HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 08 04 Regular 602 Adoption of Rotary Club Operating Policy for Veteran's MemorialCity of Winter Springs
Regulaz Meeting August 4, 2008
080408_COMM_S pec ial_Meeting_602_V eteran s_Memorial_Operating_Pol icy
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ITEM 602
Public Hearing
August 4, 2008
Special Meeting
REQUEST: The City Manager requesting the City Commission to consider adoption of the
Rotary Club of Winter Springs' Recommended Operating Policy for the Veterans
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed for the City Commission to review, comment, and
consider adoption of the attached Veterans Memorial Operating Policy Statement.
CONSIDERATION: On July 12, 2004 the City Commission agreed to enter into a partnership
with the Rotary Club to construct and operate a Veterans Memorial.
The Rotary Club is forwarding a recommended Policy Statement for the City Commission to
review and adopt.
It is recommended that the City Commission review the proposed Policy Statement, make any
changes it deems appropriate, and approve the Statement for distribution in the City Newsletter.
Policy Statement
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Winter Springs Veterans Memorial
~ Winter Springs Town Center
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The intent of this Memorial is to honor alt men and women who have served. or are currQntty serving
our Country, whether in pE.ace time ar war. and who have; lama relitronship to thc~ City of Winter Springs.
whether the Veteran or the donor reside rn, work in or s+mply take pride -n our community.
Any donor wishing to har?or the name of a family member or friend who submits a sully carnpteted
application form and donation check in the amount of $ 1 p0, shall be entitled to have that veterans
name permanently etched in granite on the nam+ng wall of the City of W+nter Springs Veterans Memorial
Upon receipt of the initial solicitation of veteran recognnt,on reservations and their corresponding donation
checks. the veterans wal be memorialized by Having their na~+~e, rank. division of service. and term of senr+ce
permanently etched in granite. The names will be listed in alphabetical order, regardless of rank, division of
service, and term of service. Each year there after add+t+or~al reservations wi't be solicited, and those names
shall be listed in alprabetical order fallowing the last c;ntry of the prE:vious year. SF~ec<<il rer;ognition will be
given to those Veterans who gave the ultimate sacritire with a heart fc>Ilowing tYieir name.
The initial capital costs of construction werr3 financed through a joint agreement t~tweerr the Crty of Winh:r
Springs and the Rotary Ciub of Winter Springs. with a 50x`50 contribution at not to exceed ~ 70.00 each.
Additional revenue will k?e realized through the donations provided for each vetoran's name placod on the
memorial, which will be placed iii an audited account tar funding, operational iris rnaintc~nance expenses
as watt as financiai assistance to veterans or applicants unable to provide thereyuestedoonation dollar mount.
The City at Winlt.r Spr+ngs and tho Hotar~~ Club of Winter Springs st7all each designate two rnt;mbers to an
advisory beard with thc~ responsibility to preserve Ihc~ goals and mission c7f thc~ rTE,moral info perpetuity.
~Y nter S,~rings Vet<~rans Mcrrra•i:rl
I'leasc: usr, tn~s +orm 5 an oit:cral request to hvnvr a b'eteran r inclur7inc~ artive personnf~l} you know.
by hav,ng th.^rr name rtchrd in cdran~te and perrnanentiy mrmoriahzed an tha name wa+l at the Winter Springs
'Jeterans Mernorial Ivcated in Town Cen4er at the intersac:tior7 of Blur*,t~rr~ Avenue anc: Tuskawillsi Road.
Veteratls (t1t()r111at1()n (please print the nar?-re clearPy as you would like it to road )
a 111('
5e1'v1CC ~lV'IS1011 ^ Army
^ Marines
Service Rank
Term of Service
t~l'tCCfinS STalllS
llonors Address ___.____...._..___._.___._.__
Donors Relationship to Veteran
from year =.o year
^ I+Wrrx;~ ^ decease[: ^ la!IHn in ser~iva ^ active duty service
~)~~n~,r-ti Information
?~I amc _..--_._...
lirsl nrciclle
Mail or delivhr ttrrs cvrnl:~leteCl `vrnr slang with a dvnativn check in thH arnvunt of $ 1p0.00 used
to datrey o••~ilial ene~r~tv~nq c osts and Iv establish a Icxig term operaUanal and marnlenance fund.
PIt,»sr~ rrrt~ke check payabke to
Winter Springs Veterans hlemo~ial
C U'JVinter Springs City CIFrk
i 134 East State Road 434
1 n V`dinter Spr~nys: f-Ivrida 32708
msddtc; last
Navy ^ Air Force
^ C~asi Gucrd ^ Merchant Marines