HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 11 16 Other Handout by Steven Richart during Agenda Item 500 Date: November 16,2005 THE FOLLOWING WAS HANDED OUT DURING THE TLBD MEETING BY STEVEN RICHART. (!) TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT Ci of Winter S rin s Overview Urban Beautification Mana er Monthly Meeting Report 11/16/05 Steven T. Richart Office: 407-327-5976 Fax: 407-327-6695 Email: srichart winters rin sfl.or A. Budget 1. TLBD Maintenance Fund - 184 2. TLBD Improvement Fund - 308 B. Maintenance Items and Progress Report 1. P & L landscaping is performing to standard. 2. Lightscapes has installed low voltage lighting for the new Sylvester palms off of the original transformers at the Tuskawilla Road main entrance. 3. The North fountain, lUskawilla Road entrance, waterfall relay is being replaced by Florida Water Features. 4. Waterworks has done an additional spot cleaning on the main Tuskawilla Road entrance. C. Phase 2 Project 1. Results of the straw ballot votes were 1054 approving and 618 rejecting with 31 incomplete votes. 2. The City Commission approved the TLBD Phase 2 Project on Monday, November 14, 2005. Pre-payment coupons will be sent out to all residents within 25 days. 3. If more than 75% of the district makes a capital pre-payment, it may not be necessary to acquire financing for the Phase 2 project. D. Other Projects 1. Lightscapes will be installing the Holiday Bows at each entrance next week. 2. Poinsettia will be installed at each entrance next week by Knox Nursery. 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I I totz:l 00 -.J-.J -.JO'\ ~< Ulol> I OH --.... 00 00010 GlCJl 0 01>01> 01>01>0 tz:Itz:I Ul UlUl 0 0 OUlUlO 1-,]0 * * * ><: f-'If-' I-,] WUlID Ul Ul Ul Ul 0 -.J0'\oI> 0'\ 0'\ 0'\ 0'\ :J:; 0'\oI>f-' 01> 01> 01> 01> () oI>OOW 00 00 00 00 I-,] OO-.JO'\ -.JO -.J -.J O-.JOO ~ IDUlol> UlO Ul Ul OUlOO t"' tz:I Z () --.... ;d tz:I 0'\ 0'\ 0'\ 0'\ iO 01> 01> 01> 01> Ul Ul Ul Ul NO 10 10 01000 00 0 0 0000 I I I I :J:; -.J 0'\ 0'\ 0'\ to~ I -.JO 10 10 -.JOON @~ Ulol> ID ID Ulol>O f-'Ul W W f-'UlO ~ii; LQ'O 00 ID ID 0000 I-,]t"' I-':J:; UlO Ul Ul OUlOO tz:I '<Gl rttz:l f-' 0. f-' ~ trf-' 0 0 00 CJl'O C 0 0 ID tz:I() 0. 01-,] 0 0 OWOO dP dP dPdPdPdP * * . Urban' Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: Project: . . tafetv and Eo.'oment: ~~~ 1""c1R Date: r,---= 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 9. Vendor communication. ~.'ntenance ~e~orts _ es _No Date: . Mowing, mechanical trir.nmrng, and cleanup of tuif areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 4 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 5. Irrigation system coverage. 6. Fertflization and chemical program. 1. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) ~,.J~ - ~ ~fk~/(f}-~ ~q,. ,,-. ~ = = = ~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ------ "-"~~n~'~~_""""~~_~~-'--~~"''-~'7..,_~.~.__,_...........,....~. P & L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 11/08/05 Thomas Payne 1. Overall, the site looks extremely good. 2. The remaining coleus annuals look rough and need to be changed out. 3. The recently replaced large red cedar tree at the main entry at Tuscawilla Road (north side) has been cut down and removed from the site and 2 new Medjool date palms have been installed. 4. Tipping is needed on the newly installed podocarpus plants, burfordii holly plants and the variegated Iigustrum plants in the islands in order to help these plants fill out. 5. Brown patch and pythium root rot fungus are visible in the turf behind the entry planter wall north side at the Tuscawilla Road entry and are likely the result of this area constantly staying too wet and these areas continue to enlarge and should be treated with appropriate turf fungicides. 6. New mulch has been installed over most of the site and looks good. 7. Some weeds are visible in the dwarf jasmine beds and some of the landscape beds and they need to be removed. Urban. Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Pi, L c...~ '1U3>O Date: ill?( ;:) ~/" Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turl areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 4 5 Vendor: Project: . . f ~afetv and Equlnment: cJ---- Maintenance Re arts Service Requests: (To be handfed within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) ~ \.J ~ .c. P-d,J(' llI...{- tI \J<...... _ v..}lcAui/t",n..1J 4,.J 0..- ~ =~ ~ ~ ~ Steven Richart From: Kip Lockcuff Sent: Monday, November 07,20058:53 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: Streetlight Page 1 of 1 Mayor reports a streetlight globe on the ground on WSB near Whitehall. Kipton Lockcuff, P.E. City of Winter Springs Utility/Public Works Director 407-327-5989 11/7/2005 ~(~~I~t?( Steven Richart From: iSent: To: Subject: hillerygp@juno.com Sunday, November 06, 2005 12:04 PM Steven Richart W /S street light Hi Steven: W/S STREET LIGHT GLOBE OFF AND BROKEN LOCATION--NORTH SIDE W/S BLVD ATTUSCA OAKS. GARY ~d\~~ \\ 1 Urban' Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance ~. Vendor: -8:t L lJh.; ProJect: . ~~O ~: . ~~.fetv and Eau'ament: () rc: Date: I v J 7 (/ OJ--- . , . Month Iv Maintenance ReDorts 5. Irrigation system coverage. 6. Fertflization and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. _Yes _No Date: Mowing, mechanical trlO1mlhg, and cleanup of tul1 areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 5 4 5 4 5 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 2 1 2 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 1 2 Se'rvfce Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) ~ ~ ~ ~ = = .... ~-~---.....-...- ~-=--.........,~-,...,..--~-...........-.,.",...- ~ ~~ '.............--~ P & L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 10/17105 Thomas Payne 1. Overall, the site looks extremely good. 2. The seed pods have been removed from the palm trees and the palms look good. 3. Annuals still seem to be missing from some of the remote entry sign planter boxes. 4. The recently replaced large red cedar tree at the main entry at Tuscawilla Road (north side) has been cut down and removed from the site. 5. Tipping is needed on the newly installed podocarpus plants in the islands in order to help these plants fill out. 6. Brown patch and pythium root rot fungus are visible in the turf behind the entry planter wall north side at the Tuscawilla Road entry and are likely the result of this area constantly staying too wet. 7. A rotary sprinkler head located at the far north end behind the entry planter wall north side at the Tuscawilla Road entry needs to be reset. 8. Some trunk damage from string trimming is visible on the trees located inside the minima jasmine beds. Edging out a circle of the jasmine about 6" away from the trunks will prevent this from happening. ON-SITE PROPERTY EVALUATION PROPERTY -o.s /2:00 .- 5:00 1 COLOR: 0 DENSITY: 0 MOWING HEIGHT: WEEDS: BROADLEAF PROBLEM GRASSE INSECTS: {) DISEASES: THATCH/SOIL CONDITION: WATERING: RECOMMENDATIONS: G~ Too Wet D Too Dry D TREE & SHRUB EVALUATION COLOR/GROWTH 0 POOR D IMPROVED D HEALTHY INSECT ACTIVITY: D MINIMAL D PRESENT D PREVIOUS DAMAGE DISEASE ACTIVITY: 0 MINIMAL 0 PRESENT D PREVIOUS DAMAGE OTHER FINDINGS: D WINTER INJURY 0 TRANSPLANT SHOCK D WATER DEFICIENCY D NORMAL LEAF DROP D EXPOSED ROOTS D POOR DRAINAGE D CONST. DAMAGE D MECH. INJURY o PLANTED TOO DEEP 0 MULCH TOO DEEP o GIRDLING ROOT/WIRE 0 WOOD BORING INSECTS RECOMMENDATIONS: RECOMMENDATIONS: LAWN INCLUDED: D ~EE TRUNK INJECT~,/, [o/NITROGEN VIRON o INSECTICIDE D FUNGICIDE o PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTR L . \. C o SULFUR ON SITE CONTACT PERSON TIME PHONE @ 2004 TruGreen L.P. All Rights Reserved CUSTOMER COPY Au ~W? 5 Q ~E.f\ October 6,2005 Dear Mr. Hillery My wife and I live in the 100 block of Blue Creek Drive whi~ is in the ~hest!lll1 _..~.