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2008 11 24 Public Hearing 501 Second Reading Ordinance 2008-26 Annual Update CIE
CITY COMMISSION ITEM 501 November 24, 2008 Meeting Consent Information Public Hearin X Re ular Mgr./De REQUEST: The Community Development Department -Planning Division requests that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing for Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 2008-26, amending the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate revisions and the annual update to the Capital Improvement Element (CIE) required by Rule 9J-5.016 FAC and Chapter 163, Part II, F.S. and amending other elements of the plan as needed to ensure internal consistency. PURPOSE: Annual update (with needed revisions) of the Capital Improvements Element (CIE) in order to maintain a financially feasible 5-year schedule of capital improvements (SCI) as required by the Florida Statutes. The previous CIE [Exhibit `A-1' to the ordinance] is being replaced in its entirety (as indicated by the page strike-out). The new CIE [Exhibit `A' to the ordinance] includes an Introduction and the Goals, Objectives and Policies and Tables. The required Supporting Data and Analysis (included in the previous CIE), will be incorporated into an appendix of material for transmittal to the State. Highlights of this material will be included in a power point presentation by Staff as part of this agenda item. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Florida Statute 163.3174 (4). (The LPA is responsible for monitoring and overseeing the comprehensive plan.) Florida Statute 163.3177 (3)(a). (contents of the Capital Improvements Element) Florida Statute s. 163.3164 (32). (definition of "financial feasibility") Florida Statute s. 163.3180. (concurrency) Florida Statute s. 166.041. Procedures for adoption of ordinances and resolutions. Florida Administrative Code 9J-5.016. Capital Improvements Element. The purpose of the capital improvements element is to evaluate the need for public facilities as identified in the other comprehensive plan elements and as defined in the applicable definitions for each type of public facility, to estimate the cost of improvements for which the local government has fiscal responsibility, to analyze the fiscal capability of the local government to finance and construct improvements, to adopt financial policies to guide the funding of improvements and to schedule the funding and construction of improvements in a manner necessary to ensure that capital improvements are provided when required based on needs identified in the other comprehensive plan elements. The element shall also include the requirements to ensure that an adequate concurrency management system will be implemented by local governments pursuant to Rule 9J-5.0055, F.A.C., of this chapter. Winter Springs Charter Section 4.15.Ordinances in General. Winter Springs Article III. Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Section 15-37. Local Planning Acv Review and Recommendation: November 24, 2008 Public Hearing Item 501 Page 2 of 3 CHRONOLOGY: Oct. 23, 2008- Local Planning Agency held a public hearing and made recommendation of Adoption. Nov. 06, 2008- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel of Adoption Public Hearing. Nov. 10, 2008- First Reading of Ordinance 2008-26 amending the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate revisions and the annual update to the CIE. Nov. 24, 2008- Second Reading/Adoption Public Hearing for Ordinance 2008-26, amending the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate revisions and the annual update to the CIE. Dec. 1, 2008- Statutory deadline for submittal of adopted amendment to Florida DCA. CONSIDERATIONS: In 1985, the Growth Management Act required each municipality to adopt local government Comprehensive Plans to guide future growth and development; In 2005, Senate Bi11360 amended requirements of growth management laws; and in 2007, Statutes were amended by House Bi117203. Florida Statutes now require each municipality to annually update and submit to Florida DCA (by December 1 each year) their Capital Improvements Element (CIE), in order to maintain a financially feasible 5-year schedule of capital improvements. Failure to adopt the CIE amendment will result in the State prohibiting the City from adopting future land use amendments. Failure to meet obligations identified in the CIE may result in sanctions by the Administration Commission including ineligibility for grants. The CIE amendment includes an assessment of the current operating conditions of the concurrency related facilities (sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, parks and recreation, schools, and transportation facilities) to identify current deficiencies and a projection of future operating deficiencies to identify needed capital improvements. (A deficiency is a facility or service that does not meet (i.e., is operating below) the adopted LOS Standard.) The CIE amendment also includes revisions to out of date goals, obj ectives and policies required by Rule 9J-5.016 FAC and Chapter 163, Part II, F. S. Because, internal consistency must be maintained within the Comprehensive Plan, amendments to other elements are included where necessary, to maintain consistency with the CIE. A maj or component to the CIE amendment is the Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI). Rule 9J- 5.003(12),FAC defines "capital improvements" as physical assets "which are large scale and high in cost... generally non-recurring and may require multi-year financing." The SCI includes capital projects greater than $50,000 that are necessary to achieve and maintain LOS standards, reduce existing deficiencies, provide for necessary replacements, and meet future demand during the time period covered by the SCI. Only projects required to maintain the LOS standards identified in the Comprehensive Plan are included in the SCI. Florida Statutes require the SCI to be financially feasible. Supporting data and analysis must demonstrate that sufficient revenues are currently available or will be available from "committed funding sources" to fund the projects included in the first three (3) years of the SCI. Projects in years four (4) and five (5) may be funded from sources that are either "committed "or "planned". ("Committed" revenue is an existing source and amount of revenue currently available to the City; "Planned" revenue is revenue that requires a referenda or other action, such as securing a grant.) November 24, 2008 Public Hearing Item 501 Page 3 of 3 Although any project included in the SCI represents a pledge by the City to pursue its implementation, planning for projects included in the first three (3) years of the SCI must be sufficiently advanced in order to determine the year of construction and to ensure that funding from a committed source is allocated to the project. A CIE amendment is required to change the scheduled year of construction of a project (sec. 163.3177(3)(b)1, F.S.) If the annual update demonstrates that LOS standards will not be met within the 5-year schedule, then the local government must adopt either a long term concurrency management system or planning strategies in the CIE to address these deficiencies. FINDINGS: ^ The amendment demonstrates that the City's LOS standards will be maintained during the next 5-year planning period. ^ The amendment is financially feasible meaning that sufficient revenues are currently available or will be available from committed funding sources to fund the prof ects included in the first three (3) years; ^ Internal consistency within the Comprehensive Plan is maintained; ^ The CIE amendment is exempt from the normal biannual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Cycle. No Transmittal Hearing is required, only an Adoption Hearing [Sec. 163.3177(3)(b)2, F.S. and Sec. 163.3187(1)(f), F.S.]. ^ The adopted amendment must be submitted to DCA no later than December 1, 2008. LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY RECOMMENDATION: At a special meeting of the Local Planning Agency on October 23, 2008, the Board voted unanimously to recommend adoption of Ordinance 2008-26. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing for Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 2008-26, amending the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate revisions and the annual update to the Capital Improvement Element (CIE) required by Rule 9J-5.016 FAC and Chapter 163, Part II, F.S. and amending other elements of the plan as needed to ensure internal consistency. ATTACHMENTS: A. Minutes from the Local Planning Agency Meeting B. Public Noticing in the Orlando Sentinel C. Ordinance 2008-26 with Amendment CITY COMMISSION ACTION: ATTACHMENTA CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING OCTOBER 23, 2008 CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Special Meeting of Thursday, October 23, 2008 was called to Order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Robert L. Heatwole in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434,Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairman Robert L. Heatwole, present Vice Chairman Charles Lacey, absent Board Member Rosanne Karr, arrived at 7:03 p.m. Board Member Edward Martinez, present Board Member William H. Poe, present A moment of silence preceded the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. Board Member Rosanne Karr arrived at 7:03 p. m. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 500. Community Development Department -Planning Division Requests That The Local Planning Agency Hold A Public Hearing For Consideration Of Ordinance 2008-26, Amending The Comprehensive Plan To Incorporate Revisions And The Annual Update To The Capital Improvement Element (CIE) Required By Rule 9J-5.016 FAC (Florida Administrative Code) And Chapter 163, Part II, F.S. (Florida Statutes) And Amending Other Elements Of The Plan As Needed To Ensure Internal Consistency. Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, ASLA, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item and displayed a PowerPoint presentation on this Agenda Item. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING-OCTOBER 23, 2008 PAGE 2 OF 4 Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "If we do not update our CIE (Capital Improvements Element) the State can sanction us and make us not eligible for Grants." Continuing, Ms. Sahlstrom distributed to the Board Members information entitled "Table VIII-1 City of Winter Springs Five Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) FY 2008/09-2012/13", and also included information entitled, "Transportation Element". Discussion. Next, the Comprehensive Plan "Capital Improvements Element" was discussed. Board Member Edward Martinez asked, "Do you know -the total acreage for recreation that the City has right now?" Ms. Sahlstrom answered, "If you would like, I can bring that to the next Meeting." Board Member Martinez responded, "Okay please." Further discussion. Regarding the Tuscawilla Country Club project, Board Member Martinez asked about a Traffic Study and asked, "Do you know if that Traffic Study was done?" Ms. Sahlstrom replied, "I can guarantee to you that the City Engineer will make sure that they have to have a Traffic Study that it is done and generally it is done before it goes to Commission. The one that did not have the Traffic Study was the day care that came last time." Board Member Martinez asked, "Could you check forme?" Ms. Sahlstrom remarked, "Sure." Board Member William H. Poe noted, "Looking at the Agenda, it talks about a Public Hearing and then an Adjournment. Is there some Action that we need to take this evening, because it is not indicated on here as to what Action is required of the Planning and Zoning Board(/Local Planning Agency) in regard to this particular item?" Ms. Sahlstrom replied, "The Staff Recommendation - `And make a Recommendation'." Board Member Poe reaffirmed, "I thought so." Tape 1/Side B With further discussion, Board Member Rosanne Karr asked, "What is happening with the Lynx Bus routes? Ms. Sahlstrom responded by saying, "I need to call and find out." Next, the "Transportation Element" was discussed. Chairman Heatwole called a recess at 7: SO p. m. The Special Meeting was called back to Order at 8:00 p.m. Further discussion ensued on Sidewalks. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING-OCTOBER 23, 2008 PAGE 3 OF 4 With further discussion on public Park acreage, Ms. Sahlstrom added, "I will bring that at the next Meeting, so you have it." Chairman Heatwole opened the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. No one spoke. Chairman Heatwole closed the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. Regarding the acreage at the School Facilities, Ms. Sahlstrom added, "I will bring all that analysis to you to see." "I RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO INCORPORATE REVISIONS IN THE ANNUAL UPDATE TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT REQUIRED BY THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE AS PRESENTED BY STAFF." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER POE. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER MARTINEZ. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER KARR: AYE CHAIRMAN HEATWOLE: AYE BOARD MEMBER MARTINEZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Ms. Sahlstrom pointed out that, "We will be having a Meeting on November 5th, [2008]." ADJOURNMENT CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING-OCTOBER 23, 2008 PAGE 4 OF 4 Chairman Heatwole adjourned the Special Meeting at 8:10 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: JOAN L. BROWN DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: ROBERT L. HEATWOLE, CHAIRMAN PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the , 2008 Regular Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Meeting. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 3008 F3 f's es- AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS :ot this MEETING NIMMCNORY HAMMOCK gierof DEVELOPMENT IbTRICT his no- claims Notice is hereby given to oil THIN landowners within the Hlck- FTER ory Hammock Community Devel- FIRST opmenl District (the •Dis- THIS trict") for (ands generally described as comprising of a parcel of land aparoxi- ANDS mately 246,41 acres, general- NOT Iv located in The City of Winter FOR- Gallen, OrenYe County, Florida, advising frrat a meeting of the landowners will be held publi- for the purpose of electing is three (3l supervisors. Date: Novemher 12006 Time: 1:W PSI Place: Oprernmemal 't Menegemem Services Central Florida LLC 201 East Pine ~tra6 Suite 950 Orlando, FL 31801 enue Each landowner may vote in DYYersan or by Wriifen 62388 obtalnedouponr esuesi at the office of She District , 10/16 Manager, located at 201 East Pine Street Suite 930, Orlando, FL 328b1. At said meeting each landowner or hisRier proxy shall be enti- tled to cast one vote per acre of land owned by him/ her and located within the EK District for each person elected. A fraction oT an TY acre shall be,ireated as one acre. to oil mnet mify (the ener- pns- arted rids, i the the sway i un- ~0f d The meeting may be contln- Red ued to a date, time, and Walt lace as evidencGed by mb- oaed lion of the mbjorlty of Isla Board Members participat- nter ing. There may be otca- teei- stores when one or more Su- I be pervisors will participate by of telephone. its. OOB pert sue, rote ten r be i.at riot & Each person who decides to uth appeal any action taken at Or- these meetings Is advised 'old that person will need a re- lied cord of the proceedings and of that accordingly, the person lo- may need to ensure that a for verbatim record of the pro• I A ceedings is made, including be the testimony and evidence UPOn Which SUCK oppeal IS to be based. the George 5. Flint ere Manager Governmental tar Manogement Services'- Su- Central Florida, LLC of he COR834461 ION, 10/16 of Notice of Londowners rs, Meeting tss Stevens Plantation me Commutice OS landowners ~et- Meeting Stevens Plantation ub- Community Development in District vi- `or Notice is hereby given to all ant landowners within the Sie- av yens Plantation Community ass Development District, for to lands generally bounded on on the west by Canoe Creek pv Road between 17th Street et- and Deer Run Rood and on im the northeast byy the City of c., St. Cloud londfill, contaim e, ing aparoximately 390 acres i tla located in Osceola County, ng Florida, advising That a meeting of landowners will be heitl for the purpose of ns electing three Supervisors. YI- le- pate: November 6, 2008 o- Time:6:00 P.M. a Place:City Hail, 3rd iVoor, aT 1300 Ninth Siraet m St. Cloud, Fldrlda t IY Each landowner may vote ns in person or by written r• proxy. Proxy forms may be u- ni....,...a ,,..,....e...,d"... On •Octpber 20, 2008, at 2 needing assistance to par- ticipate in this public hear- ing should contact the City Clerk's Office f8 (4071 246- 2231, at least 24 hours In ad- vance of the meeting. OLS834222 . 1019 On October 20 2008, ai 2 p.m.,, the Orlando Clty Council will hold a Publk Hearina In City Council Chambers, 2nd. Flr., City OPPBar ording ie pro- avafl- ~k's Of- feetimonr unci~~eviderice~on which the opceal is based. Persons with disabilities needing dssistance t0 parv ticipafe in fh(s public hear- ing should contact the City Clerk's Office fp (407) 246• 2231, at least 24 hours in ad- vance of the meeting. OLS834261 lON OLS 34263 10/9 NOTICE OF 011J/LIC HTMEARING env aescnpnon on nle) You may obtain a copy of The legal pfaperty destrip- fion by calling The Comp- troller Clerk of The Board of Counir Commissioners, 407• 836-7300• or pick one up at 201 South Rosalind Avenue, Fourth Floor; Orlando, Florida. N yw wish m appeal any dae'aia mNa by Ne Bard of County ~- miuiamn N dda meeting you will read a record d tln 0rocsNlarqBS. Yw should dare that s rerbNlm record of tha proaedin s is mNa, wNeh Heard raeludn t~e uadma- ny aN eridenea upon which tks appal h m be Waed. Annnemma eon Incapaciadas a 1990, pot favor Ilame al 407•p8- 3n1. Martha 0. Haynie, County Comptroller As Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners Orange County, Florida OLS853949 lON BEPoRE TNEECIiY OFT OELTONA COMMISSION Notice Is hereby given tha the City Commission of ih City of Deliotlar Florida wilt hold a Public Hearirn on McKay Octobr 20, 2001 r 6:90 pa., a4 the City of Deltc na Eomm)ssion Chamber located at 960 Lak shoe Drive, Deltona, Flor~da, h consider the following re qU@f1: Realetia Na. 2001.52 -The Cif Alllnterested parties are In• vited to Provide their com- ments, views and ob'ecilons to the Deltona Clty Clommis• store as part of the Public Hearing. The failure of a person 10 appear dUring said public hearing and to object either in person or in writing to said case may se• verely restrict the obility of such a person to contest It at a later date. hies Par- FORHYOLUSIAUCOUNTYT FLORIDA. CIVIL DIVIS5ION CASE N0. 200&30319 CICI UCH: 64200tCA030319XK)OOIX AURORA LOAN SERVICES, LLC, Plallntlff, vs. ADBEAT HENRY SCHAAF; et al., Defendants. ~E / PUASUAON~T TO CHAP~FEA 45 NOTICE M HEREBY CNEN pursu- ant to an Order or Summa- Up• ue, or, scribed property as set forth in said Order of Final i ludpment,E tawlt; Lo T Ig~,~~OpETpO N~TIIE PLAT TINFA~E~, P~ VOLUSIA OUPNTY,U LON D~AR.O$ ANY PERSON CLAIMING SURIPLTUS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. Dated at Deland, Florida, on SEPTEMBER 23, 2008. DIANE M. MATOUSEK As Clerk, Circuit Court (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) Bv: M S MacDonald As Deputy Clerk 9 Phone: (954) 564-0011 VOL856118 ION, 10/16 IN TANG I FORT ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE N0: IDg/-CA-3617.34 COUNTRYWIDE NOME LOANS, INC. Plalntif6 vs. p OSAMAN BHOLOUM AAUPOUSE OF O~AMA~yNBy~~pN~~OyB~ NWN S KDPROP ANR OF AMEAI A, N AON,a1N~ Pueuc eoncE m Copies of said resolution Ir the form in which if war adoP~ed are available for public inscection at the of flce of the Dlsiricf, 1900 Ho tel Plazo Boulevard, Lakt Buena Vista, Florida. By: Angela Rao, Clerk Reedy Creek Improvement District ~ OSC849933 1012, 9, 2001 m Copies of said resolution fn the form in which iT was adoppted are Available for public inspection of the of- fice of the Dlsiricf, 1900 Ha tel Plaza Boulevard, Lake Buena Vista, Florida. By: Angela Rao, Clerk Reedy Creek Improvement District COR849953 IOR, 9, 2008 ON THURSDAY OCTOBER ~~,,TOOB AT 7:00 P.M. bR ggOON THEREAF• CHAMBERS IOCATMEO ATE TN11E y112N8 E~ASTPS ATE Boo~AD~4S4LL WINTER SPRINGS, HAROIA The proposed ordinonce may be inspected by inter- ested parties between B a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday a purposes you mov neeo m ensure iflat a verbatim re- cord of The Droceedings is mode upon which the ap• peal Is based. Interested parties are advised that they may dppear of the' meeting and be heard with respect to the Dropo~ad or- dinance. SL5854536 ll)N' ATTACHMENT B - ~ ~ .i. ~• TWl1RSDAY, NOVEMBER 6;.3008 F3 , ,Orlando Se71tlue1'-, 1 • r" ~' _ I ~0~'il ._ ,. ,~ ~E dpp`APPUCATION"' IN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE T pT sion -made during the hear- of the CirwiT Cou fOR TAX REED PARCEL ID 0 2822 29 6492- '.THE Fm OF yy~NTER SPRI GS Ing will,need a.rgcord of The sla CountY, Florid IS HEREBY GIV 06042 ' CITY COMMISSION N roceedrngs and TrtaY need the 21 dddYY of NbV t MTAG OUST FOR Name in which assessed: p to ensure that a verbatim 2008,, at 11;00 o'cl bIEAD.MANAGE• MtTCHE:LL LELAND 'PROP~ LSES'TOIADOPS 1 N LINGc HE RING FOR ACH ,the test(mony pnd)evlUdd[tce twus~e lOluNtlAlau ~+'!!Ig: Certlflcaterh0s ALL 0f said proP~r_Ty being i3F 7H~ FOLLOWING. on which the appeal Is fo be :hue, ~toom DT51 2 id certificate #o(a In the •CountY of 'Orange,. based, Persons with disgbll- Clerks Conferenc EEO' To be:lssaed State of,Floridq: Unless ORDINANCE=NO. 2DD8.25 : hies needing assistance•pr, Deland, Fhitida, n: T!he CerTiflcgte such-certlflabte shall be-re- AN ORDINANCE OF "fHE ah inTerpretertoAarticipafe sale and sel at p pnd.year of:,issu- deemed.gccording.to I'aw, -CITY COMMISSION Of in tae publ(c hearing should civ•fo The.rilghesT ~e~,descdption of the Jhe property described in THE CITY OF YJINTER conYacT the CITv Clerk's of-'bidder for cash, t rand the names, in such certifRate,will be sold SPR,IN:GS, FLORIDA fice ®,407.246.22$lat least ing-described pro T was assessed pre. To the highest bitlder at the ADDOP7ING TWE FIVE::(55 24 pours in advance of the ate in Volusiq Cou w ~ Cbnferencte Room located YEAH CAPITAL 1M- meeting; da: T~ NUMBER, 6503 at 109 E Church Street; 4th PRDVEMEiJ75 PROGRAM OF ISSUANCE 2006 Floor Orlando Floridtl on IN ACC©R6gNCE WITH COR875526 11/6 Lqt 54; NO'RT IPTION OF PROP Dec-042008 at ~Q 00 a.m. , TTHECIT CHART RAND UNIT 5, occordl HIGHLAND Dated Sep•13.4008 ~MENTLC°MPREHENSR~E PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE map B ok 31,rPc 0 FT OF DOTS 1)b8 Counfy CDmpTrollerCPA PLANNING AND LAND NOThCE OF A PUBLIC the Public Record S W,15 FT FOR~ST Orange Coun ,,; Florida , DEVELOPMENT ACT- MEETING. The Orange, sin CountY, Florid, PRR•B&P 6636%1314 By: Christie WIIIis 'PROVIDING FOR 7HE` Osceola-andSemihole Coun• 2401INSTQC DeputYYComptroller -REPEAL OF PRIORS fN- TlesJOlnt Local~0oprdlnnl•. pursuantto the F L I,b R 2422+2913560- bCountY•Compfroller Seal) _ 'CONSISTENT ORDINANC•~ ing Board for fhe Transpor• menT .entered i ame in yrhich aBg- LS843604 ES AND RESOLUTIONS ration Otsad.uantaged Cooc- pending in said : P,AU b CHIARD 10/16, 23, 30, 11/6, 2008 SEVERABILITY; AND AN dinated System will hold d> style of .which is 60 PE~~F~YJT INT &~ NOTICE OF•AP?LIGATION EFF-ECTIVE DATE. pPublichearing on Thursday, above: VID-.CHIq 0 JR 40 ~ FOR TAX DEED ' November,13,2008; Immedl- ENT TNT ~ ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- ORDINANCE N0. 2008.28 aTely following the Trdns- 'Any person or enT f sold property being EN that MTAG GUST FOR AN ORDLNANCE OF THE pportation Disadvantaged ding aninterest in County of Orange, .CITY {DMMISSION OF Local Coord!nating Board plus, ff any, resul .oF. iorid .Unless OIL AMO MANAGEMENT ~~eF ap ~ LLC the holder of the fol•, THE CITY-0F WINTER meefina' wh)'ch begins aT the foreclosure s' ertlfitaTe sball'oe re• lowing certificate-has filed SPRINGS, SEMINOLE 10:00 a.m. at fhe METRO- than iheproperty d•,aacordlpg To~law, satdd certlflcaTe for aTAX .COUNTY; FLORIDA, PLAN ORLANDO offices, af,ihe date of Th rgperty destribed~,in DEEDto•be~issued thereon. 'A DOPTING A LARGE One- Landmark Center 315 dens, must file a certificate will be sold ~The~CerllficaYe namberand SCALE COMPREHENSIVE East Robinson Street, Rufte same with, the highest bidder aT the year of Issuance, the de- ~PiAN TEXT AMEND- 355, Orlando, FL. Court withih60 d rente Room, located scrlptiah of the $roperty, - MENT T^('1 INCORPORATE ~ the foreclosure so • E• Church Street, 4th and the Harries, In which it THE REVISIONS AND The' public hearirigg is for WITNESS my ha -Orlando, Florida on was .assessed Are as fol- THE ANNUAL UPDATE the purpose pf soliciTing.~ficial-seal ofsaic} 4-2006at 10:00 a.m. 1owr. TO TH.E CAPITAL IM- comments regarding ex1sF 20 day of Oct., T : Sew13.2008. CERTINCATE NUMBER: 8532 PROIK(VEMENT LEMENT, ing pargirans!t ira sports. If:vou area per a O.~fiaynle, CPq YEAR OF ISSUANCE:2006 AME~NDM1#ENT~~O OITH OsceolnandSemloorlberCDUn - osmmodaf!onnin e~ounlTfrlgFlorida DESCRIPTIONOF PROP- - ER~ ELE~y1ENTS OF THE. ties. Participation at Thls, pparticipate fn ihl hrlstle Willis ERTY,: FIRST ADDITION PLAN TO ENSURE bN. hearing. is encouraged; Ing,. You areeatit ty Comptroller ~ TOPINECREST Gry~p8 LOTS TERNAL CONSISTENCY; .However, written and oral cost to you to.Th YY Comptroller Seaq 9 & lO,BLK E 4257/A14 OR ,PROVIDING.. FOR THE comments arewelcpmeand af.. certa~a as - 803, B&P4526/2028 ON 02.10=93 REPEAL OFfINCON515- will beaccepted until 5;00 Rlease contact 10/fbi23, 30,]1%6,.200$ INST:WM ¢ ?ENT ORDINANCES AiJD p m, oa Thursday, Novem- `minisTrotor,~VDlu PARCEL ID d~4=2229.7068- RESOLUT.IONS SEVER- ger 13, 2008. Oral aamment$ COUrtboUeeAhn OSOpO Q( ) tYy FOR AX-0E D '~ Name )n which assessed; HIEtJSIVE~ppRLAN ANPEF- Ieaving805rN@55pgel3WYiit@A (986) R37g6096;' h deA~ T NE IowlnC¢ q0 E ESYAdTaEo~.tY ~i g ALTISTATUSE OF THE dies ed Tos: VlncedSfevens, G@Ipti~ fTISSN ~gp7e has fllIGd saitl )n. The County of Orange,. PLAN AMENDMENTS. METROPLANORLANDO, youarehearingi icatefora'TAXDEEb State of Florida. Urfless' e ssued Triereo0. The such certificate shall be re• • One Landmark Center 315 voce impaired, f~cate number and dEem,eed atco¢dina to Idw,-. ~! ~. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2008 East Rotiinsbh ~Streei, quite 955.87Ti. ~ 1of Issuance, thede• the. pYDpertY described-in' AT 5:15 P.M. OR SOON 355, Orlando FL 3280E DIANE M.'M tian'gf the property such certificate will be sold THEREAFTER IN THE CLER the' names in whidh I~ to the highest bidder a1 the COMMISSgIONCHAMBEAS COR 11/6 7 8 9 10,11,12,13 CIRCU assessed are as:fol Conference Rpom; located LOCATEDpi THE ~ 867772 (.COURT SEAL] -., LLt-109 E Church Street 4Th` WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL I e. ar y By: M 5 a FICATE NUMBER. 9061 ` Floor, Orlando Florida on 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 Learning,COaliTlon,of Or De R OF ISSUANCE ~pp~ Dec=042pp00B at 10.00 a,m.. ' WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ~ an a CountY Quality Camp ATTORNEY FOR PIAI CRIPI'~('ON OF PROP Dafetli Sep•13-2gti8 .The proposed:ordin.ances mt~teewill4emeetingThun• .IOnn Howprih F Y: F1RR5T ADOLTLON Martha 0. Haynie; CPA p d+y, Novbmhq 6, 2008 from-8:00' Buller &}{nschS LAKE'. MANNS ADpI • County Comptroller` may e`inspetied by Inter- 31855 CdnwpV~R N TO.ORLAND'.0 K/T9 Orange Courjl~ Florldq : p +m o 10:70 +.m. in rite Hearf U C eared parties between"S o/ ~lorlda United ay Orlando Fforltla OF t07S 31 T.HR' 14 gy; hrlstie lllls a.m. antl S p.m Monday Elilth Bush Room loc~ d at ('407) 38.5200 C qS B6G AT'SE CbR Deputy Comptroller ihrouah Frddtly - aT .tri'e 1940 Traylor Blvd., 061andb, LOT 11 TH W 90 FT N 'CountY Comptroller Seal) City's Clerk's Office, loaat- pL 32804 V018)2528 10730 Ft E 9D FT 5.59.17 FT 5LS843805 ed at 1126 East State Raatl' POELLE55 W 10 FT.OF 10r16, 23,'30, 11/6,.2008 434; Winter Springs,'FlDri- COR877383 17~yp •IN THE IRGpI 14~ dd. For mgqFe;InfarmaTian MIN LINTY- OF THE~$-FH J CEI, ID YF 2932.29.493•' ' call (407) 327g80D fl227. Per- NOTICE OFPUBLIC NEARING T0. CIRCUIT, Iry 1 DEFA . ' sons'-.with dlsabillties need- CONSIDER PROPOSEOMEDIATED SEMINOLE'COUNT a in whith'assessed• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- ing assistance fo participate SET'TLEMENf gGRE M ~A' ORD. f6ARCf:AY 8 EN that MTAG,CUST F°OR in any of these Proceedings A ENT`FOR CREYYE MANAGEMENT s oald contact the Employ- 'COMMUNICATION TOWER'IWD NLEYr ALFHON,SE;' hh h CASE NO.: OB-C LLC t e holdeY. of the fol- ee Relations Department NOTICE•OfAEZONING PUBLIC of•said_'VVropertx belnp Iowingterifficafe•has filed CoordingTbr, 48 hours fn.ad- .NEARING TO BE pEi0 he CaOniy•of Orange, v nce pf t~le meeting aT NOVEMBER 18 2008 CITIZENS BAND( OF` to of Florida. Unless said certiNcafe for a TAX ( 071 327.1 00, EFxtenslon Ai 1.30 P.I~L ' , msrty knowp as Tha pq~tlfltate shall be re- DEE[3 to tie Issued thereon. 236.` hose are public hear. of Oviedo o The•Certihcate'number:and Notice Is hereby a according t law, inns: if you decide to a peal. ' given that ~ Property described in year of issuance;. the` de- any recommendpiionPeci- fhe Seminole Cobnty hoard Plaintiff, ' CprtificgTe will to sold scription of the property sion made by The Citv Com- of Countyy Commissioners • 6e'hi9he5t tfidder at the and the names in which l{ ~ miss(on with respect to'ggny (BCC) will conduct a public ys' ferepagg Room, located `HAS assessed are ns fol- matter donsidered at this hearing'oh November 18, 09 E. Church Street 4th lows; meeTina, you will need a re- 2008, beginnitl88 at 1:30p,m., DEBORAH N AATZNE pr, Orlando Florldq on ~CER~TIFtCAT~ N:UMBER< cordof the prbceed(n s, or as soon fher$a ter,as ARTZNERJR;RELULN c 0`4.2008,•af 10;00 p;m. 17772: g possible in The CouOty COMPANY +/Y/e Ted Sep-13200$ YEAR OF ISSUANCE:: 6 and ,for such purposes you WHITWORi~I; end rtha 0. Haynie, CPA DESCRIPTION- OF PRO ' may need to ehSUre tE!at a' Services' ~uildina, 1101 East TLE,ILC ERTY: EAST OR'L'AN~O . verbatim reaortl of The pro- FlrsT Street, Sanford,' Flori- ' LntY Comptroller ceetlings iy- made upon d0' Roo,m 1028 ,(Board ggge,CquntY, Flaridp ESTATES.SECTION AX/57 which the appeal is based. Chambers). The purpose of Oefendahis. ChrisTie.Willis THEE 100 FT OF: S' 217.50 Interested parties are aq- this heating is to t Haider. t$ui Comptroller FT OEL'OT 206 vised that then may apppear the mediated setiPement - oun~y Comptroller Seal) PARCEL ID at the meeting pnd be heard aggreement in fhe -case of NOTfCE OF ,8Qg3gg7 23 --002062 TBCOM Properlies,.Ll.C v. ~ 6, 23, 30;.11/6,2008'.' Name' fm which assessed: wiihresPepitotrieproposed Seminole County in The Nptice'is ggives ANDREW MARCINKO & ordinances. Unrt d States ant To a Sum ' . REBECCA TOUCHSTANE . SL5874975 bisiricY ;luddmant, pat 'FDA-TAX GEED ALL of sold property being 11/6 Court Middle District of 29, 2008 In•Ca TICE IS HEREBY GN/ in The Louniv of Orange; Florldq Orlando Division, CA•134714K of Thar VERDOTVILLC State of Florida. Unless NOTICE: A Public Hearing Case ~ No.. 6 06;CV•379,- r,.~~rr ~„ ,...a s.; a holder, of the~.followina.. ~.~~h ...ra.,.r._.r,,.u ,^...- ATTACHMENT C ORDINANCE N0.2008-26 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT TO INCORPORATE THE REVISIONS AND THE ANNUAL UPDATE TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT; MAKING CONFORMING AMENDMENTS TO OTHER ELEMENTS OF THE PLAN TO ENSURE INTERNAL CONSISTENCY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE PLAN AMENDMENTS. WI3EREAS, section 163.3161 et. seq., Florida Statutes (1987) established the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act; and WHEREAS, section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, requires each municipality in the State of Florida to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan as scheduled by the Florida Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS, section 163.3177(3)(a),Fforida Statutes, provides that the comprehensive plan shall contain a capital improvements element, which shall include a component that outlines certain principles for construction, extensions, and increases in capacities of public facility, as well as outlines for correct public facility deficiencies, and that such component is required to cover a least a five (5) year period; and WHEREAS, section 163.3177(3)(b)l, Florida Statutes, provides that said capital improvements element shall be reviewed on an annual bases and modified as necessary in order to maintain a financially feasible five (5) year schedule of capital improvements; and WHEREAS, said statutory provisions also require an amendments to the comprehensive plan in order to update the schedule on an annual basis or to eliminate, defer, or delay the construction for any facility listed in the five (5) year schedule; and WHEREAS, section 163.3187(1)(f), Florida Statutes, exempts comprehensive plan amendments that change the schedule in a capital improvements element, or are directly related to the schedule, from the biannual comprehensive plan amendment cycle; and WF[EREAS, section 163.3177(3)(b)2,Fforida Statutes, provides that capital improvements element amendments shall only require an adoption hearing before the City Commission, and that no transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs is required; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed City of Winter Springs Ordinance 2008-26 Page 1 of 4 public hearing on October 23, 2008, in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, on the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency recommended the City Commission adopt the large scale comprehensive plan text amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant to, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Sections 163.3167 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Section 3. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to adopt the large scale comprehensive plan text amendment incorporating the revisions of the annual update to the City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Element ("CIE") as part of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, as required by section 163.3177, Florida Statutes. Section 4. Adoption of Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. The City Commission of the City of Winter Springs hereby amends the Comprehensive Plan as follows: A. Capital Improvements Element. The existing Capital Improvements Element is hereby repealed in its entirety. The repealed Capital Improvements Element is attached hereto as "Exhibit A-l," for reference purposes only. The "Capital Improvements Element, November 2008," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference as "Exhibit A," is hereby adopted into the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. B. Transportation Element. The Transportation Element is amended as set forth in "Exhibit B," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and ~tz~t type indicates deletions of text in the Comprehensive Plan). C. Infrastructure Element. The Infrastructure Element is amended as set forth in "Exhibit C," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions ands type indicates deletions of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan). D. Recreation and Open Space Element. The Recreation and Open Space Element is City of Winter Springs Ordinance ?008-26 Page 2 of 4 amended as set forth in "Exhibit D," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and strut type indicates deletions of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan). Section 5. