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2005 01 19 Other - Handout by Steven Richart during Agenda Item IV. A
Overview ~ Urban Beautification Coordinator Monthly Meeting Report 01/19/05 Steven T. Richart Office:407-327-5976 Fax:407-327-6695 Email: srichart winters rin sfl.or TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT Ci of Winter S rin s A. Budget 1. TLBD Maintenance Fund - 184 P. 1-15 2. TLBD Improvement Fund - 308 P. 16 B. Maintenance Items and Progress Report • 1. The landscaping contract will be let for public bid in late February. I have had several meetings with P & L over timeliness of projects and quality issues. Communication has improved in the previous (30) days. P. 20-23, 30-31 2. Pink Muhly grass is being installed on the Winter Springs Blvd. medians during the next (45) days, in select locations. This will provide `native' seasonal color and character for these areas. 3. The water fountains are back in full operation after a small flood last month. The south fountain was cleaned at no charge by the City Utility Department. C. Street Lighting Proiect And Sign 1. Final information from Gil Defreitas at Progress Energy on street lighting and estimates on street signage are included in this packet. Discussion. P. 24-25, (Separate map and estimates) D. Other Proiects 1. Landscaping at the Tuskawilla Road /Winter Springs Boulevard entrance. Discussion. P. 61-62 2. Northern Way and Greenbriar parcel. Discussion. P. 33-48 3. The beautification maintenance worker has started as of late last week. His initial duties for the TLBD include: fountain maintenance, litter patrol at all TLBD areas and entrances, tree and shrub planting. Discussion. P. 59 4. The State Forestry Grant project recently awarded to the TLBD Community for Winter Springs Blvd. is a 50% match tree project. Installation will be done by City staff with construction beginning in (45) days. 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I C 000 00 0 0 00o I ~7 000 00 0 0 00o Ir I I 1 I [1] I Z In ~~ I I I . n 00 0 0 00o Ipy 00 0 0 00o I~ I I I Ul Ul I U1 Ul I ~ I '~ NN HH I i U7~ ~P IP IANN I CyIH ww wwo Idr ~~ ~~o 147 I ~] ~4 ro 00 0 0 000 lyr N~ 00 0 0 00o I py ~ O I n [~] I C1 I ~ b' H I cn ro G Ian a . I d H 0 0 00o I oM dp dP oW dP I * * I 16 • 1 ~y~N7Lti+ B x uw.cpoude ''~coR,o~ Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ~~-- ~~^~ Date: `~ 0 Project: T L~~ Safety and Equipment: Monthly Maintenance Reports _Yes _Na Date: ~• ~ • •. ~ a • • . ~ 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. ? 2 4- 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 O 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 5. irrigation system coverage. 1 2 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 2 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 • Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) u ~6 b~ 0~- i ~ n ~ ~~ 1. ~~R. ~ ~ Ai x'7.1 'i~ ~~ ~...'J~ ~ 1 'i r~ a'' 1 ~ ~~ ~/ ~' 1~~• 7301 ~a~~-clnc~e- S~:rcy~t •'4'Vnter lark ~1 32792 ~~rc~m: P~ci, Lawn Maintenance, inc. .Tel: (4a7) b79-2$1Q rax: (407} 6?'9-1085 Date: ~D~n S ~~ ll-, ~ , X41. ~: ~~ ~vr_ ~i°f~t f ~9~~i n~ t' ~~ 1~~ ~~~~. -~~~~~ -~ ~ ~~~ _ oc~ 7 7~1~~ 4~~_ _ 1 ~~A.._~_.~~.~~,r ~ ,~ ~~~~' ~~ - ~--~ TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEEN`: :., ~~ L'd 9801-6L9-LOb aoueua~uieW uMe~ l '8 d dl6~ZL 50 OL u~f ~, .. ~ a4 .,~ . ~a~~ ~~ ~~v~a~~. ~~r~~~.ce c~; ~r1Y~g~ ~x~.~ ~~~~ ~ay1l ~ ~. .J~ ~CiJI1 ~`ji.1~7'pcr:. cr' Clocl;~s ; ~~_JL3i ~ i11'L1~CF ~* %Orics ~~_=~.1k2~ 1~0~E -- -- ~_ ~ _ _~_V. o __._- - - -~ - ~~n~{ r. cr. -~T--- _~_ scr~ c~cn -~--~--~.._ ! - - _ , Zoita Priori R Priac~ _ ToCal ~ ._ _ __ _~_^. _ T ----~-•T~----- s ~ , ~ ~ ~. ~ z z ~ r ~ f r ~-- T--~ ~..~._ +.J i ./r f ~ _ w T ~ v ~s -~- a ~..~ ~ 1.._ a i I ~~ mo't'-~'.- 'r - ' ra ~' _ ~ ~ ~.. °, j ;. i ~ ~ „~_~ _____~, 4 f _ T~pTAT:, ~~ ~~ '~:p~: ] ~. R_sF~'~' D.~ae Ariariry: C1 = Cri[ienJ dumugd w prupercy ~ -P.2P3t1` fJ pc L't]Ac L2 = C:i1CICiil Uh1lUZge lll)Jl-(7rOP~f(v ~9 Z'd 9801-6L9-L0~ aoueua}uieW uMel l 'S d d11~Z1 90 OL u~f ,~ ;~ ~. INSPECTION REPORT 01/04/05 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District Steven Richart & Thomas Payne • A broken sprinkler head was observed on the south side of the island just east of Davenport and repairs should be completed on 1-5-05. • P & L will continue to perform monthly irrigation inspections but will improve our documentation such that Steven is aware that these inspections are being done. This will include providing copies of these reports to him as they are completed. • Steven also requested that we improve our efforts at monitoring the soil moisture conditions such that we can adjust the irrigation use accordingly. • A few small spots were missed with the weed eater such as around tree stakes and this will be discussed with the crew foreman. • Active lace bugs were found on some of the azaleas in the traffic islands and treatments for these pests will be scheduled. • Steven requested that any dead plants observed be pulled as they die and he would welcome prepared estimates for replacements. • Spot treatments with Roundup and the replacement of turf in the crabgrass areas were discussed and Steven felt that our prices for this type of work are high. He will choose to have another contractor perform this work in the future. • Steven would like an estimate for replacing the irrigation heads in the entry planter box beds at Tuscawilla Rd. to 12" pop ups with 10 degree angle nozzles and this information will be forwarded to Jeff Norris so that he can prepare this estimate. • Steven and Thom looked at some of the dying loropetalum and it is Thom's opinion that these plants are slowly declining because they were originally planted too deep. This plant is very sensitive to planting depth and every plant pulled was planted at least 4"too deep. • Thom & Steven both agreed that some of the plant material such as the thryallis and minima jasmine need increased fertility rates and P & L will adjust its plant fertility program to accommodate the needs of these plants and any others exhibiting weak growth. • Steven would like to see the crape myrtles pruned and the roebelenii palms cleaned up in February and this is currently planned. • The oak tress along Seneca Blvd. near Winter Springs Blvd. need to have their canopies raised. • Some minor iron deficiency was still observed in the turf in the islands and these areas will need to be treated with liquid iron. • Dollarweed issues were discussed in the ground covers in both the planter boxes at the Tuscawilla entry and throughout the turf areas. P & L will formulate a plan on how best to treat this weed and will begin treatments as soon as possible. • Steven and Thom both agreed that pine bark mulch will be acceptable in the islands that were originally pine straw and P & L will continue to complete the mulching process as scheduled bringing the average finished depth of the mulch to approx. 