HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 05 18 Other - Handout by Steven Richart during Agenda Item 500II/.lv(` '~YSY TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT Ci of Winter S rin s Overview Urban Beautification Coordinator Monthly Meeting Report 05/ 18/05 ~ Steven T. Richart Office:407-327-5976 Fax:407-327-6695 Email: srichart winters rin sfl.or A. Budaet 1. TLBD Maintenance Fund -184 2. TLBD Improvement Fund - 308 B. Maintenance Items and Progress Report i. P & L is performing to standard except with trimming of the ligustrum trees and weeds in beds and turf. 2. Annuals have been installed at all entrances. 3. The fountains have been drained and cleaned. Week of (5/9/05). C. Street Lighting Project And Sian 1. Met with Skip Burnside of GSG (5/17/05) to complete preliminary data gathering on the program and ride TLBD proposed areas for the Phase 2 program. Skip should have info back to us within 2 weeks. Information and ballots would tentatively be mailed in mid-June 2005. Public meetings would follow. D. Other Proiects 1. The TLBD Tree Grant Project along Winter Springs Blvd. is installed and will be finalized for reimbursement within (60) days. 2. Bids are being received from pressure washing companies to clean the entrance walls. More info will be provided when available. 3. Lightscapes has installed demo low voltage lighting on the North side of the Tuskawilla Road entrance to replace the high voltage lighting that continually fails due to shorts caused by moisture. It seems that the brightness of the lights is unacceptable. The existing high voltage lights will be repaired. 4. Bids have been received for replacement plantings on Winter Springs Blvd. Areas are being evaluated for potential replacement to be done before the end of budget year 04/05'. 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'I'uskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. 5 ~ w~ ~ ~~~ ~~. ~~----- - _ tR i E*c-`~ 5 ~~ ~ r~_,.~SL--~--- 2. Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood. 3. Shetland I Citrus. _ -- - ,r~ ~~. fls~... p- 4. winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. s. yistawilia. ~ ~~ 6. Tuscora. (~~--~-, ,~ 7. Dyson. ,J 8. Deer Run. ~-'' 9. Howell Creek. Winter Springs Blvd: 1. Medians /Rights of Way. Notes: Urban Beautiffcatfon Quality inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ~~~ L~fi`''''"~ Date: `j ~ t ~ Dj Project: ~(f~~ Safetv and Eau(, pment: ~.~._. Monthiv Maintenairice Resorts Yes ____No Dafe: ~ . 1. Mowing, mechanics{ trimming, and cieanup of turf areas. ~ 1 r Z . ~ 4~ 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, wa{ks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 5. irrigation system coverage. ~, ~~` j S ~~~ 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 2 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. -~, ~,y,~'~t~-~-ks ~ ~ ~~~`'`~~~~`~ 1 ~ 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3~ 4 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise Hated) f..,, ~,~., ,- ,. r°- G ~ ~.,~~a.r~~:~?C.~,,,,. Urban Beautification Quality inspection Report Grounds Maintenance ~--- : ~ ~b~.. Vendor: Date: ~~ Protect: ~ (/ Safety and Egufame,~nt: ,~/~ Monthly Maintenance Reports Yes No Date: ~. ~ 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 1' s 2 . 3 4- 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Edging ofi planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. ~ ~a~~~~ ~-~ ~ ~c(-~ sS 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. ~- ~~~ ~ ~~ 1 2 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 't'' `l~"~`"~'1 ~ ~ f}5,,,ft~~----~5~ 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 Service Requests: tTo be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) i uesday, May U3, ZUUb 2:50 PM Ken-Lin Landscaping 407-366-0578 ' Ken-Lin Landscaping, Inc. i , 2901 Alafaya Trail ,,,~~ ~ ,~ Oviedo, FL 32765 1~{AME /ADDRESS City of Winter Springs Steven T. Itichart 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, F7. 32708-2799 p.02 Estimate DATE ESTIMATE N0. 