HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999 02 23 Other Handout by Staff FEBRUARY 23, 1999 HANDOUT BY STAFF. 01/28/1999 09:59 E45253E PALMER ELECTRIC CO. PA(iE 02 PALM.~i.Llcn,c January 28) 1999 George Morris Tuscawilla Advisory Committee 1605 Wood Duck Drive Winter Springs FL 32708 Dear George: Palmer Electric will be glad to offer a special warranty for your lighting up grade. 1. We will extend our standard Parts and Labor warranty to 2 years from our standard 1. year period. This will match up to warranty offered by pole and fixture manufacturers. 2. Furnish customer (2) complete pole and fixture units. These units to be used to replace any fixtures damaged (knockdowns). Palmer Electric to install them at no cost during the first two years. Spare units to be stored by customer. 3. We will offer a maintenance agreement for years three, four, and five. Maintenance includes replacement of any fuses, lamps, ballast's and photocells, which fail during nonnal operation. Included in agreement is monthly check of system and replacement of any covered lamps and ballast's. Cost for maintenance agreement is $5900.00 per year based on 130 poles. Recap all failures during the first two years to he warranted by Palmer Electric. Palmer Electric to erect pole and fixtures to replace any "knockdowns" (limited to 2 pole and fixture units) at no cost for years one and two. Maintenance agreement to cover lamp, ballast, fuse and photocell replatement for yean three, tour and five. COlt of agreement ~900.00 per year. If I can be or any further assistance~ please feel free to call. 407.646-8700 Ext. 729 Thank you, c- Chris Bach Palmer Electric Commercial Service and Lighting PALMER ELECTRIC COM~ANY STATE LICENSE _ECOOOO269 875 JACKSON AVENUE · WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 407.646.8700 · FAX 407-847-5951 '", <l PALMER PiELECTRIC December 15,1998 George Morris Tuscawilla Advisory Committee 1605 Wood Duck Drive Winter Springs FL 32708 Attention: George Morris Payment terms: To be agreed upon work begins. Tax-Exempt. Description of Work I. Wiring and installation $244,320.00 I A. Assemble and wire 130 pole and fixture units and install lamps supplied by manufacturer. B. Install 130 direct burial pole/fixture units C. Furnish (6) 120/240-volt single-phase electrical services to power new lighting sYstem. Exact service locations will be coordinated with Florida Power Corporation. Services to include meter, distribution panel, photo control and contractors. Services to be weatherproof and built per National Electrical Code and local regulations. D. Furnish and install all required conduit and wiring to feed new poles. All wiring to be installed in conduit. Conduit shall be 1 ~ trade size typical with #4 aluminum XI-lliW conductors for main runs. Wiring is oversized by 50%, this will allow for additional fixtures to be installed or fixture size to be increased to 150 watts per pole. There will be no underground junction boxes. Brooks boxes (flush with surface) to be installed at each pole location. All fixtures to be individually fused. There will be no junction boxes on poles. E. Directional boring for conduits under roadways and driveways and as otherwise needed for a completed project is included. F. Electrical Permits are included G. Right of Way permits by others are not included under our proposal H~ Palmer Electric will request for locations on all underground utilities. Work will not commence until all utilities are flagged. Palmer Electric assumes no responsibility for obstructions not physically indicated. I. Palmer Electric will exercise reasonable care during the installation; however, sod and landscape replacement; irrigation repairs and utility charges are not included. II. Furnish poles fixtures and lamps A. Base Bid $198,998.00 1. Ameron Victorian Pole VEF-4 green 2. Holophane Arlington UAR 100HP 24B6-3-Lamp 3. Deduct for Stresscrete KD-13-G-EII-CIW 140 inleu of Ameron Pole <$26,600.00> PALMER ELECTRIC COMPANY STATE LICENSE #EC0000269 875 JACKSON AVENUE . WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 407-646-8700 . FAX 407.647.8951 ~, B. AH #1 $232,882.00 1. Ameron Washington Pole 26 ET 12 Green 2. Holophane Arlington UAR 100 HP 24 B6-3-Lamp 3. Deduct for Stresscrete KWC 13-G-EII-C/W -140 <$25,350.00> C. Alternate #2 $203,814.00 1. Ameron Victorian Pole VEF-4 Green 2. Holophane Utility Granville UGV 100HP 24 B4K/Lamp 3. Deduct for Stresscrete KD-13-G-EII-C/W 140 in leu of Ameron Pole <$26,600;00> D. Alternate #3 $237,614.00 1. Ameron Washington Pole 26 ET 12 Green 2. Holphane Utility Granville UGV 100HP 24 B4 K/ Lamp 3. Deduct for stresscrete KWC 13-G-Ell- C/W -140 in leu of Ameron Pole <$25,350.00> E. Alternate #4 $215,053.00 1. Ameron Victorian Pole VEF -4-Green 2. Holophane Utility Accorn UAClOOHP24B4 v/lamp 3. Deduct for Stresscrete KD-13-G-EII-C/W 140 in leu of Ameron Pole <$26,600.00> F. Alternate #5 $248,853.00 1. Ameron Washington Pole 26 ET 12 Green 2. Holphane Utility Accorn UAC 100HP 24 B4 K/ Lamp 3. Deduct for stresscrete KWC 13-G-Ell- C/W -140 in leu of Ameron Pole <$25,350.00> G. Alternate #6 $268,541.00 1. Ameron Victorian Pole VEF- 4 green 2. Holophane Washington Postlite W A 100 HP 24 B 4B 6/Lamp 3. Deduct for Stresscrete KD-13-G-EII-C/W 140 in leu of Ameron Pole <$26,600.00> H. Alternate #7 $302,341.00 1. Ameron Washington Pole 26 ET 12 Green 2. Holphane Washington Postlite W A 100 HP 24 B 4B 6/Lamp 3. Deduct for stresscrete KWC 13-G-El1- C/W -140 in leu of Ameron Pole <$25,350.00> lIt Warranty A. All materials, equipment installed shall be listed by Underwriters Labority. All materials to be installed based on manufacture recommendations. All work per National Electrical code and local authority having jurisdiction. Labor and material supplied and installed by Palmer Electric will be covered under our standard one-year warranty. Lamps are warranted for thirty days. Upon substantial completion, the owner will receive our standard letter of warranty. Fixtures and poles will be warranted by the manufacturer according to their standard practice. All manufacture warranties will be turned over to owner at such time. Ten percent (13) spare lamps to . be turned over to customer at such time. As built drawings and panel schedules to be turned over to owner. IV. Performance Bonding is not included under this proposal. This propos'al shall act as contract and is binding. Work will not be scheduled until proposal is signed and returned to Palmer Electric Company. All work to be done in a neat and workmanlike manner in accordance with the best available practices and manufacturers' recommendations. All work to be performed during our normal working hours of 8AM and SPM, Monday through Friday. Additional trips, or lost production time, caused by customer scheduling problems or any additional work, will be billed separately. All work is performed under Palmer Electric Company standard insurance coverage. If! can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me at 646-8700 ext. 729. This quote is valid for 30 days Very Truly Yours, Palmer Elect~c ~ ~~h Chris Bach, Estimator Commercial Service Accepted: ,19 By: Lake Fountains and Aeration, tloating tountains tor lakes ana ponas. . ~ r'.~ ~~._".~ ~~........