3". Any areas that seem to be under mulched will be "touched up" at Steven and Thom's discretion. • Some active brown patch fungus was observed in the turf behind the north side planter at the Tuscawilla Road entry and we will schedule treatment for this fungus. • Steven would also like to have some form of weekly communication as to what is being planned for the upcoming week and P & L will discuss ways to best accomplish this. a~ Thom, I appreciate you taking the time to outline our to%phone conversation and respond promptly, To address your rep/y,• I am well aware of the soil PH in the area being slightly alkaline and the steps necessary to correct the issue on an ongoing yet temporary basis, The problem is not in can we change the soi/ PH, it is in the chemicals to modify the soil conditions actual/y being applied as per the contract specifications, This has yet to happen completely, I be/ieve if you actually make schedu/ed applications to these areas based on soi/ samples, without skipping areas, the plant nutritional condition wi/l improve in time, It is a/so very important to monitor the soi/moisture content, which is why we pay to have the irrigation systems inspected (Zx) per month, Another issue that I find problematic is the lack of scheduled se%tive herbicide application in the St, Augustine turf, We need to discuss this issue, with Jeff Norris present, to possib/y reach the desired and anticipated results. Furthermore, the contract ca//s for 'mulch depth to be a minimum of 3 ; p/aced not dumped... ; yet it does not specify if the new mulch depth is 3"or total depth, including old mulch, is 3"after installation. This will be revised in the next contract bid cyc%, From my observations, many areas that have been recent/y mulched have less than 1 "of new mulch insta/led; we ca/l this 'sugar coating the mu/ch. I wi// wait until you have completed the work to make a final determination, To answer your question, a higher score on the week/y inspection reports may be obtained by reading the previous correspondence from my office and taking reasonably immediate corrective action based upon that information, It is also helpful to call in once per week and give a verbal report as to what is occurring on the site and the schedu/e for the fol%wing week, Again, I appreciate your communication on this issue and look forward to meeting you on the site to discuss the current and future soil conditions, Best Regards, Steven T. Richart City Of Winter Springs Beautification Coordinator (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 377-4059 Cell 162*19978*164 Nextel (407)327-6695 Fax s ~i ch a i t C~ w i n c e rsv ri n o s t1, o m -----Original Message----- From: PNL89@aol.com [mailto:PNL89@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 7:23 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: Reply to concerns Stephen, As a follow up to our phone conversation yesterday I would like to reply to a few concerns. The mulch will be applied so that the finished depth is 3 inches and we will continue to schedule this operation during this month until all areas are completed. I spoke to Larry and his intention is to but pine bark nuggets in the areas that were designated as pine straw due to the flammability of pine straw in the islands and someone flicking a lit cigarette out of the window as they drive by. If soil pH is a problem it will show up as micro-nutritional deficiencies on the plants and/or the turf and this is most likely to oocur on acid loving plants such as axaleas and on palm trees including sagos, We will be glad to take samples wherever and whenever you want them but I can tell you that most readings will be between 7.5 and 8 and changing the pH permanently is not possible. The better approach is to handle any deficiencies if they occur with the proper corrective chemical application. Our standard fertility program is based on high soil pH as this is common throughout our service area and rarely do we encounter low soil pH unless dealing with an old oak tree hammock or muck based area. have noted your remarks on the dollarweed in the plant beds and the turf weeds and will see that these issues are addressed. As we discussed, the broken valve near 1109 Winter Springs Blvd. has been repaired and we will adjust the main irrigation at the entrance back to running only 2 days per week with our visit tomorrow. The clean up from the luminaries has been done and the irrigation at the entry has been turned back on. We would like to get at least all 4's on your weekly inspection reports and would welcome any suggestions that you have to help us achieve this. I will call you as per your request sometime this week and give you 1 hour notice as to when I can be available to walk some of the site areas with you. Thanks, Thom • D Page 1 of 2 Steven Richart From: Rande Thompson [rthompson29@cfl.rr.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 8:40 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: Fw: Tuskawilla Florida Signs Steve: Great timing Mr. Moore called me yesterday as a follow-up. What is the date of our next meeting? I misplaced my schedule. Respectfully, Rande ----- Original Message ----- From: Ron Moore To: 'Rande Thompson' Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 1:53 PM Subject: RE: Tuskawilla Florida Signs Rande: Per our conversations I have attached initial pricing for Eagle Sign & Design to provide and install all signage you requested per your specs. If you have any questions please call me at 1-888-561-0007. Thanks, Ron Moore -----Original Message----- From: Rande Thompson [mailto:rthompson29@cfl.rr.com] Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 7:39 PM To: ron@eaglesign.com Subject: Tuskawilla Florida Signs Ron: Persuant to our conversation this week. Here are some signs I was able to get a few pictures of. Cast Alum. 89 stop & street (as shown) 36 stop only 4 street only (similar to picture only no stop sign) 39 speed limit (as shown) 1 /6/2005 a~ • • May 26, 2004 Mr. Rande Thompson Tuskawilla Development 108 Marsh Creek Cove Winter Spring, FL 32708 Dear Rande: Following is the residential signage quote you requested for Tuskawilla. Decorative Cast Aluminum Street Signs: 30" x 9" Cast Aluminum Signs - 36" if required 178 @ 245.00 4" x 15' Round Fluted Aluminum Posts with Acorn Caps 89 @ 240.00 4" x 13' Round Fluted Aluminum Post w/Acorn Caps for Stop Signs and Speed Limit 75 @ 215.00 Decorative Cast Aluminum Base for Posts 164 @ 130.00 Aluminum Frames for Stop Signs 164 @ 95.00 43,610.00 21,360.00 16,125.00 21,320.00 15,580.00 and Speed Limit Signs 24" x 24" DOT Aluminum Stop Signs 125 @ 55.00 6,875.00 18" x 24" DOT Aluminum Speed Limit Signs 39 @ 55.00 2,145.00 Less 20% Discount - 25,403.00 Installation Labor, Expenses for Travel 101,612.00 10,000.00 TOTAL $ 111,612.00 Deposit: 50% deposit ($ 55,806.00) required to begin production, balance due upon completion Color: To be determined by client prior to placing order Mounting: Side Mount Freight: Will be added to fmal invoice Sales Tax: Out of State Client -Not Applicable Delivery: 6 -8 weeks from final approval and receipt of deposit Note: Delivery times are subject to change when order is finalized and placed, depending on current production demand Sincerely, Ron Moore ACCEPTED /APPROVED: (Quote honored for thirty days ): Name Date ~S ~~9~~ Urban Beautification Quality inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ~~~ ~ ~^J Date: ~ ~ r--~ Project: ~~~ Safety and Equipment: ~~('~~~ Monthly Maintenance Reports Yes No Date: r• 1. Mowing, mechanlcai trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 1 :- . Z . 3 ~. .. 4- 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 Z 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 Irrigation system coverage. