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2008 09 08 Public Hearing 506 Tuscawilla Greens Development Plan and Engineering/Site Plan
CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 506 September 8, 2008 Meeting Consent Information Public Hearin X Re ular REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the City Commis~fon review the Tuscawilla Greens combined preliminary and final development plan, and preliminary and final engineering/site plan fora 60 unit condominium development on approximately 12.02 acres, located on the south side of Winter Springs Boulevard, adjacent to Howell Creek, and immediately adjacent to the Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is for the Commission to consider, approve, approve with conditions and/or modifications, or disapprove (1) the combined preliminary and final PUD development plan; and (2) the combined preliminary and final engineering/site plan for 60 residential condominium units. The development consists of 15 separate buildings (each building containing 4 residential condominium units and their associated 2 car garages). LAND USE AND ZONING DESIGNATION: Future Land Use Desi nation: Medium Density Residential (3.6 - 9.0 DU/acre) on 7.54 acres & Recreation and Open Space on 4.48 acres (site has 4.99 units per acre gross density; 7.96 units per acre net density) Zoning: `PUD' (Planned Unit Development) Pendin Ig tems:(1) PUD Master Plan Amendment, (2) Preliminary & Final PUD Development Plan, and (3) Preliminary & Final Engineering/Site Plan, pending -being considered as a "package," contingent upon (4) Commission approval of a proposed development agreement and (5) Commission approval of a 4`h amended settlement agreement. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: • Code of Federal Regulations (FEMA, 44 CFR 59, Sec. 59.1) • Chapter 163, FS • Chapter 166, FS • Comprehensive Plan • Chapter 5, City Code. • Chapter 9, City Code. • Chapter 20, City Code. September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 2 of 13 • Settlement Agreement, as amended • Proposed Development Agreement CHRONOLOGY: Final Order approving Settlement Agreement and amended Settlement Agreement No. 1, recorded April 14, 1994 in Official Record Book 3102, Page 1354, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Second Amendment to Settlement Agreement recorded October 22, 1996 in Official Record Book 3156, Page 0454, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Conceptual approval for 60 residential condominium units (15 buildings), with the 4 garages in each building opening onto an internal courtyard, and on-street parking was approved by the City Commission on September 10, 2007, subject to conditions. Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement approved by the City Commission October 2, 2007 and recorded December 5, 2007 in Official Record Book 06881, pages 235-270, Public Records of Seminole County. [This amendment allows the development of the "development area" of parcel 7 into a maximum of 60 condominium units.] Combined preliminary and final engineering/site plan was received on January 30, 2008 and reviewed at the February 19, 2008 staff review. A site plan resubmittal was received on March 12, 2008 and reviewed at the April 15, 2008 Staff review. A site plan resubmittal was received on May 29, 2008 and reviewed at the July 1, 2008 staff review. At this review, staff conveyed the City Attorney's opinion that the project could proceed through the Part "A" PUD procedures. A meeting among staff, the applicant, his attorney, and the City Attorney was held on July 8, 2008 to address the development agreement, the potential for a variance or waiver, conservation easements, and removal of specimen trees. A site plan resubmittal was received on July 17, 2008 and scheduled for review at the August 5, 2008 staff review (staff comments were provided to the applicant; by mutual consent between the applicant and City, no staff review was held on August 5; the applicant provided responses to staff comments). Plans for modification of the tennis courts were received on August 1, 2008 and scheduled for the August 19, 2008 staff review. 2 September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 3 of 13 The PUD master plan, preliminary and final PUD development plan, and preliminary and final engineering/site plan all received recommendations of approval from the Planning and Zoning Board on August 21, 2008. CONSIDERATIONS: Overview• As a condition of the settlement agreement and its modifications, a maximum of 60 residential condominium units are allowed to be constructed on a portion of parcel 7(15 residential buildings, 4 units each), separated from Winter Springs Boulevard by a brick wall in a manner and height similar to other walls along Winter Springs Boulevard. One associated wet detention pond will be constructed partially on the Tuscawilla Country Club site on the west side of Howell Creek as part of the stormwater management system for this project. One compensating floodplain storage area will be constructed partially on the Country Club site on the east side of Howell Creek. This development review process involves (1) amending the PUD master plan, (2) the PUD Part "A" preliminary and final development plan approval, and (3) the engineering/site plan approval. A recombination of parcels into one development parcel and a development agreement are also required (this will be done by resolution). A minor Future Land Use map amendment has already been approved for part of the site. An aesthetic review of the building architecture, fences, walls, and signage is required before building permits are issued. Site Characteristics: The site is predominantly undeveloped mesic and hydric forest associated with and including Howell Creek. The site contains mature trees and a thick vegetative under-story. An existing country club maintenance building and tennis courts are also contained along the site's western edge -these are to be replaced in other locations. The topography slopes from a highpoint of about 34 feet along the southwest side to a low of about 10 feet in the Howell Creek floodway (no development is currently proposed within the floodway, although development is proposed within the wetlands and 100 year floodplain, with proposed mitigation through the applicable agencies). This segment of Howell Creek has a 100-year floodplain elevation of approximately 19.0 feet (the 10 year flood elevation is 17.9 feet; all elevations are NGVD 1929). A tree survey is included in the plan package. The applicant's plan depicts the removal of approximately 7 on-site trees of 24" or more in diameter (specimen trees). One of these large oak trees, depicted on the tree survey near the Winter Springs Boulevard ROW, cannot be located by either the applicant or staff (there is no apparent on-site evidence that a tree existed at the noted location - it appears to be a surveying error). The project's entrance driveway off Winter Springs Boulevard aligns with an existing median opening and is directly opposite of Forest Hills Drive. A large oak tree (30") is located at the center of the proposed entrance driveway, just outside of the Winter Springs Boulevard right-of- way. The plans show this tree to be removed. Staff concurs that it would be difficult to preserve this tree and still maintain safe ingress/egress with adequate sight distance at the driveway intersection. 3 September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 4 of 13 The City's Arborist has opined that a large laurel oak located east of the entrance driveway and within the Winter Springs Boulevard right-of--way is in poor condition and needs to be removed before the proposed sidewalk is installed. The general soil types are shown as part of the engineering plans. The geotechnical report, stormwater report, and an environmental survey have been provided. The geotechnical investigation performed for the applicant by Universal Engineering Sciences identified a layer of soils with different amounts of organic materials throughout the site. The top of the organic soils vary in depth from the ground surface to about 4-feet deep, and the thickness of the organic soils varies between 2 to 3 feet. Universal recommended that the organic soils layer be completely over-excavated and removed from under all structures, pavement areas, and retaining walls. The limits of the area to be over-excavated and backfilled with clean fill are shown on drawing 4A, "Demolition Plan." The geotechnical engineer will be required to provide the City a certification stating that the over-excavation and backfilling has been completed prior to building and pavement construction. The applicant's ecological consultant (BDA) has flagged the wetland line, pursuant to the Army Corps of Engineer's criteria. BDA's report states that the wetland is degraded on the development portion of the site. No state or federally listed animal species or evidence of their habitation was found by the applicant's ecologist. Wetlands & Foodplain: The plans depict 2.7 acres of on-site wetland impact and 0.2 acre of off-site wetland impact, with associated wetland creation and wetland preservation. Twelve (12) of the 15 proposed buildings appear to be located at least partially within the current wetland boundary. Six (6) of these buildings are located at least partially within the 100-year floodplain. Future Land Use Element Policy 1.1.7 states, "Properties that are designated as Conservation Overlay areas may potentially contain wildlife habitat areas, hydric soils/wetlands (as defined in the Conservation Element), special vegetative communities, areas within a public water well radii of S00 feet, 100 year floodplain areas, and other areas subject to environmental or topographic constraints. Conservation Overlay areas are subject to the following conditions for approval: • A final determination of the suitability for development of any individual parcel, as it relates to a Conservation Overlay area on the Future Land Use Map, shall be determined prior to issuance of any development approval. • The Conservation Overlay area on the Future Land Use Map is not to be considered the exact boundary of the conservation area, but to act as an indicator of a potential conservation area. The exact boundary shall be determined by a qualified professional at the expense of the Developer. • The Conservation Overlay area is not all inclusive and other areas that do not fall within the boundaries that meet the definition of conservation areas are also subject to the regulations affecting them. 4 September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 5 of 13 • Development approval will be subject to an Environmental Impact Study as to the extent of the impact of development or redevelopment for any lands within Conservation Overlay areas. • Natural resources discovered as a result of the required Environmental Impact Study will be protected. The Environmental Impact Study will require that a qualified professional analyze the natural functions of eco-systems and connectivity of resource corridors. A conservation land use designation or a conservation easement will be required to protect the functions of natural resources. Mitigation may be allowed on a case by case basis through the appropriate reviewing agencies • If an area within the Conservation Overlay area is determined to be developable and all mitigation requirements have been met, then the underlying land use on the Future Land Use Map will apply. • A change from conservation overlay to a conservation land use designation will not require State approval if the area is already shown as conservation overlay on the Future Land Use Map. • Any property in a Conservation Overlay area is encouraged to undergo the planned unit development procedure which includes site specific plan approval and the clustering of density to protect these areas. " Conservation Element Policy 1.4.2 states the following about wetland protection and mitigation: "In order to prevent development from having adverse impacts to existing wetlands, the natural upland buffer shall be preserved a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the edge of the wetland. Where a wetland is unavoidably impacted by development, the development shall be subject to the mitigation requirements of the pertinent regulatory agency. Additional upland buffers may be required to ensure the preservation of natural systems, and their possible use for treated effluent disposal and stormwater management systems. Such standards shall be included within the Code of Ordinances. " Conservation Element Policy 1.4.3 requires wetlands and their respective buffers to be dedicated to the City via a conservation easement. Conservation Element Policy 1.4.5 states the following: "If direct impact on upon [sicJ wetlands by compatible uses cannot be avoided, the following mitigation measures are applicable: • Mitigation will be allowed based upon no net loss of wetland functions. • Comply with the wetland protection standards of federal, state, regional, and county agencies • Minimize impacts through innovative design layouts. • Compensate for impact by enhancing other degraded wetlands on-site, restore natural functions of other wetlands on-site, create new wetlands on-site, preserve significant upland areas, or off-site mitigation. 5 September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 6 of 13 • A Wetland Alteration Permit must be obtained from the City unless federal, state, or county permits eliminate the need to obtain one from the City, as determined by the City. • Mitigation through restoration of degraded wetlands on-site or preservation of significant upland areas on-site will be encouraged rather than wetland creation. " At the proposed site, the FEMA flood maps identify Howell Creek as being within the 100-year floodplain. The 100-year floodplain is an area representing the land subject to cone-percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. At a creek or river, the FEMA flood maps frequently divide the area of the 100-year floodplain into a "regulatory floodway" and a "floodway fringe" (see sketch below). The regulatory floodway is the flowing portion of the drainage channel and is considered an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of floodwaters which carry debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential (ref. City Code Section 8-55). Because of its hazardous nature, all encroachments into the regulatory floodway are prohibited under the City Code, including fill. The Tuscawilla Greens project does not encroach into the regulatory floodway. The concept plan originally showed an encroachment into the floodway; however, subsequent modifications to the site plan removed the floodway encroachment. toOYear FlootlpY~ t001bar r~-100Year ~~ Ur~ranediea / Encroached Floodway / 8anic ~ l 6 B~a~ic Fringe $tatioai L_,4 Station Fbedway ~~ FiN~e (8} C.I'ObS SeCUe» Iby Pkn View The floodway fringe is the area between the floodway and the 100-year floodplain boundaries. Tuscawilla Greens does encroach into the floodway fringe portion of the 100 year floodplain with a total proposed encroachment volume of approximately 1,348 cubic yards The concept 6 Fringe -• Fringa September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 7 of 13 plan for Tuscawilla Greens was approved with the condition that any encroachment into the floodplain would not have an adverse impact on the Howell Creek channel in terms of both the creek velocity and peak storm stage. In addition, City Code Section 9-241 (e) requires that existing flood storage quantities not be reduced by development from that which existed on-site prior to development. To meet these conditions, a compensating storage pond is proposed on the east side of Howell Creek at the southeast corner of the property. The compensating storage pond provides 6,243 cubic yards of additional floodplain storage volume, which more than offsets the 1,348 cubic yards of encroachment. The compensating storage volume is the excavated portion of the pond below the 100-year floodplain elevation (approximately 19.0) and above the seasonal high groundwater table elevation (approximately 16.5 per the geotechnical report). The stormwater analysis indicates that the development will not have an adverse impact on the peak stage or peak velocity in Howell Creek. Stormwater• Stormwater runoff from the site currently dischazges into Howell Creek, which dischazges into Lake Jesup. Lake Jesup is an impaired water body due to excessive levels of nitrogen and phosphorous. The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program mandated by the state requires reductions in pollutant dischazges in the Lake Jesup Basin to restore the lake's water quality. The St. Johns River Water Management District requires new developments having a direct discharge to the lake to demonstrate no net increase in pollutant loadings between the pre and post-development conditions. The Tuscawilla Greens Stormwater management system has been designed to meet the SJRWMD criteria, in part by collecting Stormwater runoff from the site and surrounding offsite areas of the Tuscawilla Country Club and Winter Springs Boulevard. Transportation: Ingress /Egress: The development proposes to have all of its direct ingress through the main entrance located on the south side of Winter Springs Boulevazd, directly aligning with Forest Hills Drive. Winter Springs Boulevard is a divided 2-lane City collector road. Public safety and subsections 9-155 (a) and (b) specify that roadways either align (intersect at 90 degree angles whenever possible) or be substantially offset (at least 150 feet). The plans align the project's entrance with Forest Hills Drive. Emergency ingress/egress, along with golf cart, bicycle, and pedestrian access, is provided via a cart path stabilized to allow emergency response teams to enter or exit the site from the west (connecting with the country club site) if the primary ingress/egress were blocked (pursuant to National Fire Protection Association I Chapter 18, 2003 Ed.). Private 40 Foot Ri is-of-wad The site is proposed with a gate and private cul-de-sac roadways that have a 40-foot wide right- of-way width and do not incorporate sidewalks. Section 9-157 of the City Code allows for private gated developments. Roadway widths, cross-sections, and sidewalk specifications are set forth in section 9-296 and 9-221 of the City Code. Staff does not support narrower rights-of--way or vehicle accommodation areas that do not incorporate sidewalks or have sub-standard sidewalks. However, Subsection 9-221 (b) of the City Code gives the City Commission authority 7 September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 8 of 13 to waive the sidewalk requirement if the Commission determines it to be in the best interest and welfare of the environment. The PUD "A" approval process requires the applicant to demonstrate how unique site characteristics make these code requirements unnecessary. The applicant's development agreement states that the private 40 foot right-of--way was designed at the request and sole risk of the developer and will not become part of the City's public roadway system. The response does not tie the request to unique site characteristics. Traffic Impacts: Pursuant to Trip Generation, 7`h Edition, by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 60 condominium units will generate 352 average annual week day trips (60 x 5.86 = 351.6). This quantity of trips required a traffic study (pursuant to Traffic Element Policy 1.1.3.) during development review. A traffic study was submitted by the development team and was found acceptable by the City Engineer. No off-site improvements were deemed necessary nor were any level of service deficiencies projected fora 60-unit residential condominium development at this location. Pedestrian Connectivity: Pedestrian mobility is greatly influenced by the availability of adequate sidewalks and other pedestrian facilities within a development and between a development and its surroundings. There is currently no sidewalk along the south side of Winter Springs Boulevard from Tuscora Drive (at the Tuscawilla Country Club main entrance) to Greenbriar Lane. The project proposes the addition of a sidewalk along approximately 750 to 800 feet of the abutting portion of the Winter Springs Boulevard right-of--way. The remaining sidewalk gaps from Tuscora Drive to the site (approximately 950 feet) and from the site east to Greenbriar Lane (approximately 600 feet) would need to be installed by the City at a later date. The segment from the site to Greenbriar Lane will require modification of the existing bridge over Howell Creek or construction of a separate pedestrian bridge. Wedgewood Tennis Villas (platted in 1980), the subdivision immediately north of the proposed development, was constructed without an internal sidewalk system, although a sidewalk along the north side of Winter Springs Boulevard abuts the subdivision. The sidewalk system along Winter Springs Boulevard connects the development site to the country club, the commercial center at the corner of Northern Way and Winter Springs Boulevard (at Gary Hillery Drive), Sam Smith Park, and the Bear Creek Nature Trail. No internal sidewalk system is proposed, although a cart path will connect the development to the country club. The applicant states that a number of the residents will likely have golf carts. The City Attorney has opined that the Comprehensive Plan does not require sidewalks within the development and the applicant seeks relief from the code requirement for sidewalks through the development agreement. 8 September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 9 of 13 PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PUD Part "A" The City Code provides for two (2) different types of PUD approvals: Part A and Part B. The City Attorney opined that the project may proceed under the Part "A" PUD requirements. Section 20-352 of the City Code sets forth the purpose and intent of the Part "A" PUD as follows: (1) "To provide for planned residential communities containing a variety of dwelling unit types and arrangements, with complimentary and compatible commercial centers with supportive residential and/or complimentary and compatible residential and/or commercial land uses, all designed to promote the public health, safety and general welfare. (2) To allow diversification of uses, structures and open spaces compatible with adjacent land uses. (3) To preserve the natural amenities and environmental assets of the land by encouraging the preservation and improvement of scenic and functional open space areas. (4) To encourage flexible and creative concepts in site planning that will allow an increase in the amount and usability of open space that is possible through conventional practices. (5) To encourage an environment of stable character. (6) To encourage a more efficient use of land and smaller networks of utilities and streets than is possible in other zoning districts. (7) To allow for the creation of well-balanced communities that provide basic recreational and supportive facilities. (8) To ensure that development will occur according to the limitations of use, design, coverage and phasing as stipulated on the preliminary and final development plans." Subsection 20-353 (1) states the following about permitted uses in Part "A" PUDs: "Planned residential communities. Residential dwelling units, including but not limited to detached single-family, patio homes, garden apartments, condominiums, cooperative apartments, townhouses, provided that all are compatible with each other; complimentary and compatible supportive commercial and/or industrial land uses designed to create an aesthetically pleasing and harmonious environment." "Gross residential acre. An acre of land committed to the explicit use of residential buildings or structures or which provides access to or contributes to the amenities of residential development, such as parks, open space, parking lots, etc. Land devoted to schools shall not be included. Areas primarily dedicated to water or utility related uses may be included in calculating gross residential acre, if incorporated into a final development plan as a significant amenity to the residential development." Section 20-354 of the Code sets forth the Part "A" PUD development standards "...to ensure adequate levels of light, air, and density; to maintain and enhance locally recognized values of community appearance and design; to promote the safe and efficient circulation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic; to provide for orderly phasing of development, and to protect the public health, safety and general welfare." 9 September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 10 of 13 Subsection 20-354 (d) states that the standards set forth for Part "A" PUDs "...apply unless waived by the city commission, specifically finding after receiving recommendations from the planning and zoning board, that the unique characteristics of the development in question make unnecessary the application of one (1) or more of these provisions in order to carry out the intent and purpose of the planned unit development district..." The proposed plan is not consistent with all of these standards and the applicant has been advised of the need to demonstrate the unique characteristics of the development that warrant the deviations from the code. The inconsistencies include (1) Chapter 9 street design standards, (Z) provision of illuminated internal sidewalks, separated wherever practical from the vehicular passage- ways, and (3) the 50 foot building setback from the mean high water level of any stream or body of water (Buildings 5, 9, and 10 are depicted very close to the floodway and are potentially in conflict with this provision). The applicant must further demonstrate compliance with the standards set forth in Subsection 20-3 54 (d) (1) or provided adequate explanations as to why unique characteristics of the development make unnecessary this subsection's application. Subsection 20-354 (d) (1) reads as follows: "The natural topography, soils and vegetation shall be preserved and utilized, where possible, through the careful location and design of circulation systems, buildings and structures, parking areas, and open space and recreation areas. Removal of mature trees shall be compensated through the installation of landscaping materials." Section 20-355 sets forth the procedures for approvals through the Part "A" PUD. Subsection 20-355 (11) requires the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission to review the final PUD development plan and make findings of fact upon the following: a. Whether there is substantial compliance with the intent and purpose of the PUD district and the approved preliminary development plan. b. Whether the phase of development in question can exist as an independent unit capable of creating an environment of substantial desirability and stability. c. Whether existing and proposed utilities and transportation systems are adequate for the population proposed. Section 20-356 sets forth the required exhibits for the Part "A" PUD preliminary development plan and states in Subsection 20-356 (14) that "In order to protect the public interest, the planning and zoning board and/or city commission may request any additional information deemed necessary for the decision-making process. Submittal of this additional information is at the option of the applicant, although failure to submit the requested information could result in the denial of the application." Section 20-357 sets forth the required exhibits for the Part "A" PUD final development plan. Subsection 20-357 (14) makes the same statement about additional information as is set forth in Subsection 20-356 (14), above. 10 September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 11 of 13 CODE DEVIATIONS: The applicant proposes a number of code deviations, documented in a development agreement, which requires the City Commission's approval. The following code deviations are reflected in the applicant's proposal: 1. The site is designed with 40 foot wide right-of--ways that do not conform to the City's specifications set forth in sections 9-147, 9-297, and 20-354 (Subsection 20-354 (d) (10)). Staff does not support this deviation, even though the streets are private. This deviation has been implemented on another project within the City and has resulted in inadequate parking space depths outside the garages. 2. The site is designed with some driveway curb-cuts onto the vehicle passageway closer to each other than the 12 foot minimum separation set forth in Section 17-29. Several driveways have zero separation from the adjacent driveway curb-cut. While not favored, some other residential projects within the City are designed with less than 12 feet of separation between driveway curb-cuts. 3. The site is designed without internal sidewalks, as required by sections 9-221 and 20-354 (Subsection 20-354 (d) (12)). While staff does not support this deviation, Subsection 9-221 (b) does allow the City Commission to waive the requirement for sidewalks if it determines this waiver to be in the interest and welfare of the environment. No residential subdivision or condominium project has been approved by the City within the last 7 years without internal sidewalks. 4. Individual garbage pick-up is proposed, in conflict with the dumpster requirement of Section 9-280. Staff supports this deviation. Other recent multi-family residential projects have successfully incorporated individual garbage pick-up. 5. The site lighting approval will not be held with the final engineering/site plan, as required by Section 9-46 and Section 9-73, due to delays typically experienced with the power companies. No residential certificate of occupancy is to be granted until the appropriate street lighting is in place and functioning. Staff supports this deviation, wherever the power company design is involved. FINDINGS: 1. The proposed development is within the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development (PUD) and is depicted on the zoning map as PUD. 2. The buildings within the development are proposed on land with a Medium Density Residential Future Land Use designation, which allows a residential density range of 3.6 to 9.0 dwelling units per acre. Other parts of the development have a Recreation and Open Space Future Land Use designation. Much of the site is depicted on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use map with a Conservation Overlay area. 3. The applicant is in the process of amending the Master Plan for this portion of the Tuscawilla PUD. 4. The existing third amended settlement agreement must be further amended to allow the proposed decorative fence with columns instead of a brick wall. 5. The existing third amended settlement agreement requires that one battery (2 tennis courts) of tennis courts be relocated off-site and that one additional battery (relocation of 2 tennis courts + 2 additional tennis courts = a total of 4 tennis courts) be constructed by 11 September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 12 of 13 the applicant. At least one battery of tennis courts (of the 2 new batteries) must be constructed and made ready for play before the relocated tennis court is discontinued for play and demolished. 6. The City Attorney has opined that the Comprehensive Plan (e.g. Transportation Element Objective 1.5 and its associated policies 1.5.1 through 1.5.17) does not require sidewalks within the development. The Applicant is proposing a deviation from the Code sidewalk requirements of Chapter 9 and Chapter 20 through a development agreement. 7. Any deviations from the Code must be addressed through a development agreement, special exception, variance, or some other appropriate mechanism. The requested deviations are listed in a draft development agreement. 8. The City Attorney has opined that the applicant's choice to pursue the Part "A" PUD is appropriate. 