HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 01 21 Other - Handout by Steven Richart during Agenda Item 601TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT City of Winter Springs Overview Urban Beautification manager Monthly Meeting Report 1/21/09 Steven T. Richart Office: 407-327-5976 Fax: 407-327-6695 Email: srichartwinters rin sfLor A. Budget 1. TLBD Maintenance Fund - 184 2. TLBD PH2 Improvement Fund - 313 B. Maintenance Items and Progress Report 1. P & L landscaping is performing to standard. 2. Lightscapes is performing to standard on the low voltage lighting. 3. Fountain Doctors is performing to standard. 4. Sight/Distance issues have been resolved at Winter Springs Blvd. and the entrance to Fox Glen as well as at Winter Springs Blvd. and Greenbriar. 5. Staff is planning plant replacements in the Winter Springs Blvd. medians of Indian Hawthorn that has become diseased or has perished. The plants were originally planted when the TLBD was created approximately 9 years ago. 6. The flagpole installation at the main entrance to Tuscawilla, by the Tuscawilla Homeowner's Association, is complete. 7. Annuals will be replaced at the end of January 2009 by P & L Landscaping as part of their contract. 8. Staff will be installing replacement surge suppressors (under warranty by Transtector) at the main entrance fountains. Upgrades will also be performed to the grounding systems at these locations. Work will be completed as time permits. C. TLBD Entrance Sign Refurbishing Project • Mark Cockerill Properties has been approved by the City Commission for the sign refurbishment project at a cost of $ 36,244. Work will begin upon execution of the contract by the Interim City Manager. Work should be completed within a six (6) month time period. NOTES: Page I of 1 Steven Richart From. pn189@ao1.cor^. Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 12.12 PM To Steven Richart Subject: Re irrigation Thzjnk you very much Cindv -_Orieinal Mescagi? ---- Froctt: Ste,.en Ricltart =Na'ichart Ti,.). 'pnI39,ivaol,com' - pnl80ti-J aot.4om`£ Sent: Thu, l S Jan 3009 11 44 ainl Subject: Rl': irrigation Done Steven T. RAc;irortl, r,Pca#,rFa472oY &frvarr seaaJtf+SRc atiVn Services Division manager ? City Of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (407) 327-5976 {IffiCe (321) 689-1437 Ciell (407) 327-6695 Fax 011 -W?. winfersprirrgsfFO? 'A 7'rO? City USA - 5rerting Crammcrniey° From: Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 11•32 AM To, Steuei Rich-art Subject; irrigation Hi Steven, Ileft a voice mail message regarding the water 25: Winker Springs Blvd it would be best if the water main could be turned off for tonight and tomorrow Cindy Phelps Get instant access to the latest &wp-st popkAiar FREE prres vah0e, you browse with the Games Toc)Ara-, - Get €n5fant access to the iates. & mcsi pap:s9ar FREE games °&hile You browse with the Games Too(bax -Dm????ac Ncw' 1,16/-2009 1le n cior, PCojc3ct: Urban Beautifloation Quality ltispectitan Reporfi ?rounds Maintename D ake: ? A .,_.. j 7 ? 1 ? Safetyand Equlpmen#; ? - ? ' ?... !VlonEht,v,,Maintenance Reports ? ?-_ "Yes ?No Dafe: ? ? E 4 = Ab ovi St ove St a ild. aiid i r 1. Mowing, mechartfca[ frtmmCng, and oIeanup of turf areas. , 4 5 2. WeedCng af p[anfet-sA curbs, a?'afks, and ??ardscape areas, _ 1 2 ? 