HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998 11 03 Other Handout by Staff NOVEMBER 3, 2006 HANDOUT BY STAFF. From: HOLOPHANE To GEORGE MORRIS.TUSCAWILLA H.OA Date: 10/30/98 Time 1:21:40 PM Page 1 of 1 Russell Lowe 5154 Brightmour Circle Orlando, FL 32837 +1 (407) 251-4897 FAX: +1 (407) 251-4903 RLowe@Holophane.com E LEADER IN LIGHTING SOLlJTIONS Quote To: GEORGE MORRIS TUSCAWILLA STREETSCAPE +1 (407) 359-7887 FAX: Quote Date: 10/30/98 Quote #: Q237 -395-01 Quote Name: Tuscawilla (Revised) Holophane Project #: P237 -373 Project Name: TUSCAWILLA STREETSCAPE Customer Project #: Project Location: TUSCAWILLA, FL US Bid Date: Type Qty Description 130 UAC175MHXXB3NNB-LAMP UTILITY GRANVILLE Unit Price Extension $405.00 $52,650.00 130 UAR175MHXXBG3-LAMP UTILITY ARLINGTON S400.00 $52,000.00 130 ACU175MHXXB3RCB GRANVILLE UTILITY WITH BANDS AND RIBS S47000 $61,100.00 Lead Time: Total: $166,760.00 Notes HOLOPHANE CUSTOMER SERVICE (740) 349-4410 FAX 1-800-345-4471 Terms Shipment lead times begin the day after the order is released and are based on working days only. FOB Factory on all orders. Freight prepaid on orders of $1,000 or more. Freight Prepaid and added on orders less than $1,000. Invoices dated from the 11th through the 25th of the month are due net on the 10& the following month. Invoices dated from the 26th through the 10th of the following month are due net on the 25th of the same month. A service charge of 01 and a half percent per month (or the maximum la'Nful rate) shall be assessed on all past-due payments and shall be payable on demand. Terms are subject revision. November 3, 1998 Tuscawi I la Beautification and Lighting Advisory Board Winter Springs Boulevard Lighting Update Made contact with Florida Power in St Petersburg last week. As at any of their locations, the publ ic can only access one of their customer service representatives. After many tries I finally was given the voice mail of the branch supervisor Brad Wi Ikinson in engineering. Left message detai I ing our problems with Jamestown- never heard from him. Next day I was able to find that the street I ighting department was now located in Maitland. There was no answer at that number. Later on while discussing our I ighting needs with the distrib- tor for Ameron poles I learned that the man in charge for Florida Power is Gavin Curly, and that major changes were being wrought by his crew. Gavin is in charge of the very new FLORIDA POWER LIGHTING PRODUCTS DELIVERY GROUP, and their office is on Orange Avenue in Winter Park, telephone number 646-8468. They are located in the old Florida Power bui Iding on Orange near Denning/Minnesota, and wi I I supply al I product to Florida Power territory. Gavin and I spoke at length of our needs and the frustration we are enduring with Jamie Seda and Jamestown. It appears the new planning for outdoor lighting is yet to trickle down to a I I d i vis ion s . Hew i I Ire view 0 u r sit u a t ion, vis i t the sit e and stop by Jamestown to fi I I them in, and get back to me. Gavin has made connections with Ameron to supply al I concrete poles for their street, parking lot, and most other types of outdoor