HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 11 24 Consent 201 Approval for Crom Engineering and Construction Services to Repair Water Storage TankCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 201
November 24, 2008
REQUEST: Utility Department Requesting Approval to authorize Crom Engineering &
Construction Services, Inc. to make repairs to the 1.0 million gallon water
storage tank at Water Treatment Plant #1 on Northern Way.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request approval to authorize repairs in the
amount of one hundred fifteen thousand dollars ($114,900.00) to Crom
Engineering & Construction Services, Inc for the 1 MG water storage tank at Water
Treatment Plant # 1.
This project is needed to perform major maintenance to the potable water storage
tank at Water Treatment Plant #1 (WTP#1) on Northern Way. Staff removed the tank
from service and had an extensive inspection done on this tank in 2007. The executive
summary of that inspection report is attached.
The storage tank was constructed in 1981 by Crom Corporation. There are only
two companies in Florida that construct prestressed concrete tanks, Crom Engineering &
Construction Services, Inc of Gainesville and Precon Corporation of Newberry. Staff
solicited proposals from both companies to implement all recommendations contained in
the inspection report. The Precon bid was $131,815 and the Crom bid was $114,900.
FUNDING: Funds are budgeted in the Utility Department line code 3600-62100.
It is recommended that authorization be granted to award the WTP#1 storage tank repairs
to Crom Engineering & Construction Services, Inc. for $114,900 plus a 10% contingency payable
from Utility line code 3600-62100.
112408_COMM_Consent 201_WTP# 1_Tank_2_Repair
November 24, 2008
Consent Agenda Item 201
Page 2
Upon approval by the City Commission the work will be scheduled in the
January/February timeframe which is typically the lowest demand of the tear. The scope
will take approximately 60 days to complete.
1. Inspection Report Executive Summary
2. Crom Engineering & Construction Services, Inc Quote
3. Precon Corporation Quote
112408_COMM_Consent 201 _WTP# 1 _Tank_2_Repair
City of Winter Springs, Florida
1.0-MG Ground Storage Tank
Main Water Plant
September 17, 2DD7
Cram Engineering E Construction Services, Inc.
Jeffery 0. Malpass, P.E
Irvin C. Rubin. P.E.
General Manager
6801 SW Archer Road • Gainesville. Florida 3268.352-548-3349 • Fax: 352-548-3449
1.0 Executive Summa
Crom Engineering and Construction Services, Inc (CFCs) conducted an
inspection of the 1,000,000-gallon prestressed concrete reservoir in Winter
Springs, Florida (Main Water Plant) on September 17, 2007. The goal of the
inspection was to review the status of the tank and its structural integrity, and to
determine what measures, if any, are necessary to bring the tank up to present
codes and standards so that the longest useful life of the tank can be realized in
meeting the intent of Florida Administrative Code Chapter 62-555.350. Irvin
Rubin P.E., CECS General Manager, performed the inspection and prepared this
The findings of the inspection revealed that overall the tank is structurally sound.
CECS did, however, discover several issues during the inspection which should
be addressed. The original Tnemec Series 20 Pota-Pox coating is delaminating
throughout the underside of the dome (Figures 25 and 26). CECS noted
deterioration of the concrete on the underside of the dome ranging from 1/8" to
3/8" in depth. Delaminated epoxy coating with subsequent deterioration of the
concrete block was also noted on the top of the block baffle wall (Figure 27).
Significant corrosion was noted on the interior influent pipe (Figures 23 and 24).
CECS also located a full depth circumferential crack in the dome inside the
aerator (Figure 20). In addition, the west overflow screen in need of repair
(Figure 13). The fiberglass access hatch is severely weathered (Figure 10). The
brackets connecting the interior fiberglass ladder to the dome were found to be
significantly corroded (Figure 12). Severe pitting of the aluminum alloy manhole
cover was noted and it should be replaced (Figures 5 and 6). Finally,
delamination of the protective epoxy coating with subsequent corrosion was
noted on the manhole frame (Figure 7).
The findings from the tank inspection are detailed in Section 5.0 Conclusions and
2.0 Scope of Work
The purpose of the inspection is to investigate the structural integrity of the 1.0-
MG ground storage tank. The investigation included the interior and exterior
walls of the tank, the dome, floor, and tank accessories. The inspection was a
visual survey of the structure with no invasive procedures employed. The tank
was inspected in accordance with AWWA D110 and ACI 350 to evaluate the
present condition of the tank structure. The tank was cleaned prior to the interior
inspection. CECS used an ambient air monitor to test the quality of air within the
tank prior to entry.
