HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 04 19 Regular Handout Steven Richart during Agenda Item 300 @ TUSCAWILLA UGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT Ci of Winter S rin s OvelView Urban Beautification Mana er Monthly Meeting Report 04/19/06 Steven T. Richart Office: 407-327-5976 Fax: 407-327-6695 Email: srichart winters rin sfl.or A. Budget 1. TLBD Maintenance Fund - 184 2. TLBD Improvement Fund - 308 3. . TLBD PH2 Improvement Fund - 313 B. Maintenance Items and Progress Report 1. P & L landscaping is performing to standard. 2. The right-of-way area along Vistawilla Drive, just outside of the entrance sign on the west side of the roadway, has been added to the City ROW mowing schedule. 3. Plants are being installed on the Winter Springs Blvd Medians from the Golf Club heading toward Oviedo to replace material that has perished. C. Phase 2 Project 1. As of 4/06, $227,154.10 or 41.680/0 of the total has been collected in prepayments for the Phase 2 project. 2. Construction on the Phase 2 project started on April 17, 2006 at the Northern end of Northern Way (Part 1). This phase is scheduled to take at least 2 months for completion. 3. The sign portion of the project will be bid in 60-90 days and combined with Glen Eagle HOA, the Town Center Ph1, and potentially Winding Hollow HOA to allow a more competitive pricing structure for the project. Funding is scheduled for FY '06/07. D. Other Projects 1. The THOA has requested to install flag poles at the Tuskawilla Road main entrances. Location of the poles would be behind entrance fountains on the North and South sides. Funding for this project would be provided by the THOA. Awaiting City Attorney's opinion letter. 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(f.)....... W;J;< I-'() W() o ~ I-,] (f.) I-,]"l t"'0 to:o tJ.. '0 ::r: !\.J H 3: '0 :0 o < "l ~ o o ;J;<:O 'OH 'OQ :OH OZ 'O;J;< t"' :0 totzl c::< OH Q{f.) tzltzl 1-,]0 >< I-,] o ;J;< () I-,] ~ t"' tzl Z () ....... :0 tzl iO ;J;< to~ @~ fJ6; o-,]t"' tzl c:: (f.)'O tzl() 01-,] "l o ::0 !\.J o o G\ 00 0011>- .. ....... 01-' -..J\D .. ....... II>-!\.J !\.JO o 0'1 I-' !\.J * * * t"' H ><< I-,]tzl o * * to * C::::O Otzl Q"l tzl::O I-,]tzl (f.) ;J;<::r: 'Otzl ::00 H t"'0 W !\.J....... 01-' 00'1 0'1....... o 0'1 * * * LQ'O I-';J;< '<Q rttzl 0. tyl-' C 0. Maintenance Assessment. $53.14 ~pu~J. - ~JV-~~ - TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND -184 ur~ 4/1'1/0' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 FINAL BUDGET FUND BALANCE. October 1 $438,501 $304,482 $344,216 Account Number Description of Revenues Original FY 04/05 FY 05/06 Actual Bud et 315100 315100 361100 361101 Assessment Collections (Phase I) Assessment Collections (Phase II) Interest Interest - Cou nty $222,315 $219,000 $219,000 $0 $0 $0 $14,138 $0 $0 $117 $4,750 $4,750 $236,570 $223,750 $223,750 $94,285 $146,250 $146,800 $330,855 $370,000 $370,550 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND REVENUES 389100 Appropriation from Fund Balance TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND REVENUES AND APPROPRIATIONS FROM FUND BALANCE Original Projected Account FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 05/06 ~ Description of Expenditures Actual Bud et Actual/Est 53180 Consultant Services $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 53211 Assessment Services $6,200 $6,200 $6,750 $6,750 53410 Contractual Services Cost $1,067 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 54310 Utility Services $38,808 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 54330 Street Lighting $41,772 $50,000 $50,000 $42,000 54682 Repairs & Maint - Grounds $161,444 $0 $0 $0 54686 Repairs & Maint - Landscape $2,813 $150,000 $150,000 $140,000 54693 Repairs & Maint - Fountains $11,271 $30,000 $30,000 $12,000 54695 Repairs & Maint - Signs & Walls $24,703 $30,000 $30,000 $18,000 55230 Clerk Supplies $0 $100 $100 $0 59130 Transfer to General Fund - Insurance $8,019 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 59130 Transfer to General Fund - Clerk Fees' $3,800 $3,800 $3,800 $3,800 59130 Transfer to Gen.Fund - Beautification $30,000 $39,500 $39,500 $39,500 59310 Statutory Reserve $0 $11,200 $11,200 $11,200 