~ .SPRING '99 SPECIALS!!! SAVE LOTS OF $$ for a limited time! Click here for the best values we have ever offered! Lake Fountains and Aeration, Inc., headquartered in Sanford, Florida, is one of the largest manufacturers of high quality and reliable floating fountains for lakes and ponds. These fountains utilize submersible water pumps rather than propellers, resulting in a much greater availablility of spray patterns and spray heights. Typical Lake Fountains units operate from 4' to 60' in height and employ pumps from 1/2 hp to 40 hp or more. Construction is of all corrosion-resistant materials. Many popular models are readily available. Specialized custom designs are also available. Our engineering staff is available to help with design and to assist with technical specifications. These fountains are available with many options such as wind controls, deluxe power control centers and lighting packages. They can be shipped anywhere in the United States and are easy to install. Lake Fountains offers discounted factory direct sales and may be reached by calling 1-800-353-5253 or by faxing to (407) 324-1344. Should you be in need of aquatic management for lakes, ponds or other bodies of water, please make sure you visit our sister company The Lake Doctors. I home I photo galleria I technical info I pricing I free proposal I emaill This Web Site Developed and Hosted by I JJl1sllJr1l1 http://www.lakefountains.com/ rage;: 1 V1 1 2/23/99 -- ------- Lake t ountains and Aeration, tloating tountams tor lakes and ponds. Page lof2 ~~~ ~..'!l '. . ,~l@~..~._...:p.t.~......~.._.'M.._._..... ','::1.. ~ l A.f_!.:!.!.:" .o"! .~. . Special! LAKE FOUNTAINS is pleased to offer unbelievable specials on our most popular 3 tier fountains! It's a 3 HP water castle (3 tier) which operates at a spray height of up to 30' or A 2 HP operating at 25' or a 1 HP operating at 15'! This complete fountain comes with a deluxe control panel and 150' of underwater power cable. 3 HP 30' List Price $3,884.00 Special Price $2,995.00 2 HP 25' List Price $2,984.00 Special Price $2,295.00 1 HP 15' List Price $2,614.00 Special Price $1,995.00 An optional deluxe lighting package is available which consists of two 300 or 500 watt deluxe underwater lights, 150' of underwater power cable and lighting controls built into the control panel. 2-500 watt List Price $1,574.00 Special Price $995.00 2-300 watt List Price $1,284.00 Special Price $895.00 Complete Fountain with Deluxe Lighting Package: 3 HP List Price $5,458.00 Special Price $3,990.00 You Save $1468.00!!! 2 HP List Price $4,558.00 Special Price $3,290.00 You Save $1268.00!!! 1 HP List Price $3,898.00 Special Price $2,890.00 You Save $1008.00!!! For more detailed information, see our L.F. Series. To get a free detailed proposal for this special see our FREE PROPOSAL and complete the form. Note: Be sure to mention the Special Pricing! Or call us at 1- 800-353-5253. http://www.lakefountains.comls_special.htm 2/23/99 Lake Fountains and Aeration, floating fountains for lakes and ponds. These specials won't last. Call now to get your order in. Also ask about other available spray patterns available at the same heavily discounted pricing! I home I photo galleria I technical info I pricing I free proposal I emaill This Web Site Developed and Hosted by 1-/llalllJT1J1 http://www.lakefountains.com/s_special.htm Page 2 of2 2/23/99 Lake Fountams ana AeratIOn, I10atmg lountams lOr takes and ponas.- Page i ot 2 -...'..... ,.: ' I ; .: .'. - - Fountain Pricing Lake Fountains can price out a fountain for you quite easily based upon your concept of desired spray height, spray pattern, horsepower and other factors such as lake or pond size, depth and shape as well as electrical power available. Pricing a fountain is like building a kit. You start with the basic model then add the desired options such as lighting, control panel, additional underwater power cable, shipping, etc. Following are some examples of fountain pricing based upon selected models shown in our Fountain Galleria. Please call us to confirm pricing as many discounts are available and we want to offer you the lowest possible price for these very high quality and reliable fountains. ! Example #1 (See Photos # 1, #4 & ~ 2HP 3-tier or morning glory or aerating jet 1 1 LF 2000, 2hp 230 volt, single phase with 50' cable II $2,295.001 12 - 500 watt, 120 volt lights II $1,195.001 ! Additional 50' of 10 gauge power cable (pump) Ii $95.001 iAdditional50' of 14 gauge power cable (lights) I] $60:00] ! Complete fountain power control center II $688.001 ]Total, Less Shipping II $4,333.001 iNotes: Without lights, subtract $1444.00. Other nozzles available at same price. 1 I HP similar model, subtract $330. Shipping is F.G.a. Sanford, FL and is not . included in sample pricing shown here. Call factory for discounts available. i iExample #2 (See Photo ru 1/2 HP, 2-tier, no lights 1 , iLF 500, 1/2 HP, 120 volts, single phase with 50' cable II $ 1,595.001 [Complete fountain power control center II $395.001 I, iTotal, Less Shipping Ii $ 1,990.001 iNotes: 5 other nozzle configurations available at same price; 3-tier, cluster jet, : aerating bubbler and morning glory. Call factory for discounts available. IExample #3 (See Photo Ifl) 5 HP pod jet with spray ring I i5 HP, 230 volt, single phase pod/ring fountain ~I $ 5,295.001 14-500 watt, 120 volt lighting kit Ii $2,145.001 I Complete fountain power control center Ii $1,244.001 i Additional 100' of 8 gauge pump cable II $290.001 iAdditional200' of 12 gauge lighting (2 circuits) II $280.001 Ii ITotal, Less Shipping II $ 9,254.001 I http://www.lakefountains.com/pricing.htm 2/23/99 Lake Fountains and Aeration, floating fountains for lakes and ponds. rNotes: Subtract $2,674.00 with no lighting. Other voltages available. Call i factory for discounts available. I Example #4 - (See Photo ~ 15 HP cascade 115 HP cascade with 230 volt, three phase pump ~I $ 7,195.00 18-500 watt, 120 volt lighting kit II $4,145.00 I iComplete Fountain Power Control Center II SI,844.00 I Additional 150' of 4 gauge pump cable II S930.00 I Additional 300' of8 gauge lighting cable II $870.00 iT otal, Less Shipping II $14,984.00 l iNotes: Other voltages available. Single stagtl wind control option, available at 1$1,365.00. Call factory for discounts available. For help in pricing YOUR fountain, call us at 1-800-353-5253. We will step you through the process of selecting a fountain, pricing it, applying any available discounts and sending you a complete fountain proposal package. I home I photo galleria I technical info I pricing I free proposal I emaill This Web Site Developed and Hosted by IlillllllJTlIl http://www.lakefountains.comlpricing.htm Page 2 of2 2/23/99 Lake Fountains and Aeration, floating fountains for lakes and ponds. _..t....'.'...... .:1 I . . . 11 . - Page I of2 ~... ~ GL.ke . .t.i.. i-" ":40. 'f -:"",-. A:o(:";:' Q H__~: ?Mt7i#f~gerko The appeal of our pod jet/spray ring fountains lies in their geometry; a large stream rising straight up surrounded by a lower tier of smaller jets set at an angle from vertical. The delicate floral-like pattern is very attractive and illuminates well. These fountains are equipped with our durable float assembly, submersible turbine pumps and a complete fountain control center. ..L. http://www.lakefountains.comlpjrs.htm Technical Information PERFORMANCE ,'8P1 pray Ring Ii Ring Jet 1I1I Height ': Size ; CTII 10' II 5/16" II i 1~211 30' 12 I~~I 24 I 10 I! 40' 12 5/16" II 24 :=:.!2J1 50' 15 5/16" !I 24 . 