HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 02 20 Other - Handout by Steven Richart Agenda Item 600' TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT ~'ifv of Win~nr CMr\Ni.l~ Overview Urban Beautification Mana er Monthly Meeting Report 2/20/08 Steven T. Richart Office:407-327-5976 Fax:407-327-6695 Email: srichart winters rin sfl.or A. Budget 1. TLBD Maintenance Fund - 184 p, 1-9 2. TLBD PH2 Improvement Fund - 313 p. 10 B. Maintenance Items and Progress Report 1. P & L landscaping is performing to standard with additional effort needed in bed weeding. 2. TruGreen is performing to standard. 3. Lightscapes has been warned that service must improve. Quotations for maintenance of the TLBD low voltage lighting systems are being received at this time. 4. The north entrance fountain jet pump failed and required replacement by Fountain Doctors last week. Fountain Doctors is doing an excellent job. C. Phase 2 Beautification Project 1. Construction Schedule for Phase 2 Streetlighting: Northern Way North -Complete Late 2006 Northern Way South -Complete 5/29/07 Trotwood /Tuscora -Complete 6/1/07 Tuscora / Greenbriar -Complete 6/1/07 Deer Run /Howell Creek -Complete 9/07 Seneca / Vistawilla - 99% Complete Shetland / Dyson -Complete 2/08 Walk thru completed on 2/18/08. Progress Energy will be finished with the project by February 28, 2008; several months earlier than anticipated. 2. The sign portion of the streetlighting project is estimated for construction to start in March 2008 when the order arrived from Brandon Industries. Signs are in production at this time. Installation will be done by Custom Coverings who is the company that recently installed street signs for the Glen Eagle Subdivision. NOTES: O 02/20/2008 08:32 City of Winter Springs srichart YTD BUDGET - FEB 2008 PG 1 glytdbud FOR 2008 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 184 --- TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ------------------------ -------- 184 361100 INTEREST -8,700 184 361101 CNTY INT -500 184 363120 SvcASSess -520,000 184 381305 TRANS TLBD -114,485 184 53211 ADMINFEE 9,316 184 53410 CONT SERV 10,838 184 54310 UTILITIES 45,000 184 54330 STREETLITE 207,000 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 135,000 184 54693 RM PONDS 20,000 184 54695 R&P-S/W 35,000 184 55230 OP SUPPLY 100 184 58130 TR TO GF 60,274 184 59310 STAT RESER 14,494 184 59990 APP TO FB 106,663 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 TOTAL REVENUES -643,685 TOTAL EXPENSES 643,685 0 -8,700 -2,323.81 .00 -6,376.19 26.7%* 0 -500 -673.36 .00 173.36 134.7°s 0 -520,000 -466,550.06 .00 -53,449.94 89.7%* -52,351 -166,836 -166,835.16 .00 -.84 100.0%* 0 9,316 .00 9,316.00 .00 100.0% 0 10,838 2,832.25 .00 8,005.75 26.1% 0 45,000 14,251.59 .00 30,748.41 31.7°s 0 207,000 68,286.68 .00 138,713.32 33.0% 0 135,000 57,684.44 70,132.36 7,183.20 94.7% 0 20,000 3,460.00 9,368.00 7,172.00 64.1% 0 35,000 10,046.04 6,400.00 18,553.96 47.0°s 0 100 .00 .00 100.00 .0% -3,609 56,665 18,888.32 .00 37,776.68 33.3% 0 14,494 .00 .00 14,494.00 .0% 55,960 162,623 .00 .00 162,623.00 .0°s 0 0 -460,933.07 95,216.36 365,716.71 100.0% 0 0 -460,933.07 95,216.36 365,716.71 100.0% -52,351 -696,036 -636,382.39 .00 -59,653.61 52,351 696,036 175,449.32 95,216.36 425,370.32 ~~ 02/20/2008 08:32 City of Winter Springs PG 2 srichart YTD BUDGET - FEB 2008 glytdbud FOR 2008 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND PRIOR FUND BALANCE 202,267.68 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 460,933.07 CURRENT FUND BALANCE 663,200.75 Iyn~z3ff aN~ oNIyHOIZ ~razlM~zJSny z~3s yNaWNxaAOO/~s~ 688T8 Od T90T00 QNA 00'9T£'6 3oa soot/LO/zo szTSOO/so/8ooz 8ooz y3oanff 'IKNIOI2tO 332I 00'9T£'6 Jnff LOOZ/90/TT aoLTOO/TO/8ooz $0'OOT 00' 00'9TE'6 00' 9TE'6 O 9TS''F 333NIL~IQK TTZ£S b8T THd Oy ZHd QffZy 2iy bgT wo.z~ zany A~Tnbg Z2npisag b00508 332i 9T'S£8'99T- ' ' N3~ SOOZ/ST/ZO 52£500/50/8002 8002 y3~anff `IFINIOI2iO Tiff 3321 00 TS£ ZS- ' ' xnff 8002/ET/ZO 292500/50/8002 3321 00 S8b bTT- Jnff LOOZ/90/TT 80LT00/TO/8002 ~$0'OOT b8'- 00' 9T'SE8'99T- 9£8'99T- TS£'ZS- 58b'bT T- aff~y SNK2Iy SO£T8£ b8T 3'I'IOJ yN3YdSS3SSFl - 'yNIKInI asay 3'I'IOJ yN3InISS3SSK - ' 80-T£-TO-TO-TO 'A'2I T8S£bST 332i EL'bT0'9T- d2iJ 8002/LO/ZO SbT500/SO/8002 yNIKL~I allay 3'I`IOJ yN3YdSS3SSK - 'yNIKYd aff~y LO-TE-ZT-TO-ZT 'A'2I LO-0£-IT-9T-TT 'A'2I 9£86TST 332I TZ'LTO'Lb- ' ' d2IJ 800Z/80/TO EbTb00/b0/8002 377OJ yN3InISS3SSK - 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s3oQnff ay7, s5utzdS za~ut~y 3o A~TJ = 2IO3 S.LNIlOJJFl ZT 8002 2103 ~.z~uaTZs ZE~80 SOOZ/OZ/ZO / ' rr_~~ 0 02/20/2008 08:32 City of Winter Springs srichart YTD BUDGET - FEB 2008 FOR 2008 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL PG 2 glytdbud JOURNAL DETAIL 2008 1 TO 2008 12 ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD a USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 53410 CONT SERV 2008/01/001708 11/06/2007 Buc 2008/03/003258 12/13/2007 API 184 54310 UTILITIES 2008/01/001298 2008/01/001298 2008/01/001298 2008/01/001497 2008/01/001572 2008/01/001673 2008/01/001673 2008/01/001708 2008/02/002241 2008/02/002241 2008/02/002241 2008/02/002276 2008/02/002276 2008/02/002497 2008/02/002505 2008/03/003258 2008/03/003258 2008/03/003350 2008/03/003350 2008/03/003497 2008/03/003596 2008/03/003597 2008/04/004290 2008/04/004290 2008/04/004481 2008/04/004481 2008/04/004696 2008/04/004754 2008/04/004755 2008/05/005352 2008/05/005352 10/15/2007 API 10/15/2007 API 10/15/2007 API 10/24/2007 GEN 10/26/2007 GEN 10/31/2007 API 10/31/2007 API 11/06/2007 BUC 11/14/2007 API 11/14/2007 API 11/14/2007 API 11/15/2007 API 11/15/2007 API 11/28/2007 GEN 11/28/2007 GEN 12/13/2007 API 12/13/2007 API 12/18/2007 API 12/18/2007 API 12/26/2007 API 12/31/2007 GEN 12/31/2007 GEN 01/15/2008 API 01/15/2008 API 01/23/2008 API 01/23/2008 API 01/29/2008 API 01/31/2008 GEN 01/31/2008 GEN 02/18/2008 API 02/18/2008 API 184 54330 STREETLITE 2008/01/001222 10/10/2007 API zoos/ol/o01708 11/o6/zoo7 Buc - 2008/02/002255 11/14/2007 API 10,838 45,000 207,000 0 10,838.00 REF 2,832.25 VND 000302 PO 0 52.36 VND 000716 PO 66.47 VND 000716 PO 2,450.49 VND 000716 PO 788.56 REF 801007 178.25 REF 801012 12.60 VND 004419 PO 8.50 VND 004419 PO 45,000.00 REF 51.68 VND 000716 PO 65.01 VND 000716 PO 2,068.03 VND 000716 PO 12.71 VND 004419 PO 8.62 VND 004419 PO 928.25 REF 802005 222.06 REF 802006 13.65 VND 004419 PO 9.90 VND 004419 PO 61.27 VND 000716 PO 75.38 VND 000716 PO 2,631.02 VND 000716 PO 214.71 REF 803006 711.61 REF 803007 18.92 VND 004419 PO 13.72 VND 004419 PO 69.89 VND 000716 PO 54.89 VND 000716 PO 2,508.78 VND 000716 PO 649.57 REF 804014 195.69 REF 804015 61.95 VND 000716 PO 47.05 VND 000716 PO 0 3,390.28 VND 000716 PO 207,000.00 REF 1,000.95 VND 000716 PO 10,838 2,832.25 .00 8,005.75 26.1s ORIGINAL BUDGET 2008 RAY VALDES, SEM CO T 2007 & PRIOR TAX YEA RS ROLLS 44396 45,000 14,251.59 .00 30,748.41 31.7s PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 43443 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 43443 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 43443 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 10/16/07 CITY UTILITY 10/23/07 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 43694 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 43694 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2008 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 43919 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 43919 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 43919 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 43931 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 43931 EXP CITY UT ACCTS EFF 11/20/07 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 11/27/07 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 44403 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 44403 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 44518 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 44518 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 44666 EXPENSE CITY UT ACCT EFF 12/25 EXP CITY UT ACCTS EFF 12/18 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 45045 SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 45045 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 45159 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 45159 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 73908-66384 45262 EXP CITY UT ACCTS EFF O1/15 EXP CITY UT ACCTS EFF 01/22 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 72411-85194 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 19494-41446 207,000 68,286.68 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2008 PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 00 138,713.32 33.0% 43325 43920 b ~1 ~~ 02/20/2008 08:32 srichart FOR 2008 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: City of Winter Springs YTD BUDGET - FEB 2008 ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL PG 3 glytdbud JOURNAL DETAIL 2008 1 TO 2008 12 ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD $ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 54330 STREETLITE 2008/02/002255 2008/02/002255 2008/02/002255 2008/02/002255 2008/02/002255 2008/02/002255 2008/03/003226 2008/03/003226 2008/03/003226 2008/03/003226 2008/03/003226 2008/03/003226 2008/03/003566 2008/04/004115 2008/04/004115 2008/04/004115 2008/04/004115 2008/04/004115 2008/04/004115 2008/05/005120 11/14/2007 API 2,001.88 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 43920 11/14/2007 API 3,390.28 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 43920 11/14/2007 API 3,035.11 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 43920 11/14/2007 API 3,390.28 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 43920 11/14/2007 API 1,646.71 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 43920 11/14/2007 API 1,646.71 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 43920 12/12/2007 API 3,390.28 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 44390 12/12/2007 API 3,035.11 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 44390 12/12/2007 API 3,390.28 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 44390 12/12/2007 API 1,646.71 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 44390 12/12/2007 API 1,646.71 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 44390 12/12/2007 API 2,001.88 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 44390 12/31/2007 APM 11,720.69 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 0 43325 01/08/2008 API 3,390.28 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 45034 01/08/2008 API 3,035.11 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 45034 01/08/2008 API 3,390.28 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 45034 01/08/2008 API 1,646.71 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 45034 01/08/2008 API 1,646.71 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 45034 01/08/2008 API 2,001.88 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 09155-15105 45034 02/07/2008 API 6,841.85 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY FLOR 32070-49137 45360 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 2008/01/001264 2008/01/001265 2008/01/001477 2008/01/001477 2008/01/001689 2008/01/001689 2008/01/001689 2008/01/001689 2008/01/001708 2008/02/002252 2008/02/002252 2008/02/002331 2008/02/002331 2008/02/002331 2008/02/002341 2008/02/002341 2008/02/002481 2008/02/002481 2008/02/002503 10/12/2007 POE 10/12/2007 POE 10/23/2007 POE 10/23/2007 POE 10/31/2007 API 10/31/2007 POL 10/31/2007 API 10/31/2007 POL 11/06/2007 BUC 11/14/2007 API 11/14/2007 POL 11/19/2007 POE 11/19/2007 POE 11/19/2007 POE 11/19/2007 API 11/19/2007 POL 11/27/2007 API 11/27/2007 POL 11/28/2007 API 135,000 0 135,000 57,684.44 70,132.36 7,183.20 94.7°s 92,476.80 VND 000651 12,460.00 VND 004841 1,188.00 VND 004841 9,235.00 VND 008231 985.50 VND 004841 -985.50 VND 004841 328.00 VND 004841 -328.00 VND 004841 135,000.00 REF 9,235.00 VND 008231 -9,235.00 VND 008231 1,215.00 VND 000449 1,215.00 VND 000449 800.00 VND 009165 7,041.40 VND 000651 -7,041.40 VND 000651 1,215.00 VND 000449 -1,215.00 VND 000449 948.32 VND 000651 PO 80311 PO 80323 PO 80526 PO 80528 PO 80323 PO 80323 PO 80526 PO 80526 PO 80528 PO 80528 PO 80924 PO 80925 PO 80931 PO 80311 PO 80311 PO 80924 PO 80924 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU SEP TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVGS. OCT 1, 2007 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN ADDENDUM TO CHEMICAL CONTRACT REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. REPLACEMENT PLANTS AS P TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVCS. OCT 1, 2007 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVCS. OCT 1, 22008 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN ADDENDUM TO CHEMICAL CONTRACT TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN ADDENDUM TO CHEMICAL CONTR2008 ORIGINAL BUDGET 2008 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. REPLACEMENT PLANTS AS P REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD. REPLACEMENT PLANTS 2008 LUKAS NURSERY & GARD TLBD. REPLACEMENT PLANTS FOR LUKAS NURSERY & GARD TLBD. MEDIAN REPLACEMENT PLAN CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD. LABOR FOR PLANT INSTALLA P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU SEP P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU2008 LUKAS NURSERY & GARD TLBD. REPLACEMENT PLANTS FOR LUKAS NURSERY & GARD TLBD. REPLACEMENT PLANTS 2008 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS 43706 43706 43925 44057 44150 44157 02/20/2008 08:32 City of Winter Springs PG 4 srichart YTD BUD GET - FEB 2008 glytdbud FOR 2008 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2008 1 TO 2008 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGI NAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FU ND 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FU ND 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 2008/02/002503 11/28/2007 POL -948.32 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU2008 2008/03/003088 12/05/2007 API 192.50 VND 000449 PO 80925 LUKAS NURSERY & GARD TLBD. MEDIAN REPLACEMENT PLAN 44504 2008/03/003088 12/05/2007 POL -192.50 VND 000449 PO 80925 LUKAS NURSERY & GARD TLBD. MEDIAN REPLACEMENT 2008 2008/03/003167 12/10/2007 POE 3,075.00 VND 008231 PO 81148 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD MEDIAN AT WS BLVD AND GEO 2008/03/003248 12/12/2007 API 3,075.00 VND 008231 PO 81148 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD MEDIAN AT WS BLVD AND GEO 44524 2008/03/003248 12/12/2007 POL -3,075.00 VND 008231 PO 81148 REW CUSTOM LANDSC TLBD MEDIAN AT WS BLVD AND2008 2008/03/003347 12/18/2007 API 7,041.40 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU SEP 44512 2008/03/003347 12/18/2007 POL -7,041.40 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU2008 2008/03/003347 12/18/2007 API 247.89 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS 44512 2008/03/003347 12/18/2007 POL -247.89 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU2008 2008/03/003347 12/18/2007 API 985.50 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVGS. OCT 1, 2007 44686 2008/03/003347 12/18/2007 POL -985.50 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVCS. OCT 1, 22008 2008/03/003363 12/18/2007 API 222.00 VND 009165 PO 80931 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD. LABOR FOR PLANT INSTALLA 44465 2008/03/003363 12/18/2007 POL -222.00 VND 009165 PO 80931 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD. LABOR FOR PLANT INST2008 2008/03/003439 12/21/2007 POE 6,180.00 VND 004073 PO 81327 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. REPLACE SOD ON MEDIANS 2008/03/003497 12/26/2007 API 350.00 VND 004841 PO 80526 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN ADDENDUM TO CHEMICAL CONTRACT 44686 2008/03/003497 12/26/2007 POL -350.00 VND 004841 PO 80526 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN ADDENDUM TO CHEMICAL CONTR2008 2008/03/003497 12/26/2007 API 70.00 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN ADD'L PALM PROGRAM. 5 @ $70. 44686 2008/03/003497 12/26/2007 POL -70.00 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVGS. OCT 1, 22008 2008/03/003497 12/26/2007 API 985.00 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVCS. OCT 1, 2007 44686 2008/03/003497 12/26/2007 POL -985.00 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVGS. OCT 1, 22008 2008/04/004062 01/04/2008 POM 172.00 VND 009165 PO 80931 CUSTOM COVERINGS increase 80931 2008 2008/04/004091 01/07/2008 API 5,980.00 VND 004073 PO 81327 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. REPLACE SOD ON MEDIANS 44849 2008/04/004091 01/07/2008 POL -6,180.00 VND 004073 PO 81327 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. REPLACE SOD ON MEDI2008 2008/04/004166 01/09/2008 API 750.00 VND 009165 PO 80931 CUSTOM COVERINGS ADDITIONAL COSTS 44857 2008/04/004166 01/09/2008 POL -578.00 VND 009165 PO 80931 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD. LABOR FOR PLANT INST2008 2008/04/004166 01/09/2008 POL -172.00 VND 009165 PO 80931 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD. LABOR FOR PLANT INST2008 2008/04/004480 01/23/2008 API 985.50 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVGS. OCT 1, 2007 45277 2008/04/004480 01/23/2008 POL -985.50 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVCS. OCT 1, 22008 2008/04/004504 01/24/2008 API 360.90 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN POTENTIAL INCR. (UP TO) 7% (4 45151 2008/04/004504 01/24/2008 POL -313.83 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU2008 2008/04/004504 01/24/2008 POL -47.07 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU2008 2008/04/004504 01/24/2008 API 7,041.40 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU SEP 45151 2008/04/004504 01/24/2008 POL -7,041.40 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU2008 2008/05/005346 02/18/2008 API 328.00 VND 004841 PO 80526 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN ADDENDUM TO CHEMICAL CONTRACT 2008/05/005346 02/18/2008 POL -328.00 VND 004841 PO 80526 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN ADDENDUM TO CHEMICAL CONTR2008 2008/05/005346 02/18/2008 API 985.50 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVCS. OCT 1, 2007 2008/05/005346 02/18/2008 POL -985.50 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVGS. OCT 1, 22008 2008/05/005346 02/18/2008 API 70.00 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN ADD'L PALM PROGRAM. 5 @ $70. 2008/05/005346 02/18/2008 POL -70.00 VND 004841 PO 80323 TRUGREEN CHEM LAWN TLBD. CHEM SVCS. OCT 1, 22008 2008/05/005389 02/19/2008 API 483.23 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS 2008/05/005389 02/19/2008 POL -483.23 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU2008 2008/05/005389 02/19/2008 API 7,591.40 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS 02/20/2008 08:32 City of Winter Springs srichart YTD BUDGET - FEB 2008 FOR 2008 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL -7,041.40 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU2008 -550.00 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU2008 186.00 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS -186.00 VND 000651 PO 80311 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. OCT 1, 2007 THRU2008 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 2008/05/005389 02/19/2008 POL 2008/05/005389 02/19/2008 POL 2008/05/005389 02/19/2008 API 2008/05/005389 02/19/2008 POL 184 54693 RM PONDS 2008/01/001056 2008/01/001708 2008/02/002391 2008/02/002391 2008/02/002391 2008/03/003226 2008/03/003226 2008/04/004091 2008/04/004091 2008/04/004091 2008/05/005214 10/03/2007 POE 11/06/2007 BUC 11/21/2007 API 11/21/2007 POL 11/21/2007 POL 12/12/2007 API 12/12/2007 POL 01/07/2008 API 01/07/2008 POL 01/07/2008 POL 02/12/2008 POE 184 54695 R&P-S/W 2008/01/001265 2008/01/001689 2008/01/001689 2008/01/001708 2008/02/002066 2008/02/002294 2008/02/002294 2008/03/003167 2008/03/OQ3347 2008/03/003347 2008/03/003347 2008/03/003347 2008/03/003511 2008/04/004168 2008/04/004168 2008/04/004262 2008/04/004470 2008/04/004471 2008/04/004471 2008/05/005088 10/12/2007 POE 10/31/2007 API 10/31/2007 POL 11/06/2007 BUC 11/06/2007 POE 11/15/2007 API 11/15/2007 POL 12/10/2007 POE 12/18/2007 API 12/18/2007 POL 12/18/2007 API 12/18/2007 POL 12/27/2007 POE 01/09/2008 API 01/09/2008 POL 01/14/2008 POE 01/23/2008 POE 01/23/2008 API 01/23/2008 POL 02/06/2008 API 20,000 35,000 10,900.00 20,000.00 1,025.00 -700.00 -325.00 700.00 -700.00 1,735.00 -700.00 -1,035.00 1,928.00 VND REF VND VND VND VND VND VND VND VND VND 0 20,000 3,460.00 