5/3/2005 9658 PROJECT Tuskawilla Tree G... DESCRIPTIQN ¢TY CAST TOTAL. Chickasaw Plum Tree (l34'iallon) 22 9~.Q(1 ~ 2,090.00 Red Bud Tres 32 ~ 9~.ff0 x,040.00 Sand.iJiva yak Tree 13 $S,.QO 1,1OS.00 V-ling Elm Tree 30 150.00 4,500.00 Bid inclydes 2 8' log poles snd straps; 1 tree Bator bag pec tree, agritform tablets, soil mix and pine bark mulch Credit for City of Winter Springs PQ -for purchase of trees 1 =5,482.30 -5,402.54 directly. Estimate good for 60 days. ~.0.~-AL $~,3~2.50: Phone ~ l=ax # 407-365-6140 407-366-0578 ~~~ ~~ ~ 4 Vendor: Project: Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance i ~`~ ~'' ~~~ Date: ,L Z~~ 'Zc~>_s~ ~L_- __ _ -~-. -_ Safety and Eaulament: Manthfy Maintenance Resorts Yes No Date: ~• . 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turF areas. 1' _ Z . ~ 4~ 5 2. Weeding of planters,~curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 ~ 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 4 5 5. irrigation system coverage. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 ~ 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. ~-'~s"~`t""' ~ ~ 1 2 ~. ~ ~ 3, ~~~/// 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 4 5 9. Vendor communication. '{ 2 3 4 5 Seyy~~rv,,i~~ce Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise Hated. TuaGar~iila i.iphtin~ and ~eau~ific~~n t~i~^ict ~IT~" QR `!'~fNT~R t~i~"RINQ~ ~" Z i `~ ~/ Entrances: 1. Tuskawllla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. lvj~~tS ~~c~~ or..~ 2. Tuskawilla Road and Trotwoad. 3. Shetland /Citrus. ~~~1-e ~ ~+o -~ :,~ . 1 ~s 1.~ - 11G ~ ~I•~~,.,. ~ l 4. Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. l s. Vistawilla. ~_-- > 1-~---- 6. Tuscora. ~ 7. Dyson. __ 0 ~_ 8. Deer Run. (~j 9, Howell Creek. ~~~,_ Winter Springs Blvd: i. Medians /Rights of Way. _ ~~ ~~ f-~? ~ ~ .~ ' --_ Notes: P & L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautif ication District 04/27/05 Thomas Payne • Overall, the site looks very good, the plant pruning looks great and the foreman should be recognized for his attention to detail work. • A significant reduction in the weed content of the plant beds and the ground cover plantings was visible and we need to keep on top of our weeding in these areas. Some palm tree seedlings were visible in some of the plant beds and these will need to be dug out or sprayed with roundup until they are controlled. • Dollarweed is still a problem in the jasmine beds at the Tuscawilla entry due to the over irrigation of this area and the constant splash/spray from the fountains. More emphasis on regular weeding of these beds will be needed with each service. • The color of the turf looks good and a reduction in the amount of broadleaf weeds was observed. • A few areas of minor drought stress damage are visible in the turf at the north side of the Dyson entry sign, both sides of the Trotwood entry sign, in island # 19 (although this browning could also be attributed to recent attempts to control crabgrass) and in isolated spots throughout the site. Some minor pockets of drought stress were also present in some of the plantings and some irrigation adjustments will be needed (they may have already been made) in these areas. • Dead and/or dying pine trees still need to be removed from some of the islands. • The ligustrum trees on the site are showing shoots of new growth and these need to be removed as needed. • A few spots of plant damage from off road automobile traffic are visible. • In island # 21 a planting of Indian hawthorn has been killed due to being sprayed with a probable petroleum based product and the likely suspect is probably associated with the tree removal that was recently done in this island. • Tree branches were down in island # 4 and along the north side of the Tuscawilla entry and need to be removed from the site. • Some of the annuals have been lost in the east planter box at the Citrus St. and the north planter box at the Trotwood entries. Possible reasons for the loss could be a lack of sufficient irrigation prior to the plants becoming established but is more likely due to Fusarium Wilt fungus. With the absence of leaf necrosis, an overall loss of plant turgidity, the randomness of the areas affected and a browning of the plants vascular system present, the more likely cause is Fusarium Wilt. This fungus can be minimized with apre-planting application of an appropriate fungicide followed by regular follow up applications as directed. • The cedar tree has been replaced at the north side of the entry along Tuscawilla Rd. Some girdling of the replacement tree is also visible but not enough to affect the performance of the tree. • A couple of poorly performing loropetalum plants were randomly selected from the site and pulled up. Both plants had been installed too deep and this is what ultimately lead to their demise. • Steven has advised us that another contractor will be installing the annual plants on the site and thus we need to lower our contracted annual amount reserved. •r. i a !