20 IL 60' !I 18 5/16" Ii 32 :*Spray height and nozzle size and number can be !varied. , # Ring Jets 16 I SUGGESTED LIGHTING I I :Spray heights!l# LightsllWattsllVoltagellAmps! 25' II 6 I~I 120 II 15 i i 30' !I 6 I~I 120 ![!D , 40' !i 6 I~! 120 II 25 ! 50'. 60' II 8 I~I 120 II 33 ! IELECTRlCAL REQUIREMENTS I HP II Voltage ~~I * 230 volt, I phase or 3 phase ~I * 230 volt, 3 phase 1* 208 volt available by request ..... 2/23/99 http://www.lakefountains.com/lthead.htm 2/23/99 Lake Fountains and Aeration, floating tountains tor lakes and ponds. Typical Installation te-s Page 2 01'2 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS i Model II Voltage :1 Phase Ii Amps iC!!:!J1 Discharge LF 3000 II 230 ii ~I ]7110.9 1Q:!J1 290 GPM LF 2000 II 230 Ii] or 3 II ]5/10.5 IQ!]I 230 GPM LF ] 000 II 230 !I] or 3 II 8.5/5 [J~I] 60 GPM LF 750 II ]20/230 I: ] or 3 II 13/7.5/4.] I~! 100 GPM LF 500 Ii ]20 ] II II I~I 70 GPM vo ts aVID ale y specla or er; ca e en over 50' by special order. net I home I photo galleria I technical info I pricing I free proposal I emailJ This Web Site Developed and Hosted by IlllJsIIJT-"! http://www.lakefountains.com/lfhead.htm 2/23/99 Page 1 of 1 48 _ _ ~l;CJ.~j~ CD Galleria of Fountains 3.) 2 HP, Pod Jet With Spray Ring- This model features a center pod jet with a spray height of 10' and a 4' diameter spray ring with 16 5/16" brass jets operating at a 6' height. This model is pictured at an Orlando area hospital pond. tevilUS net I home I photo galleria I technical info I pricing I free proposal I emaill This Web Site Developed and Hosted by l_lutlJlJT'Bl http://www.lakefountains.com/003.htm 2/23/99 Lake Fountains and Aeration, t10ating fountains for lakes and ponds. ~ ~ - Page I of I CD cu." <:;FOQntaiM .' :i": 'c.-jt':A:~-.L'-. 9.~C:-~' ~n-Splem9 One of the most beneficial and cost-effective methods of improving your lake or pond is the installation of an aeration system. This ':'f:simple bubbling of air to the surface adds life- giving oxygen to the water and creates a vital circulation pattern. The result is healthier fish, reduced algae growth, fewer dissolved toxic gasses, less odor, elimination of stagnation and lower lake management costs. tevlOUS Aeration systems offer many advantages including much lower installation, energy and maintenance costs, more efficient oxygenation and circulation, and simplicity of design. Basic systems include a 1/3, 1/2 or 3/4 HP, air compressor, cabinet, weighted tubing and diffuser (airstone) assemblies. ~~. . ...~ --.- 'n ~, r,,;,:~>~. .',:Cl"'" -.:' '::a. Ullpll8ntCablnel CALL US FOR FREE CONSUL T A TION IN DESIGNING A CUSTOM SYSTEM ,I I' FOR YOUR LAKE OR POND. oet I home I photo galleria I technical info I pricing I free proposal I emaill This Web Site Developed and Hosted by /1JlMflllrlll http://www.lakefountains.com/as.htm 2/23/99 February 10, 1998 Via facsimi I ie to 426-7835 Attention: Mr. James Lentz Thanks for your input to our Tuscawi I la Advisory Board last evening. We have considered the possibi I ity of buying and instal I ling our own street I ighting system as an option to leasing a new system from Florida Power. Yearly operating cost for leased I ighting is $43,000. We can purchase and instal I for $425,000; annual energy cost $4,176; and annual service and maintenance contract $5,900. It appears our expense would be equal to by year eleven. It then indicates that period of financing we could save enough mid-term. Florida Power costs during the 30 year to upgrade the system Would you be so kind as to calculate for us the true breakeven point including the cost of money and fax the detai I to me at 359-7887. Thanks for this extra consideration. Sinc /el~ ;~ #?h-7 eorge Morris, TBD Advisory Ee FEB.11.1999 1:09PM 1'1() . 056 P.2/2 MEl\'lORANDUM TO: George :Morris FROM: . DATE: Jim Lentz Febnlary 11, ~ Tuscawilla Bcautitication District SUBJECT: The annual debt service cost for financing a $425,000 capital improvement for 15~ 20 and 30 years al'e approximately 15 Years 20 years 30 Year! Debt Service $41,250 $34,850 $29,116 O&M 5,900 5,900 5,900 Energy Cost 4,178 4,178 4.178 Annual $51,328 $44,928 $39,194 Based upon the above, your breakeven point should be approximately a 22..23 year time frame. I hope this answers your question. cc: Ron McLemore w/attachment February 22, 1999 Via facsimi I ie to 426-7835 Attention Jim Lentz Re: Tuscawi' la Advisory Board, Thanks for your debt service info of February 11th. Would you please furnish simi lar debt service costs for financing a capital improvement of $456,610. Maintenace costs for year one and year two are included with the improvement; annual O&M thereafter wi II be $5,900; energy costs wi' I be $4,176 per year. We wish to compare this with a leased I ighting cost of $54,792 per year, $1,643,760 for 30 years. Is there any debt service or other charges for this lease item. What year would be our breakeven point. A reply by fax to 359-7887 wi I I be most helpful. Your assistance is appreciated. szare I y, _---. ~~t-j& ~/J---_;' ~George Morris, TBD Advisory :dj ~'lO. 13:=: P.2/2 FEB.22.1333 11:52AM MEMORA.~DUM DATE: TO: FROM: Jim Lentz SUBJECT: Tuscawilla Advisory Board Based upon a $456,610 capital cost and 0&1'.1 cost of $5,900. plus energy cost of $4,176l your breakeven point w01.Jld be slightly less then 15 years, Leased Lighting Cost $44,122 5,900 4.178 $54,200 $54,792 Estimated Debt Service (15 Years) O&M Energy Cost I have not included the two (2) )TearS of 0&1'.1 savings your memo indicated you would incUI', which would make this analysis slightly more favorable and reduce th.e breakeven point further. In the n\ture please allow for a 48-hour turnaround time. Thank you. "' TBO STREET LIGHTING CO~PAnISONS, 130 POLES AND FIXTURES BENEFITS OF TBD PURCHASE, INSTALL & MAINTAIN 1- UNDERGROUND CONDUIT SYSTEM WITH 6 METERING POINTS PHOTO CELLS AT METERING POINTS, NOT ON EVERY POLE NO HIDDEN DIRECT BURIED CABLES EASE OF MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLE SHOOTING HEAV'( WALL PVC CONDUIT FOR WinE PROTECTION AND LONG LIFE WILL ACCOMODATE FUTURE TECHNOLOGY: SOLAn, OTHER (NONE OF ABOVE AVAILABLE FROM FLORIDA POWER) 2- OVERSIZED THREE WIRE 240/120 VOLT WIRING ALLOWS FOR 50 % CAPACITY INCREASE OF POWER SHORTER WIRING RUNS, BALANCED LOADS DESIGNED TO HANDLE UP TO 150 WATT LAMPS & NEW LUMEN SOURCES NO RE-WIRING NEEDED TO UPGRADE FIXTURES TO HIGHER WATTAGE CONTRACTOR PROVIDES AS-BUILT DRAWINGS OF COMPLETED SYSTEM (NONE OF ABOVE AVAILABLE FROM FLORIDA POWER) 3- JUNCTION BOXES AT EACH POLE LOCATION FOR EASY ACCESS NO HIDDEN OR BURIED HARD TO LOCATE SPLICES BOXES SET LEVEL WITH GROUND SURFACE LESS EXPENSIVE TO MAINTAIN AND/OR REPAIR (NONE OF ABOVE AVAILABLE FROM FLORIDA POWER) 4- PROVISION FOR LOCAL LUMINAIRE MOUNTED WP RECEPTACLE POWER FOR MAINTENANCE, CLEANING, PAINTING ELECTRICIAN NOT NEEDED FOR DECORATIVE/SEASONAL DISPLAYS (NONE OF ABOVE AVAILABLE FROM FLORIDA POWER) OPERATION & MAINTENANCE COSTS 1- FREE MAINTENANCE OF COMPLETE PACKAGE FOR TWO YEARS (NOTED IN FINANCIAL COMPARISONS COLUMNS 11111 & IIJII) 2- MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT $5,900 FOR YEAR 3 AND THEREAFTER (INCLUDED IN FINANCIAL COMPARISONS COLUMN IIHII) 3- LONG TERM MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT AVAILABLE 4- FREE REPLACEMENT OF 2 POLES AND 2 LIGHTING UNITS RESULTING FROM KNOCKDOWNS DURING FIRST 2 YEARS OF OPERATION 5- RISK FOR KNOCKDOWNS THEREAFTER CAN BE COVERED UNDER A $500 RIDER ON EXISTING THOA, AND/OR VEHICULAR INSURANCE 6- ANNUAL ENERGY CHARGE $4,176 (INCLUDED IN FINANCIAL COMPARISONS, COLUMN IIGII) 7- ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND ENERGY COSTS AFTER WARRANTY $10,076 (TOTAL OF COLUMNS IIGII & IIHII IN FINANCIAL COMPARISONS) WASHINGTON POLE AND FLAGLER FIXTURE FINANCIAL DATA TUSCAWILLA BEAUTIFCATION DISTRICT 15 YEAR PERIOD PURCHASE, INSTALL, ENERGY, & MAINTENANCE DEBT SERVICE CHARGES TOTAL FINANCED COST FOR PERIOD PAYMENT COMPLETED AND DISTRICT OWNS COMPLETE * $830,760 SAVINGS COMPARED TO LEASE PLAN FLORIDA POWER LEASE CONTRACT OPTION $595,950 $217,050 $813,000 SYSTEM @ YEAR 15 30 YEAR PERIOD ANNUAL LEASE RATE TOTAL COST FOR PERIOD ALLOW FOR ENERGY USE INCREASES DISTRICT MUST CONSIDER RENEWING LEASE OF 30 YEAR OLD EQUIPMENT IF FLORIDA POWER AGREES, OR UPGRADE AT UNPREDICTABLE COSTS $ 54,792 $1,643,760 * ADD SAVINGS FROM CITY CONTRIBUTION FOil PROPORTIONATE SHARE OF OPERATING EXPENSE AS THEY DO FOR OTHER PARTS OF THE CITY (SHOULD COVER ENERGY AND MAINTENANCE COSTS) ~ I~ ;S I~ ;S .