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 7. Incorporation Into Comprehensive Plan. Upon the effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance, said Amendments shall be incorporated into the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Section 8. Effective Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendment. The effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment adopted by this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is issued by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, or the date of the Administration Commission finding the Amendment in compliance with section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. No development orders, development permits, or land use dependent on this Amendment may be issued or commenced before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, the Amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status. After and from the effective date of this Amendment, the Comprehensive Plan Amendment set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and become a part of that plan and the Amendment shall have the legal status of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, as amended. [ADOPTION PAGE FOLLOWS] City of Winter Springs Ordinance 2008-26 Page 3 of 4 ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the day of , 2008. JOHN F. BUSH, Mayor ATTEST: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES City Clerk APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FOR THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ONLY. ANTHONY A. GARGANESE City Attorney First Reading: _ Second Reading: Effective Date: City of Winter Springs Ordinance 2008-26 Page 4 of 4 ~~EXhIIBIT - ~ ~ ~' e~ ~Y f// ~ `~. - ` ~ / l ~~' ~;f Y ~, { _ / ~~,/ ~ ~; ~ ~~ ° ~` Q :;~ ~ r ~'~ ~'~ i`, ~/ tF~=~\Incorporated ~'` ~'~ I9~9 ~ ,' ~~ ~, ~'.~`~ ~ , F' ~' ~;. City of Wing, ~" Springs ;; ,; i; /,', Compr~ensive Plan CAPITAL IMP ,~~VEMENTS ELEMENT October 2001 .Amended, July 2007 'Amended, January 2008 ~~ ~' Prepared For: /'~ ~ City of Winter Springs ~' Community Development Department f>~ 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 /. ~_, „~ %'~ Frepared By: ~% Land Design Innovations, Inc. 140 North Orlando Avenue, Suite 295 / Winter Park. Florida 32789 ~'~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ ;>' ' A. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... '>'' . .... .1 ~ ~~ B IN DS AND FUNDING SOURCES ' T . ......... VEN ORY OF NEE ................................. : ..2 1. Public Facility Needs .................................................................................~ :.............. ~- .2 r, ~ a. Public Education and Health Facilities ......................................................... :..................... ..2 ~;; b. Transportatlon ................................................... ~;_?... ........................................ :. ........................ .. 2 .; c. Sanitary Sewer ........................................................................................ ~ , ................................. .. 3 f r d. Solid ~~~aste ....................................................................................... .................................. ,'.... ..4 e. Drainage .......................................................................................~~;'........................................... <, ..4 f. Potable ~~'ater ......................................................................... /.~:................................................ f .. 3 ~~ g. Recreation/Open Space ................................................ L;>~ ..................................................... ..6 ~ 2. Funding Source Definitions ...................................~.....................................................6 ~ a. General Fund Revenue Sources .........................; :................................................................. ..7 / ~ b. Other Revenue Sources ...................................% .. .. .................................................................. .. 7 ;,. P C S . ............. r ................................................................ ... UBLIC FACILITY ANALYSI ..9 ~~ 1. Current Practices for Funding Capita± . r improvements ............................................... ..9 ,:;~ i; 2. Impacts of Future School Needs ~~'; ~nfrastructure ..................................................... ..9 ,, 3. Timing and Location of Capital ~'rojects .......................... .......................................... . .. 9 , 4. Financial Assessment...........;';.' .................................................................................... ' 10 ~ : a. Transportation ............... ~<~........................................................................................................ 10 / b. Sewer ......................... ............................................................................................................. 11 ~ ' c. « :................................................................................................................... ater ................... ~~ 11 d. Solid ~Z~aste...../~ :......................................................................................................................... 12 ~~' e. Drainage... ~ ~ ~ ............................................................................................................................... 12 £ Recreati~ and Open Space ....................................................................................................... 12 5. Forecastir~~ of Revenues and Expenditures ................................................................ 13 %~ a. De''Capacity ............................................................................................................................... 13 f' . b. ,.r:-"~eratingE~penses .................................................................................................................... 13 -~'~~Sununary of Projected Expenses and Revenues ..................................................................... f; 14 D. f`.~NCURRENCY MANAGEMENT ..............................................................................14 UALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES .............................................................................29 VIII-i CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT LIST OF TABLES Table VIII-1: Inventory of Public Schools (See Public School Facility Element, Tables IX~f'1X-2, IX-3) ....................................................................................................................................... ~.~.'............14 /% Table VIII-2: City of `Winter Springs Capital Improvements Schedule FY 2000/01-20~~'~'06..........1~ Table VIII-3: Projection of Ad Valorem Tax Re`renues ...................................................f;' ..................21 ~. Table ~TIII-4: Projections of Non-Ad Valorem Tax Revenues ....................... ...... f......... ...............?`~ ...... Table VIII-~: Projections of Debt Ser~rice Obligations for Outstanding Bond I~ ,'s ........................22 Table VIII-6: Projection of Debt Capacity ............................................................1~, r...............................23 Table VIII-7: Projections of Operating Costs .................................................... f,_~~..................................23 Table VIII-8: Projected Total Expenditures b~~ Fund ....................................f....................................24 Table VIII-9: Facility Program -Public School Facilities ......................... ~~........................................24 Table VIII-10: School Capital Impro~=ement Plan for Seminole Courf~~'~'acilities - Additions/Remodeling .................................................................... .. 24 Table VIII-11: School Capital Improvement Revenue Sources .....f j ... ~4 Table VIII-12: Planned New Public School Facility Constsucti~,~~~ ........................................................24 !, , ;; /;~ VIII-ii CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT CHAPTER VIII CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT A. INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Capital Improvements Element is to evaluate the need for pub?~'.'facilities as identified in other Elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan. In additic~:~ the Capital Improvements Element will present an analysis of the fiscal capability of the Cl ~~~o fund needed public facilities, recommend financial policies to guide the funding ~ ~' those identified improvements, and to schedule the funding and construction of impro ~iaents in a manner necessary to ensure that capital improvements are provided when required. ~~% l~Teeded capital improvements are those that are necessary to meet th 'adopted level of ser~rice standards identified in the Plan. These include: (Ord. ?007-2?, 01-14-200R`;%' ii ,~ • Transportation- Roadways which are under the jurisdiction, ~ 't the City, and dlose roadways which the City wishes to aid in funding improvements; ; ~/ • Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element -Sanitary sewer trea',~ ent and effluent disposal facilities necessary to serve the existing and future ~,-~;uulation of the City. In addition, recommendations for capital improvements and,; ~~ulicies to insure adequate sanitary sewer ,: collection facilities; ~ ; /i • Solid ~ZTaste Sub-Element -Solid waste disrf ;sal facilities to ser~~ice the CitS~'s existing and future population, coordination ~y-ith Sem.. ~ ~~le County to ensure those facilities are available when needed, and recommendations f~~~~ijequate solid waste collection methods; /,; • Drainage Sub-Element -Drainage ~'! Lems necessary to meet recommended level of service standards for stormwater quality rid conveyance, and coordination with Seminole County for improvements to systems m/;stns which serve the City but are outside its jurisdiction; • Potable «'ater Sub-Elemer,~! Potable water treatment facilities necessary to serve the existing and future pop~~2aon of the City. In addition, recommendations for capital improvements and polio ~~ to insure adequate potable water delivery facilities; • Recreation/Open ~ ` -e - Recreation facilities and land area necessary to meet the recommended lev;,'~;f service standards.; and • Public School~';icilities -School facilities which increase student capacity ensuring that the capacity of s P:'~ols is sufficient to support student growth. The Capital Im~~ u`-ements Element rill also present methods to implement and monitor Concurrency T,f?'iagement as defined and required in Chapter 9J-3.003, 9J-3.o16 & 9J-S.0035, Florida Admr~istrative Code (F.A.C.). VIII-1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT B. INVENTORY OF NEEDS AND FUNDING SOURCES 1. Public Facility Needs The applicable elements have identified ~-arious capital improvements necessary tc~ eet the recommended level of service standards. In addition, Chapter 9J-5.01.6, F.A.C. ~ ~~uires the City to assure adequate public facilities to ser~rice public education and healtl~-':~scilities. An assessment of the required public facilities is presented below. ~~' f, a. Public Education and Health Facilities i There are no public health facilities located within the City line': >~of `&'inter Springs. Therefore, an assessment of public facilities is not applicable {-'this Plan. The City's Fire Department provides Emergency Mana~~:~ient Serc~ices (EMS) and generally transports patients to South Seminole Hc,~~~ital in Longwood, Florida Hospital in Altamonte Springs and ~fi~inter Park Ho<,- ~ gal. EMS will transport to any hospital the patient requests, including hospitals u~~ ~~ ~wntown Orlando, Sanford and Florida Hospital in East Orange County. ~ ~f The Seminole County School Board operate!-'~lurty-seven (37) elementary schools, t~relve (12) middle schools, and ten (10) hi~'ri schools. These education facilities are included in the assessment of applicabl .~~ublic school facilities (see Public School Facility Element, Table IX-1, IX-2, anv;:x-3). (Ord. 2007-22; 01-14-2008) b. Transportation /~-'~ ~-; A]1 major roadways within the G'.'limits of ~~'inter Springs are under the jurisdiction of the State of Florida, Sezi~ -~°+~le County or the City of Winter Springs. Using functional classifications esr,%dished under Chapter 355, F.S., nineteen (19) roadways have been identified as n:~ ~'~icipal collectors, four (4) State arterials, one (1) County arterial and two (2) Co ~-;~ collectors. These roadways, along with all other classified roads, are listed in TnJ.' II-1 in the Transportation Element ~ ., Capital projects ~'re been identified in the Transportation Element to make improvements ?:f - arious roadway segments and a schedule of these improvements is fi presented in !' 'ale VIII-2. A general summary of existing and future transportation ..~.....,... a„~ ' ricies is as follows: VIII-2 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT (1) Existing Transportation Deficiencies: State Road 419 from Ti;}. Hwy 17-92 to State Road 434 currently operates at LOS F a oes U.S. Hv~y 17-92 from Shepard Road to State Road 419. f~~ (2) Future Transportation Deficiencies: The Transportati~~! r,lement identifies several future transportation deficiencies ar~~ associated corrective measures. Identified improvements are in<~ died for City, ~~ County and State roads. Future deficiencies includc.~:.S. Hwy 17-92 north of Shepard Road; State Road 434 from St^-''Road 419 to the Central Florida Greeneway (417); State Road 41~'~rom U.S. Hv~p 17- 92 to Edgemon Avenue, and Shepard Road fl~rn U.S. Hwy 17-92 to i Sheoah Avenue. ,~' (3) Upgrades and Maintenance of Tram:";~~rtatron System: Planned upgrades in the City's 5-Year Capital ~ ~rovement Program include: S.R. 434/419 signal upgrades; Cif `wide signal control and lens upgrades; stamped asphalt at /,'inter Springs Boulevard; and, Tuska«7lla Road signal upgrad,~~; Other upgrades included various local dirt road paving. PlanT ~ maintenance includes yearly street resurfacing and maintenance ~ ~ the public works compound. c. Sanitary Sewer f..,' ~,,~ The Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element prc~- es an assessment of facility needs throughout the planning horizon. Also includ/ ' in the Sub-Element is an analysis of e~sting deficiencies of the sanitary sewe /-°~atment, effluent disposal, and collection systems. The determination of futures ' 'tart' sewer demand includes only those areas within the City limits of `~~inter `'sings. The CinT will coordinate sewer demand with surrounding cities and un?;%~ ~rporated Seminole County as needed. ~~;;: The City has a total de~~ n capacin~ of 4?37 hiGD, which includes the capacities of both the East ~la> ~_%_~ater Treatment Plant (~XrWTP) and the Wiest Wastewater Treatment Plant (~';r' hI'). Capital projects necessary to meet demand vrithin the first five-year capital ~~~~rovernent horizon (fiscal years ending 2005-2006) are specific to expansion of l':c~ City's collection system and maintenance of e:~isting system. A schedule of 1~,ital projects to maintain the current system and meet the projected ~1Pmanr~ i~~ ~~Psented in Table VIII-2. A general summary of existing and future System deficiencies is as follows: Existing Sanitary Sewer Deficiencies: There are no existing deficiencies in the system. Future Sanitary Seurer Deficiencies: Future deficiencies are specific to the development of the proposed Town Center and associated Main Street. Upgrades and Maintenance of the Sanitary Sewer System: Planned projects include the installation of a force main and lift stations to serve the proposed Town Center project. Other future projects include extensions of the force mains. Planned upgrades VIII-3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT include gas scrubber conversions to both treatment plants, autom~`-~~ bar screens at the East plant, installation of sand filter at thee' st ,1:~ plant, aeration upgrades, various lift station upgrades and t,,..> East force main rerouting. Planned maintenance of the system eludes installing a liner in the storage ponds, meter conversi~<'>; for the reclaimed water system, pump maintenance/replac~f ents, roof replacements and various plant improvements. f:' d. Solid ~fi'aste Solid `t'aste is collected by= a private hauler for disposal in,! ~'e Seminole County landfill. Based on projections presented in the Solid ~~'astel.-ib Element, Seminole County has adequate landfill capacity) to meet the City's ne1~~~through the year 2043. A general summary of existing and future Solid ~~'aste~~ iciencies is as follows: ~' (1) Existing Solid [waste Defrcier7~ %~s: There are currently no deficiencies in the solid waste prop ~~in. (2) Future Solid haste Deficiez'1es: Seminole County has adequate landfill capacity beyond the ~- ~- nning period. Therefore, there are no future deficiencies for soli/d ~:-aste. (3) Upgrades and Maint, `.~ance of Solid hhaste Program: The City franchises the solid ~~2te services to a private hauler. upgrades and maintenance of '~ ' franchise agreement and terms are the % ~"~ responsibility of~ ;:~ General Ser~rices Director. e. Drainage % % ~, , The City of ~~'inter Sprin;`'completed an inventory and analysis of its stormwater drainage systems throut'~'a study that `vas adopted as the City's Stormwater Master Plan. This plan, whi~ ~ "addressed all aspects of the City's stormwater system, was completed in 1992; ' ~ eral prioritized capital improvements related to drainage have been identified i*;~rie Stormwater Master Plan and are explained in detail within the Drainage Elemr~~~ ~;, Drainage ~;-~+ems constructed to sere e public right-of--ways are owned and maintainef ;;-1~y the City. Drainage systems in private subdivisions are owned and maintain/~;~i by individual property owners or Homeowner's Associations. A sc,'~~3ule of capital projects to maintain the current system and meet the projected dP.~ind is presented in Table VIII-2. A general summary of e~ ting and future !~. ~= amage deficiencies is as follows: VIII-4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT (1) Existing Drainage Deficiencies: Based on the S-Year Car,'f ;i Improvement Program, existing deficiencies in the drainage ~~''em includes underdrain installations, Little Lake Howell RCP~~'slvert installation and various other project listed in Capital Impf, wement ,~ Program. ~ (2) Future Drainage Deficiencies: Future drainage deft ~ ;~~cies include the No Name Creek drainage swales and culve~>~'." Other future deficiencies may arise from private developmenF~ chat are not the responsibility of the City and were installe~':'~ prior to 1984 and maintained by indiv=idual homeo`wner's associ.;~~ns. (3) Upgrades and Maintenance of the Dr-`,%iage System: upgrades and maintenance of the drainage ~:-~ em includes inlet/outlet irn rovements and vehicles and e ui ~''nt necessa to maintain the P q Pr , - ~' systems. ~` f. Potable Water '~ The Potable ~~jater Sub-Element states that t?~~'City= has adequate treatment facilities and well capacity= to service the a,,f~"ipated population and commercial establishments through the planning h~~=f on. In addition to the well capacity, the City has adequate storage capacity for ~_'; ~er~rice area. The City has chosen to set a level service (LOS) for potable water delivery. This level of service will act as a guide jw determine the compatibility of land uses to the potable water delivery sy=stem. fie basis for detei7ni~ung the LOS is the ISO rating system for fire protection;/rihe City's capital improvement program includes numerous projects to meet~/f ie LOS for water delivery. ~, A schedule of capital prfr'::cts to maintain the current sy=stem and meet the projected demand is presentec?~i Table VIII-2. A general summary of existing and future Potable Water Syst fr' deficiencies is as follows: (1) 1<":sting Potable Watet Deficiencies: There are no e~i ting i :~ /; 'eficiencies related to potable water consumption. Ho~we~>er, there is a single fire flow deficiency in the system which is scheduled to be rectified. !) Future Potable hater Deficiencies: Future deficiencies are specific to the development of the proposed Town Center and associated Main Street. (3) Upgrades and Maintenance of the Potable mater System: Planned projects include the installation of water mains to serve the project. Other future projects include extensions of the water mains and construction of a new swell at aTater treatment plant #1 (eastern treatment plant). Upgrades to the system include chlorine conversions at water treatment plants #2 & #3, meter upgrades, electrical upgrades and S.R. 434 water main upgrade. Maintenance VIII-5 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT includes water treatment plant #1 discharge piping improvem and plant maintenance. g. Recreation/Open Space ~~~ ~/ The City of ~~~inter Springs has historically operated and m ~~ .?iained a comprehensive parks and recreation program. An analysis contain ~ywithin the Recreation and Open Space Element of the City's existing facilitiF~~~nd projected needs revealed that most parks and recreation facilities are ade~'_-xte to meet the /~~;;~ed for additional needs of the City during the newt planning period. However, , facilities was found in some categories based upon future gro~-.,~';projections. The City has set a standard for the location of park area~,~elative to the tS-pe and service level of each park area. Map VI-2 in the R~~~~'zation and Open Space Element, displays the sercdce area for each park type~~~ schedule of needed capital projects to implement the City's LOS standards for r',:'.ts and recreation is presented in Table VIII-2. A general suinYnary of e~istin~~ :~d future Parks and Recreation deficiencies is as follows: (1) Existing Parks and Recrea%:;n Deficiencies: Currently, the City meets the adopted level of sl~;ice for park acreage. i ;' (2) Future Parks and Rf;~%r".~ation Deficiencies: Future deficiencies will include park acrea ~'~or neighborhood and community parks. ~~~ ~ntenance of the Parks and Recreation (3) Upgrades and _, ,_ Spstem: The ;~~liital improvement program outlines specific upgrades and v!n~intenance items for parks and recreation, including lighting for ~_ ccer fields, park expansions, resurfacing basketball courts anc?~ ;~iaygrounds, mowers and replacement work carts with /i~ sprayer 2. Funding Source The City of Vint ;'',springs has used numerous sources to fund capital projects in the past. Since adn,-ion of the Comprehensive Plan in 1991, the City has employed methods des '-_,~aed in the Capital Improvements Element in addition to its standard annual bud~~~u g procedures to allocate funds for specific purposes. An ove~~~~w of various funding sources, which may be used for capital project fundit~ris presented below. ~i ~~~ ~:; ~~III-6 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT a. General Fund Rey-enue Sources b (1) Ad Valorem Taxes (Property taxes). Ad valorem taxes T- rude ~r revenue from non-exempt property taxation. The current mil?~be rate is 3.7708. (2) Franchise Fees. Franchise fees are levied upon a com1f,- ~~ in return for providing service to Tinter Springs. The Cit1 'currently has agreements covering gas and electric utilities. ~'' (3) Licenses, Permits and Fines. All businesses ~ f,'rating in the City obtain occupational licenses. Building perm.;; ~ are required for all construction. The City receives a portion or~~ traffic citations issued in the CitS= from Seminole County. ~~' (4) Intergovernmental Revenue. Intergo~ ~~unental revenues are funds collected by the State or Count;-~';;:~nd shared «nth other local government units. Major source%~~f shared revenue include the cigarette tax, State revenue sha-~_~, beverage licenses, mobile home licenses, motor fuels tax, half 1~it sales tax and occupational licenses. ~,~ (5) Interest Income. Interest some is revenue earned on funds that have been invested by t~,~~',ity. ~. (6) Other Charges for Se;', ices/User Fees. Charges for ser~-ices prop ided by the City that ar; ~ laid by the users to fully or partially cover the costs to providei;Lrvices. These fees generally include special fees placed on devF>' ;, Hers for processing plans and administrative fees for i; annexations;'; ether sources include miscellaneous rents, leases and sales. ~~~ 7 Utili "'L- ~ es. Utili r taxes are assessed on the users of water electric () ~'i~ n , gas, ~~ ,.pane and telephone. The City currently levies a utility tax of 10°~ior electric, gas, propane and water. The telephone utility tax is /; ~~;: _~entl 7%. ~~ Y OthF; ~ :'evenue Sources Impact Fees. These fees are charged concurrent with new development and contribute towaxds payment for infrastructure needs, but not operational costs, which directly result from new development. Impact fees are currently assessed for police and fire protection, schools and transportation. Special Assessments. Special assessments are levied against residents, agencies or districts that directly benefit from the ne~v service or facility. Enterprise Funds. Enterprise funds are used to account for City services that are operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises where the intent is that the costs (expenses including VIII-7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT depreciation) of pro~Zding goods and ser~-ices to the general pr'`,',; on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily througl<~iser charges. ~ ~~ ,~ (4) Local Option Gas Tax (LOGY). Seminole County provic}}' _~%~the City «7th a portion of the gas tax in which the County ?,f~'ies on gas consumption. The percentage is based on the City's~;~~pulation and can be used only for transportation related improve~~>'nts. (5) General Obligation Bonds. These bonds are ba~l~'d~ by the full faith and credit of the local government and musr,~f ~'; approved by voter ,: referendum. They offer low interest for car,~ng less risk since they are secured by government taxing po~-.f'~ Capital improvements financed through general obligation bc~:~ ~ should be used only for projects benefiting the whole City. ~f,~ (6) Revenue Bonds. Funds raised fro-E~~evenue bonds may be used for ,~ projects benefiting a specific gro ~ since charges collected from users ~' of the improvement are appli~: J~'directly to the debt ser~rice on these bonds. In this respect thy-:;>:~rojects are self-supporting. Revenue bonds pay higher interestf~d their issuance may be approved by the i% City Commission witho~ ;,Toter approval. (~) (8) Industrial Revenue ids. Though the local government issues these bonds, the debt is~sumed by the companies or industries that use the rep enues fo}~onstrucrion of utility plants or faciliries. Because they are tax-ey pt and low interest, industries are attracted to this type of bon f'~ca1 government can transfer the actual liability to provide ;'! pest while garnering employment and economic benefits for the ~ ~~iununitjr. i; ` FedP'~~ ,and State Grants and Loans. Federal funds are allocated to st~~'agencies aThich administer block grants or disbursed as block ~~nts directly to state and local agencies or other eligible >rganizations. The purpose of the block grant program is to enable -' greater latitude by recipients in the actual use of the funds. These funds are generally anon-recurring source and cannot be accurately projected for budgeting purposes. In addition to block grants and other state grants, several federal agencies offer direct loan programs «~ith limited ability to finance capital improvements. State loans, however, can be used to finance capital projects such as land acquisition for low-income housing. VIII-8 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT ~, C. PUBLIC FACILITY ANALYSIS %~~~ >; 1. Current Practices for Funding Capital Improvements ~' Revenues have generally been used to meet mandatory or essential ~,; crating expenses in the past, with only limited amounts of monies available to f, `:',~ needed capital improvements. The City now utilizes improvements and projecr.;~. ~entified in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to help guide fund alloy ~;~on that will ensure the adequate provision of public facilities and infrastructure f/ ~-' The various elements of this plan discuss and analyze c't~al improvements necessary to correct existing deficiencies and provide faci'~: ~ expansion to meet ro ected ow-th. The methods of ro~ect rioritization f," the identified ca ital P j ~ P 1 P ~, ~` P improvements are explained below. ; To provide a means to determine the relative priority f':~Jach capital project, the City vv-ill use the foliow~ng criteria to prioritize projects: ~,- • Whether the project is necessary to meets ~ablished levels of service. • ~~~hether the project increases the `f ~:fficiency of existing facilities or infrastructure. /, ~. • ~~jhether the project represent<,-~~'~logical extension of facilities within the urban ser~-ice area. ~' • ~Tjhether the project is co~o/~~iiated with major projects of other agencies. • ~~%hether the project in~'~tements the policies of the Comprehensive Plan as they pertain to concu~ ncy requirements. ~~ • ~~rhether the projc:f._'elinunates a public hazard. ~~ • Whether the r~~-'j~:ct is financially feasible. i` i Based on the critc! a noted above, capital projects identified in the various plan elements were ra~~~and the estimated costs for each project were determined. Table VIII-2 displav~f ~~~ prioritized list of each capital project by element, including the correspondi~ ','post estimate for the period between 2001-2006. ,, 2. Impacts _~ J~uture School Needs on Infrastructure The (,f';~ has included future school demands in the socio-economic data when ana' °,.iig the City's transportation needs. In addition, school demands on the City's w,=~°r and sewer infrastructure have been included in the level of ser~-ice calculations ;~ those services. It is anticipated that there will be no major impacts of these :~ >~acilities in the future, and the per capita level of service standards are adequate to ~~ ~ anticipate future school demands. ~r~~f Timing and Location of Capital Projects ,. Capital projects planned through 2006 «~11 occur in various locations throughout the City. The timing of ne~v infrastructure is accomplished by setting guidelines within VIII-9 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT the various Elements of this Plan, to assess the relative strength of the C;'`~'s infrastructure to service both existing and future growth. The numerous ElemPr~`'rof this Plan require City departments to provide an assessment of th-r~ i:ity's infrastructure annually at budget time. ~~' 4. Financial Assessment For purposes of assessing the City's financial capability to fund th(.~~ipital projects identified in this Element, projected revenue sources and expend~res through the year 2006 have been identified in Tables VIII-4 and VIII-8, resp: ~-uvely, ~- Specific local practices to help pro~dde a more detailed le~:f~,:'~of analysis that will f guide the provision of funding for needed improvements }~'; ~° each public facility are described below. Transportation The timing of new roads and streets, intersection ':iproz=ements, and the placing of traffic signalization have been driven by new de.~~opment, availability= of funds and public input. The location of signaling d~~~ices has been determined by the Department of Transportation on arterial sty %;~s and on collector streets feeding into arterial streets. Placing of traffic signs an,%~-ether internal controls in residential and commercial areas has been determine~~r , j= the local traffic control authority of the %inter Springs Police Department an; %~he City's Public ~~%orks Department. Transportation projects, includin;~'improvements that will increase efficiency or enhance existing facilities are~iisted in Table VIII-2. Transportation related o erations and ro~ects are ;~~entl ~ funded under the City De artment of Public P P J ~~; y P ~~~orks. This department is ' .aided from general fund revenues and special revenue funds. The Seminole Cou;:~~Local Option Gasoline Ta_x and State Motor Fuels Tax, which are a part of gen'~Il fund revenues, are reserved exclusively (pursuant to State Statute) for streets ~-~-'drainage operations and capital projects. A projection of revenues from the ~ f unty Gas Tax and State Motor Fuels Tax has been presented in Tab1eVIII-4. In ~ ~'ation, the City implemented a transportation impact fee in 1990 and amended ,,~~ 1991 to help pro~7de funding for improvements to the City's ~: transportati~,~,~system. ~; To help ~~id future transportation projects, the Seminole County one cent local option ~`'~s tax was passed in 1990. This local option sales tax expired in year 2001. On S-~~ember 4, 2001, the County passed another voter referendum to continue the on _: ~.nt local option sales tax to fund transportation projects through the year 2011. f ~,.~ estimated that this tax mill generate 12.5 million dollars for the City of ~~jinter pangs. i~ listing of the proposed projects to be funded by the one cent sales tax is rovided in the Capital Improvements Program. ince a number of roadways within the City limits are under the jurisdiction of eminole County, a large amount of funding is expected from that source. ;oordination with Seminole County and FDOT will be necessary to ensure the nplementation of a majority of these improvements. The Intergovernmental ;oordination Element recommends coordination with the County to ensure VIII-10 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT /~, adequate funding of these projects. Funding for these projects is anticipated to c~~; e from a variety of sources. An analysis of these sources is included later ~, ,;';.his Element. /~j b. Sewer / / Although the City's sanitary sewer facility capacity can meet prof: ;~~d demand through the planning period, several projects are planned to enhan:`''the provision of sanitary sewer services for future growth. These projects in~ de rerouting of East force main, upgrades to lift stations, ~~~est Town Center gr ';;'_y sewer extension and improvements related to the reuse system. The prioritizF/jprojects are listed in Table VIII-2. ~ /' The major funding mechanism for sanitary sewer ca~ ~~'al projects is the Utility Enterprise Fund. Other projects, which are related toj'; iprovements in the existing system, are to be paid from renewal and replacer<':nts funds. Sanitary sewer is funded and accounted for as a division of the City! junterprise Funds. A schedule of sanitary sewer projected user revenues, fees a; ;`expenses has been presented in Table VIII-4 & VIII-8. i ~, Effluent disposal is conducted by rapid infi'' ration basins (RIBs) and spray irrigation. Connection to the City='s reclaimed watev~,'stem is required for all new development f.