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2007 10 17 Other Handout by Steven Richart during Agenda Item 600
. ~:~. '~ TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT City of Winter Springs Overview Urban Beautification Mana er Monthly Meeting Report 10/17/07 Steven T. Richert Office:407-327-5976 Fax:407-327-6695 Email: srichart winters rin sfl.or A. Budget 1. TLBD Maintenance Fund - 184 2. TLBD PH2 Improvement Fund - 313 B. Maintenance Items and Progress Report 1. P & L landscaping is performing to standard. Rea//y Nice Work. 2. TruGreen is performing to standard. 3. Lightscapes is performing to standard. 4. Annuals have been installed at (4) locations by REW Landscaping. 5. The City has voted to start an Adopt-a-Road Program. Item 603 - 10/8/07 6. The City would be open to maintaining the median at Vistawilla Road and SR 434. C. Phase 2 Beautification Project 1. Construction Schedule for Phase 2 Streetlighting: Northern Way North -Complete Late 2006 -105 lights Northern Way South -Complete 5/29/07 - 94 lights Trotwood / Tuscora -Complete 6/1/07 - 51 lights Tuscora / Greenbrier -Complete 6/1/07 - 51 lights Deer Run /Howell Creek -Completed 9/07 - 62 lights Seneca / Vistawilla - In progress Shetland -Not yet scheduled 2. The sign portion of the streetlighting project is estimated for construction to start in November 2007. Signs are being ordered at this time. NOTES: ~~~ ~ 10/16/2007 08:43 City of Winter Springs ~ ~ D PG 1 srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 glytdbud FOR 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD $ USED 184 --- TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND -------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------- ------------------- --------------- ----------------- -------- 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 315100 ASS COLL 0 0 0 2,057.54 .00 -2,057.54 100.0$* 184 361100 INTEREST -10,700 0 -10,700 -17,368.08 .00 6,668.08 162.3$ 184 361101 CNTY INT -300 0 -300 -341.75 .00 41.75 113.9$ 184 363120 SvcAssess -219,300 0 -219,300 -220,411.92 .00 1,111.92 100.5$ 184 389100 APP FD BAL -98,000 -26,832 -124,832 .00 .00 -124,832.00 .0$* 184 53111 OTHERLEGAL 0 0 0 112.50 .00 -112.50 100.0$* 184 53211 ADMINFEE 4,500 17,187 21,687 21,686.07 .00 .93 100.0$ 184 53410 CONT SERV 1,500 700 2,200 2,055.51 .00 144.49 93.4$ 184 54310 UTILITIES 45,000 0 45,000 43,202.70 .00 1,797.30 96.0$ 184 54330 STREETLITE 45,000 0 45,000 37,266.46 .00 7,733.54 82.8$ 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 130,000 -1,017 128,983 121,708.47 2,305.80 4,968.73 96.1$ 184 54693 RM PONDS 20,000 0 20,000 14,302.56 .00 5,697.44 71.5$ 184 54695 R&P-S/W 20,000 -187 19,813 14,643.44 1,645.56 3,524.00 82.2$ 184 54730 PRINTING 0 5,637 5,637 .00 .00 5,637.00 .0$ 184 54920 LGL ADS 0 317 317 316.39 .00 .61 99.8$ 184 55230 OP SUPPLY 100 0 100 .00 .00 100.00 .0$ 184 58130 TR TO GF 0 55,195 55,195 46,750.00 .00 8,445.00 84.7$ 184 59130 TR GEN FUN 51,000 -51,000 0 .00 .00 .00 .0$ 184 59310 STAT RESER 11,200 0 11,200 .00 .00 11,200.00 .0$ ^y TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 0 0 65,979.89 3,951.36 -69,931.25 100.0$ ':.J 10/16/2007 08:43 City of Winter Springs PG 2 glytdbud srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 FOR 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND -------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------- --------------- ---------------- --------- TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 0 0 65,979.89 3,951.36 -69,931.25 100.0 TOTAL REVENUES -328,300 -26,832 -355,132 -236,064.21 .00 -119,067.79 TOTAL EXPENSES 328,300 26,832 355,132 302,044.10 3,951.36 49,136.54 PRIOR FUND BALANCE 278,052.04 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE -65,979.89 CURRENT FUND BALANCE 212,072.15 ` ~ ~p 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs PG 1 srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 glytdbud FOR 2007 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD $ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ----------------------------------- 184 315100 ASS COLL 2007/01/010698 10/01/2006 GR'J 184 361100 INTEREST 2007/01/010649 11/06/2006 BUC 2007/03/030640 12/31/2006 GE]V 2007/06/060723 03/30/2007 GEIJ 2007/09/090687 06/30/2007 GEIA 184 361101 CNTY INT 2007/01/010361 2007/01/010649 2007/06/060108 2007/06/060108 2007/06/060185 2007/07/070401 2007/10/010419 184 363120 SvcAssess 10/18/2006 CR1? 11/06/2006 BUC 03/06/2007 CRP 03/06/2007 CRP 03/08/2007 CRP 04/19/2007 CR]? 07/23/2007 CRl? 2007/01/010649 2007/02/020122 2007/02/020122 2007/02/020122 2007/02/020463 2007/02/020463 2007/03/030026 2007/03/030149 2007/03/030149 2007/04/040053 2007/04/040053 2007/04/040143 2007/04/040143 2007/05/050073 2007/05/050073 2007/05/050165 0 0 2,057.54 REF 613024 -10,700 0 -10,700.00 REF -5,158.58 REF 703031 -6,568.68 REF 706035 -5,640.82 REF 709042 -300 0 -11.31 REF 1192350 -300.00 REF -189.47 REF 1293334 -208.90 REF 1293340 189.47 REF 1295603 -52.10 REF 1326274 -69.44 REF 1394258 0 2,057.54 .00 -2,057.54 100.0$* ACCRUE TLBD PH 1 CAP/MAINT -10,700 -17,368.08 .00 6,f68.08 162.3$ ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 INT ALLOCATION OCT-DEC 06 INT ALLOCATION JAN-MARCH 07 INTEREST ALLOCATION - JUNE 07 -300 -341.75 .00 41.75 113.9$ R.V. 07-01-09-30-06 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 R.V.10-O1-12-31-06 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT R.V.10-O1-12-31-06 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT Reversal / 1293334 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT R.V. 01-01-03-31-07 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT R.V. 04-01-06-30-07 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT -219,300 0 -219,300 -220,411.92 11/06/2006 BUC 11/08/2006 CRl? 11/08/2006 CRP 11/08/2006 CR1? 11/28/2006 CR]? 11/28/2006 CR]? 12/01/2006 CR]? 12/07/2006 CRP 12/07/2006 CRI? 01/03/2007 CR]? 01/03/2007 CRI? 01/08/2007 CRP 01/08/2007 CRP 02/05/2007 CRI? 02/05/2007 CRI? 02/08/2007 CRP -219,300.00 REF -58.72 REF 1206526 -304.13 REF 1206528 -336.66 REF 1206531 -112,638.50 REF 1219789 -101,754.56 REF 1219787 -132.08 REF 1222099 -45,324.56 REF 1227507 -50,172.84 REF 1227510 -23,070.54 REF 1246500 -20,840.85 REF 1246497 -3,856.23 REF 1249216 -3,482.99 REF 1249211 -208.90 REF 1269063 -189.47 REF 1269057 -7,979.43 REF 1272647 R.V. 10-01-10-31-06 R.V. 10-27-10-31-06 R.V. 10-27-10-31-06 R.V. 11-01--11-15-06 R.V. 11-01--11-15-06 MOHAMAD N. ESES R.V. 11-16-11-30-06 R.V. 11-16-11-30-06 R.V. 12-01-12-15-06 R.V. 12-01-12-15-06 R.V. 12-18-12-31-06 R.V. 12-18-12-31-06 R.V. 10-01-12-31-06 R.V. 10-01-12-31-06 R.V. 01-01-01-31-07 .00 1,111.92 100.5$ ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 0 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs PG 2 srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 glytdbud FOR 2007 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 363120 SvcASSess 2007/05/050165 2007/06/060112 2007/06/060112 2007/06/060142 2007/06/060142 2007/06/060146 2007/06/060185 2007/06/060185 2007/06/060185 2007/06/060185 2007/06/060185 2007/06/060185 2007/06/060185 2007/07/070192 2007/07/070451 2007/08/080147 2007/09/090500 2007/09/090500 2007/09/090500 02/08/2007 CRP 03/06/2007 CRP 03/06/2007 CRP 03/07/2007 CRP 03/07/2007 CRP 03/07/2007 CRP 03/08/2007 CRP 03/08/2007 CRP 03/08/2007 CRP 03/08/2007 CRP 03/08/2007 CRP 03/08/2007 CRP 03/08/2007 CRP 04/10/2007 CRP 04/23/2007 CRP 05/07/2007 CRP 06/25/2007 CRP 06/25/2007 CRP 06/25/2007 CR:P 184 389100 APP FD BAL 2007/01/010649 2007/02/020033 2007/03/030083 2007/03/030085 2007/08/080361 2007/10/010552 11/06/2006 BUC 11/06/2006 BUA 12/05/2006 BUA 12/05/2006 BUA 05/15/2007 BUA 07/29/2007 BUA 184 53111 OTHERLEGAL 2007/09/090249 06/12/2007 API 184 53211 ADMINFEE -7,207.27 REF 1272645 189.47 REF 1293315 208.90 REF 1293318 -3,188.07 REF 1295004 -3,529.50 REF 1295010 132.08 REF 1295155 45,324.56 REF 1295653 7,207.27 REF 1295657 101,754.56 REF 1295652 3,188.07 REF 1295656 304.13 REF 1295651 3,482.99 REF 1295655 20,840.85 REF 1295654 -6,980.59 REF 1319801 -2,057.54 REF 1327395 -4,324.04 REF 1337303 -2,167.31 REF 1375626 -1,488.66 REF 1375583 -1,751.36 REF 1375584 -98,000 -26,832 -98,000.00 REF -9,000.00 REF BA1 -5,000.00 REF BA1 -3,000.00 REF BA1 -5,637.00 REF LIT -4,195.00 REF BA2 0 0 112.50 VND 000229 PO 4,500 17,187 R.V. 01-01-01-31-07 Reversal / 1269057 Reversal / 1269063 R.V. 02-01-02-28-07 R.V. 02-01-02-28-07 Reversal / 1222099 Reversal / 1227507 Reversal / 1272645 Reversal / 1219787 Reversal / 1295004 Reversal / 1206528 Reversal / 1249211 Reversal / 1246497 R.V. 03-01-03-31-07 R.V.06-O1-0930-01 R.V. 04-01-04-30-07 R.V. 10-01-05-31-07 R.F. 05-O1-06-08-07 R.F. 05-01-06-08-07 -124,832 .00 0 21,687 112.50 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE .00 -124,832.00 .0~* ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 All GSG budget to TLBD maint 11/27/06; Consent 401 Nabors Consent 401.2; 11/27/06 GSG Consent 200; 5/14/07 notice co BA TLBD Insurance Incr BROWN,GARGANESE,WEIS FILE 1193 21,686.07 .00 -112.50 100.0~* 40647 .00 .93 100.0 2007/01/010649 11/06/2006 BUC 4,500.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 2007/02/020033 11/06/2006 BUA 9,000.00 REF BA1 All GSG budget to TLBD maint 2007/03/030083 12/05/2006 BUA 5,000.00 REF BA1 11/27/06; Consent 401 Nabors 2007/03/030085 12/05/2006 BUA 3,000.00 REF BA1 Consent 401.2; 11/27/06 GSG 2007/04/040547 01/29/2007 POE 16,500.00 VND 001061 PO 71900 GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TLBD ASSESSMENT - PH 1 & 2 CON 0 10/16/2007 08:44 I City of Winter Springs PG 3 glytdbud srichart YTD BUD GET - OCT 2007 FOR 2007 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVI SED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 53211 ADMINFEE 2007/05/050250 02/14/2007 APT 4,125.00 VND 001061 PO 71900 GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TLBD ASSESSMENT - PH 1 & 2 CON 38089 2007/05/050250 02/14/2007 POI -4,125.00 VND 001061 PO 71900 GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TLBD ASSESSMENT - PH 1 & 22007 2007/07/070329 04/17/2007 AP:C 4,125.00 VND 001061 PO 71900 GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TLBD ASSESSMENT - PH 1 & 2 CON 39648 2007/07/070329 04/17/2007 POL -4,125.00 VND 001061 PO 71900 GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TLBD ASSESSMENT - PH 1 & 22007 2007/09/090372 06/19/2007 BUA 187.00 REF LIT 71 PO FROM GIBLIN & NIC TLBD NABORS 184-54695 1&2 (REV&PH) 2007 40868 2007/09/090416 2007/11/011197 06/20/2007 08/08/2007 API API 5,186.07 4,125.00 VND VND 0005 001061 PO 71900 , GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TLBD ASSESSMENT - PH 1 & 2 CON 41821 2007/11/011197 08/08/2007 POL -4,125.00 VND 001061 PO 71900 GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TLBD ASSESSMENT - PH 1 & 22007 2007/12/012561 09/21/2007 AP:C 4,125.00 VND 001061 PO 71900 GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TLBD ASSESSMENT - PH 1 & 2 CON 42998 2007/12/012561 09/21/2007 POL -4,125.00 VND 001061 PO 71900 GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TLBD ASSESSMENT - PH 1 & 22007 184 53410 CONT SERV 1,500 700 2,200 2,055.51 .00 144.49 93.4 2007/01/010649 11/06/2006 BUC 1,500.