HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 07 20 Other - Handout by Steven Richart during Agenda Item 500TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT City of Winter Surinas Overview Urban Beautification Mana er Monthly Meeting Report 07/20/05 Steven T. Richart Office:407-327-5976 Fax:407-327-6695 Email: srichart winters rin sfl.or A. Budget 1. TLBD Maintenance Fund -184 2. TLBD Improvement Fund - 308 B. Maintenance Items and Progress Report 1. P & L is performing to standard. Trimming of palm tree seed pods is scheduled for the near future. 2. The south fountain at Tuskawilla Road. Both pumps (2) have been repaired and are back in service. Cost per pump repair was approximately $900.00 3. Florida Water Features is currently maintaining the fountains under a (1) year agreement. 4. Annuals have been rotated to yellow and red Coleus at all entrances. C. Street Lighting Proiect And Sign i. Updated CES schedule and other pertinent information included in this package. Ballots to be mailed on September 9th, 2005. D. Other Proiects 1. Waterworks was issued approval to pressure clean entrance walls at a cost of $2,000.00. 2. Jack Frost Ligustrum shrubs (500) have been installed in deficient areas throughout the Winter Springs Boulevard medians. 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I d H 0 o wow I dP d° dP dP dp I ~ I ~~ C~ '` . ' ~~~16 • ''~`CORID~' Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: _ ~~ ~.. ~ ~ Date: ~' --~~ Project: `' ~ ` ~;. ~' ' Safetv and Eguiament• ~ ~. Monthly Maintenance Reports ____Yes ____No Dafe: ~ ~ 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 1' 13 4- 5 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. ~ 1 2 3 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 2 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 4 5 ,~ Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) " ~C ~~ j t~"~~ G,.,~.~ ~~. o'er, ~.. ~t~.. r~ '`' ~' P & L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 07/12/05 Thomas Payne 1. At the N/W corner of Island #22 there appears to be a slow irrigation leak or an upwelling of surface water or a small spring as water is leaking out of this island onto the road and this should be checked. 2. Overall, the site looks very good. 3. The weed situation in the ground covers is much improved but some work is needed on the dollarweed in the draft jasmine beds in the planters around the fountains at the entry along Tuscawilla Rd. 4. Numerous small downed tree limbs are present we need to pick them up with our next service and continue to pick them up as needed. 5. Most of the annuals have been cut back and are starting to respond with new growth. 6. The seed pods need to be removed from the palm trees and we will schedule this operation as the tree crew becomes available. 7. A few small dry areas were visible in the islands and some of the newly installed plants were showing signs of wilt and thus some sprinkler adjustments may be needed. 8. Some newly installed variegated ligustrum, azaleas, burfordii holly and podocarpus plants were visible. Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: __ ~~ ~``'~ Date: ~ ~ ~~'~ Project: ~~~ ' Safety and Eauiament: ~- ~ - 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. Month)/y M~atntenanae Reports .~ e'Y s aNo Dafe: .. ., 1 Z ~ 4~ 5 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 Z 3~ 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 5. irrigation system coverage. ~ (~ 5 ~ -- ~-~C 1 Z ~~} 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 Z 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overali appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) ~x~~rior +~l~e~~r~g for the C~~rne~rcr~1:VVo-r~cf s, Zoos Steven fZchart City of Winter Springs 1126 East SFt 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 t~E, Tuscawilla Signs, Walls & Fountains Dear Sir, Thank you far the opportunity to present TerraClean's proposal for your properties cleaning needs. 1 am confident we are t e best. qualified co oany to provide the servi. you expect in a.~rofessio~al annex. Ak TerraCtean we utilize the exclusive Mallard Systems, an innovative, NO PRESSURE, Ch®mical Process that treats the problem as a pest, not a stain. Our three-in-one process removes building stains, "like mold, mildew, dirt and grime" eradicates the spores and protects against further infestation by leaving behind a residual algaecide and fungicide barrier #o inhibit airborne spores from growing. Following is our pricing propesal for your review and censideratiort, Chemically Clean NeighbQrhoad Entrances & Fountains. 57.392.00 2 Cleanings ! Year for mildew and haM water stains. Streets: Deer Run, L7ysan, Howell Creek, TUSCOra, Shetland, Winter Springs Blvd (Main and Oviedo Entrances), Trotwood & Vistawilla. 5a _e scope work as we corn ! ted in 2004. Please let me know if there is any additional infiormation you need. You can also visit our web site at www.terraclean_us. There is a wealth of information about our company along with soma excellent references on our company and cleaning process. Again, f greatly appreciate this opportunity. Far your convenience you can reach me at ($f36) 868-3772, or my cell at (407) 832-1108, or email at aclockverldlter~ad~an. us. With You're .. .. .. x.:~lu~~ ~ari~. ~~~r, ~onnr~-a~: ~'#or~da,: ~7~0 6.