9. Staff does not support the deviations from the Code for (a) providing 40 foot wide right-of--ways that are inconsistent with the Section 9-296 ROW cross-sections (b) not providing on-site sidewalks separated wherever practical from vehicular passage-ways as required by Section 9-221 and Section 20-354 and (c) providing multiple driveways per building closer than the 12 foot minimum separation where they meet the roadway surface, as required by Section 17-29. 10. To meet the Comprehensive Plan (Conservation Element Policy 1.4.5) requirement for developing in the wetlands, the applicant must demonstrate that the project will "minimize impacts through innovative design layouts." The applicant has stated that the development portion of the site consists of the lower quality wetland and upland habitats, while the higher quality wetlands and upland habitats associated with Howell Creek have been largely preserved. 11. Pursuant to Subsection 20-354 (d) (1), the applicant must demonstrate that "The natural topography, soils, and vegetation shall be preserved and utilized, where possible, through the careful location and design of circulation systems, buildings and structures, parking areas, and open space and recreation areas. Removal of mature trees shall be compensated through the installation of landscaping materials." While the applicant has chosen to develop the lower quality wetlands and uplands of the site, the project design prevents the use of natural topography and the preservation of existing vegetation in the development area. 12. Pursuant to Subsection 20-354 (d) (7), the applicant must demonstrate that "Building setbacks from the mean high water level of any lake, stream or body of water, shall be at least fifty (50) feet. Other minimum setbacks...shall be proposed by the applicant, reviewed by the staff and the planning and zoning board, and approved or modified by the city commission." The applicant states that the buildings are located in excess of the 50 feet and staff believes that at least three (3) buildings may be located within the 50 feet, based upon the location of these buildings compared to the approximate horizontal location of the mean high water level of Howell Creek. This appears to be a deviation from Subsection 20-354(d) (7) that would need to be documented in a Developer's Agreement, unless the applicant is able to demonstrate that the horizontal limits of the creek at mean high water level are more than 50-feet from any building. 13. Pursuant to Subsection 20-354 (d), in order to waive the standards for Part "A" PUDs, the applicant must demonstrate "that the unique characteristics of the development in 12 September 08, 2008 Regular Item 506 Page 13 of 13 question make unnecessary the application of one (1) or more of these provisions in order to carry out the intent and purpose of the planned unit development district." Staff has detailed in previous findings where there appears to be insufficient justification for the requested deviations. 14. The applicant must obtain all of the necessary stormwater, wetland, and floodplain approvals and/or permits from the pertinent agencies before site work may commence. 15. A site lighting plan that meets City standards must be approved and installation must be completed prior to any residential certificate of occupancy at the site. PLANNING & ZONING BOARD ACTION: At a special meeting on August 21, 2008, the Planning and Zoning Board held separate votes on (1) the combined preliminary and final Part "A" PUD plans and (2) the combined preliminary and final engineering/site plan, recommending approval of both. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends a separate vote on each item (l. the combined preliminary and final Part "A" PUD plans and 2. the combined preliminary and final engineering/site plan). The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval for both items, above, in separate votes. Staff cannot recommend approval of either item, since neither submittal meets certain minimum City Code specifications, without an adequate explanation or justification - as required by Code. At minimum, staff recommends that the Commission should, just as staff recommended to the Planning and Zoning Board, request that the applicant provide substantial responses to "Findings" No. 10 through 13, above. ATTACHMENTS: A -Location Map B -September 10, 2007 Concept Approval Agenda Item C -September 10, 2007 Commission Minutes D -October 2, 2007 Agenda Item, 3rd Amended Settlement Agreement E -October 2, 2007 Commission Minutes F -August 21, 2008 Draft P&Z Minutes G -PUD Combined Preliminary & Final Development Plan, & Combined Preliminary & Final Engineering /Site Plan COMMISSION ACTION: 13 Continue P 2623 ATTACHMENT A Continued U ~ - - , .,.. ; ~, ~ 439 Iva ,y ~,` ~,,~ ~ 7 - - ' ryhja a ~ ptA °, f/y „~99 ?~ ~~ r~ r a~ a I ~t4~ 1'~q ~ E L_ _ ___-.~.. M ~ 8 .... ~ - - f d ~_ . ..w..~ ~ Y ~ .. ' ~ 3 ~~`~ ~ Issl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / _ ~.__ . ..~ I Y ~ ~... .__~ ......~ 6131553 _ .', ~..--_, i .-- _. 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REQUEST: The Community Development Department and Public Works Department requests the Commission consider a conceptual development plan fora 60 unit condominium development on a portion of 135.56 acres (according to the application), located on the south side of Winter Springs Boulevard, adjacent to Howell Creek, within the Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club and the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development (PUD). Staff estimates the parcel size to be approximately 10 acres. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is for the Commission to consider, provide comment on, and approve, approve with conditions and/or modifications, or disapprove a conceptual development plan for 60 condominium units (1 S buildings) within a portion of the Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club, located just east of and including a portion of the tennis courts at the Country Club. SUMMARY STATEMENT: Development rights exist on the proposed site. As specified in the Settlement Agreement between the City and the Country Club, 19 single family units can be built upon the site. The developer proposes to build up to 60 high end luxury condominiums on the proposed site. The construction of the proposed condominiums would require an amendment to the Settlement Agreement between the City and the Country Club. The site involves wetland, floodplain, and floodway issues, all of which can be mitigated. The wetlands have been determined to be low quality and easily mitigated. The floodplain issues can be mitigated by engineering techniques which maintain the current volumes, velocity, and elevation characteristics of the floodplain. The floodway issues can be mitigated by documentation of the existing conditions which are inconsistent with FEMA maps. September 10, 2007 Regular Item 600 Page 2 of 9 The development potential of the site is as follows: Mitigation Strategy Building Units 1. No mitigation -avoiding wetlands, floodplain, and floodway 12 2. Mitigating wetlands only 48 3. Mitigating wetlands and floodplain only 56 4. Mitigating wetlands, floodplain, and floodway 60 Due to the expense and time involved in mitigating the floodway and the small number of units that would be realized through this mitigation strategy, the developer may want to avoid this mitigation altogether, or include it in a future phase of development. Approval of the concept plan will need to be contingent upon the successful solution of these and other less difficult site issues. ZONING AND LAND USE DESIGNATION: Zoning: PUD Future Land Use Designation: Recreation & Open Space with a Conservation Overlay / Medium Density Residential pending APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Code of Federal Regulations (FEMA, 44 CFR 59, Sec. 59.1) Comprehensive Plan Chapter 5, City Code. Chapter 8, City Code. Chapter 9, City Code. Chapter 20, City Code. Settlement Agreement CONSIDERATIONS: 1. The proposed development site is located on the south side of Winter Springs Boulevard, just east of and including a portion of the existing tennis courts at the Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club. 2. The proposed development site contains wetlands, the 100 year noodplain, and the regulatory floodway of Howell Creek, which drains more than 55 square miles (an azea almost 4 times the size of the City of Winter Springs). The Howell Creek Basin is located in both Orange and Seminole counties, with its headwaters in the City of Orlando. 3. The property has a Future Land Use (FLU) designation of "Recreation and Open Space". The applicant proposes to amend the FLU designation to "Medium Density Residential" to make it consistent with the development rights granted to the property by the aforementioned Settlement Agreement. 2 September 10, 2007 Regular Item 600 Page 3 of 9 4. Future Land Use Element Policy 1.1.7 states, "Properties that are designated as Conservation Overlay areas may potentially contain wildlife habitat areas, hydric soils/xetlands (as defined in the Conservation Element), special vegetative communities, areas within a public rater well radii of S00 feet, 100 year jloodplain areas, and other areas subject to environmental or topographic constraints. Conservation Overlay areas are subject to the following conditions for approval: • A fnal determination of the suitability for development of any individual parcel, as it relates to a Conservation Overlay area on the Future Land Use Map, shall be determined prior to issuance of any development approval. • The Conservation Overlay area on the Future Land Use Map is not to be considered the exact boundary of the conservation area, but to act as an indicator of a potential conservation area. The exact boundary shall be determined by a qualified professional at the expense of the Developer. • The Conservation Overlay area is not all inclusive and other areas that do not fall within the boundaries that meet the definition of conservation areas are also subject to the regulations affecting them. • Development approval will be subject to an Environmental Impact Study as to the extent of the impact of development or redevelopment for any lands within Conservation Overlay areas. • Natural resources discovered as a result of the required Environmentallmpact Study will be protected. The Environmental Impact Study will require that a qualified professional analyze the natural functions of eco-systems and connectivity of resource corridors. A conservation land use designation or a conservation easement will be required to protect the functions of natural resources. Mitigation may be alloxaed on a case by case basis through the appropriate reviewing agencies. • If an area within the Conservation Overlay area is determined to be developable and all mitigation requirements have been met, then the underlying land use on the Future Land Use Map will apply. • A change from conservation overlay to a conservation land use designation will not require State approval if the area is already shown as conservation overlay on the Future Land Use Map. • Any property in a Conservation Overlay area is encouraged to undergo the planned unit development procedure which includes site specific plan approval and the clustering of density to protect these areas. " An Environmental Impact Study is required to identify the natural functions ofeco-systems and connectivity of resource corridors and suitability of the site for development. 5. The applicant has submitted a small scale comprehensive plan amendment for 7.87 acres (5.7 & 2.17 acres), although the metes and bounds description identifies 9.902 acres, to change the Future Land Use designation from Recreation and Open Space to Medium Density Residential 3 September 10, 2007 Regular Item 600 Page 4 of 9 6. The applicant's ecological consultant (BDA) has flagged the wetland line, pursuant to the Anmy Corps of Engineers' criteria. The consultant's report (please see attached) states the wetland is degraded and that there were no observations or evidence of protected species on-site. 7. The original Settlement Agreement, dated April 21, 1994, defines the subject property as "Development Property" and requires it to be developed as single family detached residential. The second amendment to the Settlement Agreement, dated September 30, 1996, allows the subject property to be developed into not more than nineteen (19) detached single family residential lots. The Settlement Agreement does not allow for condominium units and does not allow for 60 units on the subject property. The City Commission must authorize an amendment to the Settlement Agreement in order to proceed with this project. 8. The Tuscawilla PUD master plan must be amended to allow development of this site for residential condominiums. Floodulain / Floodway Imaacts: A portion of the site is within the 100-year floodplain along Howell Creek. A total of six buildings (24 units total) are proposed at locations which impact or potentially impact the floodplain. These impacts aze discussed in more detail below. 9. Infrastructure Element Objective IV-D-3 states "The City shall restrict development within the 100 year floodplain to those uses which will not adversely affect the capacity of the floodplain to store water " 10. Infrastructure Element Policy IV-D-3.3 states "Where feasible, the floodplain shall be reserved for conservation, open space and recreation uses to preserve the natural flow of runoff' " 11. Section 8-55 of the City Code, Standards for regulatory floodways, states "When floodw~ays are designated within areas of special flood hazard, additional criteria will be met Since the floodway is an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of floodwaters which carry debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential, the following provisions shall apply: (1) Encroachments are prohibited, including fill; new construction, substantial improvements and other developments. (2) The prohibition shall not preclude the city or other governmental agency from performing maintenance or flood control improvements in the floodw+ay to maintain the viability of the floodwny. " 12. Howell Creek is a major regional floodway that flows through the site from south to north across the southeast portion of the property. Howell Creek originates in the City of Orlando and runs for approximately 15 miles to its discharge point at Lake Jesup. Howell Creek is the predominant drainage feature in the Howell Creek Basin, which has an overall watershed area of approximately 55 squaze miles and encompasses ten jurisdictions in Central Florida. 4 September 10, 2007 Regular Item 600 Page 5 of 9 13. At the proposed site, the FEMA flood maps identify Howell Creek as being within the 100- yeaz floodplain. The 100-yeaz floodplain is an azea representing the land subject to aone-percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. At a creek or river, the FEMA flood maps frequently divide the area of the 100-year floodplain into a "regulatory floodway" and a "floodway fringe" (see sketch below). The regulatory floodway is the flowing portion ofthe drainage channel and is considered an extremely hazardous azea due to the velocity of floodwaters which carry debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential (ref. City Code Section 8-SS). Because of its hazardous nature, all encroachments into the regulatory floodway are prolu'bited under the City Code, including fill. The floodway fringe is the area between the floodway and the 100-yeaz floodplain boundaries. Encroachments into the floodway fringe are not prohibited by the City Code but are not recommended due to the impacts these encroachments could have on the channel cross section and the hydraulic performance of the channel. 100 Year Floo0p~n ~OOY-a t00Yi~er Vnw+vaeuwrf Enowcn~d -T------ -~----T- p~J BarW ~ ~ Aril S1aYon L__,~~ Slsbon Fioodr flppdway F~ (r) Caons 9ecuon Ib1 Plan View 14. The Tuscawilla Greens site plan shows two encroachments into the regulatory floodway. One is at the building located at the east end of the east cul-de-sac, and the other is at the proposed stormwater pond at the south end of the site. These encroachments are prohibited by City Code and cannot be allowed unless the floodway limits on the FEMA map are officially moved by a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR). The developer has indicated that they intend to pursue a LOMR through FEMA to relocate the floodway limits based on inaccuracies on the existing flood S Fnrg~ ~ Frkge September 10, 2007 Regular Item 600 Page 6 of 9 map. The floodway limits for Howell Creek on the flood map do not coincide with the actual limits of Howell Creek in some azeas, especially near the north end of the site where the creek meanders to the east. Staff supports changes to the flood maps that make them more accurate when sufficiently supported by engineering analysis. 15. The proposed concept plan consists of two phases. Phase I wnsists of 14 buildings and includes all buildings that do not directly encroach into the regulatory floodway. Phase II is shown with the one building that encroaches into the regulatory floodway. Phase I includes two buildings that impact the floodway fringe, and another three buildings that could impact the floodway fringe with fill depending on how the site is graded. Each building contains fow condominium units. Encroachments into the floodway fringe are not recommended. Impacts to the floodway fringe can be minimized through the use of retaining walls. The table below summarizes the 100-year floodplain impacts as shown on the concept plan. Summary of 100-Year Floodplain Impacts Condominium Units Condominium Units Condominimn Units that Encroaching the Encroaching the may impact the Floodway Ezisting Regulatory Fooodway Fringe Fringe due to fill Ftoodwa Phase I 0 8 12 Phase II 4 0 0 Total 4 R 12 16. To mitigate the floodplain impacts, the concept plan shows two compensating storage ponds. Compensating storage ponds are required by the City Code to provide a stormwater storage volume equal or greater than the azeas within the floodplain that will be filled. 17. Staff has concerns about possible encroachments into the 100-year floodplain at this site, for the following reasons: 1. Howell Creek is a floodway of regional significance that drains a watershed 55 square miles in area. Changes to the channel cross section, including encroachments into the floodway fringe, could reduce the channel capacity and/or create additional adverse impacts. 2. Creek bank erosion has been a problem in the past at this location for several adjacent Chelsea Parc properties abutting the east side of Howell Creek. In 2005, a creek bank stabilization project was constructed along the east side ofthe creek under the City's emergency watershed management agreement with the Natwa.l Resowces Conservation Service. The project included retaining walls and other erosion control items at a total cost of approximately $48,000. 3. The compensating storage ponds are located upstream of the floodplain areas impacted by the project. While the overall compensating storage volume maybe sufficient, the changes to the channel cross section at the floodplain encroachment areas could still cause floodplain changes not completely mitigated by the compensating storage ponds. 6 September 10, 2007 Regular Item 600 Page 7 of 9 18. Based on the concerns listed above, staff reconunends that the site layout be modified to eliminate all impacts to the 100-year floodplain. If encroachment into the 100-year floodplain at the floodway fringe is permitted, the applicant should provide an engineering analysis demonstrating the following: 1. No increase in the base flood elevation on any upstream, downstream, or adjacent property 2. No changes in the channel velocity upstream, downstream, or at the site 3. Compensating storage ponds have adequate volume, are located in the same drainage sub-basin, provide all compensating volume above the seasonal high groundwater level and below the base flood elevation, and they are functional such that displaced stormwater runoff can be diverted into the compensating storage ponds. Stormwater Treatment: 19. Stormwater runoff from the site currently discharges into Howell Creek, which discharges into Lake Jesup. Lake Jesup is an impaired water body due to excessive levels of nitrogen and phosphorous. The Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) program mandated by the state requires reductions in pollutant discharges in the Lake Jesup Basin to restore the lake's water quality. The Lake Jesup Basin stakeholders, including the City of Winter Springs, aze currently preparing a basin-wide plan to reduce pollutant dischazges into the lake. One method is to require new developments to demonstrate no net increase in pollutant loadings between the pre and post- development conditions. The St. Johns River Water Management District already requires this on most projects within the Lake Jesup Basin. Due to the site's proximity to Howell Creek, Staff recommends requiring no net increase in pollutant loadings under the post-development conditions as a City requirement. This may require additional stormwater treatment facilities beyond those currently shown on the concept plan. Parking' 20. The applicant proposes 15 buildings (14 in phase 1 and 1 in phase 2), each with 4 residential condominium units. Each condominium unit is to have a 2 car garage. Nineteen (19) on-street parallel parking spaces are also proposed. Some of these on-street spaces may be lost due to driveway cuts, which are not shown on the concept plan. The concept plan does not show any driveways and thus it is not clear if there aze any driveway parking spaces. Assuming no driveway parking is available, the overall parking ratio is 2.3 spaces per unit, the same as Heritage Park. This ratio assumes that all two-car garages will be utilized at their full two-car parking capacity. Staffhas observed on recently completed projects, such as Heritage Park and Barclay Reserve, that not all garages aze being used at their full capacity. This is causing an excessive demand for the limited number of on-street spaces, which are being used by residents for daily parking rather than by visitors as intended. On recent multi-family projects, including Winter Place and Sonesta Pointe, the garage parking capacity has been reduced by 50% to provide a more realistic count of the number of available parking spaces. Staff recommends applying this same 50% discount to Tuscawilla Greens and requiring a minimum overall parking ratio of 2.5 spaces per unit after the discount is factored in. 7 September 10, 2007 Regular Item 600 Page 8 of 9 Traffic• 21. Pursuant to Trip Generation. 7"' Edition, by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 60 condominium units will generate 352 average annual week day trips (60 x 5.86 = 351.6). This will require a traffic study (pursuant to Traffic Element Policy 1.1.3.) during development review. FINDIlVGS AND RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The proposed development site has a Recreation and Open Space (Medium Density Residential pending for part of the site) future land use designation. The future land use amendment must be approved before this development is to proceed. 2. The proposed site is part of a larger golf course site, has PUD zoning, and an existing Settlement Agreement that must be amended if this development is to proceed. The City Commission must authorize any amendment to the Settlement Agreement. 3. The proposed development area comprises portions of the Howell Creek regulatory floodway and 100-yeaz floodplain. Encroachment into these azeas is not recommended without appropriate mitigation. The comprehensive plan directs development outside of the 100-year floodplain. Section 8-55 prohibits new development in the regulatory floodway. The Letter of Map Revision could be a condition of final engineering approval and must be received before apre-construction conference is held or any site work commences. 4. Stormwater treatment shall meet SJRWMD criteria for no net increase in the post-development phosphorous loading. 5. The proposed site is largely comprised of wetlands associated with Howell Creek. Mitigation is required, pursuant to the Comprehensive plan, before any site work or wetland encroachment may commence. 6. The Tuscawilla PUD master plan must be amended to allow devebpment of the site for residential condominiums. Staffbelieves that the master plan amendment could occur simultaneously with the FLU amendment. Staff believes Tuscawilla is a Part "B" PUD. The Part "B" PUD master plan amendment process is set forth in Section 20-385 ofthe City Code. The applicant will need to demonstrate that the recreation and open space requirements of Section 20- 380 (c) (3) and (4) will be met for both the proposed development and the remaining portion of the PUD. 7. The project does not appear to provide sufficient pazking. An overall parking ratio of 2.5 spaces per unit is recommended, after the two-car garages have been discounted by 50% (one space per two-car gazage). 8. Any acceptable deviations from the Code must be addressed through a development agreement, special exception, variance, or some other appropriate mechanism deemed acceptable by the City Attorney. No deviations from comprehensive plan requirements are permissible (Section 163.3194, FS). 8 September 10, 2007 Regular Item 600 Page 9 of 9 RECOMMENDATION: Staff can recommend that the City Commission approve the concept plan and allow the project to proceed, conditioned upon the above listed findings and conditions of approval being addressed by the applicant. ATTACHMENTS: A - BDA August 20, 20071etter B -Architectural renderings C -Concept Plan COMMISSION ACTION: 9 BDA ENV11tONMENTAL CONSULTANTS August 30, 2007 File: 2007-038 SENT VIA! ELECTRONIC MAIL AND U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Mr. Thomas J. Corkery Tuscawilla Greens c/o Congressional Homes Developers and Centerline Homes 1491 East S.R. 434, Unit 103 Winter Springs,-Florida 32708 Phone: 407/971-8857 Fax: 40'7/971- L 538 RE: Wetland Evaluation Letter for the Tuscawilla Greens Project Site Seminole County, Florida Dear Mr. Corkery: Ai ~r, 3 12007 Ci permitting 8 LiognainpGs Breedlove, Dennis & Associates, Inc. completed the delineation of the wetland areas that would be considered jurisdictional by the Department of the Army, Corps of Engineers pursuant to the 1987 Federal Wetland Delineation Manual; the St. Johns River Water Management District pursuant to Chapter 62-340 of the Florida Administrative Code, and Seminole County on March 28, 2007. The condition of the on-site wetland was noted during the field delineation. A majority of the forested wetland system, primarily in the western half, would be considered having a lower functional value due to the disturbance from dumping of trash and landscape material, hydrologic impacts caused by man-made ditching through the project site and along We existing roadways, and the surrounding development. Evidence of hydrologic impacts consisted of soil subsidence and the abundant presence of nuisancelexotic (N/E} species and upland species encroachment. These species include Peruvian prnnrosewillow (Ludwigia peruviana), Chinese tallowtree (Sapium sebiferum), camphortree (Cinnamomum camphora), southern magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), elderberry (Sambucus nigra subsp. canadensis), Japanese climbing fern (Lygodium japonicum), creeping oxeye (Sphagneticola trilobata), Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense), skunkvine (Paederfa foetida), climbing hempvine (Mikanla scandenr), sword fern (Nephrolepis sp.), [':Wdmin\PROJECTS\2007038\lettera\Wetland L.ettcr Tuacawilla Groena.doc BREEDLOVE, DENNLS & ASSCX:IATES, iNL:. if~330 W. Canton Ave. -Winter Park, FL 32789 l7 30 East Liherty Sr. - Sroaksville, FL 34601 O 116? Grecn Hili Tntce - Tallaltiassce, FL 323! 7 Fhone: 407-6T7-1882 ~- Fax: 407.657-?008 Phone: 352-799.9488 -Fax: 352.799.9.588 Phane:850-942-1631 - Fttx: 8.50.942-9776 BDA ENVIRONMEN'CAL CONSULTANTS Mc Corkery August 30, 2007 Page 2 common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), American pokeweed (Phytolacca americana), blackbciry (Rubes sp.), Caesarweed (Urena lobata}, and grape (Ytis sp.) vine. The canopy stratum in the northwestern portion of the wetland was dominated by skunkvine and grape. The wetland habitat adjacent to Howell Creek is comprised of more desirable wetland species such as cypress (Ttaxodium sp.), sweetbay (Magnolia virginiana), common buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), and marsh fern (Thelypteris palustris). However, upland species encroachment and N/E species was observed such as cultivated Mexican petunia, Johnsongrass, creeping oxeye, and Caesarweed. The upland habitat is isolated and su>rounded by development and consists primarily of longleaf pine (Pines palustris), live oak (Quercus virginiana), scattered sweetgurn (Liquidambar styraciflua) and water oak (Que»cus nigra), and dense, overgrown saw palmetto (Serenoa repens). The herbaceous understory is scattered or lacking in most azeas due to the density of the saw palmetto. During the site survey within the upland habitat, there were no observations nor was there any evidence (i.e. scat, burrows, tracks) of protected species on-site. Due to the dense nature of the saw palmetto, the absence of desirable soil types, lack of a foraging base, and the isolated nature of this habitat (surrounded by wetlands and development), the potential for the presence of gopher tortoises (Gopherus poiyphemus) is considered unlikely. Sincerely yours, ~~_ Tonda L. Logue, F.R.E.P., M.S. Senior Scientist TLL/vcl P:\AJinin\PROJECTS\2007038VelterslWetland Letter Twc~witle Greens.doc -/ DAVE SCHMITT a,~.~~ w*e sY eescavrpa r "~°"' a>E av °esrnvrioa nuMSa nano" c "-'°"'" CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN areo Ee~ao ~ ew° z °"'~' "°°"~"°°' ~ ENGINEERING, INC. ~ ~ ~ . . . - ~ ~10i)F°Ua°ERSBW"RE dt wM~.w.~rr ~sa r s~r a a n~..wee.ra.+, AGREENS JUSCAWILL OR"wN BY: GG ~ ow,v1ooFrazezs .. . e . . w ~ . °,EC.aneY.,n, ^c'-~-~ rr..,.s~rr+.y..er. sr :°ti° w~ FLORIDA WINTER SPRINGS scue,•=sa FAY MI-~fli-8089 , 91EET.IOF1 '~V ~ ~ __T°'^",,. -J6~.T. d tea. I~ ~; z. ~~_ T- 00. ..~.____iT-_ _ _ ~~ iT -~ --- ~•--~-- - ~ -~,-__ _ _ i 4I I I +~~°"" __ ~+ _ I I 6 . •+ C = SUfMY NEPOkl w~ ~icd~oS~pu N ~ n. ~ rw wn a ~.r.a. O i~ ~ .. ua.~.. nr.r..w r M r. ~r~ ~w .r +ru. ~ r.r sw ?' •- ATTACHMENT C CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -SEPTEMBER ] 0, 2007 PAGE 21 OF 29 • • AGENDA NOTE: THE FOLLOWING REGULAR AGENDA ITEM WAS DISCUSSED NEXT, AS DOCUMENTED. • • REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Community Development Department Requests The Commission Consider A Conceptual Development Plan For A 60 Unit Condominium Development On A Portion Of 135.56 Acres (According To The Application), Located On The South Side Of Winter Springs Boulevard, Adjacent To Howell Creek, Within The Tuscawilla Golf And Country Club And The Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development (PUD). Staff Estimates The Parcel Size To Be Approximately 10 Acres. Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, AICP, Director, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item and displayed a presentation. Discussion. Commissioner Krebs stated, "My concern right now is the density issue and I don't know if the Developer has had an opportunity to talk to the citizens in Tuscawilla to find out what it is they would like to see in their development aswell -and we have had charettes, are we planning one of those?" Mr. Stevenson stated, "Had not planned one at this point." Manager McLemore noted, "It wouldn't be the City's responsibility to do that." Commissioner Krebs added, "Usually we encourage it." Commissioner Gilmore stated, "Mike Gardner from the Country Club has told me that he is planning to hold a session with members of the Club and with the Tusacawilla Homeowner's Association and the community -separate sessions." Mr. Michael Gardner, General Manager, Tuscawilla Country Club, 1500 Winter Springs Boulevard, Winter Springs, Florida: addressed the City Commission and stated, "Absolutely. Our goal is to meet with our membership and one of the right forms is in person or with a letter. At this point - we need to get some clarification on the Settlement Agreement, Conceptual Plans, and the Architectural Plans." Mr. Gardner added, "And then the next step would be also to meet with the HOA (Homeowner's Association) Board." Further discussion. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 PAGE 22 OF 29 Commissioner Miller spoke of his concern with three (3) units being in the floodway. Tape 2/Side B Mayor Bush asked, "Is there any way that - on Parcel 8, those single family homes azea can be designated so they can never be built." Attorney Gazganese stated, "Yes, there is away - it would be a `Perpetual Conservation Easement', and Florida Law permits an Owner to grant a `Perpetual Easement', but if you want another checks and balance to whether or not you can unilaterally release it, is that you grant the Easement to other parties." Mr. Dave Schmitt, Dave Schmitt Engineering, Inc., 13013 Founders Square Drive, Orlando, Florida: commented that, "It is thirty-five feet (3S') -thirty-five feet (3S') to between the right-of--way and the back of the building." Commissioner Gilmore said, "From the right-of--way. There are no sidewalks on that side, I don't believe." Mr. Schmitt said, "Correct." Mr. Stevenson said, "I think what he is saying, it is thirty-five feet (3S'} from the back of the building to the property line... Mr. Schmitt noted, "...Correct..." Mr. Stevenson continued, "...And then another probably twenty-five (2S') or thirty feet (30') to the property line to the edge of the pavement." Commissioner Gilmore asked, "How compatible is that going to be to the `neighborhood'." Mr. Schmitt said, "It should be consistent with the -primarily the piece to the east. Those aze actually I think even closer to the right-of-way." Commissioner Gilmore asked, "Isn'.t there a wall there..." Mr. Schmitt said, "...Beyond the creek where the single family lots are?" Commissioner Gilmore said, "I think there is a wall in there on the other side of the creek." Commissioner Gilmore said, "Chelsea Park." Mr. Schmitt said, "I have pictures. I will go back and confirm that." Commissioner Gilmore said, "I have a concern about how close that is. I also have some concerns about the wetlands - if we permit to fill in this area that is shown in Phase I, what is that going to do as faz as backing up water in the event of this heavy storm and now we have created a dam which is going to back it up further to the south and potentially flooding into Chelsea Park." Mr. Schmitt said, "There are a couple of issues. Let me explain -one is the floodway issue that we are going to do a LOMR (Letter of Map Revision) based on existing topo." Continuing, Mr. Schmitt said, "That creek is not linear through there. It meanders like this -the floodway actually does the same thing. So we are going to remap with FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) that floodway which was what Brian (Fields) was talking about. Then there is the flood plain encroachments, which is what we're going to mitigate. We are not going to mitigate any floodway. We are going to stay out of the floodway. CTfY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CrrY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING-SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 PAGE 23 OF 29 That last building in Phase II when we are done with FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and the City, that will be outside of the actual floodway. The flood plain encroachments we will mitigate. As Brian said we have to mitigate to make sure the velocity, the elevations and the flow are not anything greater than what is there. Actually, we are going to overcompensate because talking to Kip (Lockcuff) and Brian (Fields), we understand there are drainage issues in that area anyway. So, we are going to provide the additional extra compensatory storage, not only linear here but down towards the golf course to provide that extra storage that's needed in that azea. So, I think you aze going to end up with a better situation at the end of the day with the extra capacity in your compensatory storage ponds as well as along the creek." Commissioner Gilmore asked, "How does the water get into the storage ponds?" Mr. Schmitt said, "It all flows from the south to the north so, when it backs up its going to back into -all the drainage from the site is going to go to this pond. The compensatory storage ponds aze purposely for the creek, for any backups. We're actually going to be intercepting some of the flow that's coming this way before it gets here. We've also discussed with Brian (Fields) and Kip (Lockcuff) the fact that we have to make sure in this area, that we don't have any increase in stage or velocity or flow. We're going to do cross sections between here, here, probably four (4) or five (5) cross sections to make sure that each one of those requirements is met in each one of those areas and that the flow velocity and elevation is either at or below what it currently is and that's going to be our proof to show that we are not adversely affecting it and actually are going to hopefully improve it, is what the plan is." Commissioner Gilmore asked, "How does this impact the number 10 fairway?" Mr. Schmitt stated, "It actually improves the value and is more aesthetically pleasing to play with more water features." Discussion. With further comments, Mr. Schmitt said, "The flow, we cannot change the velocity, elevation, or volume of flow through the creek, so even during a hurricane event, we can't allow it to increase more than it does right now. But, what we can do is intercept some of that and have some of that water back up. As it stages up, it can back up into those 100 hundred year ponds." Commissioner Miller asked, "How much water is that going to hold?" Mr. Schmitt said, "At a couple of feet deep it's going to help. And there is •more to compensate for flood plain again, it doesn't compensate for floodway, just for the flood plain. And the whole purpose of the flood plain, is water is spreading out and backing up and spraying out across the property." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 PAGE 24 OF 29 Commissioner Miller asked, "And the storm pond, I guess has been well thought through? You've actually looked at the sites encroaching on the flood plain there, because that is going to be a significant wall." Mr. Schmidt said, "We do have geotechnical information and we've done some preliminary drainage. We haven't done any final drainage or FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) modeling or any of that yet, we're just on preliminary drainage." Manager McLemore spoke to Mr. Lockcuff for the Record about the bridge elevation. Mr. Lockcuff stated, "We never had a problem with that bridge" "I AM MAKING A MOTION THAT WE APPROVE THIS ITEM WITH PROVISIONS. FIRST, THAT THE CITY AND THE GOLF COURSE MUST REACH AN AGREEMENT ON TURNING, PUTTING UNIT 8, I BELIEVE IT IS, INTO CONSERVATION AND TRANSFER THE RIGHTS TO THE UNIT 7 AREA, AND THIS RIGHT HERE WOULD BE THE UNIT 8 AREA AND THAT THAT WOULD BE PUT INTO CONSERVATION AS OTHER PARTS OF THE COURSE OR THE OLD COURSE - IF IT BE AND I THINK YOU HAVE TO WATCH VERY CAREFULLY PUTTING IT INTO THE ST. JOHN'S BECAUSE - THE COUNTRY CLUB IS GOING TO HAVE TO MAINTAIN THIS AND THAT RAISES ANOTHER QUESTION. IF WE TURN THIS OVER TO THE ST. JOHN'S [RIVER] WATER MANAGEMENT [DISTRICT), WHO MAINTAINS THAT PROPERTY?" ATTORNEY GARGANESE SAID, "I WOULD SAY THE CLUB WOULD MAINTAIN IT." COMMISSIONER GILMORE SAID, "BUT THAT HAS TO BE WRITTEN INTO AN AGREEMENT." ATTORNEY GARGANESE SAID, "IT WOULD BE IN THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT -RIGHT NOW IT IS OWNED BY THE CLUB." COMMISSIONER GILMORE ADDED, "THE MOTION IS THAT THAT WOULD BE PUT INTO -CONSERVATION." MR. LOCKCUFF SAID, "THE DISTRICT DOES NOT OWN PROPERTY ANYMORE, THEY JUST WANT THE EASEMENTS AND..." COMMISSIONER GILMORE SAID, "...SO THEY WOULD JUST HAVE AN EASEMENT." CONTINUING, COMMISSIONER GILMORE SAID, "THE OTHER PART OF THIS AGREEMENT WOULD BE THAT WE WOULD NOT AT THIS POINT BE PERMITTING THE CONSTRUCTION OR PERMITTING OF ANY STRUCTURE THAT SITS IN THE FLOOD PLAIN UNTIL THOSE ISSUES ARE RESOLVED -THAT WOULD APPLY TO THIS UNIT, THIS UNIT AND THIS UNIT OR ANY OTHERS THAT SHOW UP WHEN YOU REDO YOUR FLOOD PLAIN DRAWINGS WHICH I UNDERSTAND FROM THE ENGINEER IS IN PROCESS, RIGHT?" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 PAGE 25 OF 29 MR. FIELDS SAID, "THIS IS THE NEW MAP." COMMISSIONER GII.MORE THEN SAID, "THIS UNIT, THIS UNIT, AND THIS UNIT WOULD HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL WE HAVE RESOLVED ANY ISSUES AND YOU UNDERTAND WHAT IS GOING ON." MR. FIELDS SAID, "POTENTIALLY OTHERS DEPENDING ON HOW THE SITE IS GRADED." COMMISSIONER GILMORE STATED, "YES. A LOT OF ISSUES RELATIVE TO THAT. ANOTHER ISSUE THAT I AM GOING TO PUT IN HERE AND THIS MAYBE IS EARLY IN THE GAME, BUT I EXPECT A BUFFER, PROBABLY A WALL BUFFER ALONG THIS AREA AT WINTER SPRINGS BOULEVARD." COMMISSIONER MILLER NOTED, "A BRICK WALL." COMMISSIONER GILMORE SAID, "YES, COMPATIBLE WITH THE OTHER WALLS IN THE AREA. WE HAVE THOSE WALLS ON THE OTHER UNITS. THAT IS MY MOTION." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE. MAYOR BUSH COMMENTED ON THE MOTION AND SAID, "THE FIRST ONE WAS THE CITY AND THE GOLF COURSE MUST AGREE ON TRANSFERRING THE DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS ON UNIT 8 - TO CONSERVATION AND TRANSFER THESE RIGHTS TO UNIT 7 AND TO MAKE THE UNIT 8 UNTOUCHABLE.» COMMISSIONER GILMORE SAID, "THE BUILDING RIGHTS ON UNIT 8 ARE TRANSFERRED TO UNIT 7 AND UNIT 8 IS CONVERTED INTO CONSERVATION." FURTHERMORE, MAYOR BUSH NOTED, "AND THE SECOND POINT, ANY OF THE STRUCTURES THAT SHOW ON THIS DRAWING HERE IN THE FLOOD PLAIN WHICH ARE THREE (3) UNITS OR COULD BE MORE, DEPENDING ON THE SITE AS GRADED ACCORDING TO BRIAN (FIELDS), I THINK I HEARD YOU SAY THAT, THAT WOULD BE WITHHELD UNTIL A LATER TIME AND THE THIRD THING IS THE WALL BUFFER ON WINTER SPRINGS BOULEVARD." MANAGER McLEMORE SAID, "VERIFICATION ON THE MOTION MR. MAYOR, I AM ASSUMING THAT THAT INCLUDES ALL THE CONDITIONS LAID OUT IN THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ALSO." COMMISSIONER GILMORE SAID, "YES. I THINK THAT ALSO IN THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT YOU ARE GOING TO INCORPORATE THE CELL TOWER WHICH IN FACT WILL BE IN THE UNIT 8 AREA. IS THAT CORRECT?" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -SEPTEMBER l0, 2007 PAGE 26 OF 29 ATTORNEY GARGANESE McLEMORE REMARKED, COMMISSIONER GILMORE THAT ISSUE." SAID, "YES. GENERALLY." MANAGER "GENERALLY SPEAKING, YES." STATED, "SO THAT WOULD ALSO BE IN SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MILLER DISCUSSION. ATTORNEY GARGANESE SAID, "I THINK IT IS UNDERSTOOD, BUT I AM SURE YOU ALL REALIZE THEY ARE REMOVING TWO (2) OF THE TENNIS COURTS -ONE (1) BATTERY CONSISTING OF TWO (2) TENNIS COURTS. AND MY UNDERSTANDING IS THAT THEY'RE PROPOSIlVG TO REPLACE THE ONE (1) BATTERY OF TWO (2) TENNIS COURTS WITH FOUR (4) ADDITIONAL TENNIS COURTS. CORRECT?" Mr. Tom Corkery, 759 Bear Creek Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: said, "Correct." Mr. Corkery explained, "We're going to take one (1) tennis court out, one battery they call it -which is two (2) tennis courts within one (1), and replace with two (2) batteries. So, right now, there is existing eight (8) tennis courts -when we're finished, there is going to be ten (10)." Discussion. Furthermore, Mr. Corkery said, "I wanted to overcompensate so it helps it, it even gets better than what it exists today. So, that is what I am going to attempt to do with this project. So, if I can take these nine and a half (9 1/z) acres and develop this, mitigate three and a half (3 ''/z) acres of the worst -and save the jewel of thirty (30) to forty (40) acres for a recreational space which I believe we should protect here as much as we can also, to save those trees there - to whatever endangered species may be there because the soils aren't wet, they're beautiful soils." Mr. Corkery added, "There is a value to this Settlement Agreement and it's financed with the bank. They are going to get a release from the bank. There is a value to that, a great value and these owners of the Club have agreed with me that they will walk away from that to do the sixty (60) townhome units." CITY OF WRVTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -SEPTEMBER 1Q 2007 PAGE 27 OF 29 VOTE: COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER I{REBS: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR 601. Office Of The City Attorney Requests That The City Commission Consider Approval Of A Final Development Order For Vertex Development's Telecommunications Tower Conditional Use Permit For The Property Located At Tuscawilla Country Club. Attorney Gazganese stated, "I passed out this evening a draft Development Order. There was one (1) change that I penciled in from what I completed. All this Order does is it memorializes in writing the decision that was made by the City Commission at the August 27, 2007 Commission Meeting where you approved the 150' unipole Telecommunications Tower located generally on Parcel Number 8 that we just discussed; and it's moving through the Development Order, it recognizes that you approved a Conditional Use, a Site Plan, and Aesthetic Review -that is what Paragraph 1. states." The proposed Development Order was covered further. Mayor Bush asked, "Do we have anything in here that when this technology becomes obsolete that they have to take the Tower down?" Attorney Gazganese said, "No. That was not discussed." Mayor Bush said, "I think we should." Commissioner Krebs said, "I agree with you. We should have that language in here." With further comments, Commissioner Krebs asked, "Can we put it in?" Attorney Gazganese remarked, "At this juncture, I don't think that would be appropriate to add to the Order. With that said, we certainly need to go in and negotiate Amendments to the Settlement Agreement. We could bring that issue up." Mayor Bush asked, "Does the Commission want that done?" Commissioner Krebs stated, "Yes." No objections were noted. Commissioner Gilmore then asked Attorney Gazganese, "My concern is in item 5., page 2, the 50' x 50' lease area, I think you need to give them leeway on that." Attorney Garganese suggested, "Do you want to put `50' x 50' foot lease azea' or - 2,500 square feet." Commissioner Gilmore added, "Or a comparable rectangulaz area." Furthermore, Commissioner Gilmore suggested, "Or a comparable configuration." ATTACHMENT D COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 600 October 2 2007 Special Meeting Consent Informational Public Hearin Re ular X MGR. y~- /DEPT. Authorization REQUEST: City Manager requests the Commission to remove Regular Agenda Item 604 of the September 24, 2007 Commission meeting from the table for final approval. PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed to bring final action to the proposed third amendment to the Settlement Agreement between the Winter Springs Country Club and the City. CONSIDERATIONS: At the September 24, 2007 Commission meeting, the Commission voted to table Regular item 604 in order to allow representatives of the Country Club and the City to work out remaining issues. We have been informed that the Country Club has consented this afternoon to the revised agreement prepazed by the City Attorney and forwazded to the parties. FUNDING: N/A. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Commission remove Regular Item 604 from the table and approve the item with any changes it deems necessary. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Regular Agenda Item 604, September 24, 2007 Attachment 2: Revised Agreement, September 28, 2007 COMMISSION ACTION: Attachment 1: Regular Agenda Item 604, September 24, 2007 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS September 24, 2007 Regulaz Meeting 092407_COMM_Regulaz_ _Tuscawilla_Country_Club_Settlement_Agreement COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 604 Consent Informational Public Hearin Re ular X September 24, 2007 Mgr. ~~/ Dept. egu ar eetmg Authorization REQUEST: The City Manager requesting the City Commission to consider approval of a third modification of the Settlement Agreement between the City and the Tuscawilla Country Club to facilitate proposed development of Parcel 7, and the construction of a 150 foot cell tower and related conveyances of conservation lands to the City. '" PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed for the Commission to determine the terms and conditions under which it will be willing to allow development of Parcel 7 for condominium units, and the construction of a 150 foot cell tower on Parcel 8 of the Tuscawilla Country Club. CONSIDERATIONS: The Commission has approved construction of a 150 foot cell tower on Parcel 8 of the Tuscawilla Country Club, and construction of 60 condominium units on Parcel 7 of the Country Club based upon conveyances of conservation lands satisfactory to the Commission. The staff is continuing to negotiate the final terms of an agreement to recommend to the Commission in time for the September 24, 2007 Commission Meeting. To date we have not received final surveys from the Country Club necessary to complete the negotiations. We aze continuing to complete the negotiations in time for the September 24, 3007 Commission Meeting. We are attaching a draft agreement for Commission review. In aU likelihood the continuing negotiations will cause some changes to the draft. A decision has to be made by October 2, 2007. The Commission could therefore elect to defer the matter to the October 2, 2007 Special Commission meeting if it chooses to do so. FUNDING: N/A RECOMMENDATIONS: i. Review the draft agreement in order to become familiar with the sense of the agreement and act on the item Monday, September 24, 2007 if the negotiations can be completed in time, or 2. Review the draft agreement in order to become familiar with the sense of the agreement and defer the item to the October 2, 2007 Special Meeting agenda. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Agreement COMMISSION ACTION: Page 2 of 2 Attachment 2: Revised Agreement, September 28, 2007 DRAFT 9/28/2007 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Anthony Garganese City Attorney of Winter Springs Brown, Garganese, Weiss & D'Agresta, P.A. 255 E. Robinson St., Suite 660 Orlando, FL 32802 (407)425-9566 THIRD AMENDMENT TO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS THIRD AMENDMENT TO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT is made and executed this day of 2007, by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida Municipal Corporation (the "City"), whose address is 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, and REACT LAND, LLC, a Florida limited liability company and WINTER SPRINGS GOLF, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Owner"), whose address is 375 Forsgate Drive, Monroe Township, New Jersey 08831. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement is an amendment to that certain Settlement Agreement and Amended Settlement Agreement No. 1 which are recorded at Book 3102, Page 1354 ("Original Settlement Agreement"), as amended by that certain Second Amendment to Settlement Agreement, which is recorded at Book 3146, Page 0454. All of said agreements are or will be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (sometimes collectively referred to herein as "Settlement Agreement"); and WHEREAS, this Settlement Agreement is related to certain real property located in Seminole County, Florida which is commonly known as the Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club ("Club Property"); and WHEREAS, as the current fee simple owner of the Club Property, Owner is the successor in interest of that certain Settlement Agreement, and WHEREAS, this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement affects a portion of the Club Property, primarily Parcel 7 and Parcel 8 and several small areas of Club Property, which are legally described on Exhibits attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement generally defines two categories of property, "Development Property" and "Golf Property;" for purposes of specifically listing the uses that are permitted on all the property referenced in the Settlement Agreement, including Parcel 7 and Parcel 8; and Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club Property Page 1 of S WHEREAS, in accordance with paragraph 5(b) of the original Settlement Agreement, the use of the Golf Property is limited to the operation of a country club, golf course, tennis club, club house/restaurant, golf and tennis teaching and training facility/school/academy (with no on- site residences), storm water drainage retention and detention for the Development Property, effluent disposal and related uses; and WHEREAS, in accordance with paragraph 3 of the original Settlement Agreement, the Development Property shall be developed with single-family, detached residences; and WHEREAS, Pazcel 7 and Parcel 8 are designated Development Property under the original Settlement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Owner and the City desire to amend the original Settlement Agreement, as amended by the Second Amendment to Settlement Agreement, to provide for the transfer and modification of certain development rights set forth in therein related to Parcel 7 and Parcel 8; and WHEREAS, in general, the transfer and modification of development entitlements include the placement of certain lands (including Parcel 8 and two other small wooded areas adjacent to Parcel 8) into a perpetual conservation easement, the re-designation of certain areas of Parcel 7 as Golf Property, the re-designation of a small portion of Golf Property as Development Property to accommodate the condominium project proposed for Parcel 7, and allowing a condominium project (rather than single-family, detached residences) on Parcel 7 under the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the Owner and the City also desire to amend the original Settlement Agreement, as amended, for purposes of allowing a 150 foot unipole telecommunications tower (and related ground equipment and related underground electric and telephone lines) on a small portion (approximately 50' x 50' or an equivalent area) of Parcel 8 in accordance with that certain Development Order approved by the City Commission on September 10, 2007; and WHEREAS, the City and Owner have determined that it is in their mutual interest to modify the original Settlement Agreement, as amended by the Second Amendment to Settlement Agreement, for purposes of enhancing and preserving the Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club and the Tuscawilla community. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and other good and valuable consideration, the Owner and the City agree to modify the original Settlement Agreement, as amended by the Second Amendment to Settlement Agreement, as follows: 1.0 Acknowledeement. The Owner and City acknowledge and agree that the original Settlement Agreement, as amended by Second Amendment to Settlement Agreement, is valid and binding upon the parties, except as modified herein. The parties agree that they have been fully informed of all matters relating to the Settlement Agreement, as amended by the Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement, and intend to be bound by this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement. Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club Propetq~ Page 2 of 8 ~`~ 2.0 Recitals: Effective Date. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. The Effective Date of this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement shall be the date that it is fully executed and recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida ("Effective Date"). 3.0 Parcel 7. Subject to the issuance of additional permits in accordance with Paragraph 8.0, the future development of Parcel ?shall be as follows: (a) In lieu of single-family, detached residences, Owner shall be permitted to construct up to sixty (60) residential condominium units on the area identified as "Development Area" on EXHIBIT "A." The Development Area shall consist of parcels "B," "D," and "F" which are labeled on EXHIBIT "A," and shall hereinafter be referred to as "Condominium Property." Said Exhibit is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. The residential condominium units shall be constructed on the Condominium Property in substantial conformance with the conceptual plans and elevations approved by the City Commission on September 10, 2007 (Regular Agenda Item 601) ("Condominium Conceptual Plan"). The Condominium Conceptual Plan is hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference, and shall be kept on file at the Winter Springs' City Hall. Owner agrees to diligently pursue the permitting of the sixty residential condominium units. In addition, the City agrees to process permit applications for the residential condominium project in good faith and agrees not to unreasonably withhold permit approvals. The following restrictions shall apply to the proposed residential condominium project: (1) Short term transient rentals of the condominium units on the Condominium Property shall be strictly prohibited. In furtherance of this restriction, Owner agrees to deed restrict the residential condominium units and provide that the rental of any of the residential condominium units on the Condominium Property for a period of less than one year is strictly prohibited. The City shall be a third party beneficiary under the deed restrictions for purposes of enforcing this rental restriction. Said deed restriction shall be a condition of final engineering approval by the City. (2) The City acknowledges that the Condominium Conceptual Plan requires that one battery of tennis courts (a/k/a two tennis courts) currently located on Parcel 7 be relocated elsewhere on Parcel 7 at a location near the club's current tennis court facility. However, in conjunction with this relocation, Owner agrees to construct an additional battery of tennis courts on Parcel ? at a location near the club's current tennis court facility. At least one of the two new batteries of tennis courts shall be constructed and made ready for play before the relocated tennis court is discontinued for play and demolished. (3) All purchasers of the residential condominium units on the Condominium Property shall receive membership (minimum tennis level membership) at the Tuscawilta Golf and Country Club for purposes of satisfying the City's recreation level of service requirements under the City's Comprehensive Plan. The tennis membership shall permit the condominium unit owners to use the recreation amenities at the Tuscawilta Golf and Country Club (e.g. pool, tennis courts, golf course, and gym facility) under membership terms, fees, and conditions established by the Tuscawilta Golf and Country Club. Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tuscawilta Golf and Country Club Property Page 3 of S (4) Unless otherwise approved by the City Commission, Owner shall construct a decorative brick wall along the entire property line adjacent to Winter Springs Boulevard in a manner and height similar to the other decorative brick walls along said boulevard. (b) The Owner and the City acknowledge that there are wetland, floodplain, and floodway mitigation issues on Parcel 7 which must be satisfactorily addressed in order to permit the sixty residential condominium units to be constructed. Owner agrees to diligently pursue a Letter of Map Revision (CONK) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for any encroachments into the 100 year floodplain and floodway, as said areas are defined by law. For reference purposes only, the location of the floodplain and floodway is generally depicted in the Condominium Conceptual Plan. All such encroachments are subject to review and approval by the City and FEMA. Owner shall submit such engineering data that is necessary to satisfy the City and FEMA. If the City requires the services of an engineering consultant to review the engineering data submitted by Owner, Owner shall reimburse the City for all such services. (c) The portion of Parcel 7 identified as parcels "A," "C," and "E" on EXHBIT "A" (the area excluding the Development Area which generally contains the existing tennis courts, swimming pool, and gym facilities and creek area) shall hereinafter be deemed Golf Property under the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement. 4.0 Parcel 8. Subject to the issuance of additional permits in accordance with Paragraph 8.0, the future development of Parcel 8 shall be as follows: w (a) In accordance with Paragraph 5.0 of this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement, a telecommunications tower shall be constructed on the area legally described on EXHBIT "B." ("Tower Site"). Said exhibit is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (b) No later than thirty (30) days from the Effective Date, the Owner shall convey to the City, and any other third party designated by the City, a perpetual statutory conservation easement over, under, and upon that portion of Parcel 8 currently owned by Owners. Said portion of Parcel 8 is legally described on EXHIBIT "C:' which is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. The conservation easement shall be granted under the provisions of section 704.06, Florida Statutes. The conservation easement shall be in a form deemed acceptable by the City Attorney. The conservation easement shall generally provide for the preservation of wooded areas (as depicted as shaded areas on EXHIBIT "C"), and shall permit the Owner to use all other parts of the easement area for the operation of a country club, golf course, tennis club, club house/restaurant, golf and tennis teaching and training facility/school/academy (with no on-site residences), storm water drainage retention and detention, effluent disposal and related uses. Additionally, the conservation easement shall permit the construction and operation of the Tower authorized under Paragraph 5.0 of this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement. Owner shall be responsible for having all mortgages existing at the time of the conveyance of the conservation easement subordinated to the easement. Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tuscawilla Golf end Country Club Ptopcrty Page 4 of 8 (c) The Owner and City acknowledge that a small portion of Parcel 8 located in the southeast comer (Parcel Id. 31-20-31-SBB-0000-O11A) is not currently owned by the Owner. ("Parcel 8 Remainder"). However, Owner acknowledges that Owner currently leases the Parcel 8 Remainder and may acquire it in the future. If Owner acquires fee simple title to the Parcel 8 Remainder, Owner agrees to convey to the City a conservation easement over, under, and upon the Parcel 8 Remainder in the same manner provided for in subparagraph 4 (b) above. 5.0 Telecommunications Tower. (a) Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Development Order issued by the City Commission of Winter Springs, dated September 10, 2007, a unipole telecommunications tower and related ground equipment shall be constructed on the Tower Site. The Owner shall be permitted to grant ancillary access and utility (electric and telephone lines) easements under and upon the Club Property for purposes of serving the Tower Site. No other development shall be permitted on the Tower Site other than the development authorized by said Development Order. The Owner shall be required to maintain a two hundred foot (200 ft.) perpetual buffer area of trees and undeveloped land around the Tower Site. Said buffer area shall be measured as a radius of two hundred foot (200 ft.) from the center of the Tower Site. Should the use of the tower and related ground equipment and utility lines be discontinued for any reason, the tower, equipment, and utility lines shall be removed by Owner within three (3) months of discontinuance. 