HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 09 08 Regular 602 W2008 WLOQ Jazz Event Reimbursement CostsCity of Winter Springs
Regular Meeting September 8, 2008
090808_COMM_Regu I ar_602_W LOQ_Jazz_Event_Report
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ITEM 602
Public Hearing
September 8, 2008
Regular Meeting
REQUEST: The City Manager requesting the Commission to review this report regarding
the reimbursement of costs for the 2008 W.L.O.Q. Jazz Event, and take any action it deems
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to fulfill the Commission's request for the development
of settlement alternatives regarding the 2008 W.L.O.Q. Jazz Event.
On February 11, 2008 the City Commission authorized the staff to proceed with the planning of
a Jazz Event to with W.L.O.Q. Radio with the direction to solicit sponsors to cover as much of
the cost as possible.
Staff moved forward with putting together an event with financial and in-kind participation from
W.L.O.Q., the Chamber of Commerce, the Town Center Merchants Association, and the City.
Discussions included the City's participation including the possible donation of police, fire, and
other services, and the waiver of park rental fees.
On April 14, 2008 the City Commission approved a motion to delete funding from all special
events unless 100% of the cost was covered from sponsors. This option prohibited any out-of-
pocket expenses from the City, eliminated from consideration the City share of the cost of the
Jazz Event, and placing the event in jeopardy.
On April 18, 2008 a meeting was held including city staff, Chamber of Commerce,
representatives, Town Center Merchants President, W.L.O.Q. representatives, and Commissioner
Rick Brown to advise all the parties of the City Commission's April 14, 2008 declaration
prohibiting any City monetary participation in the event.
The other parties agreed that they would cover all the cost. W.L.O.Q. asked the City to sign a
Memorandum of Understanding setting out the parties' responsibilities. The W.L.O.Q. Memo of
Understanding for the first time specified that the City would waive the $3,000 park rental fee.
Acting City Manager Kip Lockcuff signed the agreement under the erroneous belief that the City
Manager had agreed to the park fee waiver.
City of Winter Springs
Regular Meeting September 8, 2008
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W.L.O.Q. made it clear that they would not participate in the event if the letter of intent was not
signed on this date.
It was made clear that the City Commission would have to approve the final agreement.
On April 28, 2008 the staff presented a final plan for the event in which the City's participation
in the event was limited to a waiver of the $3,000 park rental fee.
The Commission rejected the waiver of the $3,000 park rental fee.
On April 29, 2008 W.L.O.Q. was notified of the City Commission's decision to deny the
agreement due to the Commission's unwillingness to waive the $3,000 rental fee consistent with
their April 14, 2008 policy decision prohibiting the waiver of park rental fees.
W.L.O.Q. threatened litigation due to the amount of money and effort they had expended in
preparing for the event, stating that the Commission's actions were in breach of the Memorandum
of Understanding signed on April 18, 2008 by the Acting City Manager.
At the request of the City, the City Attorney got involved to try to mediate the matter.
The City Attorney worked out an agreement in which W.L.O.Q. would agree to provide the City
with $5,000 in free advertising for future events in return for the City waiving the $3,000 park
rental fee.
On April 30, 2008 an emergency meeting of the Commission was convened to reconsider the
event with the proviso that the City would agree to waive the $3,000 park rental fee in exchange
for the $5,000 free advertizing offer. The Chamber of Commerce and Local Merchants agreed to
guarantee payment of any cost incurred by the City for which event revenues were insufficient to
cover. The Commission instructed the City Attorney to memorialize the terms in a final
agreement. The final agreement was executed on May 15, 2008.
On May 16, 2008 and June 7, 2008 the event went forward as planned. The event did not earn
sufficient revenues to cover the City's $5,014.31 cost.
On August 25, 2008 representatives of the Chamber and Local Merchants offered the
Commission payment covering the City's cost. The Chamber presented a check in the amount of
$1,014.00, representing the amount of donations it had raised for the event. The balance of the
amount was paid by the local merchants as follows:
Chamber of Commerce $1,014.00
Brenda Brown $1,333.44
Charles Lacey $1,333.44
Brenda Brown 1 333.44
Total $5,014.32
City of Winter Springs
Regulaz Meeting September 8, 2008
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Paul Partyka presented the checks offering the following information for the Commission to
a) Two months of planning for the event took place prior to the April 14, 2008 decision
of the Commission to withdraw monetary support for the event. The planning for
this event involved a partnership in which cost was shared by the various parties.
b) In order to prevent W.L.O.Q. from walking away from the event and potentially
following through on a threat to litigate against the City to recover the cost of its
time, and the cost of obligations with parties it had entered into to perform various
elements of the event, the Chamber and Local Merchants felt they had little choice
other than to offer to become guarantors of reimbursement of the City's cost in the
c) That a better and more fair policy would have been for the Commission to
grandfather events that were already in progress on April 14, 2008 when the
Commission made its new policy declaration.
Based upon this presentation the City Commission directed the City Manager to review the matter
with Chamber and Merchant representatives and to offer alternatives for the Commission to
FINDINGS: The following findings are clear from a review of the facts:
a) A significant amount of time and effort was expended to carrying out the February
11, 2008 direction of the City Commission to plan the event.
b) The event planning evolved on the basis of the various parties sharing costs.
c) The April 14, 2008 decision of the Commission to discontinue monetary support of
community events changed the dynamics under which the party's were proceeding in
good faith to accomplish a successful event. This decision had especially
troublesome impacts on W.L.O.Q. since it was involved with business arrangements
with subcontractors.
d) Contrary to W.L.O.Q.'s understandable saber-rattling, it is doubtful that they had
grounds for litigation since they were clearly made aware of the fact that the City
Commission had the authority to approve or reject the final plan that would be
submitted to them for approval.
e) It is clear that the guarantors are legally bound to reimburse the City for 100°Io of the
City's cost.
1. Based upon the record of this matter it is clear that this is far more a matter of
fairness and good will than law, and that good will in these kinds of matters is
2. A decision by the Commission which would have given more consideration to the
time and monies expended and obligated by the parties planning the event would
have been received as a more fair rendering of public policy in this matter.
City of Winter Springs
Regular Meeting September 8, 2008
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Based upon the record of this matter I am recommending the Commission consider the following
1. That the Chamber pay the full amount of its $1,014.00 in donations it acquired for the
event to the City and that 50% of the remaining $4,000.31 be paid by the other
guarantors, all of which would be utilized to help pay for a future Town Center event.
2. That the Chamber pay the full amount of the $1,014.00 donations it acquired
for the event to the City to be utilized for a future Town Center event, and that
the other guarantors be released from the their collective $4,000.31 obligation
to reimburse the City.