~'T~RI~A; F~ac ~~'6~~ 5~ ~ `T'~~tF,. www.,rira.cfn.us ZOOM] Nt~~'I~ ~2I21~,L C~00 61;6 LOfi %~'d Ci~:ST Q3M ~0/90/LO Page 1 of 1 Steven Richart From: PNL89@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 2:01 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: Irrigation Update Steven, Louis found the leak in island # 20 and says it is a broken valve. He could not work on it today as the hole keeps filling up with water. He will check back and as soon as it is dry enough to work in, he will make the necessary repairs. Thanks, Thom 7/9/2005 P & L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 06/27/05 Thomas Pnyne 1. At the N/W corner of Island #22 there appears to be a slow irrigation leak or an upwelling of surface water or a small spring as water is leaking out of this island onto the road and this still needs to be checked. 2. Overall, the site looks very good and the foreman should be recognized for the improvement. 3. Pest Problems visible: cycad scale on the sagos, entomosporium leaf spot fungus on the Indian hawthorn (best controlled by limiting overhead irrigation), lace bugs on the azaleas, iron deficiency (yellowing) in the turf, serious brown scale on the zamias, cottony cushion scale on the pittosporums, lubber grasshoppers on the crinum lilies, pythium and brown patch fungus in the turf behind the front north entry wall C~ Tuscawilla Rd. (due to saturated soil conditions) and snails and/or slug damage on the melampodium. 4. The plant material at the south side of the entry sign C~ the Dyson Road entry look hungry. 5. We need to continue to trim the new growth off the ligustrum trees as needed. 6. The weed situation in the ground covers is much improved and we need to stay on top of this situation. We also need to be careful to pick up our cuttings when working in these beds. 7. There is a downed tree limb in island #5 and we need to pick it up with our next service. 8. It is ok to start shaping the thryallis plants and we would suggest rounding them into shape. 9. There is a busted sprinkler and/or wash out along the sidewalk C~ the Shetland entry and this information was passed on to Jeff Norris for repair scheduling. `; ~~ Tuaca~tilia Li~htln~ and Beaut~i~atlan pia~llc~ ~IT1F' QF V~1E~NTER &PRINf~& MONTHLY LIGHTING INSPECTION Date' G - z ~ ~- 0 '~-° Inspector: ~y~ Entrances: 1. ,~ Le~~j ,o - 2. TuskawiUa Road and Trotwood. 3. Shetland /Citrus. (3~° . 4. Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. D/ 5. lVistawilla. _ Q1 C~, 6. Tuscora. 7. Dyson. (9'IC_ 8. ~ .Deer Run. -- - -L#S 7" S~%~-'-' ~ ~ss~.~ ~ Nn ~ ~% 9. Howell Creek di,.~,-c~c~~ ~"~ lLe._„(J 1 a--e Q ~ G~_ ~e. a~-s ~" ,~ i i~-e,~ Winter Springs Blvd: ~ 1. Medians /Rights of Way. Notes: ~ ~nv~IInLL ~ ~I..LLC t LCl W ~ PRnPFR~'S' EVALUATION ^ SCRVII~E li%1LL ^ PRO-ACTIVE SERVICE CALL C . °'~1PANY NAME a PROPERTY NAME ~ ~S ~ A E ADDRESS f~' C ~L STATE ZIP SERVICE CONTACT NAME TIME IN TIME OUT ~ ~p (1 =Poor, 5 =Excellent) Good Too High Too Shart Dull Blade 1 2 3 4 5 MOWING HEIGHT: ~ ^ ^ ^ COLOR: ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ Good Too Wet Too Dry DENSITY: ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ WATERING: ~ ^ ^ WEEDS: RECOMMENDATIONS: BROADLEAF PROBLEM_ GRASSES //~Td¢//f INSECTS: ~'K ~ C-E-( ~ ,~C~~l/G'~ DISEASES: ~- THATCH/SOIL CONDITION: COLOR/GROWTH ^ POOR ^ IMPROVED ^ HEALTHY OTHER FINDINGS: ^ WINTER INJURY ^ TRANSPLANT SHOCK INSECT ACTIVITY: ^ MINIMAL ^ PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS DAMAGE ^ WATER DEFICIENCY ^ NORMAL LEAF DROP DISEASE ACTIVITY: ^ MINIMAL ^ PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS ^ EXPOSED ROOTS ^ POOR DRAINAGE DAMAGE ^ CONST. DAMAGE ^ MECH. INJURY RECOMMENDATIONS: ^ PLANTED TOO DEEP ^ MULCH TOO DEEP ~~~ ^ GIRDLING ROOTNVIRE ^ WOOD BORING INSECTS RECOMMENDATIONS: •~~ ~ • LAWN ^ TREE/SHRUB ^ OTHER I CLUDED: ^ TREE TRUNK INJECTION ^ SULFUR ^ NATURAL FERTILIZER ITROGEN ~RO ^ AERATION SECTICIDE FUNGICIDE ^ HORT. OIL ^ PHOSPHORUS ~MICRONUTRIENTS ~OTASSIUM ^ LIME ^ SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL ~OST EMERGENT WEED CONTROL ^ OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ 7`~ r L~~.~~~ r i~~ ~. ON SITE CONTACT PERSON ®2003'hvGreen L.P. w~rcu xnr CUSTOMER COPY All Rights Reserved INK _ ~. DATE / // // fem./// _TIME 1 ~~' ` i \ / I / REP. / PHONE MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Commission FROM: Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager t ~ ~ DATE: July 12, 2005 SUBJ: T.L.B.D. Assessment District Agenda Item 508 I am requesting the Commission to reconvene immediately to reconsider your vote in last night's meeting to reject recommendations to approve a revised Implementation Schedule. This request is being made for two compelling reasons. 1. Failure to reconsider this item could do irreparable harm to chances of the Assessment District going forward. 2. Based upon my review of the meeting, it was apparent that there was substantial confusion and misunderstanding of the facts resulting in the vote the Commission took. It is unfortunate that complications from Hurricane Dennis made it impossible for me to be able to return to the City in time for the meeting, and that Steven Rinehart was unable to be at the meeting due to the tragic situation with his Mother. Had either of us been able to be there I think we could have brought a lot of clarity to the confusion. OVERVIEW I believe a brief overview of this matter would be helpful. February 14, 2005 Commission Meeting. Commission presented with Regular Agenda Item 501 requesting the Commission to proceed with Phase II of T.L.B.D. Improvements. Commission authorized the following: C:\Documents and Settingsljpalladino\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKI iD\TLBD District Commission Memorandum.doc Page 1 of 4 a) City Manager to enter into a contract with G.S.G. to perform events schedule provided by G.S.G. for the following: 1) Approval of an August 2005 initial resolution authorizing the Assessment District to proceed. 2) Inclusion on November 2005 assessment rolls. 3) Staff to return to the Commission with dates fora straw ballot. 