HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010 04 14 Draft Final Report April 13, 2010
Winter Springs Ad Hoc Charter Review Committee
The attached Draft Final Report was emailed from Anthony A. Garganese's office
on April 13, 2010 and forwarded to each of the Committee Members for their
review at the next Meeting on Thursday, April 15, 2010.
This Final Report is presented to the City Commission of Winter Springs pursuant to
Resolution 2010 -04, which initiated a comprehensive review of the existing City Charter. The
City Commission appointed an ad hoc charter review committee consisting of eleven (11) city
electors to conduct the comprehensive review and make recommendations for changes deemed
advisable. The members of the Winter Springs Ad Hoc Charter Review Committee ( "Charter
Review Committee" or "Committee ") are:
George Acha
Pamela Carroll
Tom Freeman
Steve Glazier
Beth King
Charles Lacey
George Markward
Bill Poe
John Ryser
Helga Schwarz
Sandy Traeger
Anthony Garganese, City Attorney, served as the facilitator and legal advisor for the
process. Kevin Smith, City Manager, and Andrea Lorenzo - Luaces, City Clerk, served as
technical advisors to the Charter Review Committee along with the City Department Heads. The
Charter Review Committee met 6 times between February 18 and April 15, 2010. All meetings
were publicly noticed with opportunities for citizens to speak at each. Additionally, two citizens
submitted written comments to the Charter Review Committee. All verbal and written
comments received by the Charter Review Committee were considered and acted on
The City Commission directed that the Charter Review Committee conduct a comprehensive
review of the existing Charter to:
• Evaluate and make recommendations on whether the provisions of the City Charter are
substantially consistent with the Model City Charter, 8 Edition, published by the
National Civic League, and if not, whether the City Charter should be amended to be
substantially consistent with the Model City Charter, 8 Edition or remain the same.
• Evaluate and make recommendations on specific City Charter provisions specifically
identified by the City Commission.
• Propose any amendments to the City Charter not otherwise specifically addressed.
The following recommendations were approved by the Charter Review Committee for
submission to the City Commission and transmission to the citizens of the City of Winter
1. Section 2.03. Annexation Procedure.
The Committee determined that this section should simply reflect that annexations are
governed by Florida law. Therefore, all superfluous language was removed and the
Committee recommends that the current Section 2.03 be revised to read as follows:
The commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, may annex
land to the territorial limits of the municipality in accordance with
the procedures set forth in Chapter 171, Florida Statutes as it now
exists or as it may be renumbered or amended
2. Section 4.01(a) Composition and Section 4.02(a) Number of districts.
The Committee had extensive debate regarding the composition of the City Commission.
The debate resulted in a close majority and minority view point.
Manority view (received five votes): The Committee recommends that the City
Commission be comprised of four (4) district Commissioners and a voting Mayor. The
Mayor and each Commissioner would be elected at large. The mayor would not have
veto power.
Minority view (received four votes): Maintain the status quo (five Commissioners and a
nonvoting Mayor), but increase the Mayor's veto power to include resolutions excluding
budget resolutions.
The Committee also notes that in addition to the above - referenced vote regarding the
composition of the City Commission, it considered a single member district voting
scheme whereby Commissioners would be required to reside within, and be elected from
within, a single district. In other words, Commissioners would no longer be elected at
large. However, this single member district voting scheme failed by a five -four vote.
3. Section 4.01(b) Eli ibility.
Section 4.01(b), dealing with eligibility of commissioner and mayoral candidates,
currently references the City Code, which contains qualifications for candidates for
Mayor and Commissioner. The Committee believes that the qualification requirements
for candidates running for Mayor and Commissioner should be incorporated verbatim in
the City Charter so the requirements can not be amended by the City Commission by
ordinance. Therefore, the Committee recommends that the language of Section 2 -87 of
the City Code, regarding residency and other qualifications, be inserted into the Charter.
The Committee further recommends that the Charter reference to Section 2 -87 of the City
Code be deleted.
4. Section. 4.01 Composition; qualification of members; and commission districts.
The Committee recommends that reference to terms of office be removed and restated in
section 4.03 so that the terms of office are only stated in one place in the Charter.
