HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 07 28 Regular 603 Resolution 2008-28 Amending Fiscal Year 2007-2008 BudgetCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 603
July 28, 2008
MGR ~~~~' /DEPT
REQUEST: The Finance Department Requests that the City Commission Adopt
Resolution No. 2008-28 Amending the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 Budget.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the City Commission amend
the fiscal year 2007-2008 budget.
A mid-year budget review indicates the need to amend the FY 2007-2008 budget as shown in
Attachments 1 (Budget Amendment Summary -All Funds) and 2 (General Fund Budget
Amendment Recap).
Executive Summary
The following table indicates the effect on fund balances of the budget amendments and the FY
2006-2007 actual expenditures as shown in the fiscal year-ended 9/30/07 Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report (CAFR). Only those funds with FY 2007-2008 budget amendments have been
Original Budgeted Revised Budgeted
Fund Balance at Fund Balance at
Fund # Fund Name 9/30/08 9/30/08
001 General Fund
Other Governmental Funds:
103 Special Law Enf Trust Fund (Local)
104 Transportation Improvement Fund
107 Solidwaste/Recycling Fund
108 Special Law Enf Trust Fund -Federal
112 HOA Project Fund
114 Storm Reserve Fund
$8,500,943 $7,415,828
115 Road Improvements Fund $320,653 $475,271
140 Transportation Impact Fee Fund $879,732 $311,609
145 Public Facilities Impact Fee Fund $522,395 $412,440
150 Police Impact Fee Fund $203,385 $143,241
155 Parks Impact Fee Fund $158,017 $17,858
160 Fire Impact Fee Fund $1,13 8,184 $1,027,442
172 Public and Comm Svc Tax Fund $0 $0
Assessment Funds:
175 Fire Assessment Fee Fund $0 $0
184 TLBD Maintenance Fund $270,983 $364,891
185 TLBD Phase II Maintenance Fund $0 $0
191 Oak Forest Maintenance Fund $10,678 $18,398
Debt Service Funds:
230 2004 Cap. Proj. Debt Service Fund $28,542 $1,145
Capital Project Funds:
305 1999 Construction C.P. Fund $2,256 $21,025
312 Public Facilities C.P. Fund $7,914 $8,002
314 HMGP C.P. Fund $1,579 $2,613
315 Trotwood Improvements C.P. Fund $2,500 $908
316 Senior Center Expansion C.P. Fund $62,077 $114
Enterprise Funds
401-3600 Water & Sewer -Operating + $6,816,638 $7,190,252
401-3620 Water & Sewer -Revenue Generation $0 $0
420 Development Services Fund $865,010 $1,128,516
430 Stormwater Utility Fund $587,187 $701,688
At 9/30/07 this fund balance included $2,064,507 of bond reserves
* Note - As enterprise funds, the above budgeted 'fund balances' do not represent their budgeted
cash balances but rather a projection of their year-end net assets less net capital.
As described in Attachments
Adopt Resolution No. 2008-28 amending the FY 2007-2008 Budget
072808_ COMM_Regular_603_ Mid-Year Budget_Amendment.doc
Resolution No. 2008-28
Attachment 1 -Budget Amendment Summary -All Funds
Attachment 2 -General Fund Budget Amendment Recap
072808_ COMM_Regular_603_Mid-Year_ Budget_Amendment.doc
WHEREAS, the City Commission finds it necessary to amend the fiscal year 2007-2008
budget as provided herein; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs deems that this
Resolution is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of
Winter Springs.
Section 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed true and correct
and are hereby fully incorporated by this reference.
Section 2. Budget Amendment. The City of Winter Springs' fiscal year 2007-2008 budget
is hereby amended as provided for in Commission Regular Agenda Item 603, dated July 28,
2008, and included herein as Attachment "1" which is hereby fully incorporated by this
Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior resolutions or parts of
resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 4. Severability. If any section of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or
unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction such portion shall be deemed a separate,
distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portion hereto.
Section 5. Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the 28th day of July, 2008.
