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2008 08 11 Consent 204 Resolution 2008-34 Expressing Appreciation to Sherri P. Moore-Code Enforcement Board
RESOLUTION NUMBER 2ooA-34 A RESOLUTION OF, THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO SHERR! P. MOORE FOR HER SERVICE ON THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. WHEREAS, SHERR! P. MOORE has performed an outstanding service to the public by representing the City of Winter Springs on the Code Enforcement Board since June 26, 2006; and WHEREAS, the work and efforts of SHERR! P. MOORE has greatly benefited her neighbors and the residents of Winter Springs; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, wish to express their appreciation and acknowledgement on behalf of the citizens of Winter Springs and to commend SHERR! P. MOORE for her conscientious and faithful service. Now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida that: SECTION t - That this Resolution of Appreciation for the service of SHERR! P ~ MOORE be recorded upon the public records and Minutes of said City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. SECTION It - That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to SHERR! P. MOORE with our heartfelt thanks for ajob well done! PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, IN A REGULAR MEETING ASSEMBLED ON THE _ DAY OF AUGUST, 2008. ~ lUiLlleM tltlUYJte-gt f Ilam3 Aeuumto Jet m#, liand a/Il// emuJed fkj tied w 6e q/k-ed JOHN F. BUSH, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK DATE: f:=~ r;~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ P-m ~~ ~ ~ SOLUTION NU1VI$~ 800$-S~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO SHERRI P. MOORE FOR HER SERVICE ON THE CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. HEREAS, SHERRI ~. ~IOORE has performed an outstanding service to the public by representing the City of Winter Springs on the Code Enforcement Board since June 26, 2006; and Y~HEREAS, the work and efforts of SHERRI ~. ~OORE has greatly benefited her neighbors and the residents of Winter Springs; and HEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, wish to express their appreciation and acknowledgement on behalf of the citizens of Winter Springs and to commend SHERRI ~. MOORE for her conscientious and faithful service. NOW THEREFOREi $E ' IT ~ESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida that: SECTION I~ -That this Resolution of Appreciation for the service of SHERRI ~.~ ~IOORE be recorded upon the public records and Minutes of said City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida. SECTION II. - That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to SHERRI ~. ~IOORE with our heartfelt thanks for a job well done! SASSED AI~TD I~O]PTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, IN A REGULAR --?TING ASSEMBLED ON THE 11TH DAY OF AUGUST, >. ~'/ <i~/ii~.Sl rig/r~x~~f~ ~/r~~a~ /~reniNc uel rr~~ /~~ii~/ uiii,/ <f~a~~//~i ' ~r J~H AT'T Ct /c~ f~ a r ~r/. ~~yG~ . I3'CJSt-I, I~tA~'OR ~`T: .~l LARK ~AT]E: Aangans't Ill, 2~©~fl~