HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 07 15 Other - Handout by Steven Richart during Agenda Item 600a.,. n TUSCAWILLA LIGHTING AND BEAUTIFICATION DISTRICT Ci of Winter S rin s Overview Urban Beautification manager Monthly Meeting Report 7/15/09 Steven T. Richart Office: 407-327-5976 Fax: 407-327-6695 Email: srich rt S 'nt rs rin .or 1. A. Budget 1. TLBD Maintenance Fund -184 f11-1( 2. TLBD Maintenance Fund FY'10 Proposed Budget - 184 B. Maintenance Items and Progress Report 1. P & L landscaping is performing to standard with additional effort needed in bed weeding. 2. Lightscapes is performing to standard on the low voltage lighting. 3. Fountain Doctors is performing to standard. 4. Annuals are being installed at all applicable bed areas this week. 5. Palms in the Winter Springs Blvd. medians are scheduled to be trimmed this month of seed pods. 6. A Laurel Oak in the median near 1312 Winter Springs Blvd. is diseased and will need to be removed as soon as possible. A large limb from this tree fell into the street during a wind storm on 7/14/09, creating a hazard and candidate for removal of this tree by the city. C. TLBD Entrance Sign Refurbishing Project 1. The sign project is almost complete with Cockeriil stating that all remaining is to finish polishing the refinished signs. We will be scheduling an inspection next week to finalize the project. D. TLBD Irrigation Retrofit Project 1. The bid package for this project has been released for public bid and is due back to the City on July 23, 2009 @ 3pm. The Chairperson may want to hold a special meeting in August 2009 for the Advisory Board to evaluate the proposals and recommend when the project should move forward. Staff has proposed $70k for the FY '10 Maintenance Budget for this project. 2. Hunter Industries, a manufacturer of irrigation timers, valves and sprinklers has generously DONATED the irrigation controller and four valve control modules to this project. This is a cost savings of over $1,800 for the project. 07/01/2009 07:30 (City of Winter Springs ?PG 1 arichart YTD BUDGET - JULY 2009 glytdbud FOR 2009 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 361100 INTEREST -5,650 184 361101 CNTY INT -800 184 363120 SvcAssess -520,000 184 369300 81013 SETL/CLTNS 0 184 369305 INS PRO 0 184 389100 APP FD SAL -46,025 184 53211 ADMINFEE 9,588 184 53410 CONT SERV 7,600 184 54310 UTILITIES 50,000 184 54330 STREETLITE 235,000 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 135,000 184 54693 RM PONDS 15,000 184 54695 R&P-S/W 35,000 184 55230 OP SUPPLY 100 184 58130 TR TO GF 63,000 184 59310 STAT RESER 22,187 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 TOTAL REVENUES -572,475 TOTAL EXPENSES 572,475 0 -5,650 -1,509.04 .00 -4,140.96 26.7%* 0 -800 -239.18 .00 -560.82 29.9%* 0 -520,000 -517,771.02 .00 -2,228.98 99.6** -12,500 -12,500 -12,500.00 .00 .00 100.0% -1,755 -1,755 -1,755.00 .00 .00 100.01 15,470 -30,555 .00 .00 -30,555.00 .0%* 7 9,595 3,580.50 6,014.50 .00 100.0% -7 7,593 1,762.39 .00 5,830.61 23.2% 0 50,000 33,278.61 .00 16,721.39 66.6% 0 235,000 158,761.92 .00 76,238.08 67.6% -17,500 117,500 70,612.11 46,260.94 626.95 99.5% 1,755 16,755 9,229.39 4,769.00 2,756.61 83.5% 17,500 52,500 22,939.84 28,515.00 1,045.16 98.01 0 100 .00 .00 100.00 .0* -2,970 60,030 45,021.96 .00 15,008.04 75.0$ 0 22,187 .00 .00 22,187.00 .0% 0 0 -188,587.52 85,559.44 103,028.08 100.0& 0 0 -188,587.52 85,559.44 103,028.08 100.0% 1,215 -571,260 -533,774.24 .00 -37,485.7.6 -1,215 571,260 345,186.72 85,559.44 140j413.AA 07/01/2009 07:30 City of Winter Springs srichart IYTD BUDGET - JULY 2009 TIMMM PG 2 (glytdbud FOR 2009 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED PRIOR FtM BALANCE CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE CURRENT FUND BALANCE 401,540.19 188,587.52 590,127.71 07/01/2009 07:30 City of Winter Springs PG 3 arichart IYTD BUDGET - JULY 2009 glytdbud FOR 2009 12 ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED 9) GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 -188,587.52 85,559.44 103,028.08 100.0% ** END OF REPORT - Generated by Steven Richart ** 07/01/2009 07:35 (City of Winter Springs PG 1 srichart YTD BUDGET - JULY 2009 I glytdbud FOR 2009 12 JOURNAL DETAIL 2009 1 TO 2009 12 ACCOUNTS FOR. ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD $ USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 361100 INTEREST -5,650 0 -5,650 -1,509.04 .00 -4,140.96 26.7%* 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC -5,650.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 2009/03/030757 12/31/2008-GEN -984.92 REF 903036 INT ALLOCATION OCT-DEC 08 2009/07/070956 04/30/2009 GEN -524.05 REF 907024 INT ALLOCATION JAN-MARCH 2009/07/070957 04/30/2009 GEN -.07 REF 907025 REVISE 1ST 1/4 INT ALLOCATION 184 361101 CNTY INT -800 0 -800 -239.18 .00 -560.82 29.9%* 2009/01/010397 10/16/2008 CRP -15.81 REF 1759963 R.V. 07-01-09-30-08 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC -800.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 2009/04/040429 01/21/2009 CRP -208.49 REF 1832158 R.V. 10-01-12-31-08 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 2009/07/070836 04/28/2009 CRP -14.88 REF 1902040 R.V.01-01-03-31-09 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 184 363120 SvcAssess -520,000 0 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC 2009/01/010778 10/01/2008 GRV 2009/02/020334 11/14/2008 CRP 2009/02/020334 11/14/2008 CRP 2009/02/020541 11/20/2008 CRP 2009/02/020541 11/20/2008 CRP 2009/02/020544 11/20/2008 CRP 2009/02/020544 11/20/2008 CRP 2009/02/020614 11/25/2008 CRP 2009/03/030165 12/04/2008 CRP 2009/03/030165 12/04/2008 CRP 2009/03/030598 12/24/2008 CRP 2009/04/040112 01/07/2009 CRP 2009/05/050207 02/09/2009 CRP 2009/05/050207 02/09/2009 CRP 2009/06/060169 03/06/2009 CRP 2009/06/060169 03/06/2009 CRP 2009/07/070272 04/08/2009 CRP 2009/07/070272 04/08/2009 CRP 2009/07/070315 04/09/2009 CRP 2009/07/070666 04/22/2009 CRP 2009/07/070666 04/22/2009 CRP 2009/07/070666 04/22/2009 CRP 2009/08/080185 05/08/2009 CRP -520,000.00 REF 5,632.11 REF -5,632.11 REF 1782535 -4,838.42 REF 1782531 -4,838.42 REF 1786408 -5,632.11 REF 1786399 5,632.11 REF 1786376 4,838.42 REF 1786370 -301,206.18 REF 1790517 1,993.24 REF 1798931 -86,970.54 REF 1798930 -44,860.01 REF 1812715 -16,114.68 REF 1821186 369.14 REF 1845226 -12,853.77 REF 1845225 -15.44 REF 1866161 -8,475.74 REF 1866159 122.98 REF 1888774 -16,105.06 REF 1888773 -148.68 REF 1889101 -122.98 REF 1898730 -1,993.24 REF 1898716 -369.14 REF 1898737 -6,688.84 REF 1910613 e 0-c- )_ -520,000 -517,771.02 .00 -2,228.98 99.64C* ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 R.V. 06-01-09-30-08 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 10-27-10-31-08 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 10-27-10-31-08 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 06-01-06-30-08 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE Reversal / 1782535 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE Reversal / 1782531 TLRD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 11-01-11-18-08 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 11-19-11-30-08 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 11-19-11-30-08 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 12-01-12-12-08 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 12-15-12-31-08 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 01-01-01-31-09 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 01-01-01-31-09 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 02-01-02-28-09 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 02-01-02-28-09 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 03-01-03-31-09 TLRD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 03-01-03-31-09 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE R.V. 03-23-03-23-09 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE Reversal / 1888774 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE. Reversal / 1798931 TLBD MAINT. .. - ASSESSMENT..COLLE'. Reversal / 1845226 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT R.V. 04-01-04-30-09 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLET-. 