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
City of Winter Springs, FL
Resolution Number 2008-28
Page 2 of 2
Attachment I -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution lUUB-28)
7/28/08; Regular 603
General Fund
Funds not included in this summary do not require budget amendment
HELPFUL TOOLS: Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the year ended September 30. 2007 as approved by City Commission on
5272008 Item 300; and Final Budget Fiscal Year 2007-2008 as approved by City Commission on 9 24 07 Public Hearing 501.
General Fund #001:
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/117 Public Ilearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $8,170,448
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $33U,49S
9:30;08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $8,500,943
Difference in Beg Actual Beg Fund
Fund Balance from Balance From
Projected to Actual 9 30 07 CAFR
$928.487 $9,098.935
Amendments to he approved tonight to Original FY' 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
DitTerence in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 930 07 CAFR ti92N.4N7
Cnmmis.+inn Anurnved:
9124/07 Regular 600 -Senior Center Renovation; includes contingency (7250) ($44,369)
10'22.'07 -Consent 204 Munis On-line Maintenance - 1360 ($6.250)
10.2207 -Consent 204 Munis On-line Maintenance; transfer trim W&S $6,250
1 1/13107 Consent 204 -Edward Byrne grant expenditures - in-car video camera systems - 21 14 ($58.000)
t 1 13 07 Consent 204 -Edward Byrne grant revenue - in-car video camera systems $58.000
1 1 13 07 Consent 206 -"town Center "Frail -bike racks and decorative street signs - 1525 ($10,000)
1 1.14107 Regular 607 -Urban Beautification - 1525 ($12,500)
11262007 Regular 603 -Police & Fire Overtime Highland Games -various ($12,000)
125-07 Special Meeting -'treasury management - 1900 ($5,000)
l~ 14/08 Cousem 200 -Citizen donation results in increase to Fire department budget - 2240 ($250)
V 14 08 Consent 200 -Citizen donation to Fire department $250
I.14A8 Consent 202 -Lallathin memorial - 1525 ($1,950)
2;l L08 Consent 205 -Fire expenditure budget related to Walmart donation - 2240 ($ L000)
vl I Boa conseiv 2os - wah„ar, donation $I,ooo
5' Ib08 Public Hearing 500 -Reductions to Fire Assessment Fee ($1,335.000)
5/27-08 Consent 203 -Georgetown donation -increase Canine expenditure budget - 2120 ($150)
5.27'08 Consent 203 -Georgetown HOA donation to Canine division $ 150
5'27 08 Regular 201 -Expenditures fir server room AC and electrical -1341 ($37.263)
5; 27x08 Regular 201 -Transfers in tier server room AC and electrical $4,844
6'9/08 Consent 202 - Sr Ctr Donations $901
6 908 Regular 601 -Seminole Way Project - 1900 ($8.350)
T14~08 Consem 205 -Sam Smith Park expenditures related to Tuscawilla I IOA donation - 7230 ($5,947)
7'14.08 Consent 205 - Tuscawilla HOA donation -Sam Smith Park $5 947
7' 14 08 Consent 209 -City Hall maintenance - 1910 ($40.500)
Additional Appropriation to (tiom) Fund Balance (Comm Approved) ($1,501,187)
Fiscal Yeur 'OH Pnrclrnse Order Rnllovers:
Police AC unit (Shaw Mechanical g7S201) - 2117 ($38.245)
City Hall AC units (Shaw Mech /#74707, 74985) - 19111 ($17,962)
Town Center feasiblity study (GSG q7I 147) - 1900 ($11.700)
Lallathin memorial (Superior q7S 103) - 1525 ($),000)
Roll remainder of 2007 Markoly donation- 1910 ($315)
Roll remainder of 2007 Walmart donation - 2240 ($148)
Manuscript editing (Mikovsky N74284) - 1200 ($262)
Doc camera, Fire alarm. Munis, Exchange, SharePoint. Virtual Environment; San redundancy - 1341 ($37,830)
Records Mgmt-1342 ($11,967)
KIVA Citizen - 1343 ($22,000)
Bear Creek bridge repair - 7230 ($50.000)
City Hall gas tank removal - 1910 ($5,p00)
UCF Incubator - 1900 ($200.000)
Additional Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance (PO Rollovers) ($396,429)
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment I -Budget Amendment Summery (Resolution 2008-28)
7/28/08; Regular 603
General Fund
Reverure Neutral:
Insurance proceeds traffic accidents-Urban $16,445
Traffic accident expenditure budget increase - 1525 ($15,054)
Traf7ic accident expenditure budget increase - 4412 ($1391)
CPIs donation Sr. Ctr. grand opening $1,000
Sr. Ctr. grand opening - 7240 ($1,000)
Insurance proceeds for car accident $3,432
Expenditure budget increase related to above mentioned car accident - 21 13 ($3,432)
Remove t}om division 1900 transfer budget to LOC Debt Svc fund $60,000
Transfer budget to LOC Debt Svc land to go to Senior Pool division 7251 ($60.000)
Workforce Central Florida training grant $657
WorkForce Central Florida training -additional expenditures - 2250 ($657)
Additional Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance (Revenue Neutral) $0
Breedlove. Dennis and Associates -Eagle issue (1900)
Repayment of 2007 short-term loan to H316 Sr Ctr Expansion; proceeds available in 2008
Home Again grant revenue ($62,822) plus Meridian administrative refund ($539)
Home Again 2008 grant expenditures
Increase transfer from W&S for 1141 PO rollover
Increase transicr from WXiS for 1142 PO rollover
Increase transicr from Storntwater for 1341 1342 PO rollover
Increase transfer from Dev Services for 1341 1342 PO rollover
Increase transfer tom Solid Waste ibr 1142 PO rollover
Decrease transfers from Oak Forest and TLBD Maint -ins premiums < budget
Decrease translcr from POST fund due to Conuu Svc tax revenue reductions
Decrease Municipal Revenue Share per LCIR's latest projections
Decrease Half-Cent Sales "fax per LCIR's latest projections
Remove fire traffic rebate revenue
Reduce interest revenue
Reduce transfer budget from Solidwaste - projecteds •= budget: needed for survey costs
Remove repayment to General Fund from it114 (HMGP); 2007 short-temt loan unnecessary
Additional Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance (Other)
Revisions to Original Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
DiRcrence in Reg Actual Beg Fund