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 HASE II TAX 37259 2007/03/030531 12/27/2006 API 736.92 VND 000302 PO RAY VALDES, SEM CO T TLBD PHASE I & P T X 37259 2007/03/030531 12/27/2006 API 826.32 VND 000302 PO RAY VALDES, SEM CO T TLBD A PHASE I & PHASE II 2007/05/050346 02/19/2007 API 174.53 VND 000302 PO RAY VALDES, SEM CO T TLBD PHASE I & II/TAX COLLECT 38308 2007/05/050346 02/19/2007 API 157.66 VND 000302 PO RAY VALDES, SEM CO T TLBD PHASE I & II/TAX COLLECT 38308 2007/07/070479 04/24/2007 API 52.55 VND 000302 PO RAY VALDES, SEM CO T TUSCAWILLA PH I; PH II 39698 2007/07/070479 04/24/2007 API 47.47 VND 000302 PO RAY VALDES, SEM CO T TUSCAWILLA PH I; PH II 39698 2007/08/080558 05/22/2007 API 60.06 VND 000302 PO RAY VALDES, SEM CO T 2006 TAX YEAR POSTAGE BILLING 40329 2007/10/010551 07/29/2007 BUA 700.00 REF LIT FROM 184-54686 184 54310 UTILITIES 45,000 0 45,000 43,202.70 .00 1,797.30 96.0 2007/01/010191 10/11/2006 API 2007/01/010191 10/11/2006 API 2007/01/010346 10/18/2006 API 2007/01/010346 10/18/2006 API 2007/01/010346 10/18/2006 API 2007/01/010649 11/06/2006 BUC 2007/01/010658 10/31/2006 GE]V 2007/01/010659 10/31/2006 GEN 2007/02/020201 11/14/2006 API 2007/02/020201 11/14/2006 APL 2007/02/020201 11/14/2006 API 2007/02/020201 11/14/2006 API x,2007/02/020201 11/14/2006 API 2007/02/020528 11/30/2006 GEN 2007/02/020530 11/30/2006 GE1V 2007/03/030270 12/12/2006 API 16.60 VND 004419 PO 15.90 VND 004419 PO 46.42 VND 000716 PO 54.89 VND 000716 PO 2,308.46 VND 000716 PO 45,000.00 REF 112.44 REF 701005 861.31 REF 701006 61.33 VND 000716 PO 68.45 VND 000716 PO 2,476.16 VND 000716 PO 14.90 VND 004419 PO 15.90 VND 004419 PO 1,053.89 REF 702007 233.32 REF 702009 12.40 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 10/17/06 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 10/24/06 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 11/28 EXP CITY UT ACCTS EFF 11/21/06 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 35898 35898 35966 35966 35966 36426 36426 36426 36440 36440 37020 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 PG 4 glytdbud FOR 2007 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 54310 UTILITIES 2007/03/030270 12/12/2006 API 12.90 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 59.41 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 67.68 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 2,287.05 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 2007/03/030596 12/31/2006 GEN 210.45 REF 703006 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 2007/03/030598 12/31/2006 GEN 909.02 REF 703008 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 2007/04/040275 01/16/2007 AP:C 13.30 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 2007/04/040275 01/16/2007 AP:C 13.77 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 2007/04/040275 01/16/2007 AP:C 57.56 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 2007/04/040275 01/16/2007 API 75.71 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 2007/04/040366 01/19/2007 API 2,539.16 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 2007/04/040653 01/31/2007 GEN 689.42 REF 704025 EXP CITY UT ACC -EFF 2007/04/040657 01/31/2007 GEN 236.21 REF 070427 EXP CITY UT ACCT- EFF 2007/05/050227 02/13/2007 AP:C 10.96 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 2007/05/050227 02/13/2007 AP:C 11.07 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 2007/05/050227 02/13/2007 AP:C 32.85 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 2007/05/050227 02/13/2007 AP:C 66.01 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 2007/05/050227 02/13/2007 AP:C 1,838.46 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 2007/05/050553 02/28/2007 GEN 1,147.08 REF 705012 EXPENSE CITY UT ACCT 2007/05/050555 02/28/2007 GEN 141.51 REF 705014 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 2007/06/060235 03/12/2007 AP:C 10.96 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 2007/06/060235 03/12/2007 AP:C 11.19 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 2007/06/060235 03/12/2007 AP:C 41.64 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 2007/06/060235 03/12/2007 AP:C 55.87 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 2007/06/060427 03/20/2007 AP:C 2,322.31 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 2007/06/060465 03/22/2007 GETJ 1,570.84 REF 706008 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 2007/06/060710 03/31/2007 GETJ 50.19 REF 706025 EXPENSE CITY UT ACCT 2007/07/070212 04/11/2007 AP:C 11.19 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 2007/07/070212 04/11/2007 AP:C 8.73 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 2007/07/070332 04/17/2007 AP:C 37.70 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 2007/07/070332 04/17/2007 AP:C 58.00 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 2007/07/070332 04/17/2007 AP:C 2,416.61 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 2007/07/070658 04/30/2007 GEN 80.32 REF 707018 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 2007/07/070677 04/27/2007 GEN 895.61 REF 707008 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 2007/08/080374 05/16/2007 AP:C 46.71 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 2007/08/080374 05/16/2007 AP:I 63.64 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 2007/08/080374 05/16/2007 API 2,241.76 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 2007/08/080382 05/16/2007 AP:C 8.50 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 2007/08/080382 05/16/2007 AP:I 12.60 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 2007/08/080641 05/29/2007 GEIJ 1,312.28 REF 708011 337.28 2007/08/080754 05/31/2007 GEN 299.79 REF 708013 EXPENSE CITY UT ACCT 2007/09/090201 06/11/2007 API 56.54 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 2007/09/090201 06/11/2007 API 56.10 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 37020 37138 37138 37138 12/19/06 12/26/06 37604 37604 37595 37595 37742 01/16/07 01/23/07 38155 38155 38134 38134 38135 EFF 02/20 02/27/07 38750 38750 38736 38736 38923 - 03/20 EFF 03/27 39372 39372 39544 39544 39544 04/24/07 04/17/07 40181 40181 40181 40197 40197 EFF 05/29 40722 40722 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 FOR 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL PG 5 glytdbud JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 54310 UTILITIES 2007/09/090268 06/13/2007 API. 2,323.60 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 2007/09/090268 06/13/2007 API: 8.50 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 2007/09/090268 06/13/2007 API'. 13.77 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 2007/09/090482 06/25/2007 GENE 847.45 REF 709014 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 06/19/07 2007/09/090609 06/29/2007 GErf 129.27 REF 709017 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 06/26 2007/09/090688 06/30/2007 GEN! 705.22 REF 709043 EXP CITY UT ACCTS EFF 06/26/07 2007/09/090690 06/30/2007 GRV -705.22 REF 709043 EXP CITY UT ACCTS EFF 06/26/07 2007/10/010300 07/17/2007 API 2,453.95 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 2007/10/010300 07/17/2007 API 45.60 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 2007/10/010300 07/17/2007 API 62.86 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 2007/10/010302 07/17/2007 API 12.60 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCOUNT 113099-599770 2007/10/010302 07/17/2007 API 8.50 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCOUNT 113099-599764 2007/10/010536 07/27/2007 GEN 128.25 REF 710014 EXP CITY UT ACCTS EFF 07/24/07 2007/10/010584 07/31/2007 GEN' 705.22 REF 710016 EXP CITY UT ACCTS EFF 07/17 2007/11/011337 08/14/2007 API 13.77 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 2007/11/011337 08/14/2007 API 8.50 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 2007/11/011355 08/15/2007 API 39.95 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 2007/11/011355 08/15/2007 API 59.58 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 2007/11/011355 08/15/2007 API 2,250.31 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 2007/11/011527 08/23/2007 GEN 1,065.22 REF 711009 EXP CITY UT EFF 08/21 2007/11/011694 08/30/2007 GEN 202.45 REF 711012 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 08/28 2007/12/012291 09/12/2007 API 57.10 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 2007/12/012308 09/13/2007 API 8.50 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 2007/12/012308 09/13/2007 API 12.60 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 2007/12/012500 09/19/2007 API 47.17 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 2007/12/012500 09/19/2007 API 2,251.96 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 2007/12/012771 09/30/2007 GEN 176.70 REF 712012 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 09/25 2007/12/012776 09/30/2007 GEN 828.27 REF 712013 EXP CITY UT ACCTS EFF 09/18 184 54330 STREETLITE 45,000 0 45,000 37,266.46 .00 2007/01/010191 10/11/2006 API 3,387.70 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 2007/01/010649 11/06/2006 BUC 45,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 2007/02/020205 11/14/2006 API 3,387.70 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 2007/03/030081 12/05/2006 API 3,387.70 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 2007/04/040166 01/09/2007 API 3,387.70 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 2007/05/050124 02/07/2007 API 3,387.70 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 2007/06/060095 03/06/2007 API 3,386.85 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 2007/07/070332 04/17/2007 API 3,386.85 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 2007/08/080193 05/09/2007 API 3,386.85 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 2007/10/010066 07/05/2007 API 3,386.85 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 2007/11/011159 08/07/2007 API 3,390.28 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 40722 40733 40733 41443 41443 41443 41460 41460 42026 42026 42012 42012 42012 42634 42649 42649 42835 42835 7,733.54 82.8 35893 36426 36841 37495 38020 38582 39544 39998 41139 41860 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs PG 6 glytdbud srichart YTD BUD GET - OCT 2007 FOR 2007 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGI NAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVI SED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD $ USED 184 TLBD MAI ----------------- NTENANCE FUND --------------- ---------------- ---- ------- --- -------- ---------------------- ----- -------------------------- --------- 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 54330 STREETLITE 2007/12/012062 09/05/2007 API 3,390.28 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155 -15105 42477 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 130,000 -1,017 128,983 121,708.47 2,305.80 4,968.73 96.1 2007/01/010185 10/11/2006 POE 91,780.00 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 2007/01/010185 10/11/2006 POE 14,110.