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1999 04 06 Other Handout by Staff
APRIL 6, 1999 HANDOUT BY STAFF. ,. ~ Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 6-Apr -99 Estimate of probable cost summary comparison I I oriainal revised a b c d cost I sf Entrances Seneca I $ 61,n7.00 $ 68,725.00 $63,987.00 $94,137.00 $130,137.00 Trotwood $128,679.00 $ 43,672.00 $46,532.00 Vistawilla $ 36,411.00 $ 67,206.00 Shetland $ 36,411.00 $ 39,320.00 I subtotal I $ 263,278.00 $218,923.00 . sri 2 . A Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost I Secondary Entrv unit I auantitv unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site c1earina allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill cy 84 6 $ 504.00 site grading cy 84 4 $ 336.00 subtotal $ 1,840.00 10 wall conc fndn cy 10 204 $ 2,040.00 10 wall conc block sf 90 6.1 $ 549.00 10 wall struct brick sf 312 11 $ 3,432.00 hi wall conc fndn cy 9 204 $ 1,836.00 hi wall conc block sf 80 6.1 $ 488.00 hi wall struct brick sf 680 11 $ 7,480.00 hi wall alum rail If 14 36 $ 504.00 I subtotal $16,329.00 cone sidewalk sy 10 220 $ 2,200.00 cone oavers sf 800 8.5 $ 6,800.00 conc ribbon curb ev 6 210 $ 1,260.00 cone sub base cy 10 180 $ 1,800.00 subtotal $12,060.00 Iiaht fixtures ea 8 300 $ 2,400.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 6,400.00 sianaae ea 2 950 $ 1,900.00 st aua sod sf 10800 0.25 $ 2,700.00 azian iasmine ea 200 4.5 $ 900.00 car vel iessamine ea 160 10 $ 1,600.00 dwf oleander ea 30 8.5 $ 255.00 dwfind hawthorne ea 128 9 $ 1,152.00 e a aiant liriope ea 140 3.75 $ 525.00 erinum Iillv ea 6 65 $ 390.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $10,892.00 total $ 47,521.00 Fees and permits 10% $ 4,752.10 Continaenev 10% $ 4,752.10 GC OH & P 10% $ 4,752.10 subtotal $14,256.30 Grandtotal $61,777.30 . sri 4 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 5-Apr-99 Estimate of probable cost I Seneca Entry a unit quantity unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site clearina allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill cy 84 6 $ 504.00 site grading cy 84 4 $ 336.00 I subtotal $ 1,840.00 10 wall cone fndn cy 13 204 $ 2,652.00 10 wall cone block sf 120 6.1 $ 732.00 10 wall struct brick sf 392 11 $ 4,312.00 hi wall cone fndn cy 11 204 $ 2,244.00 hi wall cone block sf 110 6.1 $ 671.00 hi wall struct brick sf 740 11 $ 8,140.00 hi wall alum rail If 30 36 $ 1,080.00 subtotal $19,831.00 conc sidewalk sy 10 220 $ 2,200.00 cone oavers sf 800 8.5 $ 6,800.00 cone ribbon curb Cy 6 210 $ 1,260.00 cone sub base cy 10 180 $ 1,800.00 subtotal $12,060.00 liaht fixtures ea 10 300 $ 3,000.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 7,000.00 signaae ea 2 950 $ 1,900.00 st aua sod sf 10800 0.25 $ 2,700.00 azian iasmine ea 250 4.5 $ 1,125.00 car yel iessamine ea 200 10 $ 2,000.00 dwf oleander ea 38 8.5 $ 323.00 dwf ind hawthome ea 160 9 $ 1,440.00 e g giant liriooe ea 175 3.75 $ 656.25 crinum lillv ea 8 65 $ 520.