~ ;S t:l :z: ~ ;S ~ <: I~ ;S () () () 0 () (5 () td ~ CIl >-l CIl >-l CIl >-l ~ ~ CIl C3 CIl C3 CIl C3 ::r:: 0 ::r:: 0 ::r:: 0 ~ l"!l ::r:: ::r:: ::r:: t:I 52 ;::tl 52 ~ 52 ~ .. 52 ~ 52 ;::tl 52 ~ ~ ~ "Cl ~ Q Q >- Q ~ Q ~ Q Q ~ z ~ 0 0 ta 0 0 " 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'T:l Z to ~ ~ L' ...... 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"+:.. ....... ~ 0 () -..l -..l 0\ ;:5 0 ~ ....... 0 -..l VI W CIl 0 N ...... 00 w 00 0 VI 00 N >-l N 0 VI .0\ .......w ~ ~ "+:.. .~ "0 \0 CIl W W ~ ....... . e:> 00 00 0\ 0 N >-l \0 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 ~ CIl () ~ L' g: to trl ~ 'T:l (5 ~ ~ t:I ~ Q ~ ~ L' Q ~ Q () o ~ ~ ~ CIl ~ .CIl ....... w o "t:l o L' trl CIl ~ t:l ~ CIl ; . Lighting and Beautification District Design Report 29 January 1999 (Rev. 1) 2 February 1999 (Rev. 2) 3 February 1999 (Rev 3) 20 February 1999 J~~I Prepared by . sri Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture Inc. 890 Northern Way Suite E 1 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 ..-~. Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Contents Executive Summary Estimate of probable cost Summary Estimate of probable cost Breakdown Index of Drawings page 1 2 3 Entrance Enhancements AO 1 Primary Entry Dimension Plan AO 2 Secondary Entry Dimension Plans AO 3 Primary Entry Landscape Plan AO 4 Secondary Entry Landscape Plans AO 5 Primary Entry Electrical Plan AO 6 Secondary Entry Electrical Plans AO 7 Primary Entry Elevations AO 8 Secondary Entry Elevations AO 9 Wall Sections AO 10 Wall Sections Median Island Enhancements Al Median Island No. I Landscape Plan A2 Median Island No. 1 Landscape Plan A3 Median Island No. 1 Landscape Plan A4 Median Island No. 1 Landscape Plan AS Median Island No. 1 Landscape Plan A6 Median Island No. 1 Landscape Plan A7 Median Island No.1 Landscape Plan AS Median Island No. 1 Landscape Plan Prepared by . SrI Starmer Ranaldi Planning and Architecture Inc. 890 Northern Way Suite E 1 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Executive Summary Purpose: The Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Committee was tasked to develop an overall community improvement program that will enhance the appearance of the Tuscawilla P.U.D. in an effort to identify Winter Springs and the Tuscawilla area as the premier residential community of choice in Central Florida. The committee's focus turned to making significant improvements to three specific areas of the existing well established community. 1. Make improvements to the entrances into and around the community. 2. Malee improvements to the landscaped medians along Winter Springs Boulevard, which is the primary road through the community. 3. Make improvements to the street lighting along Winter Springs Boulevard which is the primary road through the community Methodology: To this end the committee retained the services of design and planning consultants to develop numerous alternative design concepts for their review and consensus, which through a series of meetings enabled the committee to make an informed decision as to which theme to adopt and direction to proceed. Conclusion: The final enhancement improvements attached herewith represent the collective decision of the Lighting and Beautification Committee, representatives from the City of Winter Springs, consultant Kangee Graham, and design consultants sri. Enclosed herewith you will find concept design drawings as well as a detailed estimate of probable cost for the three areas of enhancement identified above. It is important to note that the attached design drawings are not construction documents and can not be relied on for construction purposes. They are however completed in sufficient detail for the consultants to provide the committee with a reasonable estimate of cost, and can also be used by a third party in the construction industry to confirm probable cost for construction. . SrI Tuscawllla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost summary Rev 1 (2 fab 99) Rev 2 (3 tab 99) Rev 3 (20 tab 99) T I unit auantitv unit cost total area cost 1 sf Entrances primarY entrY ea 1 871088 $ 871,088.00 100000 $ 8.71 secondarY entrv ea 1 61778 $ 61,778.00 5000 $ 12.36 tertiarY entrV- ea 1 128679 $ 128,679.00 5000 $ 25.74 minor entry ea 6 36411 $ 218,466.00 3000 $ 72.82 ., subtotal $ 1,280,011.00 113000 $ 11.33 Median ISlands median isle 1 ea 1 72452 $ 72,452.00 24100 $ 3.01 median isle 2 ea 1 66912 $ 66,912.00 26000 $ 2.57 median isle 3&4 ea 1 36692 $ 36,692.00 6100 $ 6.02 median isle 5 ea 1 59038 $ 59,038.00 19400 $ 3.04 median isle 6 ea 1 62871 $ 62,871.00 20300 $ 3.10 median isle 7&8 ea 1 56492 $ 56,492.00 13600 $ 4.15 median isle 9&10 ea _ 1 80391 $ 80,391.00 16800 $ 4.79 median isle 11 ea 1 54481 $ 54,481.00 15300 $ 3.56 median isle 12&13 ea 1 61447 $ 61,447.00 14500 $ 4.24 median isle 14 ea 1 68248 $ 68,248.00 17500 $ 3.90 median isle 15 ea 1 83414 $ 83,414.00 20800 $ 4.01 median isle 16 ea 1 36657 $ 36,657.00 6200 $ 5.91 median isle 17 ea 1 63797 $ 63,797.00 17700 $ 3.60 median isle 18 ea 1 53513 $ 53,513.00 13900 $ 3.85 median isle 19&20 ea 1 56616 $ 56,616.00 15400 $ 3.68 med isle 21,22,&23 ea 1 77504 $ 77,504.00 14100 $ 5.50 Tsubtotal $ 990,525.00 261700 $ 3.78 Street Slanaae Street name and 5to ) sign 44 1500 $ 66,000.00 Directional graphics 25 2160 $ 54,000.00 1 subtotal $ 120,000.00 IConstructlon Total $ 2,390,536.00 Operation and Maintenance Entrances I $ / Month Months Annual Wall and oaver cleaning $ 908.33 12 $ 10,900.00 Landscaoe fertilization $ 758.33 12 $ 9,100.00 Landscaoe maintenance $ 2,216.67 12 $ 26,600.00 Electric utilitv $ 1,376.67 12 $ 16,520.00 Landscaoe replacement 1(148000 /15) $ 808.33 12 $ 9,700.00 Pump and light repalcement 1(53k115+126x2x30) $ 916.67 12 $ 11,000.00 I subtotal $ 6,985.00 12 $ 83,820.00 Median Islands I Landscape fertilization $ 1,800.00 12 $ 21,600.00 Landscaoe maintenance $ 5,250.00 12 $ 63,000.00 Landscape replacement 660000 115) $ 3,666.67 12 $ 44,000.00 ., subtotal I I $ 10,716.67 12 $128,600.00 Street Liahtina FPC Lighting Lease (5oo0/mo-citv contrib 1170) $ 3,830.00 12 $ 45,960.00 Part time Property Manager $ 908.33 12 $ 10,900.00 lOperatlon and Maintenance Total $ 22,440.00 $ 269,280.00 . SrI 2 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost PrimarY Entrv unit : Quantity unit cost total oond demolition sf 10100 3.2 $ 32,320.00 site c1earinQ ac 2.4 2000 $ 4,800.00 site fill ev 