07/01/2009 07:35 (City of Winter Springs srichart YTD BUDGET - JULY 2009 FOR 2009 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND n PG 2 glytdbud JOURNAL DETAIL 2009 1 TO 2009 12 REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 363120 SvcAs sess 2009/09/090594 06/23/2009 CRP -5,341.88 REF 1944758 2009/09/090594 06/23/2009 CRP -4,165.10 REF 1944757 2009/09/090594 06/23/2009 CRP -9,986.68 REF 1944763 184 369101 MISC REV 0 0 2009/07/070236 04/07/2009 CRP -12,500.00 REF 1887278 2009/07/070547 04/17/2009 CRP 12,500.00 REF 1895904 184 369300 81013 SETL/CLTNS 0 -12,500 2009/07/070543 04/17/2009 CRP -12,500.00 REF 1895952 2009/07/070739 04/24/2009 BUA -12,500.00 REF RA1 184 369305 INS PRO 0 -1,755 2009/03/030581 12/24/2008 BUA -1,755.00 REF RA1 2009/07/070459 04/15/2009 CRP -1,755.00 REF 1893555 184 389100 APP FD BAL -46 ,025 15,470 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC -46,025.00 REF 2009/04/040454 01/22/2009 BUA 620.00 REF BA1 2009/04/040458 01/22/2009 BUA 2,350.00 REF BA1 2009/07/070739 04/24/2009 BUA 12,500.00 REF BA1 184 53211 ADMINFEE R.V. 10-01-08-05-31- R.V. 05-01-06-12-09 R.V. 05-29-09 0 .00 REACT LAND LLC LLC Reversal / 1887278 -12,500 -12,500.00 REACT LAND LLC LLC -1,755 -11755.00 GC2008061575 TUSCA. -30,555 9,588 7 9,595 2009/01/010090 10/06/2008 POE 9,588.00 VND 001061 PO 90125 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC 9,588.00 REF 2009/07/070329 04/10/2009 BUA 7.00 REF LIT 2009/07/070392 04/14/2009 POM 7.00 VND 001061 PO 90125 2009/07/070477 04/16/2009 API 3,580.50 VND 001061 PO 90125 2009/07/070477 04/16/2009 POL -3,580.50 VND 001061 PO 90125 00 TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE TLBD MAINT. - ASSESSMENT COLLE .00 .00 .0* LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT .00 .00 100.01 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT Vertex Settle. to FB .00 .00 100.0$ Proceeds lightning strike LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT .00 -30,555.00 .0%* ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 Ins dawn, UrbBeaut up meeting reduction Vertex Settle. to FB 3,580.50 6,014.50 .00 100.0* GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TLBD. CONTINUING SERVICES. COM ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 FROM 184-53410 GSG/GOVERNMENT SER INCREASE 90125 2009 GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TLBD. CONTINUING ASSESSMENT SE 55656 GSG/GOVERNMENT SER TIED. CONTINUING SERVICES.2009 07/01/2009 07:35 City of Winter Springs sriahart YTD BUDGET - JULY 2009 FOR 2009 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL "PROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND x JOURNAL DETAIL 2009 1 ENC/REQ AVAILABLE PO 3 Iglytdbud TO 2009 12 BUD USED 184 53410 CONT SERV 7,600 -7 7,593 1,762.39 .00 5,830 .61 23.2% 2009/01/010492 10/22/2008 GEN 770.81 REF 901009 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 10/14 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC 7,600.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 2009/01/010751 10/22/2008 GRV -770.81 REF 2009/02/020541 11/20/2008 CRP 116.98 REF 1786416 R.V. 10-08 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 2009/07/070329 04/10/2009 BUA -7.00 REF LIT TO 184-53211 2009/07/070396 04/14/2009 GEN -839.95 REF 907005 CORRECT R. VALDES BILLINGS 2009/07/070662 04/22/2009 CRP 369.14 REF 1898740 R.V.01-01-01-31-09 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 2009/07/070662 04/22/2009 CRP 122.98 REF 1898734 R.V.03-01-03-31-09 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 2009/07/070662 04/22/2009 CRP 1,993.24 REF 1898721 R.V.11-19-11-30-08 LINE CODE REIMBURSEMENT 184 54310 UTILITIES 50,000 0 50,000 33,278.61 .00 16,721 .39 66.6% 2009/01/010299 10/15/2008 API 27.71 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 50516 2009/01/010299 10/15/2008 API 37.21 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO. WATER & 113099-599770 50516 2009/01/010345 10/16/2008 API 58.51 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 72411-85194 50513 2009/01/010511 10/22/2008 API 2,269.90 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 73908-66384 50645 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC 50,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 2009/01/010748 10/31/2008 GEN 339.91 REF 901014 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 10/21/08 2009/01/010750 10/31/2008 GEN 770.81 REF 901015 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 10/14 2009/01/010880 10/31/2008 GEN 339.91 REF 901014 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 10/21/08 2009/01/010881 10/31/2008 GRV -339.91 REF 2009/02/020442 11/20/2008 API 2,418.02 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 73908-66384 52353 2009/02/020452 11/20/2008 API 63.49 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 72411-85194 52352 2009/02/020457 11/20/2008 API 39.65 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCOUNT 113099-599770 52391 2009/02/020457 11/20/2008 API 24.40 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCOUNT 113099-599764 52391 2009/02/020593 11/25/2008 GEN 1,243.48 REP 902007 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 11/18/08 2009/02/020680 11/30/2008 GEN 372.15 REF 902013 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 11/25/08 2009/03/030550 12/23/2008 API 22.19 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 53800 2009/03/030550 12/23/2008 API 39.42 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 53800 2009/03/030717 12/31/2008 GEN 633.61 REF 903021 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 12/16/08 2009/03/030718 12/31/2008 GEN 300.03 REF 903022 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 12/23/08 2009/04/040049 01/06/2009 API 62.48 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 72411-85194 53947 2009/04/040049 01/06/2009 API 2,282.54 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 73908-66384 53947 2009/04/040228 01/13/2009 API 21.41 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCOUNT 113099-599764 54041 2009/04/040228 01/13/2009 API 40.45 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCOUNT 113099-599770 54041 2009/04/040410 01/21/2009 API 83.19 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 72411-85194 54139 2009/04/040417 01/21/2009 GEN 275.66 REF 904006 EXP CITY ACC EFF 01/20/09 2009/04/040581 01/27/2009 API 2,902.92 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 73908-66384 54233 2009/04/040851 01/31/2009 GEN 485.55 REF 904022 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 01/13 2009/05/050419 02/18/2009 GEN 672.20 REF 905008 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 02/17/09 2009/05/050428 02/18/2009 API 72.25 