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. ~`~~~1 ''~ 1 2 ~ 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unle ;~ ~~N ~.',~ Yom- ; rr~9~.~~~ ~dw,-~_ ~ t ~a~' ~v- ~o-- ~~ noted.) 4 s cn-1 • ~~ ~6 C~~~) '7 9 / o ~~~ Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: V ~~ ~~'''~ Project: Date: l ~~ZS7 ~yY Safety and Eauipment: ~~ Monthiv Maintenance Reports ,_Yes _No Dafe: ~ ~ • ~. ... ~. 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turF areas. 1 2 4 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape area ~dS 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 4 5 Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. _ 1 . m ~~~ t~ ~ ~"~ 1 2 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 4 5 ervice Requests' (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) _ m.Nv~{~icL ~ . ~ ,~ ~'r~N'~A ~dS - ~~,-~ ~ red- - ''j-G~S~~-w- l (rr ~~ - ~ w 5 l~l.W..J f l¢S'rSe. Oryv `'~ ~, l ~1~ rY P~r~-1 ,- r2,~1-*d __ S ~!~ teS - R t t one ~S `~ (Lt %^~ pro ~resS - lXs: P y ~ a s r'. r ~~ • C~J~ ~ ~ ~ g ~f ~$~~~ Urban Beautification Quality inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: P~ ~ ~'^~~ Date: 1Z- 27 f ° Project: ~Z3U Safetv and Equipment: i Monthiv Maintenance Reports Yes No Date; ~ ~ ~ 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 1 . 2 3 .. .. 4 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 Irrigation system coverage. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 2 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 Service Requests: (To 6e handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) - ~~S .s -~ ~ ~~y '-I'F~ Ctt~-~-.~P ©F -t-~-~ ~uM;~~+n`~- Rigs -~.fi r,~ ~- qN c~ - 7~ Sk ~- ~-~ I (~ O ~" W S Q//.!-U •- d q --~ A (Su r d-r'~'~4 urJ ~.~--'~-h.'s e^i-lirY~j+e.+c.~ ~`Sd1~__ 6e T~`.we_~! a.csC ~-° ~k~, . • • r~~~~ ~--~ ~~ Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance ~, ~"~ <r Tom. Vendor: ~ ~~(.! L~ ~ Date: 1'z ~~ Project: ~-L~ ~ Safety and Equipment: Monthly Maintenance Reports Yes No Date; 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 1 . 2 3 ~. 4 5 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 2 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) ~(`fs ~, ~,~o~ SYS-I-PM ~ ~- Yl~e- ~SK~ )t~~ ~ ~_ ~ ~ Sr~~ly~ ~N~ ~il r,~.-~ ^I'- I~S~P ~'t~rNP ~ 7JY- i~t[ ~~n ._ rT Nw i i C' L / ~ ~ CX~ ~'' -~.o _ ~af ~~,,. ~ .. ,.~ Jw e. nVt' . - /k a S 1- ~ ~.s ~-~~ ~'.J~ cr ~ C !~- 6 /~.~ • 1~- 0 MEETING SUMMARY Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 12/10/04 Steven Richart, Jeff Norris & Thom Payne • Thom was introduced to Steven and Steven was told that Thom will become P & L's main contact for landscaping and maintenance issues. Jeff Norris will remain as the main contact for irrigation and pest control issues but Steven can report anything as needed to either contact. • Steven suggested that P & L contact Bolling Forrest Products for a bulk price on cypress mulch. • Larry will need to get with Steven about the mulch pricing differences, the mulching of the pine beds and how the credit for the mulching was applied last year. • Steven felt that P & L's installed price for sod was too high and wondered if we could lower it. • Steven gave Thom his Nextel and cell phone numbers to use for contact purposes and Thom entered them into his phone. Thom's -~ contact cell # is 407-466-5446 and his Nextel # is 158*21933*2. • Steve reported a current irrigation leak in the islands and Jeff told him we will shut off the valve and make the necessary repairs (we checked after the meeting and the valve was shut off). • Irrigation repair response times were discussed with Steven and an agreement was reached that P & L will make every effort to respond within 24 hours of a reported problem but we will also try to respond on the same day or 1St thing the following morning (if possible). • The area around the large oak tree and the azaleas behind it along Tuscawilla Boulevard missed when fertilizing were discussed with Steven and Jeff reported that these areas had already been retreated. • Steven reported asiatic cycad scale on the sagos at the Tuscora Road entry and requested that these plants be treated. • Steven also reported some insect damage in the turf medians along Winter Springs Blvd. from Tuscora Drive to the Country Club and Thom and Jeff inspected these islands as they left. A little iron deficiency (yellowing) was observed and a few spots show signs of • 3~ Roundup over spray damage but no insect or disease activity was found. We will discuss the over spray situation with the crew foreman and if the iron deficiency does not clear up shortly, we will spot treat the affected areas with a liquid iron spray. r~ u • ~~ • Tusca~tilia Lighting and ~3eautificatiQn Qist~lct ~1Tlf' QF IN~~NTER ~i~"RiNC~S t •~ ~° ~ Entrances: 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. l~ ~~r(2) idy~~ 2. Tuskawilla Road and Trohvoad. ,'- 3. Shetland /Citrus. 4. Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. 5. Vistawilla. 6. 7. 8. 9. Howell Creek ~1'~ Winter Springs Blvd: 1. Medians 1 Rights of Way. !/~ h`fi J~~~j ~ 1 ~`OSf C°'~'`~~~ ~c Notes: U Deer Run. Page 1 of 1 Steven Richart d_~~.._M...__ ~.~~..~,.,..~. ~~..~ _ __w _~..r.,._~_ _ _.r~_~_~..~. From: Steven Richart Sent: Friday, December 10, 2004 4:04 PM To: 'Rande Thompson ;Andrea Lorenzo-luaces; 'Gary Hillery'; 'Helen Baker'; 'Linda Tillis'; 'Moti Khemlani' Cc: Kip Lockcuff Subject: Property at Northern Way and Greenbriar -parcel id: 18-21-31-506-Of00-000 Tracking: Recipient Delivery 'Rande Thompson' Andrea Lorenzo-luaces Delivered: 12/10/2004 4:04 PM 'Gary Hillery' 'Helen Baker' 'Linda Tillis' 'Moti Khemlani' Kip Lockcuff Delivered: 12/10/2004 4:04 PM Good Afternoon. I wanted to bring you some information about property in Tuscawilla that has apparently become a concern to various residents in the area. The property is located at the corner of Northern Way and Greenbriar. The property has not been maintained on a consistent basis for quite some time, according to the phone calls that I have received, and is an apparent eyesore. Currently, the property has been deeded, by quitclaim, to the Greenbriar Homeowners Association. The reason that I bring the issue before this board is to suggest the possibility that the TLBD may want to consider acquiring the property and using it as a recreational component of the Beautification District. In my estimation, the cost would be minimal and could benefit the TLBD greatly in the long run. I will bring additional information for consideration to the next meeting in January. Happy Holidays! Best Regards, Sxw~.,~• T. iZ~;~ City Of Winter Springs Urban Beautification Coordinator (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 377-4059 Cell 162*19978*164 Nextel (407)327-6695 Fax srichart@winterspringsfl.~ ~. _ ,. , • 12/10/2004 • Ronald W. McLemore City Manager December 6, 2004 Bill Long Greenbriar HOA 983 Troon Trace Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mr. Long: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 This letter is to confirm our discussion this date regarding the parcel of land that D.R. Horton has quit claimed to Greenbriar Homeowners Association. • As we discussed it appears that your best alternative is to take a legal action to disclaim ownership of the property. Although the city has no interest in the property, it is possible that the Tuscawilla Beautification District may have an interest in utilizing it as a component of the Beautification District. I will have this matter placed on the January 19, 2005 agenda. They meet at 7:OOpm at City Hall. You may want to attend. Please contact Ms. Joan Brown, Deputy City Clerk at 407-327-5999 a few days in advance of January 19`h to confirm the meeting. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. Sincerely, Ronald W. McLemore City Manager ~JP / cc: Steven Richart / Glenn Tolleson U:\Docs\Word\Letters\04 Letters\Dec 04\Grreenbriar Parcel.doc 2e (, • ~~emmole ~ounry rroperty Appraiser CJet Information by Parcel Number ~., JeaiW~~r, t+~.w ~i i ~i~_., ~~r.~.~~:«e, ~i "inp • M ~it '~,~'ww~`e~ y' ~~~ ~ GENERAL Parcel Id: 18-21-31-506-OF00-0000 Tax District: W1-WINTER SPRINGS Owner: GREENBRIAR AT Exemptions: TUSCAWILLA HOME- OwnlAddr: OWNERS ASSN INC C/O ATWOOD -.-. Address: 1350 ORANGE AVE STE 100 City,State,ZipCode: WINTER PARK FL 32789 Property Address: Facility Name: Dor: N.-INFORMATION/REFERENC Page 1 of 1 ~; ~~:'] Back (> ~^ 2005 WORKING VALUE SUMMARY Value Method: Market Number of Buildings: 0 Depreciated Bldg Value: $0 Depreciated EXFT Value: $0 Land Value (Market): $10 Land Value Ag: $0 Just/Market Value: $10 Assessed Value (SOH): $10 Exempt Value: $0 Taxable Value: $10 SALES Deed Date Book Page Amount Vac/Imp 2004 VALUE SUMMARY QUIT CLAIM DEED 12/2002 04661 1803 $100 Vacant 2004 Tax Bill Amount: $0 QUIT CLAIM DEED 07/1994 02803 1782 $2,500,000 Vacant 2004 Taxable Value: $10 QUIT CLAIM DEED 02/1993 02632 0182 $1,312,500 Vacant DOES NOT INCLUDE NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS Find Comparable Sales within this DOR Code LAND LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLAT Land Assess Method Frontage Depth Land Units Unit Price Land Value LEG TRACT F GREENBRIAR SUBD PH 1 PB 33 LOT 0 0 1.000 10.00 $10 PGS 1 T04 NOTE: Assessed values shown are NOT certified values and therefore are subject fo change before being finalized for ad valorem tax purposes. *** If you recently purchased a homesteaded property your next year's property tax will be based on Just/Market value. ~' i • `j5 http://www.scpafl.o'r~/T,ls/web/re web.seminole county title?PARCEL=1821315060F00... 11/23/2004 .,.t, .~ .,i. »., wFjv . va a _. ~,W;~~~a ~~_~t~ f;i,..:.i~ /~'"raaerty tiaraiser CJ~'ervices ;;, ;a,. ,.L::,,. ;w~~.- c~, ~a Xour Source Por Property Information... E~uick, Convenient, Accurate .- .. _. -L +. aaza. ad+l~ __ - ~ f~ _ - aua •~ -_ _ ---r- aa2a aria at~a `~ i I __ ~ax r^~r~~t°i•tti r~'~'a~lFS7P,~d' - ~a a15a ~I cltrarr~> i I fl I i . F':rr;A Ks. . ya~ti _ _ .. Legend --___ _~.-i-: ~ 3eleca3d Faatures aaaa ~ ~ ~ ~:..txunty Boundary ~~ 5tret~ls ~` ~ II '~ Flydroivgy j i 5ubdiaislon Linas 4~ ~~ j O~U98 I; r~ Parcnis ' I 0128 ,. I; I~ Faa;iiit~es '~ ~ i ~ Gotf Course `~! Parks • http://simon03. scpafl. org/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=overview_sma... 11/23/2004 d J d- ~ ~ ~~ O t 1 ~ VE N IGULL~I~ L~CGEr:,~Tp Gr~~.Er-y~3g(art-~ L.AryE f/orz- ~r-~ ' 2"1 TN (~C1 3'Z Ar1L'~ ~ T(-l emu, ~ 1 S ~ I-1~(~EC~ t"JEdlG,L1T~D Tp TL(E G(T~,r~ -ran~E..n-r gam. 5.21 "LCD'GJt' ~. >, \1 S ~ ~ ~ ~. f ~ ~S_ S \` fi ~~~~s ~- \~o P ~ ~o~c~ # \' ~' ~r-t APNEA o.'L~d l~cp,Es l ~ 7(D ~-~ -- 92.0'L~ -- ° ~! cx~' E.. CGS. CD7 ~ 0. 5~ St-1~~`r t oG4 P. of V ~ ~00~ LEF~L O ESC.P~4P f ~Pri r'iC~P~T N ~ pjt"1 WA`ti/ n"E.S CSo' R.w) 3~ ~ a~ ~~ ~J~a • °1 S ~r w ~ dl Z 3~ ~, • --__ s 0 ~~ J Q !.J 3 ~ ~ w ltl Q ~ ~ o a ~~ d ~ ~ ~ = r ~~ t{1 S ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ t' ~ O ~ N N ~ ~ ~ Q ~ 6 g o ~ ~ o = g = ~o Q N ~ ~ d ~ 4 0 ` " .O S O N ~ ~ 1~ p' ~ N ~„ ~ , ~_ D ~ d ~ ~ r N Q ~ O t 9 t- t- r o[) N Q' r 4 • 3~ • RAY VALDES TAX BILL 135597 2004 REAL ESTATE NUMBER SEMINOLE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR ~` * pU P L I C ATE '~ * NOTICE OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS 18-21-31-505-0F00-C~i00 GREENBRIAR Al" rUSCAWILLA HOME- OWNERS ASSN INC C p ATWpOU 1350 pRANGE AVE S E 100 WINTER PARK FL 32789 10 I 0 I 10 I w1 LEG TRACT F GREENBRIAR SU~3p PN PB 33 PGS 1 TO 4 ~SE PAY IN U.S. FUNDS TO RAY VALDES TAX COLLECTOR • P.O. BOX 630, SANFORD, FL 32772.0630 hint i nra nrn PAY ONLY ONE AMOUNT ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ 0.00 ~.~ • . ~~ g .. r';`~ Parcel inforn'1a#ion 23 February 2000 Pa e 1 of 2 ;` ,~ ,. Parcel:18-21-31-506-OF00-0000 Property: Owner:D R HORTON INC Mailing:1801 ASCENSION BLVD ARLINGTON, TX 76006 7311 Legal: LEG TRACT F GREENBRIAR SUBD PH 1 PB 33 PGS 1 TO 4 TRY: 2000 TD: W1 DOR: N. ~~ ~~ 1 e~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C,~ O n ~ i WINTER SPRINGS INFORMATION/REFERENC Amendment-10 Amendment-10 Prior Year Total Re Appraised % Addtion Total Land Value $ Extra Features $ Building Value $ me Value I Just Value $ $ $ Correct AssdlAdmin Value Classified Value end 10 Adjustment $ $ $ otal Assessed Value $ $ $ SALES ale Deed Description Sale Date RB Book RB Page ale Amt Il QC U D UIT CLAIM DEED 07/01/1994 02803 1782 $2,500,000 V 11 U D UIT CLAIM DEED 02/01/1993 02632 0182 $1,312,50 V 11 ^------ -- LAND CODE Land Rate Ag Rate Land Area Frontage DR Depth Class Value % Adj Ovd Reason Just Value AL $0.1 $0.0 1.00 0.0 0 Qo/ Total: $ $OJ • Tax Bill 126323 1999 Parcel/Mailing Name & 18-21-31-506-0B00-0000 GREENBRIAR HOMEOWNr=RS LECESSE CORD TECHNOLOGY GR STE O ANDO FL 32804 8036 Tax Ireformation Fld Valorem Nan-Ad Valarerri Tax Bill Interest Commission Advertising Tax Paid Receipt # Amount pus If Paid By :~EMIrvaL~_ cOUN-rY Real Estate pet4-ril Address St ASSN 100 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Information 0 Tax pint W1 0 Mortgage E & I 0 Bankruptcy# 0 Gate Filed / / pate Lifted / / 01786 0733 100 V -rr;x COLLEC-roR ednesday p~'/23/200r~ - Parcel Number Access atus Legal Description LEG TF2ACT B „GREENBRIAR SUBD PH 1 Ii PB 33 PC~5 1 TO A i Property Values Market Value Assessed Value Exemptions Exempt value Taxable Value Sales Info SU Wp 1086 Praper•ty Addr Special Information Naverciber 30 0.00 December 31 0.00 January 31 0.00 February 29 0.00 M a r-~-h ._ 31-., _- 0. 0 0 May 23 Nat Available Next Prev Break pup E&Is Tax Bill 126326 1999 Parcel/Mailing Name & 18-21-31-50fi-0F00-0000 q. NORTON INC 1 ASCENSION BLVD ARLINGTON TX 76006 731 Tax Information Ad Valorem Non-Ad Valorem Tax Bi11 Interest Commission Advertising Tax Paid Receipt # Amount Gue If Paid By Ex History Legal Mrtg Pay Rekey Quit ~-E'MTNOCE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR ednesda=y Rea`I. Estate petail - Parcel Number Access Address Status Legal pescription LEG TRACT F GREENBRIAR SUBD PH 1 ~PB 33 PGS 1 TO 4 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Property Values Market Value Assessed Value Exemptions Exempt Value Taxable Value Sales Info SU Qp 0794 Property Addr Special Information November 30 0,00 pecember 31 0.00 January 31 0.00 February 29 0.00 March 31 0.00 May 23 Not Availableh Next Prev Break pup E&Is • 02/23/200-0 Other Information 0 Tax pint W1 0 Mortgage E & I 0 Bankruptcy# 0 Date Filed / / .Date Lifted / / 02803 1782 2,500,000 Ex History Legal Mrtg Pay Rekey Quit ~,r ~~ • • • /~ f ~ r v L'1 F '~) c N R' Y i I :, /~ [ U - ~ r rt; i u ., .