2000 6 $ 12,000.00 site grading cy 2000 4 $ 8,000.00 subtotal $ 57,120.00 10 wall conc fndn cy 35.6 204 $ 7,262.40 10 wall cone bloek sf 320 6.1 $ 1.952.00 10 wall struct brick sf 1120 11 $ 12.320.00 mi wall eone fndn ev 68 204 $ 13,872.00 mi wall eone block sf 1226 6.1 $ 7,478.60 mi wall struct briek sf 2760 11 $ 30,360.00 hi wan cone fndn lev 53.4 204 $ 10,893.60 hi wall eone b10ek sf 960 6.1 $ 5,856.00 hi wall struct briek sf 2160 11 $ 23,760.00 hi waN alum rait If 240 36 $ 8,640.00 I subtotal $ 122,394.60 Dond 30 mil Dve linr sf 3000 3 $ 9 000.00 Dond 4. shot-crete sf 3000 10 $ 30,000.00 fall 30 mil Dve liner sf 340 3 $ 1 020.00 fall 4" shot-crete sf 340 10 $ 3,400.00 fall Dumol 10hp 2 8500 $ 17,000.00 fountain DumD 3hD 2 5500 $ 11,000.00 filter DumD 2hp 2 4000 $ 8,000.00 filtration eouiDment ea 2 12000 $ 24 000.00 fall DiDino and iet ea 2 26000 $ 52,000.00 fntn piping and jet ea 2 18000 $ 36,000.00 I subtotal $ 191,420.00 conc sidewalk cv 50 220 $ 11,000.00 cone Davers sf 13400 8.5 $ 113900.00 conc ribbon curb cy 70 210 $ 14,700.00 cone sub base cy 165 180 $ 29,700.00 subtotal $ 169,300.00 lioht fixtures ea 86 300 $ 25.800.00 100 a service Is 1 3500 $ 3,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 7000 $ 7,000.00 T subtotal $ 36,300.00 sianaoe I ea 2 1500 $ 3,000.00 Dine needle mulch Icy 325 15 $ 4 875.00 enolish iw ea 5630 2 $ 11260.00 st aua sod sf 42000 025 $ 10 500.00 azian iasmine ea 2438 4.5 $ 10,971.00 ear vel iessamine ea 1028 10 $ 10280.00 annuals I ea 348 1.75 $ 609.00 dwf azalea ea 160 9.5 $ 1,520.00 e a oiant "rioPe ea 224 3.75 $ 840.00 variea oittosDorum ea 44 12 $ 528.00 crinum iiiiV e8 18 65 $ 1 170.00 saoo Dalm ea 4 90 $ 360.00 formosa azalea ea 138 10 $ 1 380.00 wax mVrt e e8 88 30 $ 2,640.00 irrioation sf 96000 0.35 $ 33,600.00 subtotal $ 93,533.00 total $ 670,067.60 Fees and Dermits 10% $ 67,006.76 Continoenev 10% $ 67,006.76 GC OH & P 10% $ 67,006.76 subtotal $ 201,020.28 Grandtotal $ 671,067.68 . sri 3 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Secondary Entrv unit Quantity unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site elearina allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill ev 84 6 $ 504.00 site grading ey 84 4 $ 336.00 subtotal $ 1,840.00 10 wall cone fndn cy 10 204 $ 2,040.00 10 wall cone block sf 90 6.1 $ 549.00 10 wall struct brick sf 312 11 $ 3,432.00 hi wall eone fndn ICY 9 204 $ 1,836.00 hi wall eone block sf - 80 6.1 $ 488.00 hi wall struct brick sf 680 11 $ 7,480.00 hi wall alum rail If 14 36 $ 504.00 I subtotal $ 16,329.00 cone sidewalk sy 10 220 $ 2,200.00 cone pavers sf 800 8.5 $ 6,800.00 cone ribbon eurb cy 6 210 $ 1,260.00 cone sub base cy 10 180 $ 1,800.00 subtotal $12,060.00 Iiaht fixtures ea 8 300 $ 2,400.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 6,400.00 sianaae ea 2 950 $ 1,900.00 st aua sod sf 10800 0.25 $ 2,700.00 azian iasmine ea 200 4.5 $ 900.00 car vel iessamine ea 160 10 $ 1,600.00 dwf oleander ea 30 8.5 $ 255.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 128 9 $ 1,152.00 e g giant Iiriooe ea 140 3.75 $ 525.00 crinum lillv ea 6 65 $ 390.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $ 10,892.00 total $47,521.00 Fees and permits 10% $ 4,752.10 Continaency 10% $ 4,752.10 GC OH & P 10% $ 4,752.10 subtotal $14,256.30 Grandtotal $61,777.30 . sri 4 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Tertiary Entry unit lauantitv unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site clearing allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill cv 56 6 $ 336.00 site grading cy 56 4 $ 224.00 I subtotal $ 1,560.00 \0 wall conc fndn cv 5 204 $ 1,020.00 10 wall cone block sf 46 6.1 $ 280.60 10 wall struct brick sf 160 11 $ 1,760.00 hi wall cone fndn cv 9 204 $ 1,836.00 hi wall cone block sf 80 6.1 $ 488.00 hi wall struct brick sf 520 11 $ 5,720.00 hi wall alum rail If 10 36 $ 360.00 subtotal $ 11,464.60 cone sidewalk cy 10 220 $ 2,200.00 cone pavers sf 5600 8.5 $ 47,600.00 cone ribbon curb cv 45 210 $ 9,450.00 cone sub base cy 70 180 $ 12,600.00 subtotal $ 71,850.00 light fixtures ea 8 300 $ 2,400.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 subtotal $ 6,400.00 siQnaQe ea 2 950 $ 1,900.00 st aua sod sf 4800 0.25 $ 1,200.00 azian iasmine ea 180 4.5 $ 810.00 car yel jessamine ea 90 10 $ 900.00 dwf ind hawthome ea 60 9 $ 540.00 varieg pittosporum ea 26 12 $ 312.00 e Q Qiant Iiriope ea 50 3.75 $ 187.50 crinum Iilly ea 6 65 $ 390.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $ 7,709.50 total $ 98,984.10 Fees and permits 10% $ 9,898.41 ContinQencv 10% $ 9,898.41 GC OH & P 10% $ 9,898.41 subtotal $ 29,695.23 Grandtotal $128,679.33 . sri 5 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost I Minor Entrv unit Quantity unit cost total selective demolition allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site c1earina allow 1 500 $ 500.00 site fill ey 20 6 $ 120.00 site grading Of 20 4 $ 80.00 I subtotal $ 1,200.00 10 wall cone fndn iey 3 204 $ 612.00 10 wall cone block sf 27 6.1 $ 164.70 10 wall struct brick sf 93 11 $ 1,023.00 hi wall cone fndn icy - 7 204 $ 1,428.00 hi wall cone bloek sf 60 6.1 $ 366.00 hi wall struct brick sf 390 11 $ 4,290.00 hi wall alum rail If 10 36 $ 360.00 subtotal $ 8,243.70 cone sidewalk Of 10 220 $ 2,200.00 cone oavers sf 500 8.5 $ 4,250.00 cone ribbon eurb Of 3.5 210 $ 735.00 cone sub base Of 6 180 $ 1,080.00 subtotal $ 8,265.00 Iiaht fixtures ea 4 300 $ 1,200.00 30 a service Is 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 conduit and wiring Is 1 2500 $ 2,500.00 I subtotal $ 5,200.00 sianaae ea 2 450 $ 900.00 st aua sod sf .3600 0.25 $ 900.00 azian iasmine ea 80 4.5 $ 360.00 car vel iessamine ea 36 10 $ 360.00 dwf ind hawthome ea 80 9 $ 720.00 crinum Iillv ea 6 65 $ 390.00 irrigation sf 4200 0.35 $ 1,470.00 subtotal $ 5,100.00 total $ 28,008.70 Fees and permits 10% $ 2,800.87 Continaency 10% $ 2,800.87 GC OH & P 10% $ 2,800.87 subtotal I $ 8,402.61 Grandtotal $ 36,411.31 . SrI 6 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 1 unit Quantity unit cost total tree removal ea 3 350 $ 1,050.00 site clearing cy 297 3 $ 891.00 site fill cv 0 6 $ - site grading cy 150 4 $ 600.00 subtotal $ 2,541.00 cone pavers sf 210 8.5 $ 1,785.00 cone ribbon curb Icy 1.6 210 $ 336.00 sand sub base cy 2.6 12 $ 31.20 subtotal $ 2,152.20 pine needle mulch Icy 29 15 $ 435.00 st aUQ sod sf 11920 0.25 $ 2,980.00 annuals ea 232 1.75 $ 406.00 crinum filly ea 10 65 $ 650.00 holy fern ea 142 8.5 $ 1,207.00 car yel iessamine ea 0 10 $ - e g giant Iiriope ea 453 3.75 $ 1,698.75 aztec Qrass ea 0 3.75 $ - wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 146 8.5 $ 1,241.00 varieg pittosporum ea 93 12 $ 1,116.00 dwf Qr pittosporum ea 55 10 $ 550.