3a 4 5 S. "Crash arid debris remova[. '{ 2 3 4 5 4. Edging af plartt(-rs and hardscape areas, 1 2 4 5 5? tt't#gat(ott system coverage, $ 2 k 3 4 6. Ferti[tzattart ane# ??iemlcal prc?gt`am. _. . ? 1 ,-.? 12 ' ?. ... , 3' 4 a? ?, ?.?.._ . ...:,? 7'. 'Ct°tmrnlng of shrubs and itedges, 1 2 ; 3 ' 4 ? 5 ? ? 8. OveraiE appearance artd curb appea(. 1 ' 2 1 3\ 4 5 18, Vendor communicatiati. 1 2 3 ? 4''i_ 5 E J . '`" . >IL. k ? „-- . . . #?- ?:? P Se?I"V"lC@ fZeqUeStS: (To be hand'I'edutlEhln 7 worE;[ng days unEess othen<isc noted.) ]anuary 13, 2009 Tuskawitla 4ighting and Beautification Distric# C€ty of Winter Springs 1125 E. Sit 434 W`tnter Springs, FL 3270$ Re: 2009 Street Light Base Rate Reimbursement Dear Board Members. The City of ifidinter Springs is sending this rrotification because Lhe Tuscaw'slla Lighting ant! Beautificakion Distrid has an agreement for reimbursement of the City's Street Light Base ftate (SLBR). A new SLBR becam2s effective on January 1 of each year and is determined based upon co5t adjustrnents cegulated and appraved by the Florida PubCic 5ervice Commission (FPSC). Beginning with !ailMg for January 2009, the SLBR wilt be reimbursed at $13.52 per month for sYreetlighks along pubric roadways in the Gty of Winter Springs. Please feel free to eonta-c[ me if you have any questiflns. Best regards, ?'?r T. AaAar?t Urban Beau#ification S+eNiCes Divasinn Manager ' ic: Kd`aJfeGnec.-a, France Dt.wwr Page 1 of' l Steven Richart From: pnl89@aol.co_n Sent: Tuesday, January 08 20f4' 8 18 M To: Steven Richart Subject: Winter S.pnngs irrigation Hi Steven_ Rist to let you know, ail ? our irrigation issue -, from the past 2 cmads were taken care ofycsterday (1-5-09) If you have an questions, I can be reaclwd at 321-228-11,191 Thar 1 ; Get a free MP3 every day with the Spmnner ror - -j E `???? Tuscawitla Lighting artd Beautificatiqn District C[TY t7F Wr'NTER SPRlNGS MorrTHLY LIGH°rtNc. INSPEc•rkioN Uate: 1nSpector: 1 i Entrsnces: (Lptti '4,oltage) _ t. Tuskaswitla Road and Winter Springc Rlvd. (y) l. "t'uskawiEta Road and Tratxwood_ (2) ? .,?„w • .3: Shetland /Citrus, (2)_ 4. Winter Springs I31vd. and Seneca. (4) 5. 4'1Stawilla (:?) fi. Tuscor.a. (2? 7. ,Elyson. (2)___ Deer krun. (2) ? _ - 9. Howeli C;'reek. (2) r Roadways. (Sfreetlightc) <Wirater Spri?g-s BlvcT, Norfticru Vkr''ay, £=reenbriar, Tuscora€, l}eer 12un, Hoe+eli Creek, Tronvood l314d. tit-ntea, Shttl:,nti 1,vc., Ov"+on Drive, arlc1 Vistava°ifl:t Drixt> (Pole #) (Street) (Probiem) (I..andmark) Page 1 (31"_' Steven Richar# From: pn189@aol.com Sent: Monday, Decembes 22, 2008 10 51 APA Tg: Steven R,chart Subject: Re- BROKEN SPRINKLER Hx Ste? en. Ltiis is out there this morz?trig, aiid I rela}??? this information to liirn CindN -----Orwinal Message--- From: Steven Richart <wsriclaari a"winterspringsll.or-_ To. TNL89q?:a01 coan' -TNI.89'-(i aol,com- Ce° Bre°:nda Bxown aBhayesbr{r rjisn.ccjn3>; Citci Coka:r <lcokLrir nel4cznait ccim--, MaryBrook <marNAlfi cft.rr.cflnn>. Rande Hiornpson, rtdiornpstin2() a et1,rr coizi = Senl: '.Vlon. 22 Dec 2008 9:03 am Subicit_ FNt' RROKivN SFRiNKI FR C `3exj, p?ease -epair fh??s sprinkler asap -1 hc imptio-i cIock. is offs??d wi11 r.eed ',o be ttr?r?e-i bacl; tl- :ns autd ru positaor That°ks S???On r., Rfthilllrt, cPCc#JF14r201 CitY Of winter Spt?ings Ur?an 13eautifecation Services Division manager 1126 E. SR' 434, Winter SprirtgSR FL 32708 (407) 327•5935 DfFiGe (321) 689-1417 Cell t4011327-£=695 Fax 1?eL?