HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 06 03 Other - Handout by Steven Richart during Agenda Item 600 TLBD Irrigation System - Battery Timer Rain Sensor Retrofit Budget 5/29/2009 Materials Toro - DDCWP Battery Timer Module (2/4/6/8 Zone) $90 Rain Sensor (Cork loaded) $25 10' Galv. Pole $10 Paint and supplies $1 Batteries (2 -9v) 7.00 Total $133 Labor Contractor (Cost each to install) $45 Staff (Taking several months to install) $0 Locations Winter Springs Blvd. Medians uan. Labor Materials Timers 29 $1,305 $3,857 Minor Entrances uan. Labor Materials Timarc 21 $945 $2,793 ITotal Cost Labor and Materials $8,900 Add 10% Cont. $9,790 Total Cost Materials Only $6,650 Add 10% Cont. $7,315 06/01/2009 11:07 City of Winter Springs PG 1 srichart G/L ACCOUNT DETAIL glactinq Org: 184 Object: 369300 Project: 81013 SETTLEMENTS/COLLECTIONS 184 -000-000-0000-369300-81013 YEAR PER JOURNAL EFF DATE SRC TR PO/REF2 REFERENCE AMOUNT POSTED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2009 07 070543 04/17/2009 CRP 1 1895952 -12,500.00 Y Total Amount: -12,500.00 ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Steven Richart ** From: Steven Richart [mailto:srichart@winterspringsfl.org] Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 10:19 AM To: Brenda Brown; Don Gilmore; Luci Coker; Mary Brook; Rande Thompson Cc: Randy Stevenson; Anthony Garganese; Kevin Smith; Carol Lallathin; Andrea Lorenzo-luaces; Kelly Balagia; Steven Richart Subject: FW: $25k Donation - TLBD Hello again, I am writing to provide an update to my previous email regarding the use of $12k for TLBD Beautification donated from the Tuscawilla Country Club (TCC) Group for the retrofitting of battery irrigation timers and rain sensors within the TLBD. I consulted with the City Attorney about this issue and we agreed that, although the irrigation system is a beautification component, and the funding could be used for the irrigation retrofitting project , that it may not be perceived by the donor(s) as the best use of this funding. It may be best for visible landscape improvements to be installed. The City Attorney has also informed me that we can use the $25k donation to install landscaping anywhere in the TLBD, this I did not know as I thought we had to put it in areas where the TLBD is maintaining existing landscape/hardscape amenities. In light of this, I propose that we table this discussion until the regularly scheduled July 2009 Meeting of the TLBD and bring the project up as something that is done in phases, possibly with the labor being provided by City Staff to save money. When we are ready to spend these funds and we receive the other $12,500 installment from TCC, we will send a thank you letter and recognize the donation at a City Commission Meeting for this generous contribution to the TLBD. It is also prudent to recognize our City Attorney for his hard work in putting this together in the Amended Settlement Agreement. I appreciate Anthony greatly! On another subject, please kindly be reminded about the Sunshine Law requirements as relates to communications between Board Members and email your responses directly to City Staff only. Communication directly with other Advisory Board Members regarding TLBD Advisory Board business outside of an advertised public meeting cannot be permitted. -Don't shoot the messenger. C7 Respectfully, %004 T. ^46" CPCO# JF147201 urban Beautification Manager city of winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 407.327.5976 Office 321.689.1417 Cell 407.327.6695 Fax web: www.winterspringsfl.org email: srichart@winterspringsfl.org MUM ?a 'A Tree City USA - Sterling Community' From: Steven Richart Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 7:45 AM To: Brenda Hayes Brown; Don Gilmore; Luci Coker; Mary Brook; Rande Thompson Cc: Randy Stevenson; Carol Lallathin; Kevin Smith; Anthony Garganese; Kelly Balagia Subject: $25k Donation - TLBD Good Morning. I wanted to correct/clarify information related to where the $25k donation to the TLBD is coming from as I have been referring to it as the Vertex donation, but in actuality the money was donated by the Tuscawilla Country Club ownership group (Matt Galvin and Chris Schavone). The money was donated as part of an Amended Settlement Agreement negotiated by City Attorney Anthony Garganese, between the City of Winter Springs and the Tuscawilla Country Club for the Tuscawilla Greens Development and the Vertex Cell Tower Project. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Respectfully, %4911.1 146" CPCO# JF147201 Urban Beautification Manager City Of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 407.327.5976 Office 321.689.1417 Cell 407.327.6695 Fax web: www.winterspringsfl.org email: srichart@winterspringsfl.org 3 Cc: Carol Lallathin; Randy Stevenson; Kevin Smith Subject: Tuscawilla Irrigation Systems - TLBD Good Afternoon, Since our last meeting an issue has come up that I feel should be addressed as soon as possible, and that is the need for rain sensors on our irrigation systems that are operated by battery controllers. As you may know, the original TLBD Beautification Project specified the installation of TBOS battery operated timers to run irrigation systems in the medians on Winter Springs Blvd. and at the minor entrances to Tuscawilla. The reason for this, as I am told (before my time here), is because of wiring for a/c powered controllers is perceived as a problem for utility and underground construction. Irrigation controllers at residences are usually powered by 110v a/c with wires going to each valve but in a right of way setting this can be a problem for equipment digging. The problem is that TBOS and many other commercial battery timers are not functionally compatible with rain sensors that shut off irrigation during a rain event. Zone valves will actually stay 'ON' if a sensor is activated during rains due the 'latching' solenoids used in battery operated valves. However, the TBOS does have a moisture sensor device available (specifically for the TBOS) that will cause a shut down after rains, and only if the soil is moist enough to activate the unit (not a good solution). They have also been shown to be unreliable in the field by just about every irrigation contractor in this area due to Florida's unique soil conditions which results in very uneven watering when using this device. Concerns with the 'rain sensor' deficiency have been brought to our attention by area residents as several zones on Winter Springs Blvd. and Tuskawilla Road (City Areas) have been running (late at night) during the recent rains. As you can imagine, this sends a negative message to the public that there are no controls in place to conserve irrigation water on our medians, even though we are using reclaimed water in these areas, and the reclaimed water must be dispersed from the reclaimed facility once capacity has been reached. I have found a solution to our problem that is a combination of a different battery controller (TORO DDCWP) for irrigation and a standard rain sensor installed on a 7' pole. The total cost for parts at each valve is about $125 plus the labor cost to install. This is LESS than we are paying for the current TBOS controllers and comes with a 2 year warranty. My plan would be to utilize approximately $12,000 of the money donated by Vertex for the cell tower project for this expense. This retrofit would conserve reclaimed water (now and in the future) and upgrade our landscaping to comply with the Florida Building Code -Appendix 'P, which requires a rain shut-off device for automatic irrigation systems. It may be possible for staff to do the upgrade over a few months time period and save money on labor. To me, this seems to be the most prudent action to take on behalf of the community, and for the sake of water conservation. I am writing to hear each of your thoughts on this and request feedback or to