- ----- ,Estates Development here.in the Tuscawilla area. We have been very supportive of the Beautification program as it is really showing some positive effects. However, we have a minor problem that may become serious in the future, and since you are the Chairman of the Beautification program we thought that you can help us or refer us to someone who can. ~ When returning to our home from shopping, visiting, etc we travel west on Winter Springs Boulevard and turn south into Blue Creek Drive. Until recentlY1l11s has been no problem. The landscaper has planted bUshes in the mIaale island along Winter Springs Blvd, and these bushes are blocking our view of oncoming traffic (eastbound) as we try to turn into our development. By blocking the view of oncoming traffic it increases the possibility of a very serious accident at this intersection. These bushes look nice but as they continue to grow they will become more of a problem. The bushes causing the problem are the Qnes with yellow t1ow~s. As Chairman of the Beautification program we are hoping that you can Investigate this situation and take any action that may be necessary. Also we noticed that on the north side of Winter Springs Blvd between Wood Duck Drive and Northern Way a lot oftrees have been planted very close together. Since this is the only section along Winter Springs Blvd that we noticed we assume that this was done by the homeowners association located in this area. We hope that this is not part of our beautification project becaust: it sure100ks like an overkill. We feel that it would be better if these trees were spaced further apart. Thank you for any consideration that you can give this matter. Sincerely: ~ A f._) f" , J,...:/ I . h ' ',' C' . . >YK0'vt;(1 U~ll/);~:- ""- Vincent P Cerniglia 117 Blue Creek Dr Winter Springs, FL 32708 Phone: 407-366-8714 J..~ IO/l~ l-,progress Energy 10: *vet\ ~~ Progress Energy Florida, Inc. 5525 Tech Data Drive Clearwater, Florida 33760 September 19, 2005 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ACCOUNTS PAYABLE TLBD SIGN FEATURES 1126 E STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 l84 Re: REPLACING YOUR ELECTRIC METER Account No. 1369577490 ENTRANCE SIGN Dear CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS: As part of our commitment to continuous improvement in service and reliability, Progress Energy Florida will install a new digital meter on your home or business in coming weeks. This advanced technology will improve the accuracy and timeliness of reading your meter. The new technology is also less intrusive: Meter readers will no longer come into your yard. Instead, your meter will be read remotely using proven electronic technology. The change eliminates the need to leave gates unlocked or to keep pets inside on your meter-reading day. Installation is simple. In fact, if we have access to your meter, you do not need to be home. You will not be charged for the new meter. Here is what to expect on installation day: · We will knock on your front door, or, for condos/apartments, we will alert your property manager. Installers will carry identification, but no one will need to enter your home. · Your power will be out fora few minutes during the installation of the new meter. If you are not home, we will leave a note on your front door after the work is complete. · Afterward, you will need to reset digital clocks and other electronic devices. Progress Energy Florida is committed to finding new and better ways to serve you, and we look forward to providing you improved customer service with the new, streamlined meter-reading system. For more information, read the enclosed brochure or visit us online at www.proaress-enercV.com. Sincerely, ~'4.~ Brian BiJrek Customer Accounting Operations Manager Progress Energy Florida Para obtener infonnacl6n en espariol sobre el nuevo medidorautomatico, visite nuestro sitio Web www.progress-enertlY.com. 0090