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $12,134.25 total $ 52,865.25 Fees and permits 10% $ 5,286.53 Continaencv 10% $ 5,286.53 GC OH & P 10% $ 5,286.53 subtotal $ 15,859.58 Grandtotal $ 68,724.83 . sri 4 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 5-Apr-99 Estimate of probable cost Seneca Entry b unit quantity unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site clearing allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill cy 84 6 $ 504.00 site grading cy 84 4 $ 336.00 subtotal $ 1,840.00 10 wall conc fndn cy 10 204 $ 2,040.00 10 wall conc block sf 90 6.1 $ 549.00 10 wall struct brick sf 312 11 $ 3,432.00 hi wall conc fndn cy 9 204 $ 1,836.00 hi wall conc block sf 80 6.1 $ 488.00 hi wall struct brick sf 680 11 $ 7,480.00 hi wall alum rail If 14 36 $ 504.00 I subtotal $ 16,329.00 conc sidewalk sy 10 220 $ 2,200.00 conc pavers sf 1000 8.5 $ 8,500.00 conc ribbon curb Cy 6 210 $ 1,260.00 conc sub base cy 10 180 $ 1,800.00 I subtotal $13,760.00 light fixtures ea 8 300 $ 2,400.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 6,400.00 signage ea 2 950 $ 1,900.00 st aua sod sf 10800 0.25 $ 2,700.00 azian jasmine ea 200 4.5 $ 900.00 car yel iessamine ea 160 10 $ 1,600.00 dwf oleander ea 30 8.5 $ 255.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 128 9 $ 1,152.00 e a aiant Iiriope ea 140 3.75 $ 525.00 crinum lilly ea 6 65 $ 390.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $ 10,892.00 total $ 49,221.00 Fees and permits 10% $ 4,922.10 Continaency 10% $ 4,922.10 GC OH & P 10% $ 4,922.10 subtotal I $14,766.30 Grandtotal $ 63,987.30 . sri 4 Tuscawilla L.ighting & Beautification District 5-Apr-99 Estimate of probable cost Seneca Entry C unit quantity unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site clearinQ allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill cv 84 6 $ 504.00 site grading cy 84 4 $ 336.00 subtotal $ 1,840.00 10 wall conc fndn cv 10 204 $ 2,040.00 10 wall conc block sf 90 6.1 $ 549.00 10 wall struct brick sf 312 11 $ 3,432.00 hi wall conc fndn cv 9 204 $ 1,836.00 hi wall conc block sf 80 6.1 $ 488.00 hi wall struct brick sf 680 11 $ 7,480.00 hi wall alum rail If 14 36 $ 504.00 subtotal $16,329.00 conc sidewalk sv 10 220 $ 2,200.00 conc pavers sf 800 8.5 $ 6,800.00 conc ribbon curb cy 6 210 $ 1,260.00 conc sub base cy 10 180 $ 1,800.00 subtotal $12,060.00 pond 30 mil pvc linr sf 350 3 $ 1,050.00 pond 4" shot-crete sf 350 10 $ 3,500.00 fountain pump 5 hp 1 6500 $ 6,500.00 fntn piping & jet ea 1 12000 $12,000.00 subtotal $ 23,050.00 liaht fixtures ea 10 300 $ 3,000.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 7,000.00 sianaQe I ea 2 950 $ 1,900.00 st aUQ sod sf 10800 0.25 $ 2,700.00 azian iasmine ea 250 4.5 $ 1,125.00 car vel iessamine ea 200 10 $ 2,000.00 dwf oleander ea 38 8.5 $ 323.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 160 9 $ 1,440.00 e a aiant liriope ea 175 3.75 $ 656.25 crinum lilly ea 8 65 $ 520.