5. Section 4.03 Election and Terms.
The Committee believes that a newly elected Mayor or Commissioner should take office
as soon as possible after an election. Therefore, the Committee recommends that the
Charter provide that newly elected officials will take office at next regular or special City
Commission meeting (instead of the first Monday after December 1 as currently
provided in Section 4.01).
6. Section 4.05 Mayor.
The Committee believes that if a vacancy in the Mayor position occurs, the City
Commission should determine at the time of the vacancy who should be appointed to
serve as the Mayor until the next election. The Committee does not support having the
Deputy Mayor automatically fill a vacancy in the position of Mayor. Therefore, the
Committee recommends that a vacancy in the Mayor's position be filled in the same
manner as any vacant position on the City Commission, per the recommended revised
Section 4.08.
7. Section 4.08 (c) Vacancies; forfeitures of office; filling of vacancies.
When a vacancy in the position of Mayor or Commissioner occurs, the Committee
supports requiring the Commission to appoint a person to fill the vacancy within a certain
defined time period. In addition, the Committee believes that the appointee shall only
serve until the next regular election, at which time the voters can elect someone to fill the
vacancy for the unexpired terms or for a new term. Therefore, the Committee
recommends that the Commission make appointments to fill vacancies within two regular
meetings following the creation of the vacancy. A Commission appointee would fill a
vacant office only until the next regularly scheduled election. In the event of a vacancy,
the Mayor's position would also be filled in the same manner as a vacant Commissioner's
seat is filled.
8. Charter Officers (Sections 4.10, 5.01, 5.02 and 6.02)
The Committee believes that the City Commission should have the flexibility of hiring
and terminating charter officers by a simple majority vote. Therefore, the Committee
recommends amending the provisions of the Charter related to the city clerk, city
manager, and city attorney to allow the City Commission to hire and terminate said
charter officers by majority vote (3 votes), rather than the current super- majority vote (4
9. Section 4.10 City Clerk.
In addition to amending the hiring and terminating vote requirement, the Committee
recommends adding language to Section 4.10 providing that the City Commission will
set the compensation of the City Clerk. The Committee believes it makes sense to
expressly provide this requirement in the City Charter because the existing Charter is
silent on this issue, and compensation of the City Clerk has historically been established
by the City Commission.
10. Section 4.11 Investigations.
The City Attorney recommended to the Committee that this section be updated to comply
with Florida law relative to the 60 day maximum term of imprisonment for violating a
municipal ordinance. Therefore, the Committee recommends that this section be
amended to change the term for imprisonment from 90 days to 60 days to comply with
state statutes.
11. Section 4.12 Independent Audits.
Section 4.12 authorizes the Commission to provide for an independent audit of all city
accounts and for such more frequent audits as it deems necessary. Recognizing that the
City is required to conduct annual audits every fiscal year, the Committee recommends
that this section be revised to require annual independent audits each fiscal year.
Additionally, the Committee believes this section is more appropriately placed under
Article VII because it is related to Financial Procedures. Therefore, the Committee
recommends moving Section 4.12, as amended, to a new Section 7.08 (for purposes of
keeping financial procedures together in one section).
12. Section 4.14. Actions requiring an ordinance.
The Committee proposes one minor technical legal change for purposes of recognizing
that public utility rates should be established by ordinance unless otherwise provided by law. In
many cases, the City does not regulate the rates of public utilities because the City is pre - empted
by law from doing so. Therefore, the Committee recommended a slight amendment clarifying
this pre - emption. Section 4.14(5) would be revised as follows:
Regulate the rate charged for its services by the public utility, except as
provided by law; - - - . - - _ .. :. - . ..: •
13. Section 4.15. Ordinances in general.
While Florida law provides the procedures for adopting emergency ordinances, the
Committee believes that the City Charter should expressly provide for the adoption of
emergency ordinances. Further, the Committee believes that emergency ordinances
should be for a limited duration consistent with the provisions of the Model City Charter,
8 Edition. Therefore, the Committee recommends that a new subparagraph (d) be added
to Section 4.15, which would provide an automatic sunset of emergency ordinances after
60 days if not re- enacted or repealed. The following language is recommended:
(d) Emergency Ordinances. Emergency ordinances may be
adopted by the city commission in accordance with law. Every
emergency ordinance shall automatically stand repealed as of the
sixty -first day following the date on which it was adopted unless
repealed sooner by the commission. Nothing herein shall prevent
re- enactment of the ordinance in the manner specified in this
subsection if the emergency still exists.