Fund Balance hom Balance tn~m
Projected to Actual 9 30 07 CAFR
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $7,415,828
072808_COMM_Regular_803_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment t -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-28)
Ditierence in Beg
7/28/08; Regular 603 Fund Balance Actual Beg Fund
tiOln Projected to Balance from
Other Governmental Funds Actual 9,%30107 CAFR
Special Law Enforcement Fund #103
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $24,685 $5,017 $29,702
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (tiom) Fund Balance ($15,000)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $9,685
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditierence in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 LAIR $5,017
Seized cash property (Ross/Cuyler) $1,350
Legal costs related to judgment (Ross/Cuyler) ($203)
1 (/13/07 Consent 200 -Electronic video storage system ($4,753)
7/ 14/08 Consent 200 -Triers ($8,132)
Reduce transfer to HMGP Fund -hurricane shutter project cancelled $14,000
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $7,279
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $16,964
Transportation Improvement Fund #104
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $269,212 $221,375 $490,587
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($64,227)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $204,985
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9124/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance tiom projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $221,375
PO Rollover (Altec #71763) 60' bucket tn~ck ($ 115,269)
Reduce Local Option Gas Tax revenue per LCIR's latest projections ($25,122)
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $80,984
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted F,nding Fund Balance $285,969
Solidwaste/Recycline Fund #107
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $703,957 $43,OIR $746,975
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $ 184,092
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $888,049
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditierence in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 ('AFB $43,018
Transfer to General Fund for Munis server migration, Exchange, SharePoint Virtual Environment,
Records Mgmt (1341,1342 PO rollovers) ($359)
Revisions to Original Budgeted Pund Balance $42,659
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $930,708
Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund -Federal #108
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $43,489 $3,467 $46,956
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($24,000)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $19,489
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment 1 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-Z8)
7/28/08; Regular 603
Other Governmental Funds
Ditierence in Beginning Fund Balance from projected [o actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $3,467
11/13/07 Consent 200 - ElecU'onic video storage system ($18,700)
7/14/08 Consent 200 -Night Sight ($8,927)
Reduce transfer to HMGP Fund - humcane shutter project cancelled $24,000
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($160)
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $19,329
HOA Project Fund #1 I2
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $2,071
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $0
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Frmd Balance $2,071
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditierence in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $8,179
2007 rollover to complete Glen F.agle project which began in fiscal year 2007 ($7,869)
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $310
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Finding Fund Balance $2,381
Storm Reserve Fund #114
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $217,955
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $149,396
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $367,351
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditierence in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $ I I S
12/10/07 Consent 202 -Debris management plan ($20,000)
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($19,885)
REVISED 9/3(1/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $347,466
Road Improvements Fund #115
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $628,112
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) f=und Balance ($307,459)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $320,653
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-200R Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 LAIR $68Q,618
Reduce sales tax reimbursement (portion accounted for in PY 2007) ($1,525,000)
Reduce various capital projects $999,000
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $154,618
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $475,271
Transportation Impact Fce Fund #140
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $432,732
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $447,000
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $879,732
Ditierence in Beg
Fund Balance Actual Beg Fund
from Projected to Balance from
Actual 9/30/07 CAFR
$8,179 $10,250
$IIS $218,070
$680,618 $1,308,730
($2,170) $430,562
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment 1 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-28)
Difference in Beg
7/28/08; Regular 603 Fund Balance Actual Beg Fiord
from Projected to Balance tiom
Other Governmental Funds Actual 9%30!07 CAFR
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Pund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 LAIR ($2,170)
PO Rollovers- Construction CW Parkway (Southland #746220); Vistawilla hnprov (PEC #70397) ($220,453)