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $12,134.25 total $ 72,413.25 Fees and permits 10% $ 7,241.33 Contingency 10% $ 7,241.33 GC OH & p 10% $ 7,241.33 subtotal $ 21 ,723.98 Grandtotal $94,137.23 . sri 4 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 5-Apr-99 Estimate of probable cost Seneca Entry d unit quantity unit cost total selective demolition allow 2 500 $ 1,000.00 site clearing allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill cv 84 6 $ 504.00 site grading cy 84 4 $ 336.00 subtotal $ 2,340.00 '0 wall conc fndn cv 10 204 $ 2,040.00 10 wall conc block sf 90 6.1 $ 549.00 10 wall struct brick sf 312 11 $ 3,432.00 hi wall conc fndn cv 9 204 $ 1,836.00 hi wall conc block sf 80 6.1 $ 488.00 hi wall struct brick sf 680 11 $ 7,480.00 hi wall alum rail If 14 36 $ 504.00 subtotal $ 16,329.00 conc sidewalk sv 10 220 $ 2,200.00 conc pavers sf 4000 8.5 $ 34,000.00 conc ribbon curb cv 6 210 $ 1,260.00 conc sub base cy 10 180 $ 1,800.00 subtotal $ 39,260.00 pond 30 mil pvc linr sf 350 3 $ 1,050.00 pond 4" shot-crete sf 350 10 $ 3,500.00 fountain pump 5 hp 1 6500 $ 6,500.00 fntn piping & jet ea 1 12000 $ 12,000.00 subtotal $ 23,050.00 light fixtures ea 10 300 $ 3,000.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring . Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 7,000.00 sianaae ea 2 950 $ 1,900.00 st aua sod sf 10800 0.25 $ 2,700.00 azian jasmine ea 250 4.5 $ 1,125.00 car vel iessamine ea 200 10 $ 2,000.00 dwf oleander ea 38 8.5 $ 323.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 160 9 $ 1,440.00 e a giant Iiriope ea 175 3.75 $ 656.25 crinum Iilly ea 8 65 $ 520.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $ 12,134.25 total $100,113.25 Fees and oermits 10% $ 10,011.33 Contingency 10% $ 10,011.33 GC OH & P 10% $ 10,011.33 subtotal I $ 30,033.98 Grandtotal $130,147.23 . sri 4 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Tertiary Entry unit Quantity unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site clearing allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill cy 56 6 $ 336.00 site grading cy 56 4 $ 224.00 subtotal $ 1,560.00 10 wall cone fndn cy 5 204 $ 1,020.00 10 wall cone block sf 46 6.1 $ 280.60 10 wall struct brick sf 160 11 $ 1,760.00 hi wall cone fndn cy 9 204 $ 1,836.00 hi wall cone block sf 80 6.1 $ 488.00 hi wall struct brick sf 520 11 $ 5,720.00 hi wall alum rail If 10 36 $ 360.00 subtotal $ 11,464.60 cone sidewalk cy 10 220 $ 2,200.00 cone pavers sf 5600 8.5 $ 47,600.00 cone ribbon curb cy 45 210 $ 9,450.00 conc sub base cy 70 180 $ 12,600.00 subtotal $ 71,850.00 I jght fixtures ea 8 300 $ 2,400.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 6,400.00 signaae ea 2 950 $ 1,900.00 st aug sod sf 4800 0.25 $ 1,200.00 azian jasmine ea 180 4.5 $ 810.00 car vel iessamine ea 90 10 $ 900.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 60 9 $ 540.00 variea PittosDorum ea 26 12 $ 312.00 e g giant liriope ea 50 3.75 $ 187.50 crinum lillv ea 6 65 $ 390.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $ 7,709.50 total $ 98,984.10 Fees and permits 10% $ 9,898.41 Contingency 10% $ 9,898.41 GC OH & P 10% $ 9,898.41 subtotal I $ 29,695.23 Grandtotal $128,679.33 . sri 5 Tuscawilla l.ighting & Beautification District 5-Apr-99 Estimate of probable cost I Trotwood Entry a unit quantity unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site clearing allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill Cy 56 6 $ 336.00 site grading cy 56 4 $ 224.00 subtotal $ 1,560.00 10 wall conc fndn Cy 5 204 $ 1,020.00 10 wall conc block sf 46 6.1 $ 280.60 10 wall struct brick sf 160 11 $ 1,760.00 hi wall conc fndn cy 9 204 $ 1,836.00 hi wall conc block sf 80 6.1 $ 488.00 hi wall struct brick sf 520 11 $ 5,720.00 hi wall alum rail If 10 36 $ 360.00 subtotal $ 11,464.60 conc sidewalk cy 0 220 $ - conc pavers sf 400 8.5 $ 3,400.00 conc ribbon curb Cy 6 210 $ 1,260.00 conc sub base cy 10 180 $ 1,800.00 subtotal $ 6,460.00 liQht fixtures ea 8 300 $ 2,400.