% located within the FDEP permitted re~-,~ ser~rice area. These connections will help to ensure adequate effluent disposa?~-~pacit~ for ne`v development. Implementation of the reclaimed water program he;~=, allow the present Wastewater Treatment Plants r ; to operate with increased efficie,'; y. The collection s5-stem for wastewater inside the City limits has been expanded/; ,existing residences as funds have become available. Line extensions for new de';Iopments have normally been the responsibility= of the developer, «nth little or n~i.'~onetary= contribution by the City. ~, c. Water ~;' The City of Winter~',_>rings currently o~rns, operates and maintains a central potable water distribut-io/n! ~~stem. The City's potable water system provides water for both residential an~~n-residential purposes, including fire-fighting demands. The City has historica,' ;; been able to provide adequate potable water service to meet the demand ~:-' Alin the City's boundaries. Presently, the City does not service surroune'.- ,j areas of unincorporated Seminole County. The central system is comps!,--.i of three water treatment plants, seven public water wells, four above grog-~" storage tanks, and several miles of distribution mains of varying sizes. The ea'~'rn portion of the City is serviced by water treatment plant #1 (~~rI'I'-1) while ,~.r ;e western portion is serviced by «1'I`I'-2 and WTT'-3. The City's Master Utility ~i~lan depicts the details of the distribution system and future expansion, repairs and/or upgrades. The major funding mechanism for potable crater capital projects is the Utility Enterprise Fund. A variety of funding sources are recommended to finance the various potable water capital projects. A schedule of potable water projected user revenues, fees and expenses has been presented in Table VIII-4 and VIII-8. VIII-11 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Numerous projects are listed in Table VIII-2 to enhance the City's potable v,%~%':r systems for future growth. ` ~~ d. Solid Waste ~ Solid waste is collected by a private hauler for disposal in Seminole Co ~/ ;~ landfills. The landfill site is owned and operated by Seminole County. ,/, Pursuant to Chapter 403, F.S., Seminole County is responsil;~' for pro~riding adequate solid waste disposal capacity throughout the planning 1';_`izon. The goals, objectives and policies of the Solid `YTaste Sub-Element addres~~~~ie need for the City to coordinate with Seminole County to ensure the County ,~'wides adequate solid waste disposal capacity for City residents and commerci~ l~'stablishments. Revenue projections from solid waste collections are presented in /""'~: le VIII-4. e. Dr~na~e f~+' r .~ ~Z'inter Springs lies in three primary drainage bas? ~' Soldiers Creek, Gee Creek and Howell Creek. A Storm ~~i'ater Master Plan was ~'~'eloped and adopted by the City in 1992. This plan vas created to be in Management District guidelines and F stormwater utility= fee to pap for the j%, iding of improvements to its current stormwater system and to provide for fi~~!rre stormwater treatment facilities. The City's drainage and stormwater/„stems are operated under the Public `Forks Department. 1\~Iajor funding for tl;~%Division is from the Stormy=ater Utility Fund. Table VIII-4 presents a schedul~,'~f these revenue sources through the pear 2006. The majority of these funds l',' e been allocated for streets and drainage operating ~; expenses. ~' ~" /, , , The Stormwater Mastery , n identified set-eral improvements necessary to enhance the City's adopted levee'," ~ ser~rice for drainage. These improvements were prioritized and are explained i~`;%'detail in the Drainage Sub-Element of the Infrastructure Element. Specific e. ~inage projects are listed in Table VIII-2. It is recommended that future updates~i-' the City's Stormyrater Master Plan continue to include a detennination~; i the amount of funding necessary to complete improvements identified in~._u plan and for the maintenance of existing systems. £ R~ eation and Open Space 1 The C'.~~has had land donated for various parks and some of the park facilities were don; ~~d by different Civic organizations and indi~riduals. Some of the funding for c^.~tal improvements for recreation that the City has used has been grants from the % ~ ate and County. The City's Code of Ordinances currently requires parkland in 'neighborhoods. ~fi'hile no significant deficiencies were identified for parks, the City will complete several projects aimed at enhancing the City's parks and recreation infrastructure during the planning period. On September 4, 2001, the citizens of Winter Springs passed a 3.4 nullion dollar general obligation bond for the purpose of acquiring 27 acres of land located on the west side of Central ~~'inds Park. This land will be used l/ Dance with St. Johns River Water guidelines. The City implements a VIII-12 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT ,~. c. Summary of Proiected Expenses and Revenues /' . f, f; Expenses for debt capacity, operating expenses and project expenditure-~'.vere analyzed for each fund providing revenue for capital projects. A sumtnary~~`~ these projected expenses is pro~~ded in Table VIII-8. Based on analesis of,%le City's projected revenue sources and expenditures, ~fijinter Springs has adec.~,(te funding for the capital projects identified in this plan. A summary of proje~%~u revenues is provided in Table VIII-3 and VIII-~. ~'~ ~~' D. CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT ~% ;- The intent of the Concurrence Management System is to ensure that pub1-`;'racilities and services needed to support development are available concurrent with the impa; ~=t ~ of such development. This section sets forth criteria for assessment of development impact a'` i guidelines to ensure that the adopted level of service standards established by the Cite's G Lwth Management Policies required for roads, sanitary sewer, potable water, drainage, solid ~-l ate, parks and recreation, and ,. public school facilities are maintained. The concurrence evalr,~1on system shall measure the potential impact of ane proposal for a development permit or ~ ~x er upon the established minimum acceptable levels of service for sanitary sewer, solid waste, p~f:~ble water, parks and recreation, and transportation facilities, unless the development permit%~ ~r order is exempt from the review requirements of this section. No development permit ~'~~ order which contains a specific plan of development, including densities and intensities of d ~~~zlopment, shall be issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve the proposed-'~-''~elopment as determined be the concurrence evaluation set forth in this section. (Ord. 2007-??, 01;;2008) Table VIII- 1: Inventory of Public Schoc~~( (See Public School Facility Element, Tables A-1, IX-2, i Iii-~~ (Ord. 2007-22; 01-1=1-2008) ~~ VIII-14 o i i !! 1 1 1 1!; 1 N j I° f I I j ~ I ; °o I !o jo I I 1 E-' ~ o ° ~ o ~° c ~o o so I° jo ~o jo j ° ~~ j~ c ~° jc CZ ~'~ ~ Iv ~~ I ~ ~ ; j i ~ ~/ I~ ~~ ~ I I ~ i 1 1 ~ 1 ~ 3 ~ r .~ `'- `-,%~i 'O :O p \y O C ~ ~ O '. O sO ~O ~O O .O :O ~O O :O ~ ~ +; -~- ;~ ~O O iO ~ ~ ~`. `: i ~ ~ o `~ ~ o `~` c c c ^ fV ~~ ~i0 O ~ O M ,O ~~=~'~~ ~~ O O O O (O O O O O O ~ O O ~_ N ~ ~ ~' ,, N H ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ' : w I \~ ~ i i i i i I i i t O I I I \~~~~ I I I ~ i ~ ' I ~ I ~ ~' ~ N o I \''~.~ ~ ~ o'0 0 00~0~ boo o i I ~ .~ i o l^ c o ' V ~ ~ I ~ '° ° I ° j~~ ° ~° i° ~ c ~ ~ o ~ ' ° 'o ~o to ,.^^, jo o o N ~ ~ I , I ~ ~~ ~ ~ I ~, w i i j ~~~i i ! ~ i i ! 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O I~ x N ti ~--+ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT GOALS, OBJECTIVES, .AND POLICIES / ~~~ GOAL 1: Provide attainable fiscal means to ensure the timely and necessary installati~~and maintenance of public facilities needed to meet the demands of residents and~~isiness establishments «ithin the city limits of ~yTinter Springs. ~~. Objective 1.1: Capital Improvement Schedule. To ensure that the necessar~~,`acilities and infrastructure will be in place to meet Levels of Ser~rice (LOS) established ~zithin the~-~mprehensive Plan, the City shall formally adopt the Capital Improvement Schedule, identifiF~ herein as Table VIII-2. ~%' Policy 1.1.1: Capital projects shall be defined as those prof /.~ identified within the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan ~';~.'t are necessary to meet established LOS, increase the capacity ~ r efficiency of existing infrastructure, replace failing infrastruct~~~ or enhance facilities and infrastructure that generally have a cosy ~ ceeding X50,000. (Ord. ?00%-11; 07-23-?007) Policy 1.1.2: Capital projects for the followin~ Facilities and infrastructure shall be included and funded as part of~;~ City's Capital Improvement Schedule: • Transportation ~.%~ • Stormwater Ma~> /ement (Drainage) ~- • Sanitary Se~~'f • Solid Wa:r • Yotabl` 7~X~ater • P~;'-~~ and Recreation /~ Policy 1.1.3: Capital%; _ojects shall be prioritized according to the following criteria: ;' ~~~hether the project is necessary to meet established LOS. • Whether the project increases the efficiency of existing facilities or infrastructure. • ~~rhether the project represents a logical extension of facilities within the urban service area. • ~yThether the project is coordinated with major projects of other agencies. • Whether the project implements the policies of the Comprehensive Plan as they pertain to concurrency requirements. • ~yjhether the project eluzvnates a public hazard. VIII-29 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT • Whether the project is financially feasible. f~a' ~~ the Policy 1.1.4: Capital projects for school capacity improvements included , fr Seminole County School Board's Five-Year Capital Improverr~_f it Plan adopted September 11, 2007 for the fiscal year 2007-2008 thrf~r~h 2011- 2012 are included herein by reference. (ord. 2007-22; of-la-loos) ~~~ Objective 1.2: Level of Service (LOS). The City shall utilize level of ser~ri ~!~riteria defined in the various Elements of this Plan when detennitling the timing and funding oil. vital facilities. Policy 1.2.1: Adopted LOS standards for facilities and infi~~`;ructure shall be as follows: ~~ a. Transportation Facilities- The follo`vin~/t-iiiiimum LOS standards for Transportation facilities based on avera~: laily trips are: (see Transportation Element, Policy 1.1.1) (Ord. 2005-ll; 09-12-05) ~~" ..-t. 2007-22; 01-14-2008) • Limited Access Roads: as r/ ~;.-ribed b = FDOT. ord. 2007-22~ o1-la- P; ~ 5 ( > Zoos) ~ • Arterials: LOS D ~ ,~~ • Collectors: LOS D/~"Y' ,, b. Sewer- 100 gallons j';~~ day per capita. /,~' c. Solid Waste- 7.7 .~~;'unds per day per capita. d. Potable ~~jat ~~d 1S gallons (minimum) per day per capita. (ord. 2007- 11; 07-23-2007`,%~!ross Reference: See Infrastrucrure Element, Police N-B-1.1.) l;' e. Parks- ~ ; ~~res (total park acreage) per 1,000 population. f~ ; £ Scho±~` ,~apacity as established by the Seminole County School Bo ~:±~ 100% of the aggregate permanent Florida Inventory of ~~ ;- vol Houses (FISH) capacity for each school type within each ~'oncurrency Serv=ice Area, except for high schools which are "established at 110% of the aggregate permanent FISH capacity for 2008-2012 in order to financially achieve the desired LOS. (Cross Reference: See Public School Facilities Element, Policy IY-11.) (Ord. 2007-22; 01-14- 2008) Policy 1.2.2:/ In coordination with other City departments, the Community ~' Development Department shall evaluate land use amendments to ~~~ determine the compatibility of those amendments with the adopted LOS ,' standards and to ensure adequate funding is a~=ailable when ~~' improvements are necessary pursuant to such land use amendments. 1.2.3: City capital projects shall use the following thresholds to target initiation and budgeting of construction and/or purchase of capital facilities to meet projected future needs based on adopted LOS standards: y?III-30 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Roadways -Volumes are at 90 % of adopted LOS capacity. f ~~ ~/ Sewer - 73 % of available capacity is being utilized. ~ y Water - 75 % of available capacity is being utilized. ~ ~~ ~~ Recreation and Open Space -Park lands when 9d % of ~ ~ lLilable land area is utilized or when 90 % of the population exists ?:areas in need of new park acreage. ,~~ Objective 1.3: Funding Sources. The City shall pursue adequat~!~~unding for the construction of City capital projects identified in the Capital Improvement ~'-_`iedule. The School District retains the responsibility for financing and constructing school f// { hies. (ord. ?007-2?; of-1a- ~008) ~j~ 1 Policy 1.3.1: The folio«ing procedures shall be utilized r,~:;;nsure adequate funding for transportation capital projects: ~;' The City shall continue to ~>~`, ~ricipate in MetroPlan Orlando corrunittees regarding transp ~atlon funding to ensure funding distribution for transportatic~, ,1~rojects identified in Table VIII - 2. 100% of State revenue-faring motor fuels tai funds shall be reserved specifically `',-' traffic related maintenance and capital impro~-ement project] J'" 100% of net proc~'~is, after payment of existing bond obligations, of the Seminole C; ~~~, Local Option Gasoline Tas shall be reserved specifically fcs!~ Traffic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. ~~;'' 100% of, ,_~e total proceeds from the Seminole County Local Option Sales T~"Jshall be reserved for traffic related capital projects. /i Fu,;~~~ collected from the Transportation Impact Fee shall be ry~::rved for transportation capital projects. Policy 1.3.2: T 1/~following procedures shall be utilized to pursue adequate funding for ~f~rmwater management (drainage) capital projects: ~;', ~~' 100% of the total proceeds from the Stormwater Utility Fund `~% shall be reserved for storm~vater management operating needs /F/~" and capital projects. Cash restricted due to bond and grant covenants «~i11 be budgeted ~' in accordance with the terms of the covenants. /' P~ ~ .cy 1.3.3: The following procedures shall be utilized to pursue adequate funding for ~~ sanitary sewer capital projects: Maintain a reserve account restricted for sanitary sewer related capital projects. VIII-31 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT A portion of funds collected from the Utility Enterprise Fund s.'r',;l be reser~-ed to complete sanitary sewer capital projects. f~' Cash restricted due to bond and grant covenants will be buy, feted in accordance ~~Zth the terms of the covenants. ~'' Policy 1.3.4: The following procedures shall be utilized to pursue adequ~r'tunding for potable water capital projects: /r~r A portion of funds collected from the Utility F;'.~~rprise Fund shall be reserved to complete potable water capital ~~ ~-jects. Cash restricted due to bond and grant cov`e~~'its will be budgeted in accordance ~z7th the terms of the covenan/' Policy 1.3.5: The following procedures shall be utilized f-pursue adequate funding for ~/, parks and recreation capital projects: ~ Grants shall be pursued and u f=';'for the completion of parks and recreation capital projects. ~;' The Code of Ordinances ~:'~~ll continue to contain pro~risions for all ~~ new developments to g!-,ride parks and recreation lands and/or facilities and/or fees-iJ~Lieu-of as specified in the Recreation and Open Space Elemenr Objective 1.4: Capital Improvement aluation. 1~]1 Cit57 capital projects shall be evaluated to determine if they meet the priori y~atlon criteria and consistency with adopted level of service standards and/or public need. Policy 1.4.1: Requests for f~~~pital projects shall be evaluated for their consistency with adopted le?-'.-'of ser~rice standards by utilizing the following criteria: i ~~ ;' /:;' :~ i::° A11~~najor capital project requests shall be submitted for ~~f, ~zprehensive plan review by the Local Planning Agency by March ~~st of each year in order to be included in the following fiscal year capital budget. The Community Development Department shall prepare a report evaluating the timing, location, and ser~-ice area for each proposed capital project and whether the project is consistent `with the ~~inter Springs Comprehensive Plan. The City shall continue to maintain an inventory of any existing hazards within the City by using the hazards analysis and hazards mitigation criteria established ~7thin the Seminole County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and shall also identify any grant sources available to mitigate the hazards listed on the hazard inventory. ti~III-32 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT ~:~ Policy 1.4.3: Requests for capital projects shall be evaluated for their impact on i,':: City budget and the financial feasibility of the project based o;r%the folio«ing criteria: ~' The Finance Department shall detei-~nine if the capital pry ;-mot can be funded from existing cash, future revenues, or through~~:irow-ing. In addition, the Finance Department shall assign a rev~,`,~'e source(s) to fund the project. ,~ f~ The Finance Department shall prepare a r~~,~',rt evaluating the funding options, effect of the improvement ~x`~'future revenues, and the effect of the improvement on operationf>'d maintenance costs. Policy 1.4.4: r1ll capital projects shall be reviewed as to t',!'~r compatibility and timing in relation to capital projects being impler ~'ted or planned by Seminole County, the Florida Department of Tr^,%~sportation, the St. Johns River ~~~ater Management District, the Ser~--'.ole County School Board, the i.~ Florida Department of Environm-<;.~al Protection, and/or any other government agency. The City sh~'id use reasonable methods to track capital projects of any agency,~r~ich may be in conflict or may enhance the City's capital projects. // ~,~ Policy 1.4.5: The City will update th~'.: ~,:apital improvements schedule to maintain consistency with its Wa;',~,' Supply utork Plan (Exhibit N-B-1). (Ord. 2007- 11; 07-3~-200 Objective 1.5: Debt Management ~`he City shall adopt policies and procedures which address the management and utilization of ;~!bt for the purposes of capital project financing, and the Citj= will use line of credit borrowing o ~ and anticipation notes for specific construction projects and issue rep-enue pledged debt at c ~~truction completion only if current funds do not provide adequate funding to pay for constn~~:!ron. ~,, Policy 1.5.1: The J ; _ of revenue bonds as a debt instrument shall be evaluated based on ~ - e foIloR~ng criteria: r~ fi~>e (3) year projection of revenues from all funds shall be prepared and updated annually as a part of the City's budget process, and an analysis of historic and future trends in the revenue stream will be a part of the projection process. Revenue bonds shall be allowed to fund up to one hundred percent (100%) of the Cit~*'s total debt. Debt will not be issued to finance normal repairs and maintenance. Debt can be issued to make renovations, updates, modernizations and rehabilitations pro~-ided the expenditures extend the useful life of the capital asset. The maximum ratio of total debt ser~rice (principal and interest) to total revenue shall be that % deemed most beneficial to the City as VIII-33 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT detei7nined by the City's Financial Ad~~isors and its Bond CouJ~d base upon criteria set by the rating agencies and credit enhanc;,!~'°nt organizations. ~,7~ `! The impact of principal and interest revenue bond paym~~ ~~'s on the operation and maintenance of the affected utility and/~ department will not require deferring current maintenanc ~ :%' of existing f ~, infrastructure. / The impact of bond covenants and restrictions ~ ;''the City's method of accounting for depreciation, and the impacts 'any reser~-e account restrictions on the operation and maintenan~.''of the affected utility // ~ , and/or department. Cash restricted due to bond and grantd.~ senants will be budgeted in accordance Frith the terms of the co ~ ;~-.ints. On an annual basis, the City ~ restrict the amount of cash equivalent to twenty-five perce,, ~ ~2d%) of depreciation as reported on the prior year's annual fin-.~='~al statement in enterprise operations to ensure adequate repair ar, ~'or replacement of capital facilities. ;~ ,, Capitalized repairs of ending infrastructure will be paid from funds restricted by debt cod ants and current revenues. Debt will not be issued to finance car,~,~ilized repairs. Policy 1.5.2: The use of tax reve+,%',/~s~ as a pledge for the repayment of debt shall be evaluated based onde following criteria: A five (d) ~~-ir projection of revenues from all takes shall be prepared and upd~;;=d annually as a part of the City's budget process, and an analys>>;;~f historic and future trends in the tax revenue stream will be a pa-f ;f the projection process. r;~~he time of issuance of new debt, a review shall be conducted to i; ,. _~sure that the maximum amount of general government debt shall f',/not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the City's property tax base ~/ assessed ~-aluation reported yearly by the Seminole County Property Appraiser's office. Policy 1.5.3d' The City may use long term capital lease payments on lease purchases for ~~ ~ capital projects identified ~~ithin this Element, provided adequate debt /%, %'~ service requirements are provided. ~ ry Objective 1i~,' Repair and Replacement. All City departments shall prioritize capital projects td~rovide for the repair and/or replacement of identified facilities. ~~' 1.6.1: As part of the annual budget process, all City departments shall identify and prioritize capital facilities in need of refurbishment or replacement and submit those facilities for funding. ~~III-34 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT ~> Objective 1.7: New Development. The City shall ensure that new developments shar,~~-i proportionate share of the costs required to maintain adopted level of ser~7ce standards, throur'~'~e assessment of impact fees or developer contributions, dedications, or construction of~- pital facilities necessary to sere=e new development as required in other Elements of this Plan. /r~~ f, Policy 1.7.1: All development order applications shall be evaluated as to;!~<<:. impact of the development on capital facilities and the operation a; ~~' maintenance of those facilities. The evaluation shall include, but not,~~'': limited to, the following: /,~ ~' Expected capital costs, including the required that are related to the develop Expected operation and maintenance facilities required by the development/, Anticipated revenues the c impact fees, user fees, and fu ;~' ruon of new facilities is associated with the new t will contribute, including Policy 1.7.2: ~yjhen applicable, the City shall !:r ize developer's agreements to ensure the timely and appropriate ~ ~ Callation of needed capital facilities to servrice new development `~~h agreements a-ill be executed under the City's constitudonal home~~ile power and following the procedures set forth in Chapter 163.32' lorida Statutes. Policy 1.7.3: To ensure adequat<, ; 'apacity allocations for all developments, the City may require any , ~-~velopment to use developer's agreements and/or develop in mor `,:~~~an one phase. ,~ ,. Policy 1.7.4: City shall ~~ ;: ~'iinue to use impact fees for transportation and police and fire to ens' ae new developments contribute their proportionate share of capital~',~~ject funding necessary to service new development. //,;; Policy 1.7.5: Ne; ~%developments shall be responsible for installing all internal water ~` ~I sewer systems, traffic circulation systems, and internal recreation/open space facilities ~~nthin their development. In addition, ~ connections of internal systems to the City's designated major water and ~ se~~er trunk systems and traffic circulation network shall be the financial /.~ responsibilite of the developer. ~, Objective 1.8:;a;-~ Concurrency Management. The City shall continue to operate a Concurrenc~~~ lanagement System for the review of all proposed deg=elopments ~zrithin ~~jinter Springs for-~-zpact to public facilities ~~~thin the City and for impact to school capacity. As part of ~t,, the City ~ ,oncurrency Danagement System, the City shall rely upon the School Board to determine and re~ i-t to the City if school capacity is available. (ord. 200-22; of-la-zoos) T] '> concurrenc evaluation s stem shall measure the otential im act of an ro osal for a ~r y y P P y P P '`;~~elopment permit or order upon the established minimum acceptable levels of service (LOS) for ~;: VIII-35 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT public schools, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, parks and recreation, ;~<i transportation facilities, unless the development permit or order is exempt from the rr~'ew requirements of this section. I~~o development permit or order which contains a specific ~ in of development, including densities and intensities. of development, shall be issued unless, iequate public facilities are available to serve the proposed development as determined by the ~. j currency r evaluation set forth in this section. (ord. 2007-22; 01-14-2008) ~% Policy 1.8.1: Policy 1.8.2: Policy 1.8.3: Policy 1.8.4: Facilities Inventory and Reporting. The Commu*r~ ~ Development Department shall maintain an inventory of the a,~riable capacity of roads, potable `vater, sanitary sev?er, solid waste, any arks and recreation public facility categories. Each year, the Cn-~lnunity Development Department shall prepare a report for the G; ~"Commission containing the current capacity azthin each public fay "~: p category, including any encumbrances or deficiencies. This annu~,'`~~-'eport shall also identify any public facilities that will require improver~~nts to maintain adopted levels roeduction in the appr co Taleof dev loef~ nt ordeprovements to avoid any ~~ Data on current water supplyf%~ inand and permitted capacit<= shall be maintained by the Utility I'1'.: ~artment and supplied to the Planning D1vlSlon on an as-needed 1~>is for evaluation of proposed future land ,l;' use map amendments. (~ir:. 2007-11; 07-23-2007) (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvement, Policy 1.8.3 ^',(ruture Land Use Element, Policy 1.3.4.) j ., No development oj~ r shall be issued unless it can be determined that adequate water ~~~;„~phes and associated public facilities and ser~~ices are ~,: av ailable. (Ord. ' '~ ~~ -11; 07-23-2007) (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.4.)~~' The City `Fall.«rithhold the approval of any site plan, final subdi~7sion or r functic~; <-~ equivalent which includes new residential units not exempted by ~}~2007 Int`erlocal agreement for Public School Facilit~~ Planning aszd School Cc !,. "iren~~ As Mended Janzsary 2008 until the School Board has reported f1 f ~ there is school capacity available or a mitigation agreement has been inched. Cross Reference: See Public School Facility Element, Polio- A- 1.7.1) and ntergovernmental Coordination Element, Policy 1.2.8) (Ord. 2007-22; 01-14-2008) VIII-36 Exhibit `A' City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT October 2008 Prepared By: City of Winter Springs Community Development Department in conjunction with the Finance Department, Public Works Department and Parks and Recreation Department 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES TABLES Table VIII-1: City of Winter Springs Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) FY 2008/09-2012/13 Table VIII-2: Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) FY 2008/09 - 2012/13 by Fund Table VIII-3: Facility Program -Public School Facilities: Summary of Policies, Programs and Capital Improvements with Cost Impacts Table VIII-4: School Capital Improvement Plan for Seminole County Facilities -Remodeling & Additions Table VIII-5: School Capital Improvement Revenue Sources Table VIII-6: Planned New Public School Facility Construction VIII-i CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT INTRODUCTION The Capital Improvements Element (CIE) is the mechanism used to guide and implement the Comprehensive Plan through the programming of public facilities and services as identified in the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan and must demonstrate the fiscal feasibility of the Comprehensive Plan. The CIE is to be annually adopted and updated to reflect the timing and funding of capital projects to meet or maintain adopted Levels of Service (LOS) standards or implement the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the CIE and the Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) is to ensure that necessary facilities and infrastructure will be in place to meet the LOS standards established within the Comprehensive Plan, by addressing them through the annual budgeting process. The SCI also acts as a monitoring system to ensure that programmed capital improvements are actually completed during the five-year planning period. The SCI includes those capital improvement projects for which the local government has fiscal responsibility, as well as some projects for which the City does not have fiscal responsibility, including school facilities, certain transportation facilities, some water supply facilities, and privately funded projects necessary to ensure that adopted LOS standards are achieved and maintained. Capital improvements must be financially feasible based on sufficient revenues being currently available or available from committed funding sources for the first three years of the CIE. Financial feasibility for years 4 and 5 is to be demonstrated by ensuring that funds are committed or planned. Revenue sources that may be used to demonstrate financial feasibility include: tax revenues, bonds, state and federal funds, impact fees, service charges, and developer contributions. Expenditures or appropriations included in the City's annual operating and capital budget are to coincide with SCI as well as the City's capital improvements program. concurrency related facilities in the following areas are to be included: ^ Transportation Facilities ^ Sanitary Sewer ^ Potable Water ^ Solid Waste ^ Stormwater (drainage) ^ Parks and Recreation ^ Schools If the LOS Standards are not met, concurrency management requires a local government to deny applications for development orders and permits until the deficiency is addressed. In order to assure that facilities will be in place to maintain LOS standards in a timely manner and prevent a concurrency moratorium, the SCI must address deficiencies and be financially feasible. [Note: Land acquisition and design studies should be included, but do not satisfy concurrency- Only programmed construction phases satisfy concurrency.] VIII-1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT GOAL 1: Provide public facilities and services which protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of Winter Springs' residents in a sustainable manner, while accommodating desired future growth and redevelopment at acceptable Levels of Service. Objective 1.1: Annual Review. The City shall annually review and modify its Capital Improvements Element to ensure the financial feasibility and timely provision of capital facilities needed to maintain Level of Service (LOS) standards. Policy 1.1.1: A five-year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) (Table VIII-1) shall identify capital projects needed to meet existing deficiencies, to accommodate desired future growth and to replace obsolete or worn-out facilities. The SCI shall identify funding sources and shall be reviewed and updated annually in order to maintain a continual five-year priority and outline of capital projects planned for implementation. Policy 1.1.2: The first year of the SCI will be included in the capital budget as part of the annual budgeting process, along with any other capital improvements that are identified in the City's Capital Improvements Program. Policy 1.1.3: Capital projects shall be defined as those projects identified within the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan that are necessary to meet established LOS, increase the capacity or efficiency of existing infrastructure, replace failing infrastructure or enhance facilities and infrastructure that generally have a cost exceeding $50,000. Policy 1.1.4: Capital projects for the following facilities and infrastructure shall be included and funded in the SCI: • Transportation • Stormwater Management (Drainage) • Sanitary Sewer • Solid Waste • Potable Water • Parks and Recreation Policy 1.1.5: The SCI will be updated to maintain consistency with the Water Supply Work Plan (Exhibit N-B-1). Policy 1.1.6: An amendment to the comprehensive plan is required to update the SCI on an annual basis or to eliminate, defer, or delay the construction for VIII-2 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT any facility listed in the five -year SCI. The amendment shall require only a single adoption public hearing before the City Commission. Policy 1.1.7: Corrections and modifications of costs and revenue sources in the SCI may be made by ordinance without an amendment. A copy of the ordinance shall be transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs following adoption. Policy 1.1.8: If long term LOS deficiencies are projected, the City must adopt either a long-term concurrency management system and a financially feasible long-term capital improvements schedule or other planning strategy to address these deficiencies. Policy 1.1.9: Capital projects for school capacity improvements included in the Seminole County School Board's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan adopted September 9, 2008 for the fiscal year 2008-2009 through 2012- 2013 are included herein by reference. Objective 1.2: Level of Service (LOS). The City shall utilize Level of Service (LOS) criteria defined in the various elements of this Plan when determining the timing and funding of capital projects. The City must demonstrate that the LOS standards will be achieved and maintained by the end of the five-year planning period. A deficiency is a facility of service that does not meet (is operating below) the adopted Level of Service (LOS) standard. Policy 1.2.1: Adopted LOS standards for facilities and infrastructure shall be as follows: a. Transportation Facilities- The following minimum LOS standards for Transportation facilities based on average daily trips are: (cross Reference: see Transportation Element, Polio 1.1.1 • Limited Access Roads: as prescribed by FDOT • Arterials: LOS D • Collectors: LOS D b. Sanitary Sewer- 100 gallons per person per day. (cross Reference: see Infrastructure Element, Polio N-A-1.1.~ c. Solid Waste- 7.1 pounds per person per day. (cross Reference: see Infrastructure Element Polio N-C-1.1.