The tank was physically examined for any visible problems such as leaks or
cracks, any location that was questionable, was looked at closer to determine the
extent of the problem.
The wall was observed for any deterioration, cracking, spelled concrete, and
signs of corrosion or any indicators of existing problems such as efflorescence or
damp spots. The walls were "sound tested" to determine if there was any
evidence of the covercoat separating from the core wall. Any location of this was
noted and mapped as part of the field notes of the inspector.
The inspector was provided access to the dome roof. The concrete dome was
inspected for any cracking, efflorescence, spelled concrete, and signs of
corrosion or other indicators of existing problems. Tank accessories were looked
at to determine the extent of the weathering of the fiberglass and the condition of
the bolts, fasteners and the screens. All penetrations were checked for signs of
leakage into the tank. All areas of concern were noted and mapped in the
inspector's field notes.
The tank was drained and CECS personnel entered the tank interior. The interior
wall and floor were observed for cracking, spelled concrete, and signs of
corrosion, or other indications of existing problems. Piping and internal
accessories were checked for corrosion and condition of their supports, bolts,
and anchors.
The tank was fully surveyed and a record was made of all observations.
Photographs were taken as an additional record of the inspection.
3.0 Tank History and Descriation
The tank being inspected is a prestressed composite tank that was originally built
by The Crom Corporation in 1981. The tank has an inside diameter of 100'-0"
and a side wall depth of 17'-4". The tank was built for the Seminole Utility Co.,
Inc. as part of a project designed by Glace l~ Radcliffle, Inc. of Winter Park, FL in
conformance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) Standard D110.
The tank has a 4-inch thick highly reinforced concrete membrane floor. Floor
steel consists of a single orthogonal mat of #4 rebar spaced 8 inches in both
directions. The tank floor is joined to the tank wall monolithically.
The tank has a composite wall constructed of shotcrete encasing a 26 gauge
steel shell diaphragm continuous for the full height. The vertical seams between
the sheets of the diaphragm are sealed watertight with epoxy. The wall is
circumferentially prestressed by wrapping with pre-tensioned high tensile steel
wire permanently bonded to the tank wall to contain the internal hydraulic load of
the tank contents and provide residual compression in the wall after allowing for
wall deformation and stress loss in the wire. Conventional mild steel
reinforcement is also present in the wall due to vertical bending moments
induced by the prestressing and by seasonal temperature differential between
the inside and the outside of the wall. Circumferential mild steel reinforcement to
control shrinkage cracking during construction is present in the wall as well.
There is a 1-inch thick minimum shotcrete covercoat over the final layer of
prestressing wire to protect the wire from corrosion. There is also a 1-inch thick
covercoat on the inside of the diaphragm. The core wall is 3 ~4 inches thick at
the base of the wall and tapers to 3 ,~ inches at the top. Two layers of
prestressing wires at the bottom of the tank and the 1 1/a inch thick covercoat
provide an overall thickness of approximately 5 '/a inches at the base of the wall
tapering to 4'/2 inches at the top.
The tank is covered with a 3-inch thick concrete domed roof containing mild
temperature reinforcement and 4 x 4 W4.0 x W4.0 welded wire fabric.
There are three pipe penetrations through the floor of the tank as follows:
• 12" influent line
• 14" effluent line
• S" drain line
Tank accessories indude a 3500 GPM aerator, four concrete emergency
overflow openings, one hatch opening in the dome near the edge with a hinged
fiberglass cover, a cast steel framed manhole opening with an aluminum alloy
cover, a fiberglass liquid level indicator, an 8" dome probe, two stainless steel
pipe sleeves through the tank wall, an exterior aluminum ladder, an interior
fiberglass ladder, a concrete block baffle wall, and two 25" fiberglass offset vents.
4.0 Field I nvestiQation
See attached Wield Inspection Report
5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations
The inspection of the 1.0 MG tank at the City of Winter Springs' Main Water Plant
has been carried out in accordance with AWWA D110 and fulfills the
requirements of FAC 62-555.350. The inspection of the prestressed composite
tank at this location did not reveal any apparent problems that would cause
concern for the structural integrity of the tank itself. However, there are items
that should be addressed in order to avoid the possibility of future problems.
