HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 07 28 Regular 606 Contract for Construction of Trotwood Park Expansion to RL Burns, Inc.COMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 606
Public Hearing
Regular X
July 28, 2008 ~~
Regular Meeting Mgr. / Dept.
REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department and Public Works Department are
requesting authorization to award the contract for construction of the
Trotwood Park Expansion to RL Burns, Inc. Construction Company.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to request authorization for awarding the contract
for the construction of a splash playground, pavilion, sidewalk and restroom
renovations at Trotwood Park to RL Burns, Inc. Construction Company.
• On August 22, 2005, the City Commission approved the submission of a FRDAP
grant for Trotwood Park improvements.
• On July 24, 2006, the City Commission approved the execution of the FRDAP grant
for Trotwood Park improvements.
• On October 9, 2006, the City Commission approved Amendment 87 to CPH for
Trotwood Park engineering services.
• On October 8, 2007, the City Commission approved phasing the Trotwood Park
project due to a shortfall of Park Impact Fees.
• The project was advertised for bid on February 24, 2008. The bids were opened on
March 19, 2008. RL Burns, Inc. Construction Company was the low bidder in the
amount of $410,677.00. Three other bids were received in the amounts of
$425,115.00, $457,315.00 and $532,347.00.
• A review of references and previous work, including the Lake Mary splash
playground, indicates that RL Burns is capable of performing the construction.
• The bid of $410,677.00 was good until June 17. RL Burns agreed to hold the price
for only another 45 days (August 1, 2008).
• This FRDAP grant project has a critical milestone. The project must be completed
with $400,000 in funds expended by April, 2009 or the $200,000 matching FRDAP
will be expired and no extensions given.
Agenda Item Regular 606
July 28, 2008
Page 2
• The operational costs for the splash playground are budgeted in the FY 08/09 budget
at $30,699.00. Parks and Recreation will be requesting the City Commission to
increase the membership fee to $10.00 - $15.00 per person/ per season, which staff
estimates will cover the total operational cost.
• The implementation schedule is as follows:
^ Notification of award
^ Pre Construction meeting
^ Notice to Proceed
^ Project start date
^ Project duration
^ Project completion
^ FRDAP funding received ($200,000)
^ Grand Opening
August 1, 2008
August 18, 2008
August 18, 2008
September 1, 2008
150 Calendar Dates
February 27, 2009
April, 2009
April, 2009
The funding for this project is provided under the Trotwood Park Improvement Fund, 315-
The funding sources area $200,000 FRDAP grant with the remainder of funding from Park
Impact Fees for 07/08 and 08/09.
The RL Burns contract plus contingency and CPH contract are fully funded with the revision of
the budget. Should the Parks Impact Fee revenue not materialize as conservatively budgeted, the
general fund would make a short term loan to the Trotwood Improvement Capital Project Fund to
be paid back when revenue is realised.
Staff recommends authorization of awarding the contract for construction to RL Burns, Inc.
Construction Company for a contract amount of $410,677.00 plus 10% contingency ($41,068.00)
for a total construction authorization of $451,745.00 payable from account 315-65000-70109.
Attachment #1 Bid Tab, Bid Evaluation and Architect Letter of Recommendation.
Called By: Nancy Vobornik-Purchasing Coordinator
RFP Opened: 3:00 PM
RFP Closed : 3:08 PM
Date: March 19, 2008 3:OOPM
Witness: Greg Bishop, Capital Projects Coordinator
The Watauga Company
Contact: Elizabeth A. Snodgrass
4275 Capron Road
Titusville, FL 32780
watauQacomnanvna bellsouth.net
Base Bid: $270,448.00
Alternates: $186,867.00
Total Project Bid $457,315.00
BDG Construction Services, LLC
Contact: Kevin Guffee
5703 Red Bug Lake Road
Suite 168
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Fax 407-641-8995
k =uffee a,bdgcs.com
Base Bid: $315,914.00
Alternates: $109,201.00
Total Project Bid $425,115.00
Page Two
Schuller Contractors Incorporated
Contact: Alexander Caputo, CFO
8046A Presidents Drive
Orlando, FL 32809
Phone: 407-855-5572
Fax: 407-855-4922
Base Bid: $290,553.00
Alternates $241,794.00
Total Project Bid $532,347.00
RL Burns, Inc.
Contact: Robert Burns, President
1203 W. Gore Street
Orlando, FL 32805
Phone: 407-839-1131
Fax: 407-839-1185
Base Bid: $254,735.00
Alternates: $155,942.00
Total Project Bid: $410,677.00
1117 Eaet Robinson Street
Orlando, Florida 32801
April 9, 2008
Mr. Greg Bishop
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: City of Winter Springs Trotwood Park Expansion -Phase 1
Engineer's Bid Review
CPH Project No. W04132
Dear Mr. Bishop:
Phone: 907.425.0452
Fax: 407.648.1036
We received copies of the bid package from the City for the bidder on the above referenced project.