9,368.00 7,172.00 64.1s 009507 009507 009507 009507 009507 009507 009507 009507 009507 009507 PO 80078 PO 80078 PO 80078 PO 80078 PO 80078 PO 80078 PO 80078 PO 80078 PO 80078 PO 81977 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINT. OCT 1, ORIGINAL BUDGET 2008 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINT. OCT 1, 44018 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINT. OCT2008 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINT. OCT2008 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINT. OCT 1, 44484 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINT. OCT2008 FOUNTAIN REPAIRS. MATERIALS A 44865 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINT. OCT2008 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINT. OCT2008 TLBD. MAIN ENTRANCE FOUINTAINS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS PG 5 glytdbud JOURNAL DETAIL 2008 1 TO 2008 12 ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED 0 35,000 10,046.04 8,600.00 VND 004297 550.00 VND 004297 -550.00 VND 004297 35,000.00 REF 1,450.00 VND 008382 1,400.00 VND 008382 -1,450.00 VND 008382 2,500.00 VND 008382 550.00 VND 004297 -550.00 VND 004297 550.00 VND 004297 -550.00 VND 004297 725.00 VND 004297 721.04 VND 004297 -725.00 VND 004297 1,325.00 VND 009165 1,900.00 VND 009165 2,500.00 VND 008382 -2,500.00 VND 008382 550.00 VND 004297 PO 80321 PO 80321 PO 80321 PO 80759 PO 80759 PO 80759 PO 81149 PO 80321 PO 80321 PO 80321 PO 80321 PO 81359 PO 81359 PO 81359 PO 81553 PO 81654 PO 81149 PO 81149 PO 80321 6,400.00 18,553.96 47.0s LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI 43669 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING2008 ORIGIN AL BUDGET 2008 BRYAN GODWIN ENTER TLBD. WSBLVD. REPAIR AND PAINT BRYAN GODWIN ENTER TLBD. WSBLVD. REPAIR AND PAINT 43984 BRYAN GODWIN ENTER TLBD. WSBLVD. REPAIR AND P2008 BRYAN GODWIN ENTER TLBD ENTRANCES. REPAIR AND RE LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI 44502 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING2008 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI 44502 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING2008 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. INSTALLATION/STORAGE OF LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. INSTALLATION/STORAGE OF 44887 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. INSTALLATION/STORAG2008 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD. WS BLVD. PRESSURE CLEAN CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD ENTRANCES. CHEMICAL CLEA BRYAN GODWIN ENTER TLBD ENTRANCES. REPAIR AND RE 45100 BRYAN GODWIN ENTER TLBD ENTRANCES. REPAIR AN2008 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI 45339 ( - \ \~~~ 02/20/2008 08:32 City of Winter Springs PG 6 srichart YTD BUDGET - FEB 2008 glytdbud FOR 2008 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2008 1 TO 2008 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: " ORIGI NAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED 184 TLBD MAI NTENANCE FU ND 184 TLBD MAI NTENANCE FUND 184 54695 R&P-S/W 2008/05/005088 02/06/2008 POL -550.00 VND 004297 PO 80321 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING2008 2008/05/005089 02/06/2008 API 1,900.00 VND 009165 PO 81654 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD ENTRANCES. CHEMICAL CLEA 45304 2008/05/005089 02/06/2008 POL -1,900.00 VND 009165 PO 81654 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD ENTRANCES. CHEMICAL 2x08 2008/05/005251 02/13/2008 API 1,325.00 VND 009165 PO 81553 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD. WS BLVD. PRESSURE CLEAN 45435 2008/05/005251 02/13/2008 POL -1,325.00 VND 009165 PO 81553 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD. WS BLVD. PRESSURE CL2008 184 55230 OP SUPP LY 100 0 100 .00 .00 100.00 .0% 2008/01/001708 11/06/2007 BUC 100.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2008 184 58130 TR TO G F 60,274 -3,609 56,665 18,888.32 .00 37,776.68 33.3% 2008/01/001708 11/06/2007 BUC 60,274.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2008 2008/04/004300 01/15/2008 BUA -3,609.00 REF bal Ins prem reduction fr budget 2008/04/004576 01/28/2008 GEN 4,722.08 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2008/04/004591 01/28/2008 GEN 4,722.08 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2008/04/004613 01/28/2008 GEN 4,722.08 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 2008/04/004659 01/28/2008 GEN 4,722.08 REF 103 TR TLBD -GF (CLERK FEES,INS,BE 184 59310 STAT RE SER 14,494 0 14,494 .00 .00 14,494.00 .0% 2008/01/001708 11/06/2007 BUC 14,494.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2008 184 59990 APP TO FB 106,663 55,960 162,623 .00 .00 162,623.00 .0°s 2008/01/001708 11/06/2007 BUC 106,663.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2008 2008/04/004300 01/15/2008 BUA 3,609.00 REF bal Ins prem reduction fr budget 2008/05/005262 02/13/2008 BUA 52.,351.00 REF BA1 Residual Equity Tfer from 184 TOTAL TLBD M AINTENANCE FUN D 0 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 TOTAL REVENUES -643,685 TOTAL EXPENSES 0 0 -460,933.07 95,216.36 365,716.71 100.0% 0 0 -460,933.07 95,216.36 365,716.71 100.0% -52,351 -696,036 -636,382.39 .00 -59,653.61 ..~.~._ t' 02/20/2008 08:32 City of Winter Springs PG 7 srichart YTD BUDGET - FEB 2008 glytdbud FOR 2008 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2008 1 TO 2008 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD ~ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 643,685 52,351 696,036 175,449.32 95,216.36 _ 425,370.32 PRIOR FUND BALANCE 202,267.68 CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE 460,933.07 CURRENT FUND BALANCE 663,200.75 02/20/2008 08:33 _ City of winter Springs srichart YTD BUDGET - FEB 2008 PG 1 glytdbud FOR 2008 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED 313 TLBD PH2 IMPROV FUND 313 TLBD PH2 IMPROV FUND 313 361100 INT EARNED -1,500 313 369101 30115 MISC REV -1,000 313 389100 APP FD BAL -255,500 313 65000 30105 CAP-CIP 258,000 TOTAL TLBD PH2 IMPROV FUND 0 TOTAL TLBD PH2 IMPROV FUND 0 TOTAL REVENUES -258,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 258,000 PRIOR FUND BALANCE CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE CURRENT FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1,500 -1,000 -255,500 258,000 0 0 -258,000 258,000 -2,270.96 .00 .00 31,744.94 29,473.98 29,473.98 -2,270.96 31,744.94 262,853.63 -29,473.98 233,379.65 .00 .00 .00 156,739.02 156,739.02 156,739.02 .00 156,739.02 770.96 151.4% -1,000.00 .0%* -255,500.00 .0°s* 69,516.04 73.1% -186,213.00 100.0% -186,213.00 100.0% -255,729.04 69,516.04 Steven Richart From: Steven Richart Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 11:15 AM To: 'Burkett, Linda C.' Subject: RE: 1841 Seneca Blvd Attachments: Steven Richart.vcf Steven Richart.vcf (4 KB) Please give me an update on this. Steven