° hivWW' °.,'9t3Ler5pd'€ngSfi.o?g f=-tAr. Sf'1t"A07`tCPWai+ArvrSplIF79sAI.O!'o rrr servlco rvaorsu!rAlestden ts sin+re -7nsai • Frtatn: Mary Brook jr-naw,.o.-r1ar?a:?:=`i ?- c?r?r?; Sent: ?Ionday, Decerr?ber 22,2008 9 111 AN 1'G: Steveit R[??art Subaect: BRJKEN SPRIPdK1.?? Steven, The Lumrrtaria t??re a beautiful sight to see, aarith our weather being perfect T appreciafe you arrangrng f or the sprinklers being off for ?he- evertcng and for orranr?,101, cfea,nup today [/ 1 f? ='2 00 9 Paoe "2 of 2 It was called to my attention that there is a broken_sprirtklerat the South fountain under the A letter of Tuscawilla (I don t knew which A). Merry Christmas Mary < SPAN style="FONT-SIZE. 12pi, FONT-FAMILY. Mary A. Brook Email mnryoG_c,f1,rrcom Voice 407-365-4890 Fax 407-365-8670 'listen to 350+ music, sports, & ne.vs radio stations - nciudirg songs for the holidays - FREE while you browse Start Listening Now! L'16-2009 Page] of 3 Steven Richart From;: PNL89@aol corn Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 8.12 A To: Steven Richart CC- John Bush davewooten,bellsouth.ne9. Subject: Re FW shrubs blocking view to Fox Glens Steven I v,`1 send you a proposal this morrang concerning the changes we discussed yesterday concerning the view otst-uct on at Fox Glen & Minter Springs Blvd. If you can approve it right away and we can work a little "Ho day Magic", we should be able to have this work completed by tomorrow (Friday the 19th) If we are delayed for any reasons we wW not be able to compete the work a nt?l the week of Dec 29 or possibly the week of Jars 7 The next 2 weeks are shat weeks for us due to the Hcl days and we will be squeezing 5 days of work. ir`o 3 days each week and will not be able to perform any Work t., cte our normal contract duties Tl sr'--S, T. _.-n In a message dated 12117;2008 9,36 07 A.tsr'I Eastern Standard Time, sricha ; .., ;,arspringsf org writes 1'hom Please schedule to m - ; ,. ) Thanks Steven r: Richert, of ir-t4r2ot City O Winter Springs Urban Beautification Services Division 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 14V) 322-5976 Offsc-P wq . {deb wintefsviuiv-11.or?;i err0,11stycharro-wintenspri"Tgcftarg *w service to Garr i esiaents since t003` From: John Bush [mailto•mayorbush@gmail.oom] A 1 ,,N09 Page ; of 1 Steven Richart From- Pam Carroll jcarrollatthoa@a hotmaii.cornj Sent: Thursday, December 1:8, 2008 9.57 Plat TO. Steven Richart Subject: Tuscawilla Stop and Speed limit signs Dear Steven, Folks have fallen in love with the Speed Limit and Stop signs in Tuscawilla. Inquires have been made as to why only some streets, etc A couple of units asked if I could find out the prices for a Stop sign and a Speed limit sign. Would you please let me know the price for each kind, and also the cost of installation? Another question was: Would there be a discount if more than one sign of each type was ordered? Please let me know. Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful Holiday season! Kind regards, Pam Send e-mail anywhere No map, no compass, -t ; ; r accaunt m,..3 1/162009 Urban Beautification Quality Inspection Report: Grounds Maintenance Date: ? 11? ?e Vender: _ r Safety and Egulpmet)t: Manth?y?Gialntenance Reports Yes No Date: t • 2 Be low d: 4 Ab St ove andar d 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, ails( cleanup of turf areas. ? 