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND EXPENDITURES $330,855 $370,000 $370,550 59990 Appropriation to Fund Balance $0 $0 $0 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS TO FUND BALANCE $330,855 $370,000 $370,550 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE APPROPRIATION TO (FROM) FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE - September 30 $344,216 $158,232 $197,416 . = Clerk time 16 hours per month at $20/hr (includes benefits) Transfer to Gen.Fund - Beautification: , Main!. Worker 8hrs/wk $7,500 E-21 Urban- Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance "p{' L L~.J Date: ~ fJD Vendor: Project: - Safe tv and EaulDment: alntenance Re orts Mowing, mechanical trlr.nmlhg, and cleanup of turt areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 4 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 1 5 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 6. Fertfllzatfon and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 5 1 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 9. Vendor communication. 1 1 2 .. =- Se-rvfce Requests: \ ~ts ~ ~ f\^e!J~5 5 1'1); 1~1., I J_ \ dJA' Jt~~ ,.,) S+-. j -fu (To be handled within 7 worki'W,days unless otherwise noted.) I,+- f)(vt) '&r e...... Ov.lj' tvS")....\1 .. L.e.A>> t.~ ~ AJ ~~ ~ 11-...: ~ cCa ~~" 1- J, Il..f J)€"";. ~~Fe ~ ~''''',",5 It ,--""~ - 4 .,r'( April 14, 2006 Steven, It is obvious that the lack of irrigation has played a role in the death/damage of the podocarpus plants in the medians near the Sam Smith Park. One of the plants that were installed was placed directly in front of the sprinkler head that would be providing primary coverage to these plants and blocked the water from getting to them all. Eliminating the plant that is blocking the coverage or moving the sprinkler head to a different location are the only corrections that can be considered and we will wait for your response to do either. The only evidence existing supporting drought damage as the main culprit is the fact that all the damage occurred in 1 area and this is the area where the spray from the head mentioned above is being blocked. Obviously, we are in the middle of a severe drought cycle and these plants are young, not fully established and are still dependent on irrigation to become so. Evidence existing that does not support drought damage as the only reason includes the fact that the plant actually blocking the spray pattern also received damage. There also is little evidence of any permanent wilt on the foliage of the damaged plants that would have surely occurred if just a lack of water was the main problem. The plants are also comprised of multiple cuttings that were individually rooted to make 1 plant and the fact that all the individual plantlets were not damaged on all the plants does not support drought damage as the only cause. I pulled 2 of the plants and observed that both had been planted approximately 2" too deep (pictures attached) and also observed that all the new root growth was just on the top of the root ball. This placement of active roots only on the top of the ball as the plant was struggling for oxygen would make the plant much more susceptible to any surface drying or lack of irrigation water. In conclusion, I am under the opinion that these plants were slowly dying due to being planted too deep and the lack of regular irrigation during drought conditions completed the process at an accelerated rate. It is also possible that additional plants may also be similarly planted and may also experience a slow decline resulting in the death of these plants. As per our phone conversation yesterday, it may be less expensive to replace the plants if and when they fade than to go through all the plantings, check for planting depth and then lift and replant the plants that possibly are planted too deep. We will wait for your decision on this matter. Thanks, Thom P & L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 04/13/06 Thomas Payne 1. There are fewer weeds present in some of the ground cover beds but others are still full of weeds and need attention. We have sprayed some roundup on top of a few of the jasmine beds and this has damaged the jasmine plants and we need to stop using roundup in such a manner. 