~ d. Potable Water- 115 gallons (minimum) per person per day. (cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Polio N-B-1.1.~ e. StOrffiWater Management- (Cross Reference: See Infrastructure Element Polio N-D-1.1.) a. Water Quantity -Peak post-development runoff rate shall not exceed peak pre-development runoff rate for the 25- VIII-3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT year, 24-hour storm event. Each development shall accommodate its proportion of basin runoff rate above the downstream systems actual capacity. b. Water Quality - Stormwater treatment system which meets the requirements of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) and which is site-specific or serve sub-areas of the City. c. Roadway construction -All public roadways within a development shall be designed and constructed to standards which do not allow any amount of water above the roadway centerline during the following storm events for the following roadway types: i. Local Roadway - 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (5.0 inches of rainfall). ii. Collector Roadway - 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall). iii. Arterial Roadway - 100-year, 24-hour design storm event (10.6 inches of rainfall). £ Parks- 5 acres (total park acreage) per 1,000 population. (cross Reference: See Recxearion and Open Space Element, Polio 1.1.1 g. School Capacity as established by the Seminole County School Board- 100% of the aggregate permanent Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) capacity for each school type within each Concurrency Service Area, except for high schools which are established at 110% of the aggregate permanent FISH capacity for 2008-2012 in order to financially achieve the desired LOS. (cross Reference: See Public School Faciliries Element, Polio IX-1.1.~ Policy 1.2.2: In coordination with other City departments, the Community Development Department shall evaluate proposed land use amendments to determine the compatibility of those amendments with the adopted LOS standards and with available funding for implementing improvements that would be necessary pursuant to such land use amendments. Policy 1.2.3: City capital projects shall use the following thresholds to target initiation and budgeting of construction and/or purchase of capital facilities to meet projected future needs based on adopted LOS standards: Roadways -Volumes are at 90 % of adopted LOS capacity. Sewer - 75 % of available capacity is being utilized. VIII-4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Water - 75 % of available capacity is being utilized. Stormwater -Adoption of TMDL Master Plan. Recreation and Open Space -Park lands when 95 % of available land area is utilized or when 90 % of the population exists in areas in need of new park acreage. Objective 1.3: Capital Improvement Evaluation. Capital projects shall be evaluated to determine if they meet the prioritization criteria and consistency with adopted Level of Service (LOS) standards and/or public need. Policy 1.3.1: The Community Development Department-Planning Division shall oversee the coordination of the Capital Improvements Element annual update. The annual update is a 10-month process and is required to ensure that necessary facilities and infrastructure to meet LOS standards are incorporated into the budgeting process. Policy 1.3.2: Capital Project Request Forms will be prepared by the Community Development Department-Planning Division and distributed to City departments in February each year. Policy 1.3.3: Project requests shall be prepared with a description of how the project achieves or maintains LOS or how it will implement the Comprehensive Plan. Requests shall include a detailed cost analysis, including estimated costs for design, construction, land acquisition, and annual operating and maintenance costs. Policy 1.3.4: Project requests for capital projects shall be prioritized according to the following criteria: • Whether the project eliminates a public hazard; • Whether the project is necessary to meet established LOS; • Whether the project increases the efficiency of existing facilities or infrastructure; • Whether the project represents a logical extension of facilities within the urban service area to accommodate desired future growth; • Whether the project implements the policies of the Comprehensive Plan as they pertain to concurrency requirements; • Whether the project is financially feasible and its impact to the City's budget; • Whether the project is coordinated with major projects of other agencies; and • Whether the project is mandated by the State or Federal government, Policy 1.3.5: Project requests shall be evaluated by the Finance Department to determine each project's impact on the City budget and the financial VIII-5 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT feasibility of the project. The Finance Department shall evaluate each project's funding options, the effect of the improvement on future revenues, and the effect of the improvement on operation and maintenance costs. Policy 1.3.6: The Community Development Department shall evaluate the timing, location, and service area for each project request and determine the project's consistency with the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. Policy 1.3.7: Key staff will participate in an internal Capital Improvements Element coordination workshop in March or soon thereafter, to discuss project requests and stafps findings. Policy 1.3.8: The resulting information shall be compiled into a draft Capital Improvements Program which shall be presented to the Local Planning Agency for review and recommendation prior to the City Commission budget workshops. Objective 1.4: New Development to Bear a Proportionate Cost. New development shall bear a proportionate cost of public facility improvements in order to maintain adopted level of service (LOS) standards. Policy 1.4.1: All development order applications shall be evaluated as to the impact of the development on capital facilities and the operation and maintenance of those facilities. The evaluation shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Expected capital costs, including the installation of new facilities required that are related to the development. Expected operation and maintenance costs associated with the new facilities required by the development. Anticipated revenues the development will contribute, including impact fees, user fees, and future taxes. Policy 1.4.2: The timely installation of capital improvements required to meet LOS, which are to be funded by a developer, shall be guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement, interlocal agreement, or other enforceable agreement. Such agreements will be executed under the City's constitutional home rule power as authorized in Chapter 166, Florida Statutes or as otherwise authorized by law. Policy 1.4.3: To ensure that LOS standards are maintained, the City may require a development agreement and/or development to proceed in more than one phase. VIII-6 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Policy 1.4.4: The City shall continue to use impact fees to assess new development a pro rata share of the costs required to expand or acquire capital facilities or equipment made necessary by the new construction from which the fees were collected or for principal payments on debt instruments for these facilities and services. Policy 1.4.5: New developments shall be responsible for installing all internal potable and reclaimed water and sewer systems, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems, and internal recreation/open space facilities within their development. In addition, connections of internal systems to the City's designated major potable and reclaimed water and sewer trunk systems and vehicular and pedestrian circulation network shall be the financial responsibility of the developer. In lieu of providing these systems, the developer may contribute funds quid pro quo for use by the City for funding expansion of similar systems. Objective 1.5: Funding Sources. The City shall pursue adequate funding of capital projects identified in the Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI). The School District retains the responsibility for financing and constructing school facilities. Policy 1.5.1: The City shall demonstrate that the Capital Improvements Element is financially feasible by ensuring that sufficient revenues are currently available or will be available from committed funding sources for the first three years of the SCI (Table VIII-1). Financial feasibility for years four and five of the SCI shall be demonstrated by ensuring that funds are committed or planned. Committed revenue sources include: ad valorem taxes, approved bonds, secured grants, state and federal funds, tax revenue, impact fees, service charges and developer contributions (included within an enforceable development agreement). Policy 1.5.2: Planned revenue sources may include the City's intent to increase the level or amount of a revenue source, which is contingent on ratification by public referendum. However, if the referendum fails, the City will amend the Capital Improvements Element to either include policies which identify alternative funding sources or take other actions as needed to make the SCI financially feasibility while meeting concurrency. Policy 1.5.3: If projects are to be funded by funds generated from sources outside the City are relied upon to satisfy LOS standards then those funds shall be included as the revenue source within the SCI. Policy 1.5.4: For capital improvements that will be funded by developers, financial feasibility shall be demonstrated by being guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement or interlocal agreement or other enforceable agreement. The agreement shall be reflected in the SCI as the revenue VIII-7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT source, if the capital improvement is necessary to serve the development within the 5-year period. Policy 1.5.5: Criteria in Selecting Sources to Finance Public Facilities: To the extent possible, the following sources (listed in order of priority and preference) are to be utilized to finance public facilities: • Grants or other intergovernmental sources • Developer contributions (inclusive of dedicated land and impact fees) • User revenues (inclusive of charges for services, local option gas tax, etc.) • Sales tax (local option infrastructure surtax) • Proceeds of Debt Instruments • Ad valorem property taxes Policy 1.5.6: The City shall continue to participate in MetroPlan Orlando to ensure funding distribution for transportation projects identified in the SCI. Policy 1.5.7: State revenue sharing motor fuels tax funds may be used for traffic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. Policy 1.5.8: Net proceeds, after payment of existing bond obligations, of the Seminole County Local Option Gasoline Tax (LGTX) shall be reserved specifically for traffic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. Policy 1.5.9: Total proceeds from the Seminole County Local Option Sales Tax (1CTX) shall be reserved for transportation related capital projects. Policy 1.5.10: Funds collected from Impact Fees shall be reserved for growth related capital outlays. Proceeds from the Stormwater Utility Fund (SUF) shall be reserved for stormwater management operating needs and capital projects. The City shall maintain a reserve account restricted for sanitary sewer related capital projects. Policy 1.5.11: A portion of funds collected from the Utility Enterprise Fund (UEF) shall be reserved to complete sanitary sewer and potable water capital projects. Policy 1.5.12: The Code of Ordinances shall continue to contain provisions for all new developments to provide parks and recreation lands and/or facilities VIII-8 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT and/or fees-in-lieu-of as specified in the Recreation and Open Space Element. Objective 1.6: Debt Management. The City shall manage debt issuance and obligations according to sound public fiscal management principles so that the City is able to provide needed capital improvements and maintain services at adopted levels of service (LOS). Policy 1.6.1: Criteria for Managing Debt Financing: The City does not have legal debt limits or utilize specific debt ratios such as the limitation on the use of revenue bonds as a percent of total debt; the maximum ratio of total debt service to total revenue; and the maximum ratio of outstanding capital indebtedness to property tax base. Instead each debt issuance is evaluated on an individual basis giving consideration to the following factors: • type of facility being financed • significance of the annual debt service requirement • favorable impact to the City • economic capacity of the City • overlapping debt which depend on the same economic base • projected City growth rate. Policy 1.6.2: Debt will be managed with the goal of maintaining or enhancing the City's credit rating so as to lower total borrowing costs. Policy 1.6.3: Long-term debt will not be utilized to fund current and ongoing operations; Short-term debt may be issued to allow the City to meet its cash flow requirements or to provide increased flexibility in financing programs; Debt may be issued for renovations, updates, modernizations and rehabilitations provided the expenditures extend the useful life of the capital asset; Capital financed through the use of long-term debt shall be financed for a period not to exceed the expected useful life of the asset. Policy 1.6.4: The City will utilize external bond counsel for all debt issues and bonds issued by the City shall be competitively bid unless the City approves a negotiated sale. Policy 1.6.5: The use of revenue bonds as a debt instrument shall be further evaluated based on the following criteria: VIII-9 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT A five (5) year projection of committed and/or planned revenues related to the capital project being financed shall be prepared and updated annually as a part of the SCI update. On an annual basis, the City will restrict, for enterprise operations, the amount of cash as required by bond covenants for the purpose of ensuring adequate repair and/or replacement of capital facilities. Policy 1.6.6: The use of tax revenues as a pledge for the repayment of debt shall be further evaluated based on the following criteria: A five (5) year projection of committed and/or planned revenues related to the capital project being financed shall be prepared and updated annually as a part of the SCI update. The City may use long term capital lease payments on lease purchases for capital projects identified within this element, provided adequate debt service requirements are provided. Policy 1.6.7: The impact of principal and interest revenue bond payments on the operation and maintenance of the affected utility and/or department will not require deferring current maintenance of existing infrastructure. Policy 1.6.8: Cash restricted due to bond and grant covenants will be budgeted in accordance with the terms of the covenants. Policy 1.6.9: The City will competitively bid investment of escrow funds for advance refundings if it is expected that bids will result in a lower cost and the required securities are available in the market. Objective 1.7: Concurrency Management. The City shall continue to operate a Concurrency Management System for the review of all proposed developments within the City. As part of the City's Concurrency Management System, the City will help facilitate school concurrency review by the School Board and shall rely upon the School Board to determine and report to the City if school capacity is available. The concurrency evaluation system shall measure the potential impact of any proposal for a development permit or order upon the established minimum acceptable levels of service (LOS) for public schools, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, parks and recreation, and transportation facilities, unless the development permit or order is exempt from the review requirements of this section. No development permit or order which contains a specific plan of development, including densities and intensities of development, shall be issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve the proposed development as determined by the concurrency evaluation set forth in this section. VIII-10 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Policy 1.7.1: Facilities Inventory and Reporting. An inventory of the available capacity of roads, potable water, and sanitary sewer facilities shall be maintained by the Public Works/Utility Department and supplied to the Planning Division on an as-needed basis for concurrency evaluation. Policy 1.7.2: An inventory of public parks and acreage shall be maintained within the City's Geographic Information Systems mapping software for purposes of evaluating concurrency. Policy 1.7.3: As part of the annual update to the Capital Improvements Element, the Community Development Department- Planning Division in conjunction with the Public Works/Utility Department and Parks and Recreation Department shall evaluate and report on current capacity within each public facility category, including any encumbrances or deficiencies. This annual report shall also identify any public facilities that will require improvements to maintain adopted LOS. Policy 1.7.4: Data on current water supply demand and permitted capacity shall be maintained by the Utility Department and supplied to the Planning Division on an as-needed basis for evaluation of proposed future land use map amendments. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvement, Policy 1.8.3 and Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.3.4.) Policy 1.7.5: No development order shall be issued unless it can be determined that adequate water supplies and associated public facilities and services are available. However, public facility and service availability may be deemed sufficient if the public facilities and services for a development are phased, or the development is phased so that the public facilities and those related services which are deemed necessary by the City to operate the facilities necessitated by the development are available concurrent with the impacts of that development (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element Policy 1.3.4.) Policy 1.7.6: The City shall withhold the approval of any site plan, final subdivision or functional equivalent which includes new residential units not exempted by the 2007 Iuterlocal Agreement for Public School Faczlity Pl~rililriu> aild School concurrency As Amended January 2008 until the School Board bas reported that there is school capacity available or a mitigation agreement has been reached. Cross Reference: See Public School Facility Element, Policy IX- 1.7.1) and Intergovernmental Coordination Element, Policy 1.2.8) VIII-11 r~r~-, \.J ^~^ ~ FBI W w 0 H I-I U }~ y m W M ~ ~ ~ R' A W N ~ V r w_ ~ L] W W m 7 rv ~ M r W M °~ ? W m W m 7 W = st = W ~, w in ~ W in - t3 ¢ AC U~ a [~ m L N m ~a, W ~ ~~+'i 7 ~ ~ ry ~,~ -_ ~ W V ~ ~~ ry _ ~ ~~ u ~ 7 LL 2 nM - ~M ~ W ~ 0. ~ V J ~ W ~ ~ W j W '- W - J c+i .yyJ J [~ ~ W c~ ~ _ ~ ~ LL [v U LL` ~ ~ W ~ 7 w W _ C] W V LLl W ~ Y LL ~ .-- _ ~~ O N ~ N O O © O O c~ p p O O O o 6 O ~1 "~ ~. N F- ~ ~ V r N ~ M1 ti lpv tau Vi n ~ N ~ N n n o N F ~ M U1 *fi N ~ ~ 54 N i i i i ~ p tY ffl i/Y c/5 L9 If? 47 1!! t~3 VF VI N R i i i i i ~~ ~ ti r } O h V.N M UT V! Vi VI tR N ~ R H ~'S O m ~- N f ~ ~ N O O ~ p ~ i Uo i p o © C] ~ ~ p p N Q t~3 u~i n ~ © p ~ ~ {p 4 ~ N a- °n in u1 Je ui ~f M UY N~ ~f~ ~ V3 Ut © c]~i ~ p d~ O f Q U O 4 ~ p p - ~ O ~ P~ ~ O o €5 N G M , a N A t? 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W ^ ~ ij s C LL N~ a j~ 3 9 U1 b H V v O N 0. h O ~ W p O 4 0. v ~ ~ [` ~ li- U ~ ~ W LL W W W W W W W W W W ~ 4 LL ~ Z [;} 7 ~ LL ~ 7 5 7 7 7 ~ °ci I- > Sj m 7 W R' F F- 7 ~ L] 7 7 W N ~ O m J ~ ~ F i ~ F- J J ~ F- ~ ~' ~ J U f /1 _ I i W ~ w ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ W ~ p t.7 .- m x w w ~ ~ W k~ ~i x w w ~ w Z J ~ ~ a LL LL Y J ~ E 3 P g N T p~ LL~ c w ° ~ c a _. 2y0 a' ~ N ^ a 7 ~ ~ ¢ 0.LL ~ N ~ zA Fa W ~ 7 a` LL $d r- ~ a - jo ~ a ~ ~ v W ~ ~ r ~ o ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o O N r a N w z ~ r ~--i I-I I~ I1 r CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII- 3: Facility Program -Public School Facilities: Summary of Policies, Programs and Gapital Im rovements with Cost Im acts Scheduled Program and Cost Impacts for 1 01112008 - 9!3012013 The Seminole County School Board Capital Improvement Plan includes significant remodeling of existing structures and the building of new structures to expand studenk capacity aver the next fine years. Te+tal 5 Year Cast: $412,226;628 Potential Additonal Cast Impacts tluringl6eynnd the Five Year Planning Period COt=TE Projections show a continued decline in student enrollment until 2414 with an inrease each year following. The 20{]5 peak year is illustrated as not being regained until 20116. Available Funding Options- Major revenue sources available to the School Board are Ad Valorem Taxes. State 'Revenue _urrG. _.;,r.I ~r.!_<<,r ~Ir~--~ti i ._~r F.s~- _,~_,lin !~,xR~ft'7;' '"^c= ~.n.iFl:~r.~r? Source: Seminole Caun[y School Board's Five Year Gapital Improvement Plan, Adopted Septamhar 9, 2888 for the fiscal year 28x8-2883 through 2012-2013. Table VIII.4 School Capital Improvement Plan for Seminole County Facilities -Remodeling & Additions Remodeling & Additiions 2008-2009 2609-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Casselberry Media 51.040,440 '55.040,040 Hamilton x1,000,000 x7,D00,000 Idyllwilde Admin 55DD,D0D 51,00D,00D Jackson Heights 51,040,440 521,444,{]04 Lawton x700,DOD x10,fl0fl,000 Lyman Bldgs. 7, 9, 14 56.D4D.D4D Milwee Remodeling 51.440,444 Pine Crest AdditionlRemodeling 51,000,040 58,040,000 Seminole High 513,500,000 Spring Lake 51,400,444 58,040,044 5tenstrom 51,000,040 51,040,000 Wekiua 51,D4D,DDD 511,QD0,QD4 Wilsanr`Geneva Pods & Renovations 580t7,00D 54.D4D,DDD Soto!! Projects 5704,004 5740,004 5700,004 5140,000 5700,000 Excel RelocationfRemodel x1,90D,000 Sales Tax Projects C]uiedo high 514.404,404 Red Bug 51,000,OOi7 58,000,000 Sterling Park 511.fl00,000 Misc. Contingency x5.044,004 55,00D,004 55,000,040 55,040,040 x5,040,040 Smu[ce: Seminole County School t3oa rd~s Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. Adapted Septam6er 3. 2808 far the fiscal year?808-2089 through?092-2813. ~~III-19 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Tat,le VIII-5 5chvol Capital Improvement Revenue Sources Revenue 200$-2009 2409-2010 2010-2011 20'11-2012 2©012-21113 State Class Size Reduction - - - - - Peco New Construction $1,473,990 $424,977 $624,691 $668,143 $267,882 Peva Maintenanve $2,250,756 $3,449,664 $3,049,650 $3,[]29,957 $2;948,333 CO&DS Bonds CO&C1S $6,850,000 $368,4E4 5368,4E4 $368,064 $368,464 $368,064 Local 2 Mill $65,321,653 $65,739,115 $70,142,761 $75,615,833 $81,879,555 2 Mil State Reduvtion COPS {58,1fi5,207) $21,400,(100 {$8,217,389} {58,762.845} {$9,451,979} ($14,234,944y Sales Tax $12,185,567 $7,953,238 58,152,469 $4,126,356 Impact Fees 53,344,004 $3,300,4011 53,344,404 $3,340,044 $3,300,000 Gasoline Tax Refund $100.000 $100,fl00 5100,000 $100,000 $140,000 Interest 51,144,444 $1,444,444 51,444,404 $1,444,444 $1,444,440 Llndesi~nated SUB-TC7TAL $105,794,823 $73,717,665 $77,934,400 578,756,374 579,628,890 Prior Year Carr aver 58,781,[141 $3,738,712 51.0,659,561 $7,645,383 $6,354,966 TCJTAL $114,575,864 $77,456,377 588,593,961 '586,401.,757 $85,979,856 SoOrCe" :.r -i no] l ;u n- Sr6rnl An-~rrj'a Far 7Tar (-~panl Iniprc~rn3rnt P]an, I ioprrA S.rp~ir xz6rr 9, _'G09 for ihr t , ra! ~ra~ ?OfS3•~(1CY9 rhrcn~l ~01 ~--'.f] Li. Table VI11-6 Planned New Public Schaal Facility Construction New Construction ZOU8-2049 ZU09-2010 2010-2411 2.017-2012 2@12-2413 Land $5,000.000 55,000,000 $S,000,OflO New Midway Elementary 51,000,000 New Elementary "N" $1,004,4fl4 [CSA E9J Bus Compound Annex 53,000,000 30 Modular Classrooms Sourae• Seminole County School Board's Five Year Capital Improuemen@ Pfan.. Adopted September g, 2005 for the fiscal year 2008-2009 through ZO'E2-2013. VIII-20 Exhibit `B' Transnortatlon Element Objective 1.1 Level of Service. Throughout the planning period, the City shall enforce the Level of Service OS standard on all arterial and collector roads. Policy 1.1.1 The minimum daily ~~_' ..c c=~-~== (L,OS} standard, to be adopted as part of th1S element and plan, Shall be aS follOWS (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvement Element, Polio 1.2.1- a.): • Limited Access Roads as prescribed by FDOT • Arterials D • Collectors D The LOS standards are based on ADT (average daily trips). The City shall coordinate with the MPO and LYNX to assist the County in maintaining the County's adopted'- ~' ~` ~~°- ~~~LOS standard for mass transit - 1.03 revenue miles per capita per year based on the estimated functional population within the transit service area. (Ord. 2005-11; 09-12-05) Policy 1.2.7 Land development regulations shall contain specific access management alternative techniques to control access and preserve'--~' ~~ ~~~-~~~LOS. These techniques include but are not limited to the following: • Limit access to roads by controlling the number and location of site access driveways; (Ord. 2005-11; 09-12-05) • Cross-access elements of adjacent properties where feasible; and • Use of frontage or back-lot parallel access roads where feasible. Policy 1.5.12 The City shall require that sidewalks be constructed concurrently with new development, by the developer. Additional sidewalks will be constructed in existing developed areas when requested ~. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element, Polio 1.4.5) Policy 1.6.3 The City shall ensure that all roads serviced by public transit routes function at a'~- ~' ~` ~~~ ~~~LOS sufficient to support the bus service. Policy 1.9.1 The City shall keep appraised of the schedules for improvements and ongoing policies of all jurisdictions whose transportation responsibilities within the City limits affect the quality of life and the'--~' ~~ ~~~-~~~LOS on which Winter Springs citizens depend. Policy 1.9.6 The City shall continue to monitor the construction schedules of Department of Transportation regarding improvement of SR 434 through the City so that the 1~$€ PLOS is not degraded below the state's criteria for a principal arterial link. In applying the lenience to permit three years in advance of funded improvements, be selective so that development permitted to proceed prior to actual construction of the higher capacity road will include only those projects which further progress toward other goals. Policy 1.11.1 The City shall continue requiring that adequate transportation facilities to maintain the City's'~~-~' ~~ ~~~-~~~LOS standards be available to meet the traffic demands of all new development prior to the issuance of a final development order, in accordance with the Concurrency Management Provisions set forth in the Capital Improvements Element of this Plan. Policy 1.11.2 The City shall require that all new developments anticipated to generate 300 or more daily trips be required to submit a Transportation Impact Study. (Ord. 2005-11; 09-12-05) (See TE policy 1.1.3) Exhibit `C' Infrastructure Element- Sanitary Sewer Subelement Objective IV-A-1: Existing Wastewater Treatment. The City shall correct existing deficiencies; ensure that the minimum Level of Service LOS for sanitary sewer is met; and, provide a level of treatment that meets the water quality standards for effluent limitations established by the FDEP. Policy IV-A-1.1: The City's adopted level of service for sanitary sewer treatment shall be 100 gallons per erson~ per day. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.2.1-b.) Policy IV-A-1.4: The City shall implement the Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI to correct existing deficiencies and update the ~ SCI annually during the City's annual budget process. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.1.1.) Policy IV-A-1.5: All improvements and/or additions to sanitary sewer facilities shall be compatible and adequate to meet the adopted'- ~' ~` ~~°- ~~~ OS standards. Policy IV-A-1.6: All land use amendments shall require an analysis of the impact of such amendment on the adopted '~- ~' ~` ~~°- ~~~ LOS standard and existing sanitary sewer facilities. Policy IV-A-2.3: The City shall implement the SCI to prepare for future development and updates it annually during the City's annual budget process. Potable Water Subelement Policy IV-B-1.1: The City's '~- ~' ~~ ~~°-~~~ LOS for potable water supply shall be a minimum of 115 gallons per person per day. (Cross Reference: Capital Improvement Element, Policy 1.2.1-d.) Policy IV-B-2.5: All improvements and/or additions to potable water facilities to correct deficiencies shall be adequate to meet the adopted '~- ~' ~` ~~°- ~~~ LOS standards based upon data and analysis in the City's 1~Ylater Supply Plan 2007, and the SJRWMD's District 1~Ylater Supply Plan 2005. Policy IV-B-3.1: Based upon the adopted'--~' ~~ ~~----~~~ LOS and data and analysis in the City's lhater Supply Plan 2007, the City will review future demands to verify that there are no needs for future expansion of potable water facilities. Policy IV-B-3.3: If new development would result in a significant increase in population beyond current projections, the City shall reevaluate the potable water system capacity and ensure that the central water system can meet '~~-~' ~~ ~~~-~~~ LOS standards prior to issuance of a development order. Policy IV-B-4.2: The City shall implement the five-year Schedule of Capital Improvements ~ SCI for potable water facilities adopted in the Capital Improvements Element. Policy IV-B-4.3: The City will review the Schedule of Capital Improvements ~ SCI annually and adopt a City budget that prioritizes needed potable water improvements to meet the demands of future growth and approved developments. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.1.1.) Objective IV-B-7: When reviewing applications for development orders within the City limits, the City shall consider impact on the environment, including the ability to be served by the City's existing water facilities. The City shall maintain initiatives to conserve potable water resources, which ensure that existing Level of Service OS standards for potable water, do not increase more than twenty (20) gallons per person per day. Policy IV-B-7.4: The City shall implement the five-year SCI for reclaimed water facilities adopted in the Capital Improvements Element, as well as the annual Capital Improvement Plan. Solid Waste Subelement Policy IV-C-1.1: The City's minimum'~~-~' ~~ ~~~-~~~ LOS for municipal solid waste shall be 7.1 pounds per person per day, which will be utilized to plan for future demand. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.2.1-c.) Policy IV-C-2.1: The City will provide adequate equipment to maintain a'~--~' ~F ~~-~-~~~ LOS standard for solid waste collection of 7.1 pounds per erson~ per day. Drainage Subelement Objective IV-D-1: Flood Control. The City shall achieve and maintain the following adopted stormwater management Level of Service OS standards that shall meet or exceed state and federal regulations for stormwater quality and quantity. Policy IV-D-1.1: New development and redevelopment issued a development order after June 30, 1991, shall meet the following water quality and quantity 1e~e~-a€ LOS standards (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.2.1-e.): • Roadway construction -All public roadways within a development, and required as part of the development order, shall be designed and constructed to standards which do not allow any amount of water above the roadway centerline during the following storm events for the following roadway types: ***** Policy IV-D-2.8: The City shall utilize the stormwater Master Plan for preparation of the five (5) year SCI to correct existing deficiencies and prepare for future stormwater demands. Policy IV-D-4.1: The City shall review detailed calculations for new projects prepared by a registered professional engineer which show that retention and detention will be accomplished to meet the adopted'- ~' ~` ~~~ ~~~ OS ,and that there will be no negative impacts to downstream water quality or quantity. Objective IV-D-5: Intergovernmental Coordination. The City of Winter Springs shall educate citizens and coordinate with applicable jurisdictions to address stormwater issues of mutual concern and to provide adequate Levels of Service LOS . Exhibit `D' Recreation and Owen S~vace Element Objective 1.1: Level of Service (LOS Standards for Parks. To ensure adequate lands are provided for parks, the city shall utilize Level of Service LOS standards for parks and other criteria specific to population, park size and location. For purposes of implementing this Objective, the City may utilize parklands under the jurisdiction of Seminole County and parks provided within residential developments. Policy 1.1.1: The ~~ ~rl-cr~,e_r~i~(L .OS} standard for parks shall be as follows (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.2.1-f.): • Overall Parkland: Five (S~ acres per 9,000 residents. This standard includes both passive and active City parks and recreational facilities, and includes Community, Neighborhood, and Mini parks. • Community and Neighborhood Parks: Five ~S~ acres per 9,000 residents. This standard applies to community and neighborhoodpark acreage combined. Objective 1.3: LOS Updates. The City shall review and, if necessary, update the Parks Level of Service LOS standards every five years. Policy 1.3.1: The City Parks and Recreation Department shall provide a written report every five (5) years justifying or proposing amendments to the'--~' ~~ ~~°--~~~ OS standards for parks and recreation facilities. Policy 1.3.2: At the time the first written report is prepared, the City shall consider the need to adopt detailed '~- ~' ~` ~~--- ~~~ LOS standards for specific activity-based recreational facilities (fields and courts). Objective 1.6: Private Parks and Recreation Facilities. The City shall coordinate the provision of open space by both public and private interests to achieve adopted Level of Service OS standards. Policy 1.7.2: The City shall utilize the ' ~--~' ~~ ~ ~°--~ ~~ LOS review to recommend recreation improvements located within private development. ORDINANCE N0.2008-26 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A LARGE SCALE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT TO INCORPORATE THE REVISIONS AND THE ANNUAL UPDATE TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT; MAKING CONFORMING AMENDMENTS TO OTHER ELEMENTS OF THE PLAN TO ENSURE INTERNAL CONSISTENCY; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, SEVERABILITY, INCORPORATION INTO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE PLAN AMENDMENTS. WHEREAS, section 163.3161 et. seq., Florida Statutes (1987) established the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act; and WHEREAS, section 163.3167, Florida Statutes, requires each municipality in the State of Florida to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan as scheduled by the Florida Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS, section 163.3177(3)(a),Fiorida Statutes, provides that the comprehensive plan shall contain a capital improvements element, which shall include a component that outlines certain principles for construction, extensions, and increases in capacities of public facility, as well as outlines for correct public facility deficiencies, and that such component is required to cover a least a five (5) year period; and WHEREAS, section 163.3177(3)(b)1, Florida Statutes, provides that said capital improvements element shall be reviewed on an annual bases and modified as necessary in order to maintain a financially feasible five (5) year schedule of capital improvements; and WHEREAS, said statutory provisions also require an amendments to the comprehensive plan in order to update the schedule on an annual basis or to eliminate, defer, or delay the construction for any facility listed in the five (5) year schedule; and WHEREAS, section 163.3187(1)(f), Florida Statutes, exempts comprehensive plan amendments that change the schedule in a capital improvements element, or are directly related to the schedule, from the biannual comprehensive plan amendment cycle; and WHEREAS, section 163.3177(3)(b)2,Fiorida Statutes, provides that capital improvements element amendments shall only require an adoption hearing before the City Commission, and that no transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs is required; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency of the City of Winter Springs held a duly noticed Cin~ of Winter Springs Ordinance 2008-26 Page 1 of 4 public hearing on October 23, 2008, in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes, on the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and considered findings and advice of staff, citizens, and all interested parties submitting written and oral comments; and WHEREAS, the Local Planning Agency recommended the City Commission adopt the large scale comprehensive plan text amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Commission hereby finds that this Ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter Springs, Florida; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are fully incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted in compliance with, and pursuant to, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Sections 163.3167 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes. Section 3. Purpose and Intent. The purpose and intent of this ordinance is to adopt the large scale comprehensive plan text amendment incorporating the revisions of the annual update to the City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Element ("CIE") as part of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, as required by section 163.3177, Florida Statutes. Section 4. Adoption of Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. The City Commission of the City of Winter Springs hereby amends the Comprehensive Plan as follows: A. Capital Improvements Element. The existing Capital Improvements Element is hereby repealed in its entirety. The repealed Capital Improvements Element is attached hereto as "Exhibit A-1," for reference purposes only. The "Capital Improvements Element, November 2008," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference as "Exhibit A," is hereby adopted into the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. B. Transportation Element. The Transportation Element is amended as set forth in "Exhibit B," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and strii~~otrt type indicates deletions of text in the Comprehensive Plan). C. Infrastructure Element. The Infrastructure Element is amended as set forth in "Exhibit C," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and stri#eattt type indicates deletions of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan). D. Recreation and Open Space Element. The Recreation and Open Space Element is City of Winter Springs Ordinance ?008-26 Page 2 of 4 amended as set forth in "Exhibit D," attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (Underlined type indicates additions and s~~t type indicates deletions of text existing in the Comprehensive Plan). Section 5. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, or parts of ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. Section 6. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 7. Incorporation Into Comprehensive Plan. Upon the effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendments adopted by this Ordinance, said Amendments shall be incorporated into the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing. Section 8. Effective Date and Legal Status of the Plan Amendment. The effective date of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment adopted by this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is issued by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, or the date of the Administration Commission finding the Amendment in compliance with section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. No development orders, development permits, or land use dependent on this Amendment may be issued or commenced before it has become effective. If a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, the Amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status. After and from the effective date of this Amendment, the Comprehensive Plan Amendment set forth herein shall amend the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan and become a part of that plan and the Amendment shall have the legal status of the City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan, as amended. (ADOPTION PAGE FOLLOWS] City of Winter Springs Ordinance 2008-26 Page 3 of 4 ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the 24th day of November , 208. ATTEST: A LORENZO-LUACES City Jerk T'; ` JO . Bi1Sfi, IVli~yor A: / ~e •t . APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND SUFFICIENCY FORT F WINTER SPRINGS ONLY. ANTHONY A. GARGANESE City Attorney First Reading: DJovemher ~ Q, ~0~8 Second Reading: November 24 . 2008 Effective Date: See Section 6. City of Winter Springs Ordinance 2008-26 Page 4 of 4 EXH~ IBS T~~, a ~~ 9 Incorporated - 1959 City of Win Springs Comer ensive Plan CAPITAL IMP VEMENTS ELEMENT October 2001 Amended, July 2007 Amended, January 2008 Prepared For: City of Winter Springs Community Development Department 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 Prepared By: Land Design Innovations, Inc. 140 North Orlando Avenue. Suite 295 Winter Park. Florida 32789 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS A. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... ....1 B. INVENTORY OF NEEDS AND FUNDING SOURCES ................................. ............2 1. Public Facility Needs ............................................................................... ...............2 a. Public Education and Health Facilities ......................................................... .........................2 b. Transportation ............................................................................................. .............................. 2 c. Sanitary Se~ver ........................................................................................ .................................... 3 d. Solid ~~/aste ........................................................................................ .........................................4 e. Drainage ....................................................................................... ...............................................4 f. Potable ~~'ater ......................................................................... ....................................................5 g. Recreation/Open Space .................................................. .........................................................6 2. Funding Source Definitions .................................. .....................................................6 a. General Fund Re~~enue Sources .......................... .................................................................... 7 b. Other Re~-enue Sources .................................. ..........................................................................7 C. PUBLIC FACILITY ANALYSIS ....... 1. Current Practices for Funding Ca 2. Impacts of Future School Needs 3. Timing and Location of Capita 4. Financial Assessment ........... ..... a. Transportation ............... ............ b. Sever .......................... ................. c. ~~'ater .................... ....................... ....... ...................................................................9 pit provements ..................................................9 o nfrastructure .......................................................9 rojects ......................................................................9 ................................................................................10 ..............................................................................................10 ..............................................................................................11 ..............................................................................................11 d. Solid ~~'aste ..... ..........................................................................................................................12 e. Drainage .... ................................................................................................................................12 f. Recreati and Open Space .......................................................................................................12 5. Forecas ' of Revenues and Expenditures ....................................... a. D CapacitS ...............................................................................................................................13 b. perating Eapenses ....................................................................................................................13 Summary- of Projected Expenses and Revenues .....................................................................14 D. NCURRENCY MANAGEMENT ..............................................................................14 OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES .............................................................................29 VIII-i CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT LIST OF TABLES Table VIII-1: Inventor= of Public Schools (See Public School Facility Element, Tables Imo- ~-2, Iii-3) ........................................................................................................................................ .............14 Table VIII-?: City of ~Z'inter Springs Capital Improvements Schedule FY ?000/O1-20 06..........1 Table VIII-3: Projection of Ad Valorem Tax Revenues ................................................... .... ................21 Table ~~III-4: Projections of Non-Ad Valorem Tax Revenues ................................... ........ ................22 Table VIII-~: Projections of Debt Ser~rice Obligations for Outstanding Bond Is s ........ ................22 Table VIII-6: Projection of Debt Capacitv............• ................................................. ............... ................23 Table VIII-7: Projections of Operating Costs ..................................................... :................... ................23 Table VIII-8: Projected Total Expenditures by Fund .................................... ....................... ................24 Table VIII-9: Facility Program -Public School Facilities .......................... .......................... ................2'I Table ~~III-10: School Capital Improvement Plan for Seminole Coun acilities - _~dditions/Remodeling .................................................................... .................................. ................24 Table VIII-11: School Capital Improvement Revenue Sources ..... ..................................... ................24 Table VIII-1 Z: Planned Ne~v Public School Facility Constructi ......................................... ................24 VIII-ii CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT CHAPTER VIII CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT A. INTRODUCTION The purpose of the Capital Improvements Element is to evaluate the need for pub ' facilities as identified in other Elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan. In additi the Capital Improvements Element «till present an analysis of the fiscal capabilitl= of the Ci o fund needed public facilities, recommend financial policies to guide the funding those identified improvements, and to schedule the funding and construction of impro ents in a manner necessary to ensure that capital unprovements are provided when required. Needed capital improvements are those that are necessary to meet adopted level of ser~rice standards identified in the Plan. These include: (Otd. 2007-23, 01-14-2008 • Transportation- Roadways which are under the jurisdictio the City, and those roadways which the City wishes to aid in funding improvements; • Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element -Sanitary sewer tre ent and effluent disposal facilities necessary to sen=e the existing and future ulation of the City. In addition, recommendations for capital improvements and licies to insure adequate sanitary sewer collection facilities; • Solid «'aste Sub-Element -Solid waste di sal facilities to sercrice the CitS~'s etisting and future population, coordination with Se le County to ensure those facilities are available when needed, and recommendations fo dequate solid waste collection methods; • Drainage Sub-Element -Drainage ems necessary to meet recommended level of service standards for stormwater quality d conveyance, and coordination with Seminole County for improvements to systems ~ sins which serve the City but are outside its jurisdiction; • Potable «'ater Sub-Eleme -Potable water treatment facilities necessary to serve the existing and future pop lion of the City. In addition, recommendations for capital improvements and poli to insure adequate potable water delivery facilities; • Recreation/Open ce - Recreation facilities and land area necessary to meet the recommended lev f service standards.; and • Public School cilities -School facilities which increase student capacity ensuring that the capacity of s ols is sufficient to support student growth. The Capital I vements Element will also present methods to implement and monitor Concurrency nagement as defined and required in Chapter 9J-x.003, 9J-x.016 & 9J-~.00~~, Florida A strative Code (F..~.C.). VIII-1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT B. INVENTORY OF NEEDS AND FUNDING SOURCES 1. Public Facility Needs The applicable elements have identified various capital improvements necessary to eet the recommended level of service standards. In addition, Chapter 9J-x.016, F.A.C. wires the City to assure adequate public facilities to ser<~ice public education and heal cilities. An assessment of the required public facilities is presented belo~v. a. Public Education and Health Facilities There are no public health facilities located within the City ~ of ~~'inter Springs. Therefore, an assessment of public facilities is not applicabl this Plan. The City's Fire Department pro~ddes Emergency Mana ent Sen7ces (EMS) and generally transports patients to South Seminole H ttal in Longwood, Florida Hospital in Altamonte Springs and ~C'inter Park Ho al. EMS will transport to any hospital the patient requests, including hospitals i owntown Orlando, Sanford and Florida Hospital in East Orange County. The Seminole County School Board operas ~ ty-see°en (37) elementary schools, twelve (12) middle schools, and ten (10) schools. These education facilities are included in the assessment of applicabl ublic school facilities (see Public School Facility Element, Table Iii-1, Iii-2, an '-3). (Ord. 2007-22; 01-1~-2008) Transportation All major roadwa}'s within the limits of ~y'inter Springs are under the jurisdiction of the State of Florida, Se ole County or the Cit~* of ~y~inter Springs. Using functional classifications es 'shed under Chapter 3~~, F.S., nineteen (19) roadways have been identified as ~cipal collectors, four (4) State arterials, one (1) County arterial and two (2) Co collectors. These roadways, along with all other classified roads, are listed in T II-1 in the Transportation Element Capital projects e been identified in the Transportation Element to make improvements °arious road~~av segments and a schedule of these improvements is presented in le ~~III-2. A general summary of existing and future transportation system de ncies is as follows: VIII-2 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT (1) Existing Transportation Deficiencies: State Road 419 from Hwy 17-92 to State Road 43=1 currently operates at LOS F a oes U.S. H«~ 17-92 from Shepard Road to State Road 419. (2) Futute Transportation Deficiencies: The Transportati lement identifies several future transportation deficiencies a associated corrective measures. Identified improvements are in ed for City, County and State roads. Future deficiencies includ ~.S. Hwy 17-92 north of Shepard Road; State Road 434 from St Road 419 to the Central Florida Greeneway (417); State Road 4 rom U.S. HR~y 17- 92 to Edgemon avenue, and Shepard Road U.S. H«T 17-92 to Sheoah ~wenue. (3) Upgrades and Maintenance of Tran ortation System: Planned upgrades in the City's S-Year Capital rovement Program include: S.R. 434/419 signal upgrades; Ci wide signal control and lens upgrades; stamped asphalt at utter Springs Boulevard; and, Tuska~villa Road signal upgra .Other upgrades included various local dirt road paving. Plan maintenance includes yearly street resurfacing and maintenanc o the public works compound. c. Sanitam Sewer The Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element pro es an assessment of facility needs throughout the planning horizon. 1=11so inclu in the Sub-Element is an analysis of ea7sting deficiencies of the sanitary sewe eatment, effluent disposal, and collection systems. The determination of futures tart' sewer demand includes only those areas within the City limits of ~t~inter ~ gs. The Cin~ gill coordinate sewer demand with surrounding cities and tint rporated Seminole County as needed. The City has a total de capacity of 4?37 ;14GD, which includes the capacities of both the East ~~'as ater Treatment Plant (~T'~~~'P) and the ~~'est ~~'astewater Treatment Plant (~ ). Capital projects necessary to meet demand ~~~ithin the first five-year capital ~ rovement horizon (fiscal years ending 200-?006) are specific to expansion of City's collection system and maintenance of existing system. A schedule of ital projects to maintain the current system and meet the projected demand i resented in Table VIII-2. ,-~ general surrunary of existing and future Sanitary wer System deficiencies is as follows: (1) Existing Sanitary Sewer Deficiencies: 'T'here are no existing deficiencies in the system. (2) Future Sarzitary Seiner Deficiencies: Future deficiencies are specific to the development of the proposed Town Center and associated Main Street. (3) Upgrades and Maintenance of the Sanitary Sewer System: Planned projects include the installation of a force main and lift stations to serve the proposed Town Center project. Other future projects include extensions of the force mains. Planned upgrades ~~III-3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT include gas scrubber conversions to both treatment plants, autom bar screens at the East plant, installation of sand filter at the est plant, aeration upgrades, various lift station upgrades and t East force main rerouting. Planned maintenance of the syste eludes installing a liner in the storage ponds, meter conversi for the reclaimed water system, pump maintenance/repla ents, roof replacements and various plant improvements. d. Solid Waste Solid ~~'aste is collected b}~ a private hauler for disposal in e Seminole County landfill. Based on projections presented in the Solid ~X'ast b Element, Seminole County has adequate landfill capacity to meet the City's ne through the pear ?043. 1~ general summary of elisting and future Solid ~~'aste ciencies is as follows: (1) Existing Soled Waste DeBeie es: There are currently no deficiencies in the solid waste pro (2) Future Solid chaste Deficie es: Seminole County has adequate landfill capacity beyond the nning period. Therefore, there are no future deficiencies for soli aste. (3) Upgrades and Maint ance of Solid Waste Program: The City franchises the solid ~ to ser~fices to a private hauler. upgrades and maintenance of franchise agreement and terms are the responsibility of General Ser~fices Director. e. Drainage The City of ~~'inter Sp ~ completed an inventory and analysis of its stormwater drainage systems thro a study that was adopted as the City's Stormwater i~~faster Plan. This plan, whi addressed all aspects of the City's stormwater system, was completed in 199?. veral prioritized capital improvements related to drainage hay-e been identified ' e Stormwater Master Plan and are explained in detail «nthin the Drainage Ele Drainage s ems constructed to seine public right-of--wags are oR~ned and maintaine p the City. Drainage systems in private subdivisions are owned and maintai by indi~7dua1 property owners or Homeowner's _-associations. A sc dole of capital projects to maintain the current system and meet the projected d nd is presented in Table VIII-2. t1 general summary of etisting and future ainaQe deficiencies is as follows: ~~III-4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT (1) Existing Drainage Deficiencies: Based on the 5-Year Ca Improvement Program, e_r-isting deficiencies in the drainages em includes underdrain installations, Little Lake Howell RCP vert installadon and various other project listed in Capital Im vement Program. (2) Future Drainage Deficiencies: Future drainage deft ncies include the No Name Creek drainage swales and calve .Other future deficiencies map arise from private developme that are not the responsibility of the City and were installe rior to 1984 and maintained by indi~~idual homeowner's associ ns. (3) Upgrades and Maintenance of the D age System: upgrades and maintenance of the drainage em includes inlet/outlet improvements and vehicles and equi nt necessary to maintain the systems. f. Potable ~~%ater The Potable ~Y%ater Sub-Flement states that City has adequate treatment facilities and well capacity to sen-ice the a ipated population and commercial establishments through the planning h on. In addition to the well capacity, the City has adequate storage capacity for ~ ser~dce area. The City has chosen to set a level service (LOS) for potable water delivery. This level of sen-ice will act as a guid determine the compatibility of land uses to the potable water delivery s}stem. e basis for determining the LOS is the ISO rating system for fire protection he City's capital improvement program includes numerous projects to mee e LOS for water delivery. .~ schedule of capital p ects to maintain the current system and meet the projected demand is presente Table ~rIII-2. A general summary of existing and future Potable t~'ater S~-st deficiencies is as follows: (1) "sting Potable Water Deficiencies: There are no existing eficiencies related to potable water consumption. However, there is a single fire flow deficiency in the system which is scheduled to be rectified. _) Future Potable haterDeSciencies: Future deficiencies are specific to the development of the proposed Town Center and associated 1\Iain Street. (3) Upgrades and Maintenance of the Potable Watet System: Planned projects include the installation of water mains to serve the project. Other future projects include extensions of the water mains and construction of a new well at water treatment plant #1 (eastern treatment plant). Upgrades to the system include chlorine conversions at water treatment plants #2 & #3, meter upgrades, electrical upgrades and S.R. 434 water main upgrade. Maintenance VIII-~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT includes water treatment plant #1 discharge piping and plant maintenance. g. Recreation/Open Space The City of ~~'inter Springs has historically operated and m tamed a comprehensive parks and recreation program. An analysis contain «rithin the Recreation and Open Space Element of the City's existing faciliti nd projected needs revealed that most parks and recreation facilities are ade to to meet the needs of the City during the next planning period. However, eed for additional facilities vas found in some categories based upon future grow projections. The Cin- has set a standard for the location of park area elative to the t~-pe and ser~~ice level of each park area. Map VI-2 in the R eation and Open Space Element, displays the sen*ice area for each park type. schedule of needed capital projects to implement the Cit}~ s LOS standards for -s and recreation is presented in Table VIII-2. A general summary of existing d future Parks and Recreation deficiencies is as follows: (1) Existing Parks and Recre n Deficiencies: Currently, the City meets the adopted level of -ice for park acreage. (2) Future Parks and Re eauon Deficiencies: Future deficiencies will include park acrea for neighborhood and community parks. (3) Upgrades and intenance of the Parks and Recreation System: The ital improvement program outlines specific upgrades and tenance items for parks and recreation, including lighting for ccer fields, park expansions, resurfacing basketball courts an aygrounds, mowers and replacement work carts with Z. Funding Source D The City of Wint prings has used numerous sources to fund capital projects in the past. Since ad on of the Comprehensive Plan in 1991, the Cit<- has employed methods des ed in the Capital Improvements Element in addition to its standard annual bu g procedures to allocate funds for specific purposes. ~n ove ew of various funding sources, which may be used for capital project fundi , is presented below. ~~III-6 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT a. General Fund Revenue Sources (1) Ad Valorem Taxes (Property taxes). Ad valorem taxes ~ ude revenue from non-exempt property taxation. The current ~ e rate is 3.7708. (2) Franchise Fees. Franchise fees are levied upon a com ~ in return for pro~~iding ser~ZCe to ~~'inter Springs. The Ci currently has agreements covering gas and electric utilities. (3) Licenses, Permits and Fines. All businesses rating in the City obtain occupational licenses. Building pe _ are required for all construction. The City receives a portion o traffic citations issued in the City from Seminole County. (-1) Intergovernmental Revenue. Intergov ental revenues are funds collected by the State or Coun rid shared ~;pith other local government units. Major sourc of shared revenue include the cigarette tax, State revenue sha g, beverage licenses, mobile home licenses, motor fuels tax, half- t sales tat and occupational licenses. (5) Interest Income. Interest ~ come is revenue earned on funds that have been invested by ity. (6) Other Charges for S ces/User Fees. Charges for services pro~Zded be the City that a aid by the users to fully or partially cover the costs to pro~rid r~~ices. These fees generally include special fees placed on dev ers for processing plans and administrative fees for annexations. ther sources include miscellaneous rents, leases and sales. (7) Utility . es. Utility taxes are assessed on the users of water, electric, gas, pane and telephone. The City currently levies a utility tax of 10° or electric, gas, propane and water. The telephone utility tax is rently 7°,/0. b. (1 Impact Fees. These fees are charged concurrent with new development and contribute towards payment for infrastructure needs, but not operational costs, which directly result from new development. Impact fees are currently assessed for police and fire protection, schools and transportation. (2) Special Assessments. Special assessments are le~~ied against residents, agencies or districts that directly benefit from the ne~v service or facilit}'• (3) Enterprise Funds. Enterprise funds are used to account for City services that are operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises where the intent is that the costs (ex-penses including VIII-7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN _ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT depreciation) of providing goods and services to the general p c on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily throu ser charges. (4) Local Option Gas Tat (LOGY). Seminole County provi the City with a portion of the gas tax in which the County es on gas consumption. The percentage is based on the CitS~'s pulation and can be used only for transportation related improve nts. (S) General Obligation Bonds. These bonds are ba d by the full faith and credit of the local government and mus approved by voter referendum. They offer low interest for ca g less risk since they are secured by government ta_ting poi Capital improvements financed through general obligation bo s should be used only for projects benefiting the whole City. (6) Revenue Bonds. Funds raised fro evenue bonds may be used for projects benefiting a specific gro since charges collected from users of the improvement are appli directly to the debt ser~rice on these bonds. In this respect th rojects are self-supporting. Revenue bonds pay higher interest d their issuance may be approved by the Cic~~ Commission «itho -oter approval. (7) Industrial Revenue ds. Though the local government issues these bonds, the debt is sumed by the companies or industries that use the revenues fo onstruction of utility plants or facilities. Because the}= are tax-e pt and low interest, industries are attracted to this type of bo Local government can transfer the actual liability to pro~gde ~ est while garnering employment and economic benefits for the unity*. (8) Fed and State Grants and Loans. Federal funds are allocated to st agencies which administer block grants or disbursed as block nts directly to state and local agencies or other eligible rganizations. The purpose of the block grant program is to enable greater latitude by recipients in the actual use of the funds. These funds are generally anon-recurring source and cannot be accurately projected for budgeting purposes. In addition to block grants and other state grants, several federal agencies offer direct loan programs with limited ability to finance capital improvements. State loans, however, can be used to finance capital projects such as land acquisition for low-income housing. VIII-8 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT C. PUBLIC FACILITY ANALYSIS 1. Current Practices for Funding Capital Improvements Revenues have generally been used to meet mandatory or essential erating expenses in the past, with only limited amounts of monies available to d needed capital irnprovernents. The City now utilizes improvements and projec entified in the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to help guide fund allo on drat will ensure the adequate pro~nsion of public facilities and infrastructure. The various elements of this plan discuss and analyze c tal improvements necessary to correct existing deficiencies and provide fac' ' expansion to meet projected growth. The methods of project prioritization the identified capital improvements are explained below=. To provide a means to determuie the relative priority each capital project, the City will use the following criteria to prioritize projects: • ~~-'hether the project is necessary to meet~Eablished levels of serrice. • ~~•'hether the project increases th efficiency of existing facilities or infrastructure. • ~~'hether the project represent logical extension of facilities within the urban ser~-ice area. • \~jhether the project is coo ated with major projects of other agencies. • ~~'-hether the project ~ ements the policies of the Comprehensive Plan as they pertain to cone ncy requirements. • ~Z'hether the prof eliminates a public hazard. • ~~'hether the ect is financially= feasible. Based on the crit noted above, capital projects identified in the ~-arious plan elements were ra and the estumated costs for each project were determined. Table ~~III-2 display prioritized list of each capital project by element, including the correspondi cost estimate for the period between ?001-?006. 2. Impacts uture School Needs on Infrastructure The has included future school demands in the socio-economic data when anal ng the City's transportation needs. In addition, school demands on the City's w rand sewer infrastructure have been included ui the level of sen-ice calculations those services. It is anticipated that there will be no major impacts of these acilities in the future, and the per capita level of serc-ice standards are adequate to anticipate future school demands. Timing and Location of Capital Projects Capital projects planned through ?006 «=ill occur in various locations throughout the Citv. The timing of new infrastructure is accomplished by setting guidelines within VIII-9 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT the various Elements of this Plan, to assess the relative strength of the C' s infrastructure to service both existing and future gro~ti-th. The numerous Eleme of this Plan require City departments to proz-ide an assessment of th ity's infrastructure annually at budget time. 4. Financial Assessment For purposes of assessing the City's financial capability to fund th apital projects identified in this Element, projected revenue sources and expen ~ res through the dear 2006 have been identified in Tables VIII-4 and VIII-8, resp vely. Specific local practices to help pro~~de a more detailed le of analysis that will guide the provision of funding for needed improvements each public facility are described below. a. Trans ortation The timing of ne~v roads and streets, intersection ~ provements, and the placing of traffic signalization have been driven by new d opment, availability of funds and public input. The location of signaling ces has been determined by the Department of Transportation on arterials is and on collector streets feeding into arterial streets. Placing of traffic signs a they internal controls in residential and commercial areas has been detemune ~ the local traffic control authority of the ~~~inter Springs Police Department a e City's Public ~~%orks Department. Transportation projects, includin provements that will increase efficiency or enhance existing facilities ar sted in Table VIII-2. Transportation related operations and projects are ently funded under the City Department of Public Works. This department is nded from general fund rep-enues and special revenue funds. The Seminole Co ~ Local Option Gasoline Taff and State 1\~Iotor Fuels Tae, which axe a part of gen fund revenues, are resen-ed erclusivel~ (pursuant to State Statute) for streets drainage operations and capital projects. A projection of revenues from the unty Gas Tar and State A~lotor Fuels Tat has been presented in Tab1eVIII-~. In ~tion, the City implemented a transportation impact fee in 1990 and amended ' m 1991 to help provide funding for improvements to the City's transtiortati stem. To help d future transportation projects, the Seminole Count<~ one cent local option es tar was passed in 1990. This local option sales tar expired in year 2001. On S ember 4, 2001, the County passed another voter referendum to continue the on ent local option sales tar to fund transportation projects through the year 2011. estimated that this tar will generate 12.5 million dollars for the City of Winter rings. <~ listing of the proposed projects to be funded by the one cent sales tam is provided in the Capital Improvements Program. Since a number of roadways within the City limits are under the jurisdiction of Seminole County, a large amount of funding is expected from that source. Coordination with Seminole County and FDOT mill be necessary to ensure the implementation of a majorit}' of these improvements. The Intergovernmental Coordination Element recommends coordination «dth the County to ensure VIII-10 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT adequate funding of these projects. Funding for these projects is anticipated to c e from a variety of sources. An analysis of these sources is included later ' 's Element. b. Sewer although the City's sanitary sewer facility capacity can meet proj ed demand through the planning period, several projects are planned to enha the pro~~sion of sanitary sewer ser<nces for future growth. These projects ' de rerouting of East force main, upgrades to lift stations, ~~~est Town Center gr sewer extension and improvements related to the reuse system. The prioritiz rojects are listed in Table ~~'III-2. The major funding mechanism for sanitary sewer ca al projects is the Utility Enterprise Fund. Other projects, which are related to provements in the existing system, are to be paid from renewal and replac nts funds. Sanitary sewer is funded and accounted for as a division of the City' nterprise Funds. 