Reduced impact tee revenues -housing downturn (residential) ($700,000)
Reduced impact tee revenues -housing downturn (commercial) ($50,000)
Reduced capital projects due to housing downturn $404,500
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($568,123)
KEVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Finding Fund Balance $311,609
Public Facilities Imuact Fee Fund #145
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $335,395
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $187,000
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $522,395
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $9,045
Reduced impact tee revenues -housing downnun (residential) ($95,000)
Reduced impact tee revenues -housing downtum (commercial) ($24,000)
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($109,955)
REVISED 9/30!08 Budgeted Finding Fund Balance $412,440
Police Imuact Fee Fund #150
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $148,155
FY 'O8 budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $55,230
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $203,385
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Kudget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance ti~om projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 LAIR $8,850
Reduce transfer to HMGP Fund -hurricane shutter project cancelled $14,270
Refund from from IiMGP Fund -hurricane shutter project cancelled $12,900
6/9/08 Consent 216 -Vistawilla satellite otTice ($28,164)
Reduced impact fee revenues -housing downturn (residential) ($83,000)
Reduced impact tee revenues -housing downtum (commercial) $ 15,000
Revisions to Original Budgeted Pund Balance ($6Q 144)
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $143,241
Parks Imuact Fee Fund #155
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $27,117
FY 'O8 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $130,900
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $158,017
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $83,934
l7ansfer back from #314 for over-pyrnt of # I55's share of I IMGP project $1,707
Transfer from Sr Ctr Fxp Fund (#316) -partial refund frOln previous year's funding $108,500
Increase transfer to Trotwood Imp (#315) to fund the expansion ($52,300)
Reduced impact tee revenues -housing downturn (residential) ($282,000)
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment 1 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-28)
Ditterence in Beg
7/28/08; Regular 603 Fund Balance Actual Beg Fund
from Projected to Balance from
Other Governmental Funds Actual 9/30/07 CAFR
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($140,159)
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $17,858
Fire Impact Fee Fund #160
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Clearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $917,184 $15,090 $932,274
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $221,000
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,138,184
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditterence in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $15,090
Reduced impact fee revenues -housing downturn (residential) ($164,00(1)
Increase impact tee revenues (commercial) -previously not segregated $38,000
Transfer back from #314 for over-pymt of # 160's share of HMGP project $168
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($1 10,742)
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $1,027,442
Public and Communication Services Tax Fund #172
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $0 $0
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $0
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $0
Reduce Comm Svc Tax revenues per LCIR update ($35,000)
Reduce transfer to General Fund due to revenue reductions $35,000
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $0
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0
Fire Assessment Fee Fund #175
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $0 $0 $0
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Pund Balance $0
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditterence in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $0
5/ 12/08 Public I tearing 500 -Fire assessment tee revenue reduction ($ I ,335,000)
Decrease transfer to General Fund due to fire assessment tee revenue reductions $1,335,000
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $0
REVISED 9/311/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0
TLBD Maintenance F and #184
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $164,320 $37,948 $202,268
FY 'O8 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $106,663
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $270,983
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment I -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-28)
7/28/08; Regular 603
Other Governmental Funds
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditierence in Beginning Fund Balance ti'om projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR
Decrease transfer to General -insurance prem < budget
Transfer equity from "Il_BD Maintenance Phase II -streamlining maintenance funds
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance
TLBD Maintenance Phase 11 #185
Ditierence in Beg
Fund Balance Actual Beg Fund
ti'om Projected to Balance from
Actual 9/30/07 CAFR
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $114,485
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($I 14,485)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance ti'om projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $50,921
Interest budget equivalent to acuials $1,430
~I7anster all equity to TLl3D Maintenance Phase I -streamlining maintenance funds ($52,35 I )
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $0
REVISED 9/311/O8 Budgeted Ending h'und Balance $0
Oak Forest Maintenance Fund #191