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 559 9 $ 5,031.00 dwf azalea ea 93 9.5 $ 883.50 formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian jasmine ea 3704 4.5 $16,668.00 sand viburnum ea 76 9.5 $ 722.00 coontie ea 32 30 $ 960.00 4" live oak ea 2 550 $ 1,100.00 4" sycamore ea 0 375 $ - 3" maple ea 2 325 $ 650.00 sabal palm relocate 3 150 $ 450,00 65g tree Iigustrum ea 3 1450 $ 4,350.00 1 1/2" -3" slsh pine ea 15 200 $ 3,000.00 65g e p holly ea 7 450 $ 3,150.00 irrigation sf 24100 0.35 $ 8,435.00 subtotal $ 55,683.25 total $ 60,376.45 Fees and permits 10% $ 6,037.65 Contingency 5% $ 3,018.82 GC OH & P 5% $ 3,018.82 subtotal $12,075.29 Grandtotal $ 72,451.74 . sri 7 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 2 unit Quantity unit cost total tree removal ea 2 350 $ 700.00 site clearino Cy 320 3 $ 960.00 site fill cy 0 6 $ - site grading cy 160 4 $ 640.00 subtotal $ 2,300.00 conc pavers sf 420 8.5 $ 3,570.00 conc ribbon curb lev 3.2 210 $ 672.00 sand sub base cy 5.2 12 $ 62.40 subtotal $ 4,304.40 pine needle mulch lev 34 15 $ 510.00 st aug sod sf 11600 0.25 $ 2,900.00 annuals ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum lilly ea 7 65 $ 455.00 holy fern I ea 114 8.5 $ 969.00 car yel jessamine ea 222 10 $ 2,220.00 e 0 oiant liriope ea 1025 3.75 $ 3,843.75 aztec grass ea 186 3.75 $ 697.50 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 76 8.5 $ 646.00 varieg pitlosporum ea 0 12 $ - dwf gr pitlosporum ea 110 10 $ 1,100.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 204 9 $ 1,836.00 dwf azalea ea 42 9.5 $ 399.00 formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian iasmine ea 2185 4.5 $ 9,832.50 sand viburnum ea 46 9.5 $ 437.00 coontie ea 32 30 $ 960.00 4" live oak ea 5 550 $ 2,750.00 4" sycamore ea 0 375 $ - 3" maple I ea 0 325 $ - sabal palm relocate 0 150 $ - 65g tree Iigustrum ea 3 1450 $ 4,350.00 1 112" -3" slsh pine ea 6 200 $ 1,200.00 6Sg e p holly ea 11 450 $ 4,950.00 irrigation sf 26000 0.35 $ 9,100.00 subtotal $49,155.75 total $ 55,760.15 Fees and permits 10% $ 5,576.02 Contingencv 5% $ 2,788.01 GC OH & P 5% $ 2,788.01 subtotal I $11,152.03 Grandtotal $ 66,912.18 . sri 8 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 3 and 4 unit Quantity unit cost total tree removal ea 1 350 $ 350.00 site clearing cy 75 3 $ 225.00 site fill cy 0 6 $ - site grading cy 35 4 $ 140.00 subtotal $ 715.00 conc pavers sf 420 8.5 $ 3,570.00 cone ribbon curb ey 3.2 210 $ 672.00 sand sub base cy 5.2 12 $ 62.40 subtotal $ 4,304.40 pine needle mulch cY 0 15 $ - st aug sod sf 0 0.25 $ - annuals ea - 0 1.75 $ - crinum Iilly ea 0 65 $ - holy fern ea 0 8.5 $ - car yel iessamine ea 221 10 $ 2,210.00 e g giant Iiriope ea 820 3.75 $ 3,075.00 aztec grass ea 186 3.75 $ 697.50 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 0 8.5 $ - varieg pittosporum ea 0 12 $ - dwf or pittosporum ea 110 10 $ 1,100.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 204 9 $ 1,836.00 dwf azalea ea 194 9.5 $ 1,843.00 formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian jasmine ea 128 4.5 $ 576.00 sand viburnum ea 210 9.5 $ 1,995.00 coontie ea 13 30 $ 390.00 4" live oak ea 2 550 $ 1,100.00 4" sycamore ea 0 375 $ - 3" maple ea 0 325 $ - sabal palm relocate 0 150 $ - 650 tree Iioustrum ea 3 1450 $ 4,350.00 1 1/2" -3" slsh pine ea 0 200 $ - 650 e p holly ea 15 450 $ 6,750.00 irrigation sf 6100 0.35 $ 2,135.00 subtotal $ 28,057.50 total $ 33,076.90 Fees and permits 10% $ 3,307.69 Contingency 5% $ 1,653.85 GC OH & P 5% $ 1,653.85 subtotal I $ 6,615.38 Grandtotal $ 39,692.28 . sri 9 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 5 unit quantity unit cost total tree removal ea ,1 350 $ 350.00 site clearino ev 240 3 $ 720.00 site fill cy 0 6 $ - site grading cy 120 4 $ 480.00 subtotal $ 1,550.00 cone pavers sf 420 8.5 $ 3,570.00 cone ribbon curb iev 3.2 210 $ 672.00 sand sub base cy 5.2 12 $ 62.40 subtotal $ 4,304.40 pine needle mulch cy 20 15 $ 300.00 st auo sod sf 9890 0.25 $ 2,472.50 annuals ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum lillv ea 7 65 $ 455.00 holy fern ea 94 8.5 $ 799.00 car yel iessamine ea 222 10 $ 2,220.00 e 0 oiant liriope ea 752 3.75 $ 2,820.00 aztec qrass ea 186 3.75 $ 697.50 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 105 8.5 $ 892.50 varieo pittosporum ea 93 12 $ 1,116.00 dwf gr pittosporum ea 92 10 $ 920.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 159 9 $ 1,431.00 dwf azalea ea 76 9.5 $ 722.00 formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian jasmine ea 677 4.5 $ 3,046.50 sand viburnum ea 46 9.5 $ 437.00 coontie ea 0 30 $ - 4" live oak ea 7 550 $ 3,850.00 4" sycamore es 1 375 $ 375.00 3" maple ea 2 325 $ 650.00 sabal palm relocate 0 150 $ - 65g tree Iigustrum ea 5 1450 $ 7,250.00 1 112" -3" slsh pine ea 8 200 $ 1,600.00 65g e p holly ea 10 450 $ 4,500.00 irrigation sf 19400 0.35 $ 6,790.00 subtotal $ 43,344.00 total $49,198.40 Fees and permits 10% $ 4,919.84 Contingency 5% $ 2,459.92 GC OH & P 5% $ 2,459.92 subtotal I $ 9,839.68 Grandtotal $ 59,038.08 . sri 10 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 6 unit Quantity unit cost total tree removal ea 0 350 $ - site clearing cy 250 3 $ 750.00 site fill cy 0 6 $ - site grading cy 125 4 $ 500.00 subtotal $ 1,250.00 conc pavers sf 420 8.5 $ 3,570.00 cone ribbon curb ey 3.2 210 $ 672.00 sand sub base cy 5.2 12 $ 62.40 subtotal $ 4,304.40 pine needle mulch Icy 40 15 $ 600.00 st aug sod sf 8780 0.25 $ 2,195.00 annuals ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum lilly ea 0 65 $ - holy fern ea 47 8.5 $ 399.50 car yel jessamine ea 222 10 $ 2,220.00 e g giant Iiriope ea 272 3.75 $ 1,020.00 aztec grass ea 186 3.75 $ 697.50 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 196 8.5 $ 1,666.00 varieg pittosporum ea 54 12 $ 648.00 dwf gr pittosporum ea 214 10 $ 2,140.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 399 9 $ 3,591.00 dwf azalea ea 66 9.5 $ 627.00 formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian iasmine ea 128 4.5 $ 576.00 sand viburnum ea 134 9.5 $ 1,273.00 coontie I ea 16 30 $ 480.00 4" live oak ea 7 550 $ 3,850.00 4" sycamore ea 0 375 $ - 3" maple I ea 0 325 $ - sabat palm ea 5 150 $ 750.00 65g tree Iigustrum ea 5 1450 $ 7,250.00 1 112" -3" slsh pine ea 15 200 $ 3,000.00 65g e p holly ea 15 450 $ 6,750.00 irrigation sf 20300 0.35 $ 7,105.00 subtotal $ 46,838.00 total $ 52,392.40 Fees and permits 10% $ 5,239.24 Contingency 5% $ 2,619.62 GC OH & P 5% $ 2,619.62 subtotal $10,478.48 Grandtotal $ 62,870.88 . SrI 11 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 7 & 8 unit I Quantity unit cost total tree removal ea 3 350 $ 1,050.00 site clearing icy 170 3 $ 510.00 site fill cv 0 6 $ - site grading cy 85 4 $ 340.00 subtotal $ 1,900.00 cone pavers sf 420 8.5 $ 3,570.00 cone ribbon curb cv 3.2 210 $ 672.00 sand sub base cy 5.2 12 $ 62.40 subtotal $ 4,304.40 pine needle mulch lev 14 15 $ 210.00 st aug sod sf 5930 0.25 $ 1,482.50 annuals ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum Iilly ea 0 65 $ - holv fern ea 0 8.5 $ - car vel iessamine ea 222 10 $ 2,220.00 e 0 oiant Iiriope ea 145 3.75 $ 543.75 aztec grass ea 699 3.75 $ 2,621.25 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 136 8.5 $ 1,156.00 varieg pittosporum ea 53 12 $ 636.00 dwf or pittosporum ea 92 10 $ 920.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 699 9 $ 6,291.00 dwf azalea ea 36 9.5 $ 342.00 formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian jasmine ea 128 4.5 $ 576.00 sand viburnum ea 22 9.5 $ 209.00 coontie ea 16 30 $ 480.00 4" live oak ea 2 550 $ 1,100.00 4" sycamore ea 1 375 $ 375.00 3" maple ea 1 325 $ 325.00 sabat palm ea 0 150 $ - 650 tree Iioustrum ea 5 1450 $ 7,250.00 1 112" -3" slsh pine ea 15 200 $ 3,000.00 650 e p hollv ea 15 450 $ 6,750.00 irrigation sf 13600 0.35 $ 4,760.00 subtotal $41,247.50 total $47,451.90 Fees and permits 10% $ 4,745.19 Continoenev 5% $ 2,372.60 GC OH & P 5% $ 2,372.60 subtotal I $ 9,490.38 Grandtotal $ 56,942.28 . SrI 12 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 9 and 10 unit I auantity unit cost total tree removal ea 0 350 $ - site clearing Cy 207 3 $ 621.00 site fill cy 622 6 $ 3,732.00 site grading cy 622 4 $ 2,488.00 subtotal $ 6,841.00 cone pavers sf 840 8.5 $ 7,140.00 conc ribbon curb Cy 6.4 210 $ 1,344.00 sand sub base cy 10.4 12 $ 124.80 I subtotal $ 8,608.80 pine needle mulch cv 12 15 $ 180.00 st aug sod sf 6360 0.25 $ 1,590.00 annuals ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum lilly ea 0 65 $ - holy fern ea 58 8.5 $ 493.00 car yel jessamine ea 444 10 $ 4,440.00 e 0 oiant Iiriope ea 998 3.75 $ 3,742.50 aztec grass ea 372 3.75 $ 1,395.00 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 188 8.5 $ 1,598.00 varieo pittosporum ea 48 12 $ 576.00 dwf gr pittosporum ea 254 10 $ 2,540.