1~ schedule of sanitary sewer projected user revenues, fees a expenses has been presented in Table VIII-4 & VIII-8. Effluent disposal is conducted by rapid in ation basins (RIBS) and spray irrigation. Connection to the City's reclaimed Ovate stem is required for all new development located «ithin the FDEP permitted r e ser~~ice area. These connections will help to ensure adequate effluent dispos pacify fox ne~v development. Implementation of the reclaimed water program h allow the present ~~'astewater Treatment Plants to operate with increased effici T. The collection system for ~vaste~vater inside the Cit<~ limits has been expande existing residences as funds have become available. Line extensions for new de opments have normally been the responsibilith of the developer, with little or n onetan~ contribution bq the City. c. ~~'ater The City of ~~'inter rings currently owns, operates and maintains a central potable water distributio -stem. The Cit<~'s potable water system provides water for both residential and n-residential purposes, including fire-fighting demands. The City has historica been able to pro~dde adequate potable water ser~dce to meet the demand ~ vn the City's boundaries. Presently, the City does not ser~~ice surroun ~ g areas of unincorporated Seminole County. The central system is comp ~ d of three water treatment plants, se~-en public water wells, four above gro storage tanks, and several miles of distribution mains of vareing sizes. The ea rn portion of the City is serviced by water treatment plant #1 (~~rIP-1) while western portion is ser~-iced by ~~'TT'-2 and ~~'TP-3. The City's 1\Iaster titilit5~ lan depicts the details of the distribution system and future expansion, repairs and/or upgrades. The major funding mechanism for potable water capital projects is the Utility Enterprise Fund. ~ variety of funding sources are recommended to finance the various potable water capital projects. 13 schedule of potable water projected user re~-enues, fees and expenses has been presented in Table VIII-=} and VIII-8. ~~III-11 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Numerous projects are listed in Table VIII-? to enhance the City's potable systems for future growth. , d. Solid ~~'aste Solid waste is collected by a private hauler for disposal in Seminole Co landfills. The landfill site is owned and operated b}= Seminole County. Pursuant to Chapter 403, F.S., Seminole County is responsi for prodding adequate solid waste disposal capacitl* throughout the planning on. The goals, objectives and policies of the Solid ~~Taste Sub-Element addres e need for the City to coordinate with Seminole County to ensure the County oxides adequate solid waste disposal capacity for City residents and commercia stablishments. Revenue projections from solid waste collections are presented in le VIII-4. e. Drainage ~~'inter Springs lies in three primary drainage basi .Soldiers Creek, Gee Creek and Howell Creek. A Storm ~~'ater 1\~faster Plan was eloped and adopted b~ the City in 1992. This plan was created to be in co ante with St. Johns River Water Management District guidelines and FD guidelines. The City implements a stormwater utilith fee to pay for the ding of improvements to its current stormwater system and to provide for re stormwater treatment facilities. The City's drainage and storm~vate stems are operated under the Public ~~'orks Department. D~lajor funding fort Division is from the Stormwater Utility Fund. Table VIII-4 presents a sched of these revenue sources through the year 2006. The majority of these funds e been allocated for streets and drainage operating e~-penses. The Stormwater Master n identified several improvements necessary to enhance the City's adopted leve ser~~ice for drainage. These improvements were prioritized and are explained ~ detail in the Drainage Sub-Element of the Infrastructure Element. Specific age projects are listed in Table VIII-2. It is recommended that future updates the City's Stormwater Master Plan continue to include a determination the amount of funding necessary to complete improvements identified in e plan and for the maintenance of esisting systems. The has had land donated for various parks and some of the park facilities were do d by different C1~7C organizations and individuals. Some of the funding for c al improvements for recreation that the City has used has been grants from the ate and Count} . The City's Code of Ordinances currently requires parkland in neighborhoods. ~fi'hile no significant deficiencies were identified for parks, the City will complete several projects aimed at enhancing the City's parks and recreation infrastructure during the planning period. On September 4, 2001, the citizens of ~~'inter Springs passed a 3.4 million dollar general obligation bond for the purpose of acquiring 27 acres of land located on the west side of Central ~C'inds Park. This land will be used ~~III-12 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT to expand the Central ~~~inds Park with the addition of baseball, football, soc , basketball, and parking facilities. The land is expected to be purchased in I~Ia of 2002 «rith construction expected to begin by July of 2002. r'~ schedule these projects is listed in Table VIII-2. The City's parks and recreation budget is funded mostly from general d revenue and grants. Other recreation/open space needs may come from la reservations required by the City's Code of Ordinances. 5. Forecasting of Revenues and Expenditures To determine the amount of funds available for capital proj s, both expenses and revenues were projected for the planning period. .~ r source of the City's general fund is derived from the City's ad valorem tax e. Projected millage rates and future ad valorem revenues through 2006 are displ din Table VIII-3. _-~d valorem revenue is generally used for gee existing trends, there are no funds available in :additional projected revenues for funds other for capital projects are pro~-ided in Table VI generated from the Seminole County local ti existing sales tax distribution formula, itI are presented in TableVIII-=I. al nd purposes and based upon eneral fund for capital projects. n general revenue that can be used Included in this table are revenues 5.01 sales tax surtax. Based on the expected revenues from the surtax Other financial considerations Eor c~tal improvements are provided for belo~v: a. Debt Capacitt~ The Cite currently has nob ed general obligation debt. However, a referendum was passed by ~~'inter Sp ' s voters in 2001 that will allow the City to incur 3.4 million dollars in gener ligation debt for an expansion of parks. The guaranteed portion of State reven acing monies has not been bonded. The first lien on t City's excise tales (utility taxes and franchise fees) has been pledged as the ce of revenue for debt service coverage. Florida Power Corporation o ates the City's electric utility through an Interlocal _~greement. Franchise fee -enue is pledged for debt sen-ice. \~'ater utility revenue and the sewer utility rev e have been pledged for debt service. Schedules of existing debt commi is are displaced in Table VIII-3. The ~ um amount of total City debt will not exceed 13% of the City's property tax se assessed valuation, as reported yearly by the Seminole County Property raiser's office. Table VIII-6 displays the City's debt capacitS~ based on the aximum 13°,io ratio to the City's tax base. b. Operating Expenses schedule of the City's projected operating expenses extracted from funds that provide revenue for each of the City's capital facilities is provided in Table ~TIII-7. VIII-13 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT c. Summan~ of Proiected Expenses and Revenues Expenses for debt capacity, operating expenses and project expenditure were analyzed for each fund providing revenue for capital projects. A summary these projected expenses is pro~-ided in Table VIII-8. Based on analysis o e City's projected revenue sources and expenditures, ~~~inter Springs has ade to funding fox the capital projects identified in this plan. A summary of proje revenues is prov=ided in Table VIII-3 and VIII-4. D. CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT The intent of the Concurrency Management System is to ensure that pub ~ facilities and services needed to support development are available concurrent «rith the imp of such development. This section sets forth criteria for assessment of development impact guidelines to ensure that the adopted level of sercZCe standards established by the City's owth lbtanagement Policies required for roads, sanitary sever, potable water, drainage, solid te, parks and recreation, and public school facilities are maintained. The concurrency ev 'on system shall measure the potential impact of any proposal for a development permit or er upon the established minimum acceptable levels of service for sanitary sewer, solid waste, p ble water, parks and recreation, and transportation facilities, unless the development permi r order is exempt from the review requirements of this section. No development permit order which contains a specific plan of development, including densities and intensities of elopment, shall be issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve the proposed =elopment as determined by the concurrency evaluation set forth in this section. (Ord. ?007-23, Ol -?008) Table VIII- 1: Inventory of Public Seho (See Public School Facility- Element, Tables IX-1, IX-2, )Z-3) (Ord. 2007-22; 01-1-~-2008) VIII-14 CITY OF' WINTER SPRINGS r(lnnPRFNP.NSIVF, PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII- 2: City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Schedule FY 2000/01-2005/06 r Projects Project Nutnber FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 FY 2004- FY 2005-2000 GENERAL FUND I Iydraulic Rcscuc Tool 03-2210-001 0 $25,000 0 0 0 l~irc 1/nlnnc 124 04-221D-001 0 0 $280 0 - p Dump '1'ruclc -Public Worla 04-4410-02 0 0 ,000 p 0 Vehicles -Public Works 04-4410-03 0 p $22,000 p $22,000 Air Cascade Compressor 03-2210-001 0 0 p ______- 0 __T_ -_ 0 Rc-tiurLtce'i'rohvood I3askctball Ct. Packs &Rcc $15,000 p 0 0 0 Replacanent \Y~ock Cart w/sprayer Parks &Rcc $'32 0 0 0 0 -- tiand Pru Parks &Rcc . ,000 0 0 0 0 C~~('P 2 Playground Resurfacing Parlcs &Rcc 0 $2(1,000 0 O 0 CWI' '/z 13askctbalt Court P;u•Ics & 0 $15,000 0 0 U CWl' \~1~D Drive for Irrigatio^ P- ~ Rcc 0 $10,000 0 0 0 GO" Cut Dcck h-Lower 'arlcs &Rcc 0 $15,000 0 0 0 Replacement Parks Crcw Gtb'1'ntclc P;ales &Rcc 0 $30,000 0 0 0 I';u•lc/\'crmia 13nish Clipper '" P;u•Ics &Rcc 0 0 U 0 $~5 000 2 - 52" Cut Alrnucrs Parlcs & Kcc 0 0 0 $15 000 0 Police $104,(100 $104,000 $104,000 $104,000 $104,000 Police Vehicle Replacements General Fund Totals $154,000 $239,000 $481,000 $119,000 $151,000 GRANTS FUNDS 43413cautificatioil 02-4410-04 $138000 0 0 0 0 Lighting for Soc - clds Parlcs &Rcc $350,000 0 0 p 0 -- - - Parks &Rcc $485,000 0 0 0 ) 1'orcaso I ~ xpanston - 3.5 ac. VIII-15 CITY Of WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Projects Project Number FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 FY 2004-2005 F 5-2006 Senior/Civic Ccntcr Improvements Darla &Rcc 0 $500,000 0 0 0 Net >66orhood (,corer Darla &Rcc 0 _ 0 0 $7 0 p - - --- -------------- CUG'I' Lixpanston & Improvements Darla &Rcc $-50,00(1 $ZOII 000 $400,000 0 p Total Grants $7,22.3,000 $700,000 $400,0 $700,000 $ p ---- BOND FUNDS Parks &Rcc $2,950,000 0 0 0 0 Park Land Acyuisitioii General Winds Park Expansion and Improvancnt fads &Rcc $250,000 0 0 $2,500,000 Total Bonds $3?00,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $2,500,000 POLICE IMPACT FEE FUND --.. Police Iieadduartcrs )spansion 1'olicc $165,000 0 (1 0 Police Totals $0 $1 G5,0(l0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 FIRE IMPACT FEE FUND _ _ --- - 0 $1,OOQ000 02- -001 0 0 0 _ Station 3 Engine 3 .: 2210-002 0 0 p $345,000 0 Fire als $ 0 $ 0 $ U $1,345,000 0 _ _ _... MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION FUND _._ -_ _ Rcscuc 3 02-2210-003 0 0 0 _ -0 _ $190,000 M Trans. Fund Totals $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ p $190,000 TRANSPORTATION IMPACT F ND Signal Control and L.cns Upgcr 0?_pl~.p_pG $60,000 \}G'inding Hollow/Parlst :};nal 02-0140-07 $'10000 --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~ 15 000 0 0 0 0 S.R. 419/434 Signr grades 02-0140-OS ....- - -_--- - S.R. 434 Si ark/School 02-0140-09 $75,000 0 0 0 VIII-'1 G CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Projects Project Number FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 FY 2004-2005 05-20UG 'I'uskawilla Road tiignal Upgrades 02-0140-10 $40,000 0 U U 0 _- --- 't'own Ccntcr 1\dain titrcct 02-0140-11 $300 UUO U 0 0 -- --- --- I~ishcr Road Improvancnts (12-11113-07 0 $GOU,000 0 0 1 Rah:una Ro,ul Paving 03-0110-02 0 $SQ,000 0 0 0 ~wtntCL' Sprin47 I31vd. ~1111"1]1fl11C5 04-0140-O5 ~ l) ~ l) $250,000 ( Transportation Impact Fce FunJ Totals $730,000 $850,(10 $ 0 $250,000 $ U LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX (TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT FUND ---- Vehicle OU-0104-U4 (> 22,000 0 $~2 000 0 Resurfacing/Underdrains 07_OlU4.02 $1250 $150,000 $130,000 $150,000 $130000 - Public ~~/orls Compound 03-UlOG-O1 $50,(10(1 $~SQ,000 ~ $50 000 ' -- --- _. Gcorgc titrcct OZ-0104-OS $20,1100 U l1 0 U L.O.G.T. Totals $145,0011 $222,000 $180,000 $222,000 $180,000 ONE CENT INFRASTRUCTURE SALES TAX (Seminole County Tra irculation Projects) 0 $GOQOUO U U [-Iicl:orv Grove 131vd. 3-0143-08 ------- - - _- - ---- plain titrcct 02-0143-09 0 $906,000 U _ 0 0 -- -- ~ U3-0143-1U U U $925,000 U 0 tiptnc Rnsld --- _ 1-C ales Tax Totals $ ll $1,SOG,Ol10 $925,000 $ U $ 0 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND Little Lake Ilowcll RCP Culvert U5-=1413-02 0 0 0 $30 OUO 0 ----- U2/OG-4.413-08 $'20,000 $30,000 $20,000 $20,000 $2Q000 Cfndcrdrain Installation 02/06-44t3-09 $'0,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20000 $20,000 Inlet/(hrtlctLnprovcnl, Little Lal:c I lowc .• Culvert 03-4413-03 U $126 OUO 0 0 U ----- - -- Gec Creek ' ncntation Pond 04-4413-04 0 0 $122,000 0 0 VIII-17 CITY Of WINTCR SPRINGS COMPRCI-II:NSIVC PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMCNTS CLCMCNT Projects Project Number FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 FY 2004-2005 F U5-2006 Vehicles 03/05-44t3-t0 0 $35,000 0 $25,000 0 No Name Crccl: Drain;tge Swales 05-1413-05 0 - - 0 0 $9 0 No N;une Crccl: Swale and Culverts Stonnwater Utility Fund Totals OG-4413-OG ~ $40.000 0 $191,000 U $162,0 0 $193,000 $92,000 $]32,000 UTILITY RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT FUND Roof Replacement -West \X/Rh 02-3600-93 $2Q,000 0 0 0 U Chlorination System Replacement 02-3600-94 $2O+000 0 0 0 Sewer Linc Restoration/Pump RcpLtcemcnt U2-3600-102 $80,000 0,000 $80,000 $SO,000 $80,000 PumpRcpl:tccmcnt-PotablcWatcrhacility U3-3000-103 0 $11,000 $i"1,000 $11,000 $11,000 [ I}'dram/Valve Replacement -Potable Water hacility 03-3600- t04 $'5,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Renewal And Replacement Fund Totals $120,000 $116,000 $116,000 $116,000 $116,000 UTILITY 2000 CONSTRUCTION FUND -- --..__ ------_ ------ Wcst'fown Ccntcr Gravity Scwcr 1-,xtcnsion ~ 0_- -79 $50,000 ~ 0 Q 0 r_irtstation 5)! upgrade -3600-81 0 $so,ooo 0 v _ . _ _ v Well #4 at V(/CP # 1 02-3600-12 $250,000 U U 0 _ _ _ 0 S.R. 434 Water 1\Iain -Spine Road to ti.R. 417 - 12" 02-3600-G8 $450,000 U 0 U 0 VV'I'P #i Water i\lain to 'I-uskawilla Ro•.ul - 1G"/1~" 02-3600-73 $200,000 0 0 0 0 A~tain 5trect Water A~L•tin 02-3600-77 $80,00(1 U U ll _. _ ...._ _ 0 l:orcc i\4ain to 't'own Ccntcr & )/WRh ~ 0~ 3600-78 $700,000 U 0 0 ____... 0 West "1-own Ccntcr Lift Station ~ • rcc Main ~ 0_-3600-80 $100,000 U 0 U U -__ Utility Operations 1?tcilit 03-3600-55 U $1,000,000 U 0 0 tipinc Road Water ~ - 12" 03-3600-G9 0 $120,000 U (1 0 Wcstt Force pgradcs to System 03-3600-84 U $200,000 0 0 0 VIII-18 C[TY OP WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Projects Project Number FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 FY 2004-2005 F 05-2006 East Force Main Rerouting/Upgraclcs 03-3600-85 U $300,000 U 0 -_ _ 0 Reclaimed Water t\ugmentation Pump Station 03-3600-83 0 $500,000 0 0 Utility 2000 COIIS(f11CtlOn Fund Total $1,830,000 $2,170,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 UTILITY 1997 CONSTRUCTION FUND Southern Water Main Interconnection 02-3600-09 $150,000 0 0 0 Utility 1997 Construction Fund Total $150,000 $ 0 $ U $ 0 $ U REVENUE GENERATION FUND Sewer Plant Improvements 02-3600-28 $120,000 0 0 0 0 \~G'cst V(/Rl~ Sludgc'fhickcning 07.3(,00.89 $150,0 U 0 0 _ 0 S:md f~iltcr at cast Wlth 02-3600-100 00 U (1 U 0 Revenue Generation Fund Total $570,000 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND _ __ ___ r BLE WATER Chlorine Conversion W"1'P#3 _-3600-05 $20,000 U 0 0 U 1\lctcr IZcplaccmcnt c& Upgraclcs U2/OG-3000-70 $100,000 $100,000 $IOQ,000 $100 000 $l0U UOU CC Village Service Line Replacement 02-3000-8G $,.8,000 0 0 0 0 Instrumentation & )/lectrical Upgraclcs 02-3600-87 $70,000 U 0 0 0 Polyphosphate Injection at W1'Ptt2-3 02-3600-88 #18+000 0 U 0 0 Dicscl Storage 'l'ank Rcplaccmcnt 03-3600-9G U $30,000 U 0 0 l~lcctrical Upgraclcs U3-3600-97 U $50,000 (1 0 0 Central Winds P;idc/P: ne Water Connection 04-36(10-72 0 0 $50,000 0 (1 Electrical Upgra 04-3600-98 0 U $50,000 0 0 f\ddition: ps & Controls \Y/'I'P#f l 05-3600-10 p U 0 $125,000 U VIII-19 CITY O~ Vb'INTER SPRINGS COMPREI-IENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Projects Project Number FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 Fl' 2004-2005 F 05-2006 \Xri'P# 1 Disd~ar);c Pipin); Insp. -- 06-3600-15 0 0 0 0 $150,000 Potable Water Total $73C, ODO SANITARY SEWER $180,000 $300,OD0 $2 ~ 0 $250,000 SCEADr\ O1 /0~4-3600-27 $9Q000 $)0,000 $90,0 _ .. 0 . __......-- - ~~------_ Aeration Up~radc -Drum'l~hiclccncr 02-3600-91 $65,000 0 O 0 Automatic 13ar Screen -1~\X/RP 03-3600-20 0 $100,000 (1 0 0 SctvUber for Gas CL2/Conversion EsWRI~ 03-3600-21 0 $10 0 0 0 Diesel Storage `tank Replacement -- - ------------ 03-3600-2d 0 -- - 0,000 D 0 0 Scrubber for Gas CL2/Conversion WV(/Rl~ 04-3600-22 -- ------ 0 - D $IOQODO 0 0 W1X~RF Sand I^iltcr OG-360(1-2G 0 0 0 $250,000 - _ Sanitary Sewer Total $155,00(1 $320,000 $190,000 $ 0 $25(1,000 EQ ENT ----------------__ Vehicles 02 600-Gd $75,000 $75,OD0 $75,000 $75,000 $75,D00 Other Equipment /D8-3600-G5 $50,000 $50,000 $5Q000 $5D,000 $5D,000 Bacl:hoc/front Loader 02-3600-G7 $90,000 0 U 0 0 - - --- Eqt ' cnt Total $215,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 Utility En se Fund Total $606,000 $905,OD0 $1,015,000 $350,000 $625,000 Innovations, Inc., .\pril 2001. VIII-20 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII- 2: City of Winter Springs Capital Improvements Schedule FY 2007/20x8 - 2011/2012 Projects Project FY 2007/2008 FY 2008/2009 FY 2009/2010 FY 2010/2011 F 1 2012 Number UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM Surface Water Augmentation 04-54 0 $ 25(1,(1(10 $ 1,800,000 $ 1,800,000 OO,000 $ 1, 0(10,000 Reclaimed Water Total $ 25(1,0(10 $ 1,800,000 $ 1,800,000 $ 1, 000,000 $ I, 000,000 Source: City of ~~~inter Springs, Public \K~orks/Utility Dept., April 2007 ((>rd. 2007-i1; 2007-07-23) Table VIII- 3: Projection of Ad Valorem Tax Revenues Year Projected Taxable Value (in thousands) Millage Rate rojected Revenue 2000 96972,981 3.54 $3,444,353 2001 96983,332 8 $3,707,948 2002 ~ _ 961,025,600 - 3.7708 963,8(7,332 2003 961,0(7,868 3.7708 964,026,717 2004 961,110,137 3.7708 964,186,105 2005 961,152 3.7708 964,345,489 2000 ____ :1,673 3.7708 964,504,873 Notes: Inclu cntcilly Asscssesl and Kcal Property and 1':mgiblc Personal Property. Does not. include special assessments. Source: ti olc County, City of Winter Springs and Land Design Innovations, Inc. VIII-21 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII- 4: Projections of Non-Ad Valorem Tax Revenues Fund FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 FY 2004- 2005 005- 2006 Local Option Gas Tax (1'ransporcation Improvement Ii und) $22(,000 $233,342 $241,347 $249 .. $257,358 Transportation Impact rce Fund ('1'.I.F.1~ $468,500 $399,488 $392,335 $385,182 $378,029 Water & Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund (U.E.F.) Stormwater Utility Fund (S.U.1~.) $6,353,556 $340,000 $6,962,874 $361,542 $7,4 4 .70,943 $7,651,675 $380,345 $7,881,275 $389,747 Solid Waste /Recycling $1,540,000 $1,501,3 $1,511,348 $1,521,380 $1,531,412 Local Sales "1'ax $2,028,885 $2 53 $2,335,748 $2,480,744 $2,625,739 Total Revenues $10,956,941 1,649,313 $12,273,795 $12,668,678 $13,063,860 Source: City of V(/inter tiprings Table VIII- 5: Projections of Debt Service Obli ~ ns for Outstanding Bond Issues Fund FY 2001- 2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 FY 2004- 2005 FY 2005- 2006 Gencrall~und $1,023,010 $1,034,868 $1,042,560 $1,046,703 $1,054,145 Waco & SCWer Dcbt Scn~ice $1,976,521 -- $1,977,501 $1,97(,,114 $1,976,859 $"1,979,171 Total Debt Service .tty bonded debt) $2,999,531 $3,012,369 $3,018,674 $3,023,562 $3,033,316 Source: City of VUin Brings VIII-22 CITY Of WINTCR SPRINGS COMPRCHCNSIVC PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVCMCNTS ELCMCNT Table VIII- 6: Projection of Debt Capacity Year Projected Taxable Value Debt Capacity ~`~ 200 I X983,332,000 $147,499,800 2002 ~ 1,025,000,000 $~ 153,8=10,000 2003 ~ 1,067,868,000 ~ 1(0,180,200 2004 X11,110,137,000 X6166,520,550 2005 ~ 1,152,405,000 $6172,860,7 50 2006 ~ 1,194,673,000 $179,200,950 Source: City of 1x!intcr tipcings and ]..u~d llesign Innovations, Inc., Oct. 2001. Includes Cent .lssessed Ind Real Property and'fangible Personal Property. lloes IlOt 1nC(UdC SpCC(a) assessments. Note: (i) A-faximum debt will not exceed 15°/~ of the City's property rix base valuat Table VIII- 7: Projections of Operating Costs Fund FY 2001-U2 FY 20 FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-OG Drainage $6342,000 X359,100 X377,100 X395,900 X415,700 Water & Scwcr X5,962,000 ~G,260,000 ~G,573,000 y6G,901,600 $7,246,700 Transportation X15- X53,900 $656,600 ;59,400 X162,400 Solid Waste ' ' ,_18,000 $61,278,900 $61,324,800 X1,4"10,000 X1,480,500 Parks X1,334,700 X1,401,400 $11,471,500 X1,545,100 $1,622,300 Totals $8,908,000 $9,353,300 $9,821,000 $10,312,000 $10,827,600 Source: Li ~intcr tiprinys, 2001. VIII-23 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII-S: Projected Total Expenditures by Fund bond FY 2001-2002 FY 2002-2003 FY 2003-2004 FY 2004-2005 05-2000 Transportation Improvement Fund -Local Option Gas Tax Projects $145,000 $222,000 $180,000 $222 $180,000 Opcr;tting Expenses $5(,300 $53,900 $56,600 ,400 $62,400 'I'ortl Fund I?xpcndi~ures $(06,300 $275,900 $236,600 $281,400 $242,400 Transportation Impact Fce Projects $730,000 $850,000 $250,000 $O.OU ( )pcrattn}, Expenses f oral Fund Expenditures $0.0(1 $730,000 $0.00 $850,000 $0.O0 $ 0 $0.00 $250,000 $0.00 $ U Water & Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund Projcccs $606,000 05,000 $1,015,000 $350,000 $625,000 Upcruu~g I~xpcnscs $5,962,000 $6,260,000 $6,573,000 $6,901,600 $7,2=16,700 'Coral t'und Expuuliuires $6,568 $7,165,000 $7,588,000 $7,251,600 $7,871,700 Stormwatcr Utility Fund Projcccs $40,000 $19"1,000 $162,000 $193,000 $132,000 Upcr;Ming Expenses $342,000 $359,1(10 $377,100 $395;)00 $115,700 '1'~t;il fund Expenditures $382,OOD $550,100 $539,100 $588,900 $547,700 Water & Sewer Utility R&R Projects $120,000 $ l 16,000 $116,000 $116,000 $116,000 c )perartng Expenses 'Total fund L:xpcndi $o.oo $120,000 $o.oo __.__ $116,000 $o.oo $116,00(1 $o.oo $116,000 $o.oo $116,000 Total All Ex r(((tes $7,996,300 $8,957,000 $8,479,700 $8,487,900 $8,777,800 of \tG'intcr tiprings. VIII-24 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CON1PREl-iENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII- 9: Facility Program -Public School Facilities: Summary of Policies, Programs and Capital Improvements with C Impacts Scheduled Program and Cost Impacts for 1011!2006 - 9/30!2011 `fhe Semuiole County School Board Capital Improvement Plan includes significant remodeling of existing structure • the building of new structures to espuxl stuclcnt capacity over the nest five years. Total 5 Year Cost: $489,678,527 Potential Additonal Cost Impacts DuringlBeyond the F' ear Planning Period Unknown impact of potential tax changes to be voted on in 2008 and whethe • v down in stuclcnt enrollment will continue, hold steady, or again start to rise. Available Funding Options- Itifajor revenue sources available e School Board arc Ivlillage, Sales Tax, Impact Fees, Gasoline Tax Refund, COPS, Ran, Local Cap Improvement/Interest. Plan, riuoptcU ~cptemt~er t t, avvi for me uscat year ~uu~-avuo uirc~ugu uu ~-w, :.. VIII-25 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVC PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMCNT Table VIII-10 School Capital Improvement Plan for Seminole County Facilities -ADDITIONS/REMODELING REMODELING & ADDITIONS 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 201 2 Greenwood Lakes Middle = = 800,000 $11,000,000 = CasselUerry = _ _ - x,000,000 Hatnilton = _ = 000 $7,000,000 Idylhvildc Admin = = 50$ 0,000 1000 000 = ghts Round Bldg Jackson Hc _ = 50$ 0,000 $G,000,0 = ~ Lake Orients $10,1GG,G83 = _ _ Pine Crest Addition/Remodeling = = 00 0 0 $10,000,000 = Seminole High $18,000,000 $5,000,000 = _ _ Sm:i11 Projects x,395,000 700 0 70$ 0.000 70$ 0,000 70$ 0000 Snrin~ Lake = 000 $10,000,000 = _ Stenstrotn = _ $1.000,000 $9,000,000 = Wekiva = $1,000,000 $11,000,000 = _ Wilson/Geneva Pods _ = 80$ 0,000 $6,000, Sales Tax Projects = _ _ _ _ Oviedo High $22,000,000 $5,000,000 = _ _ Red Bug = $1,000,000 $7.000.000 = _ SaUttl Point Sterling Park $11000,000 $1.000,000 = $11,000,000 _ _ _ Source: tic c County School Board's live Ycar Capital Tinprovcment PL•~n, Adopted September l1, 2007 for the fiscal year 2007-2008 through 20] 1-2012. (<)rd. 2t ; O1-14-2008) VIII-2G C1`l~Y OP WINTER SPRINGS C(~MPRF.HCNSIVC PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVCMCNTS CLCMCNT Table VIII-11 School Capital Improvement REVENUE SOURCES REVENUE 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 20 12 STATE Class Sizc Reduction Peco New Construction x,409,345 $2,929,596 = $1,985,715 _ 1985 715 = 1 98 _ $1,985,,715 Peco Maintenance $3,815,185 $2,050,000 $2,505,000 0 000 $2,050,000 CO&DS Bouds = _ _ _ ~ _= ___ CO&DS 3G$ 8,064 3G$ 8,064 368 OG 3G$ 8,064 3G$ 8,064 LOCAL 2 Mill $64,081,232 $67,238,758 1273 083 $75,549,468 $80.082,436 Sales Tax Impact Fees $18,617,585 $3,500,000 $14,07010 3 50 $9,270,699 $3,500,000 $9,548 820 $3.500,000 $4,844,968 $3,500,000 Gasoline Tax Refund 10$ 0,000 000 10$ 0,000 10$ 0,000 10$ 0,000 COPS = _ _ _ _ RAN = _ _ _ _ Local Cap Improvement/Interest 1 000 X1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Undesignated 31891441 = _ _ _ SUB-TO $131,712,448 $90,312,947 $90,002,561 $94,102,067 $93,931,183 Prior Year Carryover = $13,358.021 $34.538,052 $18.378.797 $10 567,28 TOTAL 172 565 $125 968 670 $103 $124,540,613 $112,480,864 $104,498,469 , , , , Source; Semii ounty School Iio:u~d's Dive Year Capital Improvement Plan, Adopted September 11, 2007 for the fiscal year 2007-2008 through 2011-2U1Z. (Urd.2007-2~ -1~-2008) VIII-27 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREI-IENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII-12 Planned NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITY CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 11-2012 Land = _ _ $G,000,000 = New Midway Elementary $2.000,000 = - = New Ele~ncnta~ School (Site $1 000 000 000 000 $15 TBD1 _ - , , , , New Elementary School (Site TBD) - - 1000 0 $15,000,000 = New Middle School (Site TBD1 = $2,000,000 $33,000,000 New High School (Site TBDI = x,5,000,000 30 Modular Classrooms $3.180.000 = = Rosenwald = 1 0 $15,000,000 = lan, Adopccd Sc~tcmbcr l 1, ZUU/ for the tiscat year wu/-t.uua avougn tut i-cvi~. VIII-28 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES GOAL 1: Provide attainable fiscal means to ensure the timely and necessary installati and maintenance of public facilities needed to meet the demands of residents and siness establishments ~zithin the city limits of \~jinter Springs. Objective 1.1: Capital Improvement Schedule. To ensure that the necessa acilities and infrastructure will be in place to meet Levels of Ser«ce (LOS) established within th omprehensive Plan, the Cit<~ shall formally adopt the Capital Improvement Schedule, identifi erein as Table ~rIII-2. Policy 1.1.1: Capital projects shall be defined as those proj~ other elements of the Comprehensive Plan established LOS, increase the capacity r infrastructure, replace failing infrastruc o infrastructure that generally have a cos teed 07-'_3-?007) identified within the t are necessary to meet efficiency of e~sting r enhance facilities and ing $50,000. (Ord. ?007-11; Policy 1.1.2: Capital projects for the follo~vi facilities and infrastructure shall be included and funded as part of City's Capital Improvement Schedule: • Transportation • Stormwater i\4a ement (Drainage) • Sanitary • Solid \~' • Potab -'ater • P and Recreation Policy 1.1.3: Capit ojects shall be prioritized according to the following criteria: ~ \t'hether the project is necessary to meet established LOS. • \~'hether the project increases the efficiency of existing facilities or infrastructure. • \T-'nether the project represents a logical extension of facilities ~i-ithin the urban ser~-ice area. • \C1~ether the project is coordinated with major projects of other agencies. • \~'hether the project implements the policies of the Comprehensive Plan as they pertain to concurrency requirements. • \T'hether the project eliminates a public hazard. VIII-29 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT • ~~`hether the project is financially feasible. Policy 1.1.4: Capital projects for school capacity improvements included ~ the Seminole County School Board's Five-Year Capital Improve t Plan adopted September 11, 2007 for the fiscal year 2007-2008 thr gh 2011- 2012 are included herein by reference. (Ord. 2007-22; 01-1~-3008) Objective 1.2: Level of Service (LOS). The City shall utilize level of ser~ri criteria defined in the various Elements of this Plan when deter+rining the timing and funding of ital facilities. Policy 1.2.1: Adopted LOS standards for facilities and inf cture shall be as follows: a. Transportation Facilities- The follo~vin ~ um LOS standards for Transportation facilities based on avera aily trips are: (see Transportation Elemenr, Police 1.1.1) (Ord. 200-11; 09-12-OS) .3007-22; 01-14-2008) • Limited Access Roads: asp ribed by FDOT. (Ord. 3007-22; of-ta- 2oos) • Arterials: LOS D • Collectors: LOS D b. Sewer- 100 gallons day per capita. c. Solid `Vaste- 7.1 unds per day per capita. d. Potable ~~'at 1~ gallons (minimum) per day per capita. (ord. 2007- 1]; 07-23-200% ross Reference: See Infrastructure Element, Police f~'-B-1.1.) e. Parks- ~ res (total park acreage) per 1,000 population. f. cho a acity as established by the Seminole County School Bo - 100% of the aggregate permanent Florida Inventory of S ool Houses (FISH) capacity for each school type within each oncurrency Ser~~ce l~rea, except for high schools which are established at 110% of the aggregate permanent FISH capacity for 2008-2012 in order to financially achieve the desired LOS. (Cross Reference: See Public School Facilities Element, Polict• IZ-].1.) (Ord. 2007-22; 01-14- 2008) Policy 1.2.2: In coordination with other City departments, the Community Development Department shall evaluate land use amendments to determine the compatibility of those amendments nrith the adopted LOS standards and to ensure adequate funding is available when improvements are necessary pursuant to such land use amendments. 1.2.3: City capital projects shall use the following thresholds to target initiation and budgeting of construction and/or purchase of capital facilities to meet projected future needs based on adopted LOS standards: VIII-30 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Roadways -Volumes are at 90 % of adopted LOS capacity. Sewer - 75 % of available capacity is being utilized. ~~'ater - 75 % of available capacity is being utilized. Recreation and Open Space -Park lands when 9~ % of able land area is utilized or when 90 % of the population exists ' reas in need of new park acreage. Objective 1.3: Funding Sources. The City shall pursue adequat funding for the construction of City capital projects identified in the Capital Improvement edule. The School District retains the responsibility- for financing and constructing school f ties. (otd. aoo~-2a; of-t~- ~~81 Policy 1.3.1: The folio«ing procedures shall be utilized nsure adequate funding for transportation capital projects: The City shall continue to ~cipate in I\1etroPlan Orlando committees regarding transp anon funding to ensure funding distribution for transportatio roiects identified in Table ~~III - 2. 