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) l=and Balance
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance
$ 50,92 I
$9,fifi4 $6,723
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditierence in Beginning Fund Balance ti~om projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $6,723
Insurance proceedstratiic accident $2,500
Traffic accident expenditure budget ($2,500)
Decrease transfer to General -insurance prem < budget $997
Revisions to Original ludgeted I~und Balance $7,720
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $18,398
2004 Capital Project Uebt Service Fund #230
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $30,042
FY 'O8 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) l=and Balance ($1,500)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $28,542
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2(((17-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/U7):
Ditierence in Beginning Fiord Balance Gum projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR ($29,397)
Reduce interest expense -draw for Sr CU'. later than anticipated
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fiord Balance ($27,397)
REVISED 9/30/118 Budgeted Ending h'und Balance $1,145
$1 fi5,40ti
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment 1 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-28)
7/28/08; Regular 603
Other Governmental Funds
1999 Construction Capital Project Fund #305
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
1O~I/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $1,170,402
[=Y '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($1,168,146)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $2,256
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditlerence in Beginning Fund Balance frOln projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $94,901
Received 2007 donation from Rotary for Veteran's Memorial but did not increase expenditure budget
as had been the intent
PO Rollovers - Blmnberg median trail (Southeast Enviroscape #731 19, Paver Systems #74619)
6/9/08 Regular 602 -Supplemental Appropriation Veteran's Memorial
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance
Public Facilities Capital Project Fund #312
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
9/30/OR Budgeted Ending Fund Balance
Ditlerence in l3eg
Fund Balance Actual Beg Fund
tiom Projected to Balance tiom
Actual 9130/07 CAFR
$94,901 $1,265,303
$ 18,769
$7,914 $2,111 $10,025
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditlerence in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $2,1 I I
PO Rollover #70866 -City Hall expansion design (Stanner) ($2,023)
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $88
REVISED 9/3U/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance
HMGP Capital Project Fund #314
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $15,868
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($14,289)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Ftmd Balance $1,579
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAI'R ($12,795)
PO Rollovers (lixeter #74049, 74050, 74051)
Transfer back to Parks Impact for over-payment of their 25°/, share
Terminate HMGP Police project -transfer back to 103, 108, 155
Terminate HMGP Police project -reduce grant revenue budget
Terminate HMGP Police project -reduce grant expenditure budget
Remove repayment to General Fund; 2007 short-term loan unnecessary
lncrease HMGP grant revenue rv lated to Parks project
Increase tIM(iP grant expenditure related to Parks project
lncrease I IMGP grant revenue related to Fire project
Increase HMGP grant expenditure related to Fire project
Transfer back to Fire Impact for over-payment of their 25% share
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance
$ I ,449
$ I ,034
($12,795) $3,073
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment 1 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-28)
7/28/08; Regular 603
Other Governmental Funds
Trohvood Improvements Fund - #315
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/Ii07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $2,500
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance $0
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $2,500
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditlerence in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $ 11,540
Increase transfer tiOln Parks Impact for Phase t improvements $52,300
Increase expenditure budget for Phase I improvements ($65,432)
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance ($1,592)
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $908
Senior Center Expansion Capital Project Fund - #316
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
IO/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $78,986
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($16,909)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $62,077
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 20117-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Ditlerence in Beginning Fund Balance Ihun projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR ($78,977)
Loan Proceeds
Transfer to General Fund for 2007 short-teen loan
Senior Ctr expansion project - 2008 activity
Transfer to Parks hnpact -partial refund of previous year's timding
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance
Ditl-erence in Beg
Fund Balance Actual Beg Fund
from Prgjected to Balance from
Actual 9/30!07 CAFR
$11,540 $14,040
($78,977) $9
REVISED 9/30/U8 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $114
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment 1 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-28)
7/28/08; Regular 603
Enterprise Funds
(Note - As enterprise funds, the following fund balances' are technically not their fund balances but rather a
projection of their year-end net assets less net capital.)