14. Section 5.03 Powers and duties of the city manager.
The Committee believes that the City Charter should not enumerate the powers of the
City Manager. Rather, the Committee believes that the City manager's powers should be
established by the City Commission, as the City Commission deems appropriate.
Therefore, the Committee recommends that all specific duties and responsibilities of City
Manager should be stricken and replaced with: "The city manager will perform all duties
and responsibilities as specified in city manager's job description with the City or as may
be required by the Commission."
Although not recommended to be placed in the City Charter, the Committee also
recommends that the City Commission include the authority to hire and fire City staff in
the City Manager's job description.
15. Section 5.04 Acting City Manager.
In reviewing this section, the Committee realized that it required the City Manager to
appoint a "qualified" officer of the City to serve as an acting city manager, but the same
requirement does not currently expressly exist for the City Commission appointment of
the same. While this requirement implicitly exists per the City Charter, the omission
creates an ambiguity which should be addressed. Therefore, the Committee recommends
that the word "qualified" be added to last sentence of Section 5.04, as follows:
During such absence or disability the commission may revoke such
designation at any time and appoint another qualified officer of the
city to serve until the manager shall return or his disability shall
16. Section 6.02 City Attorney.
The Committee understands that the Model City Charter and the City Charter recognizes
the City Attorney as the City's chief legal officer. However, the Committee also
understands that in some situations the City Attorney can not represent the City for a
variety of reasons such as conflict situations, statutory reasons, and when special counsel
is required for special matters. Therefore, the Committee recommends that the word
"all" be deleted from the last sentence of Section 6.02 (a), as follows:
The city attorney shall represent the city in all legal proceedings
and shall perform such duties as provided by this Charter, by the
commission, or by law.
17. Section 7.07(d) Transfer of Appropriations.
Because the City Commission is ultimately responsible for the City Budget, the
Committee believes that the City Commission should be required to establish guidelines
for the City Manager relative to the transfer of unencumbered appropriations among
programs within a department, office, or agency.
18. Section 12.01 Powers generally; and Section 3.01 Powers of the City, Generally.
The Committee recommends that Sections 12.01 and 3.01 be combined so that all of the
stated general powers of the City are set forth in one place. Said powers should be stated
at the beginning of the City Charter. Therefore, Article XII will be deleted and merged
into section 3.01.
• The City Charter should be made gender neutral.
• If the Commission accepts the recommended revisions to reduce the number of
commission districts from 5 to 4, and to make the Mayor a full voting member of the
Commission, the Committee recognizes that the City Commission will need to adopt
transitional provisions to implement this change in the composition of the governing
body. This implementation of this transition should be left to the City Commission's
discretion within a reasonable period of time.
The Charter Review Committee recommends that the proposed recommendations be submitted
to the electorate at the city election in November, 2010. The Charter Review Committee further
suggests that the charter amendments be submitted as a series of ballot questions, grouping like
issues to minimize the number of questions.
In order to assure that the voters of the City of Winter Springs fully understand the proposed
charter amendments, the Charter Review Committee recommends that the City Commission
provide an extensive community education program that meets the requirements of Florida law.
At a minimum the program should consist of the following: printed informational brochures
(possibly mailed with utility bills); town hall meetings (held on nights and weekends); access to
copies of the revised charter, information on the city website; information in newspapers of
general circulation; and a speakers' bureau to inform voters of the proposed changes.
This Report of the Charter Review Committee is respectfully submitted to the City Commission
on this day of April, 2010.
Charles Lacey, Chairman
Attachment: Revised Charter