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 169 9 $ 1,521.00 dwf azalea ea 52 9.5 $ 494.00 fonnosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian iasmine ea 256 4.5 $ 1,152.00 sand viburnum ea 148 9.5 $ 1,406.00 coontie ea 32 30 $ 960.00 4" Iiye oak ea 4 550 $ 2,200.00 4" sycamore ea 1 375 $ 375.00 3" maple ea 2 325 $ 650.00 sabal palm ea 0 150 $ - 65g tree Iigustrum ea 10 1450 $ 14,500.00 1 1/2" -3" slsh pine ea 9 200 $ 1,800.00 65g e p holly ea 9 450 $ 4,050.00 irrigation sf 16800 0.35 $ 5,880.00 subtotal $ 51,542.50 total $66,992.30 Fees and permits 10% $ 6,699.23 Oontinoencv 5% $ 3,349.62 GO OH & P 5% $ 3,349.62 subtotal $13,398.46 Grandtotal $ 80,390.76 . sri 13 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 11 unit I Quantity unit cost total tree removal ea 1 350 $ 350.00 site clearing cy 188 3 $ 564.00 site fill cy 566 6 $ 3,396.00 site grading cy 566 4 $ 2,264.00 subtotal $ 6,574.00 conc pavers sf 210 8.5 $ 1,785.00 conc ribbon curb cy 1.6 210 $ 336.00 sand sub base cy 2.6 12 $ 31.20 subtotal $ 2,152.20 pine needle mulch Cy 36 15 $ 540.00 st aug sod sf 5900 0.25 $ 1,475.00 annuals I ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum lilly ea 7 65 $ 455.00 holy fern ea 106 8.5 $ 901.00 car yel jessamine ea 222 10 $ 2,220.00 e a aiant liriope ea 563 3.75 $ 2,111.25 aztec arass ea 186 3.75 $ 697.50 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 0 8.5 $ - variea oittosporum ea 60 12 $ 720.00 dwf ar pittosporum ea 92 10 $ 920.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 165 9 $ 1,485.00 dwf azalea ea 52 9.5 $ 494.00 formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian iasmine ea 1549 4.5 $ 6,970.50 sand viburnum ea 0 9.5 $ - coontie ea 16 30 $ 480.00 4" live oak ea 4 550 $ 2,200.00 4" sycamore ea 1 375 $ 375.00 3" maple ea 3 325 $ 975.00 sabal palm ea 0 150 $ - 65a tree liaustrum ea 0 1450 $ - 1 112" _3" slsh pine ea 10 200 $ 2,000.00 65a e 0 holly ea 14 450 $ 6,300.00 irrigation sf 15300 0.35 $ 5,355.00 subtotal $ 36,674.25 total $ 45,400.45 Fees and permits 10% $ 4,540.05 Continaencv 5% $ 2,270.02 GC OH & P 5% $ 2,270.02 subtotal $ 9,080.09 Grandtotal $ 54,480.54 . sri 14 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 12 & 13 unit Quantity unit cost total tree removal ea 3 350 $ 1,050.00 site clearing cy 178 3 $ 534.00 site fill cy 537 6 $ 3,222.00 site grading cy 537 4 $ 2,148.00 subtotal $ 6,954.00 conc pavers sf 0 8.5 $ - conc ribbon curb cy 0 210 $ - sand sub base cy 0 12 $ - subtotal $ - pine needle mulch ICY 14 15 $ 210.00 st aug sod sf 6300 0.25 $ 1,575.00 annuals ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum Iilly ea 0 65 $ - holy fern ea 76 8.5 $ 646.00 car yel jessamine ea 0 10 $ - e g giant Iiriope ea 460 3.75 $ 1,725.00 aztec Qrass ea 171 3.75 $ 641.25 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 82 8.5 $ 697.00 varieg pittosporum ea 96 12 $ 1,152.00 dwf Qr pittosporum ea 141 10 $ 1,410.00 dwf ind hawthome ea 311 9 $ 2,799.00 dwf azalea ea 54 9.5 $ 513.00 formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian jasmine ea 770 4.5 $ 3,465.00 sand viburnum ea 23 9.5 $ 218.50 coontie I ea 0 30 $ - 4" live oak ea 3 550 $ 1,650.00 4" sycamore ea 1 375 $ 375.00 3" maple ea 2 325 $ 650.00 saba I palm ea 0 150 $ - 65g tree IiQustrum ea 12 1450 $17,400.00 1 112" -3" slsh pine ea 9 200 $ 1,800.00 65g e p holly ea 5 450 $ 2,250.00 irrigation sf 14500 0.35 $ 5,075.00 subtotal $44,251.75 total $ 51,205.75 Fees and permits 10% $ 5,120.58 Contingency 5% $ 2,560.29 GC OH & P 5% $ 2,560.29 subtotal $10,241.15 Grandtotal $ 61,446.90 . sri 15 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost I Island 14 unit ' quantity unit cost total tree removal ea 2 350 $ 700.00 site clearing cy 215 3 $ 645.00 site fill cy 648 6 $ 3,888.00 site grading cy 648 4 $ 2,592.00 subtotal $ 7,825.00 conc pavers sf 0 8.5 $ - cone ribbon curb cy 0 210 $ - sand sub base cy 0 12 $ - subtotal $ - pine needle mulch cy 20 15 $ 300.00 st aug sod sf 8956 0.25 $ 2,239.00 annuals ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum Iilly ea 7 65 $ 455.00 holy fern ea 182 8.5 $ 1,547.00 car yel iessamine ea 0 10 $ - e g giant firiope ea 216 3.75 $ 810.00 aztec crass ea 237 3.75 $ 888.75 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 113 8.5 $ 960.50 varieQ pittosporum ea 53 12 $ 636.00 dwf gr pittosporum ea 156 10 $ 1,560.00 dwf ind hawthome ea 522 9 $ 4,698.00 dwf azalea ea 0 9.5 $ - formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian jasmine ea 533 4.5 $ 2,398.50 sand viburnum ea 29 9.5 $ 275.50 coontie ea 16 30 $ 480.00 4" live oak ea 10 550 $ 5,500.00 4" sycamore ea 1 375 $ 375.00 3" maple ea 0 325 $ - sabal palm ea 0 150 $ - 65g tree Iigustrum ea 11 1450 $ 15,950.00 1 1/2" -3" slsh pine ea 8 200 $ 1,600.00 65g e p holly ea 5 450 $ 2,250.00 irrigation sf 17500 0.35 $ 6,125.00 subtotal $ 49,048.25 total $ 56,873.25 Fees and permits 10% $ 5,687.33 Contingency 5% $ 2,843.66 GC OH & P 5% $ 2,843.66 subtotal $ 11,374.65 Grandtotal $68,247.90 . SrI 16 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 15 unit Quantity unit cost total 1 ea 2 350 $ 700.00 site clearing cy 256 3 $ 768.00 site fill ev 770 6 $ 4,620.00 site grading cy 770 4 $ 3,080.00 subtotal $ 9,168.00 cone pavers sf 210 8.5 $ 1,785.00 conc ribbon curb cy 1.6 210 $ 336.00 sand sub base cy 2.6 12 $ 31.20 subtotal $ 2,152.20 pine needle mulch lev 28 15 $ 420.00 st aug sod sf 11600 0.25 $ 2,900.00 annuals ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum !illy ea 0 65 $ - holy fern ea 76 8.5 $ 646.00 car yel iessamine ea 0 10 $ - e g giant liriope ea 507 3.75 $ 1,901.25 aztec orass ea 204 3.75 $ 765.00 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 53 8.5 $ 450.50 varieg pittosporum ea 77 12 $ 924.00 dwf or PittosDorum ea 0 10 $ - dwf ind hawthorne ea 359 9 $ 3,231.00 dwf azalea ea 34 9.5 $ 323.00 formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian iasmine ea 1668 4.5 $ 7,506.00 sand viburnum ea 91 9.5 $ 864.50 coontie I ea 16 30 $ 480.00 4" live oak ea 12 550 $ 6,600.00 4" sycamore ea 1 375 $ 375.00 3" maplel ea 5 325 $ 1,625.00 sabal palm ea 0 150 $ - 650 tree lioustrum ea 10 1450 $14,500.00 1 1/2" -3" slsh pine ea 19 200 $ 3,800.00 650 e D hollv ea 8 450 $ 3,600.00 irrigation sf 20800 0.35 $ 7,280.00 subtotal $ 58,191.25 total $ 69,511.45 Fees and permits 10% $ 6,951.15 Continoenev 5% $ 3,475.57 GC OH & P 5% $ 3,475.57 subtotal $13,902.29 Grandtotal $ 83,413.74 . sri 17 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost I Island 16 I unit lauantity unit cost total tree removal ea 0 350 $ - site clearing cv 76 3 $ 228.00 site fill cy 230 6 $ 1,380.00 site grading cy 230 4 $ 920.00 subtotal $ 2,528.00 cone pavers sf 210 8.5 $ 1,785.00 cone ribbon curb Cy 1.6 210 $ 336.00 sand sub base cy 2.6 12 $ 31.20 subtotal $ 2,152.20 pine needle mulch cY 0 15 $ - st aug sod sf 2000 0.25 $ 500.00 annuals ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum lilly ea 7 65 $ 455.00 holy fern ea 106 8.5 $ 901.00 car yel jessamine ea 0 10 $ - e a aiant liriope ea 210 3.75 $ 787.50 aztec grass ea 214 3.75 $ 802.50 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 0 8.5 $ - varieg pittosporum ea 77 12 $ 924.00 dwf ar pittosporum ea 141 10 $ 1,410.