Only one bid was received for the project.
From our review of the bid tabulation, it appears that the prices from RL Burns, Inc. reflect an
understanding of the work required by the plans and specifications. No mathematical errors were
found in their bid and their bid package appears to be in order. There are no M/V1/BE requirements
for this project.
In an effort to review previous related work, CPH Engineers contacted three references provided by
RL Burns, Inc. A telephone review/check of their listed references indicates that the work performed
in the field was of good quality and in accordance with the specifications. We are attaching, for the
City's use, a copy of the references and reference checklist.
Based on our review of the available data (completed bid package and contractor supplied
references), we have no objection to the City proceeding with the award of the bid to RL Burns, Inc.
in the amount of $410,677.00. Please note that we have not reviewed any financial data as we are
not accounting professionals. If such a review is required, we recommend either a review by your
Finance Department or your financial adviser/accountant. The contractor bonds and insurance as
required by the specifications will be reviewed prior to execution of the agreement.
Please contact us if additional information is needed concerning the above.
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Allen C. Lane, Jr., P
Project Manager ///
J:1W04132 Trotwood Park Expansion\DocumentslLetter\RECOMMENDATION LETTER.doc
Englneere • Surveyors • Architects (AA2&000926) • Pbnners • LandseapeArrhitects • Environmental5cientiatB • ConstructionManagemtnt • Design/Build
City of Winter Springs
Trotwood Park Expansion -Phase
(Item Reference for: RL Burns, Inc.
Project Name City of Lake Mary Splash Park ~ Restroom Chambers Park Community Center Lake Eola Park Improvements
Owner City of Lake Mary City of Kissimmee City of Orlando
Contact Kathy Gehr, Asst. Director, Parks/Recreation Dan Loubier Nancy Caskey
Address 100 N. Country Club Rd., Lake Mary 32795 101 N. Church Street, Kissimmee 34741 400 S. Orange Avenue, Orlando 32802
Phone Number 407-324-3090 407-518-2501 407-246-2121 I
Original Contract $465,000 $870,000 $700,000 I
Change Orders i
Final Contract I
Completed on Schedule/Date January 18, 2008 January 18, 2008 July 14, 2006
Supply ~ install electrical system to feed new Work included removal of non-handicap Demolition of existing outdated children's
splash equipment & restroom facility. Supply & accessible restrooms, construction of storage playground, installation of under drain,
Project Description install custom ornamental aluminum picket room, installation of a fire suppression system; updated lighting, decorative railings,
fence, new vin 1 coated chain link fence. rework existin arkin lots, landsca in renovation of bench ads, u rade electrical.
Comments: 1. How was their quality of work? 1. How was their quality of work? 1. How was their quality of work?
'• Very good • Very good •:• Good
2. Did the Contractor do most of the work or 2. Did the Contractor do most of the work or 2. Did the Contractor do most of the work or
did the subcontract a lot of it? did the subcontract a lot of it? did the subcontract a lot of it?
• Subbed alot -concrete, but on site daily Subbed suppression system, paining, etc. r MlWBE subs required -concrete,
3. Was the job finished on schedule? 3. Was the job finished on schedule? playground pieces
Yes -Delays by City .• Yes -some delay due to City 3. Was the job finished on schedule?
4. Were they generally cooperative? 4. Were they generally cooperative? Yes -small delay due to City
Yes Yes 4. Were they generally cooperative? j
5. Did they constantly request "extras" to the 5. Did they constantly request "extras" to the .• Yes
contract? contract? 5. Did they constantly request "extras" to the
• No -City generated CO's :• No -Owner initiated contract?
6. Were there any financial claims for unpaid 6. Were there any financial claims for unpaid No
bills through the subcontractors? bills through the subcontractors? 6. Were there any financial claims for unpaid
No No bills through the subcontractors?
7. Were pay request in accordance with work 7. Were pay request in accordance with •:• No
completed? work completed? 7. Were pay request in accordance with
Yes : Yes work completed?
8. Who was the Superintendent and did he do 8. Who was the Superintendent and did he Yes
a good job? do a good job? 8. Who was the Superintendent and did he
Scott Frelund; yes Wayne; yes /excellent do a good job?
9. What is the overall evaluation of the 9. What is the overall evaluation of the Ramona Gray, Project Mgr; yes
company? company? 9. What is the overall evaluation of the
.• Very Good -great to work with Outstanding; hired to do more work company?