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 72411-85194 54633 2009/05/050460 02/19/2009 API 35.67 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCOUNT 113099-599770 54651 2009/05/050460 02/19/2009 API 20.41 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 54651 0 7/01/2009 0705 City of Winter Springs arichart IYTD BUDGET - JULY 2009 FOR 2009 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND VISED BUD 1111mmll TD ACTUAL i 0, A ?w? JOURNAL DETAIL 2009 1 TO ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD c PG+ 4 (glytdbud 2009 12 % USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 54310 UTILITIES 2009/05/050619 02/26/2009 APT 2,975.89 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 73908-66384 54758 2009/05/050715 02/28/2009 GEN 260.76 REF 905016 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 02/24/09 2009/06/060440 03/18/2009 API 64.39 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 72411-85194 55139 2009/06/060621 03/25/2009 API 2,872.15 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 73908-66384 55260 2009/06/060623 03/25/2009 API 20.41 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCOUNT 113099-599764 55270 2009/06/060623 03/25/2009 API 35.89 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & ACCOUNT 113099-599770 55270 2009/06/060696 03/26/2009 GEN 173.32 REF 906010 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 03/24/09 2009/06/060698 03/26/2009 GEN 586.81 REF 906012 EXP CITY UT EFF 03/17 2009/07/070479 04/16/2009 API 20.28 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 55701 2009/07/070479 04/16/2009 API 24.27 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 55701 2009/07/070560 04/20/2009 GEN 445.41 REF 907011 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 04/14/09 2009/07/070591 04/21/2009 API 52.08 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 72411-85194 55832 2009/07/070718 04/24/2009 GEN 194.78 REF 907017 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 04/21/09 2009/07/070848 04/29/2009 API 2,446.02 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 73908-66384 55957 2009/08/080272 05/13/2009 API 23.13 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 56226 2009/08/080272 05/13/2009 API 17.53 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO. WATER & 113099-599770 56226 2009/08/080445 05/19/2009 API 49.19 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 72411-85194 56421 2009/08/080635 05/27/2009 API 2,518.60 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 73908-66384 56529 2009/08/080720 05/29/2009 GEN 889.49 REF 908011 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 05/19/09 2009/08/080765 05/31/2009 GEN 260.78 REF 908024 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 05/26/09 2009/09/090318 06/12/2009 API 17.53 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599764 56705 2009/09/090318 06/12/2009 API 20.28 VND 004419 PO SEMINOLE CO.WATER & 113099-599770 56705 2009/09/090422 06/17/2009 API 54.09 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 72411-85194 56823 2009/09/090469 06/18/2009 GEN 609.55 REF 909008 EXP CITY UT ACC EFF 06/16/09 2009/09/090533 06/22/2009 API 2,758.22 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 73908-66384 56951 2009/09/090696 06/25/2009 GEN 272.54 REF 909012 EXP CITY UT ACCT EFF 06/23/09 184 54330 STREETLITE 23 5,000 0 235,000 158,761.92 .00 76,238.08 67.6% 2009/01/010511 10/22/2008 API 17,667.85 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 32070-49137 50645 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC 235,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 2009/02/020630 11/26/2008 API 17,667.85 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 32070-49137 52828 2009/04/040049 01/06/2009 API 17,667.85 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 32070-49137 53948 2009/04/040581 01/27/2009 API 17,734.50 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 32070-49137 54233 2009/05/050619 02/26/2009 API 17,734.50 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 32070-49137 54758 2009/06/060621 03/25/2009 API 17,734.50 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 32070-49137 55260 2009/06/060677 03/26/2009 API 89.88 VND 004422 PO PROGRESS ENERGY INSTALL STREETLIGHT SHIELD 55261 2009/07/070848 04/29/2009 API 17,488.33 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 32070-49137 55957 2009/08/080635 05/27/2009 API 17,488.33 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 32070-49137 56529 2009/09/090604 06/24/2009 API 17,488.33 VND 000716 PO PROGRESS ENERGY 32070-49137 5,6951 07/01/2009 07%35 jCity of Winter Springs srichnrt YTD BUDGET - JULY 2009 FOR 2009 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND EVISED BUD TD ACTUAL ?PG 5 glytdbud JOURNAL DETAIL 2009 1 TO 2009 12 ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD $ USED 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 135,000 -17,500 117,500 70,612.11 4 6,260.94 626.95 99.5% 2009/01/010028 10/02/2008 POE 107,618.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSENT 2 2009/01/010082 10/06/2008 POE 1,298.00 VND 004073 PO 90116 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. LANDSCAPE RENOVATIONS A 2009/01/010082 10/06/2008 POE 1,592.50 VND 004073 PO 90117 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. VARIOUS LANDSCAPE RENOV 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC 135,000.00 REF ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 2009/02/020114 11/05/2008 API 1,298.00 VND 004073 PO 90116 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. LANDSCAPE RENOVATIONS A 50990 2009/02/020114 11/05/2008 POL -1,298.00 VND 004073 PO 90116 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. LANDSCAPE RENOVATIO2009 2009/02/020142 11/06/2008 API 1,592.50 VND 004073 PO 90117 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. VARIOUS LANDSCAPE RENOV 50990 2009/02/020142 11/06/2008 POL -1,592.50 VND 004073 PO 90117 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. VARIOUS LANDSCAPE R2009 2009/02/020143 11/06/2008 POE 292.50 VND 004073 PO 90700 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. VISTA WILLA MONUMENT. 2009/02/020462 11/20/2008 API 292.50 VND 004073 PO 90700 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. VISTA WILLA MONUMENT. 52817 2009/02/020462 11/20/2008 POL -292.50 VND 004073 PO 90700 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. VISTA WILLA MONUKEN2009 2009/02/020635 11/26/2008 API 8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSENT 2 52872 2009/02/020635 11/26/2008 POL -8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 2009/02/020678 12/05/2008 POE 390.00 VND 010860 PO 91008 MARK COCKERILL PROP TLBD. WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. P 2009/03/030282 12/10/2008 API 390.00 VND 010860 PO 91008 MARK COCKERILL PROP TLBD. WINTER SPRINGS BLVD. P 53460 2009/03/030282 12/10/2008 POL -390.00 VND 010860 PO 91008 MARK COCKERILL PROP TLBD. WINTER SPRINGS BLVD2009 2009/03/030549 12/23/2008 POE 887.50 VND 000651 PO 91206 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. PLANT REMEDIATION AT TH 2009/03/030574 12/24/2008 API 1,732.77 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS 53788 2009/03/030574 12/24/2008 POL -1,732.77 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 2009/03/030574 12/24/2008 API 8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSENT 2 53788 2009/03/030574 12/24/2008 