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 004/05/ 2007/01/010256 10/13/2006 POE 3,895.00 VND 004354 PO 70297 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD - REPLACEMENT PLANTS AND 2007/01/010493 10/25/2006 POE 700.00 VND 002642 PO 70532 A BUDGET TREE SERVIC TUSKAWILLA ROAD - TLBD EMERGEN 2007/01/010616 10/31/2006 POM -700.00 VND 002642 PO 70532 A BUDGET TREE SERVIC CLOSE 70532 2007 2007/01/010649 11/06/2006 BUC 130,000.00 REF ORIGIN AL BUDGET 2007 2007/02/020034 11/06/2006 AFI 3,280.00 VND 004354 PO 70297 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD - REPLACEMENT PLANTS AND 36336 2007/02/020034 11/06/2006 POL -3,280.00 VND 004354 PO 70297 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD - REPLACEMENT PLANTS 2007 2007/02/020034 11/06/2006 API 615.00 VND 004354 PO 70297 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD - REPLACEMENT PLANTS AND 36336 2007/02/020034 11/06/2006 POL -615.00 VND 004354 PO 70297 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD - REPLACEMENT PLANTS 2007 2007/02/020034 11/06/2006 AF'I 985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVGS. ITB 004/05 36332 2007/02/020034 11/06/2006 POL -985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/02/020034 11/06/2006 AF'I 200.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVGS. ITB 004/05 36332 2007/02/020034 11/06/2006 POL -200.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/02/020085 11/07/2006 POE 1,488.75 VND 008231 PO 70785 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD PLANT REPLACEMENT WS BLVD 2007/02/020232 11/15/2006 POE 500.00 VND 002642 PO 70929 A BUDGET TREE SERVIC TLBD - WS BLVD MEDIAN. EMERGEN 2007/02/020321 11/20/2006 AF'I 985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVGS. ITB 004/05 36740 2007/02/020321 11/20/2006 POL -985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/02/020321 11/20/2006 API 70.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVGS. ITB 004/05 36740 2007/02/020321 11/20/2006 POL -70.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/03/030116 12/06/2006 AF'I 6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 36835 2007/03/030116 12/06/2006 POL -6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/03/030116 12/06/2006 AF'I 238.75 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 36835 2007/03/030116 12/06/2006 POL -238.75 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/03/030269 12/12/2006 POE 4,946.50 VND 008231 PO 71230 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT O 2007/03/030269 12/12/2006 POE 542.09 VND 008231 PO 71232 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT. 2007/03/030269 12/12/2006 POE 4,790.40 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT ON 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 AFI 542.09 VND 008231 PO 71232 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT. 37373 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -542.09 VND 008231 PO 71232 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEME2007 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 1,190.00 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT ON 37373 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -1,190.00 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMEN2007 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 850.50 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT ON 37373 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -850.50 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMEN2007 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 1,316.15 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT ON 37373 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -1,316.15 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMEN2007 „ 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 654.00 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT ON 37373 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -654.00 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMEN2007 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 422.75 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT ON 37373 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs PG 7 srichart YTD BUDGE'T' - OCT 2007 glytdbud FOR 2007 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ------------------------------- ---------------- ---- ------- ---- -------- ---- ----------------------- --------------------------- -------- 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -422.75 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMEN2007 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 357.00 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT ON 37373 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -357.00 VND 008231 PO 71231 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMEN2007 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 493.50 VND 008231 PO 71230 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT O 37373 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -493.50 VND 008231 PO 71230 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEME2007 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 1,223.50 VND 008231 PO 71230 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT O 37373 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -1,223.50 VND 008231 PO 71230 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEME2007 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 604.00 VND 008231 PO 71230 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT O 37373 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -604.00 VND 008231 PO 71230 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEME2007 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 541.00 VND 008231 PO 71230 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT O 37373 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -541.00 VND 008231 PO 71230 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEME2007 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 API 2,085.00 VND 008231 PO 71230 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEMENT O 37373 2007/03/030407 12/18/2006 POL -2,084.50 VND 008231 PO 71230 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. LANDSCAPE REPLACEME2007 2007/03/030448 12/20/2006 API 985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVGS. ITB 004/05 37166 2007/03/030448 12/20/2006 POL -985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/03/030531 12/27/2006 API 6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 37250 2007/03/030531 12/27/2006 POL -6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/03/030531 12/27/2006 API 312.42 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 37250 2007/03/030531 12/27/2006 POL -312.42 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/04/040301 01/17/2007 POE 2,175.50 VND 004354 PO 71688 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD. PLANT REPLACEMENT AT ENT 2007/04/040613 01/31/2007 API 6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 37867 2007/04/040613 01/31/2007 POL -6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/04/040613 01/31/2007 API 285.96 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 37867 2007/04/040613 01/31/2007 POL -285.96 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/04/040613 01/31/2007 API 1,355.50 VND 004354 PO 71688 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD. PLANT REPLACEMENT AT ENT 37903 2007/04/040613 01/31/2007 POL -1,355.50 VND 004354 PO 71688 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD. PLANT REPLACEMENT AT2007 2007/04/040613 01/31/2007 API 820.00 VND 004354 PO 71688 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD. PLANT REPLACEMENT AT ENT 37903 2007/04/040613 01/31/2007 POL -820.00 VND 004354 PO 71688 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD. PLANT REPLACEMENT AT2007 2007/05/050102 02/06/2007 API 1,463.75 VND 008231 PO 70785 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD PLANT REPLACEMENT WS BLVD 38143 2007/05/050102 02/06/2007 POL -1,488.75 VND 008231 PO 70785 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD PLANT REPLACEMENT WS 2007 2007/05/050256 02/14/2007 API 985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVGS. ITB 004/05 38169 2007/05/050256 02/14/2007 POL -985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/05/050396 02/21/2007 API 6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 38288 2007/05/050396 02/21/2007 POL -6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/05/050396 02/21/2007 API 78.65 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 38288 2007/05/050396 02/21/2007 POL -78.65 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/06/060300 03/14/2007 API 70.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVCS. ITB 004/05 38769 2007/06/060300 03/14/2007 POL -70.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/06/060527 03/26/2007 API 985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVCS. ITB 004/05 39100 2007/06/060527 03/26/2007 POL -985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2`J07/07/070329 04/17/2007 API 6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 39533 2007/07/070329 04/17/2007 POL -6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/07/070329 04/17/2007 API 359.75 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 39533 J 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs PG 8 srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 glytdbud FOR 2007 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGI NAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVI SED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAI ----------------- NTENANCE FUND --------------- ---------------- ---- ------- --- -------- --------------------------- -------------------------- --------- 184 TLBD MAI NTENANCE FUND 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 2007/07/070329 04/17/2007 POL -359.75 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/07/070364 04/18/2007 API 985.20 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVCS. ITB 004/05 39569 2007/07/070364 04/18/2007 POL -985.20 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/07/070444 04/23/2007 API 6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 39687 2007/07/070444 04/23/2007 POL -6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/07/070444 04/23/2007 AP:I 413.71 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 39687 2007/07/070444 04/23/2007 POL -413.71 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/07/070444 04/23/2007 API 985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVCS. ITB 004/05 40027 2007/07/070444 04/23/2007 POL -985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/08/080382 05/16/2007 AP:C 70.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVCS. ITB 004/05 40365 2007/08/080382 05/16/2007 POL, -70.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVGS. ITB 0042007 2007/08/080382 05/16/2007 AP:I 985.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVCS. ITB 004/05 40365 2007/08/080382 05/16/2007 POL -985.