Difference in
Capital Assets Beg Fund Bal
(net of related from projected
debt) to actual
Actual Ending
Fund Balance as
shown in the
9/30/07 CAFR
Water and Sewer Utility Fund - Oaeratfne (#36001:
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $7,609,918 $8,879,434
FY '08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($793,280)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $6,816,638
$493,681 $16,983,033
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $493,681
Insurance proceeds -fire alarm system $5,507
Expenditure budget related to fire alarm system ($5,507)
Insurance proceeds-school bus accident $1.217
Expenditure budget related to school bus accident ($1.217)
10/8/07 Regular 600 -Insurance settlement payouts ($30,029)
10/22/07 Consent 204 -Online Munis ($6,250)
2/ I S/O8 Consent 206 -Rate study ($36,400)
5/27/08 Consent 201 - IS Special Project ($2,981)
Transfers necessary due to IS PO rollovers ($44,407)
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $373,614
REVISED 9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $7,190,252
Water and Sewer Utility Fund -Revenue Generation (#36201:
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance 592+207
FY'O8 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($92.207)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $0
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $22,959
$22,959 $115,166
PO Rollovers -Sludge Thickener (CPH #73127, Unlimited Welding #71516) up to amount
allowable by beginning fund balance ($22,959)
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance au
REVISED 9130/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance
Not requiring amendment:
Water and Sewer -Renewal & Replacement (#3610) $555,475
Water and Sewer - 2000 Construction (#3640) $439,038
Total Water & Sewer "Fund Balance" (ties to CAFR) '~ 518,092,712
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment 1 -Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2008-28)
7/28/08; Regular 603
Enterprise Funds
(Note - As enterprise funds, the following'fund balances' are technically not their fund balances but rather a
projection of their year-end net assets less net capital.)
Development Services #420
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance
FY'O8 Budgeted Appropriation [o (from) Fund Balance
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance
Capital Assets
(net of related
$1,071,814 $35,066
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $267,894
Transfer to General Fund for Munis server migration, Exchange, SharePoint Virtual
Environment, Records Mgmt (I 341,1342 PO rollovers) ($3,270)
5/27/08 Regular 201 -Transfer to General Fund for server room AC and electrical ($1,118)
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance $263,506
REVISED 9/30108 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance $
Stormwater Utility Fund #430
As approved by City Commission on 9/24/07 Public Hearing Item 501:
10/1/07 Budgeted Beginning Fund Balance $749,033
FY'08 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance ($161,846)
9/30/08 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance 5587,187
Amendments to be approved tonight to Original FY 2007-2008 Budget (as approved on 9/24/07):
Difference in Beginning Fund Balance from projected to actual as shown in 9/30/07 CAFR $154,156
PO Rollover -Canal Piping Flamingo to Moss (CPH #74682)
Transfer to General Fund for Munis server migration, Exchange, SharePoint Virtual
Environment, Records Mgmt (1341,1342 PO rollovers)
1/14/08 Consent 206 - TMDL Master Plan
3/10/08 Consent 208 -Gee Creek Stabilization
NRCS grant revenue -Gee Creek
Hacienda Village contribution to Gee Creek project
Gee Creek - add'1 expenditure budget need
5/27/08 Regular 201 -Transfer to General Fund for server room AC and electrical
Revisions to Original Budgeted Fund Balance
REVISED 9/30108 Budgeted Ending Fund Balance
Difference in Actual Ending
Beg Fund Bal Fund Balance as
from projected shown in the
to actual 9/30/07 CAFR
$267,894 $1,374,774
$154,156 $4,668,012
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment 2 -General Fund Budget Amendment Recap (Resolution 2008-28)
7;?8!08: Regular 603
F3' 08
Dcn'r# Budc el
Genc•rul Fund Rc•vc•nuc•.c $ 21,9R2,901
Trmrsfer from II~&S:.thmis online: Consent ]0;, 111: ?''07
Repavmenr of ?/1117 short-revue loam to #3 /fi Sr Cyr E.rpansian: proceeds available in ?00X'
/rtsurmrre proreeds Iraffir arridervs - Urban
/nsuranre proceeds traffr accidents -Police
Horne ,9gain grant revenue /F62,X:?I pha ,tleridian adminisrrarirP refund ISS3Yr
/rrrrease transfers front r»rious fiords jot IlS PO rollorrrs 134/. l3;'l
OPrrease transfers front Oak Forest and TLRD ,1/aint -ins prrmiunrs ` budget
174:08 Consent?011- Ciri_err donmimr to Fire department
Ii~orkForrv Centro! Florida training grant
CPH donation - Sr. Cyr erpansian grand oyrning
Darabm, from Georgetown HOA
l I ~l3/O7 Consent 21W - Edrr'ard Bvrne grant revenue - in-tor video ramern srsrenis
EdHard Byrne grant revenue -ire-ear 1 ideo ranrera scstems
DPCYPasP transfer from PCSTjmd due to Conu>r S,~ t¢r revenue reductions
Deneasr ;LAmiripal Revenue Share per LC /R'S latest projections
Decrease Half-Cent Sales T¢r per LC/R'S latest projertinn.r
RPmal v budget fire/ traffr rebate re, Pnue
Reduce rrnnsfer budget fi~am SolidHnste - yrojerreds ~ badger
_'.'! l'OX Cnnsenr 205 - II ~a[mort donation
i.? 7'nX' Regular ?0/ - Trmrsfers in tar srner room AC mul elertrira!