(1) Condition of the concrete dome: The original Tnemec Series 20 Pota-
Pox coating is delaminating throughout the underside of the dome
(Figures 25 and 26). Deterioration of the exposed concrete surface was
noted as a result of the aggressive hydrogen sulfide gases present above
the water line. CECS estimates that the deterioration is between 1/8" up
to 3/8" in thickness in some areas. CECS recommends removing all loose
deteriorated concrete and delaminated coating by sandblasting the entire
dome surface and 3 feet down the tank wall. The underside of the dome
and 3 feet down the wall should then be coated with a protective epoxy
coating suitable for use inside potable water tanks such as Tnemec Series
20 Pota-pox or equal. CECS recommends performing this work on an
expedited basis to avoid further deterioration of the dome in order to
extend the useful life of the tank.
CECS also noted a full depth circumferential crack inside the aerator curb
(Figure 20). CECS was unable to determine the condition of the steel
dome mesh in this area from a visual inspection. CECS recommends
performing a destructive investigation to determine the condition of the
steel in this area. A repair procedure will then be drafted depending on
the results of the investigation.
The exterior ladder landing on the dome is not secured with safety
handrail. As a result, inspectors and maintenance workers are not
protected when climbing onto the dome. CECS recommends installing a
handrail system around the dome hatch at the ladder landing which meets
or exceeds OSHA requirements.
(2) Condition of the concrete block baffle wall: The baffle wall has also
been acutely effected by the aggressive sulfide gases. The top 24-inches
of the wall (the portion above the water line) is severely deteriorated
(Figure 27). CECS recommends removing all damaged, deteriorated
block and repair it by either replacing the block or forming the wall and
pouring. The repair and all other areas of the baffle wall above the water
line should then be protected with an epoxy coating.
CECS also noted a vertical crack on the east side of the concrete block
baffle wall (Figure 28). CECS recommends patching and sealing the
(3) Condition of the interior piping: CECS noted significant corrosion of
the inlet line (Figures 23 and 24). CECS recommends sandblasting and
inspecting the pipe for section loss. Depending on the condition of the
pipe, it should be either replaced or coated with a protective epoxy coating
such as Tnemec Series 20 Pots-Pox or equal.
(4) Condition of the fiberglass access hatch cover: The fiberglass access
hatch cover is severely weathered (Figure 10). CECS recommends
replacing the hatch cover.
(5) Condition of the overflow openings: The west overtlow screen is in
need of repair (Figures 13). CECS recommends replacing this screen to
keep insects and birds from gaining entry to the tank and possibly
contaminating the contents.
(6) Condition of the manhole cover and frame: The protective epoxy
coating on the aluminum alloy manhole cover and cast steel manhole
frame has delaminated. Significant pitting has occurred on the inside face
of the cover (Figures 5 and 6) and minor corrosion of the manhole frame is
evident (Figure 7). CECS recommends preparing and recoating the
manhole frame with a two part protective epoxy coating suitable for use in
potable water tanks such as AquataPoxy A-6 or equal and replacing the
existing cover with a new stainless steel cover.
(7) Condition of interior fiberglass ladder: CECS noted corrosion of the
bracket connection to the dome on the interior fiberglass ladder (Figure
12). CECS recommends replacing these brackets with new stainless steel
(8) Condition of the dome probe: CECS noted corrosion of the blind flange
on the dome probe (Figure 11). CECS recommends preparing and
recoating the flange or replacing it with a new PVC flange.
(9) Condition of the aerator screen: A small hole was found in the aerator
screen (Figure 18). CECS recommends patching the hole to keep insects
from gaining entry into the tank and possibly contaminating the contents of
the tank.
Since CECS' inspection was a visual survey of the structure without any invasive
or destructive procedures or tests, CECS cannot offer an opinion on the condition
or performance of the covered or hidden elements of the structure not visible
from the surface.
The proceeding report is submitted for your review and discussion. We would be
pleased to discuss the results with you. If you have any questions or concerns,
please do not hesitate to contact us.
Respectfully submitted,
om Engi ring and Construction Services, Inc.
Irvin C. Rubin, P.E.