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 6,400.00 sianaae ea 2 950 $ 1,900.00 st aUQ sod sf 4800 0.25 $ 1,200.00 azian iasmine ea 180 4.5 $ 810.00 car vel iessamine ea 90 10 $ 900.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 60 9 $ 540.00 variec pittosporum ea 26 12 $ 312.00 e Q Qiant liriope ea 50 3.75 $ 187.50 crinum lilly ea 6 65 $ 390.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $ 7,709.50 total $ 33,594.10 Fees and permits 10% $ 3,359.41 ContinQencv 10% $ 3,359.41 GC OH & P 10% $ 3,359.41 subtotal I $ 10,078.23 Grandtotal $ 43,672.33 . srI 5 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 5-Apr -99 Estimate of probable cost I Trotwood Entry b unit quantity unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site clearina allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill Cy 56 6 $ 336.00 site grading cy 56 4 $ 224.00 I subtotal $ 1,560.00 10 wall conc fndn cy 5 204 $ 1,020.00 10 wall conc block sf 46 6.1 $ 280.60 10 wall struct brick sf 160 11 $ 1,760.00 hi wall conc fndn cy 9 204 $ 1,836.00 hi wall conc block sf 80 6.1 $ 488.00 hi wall struct brick sf 520 11 $ 5,720.00 hi wall alum rail If 10 36 $ 360.00 I subtotal $ 11,464.60 conc sidewalk cy 10 220 $ 2,200.00 conc pavers sf 400 8.5 $ 3,400.00 conc ribbon curb cy 6 210 $ 1,260.00 conc sub base cy 10 180 $ 1,800.00 I subtotal $ 8,660.00 liaht fixtures ea 8 300 $ 2,400.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 6,400.00 signaae I ea 2 950 $ 1,900.00 st aua sod sf 4800 0.25 $ 1,200.00 azian jasmine ea 180 4.5 $ 810.00 car yel iessamine ea 90 10 $ 900.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 60 9 $ 540.00 variea pittosporum ea 26 12 $ 312.00 e a aiant liriope ea 50 3.75 $ 187.50 crinum lillv ea 6 65 $ 390.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $ 7,709.50 total $ 35,794.10 Fees and permits 10% $ 3,579.41 Contingency 10% $ 3,579.41 GC OH & P 10% $ 3,579.41 subtotal $ 10,738.23 Grandtotal $ 46,532.33 . sri 5 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Minor Entrv unit Quantity unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site clearina allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill cy 20 6 $ 120.00 site grading cy 20 4 $ 80.00 subtotal $ 1,200.00 10 wall cone fndn Cy 3 204 $ 612.00 10 wall cone block sf 27 6.1 $ 164.70 10 wall struct brick sf 93 11 $ 1,023.00 hi wall cone fndn cy 7 204 $ 1,428.00 hi wall cone block sf 60 6.1 $ 366.00 hi wall struct brick sf 390 11 $ 4,290.00 hi wall alum rail If 10 36 $ 360.00 subtotal $ 8,243.70 cone sidewalk cy 10 220 $ 2,200.00 cone oavers sf 500 8.5 $ 4,250.00 cone ribbon curb Cy 3.5 210 $ 735.00 cone sub base cy 6 180 $ 1,080.00 subtotal $ 8,265.00 light fixtures ea 4 300 $ 1,200.