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/08/080572 05/23/2007 POE 165.64 VND 000455 PO 73554 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPE TLBD. IRRIGATION BACKFLOW DEV 2007/08/080681 05/30/2007 POE 665.00 VND 004354 PO 73628 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD. ANNUAL INSTALL AT MAIN 2007/08/080689 05/30/2007 BUi~ -317.00 REF LIT TO 184 -54920 2007/09/090066 06/05/2007 AP:I 165.64 VND 000455 PO 73554 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPE TLBD. IRRIGATION BACKFLOW DEV 40696 2007/09/090066 06/05/2007 POT -165.64 VND 000455 PO 73554 JOHN DEERE LANDSCAPE TLBD. IRRIGATION BACKFLOW2007 2007/09/090146 06/08/2007 AP:I 6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 40715 2007/09/090146 06/08/2007 POL -6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/09/090146 06/08/2007 AP:I 375.15 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 40715 2007/09/090146 06/08/2007 POL -375.15 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/09/090146 06/08/2007 AP:I 665.00 VND 004354 PO 73628 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD. ANNUAL INSTALL AT MAIN 40752 2007/09/090146 06/08/2007 PO]~ -665.00 VND 004354 PO 73628 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD. ANNUAL INSTALL AT M2007 2007/09/090483 06/25/2007 AP:I 985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVCS. ITB 004/05 41051 2007/09/090483 06/25/2007 POL -985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/10/010444 07/24/2007 AP:L 985.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CHEMICAL SVGS. ITB 004/05 41607 2007/10/010444 07/24/2007 PO]~ -985.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 2007/10/010551 07/29/2007 BU~~ -700.00 REF LIT TO 184-53410 2007/11/011199 08/08/2007 AP:I 6,963.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 41852 2007/11/011199 08/08/2007 POL -6,963.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/11/011199 08/08/2007 AP:I 795.96 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 41852 2007/11/011199 08/08/2007 POL -795.96 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/11/011199 08/08/2007 AP:I 6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 41852 2007/11/011199 08/08/2007 POL -6,903.33 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/11/011199 08/08/2007 AP:I 413.54 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 41852 2007/11/011199 08/08/2007 POL -413.54 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/11/011293 08/13/2007 AP:I 7,041.40 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 42198 2007/11/011293 08/13/2007 POL -7,041.40 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/11/011293 08/13/2007 AP:I 242.31 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. i 42198 2007/11/011293 08/13/2007 POL -242.31 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/11/011330 08/14/2007 PO13 1,500.00 VND 002642 PO 74618 A BUDGET TREE SERVIC TLBD. TREE WORK. REMOVE DEAD 2007/11/011536 08/23/2007 API 1,500.00 VND 002642 PO 74618 A BUDGET TREE SERVIC TLBD. TREE WORK. REMOVE DEAD 42086 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs PG 9 glytdbud srichart YTD BUD GET - OCT 2007 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 FOR 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGI NAI~ APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVI SED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAI ----------------- NTENANCE FUND ---------------- ---------------- ---- ------- --- -------- --------------------------- ------- 184 TLBD MAI NTENANCE FU ND 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 2007/11/011536 08/23/2007 POL -1,500.00 VND 002642 PO 74618 A BUDGET TREE SERVIC TLBD. TREE WORK. REMOVE D2007 2007/11/011713 08/30/2007 POI3 540.00 VND 008231 PO 74913 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. ANNUALS. INSTALL 400 P ITB 004/05 SVGS 42669 2007/12/012247 09/11/2007 AP:_ 70.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD . CHEMICAL 2007/12/012247 09/11/2007 POI -70.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVCS. ITB 0042007 ITB 004/05 AL SVCS 42669 2007/12/012247 09/11/2007 AP== 985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD . CHEMIC 2007/12/012247 09/11/2007 POL -985.50 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD CEMICAL SVGS. ITB 0042007 43037 2007/12/012603 09/25/2007 API 7,041.40 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 2007/12/012603 09/25/2007 POI -7,041.40 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/12/012603 09/25/2007 AP:C 443.91 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 43037 2007/12/012603 09/25/2007 POI -443.91 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 7 2007/12/012603 09/25/2007 AP:C 235.00 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 4303 2007/12/012603 09/25/2007 POI -235.00 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 2007/12/012603 09/25/2007 AP:C 75.00 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 43037 2007/12/012603 09/25/2007 POL -75.00 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 ITB 004/05 SVCS 43096 2007/12/012603 09/25/2007 API 985.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD TLBD . CHEMICAL ITB 0042007 CEMICAL SVCS 2007/12/012603 09/25/2007 POI -985.00 VND 004841 PO 70187 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD . ANNUALS. INSTALL 400 P 43060 2007/12/012657 2007/12/012657 09/26/2007 09/26/2007 AP:C POL 540.00 -540.00 VND VND 008231 008231 PO PO 74913 74913 . REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. ANNUALS. INSTALL 42007 2007/12/012729 09/27/2007 AP:C 7,041.40 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 43037 2007/12/012729 09/27/2007 POL -7,041.40 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 43037 2007/12/012729 09/27/2007 AP:C 1,135.61 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. I 2007/12/012729 09/27/2007 POL -4,195.72 VND 000651 PO 70181 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE2007 184 54693 RM PONDS 20,000 0 20,000 14,302.56 .00 5,697.44 71.5 2007/01/010096 10/05/2006 POE 9,200.00 VND 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. OCT 2007/01/010649 11/06/2006 BUC 20,000.00 REF 02944 PO 70918 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR QUOTE #717 - TLBD NORTH JET PU 2007/02/020227 2007/02/020321 11/15/2006 11/20/2006 POE API 1,965.00 820.50 VND VND 0 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. OCT 36516 2007/02/020321 11/20/2006 POL -820.50 VND 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE.2007 JET PU 36958 2007/02/020447 11/28/2006 AP:I 1,965.00 VND 002944 PO 70918 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR QUOTE #717 - TLBD NORTH UOTE #717 - TLBD NORTH JE2007 2007/02/020447 11/28/2006 POL -1,965.00 VND 002944 PO 70918 0 8 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR Q FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. OCT 37685 2007/04/040473 2007/04/040473 01/24/2007 01/24/2007 API POL 600.00 -600.00 VND VND 002944 002944 PO PO 7 04 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE.2007 830 2007/04/040535 01/26/2007 API 688.20 VND 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. OCT 7 37 2007/04/040535 01/26/2007 POL -688.20 VND 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE.200 RE 2007/04/040583 01/30/2007 POE 1,125.36 VND 009165 PO 71937 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD - ENTRANCE FOUNTAINS. RE ENTRANCE FOUNTAINS 38218 2007/05/050083 02/06/2007 API 1,125.36 VND 009165 PO 71937 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD . - - ENTRANCE FOUNTAINS.2007 2007/05/050083 050091 02/06/2007 02/06/2007 POL POE -1,125.36 00 300 VND VND 009165 009165 PO PO 71937 72031 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD FOUNTAINS. REPAIR 1ST AN 2007/05/ 2007/05/050091 02/06/2007 POE . 200.00 VND 009165 PO 72030 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD FOUNTAINS. PRESSURE CLEA 2007/05/050237 02/13/2007 POE 300.00 VND 007918 PO 72135 ANNAN LANDSCAPE CO TLBD - NORTH ENTRANCE FOUNTAIN 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs PG 10 srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 glytdbud FOR 2007 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND -------------------------------- --------------- ---- ------- --- --------- --------------------- ------ --------------------------- -------- 184 TLBD MAI NTENANCE FUND 184 54693 RM PONDS 2007/05/050250 02/14/2007 API 200.00 VND 009165 PO 72030 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD FOUNTAINS. PRESSURE CLEA 38218 2007/05/050250 02/14/2007 POL -200.00 VND 009165 PO 72030 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD FOUNTAINS. PRESSURE 2007 2007/05/050250 02/14/2007 API 300.00 VND 009165 PO 72031 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD FOUNTAINS. REPAIR 1ST AN 38385 2007/05/050250 02/14/2007 POL -300.00 VND 009165 PO 72031 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD FOUNTAINS. REPAIR 152007 2007/05/050250 02/14/2007 API 600.00 VND 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. OCT 38231 2007/05/050250 02/14/2007 POL -600.00 VND 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE.2007 2007/05/050356 02/20/2007 API 300.00 VND 007918 PO 72135 ANNAN LANDSCAPE CO TLBD - NORTH ENTRANCE FOUNTAIN 38192 2007/05/050356 02/20/2007 POL -300.00 VND 007918 PO 72135 ANNAN LANDSCAPE CO TLBD - NORTH ENTRANCE FOUN2007 2007/06/060299 03/14/2007 API 777.30 VND 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. OCT 38871 2007/06/060299 03/14/2007 POL -777.30 VND 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE.2007 2007/07/070329 04/17/2007 API 853.20 VND 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. OCT 39491 2007/07/070329 04/17/2007 POL -853.20 VND 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE.2007 2007/08/080572 05/23/2007 POE 5,000.00 VND 009507 PO 73563 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE AND 2007/08/080678 05/30/2007 API 242.00 VND 009507 PO 73563 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE AND 40674 2007/08/080678 05/30/2007 POL -242.00 VND 009507 PO 73563 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2007 2007/10/010140 07/10/2007 POM -4,860.80 VND 002944 PO 70048 FLORIDA WATER FEATUR CLOSE 70048 2007 2007/10/010150 07/10/2007 POE 750.00 VND 009507 PO 74145 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD SOUTH FOUNTAIN. REPAIRS 2007/10/010164 07/10/2007 API 700.00 VND 009507 PO 73563 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE AND 41391 2007/10/010164 07/10/2007 POL -700.00 VND 009507 PO 73563 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2007 2007/10/010486 07/25/2007 API 750.00 VND 009507 PO 74145 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD SOUTH FOUNTAIN. REPAIRS 41546 2007/10/010486 07/25/2007 POL -750.00 VND 009507 PO 74145 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD SOUTH FOUNTAIN. REPA2007 2007/10/010593 07/31/2007 POE 2,225.00 VND 009165 PO 74415 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD ENTRANCES. PRESSURE CLEA 2007/11/011181 08/08/2007 API 2,225.00 VND 009165 PO 74415 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD ENTRANCES. PRESSURE CLEA 41800 2007/11/011181 08/08/2007 POL -2,225.00 VND 009165 PO 74415 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD ENTRANCES. PRESSURE 2007 2007/11/011337 08/14/2007 API 700.00 VND 009507 PO 73563 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE AND 42139 2007/11/011337 08/14/2007 POL -700.00 VND 009507 PO 73563 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2007 2007/12/012166 09/10/2007 API 700.00 VND 009507 PO 73563 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE AND 42770 2007/12/012166 09/10/2007 POL -700.00 VND 009507 PO 73563 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2007 2007/12/012729 09/27/2007 API 756.00 VND 009507 PO 73563 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE AND 42988 2007/12/012729 09/27/2007 POL -2,658.00 VND 009507 PO 73563 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE 2007 184 54695 R&P-S/W 20,000 -187 19,813 14,643.44 1,645.56 3,524.00 82.2 2007/01/010649 11/06/2006 BUC 20,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 2007/02/020085 11/07/2006 POE 7,800.