~ ( ~' VOCE INVOICE NO. 2559?. i_I GUS70MER N0. '•" rr~««~qyM~ .r.~,-.n-,..w• tn. °M fill.~l°A YIP10~~~41Yn. 1 CHF,.~TNU't HILL TREE FARM INC. ~ rKw nwrlr avc° IMM~ror n°rl.rt+~ ,p„A, MYw Mtgtl~ ""~""~ ~~~ '~~°•~~~ ~ ; 15105 N.W. yath Avo • Alachua FL 32615 ~ wrm• rrc.xM n °x~° "'°'"""-"" , . , (800) G69-2(?67 • (;iK6) 462-2820 • Fax (386) 462-43.. 0 F~• ~ ~•~"~ " r-"`" ~'t'~""1 '• 81LL?O. SHIP T0. MChY°.1 M-q.M KEN LIN LANnSCAPING, INC CITY nF 1rVINTER SpRINrS '~ 29111 AI..AFAYA TRAIL JO(J MAhJ1r~ TUSCAVVILI.A :; OVIEDb. FL 3278~'iB190 WINTER E:PRINGS. FL (40i 13v5•ii100 .r (407) 3ti5-6190 ; , RrcElvir~g ;j fum,~d_a~FN MARTIN i - J SHI f-- ...._ 9HiPVU F.O.Bw TERMS - ~ _ __ PURCHA3F OROEH Nt11~R _ ORDER DATE --- ---. -- -- 9~L PERSON ._ ._ __..-._.,.~--- ~ fxlR ORDER N 1 .NdING 4/13/05 is -.... ----._. __ ~ ~ QUANTITY ~~ SFi1PoED ~B,O ITEM NUMBER ~T.-~, ..._- DE9CR~ _ , ION _ ~-_--- UNIT PRICE . EXTENf~50 PiuCE ~! 22 22 098701202818 150AL FLOVYERI Q PLUM. CNIC .1SAV:' 045.00 0890.00 1 32 32 09d70t2O27Q~ iSGAL REOBUO ! ~ 045.00 8~,4/0.D0 13 13 p987O'I:O353 : iSCAL OAK, SA'V L1`IE. ~~ S32.Stl 542~.b0 ;F 30 a0 0907012tt35~s 7 3oGA1. ~lM, WiN ED ~ CBS 00 aa.g5a.vo ~ ~ RE'. ALL F'lAN1 S NO SPEt;S GIVEN, fNFURMED CUS' I OME'.R OF k ' ~ ~ ... ..,............_.. . ~ " r i . -.__.._,..... . r„ 97 TOTAL PIECES SUd TOTAL. 3~,/Ot.9O ~~ SA4,E6 TAX: R3 roYru: sa.~ .t :~ ` _ .. ... ;. i:a~~.lrs VERIGIE{? ev < BALANCE DUE. $5 0.18 j -1 THANK YOU F~iR YOUR nRDER! ~ ( ~ fi ~~" ~.J _ ~t :I. ii ;E ;i ~,~ N° i rk I accept this delivery and have read and agree to the Dlsclain er of Warrant sand the Conditions of Sale on the back of this invoice. CustomerSignature.-----~•...__ Date_-_-._ _._ ...~__ .~ April 20, .2005 VIA FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION Ms, Michelle Greco Director of Finance City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: City of Winter Springs Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Neighborhood Improvements Assessment Program Additional Capital Assessment Project Dear Ms. Greco: The City of Winter Springs has completed its sixth year of the annual assessment program for neighborhood improvements initiated in Fiscal Year 1999-2000. Government Services Group, Inc. (GSG) and Nabors, Giblin, and Nickerson (NG&N) is pleased to have assisted the City of Winter Springs in undertaking and successfully implementing this recurring revenue source. It is our understanding that the City wishes to consider the addition of a new capital component to the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Neighborhood Improvements assessment program. In order to accomplish this, it will be necessary to analyze the new capital component, establish an appropriate methodology for apportioning costs, configure the new capital assessment project to dovetail with the existing program, assist in the prepayment process, provide assessment rolls as necessary and draft revisions to City ordinances and resolutions as appropriate. I have enclosed a scope of services and the fees and costs for GSG and NG&N to assist the City in performing these tasks. Please review the attached scope of services. The execution of this letter agreement indicates acceptance of this proposal and Notice to Proceed. Upon execution of this agreement, please provide us with one signed copy for our files. Ms. Michelle Greco April 20, 2005 Page Two We look forward to working with the City of Winter Springs on this important project. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Skip Burnside SB/sb Enclosures (1) ACCEPTED AND AGREED T0: Phase I. By: Title: Date: City of Winter Springs Phase 11. By: Title: City of Winter Springs Date: ASSESSMENT PROGRAM Scope of Services Phase I. Task 1: Project Initiation Meet with City staff and other appropriate representatives identified by the City to establish consensus on project objectives, work plan and timelines. Visit project site and gather information as necessary Task 2: Analyze New Capital Program and Related Annual Maintenance Requirements Analyze the capital components that comprise the capital project, the associated capital and annual maintenance costs Task 3: Establish Cost Apportionment Methodology Analyze the project costs, identify benefiting properties and degree of benefit and establish methodology for appropriately apportioning project costs to benefiting properties. Task 4: Apply cost Apportionment Methodology to Parcel Database Review the plan of finance for the capital improvements and advise the City of Winter Springs in determining the annual assessment revenue requirements for the assessment program(s) for Fiscal Year 2005-06 based on information from the City's financial advisor or other appropriate management personnel. Task 5: Calculate Annual Assessment Amounts Calculate/confirm the assessment amounts based on the apportionment methodology and revenue requirements for the assessment programs. Task 6: Prepare Memorandum Documenting Process Prepare a memorandum describing and documenting the activities and results of Tasks 1 - 5. Phase II. Task 7: Prepare Preliminary Assessment Roll Prepare a preliminary assessment roll with the corresponding assessment amounts for each parcel. Task 8: Compute Prepayment Amounts Based on assumptions, compute projected prepayment amounts for issuance of ad valorem tax bill for projected assessment program implementation year. Task 9: Review Appropriate Existing Legal Ordinances and Resolutions and Prepare New Resolutions Review existing legal documents and prepare draft and final initial and final resolutions to implement the new assessment area and attend public hearing. Listing of Fees and Costs For services provided by GSG and NG&N for Phases I. and II., the lump sum for professional services for the proposed scope of services will be $20,000 ($10,000 to each firm), inclusive of expenses except as provided in the following two paragraphs. The breakout by phase is as follows: Phase I. $13,000; and Phase II. $7,000. The lump sum fee for professional services includes one _on-site visit with a representative of GSG and assumes that attendance will only be required at the public hearing by NG&N. Additional on-site meetings may be arranged at our standard hourly rates. Project status meetings may be arranged through scheduled telephone conferences in lieu of additional on-site visits. The lump sum fee does not include the costs of producing and mailing ballots or the statutorily required first class notices, if required. These costs depend on the number of assessable parcels of property within the project areas. However, mailing and production costs are $1.25 per parcel, due and payable one week prior to mailing date according to the critical events schedule. The lump sum fee will be due and payable on a monthly basis (assuming notice to proceed occurs by April 30, 2005) as follows: Payment Schedule Phase I 50% of lump sum fee ($6,500) June 2005 50% of lump sum fee ($6,500) July 2005 Phase II 50% of lump sum fee ($3,500) August 2005 50% of lump sum fee ($3,500) September 2005 Pr~~Sare ~rnal ~t~ora ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~y ~- Est 2005 ~~ ~~ ~ ri ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~;.~.~ r~s ~ ~ r~ f ~ ' '~ et#.g~+~.,~ ' +Y~'a^~ ~;`r~~~4~ a~ .~ fx ~ 3°' ~ ~~`s ~ ~j~,.'fs~"i t~~,~ 1 ~ v. Certify Annual Assessment Roll (if assessment August-September 2005 prv~ram is implemented for FY 2005-06) k ~~str~'pute Prepaym~ni~Amour~ts cif assessment: ~~~mber-Qctober program islmplemei~~ted for FY.2005 06) ~Ot75 ~_ .t { P.O. Box 951484 Lake Mary, FL 3279r14841469 N. New York Street -Sanford, FL 32771 Phone:407/32&9425 Fax.407/32¢9448 April 28, 2005 Attn: Steve Richart City of Winter Springs Urban Beautification 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Ph: 407/327-1800 ext 315 Fx: 407/327-6695 Email: srichartC?winterpsringsfl.ora Ref: Landscape Renovations of Winter Springs