6.0 Additional Conservation Areas Adiaeent to Parcel 8. In conjunction with -- the conservation easement granted to the City pursuant to Paragraph 4 (b) of this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement, the Owner agrees to include as conservation land the two areas adjacent to Parcel 8 which are legally described in EXHIBIT "D." Said exhibit is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. 7.0 _TLBD Beautification Supplemental Contribution. In addition to any special assessment imposed on the Club Property as required by the City's Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District, Owner agrees to contribute to the City an additional Twenty-Five Thousand and No1100 Dollars ($25,000.00) to be used for District beautification purposes. Said contribution shall be paid to the City in two equal installments. The first installment shall be due at such time that the City Commission approves the final engineering plans for the Parcel 7 residential condominium project. The second installment shall be due within one (1) year from the date that said final engineering plans are approved by the City Commission. 8.0 Recordation. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. 9.0 Development Permits. As required by City Code and other applicable law, Owner acknowledges and agrees that any development of the Golf Property, Development Property, Tower Site, and Condominium Property will require Owner to apply for additional development permits from the City and other government agencies with jurisdiction over said property. Nothing herein shall limit the City's authority to grant or deny any development permit applications or requests subsequent to the Effective Date. The failure of the Settlement Third Amendment l0 5ettlt:ment Agreement Tuscewilla Golf and Country Club Property Page S of 8 ~ Agreement to address any particular City, County, State and/or Federal permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve Owner or the City of the necessity of complying with the law governing said permitting requirement, condition, term or restriction. Without imposing any limitation on the City's police powers, the City reserves the right to withhold, suspend, or terminate any and all certificates of occupancy for any building or unit if Owner is in breach of any term and condition of the Settlement Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal on the date first above written. By: By: ATTEST: Andrea Lorenzo Luaces, City Clerk CITY SEAL By: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS John F. Bush, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY For the use and reliance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida only. Date: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney for the City of Winter Springs, Florida Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club Property Page 6 of S REACT LAND, LLC, a Florida limited liability Signed, sealed and delivered in the company presence of the following witnesses: By: Member/Manager Signuure of Witness Printed Name of W fitness Date: Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2007, , as Member/Manager of REACT LAND, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of said company. He is personally known to me or produced as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) (Notary Public Signature) (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: My Commission Expires: Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tusca~~~illa Golf and Country Club Property Page 7 of g Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness Signature of Witncss Printed Name of Witness WINTER SPRINGS GOLF, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: Date: MemberlManager STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2007, _ , as Manager/Member of WINTER SPRINGS GOLF, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of said company. He is personally known to me or produced as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) (Notary Public Signaturo) My Commission Expires: _ (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: EXHIBIT LIST A. Legal Description of Parcel 7 and related subpazcels. B. Legal Description of Tower Site Property. C. Legal Description of portion of Pazcel 8 owned by Owners (excludes Parcel Id. 31- 20-31-SBB-0000-O11A owned by Tuskawilla Investors, Inc.). D. Legal Description of additional Conservations Areas adjacent to Parcel 8. Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club Property Page 8 of 8 Date: October 2, 2007 The attached were distributed and referenced by Attorney Anthony A. Garganese during the discussion of Regular Agenda Item "600" during the October 2, 2007 City Commission Special Meeting. RECEIVED OCT - 2 1007 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK DRAFT 9/28/2007 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Anthony Garganese City Attorney of Winter Springs Brown, Garganese, Weiss & D'Agresta, P.A. 255 E. Robinson St., Suite 660 Orlando, FL 32802 (407)425-9566 FOR RECORDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY THIRD AMENDMENT TO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS THIRD AMENDMENT TO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT is made and executed this day of 2007, by and between the CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, a Florida Municipal Corporation (the "City"), whose address is 1126 East S.R. 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, and REACT LAND, LLC, a Florida limited liability company and WINTER SPRINGS GOLF, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("Owner"), whose address is 375 Forsgate Drive, Monroe Township, New Jersey 08831. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement is an amendment to that certain Settlement Agreement and Amended Settlement Agreement No. 1 which are recorded at Book 3102, Page 1354 ("Original Settlement Agreement"), as amended by that certain Second Amendment to Settlement Agreement, which is recorded at Book 3146, Page 0454. All of said agreements are or will be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. (sometimes collectively referred to herein as "Settlement Agreement"); and WHEREAS, this Settlement Agreement is related to certain real property located in Seminole County, Florida which is commonly known as the Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club ("Club Property"); and WHEREAS, as the current fee simple owner of the Club Property, Owner is the successor in interest of that certain Settlement Agreement, and WHEREAS, this Tlurd Amendment to Settlement Agreement affects a portion of the Club Property, primarily Parcel 7 and Parcel 8 and several small areas of Club Property, which are legally described on Exhibits attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Settlement Agreement generally defines two categories of property, "Development Property" and "Golf Property," for purposes of specifically listing the uses that are permitted on all the property referenced in the Settlement Agreement, including Pazcel 7 and Parcel 8; and Third Amendment to Settlemrnt Agreement Tuseawilla Gotf and Country Club Property Page I af8 WHEREAS, in accordance with paragraph 5(b) of the original Settlement Agreement, the use of the Golf Property is limited to the operation of a country club, golf course, tennis club, club house/restaurant, golf and tennis teaching and training facility/school/academy (with no on- site residences), storm water drainage retention and detention for the Development Property, effluent disposal and related uses; and WHEREAS, in accordance with paragraph 3 of the original Settlement Agreement, the Development Property shall be developed with single-family, detached residences; and WHEREAS, Parcel 7 and Parcel 8 are designated Development Property under the original Settlement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Owner and the City desire to amend the original Settlement Agreement, as amended by the Second Amendment to Settlement Agreement, to provide for the transfer and modification of certain development rights set forth in therein related to Parcel 7 and Parcel 8; and WHEREAS, in general, the transfer and modification of development entitlements include the placement of certain lands (including Parcel 8 and two other small wooded areas adjacent to Parcel 8) into a perpetual conservation easement, the re-designation of certain areas of Parcel 7 as Golf Property, the re-designation of a small portion of Golf Property as Development Property to accommodate the condominium project proposed for Parcel 7, and allowing a condominium project (rather than single-family, detached residences) on Parcel 7 under the terms and conditions set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the Owner and the City also desire to amend the original Settlement Agreement, as amended, for purposes of allowing a 150 foot unipole telecommunications tower (and related ground equipment and related underground electric and telephone lines) on a small portion (approximately 50' x 50' or an equivalent area) of Parcel 8 in accordance with that certain Development Order approved by the City Commission on September 10, 2007; and WHEREAS, the City and Owner have determined that it is in their mutual interest to modify the original Settlement Agreement, as amended by the Second Amendment to Settlement Agreement, for purposes of enhancing and preserving the Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club and the Tuscawilla community. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals and other good and valuable consideration, the Owner and the City agree to modify the original Settlement Agreement, as amended by the Second Amendment to Settlement Agreement, as follows: 1.0 Acknowledgement. The Owner and City acknowledge and agree that the original Settlement Agreement, as amended by Second Amendment to Settlement Agreement, is valid and binding upon the parties, except as modified herein. The parties agree that they have been fully informed of all matters relating to the Settlement Agreement, as amended by the Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement, and intend to be bound by this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement. Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tusca~villa Galf end Country Club Property Page 2 of 8 2.0 Recitals: Effective Date. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. The Effective Date of this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement shall be the date that it is fully executed and recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida ("Effective Date"). 3.0 Parcel 7. Subject to the issuance of additional permits in accordance with Paragraph 8.0, the future development of Parcel ?shall be as follows: (a} In lieu of single-family, detached residences, Owner shall be permitted to construct up to sixty (60) residential condominium units on the area identified as "Development Area" on EXHIBIT "A." The Development Area shall consist of parcels "B," "D," and "F" which are labeled on EXHIBIT "A," and shall hereinafter be referred to as "Condominium Property." Said Exhibit is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. The residential condominium units shall be constructed on the Condominium Property in substantial conformance with the conceptual plans and elevations approved by the City Commission on September 10, 2007 (Regular Agenda Item 601) ("Condominium Conceptual Plan"). The Condominium Conceptual Plan is hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference, and shall be kept on file at the Winter Springs' City Hall. Owner agrees to diligently pursue the permitting of the sixty residential condominium units. In addition, the City agrees to process permit applications for the residential condominium project in good faith and agrees not to unreasonably withhold permit approvals. The following restrictions shall apply to the proposed residential condominium project: (1) Short term transient rentals of the condominium units on the Condominium Property shall be strictly prohibited. In furtherance of this restriction, Owner agrees to deed restrict the residential condominium units and provide that the rental of any of the residential condominium units on the Condominium Property for a period of less than one yeaz is strictly prohibited. The City shall be a third party beneficiary under the deed restrictions for purposes of enforcing this rental restriction. Said deed restriction shall be a condition of final engineering approval by the City. (2) The City acknowledges that the Condominium Conceptual Plan requires that one battery of tennis courts (a/k/a two tennis courts) currently located on Parcel 7 be relocated elsewhere on Parcel 7 at a location neaz the club's current tennis court facility. However, in conjunction with this relocation, Owner agrees to construct an additional battery of tennis courts on Parcel ? at a location near the club's current tennis court facility. At least one of the two new batteries of tennis courts shall be constructed and made ready for play before the relocated tennis court is discontinued for play and demolished. (3) All purchasers of the residential condominium units on the Condominium Property shall receive membership (minimum tennis level membership) at the Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club for purposes of satisfying the City's recreation level of service requirements under the City's Comprehensive Plan. The tennis membership shall permit the condominium unit owners to use the recreation amenities at the Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club (e.g. pool, tennis courts, golf course, and gym facility) under membership terms, fees, and conditions established by the Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club. Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tuscawilla Golf end Country Club Property Page 3 of 8 (4) Unless otherwise approved by the City Commission, Owner shall construct a decorative brick wall along the entire property line adjacent to Winter Springs Boulevard in a manner and height similar to the other decorative brick walls along said boulevard. (b) The Owner and the City acknowledge that there are wetland, floodplain, and floodway mitigation issues on Parcel 7 which must be satisfactorily addressed in order to permit the sixty residential condominium units to be constructed. Owner agrees to diligently pursue a Letter of Map Revision (CONK) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for any encroachments into the 100 year floodplain and floodway, as said areas are defined by law. For reference purposes only, the location of the floodplain and floodway is generally depicted in the Condominium Conceptual Plan. All such encroachments are subject to review and approval by the City and FEMA. Owner shall submit such engineering data that is necessary to satisfy the City and FEMA. If the City requires the services of an engineering consultant to review the engineering data submitted by Owner, Owner shall reimburse the City for all such services. (c) The portion of Pazcel 7 identified as parcels "A," "C," and "E" on EXHBIT "A" (the area excluding the Development Area which generally contains the existing tennis courts, swimming pool, and gym facilities and creek azea) shall hereinafter be deemed Golf Property under the tenors and conditions of the Settlement Agreement. 4.0 Parcel 8. Subject to the issuance of additional pemuts in accordance with Paragraph 8.0, the fimire development of Parcel 8 shall be as follows: (a) In accordance with Pazagraph 5.0 of this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement, a telecommunications tower shall be constructed on the azea legally described on EXHBIT "B." ("Tower Site"). Said exhibit is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. (b) No later than thirty (30) days from the Effective Date, the Owner shall convey to the City, and any other third party designated by the City, a perpetual statutory conservation easement over, under, and upon that portion of Parcel 8 currently owned by Owners. Said portion of Parcel 8 is legally described on EXHIBIT "C:' which is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. The conservation easement shall be granted under the provisions of section 704.06, Florida Statutes. The conservation easement shall be in a form deemed acceptable by the City Attorney. The conservation easement shall generally provide for the preservation of wooded areas (as depicted as shaded azeas on EXHIBIT "C"), and shall permit the Owner to use all other parts of the easement azea for the operation of a country club, golf course, tennis club, club house/restaurant, golf and tennis teaching and training facility/school/academy (with no on-site residences), storm water drainage retention and detention, effluent disposal and related uses. Additionally, the conservation easement shall permit the construction and operation of the Tower authorized under Paragraph 5.0 of this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement. Owner shall be responsible for having all mortgages existing at the time of the conveyance of the conservation easement subordinated to the easement. Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tuscawilla Golf end Cotmtry Club Property Page 4 of $ (c} The Owner and City acknowledge that a small portion of Parcel 8 located in the southeast corner (Parcel Id. 31-20-31-SBB-0000-011A) is not currently owned by the Owner. ("Parcel 8 Remainder"). However, Owner acknowledges that Owner currently leases the Parcel 8 Remainder and may acquire it in the future. If Owner acquires fee simple title to the Parcel 8 Remainder, Owner agrees to convey to the City a conservation easement over, under, and upon the Parcel 8 Remainder in the same manner provided for in subparagraph 4 (b) above. 5.0 Telecommunications Tower. (a) Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Development Order issued by the City Commission of Winter Springs, dated September 10, 2007, a unipole telecommunications tower and related ground equipment shall be constructed on the Tower Site. The Owner shall be permitted to grant ancillary access and utility (electric and telephone lines) easements under and upon the Club Property for purposes of serving the Tower Site. No other development shall be permitted on the Tower Site other than the development authorized by said Development Order. The Owner shall be required to maintain a two hundred foot (200 ft.) perpetual buffer area of trees and undeveloped land around the Tower Site. Said buffer area shall be measured as a radius of two hundred foot (200 ft.) from the center of the Tower Site. Should the use of the tower and related ground equipment and utility lines be discontinued for any reason, the tower, equipment, and utility lines shall be removed by Owner within three (3) months of discontinuance. 6.0 Additional Conservation Areas Adjacent to Parcel 8. In conjunction with the conservation easement granted to the City pursuant to Pazagraph 4 (b) of this Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement, the Owner agrees to include as conservation land the two areas adjacent to Parcel 8 which are legally described in EXHIBIT KD:' Said exhibit is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by this reference. 7.0 TLBD Beautification Supplemental Contribution. In addition to any special assessment imposed on the Club Property as required by the City's Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District, Owner agrees to contribute to the City an additional Twenty-Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($25,000.00) to be used for District beautification purposes. Said contribution shall be paid to the City in two equal installments. The first installment shall be due at such time that the City Commission approves the final engineering plans for the Parcel 7 residential condominium project. The second installment shall be due within one (1) year from the date that said final engineering plans are approved by the City Commission. 8.0 Recordation. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. 9.0 Development Permits. As required by City Code and other applicable law, Owner acknowledges and agrees that any development of the Golf Property, Development Property, Tower Site, and Condominium Property will require Owner to apply for additional development permits from the City and other government agencies with jurisdiction over said property. Nothing herein shall limit the City's authority to grant or deny any development permit applications or requests subsequent to the Effective Date. The failure of the Settlement Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tuscawilla t3olf and Country Club Property Page 5 of 8 Agreement to address any particular City, County, State and/or Federal permit, condition, term or restriction shall not relieve Owner or the City of the necessity of complying with the law governing said permitting requirement, condition, term or restriction. Without imposing any limitation on the City's police powers, the City reserves the right to withhold, suspend, or terminate any and all certificates of occupancy for any building or unit if Owner is in breach of any term and condition of the Settlement Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal on the date first above written. By: ATTEST: By: Andrea Lorenzo Luaces, City Clerk CITY SEAL By: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS John F. Bush, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY For the use and reliance of the City of Winter Springs, Florida only. Date: Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney for the City of Winter Springs, Florida Third Amendment ro Satlement Agreement Tuscawilla l3olf and Country Club Property Page 6 of 8 REACT LAND, LLC, a Florida limited liability Signed, sealed and delivered in the company presence of the following witnesses: By: __ , Member/Manager Signature of witness Printed Neme of Witness Date: Signature of Witness Printed Name of Witness STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2007, , as Member/Manager of REACT LAND, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of said company. He is personally known to me or produced as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) (Notsry Public Signature) (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: My Commission Expires: Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club Property Pege'1 of 8 Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: Signaturo of Witness Printed Name of Witness Signaturo of Witness Printed Name of Witness STATE OF _ COUNTY OF Member/Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2007, , as Manager/Member of WINTER SPRINGS GOLF, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of said company. He is personally known to me or produced as identification. (NOTARY SEAL) My Commission Expires: WINTER SPRINGS GOLF, LLC, a Florida limited liability company sy: Date: (Notary Public Signature) (Print Name) Notary Public, State of Commission No.: EXHIBIT LIST A. Legal Description of Parcel ?and related subparcels. B. Legal Description of Tower Site Property. C. Legal Description of portion of Parcel 8 owned by Owners (excludes Parcel Id. 31- 20-31-SBB-0000-O11A owned by Tuskawilla Investors, Inc.). D. Legal Description of additional Conservations Areas adjacent to Parcel 8. Third Amendment to Settlement Agreement Tuscawilla Golf and Country Club Property Page 8 of 8 Date: October 2, 2007 The attached was distributed by Attorney Anthony A. Garganese during the discussion of Regular Agenda Item "600" at the October 2, 2007 City Commission Special Meeting. 1 : lb Pi 1 64!' t t4 4 br''4**'''-w-' .0 •( A v( ,. ...,`° i i , e y tt li I I' U3000 °QUO O'vr.15e.g:.rre.W■gf,!: ,T. ik. i7 • ' ..9 al a i 1... 414 1, t I 4 44•• 8%0N i 1 1U. 2 p_c, ci'cciA Q IT," ,— Fg 0) 0 tu ] z , , k- ■ cf. , t 4?) 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A a f ~~ M ~M-~~`... !~a .. i~J its."'~.a_e~ ~F.1'1)`Ir i.rr'a:t K~_slurvl_r C-'T~TvF YJihTEi2 S'r''~~NG$ Ca^ rn:,,,.'y Devr.!eF'r.ant ATTACHMENT E CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMM1S510N SPECIAL MEETMG -OCTOBER 2, 2007 PAGE 3 OF 12 "I MAKE A MOTION TO HAVE THE MANAGER RESEARCH ANY AVAILABLE PROPERTY IN WINTER SPRINGS." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BROWN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER I{REBS: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR McGINNIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Bush said to Manager McLemore, "I would also maybe recommend that we talk to Bart Phillips as well as A Budget Tree. They are both out there. They are both good citizens of the City and maybe we can work something out with them too." Discussion. Ms. Angela Lambert, 7900 Dunstable Circle, Orlando, Florida: spoke about the dedication of "Pet Rescue by Judy" Board Members and thanked the City Commission for their support. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Office Of The City Manager Requesting The City Commission To Consider Approval Of A Third Modification Of The Settlement Agreement Between The City And The Tuscawilla Country Club To Facilitate Proposed Development Of Parcel 7, And The Construction Of A 150 Foot Cell Tower And Related Conveyances Of Conservation Lands To The City. Mayor Bush stated, "We need a Motion to remove from the Table?" "SO MOVED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BROWN. MAYOR BUSH STATED, "SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE." DISCUSSION. C[TY OF N%INTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING -OCTOBER 2, 2007 PAGE 4 OF 12 VOTE: COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Regarding the Settlement Agreement, Manager McLemore said, "What we would need you to do is review any parts of this you want to review with the City Attorney and myself, and then act on the Agreement with any changes you might think aze appropriate." Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore asked, [2007] - is that the one we are looking at?" "That's the one you are looking at." "Is the Agreement dated September 28`x, City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese said, Attorney Garganese said, "I also passed out some very rudimentary colored documents here -they are the Parcel 8 and Parcel 7 and -the color depicts basically what is stated and language in the Agreement. Under the Agreement, if you look at Parcel 8, that's the larger handout, it identifies the area that will be placed in conservation within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this Agreement. That area is identified in `pink' and identified in `yellow'; and the area that is depicted in `pink', of course they can continue using it for Golf Course purposes as originally stated in the Settlement Agreement. That language doesn't change. In addition, the shaded in azeas that are depicted as wooded azeas, would remain wooded areas. And you will note that little square blue box in the middle is the Tower site. There are two (2) appendages that are in `yellow'. Those are additional conservation areas that are outside of Parcel 8 that the Country Club property owners have voluntarily offered to put into conservation areas. They aze heavily wooded areas. And then there is a little azea in the southwest corner identified as `PARCEL 8 REMAINDER'. That property currently is not owned by the Country Club. They are currently leasing it." Attorney Garganese then said, "In the event the current owners of the [Country] Club acquire that property, then they agree to put that land in conservation as well." Next, Attorney Garganese explained, "We are waiting for the Surveyors to complete the Legal Descriptions. They have to modify this accordingly to basically reflect what - I have color coded for you. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CrrY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING -OCTOBER 2, 2007 PAGE S OF 12 The smaller Exhibit is Parcel ? -that is where the condominium development will occur. The area in `orange' is the condominium property. That's where - up to sixty (60) condominium units will be constructed. In addition, you have the area in `pink'. That land will be converted to `Golf Property'. It will no longer be development property. [t will be `Golf Property'. The tennis courts, the area that is more rectangular, that is where the tennis courts, the swimming pool area and the other area in `pink' is generally going to be the floodway area, the creek area. That would go to the `Golf Property'. And all the brick wall requirement -for the condominium project is in the Agreement along with the conditions, the prohibitions of short term transient rentals is in the Agreement. In addition, the owners of the Country Club voluntarily agree to make a contribution to the TLBD (Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District) in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) in addition to their Assessments that they pay to the TLBD (Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District). That money will be paid in two (2) installments of twelve thousand five hundred dollars {$12,500.00) the first being due at the time that Final Engineering Plans for Parcel 7 are approved by the Commission and then a year later, the other twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500.00) will be paid. And again, that was voluntarily offered.'' Brief discussion. "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BROWN. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. DISCUSSION. COMMISSIONER GILMORE STATED, "THE ENTIRE AREA IN `RED' WILL BE IN CONSERVATION. RIGHT?" ATTORNEY GARGANESE SAID, "YES." COMMISSIONER GILMORE SAID, "WHO IS GOING TO CONTROL THAT CONSERVATION -TELL US WHAT THAT REALLY MEANS." ATTORNEY GARGANESE SAID, "THERE WILL BE A CONSERVATION EASEMENT THAT IS GOING TO BE PREPARED AND RECORDED AGAINST THE LAND. THE CITY WILL BE ONE OF THE HOLDERS OF THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT. IN ADDITION, THIS AGREEMENT GIVES THE CITY THE RIGHT TO ALSO ASSIGN THAT TO SOME OTHER THIRD PARTY. NOW, UNRELATED TO THIS, BUT SOMEWHAT THAT IS RELEVANT, I GAVE YOU AN OPINION LETTER REGARDING THE WINTER SPRINGS GOLF COURSE AND UNDER FLORIDA LAW, UNDER FLORIDA STATUTORY CONSERVATION EASEMENTS, THERE ARE CERTAIN PARTIES THAT CAN ACTUALLY HOLD THOSE EASEMENTS. C[TY OF WINTER SPRMGS, FLORIDA MMUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING -OCTOBER 2, 2007 PAGE 6 OF l2 THEY HAVE TO BE EITHER A GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY, A TRUST, OR A CHARITABLE CORPORATION THAT IS ORGANIZED FOR CONSERVATION PURPOSES. SO, THE CITY AT ITS DISCRETION CAN ASSIGN THIS CONSERVATION EASEMENT TO THAT TYPE OF ENTITY." COMMISSIONER GILMORE ASKED, "IS THERE ANYTHING THAT PROHIBITS A FUTURE COMMISSION FROM RELIEVING THAT CONSERVATION EASEMENT?" ATTORNEY GARGANESE SAID, "I HAVE GIVEN YOU THAT OPINION LETTER REGARDING WINTER SPRINGS GOLF COURSE, AND I WOULD RECOMMEND THAT YOU TAKE A LOOK AT THAT AND -ANALYZE WHAT YOU WANT TO DO WITH WINTER SPRINGS GOLF COURSE. YOU CAN DO THE SAME WITH RESPECT TO THIS EASEMENT AS WELL. YOU CAN PUT ANOTHER PARTY - IN THE BATTER'S BOX, SO TO SPEAK, PROTECTING THE CONSERVATION PURPOSES IN THE EASEMENT. YOU CAN EVEN GRANT UNDER THE FLORIDA STATUTES TO SOME THIRD PARTY, THE RIGHT TO ENFORCE THAT CONSERVATION EASEMENT AS WELL." FURTHER COMMENTS WERE MADE. COMMISSIONER GILMORE THEN ASKED, "THERE IS QUITE A BIT OF PROPERTY IN THE CONSERVATION EASEMENT, LITERALLY THE WHOLE DRIVING RANGE; A SIGNIFICANT PART OF NUMBER 1 FAIRWAY. THE COUNTRY CLUB WILL STILL BE ALLOWED TO USE THAT CONSERVATION EASEMENT FOR GOLF PURPOSES." ATTORNEY GARGANESE SAID, "THAT IS CORRECT. THEY CAN USE IT FOR GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB PURPOSES." COMMISSIONER GILMORE SAID, "THEY COULD MOVE THE NUMBER 1 -GREEN -HOLE ELSEWHERE IF THEY WANTED TO UNDER THE EASEMENT. IS THAT CORRECT?" ATTORNEY GARGANESE SAID, "THAT IS CORRECT." ATTORNEY GARGANESE SAID, "IT HAS TO BE USED FOR GOLF COURSE PROPERTY." DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER BROWN: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. ATTACHMENT F CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA UNAPPROVED MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING AUGUST 21, 2008 CALL TO ORDER The Planning and Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Special Meeting of Thursday, August 21, 2008 was called to Order at 6:02 p.m. by Chairman Robert L. Heatwole in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairman Robert L. Heatwole, present Vice Chairman Charles Lacey, present Board Member Rosanne Karr, present Board Member Edward Martinez, present Board Member William H. Poe, present A moment of silence preceded the Pledge of Allegiance. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 100. Community Development Department -Planning Division Wishes To Provide The Local Planning Agency With A Status Report On The Evaluation And Appraisal Report (EAR) And With The City's Compliance With Other Statutory Mandates. Mr. Randy Stevenson, ASLA, AICP, Director, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item and updated the Board Members on the status of the Report. Mr. Stevenson stated, "We are working on our EAR [Evaluation and Appraisal Report] based Amendments and the Capital Improvement Elements. We are working to get that updated and submitted to DCA [Department of Community Affairs] by the December ls' [2008] deadline." "MOTION TO APPROVE THE INFORMATIONAL AGENDA." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER MARTINEZ. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER POE. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA UNAPPROVED MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING -AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE 2 OF 10 VOTE: BOARD MEMBER KARR: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN LACEY: AYE CHAIRMAN HEATWOLE: AYE BOARD MEMBER MARTINEZ: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Not Used. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 300. Not Used. 400. REPORTS No Reports. PUBLIC INPUT No one spoke. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 500. Community Development Department -Planning Division Requests The Planning And Zoning Board Review The Tuscawilla PUD (Planned Unit Development) Master Plan Modification. Mr. John Baker, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department introduced this Agenda Item and added, "We [Staff) recommend approval." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA UNAPPROVED MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING -AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE 3 OF 10 Board Member Rosanne Karr asked, "It says in the Agenda Item that this is a Third Amended Settlement Agreement between `Winter Springs Country Club and the City [of Winter Springs]'. Is it supposed to be `Winter Springs Country Club' or `Tuscawilla Country Club'?" Mr. Stevenson replied, "It is now known as Tuscawilla Country Club - if I am not mistaken." Mr. Baker responded, "It is just a Scrivener's error. I do not think that is going to make a difference." Mr. Stevenson added, "It's probably a Scrivener's error on our part of the Agenda. We will make sure it is resolved." Mr. Baker noted, "I will check that out and it will be correct when it goes forward to the Commission." - Chairman Heatwole opened the "Public Input "portion of this Agenda Item. No one spoke. Chairman Heatwole closed the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. "MOTION TO APPROVE." MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER MARTINEZ. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER KARR. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER MARTINEZ: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN LACEY: AYE CHAIRMAN HEATWOLE: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE BOARD MEMBER KARR: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS 501. Community Development Department -Planning Division Requests The Planning And Zoning Board Review The Tuscawilla Greens Combined Preliminary And Final Development Plan, And Preliminary And Final Engineering/Site Plan For A 60 Unit Condominium Development On Approximately 12.02 Acres, Located On The South Side Of Winter Springs Boulevard, Adjacent To Howell Branch, And Immediately Adjacent To The Tuscawilla Golf And Country Club. Mr. Stevenson briefly addressed the Board Members on this Agenda Item. Continuing, Mr. Baker presented this Agenda Item and displayed photographs of the project area. Mr. Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer, Public Works Department: spoke about traffic, stormwater, parking; and sidewalks related to this project. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA UNAPPROVED MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING -AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE 4 OF 10 Mr. Baker reviewed the `CODE DEVIATIONS' on page 10 of the Agenda Item with the Board Members. Mr. Ted Schwartzhoff, P.E., Dave Schmitt Engineering, Inc., 13013 Founders Square Drive, Orlando, Florida: addressed the Board Members and stated, "The way that we designed the Site is - we kept everything out of the Iloodway as Staff has already mentioned -additionally, we used really the only area of the Site that we can. We can not use the other side of the Creek; it won't work. There is a lot of history as to why we used that with previous Settlement Agreements. Additionally, as Brian [Fields] said all the buildings are elevated. There is nothing that is within -that could be impacted by the creek -waters. There is also a retaining wall that keeps everything that we are developing above all the Creek stages. We have done a lot of modeling of the Creek and of our Pond and the -storage area and everything shows that we are keeping above that. So, the kind of misunderstanding with the difference in the distance from the center line, when we started out, we were using a St. John's [River Water Management District] Criteria of fifty feet (50') from the Creek center line and in all cases, we are more than that. The first time when he [John Baker] mentioned the `mean high water', we looked at it from the standpoint of the main channel of the Creek and that is where the numbers that are in our response come from so that we are at least sixty feet (60') from the general top bank of the Creek." Tape 1/Side B Continuing, Mr. Schwartzhoff added, "From that `Mean high water elevation' that was where we differed from what Brian [Fields] was looking for and Staff. We were focusing on the main channel itself, the floodway area -based on our elevation and our grating; we can demonstrate that we are above the `Mean high water elevation'." Discussion. Vice Chairman Charles Lacey asked, "Where does St. Johns [River] Water Management [District] come in, in terms of approving this? Is this really an issue we should defer to them?" Mr. Fields responded, "This is a City Code requirement. They are not reviewing; they review for a lot of things, not this particular Code aspect, so I would recommend not deferring this to St. Johns [River Water Management District]." Further discussion ensued on sidewalks. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA UNAPPROVED MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING -AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE 5 OF 10 Mr. Dave Schmitt, P.E., President, Dave Schmitt Engineering, Inc., 13013 Founders Square Drive, Orlando, Florida: spoke to the Board Members and stated, "We are going to get a FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] LOMR which is a Letter Of Map Revision based on fill because any building encroachment that encroaches into that flood plain which is just a few corner clips of that flood plain, we will get. There is a retaining wall -back behind that entire area along the wetlands; one (1) for - if you would call a secondary impact for St. Johns [River Water Management District], they wanted that to keep people out from the wetland as well as it elevates us well above the hundred year flood plain." Furthermore, Mr. Schmitt added, "The second thing I need to mention was and Staff's worked diligent with us over the last year in getting us to this point, but we have gone through several iterations, four (4) different iterations with St. Johns [River Water Management District] to prove immunization and avoidance including one of the reasons why we have a forty foot (40') right-of--way with no sidewalk now, because we kept showing fifty foot (50') -and they kept coming back saying `They the City and others allow and permit forty foot (40') right-of--ways, so you can move it and you can shrink that and you can get rid of the sidewalks and you can minimize that further, that is why that line of where our wall is, kept moving further and further west and further and further north to minimize the -impact to the wetlands. The last point - as Brian [Fields] and Ted [SchwartzhoffJ mentioned, we are collecting a lot of water from Winter Springs Boulevard and also as Brian [Fields] mentioned, we are providing well above the minimum required -storage for this Creek, because we know the history of flooding issues in it. So, we have gone above and beyond with our -pond there as well as our other ponds to provide excess volume to hopefully help, not only be equal to what it is right now, but improve the situation as it is right now to help with the flooding problems that occurred in the past through that channel there. So, I think this project -from an engineering standpoint, is going to better the drainage system both on Winter Springs Boulevard as well as the Creek and the channel, so I think that is a big improvement." Discussion ensued on drainage and roadways. With further discussion, Mr. Schwartzhoff stated, "Regarding the widths of the road, one of the requirements from Staff, Bob Beck, Fire Marshal, is that we have to provide a secondary emergency access and this was brought up. Right here in our cul-de-sac, we are connecting to an existing -path that will be further stabilized and it comes right around here into the parking lot of the [Tuscawilla] Country Club. So, if something was to happen and a fire truck is blocking a lane or if there is a crash somewhere here at our entrance or anywhere in here, there is still emergency access for residents or other emergency personnel to go in or out." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA UNAPPROVED MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING -AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE 6 OF 10 Mr. Thomas J. Corkery, Congressional Homes Developers and Centerline Homes, 759 Bear Creek Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: addressed the Board Members and stated, "St. John's [River Water Management District] wants us to minimize wetland impact as much as we possibly can. So, they preferred us to make the right-of--way forty feet (40') wide with no sidewalks, save the green, less cement which means more street trees. I have a six hundred thousand dollar ($600,000.00) landscape plan for this project." Furthermore, Mr. Corkery added, "I have a string of people that want to buy these units. These are really based upon people that are already living in Winter Springs that have their big homes wherever they may be." Mr. Corkery explained, "You have one (1) floor units, one (1) on the first floor, one (1) on the second floor with an elevator if that owner needs it or may need it in the future - I designed a beautiful plan here." Photographs of the proposed units were shown. Mr. Corkery stated, "The driveways are wide; where my garages -are twenty-one feet (21'), twenty two feet (22') wide. They are oversized garages. So, you can fit two (2) cars in very, very simply." Mr. Corkery added, "Our driveways are long enough, wide enough to fit two (2) cars, some of them four (4) cars -driveways by themselves. Some, I have one (1) or two (2) that are a little shorter than that. They can fit two (2) cars in there. It is tight, but without sidewalks, it is very comfortable." Referring to the photographs, Mr. Corkery remarked, "These are carriage doors, these garage doors -they are very expensive. And what I want to do is build this beautiful project here, small for this location for our Community." Mr. Corkery pointed out, "It is a beautiful, beautiful project front and rear, huge patios in the back with -screens -nice open air kitchen areas, nice place for a retired couple or a young professional with one (1) or two (2) children - it is two (2) or three (3) bedrooms, their choice of what unit they want there. From 1550 square feet - to 2100 [square feet] -unit. Depending on the lifestXle of what they want. Some units are right on the golf course, pond or the tenth (10`) Fairway. Some are overlooking the tennis courts, some are looking over the wetlands that I am preserving here, and some are overlooking Winter Springs Boulevard." Referring to the "Landscape Plan", Mr. Corkery stated, "This is a view from Winter Springs Boulevard to the back of the units -this is part of the landscaping plan with the existing canopy trees -but the back of the units are also very nice. One of the things here you can not see right now, this is all hedge behind this fence that I have here. This hedge could grow to be twenty (20') to thirty feet (30') high. It all depends on how the Condo[minium] Association wants them. So, they are all cement the roofs. It is absolutely a beautiful plan that I have here for our community. I am very proud of this. I am proud of not building sidewalks." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA UNAPPROVED MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING -AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE 7 OF 10 Continuing, Mr. Corkery explained, "Let the tennis people know, I am taking out two (2) tennis courts, but replacing them with four (4)." Mr. Corkery added, "So, now we are ready to go forward, hopefully with your blessing and City Council [Commission] in another couple of weeks. We have started calling these people, to make sure we still have the current addresses, are they still interested in receiving abrochure -called fifteen (15) of them -and all fifteen (15) are buying units. Every single one of them is buying a unit. One (1) of them is buying a unit for investment. The average length of time a unit is for sale in our city is four (4) months. My first units are not going to be ready probably until March/April [2009] is what we are looking at here. So, they will have a nine (9) month period to sell their homes to bring a new family into our community or someone to upgrade into their home and then for them not to move out of our community because they love being here just like I do and I think you do too or love being members of the [Tuscawilla Country] Club and all the assets we have as a City here; the low crime, great school system. It makes it more of a family here and that is what I have here. I had to stop after calling fifteen (IS) people because I do not know how many units I could build at a time. There are four (4) units in each building, so I need to be very careful myself with that which we are doing a lot of due diligence research on that right now." Referring to the Landscape Plan, Mr. Corkery commented, "Winter Springs Boulevard - existing canopy trees, all this landscaping, I am putting in here. Somebody asked where the sidewalk is. The sidewalk is behind the canopy trees right up against the fence here. And we are going to move it around a little bit to make sure we are going to save those canopy trees out there. This is where the hedge is located at with some landscaping in the back of these units here." Mr. Corkery pointed out, "So, what is this? That is a `Street Tree'. What is this? These are canopy oak trees. What is this? This is a Jewel Palm Tree -What is that? That is a Palm Tree. We got all this landscaping in the front of them. I got privacy walls right here. It is all landscaping on both sides of these. This is a beautiful streetscape. I mean it is absolutely gorgeous. And once I am done - in about three (3) years to mature, Winter Springs Boulevard and here is going to be second to none in the Tuscawilla Community of 8,000 residences." Furthermore, Mr. Corkery stated, "I am extremely proud of this project. I have pavers on these beautiful courtyards, on the driveways on part of the road networks, on the cul-de- sacs. I have a fountain coming in -hand dug from this quarry in Mexico by a Landscape Architect." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA UNAPPROVED MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING -AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE 8 OF 10 For the Record, Mr. Corkery noted, "These wetlands are the lowest functional wetlands known to St. Johns [River] Water Management District." Mr. Corkery added, "So, if we are going to mitigate any wetlands, this is where you do it. These are the wetlands you do this with. Now, not only am I taking water off Winter Springs Boulevard, but I am also taking phosphorous off of Winter Springs Boulevard. Now is that in [City] Code. No, not really." Mr. Corkery added, "When I first brought this project forward, one of the things I told City Staff, I told City Commissioners, not sure if I told you, but I am making that floodway of that creek better not worse. If I make it worse, I am not building it. So, we have designed this to make that floodway even better. Now, they really do not have a lot of problems with this floodway. It really doesn't flood - it is very functional; but now it is even going to be more functional." Board Member Karr asked, "What construction are they going to be -concrete block?" Mr. Corkery replied, "Exactly - I have a hundred and sixty mile an hour roofing clips on our concrete the roofs, all block construction all the way through. I have -concrete floors between the units, so it is soundproof construction wise, it does not get better than how we are constructing these units. I could be cheap and do second floor frame. It is not my style and it is not what [ do." Lastly, Mr. Corkery pointed out, "Back to sidewalks again because Mr. Baker brought it up six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9) times. I am going to bring it up for a third time. One on the wetlands issue with St. John's [River Water Management District] to safety. One of the things I did look up is the tennis courts, Bear Creek Estates, the [Wedgewood] Golf Villas that do not have any sidewalks, forty foot (40') right-of--ways. There have not been any pedestrian accidents there at all. Now, the [Wedgewood] Tennis Villas have very small driveways, I mean, some of them are like ten feet (10') long, eight feet (8') long and, of course, it was like 1980 when it was planned there. But, we don't have any problems. I mean you have a private enclave. You have a private gated community with walking trails as far as people want access to the tennis courts of the sidewalks going up to there and of course, a car path sidewalk, emergency vehicle at the cul-de-sac at the end of the road. These sixty (60) units - people want to walk, they are going to walk on the road like we do in many, many, many communities and I am sure they are going to be very safe as they are in many, many, many, many -communities that we have here in our Tuscawilla Community." Discussion. Chairman Heatwole opened the "Public Input "portion of this Agenda Item. No one spoke. Chairman Heatwole closed the "Public Input "portion of this Agenda Item. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA UNAPPROVED MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING -AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE 9 OF 10 "I WOULD LIKE TO MOVE APPROVAL OF THE COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PART `A' PUD (PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) PLANS FOR [AGENDA] ITEM `501'." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN LACEY. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER POE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER KARR: AYE BOARD MEMBER MARTINEZ: NAY VICE CHAIRMAN LACEY: AYE BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE CHAIRMAN HEATWOLE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. "I WOULD LIKE TO MOVE FOR APPROVAL FOR THE COMBINED PRELIMINARY AND FINAL ENGINEERING SITE PLAN UNDER [AGENDA] ITEM `501'." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRMAN LACEY. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER POE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: BOARD MEMBER MARTINEZ: NAY BOARD MEMBER POE: AYE VICE CHAIRMAN LACEY: AYE CHAIRMAN HEATWOLE: AYE BOARD MEMBER KARR AYE MOTION CARRIED. Discussion ensued on City Codes. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 600. Not Used. In other City business, Deputy City Clerk Joan Brown reminded the Board Members of the upcoming Board/Committee Appreciation Brunch. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA UNAPPROVED MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING -AUGUST 21, 2008 PAGE 10 OF 10 ADJOURNMENT Chairman Heatwole adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:30 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: JOAN L. BROWN DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: ROBERT L. HEATWOLE, CHAIRMAN PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the , 2008 Regular Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Meeting. r RECEIVED SEP - 2 2008 August 31, 2008 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS OF1~'ICE OF THE CITY CLERK Mayor Commissioners Deputy City Clerk - JoAnn Brown Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 On August 21, 2008 the P & Z Board met to deal with agenda item #S00 and as the result of the discussion I voted no and thus am required to submit a report stating the reasons: After reviewing the package handed to me as a member of the Board and listening to staff and the applicant it was cleaz to me that this presentation was incomplete and failed to meet the standard required for approval based on the following: The D S E engineering report had tentative answers to staff questions and in my opinion it left a vacuum that if not corrected could lead to defects in the project that could not be cured after the fact. Page 3 - (b) Subsection 20-354 (d) (7) The response by the applicant staff was that they had to shorten the distance required by law in order to satisfy their project. I questioned this practice and inquired as to the need of a permit in order to violate standard requirement. Answer: The application for such permit is before the SJWMD in Palatka and they will be rendering a decision soon. This is not satisfactory and I believe that such a permit is in place and approved prior to any fmal determination by the City. Page 4 -Sec. 20-357 (final) (a) subsection 20-357 (6) (a) etc. The response is vague and lacking in a definite response that could lead to a defective project down the road without the opportunity to cure it. Page 4 (c) Subsections 20-357 (9) and (10) The response is vague and non-committal since it states that ALL AREAS OF THE SITE OUTSIDE OF BUILDINGS, ETC. ARE CONSIDRED OPEN SPACES/RECREATION. This is bunk since the outside areas from the building walls should not be considered recreation areas per se. Page S (b) trees are measured at caliper (12" above grade, not DBH) Once again the response lacks a definite response by stating that if it is determined that there aze errors, the DA plans could POSSIBLY BE AMENDED. These are issues that need definite and concrete answers for once they aze approved as IS there is no turning back. ITEM SO1 The Commission appeazs to be in a developer accommodation mood since they seem to be ready and able to by pass CODE in order to satisfy a project on a short-term vision mode rather than long term. Commission seems to be waiving buffer requirements. Commission is willing to waive sidewalk requirements. Commission is overlooking the 50' requirement from the center of the creek. Commission is content with the wetland situation in spite of the fact that Winter Springs has mitigated more wetlands (the natural way to feed the aquifer) than any other political sub-division azound. Page 3 -Item 501 -Site Characteristics: ...............................although development is proposed within the wetlands and 100- yeaz floodplain, ....................................... Page 4 -Wetlands & Floodplain: Twelve (12) of the 15 proposed buildings appear to be located at least partially within the current wetland boundary. Six (6) of these building are located at least partially within the 100-year floodplain. Page 5 -Conservation Element Policy 1.4.2 states in part .....................................the natural upland buffer shall be preserved a minimum of twenty-five feet from the edge of the wetland Page 6 -Last paragraph -Self explanatory Page 7 -Last paragraph and continuing into page 8. Staff seems to be in disagreement with the project as being presently presented. Page 9 - Last pazagraph and continuing into page 10 -Self-explanatory Page 10 -Code Deviations continuing into page 11, 12 and 13 -Self Explanatory I am in agreement with staff recommendations and can not in good faith vote aye on a project with so many deficiencies. It is my recommendation that the Commission takes it upon itself to approve this Member P & Z Board City of Winter Springs Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 de cient project after a series of multiple code waivers. dwazd Mart' Jr. COMBINED PRELIMINARY /FINAL PLANS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MORGRAN MANAGEMENT, LLC 450 NORTH WYMORE ROAD WINTER PARK, FL 32789 407 - 644 -1920 MR. DANIEL THALL ENGINEER: DAVE SCHMITT ENGINEERING, INC. 3680 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. SUITE 310 ORLANDO, FL 32828 407 - 207 -9088 FAX 407 - 207 -9089 MR. DAVE SCHMITT, P.E. PLANNING: BURKE, HOGUE & MILLS TUSCAWILLA 100 COLONIAL CENTER PKWY, SUITE 114 LAKE MARY, FL 32746 407 - 629 -4511 MR. ARANYA MOM SURVEYORS: HENRICK -LUKE & SWAGGERTY, LLC 250 RONALD REAGAN BLVD., SUITE 114 LONGWOOD, FL 32750 407 - 647 -7346 IGREENS FAX 407 - 647 -8097 MR. MARK LUKE AMERICAN SURVEYING & MAPPING 1030 N. ORLANDO AVENUE, SUITE B WINTER PARK, FL 32789 407 - 426 -7979 FAX 407 - 426 -9741 MR. JAY STURGEON SOILS: PARCEL I D: 31 20 31 5BB 0000 005D 3532 MAGGIE BLVD ERING SCIENCES, INC. ORLANDO, FL 32811 407 - 423 -0504 PARCEL ID: 31-20-31-5BB-0000-004A FAX 407 - 423 -3106 MR. DAVID WILSHAW ENVIRONMENTAL: BREEDLOVE - DENNIS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 330 W. CANTON AVENUE WINTER PARK, FL 32789 PREPARED FOR: FAX 407-677-1882 657 - FAX 407 - 657 -7008 MR. MIKE DENNIS MS. TONDA LOGUE MORGRAN MANAGEMENT LLC TRAFFIC: AGUIRE B SUITE 111 INC. ORLANDO, FL 32803 407 - 898 -5424 FAX 407 - 898 -5425 08 -15 -11 TM REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MR. DAVE MULHOLLAND, P.E. 2 -11 -11 DMS CONVERTED TO TOWNHOME LOTS REVISIONS DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND 2 -08 -09 TFS ADDED AS -BUILT DATA 7/01/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 0 SPECIFICATIONS AS CONTAINED HEREIN WERE DESIGNED TO APPLICABLE STANDARDS AS SET FORTH IN THE "MANUAL OF UNIFORM 1 -05 -09 TFS ADDED AS -BUILT DATA 6/19/08 GG REV. PER SJRWMD © MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 0 -08 -09 KAS ADDED AS -BUILT WATER DATA 4/21/08 GG REV. PER SJRWMD & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS" AS PREPARED BY FLORIDA )9 -18 -09 TFS ADDED AS -BUILT SEWER DATA 3/01/08 GG REV. PER SJRWMD & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION )8/08/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 12/17/07 GG REV. PER SJRWMD TABLE OF C ONTENTS 1 COVER SHEET 2 GENERAL NOTES 3 OVERALL SITE PLAN 3A WETLAND INFORMATION PLAN 4 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 4A DEMOLITION PLAN 5 GRADING PLAN 5A UTILITY PLAN 6 -7 PLAN & PROFILES 8 RETENTION POND PLAN 9 RETENTION POND DETAILS 10 SWPPP GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 11 SWPPP EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 12 PAVING & GRADING DETAILS 13 UTILITY DETAILS PLANS BY OTHERS LANDSCAPE, IRRIGATION & HARDSCAPE PLANS I SITE LOCATION I DAVE SCHMITT ENGINEERING, INC. 3680 AVALON PARK EAST BLVD. SUITE 310 ORLANDO, FL 32828 407 - 207 -9088 FAX 407 - 207 -9089 Certification of Authorization #27471 DATE: SEPTEMBER 2007 J N O.: CHD -2 SHEET: 1 OF 13 C L =10 Z :BANS i SE)NIHdS H31NIM z]O),ilO!R (IINMHrS H3cJ'A3H 0 , 0 WIMP � uo j o uo DNOWDIVOS V(7/cVO7mf SON/dc(S 83INIM Si0 3nOHNAAOi 01 03i�JEIANOO SVNCI �-z jooulbui pojaplbo�j eppoli e l eas poslej leulblio a pue ainjeubls Gqj;noLIJIM PIJEA p 1 -IOUJIU00 6906-ZOZ-.LOt7 XVJ 8906-ZOZ-LOt Ai :),E] (13>103HO lion,isuoo q j o alls uo& pose Sl J U,9LU4 j ejS Glqj'P4jMJjSUO3 9Z9ZC -lA'OCINV-lHO SN3380 V-7-71MVDSni �Ilenjje sem • j e q m I s abpalmoul Aw qp.m @3 ui aq 01 WGqj OAallGq pue,,sjllnq-sV,, Gs�qj PDMGIAGJ @Aeq uolslmadns 'H(I 3dvnos SH3(]Nno=j £ 40£ 00 :AS NMVL10 t7Lz8t7 Z :'ON iO3rOHd S-91ON 7VH-gN-9,9 HziannN'E)�]H VCII�IMA NOUdWOSTI AS 31VG NOUdWOSTI AS 31VG si-iing-sv. HOiOV�JiNOO '0NI'9NRJ33NI9N3 LOOZ'1d3S :31VG iilVqHOS 'n 3AVG SNOISIA3N iiINHOS 3AVG O ,. :��ii�\;`.�•\�� \�t\14.�, SIDEWALK & CROSSWALK TO FIT BETWEEN EXIST. ,... .•• \.ear\=C'a\w�.•+. eta; i�\\* c. s'\.tia.\r�a`\\•\.�\.'\.c�ti�+.'s NOTE: ALL STRIPING TO BE THERMOPLASTIC. = GUARDRAIL & INLETS "; •' ° \ma \ . \ \y\nr3\ \h \\ \„� \ """ \�a�nt , � •'- :` "` :C�\�♦a C \ \V \ \\.l \YV \\ i;t♦ ?.X BBL• `c1i. \ \\\'}�X• 31 28 \,t.vX,l' \� ?�41•G ♦'� \�''Sl.?• \<Y\C.\<t\ A. \•V' \ \ \[, IN \`•\;� \\\\I11.'a \\\• \a . .:,. ,; � TI � i , _ ..o ••. _ 1_ _ "' ,. ., e '. '- .. e _. .����� C•\�v:v`� \\.\�.\�^s t� \;\ti. �\•C �•\;\'x:4 PO , _ SING ROW SILT FENCE f / n r �. '. �� TREE PROTECTION ... NOT TO SCALE TREE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS 1. PROTECT DESIGNATED EXISTING TREES SCHEDULED UNNECESSARY CUTTING BREAKING OR SKINNING SKINNING AND 6RUISING OF BARK - SMOTHERING OF TREES BY S10CKPILING CONSTRUCl10N - EXCESS FOOT OR VEHICULAR TRAFFIC \\ - PARKING VEHICLES WITHIN DRIP -LINE ] ERECT TEMPORARY WOODEN BARRICADES AS SHOWN \� OF ANY SITE CLEARING OR GRADING. FENCE TO BE AT IT AND 4' ABOVE GRADE SHALL BE SET ADDITIONAL SUPPORT. ALL FENCING SHQULD BE A I \ TREES AND SHALL FULLY ENCLOSE ALL TREES SCHEDULED OF PROTECTIVE BARRICADES, INCLUDING BUT NOT CHEME'R THAN OR TEMPORARY DEPOSITS. ON TREES CLOSER THAN 16' FROM FACE E D F TREE. WHEN PAVING. WITHIN BARRICADES, BARRICADES SHELL BE MOVED BARRICADE DETAIL TO R AGAINST: OF ROOTS OF OR EXCAVATION MATERIALS WITHIN GRIP -LINE ON THIS SHEET (PLAN h DETAIL). BEFORE COMMENCEMENT 4 HIGH MINIMUM WITH 4 X 4 POSTS AND 2 -2X4 RAILS GR DEEP ENOUGH IN THE MOUND TO BE STABLE WITHOUT MINIMUM OF 1D DISTANCE OISTAN FROM THE FACE OF ANY TO REMAIN. NOTHING SHALL BE PLACED INSDE LIMITED TO UC110N MATERIAL. MACHINERY, LARGER THAN 20" DBH, BARRICADES SHALL BE NO THAN EXCAVATION, OR HARDSCAPE MUST BE DONE BACK TO A SECONDARY LOCATION AT EDGE OF WORK. . \- DOUBLE ROW . l REES DOUBLE ROW SILT FENCE f . 1 5 REQUIRED SILT FENCE '' �1 / 1 EXTRA CARE MUST BE TAKEN Al THUS TIME BY THE OCCURS, 3. PROVIDE WATER 10 TREES AS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN WHEN NECESSARY TO CUT ROOT OVER 1 -1 /2 DIAMETER COAT CUT FACES OF ROOTS WITH AN EMULSIFIED FOR USE ON DAMAGED PLANT ISSUE. TEMPORARILY DRYING AND COVER WITH EARTH AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 5. NO GRADE CHANGES TO E MADE WITHIN THE HIS DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE. B. INTERFERING BRANCHES MAY BE REMOVED AT THE BY A QUALIFIED TREE SURGEON. 7. REPAIR OR REPLACE TREES INDICATED 10 REMAIN, TIONS, IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER. A M SS ES AND SHRUBS PROMPTLY, CA ED BY THE DAMAGE W REPAR WIITH OF SIMILAR R ES PO NS I BLE F SPECIES BEING PLANTED AS PER THE LANDSCAPE ARE HARMED THROUGH LACK OF PROTEC110N CONTRACTOR, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR THE CONTRACTOR TO INSURE THAT NO DAMAGE TO THE TREE THEIR HEALTH DURING CONTRUCTION WORK. OF TREES TO REMAIN, CUT MUST BE A CLEAN CUT, ASPHALT OR OTHER ACCEPABLE COATNG FORMULATED COVER EXPOSED ROOTS WITH MET BURLAP TO PREVENT BARRICADE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE OWNER OR ES NI DIRECTION OF THE OWNER OR HIS DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE, WHICH ARE DAMAGED IN THE CONTRACTON OPERA- EMPLOY A QUALIFIED TREE SURGEON 10 REPAIR 10 PREVENT PROGRESSIVE DETERIORATION THE SIZED TO R E P LAC E ME N T D BEYOND E OF THAT PLANS OR THROUGH NEGLEGENCE ON THE PART OF THE BURDEN OF THE COST OF REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT. � DAVE SCHMITT ENGINEERING INC. 