General Manager
I tJ C O N P G H A T L D
March 11.2008
Crom Engineering and Construction Services, Inc. (CFCs) proposes to provide labor and material
for the repair of the prestressed concrete tank in accordance with all applicable codes and standards
including OSHA and AWWA, ACI and standard prestressed concrete tank design
Pnor to starting work, Crom Engineering and Construction Services, Inc. will gather all data
required for submittal purposes for the repair to the afore mentioned storage tank including
any available computations, detailed drawings. and specifications.
Upon your execution of this proposal, we will be prepared to start work two weeks after
approval of our submittal information; and will undertake to furnish sufficient labor, materials
and equipment to complete the work within approximately five weeks working time
In the event that we cannot start the job by September 1, 2008 because of delays of any
nature that are caused by the owner or other contractor employed by him or other
circumstances over which we have no contral, then the contract price may be renegotiated to
reflect any increased costs,
We hereby certify that we have complete Workers' Compensation Insurance, and that we
carry adequate Liability and Property Damage Insurance as well as Builders' Risk Insurance.
A certificate will be furnished by our insuring agency upon request.
68D1 S'N'~rcher G'aa~ • 8a~ne_~,~ille =10~ ~~ ~6D8.35^_-5+8-~ {4'~ • Fa>: ~5"-848-`~4G
1.0-MG Ground Storage Tank March 11 , 2008
Main Water Plant, Winter Springs, FL Page 2
We propose to furnish all supervision. labor. material, equipment, scaffold and forms required
to complete the work, except as noted in Paragraph 5 The services to be furnished by Crom
Engineering and Construction Services, Inc. are specifically:
Repairs Based on Inspection Report
a Replace existing manhole cover with a stainless steel cover to include stainless steel
bolts and new gasket.
b Prepare and coat manhole frame with AquataPoxy A-6
c Repair hydrogen sulfide damage to concrete overflow openings as necessary.
d Replace the corroded brackets and anchors attaching the interior fiberglass ladder to
the dome hatch with stainless steel equivalents.
e Replace fiberglass dome access hatch
f. Replace the existing. corroded 8° dome probe blind flange with a PVC blind flange.
y'r g. Patch aerator screen hole as necessary
h Seal the vertical crack in the concrete block baffle wall with a high performance
polyurethane elastomer~c sealant.
i. Replace the west overflown screen.
j Epoxy inject the full depth crack in the dome at the aerator floor to seal the crack and
to bond the segments of the dome
k. Fabricate and install a 12' x 13` aluminum handrail system around the Borne access
hatch to protect inspectors. maintenance worker and other ladder users.
I Recoat underside of dome and top 3 feet of interior tank walls and baffle wall
(1) Sandblast the entire underside of the tank dome and the top 3 feet of the
rnterior tank walls and baffle wall to remove the existing. delaminating coating
(2) Remove any exposed mesh and patch as required.
(3) Remove all used abrasive and properly dispose
(4) Recoat the prepared surfaces with 2 coats of Tnemec N140 Epoxy
1.0-MG Ground Storage Tank March 11, 2008
Main Water Plant, Winter Springs, FL Page 3
m. Remove the top 24" of the concrete block baffle wall and dispose. Replace the top
section of deteriorated block by forming the wall and pouring with 4000 psi concrete.
Sandblasting and recoating of the exposed interior piping with 2 coats Tnemec N 140
*Immediately following sandblasting and prior to recoating. the thickness of the pipe
walls will be inspected to determine adequacy for continued use. The listed price
under "Quotation" includes only the sandblasting and recoating of the existing pipe. If
it is determined that the above floor piping must be replaced in full. this cost will be
handled per a fully executed change order. Replacing the existing piping is not
included in this price.*
Optional Paint Tank Exterior
o ~'~~.pressure wash and paint the tank exterior with 2 coats of Tnemec Series 6
This work sh~att~be performed on the following tank:
• 1.0-MG Ground-9tetag~-Tank
Maui-Water Plant, Winter Spring's; Ft__
--~ 100'-0" ID x 17'-4" SWD
(Crom Job No. 8119)
It is understood that the following services shall be provided by others without expense to
Crom Engineering and Construction Services, Inc.
a. Adequate access to the tank site including open storage space for our vehicles,
equipment and materials. conveniently located near the tank to be repaired.
b. A continuous supply of potable water under minimum pressure for the use of the
CECS crew within 100 feet of the tank site.
c. A continuous supply of electricity during the period of work: one 30-AMP, 110-volt
service for the operation of our power tools and accessories, located not more than
100 feet from each tank. Please be sure that all circuit breakers are ground-fault
protected. If it is necessary for Crom Engineering and Construction Services. Inc. to
supply its own electric power, add $500.00 per week to the contract amount
d. Any permit or other governmental fees as may be required for the work.
e Drainage and disposal of the tank's contents.