floodl ighting. It has also been agreed that Holophane wil I supply al I of their luminaires. Those lights and poles on display at Jamestown are products of Ameron and Holophane! Since that conversation I have quotations from these vendors. The same I ighting fixtures from Holophane are cal led their "uti lity Line" as described in another catalog. I also have prices for simi lar fibreglass poles, but Ameron and FLPWR have convinced me that concrete is the way to go for a 25 year life span. Russel I of Holophane del ivered this fixture for examination at tonights meeting. Palmer Electric who I spoke of last week has sent us a written quotation for the overall installation costs of a complete I ighting system. Add to that the cost of electric, poles and I ights for an approxiamate package. 9~~ III C -0 0 ~ .- Ill... > III Q,) C o lJ.. 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C Z (.l...Q,)-1lI C III > 0- III III - 0 0.- E III ~ - III - III Q,) >....... ~ "'::l::llll(.l ~ -o1ll~.oCQ,) 0 CC... :::!i III 0 Q,) 0 -0 ~ Q,) X C"'Co. 0) III C:.- III ~ ..... 3= E III 0 a..~...0)- Q,) III Q,) III C III ~ Q,)...J..... 0'- ~ lJ.. Q,) (.l - Q,) III -0 .0> cnc ~1lI0 o Q,) (.l "'-0 - ~ .- -0 0 III 0 >. III C Q,)..... Q,) C::l E "'(.lCOOQ,) 01ll0C)~'" Z lJ.. E - 0) .- ~~~~~~~~~ ~ C\ICOLnCOl'-I'-.....C)..... 0 LnLnC\l('l)I'-octLnC\l('l) I'- C\IC\1('1)('I)('I)('I)('I)octoct oct o o Q,) Q,)- C) Q,)C 0) CQ,) C (.l>'~C >'(.l~ .- 1lI'- III Q,).- III 1lI.- Q,) ~-... (.l0)~- (.l..... 0) .oIllCIIlIll.oIllIllC III Q,) (.l 0 .- - Q,) (.l.- 0 cnO:::!iIIllJ..cnOIIl:::!i lJ.. .......,.......,.......,.......,....... ....... >>>>>3=3=3=::: ::: October 30, 19987 Mark Grant Southern Lighting & Traffic Systems Facslmflle to 401~859-a231 Re: TuscawlJJa BoautIflcatlon & Lighting Advisory Board Dear Mark, Thanks for your Inform-tion and advice yesterday. I have yet to hear from G~~in curly at Florida Power Lighting. Plea5~ fax me your prIcos Including freight for: 130 - Ameron V, etor i an ptll es .~ 71tP. ~ k 130 - Amerun wu.hfngton poles '. <loa ~ k PleaGe advi6e if we may use Palmer Efnctric of winter Park as our source of supply, or If not, give me a list of local electrical supply or contracting firms with whom you doal. As you are aware this information is needed for the November 3rd meeting of the Board. sine rely. '-C~. ,..-~~-C orge/Morris lU"~U'.~O ~~:4J '0' <H ;j 7;s:.s -! u u tl \\tLi 19j U U ~ U U :j cf~@ SIl'CF. 1897 Rt. 3. PO Box 733.Ncwberry. South Cerolina 29108 (BO!)-27~./jIiQ4 FAA (BQ:l}-:276-Il94Q FROM: Western Florida Lighting Phil Ley GEORGE ST..MARK QUOTE TO -~ DATE -- 10/30/98 PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER -- 1 SHAKESPEARE IS PLEASED TO QUOTE THE FOLLOVJlNG: PROJECT - Tuscl1willa Beautification and Lighting. OTY CATALOG # 130 BS1S-OtSlBC43 pESCRIPTION PRICE 12' mOWlting height, 15' length.Smooth Black Finish Direct eurial Base base. 3" Tenon for Fi.'Cturc. price each -- I b 0 ~ ~A 130 OPSS-WA2063S 1 Washington Style: Base Split Shroud 0# price eaC:l--. 2 Go - iER 51 ANDA..ll.D 2. 