POL -8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 2009/03/030574 12/24/2008 API 662.56 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS 53788 2009/03/030574 12/24/2008 POL -662.56 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 2009/04/040178 01/12/2009 POE 367.50 VND 000651 PO 91306 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. MODIFICATIONS TO MEDIAN 2009/04/040457 01/22/2009 BUA -17,500.00 REF LIT TO 184-54695 2009/04/040465 01/22/2009 API 887.50 VND 000651 PO 91206 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. PLANT REMEDIATION AT TH 54132 2009/04/040465 01/22/2009 POL -887.50 VND 000651 PO 91206 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. PLANT REMEDIATION A2009 2009/04/040469 01/22/2009 API 8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSENT 2 54132 2009/04/040469 01/22/2009 POL -8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 2009/04/040469 01/22/2009 API 415.48 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS 54132 2009/04/040469 01/22/2009 POL -415.48 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 2009/05/050522 02/23/2009 POE 1,163.80 VND 000651 PO 91756 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. REMEDIAL LANDSCAPE WORK 2009/05/050616 02/26/2009 API 367.50 VND 000651 PO 91306 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. MODIFICATIONS TO MEDIAN 54755 2009/05/050616 02/26/2009 POL -367.50 VND 000651 PO 91306 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. MODIFICATIONS TO ME2009 2009/05/050617 02/26/2009 API 8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSENT 2 54755 2009/05/050617 02/26/2009 POL -8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 2009/05/050659 02/27/2009 POE 170.00 VND 000651 PO 91809 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. CONVERSION OF ANNUAL BE 2009/05/050659 02/27/2009 POE 390.00 VND 000651 PO 91810 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. SENECA AND WS BLVD. ENT 2009/06/060244 03/11/2009 API 773.90 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS 55022 2009/06/060244 03/11/2009 POL -773.90 VND 000651 PO 90046 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 2009/06/060257 03/11/2009 API 390.00 VND 000651 PO 91810 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. SENECA AND WS-BLVD. ENT 55022 2009/06/060257 03/11/2009 POL -390.00 VND 000651 PO 91810 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. SENECA AND WS,;,BLVD.2.009 2009/06/060257 03/11/2009 API 170.00 VND 000651 PO 91809 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. CONVERSION Of ANNUAL BE 55022 2009/06/060257 03/11/2009 POL -170.00 VND 000651 PO 91809 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. CONVERSION OF ANNCTA2009. 01 07/01/2009 07:35 srichart FOR 2009 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: I City of Winter Springs PG 6 YTD BUDGET - JULY 2009 Iglytdbud JOURNAL DETAIL 2009 1 TO 2009 12 ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD YTD ACTUAL ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 54686 RM LANDSCP 2009/06/060553 03/23/2009 POE 2009/06/060637 03/25/2009 API 2009/06/060637 03/25/2009 POL 2009/06/060637 03/25/2009 API 2009/06/060637 03/25/2009 POL 2009/06/060675 03/26/2009 API 2009/06/060675 03/26/2009 POL 2009/07/070428 04/15/2009 APT 2009/07/070428 04/15/2009 POL 2009/07/070849 04/29/2009 API 2009/07/070849 04/29/2009 POL 2009/07/070849 04/29/2009 API 2009/07/070849 04/29/2009 POL 2009/07/070923 04/30/2009 POE 2009/08/080328 05/14/2009 POE 2009/08/080469 05/20/2009 API 2009/08/080469 05/20/2009 POL 2009/08080469 05/20/2009 API 2009/0880469 05/20/2009 POL 2009/08/080478 05/20/2009 API 2009/08/080478 05/20/2009 POL 2009/09/090305 06/12/2009 POE 184 54693 RM PONDS 2009/01/010090 10/06/2008 POE 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC 2009/02/020642 11/26/2008 APT 2009/02/020642 11/26/2008 POL 2009/02/020642 11/26/2008 POL 2009/03/030232 12/09/2008 API 2009/03/030447 12/17/2008 API 2009/03/030447 12/17/2008 POL 2009/03/030447 12/17/2008 POL 2009/03/030494 12/19/2008 API 2009/03/030581 12/24/2008 BUA 2009/04/040495 01/23/2009 POE 2009/04/040834 02/03/2009 API 2009/04/040834 02/03/2009 POL 2009/04/040834 02/03/2009 POL 2009/04/040868 02/05/2009 POE 2009/05/050095 02/04/2009 API 195.00 VND 000651 PO 92033 8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 -8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 40.14 VND 000651 PO 90046 -40.14 VND 000651 PO 90046 1,163.80 VND 000651 PO 91756 -1,163.80 VND 000651 PO 91756 195.00 VND 000651 PO 92033 -195.00 VND 000651 PO 92033 8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 -8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 674.08 VND 000651 PO 90046 -674.08 VND 000651 PO 90046 1,604.50 VND 000681 PO 92510 500.00 VND 009165 PO 92635 8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 -8,419.00 VND 000651 PO 90046 133.38 VND 000651 PO 90046 -133.38 VND 000651 PO 90046 500.00 VND 009165 PO 92635 -500.00 VND 009165 PO 92635 403.75 VND 004073 PO 92881 15,000 1,755 16,755 10,900.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 15,000.00 REF 1,494.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -700.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -794.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 540.00 VND 004805 PO 793.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -700.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -93.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 290.39 VND 000678 PO 1,755.00 REF BA1 1,670.00 VND 009507 PO 91444 741.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -700.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -41.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 148.00 VND 000678 PO 91583 1,670.00 VND 009507 PO 91444 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN INSTALLED 30 - 1GAL JAMINE AND P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSENT 2 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. REMEDIAL LANDSCAPE WORK P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. REMEDIAL LANDSCAPE 2009 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN INSTALLED 30 - 1GAL JAMINE AND P & L LAWN MAINTENAN INSTALLED 30 - 1GAL JAMINE2009 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSENT 2 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. PLANT REPLACEMENTS/UPGR CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD. MISC. PAINTING (SHERWIN P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSENT 2 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 P & L LAWN MAINTENAN IRRIGATION REPAIRS. MATERIALS P & L LAWN MAINTENAN TLBD. LM. COMMISSION CONSE2009 CUSTOM COVERINGS TLBD. MISC. PAINTING (SHERWIN CUSTOM COVERINGS TIED. MISC. PAINTING (SHE2009 CENTRAL FL LANDSCAPI TLBD. REPAIR OF LINE BREAK AN 9,229.39 FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FREEPORT FOUNTAINS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS GRAINGER, INC. FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS GRAINGER, INC. FOUNTAIN DOCTORS 55256 55256 55256 55683 55950 55950 56412 56412 56356 4,769.00 2,756.61 83.5% TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. SO ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 FOUNTAIN REPAIRS. MATERIALS A 52831 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009 WATER LEVEL MONITORS 53437 FOUNTAIN REPAIRS. MATERIALS A 53567 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009 MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT 53573 Proceeds lightning strike TLBD. REFL. OF NORTH FOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN REPAIRS. MATERIALS A 54325 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009: TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009 TLBD. SECONDARY SURGE PROTECT.' TLBD. REPL. OF NORTH FOUNTAIN 54325 ?.J 07/01/2009 07:35 City of Winter Springs sriahart IYTD BUDGET - JULY 2009 FOR 2009 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 54693 RM PONDS 2009/05/050095 02/04/2009 POL 2009/05/050334 02/12/2009 API 2009/05/050334 02/12/2009 POL 2009/05/050335 02/12/2009 API 2009/05/050335 02/12/2009 POL 2009/06/060285 03/12/2009 API 2009/06/060285 03/12/2009 POL 2009/07/070477 04/16/2009 API 2009/07/070477 04/16/2009 POL 2009/08/060476 05/20/2009 API 2009/08/080476 05/20/2009 POL 2009/09/090071 0603/2009 POE 2009/09/090670 06/2009 API 2009/09/090670 06/25/2009 POL 2009/09/090670 06/25/2009 POL -1,670.00 VND 009507 PO 91444 700.