2. We need to trim off the new shoots emerging from the ligustrum trees. 3. Damage to the tree trunks of some of the holly trees is visible within the ground cover beds and it would be better to maintain around them by establishing a small open ring of non-plant growth around the base of these trees maintained with roundup sprays (I showed Hector how best to accomplish this). Some of this trimming has been done and it needs to be continued until all of the trees within the ground covers are being maintained this way. 4. Dry areas were visible in the turf at the Tuscawilla Road entry during the last inspection and more run time was added to these zones on 3- 24-06 and this seems to have corrected the problem. 5. Freeze damage is still visible on the ixora plants and has shown up on the foliage of some of the roebelenii palms at the entry planters. 6. Steven sent a recent email concerning some problems with some podocarpus plants in the medians near the Sam Smith Park. These plants were examined and a separate response was forwarded to Steven. Tuscawilla lighting and Beautification District CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS u I,.., J b MONTHLY LIGHTING INSPECTION Date: ~ 0 Ins ector: Entrances: 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. Qt-i/ 2. Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood. 3. Shetland / Citrus. 011\ (h-A \ - ~tj, 4. Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. 5. Vistawilla. Oll - OJ- Wd,/ uy, ~~ 6. Tuscora. 7. Dyson. 8. Deer Run. 9. Howell Creek. Winter Springs Blvd: 1. Medians/RightsofWay.--9-eJo~L US at Jc{ S~~h1O~ /70 "ff -) . / ~f.1-C/" --- r Notes: 'S~~4I-~ryio~ ~J~\#-[ fOr Fvrr;z '7?-- Iv~S Vendor: Project: . - . f:afelvand EQulument: Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance f~ L L/.\-i,) Date: :i!{/!6b ~\--~O r)}L-- ~hlY Maintenance Reports _Yes _No Date: . Mowing, mechanIcal trir:nmrng, and cleanup of tulf areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 4 5 5 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 1 5. IrrIgation system coverage. 1 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 1 2 9. Vendor communication. 2 Service Req u es ls : (To be handled with I n 7 working days unle.. otherwise noted.) tJ eJ . ~rw... ~!"~ (,"-'.I-..p~ ~ .,. ~ .:H'\<,,,v-^'~I> S u,~o "-r- _ p~ ~~, . ~~ ~,.).>ruf\-- M()~~~ S~~J.t,......... c..J-~ ~~ ~ r p(t>p.tu- L..)o..:i"(n~ 0 ~ ,l l L.A~ S . cff;4- ; Urban. Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance ~JL CPv Date: . !(./DP Monthlv MaIntenance Reports _Yes _No Date: 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwIse noted.) = = = #~~-- ~ ~ Mowing, mechanical trlr.nml"ng, and cleanup of tuif areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 4 5 - . 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 5 6. Fertfiizatfon and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 5 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwIse noted.) Vendor: Project: . . fllafelV and EQulnmenl: Urban- Beautlffcatlon Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance rt L- L~ .TG~ O\t--- Date: Monthlv MaIntenance Reports _Yes Date: ~ ~""""""'-~~~--""'---'''---~--~''''-''-~~'.''.~''~~''''''''--'''''''F_'_'_ Urban- Beautificatfon Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance cANl L Date: 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 9. Vendor communication. Vendor: Project: - . ~$af'tv and Equl~m.nl: MowIng, mechanIcal trImming, and cleanup of tuff areas. 2. Weeding of planters,. curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 5 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 5. Irrigation system coverage. 6. Fertfllz:atfon and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 1 1 4 5 4 5 5 1 2 4 5 1 1 2 4 5 2 4 5 Se-rvice Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) =. -t>eds ',J.~ >>-~ ~ _ . ~ =- ~ P & L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 03/20/06 Thomas Payne 1. Weeds are visible in the ground cover beds and are close to getting out of hand and we need a concentrated effort to control them over the next few service visits. 