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAIN 2007/02/020085 11/07/2006 POE 465.00 VND 004297 PO 70772 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD - INSTALL CHRISTMAS WREAT 2007/02/020227 11/15/2006 POE 1,800.00 VND 006111 PO 70920 BATES JOHN TLBD. REPAIR OF ENTRANCE WALL 2007/02/020321 11/20/2006 API 550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAIN 36688 2007/02/020321 11/20/2006 POL -550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 2'J 07/02/020321 11/20/2006 API 1,800.00 VND 006111 PO 70920 BATES JOHN TLBD. REPAIR OF ENTRANCE WALL 36628 2007/02/020321 11/20/2006 POL -1,800.00 VND 006111 PO 70920 BATES JOHN TLBD. REPAIR OF ENTRANCE 2007 20.07/02/020357 11/21/2006 POE 400.00 VND 007171 PO 71036 WATER WORKS EXTERIO TLBD. PARTIAL CLEANING AT TUSK U 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs PG 11 glytdbud srichart YTD BUD GET - OCT 2007 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 FOR 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGI NAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS R EVI SED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAI NTENANCE FUND 184 TLBD MAI NTENANCE FUND 184 54695 R&P-S/W 2007/02/020443 11/28/2006 AP:I 400.00 VND 007171 PO 71036 WATER WORKS EXTERIO TLBD. PARTIAL CLEANING AT TUSK 36743 2007/02/020443 11/28/2006 P07~ -400.00 VND 007171 PO 71036 WATER WORKS EXTERIO TLBD. PARTIAL CLEANING AT 2007 36688 2007/02/020447 11/28/2006 API 550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAIN 2007/02/020447 11/28/2006 PO:L -550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 2007/03/030043 12/04/2006 POE 4,618.00 VND 000390 PO 71158 THE SIGN KING TLBD. SHETLAND ENTRANCE SIGN. 2007/03/030061 12/04/2006 CRP -3,275.00 REF 1224963 297 PO GEICO 70772 LIGHTSCAPES LINE C OUTDOOR TLBD ODE REIMBURSEMENT - INSTALL CHRISTMAS WREAT 37117 2007/03/030082 2007/03/030082 12/05/2006 12/05/2006 API PO:L 465.00 -465.00 VND VND 004 004297 PO 70772 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD - INSTALL CHRISTMAS W2007 2007/03/030564 12/28/2006 POE 2,500.00 VND 007171 PO 71487 WATER WORKS EXTERIO TLBD. PRESSURE CLEANING OF ALL 37386 2007/04/040044 01/03/2007 API 2,500.00 VND 007171 PO 71487 WATER WORKS EXTERIO TLBD. PRESSURE CLEANING OF ALL 2007/04/040044 01/03/2007 PO:L -2,500.00 VND 007171 PO 71487 WATER WORKS EXTERIO TLBD. PRESSURE CLEANING OF2007 IN 37707 2007/04/040414 01/23/2007 API 440.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MA 2007/04/040414 01/23/2007 POL -440.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 AIN 38105 2007/04/040535 01/26/2007 API 550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING M 2007/04/040535 01/26/2007 POL -550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 2007/04/040547 01/29/2007 POE 450.00 VND 000878 PO 71899 LOWE'S COMPANIES, IN TLBD - ENTRANCE SIGNS. MATERI 37850 2007/04/040548 01/29/2007 API 550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAIN 2007/04/040548 01/29/2007 POL -550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 I 38106 2007/05/050083 02/06/2007 API 129.44 VND 000878 PO 71899 LOWE'S COMPANIES, IN TLBD - ENTRANCE SIGNS. MATER 2007/05/050083 02/06/2007 POL -129.44 VND 000878 PO 71899 LOWE'S COMPANIES, IN TLBD - ENTRANCE SIGNS. MA2007 38164 2007/05/050256 02/14/2007 API 4,618.00 VND 000390 PO 71158 THE SIGN KING TLBD. SHETLAND ENTRANCE SIGN. 2007/05/050256 02/14/2007 POL -4,618.00 VND 000390 PO 71158 THE SIGN KING TLBD. SHETLAND ENTRANCE SI2007 2007/05/050463 02/26/2007 POE 600.00 VND 004354 PO 72345 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD. ANN. INSTALLATION AT ENT IN 38714 2007/05/050504 02/27/2007 API 550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MA 2007/05/050504 02/27/2007 POL -550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 E T 38466 2007/05/050534 02/28/2007 API 600.00 VND 004354 PO 72345 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD. N ANN. INSTALLATION AT 2007/05/050534 02/28/2007 POL -600.00 VND 004354 PO 72345 WILEY'S WHOLESALE PL TLBD. ANN. INSTALLATION AT2007 IN M 39666 2007/07/070444 04/23/2007 API 550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD A LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007/07/070444 04/23/2007 POL -550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 IN 39831 2007/07/070444 04/23/2007 API 550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MA 2007/07/070444 04/23/2007 POL -550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 2007/08/080239 05/10/2007 POE 508.50 VND 004297 PO 73367 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD ENTRANCES. LOW VOLTAGE LI E LI 40152 2007/08/080363 05/15/2007 API 381.00 VND 004297 PO 73367 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD ENTRANCES. LOW VOLTAG 2007/08/080363 05/15/2007 POL -508.50 VND 004297 PO 73367 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD ENTRANCES. LOW VOLTAG2007 IN 40446 2007/08/080684 05/30/2007 API 550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MA 2007/08/080684 05/30/2007 POL -550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 2007/09/090372 2007/09/090509 06/19/2007 06/26/2007 BUA API -187.00 550.00 REF VND LIT 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TO 184-53211 TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAIN 41126 2007/09/090509 06/26/2007 POL -550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAIN 41570 2007/10/010444 07/24/2007 API 550.00 VND VND 004297 004297 PO PO 70773 70773 LIGHTSCAPES LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR OUTDOOR TLBD TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 2007/10/010444 2007/12/012189 07/24/2007 09/10/2007 POL API -550.00 550.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAIN 42611 2007/12/012189 09/10/2007 POL .00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs PG 12 glytdbud srichart YTD BUD GET - OCT 2007 FOR 2007 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGI NAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD $ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND -------------------------------- ---------------- ---- ------ --------------------------------- --------------------------- 184 TLBD MAI NTENANCE FUND 184 54695 R&P-S/W 2007/12/012414 09/17/2007 API 535.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAIN 42803 2007/12/012414 09/17/2007 POL -535.00 VND 004297 PO 70773 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING 2007 184 54730 PRINTING 0 5,637 5,637 .00 .00 5,637.00 .0$ 2007/08/080361 05/15/2007 BUA 5,637.00 REF LIT Consent 200; 5/14/07 notice co 184 54920 LGL ADS 0 317 317 316.39 .00 .61 99.8$ 2007/08/080689 05/30/2007 BUA 317.00 REF LIT FROM 184-54686 40566 2007/09/090066 06/05/2007 API 316.39 VND 000633 PO ORLANDO SENTINEL 030 TLBD LEGAL AD 184 55230 OP SUPPLY 100 0 100 .00 .00 100.00 .0$ 2007/01/010649 11/06/2006 BUC 100.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 184 58130 TR TO GF 0 55,195 55,195 46,750.00 .00 8,445.00 84.7$ 2007/01/010491 10/25/2006 BUA 51,000.00 REF LIT From 591XX to 581XX 2007/01/010726 10/31/2006 GEN 4,250.00 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2007/02/020573 11/01/2006 GEN 4,250.00 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2007/03/030614 12/01/2006 GEN 4,250.00 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2007/04/040503 01/01/2007 GEN 4,250.00 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2007/05/050559 02/01/2007 GEN 4,250.00 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2007/06/060159 03/01/2007 GEN 4,250.00 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2007/07/070640 05/14/2007 GEN 4,250.00 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2007/08/080312 05/14/2007 GEN 4,250.00 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2007/09/090216 06/12/2007 GEN 4,250.00 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2007/10/010432 07/24/2007 GEN 4,250.00 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2007/10/010552 07/29/2007 BUA 4,195.00 REF BA2 BA TLBD Insurance Incr INS BE TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES 2007/11/011040 08/02/2007 GEN 4,250.00 REF 103 , , 184 59130 TR GEN FUN 00 0 .00 .00 .0$ 51,000 - 51,0 00 . 2007/01/010491 10/25/2006 BUA -51,000.00 REF LIT From 591XX to 581XX `2007/01/010649 11/06/2006 BUC 51,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 10/16/2007 08:44 City of Winter Springs srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 PG 13 glytdbud FOR 2007 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2007 1 TO 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD $ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND -------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------- ----------------- ----------------- - 184 59310 STAT RESER ----------------- -------- 11,200 0 11,200 .00 .00 11,200.00 .0$ 2007/01/010649 11/06/2006 BUC 11,200.