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. ORLANDO. FL 32828 407 - 207 - 9088 FAX 407 - 207 - 9089 Certification of Authorization #27471 CONTRACTOR "AS BUILTS" I hereby state that these "As- Builts" were furnished to me by the contractor listed below. I, or an employee under my direct supervision have reviewed these "As Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with my knowledge of what was actually constructed. This statement is based upon site observations of the construction. Con Engineer Not t valid valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Registered Engineer. 1 DATE BY DESCRIPTION REVISIONS DATE 2 -11 -11 6/19/08 4/21/08 03I01I08 1 12/17/07 BY DESCRIPTION EMS CONVERTED TO TOW NHOME LOTS GG REV. PER SJRWMD 0 GG REV. PER SJRWMD &CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GG REV. PER SJRWMD &CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1 GG REV. PER SJRWMD DAVE M.SCHMITT FLORIDA REG. NUMBER 48274 EROSION CONTROL PLAN TUSCA WI L LA GREENS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DATE: SEPT. 2007 PROJECT NO.: CHD -2 DRAWN BY: GAG CHECKED BY: AJM SCALE: 1 " =60' I SHEET: 4 OF 13 REMOVEALL EXIST. REMOVE 103' OF EXIST. MIAMI CURB ON SITE BETWEEN PROPOSED SANITARY STABILIZED _..CONSTRUCTION. ACCESS CLAYPIPE & SANITARY STRUCTURES PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE MANHOLE S7 ` S1 & .. W Z S ORGANIC SOILS TO BE CONTRACTOR "AS- BUILTS" I hereby state that these "As- Builts" were furnished to me by the contractor listed below. I, or an employee under my direct supervision nstuted. have is based upon upon site observations them of the incompliance constructin. with my knowledge of what was actually This statement ed these constructed. This tatm is basete oervs of the construction. co Contractor Engineer Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Registered Engineer. 1 REVISIONS DAVE M. SCHMITT FLORIDA REG. NUMBER 48274 DEMOLITION PLAN TUSCA WILLA GREENS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA OVER - EXCAVATED DATE: MARCH 2008 PROJECT NO.: CHD -2 DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE ,. AND BACK FILLED. DRAWN BY: GAG CHECKED BY: AJ M t GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO 7/01/08 / DELIVER SIGNED LETTER 4/21/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TO THE CITYAFTER OVER - EXCAVATION cur OFF & PLUG Exlsr. 30" RCP EAST OF STRUCTURE' 1 03/01/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS y , .. HAS BEEN COMPLETED, REMOVE REMAINING EXIST. ' BEFORE BACK -FILL CAN BEGIN. PIPE AND STRUCTURES COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF EXIST. CUT OFF & REMOVE EXIST. PIPE.& STRUCTURES TO THE EAST OF PROPOSED MANHOLE DIO SANITARY FLOW SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY CONTRACTOR UNTIL PROPOSED SANITARY SYSTEM IS OPERATIONAL AND CLEARED BY FDEP. EXIST. SIDEWALK ON SITE TO BE REMOVED x ` EXIST. TENNIS COURTS TO BE DEMOLISHED ' AND REMOVED REMOVE ALL EXIST. CLA Y PIPE & SANITARY STRUCTURES ON SITE BETWEEN PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE S1 & PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE S7 EXIST. MAINTENANCE & CONC. TO u v . BUILDING, ASPH. PAVEMENT,` ' BE DEMOLISHED AND REMOVED " ' REMOVE EXIST. GAS TANKS i REMOVE EXIST STRUCTURE AND PVC PIPE r R N , ,. REMOVE 95' OF EXIST. ASPHALT CART PATH `- r i , STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ACCESS W Z S DAVE SCHMI I I ENGINEERING, INC. 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. ORLANDO. FL 32828 407 - 207 - 9088 FAX 407- 207 -9089 Certification of Authorization #27471 CONTRACTOR "AS- BUILTS" I hereby state that these "As- Builts" were furnished to me by the contractor listed below. I, or an employee under my direct supervision nstuted. have is based upon upon site observations them of the incompliance constructin. with my knowledge of what was actually This statement ed these constructed. This tatm is basete oervs of the construction. co Contractor Engineer Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Registered Engineer. 1 REVISIONS DAVE M. SCHMITT FLORIDA REG. NUMBER 48274 DEMOLITION PLAN TUSCA WILLA GREENS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA DATE: MARCH 2008 PROJECT NO.: CHD -2 DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY: GAG CHECKED BY: AJ M 2 -11 -11 EMS CONVERTED TO TOWN HOME LOTS 7/01/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS SCALE: 1 " =6()' SHEET: 4A OF 13 4/21/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1 1 03/01/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 35 30 25 20 15 10 LU C LU -a LL w a rn + + + Cr, 0 LLJ LU L LIJ Lu 1, Q -j C2 'i LIJ co Uj LIJ ) LIJ W R lco Co c) C) PROPOSED D9 GRADE TOP EL. 26107 D8 D11 42"HDPE fTOP EL 25.84 �F I / EL. 25.79 EXIST. TOP EL., S4 S6 GROUND TOP EL. 25.72 TOP EL. 25.36 81 PVC 030% WA TE AIN -030% EXIST. 6"RWM 3( EOST. 12]WM -18"PVCWATERVAIN WATERMAIN C1 r" VC 54FHDPE 81 PVC 8"PVC 8 " P - C PVC n -----8L PVC - 15" HOPE INV. EL. 21.07 INV ilk CONNEC To INV. EL 20.41 EXIST. 12" KM INV. EL. 19.29 INV. EL. 19.97 INV EL. 19.31 IN EL 19. EXIST INV. EL. 19.87 INV. EL 19.2 WINV. 16 48 r, HL)HL INV. EL. 18.78 INV. EL. 17.82 \-48" HD IE INV. EL 14. INV DAVE SCHMITT CONTRACTOR "AS-BUILTS" ENGINEERING INC. I hereb state that these "As-Builts" were furnished to me b the contractor listed below. 1, or an emplo under m direct supervision have reviewed these "As-Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with my knowledge of what was actually 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. constructed. This statement is based upon site observations of the construction. ORLANDO. FL 32828 Contractor Enginee 407-207-9088 FAX 407-207-9089 Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Registered Engineer. Certification of Authorization #27471 8/08/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS & REVISIONS MADE DUE TO SITE RE-GRADING HORIZ: 1"=50' VERT: 1"=5' 35 30 25 20 15 10 S TREET ""A"" PROJECT NO.: - CHD-2 BY: TUSCA WILLA GREENS DRAWN CHECKED GAG BY: AJM WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA SCALE: 1"=50' SHEET: 6 OF 13 Co LIJ JW Ell PROPOSED S5 TOP EL. 24.48 GRADE TOP EL. 24.30 D2 TOP OF WALL EL. 25.20 TOP EL. 24.91 EL. 29.0 36" HD PE 8" PVC WA TEF INV. EL 7� 15. L INV. E. INV. EL 17 96 V = I NV . L 15 88 NE BOTTOM OF LL MATCH EXIST. GROUND -- __EXIST GROUND 17 DAVE M. SCHMITT FLORIDA REG. NUMBER A 48274 S7 REV. PER ARCHITECT CONN. TO EXIS 12 WM W/ 12"x 8" TAPPING TEE STA. 13 +62.42 - 146.49' LT 9' LT] REV. PER CITY • WINTER SPRINGS & 8" GATE VALVE 5' OPEN CUT CENTERED ON 8" PVC WATERMAIN REMOVE 103' OF EXIST. MIAMI CURB H DOGHOUSE SAN. MH TOP EL. 24.20 E INV. EL. 16.95 S INV. EL. 17.05 REV. PER SJRWIVID & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS REV. PER SJRWMD & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS AND CONSTRUCT 103'-3'CONC. VALLEY GUT T PE REMOVE EXIS PIPE 2-8" 45- BENDS & STRUCTURES WEST OF S7 18'-30"HDPE@0.12% D4 D3 D8 STA. 14+93.64-129.37'L T. TYPE P7T MANHOLE STA. 14+82.54-131.17'LT. 44' -15" HDPE @0.32% 2569 STA. 10 +08.41 -22' LT. TYPE P3 INLET TOP EL. 25. 00 CONNECT TO EXIS 24 HOPE W/ TYPE P7T MANHOLE D7 STA. 10+08.41-22'RT. 2- 6 x 2" TAPPING TEE 81 GATE VALVE N INV. EL. 20.37 W INV. EL. 2 V. EL. 17 .48 TOP EL. 24.50 E IN EL. 18.30 IN INV EL. 17.50 TYPE P3 INLET 11111M 2-2" PVC RECLAIM WATERMAIN S" N INV. EL. 18.87 (EXIST. 24" RCP) TOP EL. 25.84 INV. EL. 21.41 2" GA TE VALVE 2"METER S6 STA 13+62.42-CL\77 112'-30 HOPE @0. 12% GATED ENTRA W/ SIRENACTIVATED SIGNALBOX '-24" STD. SAN 145 HDPE@0.19% 14678" Pt C @I- t8%, , D5 A 171'-8"PVC WATERMAIN D9 312'-8" PVC WA TERMA IN 2 -8" 45` 3, 52 49 � 4`f STA. 14 +66.07 -15.5' LT 8"GATE VALVE TYPE P3 INLET FIRE HYDRANT STA. 11+49.32- S4 159'-8" PVC WATERMAIN TOP EL. 25.16 W/ GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY TYPE P7T MANHOLE -7o S TA. 12+23.74-C 8" TEE STD. SAN. MH 2-8 " GATE VALVES 7 1 FIRE Cl GA G ATE H RAN HYDRANT VALVE N INV. EL. 17.35 T-8" PVC WATERMAIN S INV. EL. 15.92 8" TEE 2-8" x 4" REDUCERS 11ASSEMBLY 51'-30"HDPE@8.53% L 275-8" PVC @0.40% CONNECT TO EXIST. Fx 4'CA BA TOP EL. 28.92 4 5 12 z 25 41 25.v S5 E INV. 24.70 W V. 24.76 1166 2562 .250 STA. 16+30.04-33.37'LT. STD. SAN. MH CUT OFF & PLUG EXIST. 30 RCP EAST OF STRUCTURE REMOVE REMAINING EXIST. PIPE & STRUCTURES 32'-42" HOPE @0.97% D10 B-2, 40'-42" HOPE @2.90% 139'-8 " PVC 39'-8" PVC WATERMAIN @'- -- D6 STA. 14+55.69-15.5' RT. 1 33'-30"HDPE @0. 12% 93'-36" HOPE @Z69% 32 T-4 PVC WA TERMA IN STA. 11+69.17-31.52'RT. D11 D11 248' -48" HDPE @0.06% TYPE J3INLET D2 D1 REPLACE EXIST. CATCH BASIN W/ TYPE P7T MANHOLE 12 +08.00-35.13' RT. STA. 15+49.78 _ 15. RT. STA. 16+69.00-CL REMOVE REMAINING EXIST PIPE. & STRUCTURES EAST OF DIO TYPE J7T MANHOLE 48 " HDPE FIRE HYDRANT W/ GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY 8" GATE VALVE 8" PVC WATERMAIN P. I. EQUATION & PVI TYPE P7T MANHOLE 4"45'BEND 112'-36" HOPE @0.08% TYPE P7T MANHOLE 35 30 25 20 15 10 LU C LU -a LL w a rn + + + Cr, 0 LLJ LU L LIJ Lu 1, Q -j C2 'i LIJ co Uj LIJ ) LIJ W R lco Co c) C) PROPOSED D9 GRADE TOP EL. 26107 D8 D11 42"HDPE fTOP EL 25.84 �F I / EL. 25.79 EXIST. TOP EL., S4 S6 GROUND TOP EL. 25.72 TOP EL. 25.36 81 PVC 030% WA TE AIN -030% EXIST. 6"RWM 3( EOST. 12]WM -18"PVCWATERVAIN WATERMAIN C1 r" VC 54FHDPE 81 PVC 8"PVC 8 " P - C PVC n -----8L PVC - 15" HOPE INV. EL. 21.07 INV ilk CONNEC To INV. EL 20.41 EXIST. 12" KM INV. EL. 19.29 INV. EL. 19.97 INV EL. 19.31 IN EL 19. EXIST INV. EL. 19.87 INV. EL 19.2 WINV. 16 48 r, HL)HL INV. EL. 18.78 INV. EL. 17.82 \-48" HD IE INV. EL 14. INV DAVE SCHMITT CONTRACTOR "AS-BUILTS" ENGINEERING INC. I hereb state that these "As-Builts" were furnished to me b the contractor listed below. 1, or an emplo under m direct supervision have reviewed these "As-Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with my knowledge of what was actually 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. constructed. This statement is based upon site observations of the construction. ORLANDO. FL 32828 Contractor Enginee 407-207-9088 FAX 407-207-9089 Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Registered Engineer. Certification of Authorization #27471 8/08/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS & REVISIONS MADE DUE TO SITE RE-GRADING HORIZ: 1"=50' VERT: 1"=5' 35 30 25 20 15 10 S TREET ""A"" PROJECT NO.: - CHD-2 BY: TUSCA WILLA GREENS DRAWN CHECKED GAG BY: AJM WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA SCALE: 1"=50' SHEET: 6 OF 13 Co LIJ JW Ell PROPOSED S5 TOP EL. 24.48 GRADE TOP EL. 24.30 D2 TOP OF WALL EL. 25.20 TOP EL. 24.91 EL. 29.0 36" HD PE 8" PVC WA TEF INV. EL 7� 15. L INV. E. INV. EL 17 96 V = I NV . L 15 88 NE BOTTOM OF LL MATCH EXIST. GROUND -- __EXIST GROUND 17 DAVE M. SCHMITT FLORIDA REG. NUMBER A 48274 REV. PER ARCHITECT REV. PER CITY • WINTER SPRINGS REV. PER SJRWIVID & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS REV. PER SJRWMD & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 48" HDPE V) D12 MAIN 8" GATE VALVE STA. 12 +52.36 -15.5' LT. TYPE P3 INLET TOP EL. 25.13 S3 FIRE HYDRANT W/ GATE VALVE ASSEMBLY INV. EL. 17.91 160'-8" PVC WA TERMAIN A STA. A l2+ 79.23-5'LT. STD MH --------- \�� r - - ------ T 8" PVC WATERMAIN A 167'-8" PVC WA TERMAIN & FIRE HYDRANT W/ GA TE VALVE ASSEMBLY 68'-48" HDPE @0.06% 129'-48" HDPE @0.06% D15 12" PVC ROOF DRAIN D16 STA. 13+21.55-152.13' 281'-8" PVC @0.40% STA. 12+99.77-36.65'LT. TYPE J7T MANHOLE TYPE J7T MANHOLE TOP EL. 24.68 8" TEE 2-8" GATE VALVES ' 7 40 N. INV. EL. 14.02 S. ;NV. EL. 14.02 E. NV. EL. 2000 . W INV. EL 21.35 25.4� 37-48" HOPE @0.06% 39'-8 PVC WA TERMAIN S4 (b 77' I D17 STA. 13 +27.63- 178.98'L1 T A. 10+00.0 S TA. -CL 10+00.0 STD. SAN. M MITERED END SECTION W/ CONC. SPLASH PAD INV. EL. 14.00 8" PVC WATER IN 223'-48" HDPE 0.06%� FIRE HYDRANT A W/ GATE VALVE ASSEMBL NB-5 40" HDPE 3V -15" HOPE @0.32% 8"x6"REDUCER D11 D13 STA. 12 +57.7 -15.5' RT. d f 6" GATE VALVE STA. 10+35.24-15.5' RT. TYPE J3 INLET S2 S2 TOP EL. 24.45 TYPE J7T MANHOLE 96'-8" PVC 0.40% STA. 13 +64.66 - 27.58' LT. STD. SAN. MH 12" PVC ROOF DRAIN c� rri mi mi ti - 137'-24" HDPE @0.15% S1 3 5 D14 112'-8" PVC @0.40% 6" PVC WATER A REVISIONS MADE DUE TO SITE RE-GRADING 6"45-BEND- 6" 45' BEND V) 577'-6" PVC WATERMAIN-�__�. 6" 45 BEND CONNECT TO EXIST. 6" WATER 6" 90 BEND 6" TAPPING TEE 6" GATE VALVE MAIN B-2 B-4 NB-5 B-6 HORIZ: 1"=50' VERT: 1"=5' 40 40 35 + mQ Uj - LU Uj LO U) Lo CO d LU 6 S2 TOP EL. 24.45 3 5 D14 TOP EL. 24.51 PV C M AIN CONNECT TO EXIST. 6" WM 30 D15 S1 6 30 S4 TOP EL. 25.7 D11 TOP E L. 25.79 D13 TOP EL 25.12 TOP EL. S3 TOP 24. ITOP n. 29.00 25 0.30% 1 7 7 25 8 P VC AA TERMA IN 12"PVC "PVC 1 RE i D. 8 ., PVC Isr 6r' PVC 20 8" PVC _VC INV. - E . 21.19 20 42" HDPE I VV EL. 21 A INV. E 21.69 INV EL 22.12 15 INV EL 198 INV. EL. 19.97 A INV. EL. 17.82 48" HDPE 48" HDPE --- I 15"HDPE I'VV EL 17811 1 7 1 1 � � 24" �_� _�,IIV EL 16.50 15 I I Lj N I NV. EL. 16.29 \ EL 21.67 \ INV. EL. 21.57 10 INV. EL 14.2 INV. EL 14.14 INV 8" HDPE 10 EL 147 10 i 12 13 DAVE SCHMITT ENGINEERING INC. 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. ORLANDO. FL 32828 CONTRACTOR "AS-BUILTS" I hereb state that these "As-Builts" were furnished to me b the contractor listed below. 1, or an emplo under m direct supervision have reviewed these "As-Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with m knowled of actually constructed. This statement is based upon site observations of the construction. DATE BY REVISIONS DATE 07/31/08 07/01/08 3/21/08 BY DESCRIPTION GG REV. PER ARCHITECT GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GG REV. PER SJRWIVID & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS DAVE M. SCHMITT FLORIDA REG. NUMBER 48274 S TREET FF B TUSCA WI GREENS DATE: SEPT. 2007 PROJECT NO.: CHD-2 DRAWN BY: GAG CHECKED BY: AJM DESCRIPTION 407-207-9088 FAX 407-207-9089 Certification of Authorization #27471 Contractor En Not valid without the si and the ori raised seal of a Florida Re En 08/08/08 GG REV. PER CITY 03/01/08 12/17/07 GG REV. PER SJRWMD & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS GG REV. PER SJRWIVD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA SCALE: 1"=50' SHEET: 7 OF 13 OF WINTER SPRINGS N. 50106.55 N. 50013.12 E. 508 78. 19 N. 50106.43 j E. 49932.41 E. 50231.74 N. 49932.97 � � � III I I I N. 50000.43 ;, � � � - N. 49675 96 N.49691.23 E. 50584.10 E. 50892.36 E. 50870.93 N. 498746 E. 50852.57 9 5.50 a I 7 8. / / �� J E 50527.67 / N 49640.63 N. 49729 .06 E. 49929.59 81.90 E 50527 99 N. 49652.33 N. 49723.41 E. 49919.30 N. 49608.20 E. 49918.77 N. 78 \ 83 . . 49504.86 S / .,.,N.49631.40' �E.50574.10 E 50510 56 N. 49607.20 E. 49843.57 °.°. E. 50615.47 E. 49964.48 N. 49477.56 - N. 49500.60 E. 49797.88 N. 49453.70 E. 50090.63 E. 5061755 ' N. 49427.88 �i E. 50649.95 'ES ,' / / / N. 49609 1 / i { E 50553. 1 t v� M ti �ti N. 49263 84 " i \ E. 49961.09 M �3 10 YR. FL OD EL. 18.3 ® TEE W/ REMOVABLE CAP & POND 1 D POND 2 D CONCRETE PAD 12" BELOW BOTTOM OF TEE TOP EL. 24.5 TOP EL. 24.3 IN V. EL. 19.00 BOTTOM EL. 9.1 BOTTOM EL. 9.1 S N. 49241.63 z �� D. N. W. EL. 19.1 D. N. W. EL. 19.1 E 49809.83 SPREADER SWALE 10 YR. 124 HR. D. H. W. EL. 23.09 10 YR. 124 HR. D. H. W. EL. 23.03 2 28 N. 49197.88 1 ' DEEP x 5' WIDE x 40' LONG ,, ; ` N. 49226 61 E. 49857.29 -s 25 YR. 124 HR. D. H. W. EL. 23.29 25 YR. 124 HR. D. H. W. EL. 23.16 E. 498 08.66 100 YR. 124 HR. D. H. W. EL. 23.61 100 YR. 124 HR. D. H. W. EL. 23.36 d� DAVE SCHMITT REVISIONS DAVE M.SCHMITT DATE: OCT. 2007 CONTRACTOR "AS BUILTS" DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION FLORIDA REG. NUMBER RETENTION POND PLAN PROJECT NO.: CHD -2 ENGINEERING INC. I hereby state that these "As- Builts" were furnished to me by the contractor listed below. I, or an employee under my direct 7/01/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ® 48274 supervision have reviewed these "As- Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with my knowledge of what was actually DRAWN BY: GAG TUSCA WI L LA GREENS 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. constructed. This statement is based upon site observations of the construction. 6/19/08 GG REV. PER SJRWMD 0 ORLANDO. FL 32828 4/21/08 GG REV. PER SJRWMD & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CHECKED BY: AJM Con tract or Engineer WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA SCALE: 1 " =30' 407 - 207 - 9088 FAX 407 - 207 - 9089 Not t valid valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Registered Engineer. 03I01I08 GG REV. PER SJRWMD &CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Certification of Authorization #27471 1 1 12/17/07 GG REV. PER SJRWMD SHEET: 8 OF 13 12. 1 EXISTING GRADE CREEK CENTERLINE EXISTING EL 260 TOP OF BA NK EL. 24.5 APPROX. EL. 9.0 L TIE IN TO EXISTING BEGINNING OF COMPENSATING STORAGE 16.0 (ZI N. W. L EL. 19.1 GRADE 17 EL. EL 19 19.0 0 TIE IN TO EXISTING GRADE 17.0 U SWALE SHWT 16.5 L'i PROPOSED GRADE I BREAK EL.. 1 8.0 SLWT 11.5 .12.5 Qj C) W EL EL. 16.1 LU 077 1(I POND BOTTOM 9.1 IL SECTION E-E EXISTING EL. '8 I TOP A EL 24 � EXISTING GRADE CREEK CENTERLINE APPROX. EL. 9.0 EXISTING EL 26.0 TOP OF BA NK EL. 24. TIE IN TO EXISTING BEGINNING OF COMPENSATING STORAGE 16.0 TIE IN TO EXISTING GRADE 20.0 N NWLEL 191 W. L EL. 19.1 GRA 18.0 SHWT 16 SWALE _LHWT 2:1 BREAK EL. 16.1 �-PROPOSED GRADE 11.5 EL. 19.0 SECTION F-F POND BOTTOM 9. EL. 14.0 EL. 12.5 15'-6" PVC PIPE @ 0.18% - C.O. INV. EL. 19.03 39'-6" PVC PIPE @ 0.18% CREEK CENTERLINE APPROX. EL. 9.0 SECTION G-G SHEET5 - C.O. INV. EL. 19.1 EL 1700 -EXIST. GRADE 44'-6" PVC PIPE 0. 00% 10' BERM --� OAL7U / /U/V U-U FSPREADER SWALE EXIST GRADE 4.1 TOP OF BANK EL. 24.5 - TOP OF BA EL. 24. SHEET 3A N. W.L. LL. I V. I N.W.L. EL. 19.1 21.0- EL. 16.1 EL. 16.1 EXIST GRADE 22.0 '7 - BOTTOM OF POND 23.0 P- EL. 9.1 ` , ...... 'I . . . . Qj 10 U 2 A LU POND I TYPICAL SECTION BERM T O.B. EL. 24.5 L. TEE WIREMOVABLE CAP& T r� T. 0. B. i.- � r� CIL CONCRETE PAD 12" BELOW 24.3 1, EL. 24. OB EL 240 j LLJ 'LLJ BOTTOM OF TEE. 24.0 1 0' BERM IV WL EL 19.1 EXIST GRADE 23.0 EXIST GRADE TOP OF BA NK EL. 24.3 TOP OF BA NK EL. 24. 4'1 FIBERGLASS SKIMMER N . W. L . N - - - EXIST GRADE SECTIOND-D 22 .0 0 FL. 16.7 N. W L. EL. 16 1 E ON 6" CAP SHEET 3A 6" TEE 2 1 0 BOTTOM OF POND 61, PVC 20.01 Z-- N. W. L. EL. 9.1 W, C/ 12" 19.1 POND 2 TYPICAL SECTION / 1.1 JJ 25.0' INV. EL. 1 9. 1 Lil CONCRETE U- 37 8' Lj CO PAD FIBERGLASS SKIMMER P- WA OUTFALL DETAIL Low-H 1"=10' UA N - -� QL POND 2 TRAPEZOIDAL WEIR DETAIL EXIST F.F. EL. 26.4 -j Zj 1"=10' 30"H PE TOP OF FRAME COVER EL. 25.2 Q TOP OF EL. 28 92 EXIST SPADE STRUCTURE - - - - - - - - - - - FIBERGLASS SKIMMER F EL. 2840 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( DISAPPEARING GREEN) EXIST GRADE TOP EL. 23.8 3"x3" BTW ( BETTER THAN WOOD BOTTOM EL. 21.9 SEC TION A -A POST EQUALLY SPACED AS SHOWN 1111T 11'1CP EXIST. CATCH BASIN MATCH SHEE 3A 1 0 REQUIRED. SKIMMER A TTA CHED 3 EXISTING ;12 TO POSTS W/ 3-%2" DIA. BOL TOP OF BANK BERM TOP OF BANK GROUND WASHERS & NUTS PER POST EL. 24.3 EL. 24.0 EXIST. CATCH BASIN- 6'] 4'-0" _ TOP OF BANK WE IR EL. 22.4 EL. 19.0 D.N.W. EL. 19.1 0 � i ------ - Lr T-2' -d EXIST. INV. EL. 24.76 IN EL 11. 4. 12" iz� 6" PVC PIPE PLAN VIEW '-3112-ROUT BOTTOM EL. 12.5 CONCRETE FOOTING -J 6" CONCRETE WEIR CAPPED WITH 4.25" ORIFICE ELEVATION DRILLED IN CAP SECTION H-H INV. EL. 19.1 EXISTING STRUCTURE DETAIL COMPENSATING STORAGE TYPICAL SECTION DAVE SCHMITT CONTRACTOR "AS-BUILTS" REVISIONS DAVE M. SCHMITT DATE: OCT. 2007 DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION FLORIDA REG. NUMBER RETENTION POND DETAILS PROJECT NO.: CHD-2 ENGINEERING INC. I hereb state that these "As-Builts" were furnished to me b the contractor listed below. 1, or an emplo under m direct 6/19/08 GG REV. PER SJRWIVD 48274 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. supervision have reviewed these "As-Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with m knowled of what was actually 4/21/08 GG REV. PER SJRWMD & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS DRAWN BY: GG constructed. This statement is based upon site observations ofthe construction. TUSCA WILLA GREENS CHECKED BY: TM ORLANDO. FL 32828 4/07/08 JB REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Contractor En SCALE: NONE 407-207-9088 FAX 407-207-9089 Not valid without the si and the ori raised seal of a Florida Re En 3/01/08 GG REV. PER SJRWMD & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Certification of Authorization #27471 1 1 7/01/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 12/17/07 GG REV. PER SJRWIVD SHEET: 9 OF 13 J- 0 Olt F.F. EL. 26.9 Lij, 14' wC) TOP OF WALL EL. 724.�. _EX/ST GRADE 44'-6" PVC PIPE 0. 00% 10' BERM --� OAL7U / /U/V U-U FSPREADER SWALE EXIST GRADE 4.1 TOP OF BANK EL. 24.5 - TOP OF BA EL. 24. SHEET 3A N. W.L. LL. I V. I N.W.L. EL. 19.1 21.0- EL. 16.1 EL. 16.1 EXIST GRADE 22.0 '7 - BOTTOM OF POND 23.0 P- EL. 9.1 ` , ...... 'I . . . . Qj 10 U 2 A LU POND I TYPICAL SECTION BERM T O.B. EL. 24.5 L. TEE WIREMOVABLE CAP& T r� T. 0. B. i.- � r� CIL CONCRETE PAD 12" BELOW 24.3 1, EL. 24. OB EL 240 j LLJ 'LLJ BOTTOM OF TEE. 24.0 1 0' BERM IV WL EL 19.1 EXIST GRADE 23.0 EXIST GRADE TOP OF BA NK EL. 24.3 TOP OF BA NK EL. 24. 4'1 FIBERGLASS SKIMMER N . W. L . N - - - EXIST GRADE SECTIOND-D 22 .0 0 FL. 16.7 N. W L. EL. 16 1 E ON 6" CAP SHEET 3A 6" TEE 2 1 0 BOTTOM OF POND 61, PVC 20.01 Z-- N. W. L. EL. 9.1 W, C/ 12" 19.1 POND 2 TYPICAL SECTION / 1.1 JJ 25.0' INV. EL. 1 9. 1 Lil CONCRETE U- 37 8' Lj CO PAD FIBERGLASS SKIMMER P- WA OUTFALL DETAIL Low-H 1"=10' UA N - -� QL POND 2 TRAPEZOIDAL WEIR DETAIL EXIST F.F. EL. 26.4 -j Zj 1"=10' 30"H PE TOP OF FRAME COVER EL. 25.2 Q TOP OF EL. 28 92 EXIST SPADE STRUCTURE - - - - - - - - - - - FIBERGLASS SKIMMER F EL. 2840 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( DISAPPEARING GREEN) EXIST GRADE TOP EL. 23.8 3"x3" BTW ( BETTER THAN WOOD BOTTOM EL. 21.9 SEC TION A -A POST EQUALLY SPACED AS SHOWN 1111T 11'1CP EXIST. CATCH BASIN MATCH SHEE 3A 1 0 REQUIRED. SKIMMER A TTA CHED 3 EXISTING ;12 TO POSTS W/ 3-%2" DIA. BOL TOP OF BANK BERM TOP OF BANK GROUND WASHERS & NUTS PER POST EL. 24.3 EL. 24.0 EXIST. CATCH BASIN- 6'] 4'-0" _ TOP OF BANK WE IR EL. 22.4 EL. 19.0 D.N.W. EL. 19.1 0 � i ------ - Lr T-2' -d EXIST. INV. EL. 24.76 IN EL 11. 4. 12" iz� 6" PVC PIPE PLAN VIEW '-3112-ROUT BOTTOM EL. 12.5 CONCRETE FOOTING -J 6" CONCRETE WEIR CAPPED WITH 4.25" ORIFICE ELEVATION DRILLED IN CAP SECTION H-H INV. EL. 19.1 EXISTING STRUCTURE DETAIL COMPENSATING STORAGE TYPICAL SECTION DAVE SCHMITT CONTRACTOR "AS-BUILTS" REVISIONS DAVE M. SCHMITT DATE: OCT. 2007 DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION FLORIDA REG. NUMBER RETENTION POND DETAILS PROJECT NO.: CHD-2 ENGINEERING INC. I hereb state that these "As-Builts" were furnished to me b the contractor listed below. 1, or an emplo under m direct 6/19/08 GG REV. PER SJRWIVD 48274 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. supervision have reviewed these "As-Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with m knowled of what was actually 4/21/08 GG REV. PER SJRWMD & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS DRAWN BY: GG constructed. This statement is based upon site observations ofthe construction. TUSCA WILLA GREENS CHECKED BY: TM ORLANDO. FL 32828 4/07/08 JB REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Contractor En SCALE: NONE 407-207-9088 FAX 407-207-9089 Not valid without the si and the ori raised seal of a Florida Re En 3/01/08 GG REV. PER SJRWMD & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Certification of Authorization #27471 1 1 7/01/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 12/17/07 GG REV. PER SJRWIVD SHEET: 9 OF 13 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN OWNER'S REQUIREMENTS CONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENTS SITE DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTROLS CONTD. OTHER CONTROLS SPILL PREVENTION CONTD. MAINT.11NSP. PROCEDURES CONTD. PROJE TNAMPANDLOCABON TUSCAWI GREENS C-0—NIFEESPRINGSELOBIDA OWNER NAME ANUADN TUSCA WI LA GREENS, LLG 1491 EAS7S R 434, UNIT 103 WINTER SPRINGS, FL I'D TELEPHONE: 4U] -9]f -885] FAY 40]- 9]11538 MR THDMASJ COWERY DESCRIPTION: TTV - FROCECT INCLUDES THE CCINSTRUBTION OF 15 2 STORY MULTI - FAMILY RESIDDAIDALBULDINUS ROADWAYS AN UTILITIES TOTILBUILDINGSARE-30100SE TOTAL SITEA-202AG SOIL DISTURBING ACTIVITIES WILL INC UDE NEARING AND GRUBBING, EARTHWORK, CA—EBTAND GRADING, STORM SEWER, UTILITIES AND PREPARATION FOR FINIAL PLANTING AND SEEDING. RUNOFF EVENUMBERS 1. PRE - CONSTRUCTION = - 2 DURING CONSTRUCTION= - 3 POS'EMNSTRUCTION= SOIL. SEE SOIL BORING REPORT FOR SOILS DATA S ITEMAIRS SEE ATTACHED G�DINGPUNFOR�&PGSTDEVELOPM�TGRADES AREASOFS ITS MSTURBANCE LOCATION GFSBREACE WATERS, WETLANDS PROTECTEDAREAS. MA—STRUCTHRALAND NONSTRUCTURAL CONTROL -AND STORM WA TER DISCHARGE POINTS. SEEA7TACh B EROSION & TURBID— CONTROL PLAN FOR LOCATION OF TEMPORARY STABILIZATIONPRACTICES AND TURBIDITYBARRIENS SEEGBVERALNOTE FOR REQUIREMENTS FOR HEMPORARYAND —NI-STABILI-01 SITEAREA. I TALA-0-1-11.1-1 2. TOTAL AREA TOBEBIS7UE3EE=!016AC NAME OFRECEIVING WATERS I ANTICIPA LED STA RT DATE OF CDNATRUCTGN 2 Ah`BC?PA7EDIR,BQA7FOFGONSTRUC7ON (CONSTRUCTION DATES ARE TO BE FILLED IN PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION THE CONTRACTOR LATA MINIMUM IMPLEMENT THE CONTRACTOR'S BE UlRE ENTSOUTLlNEDBELOW,9N0THOSE;MEASURESSHOWNONTHL EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN IN ADDITION ME CONTRACTOR SHALL UNDER TAKEADDITIDWLIAEASURESREQUIREOTOBEINGOMPLIANCEWITH APPLICABLEFE VITCONDILDNSANDSTATIEWATERIQ ALITYSTANDARDS. DEPENCINCONTO NATUREDFMATERIALSANDUETHODSOFCONSTRUCTION THE GO— CTOR MA Y BE REQUIRED TO ADD FLOGGULAN TS TO ME RETENTION SYSTEM PRIOR To PLACING THE SYSTEM I NTO OPERATION. 4 SM KPILINGIV-PRIAL NOEXCAVA7EB MATERIAL SHALL BE STD KPILEN IN SUCTIA MANNERAS TO DIRECTRUNGEF DIRECTLY OFF ME PROJECT SITE INTG ANY ADUAGENT WATER BODY DR STORM WATER COLLECTION FACILITY. 5 EXPOSED AREA LIMI TA TIDN ME SURFS OR AREA OF OPEN RA ERODIBLE SO EXPORMSYCLEARINUAND GRUBBING GPETATIONSOR EXCAVAT AND FILLING OPERA TION'S SHALL NOT EXCEED 10 ACRES. PLIS REQUIREMENT MAY BE W,IVED FOR LIRGE PROJECTS — AN EROSION CON7ECILPLANWHICHEIMONSTRATES THATOPENINGOF ADDITIONAL AREA 3 WILL NOT SIGNIFICAN—AFFECT OFF -SITE DEPOSIT OF IFF—TS 6 INLET PROTECTION: INLETS AND CATCH BASINS WHICH DISCHARGE DI RECTLY DFFSLTE SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT -LADEN STORM RUNGFFU TLIMEGO—ELONOFALLCoNSTE CLONOPERATIONS THAT MAY CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENT TO THE INLET 7 TEMP ORARY SPEDING AREAS OPENED BY CONSTRUCT? N OPERATION'S AND THATARENOTANTIGIPATEOTOBERE-ENCA'✓ATEODRDRESSEDAND RECEIVE FINAL GRISSING TREATMENTIXTHIN30DAYS SHALL BESEELED WITHA QUICK GROWING GRASS SPECIES WHICH WILL FROVIDEAN EARLY COVER DURING THE SEASON IN WHICH IT WILL NOT LA TER COMPETE WITH THE PERMANENT GRASSING 8 TEMPORAR SEELINGAND MULCHING. SLOPES STEEPER THIN 6.1 THAT FALL WITHIN THE CA 7ECORY ESTABLISHED IN PARA GRAPH LIABOVE SWLLADDI�ONIALLY�CDVE�UL6�INGOFA�OYI��Y2 N-3 LOOSE MEASURE OF MULCH MA TERIAL CUT INTO THE SOIL OF ME SEEDED ARF' ADEQUATETOPREVENTMOVEMEhTOFSEEOANDMULr4. 9 TEMPORARY GRASSING. ME SEEDED OR SEEDED AND IVULCHEDAREA SH. 9LL BE ROLLEBAND WA ERIED OR -BROMULCHED DR OTHER SUILA LE�ETHODSIF�OVI�TOISSU�EOFDI�Ul�G�OWIIVG CONDILD S FOR THE ESTABLIS-ENTOFAGOODGRASSCOVER �FOR9RYGR,9'SIIVGS�,�LLBE�ESAMEMIX&AMDUNTREQUIRED FORPERMINENT GRASSING IN THE GGNTRACTSPECIFICALONS 10. TEMPORAFYREGRISSING ILIFTER14DAYSI'HOMSEEDING THE TEMPORARY GRASSED AREAS HA JE NOT ATTAINED A MINIMUM BE 65 PER EYTIUMIMEM GOOD GRASS GOVER THEAREA WILL BE REWORKED AN D A DDITIONALSEEDAP LlE SUEFIrIENTTOESTABLISHTHEDESIRED VEGETILVECOVER. 11. MAIN TEBANGE. ALL FEA THREG OF THE PROJECT DESIGNED AND DO STRUCTED TO PREVENT ENOSIONAND SED—T SHALL BE �IN7A?N�DURING�ELI�OF�ECDNSTRUC70NSOASTD FUNCTION AS THEY WERE ORIGINALLY DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED 12. PERMANENT EROSION CONTROL THE ETAASION CONTROL FACILITIES OF THEPROJECT SHOULD BECESIGNED TO MINIMIZE THE IIVFICTON THE OFFSITE FACILITIES 13. RE—NENTSEENING ALL AREAS WHICH HAVE BEEN DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION WILL, AS, MINIMUM, BE SEEDED. THE SEEDING MIX MUST PROVIDE BOTH LONG -TERM VEGETATION AND RAPID GROWTH SEASONAL VEGETATION. SLOPES STEEPER MAN 4 1 SHALL BE SFEcFQ AND MULCHED OR SODDED STRUCTURAL PRACTICES I 7EM ORA BY DIVERSION DIKE IFRECTIRED TEMPORAPYBRESSIONDIKES MAYBEUSEDTODI✓ ERTRUNDFFTHRDUGHASEOIMENT -TRAPPINGFAGILITY. 2 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP: IF REQUIRED, A SEDIMENT MAP SHALL BE INSTALLED INA BRAINIGEWAYATA STORM DRAIN INLET CHAT OTHER POIN7SOFDISCHAR�EFRDMADISTUBEDAREA THE FOLLOWING SEDIMENT TRAPS MAY BE CONSTRUCTED BMEN INDE�'DEA�YDRINCONdUNCTIONWITHATE lMFORARYDIVERSION DIKE A BLOCK&GRAVEISEDIMENTFIL717P THISPED7ENTIDNIS APP LICABLEWHEREHEAVYFLOWSANDIORWHEREANOVERFL DW CAPACITY IS NECESSARY TD PRE—TENCESSIVE PONDINGARDUND THE STRUCTURE. 8 GRAVELSEMMEM'TRAP 7HISPRO7ECTIONISAPPLICABLEWHERE 4EA—G-EALLEATEDFLO—BEEXPECTED BUT NOT PONON -AROUND THE STRUCTURE MIGU7 CAUSE EXCESSIVE INCON, ENIENCE OR DAIVA OF TO ADJACENT STRUCTURES& UNYBOTECTEN AREAS U. DROP INLET SEDIMENT TRAP -THIS PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE INLET DRAINSA REL, LVELY FL, T I REA S � 5%) AND WHERE SHEET OR DIV ENI-ND FLOWS KG � 0.5 CFS) ARE TYPICAL. THIS METHOD $ HIA L NOTAPPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS SUCH AS IN STREET OR HIGHWAYMEDANS. 