2 3 4 5 2. Weeding of planters, curbs; walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 --- 4. Edging of planters and hardscape areas, 1 2 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization -,wd chemical program. 1 2 i 3' 11 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5- 9. Vendor communication. 1 2 3", 4 5 Service Requests: (To 6*-, dandled wlthin 7 <1 ys unless otherwise noted.) 77, Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MONTHLY LIGHTING INSPECTION Hate: Inspector: Entrances. (Low Voltage) 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. (2) 2. Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood. (2)_ 3. Shetland i Citrus. (2) 4. Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. (4)___ 5. Vistawilla. (2) . 6. `l'uscora. (2) _ 7_ lh son. (2) _...... 1?r 1?.,. ;?) 9. llow ll Creek. (2)? OvN inter- Springs Blvd , Northern Gre€°nlariar, Tuscora, Der Burt, ilowell Creek, Trotwood Btvd. Seneca, Shetland Ave., Dyson Drive, and Vistawilla Drive> Page 2. of 3 Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 8:45 AM To: davewootten Cc: Kip Lockcuff; Andrea Lorenzo-luaces, Steven Richart Subject.: Re: shrubs blocking view to Fox Glen 1 will bring this to the attemion of our city stal-t- today Thanks for lettinc, nee know about this On Wed. Dec 17, 2008 at ? 22 I,XM, da?.e?%c i, n ` wrote As you head westbound on -ar Springs Blvd the Fox Glen neighborhood, there are 3 shrubs trees that block the . € , i t. rn in t have 1 -ad sr ? neighbors and friends complain that they can't see to turn into Fox Glen due to the sshrubs aNle ?.? ?e several elderly people in our neighborhood that have slower reaction times to make decisions cn turning into Fox Glen when approaching traffic is corning Eastbound There 3s a blind spot for a fcw se7c-nds that could cause an accdent. Last night my wife almost got hit turning in d e to an appros--i - ca- didn't have their heat ",, on and was in that brind spot area. Can you re ,cats fia shrubs i Ise in the median? They are beautiful shrubs I of are potential accidents wa t -ig to happen Thank you Dave Wootten 1736 Fox Glen Ct ltitriter Springs, Fl 32708 407 366-3921 John F Bush NUvor City of Winter Springs 1126 East SR 434 Wititer Springs, FL 32709 1ibt:shc;,? ,!1 X407) 782-6-13 0 1/1 &'2009 Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MONTH LY LIQ1 t..1 \ ? I \,S FCTION Date, ?- Inspector Entrances: (Low ' oltage) 1. Tuskawilla Road and Winter Sprin,?os Blvd, (2) 2. Tuskat+illa R-o-a- l and Trotwood, (2) 3. Shetland I Citrus. (2 1 4. Winter Springs Blvd, and Senleca, (-t)? ..... _ ....__.,._..m .....+ 5. Vistawiila. (2) 6 Tuscora. (2) 7. Dyson.. (2 8. Deer Run, 9. Howell Creek. (2 Roaclwa? : (StrectlighoO <% inter Springs Blvd, Northern Way, Greenbriar, Cis Tuscora, Deer Run, Nowell Creok, Trotwood 131vd. ? a Seneca, Shetland Ave.. l)v?,,)n Drive, and Drive> s Ole #t '; trticE {l'robtem Landmark ? mac. ? ?• a 3 ? ? ? ? r? ? ?. ?' .> .--. J fi a Page: I of 1 Steven Richart From: pn189@aol com Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 8 21 AM To Steven Rir.liart Subject: Re Invoice Hi Steven, ilearia has the updated invoice and %:;fll be sending it 10 N'Ou Cindy Phelps -----Original Message:----_ From- Steven Richan .-srichart <i ? inie?rsprinusil.or_F = Ica:'p, iL89'i%ao1.conV , NNL8'a ,tol.cojn Sent. `bran. 8 Dec 2018 3 ;'? i nn Subject: Invoice Cindy, Please send the updated invoice # 13861 with correct `'Irrigation pricing as per our meeting }..'