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -700.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 148.00 VND 000678 PO 91583 -148.00 VND 000678 PO 91583 735.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -735.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 700.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -700.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 700.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -700.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 450.00 VND 009507 PO 92785 718.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -700.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 -18.00 VND 009507 PO 90131 184 54695 R&P-S/W 2009/01/010028 10/02/2008 POE 2009/01/010466 10/21/2008 POE 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC 2009/02/020054 11/04/2008 API 2009/02/020054 11/04/2008 POL 2009/02/020055 11/04/2008 API 2009/02/020055 11/04/2008 POL 2009/02/020635 1126/2008 API 2009/02/020635 116/2008 POL 2009/02/020635 11/26/2008 API 2009/02/020635 11/26/2008 POL 2009/02/020678 1205/2008 POE 2009/03030282 12//2008 API 2009/03/0282 12/10/2008 POL 2009/03/030574 12/24/2008 API 2009/03/030574 12/24/2008 POL 2009/04/040457 01/22/2009 BUA 2009/04/040469 01/22/2009 API 2009/04/040469 01/22/2009 POL 2009/04/040605 01/28/2009 POE 2009/06/060244 03/11/2009 API 2009/06/060244 03/11/2009 POL 2009/06/060488 03/19/2009 API 2009/06/060488 03/19/2009 POL 35,000 17,500 52,500 8,100.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 3,936.00.VND 010860 PO 90500 35,000.00 REF 3,936.00 VND 010860 PO 90500 -3,936.00 VND 010860 PO 90500 550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 -550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 171.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 -171.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 -550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 1,900.00 VND 010860 PO 91007 1,900.00 VND 010860 PO 91007 -1,960.00 VND 010860 PO 91007 550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 -550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 17,500.00 REF LIT 550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 -550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 36,244.00 VND 010860 PO 91491 550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 -550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 -550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 YTD ACTUAL FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS GRAINGER, INC. GRAINGER, INC. FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS FOUNTAIN DOCTORS JOURNAL DETAIL 2009 1 TO 2009 12 ENC/REQ AVAILABLE BUD % USED TLBD. REPL. OF NORTH FOUN2009 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. SO TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009 TLBD. SECONDARY SURGE PROTECT TLBD. SECONDARY SURGE PR02009 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. SO TLBD_ FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. SO TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE. SO TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009 TLBD. NORTH FOUNTAIN AT ENTRA FOUNTAIN REPAIRS. MATERIALS A TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009 TLBD. FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE2009 TwIt t PG 7 glytdbud 54473 54477 55109 55650 56370 56910 22,939.84 28,515.00 1,045.16 98.0* LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR MARK COCKERILL PROP MARK COCKERILL PROP MARK COCKERILL PROP LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR MARK COCKERILL PROP MARK COCKERILL PROP MARK COCKERILL PROP LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR MARK COCKERILL PROP LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI TLBD. ENTRANCE SIGN REFURBISH ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 TLBD. ENTRANCE SIGN REFURBISH TLBD. ENTRANCE SIGN REFUR2009 TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI TLBD. IOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING2009 LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING REPAIRS. TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING2009 TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING2009 TLBD ENTRANCES. PRESSURE WASH TLBD ENTRANCES. PRESSURE WASH TLBD ENTRANCES. PRESSURE 2009 TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING2009 FROM 184-54686 TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING2009 TLBD SIGN REFURBISHMENT PROJEC TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LI(jHTING2009 TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTINGMAI TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING$009 50881 50878 53328 53328 53460 53775 54116 55012 55246 07/01/2009 07:35 City of Pinter Springs arichart lYTD BUDGET - JULY 2009 FOR 2009 12 ACCOUNTS FOR: ORIGINAL APPROP TRANS/ADJSMTS REVISED BUD 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND PG 8 glytdbud JOURNAL DETAIL 2009 1 TO 2009 12 YTD ACTUAL ENC/R$Q AVAILABLE BUD % USED 184 TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 184 54695 R&P-S/W 2009/07/070424 04/15/2009 API 2009/07/070424 04/15/2009 POL 2009/08/080748 06/02/2009 POE 2009/09/090152 06/05/2009 API 2009/09/090152 06/05/2009 POL 2009/09/090232 06/10/2009 POE 2009/09/090420 06/17/2009 API 2009/09/090420 06/17/2009 POL 2009/09/090421 06/17/2009 API 2009/09/090421 06/17/2009 POL 184 55230 OP SUPPLY 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC 184 58130 TR TO GF 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC 2009/01/010829 10/31/2008 GEN 2009/02/020702 11/30/2008 GEN 2009/03/030738 12/31/2008 GEN 2009/04/040336 01/01/2009 GEN 2009/04/040454 01/22/2009 BUA 2009/04/040458 01/22/2009 BUA 2009/05/050002 02/02/2009 GEN 2009/05/050685 03/04/2009 GEN 2009/05/050700 03/04/2009 GRV 2009/06/060642 03/25/2009 GEN 2009/07/070796 04/28/2009 GEN 2009/08/080686 05/28/2009 GEN 2009/09/090656 06/25/2009 GEN 184 59310 STAT RESER 550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 -550.00 VND 004297 PO 90054 680.00 VND 000390 PO 92775 680.00 VND 000390 PO 92775 -680.00 VND 000390 PO 92775 594.84 VND 004297 PO 92843 11,808.00 VND 010860 PO 91491 -11,808.00 VND 010860 PO 91491 594.84 VND 004297 PO 92843 -594.84 VND 004297 PO 92843 100 0 100 100.00 REF 63,000 -2,970 63,000.00 REF 5,002.44 REF 102 5,002.44 REF 102 5,002.44 REF 102 5,002.44 REF 102 -620.00 REF BA1 -2,350.00 REF BA1 5,002.44 REF 102 5,002.44 REF 102 -5,002.44 REF 5,002.44 