Blvd. -Median #1, .Median #2a Dear Mr. Richart; This will serve as our proposal for the following landscape installation for the above referenced project. Installation of the listed landscape materials at the specified locations: Median #1: • Indian Hawthorne (3gal): 100 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $1,000.00 Median #2: • Variegated Pittosporum (3gal): 225 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $2,250.00 • Crape Myrtles (65ga1): 2 @ $400.00 ea. _ $ 800.00 Total Proposal = $ 4,050.00 We appreciate your consideration regarding your landscape needs. Please feel free to contact John Cerabino (cell 321-377-0045) or myself with any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ~~ Richard Wesl y President Please provide your authorization to proceed by signing below and return via fax to fax 407/324-9448 at your earliest convenience. Authorization Signature: REW/lb.custom. richart.urban. beautifcation. medianl.and.2adoc P.O. Box 951484 Lake Mary, FL 327914841469 N. New York Stneet-Sanford, FL 32771 Phone:407/32~9425 Fax.407/324-9448 April 28, 2005 Attn: Steve Richart City of Winter Springs Urban Beaut'rfication 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Ph: 407/327-1800 ext 315 Fx: 407/327-6695 Email: srichartC?winterpsringsfl.orq Ref: Landscape Renovations of Winter Springs Blvd. Median #2 (b), Median #4, Median#5 and Median #6 Dear Mr. Richart; This will serve as our proposal for the following landscape installation for the above referenced project. Installation of the listed landscape materials at the specified locations: Median #2 at Area where large trees were removed: • Parsoni Juniper (3gal): 200 @ Median #4: • Big Blue LEG (1 gal): 100 @ Median #5: • Big Blue LEG (1 gal): 125 @ Median #6: • Aztec Grass (1 gal): 50 @ • Variegated Pittosporum (3gal): 25 @ • Duc De Rohn Azaleas (3gal): 25 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $2,000.00 $ 5.00 ea. _ $ 500.00 $ 5.00 ea. _ $ 625.00 $ 5.00 ea. _ $ 250.00 $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 250.00 $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 250.00 Total Proposal = $ 3,875.00 We appreciate your consideration regarding your landscape needs. Please feel free to contact John Cerabino (cell 321-377-0045) or myself with any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ~~-K. Richard Wesle President Please provide your authorization to proceed by signing below and return via fax to fax 407/324-9448 at your earliest convenience. Authorization Signature: REW/Ib.custom. richart.urban. beaut'rfcati on. m edian2b.4.5and.6.doc ~~~~>I~~ ~~~ ~~~: P.O. Box 951484 Lake Mary, FL 32795-1484 1469 N. New York Street - Sar~fond, FL 32771 Phone:407/328-9425 Fax.407/324-9448 April 28, 2005 Attn: Steve Richart City of Winter Springs Urban Beaut'rfication 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Ph: 407/327-1800 ext 315 Fx: 407/327-6695 Email: srichartC?wintergsrin sq fl~org Ref: Landscape Renovations of Winter Springs Blvd. Median #7, Median #8, Median#9 and Median #10 Dear Mr. Richart; This will serve as our proposal for the following landscape installation for the above referenced project. Installation of the listed landscape materials at the specified locations: Median #7: • Big Blue LEG (1 gal): 150 @ $ 5.00 ea. Median #8: • Remove/Replace damaged Indian Hawthorne with: Indian Hawthorne (7gal): 25 @ $ 28.00 ea. • Variegated Pittosporum (3gal): 30 @ $ 10.00 ea. Median #9: • Remove/Replace damaged Aztec with: Parsoni Juniper (3gal): 144 @ $ 10.00 ea. Median #10: • Remove/Replace damaged LEG with: Indian Hawthorne (3gal): 75 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 750.00 _ $ 700.00 _ $ 300.00 _ $ 1,440.00 _ $ 750.00 Total Proposal = $ 3 940.00 We appreciate your consideration regarding your landscape needs. Please feel free to contact John Cerabino (cell 321-377-0045) or myself with any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, / //~ Richard Wesley President Please provide your authorization to proceed by signing below and return via fax to fax 407/324-9448 at your earliest convenience. Authorization Signature: REW /I b.custom. richart..urban. beautrfcation.med ian7.8.9and.10.doc P.O. Box 951484 Lake Mary, FL 32T9r14841469 N. New York