T. Richart, CPCO# JF147201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www.winterspringsfl.org email: srichart@winterspringsfl.org "The solution is to not become part of the problem." -----Original Message----- From: Burkett, Linda C. [mailto:Linda.Burkett@pgnmail.com] Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 11:44 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: 1841 Seneca Blvd Hi Steven, attached is the invoice for the shield for this light. I have released the work order to install the shield. Since we have completed all the work orders I no longer have dedicated crews available to me. This work order will need to go through the channels so the shield will not be installed in a couple of days like the others. Linda Steven Richart From: Steven Richart Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 11:14 AM To: 'Burkett, Linda C.' Subject: RE: 975 Dyson Attachments: Steven Richart.vcf a e_ .:_ Steven Richart.vcf (4 KB) Please give me an update on this. Steven T. Richart, CPCO# JF147201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www.winterspringsfl.org email: srichart@winterspringsfl.org "The solution is to not become part of the problem." -----Original Message----- From: Burkett, Linda C. [mailto:Linda.Burkett@pgnmail.com] Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 10:24 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: RE: 975 Dyson Here is the invoice for the shield. I will release the work order for construction. Linda -----Original Message----- From: Steven Richart [mailto:srichart@winterspringsfl.org] Sent: Friday, February 08, 2008 8:38 AM To: Burkett, Linda C. Cc: Randy Stevenson; Rande Thompson Subject: RE: 975 Dyson Linda, Thank you for the quote to relocate this light. Unfortunately, we will not be doing the relocation due to the photometric pattern being adversely affected by a move. Instead, please order a shield to be installed for the benefit of the resident at 975 Dyson. Thank you kindly. Steven T. Richart, CPCO# JF147201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www.winterspringsfl.org email: srichart@winterspringsfl.org "The solution is to not become part of the problem." -----Original Message----- From: Burkett, Linda C. [mailto:Linda.Burkett@pgnmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 10:04 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: 975 Dyson Steve, attached is the invoice to relocate the pole and light at 975 Dyson to the west property line. Thanks Linda Confidentiality Note: This e-mail, and any attachment to it, contains information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named on the a-mail. If the reader of this a-mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this a-mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. Page 1 of 1 Steven Richart From: Steven Richart Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 11:13 AM To: 'Steve Piermont' Subject: Low Voltage Lights Out Attachments: Steven Richart.vcf Steve, The following low voltage lights are out and need repair. Tuscawilla WS Blvd Main Entrance Shetland Seneca Dyson Town Center Bldg 1 Oak Forest Trotwood Forest Creek Oak Forest Drive Please improve service on our lights. Thanks. Steven T. Richart, CPCO# JF147201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: ~-y~ti~w_.w.intersprn~sfl.or~ email: sric%gr~lv_interspringsjl,org "The solution is to not become part ojthe problem. " 2/20/2008 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MONTHLY LIGHTING INSPECTION Date: ~ ~ Inspector: f/1 G Entrances: (Low Voltage) 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Sprin 2. Tuskawilla~d and Trotwood. (2 3. Shetland /Citrus. (2)~~j~/~Cw~~'E~ J~~ ~ I /C'~ 4. Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. (4) ~ - • .~ ` 7 ~ ~. 5. Vistawilla. ( ) 6. Tuscora. (2) 7. Dyson (2) l- l /-e ~ G'v / /~ ~ Ct /-~ ~ S / ~~ ~ r" 8. Deer Run. (2) 9. Howell Creek. (2) Roadways: (Streetlights) <Winter Springs Blvd ,Northern Way, Greenbriar, Tuscora, Deer Run, Howell Creek and Trotwood Blvd.> P & L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 2/12/08 Thomas Payne 1. Weed control in the plant beds has suddenly become a major issue with the recent germination of many winter weeds and controlling these weeds wi I I become the major focus of our treatments during our next few service visits. 2. The annual flower "change out" was completed last month (pansies) and these plants appear to be performing well. Regular weeding inside the annual beds will also be concentrated on with upcoming service visits. 3. The golden dew drop plants located in the tip planting in the median near Northern Way will be shaped with upcoming services. 4. Steven Continues to request that we hold off cutting back the ornamental grasses and the tipping of the crape myrtles until late February or early March and this information has been given to our crew. 5. Iron deficiency is visible on many of the azalea plantings and consideration should be given to treating these plants with supplemental iron applications. 6. Some yellowing is visible on the new growth in many of the dwarf jasmine beds and some supplemental fertilizer on these planting beds may help to eliminate this. 7. The turf surrounding the entry planters at the Dyson Road and Citrus Road entries looks a little rough and may need some renovation work. 8. Cold damage is visible on many of the more tropical materials (especially on the sweet potato vine plantings) but most of the damage appears to still be topical at this time. We would recommend continuing to hold off on removing any of the damaged plant parts until further freeze possibilities are not likely and we will instruct our crews this way. 9. A broken irrigation riser was found behind the entry wall on the north side at the entry at Tuskawilla Road and this information was relayed to Cindy to schedule repair work. l0.Overall, the site continues to look good. Page 1 of 4 Steven Richart From: Pat & Craig [windynpat@cfl.rr.com] Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 9:16 AM To: Steven Richart Cc: Randy Stevenson; rthompson29@cfl.rr.com; carrollatthoa@hotmail.com; luisemily@aol.com; pat@stanforth.com; 'Mindy'; Ron McLemore Subject: RE: Lights I think this is a dead issue now that a long term financial commitment would be incurred by our HOA. I can't ask them to incur that for our street - nor do I think they would -and not every other side street. If anyone sees an alternative please let me know. I went through this process in my previous house and that $1 S-$30 per month per light was a lease on the lights. Is there anyway we can buy the lights as we did in our previous house? Craig -----Original Message----- From: Steven Richart [mailto:srichart@winterspringsfl.org] Sent: Monday, February 04, 2008 7:31 AM To: Pat & Craig Cc: Randy Stevenson; rthompson29@cfl.rr.com; carrollatthoa@hotmail.com; luisemily@aol.com; pat@stanforth.com; Mindy; Ron