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2007 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUNi~ 0 0 0 65,979.89 3,951.36 -69,931.25 100.0$ TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUN1~ 0 0 0 65,979.89 3,951.36 -69,931.25 100.0$ TOTAL REVEIQUES -328,300 -26,832 -355,132 -236,064.21 .00 -119,067.79 TOTAL EXPEISSES 328,300 26,832 355,132 302,044.10 3,951.36 49,136.54 PRIOR FUND BALANCE 278,052.04 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE -65,979.89 CURRENT FUND BALANCE 212,072.15 10/16/2007 08:46 City of Winter Springs srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 ~~ PG 1 glytdbud FOR 2007 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 313 TLBD PH2 IMPROV FUND ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 313 --- TLBD PH2 IMPROV FUND ------------------------ -------- 313 361100 INT EARNED -3,000 313 369101 30115 MISC REV 0 313 389100 APP FD BAL -317,325 313 65000 30105 CAP-CIP 320,325 TOTAL TLBD PH2 IMPROV FUND 0 TOTAL TLBD PH2 IMPROV FUND 0 TOTAL REVENUES -320,325 TOTAL EXPENSES 320,325 PRIOR FUND BALANCE CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE CURRENT FUND BALANCE 0 -3,000 0 3,000 0 0 -3,000 3,000 -3,000 -3,000 -317,325 323,325 0 0 -323,325 323,325 -13,962.02 .00 .00 153,536.60 139,574.58 139,574.58 -13,962.02 153,536.60 398,693.50 -139,574.58 259,118.92 .00 10,962.02 465.4 .00 -3,000.00 .0~* .00 -317,325.00 .0~* .00 169,788.40 47.5 .00 -139,574.58 100.0 .00 -139,574.58 100.0 .00 -309,362.98 .00 169,788.40 10/16/2007 08:49 City of Winter Springs srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 r ~~ ~~ ~~~.s PG 1 glytdbud FOR 2008 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD $ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 361100 INTEREST -8,700 0 -8,700 .00 .00 -8,700.00 .0~ 184 361101 CNTY INT -500 0 -500 .00 .00 -500.00 .0~ 184 363120 SvcAssess --520,000 0 -520,000 .00 .00 -520,000.00 .0~ 184 381305 TRANS TLBD --114,485 0 -114,485 .00 .00 -114,485.00 .0~ 184 53211 ADMINFEE 9,316 0 9,316 .00 .00 9,316.00 .0~ 184 53410 CONT SERV 10,838 0 10,838 .00 .00 10,838.00 .0$ 184 54310 UTILITIES 45,000 0 45,000 2,569.32 .00 42,430.68 5.7~ 184 54330 STREETLITE 207,000 0 207,000 3,390.28 .00 203,609.72 1.6~ 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 135,000 0 135,000 .00 104,936.80 30,063.20 77.7 184 54693 RM PONDS 20,000 0 20,000 .00 10,900.00 9,100.00 54.5 184 54695 R&P-S/W 35,000 0 35,000 .00 8,600.00 26,400.00 24.6 184 55230 OP SUPPLY 100 0 100 .00 .00 100.00 .0~ 184 58130 TR TO GF 60,274 0 60,274 .00 .00 60,274.00 .0~ 184 59310 STAT RESER 14,494 0 14,494 .00 .00 14,494.00 .0~ 184 59990 APP TO FB 106,663 0 106,663 .00 .00 106,663.00 .0~ TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 0 0 5,959.60 124,436.80 -130,396.40 100.0 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 0 0 5,959.60 124,436.80 -130,396.40 100.0 TOTAL REVI~NUES -643,685 0 -643,685 .00 .00 -643,685.00 ~ TOTAL EXPI3NSES 643,685 0 643,685 5,959.60 124,436.80 513,288.60 u 10/16/2007 08:49 City of Winter Springs srichart YTD BUDGET - OCT 2007 FOR 2008 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: PG 2 glytdbud ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRIOR FUND BALANCE CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE CURRENT FUND BALANCE 816,160.35 -5,959.60 810,200.75 • ,` t~~~ k H ~'4~t°~ Urban~6eautiflcatfon Quafit fns ectf Y p on Repart Grounds Maintenance Vendor: _ ~~ L Date: O i~ ~~ project: - ~ ~ ~ O sa_ etv and Egulpment• ~ Mont I Maintenance Reports _Yes ____No Oafe; 1. Mowing, mechanical trimmCng, and cleanup of Turf areas 2. Weeding of t~lanters; curbs, wal[cs, and hardscape areas. 3. Trash and debris removal. 4. Edging of planfiers-and hardscape areas. 5. Irrtgatlon system coverage. 6. Fertil(zation and chemical program. 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 8. .Overall appearance and curb appeal. 9. Vendor communication 1 Z ~ ~-4~ 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 3 1 2 ~ .4 5 1 2 3 ~4 5 1 2 3 4~ 5 Service Requests: (To be handled (thin 7 workin days unless otherwise noted.) _-. i~ Page 1 of 2 Steven Richart From: PNL89@aol.com Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 9:37 AM To: Steven Richart Cc: rthompson29@cfl.rr.com Subject: Re: Trimming In a message dated 10/12/2007 11:16:28 AM Eastern Daylight Time, srichart@winterspringsfl.org writes: ~ Thom, Please schedule to trim the following shrubs in medians on WS Blvd. due to them blocking views as motorist are turning. 1. Fackahatchee at WS Blvd. and Georgetown 2. Thryallis at WS Blvd. near Wood Duck. I Thanks. `'] Steven T. R1Chart, CPCO# JF747201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www.winterspri~sfl.~r~ email: srichartla)winterspringsfLorg 10/17/2007 ~~ Page 2 of 2 "The solution is to not become part ojthe problem. " Confidentiality Note: This a-mail, and any attachment to it, contains information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named on the a-mail. If the reader of this a-mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this a-mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. Steven, I will make the crew aware of your request and they should be able to complete it this week. Thanks, Thom See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL_Your Homepag_e. ~-~ 10/17/2007 Page 1 of 1 Steven Richart From: Steven Richart Sent: Monday, October 15, 2007 3:49 PM To: 'Steve Piermont' Subject: Lights Out Attachments: Steven Richart.vcf Low voltage lights are out at Tuscora Entrance -West side. Please confirm receipt of this email. 0 Steven T. Rlchal't, CPCO# JF147201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www.wintersprn~sfl,or~ email: srichar ahvintelSDrin s .or "The solution is to not become part ojthe problem. " a~- i oil ~i2oo~ COMMISSION AGENDA TT~I~/~ ti(1~ October 8, 2007 Meeting CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PTroLIC ; ~AR~~•1G REGULAR X MGR ~ /DEPT ,~~i~ Authorization REQUEST: Public Works Department responding to the City Commission Request for Adopt-a-Road Information PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to provide Adopt-a-Road cost and implementation information as requested by the City Commission at the September 10, 2007 meeting. CONSIDERATIONS: Adopt-a-Road programs have been very successful at reducing litter and improving the appearance of public roads throughout Florida. They are prolific at the County and State level and somewhat scarce at the City level, primarily due to the characteristics of the rights of way each entity maintains. However, there are some opportunities in the City of Winter Springs where a similar program could be effective. FOOT and Seminole both have Adopt-a-Road programs. The basic parameters of each are: Volunteers Commit to..... • "Adopt" a minimum one mile section (FOOT two miles) • Commit to a minimum of one year (FOOT two years) • Remove litter a minimum of four times per year • Submit proper completion forms after each activity • Follow all specified safety and supervision regulations Government entity agrees to..... • Provide educational safety meetings • Provide safety vests and litter bags • Pick up litter bags • Post Adopt-a-Road signs at the beginning and end of each roads 100807_COMM Regular_603_Adopt-a-Road ~~ Regulaz Agenda Item 603 October 8, 2007 Page 2 The roads which would be the primary candidates for a City Adopt-a-Road program are in the Ranchlands. The frequency of maintenance, varied maintenance by the adjacent homeowner, and rural chazacteristics make these roads unique from other City roads. Staff does not envision other City streets such as Sheoah Boulevard or Winter Springs Boulevard being good candidates. These roads are already under contract maintenance which includes litter pickup. There would no maintenance savings, limited aesthetic benefit, and the negative appearance of additional signage. The Vistawilla Drive median was referred to by the Commission as a potential candidate when this issue was first brought up. However, it is currently not maintained by the City due to the commitment by the residential developer as part of improvements installed on Vistawilla Drive when Howell Creek Reserve and Eagles Watch were constructed. This area is also outside of the TLBD boundaries. Staff does support having the City take over the Vistawilla Drive median as part of the regular right of way maintenance program if so desired by the City Commission. FUNDING The annual costs for anAdopt-a-Road litter removal program are estimated at less than $1,000 depending on the level of interest. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the City Commission review the Adopt-a-Road information provided and direct staff to mimic the Seminole County Adopt-a-Road program if deemed appropriate. ATTACHMENTS: None COMMISSION ACTION: 100807_COMM_Regular 603_Adopt-a-Road 2~ Page 1 of 2 ~ r . ~ Steven Richart From: Joan Brown Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:31 AM To: Steven Richart Cc: _City Clerk Department Subject: RE:UNAPPROVED CITY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES - 10/8/2007 T Tlv A PPR OVED DRAFT MINUTES -10/8/0? REGULAR 603. Public Works Department Responding To The City Commission Request For Adopt-A-Road Information. "I MOTION WE DO IT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BROWN. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE MOTION CARRIED. ~~n- ..1-:J. ~toaair. Deputy City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 407-327-5999 phone 407-327-4753 fax jbrown@winterspringsf 1. org From: Steven Richart Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 9:00 AM To: _City Clerk Department Cc: Randy Stevenson Subject: Please provide me with a copy of the draft minutes for Item 603 from the October 8, 2007 City Commission Meeting. Thanks. A Steven T. RlChart, CPCO# JF747201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department 10/16/2007 2s P ~ L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 10/08/07 Thomas Payne i. Some of the Asiatic jasmine beds suffered some drought stress damage from the recent severe dry spell but most of the damage is cosmetic in nature and these plants should quickly rebound. Weed control within these beds is looking good with only a few islands along Winter Springs blvd, still needing some work. 2. Steven has reported that Tru Green will be resodding the areas of old chinch bug damage within the next few weeks. He has also reported that they will be replacing some of the crabgrass infested areas this winter. 3. The jasmine and sweet potato vines that are crawling up the brick walls or overhanging retention walls will be removed as they are noticed. Attention to these vines is especially needed in the front planter box areas at the main entry. 4. Proposals for replacing plant material that has faded away are being prepared and will be sent to Steven when ready. 5. Steven and Tom recently met to discuss the annual planting situation and Thom will prepare a yearly planting plan and forward it to Steven when ready. Upon approval of this plan, we will assume the annual planting portion of this contract. 6. Estimates for landscaping work at the tips of the islands at Fox Glen, in the medians near Gazelle and in the east planter box at the Deer Run entry have been prepared and forwarded to Steven. The Roebelenii palm needing replacement at the Deer Run entry continues to decline and looks rough. 7. Estimates for replacing trees affected by sphaeropsis gall are being prepared and will be forwarded to Steven when ready. 