'hoc X 5" HANDHOLE @ 18" ABOVE ORAnE, STANDARD COM.JlJIT EmRA.NCE 2Vo'x6" SLOT @ 24" BELOW CRACE FOR DIRECT BU?JAL QUOTE #: Ol03098WFL CO:VfMlS S 101'': TERNlS: FREIGHT: SHlPJvlENT: NET 30 DAYS ALLOWEn ON ORDERS OF $3000.00 OR MORE 4-6 Weeks, ESTIMATE THANKS FOR THE OPPORTIJNITY TO QUOTE ..6..ND PLEASE CONTACT ME AT 800-800-900B. EXT 308 OR BY F A.X AT 803-276-8940 ""''HEN I MAY BE OF FURTHER ASSISTANCE. GEORGE ST.MARK SALES MA.NAGER. COMMERCL!\L MARKET 10/30/98 15:44 'B'813 i33 4008 \VFLI ~ a~@ !4J003:003 Rt. 3, PO BOl( 733.Newbcrry. South Carolina 29108 (80:3).276-0504 FAA (901}-:!7It-ll940 Sll\\CF. 1897 QUOTE TO -- Westero Florida. Lighting Phil Ley FROM: GEORGE ST.MARK DATE -- 10130/98 PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER -- 1 SHAKESPEARE IS PLEASED TO QUOTE THE FOLLOWING: PROJECT - Tuscawilla Bruatificaion end Lighting OTY ~TALO~ 130 _l\Pl7-12FSI f)ESCRlPTION Washington Decorative Pole 12' mounting height., 12' 1eng-.h..Fluted Black Finish Anchor Base base, 3" Tenon For Fixture. PRICE price esc!-\-- ".70" c:E. IE~ QUOTE #: COMMISSION TERMS: FREIGID: SHIPMENT: G-103098\VFL ~~T 30 DAYS ALLO\.l/ED ON' ORDERS OF $3000.00 OR MORE 4-6 Weeks. ESTIMATE nLt.....""'-XS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO QUOTE _b.ND PLE.A..SE CONTACT ME AT 80l>-800-9008, EXT 308 OR BY FAX AT 803-2i6-8940 WHEN I MAY BE OF F1JRTHERASSlSTANCE. GEORGE ST.MARK SALES lviANA-GER, COJ\.1lvfERCw... MARKET _ .J ..... 'J . 'J'J .& '.' '.' 'J WESTERN FLORIDA LlGHTINO, INC. '993 C()unty Road One Dunedin. FL 3469B Phone: Clearwater (813) i33.7000 FAX: (813) 733-4008 t{/ , rLtl te- t:-r~ TELECOPIER COVER SHEET ~ATE iD ( CO lC(~ ~ DESTINATION l ~~~t(-- ~/ r-;? . I L... I ;.S FROM: ioU j}e9/?Z #' F /jC-7o /C </ j-t/V - ~tf - '9 coJ- iJ~.$ tt! p' ATTN: Number of copies including cover sh"eet: ~ . Subject: t It <<../ "'"t L1e> r...' l ~~-t- .--/ ,vI- Comments: ~i//tt. r- tft r # ;?1#11 ~ HI FAA tD ~ * pJ (J AD-#-I H?S 1, :SS'i~ G4. .~ 5'~.-6A F\ ;?<;-t-c..> t~ FIt~ M 1.( PAS S l ( FAa "^ \ ( PKO 5 II r t-< D M 'l.. 13D t~-OJ -~ 51 A 30 MH ,'V\ ~ "" il "Q~~ U 35~~ eA \ . I da ,-.. t t r '5 ~) - t:::: 1\ l ( S S-c:z ~ EA- l-{ ? oS M~ Hf'S ~ E:A ~lc. 234 P e:-" ''{ ~..." 6f1~t-..+- ;3'7 &/1 &/ST ~ ::;::L v ~ f " L-() :r6) 6~ ") ""3'3 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE: TIME: OPERATOR'S INITIALS: 10:26:9S I- 1::3 i 'B'S13 i:33 .!OOS WFLI WESTERN FLORIDA LIGHTING, INC. TELECOPIER COVER SHEET DATE IO/U 17g ~ DESTINATION · · ~$!c~/I(.... ~~~ ATTN: G~ ~~/U.//O FROM: / ,. 1 J... ~ 'I Number of copies including cover sheet: I ( Subject: :Z:;af, ~<--' )?t~W Comments: 7 cH / LJ 5 D tJ 2 G /'I/IN iJ L 51 D g::- ':4- E. J)v / os" k! 2 /\1.4 fl1N 5 B L t..( b5"~ iF.+- J3 ~c ~~ /?~ 1.., 30)/oS~J:l3LMAJSJ3L 1.. 'i~) /0 }'0#2 L.AIlH S-.JlL n' Cl6S o;J Zl-AltSS Ot.. 77<('i< lOStS# I~L?FL 7/oc. ,~S~;/ i,-r1~ S BL. TloR /()$+,'y1 L-P-<$' sOt.. 3 3S~ 1E'4 3 ~ 2!- EA- / 15t:5~ tE"A- 2C>D~ EA / 6.)~ 17D~ 6=4 ~A- [4] 001: 011 1993 County Road One Dunedin, FL 34698 Phone: Clearwater (813) 733~7000 FAX: (813) 733.4008 {;.(..J.J fi. (7~t"~;t-1-<- ~;'t ~/y r5>ty G-(~J ;B,11 Fob-t ?~/uES /If/e?I/D 15- .