2. Weeds are also visible in the plant beds and they need to be sprayed. 3. Some small tree branches are also down on the site and will need to be removed. 4. Damage to the tree trunks of some of the holly trees is visible within the ground cover beds and it would be better to maintain around them by establishing a small open ring of non-plant growth around them maintained with roundup sprays (I showed Hector how best to accomplish this). 5. The woods line south of the main entrance at Tuscawilla Road still needs to be cleaned up again with roundup treatments and then edged. 6. Frost damage is visible on the ixora plants and they will need to be cut back to green growth. 7. Dry areas are visible in the turf at the Tuscawilla Road entry especially in the north side and some irrigation adjustments are needed in these spots. TRUGREEN ChemLawne ON-SITE PROPERTY EVALUATION PROPERTY J '7 ~:~,)" t:~ :,'.:- :~_" IT \' CJl ~,~.i-:r f\\-T F":::.t "M,t I~' ~ 1,'" r-~~ ''{ i-...: r:~ ::;:- I'" ;[~! .: :' 4 -~ -: - >"j (i ;../ ~ i-~ ~~;_;4 r'": i;') 'T '~:;:1 ~'} ~~iL;("\ r ._e_, ~~< \)',,", r;l\'T'E. , BILL TO tJf{ B A!\i n E:./~l) "j" IF' 1 (:~ {; T I LH',~ -1 '! "'~J.L C:,: 'T ..^', ',... t:.:' ~~_~; f"" t~; r. .~j, ..( ,t.. F:('~: B.) 1 (j t.J J i\.lT tJ F F~ I r~,J (;: ~~~~: '., I >. l... ;3,;::-~~. '7 0 f~}'~O'~E. 407._M3275976 I)oQ LAWN EVALUATION 1 COLOR: 0 DENSITY: 0 ( 1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent) 2 3 4 5 DOE! 0 o 0 r 0 WEEDS: BROADLEAF PROBLEM GRASSES INSECTS: DISEASES: THATCH/SOIL CONDITION: MOWING HEIGHT: Good 'p Good f6 Too Dry o Too High Too Short Dull Blade ODD Too Wet o WATERING: RECOMMENDATIONS: COLOR/GROWTH .' . TREE & SHRUB EVALUATION INSECT ACTIVITY: o POOR 0 IMPROVED ~HEALTHY o MINIMAL ~RESENT 0 PREVIOUS DAMAGE o MINIMAL r1PRESENT 0 PREVIOUS DAMAGE DISEASE ACTIVITY: OTHER FINDINGS: ~INTER INJURY 0 TRANSPLANT SHOCK o WATER DEFICIENCY 0 NORMAL LEAF DROP o EXPOSED ROOTS 0 POOR DRAINAGE o CONST. DAMAGE 0 MECH. INJURY o PLANTED TOO DEEP 0 MULCH TOO DEEP o GIRDLING ROOT/WIRE 0 WOOD BORING INSECTS RECOMMENDATIONS: ~L D LAWN INCLUDED: o TREE TRUNK INJECTION gplTROGEN ~ON efrNSECTICIDE ~NGICIDE o PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL DOTHER TODAY'S APPLICATION ~TREE/SHRUB o SULFUR 0 NATURAL FERTILIZER o AERATION 0 PHOSPHORUS ~ICRONUTRIENTS &TASSIUM gHORT. OIL 0 LIME 0 SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN o POST EMERGENT WEED CONTROL 0 OTHER ~ H~E ?.L# ~ -8' ,/ )N SIlE CONTACT PERSON ~ 2004 TruGreen L.P. \II Rights Reserved "3 -t-/.? DATE tih 2~ SPEdiAUST/C MERCIAL REP. TIME PHONE CUSTOMER COPY Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Phase 2 Beautification Proiect Streetlight InstallatiDn Beginning on April1?, 2006, construction will begin on Northern Way (North) tor the streetlighting portion ot the project. Progress Energy sub-contractors will be working with digging equipment in the right-ot-way areas adjacent to Northern Way. The City has made every effort to prevent damages during the construction process, however, there is sprinkler piping located in the City right-ot-way that could be damaged during construction. If you have any sprin- klers or sprinkler lines located in the right-ot-way along Northern Way adjacent to your property, please remove them prior to workers arriving in your area. Progress Energy or their sub-contractors will not be responsible tor damages to private sprinkler systems located in the City right-ot-way areas. Thank you very much tor your help in this matter! Construction Phases 1. Northern Way (North) 2. Northern Way (South) 3. T uscora / Greenbrier 4. Trotwood / Tuscora 5. Deer Run 6. Vistawilla 7. Seneca 8. Shetland / Dyson a .......'EIBw For More Info or To Report A Problem: City of Winter Springs Urban Beautification Services Division Phone: 407.327.5976 Emoil: srichort@winlerspringsfl.org www.winlersprinosll.or9lurbon beoulificolio n .hlml - ...... c... CD c... - t:r.1 c:: .- ...... ..c:: t:r.1 -- ~ ...... CJ CJ c... ...... C/:I I ........ t:.:I CJ " ...... c c... c... c:: c .- ...... CD t:.:I ,y-- Ill....... ...... :::I CD CJ c::x::::a C"'-.J CJ CI.:J CD ..c:: c:L c:::l c::c --I f-- ~ ~) P-, < ~''''\ '" "",",- ~o.. 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