8. Overall, the site continues to look extremely good. ~` Tuskawilla Streetlight Progress Steven Richart From: Matthews, R-B [R-B.Matthews@pgnmail.com] Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 8:13 AM To: Steven Richart Page 1 of 1 Cc: Rogers, David; O'Keefe, Sophia; Dalessandro, Daniel; Blanden, Keith F.; Burkett, Linda C. Subject: Tuskawilla Streetlight Progress Steve, Quick update as to where we are at this point. Mastec was finishing up on Vistawilla last week installing the various duct and cable for the Vistawilla project. They still have a couple of small items to take care of. A piece of duct needed to be bored under the new driveway for the Veterinary Clinic. Once this is completed Mastec will finish the small amount of work they have in this area of the project. Mastec actually moved over to the Seneca project and has started on the duct and cable installation. Progress Energy had installed 15 of the decorative streetlight poles and fixtures on Vistawilla this past week. There were actually 5-6 of these along the west right-of-way of Vistawilla that were actually on. They will be continuing on this week with the pole and fixture installation and getting them connected and operating. Any questions concerning the construction, please let me know. Bob R.B. Matthews Supervisor -Distribution Contract Resources North Central Region Progress Energy -Florida 2801 West State Road 426 Oviedo, Florida 32765 (office) 407-359-4457, (fax) 407-359-4449 ~~ 10/17/2007 Message Steven Richart From: Matthews, R-B [R-B.Matthews@pgnmail.com] Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 7:56 AM To: Steven Richart; Burkett, Linda C. Cc: Greg Bishop; Don Farnum Subject: RE: Stakes Steve, Linda is going to take care of this. Bob R.B. Matthews Supervisor -Distribution Contract Resources North Central Region Progress Energy -Florida 2801 West State Road 426 Oviedo, Florida 32765 (office) 407-359-4457, (fax) 407-359-4449 -----Original Message----- From: Steven Richart [mailto:srichart@winterspringsfl.org] Sent: Monday, October 08, 2007 7:53 AM To: Burkett, Linda C. Cc: Matthews, R-B; Greg Bishop; Don Farnum Subject: Stakes Linda and Bob. Page 1 of 2 The stakes to mark where streetlights are to be installed have been moved by residents (lawn workers) and need to be reinstalled so Mastec knows where to install the bores. Just a head's up! Thanks. 0 Steven T. Richart, CPCO# JF747201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www.winters~rin$sfl.or~; email: srichart(a vintersprin~•ore "The solution is to not become part of the problem. " ~-~ 10/17/2007 Message ,~ Steven Richart From: Burkett, Linda C. [Linda.Burkett@pgnmail.com] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 11:28 AM To: Jensen, Lee; Steven Richart; Matthews, R-B Cc: Randy Stevenson; Greg Bishop Subject: RE: Street Lights Page 1 of 6 The feed to the lights come directly from a transformer and are not metered. The monthly rental of the light i..ciudes a fiat fee for the power. -----Original Message----- From: Jensen, Lee [mailto:Uensen@bakerlaw.com] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 11:23 AM To: Burkett, Linda C.; srichart@winterspringsfl.org; Matthews, R-B Cc: rstevenson@winterspringsfl.org; gbishop@winterspringsfl.org Subject: Re: Street Lights Linda can you explain what you mean about the power feed. We are two gated communities and pay for the power to our decorative lights outside the gates. Thanks. ----- Original Message ----- From: Burkett, Linda C. <Linda.Burkett@pgnmail.com> To: Steven Richart <srichart@winterspringsfl.org>; Matthews, R-B <R-B.Matthews@pgnmail.com> Cc: Randy Stevenson <rstevenson@winterspringsfl.org>; Randy Stevenson <rstevenson@winterspringsfl.org>; Greg Bishop <gbishop@winterspringsfl.org>; Jensen, Lee Sent: Thu Oct 04 10:45:46 2007 Subject: RE: Street Lights We are not removing any decorative poles and lights. The only lights that will be removed are the concrete poles and roadway lights. I may be coming from the feed of their decorative pole to a new one. Linda -----Original Message----- From: Steven Richart [mailtoarichart_ winters rp ingsfl.or ] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 8:54 AM To: Burkett, Linda C.; Matthews, R-B Cc: Randy Stevenson; Randy Stevenson; Greg Bishop; LJensen@bakerlaw.com Subject: FW: Street Lights Linda and Bob. Howell Creek Reserve HOA (Vistawilla Road) has a concern that the decorative streetlight at their entranceway will be removed since there is a sleeve directly adjacent to the pole. It seems the sleeve goes over to a concrete pole that will be removed. What's the story on the sleeve? After looking at the decorative pole adjacent to their entrance, it does appear to be in City right-of--way but we do not want it removed. Please advise. Please also do not remove any decorative poles in front of Eagles Watch HOA. ~~ 10/17/2007 Message Thanks much. Steven T. Richart, CPCO# JF 147201 ~:~.. nc~ir...,... c...-:.,,... ~,uy vi yr uiwi .~Yiui~o Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www.winterspringsfl.org email: srichart@winterspringsfl.org <mailtoarichart@winter~ringsfl,o~> "The solution is to not become part of the problem." From: Jensen, Lee [mailto;LJense~bakerlaw.com.] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 5:22 PM To: Rande Thompson; Brenda Brown; Steven Richart Cc: Randy Stevenson; Greg Bishop; Burkett, Linda C. Subject: RE: Street Lights Page 2 of 6 Thanks Rande. We think that the new lights are great! It will be good to see the old concrete lights gone. I never received a flyer as it may have been mailed to the management company since they are the HOA agent of record. Is everyone certain that our lights will remain outside of EW and HCR? I know that Steven stated that they would be, but I just received an email from our VP of the HOA and he said that wiring has been placed next to our existing lights. So, what does this mean? Thanks. Lee -----Original Message----- From: Rande Thompson [mailto;rthomnson29 cfl.rr.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 4:40 PM `?~~ 10/17/2007 Message To: Brenda Brown; 'Steven Richart'; Jensen, Lee Cc: 'Randy Stevenson'; 'Greg Bishop ; 'Burkett, Linda C.' Subject: RE: Street Lights Steven: Page 3 of 6 I have been out of town and just now catching up on email. I did talk to the HOA last year and a flyer was mailed out. However, we also stated we would be sending out flyers to each HOA as we began the projects that affected them. I know the City has had staffmg shortages as we discussed in our last meeting, this is why no recent flyer was sent out. Thank you for responding to Lee. Of course the new lights are not an exact match to HCR/EW, but I think they are a defmite enhancement over the old Cobra lighting. Lee: Do not hesitate to contact, Steven, Myself or any Committee Member. Respectfully, Rande Thompson -----Original Message----- From: Brenda Brown [.mailto:_Bhay_esbr~a msn,_com] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 4:03 PM To: 'Steven Richart'; 'Jensen, Lee' Cc: 'Rande Thompson'; 'Randy Stevenson'; 'Greg Bishop'; 'Burkett, Linda C.' Subject: RE: Street Lights Steven; Yes -for the time being Lee should be the primary contact for the Howell Creek/Eagles Watch Home Owners Association. We changed properly management companies a few months ago, so I am sure there was some information lost during the transition. He will notify you of any contact changes in the future. Thanks, Brenda Hayes Brown Tijuana Flats Franchise Partner Winter Springs, Oviedo, Avalon Parkway & TuskAloma Phone: 407-366-8565 Cell: 407-341-6025 Fax:407-366-4979 10/17/2007 ~~ Message ,~ From: Steven Richart [mailtoarichart winters ringsfl.o~] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 3:57 PM To: Brenda Brown Cc: Rande Thompson; Randy Stevenson; Greg Bishop; Burkett, Linda C. Subject: RE: Street Lights Please see answers below. Thank you for contacting us! Take care, Steven T. Richart, CPCO# JF147201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www.winterspringsfl.org email: srichart@winterspringsfl.org <mailto_srichart cwinters ringsfl.org> "The solution is to not become part of the problem." From: Brenda Brown [mailto_Bh~esbr a~msn.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 3:41 PM To: Steven Richart Cc: 'Rande Thompson' Subject: FW: Street Lights Page 4 of 6 Steven; I am forwarding you some questions that Lee Jensen, President of the HCR Homeowners Association has can you please answer them? Thanks, Brenda Hayes Brown Tijuana Flats Franchise Partner Winter Springs, Oviedo, Avalon Parkway & TuskAloma Phone: 407-366-8565 Cell: 407-341-6025 Fax:407-366-4979 v 10/17/2007 Message +, Page 5 of 6 From: Jensen, Lee [mailto_LJensen a bakerlaw.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 12:02 PM To: Brenda Brown Subject: Street Lights Brenda, The Board has a couple of questions about the new street lights being installed on Vistawilla. 1. We have our own style lights that we paid for outside of EW and HCR and the new ones are being installed close to ours. I assume that ours will not be removed. Progress Energy has not been requested by the City to remove any decorative streetlighting or to go onto private property to do work related to streetlighting. Northern Way. 2. We also assume that the concrete lights will be removed at some point just like they were on Yes. Can you confirm these, especially #1? We do not want our lights removed, especially without our permission. No one has contacted me regarding this project. Confirmed on both. The management company was notified with a mailer approximately 1 year ago. Each TLBD resident was notified multiple times as well. I am not positive, so please don't quote me, but I believe Rande Thompson was also involved with the HCR/EW Board of Directors and may have passed on info to the Board regarding the project. Please let me know if Mr. Jensen should be our primary contact for the HOA for future projects. Thanks. Lee This email is intended only for the use of the party to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or distribution of this email or its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. Internet communications are not assured to be secure or clear of inaccuracies as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. Therefore, we do not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions that are present in this email, or any attachment, that have arisen as a result of a-mail transmission. Confidentiality Note: This a-mail, and any attachment to it, contains information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named on the a-mail. If the reader of this a-mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this a-mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. 3~ 10/17/2007 BRANCH ADDRESS ON-SITE TION TRUGREEN Chemtawn® WINTERO~'ARK~FFL 32793 EVALUA PRO~F~¢~T~85 CITY OF WINTER SPR I NGSBILL To CITY OF WIN ER PRINGS ACCOUNTS PAYADLE E R M WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 RT:99 SQ: BJ10 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 3274 PHONE: 407-327597b Dog: GATE: • (1 =Poor, 5 =Excellent) Goo' d/ ' Too High Too Short Dull Blade C~ LJ U 1 2 3 4 5 MOWING HEIGHT: Ly COLOR: ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ Goo d Too Wet Too Dry DENSITY: ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ , / WATERING: ~" ^ ^ RECOMMENDATIONS: WEEDS: LEAF ~-C cA ~ a°`S BROAD ~ ~ GRASSES ~ ~ PROBLEM ~ r TS : INSEC S DISEASE : IL CONDITION : THATCH/SO COLOR/GROWTH ^ POOR ^ IMPROVED ^ HEALTHY OTHER FINDINGS: ^ WINTER INJURY ^ TRANSPLANT SHOCK INSECT ACTIVITY: ^ MINIMAL ^ PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS ^ WATER DEFICIENCY ^ NORMAL LEAF DROP DAMAGE DISEASE ACTIVITY: ^ MINIMAL ^ PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS ^ EXPOSED ROOTS ^ POOR DRAINAGE DAMAGE ^ CONST. DAMAGE ^ MECH. INJURY ^ PLANTED TOO DEEP ^ MULCH TOO DEEP RECOMMENDATIONS: ^ GIRDLING ROOT/WIRE ^ WOOD BORING INSECTS ~ .