additional entry signs at Dyson,
Deer Run, and Howell Creek will also be raised 8" to eliminate this same low condition. The Seneca
wall is even lower and we are working on a solution to raise this sign.
Direction 2: a. Is the faux finish acceptable or does an alternative finish need to be considered.
b. Is raising the low wall signs at Citrus/Shetland, Dyson, Deer Run, and Howell Creek, 8" acceptable.
c. Is the current %" sign stand off from the wall surface acceptable or does an alternative mounting
need to be considered.
890 Northern Way Suite E I
ph 407 977 1080 fx 407 977 1019
Winter Springs. Florida 32708
email info@sriarch.com AA-002984
Tuscmlila Entryway Enhanc~rTIt.:nts - Comm~nts
~,2l),2002 - Pagl: 2
COl11ml:nt:l: The pavers across thl: streets do not knd for a smooth transition from thl: pavl:ml:nt to thl: brick. Thl:
bricks in some cases Jre not levl:l.
R~sponse 3: The pavers arc installed per the plans and specitications. We will check industry standard allowable
tol~rancl:s and make corr~ctlon to those areas not with in tokranc~. How~ver the design intent was to
crl:ate a sense of arrival and entry identity. WI: hdieve this was successfully done bl:caus~ you visually
sel: the paVl:rs, audibly hl:ar the paVl:rs, and physically fel:l thl: pavers.
Dir~cllon 3: Providl:d thl: pavl:rs arl: installed within accl:ptable tolerancl:s is the paver installation accl:ptabll: or
docs an altl:rnative teaturl: nl:l:d to bl: considerl:d.
C\)mml:nt~: Landscaping is a growing concern. f\lany tre~s appl:ar to havl: bl:l:n damagl:d, and may bl: dying, by
equipml:nt bl:ing on thl: root structurl:. and thl: mulch along Wintl:r Springs Boull:vard washl:s out into
thl: street.
Responsl:~: Thl: landscaping was installl:d in substantial complianc~ with the plans and specifications, with minor
adjustml:nt tor conditions as monitorl:d and approvl:d by our landscape consultant, the City's arborist.
and the TLBD's landscape consultant. As it rl:lates to the potential of dying trees, the contractor was
warned in the specitications. cautioned at the prl:-construction conterl:nce, and sited several times for
violations during construction. We intend to hold the contractor accountable for the removal and
replacl:ment of any tn:l:s which die or reach the point of distress beyond recovery for a period of 12
months after the any given area has been accepted as complete. As it relates to the mulch beds. we
have intormed the contractor of the proper mulch depth at the curbs at the median islands and as each
median island is accepted we have and will continue to have them rework the mulch beds to our
Direction 4: a. Is our handling of the mulch bed acceptable or shall an alternative mulch bed be considered.
b. Is our approach to the damaged trees acceptable or should an alternative approach be considered.
R. Comments ReQuirin!! TLRD Clarification
Comment I: The curved sections of bricks are not smooth and the wall radii appear to be poor workmanship.
Response I: The curved brick elements are installed per industry standards and the masonry sub-contractor made
some suggestions which we accepted to makl: the tight radii appl:arance more pleasing.
Clarify I:
a. Are you referring to the round planters or the arched walls.
b. Pkase be more specitic about thl: concl:rn and which wall locations.
Comment 2: Soldier bricks in many areas do not appl:ar to be vertical and paralkl.
Response 2: The brick soldil:r course are reviewl:d at I:ach I:ntry, we havl: required some rework to bl: donI:, and
will continue to review each I:ntry as WI: make tinal inspections for approval.
Clarify 2:
Pleasl: be specific about a particular wall location so we can review it and make a determination.
R. Comments Acknowledl!ed and Rein!! Corrected
Comment 1: A pool drain was installed on the north side of the storm water drain but none noted on the south side.
The one on the north was of questionable elevation, did it slope down the entire way or was it turned
up at the invert of the storm water drain.
Response I: Drains will be installed at both north and south ponds and will be tested for proper drainage flow.
. .
Tuscawilla Entry\\ay Enhanccmcnts - l'llmmC!lts
-l,2l)/2002- Pat;1: 3
Comml:nt 2: Thl: storm watcr urains installcu hy the county rl:quirl: rc\\ork anu the TLBD IS concl:rncu about the
cost anu tinal uesit;n solution,
Rcsponse 2: Thl: City has agreeu to ahsorh this c.xpensl: anu the TLBD will bc given thc opportunity to review anu
approve thl: tinal uesign solution.
Comment 3: Crack on north brick wall not rl:pairl:u yd,
Rl:sponse 3: The contractor has been notitieu anu thl: repair wi II bc mauc.
Comment -l: Therl: is no eviuencl: of irrigation south of thl: south ponu.
Responsl: -l: The contract calls for this area to be til:d into the m:w irrigation systl:m and will be accomplished.
Comment 5: How are they going to level the top of overtlow on the watl:rfall bricks'!
Response 5: The waterfall will have a precast stone weir cap which will be set with a levc\ to ensure even and
unitorm water tlow l)Ver the brick wall.
Comment 6: The ornamental iron at all areas must have the tops of the vertical pieces capped. The metal needs
touch up painting before leaving the job.
Response 6: We will contirm that the plans and specitications call tor a closure cap and see that they are installed.
Comment 7: Where top of brick was cut for rebar. the tin ish is unacceptable at many of the entrances.
Response 7: The only place to our knowledge where this occurred was at Trotwood and the contractor has been
told that the current condition is unacceptable and needs to be repaired.
Comment 8: Sidewalk cracked in front of wall.
Response 8: The contractor will be notitied and repair work will be done.
Comment 9: Piece of brick broken out of wall.
Response 9: The contractor will be notitied and repair work will be done.
Comment I O:Apparently a problem with the irrigation was left between the entrance contractor and one running a
water or sewer line. We hear threats of litigation.
Response 10: Weare aware of the situation and have scheduled a resolution meeting for 2 May 02.
Comment II :Problem with wall sign arch. The arch was made wrong. then the sign was made to tit the arch.
Response II: The contractor has been advised of this problem and they will rebuild this portion of the wall.
cc: File