Sb~eet- Sari~r~d, FL 32771 Phone:407/328 9425 Fax.407/324-9448 April 28, 2005 Attn: Steve Richar City of Winter Springs Urban Beautification 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Ph: 407/327-1800 ext 315 Fx: 407/327-6695 Email: srichartC?winterpsringsfl.org Ref: Landscape Renovations of Winter Springs Blvd. Median #11 and Median #12 Dear Mr. Richadt; This will serve as our proposal for the following landscape installation for the above referenced project. Installation of the listed landscape materials at the specified locations: Median #11 -Plantings under Pine Trees: • Eleagnus (3gal): 375 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 3,750.00 Median #12: • Duc De Rohn Azaleas (3gal): 50 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 500.00 Total Proposal = $ 4,250.00 We appreciate your consideration regarding your landscape needs. Please feel free to contact John Cerabino (cell 321-377-0045) or myself with any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, //[~ Richard Wesley President Please provide your authorization to proceed by signing below and return via fax to fax 407/324-9448 at your earliest convenience. Authorization Signature: REW/Ib.custom.richart.urban.beaut'rfcation.median 11 andl2.doc P. O. Box 951484 Lake Mary, FL 3279r14841469 N. New York Street - Sanfo~l, FL 32771 Phone:407/32~9425 Fax.407/32¢9448 April 28, 2005 Attn: Steve Richar City of Winter Springs Urban Beaut'rfication 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Ph: 407/327-1800 ext 315 Fx: 407/327-6695 Email: srichart@winterpsrin sfl.orq Ref: Landscape Renovations of Winter Springs Blvd. Median #13 and Median #14 Dear Mr. Richar; This will serve as our proposal for the following landscape installation for the above referenced project. Installation of the listed landscape materials at the specified locations: Median #13: • Remove/Replace existing Duc De Rohn Azaleas with: Indian Hawthorne (7gal): 10 @ • Remove/Replace existing LEG with: Blue Pacific Juniper (3gal): 126 @ Median #14 at Fox Glenn Drive: • Blue Pacific Juniper (3gal): 90 @ • Repair damaged Pittosporum (7gal): 8 @ Total Proposal $ 28.00 ea. _ $ 280.00 $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 1,260.00 $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 900.00 $ 28.00 ea. _ $ 224.00 _ $ 2,664.00 We appreciate your consideration regarding your landscape needs. Please feel free to contact John Cerabino (cell 321-377-0045) or myself with any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ~~~Gl/ Richard Wesley President Please provide your authorization to proceed by signing below and return via fax to fax 407/324-9448 at your earliest convenience. Authorization Signature: REW/Ib.custom.richart.urban.beaut'rfcation.median 13and14.doc . ~ ~~ P.O. Box 951484 Lake Mary, FL 3279x14841469 N. New York Street- Sanford, FL 32771 Phone:407/328-9425 Fax.407/324-9448 April 28, 2005 Attn: Steve Richar City of Winter Springs Urban Beaut'rfication 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Ph: 407/327-1800 ext 315 Fx: 407/327-6695 Email: srichart@winterpsringsfl.orq Ref: Landscape Renovations of Winter Springs Blvd. Median #15 Dear Mr. Richar; This will serve as our proposal for the following landscape installation for the above referenced project. Installation of the listed landscape materials at the specified locations: Median #15: • Remove/Replace damaged LEG with: Indian Hawthorne (3gal): 144 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 1,440.00 Indian Hawthorne (3gal): 100 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 1,000.00 • Remove/Replace dead Azaelas with: Lavender Formosa Azaleas (3gal): 21 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 210.00 East Tip: Alamanda (3gal): 120 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 1,200.00 Total Proposal = $ 3,850.00 We appreciate your consideration regarding your landscape needs. Please feel free to contact John Cerabino (cell 321-377-0045) or myself with any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ~C~GU Richard Wesl y President Please provide your authorization to proceed by signing below and return via fax to fax 407/324-9448 at your earliest convenience. Authorization Signature: REW/Ib.custom. richart. urban. beautifcation.median 15.doc P.O. Box 951484 Lake Mary, FL 3279x1484 1469 N. New York Street-Sanford, FL 32771 Phone:407/32~9425 Fa~r.407/324-9448 April 28, 2005 Attn: Steve Richart City of Winter Springs-Urban Beautrfication 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Ph: 407/327-1800 ext 315 Fx: 407/327-6695 Email: srichartCc?winterpsrin sq fl_org Ref: Landscape Renovations of Winter Springs Blvd. Median #16 Dear Mr. Richar; This will serve as our proposal for the following landscape installation for the above referenced project. Installation of the listed landscape materials at the specified locations: Median #16: • West Tip: Alamanda (3gal): 120 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 1,200.00 • Middle: Indian Hawthorne (3gal): 60 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 600.00 • Replacements: Duc De Rohn Azaleas: 15 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 150.00 • East Side: Lavendar Formosa: 50 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 500.00 Total Proposal _ $ 2,450.00 We appreciate your consideration regarding your landscape needs. Please feel free to contact John Cerabino (cell 321-377-0045) or myself with any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, //(~ Richard Wesley President Please provide your authorization to proceed by signing below and return via fax to fax 407/324-9448 at your earliest convenience. Authorization Signature: REW/Ib.custom.richart.urban.beautifcation.median 16.doc aV ~ d~l{`fi~l~~ C"~i~r',~~.~''' ~i~~~~C~' iII I ,LLC P. O. Box 951484 Lake Mary, FL 3279rr 1484 -1469 N. New York S'tneet - Sanfivrd, FL 32771 Phone:407/32~9425 Fax.407/324-9448 April 28, 2005 Attn: Steve Richar City of Winter Springs Urban Beautification 1126 East S R 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Ph: 407/327-1800 ext 315 Fx: 407/327-6695 Email: srichartCa?winterpsringsfl.orq Ref: Landscape Renovations of Winter Springs Blvd. Median #17 Dear Mr. Richadt; This will serve as our proposal for the following landscape installation for the above referenced project. Installation of the listed landscape materials at the specified locations: Median #17: • Parsoni Juniper (3gal): 230 @ $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 2,300.00 Total Proposal = $ 2,300.00 We appreciate your consideration regarding your landscape needs. Please feel free to contact John Cerabino (cell 321-377-0045) or myself with any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, / !/C/l Richard Wesley President Please provide your authorization to proceed by signing below and return via fax to fax 407/324-9448 at your earliest convenience. Authorization Signature: REIIV/lb.custom.richart.urban. beaufrfcation.median 17.doc ~~ ` ~~~~~ P. O. Box 951484 Lake Mary, FL 32795-14841469 N. New York Stet - Sanf+~rd, FL 32771 Phone:407/328-9425 Fax.407/324-9448 April 28, 2005 Attn: Steve Richart City of Winter Springs Urban Beautification 1126 East SR 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Ph: 407/327-1800 ext 315 Fx: 407/327-6695 Email: srichartCa~winterpsringsfl.org Ref: Landscape Renovations of Winter Springs Blvd. Median #21 and Median #22 Dear Mr. Richar; This will serve as our proposal for the following landscape installation for the above referenced project. Installation of the listed landscape materials at the specified locations: Median #21: • Green Pittosporum (3gal): 35 @ • Aztec Grass (1 gal): 30 @ East Tip at Blue Creek Drive: • Indian Hawthorne (3gal): 150 @ • Blue Pac'rfic Juniper (3gal): 50 @ Median #22: West Tip: • Blue Pacific Juniper: 187 @ Total Proposal $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 350.00 $ 5.00 ea. _ $ 150.00 $ 10.00 ea. _ $1,500.00 $ 10.00 ea. _ $ 500.00 $ 10.00 ea. _ $1,870.00 _ $ 4,370.00 We appreciate your consideration regarding your landscape needs. Please feel free to contact John Cerabino (cell 321-377-0045) or myself with any questions or concerns. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, 1/C~ Richard Wesley President Please provide your authorization to proceed by signing below and return via fax to fax 407/324-9448 at your earliest convenience. Authorization Signature: REW/Ib.custom.richart. urban.beautrfcation.median 12and22doc.doc