~~ C~ RECOMMENDATIONS: yT o~' 7 Z ~~ ti ~ • A ~ LAWN ^ TREE/SHRUB ~ OTHER INCLUDED: ^, TR~E TRUNK INJECT,I~O,N/ ^ SULFUR ^ NATURAL FERTILIZER MICRON ^ ~~ UTRIENTS L~ POTASSIUM ~'NIT OGEN L'~'IR~N ^ AERATION L 5 PHOSPHORUS _ . ~RT. OIL L~NSECTICIDE ^ FUNGICIDE^ ^ LIME ^ SLOW R ELEASE NITROGEN ~ ^ PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL L~1 POST EMERGENT WEED CONTROL ^ OTHER ` ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ /~~ RECOMM NDATIONS: \ r ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ J ON SITE CONTACT PERSON Arco wirM ®2004 n,~Green L.P. INK CUSTOMER All D:..L.~.. O............1 +~ Steven Richart From: Luci Coker [Icoker@ne14email.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 3:35 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: TLBD Steve, Sorry for the delay in submitting this to you. In regards to the duties of TLBD,here are the areas I believe are important. Medians-plants, weeds, dead areas, broken curbs Lighting-entrance and street lights Parks (Sam Smith,Trotwood)-Does someone already check these? i.e. dead trees? Maintenance of walls sprinklers pavers/roads The small nature trail off Winter Springs Blvd.? does someone periodically check for trees that are falling etc? Luci S. Coker Icoker@ nel4email.com 407-699-8721 ~2~J Tuscawilla updates Steven Richart From: Burkett, Linda C. [Linda.Burkett@pgnmail.com] Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 10:10 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: Tuscawilla updates Good morning Steven, Page 1 of 1 Just an update on the progress. MasTec has completed Vistawilla and will start Seneca this week. We need to do one more bore on Vistawilla. It is a little south of SR 434 at the driveway to a vets office. MasTec was a little apprehensive to missile under the drive because there is water so we are going to bore it. Progress crews will start installing lights this week on Vistawilla. I am still waiting for the Tuscora/Trottwood job and the Deer Run/Howell Creek job to close. Have a good week, Linda U 10/17/2007 Page 1 of 2 r ~ s Steven Richart From: Steven Richart Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 10:40 AM To: 'PNL89@aol.com' Subject: RE: FW: September Inspection Report Attachments: Steven Richart.vcf Yes W. ed or Thurs mid morning is good. e Steven T. Richart, CPCO# JF147201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www.winterspringsfl.o~ email : srichart~winterspringst/.org '7he so/ution is to not become part of the prob/em. " From: PNL89@aol.com [mailto:PNL89@aol.com] Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 10:07 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: Re: FW: September Inspection Report In a message dated 9/26/2007 9:40:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time, srichart@winterspringsfl.org writes: ~ Thom. #2 -Trugreen is retreating these areas this week and will schedule the sod replacement. #3 -Trugreen will schedule round up applications this winter and the sod will be replaced in several areas. #7 - I would agree if you had actually done any weed treatments in the annual bed areas. Yes, please plan on resuming next planting in a timely manner. I do not anticipate needing poinsettias everywhere this holiday, but maybe they can be installed in the WS B/vd beds (median tips) at Tuskawilla Road and at Seneca. About 180 units or less. #9 -Will do after new budget is in effect. #10 - We need to discuss reimbursement for damages in this area by the mowers. Lightscapes will be providing a detailed cost. #13 -Please give me a price for removal and proper disposal. Replacement should be with Dahoon holly or Red bud tree. The juniper at the south fountain, south and of the planter wal/ is dying (seems too wet). We need to look at replacing with flax /ily in this area, Please quote. ~~' 10/17/2007 Page 2 of 2 r t, i 0 Steven T. Richert, CPCO# JP747201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www.wintersprin sfl,org email: $%t(buil au lViiiiCl J~iilt Ji. (/! LJ- -X3'1--K "The solution is to not become part ojthe problem. " From: PNL89@aol.com [mailto:PNL89@aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 8:19 AM To: Steven Richert Subject: September Inspection Report Steven, Attached is a copy of our current inspection report. Please respond with any questions and/or comments that you may have. Thanks, Thom See what's new at AOL_com and Make AOL Your.Homepaoe. Confidentiality Note: This a-mail, and any attachment to it, contains information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named on the a-mail. If the reader of this a-mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this a-mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. Steven, Before we take over the annual plantings, I would like to sit down with you and establish a few ground rules that might make this transition and operation much smoother for both sides. Do you have any openings for next week? Please give me a call sometime Monday @ 407-466-5446. Thanks, Thom See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage. ~~J 10/17/2007 r Tuscawitta k,tgMttng and Beaufitficatton F~tstrict CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MONTHLY LIGHTING INSPECTION Date. a~ ~1 Inspector ~~" Entrances: (Low Voltage) 1. 1D Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. (2) 2. ~(~ Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood. (2) 3. ,~ Shetland /Citrus. (2) 4. ~ Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. (4) ~~t~ O L./ d OlV S/~ ~ 5. 1 Vistawilla (2) ll~/ d =.., ~~ 6. ~ Tuscora. (2) 7. ~ Dyson. (2) 8. ~ Deer Run. (2) -~ 9. Howell Creek. (2) ~ A A Roadways: (Streetlights) inter Sprin Blvd an Northern Way North> A~~"~ nn~ Pole # Street roblem Landmark ~ ~T ~`'`a°°`) ~. f-~ o f n ~ l~ i is~it~ I~11~ r ro o~ (3/~~ 7-ul c~ !! ~- j ffT / ~ cfs ~3 a r ~ '~ P ~ L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 09/21/07 Thomas Payne 1. The treatments applied on the Asiatic jasmine beds for broadleaf weed control have provided very good results in most of the beds but a few beds are ready for additional treatments. We will continue to monitor this situation and apply follow up sprays as necessary. 2. The areas of previous chinch bug damage have enlarged but no live insects were found at this time. There is evidence of a recent turf treatment being applied and this treatment may have provided the control of these pests. It is also possible that the areas were compounded and expanded during the recent severe drought conditions due to being spots of weak irrigation coverage. 3. Areas of crabgrass growth have expanded rapidly at the main entry along Tuscawilla Road and now encompass large turf spots. Due to the large areas involved and the unsightliness that renovation of these areas may cause, we would not recommend treating the crabgrass for the rest of this growing season. 4. The jasmine vines that are crawling up the brick walls or overhanging retention walls will be removed as they are noticed. 5. A few dead landscape plants were observed and these will be removed during our regular service visits. 6. Regular trimming of the new summer growth on the landscape plantings will continue until all plants have been trimmed back. Most of the plants remaining to be trimmed include some of the thryallis, the Jack Frost ligustrum, the golden dew drop and some of the ornamental grass plants. **Steven recently sent an email advising us not to cut the Gulf Muhly grass back as severe as we have been doing. 7. Steven recently advised us not to resume the annual plantings because we could not get the desired plants in until the middle of September. As of this date, the annual beds remain empty and are requiring substantial weed control treatments while left in this open state and we are left wondering when the new plants will be installed and if Steven wants us to resume this operation with the next planting? r « ~' 8. Conversion figures for P & L re-assuming the turf and plant pest control services have been prepared and forwarded to Steven and as of this date, no additional information has been received. 9. Estimates for landscaping work at the tips of the islands at Fox Glen, in the medians near Gazelle and in the east planter box at the Deer Run entry have been prepared and forwarded to Steven. 10. Some of the ground level lights behind the main entry retaining walls have been reiocated to areas not so iikeiy to be exposed to mower damage and we need to let the existing turf grow over the old open spots so that these areas can be maintained with the mowing operation. 11. Small tree limbs and branches need to be picked up as they are found on the site. 12. Some weeds were visible in a few of the landscape beds and treatments for them will be concentrated on with upcoming services. 13. Sphaeropsis gall is beginning to show up in some of the East Palatka holly trees and this non-controllable disease will eventually lead to the decline of this tree species. 14.Overall, the site continues to look extremely good. ~i ,+ BRANCH A~~RESS ON-SITE rRUGREEN Chemtawn® EVALUATION ~ ~~ ' ~}~ ~T~R ~ARI~C L. 32793 F PROPERTY 5 f„ t „~ ~, t" I l ~ , BILL TO "I""~ U~- ~f'~'.~~ ~.='R?t~~=~ AC~~C~.il~b`~`J` 3 ~"=v~~L;._~ L'F'P;~-.~°t:~ t f ~~ ~`s-~ -~ m tt r`:~~ '7 r~= E 7 76-. _ C j'. - ` ' }~. ~~ [y ~+~t^5 } S~ 1 iii 9 ~ ~ :.-1 t ~ 1 ' :4.:Y v_"7- Y {' L. ~.2 Y} ~~ O S.: I~ ~ 7 '_T p { , { e }r t_ ~ `. e ~ . S7 ~~ G iH 1 7 `~ ~ ~ i~ w 1"'' Tom( ~ 1 ~i ta` :~ } ~ I._ .~'$ (.;: s? tJ i~`e ~ a v I ~ a s 4. I"'F-~Ot~l~: ~O1",`'SG::'.~~`:~:`f~ j;~'~- „r°iT~.; (1 =Poor; 5 =Excellent) Good Too High Too Short Dull Blade 1 2 3 4 5 MOWING HEIGHT ~ ^ ^ ^ COLOR: ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ Good Too Wet Too Dry ~ , / DENSITY: ^ ^ ~" ^ ^ WATERING: ~ ^ ^ RECOMMENDONS: WEEDS: BROADLEAF 8 a ~ ~~ .M S ~c%t~c PROBLEM GRASSES C ~ "~ ~ ~ C INSECTS: d9 /~ DISEASES: 4~ THATCH/SOIL CONDITION: ~ ~ m ~~ Z COLOR/GROWTH ^ POOR ^ IMPROVED EALTHY OTHER FINDINGS: ~~~ ^ WINTER INJURY ^ TRANSPLANT SHOCK INSECT ACTIVITY: ^ MINIMAL L''~'PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS ^ WATER DEFICIENCY ^ NORMAL LEAF DROP DAMAGE ^ MINIMAL M" PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS ^ EXPOSED ROOTS ^ POOR DRAINAGE DISEASE ACTIVITY: DAMAGE ^ CONST. DAMAGE ~ECH. INJURY RECOMMENDATIONS: L Y 7 C L ^ PLANTED TOO DEEP ^ MULCH TOO DEEP ^ GIRDLING ROOT/WIRE ^ WOOD BORING INSECTS 5 ~ , ~~ 5 ~ ~' ,~ RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ ~-- ~ ~ c~ r• / v ~, S ~ S I ~~• }- ~ ~ []~CAWN TREE/SHRUB ^ OTHER INCLUDED: TREE TRUNK INJECTION ^ SULFUR `^ ^ NATURAL FERTILIZER ,,~~ ~f NITROGEN C~ifiON ^ AERATION ^ PHOSPHORUS ©'1</III.RONUTRIENTS L_4'f'UTASSIUM Ly'INSECTICIDE Lil~UNGICIDE ^ HORT. OIL ^ LIME ^ SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN ^ PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL ^ POST EMERGENT WEED CONTROL ^ OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS: T ~ ~ ~ ~-- ~ ~ l -3-1 w ~ l ~. ~ . S ~- `I~~ S rJL7 S DATE TIME ON SITE CONTACT PERSON SPECIALIST/COMMERCIAL REP. 1 PHONE ( [ ~ ®2004 TtuGreen L.P. ~0 ~"~ CUSTOMER COPY v \~\U~/ All Riehts Reserved INK,. -- -