?i Larry in my office Thanks. Steven T. Richert, CPCO# A-147201 City Of Winter Springs Urban Beautification Services Division Manager 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 (4071327-5976 Office (321)689-1417 ell (4071 32.7-6695 Fax web: v,..,&.win€prspringsit.org =R ? srichirtcEDwintersprfnj7si?org ,/h Serviee to our ReOdetlts since 2003' Listen to 350+ sports. news radio stations - irvludmg songs for the holidays - FREE while you browse ,Start 1 16, 001) Page 1 o 1 Seven Richart From: Scott Garret [ a ?; ??o.,rr.netJ Sent: Thursday, Decf--- uc-s 04, 2008 5 22 Ph,I To, Steven Richart Subject: Tuskawflla Motor Steven, We removed the motor this morning and took it Go the shop They tet e know that tie rnDtor was fried by the lightning strike and will reed to be replaced I will let you know the replacement cost on Friday afternoon Thanks. Scott Garrett Founta--n Doctors 1/ 16/2009 P & L Lawn Maintenance & Irrigation, Inc. 300 N. Goldenrod Komi Orlando, Florida 3290? 407-273-9123 Fax 407-2r.73-9122 Landscapie Management Services Property: 19%nte "--5-?rnrl Date` ro_?°n general mai,ntce to turf, shrubs, and trees: fxu f mowed and ed W v Plant becks edged Pl t and tree beds weedcs `spraycd for weeds Plants/trees trimmedCpntnt-d wLen ncc;cssary Irrigation: Irrigation system chcckcd and repaired as necessary to ensure proper watering. Fertilization: V = -?"urf fcrtil zacd (analy i and rater n-+` /:) - Plants arz trees tall F hWA beds) fGrtdized (analysis and rate) . pest Managecrmmt: farms trcatzd F,-;,i Plaritsitrees treated for ccquino -Fire ant wounds irvated tither: Trrassh/debns rcz oved from prop or disease (list treatment} or disease (list treatment) #`) / 3ernvt-(, 1.%.4* +dd ! d- 3 v b a? la a? rt +t ? l e `• " 3t,,atu? ti crsmrw w-es? torcf-r4 b4forl `e t„ r y y ry _ l a h Pam C rtm l Jam- ? 1$c- ?? co-rt7 in ftrric i-SfitKtr Jasm'+r --2 isa Pa?,,c 1. et 1 Steven R chart From: PCarro11777@aol com Sent;: Friday, November 28, 2008 7 42 PM To: Steven Richart Subject: Thank you! Dear Steven, Thanks very much for following up with having the tree branches trimmed at the street light in front of my neighbors home on Dyson! Just noticed it late last night and they did an excellent fob! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Pam Life should be easier So should your homepage Try the N'%' Af 1. corn. 11 6Q009 P & L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 11:/25/08 Thomas Payne 1 Some browning from the recent frost is visible on open turf areas and on some of the sweet pot.ito vine plantings 2. The new turf (aloha paspalum) at the Dyson Road north side entry has improved substantially and looks good- Some thinning due to shade can be expected in the lower light level areas 3 Shade is also contributing to an overall thinning of the new turf (aloha paspalum) on the east side of the beer Run entry 4 Treatments for weeds over the top of the jasmine beds will be continued as needed especially in the entrance areas at Tuskawilla Road and in the beds between Northern Way and Seneca Blvd 5 Treatments with roundup will be continued on the new shoots originating from the holly tree stumps and then these areas will be allowed to grow over either by the turf or by the plant material within the nearby plant bed areas b The pile of chips left where the large tree was removed at the N/W end of the main entry has been raked level and the turf will be allowed to overrun this spot There are 3 small light fixtures in this location that should be relocated before they are accidentally damaged 7. The annual median tip plantings at Fox Glen will be replaced with permanent landscaping prior to the next annual change out scheduled for January 8 Mulching throughout the site has been completed and looks great! 