•, G W t_ E+e w N1 0 O v W Ec t.. ~ ~~ guar xr`-~'- ar~:r 'il r?,.7 7i' C: L.. ns..a a, U ,. ~~ +- WtaJ ~ V7 G:. r cWa ~- ~~ ti ti i~.: ,~~ t` •4 ~ Gn TNIS WARRANTY GEED IS TIEING RE-RECORDEP~,~Ii ~r"~~~ E(RRl~ntf+~i TO CORRECT THE CNAIN OF TITLE. L RECQRDE•0 & VERI WAen ANTY DCEO •~~ 1, /'L ~'(~ t''t •'tr' ,/• r ~ • IIAMOO -ORM SJ tR nOM CORPORATION• 3 h 17 7.7 13as r~ov •ra PM r~: ? r This lflfiarranty ~eea (•rarrr• and r.rrrulyd tLr 9TH clay of OCTOBER ~1. D. 1986 ~Y MONROE VEFTURE II, INC, A FLORIDA CORPORATION, A JOINT VENTURES AND LECESSE CORPORATIO: DF WINTER SPRINGS, A FIy0RT1DA CORPQ~pTI(~N p ~)pINT pE TURES LN THE WINTER SPgLNgS J INT a corporatlon existing un Pr t tP taws of THE STATE OF FLORI~A anri baring ifs prfncipai place httstteess of 2611 TECHNDLOGY DRIVE, SUITE 100, ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 ~ENTI herefnafler ratlyd the grantor, to is °, CREENBRIAR HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION whose postofftrv nr(drPSS is aLECESSE CORPORATION, 2611 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE, SUITE 100 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32804 herninaflPr rolled the grantee: fWhrrrcer u.rd hrrein the vrat "ennbu" and "ennai' iMlu,k a0 Iht panic, to thi, ialrument and the brit,, Irpl npreunratirn and autna, ul iedividaah, and the maroon and wiam of eotpeneiotn) ~itnesseth: That tlu• grnntnr, for anri in consideration of the sum or $ 10.00 and other valuable ronstderations. reretpt whereof is hereby acEnawledne<t. by IhPSe prnsenb does grant, 6argatn, soft. f.] alien, mmtse, release, convey and confirm unto the grantee, all that rerlatn Land sttuate to SEMINOLE ri Countq, Ftortda, viz: r~ BEING ALL OF TRACT "G",(PAVED AREt.S), CREENBRIAR SUBDIVISION PHASE I, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 33, PAGES 1 THROUGH 4 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLOR7 BEING ALL OF TRACT "A", CREENBRIAR SUBDIVISION PHASE I, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 33, PAGES 1 THROUGH 4 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. N BEING ALL OF TRACT "B", CREENBRIAR SUBDIVISION PHASE I, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 33, PAGES I THROUGH 4 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING ALL OF TRACT "C", CREENBRIAR SUBDIVISION PHASE I, AS RECORDED IN PLAT ~~ BOOK 33, PAGES 1 THROUGH 4 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. a ~ BEING ALL OF TRACT "D", CREENBRIAR SUBDIVISION PHASE I, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 33, PAGES 1 THROUGH 4 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. w together with olt the tenements, heredttaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or to any- wtx appeHaintng. X30 ~iaue and t0 Mold, the same fn fce simple forever. 7l!<nd the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that it is lawfully seized of sold Ignd fn tae simpla; that it has good right and law/+aI authority to sell and convey said Land; that it hereby fatly war- tts ranb Ihs lftle to sold land and will defend the soma against the (awful claims of alt persons whomsoever cta and ehae sa[d-land to free of al! encumbrnnces ,except taxes accruing subsequent to N December 31, 1985, AND ANY EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS AND RESERVATIONS OF RECORDS, ti IF ANY. ..;s- (CORPOMTE SEAL) ~n fitness thereof the grantor has caused these presents to ba exec+sled en ila name, and tit torporale seal to be hereunto affixed, ly !ts proper of jtcPro Thereunto duty authorized. flee day and X~ar tint atwvf turf tan. SC-A-L Monroe Venture II, Inc. a Florida wrporation, A Joint Vent ter A.I.I.~.i.: and LeCesse Corporation of Winter Springs, A Florida Ctxpor ion ............................................................~.3oint Vextturzr..in..the..Winter...SGr..ftlg~..Jo!i1.!G..Y~!?~4!C.'~........r. Seueta St ned, sealed and delivered to the prosenca of: o ~ g ,~rti_„ x ~ $ ................f..`.......................................... ySalvadae F. '~•. ..... A rYQ Q9,(+ h a, '•- UiI~ ~ 4 in~• STATE OF FLORIDA ~ t- tw ~"4' o COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ~ V ~ I HERESY CERTIFY thN nn thu dar, l,rtwre tne, an ntfieer duly anlarieed in tM Snte and County alorraid to Uke aeiaewledttweau, W ~ ~"°n'hr 14'ard Salvadore F. Leccese x <. Nwall kaowa w the +o k the Prnidene sad tapee6.ely d tht eorpora+ies aataad u Va+tlsr fn the /ereaoiaa deed, sad 1hH (her rrveraar aeknowledaed eaetutiga the use in the pre,enee of two wbteribitq arieaarree fnslr and vehu/artly undtr wdoritr duly wised in them hr raid torpootion and 1tMe +he tW atliaed thereto it the trot ~w ~•d aid torparaefaa. WITNESS ten• land sad ofP ial erd is the County and Suee tut alort,aid thir IUTH ~,,•~«0 A~ . A. D. 19 $(r +'~ ~~ ,•i PrzEpar~ >3v ~' ~ - ' t t,dt•.in..1G [-tIDl~rtr`fU........ '.-_.._...._...:..:_. . _.._.._....__......._...___. FIRST AMERICAN TITIE INS. CO, t ` ~ ldrexs~~rntcrrt prrprtrcrl hy: 2337 Semoran Bivd• J ~ ots ~al+"~!~rf0~16tC.bftF15r4~ry~7,[~ Winter Park, FL 32792 • Frnhded Dy hlnenj~, ~,r,;,y~~.c:.$a:+ity ins. Co. ~~, 1/J-585 .• . C: .~~i Thia Inatrumont Prepared By /', Alld slloldd Be Behlrnrtl T_ n_ Wiliam E. Ba~ekl~ Fsq. Port Office Box 151629 ~t~ / ` j' / ' 4Ua Maitland Avenue ~ / Al~imonte Sprloar, F7ortda 32715.1619 move niu urrz roa novsnae lininainnlamnalamamnmonnumm~nm IWRYAf~,_ MORGE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT GEMINDLE COUNTY BK 04fifi1 PG 1803 CLERK'S t# 2003005049 RECORDED 01/10/2003 09tS9c0B AM GEED DOC TAX 0.70 RECORDING FEES 6.00 RECORDER BY L McKlnl~y QUIT-CLAIM DEED THIS QUIT-CLA~1 DEED, executed this 3p day ofE~9tel3er, 7f~6'l~by D. R. HORTON, INC. a Delaware corporation, first party, to GREENBRIAR AT TUSCAWILLA HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC., whose address is c/o Atwood Phillips, Inc., 1350 Orange Avenue, Suite 100, Winter Park, Florida 32789, second party: (Wherever used herein the terms "first party" and "second party" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal represaltatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, wherever the contact so admits or requires.) WTTNESSETH, that the said first party, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00, in hand paid by the said second party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quit-claim unto the said second party forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the said first party has in an to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate; lying and being in the County of Seminole, State of Florida, to-wit: Tract "F", Greenbrier Subdivision Phase 1, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 33, Pages 1, 2, 3 and 4, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida • • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the said first party, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said second party forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said first party has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in theme of P ' ed name: nted name;J~a.a "'e ~n . HORTON, IN , a Delaware orp lion, B :~ _ David V. A~ Its: Vice Presiden STATE OF FLORIDA COUNT'Y' OF O ALL n O.L I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared DAVID V. AULD, as Vice President of D. R. Horton, Inc., to me known to be the person described in, or who produced as identification, and who executed the foregoing Quit-Claim Deed and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State aforesaid this 30 day of ~~_ eAANDY~MtrnPltY Notary Public ~+! :.t MY I.QAh11SSI0N / DD 103352 n ~~P~wr~un~irarr,a Printed Name: J e Commission #: / L. ~~ THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: H. James Stadelman, Esq. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 285 Peachtree Center Ave. N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 404 - 880-3000 LAIiIS No.: 4144003846611 Asset Name: Greenbrier Subdivision ' N as m o T ~~ W ° ~ >: m n o ~ ~ ~, SUNBELT TITLE AGENCY ,"- '^~ 'o~', 6250 Hazeltine National Drive ~ m Suite 102 ~ Drfando, Florida 32822 (407},438.6773 ooa~«+~w 1rt K i~1..._. 500 OIIIT CL71I1[ DEED ~ • n SUNBELT TITLE AGENCY ~'+~7U' 1 y 6250 Hazeltine National priv~ ~_ Suite 102 RETURN TO: prlando, Florida 32322 (407(:438.6779: d~• :; 4 s. ^i4 %i'1i. Yx~• ~~ •. t,. ~fT~r _ . ~• .; 'PHIB IxbEMTIIRE made this _~ day oP July, 1994, by MONROE 3 ~.~ VENTURE II, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter called the z" ~ Grantor, whose address is 285 Peachtree Center Avenue, suite 300 ~ °ny Atlanta, Georgia 30303, and D. R. Horton, Inc., a Delawares "'mi'x corporation, whose addreoe is IfRf:l PSt~rn~i or, ~,1`r~L . "'`~ orx'-,~ A.•- t i r~n-E-or•~ ~t'fC _ ~l to ov v , arid'' z~ :s whose x identification number is ;" ~~ hereinafter called the Grantee. „~ r- ~; then used herein, the terms „Grantor" and "Grantee" include w all parties to this instrument and their respective heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns. AI'1'>KSBBETB: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of theme ~ sus: of TEN AND 00/100THS DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good an ~' valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which ie ~ hereby aoknowledged, does hereby remise, release and forever quit ciaia unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, all ofN a Grantors right, title, and interest in and to the follbwing°0 ~ described real property located in Seminole County, Florida: ~ ~ ao . -~ Parcel A:~a o Lots 21, 22, 44, Easterly 16 feet of Lot 45, Lots 54, 62, 63, 64, Tract F, Greenbrier Subdivision, Phase I, according to the plat thereof, ae recorded in Plat Hook 33, Pages 1 through 3, Inclusive, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Parcel 8: Lots 87 through 206, inclusive, GREENHRIAR SUBDIVISION, PHASE II, according to the plat thereol, as recorded in Plat Hook 40, Pages 42, through 44, inclusive Pub11c Records of Seminole County, Florida. u sn~na ~. ,v~=y.. • ..r ~ , ~,+ • TSIi D11ED Ii fIIT8OiJ'P 71]11[ 1r71AR7171TY (11iET1177it 8T71TIITORX, E]tPRE88 OA • IliPL2BD) , II11D OA7171TOIt DOEi ~ 1r1-RR7U1'1' TZTLE TO '1'TiE R871L PROPERTY a77RESx «-71vsYSD. TOOE'PBSR with all the tenements, hereditaments and ^' appurtanancas thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. u- oa ~ t~- ~' I7r RI'P71Eii 11BEREOl,Grant r h caused these pr ents t~ 4'"~ ~ sign by its I~~" ~~ '_ this jl,day of ~ 1994. -- ~' 6 .. tom.. "V > rn CD ~ CaJ m Signed, sealed and delivered 71O]iftOE VEliT17RE IZ, IIIC., in the presence of: a Tlozida corporation ~ ~. ~ S ~~ . Naas. Name: Title: ~ ::~`. l~lda:.fnts .ebisrs~r/ ;:~~. - z '~'*`' iTIIY's OP ~iEOR6i71 3 ~~:.::'_ ~t 5 Z EZftLi C~'1'ZTY, that on this day of , 1994, =~~ a ire sonall a arad Patricia J. Ra Pras ont, for baton y ppe Y. ~~ P~ 's 1ldlIR08 v73N'iRJRB ZZ, INC, a Florida corporation, to ms known .~i personally or who has produced as ~~; identilioation and acknowledged the exacut on thereof to h s/her ~' free act and dead for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. 11IlMS8i my signature and olfiaial seal at rr"-c 1 r! ~~.+_•»•y ,, Georgia in the County of Fulton. .+;,~s'«~MqG~ ._ .;. Yp P~~[I_B CS '+ Names ~O~ ~ • .w?x My Comm s ' commission ~ , •. [NOTI1RZl-I.-~,E7~ILr ,, ~jr ••• ~9 ~; ~hl- NN~a~ ,,, r 1 ~..J {d •:i #:~. t.• (~;' ~' i`- . N'.'1•~ .I'-- ~ ~ r .: ~.i 2 y5 MARIANNE MOR6E RECS]RCEC aGVERiF EO ' ~~ - CLERK Q~ CIRGUlT CGUP.T " ~ x+57956 g~auc ~e aH e: oz g~urn tot James F. Basque, Esquire Federal Deposit Insurance Corgi;.oration ~ ~ P.O. Hox 725003 ,v Orlando, Florida 32872-5003 r„~ 000 • ~ W ~~ This Ittetruaen~. graparsQ Bvs (V h James F. Basque, Esquire c ~ Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ~ ~ P.O. Box 725003 ~ ~ Orlando,Florida 32872-5003 a ~ (407) 858-3380 r ~ ~~ ' Parcels tV `: OOIT CIJ12M DEE6 _ ' 1 ISIS INDENTITRE made this ~~ day of 6frunM / , 1493, by LeCesse Corporation of Wint~ $ p$ gs, Inc. , a Fl~} iSi ~p poration with an office at iKI~L st ~ lw-~.i Dnve, ~-~(A~«~' ~.oR~0+4 ("Grantor") and Monroe Venture II, Inc. , a Florida corporation with an office at c/o Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, P.O. Box 725003, Orlando, Florida 32872-5003 ) ("Grantee"). ) ~~ When used herein, the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" include all pa"ties to this instrument and their respective heirs, legal 8 ~ o representatives, successors and assigns. F ~g ~ ~ Y 1fITNE88ETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the '~~ sum of TEN AND 00/100THS DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and w ~ ~ valuable consideratian, the receipt and sufficiency of which is i 9 hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and forever quit K claim unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to the fallowing e ~ described real property located in Seminole County, Florida: F ~ € (See Exhibit A attached hereto) i ~ M C TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. IN 11ITNEBB RREREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be signed by its duly auttiorized officer as of the ~ day of ~lonwr~ , 1993. Signed, sealed and delivered LECEBSE CORPORl1TION OF in resence of : WINTER// BPRi,,NQtiS. ING. ~•+~~ y • t6GC.esSE ~, Name: dL Title: N?me~ fib; ,. i STATE OF FLORIDA t1J ~ Ll70 COUNTY OF _OQiANGE. 3 W p'~~7 ~ fV ~_ a ~" r Z HmtEHY CERTIBY, that on this ~f,day of efpruMr ~ , X93, ~ before me personally appeared (~aoPor+a. F ~~ rsx~ n +*~ pIQBSrDd'ti7'~ of L S~ '~ CORPORATION OF WINTER SPRINGS, INC., who is personally known ~b ~ ~a or who has produced Dr~uers l.~s~SQ A i~ as identificatip,,d `'t`" and who signed the foregoing as such duly authorized officer and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his frame a and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. MITNE88 my signature and official seal at ~ ~ ~0 in the County of ^~C(M~G~.-__, :-~ V ~,~ ~, [ N IAL SEAL ] : '~ ~ -~- * qp i ~` ~. _a..~_ ... • • (typed, printed or s~anxped) Title or Rank Serial Number (if anyj My Commission Expires: 0 ~~ • ~~ .A. Loq 21, 22 and 24, has the Northerly 21.33 feet aad Soulhasly 10.67 fxt, Weet aao-lulf (W 1/2) of Lot 40, hra Bte Watt 18.00 feet, Lot 44, Baeteriy 16.0 feet of Lat 45, Lot 54, Santhedy aoe- helf (S1y.1/2) of Lot 371tre the 9autbady 16.0 3eet. Lots 62.63 6469, aad Lot 75 laa the West 16.0 feet and leas the Bat 16.0 fret, Tract F, t31tII@IBltIAR SCJBDMSION PHASB 1, aeoordia~ to Ws plat Ibaeof v cacorded in Plat hoot 33, pogo 1.2 sad 3, Public Reoordr of Srminols Cormty, Florida. Lots Zh through 206. inclusive, CiRBI?N9RI/-R 3UHDIV131ON, PHASE II, according b the plat thoraof a recorded is Plat hoot 44, pages 42, 43 and 44, Public Reoor<ta of Semioeb Comfy. FkKida. _ _ ~ _ _ . :V to C71 O~ 3 W x,... ~ N o ~' r r' r*t ~a n rn p O ~ r t7t) r~rrn t • • ~D DEC-09-04 TUE 09:SA AM P&L~LAWN~MAINTENANCE,INC ~0767910$S P. 91 '"~~(1# ~rrrrlr~~~,r• :~~ccet • `VYitYter ~''r~rk ~'I 327~Z ~~ -~ -~ ~~rc~r~~: ~'~'c~~ ~,a~wn ~Vlai~at~nance, inc. Tel: ~~07} 679.28 ~ ~ ray: (~Q7} E79-~Q85 Da~~;: ^_~_f~ / - ~- _ _ _ ~ - -~ T~J'I'~1.L NLr1v1~3ER OF PAGES INCL~ING C4VE~ SHEET: - ~~ • ~~ u I~y~ 1969 '~coRto~ Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ~ ~- ~`~~ Date: Z b a~~ Project: ~~~~ Safety and Equipment: ~~ r Monthly Maintenance Reports ~/~.