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 157 9 $ 1,413.00 dwf azalea ea 0 9.5 $ - formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian jasmine ea 1361 4.5 $ 6,124.50 sand viburnum ea 0 9.5 $ - coontie ea 16 30 $ 480.00 4" live oak ea 2 550 $ 1,100.00 4" sycamore ea 0 375 $ - 3" maple ea 2 325 $ 650.00 sabal palm ea 0 150 $ - 65a tree liaustrum ea 5 1450 $ 7,250.00 1 1/2" -3" slsh pine ea 0 200 $ - 65g e p holly ea 2 450 $ 900.00 irrigation sf 6200 0.35 $ 2,170.00 subtotal $ 25,867.50 total $ 30,547.70 Fees and permits 10% $ 3,054.77 Contingency 5% $ 1,527.39 GC OH & P 5% $ 1,527.39 subtotal $ 6,109.54 Grandtotal $ 36,657.24 . sri 18 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 17 unit . Quantitv unit cost total tree removal ea 2 350 $ 700.00 site clearinQ cv 220 3 $ 660.00 site fill cy 655 6 $ 3,930.00 site grading cy 655 4 $ 2,620.00 subtotal $ 7,910.00 cone pavers sf 210 8.5 $ 1,785.00 cone ribbon curb cy 1.6 210 $ 336.00 sand sub base cy 2.6 12 $ 31.20 subtotal $ 2,152.20 pine needle mulch cy 28 15 $ 420.00 st aUQ sod sf 5900 0.25 $ 1,475.00 annuals ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum !illv ea 0 65 $ - holy fern ea 77 8.5 $ 654.50 car vel iessamine ea 222 10 $ 2,220.00 e 0 oiant liriope ea 144 3.75 $ 540.00 aztec Qrass ea 239 3.75 $ 896.25 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 80 8.5 $ 680.00 varieg pittosporum ea 100 12 $ 1,200.00 dwf or pittosporum ea 167 10 $ 1,670.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 121 9 $ 1,089.00 dwf azalea ea 92 9.5 $ 874.00 formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian jasmine ea 797 4.5 $ 3,586.50 sand viburnum ea 76 9.5 $ 722.00 coontie ea 16 30 $ 480.00 4" live oak ea 8 550 $ 4,400.00 4" sycamore ea 0 375 $ - 3" maple ea 2 325 $ 650.00 sabal palm ea 0 150 $ - 650 tree Iioustrum ea 5 1450 $ 7,250.00 1 112" -3" slsh pine ea 18 200 $ 3,600.00 650 e p hollv ea 10 450 $ 4,500.00 irrigation sf 17700 0.35 $ 6,195.00 subtotal $ 43,102.25 total $ 53,164.45 Fees and permits 10% $ 5,316.45 Contingency 5% $ 2,658.22 GC OH & P 5% $ 2,658.22 subtotal $10,632.89 Grandtotal $63,797.34 . sri 19 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 18 unit lauantitv unit cost total tree removal ea 3 350 $ 1,050.00 site clearina Cy 170 3 $ 510.00 site fill cv 515 6 $ 3,090.00 site grading cy 515 4 $ 2,060.00 subtotal $ 6,710.00 cone oavers sf 210 8.5 $ 1,785.00 cone ribbon curb ICY 1.6 210 $ 336.00 sand sub base cy 2.6 12 $ 31.20 subtotal $ 2,152.20 pine needle mulch cy 22 15 $ 330.00 st auo sod sf 4680 0.25 $ 1,170.00 annuals ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum lilly ea 7 65 $ 455.00 holy fern ea 106 8.5 $ 901.00 car yel iessamine ea 222 10 $ 2,220.00 e a aiant liriooe ea 497 3.75 $ 1,863.75 aztec orass ea 438 3.75 $ 1,642.50 wax mvrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf Dink oleander ea 82 8.5 $ 697.00 variea oittosporum ea 0 12 $ - dwf ar oittosoorum ea 92 10 $ 920.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 0 9 $ - dwf azalea ea 36 9.5 $ 342.00 formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian iasmine ea 1004 4.5 $ 4,518.00 sand viburnum ea 35 9.5 $ 332.50 coontie ea 0 30 $ - 4" live oak ea 3 550 $ 1,650.00 4" sycamore ea 0 375 $ - 3" maple ea 3 325 $ 975.00 sabal oalm ea 0 150 $ - 650 tree lioustrum ea 5 1450 $ 7,250.00 1 1/2" ~3" slsh pine ea 10 200 $ 2,000.00 650 e p holly ea 8 450 $ 3,600.00 irrigation sf 13900 0.35 $ 4,865.00 subtotal $35,731.75 total $ 44,593.95 Fees and permits 10% $ 4,459.40 Continaency 5% $ 2,229.70 GC OH & P 5% $ 2,229.70 subtotal $ 8,918.79 Grandtotal $ 53,512.74 . sri 20 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 19 and 20 unit auantity unit cost total tree removal ea 7 350 $ 2,450.00 site c1earino lev 190 3 $ 570.00 site fill cv 570 6 $ 3,420.00 site grading cy 570 4 $ 2,280.00 subtotal $ 8,720.00 cone pavers sf 840 8.5 $ 7,140.00 cone ribbon curb cy 6.4 210 $ 1,344.00 sand sub base cy 10.4 12 $ 124.80 I subtotal $ 8,608.80 pine needle mulch Cy 50 15 $ 750.00 st aug sod sf 5600 0.25 $ 1,400.00 annuals I ea 0 1.75 $ - crinum lilly ea 10 65 $ 650.00 holy fern I ea 0 8.5 $ - car yel jessamine ea 332 10 $ 3,320.00 e 0 oiant Iiriope ea 0 3.75 $ - aztec grass ea 326 3.75 $ 1,222.50 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 151 8.5 $ 1,283.50 varieg pittosporum ea 0 12 $ - dwf or pittosporum ea 281 10 $ 2,810.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 0 9 $ - dwf azalea ea 0 9.5 $ - formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian iasmine ea 0 4.5 $ - sand viburnum ea 0 9.5 $ - coontie I ea 0 30 $ - 4" live oak ea 3 550 $ 1,650.00 4" sycamore ea 0 375 $ - 3" maplel ea 3 325 $ 975.00 sabal palm ea 4 150 $ 600.00 650 tree ligustrum ea 0 1450 $ - 1 1/2" -3" slsh pine ea 4 200 $ 800.00 650 e p holly ea 20 450 $ 9,000.00 irrigation sf 15400 0.35 $ 5,390.00 subtotal $ 29,851.00 total $ 47,179.80 Fees and permits 10% $ 4,717.98 Contingenev 5% $ 2,358.99 GC OH & P 5% $ 2,358.99 subtotal $ 9,435.96 Grandtotal $ 56,615.76 . sri 21 Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 28-Jan-99 Estimate of probable cost Island 21, 22 and 23 unit lauantitv unit cost total tree removal ea 10 350 $ 3,500.00 site c1earino cv 174 3 $ 522.00 site fill cy 520 6 $ 3,120.00 site grading cy 520 4 $ 2,080.00 subtotal $ 9,222.00 cone pavers sf 840 8.5 $ 7,140.00 cone ribbon curb cy 6.4 210 $ 1,344.00 sand sub base cy 10.4 12 $ 124.80 I subtotal $ 8,608.80 pine needle mulch cy 7 15 $ 105.00 st auo sod sf 1578 0.25 $ 394.50 annuals ea 146 1.75 $ 255.50 crinum lillv ea 7 65 $ 455.00 holy fern ea 159 8.5 $ 1,351.50 car yel jessamine ea 267 10 $ 2,670.00 e 0 oiant Iiriope ea 411 3.75 $ 1,541.25 aztec grass ea 351 3.75 $ 1,316.25 wax myrtle ea 0 30 $ - dwf pink oleander ea 77 8.5 $ 654.50 varieo pittosporum ea 102 12 $ 1,224.00 dwf gr pittosporum ea 529 10 $ 5,290.00 dwf ind hawthorne ea 235 9 $ 2,115.00 dwf azalea ea 0 9.5 $ - formosa azalea ea 0 10 $ - asian iasmine ea 2553 4.5 $11,488.50 sand viburnum ea 0 9.5 $ - coontie ea 32 30 $ 960.00 4" live oak ea 6 550 $ 3,300.00 4" sycamore ea 0 375 $ - 3" maple ea 2 325 $ 650.00 sabal palm ea 0 150 $ - 65g tree liaustrum ea 5 1450 $ 7,250.00 1 1/2" -3" slsh pine ea 4 200 $ 800.00 65g e p hollv ea 0 450 $ - irrigation sf 14100 0.35 $ 4,935.00 subtotal $46,756.00 total $ 64,586.80 Fees and permits 10% $ 6,458.68 Contingency 5% $ 3,229.34 GC OH & P 5% $ 3,229.34 subtotal $12,917.36 Grandtotal $ 77,504.16 . sri 22 TO COMPARE INCREASED CAPITAL COSTS WITH DECREASED OPERATIONS CAPITAL COSTS EXPENSES ENTRANCES MEDIANS SIGNAGE TOTAL DEDUCT SIGNAGE ADD SIGNAGE NEW TOTAL ADD LIGHTS ADD 15 YR COST OF MONEY NEW TOTAL ADDED CAPITAL COST OPERATIONS LIGHTING LANDSCAPING TOTAL DEDUCT LITES NEW TOTAL ADD TBD NEW TOTAL DEDUCT OPERATION COST 36,000 X 15 YEARS = X 16 X 17 134,000 1,280,000 991,000 120,000 2,525,000 120,000 40,000 2,445,000 457,000 217,050 3,119,050 594,050 46,000 223,000 269,000 46,000 223,000 10,000 233,000 36,000 540,000 576,000 612,000 SAVING " "