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 5,200.00 signaae ea 2 450 $ 900.00 st aug sod sf 3600 0.25 $ 900.00 azian jasmine ea 80 4.5 $ 360.00 car yel iessamine ea 36 10 $ 360.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 80 9 $ 720.00 crinum Iilly ea 6 65 $ 390.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $ 5,100.00 total $ 28,008.70 Fees and permits 10% $ 2,800.87 Contingency 10% $ 2,800.87 GC OH & P 10% $ 2,800.87 subtotal $ 8,402.61 Grandtotal $ 36,411.31 . srI 6 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 5-Apr-99 Estimate of probable cost Vistawilla Entrv unit I auantity unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site clearina allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fi II cv 84 6 $ 504.00 site grading cy 84 4 $ 336.00 subtotal $ 1,840.00 10 wall conc fndn cv 10 204 $ 2,040.00 10 wall conc block sf 90 6.1 $ 549.00 10 wall struct brick sf 312 11 $ 3,432.00 hi wall conc fndn cv 13 204 $ 2,652.00 hi wall cone block sf 180 6.1 $ 1,098.00 hi wall struct brick sf 930 11 $10,230.00 hi wall alum rail If 14 36 $ 504.00 I subtotal $ 20,505.00 conc sidewalk sv 10 220 $ 2,200.00 cone pavers sf 800 8.5 $ 6,800.00 cone ribbon curb cv 6 210 $ 1,260.00 cone sub base cy 10 180 $ 1,800.00 subtotal $ 12,060.00 light fixtures ea 8 300 $ 2,400.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 6,400.00 signage ea 2 950 $ 1,900.00 st aug sod sf 10800 0.25 $ 2,700.00 azian iasmine ea 200 4.5 $ 900.00 car yel jessamine ea 160 10 $ 1,600.00 dwf oleander ea 30 8.5 $ 255.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 128 9 $ 1,152.00 e 9 aiant liriope ea 140 3.75 $ 525.00 erinum Iillv ea 6 65 $ 390.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $10,892.00 total $ 51,697.00 Fees and permits 10% $ 5,169.70 Continaenev 10% $ 5,169.70 GC OH & P 10% $ 5,169.70 subtotal I $15,509.10 Grandtotal $67,206.10 . sri 4 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 5-Apr -99 Estimate ()f probable cost I Shetland Entry unit I Quantitv unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site clearing allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill cy 20 6 $ 120.00 site grading cy 20 4 $ 80.00 subtotal $ 1,200.00 10 wall conc fndn cy 3 204 $ 612.00 10 wall conc block sf 27 6.1 $ 164.70 10 wall struct brick sf 93 11 $ 1,023.00 hi wall conc fndn cy 10 204 $ 2,040.00 hi wall conc block sf 92 6.1 $ 561.20 hi wall struct brick sf 520 11 $ 5,720.00 hi wall alum rail If 10 36 $ 360.00 I subtotal $10,480.90 conc sidewalk cy 10 220 $ 2,200.00 conc pavers sf 500 8.5 $ 4,250.00 conc ribbon curb cy 3.5 210 $ 735.00 conc sub base cy 6 180 $ 1,080.00 I subtotal $ 8,265.00 Iiaht fixtures ea 4 300 $ 1,200.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 I subtotal $ 5,200.00 signaae I ea 2 450 $ 900.00 st aua sod sf 3600 0.25 $ 900.00 azian iasmine ea 80 4.5 $ 360.00 car yet jessamine ea 36 10 $ 360.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 80 9 $ 720.00 crinum Iilly ea 6 65 $ 390.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $ 5,100.00 total $ 30,245.90 Fees and permits 10% $ 3,024.59 Continaency 10% $ 3,024.59 GC OH & P 10% $ 3,024.59 subtotal I $ 9,073.77 Grandtotal $ 39,319.67 . sri 6