hr9rOX' Cmrsea[ 2/P - Sr Clr Donations
7 /;!IIX' Corrserrt ?Oi - Tusrawilfa HOA dmmnmr -Sam Smirk Pm~k
Remove trnns(er front #314 as 211117 short-terra loan never marerialired
Reductions to Fire Assessment FPP
Grnerol Fund Revenurx $ 21,9R2,901 5 $ U25Z658) $ $ 29')72 $ (11.196) $ 2U,701,019
General Fund E.rpendirurec
Cin~ Comrnissirm l lUO 5 I ~ I A96 $ 4.200 $ 171.296
I'arimrs Boards 7 / l0 $ 11.100 $ 11.100
Cin~alnnnger 11110 $ 283.010 $ '_6'_ $ _'R3,272
Cirr Clerk (]/n S '_63.064 $ '63.063
General Gov?-Legal Srn ices I"ll S '_70.000 $ _?0.000
General Gorr-Code Enfarremenr /230 $ ?0.000 $ ?0.000
Fllmnrp /300 $ 116.100 $ 516.500
Gen Srr - llumm~ Rer l3l u $ 106.191 $ 106.191
Gen Srr -Purchasing /330 S 67.x41 $ 67.441
Grfo Sc.rtenu~-GPBPraI 1390 $ 62"_.119 $ f?93921 $ 563.137
lrrfo Srsterns-Special Projects /3;1 % 133386 $ 16.950 $ 37'(3 $32310 $ ?65.429
hrfo Systems -Records .l/gnrt I3;1 $ 113389 5 I 1967 $ 161356
!veto Svsrems - K/1:9/G/S /3; 3 S 201.766 $ 2.44? S '_2.000 $ 230?OS
Gen Srr - Adrnin 7 ~ 5ll $ 109.15? $ 109.152
FinaneP-f'rilin•RillOrg 1360 $ 633.363 $ 6.'_16 $ 649.613
Conmr Drl -.9dnrin li/0 $ 266.137 $ 1'150) $ 16.976 $ 323?63
Comm Dev-Planning /.f/5 $ 144.614 $ 144.614
Comnr Der -Der Rel iew l 120 $ 91,201 $ 210 $ 95.411
Interdepurlnreraul .4mrndrneorrs m PO
Trmcr rrs .9nnrunriarinn Rnllnrerr
$ 6'50
I .U00
I I ,331.0001
New FI'08
Revenue Reyurctc ,4rnended
.~~eurral rn Amend Annual
Chmrrev .f nrnnriatinn Bum
$ 21,982,901
$ 6?50
$ 394.888 $ 394,888
$ 16.445 $ 16,445
$ 3.43'_ $ 3.43?
$ 63.361 $ 63.361
S 9.719 $ 9.719
$ (4.6061 $ (4.606)
$ 210
5 657 $ 657
$ I.aoo $ Looo
$ LO
$ 58.000
$ 8.438 $ 8.438
$ (35.000) S 135.000)
$ (74.213) $ ('74.2531
$ (1848411 S 1183.4451
$ (45,000) $ N5,000)
$ 180.000) $ 180.000)
$ i2?771 $ (2?771
% 1.000
S 4,844
$ 901
$ 5.947
$ (93.6'_31 $ 193.623)
$ (1.335,000)
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
Attachment 2 -General Fund Budge[ Amendment Recap (Resolution 2008-28)
7/28/08; Regular 603
FP 08 Gnnmieslnn Neu FY 08
Original Approved Revenue Reyuecte' Amended
Armuul /uterdepar7nantul Amendnrcans to PO Neutrul trrAmend Annual
De 'i Budecr Trans ers Annronriatinn Rollovers Cl(nIiPL'S Annrnnrlntinrr Budnet
Comer Der - (ir-bmr Beautification 1525 $ 815.135 $ 22.500 $ 1,000 S 15.014 $ 893.689
Conan Der - Street[igluing 1526 $ 390.000 $ 390.000
General Gor't-Genera[ 1900 $ 248300 $ 14.9961 $ 13350 $ 211.700 $ (12,186) $ 416.168
GenSrr-CitvNall 1910 $ 234,584 $ 40.100 $ ?3._'77 S 298361
Gen Src -City Hall Operator 1915 $ 38363 $ 38363
Gen Sre-Risk hfanagernent 1910 $ 671,136 $ 671.136
GenSrr-Libran~ /Y30 $ 1.000 $ 1,000
Polire-Chief ]//0 $ ?67.469 $ (1.000) $ 466 $ ?66.935
Polire-Criminal /nrestigatiars ?//? $ 689,911 $ ',994 S 3.43? $ 696.341
Police-Operations Support 2114 $ 434,618 $ 2,529 $ 1.02> $ 8:138 $ 446,610
Polire-Operations ?//5 $ 2,695,718 $ 1,971 $ 18.000 $ 2.759.689
Polire-brfo Sen~ires 1//6 $ 1,021 ?39 $ (8.000) $ 1.345
Polire - Terh Sen~ires ?//7 S 418.693 $ 500 $ _
_-_ $ 38?45 $ 417993