100% of State revenue aring motor fuels tax funds shall be reserved specifically traffic related maintenance and capital improvement project 100% of net proc s, after payment of existing bond obligations, of the Seminole C my Local Option Gasoline Tax shall be resen-ed specifically fo affic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. 100% o e total proceeds from the Seminole County Local Option Sales shall be reser<~ed for traffic related capital projects. Fu collected from the Transportation Impact Fee shall be r rued for transportation capital projects. Policy 1.3.2: T following procedures shall be utilized to pursue adequate funding for rm~vater management (drainage) capital projects: 100% of the total proceeds from the Stormwater Utility Fund shall be resen-ed for stormwater management operating needs and capital projects. Cash restricted due to bond and grant covenants will be budgeted in accordance with the terms of the covenants. 1.3.3: The following procedures shall be utilized to pursue adequate funding for sanitary sewer capital projects: 1\Iaintain a reserve account restricted for sanitary sewer related capital projects. VIII-31 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT _~ portion of funds collected from the Utility Enterprise Fund s be resen ed to complete sanitary sewer capital projects. Cash restricted due to bond and grant covenants will be bu ted in accordance vvlth the terms of the covenants. Policy 1.3.4: The following procedures shall be utilized to pursue adequ funding for potable water capital projects: A portion of funds collected from the Utility E rprise Fund shall be reserved to complete potable water capital p ects. Cash restricted due to bond and grant cov nts will be budgeted in accordance v~ath the terms of the covens Policy 1.3.5: The following procedures shall be utilized pursue adequate funding for parks and recreation capital projects: Grants shall be pursued and us for the completion of parks and recreation capital projects. The Code of Ordinances s continue to contain provisions for all nevv developments to ~de parks and recreation lands and/or facilities and/or fees-~ ~eu-of as specified in the Recreation and Open Space Elemen Objective 1.4: Capital Improvement valuation. All CitS- capital projects shall be evaluated to detemline if they meet the priori tion criteria and consistency with adopted level of service standards and/or public need. Policy 1.4.1: Requests for ital projects shall be evaluated for their consistency vv~ith adopted le of ser~~ice standards by utilizing the following criteria: 1 ajor capital project requests shall be submitted for prehensive plan review by the Local Planning Agency by March st of each Sear in order to be included in the following fiscal year - capital budget. The Community Development Department shall prepare a report evaluating the timing, location, and service area for each proposed capital project and whether the project is consistent «nth the ~~'inter Springs Comprehensive Plan. Policy .2: The City shall continue to maintain an inventory of any esisting hazards «~ithisl the City by using the hazards analysis and hazards mitigation criteria established «thin the Seminole County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and shall also identify any grant sources available to mitigate the hazards listed on the hazard inventory. VIII-32 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Policy 1.4.3: Requests for capital projects shall be evaluated for their impact on e City budget and the financial feasibility of the project based o the folio«ting criteria: The Finance Department shall deternzine if the capital pr ct can be funded from existing cash, future revenues, or through rrowing. In addition, the Finance Department shall assign a reve e source(s) to fund the project. The Finance Department shall prepare a r rt evaluating the funding options, effect of the improvement future re~-enues, and the effect of the improvement on operation d maintenance costs. Policy 1.4.4: All capital projects shall be reviewed as tot compatibility and timing in relation to capital projects being imple ted or planned by Seminole County, the Florida Department of Tr portation, the St. Johns River ~T%ater Management District, the Se ole County School Board, the Florida Department of Enviro al Protection, and/or any other government agency. The City s d use reasonable methods to track capital projects of any agency, ch may be in conflict or may enhance the City's capital projects. Policy 1.4.5: The CitS= will update capital improvements schedule to maintain consistency with its ~r1 Supply ~~%ork Plan (Exhibit IV-B-1). (Ord. 2007- 11; 07-23-2007) Objective 1.5: Debt Management he City shall adopt policies and procedures which address the management and utilization o t for the purposes of capital project financing, and the CitS= will use line of credit borrowing o and anticipation notes for specific construction projects and issue revenue pledged debt at c truction completion only if current funds do not pro~~ide adequate funding to pad for constru on. Policy 1.5.1: The e of revenue bonds as a debt instrument shall be evaluated based o e follo~~ing criteria: A five (5) year projection of revenues from all funds shall be prepared and updated annually as a part of the City's budget process, and an analysis of historic and future trends in the revenue stream ~o-ill be a part of the projection process. Revenue bonds shall be allowed to fund up to one hundred percent (100%) of the City's total debt. Debt will not be issued to finance normal repairs and maintenance. Debt can be issued to make renovations, updates, modernizations and rehabilitations provided the e~:penditures extend the useful life of the capital asset. The maximum ratio of total debt ser~~ice (principal and interest) to total revenue shall be that % deemed most beneficial to the Cite as VIII-33 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT detemained by the City's Financial Ad~~isors and its Bond Cou base upon criteria set by the rating agencies and credit enhanc ent organizations. The impact of principal and interest revenue bond paym son the operation and maintenance of the affected utility and/o epartment will not require deferring current maintenanc of existing infrastructure. The impact of bond covenants and restrictions the City's method of accounting for depreciation, and the impact any reserve account restrictions on the operation and maintena of the affected utility and/or department. Cash restricted due to bond and grant Tenants will be budgeted in accordance «nth the terms of the cov nts. On an annual basis, the City restrict the amount of cash equivalent to twenty-five perce (2~%) of depreciation as reported on the prior year's annual fin tal statement in enterprise operations to ensure adequate repair a or replacement of capital facilities. Capitalized repairs of e. ' ng infrastructure will be paid from funds restricted by debt cov ants and current revenues. Debt will not be issued to finance ca ed repairs. Policy 1.5.2: The use of tax revel s as a pledge for the repayment of debt shall be evaluated based o e follo~zring criteria: A five (~) projection of revenues from all taxes shall be prepared and upd d annually as a part of the City's budget process, and an analvs' f historic and future trends in the tax revenue stream will be the projection process. i e time of issuance of new debt, a review shall be conducted to sure that the maximum amount of general government debt shall not exceed fifteen percent (1~%) of the City's property tax base assessed valuation reported yearly by the Seminole County Property Appraiser's office. Policy 1.5.3• The City may use long term capital lease payments on lease purchases for capital projects identified «zthin this Element, provided adequate debt service requirements are provided. Objective Repair and Replacement. All City departments shall prioritize capital projects t rovide for the repair and/or replacement of identified facilities. 1.6.1: As part of the annual budget process, all City departments shall identify and prioritize capital facilities in need of refurbishment or replacement and submit those facilities for funding. VIII-34 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Objective 1.7: New Development. The City shall ensure that new developments sha proportionate share of the costs required to maintain adopted level of sen7ce standards, throu e assessment of impact fees or developer contributions, dedications, or construction of pital facilities necessary to serve new development as required in other Elements of this Plan. Policy 1.7.1: 111 development order applications shall be evaluated as to a impact of the development on capital facilities and the operation maintenance of those facilities. The evaluation shall include, but no e limited to, the following: Expected capital costs, including the required that are related to the develops Etpected operation and maintenance facilities required by the development _~nticipated revenues the impact fees, user fees, and fi n of new facilities associated with the ne~v will contribute, including Policy 1.7.2: ~Z~'hen applicable, the City shall ~ e developer's agreements to ensure the timely and appropriate i alladon of needed capital facilities to ser~~ice ne~v development. h agreements will be executed under the City's constitutional hom e power and following the procedures set forth in Chapter 163.32 ,Florida Statutes. Policy 1.7.3: To ensure adequat apacity allocations for all developments, the City may require any velopment to use developer's agreements and/or develop in mor an one phase. Policy 1.7.4: City shall c tinue to use impact fees for transportation and police and fire toe e ne~v developments contribute their proportionate share of capital ject funding necessary to service new development. Policy 1.7.5: N developments shall be responsible for installing all internal water sewer systems, traffic circulation systems, and internal creation/open space facilities within their development. In addition, connections of internal systems to the City's designated major water and sewer trunk systems and traffic circulation network shall be the financial responsibilin~ of the developer. Objective 1.8: Concurrency Management. The City shall continue to operate a Concurrency anagement System for the review of all proposed developments ~inthin ~~'inter Springs fo pact to public Facilities «ithin the City and for unpact to school capacity. As part of the City' oncurrency 1\Ianagement System, the City shall rely upon the School Board to detem~ine and re rt to the Cite if school capacity is available. (Ora. 2007-22; otaa-loos) concurrency evaluation system shall measure the potential impact of any proposal for a -elopment permit or order upon the established minimum acceptable levels of service (LOS) for VIII-3~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT public schools, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, parks and recreation, transportation facilities, unless the development pem~it or order is exempt from the r ew requirements of this section. No development permit or order which contains a specific n of development, including densities and intensities of development, shall be issued unless equate public facilities are available to ser=e the proposed development as detem~ined by the currency evaluation set forth in this section. (Ord. aoo7-22; of -14-loos) Policy 1.8.1: Facilities Inventory and Reporting. The Commu ~ Development Department shall maintain an inventory of the able capacity of roads, potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, a arks and recreation public facility- categories. Each year, the C - unity Development Department shall prepare a report for the C~ Commission containing the current capacit)= within each public fa ~ category, including any encumbrances or deficiencies. This annu eport shall also identify any public facilities that will require improv nts to maintain adopted levels of service and recommend a sched of improvements to avoid any reduction in the approval of develo ent orders. Policy 1.8.2: Data on current water supply mand and permitted capacit<~ shall be maintained by the Utilit<~ artment and supplied to the Planning Division on an as-needed six for evaluation of proposed future land use map amendments. ( . ?007-11; 07-23-2007) (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvement, Polic}- 1.8.3 Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.3.4.) Policy 1.8.3: No development o r shall be issued unless it can be determined that adequate water s . lies and associated public facilities and serZCes are available. (Ord. -11; 07-33-?007) (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element Polic}- 1.3.4.) Policy 1.8.4: The City all withhold the approval of any site plan, final subdi~rision or functio equivalent which includes new residential units not exempted by 007 Interlocal A~reemerrt ~or Prrhlic School Facilij' Plarrrrtrr~ and School Co ._ nerrc~' A.r -~~ierrrle~l Jaarrar~~ 2008 until the School Board has reported there is school capacit7 available or a mitigation agreement has been cached. Cross Reference: See Public School Facilitt- Element, Polic}- L1- 1.7.1) and _ Intergovernmental Coordination Element, Polio- 1.3.8) (Ord. 2007-22; 01-14-2008) VIII-36 Exhibit `A' City of Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT October 2008 Prepared By: City of Winter Springs Community Development Department in conjunction with the Finance Department, Public Works Department and Parks and Recreation Department 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES TABLES Table VIII-1: City of Winter Springs Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) FY 2008/09-2012/13 Table VIII-2: Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) FY 2008/09 - 2012/13 by Fund 'T'able VIII-3: Facility Program -Public School Facilities: Summary of Policies, Programs and Capital Improvements with Cost Impacts Table VIII-4: School Capital Improvement Plan for Seminole County Facilities -Remodeling & Additions "fable VIII-5: School Capital Improvement Revenue Sources 'T'able VIII-6: Planned New Public School Facility Construction VIII-i CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT INTRODUCTION The Capital Improvements Element (CIE) is the mechanism used to guide and implement the Comprehensive Plan through the programming of public facilities and services as identified in the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan and must demonstrate the fiscal feasibility of the Comprehensive Plan. The CIE is to be annually adopted and updated to reflect the timing and funding of capital projects to meet or maintain adopted Levels of Service (LOS) standards or implement the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the CIE and the Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) is to ensure that necessary facilities and infrastructure will be in place to meet the LOS standards established within the Comprehensive Plan, by addressing them through the annual budgeting process. The SCT also acts as a monitoring system to ensure that programmed capital improvements are actually completed during the five-year planning period. The SCI includes those capital improvement projects for which the local government has fiscal responsibility, as well as some projects for which the City does not have fiscal responsibility, including school facilities, certain transportation facilities, some water supply facilities, and privately funded projects necessary to ensure that adopted LOS standards are achieved and maintained. Capital improvements must be financially feasible based on sufficient revenues being currently available or available from committed funding sources for the first three years of the CIE. Financial feasibility for years 4 and 5 is to be demonstrated by ensuring that funds are committed or planned. Revenue sources that may be used to demonstrate financial feasibility include: tax revenues, bonds, state and federal funds, impact fees, service charges, and developer contributions. Expenditures or appropriations included in the City's annual operating and capital budget are to coincide with SCI as well as the City's capital improvements program. Concurrenev related facilities in the following areas are to be included: ^ Transportation Facilities • Sanitary Sewer ^ Potable Water ^ Solid ~~'aste ^ Stormwater (drainage) ^ Parks and Recreation ^ Schools If the LOS Standards are not met, concurrency management requires a local government to deny applications for development orders and permits until the deFcicncy is addressed. In order to assure that facilities will be in place to maintain LOS standards in a timeh° manner and prevent a concurrency moratorium, the SCI must address deficiencies and be tinanciall~- feasible. Note: Land acquisition and design studies should be included, but do not satisf~~ concurrene~~- Onl~~ programmed construction phases satisfy concurrency.] VIII-I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES GOAL 1: Provide public facilities and services which protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare of `Winter Springs' residents in a sustainable manner, while accommodating desired future growth and redevelopment at acceptable Levels of Service. Objective 1.1: Annual Review. The City shall annually review and modify its Capital Improvements Element to ensure the financial feasibility and timely provision of capital facilities needed to maintain Level of Service (LOS) standards. Policy 1.1.1: A five-year Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI) (Table VIII-1) shall identif}• capital projects needed to meet existing deficiencies, to accommodate desired future growth and to replace obsolete or worn-out facilities. The SCI shall identify funding sources and shall be reviewed and updated annually in order to maintain a continual five-year priority and outline of capital projects planned for implementation. Policy 1.1.2: The first year of the SCI will be included in the capital budget as part of the annual budgeting process, along with any other capital improvements that are identified in the City's Capital Improvements Program. Policy 1.1.3: Capital projects shall be defined as those projects identified within the other elements of the Comprehensive Plan that are necessary to meet established L(~S, increase the capacity or efficiency of existing infrastructure, replace failing infrastructure or enhance facilities and infrastructure that generally have a cost exceeding $50,000. Policy 1.1.4: Capital projects for the following facilities and infrastructure shall be included and funded in the SCI: • 'Transportation • Stormwater I~fanagement (Drainage) • Sanitar~~ Sewer • Solid ~~'astc • Potable \y'ater • Parks and Recreation Policy 1.1.5: "1'he SCI will be updated to maintain consistency with the Water Supply ~y'ork Plan (1-ahibit It'-B-1). Policy 1.1.6: .An amendment to the comprehensive plan is required to update the SCI on an annual basis or to eliminate, defer, or delay the construction for VIII-2 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT any facility listed in the five -year SCI. The amendment shall require only a single adoption public hearing before the City Commission. Policy 1.1.7: Corrections and modifications of costs and revenue sources in the SCI may be made by ordinance without an amendment. r1 copy of the ordinance shall be transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs following adoption. Policy 1.1.8: If long term LOS deficiencies are projected, the City must adopt either a long-term concurrenc}' management system and a financially feasible long-term capital improvements schedule or other planning strategy to address these deficiencies. Policy 1.1.9: Capital projects for school capacity improvements included in the Seminole County School Board's Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan adopted September 9, ?008 for the fiscal year 2008-?009 through 2012- 2013 are included herein bti~ reference. Objective 1.2: Level of Service (LOS). "I'he Cit}' shall utilize Level of Service (LOS) criteria defined in the various elements of this Plan when determining the timing and funding of capital projects. The City must demonstrate that the LOS standards will be achieved and maintained by the end of the five-year planning period. A deficiency is a facility of service that does not meet (is operating below) the adopted Level of Seib°ice (LOS) standard. Policy 1.2.1: Adopted LOS standards for facilities and infrastructure shall be as follows: a. Transportation Facilities- 'The following minimum LOS standards for Transportation facilities based on average daily trips are: (c:r~~5, Reference: see Transportation I~:Icmcnt, Police l.l.l) ~ I,imitcd Access Roads as prescribed by FDO`I" • Arterials: ].OS D • Collectors: I.OS ll b. Sanitar}~ Sewer- 100 gallons per person per day. ((:r~»~ Reference: see Infrastrucnim I(lcnu~nt, Politic 1V'-.A-I.I.) C. SOhd ~~'aste- 7.1 pounds peC person peY dav. (Cross Reference: Sec Infrastructure I~aement, Polies IV'-(: I.I.) d. Potable A~"ater- 115 gallons (minimum) per person per day. ((;rosy Reference: Sec Infrastnicturc I~:Icment, Police iV'-H-l.l.) ~. Stormwater ~Ialla Cment- ((.rocs Reference: Sec Infrisn-ucrtirc I?Icmcnt, Polio' IV'-t)-i.l.) a. AVater <)uantih~ -Peak post-development runoff rate shall not exceed peak pre-development runoff rate for the 25- VIII-3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT year, 24-hour storm event. Each development shall accommodate its proportion of basin runoff rate above the downstream systems actual capacity. b. Water Quality - Stormwater treatment system which meets the requirements of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) and which is site-specific or serve sub-areas of the City. c. Koadway construction -All public roadways within a development shall be designed and constructed to standards which do not allow env amount of water above the roadway centerline during the following storm events for the following roadway types: i. Local Roadway - 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (5.0 inches of rainfall). ii. Collector Roadway - 25-year, 24-hour design storm event (8.6 inches of rainfall). iii. Arterial Roadway - 100-year, 24-hour design storm event (10.6 inches of rainfall). £ Parks- 5 acres (total park acreage) per 1,000 population. ((:rocs Reference Sec Recreation and Open Space I?lenient, Polie}° 1.1.7) g. School Capacit~as established by the Seminole County School Board- 100% of the aggregate permanent Florida Inventory of School I Iouses (FISI-i) capacity for each school type within each Concurrency Service Area, except for high schools which are established at 110% of the aggregate permanent FISI-I capacity for 2008-2012 in order to financially achieve the desired LOS. (c:ross Reference: See Public Schuol I~acilines I?lenient, Policy IX-1.1.) Policy 1.2.2: In coordination with other City departments, the Community Development Department shall evaluate proposed land use amendments to determine the compatibility of those amendments with the adopted LOS standards and with available funding for implementing improvements that would be necessary pursuant to such land use amendments. Policy 1.2.3: Cit}' capital projects shall use the following thresholds to target initiation and budgeting of construction and/or purchase of capital facilities to meet projected future needs based on adopted LOS standards: Roadwa~-s -Volumes are at 9l) % of adopted LOS capacity. Sewer - 75 "o of available capacity is being utilized. VIII-4 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT ~~'ater - 75 % of available capacity is being utilized. Stormwater -Adoption of TMDL Master Plan. Recreation and Open Space -Park lands when 95 % of available land area is utilized or when 90 % of the population exists in areas in need of new park acreage. Objective 1.3: Capital Improvement Evaluation. Capital projects shall be evaluated to determine if they meet the prioritization criteria and consistency with adopted Level of Service (LOS) standards and/or public need. Policy 1.3.1: "1'he Communit<- Development Department-Planning Division shall oversee the coordination of the Capital Improvements Element annual update. "1'he annual update is a 10-month process and is required to ensure that necessar~~ facilities and infrastructure to meet LOS standards are incorporated into the budgeting process. Policy 1.3.2: Capital Project Request Dorms will be prepared by the Community Development Department-Planning Division and distributed to City departments in February each year. Policy 1.3.3: Project requests shall be prepared with a description of how the project achieves or maintains LOS or how it will implement the Comprehensive Plan. Requests shall include a detailed cost analysis, including estimated costs for design, construction, land acquisition, and annual operating and maintenance costs. Policy 1.3.4: Project requests for capital projects shall be prioritized according to the following criteria: • ~~'hether the project eliminates a public hazard; • V`~'hether the project is necessai-~~ to meet established I_,OS; • ~~'hether the project increases the efficiency of existing facilities or infrastructure; • ~~'hether the project represents a logical extension of facilities within the urban sen~ice area to accommodate desired future growth; • ~~'hether the project implements the policies of the Comprehensive Plan as the~~ pertain to concurrency requirements; • ~~'hether the project is tlnancially feasible and its impact to the City's budget-, • ~f'hether the project is coordinated with major projects of other agencies, and • ~~'hether the project is mandated btir the State or Federal government, Policy 1.3.5: Project requests shall be evaluated by the Finance Department to determine each project's impact on the City budget and the tlnancial VIII-5 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT feasibility of the project. '1 he 1~'inance Department shall evaluate each project's funding options, the effect of the improvement on future revenues, and the effect of the improvement on operation and maintenance costs. Policy 1.3.6: The Community Development Department shall evaluate the timing, location, and service area for each project request and determine the project's consistency with the Winter Springs Comprehensive Plan. Policy 1.3.7: Key staff will participate in an internal Capital Improvements Element coordination workshop in March or soon thereafter, to discuss project requests and staffs findings. Policy 1.3.8: The resulting information shall be compiled into a draft Capital Improvements Program which shall be presented to the Local Planning Agency for review and recommendation prior to the City Cotntnission budget workshops. Objective 1.4: New Development to Bear a Proportionate Cost. New development shall bear a proportionate cost of public facility improvements in order to maintain adopted level of service (LOS) standards. Policy 1.4.1: All development order applications shall be evaluated as to the impact of the development on capital facilities and the operation and maintenance of those facilities. The evaluation shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Expected capital costs, including the installation of new facilities required that are related to the development. Expected operation and maintenance costs associated with the new facilities required by the development. Anticipated revenues the development will contribute, including impact fees, user fees, and future taxes. Policy 1.4.2: The timely installation of capital improvements required to meet LOS, which are to be funded by a developer, shall be guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement, interlocal agreement, or other enforceable agreement Such agreements will be executed under the Ciry's constitutional home rule power as authorized in Chapter 16C, Florida Statutes or as otherwise authorized by law. Policy 1.4.3: '1'o ensure that LOS standards are maintained, the City may require a development agreement and/or development to proceed in more than one phase. VIII-6 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Policy 1.4.4: The City shall continue to use impact fees to assess new development a pro rata share of the costs required to expand or acquire capital facilities or equipment made necessary bj- the new construction from which the fees were collected or for principal payments on debt instruments for these facilities and services. Policy 1.4.5: New developments shall be responsible for installing all internal potable and reclaimed water and sewer systems, vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems, and internal recreation/open space facilities within their development. In addition, connections of internal systems to the Citv s designated major potable and reclaimed water and sewer trunk systems and vehicular and pedestrian circulation network shall be the financial responsibility of the developer. In lieu of providing these systems, the developer may contribute funds quid pro quo for use by the City fox funding expansion of similar systems. Objective 1.5: Funding Sources. The CitL~ shall pursue adequate funding of capital projects identified in the Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI). The School District retains the responsibility for financing and constructing school facilities. Policy 1.5.1: "The City shall demonstrate that the Capital Improvements Element is financially feasible by ensuring that sufficient revenues are currently available or will be available from committed funding sources for the first three years of the SCI ('T'able VIII-1). Financial feasibility for years four and five of the SCI shall be demonstrated by ensuring that funds are committed or planned. Committed revenue sources include: ad valorem taxes, approved bonds, secured grants, state and federal funds, tax revenue, impact fees, service charges and developer contributions (included within an enforceable development agreement). Policy 1.5.2: Planned revenue sources may include the Cit~~'s intent to increase the level or amount of a revenue source, which is contingent on ratification by public referendum. However, if the referendum fails, the City will amend the Capital Improvements Klement to either include policies which identify alternative funding sources or take other actions as needed to make the SCI tlnanciall~ feasibilit~~ while meeting concurrency. Policy 1.5.3: If projects are to be funded by funds generated from sources outside the City are relied upon to satisfy- I,OS standards then those funds shall be included as the revenue source within d1e SCI. Policy 1.5.4: 1^or capital improvements that will be funded be developers, financial feasibilit}' shall be demonstrated by being guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement or interlocal agreement or other enforceable agreement. '1'hc agreement shall be retlectcd in the SCI as the revenue VIII-7 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT source, if the capital improvement is necessary to serve the development within the 5-year period. Policy 1.5.5: Criteria in Selecting Sources to Finance Public Facilities: "1'o the extent possible, the following sources (listed in order of priority and preference) are to be utilized to finance public facilities: • Grants or other intergovernmental sources • Developer contributions (inclusive of dedicated land and impact fees) • User revenues (inclusive of charges for services, local option gas tax, etc.) • Sales tax (local option infrastructure surtax) • Proceeds of Debt Instruments • Ad valorem property taxes Policy 1.5.6: 1'he City shall continue to participate in MetroPlan Orlando to ensure funding distribution for transportation projects identified in the SCI. Policy 1.5.7: State revenue sharing motor fuels tax funds may be used for traffic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. Policy 1.5.8: Net proceeds, after payment of existing bond obligations, of the Seminole County Local Option Gasoline Tax (LGTX) shall be reserved specifically for traffic related maintenance and capital improvement projects. Policy 1.5.9: Total proceeds from the Seminole County Local Option Sales "1'ax (1CTX) shall be reserved for transportation related capital projects. Policy 1.5.10: funds collected from Impact Fees shall be reserved for growth related capital outlays. Proceeds from the Stormwater Utility Fund (SUF) shall be reserved for Stormwater management operating needs and capital projects. The City shall maintain a reserve account restricted for sanitary sewer related capital projects. Policy 1.5.11: :A portion of funds collected from the Utilit}' Enterprise Fund (U1?I~ shall be reserved to complete sanitar}' sewer and potable water capital projects. Policy 1.5.12: 1'he Code of Ordinances shall continue to contain provisions for all new developments to provide parks and recreation lands and/or facilities VIII-8 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT and/or fees-in-lieu-of as specified in the Recreation and Open Space Element. Objective 1.6: Debt Management. The City shall manage debt issuance and obligations according to sound public fiscal management principles so that the City is able to provide needed capital improvements and maintain services at adopted levels of service (LOS). Policy 1.6.1: Criteria for Managing Debt Financing: The City does not have legal debt limits or utilize specific debt ratios such as the limitation on the use of revenue bonds as a percent of total debt; the maximum ratio of total debt service to total revenue; and the maximum ratio of outstanding capital indebtedness to property tax base. Instead each debt issuance is evaluated on an individual basis giving consideration to the following factors: • type of facility being financed • significance of the annual debt service requirement • favorable impact to the Ciry • economic capacity of the City • overlapping debt which depend on the same economic base • projected City growth rate. Policy 1.6.2: Debt will be managed with the goal of maintaining or enhancing the City's credit rating so as to lower total borrowing costs. Policy 1.6.3: I_.ong-term debt will not be utilized to fund current and ongoing operations; Short-term debt may be issued to allow the City to meet its cash Flow requirements or to provide increased flexibility in financing programs; Debt may be issued for renovations, updates, modernizations and rehabilitations provided the expenditures extend the useful life of the capital asset; Capital financed through the use of long-term debt shall be financed for a period not to exceed the expected useful life of the asset. Policy 1.6.4: The Cit}' will utilize external bond counsel for all debt issues and bonds issued by the City shall be competitively bid unless the City approves a negotiated sale. Policy 1.6.5: "l'he use of revenue bonds as a debt instrument shall be further evaluated based on the following criteria: VIII-9 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT ~-~ five (5) year projection of committed and/or planned revenues related to the capital project being financed shall be prepared and updated annually as a part of the SCI update. On an annual basis, the City will restrict, for enterprise operations, the amount of cash as required by bond covenants for the purpose of ensuring adequate repair and/or replacement of capital facilities. Policy 1.6.6: The use of tax revenues as a pledge for the repayment of debt shall be further evaluated based on the following criteria: A five (5) year projection of committed and/or planned revenues related to the capital project being financed shall be prepared and updated annually as a part of the SCI update. The City may use long term capital lease payments on lease purchases for capital projects identified within this element, provided adequate debt service requirements are provided. Policy 1.6.7: The impact of principal and interest revenue bond payments on the operation and maintenance of the affected utility and/or department will not require deferring current maintenance of existing infrastructure. Policy 1.6.8: Cash restricted due to bond and grant covenants will be budgeted in accordance with the terms of the covenants. Policy 1.6.9: The City will competitively bid investment of escrow funds for advance refundings if it is expected that bids will result in a lower cost and the required securities are available in the market. Objective 1.7: Concurrency Management. The City shall continue to operate a Concurrence I~Ianagemcnt System for the review of all proposed developments within the Cite. ,~s part of the Citti-'s Concurrency Management System, the City will help facilitate school concurrence- review by the School Board and shall rely upon the School Board to determine and report to the City if school capacity is available. The concurrence evaluation system shall measure the potential impact of an~~ proposal for a development permit or order upon the established minimum acceptable levels of sen-ice (l.