McLemore Subject: RE: Lights Craig, Unfortunately, your HOA would have to be the entity that makes an agreement for decorative streetlighting with the City due to the long term financial commitment for casts of rental and maintenance. The additional cost can be from $IS to $30 per decorative streetlight per month. Please confirm that your HOA would be interested and have them give us a call at the office. Many questions regarding decorative streetlighting can be answered by attending one of our monthly TLBD Advisory Board Meetings, where members who have been through the upgrade process can share information with your HOA Board. Respectfully, r~~ Steven T. R~Chart, CPCO# JF147201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 2/20/2008 Page 2 of 4 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321} 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www,wintersprin~sf7~rg emdll: srichart@winterspringsf/.orq "The solution is to not become part of the problem. " _. From: Pat & Craig [mailto:windynpat@cfl.rr.com] Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 6:49 AM To: Steven Richart Cc: Randy Stevenson; rthompson29@cfl.rr.com; carrollatthoa@hotmail.com; luisemily@aol.com; pat@stanforth.com; 'Mindy' Subject: RE: Lights Steve, We were wondering if we coz-rld do just our street (Olean Court) and not the rest of Chelsea Woods. If I got the homeowners association involved and they helped us do just our street the rest of the Chelsea wonder why the Homeowners Association of Chelsea Woods isn't doing all of the streets. I figure that if we want it only for our street then I need to keep the Homeowners Association out of this process. However, I will definitely coordinate with them and keep them informed. In fact I have already emailed Pat Stanforth (Chelsea Woods Homeowners Associations and Pat has helped me get in contact with you. I want to do this with the least impact on anyone that need not he involved in the process. i. e. To make it as painless as possible for all those concerned.. Please, if at anytime anyone thinks that this will cause a commotion or z~rpheaval in the community please let me know. Our plan is: 1. Olean Court homeowners (only..those_willing_to__contribute) will pay the needed costs for installation. 2. Whoever is paying the current electric bill continue to do so. 3. Determine who would pay maintenance/upkeep if needed. 4. This is all predicated on this being a reasonable cost to the homeowners of Olean Court. Thank you, Craig Windorf 678 Olean Court 2/20/2008 Page 3 of 4 407-971-1499 -----Original Message----- From: Steven Richart [mailto:srichart@winterspringsfl.org] Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 8:46 AM To: Pat & Craig Cc: Randy Stevenson; Rande Thompson Subject: RE: Lights Dear Craig, Thank you for contacting the City of Winter Springs regarding upgraded streetlighting in your area. Unfortunate/y, the Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District (TLBD) has no immediate plans to install decorative streetlighting on any side streets in the subdivision. However, it is possible for a Homeowners Association (HOA) to make an agreement with the City for upgrading streetlights in a subdivision; as has been done in the past by G/en Eagle HOA and Windinq Hol%w HOA. Does your section have an HOA? Please give me a call to discuss our options. Respectfully, J Steven T. RlChar't, CPCO# JF147201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www..wintersprin~stl.org emdll: srichart~wintersp~ngsfl,.org "The solution is to not become part of the problem. " From: Pat & Craig [mailto:windynpat@cfl.rr.com] Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 2:11 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: FVV: Lights Dear Mr. Richart, I was talking to several of our neighbors and we were commenting on how much we like the new street lights in Chelsea Woods. The question was raised whether the side streets will see those lights and if so, when? If not, is there a way that we (the homeowners on Olean Court could pay to have those lights on our street? We could do all the leg work to make it happen 2/20/2008 Page 4 of 4 and pay the installation bill. Could you give me a ball park figure how much we could expect to pay per each light? I figure we would need 3 to 4. Thank you, Craig Windorf 678 Olean Court 407-971-1499 -----Original Message----- From: Pam Carroll [mailto:carrollatthoa@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:54 PM To: windynpat@cfl.rr.com Subject: Lights Dear Craig, The street lights fall under the T.L.B.D. control and funding is coordinated through them. You can certainly contact Steve Richart, Urban Beautification Services Manager and inquire. His email is: srichart.@winterspringsfl_.org and his phone number at WS City Hall is 407-327-5976. This is the first time I have heard of neighbors wishing to pay to have street lights on their street. Steve is the person to answer your questions; he is a great fellow. Good luck! Regards, Pam Carroll President, THOA Need to know the score, the latest news, or you need your Hotmail®-get your "fix". Check_i..t_out_.. Confidentiality Note: This a-mail, and any attachment to it, contains information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named on the a-mail. If the reader of this e- mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this a-mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. Confidentiality Note: This e-mail, and any attachment to it, contains information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named on the e-mail. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. 2/20/2008 •>r ~a R ~~ `,~ ON-SITE BRANCH ADDRESS ` - PROPERTY TRUGREEN Chemtawn® EVALUATION ~ _ {~. B [] K 7102, - wtNT~~ PARK: FL • 32793 PROPERTY - ~ - - - - - - BILL TO CITY CJF -rJZNTER SPRII~2Ga~'PRE~--EMR ~1CCI~UNI``B ~'AY'At,';_.E DEPARTIr{ W I NT€R sP ~ r caGS, ~~ 32708 ~ r : 9~? _ _. _ sc~ : w r NT>*1- _ sl=R Z NGS9 FL. 370 PRE EhI1~RGEN: P L.ICA'rIt]NS t_A N -- 02 PHI3'iVE: X07-3275926 Da GATE: (1 =Poor, 5 =Excellent) Good Too High Too Short Dull Blade 1 2 3 4 5 MOWING HEIGHT: ~}"~ ^ ^ ^ COLOR:. ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ Good Too Wet Too Dry DENSITY: ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ WATERING: ^ ~ ^ WEEDS: RECOMMENDATIONS: ~~"'' ~ ~-; , BROADLEAF ' ~° ~' •~ ,/' ~' - -~ PROBLEM GRASSES "'`~•~ ~' ~`" '' , : •• '7`' _ ~ INSECTS: fi^ .._ ~ ', • ~ ~' ~ '" . ."''~ DISEASES: r` .~' ,:.- F . r'' ' - ' THATCH/SOIL CONDITION: ~ ~"'~ ^.'