4) Construction to begin mid-2006. Apri12005 Legal Advisory. G.S.G. attorneys advised staff that after considerable review, the schedule presented to the staff and Commission in the February 14, 2005 Regular Agenda Item 501 could not be fully implemented due to the fact that the assessments could not be placed on the November 2005 Assessment Rolls due to the Statutory Notice requirement. As a result, the earliest assessments could be included on the Assessment Rolls was November 2006. Following this revised opinion from G.S.G. lawyers, staff, the T.L.B.D., and G.S.G. began the process of revising the implementation schedule. The solution for the revised plan did not appear to be particularly problematic for the following reasons: 1. Construction of the new street lighting system was totally in the hands of FP&L. 2. FP&L could not begin construction until July 2006 at the earliest and most likely later. 3. FP&L stated a willingness to delay payment until the end of the construction period for each phase, delaying the final payment date until December 2006, and very likely until after the first of January 2007. 4. The City had the fallback option of easily structuring some type of short term bridge loan into the project financing. June 23, 2005 Budget Meeting. At the June 23, 2005 Budget Meeting staff brought the Commission up-to-date on the status of the project, including the fact that the assessments could not be added to the assessment rolls until November 2006. C:\Documents and Settings\jpalladinoU,ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK11D\TLBD District Commission Memorandum.doc Page 2 of 4 June 27.2005 Commission Meeting. Consistent with the directives of the Commission in the February 14, 2005 Commission meeting, staff submitted Regular Agenda Item 506, and a schedule for the straw ballot. The Commission authorized the ballot to be sent with a July 20, 2005 mandatory return date. July 11, 2005 Commission Meeting. Regular Agenda Item 508 was presented to the Commission this date by the City Manager requesting the City Commission to adopt a revised project schedule. This agenda item was intended to do two things: 1) To bring the schedule up-to-date with all actions to date, including the final assessments being placed on the 2006 assessment rolls. The new schedule does not change the projected construction date. The new schedule does preserve the necessity of getting the Commission to create the Assessment District prior to the December 2005 drop dead date for preserving current FP&L construction costs, and maintaining the project on the FP&L summer construction schedule. 2) To provide additiona160-days for public education prior to the straw ballot vote. The ballot schedule adopted by the Commission on the June 27, 2005 meeting provides only 2 days for mailing and returning the straw ballot. This would be acceptable if there had been considerable public education on the issue prior to the ballot being mailed. Based upon comments received at the Commission meeting, and discussions with staff, and T.L.B.D. Board meeting, I learned that there had been no public education to date on this issue. Knowing that the rule of thumb strongly suggests that informed public referendums require three to five separate and distinct forms of public notice and education, I became very concerned regarding the possibility of an informed ballot result. C:\Documents and Settings\jpalladino\I,ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK11D\TLBD District Commission Memorandum.doc Page 3 of 4 In my opinion, if we go forward with the ballot schedule approved June 27, 2005 by the City Commission, the ballot will not reflect an informed decision, and when the public does not feel informed they traditionally vote "NO". The schedule provided to you in the July 11, 2005 meeting addresses all of the Assessment District issues. Alternatives• 1. Return to the original project schedule contained in the February 14, 2005 Agenda Item providing for the first assessments to be placed on the November 2005 assessment rolls. As stated, this alternative is not legally possible. 2. Adopt the schedule presented to the Commission in the July 11, 2005 agenda item prepared by the City manager. This schedule successfully addresses all issues including preservation of the summer 2006 construction schedule, including two months for public education, and 10 days for voting. 3. Maintaining the June 27, 2005 schedule providing for a July 20, 2005 ballot return date. As stated, this would be highly inadvisable providing voters only 2 days to return their ballots. ~~ 4. Adopt an amended straw ballot schedule amending the mail out date to July ?~3; 2005, and return date to August 12, 2005, providing three weeks for public educations, and giving the voters 10 days for voting. If we amend the schedule which we desperately need to do, why not provide as much public education time as possible. Recommendation: In light of this additional and hopefully clarifying information, my recommendation remains for the Commission to have an immediate emergency meeting to adopt the schedule contained in the July 11, 2005 Regular Agenda Item 508. ~jp C:\Documents and SettingsljpalladinoU.ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK11D\TLBD District Commission Memorandum.doc Page 4 of 4 AGENDA CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2005 - 4:30 P.M. CITY HALL -COMMISSION CHAMBERS •:•s•• NOTE: IT IS NOT UNCOMMON THAT THERE MAY BE CHANGES TO THIS AGENDA, INCLUDING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TD BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY COMMISSION. •:• •:• CALL TO ORDER Roll Call Invocation Pledge Of Allegiance REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 500. Office Of The City Manager Reconsider Approval Of The July 1 1, 2005 Regular Agenda Item 508. ADJOURNMENT * PUBLIC NOTICE This is a Public Meeting, and the public is invited to attend. This Agenda is subject to change. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City of Winter Springs, 48 hours in advance of the Meeting at (407) 327-1800, per Section 286.26 Florida Statutes. Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decisions made at these Meetings/Hearings they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. CITY COMMISSION BUDGET WORKSHOP - 6-23-OS (Excerpts from discussion on the TLBD Phase II project.) Commissioner Blake: "I do have one question on the capital, or improvement funds. Cause debt service is nothing -that's ..." Kelly Balagia: "My understanding that the debt service on this would actually be 07 - So this .... These loan proceeds would have to be drawn ...." Mayor Bush: "You need to speak into the mike." Commissioner Blake: You talking or, on the new debt?" Kelly Balagia: "Yeah .... On, on what would finance this $512,000 in street lighting." Commissioner Blake: "OK" Kelly Balagia: "ITh, I'm not sure .... Do you know the timing of this, Kip, but, uh, the debt service payment would .... I guess the way it has to be voted and go through all the channels .... The soonest it could happen would be 07, is my understanding. So this, if, if it's passed, the proceeds would be, could not be drawn until well into next fiscal year." Commissioner Blake: "All right. You want to explain that again -this time I'll try to understand it." Kip Lockcuf£ "That's right." Ron McLemore: "Uh I don't think that's correct." Kelly Balagia: That it .... That it wouldn't be 07?" Kip Lockcuf£ "Steve can tell you dates. Steve, what is the target date for construction?" Steve Richart: "To start or to end?" Kip Lockcuff: "To start and end." Steve Richart: "To start, uh, July of'06, end, end of'08, maybe -depends of P.E. and how they set up. It maybe ...." Commissioner Blake: July '06 to ...." Steve Richart: "'08 -the end of `08" Commissioner Blake: "Two years?" Steve Richart: "It may hit in phases, like they may go ahead and do a phase like Northern Way and then bill that, and then we, we start ..., uh, and that could take up to a year, just for the first phase. They are out on their scheduling, so ...." Kip Lockcuff: "'07 might be right for debt service..." Michelle Greco: "That's right." Ron McLemore: "Well ...." Michelle Greco: "It won't, the millage won't hit this November - it will be the following November - so you want to structure it so that we get the proceeds practically 5-6 months prior to the millage hitting, which would be April or May of `06" Commissioner Blake: "'07". Michelle Greco: "No. 06. So that ...." Kelly Balagia: "For the proceeds ...." Michelle Greco: "... in July of'06 you can start spending it on the construction. And then in November we can start collecting proceeds to pay the debt service payment - about November -the first debt service payment." Ron McLemore: "Typically, it depends oil riow we structure the loan ... and when the time is going to be. If it's a bond, it is usually done twice a year. If it's a bank note, its negotiable, so that cash flow we have ...." Commissioner Blake: "Well, in doing so, maybe just slightly off the point here -but in doing so we want to look at the other outstanding debt and then see if it makes sense to roll it all into one, or not." Ron McLemore: "I agree." Commissioner Blake: "Let's not forget to do that. Uh, I'm shocked by the construction time ... To the extent that two years fora $500,000 project. That brings with it so many uncertainties when you start throwing in that time frame." Steve Richart: "Well, the problem is we can't lock it down with Progress Energy until we contract .... And their schedule is already out a year on this project. In fact, ...." Commissioner Gilmore: "What do you mean their schedule is out a year? What does that mean?" Steve Richart: "Well, they are behind a year. They are scheduled out a year right now on a prof ect like this." Commissioner Gilmore: "So they can't pick .... They won't even start for a year is what I just heard ...." Steve Richart: "Well, they may start certain aspects of the project, but it essentially, there are several factors, uh, in this particular project .... There is, there is sub-contractors for the boring and different things they have to do. Ah, the urgency and the reason this is, we're trying to really rush this through is because the, if, if we don't sign with P.E. and contract before year's end, the cost is going to go up 20%. So we really want to at least signed and contract with P.E. before year's end. Uh ...." Commissioner Blake: "P.E. is ...." Steve Richart: "Progress Energy" Commissioner Gilmore: Remember, the TLBD has significant influence with, uh ...." Commissioner Blake: "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Commissioner Krebs: "They do?" Commissioner Blake: "I'll believe it when I see it" Kip Lockcuff: "Used to" Ron McLemore: "We don't know it it's still there or not." Commissioner Blake: "Two year project... sound like it ........" 