1.0-MG Ground Storage Tank March 11, 2008
Main Water Plant, Winter Springs, FL Page 4
Disinfection and refilling of the tank's contents.
Cleaning the interior and exterior of the tank and accessories.
Complete lock out and tag out of the subject tank prior to personnel entering the tank.
Owner will be required to provide all materials for this process. Crom Engineering
and Construction Services, Inc. will review the procedures before entering the tank.
No claim for extra services rendered or materials furnished will be valid by either party unless
written notice thereof is given during the first ten days of the calendar month following that in
which the claim originated. Crom Engineering and Construction Services, Inc.'s claims for
extras shall carry 30% for overhead and 10% for profit.
It is agreed that we shall be permitted to prosecute our work without interruption. If delayed
at any time for a period of 24 hours or more by an act or neglect of the owner, his
representative. or other contractor employed by him, or by reason of any changes ordered in
the work, we shall be reimbursed for our actual additional expense caused by such delay,
including loss of use of our equipment, plus 30% for overhead.
This proposal is predicated on open-shop labor conditions, using our own personnel. If we
are required to employ persons of an affiliation desirable to the owner or other contractor
employed by him or the general contractor thereby resulting in increased costs to us. the
contract price shall be adjusted accordingly. Such requirement shall not provide that Crom
Engineering and Construction Services, Inc. sign a contract with any labor organization. In
the event of a labor stoppage. we shall not be in default or be deemed responsible for delay
of the progress of this contract or damage to the owner or the contractor so long as Crom
Engineering and Construction Services, Inc. has sufficient qualified employees available to
perform the work.
We are prepared to carry out this work in accordance with the foregoing for the lump sum
price of:
Repairs Based on Inspection Report (Scope of work items a-n): $114,900.00
Prepare and Paint Tank Exterior (Scope of work item o): ~AT699rOQ"'-"'
Total Project Price: c ~~'~~ X00
1.0-MG Ground Storage Tank
Main Water Plant, Winter Springs, FL
March 11.2008
Page 5
Final payment, including any retention, shall be made within 30 days from the time work is
completed or the billing is received. and is to be received by us in our accounting office at
250 SW 36"' Terrace, Gainesville, Florida 32607. Final payment shall not be held up
because of delays in testing. Owner shall pay CECS interest at 12% per annum on any
overdue amounts.
If the Owner wishes to have CECS to perform any additional repairs or remediation of the
tank or accessories, it shall authorize such work in writing and pay CECS its standard
charges for such work.
It is agreed that CECS shall not be responsible for any consequential, special or delay
It is agreed that the venue for any litigation under this Agreement shall be in Alachua County
If CECS engages an attorney for the collection of the amounts due from the Owner. the
Owner shall pay CECS its reasonable attorneys fees and costs through any appeal.
CECS will guarantee its workmanship and materials on its work covered in this Proposal for
a period of one year after completion of its work. Prior to leaving the location, CECS
personnel will perform a walk through with the responsible party overseeing our work for the
Owner or Contractor. In case any defects in CECS' workmanship or materials appear within
the one-year period after completion of CECS' work, CECS shall promptly make repairs at
its own expense upon written notice by the Owner or Contractor that such defects have been
found. CECS' guaranty is limited to defects in CECS' workmanship and materials and CECS
is not responsible for ordinary wear and tear or for damage resulting from negligent or
inappropriate use,
This proposal is offered for your acceptance within 45 days from the proposal date. We
reserve the right after that period to amend our bid to reflect our changing construction
schedules and materials and labor rate changes. The return to this company of a copy of
this proposal with your acceptance endorsed thereon within the time aforesaid will constitute
a contract between us. This proposal shall be made a part of any subcontract agreement or
purchase order.