` - ~s !No Dafe: ~ . :- . .. . .. 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. ? 2 S 4- 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 " 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. (''~-o W`-~ a-~' ~-j~-~- `~ ~'"""`~ 1 2 3 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverag ~~~`~ S'~~-ON ~ p"`~2 (~-~ f ~~5~-- ~~ ~ fY~~. 1 Q 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. ~.~~-S ~~ ~'~ ~' 1 2 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 ~~~ fvS -- • Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days un ess otherwisgnoted.) Tusca~rilfa Llghti~n~ and Baauti~icatiQr~ Qis~~rllc~ CITI~ Qf~ IAE~NTER &f~RtNQB MONTHLY LIGHTING INSPECTION ~2 Z j~~ Date: ~ Ins a tor: Entrances: ~ ~j 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. ~~ Z L Jr"'~ 2. Tuskaw~la Road and Trotwood. '~- 3. Shetland /Citrus. p~`-~ fis ~ C C 4. Rutter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. 5. Vistawilla. ,I~~"~C--., 6. Tuscora. (~1~~ 7. Dyson. __ ~~ 8. Deer Run. (9 _ 9. Howell Creek. ,~, Winter Springs Blvd: 1. Medians !Rights of Way. Notes: ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~" ~ 51 .. a~e~.-~7L~n4 J Ut 11 15 W1`7 F'7~eL*LAWN*f`1AINTENANCE. INC 40767910$5 P.. 01 - ,... ~. ~. N.,... w,.. ,, ~. ~ .. "7~t11 G~~r+~ner Street «'1~Vinter Park ~'I 3272 -~ -~'~ ~~ ~ ~'~ ~~*~-uxx~.:1~~'cI, Lawn Maaintezianc~, Znc. Ted: (407) b79-2810 tax: (A07} b79-1085 ~;~~~: ~. ~~ ~a ~ .~ .~~~ ~ri.~'~..~...,~ /~'1 ~ S ~~' 11..2..- S~~~ ~ o~ ~.a~-{ ..J. ...- .. _~...w+..+w..v +..+...o.w.~.-+.-..-..~ ~ ~ _- _ Tc7TAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUAII*iG COVER S~iEET: .~...~ __ DEC-02-04 TUE 11:14 AM P&L*LAWN*MAINTENANCE,INC 4076791085 ~Ym'A""~ ~' ~.r~w ~.~,. ~..a~'tiY;il ~.Y1dXX1~~'~~1~~~~~ 4~ ~~'I'~~~~~~~71 rf -~~F _ ::t.w, lit issLl ~~'.: <,: ~ ;~ox~C~ ~- P.02 ~~' tea? ~~~cr~~e;an ~.~ .~_. - _----- _'-. ,_. GiQCk Zone Prior(~(~ ~ Rrica r;,-~, rwM -n~Y~n ~....w~- ... _. . y ~ i _ -r-- ..r„ ._ .,_ < < ~ ._ .~. _.~. - .~. .~..,...._._.~ ,_. .V.,.,...._.....~._...~~ _ - 3<..-~ L':.t~o Fria>ti[y; C ] = CbiUCU1 darc~ag~ 1A prupercy _ - Ii2aiu~ ;~ ~~ ~cac ~:: = Cnncal p:Undgc i~un.propcrty ~ x ~ur~~ ~: '~ ~:iS~lllilCCJ110t1( TC}`z'AX~ ~ ~..........~ ~a~c t ~ r • Vendor: 4(9H ~t 1~2~,1~ ~~ r ~'_ Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Date: ") o Project: ~~~ Safety and Equipment: r Monthly Maintenance Reports Yes No Date: ~ • . • 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. ? .. 2 . 3 .. 4- 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 Irrigation system coverage. ~ ~~~5 1 Z 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. S' 1 2 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 ~- • . _- -- ~(,eq--fie.- ~~v~-~- C.,~,~yp~ed-e ~~, f'~`9~-'t,,~ ~ ,JS~ec~uJ J~c~.~i`o2--- Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working da s unless otherwise noted.) )` u Ce~-~'v r5 a C~~- tav~ ~ l~~' ~-~; ~' ~.~-}~ r~ ~ Gc~c.S S o~ ~lu~.4.~-, Svc ~. a.Ec..,'~..~ n Gi oclr ~.C-4- n n~ I: ~~ ~ ,~.~ Prn.Pr_c~-t u Ttn 2 i~ / (~ • Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ~~ L.- L~` y Date: ~ ~' ~~! ° Project: `T-"C.~ ~ ~~? ' ~'~ 9 ~ j~~ s ~~rfi~- Safety and Equipment: r Requests: PAS, ; ,J: Monthly M~aint~enance Resorts Yes G~No Date; it - ~ . 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 1 . 2 ~ .. ~. 4- 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3~ 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 irrigation system coverage. N~~S r`°~e' ~`'~~~" ~"'"'~°~S` v a- Fje, ~,.~ g Sir/; ce~ ~S 1 2 3 4 5 eta.-l e~ by c~~~-c%, 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 2 ~ 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3 4 5 (To be a led within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.} ~ Z C3„~Qle~`~ ~-~-- c S. ~ Cec~~4-2 ~c~ C r~-~ • 0 ~w.x7N~.'.;.. ~.--.,: ':'J"..~..'....~k.w `L:Y~~?'1G:i ,. n .v..v'b~kR~~Mi!`rK~ ers:.ti_~-x.a.... .,:•.nrr-•:i-^f__.._.__s_.'.... .:~,r.:; V.nSkMi.1~X.: w8i. --- „Ja:.:La::w ~ ~ ..#`:ro/ M.•~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~4. S J~ V ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y Y ~ . Y ~1.R .M1-7. 1Y+ .i. yam' ~ +4 .l V ~, ~: ~~ ~ Li .: l.;.~ l . 1 ~~ , _ f . I _. __... ,k `7_,..'°.._.~~~ scrlpLl~7fl ,„_..w-..~. ==_- - ..... ... CIOgK i _ _ 1 ~ Zona Pt) r! Q,~, ,_.A(iGd #~: ~~' ~ ~ - -- - ..~..... ~. ,..,M.._.__ .., ~i ~l .n ' ~ ,~/ ~ !i C~1 ~V/ f1 it n ' 1 / ~ / +j+r ~ ./ ~ ~~ ` . ,, ~~~ ~ f ) . _ -,-... ..~._--....... -.----. .~.....~~._ ~,~ -~ . .. r ~ -~.._....vr..-~..-~ tee............ i ~~~ m-~r.wr. rr.•uw~_~~~~.ur..n~ti-..rw~.rn w .- .-r-r.r~~ _ ~~ti. -.-...ww-~~--s..-.T~..-r vnrY~TV~. .~-- +^+~w'w'.Ytiv - • .w- • r .ww ~~. w . n. .~~ ~~~~~r ~~r-~~ ~r~ ~-v-~-.. •n-.•_r~v-_ ~~x.~u .- -... .. ~ .. .. ~~rv..~wn~~n ~r-~ l ww. ~+--~r~--w~w.+n--Y~~-~-+_~ f n..•-w•_ ' -... .. t i _. `p,yl L`~xn~ Anori[y: CI y Criueul dxrt,ugov~ prup~rty -R.-fu,u'a i:: pc Du13: C3 ~ Lh(lCfl1 UnJl]~IgO g0~1•NIOj~EI'4' R = R~p;ilr n ..n..w......._...... .! ~S~?' - .~,~ Urban Beautification Quality inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ~~`''J Date: 1 Z.~ ~~~ Project: (L.~ Safety and Equipment: ~,~, `1 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 2. Weeding of planters, curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. Irrigation system coverage. 6. Fertilization and chemical program. `S 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. t' 8. Overafl appearance and curb appeal. e 9. Vendor communication Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working Monthly Maintenance Reports _,Yes __,_No Date: 1 I~~~I `t ~ 5 1 ~2 3 4 5 1 2 4 5 1 2 ~ 4 5 1 2 4 5 1 4 5 4 5 1 4 5 ~~`~ 3 4 5 • -~ 0 w't11-- Ian. S . ~ yl,~'-_ (~''j" ~ i/ Stan... 1 C r•1 /~ c~. ~,,NS . .r~4--~-r~~.~, off' LA`S ~.r~w~.-~.ef a~ r.~~t ~~,JS K.a~ c1~"'~Py. • • a a e i U C co c .~ m a~ r+ ~ L ~' N_ a C O R ~ N R ~ ~N. m R C ~ Q SAN,, _~ W J ~ ~ m ~ ~ N N H V w Z G ~ N ~ N ~ ~ N O } Q O ~ O ++ N ~ j LL ~j h V ~ d O O d 0 w M O ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~+ r V! r .7 Ef? ~ m U .~ ~ a~'i ~ ~ aOOO G C V C v C . = ~t ~ ~ ~ _ r R ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ .~ +-~ otS cV Y ~ ~? N O N ~ ~ ~ 'D ~ N ~ d9 ~ ~ m C ~ C ~ Q1 ~ C _ C C ~ 0 ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ L Q ~ :` ~ ~ ~ f0 O ` U y ~ d' 'O + L ~ ~ ~ CC C r- ~ ~ ~ d UU ~ W ILJ O O ~o ~ ~ a `~' c a~ >, >. ~ „ >, >. >, „ ,~ O ma i ai a i~~ m ' d h h D J O M r .c C ~ N a 3 N N U d C O ~ O C C_ ~ f0 -p 'D ~ fC0 C rn ~ C U C '~ ~ ~ a~ U U ti ~c .o 3 m a~ U c a~ L ~_ Sq • ,,~A STWOOD ~TUFF,~ TURF of ~`ert~ral Flar~.c~~ l~r~~. ~ 615 C)~cLAHOri~A ~TR~~T QV[EDO, ~'i.. ~27~~ PH: A~07~~66~5~347 FAX: 4f~7-~6~~~5~7 EAST'W'OODTt..r~l~'TI.IR~'G AbU.CON1 W7NW.EASTW~ODTU~'1~ TURIr .GOM Landsca~t~ proposal. This proposal iuoludes all materials and labor required to complete work as bad. All work Will be completed in a timely manner. Any insurance/worker's compensation documentation will be furnished upon request. S1~'E D~SC1tIFT~ON: City of Winter Springs ~ESCRTPTION' OF WORK TO BE C'QMPx..ETE1D: Unit installation price for 3 gallon ($10.25) and 1 gallon (53.25) plant Ynaterial. *** Eastwood Tut'f Turf of Central Florida will not accept responsibility forrtetns damaged dine to digging that have not been properly marked. 