071105_COMM_Regular_508_TLB D_Revi sed_Implementati on_Schedule Page 1 of 2 COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 508 July 11, 2005 Regular Meeting Consent Informational Public Hearin Re ular X Mgr. / Dept. Authorization REQUEST: City Manager requesting the City Commission to revise the Implementation Schedule for Phase II T.L.B.D. Street Lighting and Signage Improvements. PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to get Commission approval to revise the T.L.B.D. Implementation Schedule approved at the June 27, 2005 meeting. CONSIDERATIONS: At the June 27, 2005 meeting the Commission approved Regular Agenda Item 506 setting an Implementation Schedule for T.L.B.D. Phase II Improvements, including the mailing of a straw ballot. Considerable concern has been expressed regarding the short time frame allowed for the mailing and return of the straw ballot, and the likelihood of a flawed ballot due to the lack of time for proper education prior to the residents actually deciding their vote. Staff has reviewed the matter with G.S.G., the City's Assessment District Consultant, and decided that we can delay the ballot by approximately 60-days and still meet our critical dates, giving the City and the T.L.B.D. additiona160-days for public education. Under the revised Implementation Schedule ballots will be mailed September 9, 2005, and due at City Hall no later than September 23, 2005. FUNDING: N/A 071105_COMM_Regular_508_TLBD_Revised_Implementation Schedule Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Commission approve the revised Implementation Schedule for implementation of Phase II Lighting and signage Improvements. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Revised Implementation Schedule. 2. June 27, 2005 Regular Agenda Item 506. COMMISSION ACTION: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA TUSCAWILLA NEW CAPITAL PROJECT CRITICAL EVENTS SCHEDULE FISCAL YEAR 2005-06 (GSG & NG&N) (2°d & 4~h Monday, 6:30 PM) EVENT DATE Phase I Notice to Proceed April 28, 2005 Project Initiation/Field Work By May 20, 2005 Prepare draft Memorandum By June 10, 2005 Prepare and Mail Ballots By September 9, 2005 Ballots Due By September 23, 2005 Prepare final Memorandum By September 26, 2005 Phase II (to be decided following completion of Phase I) NG&N provides draft assessment resolution to GSG & City for review September 28, 2005 GSG & City provide comments on draft assessment resolution to NG&N September 30, 2005 NG&N provides assessment resolution to City for agenda October 3, 2005 City adopts Initial Annual Resolution October 10, 2005 GSG Provides City with publication reminder letter October 11, 2005 City advertises public hearing & notice of intent October 24, 2005 GSG mail out of public notices October 24, 2005 NG&N provides draft final assessment resolution to GSG & City for review October 31, 2005 GSG & City provide comments on draft final assessment resolution to NG&N November 3, 2005 NG&N provides final assessment resolution to City for agenda November 7, 2005 Conduct Public Hearing & Adopt Final Annual Assessment Resolution and Notice of Intent November 14, 2005 GSG obtains Data from Property Appraiser July 2006 ** EVENT DATE Reconcile Subdivisions and Combinations with Property Appraiser's Office July 2006 GSG provides test tape of Non-Ad valorem assessment roll to County Tax August 14, 2006 Col lector City Certifies Assessment Roll to Tax Collector By September 15, 2006 GSG Computes Prepayment Amounts September-October 2006 Tax Bills Mailed November 1, 2006 CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 506 June 27, 2005 Meeting Consent Information Public Hearin Re ular X MGR. /Dept. REQUEST: The Community Development Department, Urban Beautification Services Division, requests the City Commission allow the Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Board and City Staff to move forward with public notification for the Phase Two Street Lighting And Street Sign Installation. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request permission from the City Commission to proceed with public notification, public meetings, and mailing of anon-binding straw ballot to the residents of Tuscawilla to determine support for the Phase Two Improvement Project. CONSIDERATIONS: The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District was originally conceived as a Two Phase program of beautification improvements with capital, maintenance, and debt service components affecting the yearly district tax assessment. Phase One consisted of hardscape and landscape upgrades to (9) Tuscawilla entrances and the Winter Springs Boulevard medians. Included in this program is decorative street lighting and decorative street signage along Winter Springs Boulevard. This Phase has been complete for several years with positive results for Tuscawilla Residents and the Winter Springs Community being obvious. The maximum `cap' on yearly assessments was originally set at $110.00 per unit; the current total assessment is only $93.36 per year. Phase Two consists of decorative street lighting and decorative street signage along the following Tuscawilla residential roadways: Northern Way, Seneca, Vistawilla, Trotwood, Tuscora, Greenbrier, Howell Creek, Deer Run, and Dyson. The annual total assessment increase for Phase Two, which consists of installation and maintenance of 535 decorative street lights and 170 decorative street signs, will be $57.53 per year per unit. June 27, 2005 Regular Item 506 Page 2 FUNDING: Funding for notification of the Phase Two Improvement Project to the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Residents shall come from Capital Fund Line Code (308- 63000) in the amount of $11,285.00, as per recommendation from Government Services Group. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended the City Commission approve City Staff and the Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Board to proceed with public notification, public meetings, and the mailing of a non- binding straw ballot to residents in the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Taxing District in an effort to gather public input regarding moving forward with the Phase Two Improvement Project. ATTACHMENTS: A. Government Services Group (G.S.G.) -Tuscawilla Phase 2 Status Report B. Proposed Improvements Fact Sheet C. Important Notice Of Proposed Increase D. Non-Binding Straw Ballot E. Map -Phase Two Project Area CITY COMMISSION ACTION: GISIG GOVERNMENT SERVICES GROUP, INC. June 6, 2005 VIA E-MAIL TRANSMISSION Mr. Ronald W. McLemore City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 pub 'c sector fGfY1 1Y1(. t~ S8Y'(l`1C8 solutions Re: City of Winter Springs (City): Tuscawilla Phase II Improvement and Beautification Project Status Report Dear Ron: The purpose of this letter is to provide the City with the preliminary findings and conclusions of Government Services Group, Inc. (GSG) and Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, P.A. (NGN), regarding the Tuscawilla Phase II Improvement and Beautification Project, so the City Commission may decide whether or not to proceed with the preparation and mailing of ballots to property owners in the project benefit area. The project consists of two primary components: a capital component and a maintenance component. In addition, as with all assessment programs, there is an additional cost component, the assessment program cost component. The capital component of the project consists of the removal of existing street signage and streetlights and installation of new decorative street lampposts and signage along the collector roads1 (excluding Winter Springs Blvd., which received similar street lampposts and signage in the Phase I Project) in the existing Tuscawilla benefit area. The projected cost of the capital component, including a standard ten percent contingency amount for increases in the cost of the project (the "Phase II Improvements) is approximately $525,0002. The maintenance component consists of operating and maintaining of the new street lampposts and signage. The projected cost of the maintenance component is approximately $190,000 annually. The assessment program cost component consists of the annual cost for the City to: 1) maintain the Phase II capital and maintenance assessment program and prepare and submit an assessment roll to the County Tax Collector for collection of the assessments on the tax bill; 2) pay the statutorily established fee to the County Tax Collector for collecting the assessments and providing the revenues to the City; and 3) provide funding ~ These roads consist of the following: Northern Way ,Seneca, Vistawilla, Trotwood, Tuscora, Greenbrier, Howell Creek, Deer Run, and Dyson. 2 Financing arrangements have not been established, therefore, a 5 percent loan issuance amount has been assumed. 1500 Mahan Drive. Suite 250 I Tallahassee FL 32308 I T 850.681.3717 I F 850.224.7206 280 Wekiva Springs Rd. I Protegrity Plaza, Suite 203 I Longwood FL 32779 I T 407.629.6900 I F 407.629.6963 June 6, 2005 Page 2 necessary to fund the program in the event that all tax payers take advantage of the statutorily provided early payment discount. The projected assessment program costs are $ 19,875 annually. TUSCAWILLA PHASE II IMPROVEMENT AND BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT BENEFIT AREA A substantial majority of the parcels within the Tuscawilla Beautification Improvement Area are residential properties or capable of supporting residential dwelling units. Presently, there are 4,515 parcels in the Tuscawilla benefit area. All parcels within the Tuscawilla Phase II Beautification Improvement Area benefit from the construction of the Phase II improvements based on the following components: ~ Beautification or aesthetics • Enhanced safety The benefit area for the Phase II project is exactly the same as for the existing Phase I program. There are no additions or deletions from the benefit area. APPORTIONMENT METHODOLOGY For the Tuscawilla Phase I Improvement and Beautification Project, an Orlando based real estate appraisal firm was engaged to provide an analysis of the benefits derived from the proposed improvements. GSG and NGN staff have concluded that, by completing the Phase II Improvements on the remainder of the collector roads in the benefit area, the Phase II project is a logical expansion of the initial project and the identified benefit and apportionment methodology is valid for allocating the cost of the Phase II improvements. Our comments to city staff regarding the location of the Phase II Improvements should help to reinforce this logic. As such, each residential parcel was assigned one equivalent residential unit for each improved dwelling unit located thereon. All unimproved, platted lots with a vacant residential property use, were also assigned one equivalent dwelling unit. Unimproved, unplatted parcels, with a vacant residential property use, were initially assigned one equivalent dwelling unit and will be subject to a prorated assessment based upon the actual number of dwelling units subsequently developed or platted thereon. Non-residential property uses were assigned equivalent dwelling units based on the analysis of their building size compared to that of an average residential dwelling. Accordingly, the assessable costs of the Tuscawilla Phase II Improvement and Beautification Project are proposed to be apportioned based on the number of residential dwelling units or their equivalent contained or able to be built on each parcel of property. Each resultant residential unit or its equivalent within the Tuscawilla Phase II Beautification Improvement Area is expected to benefit equally based on the beautification and safety components. An assessment for any given parcel will be calculated by multiplying the number of equivalent residential units assigned to the parcel by the rate per equivalent dwelling unit to determine the total assessment amount. Presently, there are 4,301 