1.0-MG Ground Storage Tank
Main Water Plant, Winter Springs, FL
Irvin C. Rubin, P.E.
General Manager
March 11, 2008
Page 6
I'rc,lrr,xd (~~~ncr~tc I ,inl.,
~Uly 7, 2008
Subject: City of Winter Springs, Florida
Description: 1.0 MG Ground Storage Tank -Main Water Plant
0.5 MG Ground Storage Tank -Bahama Road WTP
I l~ 5.~~~. 1-lUth
~c'~~bcrr~~_ f~li~rid~i
1 i~) :i.
lt» i~~
Precon proposes to furnish all labor, material, equipment, scaffolding, forms a
supervision required to complete the tank in accord with the plans and specificatio
issued by City of Winter Springs, FL and Precon Corporation's standard prestresse
concrete tank design. The services to be furnished by Precon Corporation a
Repairs Based on Inspection Report
a. Remove top 2' of baffle wall and replace it with block or concrete.
b. Sandblast 12" influent pipe and paint with Tnemec N140 or equal.
c. Epoxy inject hollow in exterior tank wall as identified in inspection report.
d. Replace fiberglass hatch cover.
e. Replace the overflow screens.
f. Replace the manhole cover with a stainless steel cover, bolts and gasket.
g. Clean and coat the manhole frame with AquataPoxy A-6.
h. Replace the brackets on the interior fiberglass ladder with new stainless stee'~
i. Clean and recoat the dome probe.
j. Repair torn screen on aerator.
k. Sandblast the underside of the dome and 3' down the tank walls.
I. Coat with an epoxy rub (Tnemec 218) and 2 coats of Tnemec N140 or equal on
the underside of the dome, 3' down the tank walls and 3' of the baffle wall.
m. The coating system has a 5 year warranty.
).5 MG Ground Storage Tank
~. Replace existing manhole cover with a stainless steel cover to include
stainless steel bolts and new gasket.
Prepare and coat manhole frame with AquataPoxy A-6.
Epoxy inject hollows in exterior tank wall as identified in the inspection report.
Repair exposed corroding wire mesh on the exterior tank dome.
Repair and seal dome pipe penetration.
Replace missing hardware on aerator and repair small hole in screen.
Replace interior ladder with a new fiberglass one and all new stainless steel
h. Recoat underside of dome and top 3 feet of interior tank walls and baffle wall:
1. Sandblast the entire underside of the tank dome and the top 3 feet of the
interior tank walls and baffle wall to remove the existing delaminating
2. Remove any exposed mesh and patch as required.
3. Remove all used abrasive and properly dispose.
4. Coat with an epoxy rub {Tnemec 218) and 2 coats of Tnemec N 140 or
equal on the underside of the dome, 3' down the tank walls and 3' of the
baffle wall..
i. The coating system has a 5 year warranty.
It is understood that the following services are not included and are to be
provided by others:
a. Uninterrupted water for construction (2" line at 40 psi) 15 feet from tank.
b. Uninterrupted electricity for construction with GF1 (4-30 amp circuits 15 feet
from tank & 100 amp service to job trailer).
We are prepared to carry out this work in accordance with the foregoing for the lump
sum price of:
1.0 MG Tank Repair $ 131,815.00
0.5 MG Tank Repair $ 76,988.00
Sterilization Add per tank if needed $ 562.00
Based on monthly estimates for work completed and materials on hand, your
payments, less retainage, are to be received by us in our office at 115 SW 140cn
Terrace, Newberry, Florida 32669, within five days after receipt of the Owner's
payment. Our retainage will be reduced as your net retainage is reduced. In the event
of default on the date of final payment, it is agreed that interest will be paid at the rate of
15% per annum on the outstanding balance. Any reasonable legal or other expense
necessary for the enforcement of this contract or for collection of monies due shall be
borne by the party at fault.
We are prepared to furnish sufficient labor, materials and equipment to complete the
work within approximately 2 to 4 weeks after a mutually agreeable start date.
We will submit all data required, including complete computations, shop drawings and
specifications for approval prior to starting work.
The cost of apayment-performance-maintenance bond, issued for cone-year period, is
to be added to the bid price if required. The price for this bond is $12.00 per $1,000.00.
If utilizing sub-guard, any bonds required will be added to the tank price.