REF 102 5,002.44 REF 102 5,002.44 REF 102 5,002.44 REF 102 22,187 0 2009/01/010726 10/31/2008 BUC 22,187.00 REF TOTAL TLBD MAINTENANCE FUND 0 0 60,030 22,187 0 LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR THE SIGN KING THE SIGN KING THE SIGN KING LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR MARK COCKERILL PROP MARK COCKERILL PROP LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR LIGHTSCAPES OUTDOOR TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING MAI 55813 TLBD. LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING2009 TLBD - REPAIR OF DAMAGES TO EN TLBD - REPAIR OF DAMAGES TO EN 56717 TLBD - REPAIR OF DAMAGES T2009 TLBD. MAIN ENTRANCE (NORTH SI TLBD SIGN REFURBISHMENT PROJEC 56934 TLBD SIGN REFURBISHMENT PR2009 TLBD. MAIN ENTRANCE (NORTH SI 56930 TLBD. MAIN ENTRANCE (NORT2009 .00 .00 100.00 .0% ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 45,021.96 .00 15,008.04 75.04; ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 TRAN TLBD TO GF (CLK FEE ETC) TRAN TLBD TO GF (CLK FEE ETC) TRAN TLBD TO GF (CLK FEE ETC) TRAN TLBD TO GF (CLK FEE ETC) Ins down, UrbBeaut up Meeting reduction TRAN TLBD TO GF (CLK FEE ETC) TRAN TLBD TO GF (CLK FEE ETC) TRAN TLBD TO GF (CLK FEE ETC) TRAN TLBD TO GF (CLK FEE ETC) TRAN TLBD TO GF (CLK FEE ETC) TRAN TLBD TO GF (CLK FEE ETC) 00 .00 22,187.00 .0% ORIGINAL BUDGET 2009 -188,587.52 85,559.44 1032;.028.08 100.Ok 0?? Steven Richart From: Steven Richart Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2009 3:37 PM To: Brenda Hayes Brown; Don Gilmore; Luci Coker; Mary Brook; Rande Thompson Cc: Randy Stevenson; Carol Lallathin; Kelly Balagia Subject: Proposed TLBD 184 Fund FY'10 Budget Attachments: 2010 Proposed TLBD Fund 184.pdf Good Afternoon, Please find attached the proposed FY'10 Budget for the TLBD 184 Fund. The proposed budget will be going to the City Commission for approval along with all other budgets for the City. We have included a $70k budget for the Winter Springs Blvd. Irrigation Retrofit Project that was approved for bidding at our last TLBD Advisory Board Meeting. The budgeted number is based on feedback from the product manufacturer (Hunter Industries, California) as well as an independent irrigation contractor that has not ever done work for the City. A more solid cost will be unknown until bids for the project are received at the end of July 2009. Additionally, based on a vote taken by the TLBD, the assessment rate for FY'10 has been recommended to be reduced by $6/eru, making the FY'10 assessment rate $120/eru. In light of the potential cost of the irrigation project, that number will likely need to be revisited by the TLBD for the FY'11 Budget Process. If you have any questions, please feel free to call my office directly. We kindly ask that you do not hit 'reply all' to this message. Respectfully, *" 40- T. R4 CPCO# JF147201 Urban Beautification Manager City Of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 407.327.5976 Office 1407.690.0787 Cell 1407.327.6695 Fax web: www.winterspringsfi.org email: sricthart@winterspringsfi.org (i) CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS FISCAL YEAR 2009-2010 BUDGET Annual Maintenance Assessment - The TLBD Advisory Board approved a $6 per ERU reduction, yielding a new annual assessment total of $120 per ERU effective with the 2009 tax year/2010 fiscal year (legal maximum - $128.00 per ERU). In FY 2007-2008 the maintenance assessments for Phases 1(#184) and II (#185) were streamlined Into one fund (#184) Original Revised Projected Account FY 07108 FY 08109 tY 08109 FY 08109 REVENUES & TRANSFERS 361100 Interest 361101 Interest - County 363120 Assessment Collections (Phase I and II) 369300 Settlements 369305 Insurance Proceeds Total Revenues 381305 Tlfer from TLBD (TLBD Ph 11 Maint - #185) Total Transfers TOTAL REVENUESITRANSFERS EXPENDITURES & TRANSFERS 53211 Administrative Fees 53410 Billing Services Cost 53680 Unrecognized Gain/Loss 54310 Utility Services 54330 Street Lighting 54686 Repairs & Maint - Landscape 54693 Repairs & Maint - Fountains 54695 Repairs & Maint - Signs & Walls 55230 Clerk Supplies 59310 Statutory Reserve Total Operating 58130 Transfer to General - Insurance 58130 Transfer to General - Clerk Fees ` 58130 Transfer to General - Beautification Total Transfers TOTAL EXPENDITURESITRANSFERS CHANGE W FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE - October 1 Appropriation TO (FROM) Fund Balance FUND BALANCE - September 30 " Clerk time at overtime rate inclusive of benefits ($250/meeting); with the onset of FY 2009, meetings will be convened on a quarterly basis. Repairs & Maint - Landscape: TLBD Irrigation retrofit project - Rain Sensors/WireMmer - Winter Springs Blvd $70,000 Bids being secured; project yet undetermined 153 $10,561 $5,650 $5,650 $2,600 $825 $600 $800 $300 $526,275 $520,000 $520,000 $520,000 $0 $0 $12,600 $25,000 $9,316 $91588 $3,683 $7,600 $2,542 $0 $43,332 $50.000 $204,147 $235,00D $137,724 $135,000 $13,915 $15,000 $33,137 $35,000 $0 $100 $0 $22,187 $447,796 $509,475 $8,865 $9,000 $3,800 $3,600 TI-BD MAINTENANCE FUND -184 -x lYY Y?r oE aC.. - d r $202,268 $400,345 $401,540 $401,540 $406,623 $406,E28 $199,272 ($46,025) ($30,555) $5,088 j6#3L51 bs) (570,000) ;- (1116866). $401,540 $354,320 $370,985 $406.6m l Aria `;- SRdS.Z52 $9,595 $7,593 $0 $50,000 $235,000 $117,500 $16,755 $52,500 $100 $22,187 $511,230 $6,680 $1,250 $9,595 $4,000 $0 $47,000 $215,000 $117,600 $16,755 $52,500 $0 22,187 $484,537 $6,680 $1,260 Steven Richart To: Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District Advisory Board Cc: Carol Lallathin Subject: Estimated costs for landscape projects Good Morning. Please find estimated costs for the proposed projects below as we will be discussing them this evening. A previous email was sent to the TLBD Advisory Board identifying these as potential projects that could be installed as part of the $25k donation. Please keep in mind that we have received $12,500 of the donation funding to this point with the balance arriving in September 2009. 1. Sam Smith Park -- Center Median at Parking Area. Replant this area using materials that are compatible with the wet soils. Amend the soils. $2,500 Examples of some plant material would be: Dwarf Fackahatchee Grass, Thryallis, etc. Would like to have some butterfly habitats there. 2. Sam Smith Park- General Parks Areas. Install trees that bloom and provide color. Examples would be (based on the soils): Crape Myrtle Std., Flatwoods Plum, Tabebuia, Red Bud. $1,500 3. Sam Smith Park- Around Lake. Install trees for color and character. Examples would be (based on soils): River Birch, Bottle Brush, Red Bud, Loblolly Bay, Dahoon Holly. $1,500 4. Sam Smith Park - Monument Circle Bed. Brick in monument with pavers. $600 5. Sam Smith Park- Entrance Bed. Replant and amend soils for beauty and sustainability. $800 6. Trotwood Park - Along Trotwood Blvd. Add trees for color and character. Examples would be: Crape Myrtle Std., Tabebuia, Winged Elm, Sycamore. $1,500 7. Trotwood Park - Pond near tennis courts. Add trees for character. Examples: River Birch, Bald Cypress, Bottlebrush. $1,000 8. Trotwood Park-Tennis Courts. Install plants to screen basketball courts, etc. (Both sides). Could use Wax Myrtle, Yaupon Holly. $3,500 Thanks much! Please do not hit `reply all'to this message. %lu9414. T. Rze" CPCG# JF147201 Urban Beautification Manager City Of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 Steven Richart From: PNL89Qaol.com Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 200911:51 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: Annuals & Palms Steven, Assuming no weather problems, the annuals should be changed tomorrow (Wednesday) and the trimming of the palms should begin. See ya, Thom Looking for love this summer? Find it now on AOL Personals. Urban. Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: Dater ?s0? Project: Safety and Eaulpment: s Month) interlance Reports 1Yes No Uafe, r ? 4. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of turf areas. 1 t 2 C:3)7 5 2. Weeding of planters; curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 (3) 4 S 4. 'Edging of planters and hardscapa areas. 1 2 4 5 5. Irrigation system coverage. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 (2) 3 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 C3) .4 5 8. -overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 C4) 5 9.- Vendor communication. 1 2 3 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7 working days unless otherwise noted.) r- E? Steven Richart Subject: FW: Oak Forest Lights From: Steve Piermont [mailto:lightscapespro@yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, July 09, 200910:24 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: Re: Oak Forest Lights Steve Also on Tuesday 7-7-09 we also checked the Tuskawilla Entrance We checked the following Trottwood Checked lights Winter Springs Blvd - Front Entrance Replaced 1 Bronze wall wash light (bad socket due to water damage) Replaced 3 Bulbs Reset circuit on transformer for left sign. Deer Run Checked lights Howell Creek Replaced 1 bulbs Checked Lights Dyson Replaced 1 Bulb Checked lights. Shetland Replaced 2 bulbs Tuscawilla Entrances checked on Tuesday 7-7-09 Winter Springs Blvd - Rear Entrance And Seneca Replaced 2 bulbs Checked lights O Vistawilla Entrance Checked lights Tuscora Entrance Checked lights 61A 4 Wt= e ask CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MONTHLY LIGHTING INSPECTION Date: ? Inspector: 61, G-e-- oadwa s• St - IVIWAY Lt- 1 C 5 1.5 it, Stems''' pNL89aoe 26 2009 9:00 ea Friday, Richart Mike Ming From Steven sent RandY Stevenson; To: Re- CG: imageQ05.IP9s Co. subject, A?cvkvnente: ed your request and Wilt send the Work order to tarry to schedule. Steven, s or writes: 1 have receod weekend, Winters rin VAave a 9o T.Me A•M• , srichart Thom Eastern Daylight 56:05 s Blvd asap. sage dated 6'26(2409 m the pall", ox? Wintexprul, in a mes ods "0 se schedule to trim the seed P ! Plea Thal*-S! Z" CPS JF147201 Fes; rgan Beautification manager City Ot Wintek Spirings SPrings .327SS Wtnter t 1126 t^ . SR 434, 787 Cell i 4p7.327.6695'_0 5976 pfflce 1 ??.690.() winterspongsRorg 4.7.327. Ecnath. srtcnartC wew {rate On sfl.or I rs ?J Steven Richart From: PNL89@aol.com Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 8:59 AM To: Steven Richart Cc: Alan Hill; Randy Stevenson Subject: Re: FW: Leopard Trail Attachments: 06-23-09 007.jpg Steven, I checked this area yesterday to see if there was some inappropriate dumping of debris by our crew and I could not find any. I did find a couple of palm fronds and a 2' camphor tree stump (picture attached) that someone had cut flush to the ground (not our crew) lying inside the back hedge line at this residence. I feel very strongly that none of this is as a result of our crew's actions but if this homeowner would like to place these items on the Tuskawilla Road side of his hedge, I will gladly instruct our crew to pick them up and dispose of them for him. Also, 1 found an irrigation line break behind the wall at the north side of the Tuskawilla entry and a possible broken sprinkler head at the west tip of island # 3 and as I understand it, Louis is currently on site to make these repairs. Thanks, Thom In a message dated 6/23/2009 8:56:50 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, srichartewinterspringsfl.orq writes: Thom, This residence borders your area of maintenance which is for Tuscawilla (TLBD) along Tuskawilla Road (South end of main entrance). I would hate to think that your team is dumping debris onto someone's property. Please check on both issues and report to me asap. I will be doing a site inspection today as well. Respectfully, %V90111 T. Rr:d" CPCO# JF147201 C Urban Beautification Manager City Of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434, Winter Springs, FL 32708 407.327.5976 Office 1407.690.0787 Cell 1407.327.6695 Fax web: www.wint.erspringsfi.org email: srichart@winterspringsfl.org COMM 60 VW " A Tree City tlSA - 5terlinq Community From: Alan Hill Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 4:08 PM To: Steven Richart Cc: Kip Lockcuff Subject: Leopard Trail Steve, Rich Masteroberti called me regarding a complaint from a resident at 841 Leopard Trail regarding mowing crews dumping large tree limbs, cuttings onto his property and that they do not weed eat. Would you please look into this and let me know if it is part of Tuskawilla scope or his property or THOA common property. Thanks. i Confidentiality Note. This e-mail, and any attachment to it, contains information intended only for the use of the individual(s) or entity named on the e-mail. if the reader of this e-mail is not the intended I recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that reading it is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please I edistely return it to the sender and delete it from your system. Thank you. Q r Z P & L LAWN MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE INSPECTION REPORT Tuscawilla Lighting & Beautification District 06/23/09 Thomas Payne Main entry at Tuskawilla road north side: • Irrigation break 1 4 line N/E corner behind sign (reported) • Spray jasmine beds for dollarweed • Remove dead azalea plants in the back landscape beds along the fence lines of the adjacent residences • Active chinch bugs along front sidewalk north end (reported) Main entry at Tuskawilla road south side: • We need to transplant 17 of the recently planted Duranta plants to the top planter level and this will be done next week • Low hanging tree limbs along the woods line south of the main landscaping will be removed with upcoming services • Downed sticks, branches and tree debris will be picked up along this same woods line • Active chinch bugs south end along sidewalk (reported) Island 1: • Remove dead plants or plant parts Island 2: • Remove dead plants or plant parts Island 3: • Possible irrigation leak west median tip (reported) island 4: Island 5: • Iron deficiency in the turf (reported) island b: • Iron deficiency in the turf (reported) Island 7: Island 8: • Remove dead plants or plant parts C Island 9: Remove dead plants or plant parts Island 10: • Remove dead plants or plant parts Island 11: • Remove dead plants or plant parts Island 12: • There are 5 or 6 minima jasmine plants that we recently installed and were lost to drought damage. We will be replacing them next week • Pick up downed tree branch in the middle of the island Island 13: • Remove dead plants or plant parts Island 14: • Treat chemically or hand pull weeds in jasmine bed-do ASAP • Remove dead plants or plant parts Island 15: • Cut freeze damages back to new growth • Remove dead plants or plant parts • 1 clump of zamia plants was missed when we cut them back this spring so we need to go ahead and cut this 1 remaining clump back to ground level