9 Upcoming turf treatments will include broadleaf weed control, liquid iron and treatments for drown patch fungus on both sides at the Tuskawilla entry Any turf color improvements made will correlate with extended warmer weather periods 10. During the winter schedule we will schedule the gradual "clean up" of the crinum lily clumps throughout the site. 11. We will concentrate on removing new shoots extending up from the plantings where needed especially on the gold mound Duranta plantings 12 Some of the minima jasmine beds have yellowing "new growth" and fertilization of these plantings will be scheduled 13. Weeding of the landscape beds and annual beds will get high priority during the winter months due to the large numbers of winter annual weeds expected 14 Scale is visible on the Coontie palm planting just east of Davenport Way and this bed will be treated and all other such plantings will be inspected and treated if needed. 15. We will schedule the edging of the variegated jasmine beds at the median tips at Whitehall Blvd 16 We will also schedule the shaping of the overgrown oleander plant on the west side at the entry planting at Tuscora Trail P ' L Lawn Ma 300 N 407-273-91 Landscape Services Property:lti e . Date: N, I General Maintenance to huff, shrubs. ahd trees- ?\a ` 'tu f mowed and ed ed `V Plant beds edge! Plant and tree beds wa 4e&V yed for w d-, ` Planu trees trimmed/pruned when necessary Irrigation,; 1rrtgation system checked and repair as necessary to ensure pr(7per watering. 3 Fertilization' i s Turf fertilized (anal ysh and rate). LFiants and trees (all plant beds) fertilized (analysis and rate) Pest Managernertt: -Turf ass treated for insects. weeds, or disease (list trewlyttnt)? It Plants/trees'treated for insects, weeder. or disease (list treatment) '-- Fire ant rno ds treated Other: _ Tmsh/debris mm ed from prop city '°v Prost?• mu tched xnamee & Irrigation, Inc. oldenrod Road Florida 32907 Fax 407-273-4122 ZZiE Z rat Tt''S0 s _'j P & L Lawn Maintenance & Irrigation, Inc. 3GG N- Goldenrod Road Orlando, Florida 32907 407-273-9123 Fax 407-273-9122 Landscape Management Services property: W ° i 4C? t`_ I . ,_' e)\"" J Date: General maintenance to turf, shrubs, anti trces. __j Turf mowed and edged Plant beds edged Plant and tree beds weeded/sprayed for weeds °- PlanWrtces trimrned'gruned when necessary Irrigation: It-ri,gation sv4tcnn checked and repaired as mcc"sary to crtsure proper watering Fertilization: 1() i-t-) `,? Turf fertilized (analysis axed rate) f _°i-0 1 r ' 140 i , Plants and trees (all plant beds) fertilized ("ysis and rate) }1'06- rr? ocr fb Pest Management: tits -i C Turf areas treated for n ects ;weeds4 or disease (list treatrncni)y it r 4A -CA Plants?trccs tad for insects, K tie c r disease (fist treatment) 'T K-- Fire ant mounds ti-e-- tee} Chhcr: `I'r lVdebris removed from property Property mulched i - - et" - - F,