3 OUTLET PROTECTION' APPLICABLE M THE OUTLETSOFALL PIPES AND PA VEN CHANNEL SECTIONS WHERE THE FLOW COULD CAUSE EROSION &SEDIMENT PROBLEM TO THE RECEIVING WATER BODY SILTEENCES& HA Y BALES ARE TO BE INSTALLED IMMENA TELY DOWNSTREAM OF ME LIGGHIRGINGSTRUCTUREASSHOM ON THE OUTLETFROTECTION DETAIL 4 SENIMENTRASIN LLBECON'STRUCTEDATTHECOMUONDRAINGE LOCH TIMS THAT SERVEAN AREA WITH 10 ON MORE DISTURBED ACRES A T ONE TIME, THE PROPOSED STORM WAI TER FONDS (OR TEMPORARY PONDS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED FOR USEAS SED-71SASINS THESE SE DIMENT BASINS MOST PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF 3 6OG CUBIC FEET OF GE PERAGRE DRAINED UNTIL FINAL STABILIZA OF THE NOTE THE S600 CUBI FEET OF STARAGEAREA PER ACRE DRAINED DOES NOT APPLY TO FLOWS FROIS GFIGITEAREAS AND FLOWS FROM CINGTHE AREAS THIT REEITHER UNDISTURBED ORH,VE UNDERGONE FINAL STA BILIZATION WHERE SUCH FLOWS ARE DIVERTED AROUND BOTH THE DISTURBED AREA AND THE SEDIMENT BASIN ANY TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BAS INS' CONSTRUCTED MUST BE BAGKFILLED AND COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SFECIRC,LGNS FOR STRUCTURAL FILL. ALL SEDlUEN7COLLEC=INPERMANEN7OR7EUPORARYSEDIMENTTRAPS MUST BEREGAVED UPON FINAL STABILIZATION WASTEDISPOSAL AL WASTE MATERIALS EXCEPT LAND CLEARING DEBRIS SHALL BE GOLLECTEDAND STONED IN A SECURELY LIDDED METAL DOVPSTER THE B UPSTER WILL MEETALL LOCAL AND STA SOLID WASTEMANAGEURN7 REGULAT MEDUMESTER WILL BEEMPLEGASNEENEDAND ME THA S4 WILL BE HA ULED TO A STA HE APPROVED LA NDFILL ALL PER -ONNEL WILL BE INSTRUCTED REGARDING THE CCERECT PROCEDURE FOR WASTE DISPOSAL. NOTICES' STATING THESE FRUCHGESWILLBEFOSTELLA THE CONSTRUCTION SITE BY THE CONSTRUC71ONSU F I-ENDEN7, THE INDIVIDUAL WHO HO DES TH DA Y-M-DA Y SITE OPERA LONG WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEEING MA T THERE PROCEDURES ARE FOLLOWED. HAZARDOUS WASTE ILL HAZARDOUS WASTE MA TERIALS WILL BE DISPOSED OF IN THE MANNER SPECIFIED BYLOCAL DR STATE REGULATION DR BY ME MANUFACTURER SITE PERSONNEL WILL BE INSTRUCTED N THESE PAUGH �ANDTHESI�SU�lN�ND�T,�EINDIVIDUALWH. MANA GES DI 0 BUY SITE OPERA TIONS—L BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SEENGTHATTHESERRAC710ESAREFC)LLOWED SAN TARY WASTE ALL SANITARY WASTE WILL BE C CTED OV THE FORT—L UNITSAS NEE FrM PREVEN 7 POSSIBLE SPILLAGE BE THEWASTE—LBECOLLECTED AND DEPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WMB STA HE AND LOCAL WASTE DISFBBIL REGULATIONS FOR SANITARY SEWER OR SEPTIC SYSTEMS OFFSITE VEHICLE TRACKING A STABILIZED GONSI— ENTRANCE WILL BEPROVIDED TO HELP TRON RE UGEVEBICLETRAGAINCOFSEDMENTS THE PAVED STREETA—ENT TO THE SITE ENTRANCE WILL BE SWEP7GAILY TO REMOVEANYEXCESS MU DIRT OR ROCK TRACKSO FROM THE SITE DUMP TRUCKS HAULING MATESTALFF M THE GONSTRUGHBN SITE WILL BE GOVERED WITH A PROD UCTSPECIFIGREACTICES THE FOLLOWING PRODUCT SPECIFIC PRA CTICES WILL BE FOLLOWED ONSITE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ALL ONSITE VEHICLES WILL BE MONITORED FOR LEIKSAND RECEIVE �GU�R�E��VE�lN�NANCETOR�UCE�EC�NGEOF LEAKAGE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS WILL BE STORED IN TIGHTLY SEALED CO N TAINERS WHIC'? ARE CLEARLY LABELED ANYASPhAL7 SUBSTANCES USED ON WILL BE APPLIED ACCORDING TO THE VANDFACTURESS RECOMMENDATIONS. FERTILIZERS FERT ILIZERS USED WILL REAPPLIED ONLY IN THE MINIMUMAMOUNTS RE OMMENDEBBYTHEMANUFAGMIRER NGEAPPLIED, FERTILIZER WILL BE WORKED INITO ME SGIL TO LIMIT EXPOSURE TO STORM WA TER. S70 AGE WILL EFINA GGVERROAPEA MECON7ENTSOFANY PARTIALLY USED BAGS OF FERTILIZER WILL BE MANSPERNED TOA SEALABLE PLASTIC BIN To A VOID SPILLS. PAINTS ALL CONTAINERS WILL BE TIGHTLY SEALED AND STORED WHEN NOT REQUIR—DRUSE EXCESS PAINT STORM SEWER SYSTEM BUT WILL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OFACCORDING TO -NUFACTURENS-STE—IONS OR STATEAND LOCAL REGULATIONS CONGRETETRUCKS WASHING OF VEHICLES SHOULD BE GONDUGHEN USING PRACTICES THAT —PIR 7 DIRECT, UN7REA TED DISCHARGES OF WASTRIVA TER AND HAZARB OUSWASTEIMSURFACEANDGEDUNDWATERS ADESIGN41— AREA IVUSTBE CREATED SPAGIFICALLYFOR WASHING VEHICLES THAT WILL A LAID WITH FILTER FABRIC, CRUSHED STONE ( DOT GRA VEL Z2 AND UP AND COVERED WITH LINED BERM SPILL CONTROL PRACTICES IN ADDITION TO THE GOOD LIDUSEKEEPING IND MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES DISCUSSED IN THE PREVIOUS SECTIONS OF THIS PLAN, ME FOLLO PRACTICES WILL BE FOLLOWED FOR SPILL PREVENTION AND CLEANUP MANUF1 CTU ENS RECOMMENDED METHODS FOR SPILL CLEANUP WILL BE GLEARLYPASTENI ON SITE A NO SITEPERSONNELWILLEEMADEAWAREOFTBE PAGGENURES AND THE LDCA TON OF ME INFORMATION AND CLEANUP SUPPLIES MATERIA LS AND EQUIPMENT NECESSARY FOR SPILL CLEANUP WILL BE KEPT INTUEMATERMLSTORA&EAREAONSITE EQUIPMENTANDMATERVALS WILL INCLUDE BUTXGT BE LIMITED TO BNDOIVS, DUST PANS. MOFS, RAGS, GLOVES, GOGGLES, LIQUID ABSORBENT ( I e KITTY LITTER OR EQUAL) SIND, SA WDUSLAND PLASTIC AND METAL TRASH CONTAINERS SPECIFICALLY ME THIS PURPOSE LL SPILLS WILL BE CLEANED UFIMMEDLITELYAFTERDIS(N)VERY THE SPILL AREA WILL BE KEPT WELL A—LATED AND PERSONNEL WILL WEARAPPROPRIATEPR07ECTl✓ECLD7H?NGTOPREVENTINURYFROIA CONT, CT WITH A UAZIRLIOUS SUBST,NCE. SPILL OF TONIC ORHAZAEDDUBMATERIAL WILL BEREPORTED TO THE ERNMENTAGENCY, REGARBLESSOFF A PROPATE STA7E OR LOCAL GOV M AP PROPR I ATE SIZE OF THE SPILL. THE SPILL PREVENTION PLAN WILL BEADJUSTED M INCLUDEMEASURDS M PREVENT THIS — OF SPILL FROM REOCCURRING AND HOW TO CLEAN UP THE SPILL IF THERE ISANOTHER ONE. A DESCRIPTION OF ME SPILL, WHAT AND THE CLEANUP MEASURES WILL ALSO BE INCLUDE CAUSED IT D. THE SITE SUPERINTENDENT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DA YTCFBA Y SITE OPERATIONS WILL BE ME SPILL PREVENTION AND CLEANUP MORGINA MR HE/SHE WILL DESIGNA TEA TLE,ST ONE OTHER SITE PERSONNEL WHO WILL REGEI✓E SPILL PREVEM`NW AND CLEANUP TRAINING. THESE LS BFFREVENTIBN AND GLEANIUP THE NAMES OF RESPONSIBLE S L,E PRASE INDIVIDUA ILL EA r4 BECOME RESPONSIBLE FOR A FARUCU PILL PERSDNNFL WILL BE POSTED IN THE MA TERIAL STORA SEAREA AND IF APPLICABLEINTHEOFFICETRAILEPONS— ME SEDIMENT BASINS WILL BE INSPECTED FOR THE DEPTH OF SEDIMENT, I G BUILT UP $EDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED WHEN LTREACH,_S 10 PERTDFM DESIGNUARAD—DR- THE RVOCIFTH-GO, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST AND PERMANENT SEEDING AND PUNTING WILL BE INSPECTED FOR FARE SPOTS WASHOUTS, AND HEALTHY GROWTH 'A 4INTEIVANCE INSHEIATION EFFORT WILL BE MADE AFTER EA C4 INSPEC N PECTION Ar�PYDFTHER�ORT�R��BE�OM�ETEDBY�E S-TAODED THE REPORTS WILL BE KEPT ON SITE DURING GONSTRUGHON AND AVAILABLEFFO ' ROUESTTOTHEO�ERENGINE�ORANY�ERAL, SLA TE OR LOCAL IGENCYAPPROVING SEDIMENFAND AND EROSION PLANS OR STORM WATER MANAGEMENTPLANG MEREPAXRTSS ALLBEMADEANDRETAINEDASPARTOFTHESTORP WATERPOLLU ION PREVENTION— FOR ITLEISTTHREE YEARSPROM THED TE THI T THE SITE IS FINALLY STABILIZED AND THE NOTICE OF TERI✓INATIONISSUBMITTEDTHE REPORTS SHALL IDENTIFY ANV INCIDENTS OF NON COMPLIANCE THE SITE SUPERINTENDENT WILL SELECT UP 10 IT— INDIVIDUALS —0 WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTIONS, —N—CE AND REPAIR I HVI-SAND FILLING OUT THEINSFECTONAND MIINTENANCE REPORT PERSONNEL SELECTED FOR INSPECTIONAND MAINTENANCE RES ONSIBILITIES WILL REDEVE TRAINING FROM THE SITE SUPERINTENDENT THEY WILL BE TRAINED IN ALL THE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PRACTICES NEGESSA HY FOR KEEPING THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS USED ONSITEIN GOOD WORKING ORDER NON STORM WATERDISCHARGES HFISEXETEGUEDTHATME-LLOOVINGNON-STO— RDFRAHARGES WILL OCCUR FROM THE SITE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. ` FROM WA TER LINE FLUSHING PAVEMENT WISH WATERS (WHERE NO BILLS OR LEAKS OF TONIC OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAVE OCCURRED 'UNCONTAMINATED&ROUNDWATER,FROMDEWATERIN&-CA.ION ALL NGAFSTORM WATERC—PARCES WILL BEDIRECTEG TO THE SEDIMENT A PRIOR TO DISCHARGE SEQUENCE OF MAJOR ACTIVITIES: THEORDEROF-TATHES—LBEASFOLLOWS I INSTALL STABILIZED 9 INSTALL UTILITIES STORM SEWER, CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE CURAS & U1_. 2 INSTALL S—FENCESAND HAY 10 4PTLYaASEMFRB,EGT BA LES A S REQUIRED 11 COMFLETEGRIDINGAND 3. CL ND GRUB BEHENTION INSTALL PERMANENT POND A— SEEDING /SOD AND PLANTING 4 CONSMLGTDETENHDN POND 12 COMPLETE FINAL PAVING 5 CON—UP CLEARING AND 13 NEUDIBEACCUMULATED GRUBBING SEDIMENT FROM BASINS 6 STDCK PILE TOP SOIL IF REQUIRED 14 WHENALL CONSTRUCTION 7 PERFORM PRELIMINARY GRADING ACTIVITYIS COMPLETEAND ME ols—IsIFIR"RED SITE IS STABILIZED, REMOVE ANY TEMPORARYINVERSION 6 BILIE DENUDEDAR-SAND SAALEGBIKES AND RESEEDISOD STOCKPILES SOON AS ASSEQ.1- PRACTICABLE TIMING OF CONTROLS /MEASURES AS INDICATED IN THE SEQUENCE BE MAJOR. CT , VILE THE SILT FENCES AND HA BALES, STABILIZED CCWS7PUCnON ENTRANCE AND SEDIMENT AS SIN WILL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO CLEARING OR GRA DING OF AN Y GTHER—LDNAOFTHESTHE STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE I NITI.9TED AS SOONAS PRACTICAL IN PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HA'JE TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED ONCE CONSTRUCTIONACTIVITY CEASES PEN— NAN AREA, HH4TAREA WILLIE STABILIZED FERM4NENTLYINAGGORDANCE WITH THE PLANS. AFTER THE ENTIRE SITE IS STABILIZED. ME ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM ANY SEDIMENT TRAPS INVENTORY FOR POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN THE MA — LS OR SUBSTANCES LISTED BELOW ARE EXPEL TED TO BE PRESENTGNSITE DURING CCINSTRUCTIDN, E] -1— ❑Fertilizers ❑— El A ❑PeM1Oleum Based -d,- ❑Masonry Blocks El Tr ❑ CI.I, E] R-I' El El Ri ❑ ❑ ❑ CONTROLS THISPLAN UTILIZESBESTMANAGEMENTPRACTICESTOCONTROL ER OSION' AND TURBIDITY CAUSED BY STORM WA TER RUN OFF AN EROSION AND FRRINSUCTE�ONCON T �IDITY�,9NHASB�N ��� � � �� PU CEMENTOFLUESECONTROLS ITIS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN THE CONTROLS PER PUN AS WELL AS ENSURING THE PLAN IS PROVIDING THE PROPER PROTECTION AS REQUIRED BY FEDERAL STATE NBLOGAL LAWS. REFER TO' GONTRAGTORSNESPONSIBILITY FORA VERBAL DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTROLS THAT MAY BE IMPLEMENTED. STORM WATERM,NIGEMENF STORM WATER DRAINAGE WILL BE PROVIDED BY SERIES OF PIPES AND INLETS CONVEYING RUNOFF TO ME PROPOSED STORMWATEIRRETENTION POND FOR THE PROJECT AREAS WDICUAFEN07 M BE CONSTRUCTED ON , BUT WILL BEREGRADED SHALL BE STABILIZED IMMEDIATELYAFFER GRADING IS COM PLETE, WHEN CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE, A TOTAL OF 10 16AGRES WILL HAVE BEEN REGRADED. THE SITE DISCHARGES' 70A OFTBETENTION SYSTEM THE WET DETENTION SYSTED IS DESIGNED WMBA 26.30 DAY MINIMUM BESIDIENCEVOLUME THIS IS INACCONUANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS SET F F O RTH BY THE S7 JOHNS RIVER WATER UANA GRUEM' DISTRICT FOR THIS TYPE O—E—OPMENIAIMETIMEOFFERUVITING CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICA lCERFIFYUNDERPENALTYGFUWTHATlUNDERSTANDTHETERIMSAND CONDITIONS BE THE GENERAL NATIONAL POLLUTANTDIACUARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM ( NPDES ) PERMIT THA AUTHORIZES ME STORM WA TER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIII-ACTIVITY FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITEIDENTFIEDASFAR—F THIS CERTIFICATION. CONTROLS SPILL PREVENTION ITISTHE CON TRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY 70 IM—ENT THE EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROLS AS SHOWN ON THE EROSION AND TURBIDITY GON TEDL PLAN IT IS ALSO ME CONTRA CTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THESE CO THOLBARE PROPERLY INSTALLED. VAINT-ED AND F PROPERLY GLONING FRAY TOPRE �TTU�IDORPOLL�� TER��LEAVIN&THE��JEGFSITE M THE CO , CTOR WILL ADJDST THE EROSIONAND TURBIDITY CONTROLS SHOWN ON ME EROSION' AND TURBIDITY CONTROL PLAN AND ADD ADDILDNAL CONTROL MEASU ES AS BEGUIRED 70 ENSURE THE SITE MEETS ALL FEDERAL STATEAND LOCAL EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS THE FOLLOWING BEST MANA GEMENT PRA LGES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS REQUIRED BY THE EROSION AND TUS CONTROL PLAN AND AS REQUIRED TOME ET THE EROSION AND TURBIDITY REOUIREMENTS IMFOSEU ON THE PROJECT SITE BY THE REGULA GENB,_S. EROSION AND SEDIMENT STABILIZATION I FILTERFABBICRARRIEN FILTERFABRIC, BARRIER CAN BE USED BELOW DISMIRSED REA 3 SUBJECT TO SqEFTAND RILL ERBSIAN WITH ME FOLLOWING—ITATIONS. A WHERETHEMA IMUMSLOFEBIELINDUREBARNIERIS33FERCENT. B IN M INOR S—ES OR DITCH LINES WHERE THEMAXIMUM CONTRIBUTING BRAINA HE A REA IS NO GREATER THAN 2 ACRES 2. BRUSH BARRIER WITH FILTER FABRIC. BEUSFIBANRERMAYBEUSED BEOWDISTUREIED TEAS SUBJECT TO SHEET AND RILL EROSION WHERE ENOUGH RESIDUE VA 7FRIAL IS A VAILABLE ON SITE 3. LEVEL SPREADER: ALEVELSPREADER MAYBELSEDWHERESE—E— FREE STORM RUNOFF I NTERCEPTED AND DIVERTED—FROM ME &RAG D AREAS BNM UNDISTURBED STABILIZED AREAS MIS PRACTICE 4PRLESONLY? CONSTRUCTED ON UNDISTURBED SOIL AND THE AREA BELOW THE LEVEL LIPIS STABILIZED THE WATERIGUOULD NATBEALLDWEND TO REGON— TRATEAFTER RELEASE. tt IT x x MITERIAL VANA—ENTPRACTICES THE FOLLOWING ARE THE MA TERIAL MANAGEMENT PRACTICES THAT WILL BE USED 70 REDUCE ME RISK OF SPILLS OR EXPOSURE OF - TERIALS AND SUBS-VCES TO STORM WATER RUNOFF GOOD HOUSEKEEPING THE FOLLOWING GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES WILL BE FOLLOWED ONSIFE DURING THE CONSTRUCTION FRODECT. 'AN EFFO WILL BEMADE To STORE ONLY ENOUGH PEDBUCTREQUIRED TO NO ME ISO 'ALL MATERIALSSTORED ONSITE WILL BEATGRFO INA NEAT, ORDERLY MANNERINTHEIRAPPEOPRIATEC-TAINERSAND IF POSSIBLE UNDERA ROOF OR OTHER E NCLOSURE. PRODUCTS WILL BEKEPTIN THEIR ORIGINAL GONTAINERS WITH THE QRSINALMANUFAGMSER'SLANEL. SUBSTANCES WILL NOT BE MIXED WITH ONE ANOTHER UNLESS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER WHENEVER POSSIBLE, ALL GFA PRODUCT WILL BE USED UP BID- DISPOSING OF THE CONTAINER `IAANUFAGTURER'SREGDMMENDATIONSF RPRDPER USE 4NGBISEGSAL WILL BE FOLLOWED THE SITE SUPERINTENDENT WILL INSPECT DAILY TO ENSURE MA TERALS GNSITEREGELVE PROPER USE AND DISPoSAL HAZARDOUS PRODUCTS THESE FRACTICESANE USED TO REDUCE THE RISKS ASSOC WITH HAZARDOUS "PRODUCT LNE—TIN ORIGINAL CONTAINERS UNLESS THEYARANGT RESEALABLE 'ORIGINAL LABELS AND MA —L SAFETY DATA WILL BE RETAINED, THEY G-TAINIIIAPON—PRODUCTINFORWATION. 'IFSURPLUSPRDDUCTMUSTBEDISPDS 'EDDFIAANUFACTURERSDRLDCAL AND STATE RECOMMENDED METHODS ME PROPER DISPOSAL WILL BE FOLLOWED. TIMING OF CONTROLS /MEASURES REFER TO "CONMACTORSREDUIREMIBITS"FOR THE TIMING OF GONTROUPEASURFS CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL / STA LOCAL REGULATIONS INACGORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATHAND LOCAL LAWS RELATED TO STORM WATER VANAGEME-AND EROSION AND TURBIDITY CONTROLS, ME FOLLOWING —ITS HAVE BE- OBTAINED (TD BE FILLED 11 PRIOR M COMMENCE— OF GONSTRUCTION UER BNELG&FILL PERMIT # COE DEPEGIEFILLPERMIT # SIR.— N I D I S —11 MAINTENANCE /INSPECTION PROCEDURES EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL INSPECTION AND (MAINTENANCE PRACTICES THE FOLLOWING A RE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PRACTICES 7HA 7 WILL BE USED To MAINTAIN EROSION AND SEDIVENTGONT—S. 'NO MORE MAIN 10ACRES OF ME SITE WILL BE DENUDEBATGNE IXTHBUTWRITHENPERMISSIONFROIALLEENSINEER 'AL CONTROL MEASURES WILL I THE EPSON RESPONSIBLE FO BE R ME AY TORY THE SUPER TODAY SITE OPERALDN NDENT, OR SOMEON APPOINTEDBY—SUFERINTEN ENTITLEISTONCEAWEEKAND FOLLOWING,�NYSTOR�EV�TOF�25IN�HESORGRE,9 TER. ALL TURBIDITY CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE MAINTAINED IN GOOD WORKING ORDER; IFS REPAIR IS NECESSARY, (T WILL GFIN17— WITHIN 24 HOURS OF 'BUILT UP SEDIMENT WILL BE REMOVED FROM SILT PENCE WHEN IT HAS REI CHED ONE -THIRD THE HEIGHT OF THE PENCE 'SILT FENCE WILL BE INSPECTED FOR DEPTH OF SEDIMENT. HEARS TO SEE IF THE FABRIC IS SECURELY A TTACHED TO ME FENCE POSTS, AND MSEE THAT THE FENCE POSTS ARE FIRMLY IN THE GROUND `DIVERSION DIKESIS'WALES WILL BE INSPECTED AND ANY BREACHES PROMPTLY REPAIRED POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN CERTIFICATION I CERTIFY UNDER PENA L TY OF LA W THA T THIS DOCUMEN T A NO ALL A 7TACHM NTS�RE���DUND��YDI�CTIONORSU�VISIONIN A��O�NCEA'ITHASYS�DESI�N�TOASSUPE�7QUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLY GATHERED AND EVALUATED THE INFORMATION SU ISITTED. BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO GANAGE THE SYSTEM. OR THOSE PERSONS DRECCLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING THE INFORMATION, THE INFORMATION SUMP-TED IS, M THE BEGFDFMY WLED&EAND BELIEF TRUE ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. AM WARE THAT MEREARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION', INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OFFINE,9ND IMPRISONMENT FOR KNOWING VIOLA 70NS SIGNED OWNER /OPERA DATED. DAVE SCHMITT ENGINEERING INC. 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. ORLANDO. FL 32828 407-207-9088 FAX 407-207-9089 Certification of Authorization #27471 CONTRACTOR 'AS-BUILTS" I hereb state that these "As-Builts" were furnished to me b the Contractor listed below. 1, or an emplo under m direct supervision have reviewed these "As-Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with my knowledge of what was actually constructed. This statement is based upon site observations of the Construction. Contractor Engineer Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida Registered Engineer. 1 REVISIONS DAVE M. SCHMITT FLORIDA REG. NUMBER 48274 I SWPPP GENERAL REQUIREMEN TS TUSCA WILLA GREENS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1 DATE: SEPT, 2007 DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION PROJECT NO.: CHD-2 DRAWN BY: GG CHECKED BY: TM SCALE: NONE 1 SHEET: 10 OF 2-11-11 EMS CONVERTED TO TOWN HOME LOTS 4/21/08 GG REV. PER SJRVVMD & CITY OF VVINTER SPRINGS 12/17/07 - GG REV. PER SJRWMD DAVE SCHMITT REVISIONS DAVE M. SCHMITT DATE: SEPT. 2007 CONTRACTOR "AS-BUILTS" DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION FLORIDA REG. NUMBER SWPPP EROSION CONTROL DETAIL S PROJECT NO.: CHD-2 ENGINEERING INC. I hereb state that these "As-Builts" were furnished to me b the Contractor listed below. 1, or an emplo under m direct 48274 supervision have reviewed these "As-Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with m knowled of what was actuall DRAWN BY: GG 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. TUSCA WILLA GREENS constructed. This Statement is based upon site observations of the Construction. CHECKED BY: TM ORLANDO. FL 32828 Contractor 407-207-9088 FAX 407-207-9089 Not valid En without the si and the ori raised seal of a Florida Re En 2-11-11 DMS CONVERTED TO TOWN HOME LOTS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA SCALE: NONE Certification of Authorization #27471 12/17/07 GG REV. PER SJRVVIVD SHEET: 11 OF 13 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES VVI� B-1— EAW St- C,ol. NOTICE: 2BDD — B—kin SYT.Gl, Cl ... Al 11 111 PId,tI, slou. PVC con �lo, Pi,,, Miled _ft toN, o. COMPONENTS OF TYPES I & TYPE 11 MAY n P., Ft. . BE .nf— 1111 "I �11 lid SIMILAR Con., R OR IDENTICAL TO PROPRIETARY Flotat Di.. E r _ Ft'-Ib.. ' ' Sl I D.. Equiv.) 11 DESIGNS. A .20 DE A NY I NFRINGE M ENT ENT ON THE F, Buoyanc PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF THE DESIGNER R-P. b R. ' P e.kn R.M. b. Be.kin TH n PvC`%b't-(3DD pill Tod) Stress plot. 'G.I-n g ill ) I AND II USER. SUBSTITUTIONS FOR TYPES I ; SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF SHALL BE SUBSTIT US APPROVED BY I.. chain THE ENGINEER !ING 1. TRECONPRACTORISPESPONSIKEFO REIRIANG STUFF — SITE IF NOTRENIAB EON SITEANDASITRIND—A-TIMENTAVID LRADEIN ALL DITCHES AAD S—ES AT COMPLEDON OF CONSTRTCTION 2 mEll��OV�C�RII��NIIRLEFDRR�O/INU THE TEMPORARY ERCSNA AI�l I A IF TO, Nn _ 'A='ESE, ED I ADIIRIV 011111111 A "', NO ME AECAC GC"N"CEC TH AT I I "E'S" —'C'E PRONECTCONIANE TO — EE; CONDITIONS C111110EN's 4. CONPRACTORSTALLINSTRETRATAL — LOTTRESPIPES, E ARECLEANED CUFANSWORAIN AIDEPIAC. 5. MNE VESH MALL BE LAID OVER THECRCP INLETSO THAT THE SIRE HARDWARE CLOTH ON A S A AMMUM OF I FOOT BEY SIDE OF ME INLET STRUCTRABLE """'E��F HM M INCH OPECS SHA B USED. FMORETNANONESI R F - ST .AR IS NECESSARY THE STRIPS SHALL BE OVERLAPPED. 6. ED TNO. I COARSEANGREG— SHALL BEFI-ACEE OVER ME IBRESESH AS TREDEPTHOLSTONES ALLSEAT I L ;x T SIX F�I" 'PERM L" ' .`C' 'Z "I'T EI " IVG ALL SIDES 1 2 11 E ICVO Ell Ia NCHES On' TYPE 11 FLOAT NOTES; 1. Turbidit barriers are to be used in all permanent 2. Number and spacin of anchors dependent on current 3 Deplo of barrier around pile locations ma 4� Navi ma re se barrier durin 5. For additional information see Section 104 of the TYPE I TURBIDITY BARRIERS P"ki'no"Dt S teel 1 or I- Min. III o Rei pi ll Pvc 3DD pill T-) bodies of water re of water depth. velocities. 6 var to accommodate construction operation construction operations. FOOT Standard Specifications. STAKED TURBIDITY BARRIER I IF THE I ""EF"'R .. FUNCTION 11 SETS 1EA SO ' A1 MESICI.�IUS... NOLD"O.DE.— ... C'MS "S - FILLED AWA FORM ME I NLET, CLEANED AAC REPLA EIILNE El A L BE EN A FI A THE HAI DAZA FIT F TONS "A" ES ' "L HER TO U'D SO "' r M'A TRE SILALLREBACKLILLEDAVC — PACTED A'Al 111THE 'ILTERSARRIER 9. NECESSARY REPAIRS TO BARRIERS MALL BEACC PROMPTLY 10 Note: TURBIDITY BARRIERS that ill suit � conditi Is erosion control tii be hootin cc 0 and m eet co Thal flowin streams nd tidal creeks m r or St olked t or on robin otions a' y r Turbidit barriers f a. Vittteu,r, re t opt �en e b N.T.S. th C ontractors at erwiss s,Pee�fiscl be at the plans, how pa establis will be under the contract lump sum price e i d in b i d the d propo s' dl for Erosion and Sedimen control in stoked b dit barriers to be installed Posts in directed b the En A AFTSR EACH RAINFALL AND ATLEAST DAILY DDRING PROLDNIED RAIRRALL ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE I M M E D I A T E L Y . 11 1111-11—A"'C'NARL-ENCE " FIL I, S'_N' ""'FICTIVE P To HE END IF THE E"ECIED .ALL, LIFE AND THE BARRIER SILL AID BE NECESSARY THE FABRIC SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTL 12. SEFS—I�FCEPOAITSSHCUL SEREM—AFTEREAn-09MEAENT THEY MUST BE REMOVED M ADEPOSITOREACHAPPROArMATELYONE —RDTHE-1-T-THEBARRIETY' 13 A-SEDIME TD�OSITSR�ININ�l�PLACEAF� THE SILT �NCE OFF1 B DRESSED TO OCNIHIM SEETSER ARER AND 14 ME MADE= STALL BE NSPECREDAFTER EAC RRNAVD REPAIRS EN 1 11 "IEDA "' IN 1AP OR L'=CS RAE'SERIAEA 'HASAC III DE POSITED E CEBICNCEFTDOFTHETAAF REMOIED S—dENT SHALL BE lf,ASUITABLEAREAAf,DINbUCHAMANf,ER THAT ITWILL NO1-DDE 16 TRECONDANCTORIS ESPONSIBLE FOR FOLLOWING THE BEST EPORICA A ED E I I IIACIIESAS I IE E V" I '" , A ' C "I' I I " Pt" SIECIF CA , B ASID .1 'CDA S " AER HA TER 'AlACEIDE11OILSID1 SPEOFICANONSAND CRITERIA. 11 VA D DIMENT A VD FO ADD DNE F`LO1— E'1'ELI)'2E "."CAL_ A T SOUND EFTO vertical position unless otherwise � 5 MINIMDM 0 MIN. Q, FDOT # 1 COARSE AGGREGATE OR EQUIVALENT LANDAND WANERMANAGEMENT' FROM THE STATE OF P EPA RTME DI E RERFLA RON R D E R ) CHAPTER b 18. EROSION ND�l'�EATC�T�L�RRIERS��LLBEPLAC�A�CEf T TO IVE P ER D ERE THERE IS .. E " " INAEA" ATER A HI 11, A T SEE EIAIL AN El OR TYPICAL IS _ L AN�ERFAIW IN DETAIL , CHISTRN—N. 19 ALL DISTURBE—REAS SHALL BE GRASSED 'ERTLICED, MULCHSDAND MAINTAINED UNTIL A —NE11 —EIAIVE -1111 ESTAALISI— P,Kn (Opti 2' • 4' 0, Optkv,I P.hi—�. Principle Post Politi- 21 M in . TI. (C.— 2D* T—rd F-) I � j Wood St- It to /F ' . 6 Mo. Conf or m ance WitR 985 FICOT �� Filter Fabric A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE N.T.S. PRO Rail S. 20 E l OD I HA L L BE PLA DED R, = ENSURE WATER � Y REQUI IMMEDIA EROSION PROTECTION TO QUA LITY STAIDABLISAIE MAINTAIN 21. A NY DISCHARGE FROM DEDNTEIENG ACTIVITY SHALL BE FILTERED AND CONCEYELITOMECUMALLINA MANNERIBRICHPA ELEVATION SECTION TYPE III SILT FENCE PLAN TRAVSPORTALDN OF 22. DEIVANCRINSPUMPSIBLIALLNCTESO ITHECAPACITYOFTHATIRLUCH REQUIRES CONSUIFFL—B USE PERMIT FROM THE ST —N—IOEY 1BATERMALNGFUE-DISTRICT 23 ALL DISN RESACHAREAS TOBESTABILIZED MRCUD4 I MRACT—BILT SCREERSDAYSALEBAVEIG-ISS— ALLFILLSLOFFS31 DR STEEPER TO RENEVEST— SOLID SOD 24 DE EIDI ALL IIN,111-11"IN' ' " EVAIN IN C OCLTERCR ,.F CONSFRUC TICI�IA�ITFEMCVER ONLY OTER FLY E,= AREAS RA BE IIABILI 21 THIS 1,11,11111EITHE, I I11E1A 11E1 I — V 1 EROSIO I 1E 1 FR' d T III or TYPE IV 5,0 Silt F .... ELEVATION BARRIER FOR PAVED DITCH VEASU'ESREDN"EB TH P, , '. 0 , TH E ON_ 'IS —CASI.LE COR 14-IVI ALL APPLICABLE RULES IELIFLA ROSS AND - CUALITYGU CELINESAND MAY NEED TO INSTALL L CONTROLS ABHHROI THE DINIIA1111 SHALL BE RECII— TI1ES11VD TO WATER VAVAGEMERTD'S'R'C'R'B.'ES RELA TD 'OWLTII�ILLE IF SCRIVMDFOOER IA SIONANDSCIDIMENTATIO-ONT17 THIS COVAPLN VCE SNALL BE PART OF THE CONTRACT - M --- T�- Or T lV Sil F.A P.Ad- _ I , Al-nd DIIAR V.I . - Do not depl I, . —r, that silt — 0 silt 1 1 dot —1 I do, 11 l flowing waterc Silt f—es Are to be — at pl.nd loc ations And t.rgkid' barriers permanent plI bodi.. of Poultry Mesh Mesh h "a In,) r . F_A. FrbrK Or No S� . Sec S. III . 5 ( M FOOT Sp-) ( Options 4* 0, Opti—I Pon P-tion—, P" Poston 3•m.n D St. —d 20 —11d F— i A , — 0, TM Ub1 M n.) ID Mo.. ' Filler F.briB (in Poultry MT A F—I, F.bB,, conf With J:1 Slope or Flener C—R—d SW B, — FIv. Z sg, FDO T Sp—) Fill., F.brk, Silt Flo. STAKES FILTE TER ELEVATION SECTION Not. Silt —1e to be paid for u nder the 1—lott —p ... p,,. for Erosion and Sediment Conod. TYPE IV SILT FENCE A, SE DIMENT IDIOVE IVA TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE FOR AREA OF I TO 5 ACRES 1,11 Fl. 11 Fl— D RLAPFABR IC R —R-1 SBI Flow Typ,, IV Silt IR,— Type III Silt I`— Not,: Spacing for T�, III & TYPE IV F— to III in -Alrod't. Iith Chart 1, Street I of 3. FDOT l,d,. No , IvId D2 ditch installations at drainage .1—t— S— of FDOT I—. No 1112. SILT FENCE APPLICATIONS SILT FENCE TYPE III & IV N.T.S. FABRIC 5MIMENTFILHER SPECIFIC APPLICATION THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA X NO THAN 5 SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS ( NOT No 0.5 GREATER .1,) ARE TMICAL. PERC THE ENT) WHERE METHOD SHALL NOT APPLY TO INLET RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS SUCH AS IN STREET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. DROP INLET SEDIMENT TRAP N.T.S. M\ B TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE FOR AREA OF 5 OR MORE ACRES DIVERSION DIKE N.T.S. NOTE WHERE FDOTSPECSAND INDEXARE REFERENCED PLEASE REFER TO FDDT ROADWAY & TRAFFIC DESIGN STANDARDS, AND FOOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD & BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION. DAVE SCHMITT REVISIONS DAVE M. SCHMITT DATE: SEPT. 2007 CONTRACTOR "AS-BUILTS" DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION FLORIDA REG. NUMBER SWPPP EROSION CONTROL DETAIL S PROJECT NO.: CHD-2 ENGINEERING INC. I hereb state that these "As-Builts" were furnished to me b the Contractor listed below. 1, or an emplo under m direct 48274 supervision have reviewed these "As-Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with m knowled of what was actuall DRAWN BY: GG 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. TUSCA WILLA GREENS constructed. This Statement is based upon site observations of the Construction. CHECKED BY: TM ORLANDO. FL 32828 Contractor 407-207-9088 FAX 407-207-9089 Not valid En without the si and the ori raised seal of a Florida Re En 2-11-11 DMS CONVERTED TO TOWN HOME LOTS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA SCALE: NONE Certification of Authorization #27471 12/17/07 GG REV. PER SJRVVIVD SHEET: 11 OF 13 BUFFER LINE 2' ALL WALLS OVER 25' IN HEIGHT AND ALL WALLS ADJACENT TO __— UPLAND BUFFERS I LL HA E OR MODULA BLOCK WALL �/SPLIT RAILIN MEETING THE FLORIDA FACED FINISH OR APPROVED EQUAL TT BUILDING CODE. BUILDING 10.19 C ONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SIGNED & SECTION 101.5. S EALED SHOP DRAWINGS. TOP EL VARI IIIH I SILT FENCE -----� NATURAL RARE m- ill WALL HEIGHT TAPERS VARIEG I � - TO ONE BLOCK ABOVE u ILE I GRADE ll II FOUNDATION MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL A- DIN I SELI—I 'D I ......... .......... ......... ............ . . A IS I GUTTER . 1'6 LD OF SIDEWA G.'s REM OVAL PLAN VIEW 2'0' DEREC 2 E ( IE'I.IE N E pIA IS, .11 JOINT 4'GGIG AME-1 - FL OOR SECTION A -A Go— % 1T wI TLE TRIN Ei;i A TS — 2 Low GURD & SRON MAY FIRMED AT THE TITLE QF G.1D G.1-11 I%, 3 CONS—ST WITH CLASS 0 000FS L CONCRETE 4 CONTRACD) TO VERIFY WITH LOGAL AGENGY THESIRGUIRLIENT DFDE��TABLE�RNINGS�RFA�ES�RTHEA���N�TH EISABILITIESACTAGIESSMILITY GUIDELINES ( DAAG ) SECTION 4.29.2 225 11—IN 2 1,1 2 11 1311-111 SE-1 iIL III 1 -111AIII G1IRc G RO�FI1 RA D E 1AX I ".) 0.02031 61— S _F G11 Fi .1-111ERE I' STAEILI'111.1 CONCRETE TYPE Sall l 2-Y,'LIFTS ) 6' CRUSHED CONCRETE COIdPARTES TO Y6% MOD. FGFOIR NOTE: III F- NASTM 1- 1557 O1AA11- 1111 THEFINAL LIFT DFAR-7 TO BESU—'E , 2 ^ C0111CIFOU-RAGE70 T E-9.5FERRUGGENITRITYSTANDAGLIS 0 MODIFIED 'IGGIGR FOR I " OR —LIFTS MIN DENSITY ASTM D -1557 OR AASHTQ T-160 TYPICAL SECTION MIAMI CURB ORANGE "ENVIRO" SILT FENCE FENCE ATTACHED U-1 POST,TYP TO VERTICAL POST K `_ (INCLINE POSTS _j 2 20" TOWARDS Of FLOW) V) LL U-1 =) z z _j 0 SILT FENCE m0 FABRIC,TYP 0" 0 z EXIST 0 _,, < _j __1 GROUND I-0 F FLOW Lit! Z U-1 FLOW < 3 8" MIN,TYP — — — — — — t— TYPICAL DRIVEWAY DETAIL 12" 24" BUF FER MIN MIN 25' NORMAL FDOT APPROVED TEMPORARY SILT FENCE PRE—ASSEMBLED IN 100' ROLLS UTILIZING 2" X 2 " X 4' WOODEN POSTS 0 8' C MAX. w/3' OF WOVEN GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF SEC. 985-4, SIMILAR & EQUAL TO THAT SUPPLIED BY FIFIEPIPE CO. OF TAMPA FLA. NOTES: CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE AS FOLLOWS: 1. SILT FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. 2.SHOULD THE FABRIC DECOMPOSE OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE PRIOR TO THE END OF ITS USE, IT SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY. 3.SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. 4.ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS LEFT IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE IS NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM WITH THE FINISHED GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED. TYPICAL SIL FENCE DETAIL ALONG CONSERVATION AREA I MEN on I —RGW z MIAMI I PIPE CURB SECTION ASPHALT PAVEMENT 2-2" CAST IRON GRATE FRAME VFG 20"x2O" MIAMI 5000 PSI CONCRETE CURB 14 GRADE 60 REBAR PLAN BROOKS BOX (18-18-VAR) 2 35 1 MI GUE. GRARD 1121A 4'A" STABILIZA ZION 11- ASP LIALTICCONCRETE 1`0PE S III ( 2-Y," LIFTS _11cs—lo, 6'CR�SHE�.CONC�TECU.IFAC�TO�%�W.PROCTOR M I N- 7 NS FENSI7YAS7MD1S57ORAASHEA E NOTE' 2—P—SUSURAGE77O THE ISF—TTOBESUFERIFAVE � MODIFIED PROCTOR —E �l 5, PER-R—R-C—STANDARES VIN DESS—ASTILD 70-ANLIT—Oi FOR I 'OR 3W LIFTS. TYPICAL ENTRANCE SECTION SILT FENCE POST (INCLINE POSTS 20' TOWARDS FLOW) SILT FENCE �" (INCLINE POST SILT FENCE FABRIC FLOW GROUND L EXISTING �F7 'A DIRECTION 8 " FDOT APPROVED TEMPORARY SILT FENCE PRE—ASSEMBLED IN 100' ROLLS UTILIZING 2" X 2" X 4' WOODEN POSTS 0 8' C MAX. w/3' OF WOVEN GEOTEXT11LE MATERIAL MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF SEC. 985-4, SIMILAR & EQUAL TO THAT SUPPLIED BY FIFIEPIPE CO. OF TAMPA FLA. NOTES: CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE AS FOLLOWS: 1. SILT FENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. 2.SHOULD THE FABRIC DECOMPOSE OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE PRIOR TO THE END OF ITS USE, IT SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY. 3.SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. 4.ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS LEFT IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE IS NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM WITH THE FINISHED GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED. TYPICAL SIL FENCE DETAIL NOTE: SUB-GRADE CUT TO BE COMPACTED TO 95% MAX. DENSITY AS DETERMINED BYAASHTO T-180. CUT TO BE REPLACED WITH AN 8" 3000 PSI HIGH EARLY CONCRETE. SURFACE ELEVATION TO MA TCH SURFACE ELEVATION OF EXISTING PAVEMENT. RESURFACING TO BE 10 FEET EACH SIDE OF CUT, OR AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 8" HIGH EARLY CONCRETE ASPHALTIC CONCRETE OVERLAY 5 ' 5', 5' (TYPI (TYPICA 5, L J " - - , tEXIST. BASE �EXIST. BASE (TYPICAL) EXISTING SU13GRADE GENERAL NOTES: 1. BASE REPLACEMENT SHALL BE 3000 PSI, HIGH EARLY STRENGTH CONCRETE. 2. ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE MATERIAL SHALL BE REPLACED WITH THE SAME TYPE OF MATERIAL THAT EXISTED AT THE TIME OF REMOVAL, OR AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 3. MINIMUM ASPHALTIC CONCRETE SURFACE OVERLAY THICKNESS SHALL BE ONE (1") INCH, ORASAPPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 4. ALL BASE JOINT CUTS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY SA W CUT. GRATE FRAME NGLOMNG LUG 4 ' DRAIN CHANNEL (BOTTOM SHAPE OP'TONAL CqNCqftE TRENCH DRAIN DETAIL - TYPE ll F.D.O.T. INDEX 206- TRENCH DRAIN 24" 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" 112" R_ PAVEMENT ' STA BILIZED ': ' : ''b :S&B.60ADE- .. ... ... .. B—W--- A XVALLEYGUTTER TRANSITION MIAMI T CURB & GUTTER MUST FOLLOW STREET ALIGNMENT B-1] N A NOTE:ALL FLOW LINES MUST JO INTS MAINTAIN 0.030% MIN. GRADE s MIAMI CURB & GUTTER 9p� I N, 24" PLAN 12" 12" 18" 112" R o o 3' VALLEY GUTTER & TRANSITION DETAIL 3. CUTS AT INTERSECTIONS OF STREETS GENERALLY WILL REQUIRE A CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH THE MOST UP TO DATE DESIGN STANDARDS COMPLETE OVERLAY /RESURFACING TO THE END OF ALL RETURN RADII, AND ALSO TO POINT TEN ( 10 ) FEET BEYOND THE CUT, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 4. ACTUAL REQUIREMENTS WILL BE AS STATED ON THE APPROVED PERMIT. FOR DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND UTILITY OPERATIONS: F.D.O.T. INDEX 200 -STRUCTURE BOTTOMS TYPE J AND P F.D.O.T. INDEX 201 - SUPPLEMENTARY DETAILS FOR MANHOLES AND INLETS STANDARD ROADWAY F.D.O.T. INDEX20 - CURB INLET TYPES 1, 2,3&4 F.D.O.T. INDEX 232 1 -DITCH BOTTOM I TOPS NLET TYPES C, D, E&H OPENCUT DETAIL F .D.O.T. INDEX300- CURB CURBAND GUTTER F.D.O.T. INDEX 302- TRAFFIC SEPARATORS F.D.O.T. INDEX 272 -CROSS DRAIN MITERED END SECTION SINGLE AND MULTIPLE ROUND CONCRETE PIPE DAVE SCHMITT CONTRACTOR "AS-BUILTS" REVISIONS DAVE M. SCHMITT DATE: SEPT. 2007 DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION FLORIDA REG. NUMBER PAVING & GRADING DETAILS PROJECT NO.: CHD-2 ENGINEERING INC. I hereb state that these "As-Builts" were furnished to me b the contractor listed below. 1, or an emplo under m direct 08-15-11 TM REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 48274 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. supervision have reviewed these "As-Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with m knowled ofwhatwas actually 2-11-11 DMS CONVERTED TO TOVINHOME LOTS DRAWN BY: GG ORLANDO. FL 32828 constructed. This statement is based upon site observations of the construction. 