Island 16. • Treat chemically or hand pull weeds in jasmine bed-do ASAP • Remove dead plants or plant parts Island 17: • Remove dead plants or plant parts Island 18: Remove dead plants or plant parts Island 19: • Remove dead plants or plant parts Island 20: Island 21: • Treat chemically or hand pull weeds in jasmine bed-do ASAP Island 22: • Cut freeze damages back to new growth • Treat chemically or hand pull weeds in jasmine bed-do ASAP (:au Island 23: Trotwood Entry: Tuscora Entry: Vistawilla Entry: • Remove dead plants or plant parts both sides Seneca Entry: Citrus Entry: • Active chinch bugs west side strip along trail (reported) byson Entry Howell Branch Road Entry: beer Run Entry: Overall Comments: The annuals (marigolds) continue to look good but are scheduled to be changed in July and Steven may want to postpone this change out as long as they continue to look good. Suggested replacement annuals for this time of year include coleus or vinca. • Construction activity continues in the front and to the east of the Country club Entrance • We will allow the ligustrum trees to get a little fuzzy before clipping the sides and bottoms and will allow the tops to grow higher such that Z day all the trimming necessary will involve removing low hanging branches, low interior growth and long stringers of new growth on the tops • Due to sphaeropsis Gall, we are not to trim any more Holly plants or trees on this site including the Nellie Stevens holly trees at the front entry, any of the east Palatka holly trees or any of the burfordii holly hedges unless instructed by Thom or Steven to do so. • We will be removing the agapanthus seedheads as they complete their flowering cycles. • Overall the turf color is good and there were only a few spots where some dollarweed is beginning to reappear. C?J • Concentration on landscape bed weeding will be emphasized over the next few weeks of service. • All the minima jasmine beds will be edged. • Holly tree re-growth areas within the minima jasmine beds will be sprayed with roundup as needed. ae Tuscawilla fighting and Beautification District Date: 06-22-2009 Section 2 Entrances: (Low Voltage Lighting - Monuments) 1. Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. (4)_ Inspector: Marv A. Brook OK Roadways: (Streetlights) for Section 2 Winter Springs Blvd , Greenbriar Lane & Northern Way SECTION 2 REPORT (Pale #) (Street) (Problem) (Landmark) No #6918540 Northern Way OUT Northern Way & Superior Court, North side, ft light to the West No #6918538 Northern Way OUT Northern Way & Superior Court, North side, 16t light to the East There are a significant numbers of streetlights that are totally obscured by tree growth. These trees need to be trimmed! Medians and Entrances (Landscape/Irrigation) (Location) (Problem) NONE ®rp- Steven Richart From: PNL89@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 8:20 AM To: Steven Richart Subject: Re: Tuscawilla - To DO Steven, I will set up a work order to remove the dead tree in median # 16. Also, I have a few open days at the end of this month and I will plan on moving the duranta at the main entry then. Thom In a message dated 6/15/2009 1:47:33 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, srichart(6-winterspringsfi.org writes: Jason, There is a broken head at Winter Springs Blvd. in the median across from Tuscany's at Northern Way. The washout is in the median tip by the bricks. Winter Springs Blvd. median 10, check the irrigation timer with the lid that is up-side-down for proper programming. It stuck on Saturday and I changed the battery. Thom, Winter Springs Blvd. median 16, please remove the dead tree on the Eastbound side of the median. It is roughly 15' tall and has been dead a while. About mid-way down the median. 94r- Tuscawilia Lighting and Beautification District City of Winter Springs Date: Entrances Monuments Low Voltage Street Lights Street Signs Lints (Working? Circle) (Be sure to mark with orange tape) (Pole Number and Nearest Address Damaged Note Nearest Address Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Blvd. 2 Y / N Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood Blvd 2 Y / N Shetland at Citrus 2 Y / N Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca 4 Y /CND ??/? aS /vim ?,l1 . /Lc.t1 21t 0 ? Alt ? v G?A istawilla 2 Y / N Tuscora and SR434 2 Y / N Dyson at Bridge 2 Y E C GIG,?S?j'/' Deer Run 2 Y / elt /2 Howell Creek 2 Y / N Lcss Project Urban- Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: ?- Date: Dk^4- c, ? 0 Safety and Egul6meny MonthhIvAatntenanoe Reports es ?No Oate: 7. Mowing, mechanical Erlmmfng, and cleanup of turf areas. 2 e) 4 [-- 5 2. Weeding of planters; curbs, walks, and hardscape areas. 1 Q.7 3 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 4 5 4. 'Edging of planters- an4 hardscape areas. 1 2 4 5 5. irrigation system coverage. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 2 3 4 5 T. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 3 .4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 3 4 5 8.- Vendor communication. 1 2 C3) 4 5 Service Requests: (To be h within 7 w r ing days unless otherwlse noted.) 15 )(JkQQ- Urban. Beautification Quality Inspection Report Grounds Maintenance Vendor: C?II ' Date: a-t, T - Al Project: Safety and Eaulhment: Monthly Maintenance Reports ,M_?Yes _No Dafe•_ 1. Mowing, mechanical trimming, and cleanup of tuff areas. 1' 2 0 [-*- 2. Weeding of planters; curbs, wants, and hardscape areas. 1 2 4 5 3. Trash and debris removal. 1 2 3 4 5 4. 'Edging of planters and hardscape areas. 1 2 3? 4 5 5. irrigation system coverage. 1 2 tJ 4 5 6. Fertilization and chemical program. 1 2 3O 4 5 7. Trimming of shrubs and hedges. 1 2 .4 5 8. Overall appearance and curb appeal. 1 2 4 5 S., Vendor communication. 1 2 3 5 Service Requests: (To be handled within 7working days unless otherwise noted.) Tuaca 111a. Lighting and Seautigcat on 21atrict INSPECTION SHEET Date: 05-25-2009 Inspector: Marv A. Brook Section 2 Entrances: (Low Voltage Lighting - Monuments) 1. Winter Springs Blvd. and Seneca. (4) N/W corner of WSB - TOTALLY OUT Roadways: (Streetlights) for Section 2 Winter Springs Blvd, Greenbriar Lane & Northern Way SECTION 2 REPORT o 19649 Winter Springs OUT W.S. Blvd. & Greenbriar, North side, 2"d light to the East o #8 57 Winter Springs OUT W.S. Blvd. & Davenport Way, North side, 2"d light to the East #831188 Winter Springs OUT W.S. Blvd. & Northern Way, North side, 3`d light to the East Medians and Entrances (Landscape/Irrigation) (Location) (Problem) NONE 3'? P & L Lawn Maintenance & Irrigation, Inc. 300 N. Goldem-od Road Orlando, Florida 32807 407-273-9123 Fax 407-273-9122 Landscape Management Services 'ol Y:-UIAI' WA")Lj, Date: 1 "aW General m 'na} tynance to turf, sbrubs, and trees: L'iuf mowed and edged P- ant beds edged and tree beds weeded/sprayed for weeds flan hrees trimmed/pruned when necessary Irrigation: Irrigation system checked and repaired asnecessmy tgg ensure watering. A^.,.: ( , r+h_, 11+1 .mot ?..r? /_c-fe (.,: // Fertilization: Mmt Turf fertilized. (analysis and rate:) S a 7 Plants and trees (all plant beds) fertilized (analysis and rate:) Pest Management: Turf areas treated for insects, weeds, or disease (list treatment)_ Plantshrees treated for insects, weeds, or disease (list treaftnent) Fire ant wounds treated Other: Trash/debris removed from property Property mulched O Z0/Z0 39Vd 3DWN31NIVW NMV-1 -WcA ZZ16ELZLOV bZ : TT 600Z/00/50