'I~e wilt take all precautions to prevent damage. This inelrrdes pool deck, tiles, pavers, pool plnmbiag and irrigation.*i°* The fallowing prices prse strictly estimated artd the ettstnnter understands tbp[ the f trio! price utpy be d~ererit from the estimated t"ax will be Included In fitral drtvoic~ T11i~S )PROPOSAL S'CTBNI[TTED TO: TN WITNESS WaC~EItEOF, they have executed this agrcemeat the day and date written below. Customer: E®strvood Tu~Turf -- - ,.._ ~ .~ d a Print lYame: Print Name: Date Date: ~~.~/a..~~ `_~~' 'C ,B '-~~~~: ~~~~ "y4 L e~ Sc~.u~ Go-vv~cr~vvy" U ~ SIWOOD UFF,~ TURF cif ~:~r~t.r;.1 ~`.l c~:~ c~.~.: r~•c . 1615 OKLAHOMA STREET OVIEDO, FL 32765 PH: 407-366-5847 FAx: 407-366-4547 EASTWOODTUFFTURFC~AOL. COM WWW. EASTWOODTUFFTURF. COM Landscape Proposal This proposal includes all materials and labor required to complete work as bid. All work will be completed in a timely manner. Any insurance/worker's compensation documentation will be furnished upon request. SITE DESCRIPTION: Tuscawilla Entry Plants DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE COMPLETED: Install Jack Frost Ligustrum and Dwarf Burfordii Holly in the entry of Tuscawilla. Debris for each location will be removed prior to installation and dirt will be installed in the North Entry at the current low spot. Plant List 120 Jack Frost Ligustrum 171 Dwarf Burfordii Holly 3 gallon $1,220.00 3 gallon $1,653.50 Dirt, clean fill Debris removal and prep work • $475.00 $375.00 *** Eastwood Tuff Turf of Central Florida will not accept responsibility for items damaged due to digging that have not been properly marked. We will take all precautions to prevent damage. This includes pool deck, tiles, pavers, pool plumbing and irrigation.*** The following prices are strictly estimated and the customer understands that the final price may be different from the estimated. TERMS: $3,723.50 ~~ OVIEDO, F~ 32765 PH: 407-3665847 FAx: 407-366-4547 EASTWOO DTU FFTU R F CIAO L. C O M WWW. EASTWOODTUFFTUR F. COM Landscape Proposal • • This proposal includes all materials and labor required to complete work as bid. All work will be completed in a timely manner. Any insurance/worker's compensation documentation will be furnished upon request. SITE DESCRIPTION: Tuscawilla Entry Plants DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE COMPLETED: Install Nellie R. Stevens and Viburnum Suspensum in the entry of Tuscawilla. Debris for each location will be removed prior to installation. Plant List 87 Viburnum Suspensum 3 gallon $939.50 9 Nellie R. Stevens 8' OA $2,925.00 Debris removal and prep work $475.00 *** Eastwood Tuff Turf of Central Florida will not accept responsibility for items damaged due to digging that have not been properly marked. We will take all precautions to prevent damage. This includes pool deck, tiles, pavers, pool plumbing and irrigation.*** The following prices are strictly estimated and the customer understands that the final price may be different from the estimated. Tax will be included in final invoice. TERMS: $4,014.50 ~ry ~ STWOOD UFF,~ TURF 1615 OKLAHOMA STREET OVIEDO, FL 32765 PH: 407-366-5847 FAx: 407-366-4547 EASTWOODTUFFTURF@AOL.COM WWW. EASTWOODTUFFTURF.COM Landscape Proposal This proposal includes all materials and labor required to complete work as bid. All work will be completed in a timely manner. Any insurance/worker's compensation documentation will be furnished upon request. SITE DESCRIPTION: Tuscawilla Entry Sod DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE COMPLETED: Insta116 pallets of St. Augustine Floratam behind the Tuscawilla Entry Signs and in the areas sprayed with Round-Up. *** Eastwood Tuff Turf of Central Florida will not accept responsibility for items damaged due to digging that have not been properly marked. We will take all precautions to prevent damage. This includes pool deck, tiles, pavers, pool plumbing and irrigation.*** The following prices are strictly estimated and the customer understands that the final price may be different from the estimated. Tax will be included in final invoice. TERMS: $1,350.00 THIS PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: City of Winter Springs IN WITNESS WHEREOF, they have executed this agreement the day and date written below. Customer: Eastwood Tuff Turf Print Name: Print Name: Date: • Date: ~3 • '~ruF~°ORF c~a ~" C` ~r~ try ~ ~' ~-:r~ c.~~ ~ ~~c:~ . ~ 6 ~ 5 OKLAHOMA STREET OVIEDO, FL 32765 PH: 407-366-5847 FAX: 407-366-4547 EASTWOODTUFFTURF@AOL. COM WWW. EASTWOODTU FFTU R F. COM Landscape Proposal This proposal includes all materials and labor required to complete work as bid. All work will be completed in a timely manner. Any insurance/worker's compensation documentation will be furnished upon request. SITE DESCRIPTION: Winter Springs Boulevard Medians DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE COMPLETED: Installation of landscape material and according to customer-approved plans. LANDSCAPE DETAIL: Island 1-Part B Replace 1St with (68) 3 gallon Dwarf Burfordii Holly Replace 2"d with (16) 3 gallon Variegated Ginger Replace 3rd with (43) 3 gallon Xanadu Under pines, install (16) 3 gallon Thryallis Island 2 -Part A Under pines, install (16) 3 gallon Thryallis Island 2 -Part B Replace 1St with (16) 3 gallon Yellow Alder Replace 2"d with (65) 3 gallon Dwarf Burfordii Holly Under pines, install (16) 3 gallon Thryallis Replace 3rd with (31) 3 gallon Xanadu Island 4 Replace with (65) 3 gallon Dwarf Burfordii Holly Island 5 -Part A Replace with (75) 3 gallon Jack Frost Ligustrum Under pines, install (16) 3 gallon Thryallis ~O~ ETT/CO W S WSBLVDLS/ 111004 Island 14 -Part A Replace both with (106) 3 gallon yellow Alder Island 14 -Part B Replace both with (76) 3 gallon Yellow Alder Replace 3rd with (54) 3 gallon Dwarf Burfordii Holly Under pine, install (16) 3 gallon Thryallis Island 15 -Part A Replace 1St with (65) 3 gallon Variegated Ginger Replace 2"d with (75) 3 gallon Xanadu Under Pines, install (16) 3 gallon Thryallis Island 15 -Part B Replace 1St with (75) 3 gallon Xanadu Replace 2"d with (55) 3 gallon Jack Frost Ligustrum Island 16 Replace 1St with (65) 3 gallon Dwarf Burfordii Holly Island 17 -Part A Replace 1St with (31) 3 gallon Yellow Alder Replace 2"d with (40) 3 gallon Xanadu Replace 3rd with (31) 3 gallon Yellow Alder Island 17 -Part B Replace 1St with (78) 3 gallon Dwarf Burfordii Holly Replace both with (30) 3 gallon Yellow Alder Island 18 Under pines, install (16) 3 gallon Thryallis Replace lst with (85) 3 gallon Dwarf Burfordii Holly Replace 2"d with (60) 3 gallon Jack Frost Ligustrum Island 20 Under pines, install (16) 3 gallon Thryallis Replace 1St with (101) 3 gallon Jack Frost Ligustrum Island 21 Replace both with (106) 3 gallon Yellow Alder Island 22 Replace 1St with (150) 3 gallon Dwarf Burfordii Holly Replace 2"d with (53) 3 gallon Yellow Alder Replace 3rd with (45) 3 gallon Jack Frost Ligustrum Island 23 Replace with (75) 3 gallon Dwarf Burfordii Holly ETT/COWS WSBLVDLS/ 111004 66