Equivalent Residential Units (ERU) in the Tuscawilla Phase II Beautification Improvement Area. PRELIMINARY ESTIMATED ANNUAL ASSESSMENT RATES All of the information regarding the costs of constructing and financing the Phase II Improvements have been provided by the City. The capital component costs include the projected costs of financing issuance. Based on the assessable costs of the Phase II Improvements and the application of the recommended June 6, 2005 Page 3 apportionment methodology, Table 1 provides the preliminary annual assessment rate per equivalent residential unit (ERU) for capital, operating and assessment program costs. Table 1 Tuscawilla Phase II Improvement and Beautification Project Preliminary Estimated Annual Assessment Rates Annual Assessment Amount per Expense Amount ERU Annual Debt Service Amount $ 37,560 $ 8.73 Annual Maintenance Amount $ 190,000 $ 44.18 Assessment Program Costs $ 19,875 $ 4.62 Assessment Program Requirement $ 247,435 $ 57.53 Notes: 1) Principal loan amount $551,250 Capital Costs $525,000 Financing Costs 5% of Capital Costs ($26,250) Loan Terms (30 year, 5.5%) 2) Current Year assessment study costs ($20,000) are funded from existing fund balance. 3) Notification costs ($11,285) to be funded from existing fund balance. 4) Assessment Program Cost Components Annual Assessment Program Costs (additional) $5,600 Statutory Discount $9,326 Tax Collector Costs $4,949 If you have any questions or require any additional information at this time, please contact me. Sincerely, ~~"~' ~~~ Skip Burnside Senior Project Manager cc: Camille Tharpe Chris Traber Kipton Lockcuff Michelle Greco Steven Richart ~~~'1N"t'El~~~'p TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT u y The Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District Advisory Board is proposing additional improvements that will result in an increase of the yearly assessments. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: What improvements are being proposed? A: As part of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District's improvement plan, the Advisory Board is proposing a project to install new street lighting and signage along the following streets: Northern Way, Seneca Boulevard, Vistawilla Drive, Tuscora Drive, Trotwood Boulevard, Deer Run, Howell Creek Drive, Dyson Drive, Greenbriar Lane, and Shetland Avenue. Q: How does this project benefit my family? A: The main benefit you and your family will notice is additional street lighting spaced strategically to provide greater visibility and safety during the evening on main roadways throughout Tuscawilla. Q: How long will the project take to complete? A: The project will take at least two years to complete. Q: Why are the improvements being proposed? A: These improvements are being proposed to finish the Advisory Board's two phase plan of beautification for the Tuscawilla Community. The first phase of the plan has been recently completed, improving nine entrances and Winter Springs Boulevard by upgrading fountains, hard- scaping, signage, and landscaping. Q: Will this cause my annual assessments to increase? A: The proposed improvements will increase your annual assessment from $93.36 to $150.89, resulting in an increase of only $57.53 per year. Q Are there currently any other projects being considered that will increase my annual assessments? Not at this time. The Advisory Board's goal is to do an excellent job at maintaining the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District while protecting your home investment. All at an affordable cost. The District's operational costs continue to be one of the most affordable and well managed in Central Florida, however, an additional increase in the maintenance assessment may eventually be required as costs of contracted services escalate. Q: How does this project benefit Tuscawilla Property Owners? A: A: Based upon results of the first phase of the enhancement project, your Advisory Board believes the second phase will provide additional value to Tuscawilla by way of increased appeal to potential home buyers and additional safety for current home owners. Q: Will I have input into this decision before it is made? A: The Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District will hold meetings to gather public opinion regarding the Phase 2 project. An advisory referendum in the form of a'straw ballot' will be sent to each affected homeowner allowing for written feedback to the Commission. Finally, the project will be presented to the City Commission for approval where public input will also be considered before a decision is rendered. Ijyou have additional questions, please call the City Beautification Coordinator at: (407) 327-5976. Street Lighting Street Signage I ~1J~1 • ~ IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING PROPOSED INCREASE IN BEAUTIFICATION ASSESSMENT Dear Tuscawilla Resident: On the City Commission will make a decision regarding proposed increases of yearly assessments to fund proposed improvements to the Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District. The Commission desires to acquire a good understanding of Tuscawilla property owners' support for these improvements. To accomplish this, the Commission has authorized anon-binding advisory vote of the property owners of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District on the proposal. One vote per property will be allowed. To let your City Commissioners know your wishes regarding your support of the proposed improvements, please take the following action: 1) Review the enclosed fact sheet. 2) Following your review of the fact sheet please indicate your vote on the enclosed ballot, as instructed. 