answer any questions you may have. I have checked with the City Clerk's Office, and they have advised that we are allowed to take a vote via email as long as the votes come directly back to the City and no communications occur from/to other board members directly. Therefore, if there are no questions, I would ask that you consider approving this project and the expenditure of up to $12,000 from the Vertex donation money, by replying with a yes or a no. If a question needs to be answered before giving your decision, please write me back or call the office. I have installed two examples of what this will look like on Tuskawilla Road, in the median, just South of SR 434. You will see a black 7' pole at each location on median #1 and #2, counting South from SR 434. This will give you a good idea of what the finished product will look like visually. Respectfully, GSG- Ronald McLemore April 20, 2007 Page 2 There is no ability to prepay the maintenance assessment so all the same property owners are subject to the annual assessment rates for maintenance services. The next step in streamlining the process was to develop five-year proforma maintenance budgets. The TLBD Phase One and Two maintenance b.idgets were combined beginning Fiscai Year 2007-08. City staff provided preliminary five-year maintenance budgets for the programs which GSG reviewed and revised for additional costs. The five-year budget for the combined TLBD maintenance assessment program and annual assessment rates are provided in Table L Table 1 nm t tslsrau Mdntosaaes BBdpi09 and AsessamoM Rates . Fiscal Yew="-" awasb 201142 Amount NrnAu Dsasdp?rt of E:peudl4eea SIMMONS* FY07-0B NOW FT07418 TOM FYOT-06 Bnsllne FV08d8 New FY06 Toth annum New TOM gaseous New Teal Ba"Bee New Tshl Budget Budget Budget Budget -ft Budget FY08-09 Budget FY09-10 Bud et FY09-10 B d F1lOBS0 FYYOdi FY3631 FY1041 FY1142 FY11,12 FY11d2 53180 Consulmnt5etvlcas $0 $0 $0 $0 g u get Budget Budget Boded Budget Budget Budget softlet 53211 Aaearnprt SWAM 59,316 $0 $9,316 $9 596 $0 $0 $O $O $0 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 53410 contractual services cost $1.500 $100 $L600 , $9,596 $9,884 $0 $9,884 $10,180 $0 $10,180 $30,699 $0 $10,689 53411 Bonk Service Charges $0 $0 $1,600 $0 $L600 $1600 $0 $1600 $1.600 $100 $L700 $1.700 so $1,700 53680 Unraooe*ad Q&wVLoss $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 so $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54210 Postage $0 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 $0 $0 54310 UdlkyBervbes $45.000 $0 $0 $45.000 $0 $45 000 $O $1000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5.500 $5.500 $O $O SO 54330 StreetUgedng $45.000 $162.000 $207 000 . $197 000 $46.000 $461000 $1000 $47.000 $47,000 $1000 $48,000 $48.000 $1,000 $49.000 54686 Repairs AMakrt-Landscape $135 000 $0 . , $19,700 $216,700 $216,700 $10,835 $227,535 $227,535 $11500 $239.035 $239,035 $12,000 $251035 54693 Rgwks & Msint- FourksIn . $20 000 $135000 $135.000 $0 $135.000 $135,000 $0 $135.000 $130A00 $5,000 $135,000 $135,000 $5,000 $140 000 54695 RepalmBMeW-Signs &wells . $20.000 $0 $3SA00 $20.000 $35 000 $20.000 $20 000 $30 0 $20.000 $20.000 25.000 $45.000 $20.000 $0 $20,000 $20.000 $5,000 , $25,000 55230 Cb?kSuppYes $100 , . . 00 $50.000 $20.000 $50.000 $20,000 $0 $20,000 $20.000 $0 $20 000 59130 TrarWartoGeneral Fund -Insurance $6 400 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100 $100 $0 . $100 59130 Transfer to General Fund -Clark Fuse* . $3 800 $0 $6.400 $6,400 $100 $6,500 $6.500 $300 $6.800 $6,800 $300 $7,100 $7,100 $400 $7,500 59130 Transfer to Gen Fund • asoutMcetion , $41000 $0 0 $3,800 $3.800 $200 $4,000 $4.000 SO $4.000 $4,000 $0 $0.000 $4,000 $0 $4,000 59310 Statutoiy Re"" $14 494 $ $41.000 $4L000 $2000 $43.000 $43.000 $0 $43.000 $43.000 $1000 $44,000 $44.000 $1,000 $45.000 Notice costs . $0 $14.494 $22.187 $0 $22,187 $23,747 $0 $23.747 $22,276 $0 $22.276 $23.084 $O $23 084 Tax Collector Costs $O $7 099 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 , $0 LOU Carry Forward from TLBO 8 , $7,099 $10.867 $0 $10.867 $11.631 $0 $11.631 $10,911 $0 $10,911 $11307 $0 $11 307 ($156,364) , Grand Toed $348,709 $177400 $8"A" $612,661 $53,000 $668,661 $63",161 $67,135 SWS8 B7 $543AO3 $24 400 AN" AssessoantReb Per ERU $56.94 # 6837.801 $684,01f $24,400 $83",418 R%Xh oen Rea suss2 $115,82 E1A sla $1ti i7 ollrree. t$29.se1 a16.73 M 3$ $113. ?,w ?? $$BSS x'32 SUN s S 809 Ronald McLemore April 20, 2007 Page 3 Table 2 provides the minimum, maximum and average budgets and corres ondi p ng as combined TLBD maintenance assessment program for the five year period. sessment rates for the Table 2 TLBD Proforma Maintenance Budgets and Assessment Rates Minimum, Maximum and Average Account Number Description of Expenditures Minimum Average Maximum 53180 Consultant Services Budget Budget Budget 53211 Assessment Services $0 $0 $0 53410 $9,316 $9,933 $9,884 Contractual Services Cost $1,600 $1,640 $1 600 53411 Bank Service Charges $0 , 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss $0 $0 $0 54210 Postage $0 $0 54310 Utility Services $0 $1,100 $0 $45,000 $47,000 $47 000 54330 Street Lighting $207,000 $228,261 , $227 535 54686 Repairs & Maint - Landscape $135,000 $136,000 , $135 000 54693 Repairs & Maint - Fountains $20,000 $26,000 , $45 000 54695 Repairs & Maint - Signs & Walls $35,000 $35,000 , $50 000 55230 Clerk Supplies $100 $100 , $100 59130 Transfer to General Fund - Insurance $6,400 $6,860 $6 800 59130 Transfer to General Fund - Clerk Fees* $3 800 $3 960 , 59130 Transfer to Gen.Fund - Beautification , $41 000 , $43 200 $4,000 59310 Statutory Reserve , $14,494 , $21,158 $43,000 $23,747 Notice Costs $0 $0 $0 Tax Collector Costs $7,099 $10,363 $11,631 Less Carry Forward from TLBD II ($156,364) ($31,273) Grand Total $369,445 $539,302 $605,297 Annual Assessment Rate Per ERU $85 94 . $125.45 $140.80 Maximum Rate $115.62 $1t5.82 $115.82 Difference $(29.88) $9.63 $24.98 Table 3 provides a cash flow analysis for the combined TLBD maintenance assessment program for the five- year period assuming the City imposes the average maintenance assessment rate (rounded up to the nearest dollar) at $126.00 per year for the five years. Table 3 TLBD Proforma Cash Flow Analysis FY07-08 FY08-09 FY09-10 FY10 11 Revenue @ average rate - rounded up - FY11-12 (includes carryover) $698,038 $713,903 $690,027 $626,404 $600,277 Budget $525,809 $565,551 $605,297 ' $567,801 $588 415 Difference $172,229 $148,353 $84,730 $58,603 , $11,862 Steven Reichart 5-7-9.xls REVISED JUNE 2009 NUMBERS Steven's Numbers Surplus or Beginning Ending Expenditures Revenues* (Deficit) Carryforward Carryforward 2007-08 $ 504,461 $ 526,275 $ 21,814 $ 368,340 $ 390,154 2008-09 $ 542,567 $ 526,275 $ (16,292) $ 390,154 $ 373,862 2009-10 $ 547,400 $ 524,237 $ (23,163) $ 373,862 $ 350,699 2010-11 $ 557,710 $ 524,237 $ (33,473) $ 350,699 $ 317,226 2011-12 $ 567,125 $ 524,237 $ (42,888) $ 317,226 $ 274,339 Total $ 2,719,263 $ 2,625,262 $ (94,001) Reserve/Carryforward 2007-08 Funds 184 + 185 $ 368,340 $ 2,719,263 $ 2,993,602 *includes interest earnings total interest 5 21186 avg interest 4237.2 JUNE 2009 NUMBERS Steven's Numbers Surplus or Beginning Ending Final Expenditures Revenues* (Deficit) Carryforward Carryforward Interest Carryforward 2007-08 $ 504,461 $ 526,275 $ 21,814 $ 368,340 $ 390,154 $ 390,154 2008-09 $ 542,567 $ 526,275 $ (16,292) $ 390,154 $ 373,862 $ 11,216 $ 385,078 2009-10 $ 547,400 $ 481,000 $ (66,400) $ 373,862 $ 307,462 $ 9,224 $ 316,686 2010-11 $ 557,710 $ 481,000 $ (76,710) $ 307,462 $ 230,752 $ 6,923 $ 237 675 2011-12 $ 567,125 $ 481,000 $ (86,125) $ 230,752 $ 144,627 $ 4,339 $ 148,966 Total $ 2,719,263 $ 2,495,550 $ (223,713) Reserve/Carryforward 2007-08 $ 368,340 $ 2,719,263 $ 2,863,890 Reserve/Carryforward Fund 185 totals $166.072; Fund 184 totals $202,268 interest per year 3.00% $ 481,000 0.96 $ 501,042 4,299 nn ? $ 116.55 JUNE 2009 