~ /7? ~ LTI -r/7;c:? ~r9LL-/t?.s. r - ,tI ~ S Cd /rrt t09/71~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY; DATE: TIME: ()PFRATOR'S INITIALS: 11/03/1998 12:37 EA 78'351 F'ALr-'lER ELECTRIC PAGE 01 PALMER .. DATE:~ \- ~ -o,Ej AlTN: ~\~ Mar ( 1,,:\ COMPANY; 1 QS Cq ~ "I \ \~ ElE eTHIC FAX#: :SS9 -7ayr u ~ Lt:J "0 FROM: SERVICE - FAX # (407) 645-2536 RE: ~~ Ext.~ Tom Miller Ext. 797 Mathew McMahon Ext. 736 Bobby Parker Ext. 774 Traci Sanders Ext. 714 Scott Bearden Ext. 710 George Bradley Ext. 754 Danielle Parks Ext. 700 Manny Romero EX!. 775 Ron Solomon Ext. 760 PLEASE CALL TO V ARI~~CIEPT OF FAX FOR OUR RECQRDS P AGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: ~ MESSAGE: PLEASE CALL IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS~ HARD COpy TO FOLLOW BY MAIL PALMER ELEcrRIC co PANY STATE LICENSE: MEC0000269 675 JACKSON AVENUE . WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 407.646.8700 . FAX 407.647.8951 ~NO 11/03/1998 12:37 E,-l7:::'351 F'ALHER ELECTR I C F'ACiE 02 November 2, 1998 PALMER r'i:ELECTRIC Tuscawilla Lighting Advisory Committee 1605 Wood Duck Drive Winter Spri.n8s 32708 A~ G~~eMoms We propose to furnish material and labor for Winter Springs Blvd Lighting Improvements for the sum of S248,3~.OO. Payment term.: To be agreed upon before work beg;ins. Description of Work 1. Furnish and install all required conduits, wiring for an operational electrical system.. Scope of work to include: A. Install (130) direct burial poles. Poles furnished by others. Palmer Electric to install heads and all internal wiring on new poles. B. Furnish (6) 1201240-volt single-phase electrical servi~ to power new lighting system. Exact sen.-ice location will be coordinated with Florida Power Corporation C. Fwnish and install all required conduit and 'wiring to feed new poles. All wiring to be installed in conduit. D. Directional boring under all roadways and driveways is included. E. Electrical permits are included. F. Right of way permits ifrequired are by others and are not included under our proposal 2. Palmer Electric assumes no responsibility for damages to underground obstructions not physically indicated. 3. Palmer Electric will exercise reasonable care during the installation; however, sod and landscape replaccmen1, irrigation repairs, and utility charges are not included. This proposal shall act as contract and is binding. Work will not be scheduled until proposal is signed and returned to Palmer Electric Company. All work to be done in a neat and workmanlike manner in accordance \\ith the best available practices and manufacturers' recommendations. All work to be performed during our normal working ho~ of8.AM and 5PM, Monday through Friday, Additional trips, or lost production time, caused by customer SQheduling problems or any additional wo~ wilt be billed separately. All work is performed under Palmer Electric Company standard insurance coverage. JfI can be offurther assistance, please feel free to contact me at 646-8700 e.xt. 729. Thil quote Is valid for 30 days Very Truly Yours, Palmer Electric C,~~~~ Chris Bach, Estimator Commercial Service Accepted: ,19_ By: PALMER ELECTRIC COMPANY STATE LICENSE ItEC0000269 875 JACKSON AVENUE . WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32789 407-646-8700 . FAX 407-847-8951