Police-Code Enforcement ?/IA' $ 373.999 $ 1.863 $ 3T.862
Polire-,Llomrevrle 2//9 $ 336.541 $ 336,143
Polire-Corrine 2110 $ 136.523 $ 150 $ 136.673
Polire-Prajessional Standards 1121 $ ??4.330 $ 1.102 $ 225,4;?
Fir-e-.Admin 7_'//1 $ 400.067 $ 1.910 $ 402.017
Fire-Prevention '130 $ 177,779
1 77.779
Fire -Operations ?14/1 $ 4-004,715 $ 4.000 $ 145 $ 4.008.906
Firr-Training ~~SII $ 135.409 $ 657 $ 136.066
Public fl'm-ks-.9dmin 441/1 $ 217.545 $ 300 $ 217.845
Public fGorks -Roads cG R017' 4417 $ 746.59? $ (2,400) $ 1.391 $ 745.583
Pnblir Ilbrks-Fleet 44/3 $ 18G d13 $ ? 100 $ 188.513
Public Fi'orks-Facilities 44/4 $ 62.916 $ 62916
Public lt'orks-Capital R-ojerts 44/5 $ 77,841 $ 77.841
P&R-Admin 72110 $ 198.158 $ 198.158
P&R -Athletics 717/1 $ 315.791 $ (1.013) $ ? 14.778
P&R--4thletirs League 7311 $ 38.000 $ 38.000
P&R -Athletics Pnrmerships 7211 $ 41.733 $ 41.733
P&R-Concessions 7710 $ g2.gq;
P&R -Parks & Grounds 7?3l1 $ 1.136,614 $ (14,610) $ 5.947 $ >0900 $ 1,177.911
P&R -Programs 7240 $ 305.446 $ (I 598) $ 1.000 $ 204.848
P&R -Seniors 7150 $ 164,030 $ 4,490 $ 44.369 $ 212.889
P&R-.Senior-Center Pool 7?.5/ $ 40,053 $ 8.510 $ 60,000 $ 108.168
P&R-Conrnumi<v Events 7:h/1 $ 222.000 $ 3.407 $ 225A07
P&R -Hound Ground 71711 $ 143.777 $ 1.650 $ 144,427
Pcf R -Splash Playgrounds 71811 $ 34,972 $ 34.972
General Fuud Fxpendirures $ 21,652,406 $ $ ?-33 1'9 $ 196.329 $ 29.972 $ 64 790 5 22 187 126
Budgeted Apprnpm(jrnnr/Fuud Balancr $ 330,49E $ - $ 1L01,187) $ (396.x'_91 $ - $ (115.986) $ (7,683,107)
072808_COMM_Regular_603_Attachments_1 &2.xls
WHEREAS, the City Commission finds it necessary to amend the fiscal year 2007-2008
budget as provided herein; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs deems that this
Resolution is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of
Winter Springs.
Section 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed true and correct
and are hereby fully incorporated by this reference.
Section 2. Budget Amendment. The City of Winter Springs' fiscal year 2007-2008 budget
is hereby amended as provided for in Commission Regular Agenda Item 603, dated July 28,
2008, and included herein as Attachment "1" which is hereby fully incorporated by this
Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior resolutions or parts of
resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 4. Severability. If any section of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or
unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction such portion shall be deemed a separate,
distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portion hereto.
Section 5. Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs; Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the 28`h day of July, 2008.
JOH F. BUSH, ayor
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
A HONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney
City of Winter Springs, FL
Resolution Number 2008-28
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