4/21/08 GG REV. PER SJRWMD & CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TUSCA WILLA GREENS CHECKED BY: TM Contractor En SCALE: NONE 407-207-9088 FAX 407-207-9089 Not valid without the si and the ori raised seal of a Florida Re En 04/10/08 TFS REV. PER SJRWMD WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Certification of Authorization #27471 1 1 03/01/08 GG REV. PER CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS I I I SHEET: 12 OF 13 9 TEMPORARY BYPASS 2" CORP. STOPS NOTES' I . ARTERML ROADVAYS- U SF RING AND COVER SERIES 170-11J. HE AVY DUTY WAD RATING. COVER 1117ABY WEIGHT 217 TOTAL WEIGHT 372 S EWE R S EWER 2. RESIDENTIAL ROADW - EWE EWE EWE USF RING AND COVER SERIES 170— HEAVY DUTY WAD RATING. OVER WEIGHT 150 TOTAL WEIGHT WFI RAISED 1 1/2' LETTERS FLUSH WITH TOP OF COVER LABELED SANTA STORM AS APPLICABLE [ B5 3/ 3/4" 1/4- _T 4 ;// 2" � ..S. D..H .-.-W ALp MANHOLE FRAME & COVE rB E 17r, TIE 3'-0 WIN COVER E T E E E E E E E_ E E E, "E RJR i ca _T 4 G"E'_ 1E INr ABAP-4 1E1 —Ir f 1l 1 2 IE- 10TES �� IHI II I .... B 'H —ELLE11— _ 1E 11 111 1__1`1 I r POTABLE WAT MAIN T r RECLAIMED WATER MAIN J+ r SEWER (GRAVITY OR FORCE A MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION OF 5' (CENTER To CENTER) OR 3' (OUTSIDE TO OUTSIDE). SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN RECLAIMED WATER LINES AND EITHER POTABLE WATER MAINS OR SEWER COLLECTION LINES. POTABLE W ATER MAIN 1 SEWER (GRAVITY OR FORCE MAIN) A MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION or io' (OUTSIDE TO OUTSIDE), SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEEN SEWER COLLECTION LINES AND POTABLE WATER MAINS. y� MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION REQUIREMENT FOR POTABLE, RECLAIMED, AND SEWER LINES AS TY ( REQUIRED As REQ UIRED f LOT LINE AS REQUIRED *Y* BRANCH WITH SPU 6" CLEANOUT AT W FIEND CURVE R/W LINE (TYP ZDC LOT UNE 5'X w DOUBLE WYE WITH 5' EDGE or LEAN OUT INSTALLED TO V SEWER MAIN A BOVE GROUND SURFACE SIZE VARIES PAVEMENT SEWER MAIN PLAN SIZE VAR PLAN CIUE&NOU7G AT M R/W LINE MP.) Cl— oUl 1. TO 3' MIN, REQUIRED EWE OF E. IN— P .0 . .1 GROUND LEVEL .nl D ED WITH -PU CURVE FITTIN ' R MAIN FEND 'I V M I I DE VARIE ENT R MAIN VA H E S �VEMENT 1 f.r H. 'P CONNECTION TO ADJOINING IN. MINIM �P 11PE11 s' um RO TATE G SEINE M AIN NDTENOTE: PI (TYPICAL 1AL) R M NOTE; VARIE SE ICE CONNECTION DETAILS S SEWER W ; N SERVIC CONNECTION DETAILS EWER MAIN FOR P.V.C. PIPE PROFILE SIZE VARIES SHOWN IS FOR A DOUBLE PVC SERVICE A SINGLE WYE WOULD BE USED FOR A SINGLE 5ECE PROFILE or" 9 � DOUBLE SERVICE SEWER LATERAL CONNECTION SEWER LATERAL DETAIL MANHOLE WALL TRANSITS COLLAR TEE ENCASED IN NON- 1/2 PIPE CIA SHRINK GROUT BRICK INFLU FLUSH WITH PRECAST T MANHOLE WALL doTo SEWER ... PREC' DAM ST CONCRETE ENCASEMENT ANHOU INLE CONNECTION OF VERTICAL PIPE WALL AS REOU RED DROP PIPE MANHOLE INVERT 90' BEND MANHOLE PVC MANHOLE OR INVERT DIP SHELF TO BE INTEGRAL WITH PRE-CAST BASE DROP CONNECTIO PRECAST MANHOLE WALL STAINLESS S ELL PIPE CLAMP STAINLESS STEEL BOUND NOTES: 1. PENETRATION TO EXISTING FILL WITH GROUT PVC OR MANHOLES SHALL BE CORE MANHOLE INVERT DIP BORED RESILIENT 2. OUTSIDE DROP CONNECTION CONNECTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED WHENEVER AN INFLUENT SEWER IS LOCATED TWO FEET OR MORE ABOVE THE TYPICAL CONNECTIO MAIN INVERT CHANNEL 9 TYPICAL MANHOLE CONNECTIONS INS, Detail 6-9-00 14 1-1, 1 1 iHnu In- R.o.w. OR RACE PLAN B-1 E1 SPE—K 14-1 -TER OY TO BE F CMRE1Sj BY FEMALE I Ll 11 111 PROFILE NOTES BY EIITY'oI'ILILITE1 'TE, POTABLE WATER SINGLE SERVICE CONNECTION Leu u� Cu -I, H,P -P 7. F.. IF ... In—. IT.. I—. II, . =4 PLAN ' BocV .1 —1, RIBA 01 nay Ilne SMeweIV L I.. 1- 7 ..p PE340B Tubing 45' PROFILE Imm 1. 1 1 — bl, 1111IIHA I 'h. c h y of 1N, Spd z. S'. 11— . : e .1, U.r p... 11 b, H 1, 2" PVC pip, 3. r.r r,k I- H.b Hh I- . I b� F 1" Poiable Woder Service Line 92-- _ _ 1 9" mM.r coupling RECLAIMED WATER SEWER POTABLE WATER 7 10 BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED TYPICAL VALVE BOX COVER DETAILS SET TO OF VALVE ZIX TO FINISHED GRADE EXTENSION STEM WITH 2 - SO. WRENCH NUT AND UPPER GUIDE RE UIRED FOR MORE THAN 4' DEP H a". I a" 14* 0 CRETE C COLLAR WITH #4 REBAR WX SHALL NOT REST ON VALVE OR PIPE ADJUSTABLE S V 36' MIN. VALVE (TYPE VALVE BOX LV A (C SPECIFIED) (CAST IRON) MECHANICAL JOINT 14 THHN SOLID COPPEJR VALVE TRACER WIRE TYPICAL VALVE AND VALVE BOX DETAIL 9 VALVE VALVE BOX AND COVE REVISIONS ••` O ILED TRACING WI (TYPICAL) LED TRACING RE WH (TYPICAL) TAPE TAPE --- 14 THHN SOLID COPPER TRACING WIRE GENERAL NOTES: 1, PIPE LINE TRACING WIRE IS TO BE 2. SYSTE TRACING WIRE S INSTALLED ON ALL POTABLE WATER TRACABLITY OF ALL PIPE RECLAIMED WATER AND SEWER T THOSE FOR HYI FORCE MAINS. �R WI RE SHALL BE R—MED WATER SUPP.WD BY CITY WIRE WERVICE ME PU rr�r 51 pORPORAlION JI: 12 OAUGE T x .. WINE OF s.b.'WAN." PLAN _ TAI, DEPRI 11 COVER G.DCWAL. EDGE OF PAVEMBIT METER NO TO BE SUPPUED BY 1 BACK OF LUM S _ E —FDRUTIo. siop R.O.W. I" CURB STOP FORD COMPR SHIN BY FEMALE 45 WITH MA. 'RECLME'DI"' A7EVG STAMPED N n'CIER BOX NSTALLED EMU BY THE — I OF WINTER SPIMMOS qq/ I MEET URI .—A 06-21 QRICILAIMED WATER SINGLE SERVICE CONNECTION I lIx 11 _11B 11111 ILI 11 u POTABLE WATER SERVICE OPPOSITE SIDE OFM4W UTILITY DETAILS TUSCA WILLA GREENS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA PROJECT NO.: CHD-2 SCALE: NONE 2* DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSY. 2- WATER METER DAVE SCHMITT CONTRACTOR "AS-BUILTS" DATE BY DESCRIPTION ENGINEERING INC. I hereb state that these "As-Builts" were furnished to me b the contractor listed below. 1, or an emplo under m direct 13013 FOUNDERS SQUARE DR. Supervision have reviewed these "As-Builts" and believe them to be in compliance with m knowled of what was actuall constructed. This statement is based upon site observations of the Construction. ORLANDO. FL 32828 407-207-9088 FAX 407-207-9089 Certification of Authorization #27471 Contractor En Not valid without the si and the ori raised seal of a Florida Re En Cu -I, H,P -P 7. F.. IF ... In—. IT.. I—. II, . =4 PLAN ' BocV .1 —1, RIBA 01 nay Ilne SMeweIV L I.. 1- 7 ..p PE340B Tubing 45' PROFILE Imm 1. 1 1 — bl, 1111IIHA I 'h. c h y of 1N, Spd z. S'. 11— . : e .1, U.r p... 11 b, H 1, 2" PVC pip, 3. r.r r,k I- H.b Hh I- . I b� F 1" Poiable Woder Service Line 92-- _ _ 1 9" mM.r coupling RECLAIMED WATER SEWER POTABLE WATER 7 10 BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED TO BE DETERMINED TYPICAL VALVE BOX COVER DETAILS SET TO OF VALVE ZIX TO FINISHED GRADE EXTENSION STEM WITH 2 - SO. WRENCH NUT AND UPPER GUIDE RE UIRED FOR MORE THAN 4' DEP H a". I a" 14* 0 CRETE C COLLAR WITH #4 REBAR WX SHALL NOT REST ON VALVE OR PIPE ADJUSTABLE S V 36' MIN. VALVE (TYPE VALVE BOX LV A (C SPECIFIED) (CAST IRON) MECHANICAL JOINT 14 THHN SOLID COPPEJR VALVE TRACER WIRE TYPICAL VALVE AND VALVE BOX DETAIL 9 VALVE VALVE BOX AND COVE REVISIONS ••` O ILED TRACING WI (TYPICAL) LED TRACING RE WH (TYPICAL) TAPE TAPE --- 14 THHN SOLID COPPER TRACING WIRE GENERAL NOTES: 1, PIPE LINE TRACING WIRE IS TO BE 2. SYSTE TRACING WIRE S INSTALLED ON ALL POTABLE WATER TRACABLITY OF ALL PIPE RECLAIMED WATER AND SEWER T THOSE FOR HYI FORCE MAINS. �R WI RE SHALL BE R—MED WATER SUPP.WD BY CITY WIRE WERVICE ME PU rr�r 51 pORPORAlION JI: 12 OAUGE T x .. WINE OF s.b.'WAN." PLAN _ TAI, DEPRI 11 COVER G.DCWAL. EDGE OF PAVEMBIT METER NO TO BE SUPPUED BY 1 BACK OF LUM S _ E —FDRUTIo. siop R.O.W. I" CURB STOP FORD COMPR SHIN BY FEMALE 45 WITH MA. 'RECLME'DI"' A7EVG STAMPED N n'CIER BOX NSTALLED EMU BY THE — I OF WINTER SPIMMOS qq/ I MEET URI .—A 06-21 QRICILAIMED WATER SINGLE SERVICE CONNECTION I lIx 11 _11B 11111 ILI 11 u POTABLE WATER SERVICE OPPOSITE SIDE OFM4W UTILITY DETAILS TUSCA WILLA GREENS WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA PROJECT NO.: CHD-2 SCALE: NONE 2* DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSY. 2- WATER METER WINTER SPRINGS BLVD_ 5 HIGH FENCE, 6' HIGH "„ SEE D[ =TAIL a SEE DE i 1 rj' �' M ATCHLINE HS -1 MAT CHLEHS -2 NOTES I. ALL WALL MATERIAL SHALL SE AS SPECIFIED OR AS APPROVED BY OWNER 2. THIS CONSTRUCTION IS TO BE DESIGNED FOR 12 MPH WIND SPEED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, 2ND EDITION, 2001_ CONSULT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER FOR PERMITTING 3_ MORTAR SHALL BE TYPE 'M' OR TYPE 'S' 4. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL MEET ASTM A36, Fy =6O1GSI 5_ CONCRETE (CAST IN PLACE) 3000 PSI 628 DAYS 6_ SOIL COMPACTION= 9Br MODIFIED PROCTOR DRY DENSITY - 1. CALL FOR UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION q P FRONT ELEVATION rmvvZ= orivr DRAWINGS FOR OWNERS ENTRANCE SIGN APPROVAL_ o is so eo -ro NORTH SCALE: I"=50'-O" B HERBERT AND COMPANY, INC. ORANGE COUNTY, FL rLHIV SCALE 1 "= 30'4 DATE 08/26/11 PROJECT # 11.136.00 DESIGNED MH CHECKED RP SEAL SHEET HS -1 TRAVERTINE TILE FRONT BALL STYLE POST CAP OR APPROVED EQUAL 000 0000 0000 O O SQUARE, 16 GAUGE PICKET 3'X3 "XI /4' SQUARE ALUMINUM POST, TYP. s FINISH GRADE I ON ALL SIDES COVE NOTE" OF POST __ 1 PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS F FOR OWNER APPROVAL- III = i A ° 1 3,000 PS OTER TO IL I ! , I 1 11 _II FENCE DETAIL HS -2 1/2" = 1' - PITCH TO DRAIN PRE -CAST CONC- CAP, STUCCO FINISH COLOR= PROVIDE SAMPLE FOR PRE -CAST CONCRETE PILASTER CAP, (4) 6' - 0 4 DOWELS, MIN- I' 3' TRAVERTINE TILE- APPROVAL BY SEE DETAIL s- CLEARANCE, ALL 4 CORNERS„ PROVIDE SAMPLE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR '� 2 _0, CORE DRILL 4 SET WITH APPROVAL a LU K 0 5 IN GROUTED NON - SHRINK GROUT COMMUNITY LOGO: POWDER STUCCO FINISH- COLOR KNOCKOUT COURSE COATED ALUMINUM: PROVIDE AS APPROVED BY AT TOP OF STUCCO FINISH TRAVERTINE SHOP DRAWINGS TO LANDSCAPE LANDSCAPE COLUMN (TYP.) FACING ON STREET SIDE AS ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL ARCHITECT OR OWNER SELECTED BY OWNER I° TRAVERTINE OR TILE- r SXSXI6 CMU WITH DURO 0xSx16 CMU, FILL CELLS AS SELECTED BY OWNER T WALL 016" OC_ VERTICAL SHOWN ON PLAN- FILL WITH 3,000 PSI CONCRETE, 3' TRAVERTINE O TILE. I. •5 REBAR VERTICAL: R HORIZONTAL REINFORCING, ul PROVIDE SAMPLE FOR 25' LAP SPL. N 1 1 EVERY OTHER COURSE (TYP.) APPROVAL I• PRE -CAST 12XBXIO CMU WITH DURO CONC. CAP n I• WALL 016" O.C. VERTICAL 0 5 BARS CENTERED IN FILLED 1 CELL, EACH CORNER WITH STANDARD HOOK AT BOTTOM STUCCO FINISH m I' FINISHED GRADE ? a LAP BARS, 30' (TYP -) d f m Ia Ia FINISHED GRADE la~ I a ° ° I - : • °.a l . a • .. III _ — L 000 PSI FOOTER TO 3 CONC GONG- FOOT TO 3 000 SI - , ER P ° .113 - O' N (4) 0 5 BARS CONT- WITH 0 4 AT l5) 5 BARS E W- (3' CONC- 3 I IO SQ. 14 O.C.S.W. (3 „ GONG. COVER COVER MIN -) MINA COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO 989. MOD- PROCTOR, T -160 '36% MOD_ PROCTOR, T -160 2 2' WIDE COLUMN DETAIL 3 ENTRANCE 51GN - SECTION HS 2 1/2' = 1' -O” HS 2 1/2 = 1,_0„ (1)'5 IN GROUTEE KNOCKOUT COUR 3 -3 NOTE: AT TOP OF COLUMN (TYP.) PRE -CAST CONCRETE CAP BY THE FOLLOWING I -I /2'X1 -3/S" ALUMINUM MANUFACTURER OR U- CHANNEL TOP RAIL I" ^ APPROVED EQUAL. 31_x„ PRE -CAST DESIGN, INC- I ROW OF RINGS 2 (401) 556 -5444 BALL STYLE POST CAP COLOR: TB.-)- OR APPROVED EQUAL O 1 1/2'X1 - 3 /s" ALUMINUM COLUMN GAP DETAIL U- CHANNEL RAIL SST LATCH HANDLE t MAGNA LATCH BY SAC SMEP IN ALL PAVER JOINTS, TYP. KANTSLAM 2' CONCRETE BAND, CARD READER AS SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH, PROVIDE SELECTED BY OWNER JOINTS EVERYT100L •4 EARS w 12" O.C.E.W. EACH SAND 0 3 "X3'XI /4" SQUARE 2'QDEEPALL JOINTS MIN - VEHICULAR PAVERS: FOR PAVING PATTERN AND TYPE, ALUMINUM POST, TYP ASPHALT SEE SHEET H5 - A H5 - PAVING- SEE 3/4" SQUARE, 16 ENGINEERING F PSAND/ CEMENT SETTING BED GAUGE PICKET DuGs- 2' SQUARE UPRIGHT n® FINISH GRADE � —� — � - - - - -- J� PROVIDE 6" MIN- COVER a ON ALL SIDES OF POST O ALU LE MINUM SING SWING GATE I — III III III III — III CASTER GAP, SEE DETAIL,/ S- 4) 6' - 0 4 DOWELS, MIN- I" :LEARANCE, ALL 4 CORNERS„ :ORE DRILL 4 SET WITH ON- SHRINK GROUT FOOTER TO FOOTER TO 3,000 PSI 3,000 OWNER A REVIEW A PRIOR TO FENCE — III m GONG- RO AD W AY CONG. PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR —@ I° CONC. PSI {{ 4 10 ° III{ `�; III AD AY &' CONCRETE SLAB TO -III l6) "5 BARS E.W. l3' CONC. 3 N- SEE ENGINEERING 3000 P51, WITH 0.0 -10/10 COVER MIN - CLEAR DETAILS IULF, CENTERED IN SLAB COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO I ®- - c3B% MOD_ PROCTOR, T -I00 III — 4 GATE DETAIL 6 SPECIAL VEHICULAR PAVING SECTION 1 3' COLUMN DETAIL HS 1/2" 1 ' -0 HS -2 1 ' = 1 '_0 HS 1/2" 1 ' -® o IS 3o 60 40 NORTH SCALE: I "= 50'—O" I I�' 3�� I I III .III I I I I II _ COMPACTED SUBGRADE TO S59e MOD- PROCTOR, T -ISO- PAVER INSTALLATION DETAIL - SECTION NOTES ALL WALL MATERIAL SHALL SE AS SPECIFIED OR AS APPROVED 5Y OWNER HERBERT AND COMPANY, INC. 833 Highland Avenue, Suite 201 Orlando, Florida 32803 TUSCAWILLA ORANGE COUNTY, FL PLAN SCALE 1 30'4' DATE 08/26/11 PROJECT # 11.136.00 DESIGNED MH CHECKED RP SEAL PH BELLOW HERBERT AND COMPANY, INC. ORANGE COUNTY, FL rLHIN SCALE 1 "= 20'-0° DATE 08/26/11 PROJECT # 11.136.00 DESIGNED MH CHECKED RP SEAL SHEET LA -1 BUILDING LANDSCAPE -TYPE 'A' SCALE:1 "= 20' -0" BUILDING LANDSCAPE -TYPE 'B' SCALE:I " =20' -0" O 10 20 40 60 NORTH SCALE: TUSCAWILLA ORANGE COUNTY, FL PLAN CONSULTANT: REVISIONS: SCALE 1 DATE 08/26/11 PROJECT # 11.136.00 DESIGNED MH CHECKED RP SEAL SHEET LA -2 I ' Uv I AIHS IV3S d21 (13ND3HD HVI 03NDIS30 00'981' L I # iDIO d 11/9Z/80 31V0 IIVDS :SNOISIA38 :iNviinSNOD NVId IJ 'AiNnOD 39NM VIIIMVDsni COHO PPPOIJ opilep L oe ol @MA9AV PULN61H SE9 'E)Nl')LNV,IWO:) GNV I'djUgH owolliq t1-e] Nb]d 3dVDSa NVI l3 `AiNAOJ 39NVK VIIIAAVDsnl IV SNIRD ]Hi ZdIMH _11VI�1 GAG CINV Gnc4HG v - - - In11IIIIIII�I�t,� 1111111ii ~�M�"' ° * ' N01i TTViQN1 01 NI S11.1 VNIINVI.4 11V 40 (NV-6 VNICV.4v 939) _ !Illl " - - 9140iiVg C10011 09 S11Q3z1O 33211 09 =HOb'3 S11Q3�10 1N3W30b'1d3?J 33?Jl (b) X Q3nb'S S33�1 0 =HO 1311Q3ZI0 33ZI1 (b) X Q3nb'S S33s11 „£Z ..91 (0) OZI =Q3�In0a!i S11Qa!iO 33!1 9ZI =HOb'3 S11Q3sIO 1N3W30 33611 (£) X Q3n S33s11 5l ZI (Zb) 9 =HOVE S11Q3ZI0 33ZI1 (£) X Q3nb'13 S33z11 5l LI (L) b9I = Q3zk1nO3zl S11Q3ZIO 33211 ®L1. =HOb3 S11Q3ZIO 1N3WEO:M7c13Z1 (Z) X S33z11 Il 8 (58) 9 =HOb'3 1 311Q3�IO (Z) X Q3nb' 533 1 ..II - „S (£) 85 =Q3z11nO3z1 SlIQ3z1O 33211 65 =HOb3 lIQ3�O 1N3130b`1d3�l 33 1 (1) X Q3nOW3�I S33�I1 L - .b (65) I =HOb'3 lIQ3SIO 33611 (l) X Q3/\b`S S33s11 L -.b (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q3nb'S ® ® Z I ® 9Z 01 Q3nOW3sl SZ -91 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Q3nb'S 0 0 9 Z 0 LI Z£ Q3nOW3Z1 5l 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Q3nb'9 ra 0 Z 01 I ZZ l9 Q3nOW3� II 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Q3nb'S I ® Z 51 0 9 Zb Q3nOW3sl L-t NMON>fNn l.b'9 31db'W 3?4OWb'OJ.S SS3?Jd10 3NId >VO HONI Q3n'VG 39 Ol S33s11 /Q3AOW3ZI 39 01 S33z11 /933611 r-)NIlSIX3 av,ama sa3iv,o - su011po!,lloads asayl ,lo sluawaJ!nbaJ ayl laaw IOU soap uoluldo Jay /s!y ul yolym d!ysupw�JOm sa 3NIMI dW3HM pup lelJalew }Veld Ile pup flue l�araJ of euolle .1ado asayl 6ulJnp awll flue le 'ly6lJ ayl ane NOa4 3u r 914`111 y lleys l�ally�Jy ade�spuel al-ii •91 NOI1V „V1SNI 01 0010.4 10311HZ15IV 3dV0SaNV, - a Jn}Ino1J6y fO luawliII pp!JO13 'slupld 10 a3/.OaddV 313 01 °JNIYV1S 33a1,VNI4 �l fiJa9Jn JO S Je Ue} pUe Sa eJ a JO U :� /�� N ! to p S p p! 13 psglJ� sap se fi lllenb u! Ja } laq Jo l Jagwn!y III aq Ileys le!Ja lueld Ilb "51 4 •Jaumo OL41 ,lo }Jed ay} Uo aoua6!I6au Jo wsllepuen fiq pasnpo a6pwep Rule Joj alq!suodsaJ IOU osle s! JO }opt }uoo ade�spupl al.{l •Ja}seslp Ill Jay }o flue Jo 6ulu }gall 'Jnoy Jad sal!w 0, Jano spu!m 'sa.ln }eJadwa} 6ulzaaJJ 'axj '6u!pooIj fiq pasneo pas 11 =7NI>b'1S 33 1 11b'WS e .1a 's .1Onov punaJ6 'sgnJys 'Gooil Rule }a ssal ay} Jai fi}UpJJ9m flue Jauay a} alq!suodsOJ aq IOU I19ys Jo}Z)9J}Uav Odpvsloupl ayl bl No - TV1 NV d 1NolI w 'Jeafi auo leuol }III Ue Jai paslueJen6 aq Ileys le!Ja }o luawaoeldaz! •l�aro .1d g Nouv,00a3d 3anssv s1. } a Ua! Ol l q d } p } ! p } q I I y p p p q y a31dnRdssv,los III - „VHSaO17va1NO7 l.{ .! } dw0� pl }Up }s ns O a p woJ J9afi auo JO 00 U9Jpn6 a p s oS up sJano7 Uf1oJ6 'S nJ s 'Seal 9NI1NV,d 2 1Vd32N III- '31014 - slueld asayl jo aJe� Jado .1d ay} Jai fiJessavau uolle .1ado Jaylo flue pup pas 6ulllnv 'Slueld 6ulfip pue pesp 9ldOJ }o }u0wav '1I '6UIpa0m '6u!yz)lnw '6uIJ0}9m apnlz)u! Ilpy � 1 s aoupua }ulew " }�0 }!yaJp OdespUe ay} fiq palull Uoaq .IAI az�m+ 3I 129 1 Spy J�arOJd ayl ,!o a�Ue}da��e II I,! Sp awl} yons I }Un JO }�pJ }UO� adp�spup ay} ,!O fi l! lq!suodsaJ ayl aq l pys aou9ualU!pW "Z1. a,ON 01 Z39 ,IOs rdu) NIw „s•I+o,nw - slspq fillpp 9 ua a }!s }vara.ld ay} woJJ le!JO }9w alsem ssaaxa Jay /S!y OnowOJ I19ys JOIZ)I I OdpvSloupl Oyl 11 sawn Nlvw 1 3na9v as260H yaaany �*V nv,a m „ri1 M31 1�a1011.14 �nw 1a6nU Je aUld Si %V 15 8X4%t ===1141 m O y I 6 � q ,lo „E yl!m passes .1p do} aq IIeqG spaq 6u!lueld lb' "01 aalM3snv9ol. ®gym ,, ; 4 - palloJ ac l Ileys pas II'v •6000!.4 6ulddpl .1ano Jo sdp6 ou yllm 'pallnc l filly6!l 'slulor pa .1a66p yllm pa�pld ac l lsnw pas Ilb' "6 "suial a5puill Pol=)Oro .1d Ja 6u! }slxo }dn .1Ja }u! IOU soap -!Jam sly} }9t'} OJnase ll9ys Jo }z)ll Odpvspupl Oyl "g - panaly�e aq o} apeJ6 }O J0j 01 IeUI,1 oyl Se paq!J� sap SI 6UIII aUl3 - Seale 6Ulppos pue 6uI}u9ld ay} ja Fu1ppJ6 aU!J Jai OIglsUadsOJ aq filua IIII Jalvil ad9=)spupl ay} 'sueld OsOy} ua pa }p }s Oslm .1ay }a ssalun - L "Sl "N b - d 11b13Q 33 1 3r�b 1 - Jnoy Jad Sallw 05 JO ssaoxa UI spU fiq p069wep Ja Jana Umolq saOJl Rule Jai alglsUadsaJ aq IOU IlI Ja}v9J}UO� Od9�spU9l Oy1 - asuadxo Uma Jay /sly 19 oI1v „v1s14l o1 aolad 'a }!s - uo saaJl flue fin6 Jo ;;I fil .1ado .1d o} a .1nl!9j 9 fiq pa6ewpp slupld flue aopldaJ Jo /pue 'JlpdaJ 'walya1gJls Ileys Jo}opJ}uoo aNVs sa, a3ln9 14 � - _ - s IIV °JNI1N l „V 40 9"V07 NV917.9 III- 14olly NIINV 3anssv adeospuel ayl - Jano umolq 6u!aq Jo 6UIIlej woJJ shield lUanaJd o} Jo}oeJ}uoo adez - )GII ayl ,lo fi}!l!q!sUOdsaJ ay} S! 11 _9 a3I4IO3ds sv ,IOS „vHS aolOValNOO oNUNV,d 3avd3ad III -1 I =31014 euollp .1ado uoll�nJlsuov adp -_)GII asayl - - - fiq pa6ewep sallll!ln sl!s - uo Rue o} 'asuadxo Umo Jay /sly le 'JledaJ alelpaww! ay} J0j alglsuodsa) sl JoloeJluo� ade-_ aq l "5 a,0H01WN3aiio 3aVa°Ja3HSINl4 •slaw lead £/I pue los al!s -UO ayl ,lo lsaq ay} jo £/Z jo aanlx!w p yl!m aq Ilpys s6ullupld lb' "b , .ui'HJ,nWwwx J s9Wn .111' NV V3n09V.0".b NIVW18 143n09V "120.19 6ullupld ,la }00,} oJenbs 0001 Jad ysplad I9n}v9 ja - sql Z/I 3rrOnaNNm 3n06V 3soN a3aana xOV,a 9V,40I1SV,d alHm O.1/1m 33a11O31oad 1 pug 'sn .1oydsoyd pnl�e �o •sq Z/I l 'ua6oJllu enl�p �o sql Z/l I ,}o a}pJ ayl 1p spate 6u!}upld Ile o} 120!1.4.419 aq llpys Jaz!I!}Ja3 •£ VV14 OI18V1 (Noll : ;*1 3aIm1 "1H MI 3 d 0V�Jn^a moo, g Xa3R1ns S3 Wls " }7a }I 7J Odpvs u9 a o y} } y}. p } q II p l} q II y } } } q Ill 1 N "L ,sx.1.c3alm3�I,vv01. y d to 1 y} b }u0suo� ua } }IJm a no 1m a 0779 a 1.m Jo a !w a p s suol n I s ns 91.10 9w }u9 o ca •Jo}oeJ}uoo adpospupl oyl !o fi1111gleUOdsaJ ay} oJe GjJO -a - mel fi }I }upnb pog "IaJ }uav Il9ys su9ld ay} 'sU9ld Oy} pup }sIl }u9ld Oy} ua Umoys s0!}!}u9nb oyl u00m}Oq uo1}eIJ9n ,lo }uana Oy} }I I 0 O '931014 3db'OSQNb'1 l Q3/�b'S 0 Q3nOW3Z1 1 =7NIlSIX3 0£ yolnW met }e aulg I Q3nb'S HO1nW 0 Q3nOW3�4 I r-)NII9IX3 SZ wt�tip .1ol�, au!ysn6ny }c 1 Q3nb'S 0 Q3AOW3�4 bb9 =Q3Q1/�O�Ic1 SlIQ3z1O 1N3W30b'1(=43!4 33211 7d1O1 l r)NII9IX3 5Z £Zb =Q3�In03� SlIQ3�O 1N3W3Ob1d3� 331 1b'1O1 lZ =S1IQMN*D iN3W3Ob'1(=4M4 33211 0 Q3Ab'S l Q3nOWM4 1 '7NI1SIX3 9Z 15 - -Q3nOW3�!l 533 1 30 S3H0NI "VIQ 7d1O1 "O"O ofi Ofi - CEA `S S33z11 OIZ101SIH 30 133HONI "VIQ 7d1O1 Z =Q3nOW3c1tl 833 1 018!10181H _ivlol l Q3nb'S 0 Q3nOW3�4 I 'Q3Ab'S 5331 01('N01SIH 7d1O1 l r-)NIISIX3 5Z Wo HONI ndZ 1NnOO 33 ,N1 01�401SIH 09 S11Q3z1O 33211 09 =HOb'3 S11Q3�10 1N3W30b'1d3?J 33?Jl (b) X Q3nb'S S33�1 0 =HO 1311Q3ZI0 33ZI1 (b) X Q3nb'S S33s11 „£Z ..91 (0) OZI =Q3�In0a!i S11Qa!iO 33!1 9ZI =HOb'3 S11Q3sIO 1N3W30 33611 (£) X Q3n S33s11 5l ZI (Zb) 9 =HOVE S11Q3ZI0 33ZI1 (£) X Q3nb'13 S33z11 5l LI (L) b9I = Q3zk1nO3zl S11Q3ZIO 33211 ®L1. =HOb3 S11Q3ZIO 1N3WEO:M7c13Z1 (Z) X S33z11 Il 8 (58) 9 =HOb'3 1 311Q3�IO (Z) X Q3nb' 533 1 ..II - „S (£) 85 =Q3z11nO3z1 SlIQ3z1O 33211 65 =HOb3 lIQ3�O 1N3130b`1d3�l 33 1 (1) X Q3nOW3�I S33�I1 L - .b (65) I =HOb'3 lIQ3SIO 33611 (l) X Q3/\b`S S33s11 L -.b (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q3nb'S ® ® Z I ® 9Z 01 Q3nOW3sl SZ -91 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Q3nb'S 0 0 9 Z 0 LI Z£ Q3nOW3Z1 5l 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Q3nb'9 ra 0 Z 01 I ZZ l9 Q3nOW3� II 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Q3nb'S I ® Z 51 0 9 Zb Q3nOW3sl L-t NMON>fNn l.b'9 31db'W 3?4OWb'OJ.S SS3?Jd10 3NId >VO HONI Q3n'VG 39 Ol S33s11 /Q3AOW3ZI 39 01 S33z11 /933611 r-)NIlSIX3 av,ama sa3iv,o - su011po!,lloads asayl ,lo sluawaJ!nbaJ ayl laaw IOU soap uoluldo Jay /s!y ul yolym d!ysupw�JOm sa 3NIMI dW3HM pup lelJalew }Veld Ile pup flue l�araJ of euolle .1ado asayl 6ulJnp awll flue le 'ly6lJ ayl ane NOa4 3u r 914`111 y lleys l�ally�Jy ade�spuel al-ii •91 NOI1V „V1SNI 01 0010.4 10311HZ15IV 3dV0SaNV, - a Jn}Ino1J6y fO luawliII pp!JO13 'slupld 10 a3/.OaddV 313 01 °JNIYV1S 33a1,VNI4 �l fiJa9Jn JO S Je Ue} pUe Sa eJ a JO U :� /�� N ! to p S p p! 13 psglJ� sap se fi lllenb u! 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ORANGE COUNTY, FL r L/A I N SCALE 1 "=20'-0" DATE 08/26/11 PROJECT # 11.136.00 DESIGNED MH CHECKED RP SEAL SHEET IR-1 58.3 4 D 22.0 7 9 13.3 13 o 47 46 45 .4 3/4 3536 df /uscAwuA RAN E UNTY, FL PLAN SCALE ."=20'-O DATE 08/26/11 PROJECT # 11.136.00 DESIGNED MH ���__- ~~ |m2 L11�111 L, ILI 41 1 311 > 4 L) '/2 11/4- (2) 2 3 4 3/4 -7 7 7��-7�- �-7��7 �7 �( 27 2) — 1/2 IIII - I I -- -7 _-7�-7 7:7 _ _ 2 11/4" �A _ '/4 -7 21/2" 2" 3/ Missin or invalid Werem 3/4 2" 4 /2 1-2" 3 4 (2)2 3/4- 2Y2" 490 Missin or invalid r'ef4rence File: .\Landsca 2" 4" j 3/4 2" File: .\Landscapin Set.pdf Sheet: 5 16.5/2�8 3/ 3/4 7� �(2)2" 26 I 1 ^ s Sheet: 6 � /4 3/4 3 1/2 3/4 3/4 l(2 )2' 3/4 (2) 25 1 3 1/2 3/4 -/ 1 4 25.3 II 5 F�4 " I I I VIII 'I'l ' / / 0 11/4" 1/2 3/4 "" 1 1 11 2 11/4" 2" II (2)121 11 4 I 6 3/ 1 1 2 24 II (z)Z II III E 7 (2)2" 3/4 23 8 1/4 11'1"(2, ) 2" /4 22 I 3/4 2" .. . ... ... .... .. ..... .... ------ . .... 3/4 1/4" 3 1 1 12 1 1 1/2 1/2 M---21 • 3/4 3/4 11/4" 4" V2 3/4 "" I" " 1/2' 11/4" 1 112 _�12 3 3/4 26 27.8 L/4 1 1/2 11/4" 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 (2)2" I I I I I I I I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ / � , 3/4" F- 11/4 3/4 3/4 — 4- -r'4k-� 2 3/4 - (2)2' 1 112 4", 3/4 21/2" 11/4" 2" 2" - - / / • I V, 3/4 17 18 19 20 11VI, (2)2- 3/4' I / � . IiAll (2)2 13 14 1516 2" 1 3/4 1/4" 3 / 4" 2 2 3/4 11/4" 2" �/4 1/2 9 3/4 2" �7-7 7 7 7 • ° 11 21/2" 10 7 7 7 ��-7-7-7-7-7�-7 �-.F 21 695 11/4" 4 % 1/2 11/4" 3/ M issing or invalid 12 3/4 2112"\' 1 11/4" 1 Valve Calloui 23 e: .\Landscoping Set. f Vale Number 7 2" VC] ve Flow _ / 3/4 '/4 Va Size 5.89 24 \ . / / / \ \ i / r / ,.. 0 10 20 40 60 SCALE; TUSCAWILLA ORANGE COUNTY, FL PLAN CONSULTANT: REVISIONS: SCALE 1 -=20-4' DATE 08/26/11 PROJECT # 11.136.00 DESIGNED MH CHECKED RIP SEAL SHEET IR-3 y 1 11 Missing or invalid 12 e: . \Landscaping Set. \ 3/4 3 /4 „ 1 Valve Callout Valve Number # #= Valve Flow Valve Size 17 181 U 3 /4 /� 3/4 2 - -- _ - -- 2 F 1%2" 1 1R J 3/4 21 69.5 2 '• 1�/ 1 J o 10 20 40 60 NORTH SCALE: I"=-20'-O" AREA FOR TEE AREA FOR OFFSET AS DEGREE OF UNDISTURBED REQUIRED BEND SOIL (TYPICAL) CONC.THRUST THRUST BLOCK (TYP.) BLOC \ EDGE UNDISTURBED �` AREA H CROSSCUT MATERIAL (Sq. Ft.) tf" (TYPICAL) 111 F THRUST MAX. ?'CcC� Lc� c� EDG OF WOOD FORM CONC. TRENC BOARD SHALL FITTING 18.. THRUST TYPICAL) NOT INTERFERE MIN. BLOCK 111 WITH JOINT (TYP.) TEE BEND TYPICAL SECTION SCHEDULE FOR THRUST BLOCK AREAS THRUST BLOCK NOTES PIPE 9lT 45° • • •• •• •••• •••• • •• •• •••• ••• TEE & DESIGN 1. THRUST BLOCK BEARING AREAS SHALL BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. WHERE TRENCH WALL SIZE BEND BEND BEND BEND PLUG PRESSURE HAS BEEN DISTURBED, EXCAVATE ALL LOOSE MATERIAL AND EXTEND TO UNDISTURBED MATERIAL. (inches) (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) (P.S.I.) 2 .5 .3 .2 .1 A 150 2. EXTEND THRUST BLOCK FOR FULL LENGTH OF FITTINGS. PUT BOARD IN FRONT OF PLUG BEFORE POURING 2.5 .8 A .2 .1 .6 150 CONCRETE. JOINTS SHALL NOT BE COVERED BY THRUST BLOCK. 3 1.2 .6 .3 .2 1.0 150 4 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.25 1.4 150 3. ROUGH BLOCKING FORMS SHALL BE USED ALONG SIDES OF THRUST BLOCKS. 6 4.0 2.2 1.1 0.6 2.9 150 8 7.0 3.9 1.9 0.9 5.0 150 q THRUST BLOCKS SHALL BE USED IN COMBINATION, AS REQUIRED, TO SUIT THE SPECIFIC FITTING ARRANGEMENT. 10 11.4 6.2 3.2 1.6 8.1 150 5. ALTERNATE DESIGNED RESTRAINING SYSTEMS SHALL BE PROVIDED WHERE STANDARD THRUST BLOCKING IS 12 16.3 8.8 4.5 2.3 11.5 150 NOT SUITABLE. NOTE: Thrust block areas computed on basis of 2000 Its. per sq. ft. soil resistance bearing. 6. ALL WOOD BLOCKING SHALL BE PRESSURE TREATED WITH PRESERVATIVE. THRUST BLOCK DETAILS SYMBOL MANUFACTURER /MODEL QTY ARC PSI GPM RADIUS 8 Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 15 Strip Series 142 EST 30 0.61 4'x15' ® Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 15 Strip Series 109 SST 30 1.21 4'x30' Rd Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 8 Series MPR 164 180 30 0.52 8' Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 8 Series MPR 8 90 30 0.26 8' Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 10 Series MPR 104 180 30 0.79 10' Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 10 Series MPR 3 90 30 0.39 10' ❑ Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 12 Series MPR 14 360 30 2.60 12' Ell Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 12 Series MPR 113 180 30 1.30 12' Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 12 Series MPR 11 90 30 0.65 12' Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 15 Series MPR 5 360 30 3.70 15' Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 15 Series MPR 138 180 30 1.85 15' 0 Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 15 Series MPR 49 90 30 0.92 15' Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 8 Series VAN 18 Adj 30 8' 0 Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 10 Series VAN 19 Adj 30 10' 0 Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 12 Series VAN 28 Adj 30 12' 0 ' Rain Bird 1806 -PRS 15 Series VAN 96 Adj 30 15' Rain Bird 1812 -PPS 15 Strip Series 4 EST 30 0.61 4'x15' O Rain Bird 1812 -PPS 8 Series MPR 2 180 30 0.52 8' Rain Bird 1812 -PPS 10 Series MPR 2 90 30 0.39 10' o Rain Bird 1804 -5 Series Stream 14 180 30 0.50 1'x10' 0 Rain Bird 1804 -PRS 5 Series Stream 10 90 30 0.50 5' 8 Two Rain Bird 1806 -PRS w/ Maxijet ARCRHFR09H 7 90 30 1 V D Rain Bird 1806 -PRS w/ Maxijet ARCRHFR09H 13 90 30 0.25 V A Rain Bird 1806 -PRS w/ Maxijet ARCCHFC09H 33 90 30 0.50 V 0 Drip ring at tree location 15' of dripline 178 360 30 0.25 V A Drip ring at tree location 30' of dripline 20 360 30 0.50 V Drip ring at tree location 60' of dripline 2 360 30 1.00 V SYMBOL MANUFACTURER /MODEL /DESCRIPTION QTY PSI GPM RADIUS 0 Rain Bird 5004 -PC, FC 3 45 2.07 37' 0 Rain Bird 5004 -PC, FC 2 45 3.09 40' 4,0 Rain Bird 5004 -PC, FC 5 45 4.01 42' 6,0 Rain Bird 5004 -PC, FC 1 45 6.01 46' Rain Bird 5004 -PC, FC 1 45 8.03 47' SYMBOL MANUFACTURER /MODEL /DESCRIPTION QTY Area to Receive Dripline Rain Bird XFS -09 -12 (18) 29,000 s.f. ---- - - - - -- Landscape Dripline with Copper Shield, 0.92gph emitters at 12" o,c. Dripline laterals spaced at 18" apart, with emitters offset for triangular pattern. SYMBOL MANUFACTURER /MODEL /DESCRIPTION QTY Rain Bird PGA Remote Control Valve 19 Rain Bird PGA -PRSD Remote Control Valve with 14 amiad disc filter with 100 mesh screen sized some as control valve in 24" valve box © Rain Bird ESP- 36LXME 36 Station Controller 1 ® Rain Bird RSD -BEx Rain Sensor 1 FS Rain Bird FS200P Flow Sensor connected to 1 controller 2" Reclaimed Water Meter to produce 1 80 gpm @ 55 psi Irrigation Lateral Line: PVC Class 200 Purple 21,000 I.f, Irrigation Mainline: PVC 3" Class 200 Purple 3,100 I'f' Pipe Sleeve: PVC Schedule 40 Extend sleeves 18 inches beyond edges of paving or construction, IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN TAKE OFF INSTALLATION NOTES 1. ALL HEADS, PIPING AND VALVE BOXES SHALL HAVE RECLAIMED WATER IDENTIFICATION. RECLAIMED WATER WARNING SIGNS TO BE INSTALLED AT ENTRANCE AND ALL OTHER AREAS PER LOCAL CODE, 2. MAINLINE CHANGE OF DIRECTION FITTING TO BE DUCTILE IRON GASKET THRUST BLOCKED PER DETAIL, ALL OTHER MAINLINE FITTING TO BE PVC GASKETED THRUST BLOCKED PER DETAIL, 3. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER TO BE GROUNDED TO 10 OHMS OR LESS. TUSCAWILLA ORANGE COUNTY, FL PLAN PHASE I CONSULTANT: REVISIONS: SCALE DATE 08/26/11 PROJECT# 11.136.00 DESIGNED MH CHECKED RP SEAL SHEET IR -4 UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS TIE DOWN STAKE RAIN BIRD TDS-050 W/BEND ( QTY AS REQUIRED LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE TUBING TREETRUNK POP-UP SPRAY HEAD INSTALLED AT 400 <p"."', FINIS G ZONE LATERAL LINE THREADED BARBED ELL LATERAL TEE ( 2 PLACES FLEXIBLE EXIBLE POLY PIPE TREE ROOT BALL EASY FIT COMPRESSION TEE LATERAL LINE RAIN BIRD MDCFTEE ( QTY AS REQUIRED 1/2-INCH POLYETHYLENE TUBING TREE DRIP COIL INSTALLATION DETAIL EASY FIT COMPRESSION TEE RAIN BIRD MDCFTEE LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE TUBING RAIN BIRD PURPLE LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE FINISH GRADE TIE DOWN STAKE: RAIN BIRD LD16STK 11 I 1 1 U NOTE IF PUTTING LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE UNDER SOIL, DO NOT BURY MORE THAN 2' BELOW GRADE AND INCLUDE AIR RELIEF VALVE ( SEE DRAWING- "AIR RELIEF VALVE KIT-AR VALVE KIT" LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE 2" WITH EASY FIT TEE - NON- POTABLE SYSTEM *NOTE* INLET PIPE LENGTH OF SENSOR MUST BE MIN. 10X PIPE DIA. STRAIGHT, CLEAN RUN OF PIPE, NO FITTINGS OR TURNS. OUTLET PIPE LENGTH OF SENSOR MUST BE MIN. 5X PIPE DIA. OF STRAIGTH CLEAN RUN OF PIPE, NO FITTINGS OR TURNS. FLOW SENSOR INSTALLATION DETAIL SPRAY HEAD INSTALLATION DETAIL SCALE NTS SIGNS SHALL BE DIMENSIONED AS SHOWN. SIGNS MUST BE ALUMINUM AND HAVE A MINIMUM OF .063 GAGE. DEVIATIONS TO THIS SIGN LAYOUT SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE IRRIGATION DESIGNER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR APPROVAL. 18 .. RECLAIMED 1/2" WHITE REFLECTIVE BORDER WATER 1-1/2" WHITE REFLECTIVE LETTERS USED FOR IRRIGATION "DO NOT D RINK" 1 WHITE REFLECTIVE LETTERS A T RECLAIMED E ED �D JFOR IRRIGATION T DRI NK" WHITE REFLECTIVE WATER CUP SYMBOL RED REFLECTIVE PROHIBITED SYMBOL "NO BEBER" PMS 2665 ( PURPLE ) BACKGROUND r RECLAIMED WATER ADVISORY SIGN DETAIL NOT TO SCALE WIRING TO CONTROLLER, PROVIDE EXPANSION COILS VALVE BOX MOUNTED AT GRADE, USE EXTENSION IF NECESSARY ZONE VALVE 1 CF. GRAVEL SUMP AND BASE TAPE OPEN AREAS AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT SILTATION. PIPING TO ZONE 2" NIPPLES TO FIRST FITTING ZONE VALVE INSTALLATION DETAIL BELLOW HERBERT AND COMPANY, INC. 833 Hi Avenue. Suite 201 Orlando, Florida 32803 tel 407 422 4841 ,ax 407 422 0699 THE GREENS AT TUSCAWILLA ORANGE COUNTY, FL IRRIGATION PLAN PHASE I IR-5 [ _v1 � 1♦ • GgWi _ _ _ s► I� 01 WN29 1109 -_ _ 0.0 m SSN / III I - NW1 .1 ��` ; u` ;IIII� I I,' l,;�lllll a - I 4 L MA aP!M ,O8 ADM uJay }JON — , .ys__ 4UaWaAOd to = •suO- je�Ill� ads asaL.11 Jo sivawaJlnba) sqj Iaaw IOU soap Ualulda JoL4 /sIL4 ul L40IL4m dlLgsueLLnlJam pug IelJoiew iueld llg pup flue IZ)araJ Oi euOlieJadO asa41 FUIJnp awls flue Ie 'iU1E51J oqi ane4 IILL4s IaailL,l�Jy ade�spuen aq._ •91 - oJnilnalJaty Ja ivawiJgdoCj ep1Jal=j 'eiueld RjosJnN JoJ spJepuei5 pug sapeJq epIJOI UI paq!j�Gop se filllenb UI Jaiiaq JO I JagwnN eplJOl=l aq IIg4 IplJaWLU Weld II1' "GI - Jauma OL41 Jo iJgd OL41 UO aC:)UaI3Il6oU JO wsllepuen Rcl pagne o5ewep Rue JOJ alglsuodsai IOU Ogle el JOi adeaspuel aqj "Jalseelp Ieinieu JaL.1lo flue Jo 6u1ulLt 11 'Jnol.4 is gallw OGS Jano spU1m 'soinieaadwol 6UIzooJJ 'oJ1J 'FulpaaIj fiq posnec:) pas Ja 'sJonaa punaJ6 'sgnJL,Is '9ooJi Rug Ja SGOI SL41 JoJ RiiueJJem Rue JOUOL4 OI algleuodgaJ aq IOU IIg4s JOI�eJiuc� ade)spuel a41 - 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