3) Return your ballot in the enclosed envelope no later than July 20tH 2005 to: City Clerk, T.L.B.D. Straw Ballot, 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708. If you need any additional information please contact the Beautification Coordinator at (407) 327-5976. Sincerely, Ronald W. McLemore City Manager RWM/sr City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Name Address SAMPLE NON-BINDING STRAW BALLOT Tax Parcel Number.' Benefit Units: Sequence Number. BALLOT CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS • SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Tuscawilla Lighting And Beautification District PROPOSED INCREASE IN CAPITAL & MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT ~ INSTRUCTIONS: TO VOTE, COMPLETELY FILL IN THE SQUARE NEXT TO YOUR CHOICE. • Use a pe~manentmarking device such as an ink pen. If you make a mistake, a new ballot may be picked up at City Hall. If you erase or make other marks, your vote may not count. Ballot must be received at City Hall no later than ]uly 20, 2005. MARK BALLOT HERE RELATIVE TO THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT PHASE 2 PROGRAM, IT IS MY WISH THAT THE CITY COMMISSION ^ APPROVE ^ REJECT NON-BINDING BALLOT Parcel Owner Tax Parcel Number: Benefit Units: THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND RELATED INCREASE IN MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENTS TO MAINTAIN THESE IMPROVEMENTS. Printed Name Date Signature Of Property Owner v- ;~..~µ~ o~~ Attachment. Z.-__Project_Aree_Map Green =Existing (W$ Blvd) Red =Proposed Streets ~ ~:t r COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 501 CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X February 14, 2005 MGR /DEPT Meeting Authorization REQUEST: Public Works Department -Beautification Division, requesting Commission approval to move forward on the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District (T.L.B.D.), Street Lighting and Decorative Street Sign Improvement Project. PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to obtain permission from the Commission to move forward with gathering costs and distributing preliminary information in the newsletter of the recommendations of the T.L.B.D. Advisory Board to install additional upgraded street lighting and street signage on the main entrance roads in the Assessment Area. CONSIDERATIONS: This agenda item is needed for staff to begin the information gathering process for a second capital improvements phase of the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Assessment District. The Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Board is recommending additional capital improvements within the original scope of the T.L.B.D., which includes the installation of decorative street lighting (487 units) and street signage (168 units) on primary roadways; resembling the existing improvements on Winter Springs Boulevard. Roads included in the scope of the proposed project include: Northern Way, Seneca Boulevard, Vistawilla Drive, Tuscora Drive, Trotwood Boulevard, Deer Run, Howell Creek Drive, Dyson Drive, and Shetland Avenue. The initial step in the process would be for GSG and Nabors, Giblin and Nickerson to evaluate the program, develop cost estimates and propose a timeline for implementation. This information would be brought back to the Commission at the 2°d March meeting along with a sample straw ballot for authorization to proceed to the next step. The estimated cost to get to this step is $13,000. The total cost for these two consultants if the program was implemented is estimated at $23,000. February 14, 2005 Regular Agenda Item 501 Page 2 of 5 The T.L.B.D. annual assessment maximum (cap) was originally set at $110.00. The current capital and maintenance assessment is $93.36. The initial work would include developing the methodology to implement this phase, develop projected capital and maintenance cost increases, and assisting with creating the information needed to poll the residents. Commission review and authorization would be sought before proceeding with the straw ballot. The T.L.B.D. currently has $51,137.00 available in the capital improvement line code (308- 63000) that maybe used toward the construction of this project which include developing the information necessary since it is directly related to the original project scope. Preliminary estimates of the costs are as follows: Projected Cost Schedule Capital Costs Streetlighting (Progress Energy) $301,000.00 Street Signage $158,000.00 Promotional $6,500.00 Consultant (GSG& NG&N) $23,000.00 Cert. Mailings $5,400.00 Contingency (5%) $24,695.00 Total Capital $518,595.00 Maintenance Costs Annua/Costs Progress Energy Rental, Fuel, Power. $150,000.00 Repair of Street Signage $1,500.00 Total Maint. $151,500.00 RECOMMENDATION: Recommend the Commission approve the T.L.B.D. Advisory Board and City Staff to: authorize Government Services Group (GSG) and NGN to begin a sufficiency review of the recent notice of intent and to calculate the impact the new program will have on the T.L.B.D. assessment schedule at an estimated cost of $13,000 payable from the TLBD Improvement Fund (308-63000). IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: GSG will begin the sufficiency review and calculate impact to the T.L.B.D. capital and maintenance assessments immediately as per the attached Critical Events Schedule. The City February 14, 2005 Regular Agenda Item 501 Page 3 of 5 Commission will have the opportunity to consider this project at no less than (2) future public meetings. Construction of the project could potentially begin mid year 2006. ATTACHMENTS: 1. GSG/NG&N -Critical Events Schedule (CES) 2. 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