NUMBERS Steven's Numbers Surplus or Beginning Ending Final Expenditures Revenues* (Deficit) Carryforward Ca rryforward Interest Carryforward 2007-08 $ 504,461 $ 526,275 $ 21,814 $ 368,340 $ 390,154 $ 390,154 2008-09 $ 542,567 $ 526,275 $ (16,292) $ 390,154 $ 373,862 $ 11,216 $ 385,078 2009-10 $ 547,400 $ 457,000 $ (90,400) $ 373,862 $ 283,462 $ 8,504 $ 291,966 2010-11 $ 557,710 $ 457,000 $ (100,710) $ 283,462 $ 182,752 $ 5,483 $ 118E8,215 2011-12 $ 567,125 $ 457,000 $ (110,125) $ 182,752 $ 72,627 $ 2,179 74,806 Total $ 2,719,263 $ 2,423,550 $ (295,713) Reserve/Carryforward 2007-08 $ 368,340 $ 2,719,263 $ 2,791,890 Reserve/Carryforward Fund 185 totals $166.072; Fund 184 totals $202,268 interest per year 3.00% $ 457,000 0.96 $ 476,042 4,299 $ 110.73 ?- `G 6/3/2009 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND - 184 FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 BUDGET 96% Discount - Tax Collect Annual Maintenance Assessment Phase I - $126.00 per ERU through fiscal year 2011-2012 Statutory Discount if payed (legal maximum - $128.00 per ERU) a certain date. In FY 2007-2008 the maintenance assessments for Phases 1 (#184) and 11 (#185) were streamlined into one fund (#184) Original Revised Projected Baseline New Total Account FY 07/08 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 08/09 FY 09/10 FY 09110 FY'09/10. Number Account Description Actual Budget Budget Actual/Est ' Budget Budget Budget REVENUES & TRANSFERS 334990 30096 Other State Grants (Dep't of Forestry) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 361100 Interest $10,561 $5,650 $5,650 $4,000 $2,730 $0 $2,1130 361101 Interest - County $825 $800 $800 $300 $300 $0' $300 363120 Assessment Collections (Phase I and 11) $526,275 $520,000 $520,000 $520,000 $520,000 $0 $520;000 369300 Settlements $0 $0 $12,500 $12,500 $0 $0 $0. 369305 Insurance Proceeds $0 $0 $1,755 $1,755 $0 $0 $0 Total Revenues $537,661 $526,450 $540,705 $538,555 $523,030 $0 $523,030 381305 T/fer from TLBD (TLBD Ph II Maint - #185) $166,072 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Transfers $166,072 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES/TRANSFERS $703,733 $526,450 $540,705 $538,555 5523,030+ $0 $623;030 EXPENDITURES 53211 Administrative Fees 53410 Billing Services Cost 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss 54310 Utility Services 54330 Street Lighting 54686 Repairs & Maint - Landscape 54693 Repairs & Maint - Fountains 54695 Repairs & Maint - Signs & Walls 55230 Clerk Supplies 59310 Statutory Reserve Total Operating 58130 Transfer to General - Insurance 58130 Transfer to General - Clerk Fees' 58130 Transfer to General - Beautification Total Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURES CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE - October 1 $9,316 $9,588 $9,595 $9,595 $10,050 $0 - $10,050 $3,683 $7,600 $7,593 $4,066' $3,500 $0 $3,500 $2,542 $0 $0 $0 $0 $43,332 $50,000 $50,000 $45,000 $48,500 $0 $48,500 $204,147 $235,000 $235,000 $215,000 $220,000 $0 $220,000: $137,724 $135,000 $117,500 $117,500 : . " $135,060 $0 $135,000 $13,915 $15,000 $16,755 $16,755 $20,000 $0 $20,000 $33,137 $35,000 $52,500 $52,500 $25,000 $0 $25,000 $0 $100 $100 $0 $100 $0 $100• $0 $22,187 $22,187 $22,187 $22,200 $0 $22200 $447,796 $509,475 $511,230 $482,537 $484;350 $0 $484,330 $8,865 $9,000 $6,680 $6,680 $7,800= 40 $7,800 $3,800 $3,600 $1,250 $1,250 $1,250 $0 $1;250 $44,000 $50,400 $52,100 $52,100 $k6l)0 $0 $54,000 $56,665 $63,000 $60,030 $60,030 $63,050 $0 $63,050 $504,461 $572,475 $571,260 $542,567 $547,400 $0 $547;400 $202,268 $400,345 $401,540 $401,540 $397,528 $397,528 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance $199,272 ($46,025) ($30,555) ($4,012) ($24,3701 $0 ($24.370) FUND BALANCE - September 30 $401,540 $354,320 $370,985 $397,528 $373,158 $373,158 = Clerk time at overtime rate inclusive of benefits ($250/meeting); with the onset of FY 2009, meetings will be convened on a quarterly basis.