` ~~~ °~" -•~-+" r .. , ~ ~~ COLOR/GROWTH ^ POOR ^ IMPROVED ^ HEALTHY OTHER FINDINGS: ^ WINTER INJURY ^ TRANSPLANT SHOCK INSECT ACTIVITY: ^ MINIMAL ^ PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS DAMAGE ^ WATER DEFICIENCY ^ NORMAL LEAF DROP DISEASE ACTIVITY: ^ MINIMAL ^ PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS ^ EXPOSED ROOTS ^ POOR DRAINAGE n AGE ^ CONST. DAMAGE '`' ^ MECH.INJURY . ~ I ' RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ o ^ PLANTED TOO DEEP ^ MULCH T00~3€EP $'~ ~~~ ^ GIRDLING ROOT/WIRE ^ WOOD BORIf~ ' & INSECTS ~~~ ~ ~~ RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ 4 f ~ x roc: ~' p; h.,3 ~ J ,~ P::J du ~(~ - cEV C s d ,. ~,rn ti f ~ ~ ~ ~ [r;~.AWN ^ TREE/SHRUB ^ OTHER d". . INCLUDED: M J ,~ J' TREE TRUNK INJECTION. ^ SULFUR ^ NATURAL FTILIZER [t~``fyITROGEN IRON ^ AERATION ^ PHOSPHORUS ®'1VIICRONUTRIENTS ~~TASSIUM [INSECTICIDE ^ FUNGICIDE ;,~] HORT. OIL ~ ^ SLOW R ^ LINE ELEASE NITROGEN , [+~ PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL [OST EMERGENT WEED CONTROL ^ OTHER ~1' _. -- RECOMMENDATIONS: --,~'.:~.,-- - ,~-,: --~ -- -~- r~-=~. ~,~ , ~ - 7 -.°. • `r,:~, ~ ,.. / .~ ,.. _4 ~ 1-~ ~ may.... ,~ .i.° . ,,.. _. _ -.-_ ,, r•' ,„v` , .tf J ~ • ~ ' ~~} ~:.. ON SITE CONTACT PERSON ® 2004'hvGreen L.P. ~rtu~m All Rights Reserved INK ~1' DATEf ~ ~P P' TIME s - '~' ~~ ? '`'' ~~ SPECIALIST/C MMERCIAL REF?` `"' PHONE / OFFICE COP)f ON-SITE BRANCH ADDRESS ~ .' TRUGREEN Chemtawn® Ev~UA o ~' `zi' ~ h '~' N ors ." g ~' 1''~F'r ~ . ,~-, ~,~,-. PROPERTY BILL TO (1 =Poor, 5 =Excellent) Goo d Too High Too Short Dull Blade 1 2 3 4 5 , / MOWING HEIGHT: I~f ^ ^ ^ COLOR: ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ~ ^ Good Too We Too Dry ~ DENSITY: ^ ^ ^ WATERING: ^ ^ WEEDS: RECOMMENDATIONS: BROADLEAF > f PROBLEM GRASSES ~' < ~~"'' INSECTS: ~ DISEASES: ~ A itT.e~~~ ' THATCH/SOIL CONDITION: -~' ~~ ~ ~Z"l . COLOR/GROWTH ^ POOR ^ IMPROVED ^ HEALTHY OTHER FI NDINGS: ^ WINTER INJURY ^ TRANSPLANT SHOCK INSECT ACTIVITY: ^ MINIMAL ^ PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS ^ WATER DEFICIENCY ^ NORMAL LEAF DROP DAMAGE DISEASE ACTIVITY: ^ MINIMAL ^ PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS ^ EXPOSED ROOTS ^ POOR DRAINAGE DAMAGE ^ CONST. DAMAGE ^ MECH. INJURY RECOMMENDATIONS: ^ PLANTED TOO DEEP ^ MULCH TOO DEEP ^ GIRDLING ROOTNVIRE ^ WOOD BORING INSECTS R'F~COMMENDATIONS: c.~ .~ ~ 0 •~. ~ [~''CAWN ^ TREE/SHRUB ^ OTHER INCLUDED: ,^ TTREE TRUNK INJECTION ^ SULFUR ^ NATURAL FERTILIZ,~E,R~ L~~ROGEN L"J IRON ^ AERATION ^ PHOSPHORUS L~MICRON UTRIENTS Ld'POTASSIUM Ls~I ECTICIDE ^ FUNGICIDE ^ HO~. OIL ^ LIME ^ SLOW RELEASE NITROGEN L~' PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL , L_VPOST EMERGENT WEED CONTROL ^ OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS: sf~/~ <Zr'L `~~'!z~ r~ ON SITE CONTACT PERSON !/ DATE TIME SPECIALIST/COMMERCIAL REP. PHONE ®20041`ruGreen l..r. "T`iNK _ CUSTOMER COPY All Rights Reserved ON-SITE BRANCH ADDRESS TRUGREEN Chemtawn® EVALUATION ~ - - - !•: ~~ ~ ~t, ; I.TP ~~g~}~ ~~ ~~??g PROPERTY BILL TO ,. . , - ,... - ~ - (1 =Poor, 5 =Excellent) Good Too High Too Short Dull Blade 1 2 3 4 5 MOWING HEIGHT: ^ ^ ^ ^ COLOR: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Good Too Wet Too Dry DENSITY: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ WATERING: ^ ^ ^ RECOMMENDATIONS: WEEDS: BROADLEAF PROBLEM GRASSES INSECTS: DISEASES: THATCH/SOIL CONDITION: COLOR/GROWTH ^ POOR ^ IMPROVED ^ HEALTHY OTHER FINDINGS:. ^ WINTER INJURY ^ TRANSPLANT SHOCK INSECT ACTIVITY: ^ MINIMAL ^ PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS ^ WATER DEFICIENCY ^ NORMAL LEAF DROP DAMAGE DISEASE ACTIVITY: ^ MINIMAL ^ PRESENT ^ PREVIOUS ^ EXPOSED ROOTS ^ POOR DRAINAGE DAMAGE ^ CONST. DAMAGE ^ MECH. INJURY RECOMMENDATIONS: ^ PLANTED TOO DEEP ^ MULCH TOO DEEP ^ GIRDLING ROOT/WIRE ^ WOOD BORING INSECTS RECOMNDATIONS`. ~.: ii O u 'r ~ .7; ~~ _. •~~ ^ LAWN TREE/SHRUB ^ OTHER ' ~ "~~ ~sF INCLUDED: - p> ''~ N ^ TRTR E TRUNK INJECTI O ^ SULFUR ^ NATURAL FERTILIZ ER ~ , ~ L7 NITROGEN L~~, IRON ^ AERATION ~ ~ ~ ,~ ^ PHOSPHORUS L~IOIIC NUTRIENTS I~'F'OTASSIUM gXINSECTICIDE LL~UNGICIDE ^ HORT. OIL ^ LIME LOW R ELEASE NITROGEN ^ PRE EMERGENT WEED CONTROL ^ POST EMERGENT WEED CONTROL ^ OTHER ~~~ RECOMMENDATIONS: ON SITE CONTACT PERSON ~-i-~~ DATE TIME SPECIA ST/COMMERCIAL REP. PHONE ®2004TruGreenL.P. ""iNK CUSTOMER COPY All Riehts Reserved Page 1 of 2 Steven Richart From: Steve Piermont [lightscapeslighting@yahoo.com] Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 9:06 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: Re: FW: tuscawilla lighting by fountains Mr. Richart , A work order was made for the Tuscawilla entrance and we will have a service truck out there as soon as possible. Thank you Steven Richart <srichart@winterspringsfl.org> wrote: Steve, Please take care of this issue with low voltage lights being out at the main entrance to Tuscawilla as soon as possible. Thanks. Steven T. Richart, CPCO# JF 147201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www.winterspringsfl.org email: srichart@winterspringsfl.org "The solution is to not become part of the problem." -----Original Message----- From: Luci Coker [mailto:lcoker@nel4email.com] Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 8:47 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: tuscawilla lighting by fountains Mr. Richart, I noticed several lights not working around the fountains this evening. You may already have a work order on these, if so please disregard. Facing the entrance, there are 3 lights out...I marked them with some old flags laying on the ground. On the right side, there is one light in the planter (nearest WS 2/20/2008 Page 2 of 2 Blvd.) Thank you Luci S. Coker lcoker@ne 14email.com 407-699-8721 Confidentiality Note: This e-mail, and any attachment to it, contains information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named on the e-mail. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e- mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Richart;Steven FN:Steven Richart ORG:;Public Works TITLE:Urban Beautification Coordinator TEL;WORK;VOICE:407-327-5976 x315 TEL;PAGER;VOICE:162* 19978* 164 ADR;WORK:;;1126 E. SR434;Winter Springs;FL;32708;UNITED STATES LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:1126 E. SR434=OD=OAWinter Springs, FL 32708=OD=OAUNITED STATES EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET: srichart@winterspringsfl. org REV :2007071671249472 END: V CARD Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. T'ry it new. 2/20/2008 Page 1 of 2 Steven Richart From: Rande Thompson [rthompson29@cfl.rr.com] Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 8:31 AM To: Steven Richart; Randy Stevenson Cc: Greg Bishop Subject: RE: Dyson Dr Lights Steven: I concur your efforts and hard work and and should be appreciated. Respectfully, Rande Thompson -----Original Message----- From: Steven Richart [mailto:srichart@winterspringsfl.org] Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 8:01 AM To: Randy Stevenson Cc: Greg Bishop; Rande Thompson Subject: FW: Dyson Dr Lights h'~ m Steven T. Richart, CPCO# JF147207 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407j 327-5976 Office (321) 689-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web. www_wtnterspringstl.