(JS) for public schools, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, parks and recreation, and transportation facilities, unless the development permit or order is exempt from the review requirements of this section. No development permit or order which contains a specitlc plan of development, including densities and intensities of development, shall be issued unless adequate public facilities are available to serve the proposed development as determined be the concurrence evaluation set forth in this section. VIII-1U CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Policy 1.7.1: Facilities Inventory and Reporting. An inventory of the available capacity of roads, potable water, and sanitary sewer facilities shall be maintained by the Public Works/Utility Department and supplied to the Planning Division on an as-needed basis for concurrency evaluation. Policy 1.7.2: An inventory of public parks and acreage shall be maintained within the City's Geographic Information Systems mapping software for purposes of evaluating concurrency. Policy 1.7.3: As part of the annual update to the Capital Improvements Element, the Community Development Department- Planning Division in conjunction with the Public Works/Utility Department and Parks and Recreation Department shall evaluate and report on current capacity within each public facility category, including any encumbrances or deficiencies. This annual report shall also identify any public facilities that will require improvements to maintain adopted LOS. Policy 1.7.4: Data on current water supply demand and permitted capacity shall be maintained by the Utility Department and supplied to the Planning Division on an as-needed basis for evaluation of proposed future land use map amendments. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvement, Policy 1.8.3 and Future Land Use Element, Police 1.3.4.) Policy 1.7.5: No development order shall be issued unless it can be determined that adequate water supplies and associated public facilities and services are available. However, public facility and service availability may be deemed sufficient if the public facilities and services fox a development are phased, or the development is phased so that the public facilities and those related services which are deemed necessary by the City to operate the facilities necessitated by the development are available concurrent with the Impacts of that development. (Cross Reference: See Future Land Use Element Policy 13.4.) Policy 1.7.6: The City shall withhold the approval of any site plan, final subdivision or functional equivalent which includes new residential units not exempted by the 2007 Inierlocal _~l~reement for Puhlic School Facility Planning and Sebool Concurrent _'l.r <~lnaencled January 2008 until the School Board has reported that there is school capacity available or a mitigation agreement has been reached. Cross Reference: See Public School Facility Element, Policy IX- 1.7.1) and Intergovernmental Coordination Element, Policy 1.2.8) VIII-11 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT r.~.t., inu ~ r.+„ „f w.,,+o. Cn.~nnc Fiva.Yaar Srhadula ~f Capital Improvements fSCll FY 2008109-2012113 LOS Fundar a""s'"p Yaaz 1 Yeaz 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year S TOTALS Comprehenmve Propct Name pu~b9e Source Descrl tbn 1 Justltlatlon P LocaOOn scar 2008709 2009!10 2070(11 2011112 2012111 !Years l•5) Plan Reference LOS: PARKS 8 RECREATION ~Cwooor dmpnftheatre Nn^ers the nepnprk of '~ '~WpIlC gfeen S03CF5IhplCO^.?'!nQ'r3n'e'+,u'l'p' R-~~.••. Pn~. PR To+n Censer dntl prp~np;e5 8 erpand5lydii I -4' RCS- 1 J FUTURE CF-3058 system.Improves recrealiaul oppalundres Winter Springs t0 S 1280950 S t0a.C5C $ $ - S - S 1,155,000 FLUE-13.1: FLUE Magrwra Park 1CTX cmistent vnM fhe rarntwnal coeds of residents. Ta•,m Censer : 1.5'. FLUE- 2 2.3; Is a catalyst br private devrdplllea In the Town CIE-1.3.1 Center AtWnadates growMl mrough addiOMal xrnge for xbve reception ~LOSJ ~ --_ -- Permanent dog park expar~aon wrrsrsient wrot CWP ROS-I a; ROS-13 t Certtrol Wk~ds Pane FUTURE GRT 6 rcaeaspnal needs of resWerrts: Usuzes gnm Expansion near 8 S - S - S 271,2T $ - S - S 271,222 ROS- 1 5 CIE- xoansgn Impovemeres p P k PIMF haMing Accanddales grovth mrougn addl9atal SR S;i~i 1 3 5 ; oq ar s ~acroage'or xhve'ecreaNOr!LOSj ' Total S 1.790.950 S tW.950 S 2TLT22 5 ~~ S S 1.726.222 LOS: POTABLE WATER da.-esg eus aiy^e -t- I I, z_ eL_,e ~U"dCe ':'vdt2 'ed:tt`..Q.^: FLi~RE ~~-.•F ~ dUb Yf: 3Jtl Wf7 1': :Se 3 NV ~3,e. .'e J~:dAe d 5 ._, ~.._ 5 $ S I S - S 297.999 1 H ' ~y lE Plxt Cespn la urlgaeon purposes. as a mean of reduanq Jesup N E t 7. CE 1.2.d Demands of grow1n on dre F!aidan AquAer. _ ____-____ __ __ R W SWdy of a8emadveeater supply to reduce S 250 000 IE IV.9.3: IE IV.B.3.2 ater 46 Alternative S FUTURE UEF kmand on pptabk water hap the Fbridan City Wide 6 S 75,E S $ 175.909 $ S ' FLUE 1.3.1 StVpIY Aqurfdr. Eleetrleal Mlpravemmts REPLCh1T UEF Mapr maintenance ro Neariwl system. WTP M2 6 S 300.000 S - $ S $ - S ~'~ ~1 E N 6 2. ff EV'8.2 to WTP MZ . Nev, Venable Frequency RE?LC` t' LEF ContrW upgranes. VJfP rt E $ - S 7500) $ - $ - S - S 75.000 CIE 1~6~~11E IW.B.2'. Controls WTPst , Total S 582.000 S 75.000 5 175.000 S S S 872.000 LOS: SANRARY SEWER 4:'est Fcvice r.lam P -^GI `ee -c ee.l sae demao-tl 9olsiers ~ L"Station !5 I ~ $ - 31C ^G^ 5 5 - S ~ S 210.000 ~~ FLL° 131 dE Re`mut'mq. Design FUTURE v F Ise .!ce ro r p =.. I mrproas eHioene~ D~xharoe ~ . 13 3 iE I, F t s r ~_t b East Force Man FL'Tl1RE UEF Prged rueded to meet fvNrc demmd, Bdskrs TuskaM9a 8 S 50 Lb0 $ - S 39r-',60C S $ S ~'~ HE t3.9. IE N.A 33 FLUE 1.3.1; CIE ' ReraAng ~ Desipi ~,~ to rrcrv pvwlh. Improves efSciency. 1 3.3 . IE IV A.t.S, H ~~~ HE139: FLUE WWRF Serb Filter REPLACE UEF PropG neetledMmeetfiaure OemaM'Irlanxs yWVRF B S - S - S 5 250,9W $ - S 250.000 131 CIE 1.331E wgacrtY kr rirw Arow1h; vnproves efiGenc/. N A 1.S HE 1.15 Tout ' S S 210.000 S S 5 - S 210.000 LOS: SOLID WASTE Total 5 S S S S S VIII-~ 3 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Rirt1`"'a Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 5 TOTALS Comprehernive Pro(eM Name Pu~~ ~~ Descn flon7 Justlflwllon P Lxatlon ax~• 2009109 2009110 2010111 201V72 2012113 (Years l•S) Pkn Rrtema LOS: STORMWATER ThIDL Wna. Ow ~.,y rU LRE -'~'~ ~.Wncakro mde a ~a;eryua~.a, iriwa:rors I .roe 1 ~ 56 ~0 ~ ~ 0 ...^r0 ~ i .'.?"C ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ i 5 180.000.00 ( I 13 - 1 D.1 E132 I ManagenyMP gems ~ I; rprows su~'acerater qual.~ ~ ~ Lanbardy Cana P,aa REP1rCE .~ Lanham, Road Atalor ma!ntenarxe enahim, eRC en!oPera!cn I area S 3 50.300 5 5 - 5 S 50.UW.00 IF 17~ CIE 1 i t c~UE131: HE 1.L Total f 55.000 S 100.000 S 75.000 S S S 230.D00 LOS: TRANSPORTATION SR <3: g 5R 1' c Trafim hodresses e- song dthnene~ on R S}{ :„Cr SP, 4318 ~ _ 15° 3r.3 i _ 3 c $ 165.000 CIE 1 3 1 CIE 16 Y. S~gra imprs.e°,ens EX , ti3 t,*F ..u1•aded"aff-c sl~nas oR:!4 - I I FLUE 13.1 Serrces future demand and addresses Nture CIE 1 1. CIE I.7 4. Michas BIaFe Bhd FVTURE 1CTX defiaerKy M SR 434 by eswndmg inkrwmkclevJ Tarn Cemer 4 S 1,900.000 S ~ S ~ S - f - S 1.900,000 fLVE 1.3.1; TE t :; ISpfne Roadl ~~ road ~,~ in Tam Cemer b reduce TE 124. TE 1.3 demand m SR 474 _ Wade SheT4t9 F T RE tCTXb Sakry imp;ovemenls: Furthers sale transpataoon Uate nwvemcrt of peade aide k b h SR 419 SO f 575.000 - f ~ S - 5 - f S 575, TE 1. TE 12: GE 1.. t. I I..1 6npraxrvnts U U FDOT rro wr emrae R and goods _ _ .. _. RUE f 31; Doran Orrve IBlulnOerg b ttigh sMOOir 000 0 f 200 000 CIE 1 3.1: CIE 16.1; Dom Ome REPLCMT iCTX Refurbishes cdkcbr road so that exisOng LOS is maintained. Tam Ceram B f 20 , , FLUE 7.3.1; Rarxtaanes Paviig REPLCM T 1cTx Pd road wvm9 Proms supwNn9 udrashuUure RanehlarMs 6 S 700.000 S ?00.000 f S f f 1.400.000 RE tt.9: GE 1.3. t: FLUE 1.3.1 ~ e~~ e~~ __ _ _ Rlvdamal Road REPLCMT ~ 1CTX ReOUlds exi54rg nNghbOrh00d sheets so 03i1 Vana~ 6 S 125.000 f 1ID.000 f 175000 GE I J. t ~. GE 18.1' FLUE 1.3.1; Rewnstrwliorl transpataaon rkMrnkis maManed. Ndlh Moss Road REPLCMT 1CTx ~~ mamterarwr RHurbsshes WIIeUM road so that enserq LOS a maintained. Absa Road 6 S 1.300,000 f ~ f S 1,300,000 GE 1.3 1: LIE 1.6.1' FLUE 1 3. t: Addresses Naze defLrenry d SR 433 by addng a ~ 434 g S 125 000 TE 1. TE 1.2, CIE 13 t: CIE 1 0 1 Nryes Road Decrt lane FUTURE TIMF deceleration Wce to ensure ader•uate movemem ~~ Rom E S 125.000 , . . FLUE 13.1; wove ant goods Vrtawiga Drive Decel FUTURE TIMF AdMesses fuWre de5raerKy d SR 434 Pry adoing a OecYlcratron lane to ensure adequrte movement ~ 334 $ l 6 S 125,000 f 125.000 TE I TE 1.2. CIE t.3.1~. CIE 1B.t. Lane ds d Yrstarv3 s FLUE I 3.1 goo . pwde an ...... .......... . __ Servsesfunae demerd and addresses hAure Orange Avb GE 17. CIE 174 detaenry al SR 434 by expanding mkrmneding Cen7a: NSrds 6 $ 1.SOO.OW f 1,500.000 FLUE 1 3.1: TE 12; Grange Avenue Loop FUTLtRE TIMF optraror road netwlXN in Tam Umer w reduce Park (SR 4341 ~ TE 1.24. TE 1.3 demand on SR 434. Town Center t f e as t d d h rte or us irt s Paves eais4nq r~0a oo rlc is ti N+ t Shutt ~ SD GE 1.3 t CIE 16.1 BahamaROad FUTURE TIMF on rk o a a cotlectar road so that hanspor ~ h ~ In ~ y E 5 4f10.000 S ~•~0 FLUE13~~ maintained PraFdasupWrtinguMra5lrudure (sheet pavugl tc enharke ex:sh:.g housrig slodr. RanGtands Total S 3,915,000 S 610,000 f 1,300,000 S 100,000 f 1,500,000 S 7.925,000 VIII-14 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT LEGENQ: Fundi n Sources: Funding Sources: 1C1A One Cent Sales Tex iRaad Improvement Pondi_ 175 . PIhiF Park 8 Rcc Empact fee Fund _ -- --- -- CF-303 - - - -- _ ... __ __ i589 GOnsUUCtiPn CePd~Pmjed fund J~S RSR ._._ _. t,turp Reraxal d Re latemenl Fund _ ~ __ -- FDOT ._ - ----' -` _-- `- Flm~da Depl at Trenspodetion TLB~ A=sessmem G~smchTUUawikaU m &8eaulficin ~ 4t!l..0 ).., GNF ~ General Fund UCF _ Utit~ty Cunstrucnon Fund GRT Grants&CDBG UEF UUkty Enterprise Fund Li;TS(~ Local OoT.on Gaa Tax (Trans iteUOn fm rovemeni Fund VIII-15 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT r.,r"1_ d,ul ~ ~~.,c_vn~r c~-an~ldo of f`~nital Imnrnvamants ISCII FY 2008109 - 2012113 by Fund aavre eur ~ ..._ _... _ _.-___-_ _- ---r--_ LOS Funding tu~ew Veaz S Year 2 Year 3 Year d Year 5 TOTALS Comprelrensive ProJecfName Category 9uuru DascriptionlJustillcatlon Locallon sa«e 200&D9 1069110 2010111 2011112 2012113 planRekrerke 1CTX •ONE CENT SALES TAX (ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND) • 115 SP 11: F `R ' , T•a`hc _XI[,TI+Y !CT% Addresses e+ls5ng dehuercr o~ SP a3' =rh SR 133 & ~ ~ - --~ ~l^C - $ - 5 5 S ! S 165.000 C[E t3 t CIE . 6 t. FLUE 13 1 5 gna'.1«p ^±r'ts updraded tra~~c s;3n:~s SR 415 - Sernus future demarq and addresses hRure GiE 1.7, CtE 1.7.4. ktichaN Burke Bivd. FU i t1RE tCnc defidenc)' o15R 434 by expanding inlerr~+neconq Twm Cer2er 4 5 t.900.~0 5 5 5 5 f 1.900.000 FLUE 13 t TE 12. fSlMSe Roadt ctkkcLx road network m Tam Gaoler to reduu TE t 2A: TE 1 7 demand on SR 434, ".._ _ - ..... ' -. - 1CtX 8 Salett "mprosrfrtknk; FuRners sale trmspcnatv7n TE t: TE 12: CIE Wade Street4tg ~~~ ~'N0d`IO ensure aieauale movement of people SRdt9 10 5 215000 5 5 S S S 215,000 1.3.1', CIEt61. knprovemems c~T ~ ~~ FLUE 13 1. porn Dme (Blumberg m high sdoolt CIE 1.1.1. CfE 1.6.1. Doan Drive REPLCbff 1CT% ReAUOisnes calkebrraatl so dql exkOtg LOS is mymined Torn Center 6 S 200000 f ~'~ _ FLUE I.3L ____ Randdstds Pawng REPLGMi iCTN do road paving provides supporting+rt5as6acNre Randdards 6 S 70D.000 S 700.000 S - S - S - S 1.100,000 HE 1 1 9 CIE 1 7 1 FLUE t 3 t b eMurtce cxistcg housrq stale. .. _, ,... . ReudenOy Rom REPLCMT tCTX Rebw105 extsvtg nepnbornaod s0ee15 sd mat Vana,s 6 S f25.W0 S 110.000 S 235,000 CIE 1.7.i, CIE 1.6.1. t: FLUE13 Rewnawction transpoRa6on ns4,.aknmsntamed. . k~ malnlenurr ~~~ mludw road so ebsa Road 6 5 1.~ 000 S - 5 - S 1,300,000 CIE 1 3 1 CtE 7.0. T. Nam boss Road REPLCAf7 tCT% mat exlstmg LOS ~s maimairrcd. FLUE 13.1; _ @ddodr amph03pa0e 1uRh~s Ore ramxak d public green spacas mat form the hartw+vorlt for ROS-1.1.1: R0.5- the Tonn Center and pranotes L expands trst t d. ROS• 15.2 Ma9miw Pa'k FUTURE CF3055 system Improves reaea6aul oppatuniaes WrRer Sump t0 9 300.000 5 i64.O5C S - 9 - S - f Id1~050 RUE 1.3. t: FLUE tCTX wnsktent wim pce rectea4mal needs of resloents: Taen Center 2 1.5. RUE- 2 2 3 IS a catarysl fur pmale de'reldpmeM in the Tovm G!E- 1,7,1 Cprrter, A(!Wngdates gm":th mrdugh ad~!ima~ aat:~e log actrre rtneaA:,r' ~105~ Ic, L~, _ - ?`;ono s 5 TOTAL 1CT)t REVENUE S 5100.000 S td1d,21/ S 1.N1.211 9 157.551 S f 6.341.952 BND•BONDS i TOTAL BND REVENUE f 5 IS 'S S f CF•305 1999 CONSTRUCTION CAPRAL PROJECT FUND .,d~-ar.,ry~r..eatrttv.^,es~..e.,a:_rsot , I J.w,:z yeen ~azs •hat fo- '^e vaner.x~. for RDS- I 1 1 RCS me Td%.n Genter dnd p'dm'v:e5 $ etpand5 Pdll 1.1, RD$- 1.51. blagw:ia park FUTURE CF-305 6 system. lnquwes reaealimal oppaturoiies Wtntar Spr+gs 10 5 990.950 S - S - S - 5 - f 990.950 RUE- 1.3.7 RUE- 1CT% catsistent with the reata6drasi neetl5dref~derKS'. Torn CerMtr 2.1.5. RUE-22.3. k a rataysl to omale devdapmaM 6i the?an CtE t 3 t Cemec ACOdntDdatts grorsth through am41ona acreage br aclivre recreation ~LOS~ TC`g= 'tti$E S 990.950 S € S 940.950 TOTAL CF.305 REVENUE S 490.950 S S 4 S 990'950 VIII-I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT LOS Fundng Rilfep Year 1 Year 2 Vear 3 Year d Vear 5 TOTALS CarpreMrtsive Protect Name Category Souce Descrl Ilonl Jusllllcatbn D Lotallon x~• 1006109 2009110 1010!11 2011112 1012113 Plan Reference FDGT -FLORIDA DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION _ak:y inpro Hants. Fudhus safe traospoda..on ~ TE E I C CIE ~~'ai1°"'~-te N'LRE ICTY 4 net,ork toe s-e atlecuate rwveme^: o'peope SR:'p I; 3 ..69 r. ~i 5 ~ $ - S - $ - S 360,000 131 GE '.C1 Im:rover•ens FCCT s,tl peods FLUE 131 TOTAL FDOT REVENUE S 360.000 ~. S S 5 S 360.000 GRT•GRANTSB CDBG P ^arente r ns s.~r ...r o-LF .. R CenUal f':•n Park " " Ci918 r ~eaUana „s of rs~-ins I ze gar' ~ y~s~cn eear~ , j 5 - ' S ~ 5 3Ec11 S ~ S ~ S 135,611 RC, -1 l,iL~ Erpamron imr.-ovrmenls FU vRc a(N¢ . tundtng Accomodates Om:,eh nougn aduona £R s3: -..5 ,~ , ~.k. acreage is actr.e reueabs' I;'r~; rG.4.. ~.;-..., TOTAL GRT REVENUE S ND2DU0 S 200,WU S 135.617 S 5 S 037,611 PIMF • PARK 8 REC IMPACT FEE FUND an~nJxlva ,pans:u c sr r. •^ ~ ~'7ry i ~ -. ~ ~ R~ 3 ~ : ' CPMraI V ~ is park " C•w'Y r, ea'ona ee^~of esicens t zes 3a°' ~~s~r c•ar 5 - 5 ~ - -~`-='11 5 - S - S 135.611 ~.-1 - ..~. Expmronlrrye ~n!s R ~J p!A~ 1mMng: ACC4m00ate5 gro,:tl+lnra.gnaddrronal F SR dad t o =, i.D~?a~: acreage br aclme rxmtian (LOSj .. A, I TOTAL PIMF REVENUE 5 175.500 5 115.000 5 t00.00G 5 110.000 S 115.000 $ 565.500 SUF -STORMWATER UTILITY (ENTERPRISES FUND I TM1;L r~. uaay Aidnd9er;::^I ~rgtC!i :Lr,jgr JF IL'aratela ee'Mare -: a!erq atrsaua•s ~ ;.,,..x 'rJ'J.cS SU^aCC :.atk' v~d~: •:~ i ~ ,i CJCI` _?:1_n 5 G".,~= S - I S ~ ~S 180.000.00 1~1~ ~ .._ . _ Lombard; Cana Pgirig REPLACE SUF klaror r•~a~ntenance eroMu+g e+fioent operation. Ld^Eardl Roan 6 $ - S 50900 $ - $ _ $ S 50 000 ~ GE 13.: CtE t.6-t: LUE i 3 i r!E 1 1 area . . - - , 5 TOTAL SUF REVENUE 5 1.035,000 S 1.040.000 S 1,042.000 i 1,045.000 5 1,047.000 S 5,709,000 TIMF -TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEE FUND Add~essestnure defiGMCi o#;R 4340y atldr;,a l SR 4345 ^ ^ ~ S 125 000 TE: iE'.2 LIE 31 CIE 1 61 Wyes Roa<~rcz :ant FNURE TS31F deceleration lane to ensae adequate movemeni o[ I Ma1,~4o~ c S 1'S i_ : ~ . . 1 PeoPE antl grads. I ---- fLUE 1 3 i. - ----- - --- - ~- ~~~ - 4eressas (WUre defaaendy of 5R 434 ~ addeg a TE 1- TE 1.2 CIE VistM~a Jnve Dad ~~ TIA1F a0on !ane to ensure sdeouaie movement ~~ 6 5 125000 4 125,000 1.3.1, CIE 1.81. Lane peope mxl goods. FLUE 1.3.1; Servkes future demaM aM addresses fu6re CIE 1 1: CIE i 71; Orarge Avenue Loop FUTURE TIk1F ~' 01 SR 434 by eaparMm9 miersarned6r9 Toan LerA4r 8 f L500,000 S 1.500,000 FLUE 1.3. i. TE 12. cdleaa road neTwodr n Ta?++Cemer m redrce TE 1.2 d. TE 1.3 demand on SR 434. ~_ - `_ Paves ezmxq alwod diR street far me as a cdkcta rwd w Mal 0arrspa~a6on netwL is R 5 S 400 000 S 400 Og0 `'IE 1.7.1 , dE 10.1 Baha^~,a Road FUTURE TM~ mamtaned Provides suppoNng infras0ucW2 . , FLUE 1.31: rzlreet pamngi to ennance exlsunq ^ousng sWtlL TOTA in,fc Efa4S 5 2`r10t!4 : - S T O T A L T I M P REVENUE S 662.450 5 410,000 5 360.000 5 39D.000 $ 100,000 S 7]22.450 V lII-1 ! CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT " Ywt 1 Year 2 ~ Year 3 Year d Year 5 GO~fenQmrv° Pr ect Name W LDS Latagory Funarg Source pescrfpt!on! Justilkatlon Locatlon k~ e 2008!09 2009f10 2010(17 2011772 2072113 TOTALS Plan Reference UCF - UTILITY CONSTRUCTION FUND P anf des,gr to use a.g-len aCxl Prrrec:~ td I E 3'.. FLUE 3m!ace!4a!e aA••m! JRE °l, ~ aC auq tern acde pa ^~e~RO .eda med -.ale vxeU Lair 5 ,-0;j 5 ~ i! ~ S - 5 - f 207,000 t 1 HE 13e IE ~.a»t xs~g t . ~ id :ya;:on p.e{c~ses as a nr~, of raduunq <es.F ,+ E ~ 1. GE !15 Eemands of gro:~th x me F.a~~dan prn:~'er 5 2c~uaa TOTAL GCF REVENUE - S 421.000 5 2.000 f - S S f Q3.W0 UEF • UTILITY ENTERPRISE FUND .;t~d~( of allemaave'r+aler vrap~y to iea~m 'S 80 5 5 f `E IV.8.3.1E 4c 8-3.2 SR a6 AatINnazve v:ater cli?VRE UEF aemantl an potable ,vater±rom the Rordan G!y Wu1e 6 5 15.000 S - 0 5 i - - 250,000 FLUE i ~ t Sup°b aa~nler i Eleetnrai Lmlxo.entnm REPLCMT UEF taajor maintenance to elemiral system. WTP e2 fi 5 'a'~0000 5 - 5 - 5 - S - f 300,000 CEIEVtB Z:tIE I\rB2. to WTI a2 _ ~ New Variab4 FRVUency CAreNIe N?Pat REPLCMT UEF COr1hU Upgrades. NTP e1 6 S - 5 75000 5 5 S f 75.000 CIE t B 1: IE IV B 2: lE IV.0.2.t West Fax Main -- --- - - - Proled needed to meet AArte demaM; 8dsters LiR Slaaon 10 8 f 5 210,000 S - $ - 5 f 210.000 FLUE 1 3.1; CIE Raro!+gng Wspn FUTURE UEF servxe to nwr gro++lh: Improves efioenry, Dlsrnrpe ?.3.3, IE IV-A t,5: E»t Fax Main p~ n~ t0 "~ ~ ~nynd~ ~~ TusMawilla 8 S `A.000 5 - S 300.000 5 - 3 f 3~ ~ FLUE 1.3 t: CIE R~~p f pesgn FUTURE UEF ~~ le nem gro M Inpfoves efraenPy 1.3.3. IE IVA 1.5: NE _ Ne 1 3 9. RVE REPLACE UE` PrPeet nez<.e to r~ee1 h,ture &ma~_!ncreases ~7.LSF o S - S - I S - 5 :SOSv:O S - f 250.000 _' 1 GE 1 3 3 IE WWftF Sand Filter caoacti ,n• n ~c ,h.Imrra:es e•'~cene; -415. HE1i5 TOTAL ~. EF EYPENSE <.. -~. ~ 5 , TOTAL UEF REVENUE S 0.072. t 50 5 0.150000 15 0.775,000 5 8.000.000 5 8,825,000 S 43,222,150 L Funding Sources: Funding Sources: 1CTR Onc''ent Selts ax oe Im _ _ _ __ __ t - p _. __ - _---- --___ - --- - ----- - - _----------- CF 305 _ __ 1999 Canetruchbn C ;cal pr rovement Fwrdi - t15 PIMF Park b Rec Ir^yaM Fee F,,nd --- - -- ~ R8R _ Ut !t Rene ai 8 Replacement Fond --- eP qea Fund -305 -- --- __-- _ - 2__ _- X00? Flor Oa Dept of Trenspo1etion TiBC Assessment Qish¢t f i uscawMa Li¢hOnQ 8 Beaullhclni ',PT , . r;,- UCF Utury Cornhuchn Fund. --• ? •- •anor, fm ovemrntFundl UEF Ubii Ent nse VIII-18 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT Table VIII- 3: Facility Program -Public School Facilities: Summary of Policies, Programs and Capital Improvements with Cost Impacts Scheduled Program and Cost Impacts for 10/1/2008 - 9I30l2013 T17e Semu!ole County School Bogard Capital Improvement PIai7 includes s~etn~fic~.uit +emodeluig of existing stn+cture:~ ~+n<,i the building of neM~ structures to expand student capacity over the next five years. Total 5 Year Cost: 5412,226,62 Potential Additonal Cost Impacts During/Beyond the Five Year Planning Period G~)F i E Projections sho•^^. a continued decline m student enrollment unt`i 20 t0 ~.vith an inrease each year following. The 2005 peak year is illustrated as not being regained unto 2016. Available Funding Options- Major revenue sources available to the School Board are Ad Valorem Taxes. State Revenue Sources, Local Option Sales Tax, Impact Fees. Gasoline Tax Refund. COPS, and Interest. Sourta S~minol~ County School Bwrd'a Fiw Y~er G~pinl Improv~nt Pion, Adopted S~pUmb~r 9.2008 for the fiatel q~ar 2008-.'009 through 2012.2013 Table VIII-4 School Ca Ital Im rovement Plan for Seminole Count Facilities - Remodelin & Additions Remodeling 8 Addltifons 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 Cass2lberry Media S1,000.000 $5.000,000 Hamilton x1,000.000 57.000.000 Idyllwilde Admin 5500,000 S1 000,000 Jackson Heights 51,000,000 521,000,000 La~,~ton S700,000 S10,000.000 Lyman Bldgs. 7, 9, 10 $6.000,000 Milwee Remodeling $1,000,OOU Pine Crest AdditionlRemodeling 51.000.000 58.000.000 Seminole High 513,500,000 Spring Lake x1 000,000 58,000,000 Stenstrom x1,000,000 57,000,000 Wekiva 51,000.000 511.000,000 Wilson/Geneva Pods 8 Renovations $800,000 S4,OOQ000 Small Projects 5700.000 5700.000 5700.000 5700.000 $700,000 Excel Relocation/Remodel $1 900 000 Sales Tax Projects Oviedo High Red Bug S14,400,000 $1,000,000 x8,000,000 Sterling Park 511.000,000 Misc. Contingency 55.000.000 55.000.OOD $S.000.OOD 55,000.000 55.000,000 $OU(CC. S~mu~oN County School Bard s Five Yur Gpital +mprov~meM P!ar+, Adopad S~pUml»r 9. 2008 for the hsca! y~~f ZVOa-~OUV througo zU1[•zv1J. VIlI-I CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT T~LIn \/111_F Crhnnl R~nitnl Imnrnvomunf Rovanua Snnrcas Revenue 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 20012-2013 State Class Size Reduction - - - - - Peco New Construction $1,473,990 $424,977 _ 5624.691 $668.143 $267.882 Pero Maintenanre $2,260,756 $3,049,660 53,049.660 __ $3 029 957 $2,948.333 C08DS Bonds $6.850.000 CO&DS $368.064 $368.064 5368,064 5368.064 $368,064 Local 2 Mill $65,321,653 ?65,739.115_ 570,102.761 575,615 833 ~a81,879,555 2 Mil State Reduction (58,165.207) ($8,217,389) (58,762.845) ($9,451.979] ($10,234,944) COPS $21,000,000 _. _ Sales Tax -_ 7 $12,185,56 $7.953,238 __ _ _ S8 152,069 $4 126,356 _. _ _.. _ p ._ _ __ Im ~trt Fees __ ..3,300 00 0 $3 300.000 S3,300.000 $3 300.000 53.300,000 _ Gasoline Tax Re ~_ fund 5100.000 _ _ $100.000 5100.000 __. ._ $100.000 $100.000 Inkerest $1,100,000 $1,000,000 51,000,000 $1,000 000 51,000,000 Undesignated SUB-TOTAL $105,794,823 $73.717.665 577,934,400 $78,756,374 579,628,890 _ Prior Year Carr over S8,781,041 $3,738.712 510,659,561 $7,645,383 $6.350,966 TOTAL $114,575,864 $77,456,377 588.593,961 586,401,757 $85.979,856 SOUrce' ':,..molr C~„nu, 44L«,1 Rn:., B, ri,-r Snu fapicd tmpnrc.rn m;r P1au. -kkryurd arp,nnt,~, v..oxs to, ar :nrat }r:u .~, n.a. -.,..rv ru,u,~n ,-.~,: -..,,,., Table VIII-6 Planned New Public School Facility Construction New Construction 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-zo99 ZU11-ZU'IZ ~u~c-cui~ Land 55.000.000 55,000,000 $5,000,000 New Midway Elementary S1,000,000 New Elementary "N" $1,000,000 (CSA E9) Bus Compound Annex 53,000.000 30 Modular Classrooms Rosenwald $10,100.000 Souree Seminole County Schoo! Boartl's Fve Year Gaprtat improvement Pian, Atloptetl September 9, 2008 for the final year 2008-2009 through 2012-2013. VIII-2~ Exhibit `B' Transbortation Element Objective 1.1 Level of service. Throughout the planning period, the Ciry shall enforce the Level of Service LOS standard on all arterial and collector roads. Policy 1.1.1 "1'he minimum daily T ~--~' ~`~ `~~-~~~~=-{LOS} standard, to be adopted as part of this element and plan, shall be as follows (cr~~s, Izefr•re,ice: s~•< c.,piril ~,npro~~c,,,c,v I:~en,cnr, ~~~,~~~~ t.~.t- 1.~: • Limited Access Roads as prescribed by TDOT • Arterials D • Collectors D The LOS standards are based on ADT (average daily trips). The Ciry shall coordinate with the MPO and LYNX to assist the County in maintaining the County's adopted'~--~' ~r ~~~--'~~LOS standard for mass transit - 1.03 revenue miles per capita per year based on the estimated functional population within the transit service area. (()rd. 2005-ll; 09-12-05) Policy 1.2.7 Land development regulations shall contain specific access management alternative techniques to control access and preserae'~--~' '_c ~~~---~~~LOS. These techniques include but are not limited to the following: • Limit access to roads by controlling the number and location of site access driveways; (()rd. 2005-11; 09-12-05) • Cross-access elements of adjacent properties where feasible; and • Use of frontage or back-lot parallel access roads where feasible. Policy 1.5.12 The City shall °~~~~a ~'-~ ~:~.-',..a.. `~ require that sidewalks be constructed concurrently with new development, by the developer. Additional sidewalks will be constructed in existing developed areas when requested 6F~t3~. (Cro„ Reference: See Capital Improvements I?lement, Policy ].4.5) Policy 1.6.3 The City shall ensure that all roads serviced by public transit routes function at a i.._...i ..c~,..~.:~..LOS sufficient to support the bus service. Policy 1.9.1 The City shall keep appraised of the schedules for improvements and ongoing policies of all jurisdictions whose transportation responsibilities within the Ciry limits affect the quality of life and the'~--~' ~F~~~-'~~LOS on which Winter Springs citizens depend. Policy 1.9.6 The City shall continue to monitor the construction schedules of Department of 'Transportation regarding improvement of SR 434 through the Ciry so that the Ieveh€ PLOS is not degraded below the state's criteria for a principal arterial link. In applying the lenience to permit three years in advance of funded improvements, be selective so that development permitted to proceed prior to actual construction of the higher capacity road will include only those projects which further progress toward other goals. Policy 1.11.1 The City shall continue requiring that adequate transportation facilities to maintain the Ciry's t~--~' ~` ~ ~~'~~LOS standards be available to meet the traffic demands of all new development prior to the issuance of a final development order, in accordance with the Concurrency 1~Ianagement Provisions sct forth in the Capital Improvements Element of this Plan. Policy 1.11.2 The City shall ~ require that all new developments anticipated to generate 300 or more daily trips be required to submit a Transportation Impact Study. (C)rd. 2005-11; 09-12-05) (See TE policy 1.1.3) Exhibit `C' Infrastructure Element- Sanitary Sewer Subelement Objective IV-A-1: Existing Wastewater Treatment. The City shall correct existing deficiencies; ensure that the minimum Level of Service (LOS for sanitary sewer is met; and, provide a level of treatment that meets the water quality standards for effluent limitations established by the FDEP. Policy IV-A-1.1: The City's adopted level of service for sanitary sewer treatment shall be I~)U gallons per erson-et~i~& per day. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element Policy 1?.1-h.) Policy IV-A-1.4: The City shall implement the Schedule of Capital Improvements (SCI to correct existing deficiencies and update the : - JSC1~ annually during the City's annual budget process. (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements IJlemenr Police 1.1.1.) Policy IV-A-1.5: x111 improvements and/or additions to sanitary sewer facilities shall be compatible and adequate to meet the adopted'--~' ~~': ~~-~~~ (LOSI standards. Policy IV-A-1.6: All land use amendments shall require an analysis of the impact of such amendment on the adopted '~--~' ~` ~~°--'~~ (LOS standard and existing sanitary sewer facilities. Policy IV-A-2.3: 1'he City shall implement the S~ CIl to prepare for future development and update ''~~ ~~ it annually during the City's annual budget process. Potable Water Subelement Policy IV-B-1.1: The City's '~--~' ~c ~~~-~~~ LOS for potable water supply shall be a minimum of 115 gallons per person per day. (Cross Reference: Capital Improvement Element, Policy 1.2.1-d.) Policy IV-B-2.5: r1ll improvements and/or additions to potable water facilities to correct deficiencies shall be adequate to meet the adopted '~--~' ~r ~~~-~~- LOS standards based upon data and analysis in the City's lYlater Supply Plan 2007, and the S_JRWMD's District llVater Supply Plan 2005. Policy IV-B-3.1: Based upon the adopted'--~' ~r ~~~-~~~ LOS and data and analysis in the CitS~'s [mater Supply Plan 2007, the City will review future demands to verify that there are no needs for future expansion of potable water facilities. Policy IV-B-3.3: If new development would result in a significant increase in population beyond current projections, the City shall reevaluate the potable water system capacity and ensure that the central water system can meet '~--~' --~ : ~-~-'~~ LOS standards prior to issuance of a development order. Policy IV-B-4.2: The City shall implement the five-year Schedule of Capital Improvements e S( CIl for potable water facilities adopted in the Capital Improvements Iaement. Policy IV-B-4.3: The City will review the Schedule of Capital Improvements e~~~ annually and adopt a City budget that prioritizes needed potable water improvements to meet the demands of future growth and approved developments. (Cross Reference: tiee Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.1.1.) Objective IV-B-7: ~~'hen reviewing applications for development orders within the City limits, the City shall consider impact on the environment, including the ability to be set-=ed by the City's existing water facilities. The City shall maintain initiatives to conserve potable water resources, which ensure that existing Level of Seri=ice LOS standards for potable water, do not increase more than twenty (20) gallons per person per day. Policy IV-B-7.4: The City shall implement the five-year SCI for reclaimed water facilities adopted in the Capital Improvements Element, as well as the annual Capital Improvement Plan. Solid Waste Subelement Policy IV-C-1.1: The Citl='s minimum'~--~' ~`~ ~~~-'~~ LOS for municipal solid waste shall be 7.1 pounds per person per day, which will be utilized to plan for future demand. (Cross Reference: tiee Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.2.1-c.) Policy IV-C-2.1: The City will provide adequate equipment to maintain a'~--~' ~` ~~~--~~~ LOS standard for solid waste collection of 7.1 pounds per ersone-~i~t per day. Drainage Subelement Objective IV-D-1: Flood Control. The City shall achieve and maintain the following adopted stormwater management Level of Service LOS standards that shall meet or exceed state and federal regulations for stormwater quality and quantity. Policy IV-D-1.1: New development and redevelopment issued a development order after ~une 30, 1991, shall meet the following water quality and quantity € LOS standards (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.2.1-e.): ,,+,, • Roadway= construction -All public roadways within a development, and required as part of the development order, shall be designed and constructed to standards which do not allow any amount of water above the roadway centerline during the following storm events for the following roadway types: ~.~-~x-~ Policy IV-D-2.8: The City shall utilize the Stormwater Master Plan for preparation of the five (5) ~-ear SCI to correct existing deficiencies and prepare for future stormwater demands. Policy IV-D-4.1: The City shall review detailed calculations for new projects prepared by a registered professional engineer which show that retention and detention will be accomplished to meet the adopted'~--~' ~~ ~~~-~--~ LOS), and that there will be no negative impacts to downstream water quality or quantity. Objective IV-D-5: Intergovernmental Coordination. The City of Winter Springs shall educate citizens and coordinate with applicable jurisdictions to address stormwater issues of mutual concern and to provide adcc~uate Levels of Service LOS . Exhibit `D' Recreation and Olen Space Element Objective 1.1: Level of Service ~L,OS~ Standards for Parks. To ensure adequate lands are prop-ided for parks, the city shall utilize Level of Service (LOS standards for parks and other criteria specific to population, park size and location. For purposes of implementing this Objective, the City may utilize parklands under the jurisdiction of Seminole County and parks provided within residential developments. Policy 1.1.1: The ~ LOS} standard for parks shall be as follows (Cross Reference: See Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.2.1-£): • Overall Parkland: Five (S) acres per 1,000 residents. T>ii.r standard includes Goth pacrive and active City parks and recreational facilities, and incG~des Cornrnr~nity, Nei~h6orbooc! and Mini parks. ~ Community and Neighborhood Parks: Five (5~ acres per 1,000 re.rirlents. Thi,r standard appliee~ to community and neighborhood park acreage comGined. Objective 1.3: LOS Updates. The City shall review and, if necessary, update the Parks Level of Service LOS standards every five years. Policy 1.3.1: The City Parks and Recreation Department shall provide a written report every five (5) years justifying or proposing amendments to the'~--~' ~r ~~°--~~~ ~LOS~ standards for parks and recreation facilities. Policy 1.3.2: rat the time the first written report is prepared, the City shall consider the need to adopt detailed '~--~' ~` ~~°-~-~ LOS) standards for specific activity-based recreational facilities (fields and courts). Objective 1.6: Private Parks and Recreation Facilities. The City shall coordinate the provision of open space by both public and private interests to achieve adopted Level of Service ~LOSI standards. Policy 1.7.2: The City shall utilize the'~--~' ~r ~~~-~~~ LOS review to recommend recreation improvements located within private development.