~r email: sriclrar(~g<wirllerspring~.~r~; "The solution is to nog hecome port ojrhe problem. " From: Spenser Kisby [mailto:skisby@cfl.rr.com] Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:15 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: Dyson Dr Lights Dear Steve, Thank you for your attention to our dark streetlights. Florida Power did the final hookup sometime yesterday because the lights were glowing last night. [f others at the city were involved in expediting the work, would you please pass on my gratitude to them as well. 2/20/2008 Page 2 of 2 Thanks again, Spense Kisby 855 Dyson Dr Confidentiality Note: This e-mail, and any attachment to it, contains information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named on the e-mail. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. 2/20/2008 Page 1 of 1 Steven Richart From: PCarroll777@aol.com Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 8:54 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: Re: Two new streetlights on Dyson Drive Hey Steve, Delay disappeared because both streetlights are lit tonight! Thanks for following upon this item. Pam Start the year off right. Easy_wa_ys_to_stay_n_shape in the new year. 2/20/2008 Page 1 of 3 Steven Richart From: Rande Thompson [rthompson29@cfl.rr.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 9:23 AM To: Jensen, Lee Cc: Steven Richart Subject: RE: Vistawilla Lights Lee: These estimates were shared with Pam Carroll in a letter dated December 18, 2007. Flagler/16' Washington Deco & Light Combination M..onthly Year $ 240.00 $2,880.00 THOA $ 187.48 $2,249.76 City of Winter Springs $ 52.52 $ 630.24 (Streetlight rates are subject to adjustment on January 1 st of each calendar year by Progress Energy and the City of Winter Springs pursuant to approval by the Florida Public Service Commission. Rates are scheduled to be reduced as of January 1, 2008.) Respectfully, Rande -----Original Message----- From: Jensen, Lee [mailto:Uensen@bakerlaw.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 8:34 AM To: Rande Thompson Subject: RE: Vistawilla Lights Rande, I am not surprised about this. I did talk with a Board member of Chelsea Woods who I have known for years and got the same reaction stating that it's not within the PUD so why would we support this. Their Board is very political and going through changes so I am not going to get support from them. When I was on the THOA they would only support physical items within their jurisdiction, so I am not surprised about that response as well. Knowing that Board and it's members, they are not going to support this. It's ironic though, they have more than enough money and it would benefit the community. Can you tell me again, how much it would cost annually for the lights? In other words, what would have been the THOA share of this if they would have accepted this cost? Thanks. Lee ..__., From: Rande Thompson [mailto:rthompson29@cfl.rr.com] Sent: Tue 1/29/2008 7:33 AM To: Jensen, Lee Subject: FW: Vistawilla Lights 2/20/2008 Page 2 of 3 -----Original Message----- From: Steven Richart [mailto:srichart@winterspringsfl.org] Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 7:30 AM To: Ron McLemore Cc: Randy Stevenson; Rands Thompson Subject: FW: Vistawilla Lights FYI ~~u_ Steven T. Richart, CPCO# JF147201 City Of Winter Springs Community Development Department Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 Office (321) (89-1417 Cell (407) 327-6695 Fax web: www__wintersprn~sfl.or~ small: srichart(a,,wrnterspri~rgijl.nrg "The solution is to not become part oJ'Uee proGlen~." From: PCarroll777@aol.com [mailto:PCarroll777@aol.com] Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:07 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: Vistawilla Lights Dear Steve, I received your phone message this week and apologize for not getting back to you sooner. In answer to your question regarding the Tuscawilla Homeowners' Association's Board of Directors decision about the light fixtures located on Vistawilla, but not within the limits of the Tuscawilla PUD, the Board voted not to pay for leasing or maintaining them. If you have any questions concerning this, please feel free to email or call me. Regards, Pam Carroll President, THOA Who's never won? Biggest_Grammy_Award_surpris..es._of.._all time_on_AOL.__Music,. Confidentiality Note: This e-mail, and any attachment to it, contains information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named on the e-mail. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e- mail in error, please immediately return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. 2/20/2008 Page 1 of 1 Steven Richart From: PCarroll777@aol.com Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:14 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: Two new streetlights on Dyson Drive Dear Steve, My next door neighbor asked whether I knew~why the just installed street lights in front of his home and mine appear to be the only ones on Dyson that are not connected. He said that he thought a company called Mas Tech ran the underground cable, and then FL Power/Progress Energy was connecting the lights. He also wondered why some of the poles are crooked and I have had inquiries about that from other folks as well. Can you please tell me when our two street lights will turn on? Thanks, Pam Who's never won? Bi,ggest_Grammy._Award_ surprises o..f a.ll tim..e.on AO...L Music,, 2/20/2008 Page 1 of 1 Steven Richart From: PCarroll777@aol.com Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 8:07 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: Vistawilla Lights Dear Steve, I received your phone message this week and apologize for not getting back to you sooner. In answer to your question regarding the Tuscawilla Homeowners' Association's Board of Directors decision about the light fixtures located on Vistawilla, but not within the limits of the Tuscawilla PUD, the Board voted not to pay for leasing or maintaining them. If you have any questions concerning this, please feel free to email or call me. Regards, Pam Carroll President, THOA _ _ __ Who's never won? Biggest Grammy_Award._surprises._of_all_time_.on_AOL_M_usic, 2/20/2008 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification Qlatr~t CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MONTHLY LIGHTING INSPECTION I ' ~~ G (~~ Date• r ~ c~ Ins ector• Entrances: (Low Voltage) 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. (2) 2. Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood. (2) 3. Shetland /Citrus. (2) 1 ~ c/ 4. Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. (4) ~, ~~ - w/LT~ 5. Vistawilla. (2) 6. Tuscora. (2) 7. Dyson. (2) 8. Deer Run. (2) 9. Howell Creek. (2) Roadways: (Streetlights) <Winter Springs Blvd ,Northern Way, Greenbriar, / Tuscora, Deer Run, Howell Creek and Trotwood Blvd.> O